  • 8/14/2019 TFR Forms ACCJC Accreditation Assessment TVT2010-01-05


    ACCJC Accreditation Assessment

    1The Follow-Up Report: Forms: ACCJC Accreditation Assessment

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    ACCJC Accreditation Assessment

    Introduction and Overview

    The following forms are a method for aligning ongoing institutional effectiveness assessments, unit evaluations, program reviews, and studentlearning outcomes assessments with the eligibility requirements and accreditation standards of the Accrediting Commission for Communityand Junior Colleges (ACCJC). It was created by adding accreditation columns to variations of an alignment matrix form and the five-columnmodel form commonly used by colleges across the ACCJC region to summarize assessment activities. The model was designed as a MSWord electronic form in order to avoid some of the more common frustrations, accidents, and mistakes encountered in doing assessmentsusing the MS Excel format or only Word tables.

    The forms in this model are to be completed by every instructional, service, support, administrative, and governance unit in an institution(including all student and employee committees and organizations) in preparation for an upcoming institutional self-study and evaluation teamvisit. All of these Organizational Units need to be aware of how their activities relate to the institutions qualifications for and commitment toaccreditation. Completing the forms can increase the accreditation awareness of all units by spotlighting the alignment between theirgoals/outcomes and corresponding assessment/evaluation activities and the accreditation requirements/standards.

    If well-done, the forms can make initial preparation for the self-study more manageable and routine by identifying the pre-existing sources ofinformation and bodies of evidence for each standard and eligibility requirement which were generated by ongoing assessment activities. Intheory, if the institution is on schedule for achieving Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement in Program Review, Planning, and StudentLearning Outcomes (see the ACCJC Rubric for Evaluating Institutional Effectiveness), most of the information needed for the forms is alreadyavailable and easily accessible from existing assessment and evaluation reports. If not, completing the forms may be difficult but can help theinstitution identify and start filling the gaps as part of their self-study process.

    The first form is the Alignment Matrix which maps the alignment between unit and institutional goals/outcomes with accreditation eligibilityrequirements and standards. In the first column, list all of the current goals and/or outcomes for the organizational unit completing the form.In the second column, identify any institutional goals/outcomes supported by an individual unit goal/outcome. The information for these firsttwo columns should already be available in existing alignment tables. The next two columns will be completed later because the ACCJCEligibility Requirement, and/or Accreditation Standard supported by each of the unit goals/outcomes will be derived from the second column ofthe Eligibility and Standards Assessment forms. Enter the appropriate requirements and standards numbers in these columns as they areidentified.

    The next form is the Eligibility Assessment form. On this form identify which unit goals/outcomes support an Accreditation EligibilityRequirement. For each aligned unit goals/outcomes, identify the current assessment method (how they are measured) and success criteria,and then summarize the outcomes (assessment results and the actions taken due to the analysis of the results) from the latest programreview or unit evaluation cycle. If a unit goal/outcome supports more than one eligibility requirement, you can either duplicate the entries orreference the prior requirement number.

    Finally, repeat this process for each of the Standards Assessment forms.

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    ACCJC Accreditation Assessment

    Organizational Unit:

    Goals/Outcomes Alignment with ACCJC Accreditation

    Alignment MatrixInstructions:Identify the organizational unit (i.e., instructional, service, support, administrative, committee, organization, or governance unit) on the headerof each form. List all of the current goals and outcomes for the unit. List each institutional goal/outcome supported by an individual unitgoal/outcome. On the following forms, identify which ACCJC Eligibility Requirements and/or Accreditation Standards are supported byindividual unit goals/outcomes. For each identified requirement/standard, list the aligned unit goals/outcomes and corresponding currentassessment method (how they are measured), success criteria, and the outcomes (assessment results and the actions taken due to theanalysis of the results) from the latest program review or unit evaluation cycle. The individual cells in all of the forms will expand as needed toaccommodate the content typed or pasted into them.

    Unit Goals/OutcomesInstitutional


    ACCJC Eligibility




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    ACCJC Accreditation Alignment

    Organizational Unit:

    ACCJC Eligibility Requirements

    Eligibility AssessmentEligibility Requirements for AccreditationIn order to apply for eligibility, the institution must completely meet all Eligibility Requirements. Compliance with the criteria is expected to becontinuous and will be validated periodically, normally as part of every institutional self study and comprehensive evaluation. Institutions thathave achieved accreditation are expected to include in their self study reports information demonstrating that they continue to meet theeligibility requirements. (Accreditation Reference Manual, ACCJC, August 2008)

    Eligibility RequirementsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    ER1: Authority.The institution is authorized or licensed to operate as aneducational institution and to award degrees by anappropriate governmental organization or agency asrequired by each of the jurisdictions or regions in which itoperates.Private institutions, if required by the appropriate statutoryregulatory body, must submit evidence of authorization,licensure, or approval by that body. If incorporated, theinstitution shall submit a copy of its articles of incorporation.

    ER2: Mission.The institutions educational mission is clearly defined,adopted, and published by its governing board consistentwith its legal authorization, and is appropriate to a degree-granting institution of higher education and the constituencyit seeks to serve. The mission statement defines institutional

    commitment to achieving student learning.

    ER3: Governing Board.The institution has a functioning governing boardresponsible for the quality, integrity, and financial stability ofthe institution and for ensuring that the institutions missionis being carried out. This board is ultimately responsible forensuring that the financial resources of the institution areused to provide a sound educational program. Itsmembership is sufficient in size and composition to fulfill allboard responsibilities.The governing board is an independent policy-making bodycapable of reflecting constituent and public interest in boardactivities and decisions. A majority of the board members

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    ACCJC Accreditation Alignment

    Eligibility RequirementsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    has no employment, family, ownership, or other personalfinancial interest in the institution. The board adheres to aconflict of interest policy that assures that those interests aredisclosed and that they do not interfere with the impartialityof governing body members or outweigh the greater duty to

    secure and ensure the academic and fiscal integrity of theinstitution.

    ER4: Chief Executive Officer.The institution has a chief executive officer appointed by thegoverning board, whose full-time responsibility is to theinstitution, and who possesses the requisite authority toadminister board policies. Neither the district/system chiefadministrator nor the college chief administrator may serveas the chair of the governing board.

    ER5: Administrative Capacity.The institution has sufficient staff, with appropriatepreparation and experience to provide the administrativeservices necessary to support its mission and purpose.

    ER6: Operational Status.The institution is operational, with students activelypursuing its degree programs.

    ER7: Degrees.A substantial portion of the institutions educational offeringsare programs that lead to degrees, and a significantproportion of its students are enrolled in them.

    ER8: Educational Programs.The institutions principal degree programs are congruentwith its mission, are based on recognized higher educationfield(s) of study, are of sufficient content and length, areconducted at levels of quality and rigor appropriate to thedegrees offered, and culminate in identified student

    outcomes. At least one degree program must be of twoacademic years in length.

    ER9: Academic Credit.The institution awards academic credits based on generallyaccepted practices in degree-granting institutions of highereducation. Public institutions governed by statutory orsystem regulatory requirements provide appropriateinformation about the awarding of academic credit.

    ER10: Student Learning and Achievement.The institution defines and publishes for each program theprograms expected student learning and achievementoutcomes. Through regular and systematic assessment, itdemonstrates that students who complete programs, no

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    ACCJC Accreditation Alignment

    Eligibility RequirementsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    matter where or how they are offered, achieve theseoutcomes.

    ER11: General Education.The institution defines and incorporates into all of its degreeprograms a substantial component of general education

    designed to ensure breadth of knowledge and promoteintellectual inquiry. The general education componentincludes demonstrated competence in writing andcomputational skills and an introduction to some of the majorareas of knowledge. General education has comprehensivelearning outcomes for the students who complete it. Degreecredit for general education programs must be consistentwith levels of quality and rigor appropriate to highereducation. See the Accreditation Standards, II.A.3, for areasof study for general education.

    ER12: Academic Freedom.The institutions faculty and students are free to examineand test all knowledge appropriate to their discipline or area

    of major study as judged by the academic/educationalcommunity in general. Regardless of institutional affiliationor sponsorship, the institution maintains an atmosphere inwhich intellectual freedom and independence exist.

    ER13: Faculty.The institution has a substantial core of qualified faculty withfull-time responsibility to the institution. The core is sufficientin size and experience to support all of the institutionseducational programs. A clear statement of facultyresponsibilities must include development and review ofcurriculum as well as assessment of learning.

    ER14: Student Services.The institution provides for all of its students appropriate

    student services that support student learning anddevelopment within the context of the institutional mission.

    ER15: Admissions.The institution has adopted and adheres to admissionpolicies consistent with its mission that specify thequalifications of students appropriate for its programs.

    ER16: Information and Learning Resources.The institution provides, through ownership or contractualagreement, specific long-term access to sufficientinformation and learning resources and services to supportits mission and instructional programs in whatever formatand wherever they are offered.

    ER17: Financial Resources.

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    ACCJC Accreditation Alignment

    Eligibility RequirementsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    The institution documents a funding base, f inancialresources, and plans for financial development adequate tosupport student learning programs and services, to improveinstitutional effectiveness, and to assure financial stability.

    ER18: Financial Accountability.

    The institution annually undergoes and makes available anexternal financial audit by a certified public accountant or anaudit by an appropriate public agency. The institution shallsubmit with its eligibility application a copy of the budget andinstitutional financial audits and management lettersprepared by an outside certified public accountant or by anappropriate public agency, who has no other relationship tothe institution for its two most recent fiscal years, includingthe fiscal year ending immediately prior to the date of thesubmission of the application. The audits must be certifiedand any exceptions explained. It is recommended that theauditor employ as a guideAudits of Colleges andUniversities, published by the American Institute of Certified

    Public Accountants. An applicant institution must not showan annual or cumulative operating deficit at any time duringthe eligibility application process.

    ER19: Institutional Planning and Evaluation.The institution systematically evaluates and makes publichow well and in what ways it is accomplishing its purposes,including assessment of student learning outcomes.The institution provides evidence of planning forimprovement of institutional structures and processes,student achievement of educational goals, and studentlearning. The institution assesses progress toward achievingits stated goals and makes decisions regarding improvementthrough an ongoing and systematic cycle of evaluation,integrated planning, resource allocation, implementation,and re-evaluation.

    ER20: Public Information.The institution provides a catalog for its constituencies withprecise, accurate, and current information concerning thefollowing:General Information

    Official Name, Address(es), Telephone Number(s), andWeb Site Address of the Institution

    Educational Mission

    Course, Program, and Degree Offerings

    Academic Calendar and Program Length

    Academic Freedom Statement

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    ACCJC Accreditation Alignment

    Eligibility RequirementsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    Available Student Financial Aid

    Available Learning Resources

    Names and Degrees of Administrators and Faculty

    Names of Governing Board Members Requirements

    Admissions Student Fees and Other Financial Obligations

    Degree, Certificates, Graduation and TransferMajor Policies Affecting Students

    Academic Regulations, including Academic Honesty


    Acceptance of Transfer Credits

    Grievance and Complaint Procedures

    Sexual Harassment

    Refund of FeesLocations or publications where other policies may be found.

    ER21: Relations with the Accrediting Commission.The institution provides assurance that it adheres to the

    eligibility requirements and accreditation standards andpolicies of the Commission, describes itself in identical termsto all its accrediting agencies, communicates any changes inits accredited status, and agrees to disclose informationrequired by the Commission to carry out its accreditingresponsibilities. The institution will comply with Commissionrequests, directives, decisions and policies, and will makecomplete, accurate, and honest disclosure. Failure to do sois sufficient reason, in and of itself, for the Commission toimpose a sanction, or to deny or revoke candidacy oraccreditation.

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    ACCJC Eligibility Assessment

    Organizational Unit:

    Standard I: Institutional Mission and Effectiveness

    Standard I.A AssessmentStandard I.A: MissionThe institution has a statement of mission that defines the institutions broad educational purposes, its intended student population, and itscommitment to achieving student learning.

    Standard I.A StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    I.A: The institution has a statement of mission thatdefines the institutions broad educational purposes,its intended student population, and its commitment toachieving student learning.

    I.A.1: The institution establishes student learningprograms and services aligned with its purposes, itscharacter, and its student population.

    I.A.2: The mission statement is approved by thegoverning board and published.

    I.A.3: Using the institution's governance and decision-making processes, the institution reviews its missionstatement on a regular basis and revises it asnecessary.

    I.A.4: The institutions mission is central to institutionalplanning and decision making.

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    ACCJC Standard I.A Assessment

    Organizational Unit:

    Standard I: Institutional Mission and Effectiveness

    Standard I.B AssessmentStandard I.B: Improving Institutional EffectivenessThe institution demonstrates a conscious effort to produce and support student learning, measures that learning, assesses how well learning isoccurring, and makes changes to improve student learning. The institution also organizes its key processes and allocates its resources toeffectively support student learning. The institution demonstrates its effectiveness by providing 1) evidence of the achievement of studentlearning outcomes and 2) evidence of institution and program performance. The institution uses ongoing and systematic evaluation andplanning to refine its key processes and improve student learning.

    Standard I.B StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    I.B.1: The institution maintains an ongoing, collegial,

    self-reflective dialogue about the continuousimprovement of student learning and institutionalprocesses.

    I.B.2: The institution sets goals to improve itseffectiveness consistent with its stated purposes. Theinstitution articulates its goals and states theobjectives derived from them in measurable terms sothat the degree to which they are achieved can bedetermined and widely discussed. The institutionalmembers understand these goals and workcollaboratively toward their achievement.

    I.B.3: The institution assesses progress toward

    achieving its stated goals and makes decisionsregarding the improvement of institutionaleffectiveness in an ongoing and systematic cycle ofevaluation, integrated planning, resource allocation,implementation, and reevaluation. Evaluation is basedon analyses of both quantitative and qualitative data.

    I.B.4: The institution provides evidence that theplanning process is broadbased, offers opportunitiesfor input by appropriate constituencies, allocatesnecessary resources, and leads to improvement ofinstitutional effectiveness.

    I.B.5: The institution uses documented assessment

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    ACCJC Standard I.A Assessment

    Standard I.B StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    results to communicate matters of quality assurance toappropriate constituencies.

    I.B.6: The institution assures the effectiveness of itsongoing planning and resource allocation processes

    by systematically reviewing and modifying, asappropriate, all parts of the cycle, includinginstitutional and other research efforts.

    I.B.7: The institution assesses its evaluationmechanisms through a systematic review of theireffectiveness in improving instructional programs,student support services, and library and otherlearning support services.

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    ACCJC Standard I.B Assessment

    Organizational Unit:

    Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Services

    Standard II.A AssessmentStandard II.A: Instructional ProgramsThe institution offers high-quality instructional programs in recognized and emerging fields of study that culminate in identified studentoutcomes leading to degrees, certificates, employment, or transfer to other higher education institutions or programs consistent with itsmission. Instructional programs are systematically assessed in order to assure currency, improve teaching and learning strategies, andachieve stated student learning outcomes. The provisions of this standard are broadly applicable to all instructional activities offered in thename of the institution.

    Standard II.A StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    II.A.1: The institution demonstrates that all

    instructional programs, regardless of location ormeans of delivery, address and meet the mission ofthe institution and uphold its integrity.

    II.A.1.a: The institution identifies and seeks to meetthe varied educational needs of its students throughprograms consistent with their educational preparationand the diversity, demographics, and economy of itscommunities. The institution relies upon research andanalysis to identify student learning needs and toassess progress toward achieving stated learningoutcomes.

    II.A.1.b: The institution utilizes delivery systems and

    modes of instruction compatible with the objectives ofthe curriculum and appropriate to the current andfuture needs of its students.

    II.A.1.c: The institution identifies student learningoutcomes for courses, programs, certificates, anddegrees; assesses student achievement of thoseoutcomes; and uses assessment results to makeimprovements.

    II.A.2: The institution assures the quality andimprovement of all instructional courses and programsoffered in the name of the institution, includingcollegiate, developmental, and pre-collegiate courses

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    ACCJC Standard I.B Assessment

    Standard II.A StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    and programs, continuing and community education,study abroad, short-term training courses andprograms, programs for international students, andcontract or other special programs, regardless of typeof credit awarded, delivery mode, or location.

    II.A.2.a: The institution uses established procedures todesign, identify learning outcomes for, approve,administer, deliver, and evaluate courses andprograms. The institution recognizes the central role ofits faculty for establishing quality and improvinginstructional courses and programs.

    II.A.2.b: The institution relies on faculty expertise andthe assistance of advisory committees whenappropriate to identify competency levels andmeasurable student learning outcomes for courses,certificates, programs including general and vocationaleducation, and degrees. The institution regularlyassesses student progress towards achieving thoseoutcomes.

    II.A.2.c: High-quality instruction and appropriatebreadth, depth, rigor, sequencing, time to completion,and synthesis of learning characterize all programs.

    II.A.2.d: The institution uses delivery modes andteaching methodologies that reflect the diverse needsand learning styles of its students.

    II.A.2.e: The institution evaluates all courses andprograms through an on-going systematic review oftheir relevance, appropriateness, achievement oflearning outcomes, currency, and future needs andplans.

    II.A.2.f: The institution engages in ongoing, systematicevaluation and integrated planning to assure currencyand measure achievement of its stated studentlearning outcomes for courses, certificates, programsincluding general and vocational education, anddegrees. The institution systematically strives toimprove those outcomes and makes the resultsavailable to appropriate constituencies.

    II.A.2.g: If an institution uses departmental courseand/or program examinations, it validates their

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    ACCJC Standard I.B Assessment

    Standard II.A StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    II.A.5: Students completing vocational andoccupational certificates and degrees demonstratetechnical and professional competencies that meetemployment and other applicable standards and areprepared for external licensure and certification.

    II.A.6: The institution assures that students andprospective students receive clear and accurateinformation about educational courses and programsand transfer policies. The institution describes itsdegrees and certificates in terms of their purpose,content, course requirements, and expected studentlearning outcomes. In every class section studentsreceive a course syllabus that specifies learningobjectives consistent with those in the institutionsofficially approved course outline.

    II.A.6.a: The institution makes available to its studentsclearly stated transfer-of-credit policies in order tofacilitate the mobility of students without penalty. Inaccepting transfer credits to fulfill degreerequirements, the institution certifies that the expectedlearning outcomes for transferred courses arecomparable to the learning outcomes of its owncourses. Where patterns of student enrollmentbetween institutions are identified, the institutiondevelops articulation agreements as appropriate to itsmission.

    II.A.6.b: When programs are eliminated or programrequirements are significantly changed, the institutionmakes appropriate arrangements so that enrolledstudents may complete their education in a timelymanner with a minimum of disruption.

    II.A.6.c: The institution represents itself clearly,accurately, and consistently to prospective and currentstudents, the public, and its personnel through itscatalogs, statements, and publications, including thosepresented in electronic formats. It regularly reviewsinstitutional policies, procedures, and publications toassure integrity in all representations about itsmission, programs, and services.

    II.A.7: In order to assure the academic integrity of the

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    ACCJC Standard I.B Assessment

    Standard II.A StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    teaching-learning process, the institution uses andmakes public governing board-adopted policies onacademic freedom and responsibility, studentacademic honesty, and specific institutional beliefs orworldviews. These policies make clear the institutionscommitment to the free pursuit and dissemination ofknowledge.

    II.A.7.a: Faculty distinguish between personalconviction and professionally accepted views in adiscipline. They present data and information fairlyand objectively.

    II.A.7.b: The institution establishes and publishesclear expectations concerning student academichonesty and the consequences for dishonesty.

    II.A.7.c: Institutions that require conformity to specificcodes of conduct of staff, faculty, administrators, orstudents, or that seek to instill specific beliefs orworldviews, give clear prior notice of such policies,including statements in the catalog and/or appropriatefaculty or student handbooks.

    II.A.8: Institutions offering curricula in foreign locationsto students other than U.S. nationals operate inconformity with standards and applicable Commissionpolicies.

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    ACCJC Standard II.A Assessment

    Organizational Unit:

    Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Services

    Standard II.B AssessmentStandard II.B: Student Support ServicesThe institution recruits and admits diverse students who are able to benefit from its programs, consistent with its mission. Student supportservices address the identified needs of students and enhance a supportive learning environment. The entire student pathway through theinstitutional experience is characterized by a concern for student access, progress, learning, and success. The institution systematicallyassesses student support services using student learning outcomes, faculty and staff input, and other appropriate measures in order toimprove the effectiveness of these services.

    Standard II.B StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    II.B.1: The institution assures the quality of studentsupport services and demonstrates that theseservices, regardless of location or means of delivery,support student learning and enhance achievement ofthe mission of the institution.

    II.B.2: The institution provides a catalog for itsconstituencies with precise, accurate, and currentinformation concerning the following:

    II.B.2.a: General Information: Official Name,Address(es), Telephone Number(s), and Web SiteAddress of the Institution; Educational Mission;Course, Program, and Degree Offerings; AcademicCalendar and Program Length; Academic FreedomStatement; Available Student Financial Aid; AvailableLearning Resources; Names and Degrees ofAdministrators and Faculty; Names of GoverningBoard Members

    II.B.2.b: Requirements: Admissions; Student Feesand Other Financial Obligations; Degree, Certificates,Graduation and Transfer

    II.B.2.c: Major Policies Affecting Students: AcademicRegulations, including Academic Honesty;Nondiscrimination; Acceptance of Transfer Credits;Grievance and Complaint Procedures; SexualHarassment; Refund of Fees

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    ACCJC Standard II.A Assessment

    Standard II.B StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    II.B.2.d: Locations or publications where other policiesmay be found

    II.B.3: The institution researches and identifies thelearning support needs of its student population andprovides appropriate services and programs toaddress those needs.

    II.B.3.a: The institution assures equitable access to allof its students by providing appropriate,comprehensive, and reliable services to studentsregardless of service location or delivery method.

    II.B.3.b: The institution provides an environment thatencourages personal and civic responsibility, as wellas intellectual, aesthetic, and personal developmentfor all of its students.

    II.B.3.c: The institution designs, maintains, andevaluates counseling and/or academic advisingprograms to support student development andsuccess and prepares faculty and other personnelresponsible for the advising function.

    II.B.3.d: The institution designs and maintainsappropriate programs, practices, and services thatsupport and enhance student understanding andappreciation of diversity.

    II.B.3.e: The institution regularly evaluates admissionsand placement instruments and practices to validatetheir effectiveness while minimizing biases.

    II.B.3.f: The institution maintains student recordspermanently, securely, and confidentially, withprovision for secure backup of all files, regardless ofthe form in which those files are maintained. Theinstitution publishes and follows established policiesfor release of student records.

    II.B.4: The institution evaluates student supportservices to assure their adequacy in meeting identifiedstudent needs. Evaluation of these services providesevidence that they contribute to the achievement ofstudent learning outcomes. The institution uses theresults of these evaluations as the basis forimprovement.

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    ACCJC Standard II.B Assessment

    Organizational Unit:

    Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Services

    Standard II.C AssessmentStandard II.C: Library and Learning Support ServicesLibrary and other learning support services for students are sufficient to support the institutions instructional programs and intellectual,aesthetic, and cultural activities in whatever format and wherever they are offered. Such services include library services and collections,tutoring, learning centers, computer laboratories, and learning technology development and training. The institution provides access andtraining to students so that library and other learning support services may be used effectively and efficiently. The institution systematicallyassesses these services using student learning outcomes, faculty input, and other appropriate measures in order to improve the effectivenessof the services.

    Standard II.C StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    II.C.1: The institution supports the quality of itsinstructional programs by providing library and otherlearning support services that are sufficient in quantity,currency, depth, and variety to facilitate educationalofferings, regardless of location or means of delivery.

    II.C.1.a: Relying on appropriate expertise of faculty,including librarians and other learning support servicesprofessionals, the institution selects and maintainseducational equipment and materials to supportstudent learning and enhance the achievement of themission of the institution.

    II.C.1.b: The institution provides ongoing instruction

    for users of library and other learning support servicesso that students are able to develop skills ininformation competency.

    II.C.1.c: The institution provides students andpersonnel responsible for student learning programsand services adequate access to the library and otherlearning support services, regardless of their locationor means of delivery.

    II.C.1.d: The institution provides effective maintenanceand security for its library and other learning supportservices.

    II.C.1.e: When the institution relies on or collaborates

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    ACCJC Standard II.B Assessment

    Standard II.C StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    with other institutions or other sources for library andother learning support services for its instructionalprograms, it documents that formal agreements existand that such resources and services are adequate forthe institutions intended purposes, are easilyaccessible, and utilized. The performance of theseservices is evaluated on a regular basis. Theinstitution takes responsibility for and assures thereliability of all services provided either directly orthrough contractual arrangement.

    II.C.2: The institution evaluates library and otherlearning support services to assure their adequacy inmeeting identified student needs. Evaluation of theseservices provides evidence that they contribute to theachievement of student learning outcomes. Theinstitution uses the results of these evaluations as thebasis for improvement.

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    ACCJC Standard II.C Assessment

    Organizational Unit:

    Standard III: Resources

    Standard III.A AssessmentStandard III.A: Human ResourcesThe institution employs qualified personnel to support student learning programs and services wherever offered and by whatever meansdelivered, and to improve institutional effectiveness. Personnel are treated equitably, are evaluated regularly and systematically, and areprovided opportunities for professional development. Consistent with its mission, the institution demonstrates its commitment to the significanteducational role played by persons of diverse backgrounds by making positive efforts to encourage such diversity. Human resource planning isintegrated with institutional planning.

    Standard III.A StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    III.A.1: The institution assures the integrity and qualityof its programs and services by employing personnelwho are qualified by appropriate education, training,and experience to provide and support theseprograms and services.

    III.A.1.a: Criteria, qualifications, and procedures forselection of personnel are clearly and publicly stated.Job descriptions are directly related to institutionalmission and goals and accurately reflect positionduties, responsibilities, and authority. Criteria forselection of faculty include knowledge of the subjectmatter or service to be performed (as determined byindividuals with discipline expertise), effectiveteaching, scholarly activities, and potential tocontribute to the mission of the institution. Institutionalfaculty play a significant role in selection of newfaculty. Degrees held by faculty and administrators arefrom institutions accredited by recognized U.S.accrediting agencies. Degrees from non-U.S.institutions are recognized only if equivalence hasbeen established.

    III.A.1.b: The institution assures the effectiveness ofits human resources by evaluating all personnelsystematically and at stated intervals. The institutionestablishes written criteria for evaluating all personnel,

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    ACCJC Standard II.C Assessment

    Standard III.A StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results


    III.A.4.c: The institution subscribes to, advocates, anddemonstrates integrity in the treatment of itsadministration, faculty, staff and students.

    III.A.5: The institution provides all personnel withappropriate opportunities for continued professionaldevelopment, consistent with the institutional missionand based on identified teaching and learning needs.

    III.A.5.a: The institution plans professionaldevelopment activities to meet the needs of itspersonnel.

    III.A.5.b: With the assistance of the participants, theinstitution systematically evaluates professionaldevelopment programs and uses the results of theseevaluations as the basis for improvement.

    III.A.6: Human resource planning is integrated withinstitutional planning. The institution systematicallyassesses the effective use of human resources anduses the results of the evaluation as the basis forimprovement.

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    ACCJC Standard III.A Assessment

    Organizational Unit:

    Standard III: Resources

    Standard III.B AssessmentStandard III.B: Physical ResourcesPhysical resources, which include facilities, equipment, land, and other assets, support student learning programs and services and improveinstitutional effectiveness. Physical resource planning is integrated with institutional planning.

    Standard III.B StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    III.B.1: The institution provides safe and sufficientphysical resources that support and assure theintegrity and quality of its programs and services,regardless of location or means of delivery.

    III.B.1.a: The institution plans, builds, maintains, and

    upgrades or replaces its physical resources in amanner that assures effective utilization and thecontinuing quality necessary to support its programsand services.

    III.B.1.b: The institution assures that physicalresources at all locations where it offers courses,programs, and services are constructed andmaintained to assure access, safety, security, and ahealthful learning and working environment.

    III.B.2: To assure the feasibility and effectiveness ofphysical resources in supporting institutional programsand services, the institution plans and evaluates its

    facilities and equipment on a regular basis, takingutilization and other relevant data into account.

    III.B.2.a: Long-range capital plans support institutionalimprovement goals and reflect projections of the totalcost of ownership of new facilities and equipment.

    III.B.2.b: Physical resource planning is integrated withinstitutional planning. The institution systematicallyassesses the effective use of physical resources anduses the results of the evaluation as the basis forimprovement.

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    ACCJC Standard III.B Assessment

    Organizational Unit:

    Standard III: Resources

    Standard III.C AssessmentStandard III.C: Technology ResourcesTechnology resources are used to support student learning programs and services and to improve institutional effectiveness. Technologyplanning is integrated with institutional planning.

    Standard III.C StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    III.C.1: The institution assures that any technologysupport it provides is designed to meet the needs oflearning, teaching, college-wide communications,research, and operational systems.

    III.C.1.a: Technology services, professional support,

    facilities, hardware, and software are designed toenhance the operation and effectiveness of theinstitution.

    III.C.1.b: The institution provides quality training in theeffective application of its information technology tostudents and personnel.

    III.C.1.c: The institution systematically plans, acquires,maintains, and upgrades or replaces technologyinfrastructure and equipment to meet institutionalneeds.

    III.C.1.d: The distribution and utilization of technologyresources support the development, maintenance, and

    enhancement of its programs and services.

    III.C.2: Technology planning is integrated withinstitutional planning. The institution systematicallyassesses the effective use of technology resourcesand uses the results of evaluation as the basis forimprovement.

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    ACCJC Standard III.C Assessment

    Organizational Unit:

    Standard III: Resources

    Standard III.D AssessmentStandard III.D: Financial ResourcesFinancial resources are sufficient to support student learning programs and services and to improve institutional effectiveness. The distributionof resources supports the development, maintenance, and enhancement of programs and services. The institution plans and manages itsfinancial affairs with integrity and in a manner that ensures financial stability. The level of financial resources provides a reasonableexpectation of both short-term and long-term financial solvency. Financial resources planning is integrated with institutional planning.

    Standard III.D StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    III.D.1. The institution relies upon its mission and goalsas the foundation for financial planning.

    III.D.1.a: Financial planning is integrated with and

    supports all institutional planning.

    III.D.1.b: Institutional planning reflects realisticassessment of financial resource availability,development of financial resources, partnerships, andexpenditure requirements.

    III.D.1.c: When making short-range financial plans, theinstitution considers its long-range financial prioritiesto assure financial stability. The institution clearlyidentifies and plans for payment of liabilities and futureobligations.

    III.D.1.d: The institution clearly defines and follows itsguidelines and processes for financial planning andbudget development, with all constituencies havingappropriate opportunities to participate in thedevelopment of institutional plans and budgets.

    III.D.2: To assure the financial integrity of theinstitution and responsible use of financial resources,the financial management system has appropriatecontrol mechanisms and widely disseminatesdependable and timely information for sound financialdecision making.

    III.D.2.a: Financial documents, including the budgetand independent audit, reflect appropriate allocation

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    ACCJC Standard III.C Assessment

    Standard III.D StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    and use of financial resources to support studentlearning programs and services. Institutionalresponses to external audit findings arecomprehensive, timely, and communicatedappropriately.

    III.D.2.b: Appropriate financial information is providedthroughout the institution.

    III.D.2.c: The institution has sufficient cash flow andreserves to maintain stability, strategies forappropriate risk management, and realistic plans tomeet financial emergencies and unforeseenoccurrences.

    III.D.2.d: The institution practices effective oversight offinances, including management of financial aid,grants, externally funded programs, contractualrelationships, auxiliary organizations or foundations,and institutional investments and assets.

    III.D.2.e: All financial resources, including those fromauxiliary activities, fund-raising efforts, and grants areused with integrity in a manner consistent with themission and goals of the institution.

    III.D.2.f: Contractual agreements with external entitiesare consistent with the mission and goals of theinstitution, governed by institutional policies, andcontain appropriate provisions to maintain the integrityof the institution.

    III.D.2.g: The institution regularly evaluates itsfinancial management processes, and the results ofthe evaluation are used to improve financialmanagement systems.

    III.D.3: The institution systematically assesses theeffective use of financial resources and uses theresults of the evaluation as the basis for improvement.

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    ACCJC Standard III.D Assessment

    Organizational Unit:

    Standard IV: Leadership and Governance

    Standard IV.A AssessmentStandard IV.A: Decision-Making Roles and ProcessesThe institution recognizes that ethical and effective leadership throughout the organization enables the institution to identify institutional values,set and achieve goals, learn, and improve.

    Standard IV.A StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    IV.A.1: Institutional leaders create an environment forempowerment, innovation, and institutionalexcellence. They encourage staff, faculty,administrators, and students, no matter what theirofficial titles, to take initiative in improving the

    practices, programs, and services in which they areinvolved. When ideas for improvement have policy orsignificant institution-wide implications, systematicparticipative processes are used to assure effectivediscussion, planning, and implementation.

    IV.A.2: The institution establishes and implements awritten policy providing for faculty, staff, administrator,and student participation in decision-makingprocesses. The policy specifies the manner in whichindividuals bring forward ideas from theirconstituencies and work together on appropriatepolicy, planning, and special-purpose bodies.

    IV.A.2.a: Faculty and administrators have asubstantive and clearly defined role in institutionalgovernance and exercise a substantial voice ininstitutional policies, planning, and budget that relateto their areas of responsibility and expertise. Studentsand staff also have established mechanisms ororganizations for providing input into institutionaldecisions.

    IV.A.2.b: The institution relies on faculty, its academicsenate or other appropriate faculty structures, thecurriculum committee, and academic administrators

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    ACCJC Standard III.D Assessment

    Standard IV.A StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    for recommendations about student learning programsand services.

    IV.A.3: Through established governance structures,processes, and practices, the governing board,administrators, faculty, staff, and students work

    together for the good of the institution. Theseprocesses facilitate discussion of ideas and effectivecommunication among the institutions constituencies.

    IV.A.4: The institution advocates and demonstrateshonesty and integrity in its relationships with externalagencies. It agrees to comply with AccreditingCommission standards, policies, and guidelines, andCommission requirements for public disclosure, selfstudy and other reports, team visits, and prior approvalof substantive changes. The institution movesexpeditiously to respond to recommendations madeby the Commission.

    IV.A.5: The role of leadership and the institutionsgovernance and decision-making structures andprocesses are regularly evaluated to assure theirintegrity and effectiveness. The institution widelycommunicates the results of these evaluations anduses them as the basis for improvement.

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    ACCJC Standard IV.A Assessment

    Organizational Unit:

    Standard IV: Leadership and Governance

    Standard IV.B AssessmentStandard IV.B: Board and Administrative OrganizationIn addition to the leadership of individuals and constituencies, institutions recognize the designated responsibilities of the governing board forsetting policies and of the chief administrator for the effective operation of the institution. Multi-college districts/systems clearly define theorganizational roles of the district/system and the colleges.

    Standard IV.B StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    IV.B.1: The institution has a governing board that isresponsible for establishing policies to assure thequality, integrity, and effectiveness of the studentlearning programs and services and the financial

    stability of the institution. The governing boardadheres to a clearly defined policy for selecting andevaluating the chief administrator for the college or thedistrict/system.

    IV.B.1.a: The governing board is an independentpolicy-making body that reflects the public interest inboard activities and decisions. Once the boardreaches a decision, it acts as a whole. It advocates forand defends the institution and protects it from undueinfluence or pressure.

    IV.B.1.b: The governing board establishes policiesconsistent with the mission statement to ensure the

    quality, integrity, and improvement of student learningprograms and services and the resources necessaryto support them.

    IV.B.1.c: The governing board has ultimateresponsibility for educational quality, legal matters,and financial integrity.

    IV.B.1.d: The institution or the governing boardpublishes the board bylaws and policies specifying theboards size, duties, responsibilities, structure, andoperating procedures.

    IV.B.1.e: The governing board acts in a manner

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    ACCJC Standard IV.A Assessment

    Standard IV.B StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results

    improvement of the teaching and learning environmentby the following: establishing a collegial process thatsets values, goals, and priorities; ensuring thatevaluation and planning rely on high quality researchand analysis on external and internal conditions;

    ensuring that educational planning is integrated withresource planning and distribution to achieve studentlearning outcomes; and establishing procedures toevaluate overall institutional planning andimplementation efforts.

    IV.B.2.c: The president assures the implementation ofstatutes, regulations, and governing board policiesand assures that institutional practices are consistentwith institutional mission and policies.

    IV.B.2.d: The president effectively controls budget andexpenditures.

    IV.B.2.e: The president works and communicates

    effectively with the communities served by theinstitution.

    IV.B.3: In multi-college districts or systems, thedistrict/system provides primary leadership in settingand communicating expectations of educationalexcellence and integrity throughout the district/systemand assures support for the effective operation of thecolleges. It establishes clearly defined roles ofauthority and responsibility between the colleges andthe district/system and acts as the liaison between thecolleges and the governing board.

    IV.B.3.a: The district/system clearly delineates and

    communicates the operational responsibilities andfunctions of the district/system from those of thecolleges and consistently adheres to this delineation inpractice.

    IV.B.3.b: The district/system provides effectiveservices that support the colleges in their missionsand functions.

    IV.B.3.c: The district/system provides fair distributionof resources that are adequate to support the effectiveoperations of the colleges.

    IV.B.3.d: The district/system effectively controls its

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    ACCJC Standard IV.A Assessment

    Standard IV.B StandardsAligned Unit


    MethodCriteria for


    ResultsUse of Results


    IV.B.3.e: The chancellor gives full responsibility andauthority to the presidents of the colleges toimplement and administer delegated district/systempolicies without his/her interference and holds them

    accountable for the operation of the colleges.

    IV.B.3.f: The district/system acts as the liaisonbetween the colleges and the governing board. Thedistrict/system and the colleges use effective methodsof communication, and they exchange information in atimely manner.

    IV.B.3.g: The district/system regularly evaluatesdistrict/system role delineation and governance anddecision-making structures and processes to assuretheir integrity and effectiveness in assisting thecolleges in meeting educational goals. Thedistrict/system widely communicates the results of

    these evaluations and uses them as the basis forimprovement.

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