  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2

    (This is a Sims 3 story, originally posted as memories from the game. This part is very short I just

    decided to publish it already for some practical reasons. The story is still to be continued.)

    On my way home I made a mental note to myself to find out where Veta lives. Then I stepped in,

    pulled myself together and decided, that it was high time to encounter Lynae somehow. I looked for

    her around the house, getting utterly frustrated, before finally finding her on the balcony. She stared

    at me venomously when I stopped to think about the most neutral thing to say. "Eh... how has your

    day been?" I blurted out. "Why would that interest you?!" Lynae snarled bitterly. I was


  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    I had expected her to reply something indifferent in a cold, maybe sarcastic tone. But it took me a

    moment to digest, that she acted flat out hostile - despite that we had never talked before! And for

    some freakish reason I felt more just baffled than furious. "Whatever" I snorted avoidantly "But you

    know what? That Veta... " I tried to start gossiping. "Cut it out. Just get lost!" Lynae retorted with a

    most icy voice.

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    I was torn between different options. The most natural thing would be to declare her my nemesis,

    mock her ruthlessly, maybe even get physical... But I'd still have to live with her day to day, and

    somehow a fit of rage didn't even feel that appealing for once. Maybe it wasn't that fun with

    someone who already hated your guts. On the other hand I could be EXTREMELY nice and

    considerate to change her attitude. Honestly... I didn't have an abundance of friends. But I could also

    keep ignoring her...

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    For a brief, unreal moment I imagined myself begging for forgiveness for my sligthly rude gestures.

    I vividly saw Lynae sneering and saying "Okay, this once" with disdain. It was disgusting and I

    quickly snapped back to my real self. "You're such an obnoxious, ungrateful pest!" I accused her,

    feeling more and more infuriated. Strangely, she smiled - like if she rejoiced that I had figured out

    her true nature! What a total nutcase!!

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    That definitely crossed the line. I had no more intentions to be even slightly diplomatic with her, let

    alone nice! Violence is something that I blankly don't tolerate... eh, except on my own terms. With

    Lynae's wannabe-ninja look and all, she was surprisingly easy to thrash. Hopefully she even learned

    a lesson, instead of becoming even more intolerable!

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    Thanks to work my sleep pattern has become quite inverted. Like today: I went to sleep around 10

    AM (after the excessively long time-out and taking a shower) and woke up around 7 PM.

    Fortunately it was saturday, so no-one tried to haul me to school. Unforunately, I felt totally starving

    when I woke up, but the moment when I was about to take the first bite of my salad, I heard my

    carpool arrive! How on earth is this even possible - does my time regularly just disappear into a

    black hole?!

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    I was too hungry to let go of my salad, so I let the carpool wait while I gobbled it up (they were

    surprisingly patient!). I didn't realize that even Lynae would start working with our gang today, until

    I saw her emerge from an other car on the yard of the hut where we gather. she looked all gaudy and

    self-important in her new uniform. It would be a true challenge to not let her distract my


  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    I've noticed that the police keep randomly raiding this place and catching everyone who happens to

    be doing something suspicious at the moment. This time they got Tagi, after overhearing her plans

    about robbing a certain store. Wouldn't it be high time to change the meeting place, I'm just asking?

    But of course the high-ranking crooks won't listen to someone like me...

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    It was one of those days when nothing worked out. When even Vemas ended up with the police (I'm

    getting convinced that he simply sucks!) we decided to stall the actual heist for tomorrow. I wish I

    could blame it on Lynae, but it wouldn't make sense. The only reward I got out of it all was a

    chameleon that I happened to find on the yard. If Lynae would so much as breathe towards my new

    pet, she'd be dead!

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    Suddenly, just looking at the cute little lizard, tears started pouring from my eyes. It doesn't always

    take any specific thought to make me suddenly feel abysmally awful. Some trivial or even nice little

    things just trigger it. Like if me doing or having anything nice would remind me, that eventually it

    will all be ruined and lost. 'Cause that's what happens when I'm around. Well, that didn't make

    sense. But you know the feeling... or not.

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    This place sure does its part on lowering my mood too. There were huge, reeking piles of dirty

    landry in every room. The kitchen had become a stinky mess again, and even the sink was broken

    AGAIN! Add our leaking roof, and the whole floor was flooding. I didn't feel sleepy yet, so I asked

    Damien if he knew where Veta lived. An he did... so I grabbed some slightly spoiled eggs from our

    fridge and was ready for my mission.

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    Damien had described to me that very house where I had earlier swiped most of the fruits and

    kicked down the flamingo statue. This had to be destiny - now my mischief was perfected when I

    covered Veta's front door in foul eggs! It felt incredibly therapeutic. If life gives you lemons, throw

    them at others, I guess!

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    When Veta appeared on the porch to whimper and slinked back indoors, I thought that she was

    done. Inspired by the exhilarating rush of my prank, I went on to plant some whoopee cushions on

    Veta's garden chairs... but was soon startled by a most unwelcome noise. The sirens of a police car!

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    Already for several years of my short life I've been doing actual crimes as a living. And now... the

    first time when I got arrested, it was for a silly little prank? Well, I guess it was better than being

    caught for something significant and decided to not make a fuss over it. But this definitely showed

    that I had made the right evaluation of Veta - she was a small-minded, easily offended chicken,

    worth all my hate.

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    The police officer simply drove me home in a brooding silence and that was it! And I who had

    hurried to prepare myself mentally for all kinds of troubles - maybe even involving social workers.

    Well... thanks for the ride, cop! I was still prepared for a stern lecture at home about uselessly

    drawing the attention of the police, but no-one batted an eye when I entered the house. With

    everyone apparently in a very permissive mood, I thought I could as well fill the house with traps

    for fun!

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    While I placed traps on sinks, sofas and armchairs, Damien wasted his time by mopping, mopping

    and mopping some more - while the broken sink spewed an endless supply of puddles on the floor.

    Was I really the only in the household who could repair one stupid sink? And the only one to even

    realize that it needed to be repaired?! Sometimes I get a disturbing feeling that the others act inane

    and apathetic just to irritate me!

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    I disrupted Damien's idiocy by walking up to him and starting to joke about our "work". Right then

    I heard the front door slam. At first I thought that it was Tagi finally returning from the jail... But

    instead it was some guy in a gray jump suit, striding in just like that! What was going on?!

  • 7/31/2019 Tecle-Shea's Story, part 2


    When he took out a freaky high tech gadget just to confiscate Zan's dollhouse, I realized that he wasthe repoman. Turns out my housemates had not only ditched every possible household task

    (especially the laundry... we're soon drowning in dirty clothes!). They had also ignored the bills.

    Looks like I'm expected to take care of absolutely everything, for some infuriating, baffling reason!

    Well, Zan probably didn't like the dollhouse anyway - he had earlier smashed a similar one to


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