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Men headed from London in the year 1606. They would soon find home to the town of Jamestown in present day Virginia.

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After many years of fighting the New American people decided to make the 13 original colonies starting in the year 1787!

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States were then created and we have the thirteen original colonies that includes Virginia, Massachusetts, Maryland, New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Delaware, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Georgia!

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There were three more states added to the United States of America between the years 1791- 1796 these states were Vermont, Tennessee, and Kentucky!

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The Louisiana Purchase in 1803 was when America bought a great sum of the United States. This purchase from the French gave the United States 827,000 square miles of territory.

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Right before the Lewis and Clark Expedition the state of Ohio was named a state in the year 1803!

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Shortly after the Louisiana Purchase the Lewis and Clark Expedition started in the year 1804 and continued until 1806. The two with some other explorers went out making maps and discovering the new territory in the west!

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Shortly after the Lewis and Clark Expedition there was the war of 1812! This war was against the United states and Great Britan!

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Shortly after the Lewis and Clark Expedition and the War of 1812 we had 5 states were ratified! The states were Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama, Missouri, and Maine. These states all became ratified from 1812 –1821!

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The United States was still growing at times of peace. States like Arkansas, Michigan, Florida, Texas, and Iowa! These states were ratified from the year 1836 to 1846!

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The American – Mexican Civil war helped keep Texas as a State! The war lasted from 1846-1848!

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The American Civil war stirred everything up in the United states! It pitted brother against brother! The north prevailed and then stabilized the Union again!

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After the war, the west was a place of adventure and people started going west!

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After a very long time without peace, the United States finally calmed down! They then ratified states from 1848 until 1912! These states included Wisconsin, California, Minnesota, Oregon, Kansas, West Virginia, Nevada, Nebraska, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona!

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America was involved in 2 major conflicts before the last to states were ratified! These two conflicts were World War I and World War II!

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These last two states that were ratified are considered by many as the most beautiful states of all! Alaska and Hawaii. They were both ratified in the year 1959! Say hello to these beautiful states!

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Thank you for watching my story on our great nation struggled but yet prospered! This is the history behind how our states make up our great nation today! Now my question to you is, What is you favorite state?

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