
By Samantha GauvainStaff Writer With pitchforked hands piercing the air, new Sun Devil fans cheered for Arizona State’s football team in the season opener against Northern Arizona University (NAU). As a major contender in the Pacific 12 Division, ASU (Arizona State Universi-ty) has won every opening football game this past decade, except for 2002. New Sun Devil fans anticipate both the suc-cess of this coming season and the forma-tion of bonds with their fellow students. Matt Covert, a freshman from Los Ange-les at the Walter Cronkite School of Jour-nalism and a season ticket holder, found

the game to be good and school spirit to be high as the student sections were packed. Covert said that, “the student energy level was good” and everyone had fun in-teracting. “But”, he added, “I feel bad for Sparky, he had to do all of those pushups.” ASU defeated NAU 36 to 6 in a game that ASU Nursing student Jasmine Sand-ers of Eagan Minnesota found to be “fun, but we literally killed them.” Sanders is a season ticket hold-er and is generally a big football fan. She said, “I like the sport, but the atmosphere is fun too.” Both Sanders and Covert have participated in previous Taylor Place and Arizona State events and enjoying their freshmen experiences.

Young Devils, Old Traditions

In Case You Missed It...


Upcoming Events - Page 4

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New Mr. Taylor Place Crowned

Mission StatementTaylor & First aims to provide

the residential community of the premier residence hall at ASU, Taylor Place, with anything and everything to do with student life here at the Downtown Phoenix


Taylor & FirstStaff

Joseph CiullaEditor-in-Chief

Bryan EustaquioDesign Editor

Samantha Gauvain Staff Writer

RHA at DPcMarcus Jones II

Executive Director

Nick LongNational Communications


Miguel Martinez Director of Finance

Bryan Eustaquio Director of Public Relations

Erolinda BecerraSecretary

Davier RodriguezAdvisor

If you are interested in joining the Taylor and First staff, email us at

[email protected]

September 23, 2012 Volume 1 Issue 1

By Joseph CiullaEditor-in-Chief The shade garden was covered in toi-let paper and the sound of synchronized female gasps, whistles and screams could be heard throughout the halls of Taylor Place. That could only mean one thing; the third annual Mr. Taylor Place

competition was in full form on Thurs-day, Sept. 20. 11 gentlemen competed for the love of the crowd and the ap-proval from the panel of five judges. After competitions in formal wear, swim wear, talent and school pride, (that made all the ladies sweat) the judges came to a decision and crowned Merek Browne the 2012 Mr. Taylor Place.

(Above) The 11 participents eagerly await their stroll down the red car-pet.

(Right) The panel of five Taylor Place Community Assistants:From left: Daniel, Danielle, Chris-tina, Kyra and Kristina

(Above) before being crowned the 2012 Mr. Taylor Place, Mereke Browne wowed us with his dance routine to Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” for the Talent portion of the show.

(Right) Nick Wicksman striking a pose during his introduction.

Photos by Anastasia Landeros

Taylor & First Page 2

Letter from the Editor It is with great pleasure I bring to you the inaugural issue of Taylor & First. T&F’s goal is to get the

residents of Taylor Place involved with life in the residence hall. This is your publication and we encour-age feedback to make it better. If you have any suggestions please

contact us at:[email protected]

-Joseph CiullaEditor-in-Chief

Fascinations Provides ‘Fun Love’ TalkBy Samantha B. GauvainStaff Writer

Candles in the lobby directed students to room 128 in The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism building on Sept. 13, as Dr. Lori Ebert prepared to lecture students on sexual health education.Ebert began by stating her intention as a sex educator, she said that had she been educated, she may have made different decisions in her life and that she was trying to get students through college without having to experience rape or S.T.D.’s. The presentation included an online surveying system where students could text anonymous responses to survey questions that Ebert posted on the white board. The system was treated as a joke at first, but as Ebert warmed the crowd with jokes and moved into the presentation, the evenly mixed crowd of boys and

girls settled in for the rest of the lecture.The first survey question was the age at which students lost their virginity; the average for girls was 16-18 years old, while the average for boys was 15-16 years of age. Ebert then addressed the general guideline for having safe sex; you “have to have consent and aren’t causing harm”. She then urged the students; boys in particular, to know the age for statutory rape in whatever state they are in. Ebert realistically emphasized students having safe sex rather than no sex and

told students that “I think we’d have world peace if everyone was having sex,” but students must always bear in mind, the health risks that result from having sex in a college or otherwise setting. Ebert urged students to know what they look

like healthy so that they may recognize when they are not healthy.There was a student in the audience that asked Ebert why she was not promoting a b s t i n e n c e and treating sex as sacred,

a debate often found in the religious community. Ebert responded that this was a sex-ed class and that she was trying to promote healthy sex. Brian Wise, community assistant (C.A.) of floor twelve and a senior at The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism, said that he went to the “Fascinations” presentation because he felt that it was important that “ as a C.A., everyone show up to be educated”. He felt that the overall presentation was “a little awkward but at the same time, I felt that I learned a lot of things that I didn’t know before about S.T.D.’s and such.” Student and floor 14 Tower 1 president, Gregory Cameron, thought, “Fascinations was a good presentation aimed at a very specific audience. Dr. Ebert did an excellent job in steering the audience and not only giving them information but making the presentation interesting with the use of the phone surveys.”

September 23, 2012 Volume 1 Issue 1

By McCall HoerzContributing Writer

Residents of Taylor Place gathered in the Dining Hall the night of Thurs-day September 6, 2012 to participate in Karaoke, one of RHA’s weekly all hall programs. The participating students of Taylor Place made for a successful night. RHA President Marcus Jones II kicked off the night with an astounding rendition of “Don’t Let Go” by En Vogue. After his heart-warming performance Freshman Adriana Torrez explained, “It is people like Marcus who remind me that karaoke is all in good fun. It is nice to see people letting loose and going up there and being themselves”. Although Marcus showed his talent repeatedly many other Taylor Place residents participated by singing a variety of well known songs; even the au-dience participated by clapping and cheer-ing. With incentives such as t-shirts and

pom pons many were eager to join in on the fun. Some top performances included song such as “Baby Got Back,” “My Heart Will Go On,” and “Lady Marmalade.”

The crowd’s favorite, “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion was sung by CA Quintin Memken. After explaining how he had been “preparing all week” Quin-tin stated that following his performance he felt like the “Top Dog on Campus.” Karaoke is just one of the many RHA (Residence Hall Association) sponsored events put on every week here at the Downtown Campus. All Hall Program-ming is put on every Thursday night to bring the residents of Taylor Place to-gether for fun, food, and entertainment. With free snacks and prizes, karaoke was the perfect start to an exciting year down-town. Students are encouraged to attend these events to get to know other students and RHA faculty. Some upcoming events include Mr. Taylor Place, Homecoming Week, and Pumpkin Carving. The re-sponse from the participants were all pos-itive highlighting the success of the event.

TP Residents Show Talent During Karaoke Event

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Taylor & First Page 4

September 23, 2012 Volume 1 Issue 1

Look For It Next Issue

End of Watch ReviewBy Joseph CiullaEditor-in-ChiefRating: B+ Buddy cop movies are one of the more go-to genres in the film industry. It’s a simple for-mula: put an oddball duo together as partners and watch them clash as they try to solve a case that usually involves corruption within the department. Luckily for us, End of Watch is not your typical buddy cop movie. Starring Jake Gyllen-haal (Source Code, Love and Other Drugs) and Mi-chael Peña (World Trade Center, Crash), End of

Watch is filled with suspense and action. Where this movie differs from prede-cessors is that it is shot from hand-held devices, giving a more realistic touch.

The chemistry between Gyllenhaal and Peña is perfect. The two give their best performances on screen to date. The dia-logue with one another throughout most of the movie is comical, but when they have their heartfelt moments it is truly touching. After the dust settles from the massive explosions and action from this years summer releases, End of Watch is a nice breathe of fresh air and a great start to the fall season. From writer/Director David Ayer (Training Day, Street Kings), End of Watch is a movie worth checking out.

In Theatres This Week:Dredd 3D [R]Karl UrbanHouse at the End of the Street [PG13]Jennifer Lawrence

Out Next Week:Looper [R]Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis

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