Page 1: Target audience analysis

Target audience analysis By Joseph Shepherd

Page 2: Target audience analysis

Do you like when before an interview background information is given?

Yes: 19No: 4

Not Bothered: 1

This shows me that people find background information before an interview. This I imagine would be useful if you were not

familiar with the artist as it would make it more relatable instead of just having the interview.

Page 3: Target audience analysis

Would a free download interest you if it was offered?

Yes: 23No: 0

Not bothered: 1

This shows that most people would like a free download as by human logic most people do like free things. This may influences people’s decision to buy it if they see they have a free download of a song maybe, instructions on how to play a song or even a

discount on tickets could be given out though this.

Page 4: Target audience analysis

Do you prefer a weekly or monthly magazine?

Weekly: 5Monthly: 19

Most people said that they would prefer a monthly magazine. This is good because it means that the magazine would be two

main things. One it would be better quality as the articles would have more time to be written and thus more interesting and secondly the magazines would be longer sue to the fact that

there would be more time for it to be written.

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Would an article that helped you learn an instrument interest you?

Yes: 17No: 5

Not Bothered: 2

Most people do want to learn how to play an instrument but don’t know where to start this is where I believe my article

would interest people in the magazine and tempt them to buy it. My target audience survey supports this buy 17 out of the 24

people I asked saying yes.

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What articles do you expect in a magazine that focuses on instruments?

Reviews of instruments: 12Success story's of how people found fame: 5

Price guides for buying instruments: 7

These are very good suggestions for what articles there would be in my type of magazine. The two most popular suggestions

where reviews of instruments and price guides they things are a convention in a technical equipment magazine and must be


Page 7: Target audience analysis

What makes you want to buy a magazine

Recognisable contents on the front cover: 8A good front cover: 4

The artist: 12

The artist is what made people buy magazines commonly the shows how if someone is a recognisable brand they're 

magazines would sell more. Other factors that support this are the photography and the costume on the model. 

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