
Tapping for More Clients & Cash Flow

With Paula Onysko

3 Tapping Scripts to Help You Own Your Brilliance, Be Visible and Attract More Abundance

P a g e 2 © 2020 Paula Onysko Coaching & Consulting. All Right Reserved.| [email protected] |

Congratulations, Soulful Entrepreneur!

I am thrilled you are here. It tells me you are ready to be more visible so that ideal clients can find you and you can make fabulous money while helping transform lives. As a Money & Business Coach, I love helping you own your brilliance and create more abundance. And, you will do that more easily when you are aligned with your inner power. Tapping can absolutely help. It is a powerful tool to: 1) ground your energy 2) shed negative thoughts, fears and beliefs 3) leave you feeling more aligned and unstoppable. Inner Blocks: Sometimes we can have inner blocks that prevent us from fully being visible. We may be worried what others think for fear of judgment or ridicule. Or we may be unconsciously pushing money away because of a money story we inherited from our previous generations. This internal resistance makes things harder, which is why I love using tapping to help you shift. I want for you to be unstoppable in sharing your brilliance and being generously paid for it. Why? Because more money in the hands of soulful entrepreneurs is a good thing. Here is a mindset that I live and breathe:

The more money I make, the more I thrive,

the more people I serve, the more good I do in the world.

If you agree, let’s get tapping! This workbook contains information on tapping, the tapping points and three powerful tapping scripts for more clients and cash flow. Enjoy, and keep me posted on how it goes! In abundance, Paula

P a g e 3 © 2020 Paula Onysko Coaching & Consulting. All Right Reserved.| [email protected] |

What is Tapping? EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping is a simple, powerful healing therapy based on Chinese Medicine. It is used by millions of people globally to heal and transform both physical and emotional ailments including gaining confidence, attracting abundance, losing weight, reducing anxiety, improving relationships, and more. Because it is something you apply to yourself, you can do it anytime and anywhere – all by tapping into the body’s meridian channels, your energy (or chi), and your emotions. Your emotions are a gateway into your inner world. As you accept your emotions and any related thoughts or fear, you create alignment in your body’s energy. This helps restore balance and calms the nervous system. You can then shift into better-feeling thoughts and energy. In business, this is key – otherwise those lower-vibration energies can sabotage your efforts. Shifting them through tapping sets you free to be productive, go after opportunities, and make compelling offers with confidence.

How Tapping Works EFT combines tapping on 9 meridian points in the body while you say certain statements – first negative and then positive. In ancient times, the Chinese discovered that, as they tapped these meridian points, they could manipulate the body’s chi to heal many symptoms. Studies that followed at Harvard Medical School also found that stress and fear responses produced in the brain decreased significantly when meridian points were stimulated. Some people who practice positivity fear saying negative statements. Consider this: As you say negative statements while tapping on meridian points, you neutralize any negative charge those statements may have for you. It’s like honoring the inner dialogue of your subconscious mind. In fact, often times my clients feel calmer after tapping on the negative statements. Then the positive statements create even more uplift! EFT can produce tangible results. I’ve seen firsthand how my clients grow in confidence, empowerment and consistency that create forward momentum and real abundance.

P a g e 4 © 2020 Paula Onysko Coaching & Consulting. All Right Reserved.| [email protected] |

How to Tap Using Specific Tapping Points

Each Tapping Script contains three parts: 1) A set-up statement tapping the karate chop with 4 fingers. 2) A series of negative statements tapping meridian points 1 to 8 with two fingers. 3) A series of positive statements, again tapping meridian points 1 to 8 with two fingers. Please watch the video at where I walk you through all of the tapping points.

Before You Tap, Check In With Yourself: How do you feel? On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being high), how strong is that emotion in you currently? Choose Your Tapping Script: Allow yourself to intuitively choose which tapping script will serve you best to begin with. The full scripts for each are on the following pages. 1) Tapping to Release Your Fear of Shining – page 5 2) Tapping to Own Your Value – page 7 3) Tapping to Open to Greater Money Flow – page 9

P a g e 5 © 2020 Paula Onysko Coaching & Consulting. All Right Reserved.| [email protected] |

Tapping Script #1 Tapping to Release Your Fear of Shining

Set Up Statement (Karate Chop): Even though I am afraid to shine, I deeply love and accept myself. (Say it 3 times) OR Even though I dislike being visible and marketing myself, I deeply love and accept myself. (X3) Negative Statements (Meridian Points 1 to 8): (Start tapping at the inside of the eye, moving to a new tapping point with each line.) I really don’t feel like marketing, or putting myself out there. Why don’t I want to be visible, and show that I’m an expert? I wish this was easier. I just want to help people but not have to market. Some days I just want to hide. I was never taught to shine. I was taught the opposite. Don’t be too much. Don’t brag about yourself. What if others can’t handle it? What if they don’t like me? What if they make fun or laugh? What if they judge me? I don’t want to bother anyone, Or appear too salesy. Who am I to charge these rates? Can people even afford them? I know where this comes from. It wasn’t okay to stand out. It was more important to fit in, and worry about what other people thought. I feel such resistance. I feel it in my body. I know I need to be visible. But part of me is scared to stand out. Will I ever have the confidence? Or will I always stay small and safe? Safe means I’m holding back and not making the money I dream of. (Deep breath & exhale. Then continue with the positive statements.)

P a g e 6 © 2020 Paula Onysko Coaching & Consulting. All Right Reserved.| [email protected] |

Positive Statements (Meridian Points 1 to 8 ): (Start tapping at the inside of the eye, moving to a new tapping point with each line.) I truly want to succeed. I want more confidence. What’s the worst that can happen? Some will love what I offer and say YES! Some will need to learn more first. And others will choose a different path. No big deal. I am still whole and complete. Deep down I know who I am. I have divine Gifts inside me. I am here for a reason. Holding back hurts. I deserve to shine bright. I deserve to be of great service. I want to be unstoppable. I want to believe in my brilliance. If my work solves someone’s pain, it’s worth sharing. If helping someone can change their world, I WANT to reach out. Marketing myself is loving connection. It’s saying “I can help you!” I want to be that force in the world, and receive amazing abundance in return! I give myself permission to shine. I let my gifts be known. I release the opinions of others, And breathe in my expertise. It gets easier and easier, the more I share my gifts, the more I trust the Universe, the more I love myself. As I share my light. I come alive. My creativity flourishes I am in the flow. So much is possible. I am free to thrive. I open to abundance. And serve with a grateful heart. (Deep breath & exhale – let this work settle. Proceed to page 12 to notice how you feel).

P a g e 7 © 2020 Paula Onysko Coaching & Consulting. All Right Reserved.| [email protected] |

Tapping Script #2 Tapping to Own Your Value

Set Up Statement (Karate Chop): Even though I am afraid to ask for more money, I deeply love and accept myself. (3 times) OR Even though I don’t know how to make more money, I deeply love and accept myself. (X3) OR Even though I discount my prices, I deeply love and accept myself. (X3) Negative Statements (Meridian Points 1 to 8): (Start tapping at the inside of the eye, moving to a new tapping point with each line.) I need to make more money. I know I need to raise my rates. But in this moment, I can feel myself fighting that. I’m not used to asking for more. I wish I didn’t have to. Other people charge less. So what will my clients think? What if people are shocked? What if they are mad at me? What if they say no and walk away? What if nobody pays? What if I can’t make money doing what I love? What if my family <or someone else> was right? What if I’m not meant to be an entrepreneur, and I should just stop trying? Some days I feel like a fraud. Am I really worth that amount? I worry I’m not good enough, or that I haven’t given clients enough. I know this pattern is limiting me. I could be more successful. It limits how much I can make, when more money would make things so much easier. (Deep breath & exhale – take a moment to let these statements settle, then continue with the positive statements.)

P a g e 8 © 2020 Paula Onysko Coaching & Consulting. All Right Reserved.| [email protected] |

Positive Statements (Meridian Points 1 to 8): (Start tapping at the inside of the eye, moving to a new tapping point with each line.) I’m ready to break through, and honor my skills and knowledge. I’ve invested time and money in them. They are worth a lot. I am ALREADY an expert. I know more than enough. I give more than enough. I am more than enough. I am deserving of high rates. They reflect the value I bring. I am deserving of fabulous clients. I can change people’s lives. My best clients are always thanking me. I am truly a gift to them. I breathe in that love. These are the people I’m meant to serve. I am open to receiving more. I am open to letting clients pay me more. I am open to strategies that generate more. I am open to ways I can help more people. I am willing to create more money. I believe I deserve to thrive. I trust the Universe to show me how. I trust myself to give it my all. I am worthy of abundance. I am worthy of success. I am worthy of recognition. I am worthy of support. I love the value I offer. I am excited to grow it. I am free to share it. I am free to thrive. (Deep breath & exhale – let these statements settle in. Then proceed to page 12 to notice how you feel).

P a g e 9 © 2020 Paula Onysko Coaching & Consulting. All Right Reserved.| [email protected] |

Tapping Script #3 Tapping to Open to Greater Money Flow

Set Up Statement (Karate Chop): Even though money feels tight right now, I deeply love and accept myself. (3 times) OR Even though I don’t know how to create more success, I deeply love and accept myself. (X3) Negative Statements (Meridian Points 1 to 8): (Start tapping at the inside of the eye, moving to a new tapping point with each line.) Money feels tight right now. I wish I didn’t need to worry about it. Some months I’m good. Other months have me on edge. I hate money stress, worrying that there is not enough. I just want to feel safe. I want to be secure. What if business slows down? Or I can’t find new clients? What if current clients go away? I don’t want to feel desperate, but I have expenses. I have people relying on me. I want to believe in abundance, yet sometimes I’m stuck in lack. I want to be successful, but I’m not willing to sell my soul. I don’t want to be stressed out or sick, or not have a life outside of business. How can I make everything work? Some days it feels like too much. I get overwhelmed. Do I really have what it takes? (Deep breath & exhale – take a moment to let these statements settle, then continue with the positive statements.)

P a g e 10 © 2020 Paula Onysko Coaching & Consulting. All Right Reserved.| [email protected] |

Positive Statements (Meridian Points 1 to 8): (Start tapping at the inside of the eye, moving to a new tapping point with each line.) I tell myself, “<your name>, you’re awesome.” “You can do this.” “Breathe deeply and surrender.” This is part of being an entrepreneur. I am smart and resourceful. I am powerful and persistent. I have expertise and knowledge that can all lead to more money. I don’t need to do this alone. I can build an amazing team. And as their leader, I lean into their expertise. It feels so good to expand and receive high-quality support. I get to be in my brilliance and serve at a high level. Growing can be exciting. More money means more possibilities. I am ready for this next level. It is where I’m meant to play. I’ve always known deep inside, I am destined for greatness. I’m meant to have a big impact, and be a leader in this world. Today I release all thoughts of lack. I am a wealth creator. I am a thought leader. I am an empowered CEO. I choose consistent action. I market with loving connection. I offer amazing value. I build a path for my money. It is safe to make more money. Thousands of people need my services. Thousands will happily pay. The Universe wants me to succeed. I open to making more money. I am open to it being easy. I am a responsible money manager. Abundance is here and now. (Deep breath & exhale – Then proceed to page 12 to notice how you feel).

P a g e 11 © 2020 Paula Onysko Coaching & Consulting. All Right Reserved.| [email protected] |

Short on Time? Here’s a Power Tapping Tip:

If you are ever short on time, pick any one of the statements below and repeat the statement on all 8 tapping points, 1 to 8. Do as many rounds of 8 as you need until you feel an openness and confidence inside. Then end with a few deep breaths.

It is safe to have money. (X8)

I am an expert. (X8)

I am safe to be visible and thrive. (X8)

Making money is fun and easy. (X8)

Thousands want my services. (X8)

I am open to receiving more money. (X8)

(Deep breath)

P a g e 12 © 2020 Paula Onysko Coaching & Consulting. All Right Reserved.| [email protected] |

After You Tap, Notice How You Feel Check In With Yourself: Describe how you feel now. Check back with the rating you gave that original emotion before you started tapping (page 4). What is your rating now? Any change? What shifts do you notice in your body and being? Hint: Pay attention to the smallest of shifts. If you sense any goosebumps or other sensations, know that this is energy moving through you. That’s a good sign! What new perspective do you have? What new action might you be open to taking? Set a date to take that action.

7-Day Tapping Momentum

Tapping has a cumulative effect. The more you tap, the more powerful, calm and centered you become. Try tapping every day this week and see how you shift. Reach out and let me know at [email protected]. I’d love to celebrate your consistency and energetic alignment.

P a g e 13 © 2020 Paula Onysko Coaching & Consulting. All Right Reserved.| [email protected] |

About Paula Onysko

Paula Onysko is a Money & Business Coach for inspiring entrepreneurs desiring happy, healthy money flow. She combines her corporate accounting and business background with coaching and communications expertise to help entrepreneurs leap into six figure success and beyond. Paula brings both the practical and profound into her work. She guides her clients to strengthen their pricing and service offerings, market leadership, and money alignment. She also incorporates tools such as the Sacred Money Archetypes®, energy balancing and EFT tapping, which facilitate profound inner empowerment. Having navigated health issues, Paula knows the power of listening and creating success through body alignment as opposed to adrenalin overdrive. She guides women to use intuitive wisdom as a business tool and helps them establish beautiful boundaries, healthy lifestyles and support systems. Paula’s expertise has been featured in the Calgary Herald, in corporate boardrooms and at professional conferences. Rated a top speaker, she loves sharing wisdom on the topics of money mastery, business success, and personal power. Interested in working with Paula? Email [email protected] to book your complimentary 30-minute Clarity Call.

“I am deeply committed to helping inspired souls around the globe come into alignment with their worth and wealth. The world needs your gifts, and you deserve to be richly rewarded as you share them.”

Paula Onysko

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