Download - Text and features

Page 1: Text and features


Page 2: Text and features

When creating my contents page I originally planned to title the page ‘The R-side’. This concept was heavily inspired by ‘XXL’ contents pages. When researching further into the music magazine I found that ‘the A-side’ and ‘the B-side’ refers to the two sides of a phonograph record. So by me titling the page ‘The R-side’ took away from this meaning.

When thinking of what to name the page, I thought that I should make a link to how music is currently being sold/publicized. Currently streaming is becoming a larger way of people to listen to music. This concept I feel links to my magazine and can demonstrate to readers that this is indeed a music magazine as the word ‘stream’ references a large proportion of the music industry today.

Page 3: Text and features

I added an artist quote to the side of the contents image, the size of the font is not too big, so it does not distract the reader, but it is big enough to read. The colour of the font is black to it stand out against the white part of the image. The quote is placed close to the model in the image so readers can see it is a quote from him.

This box here hold the cover story of the magazine. The cover story is about my front cover artist ‘Robyn’. I have the text based around music and her journey, I decided type this as it related to the fact it is a music magazine in contrast to a fashion magazine. I also added a subtitle ‘power’ this is because I wanted to have the underlying theme of domination/authority. Something I feel R&B artist radiate.

Page 4: Text and features

These are the features within my contents. All of the text within the magazine links to music in some sort of way.

I tried to incorporate interesting headlines which signal what the text underneath it is about, all the while trying to make it interesting to read. For example I have used the words ‘I AM KING’ I have used these words purposely to add to the theme of power, as well as link to words that were used within my cover. The font of the subheading were taken from the site ‘’ they are all capitals so it is easier to read, and stand out a bit on the page.

For the actual features I made the text much smaller so it does not make the contents too overcrowded. I have used a serif font for the features text. I did this because I found that other R&M magazine follow this style of layout, so to make mine as realistic as possible I decided to conform to the stereo type. Another reason I did this is because I feel that it makes the magazine look more mature and sophisticated. Within my text I have also used R&B artist names who are currently trending. The artist name are a ingle font size larger than the rest of the features text. They are also a different font so readers can see their name clearly when reading the text.

All of the features text revolves around music, helping making the link stronger when indicating this is a music magazine contents. For my lat feature I added a question to the end, which reads ‘ready to hear’. I chose to add this as it makes the article seen more interesting and may have readers inclined to read on.

Page 5: Text and features

I included the date of the issue, keeping in mind the date this

magazine would be released in real


At the bottom I have added the name of the person who took the images for the magazine. I have seen this within example of R&B magazine when researching. I included this within my own as is makes my magazine more real. I have the size of the text small so it does not distract from the rest of the page.

In the bottom right hand corner of the page I have the date of the issue and next to it I have the website for my music magazine. This again makes the magazine

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