

Terrestrial and Jovian planets


Smallest planet and nearest to sunLarge metallic core which is about 70% of the radius (2,440 km) of the planetDeserted cratered planet similar to earths moonNo active volcanoes, on atmosphere, no satellites, no lifeMERCURY

Second planet orbiting the sunAtmosphere: 95% carbon dioxide and 5% sulfur dioxide, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, nitrogen and argon.The air is very hot 100 times dense than earths airVenus and earth are identical in sizeHas no satelliteVENUS

Third planet from the sunSurface: 75% water and 25% landAtmosphere: 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% other gases (carbon dioxide, argon)Has one satellite, the moonAdequate to nurture lifeOnly living planet in solar systemEARTH

Fourth planet from the sunAtmosphere: 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 2% argonReddish in color because of presence of iron oxide (rust)Southern hemisphere is marked by old craters like our moonNorthern hemisphere is much younger w/ few cratersOlympus Mons is the largest volcano in solar system located in MarsHas two satellites; Phobos and deimos



Largest planet w/ metallic hydrogen coreAtmosphere: 78% hydrogen, the rest is mostly heliumDominated by belt-zone circulation.Zones, are high- pressure regions of rising gasBelts, are low-pressure regions where gas sinks.Great red spot which is a vast circulating storm where the winds between an adjacent zone and belt meet.


Second largest Jovian planet. The rings of saturn are made up of billions of ice particles.Has three major rings.Saturn mostly liquid rich in hydrogen and helium with a density less than that of the water.Has a small core of heavy elements and metallic hydrogenHas 30 known satellites


Seventh planet from the sunHas a small core of heavy elements and a deep mantle of partly frozen water, ammonia, methane and rocky material.Atmosphere: mostly hydrogen and helium with a trace amount of methane which makes the planet blue- greenUranus has little belt zone circulation in the south pole.Uranus

Uranus rings are composed of black organic polymer caused by the radiation trapped in Uranuss magnetic fields.Uranus rings were formed from the collision of the planet with a comet

Farthest planet from the sun and 4% smaller in diameter than Uranus.Color: dark blue due to the presence of 35 methane in its hydrogen-rich atmosphere.Great dark spot which is driven by heat flowing from the decay of a radioactive metals in the interiorNeptune


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