Page 1: Temper Tantrum And How To Handle Them

Temper Tantrum and How To Handle Them

Page 2: Temper Tantrum And How To Handle Them

This happens when the child have difficulty expressing themselves with words. The best way to deal with temper tantrums is to avoid them from happening in the first place.

He’s gone from being a bystander in life and just letting the world pass him by to fully diving in and wanting to explore and grab every little thing life has to offer.

Along with this newfound thirst for life also come many emotions and the feeling of not being able to express these emotions.

Page 3: Temper Tantrum And How To Handle Them

That’s why when your toddler feels tired, hungry, or just bored and cranky he will result to having a tantrum as a way to change a situation he doesn’t like or has any control over.

By the same token, your toddler may also have a tantrum when she doesn’t get her way.

When your toddler does have a tantrum, you certainly shouldn’t give in as tempting as it may be, if you’ve said no to something you should stick to no. If you give in now, you’re child will think next time he throws a tantrum he’ll get his own way too. This will create a cycle of repeat tantrums.

Page 4: Temper Tantrum And How To Handle Them

You should, however, be close at hand and ready to give your toddler a big hug once he has calmed down.

Reassure him that you still love him and let him know how pleased you are that he has regained control.

This will emphasize the fact that he has been able to control his emotions and will give him the confidence to know he is able to control himself at certain times.

Page 5: Temper Tantrum And How To Handle Them

And above all try not to get too frustrated or upset by your toddlers tantrum. The worst thing you can do is loose control yourself; this will only make the situation worst.

You can teach your child how to control their emotions and the temper tantrums will soon go away. It is a normal part of growing up and can be prevented by encouraging good behaviour.

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Temper tantrums, however fun they may be to throw, rarely solve whatever problem is causing them. ~Lemony Snicket

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