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Tapasyogi Nandhi: Visions Beyond Enlightenment

Tapasyogi Nandhi, a Siddhar yogi from Southern India, is a visionary, artist, teacher, and humanitarian.

The art of Tapasyogi Nandhi kindle insight into the Inner Self while revealing the ancient yogic practice of the Tamil Siddhars, the perfected Beings who attained the body of light. Siddhars and this intense path of light is the mystical end of Hinduism. This is a journey beyond enlightenment when beliefs are abandoned and instead, experience and teachings and the sacred grace of the ancient lineage of Gurus serve to guide the Siddhar adept.

Each of these paintings have come alive through intense meditation. These paintings are the inner visions of the perfected beings of light, the Siddhar Gurus. Tapasyogi Nandhi was graced with the divine vision in Thiruvannamalai many years back.

After years of deep meditative practice in the presence of realized Sages who live their lives meditating in caves in the wilderness of South India, Nandhi expresses the sacred joys of inner depth through these paintings. These paintings carry within them, the potent energies of the ancient lineage of Sages while they are painted in a meditative state as a gush of energy, within a short time.

Taking visual form from higher wisdom of mantra vibrations, the resonant energies behind the sound converges as the inner light, hence the name for this art, "Visions Beyond Enlightenment".

Nandhi's journey into the mystical realms of the Siddhars began about 2 decades ago after a near-death experience that was an initiation. He took a plunge into the 'other' India to seek the intense ancient yogic wisdom.

Nandhi expresses the meditative secrets, the grace of the masters of higher consciousness and the blessings of the Sages through this art.

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The Third Eye: Guru Ayya

Inner Eye's Knowing!

"He taught me the meekness of Spirit,Infused in me the light of devotion,Granted me the grace of His feet

And after holy interrogation, testing me entirely,Revealed to me the Real,

the Unreal and the Real-UnrealOf certain is Siva-Guru Lord Himself!"

Siddhar Thirumulanathar

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heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

From the heart, connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

Ayya is an evolved yogi who has transcended the physical body while into ‘kechari mudra’, the higher form of yoga practiced by the sages who have gone beyond realization to now attain the transcendence of the body.

His cave is on the summit of the sacred mountain Thiruvannamalai, the Fire element of Shiva. Ayya has been in intense meditation for over 16 years without having moved. He drinks a glass of milk a day for all the years and is in deep meditation beyond being awake or asleep, the state of higher consciousness called 'turiya'.

While connected to each individual through His mantra, Ayya works our karma by divine manifestation. His guidance and inner teachings are through subtle planes as His mantra enables our mind to unite with Him. While focusing our consciousness through the center of our eyebrows with our innermost need to be guided, our intense mind through the repetitive mantra recitation then reaches out to Him and He so readily is there, so willing and enthusiastic to absorb our gross intellect with His subtle wisdom!

This painting is of the inner guiding light of Siddhar Ayya as seen through the third eye.. Ayya's mantra, the resonance of "Arakara"is the powerful Siddhar manifestation resonance which has been passed on through the ancient lineage of great sages who attained Light.

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Mother Kundalini ShakthiAwakened Power Within!

"In the dense darkness, O Mother, Thy formless beauty sparkles; Therefore the yogi's meditate in a dark mountain cave. 

In the lap of boundless dark, on Mahanirvanas waves upborne, peace flows serene and inexhaustible. 

Taking the form of Void, in the robe of darkness wrapped, Who art Thou, Mother, seated alone in the shrine of Samadhi.

From the Lotus of Thy fear-scattering Feet flash Thy love's lightnings; Thy Spirit-Face shines forth with laughter terrible and loud!" Sri Ramakrishna


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energizes, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides, heals, provides love and fulfillment, cleanses

Chakra Centers:

From the base below the spine, connecting to the third eye between the eye brows and and blossoming above the cranial region as enlightening bliss.

Mother Kundalini Shakthi"Kundalini" is the sacred force visualized as a serpent within us awakened through yoga. This force rises from the base of the spine to blossom as realization once She reaches the cranium region, above the head. "Shakthi" is the name of the Goddess, which denotes energy. In higher tantra of South Indian Siddha philosophy and Tibetan yoga (Red Lotus Dakini), Kundalini Shakthi is invoked as in the feminine form, reddish in color, dazzling in beauty, youth and pleasure form. This form enables the yogi/ yogini to dissolve the male principle within and find no more need to seek to the external as they are united by Her presence within themselves to find their 'wholeness'. Sages worship Her as divine grace. Kundalini Shakthi when awakened, explodes in energy and moves upward through each subtle energy centers blossoming with radiance and showering divine grace on Her path. She gushes above stretching the body upwards as our spine straightens. Her hands of giving guide, nourish, protect and sustain the yogi. Her hand above Her holds time, space and matter dissolved to enable dissolve earthly perception and enter the higher reality dimension in meditation. Her head is supreme wisdom tearing the veil of illusion 'maya'. Her body is the halo we see depicted around heads of saints and divine beings. She is pure cosmic energy experienced as the joy and bliss within us and in physical, She is the psychic heat generated while uniting with the divine. This painting depicts the Goddess as Mother Kundalini, rising above to be the completeness of a yogi.

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Yogi's Breath Isa Nathar (Jesus Christ) Breath of Source!

"Breath through Sushumna coursing, Kundalini fire blaze aloft; Light above emanated, 

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Pervading the world And engulfing entire cosmic Space That I saw in me and sought within."

Siddhar Thirumulanathar


heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

From the heart, connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

Realized Beings journeying beyond enlightenment, call the third eye, 'the sacred perch'. When 'seated' there with every breath attuned to merging the thought beyond breath as connected to Source, the limited mind gives way to higher consciousness. So when Christ says, "My Father and I are One", He is actually in the experience of divine union, connected with Source- conscious of every breath.

The coursing of energies through the breath, pranayama, is a yogic science that has many techniques. The awakened energies in us, the Kundalini, climbs above through the spine as a golden light called 'Sushumna'. As the golden fire ascends upwards, it blossoms all the energy centers in its path that transforms the inner and external aspects of the meditator. On reaching above, the consciousness finally settles down as in Divine union, to experience the joy of Being...connected to the One... as Source!


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Unfolding Wisdom (Siddhar Pambatti Nathar)Grace of Higher Wisdom!

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"Straight within the foreheadBetween the eye-browsIs the astral space vast;Peer, peer within there

The luminous mantra will be;The place where they in yearning sought Him

Is the place where He in yearning is;That verily is the Him as Space

And there did I firmly sit."- Siddhar Thirumulanathar


heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

Above the navel connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

One of my wonderful Gurus would constantly sing to me, In the middle of the two eyebrows runs the river of wisdom. Row through this pathway and reach the Infinite Source.

Beyond his sublime teachings was also the deeper essence of yogic technique- the kechari mudra that enables this huge beautiful space of divine to open to our perception as we focus on the third eye while aligning the tongue in its ascendance upwards. Here, in this vast space of light is the infinite wisdom that pours through the intellect.

In this sacred space is the unfolding truth of our Self as the Holy Ghost, the spirit and the recognition of the divine in human form while completing the sacred trinity with the worship of the Absolute.

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Supreme Self- SivaPerfect Being, the Eternal Yogi

"Aum Namah ShivayaLetter Five is the seat of Nandhi Letter Five is the Holy Mantra 

Letter Five is the Divine Chakra Letter Five is Lord's Abode." Siddhar Thirumulanathar

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heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

From the heart, connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

Supreme Self- Siva

The mind full of a single thought then transforms in knowing the Absolute and surrendering to the Void. The destruction of the temporary is complete with the Presence of the Absolute. The Absolute is then pure bliss recognized in us as our Supreme Self. The Void in us is the humility with ego surrendered and as a vast empty vessel holding the Cosmic Dancer who adorns the Moon of rejuvenating energies and the Sun of sacred wisdom.

In our pathway to experience Siva, we throw aside beliefs to know that our ego is the creator, our mind is the sustainer and our soul is the Holy Ghost that as Supreme Self can be experienced as bliss. The Supreme Self is the eternal yogi within ourselves to be experienced as Satchidananda, meaning- "Sat as truth and silence; Chit as our perception/our mind and as existence, Ananda as pure bliss and knowing". Satchidananda is the dweller in each of us, recognized as He! Shiva, the Supreme Self!

As we climb above to the Source beyond our breath to experience Oneness with the Absolute, we are Siva!

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Grand Father of Light (Siddhar Thirumula Nathar)Supreme Guru of Ancient Perfection!

"In ways diverse, do seek the Absolute Penetrating the Lotus within and going beyond,

You shall reach the celestial world,Drunk of the nectar there

You shall return Sweet, sweet exceedingly indeed,

It is! "         -Siddhar Thirumulanathar

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heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

From the heart, connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

Siddhar Thirumulanathar is revered as the "Grandfather" by all the other Siddhars who attained the body of Light. His transforming wisdom written as Thirumandiram has guided innumerous seekers to enlightenment and beyond over several thousands of years.

This painting became a reality through the guiding grace of this ancient primal Guru, with the mind in stillness and the knowing beyond breath. Siddhar Thirumulanathar brings His presence to our reality through the "Arakara" mantra that Siddhar Ayya initiates, hence, the special meaning and joy for me!

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Ancient Arrival (Siddhar Sundara Nathar)The Handsome Perfected Being!

Space intermingling with Space.Nectar drowning in Nectar

Light dissolving in LightThe elect are they,

The Siva-Siddhas Who attain this Glorious state;Nada and Nadanta Deep in them realized,

The Eternal, the Pure Reposing in Bliss unalloyed.Siddhar Thirumulanathar

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heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

From the heart, connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

In the Siddhar threshold of a range of mountains called Sathurgiri, there is an ancient spiritual center on Mahalingamalai. Over thousands of years, many Sages did intense meditation here, worshipping naturally formed powerful Siva lingams. One of the beings of light, Siddhar Sundaranathar, graces all who come here seeking. Siddhar Sundaranathar means, the handsome being of light.

Secret behind this Sacred Painting

Within Aum is all Energy of past manifested and the Ancient seed

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Transforming Wisdom (Siddhar Ayya of Thiruvannamalai)Divine Grace of Guidance & Teachings!

"Straight within the foreheadBetween the eye-browsIs the astral space vast;Peer, peer within there

The luminous mantra will be;The place where they in yearning sought Him

Is the place where He in yearning is;

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That verily is the Him as SpaceAnd there did I firmly sit."


heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

From the heart, connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

This painting was inspired by my deeper question, who is actually painting? Is it me, my ego, my spirit or my Guru?? All paintings were done on Thursday when I dissolve to be with my Gurus and yet, as I would allow the painting to become a reality, this deeper question would constantly surface until one Thursday, just before getting started with a new painting and a fresh blank mind, I thought to myself, Let me paint the one who paints through me. Let me capture the real artist who is behind my thinking as the thought.

As the painting unfolded, I realized that the seat of wisdom guiding me was my third eye’s light and the artist was my wonderful Siddhar Guru Ayya. As I, the ego, was enjoying the visuals revealed through each hurried stroke of the hands, my Guru Ayya smiled at me to say, So you wanted to capture the micro moment of that Thought that connects to all thoughts???Enjoy the sacred senior’s grace though the visual! aum

Here, in this vast space of light is the infinite wisdom that pours through the intellect. In this sacred space is the unfolding truth of our Self as the Holy Ghost, the spirit and the recognition of the divine in human form while completing the sacred trinity with the worship of the Absolute.

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The Initiation (Maha Avathar Babaji)Grace of the Golden Body!

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He hides and yet He hides not;He appears not to the naked eye;He of the spreading matted locks:

The gold-hued;None but they of hard tapas may be near Him

Do hasten and adore Him,He, the mighty one of white moon crest.

Siddhar Thirumulanathar


heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

From the heart, connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

As youth Maha Avathar Babaji plunged headlong into the divine through the meditative penance and tantira yoga. He attained enlightenment and journeyed beyond to find the ultimate union. In the vast emptiness ready to be filled, He was initiated by Siddhar Agasthyanathar, He was initiated in Kutralam. He was initiated into the primal resonance of Light which began dissolving each sheath of His existence that was as earth and water into fire and air and finally rested as space. The body vibrated with divinity transforming into youthful splendor in its manifestations while his mind merged to become One absorbed in sacred wisdom.

This painting is of the revelation of this powerful initiation that all enlightened yogis hope to attain, the body of light.

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Maha Avathar Babaji (The Immortal Kriya Babaji)Divine Master of Eternal Youth!

Appearing in human form as the eternal youth with His presenceabsorbing the karma of all the living, He is abundance.

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heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

From the heart, connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

Painting Babaji was one of my most beautiful experiences. I had wanted to paint Him for a long time and with patience I waiting for Him to invoke the energies within me to do the painting.

On the 11th day of my fasting during the Shivrathri period, He came to me and said, Let’s do it now! Excited and thrilled that He finally graced me, I began painting. In about an hour, about 90% of the painting was completed and the human spectator in me was a little disappointed as the picture being revealed was feminine and of the Goddess energy. Then, in one masterful stroke, He transformed the appearance into Him, the beloved Maha Avatar Babaji.

He is invoked as Lord Muruga, the eternal youthful guru to all beings of Light in the Tamil Siddhar traditions.

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Yoga Guru (Patanjali Nathar)Master of Yogic Truth!

Crossing the river of karma through grace and surrender,digesting all sacred as light sitting in the doorway of the eyebrows,

ascend above to be Siva.

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heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

Above the navel connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces faculties and talents become alive, and your discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be. Siddhar Patanjalinathar

This painting was created during the sacred time of Shivrathri, while fasting and meditating on the One through many days and nights. Our new world of "yoga" dedicates basic principles of the inner meaning and objective of yoga to Siddhar Patanjalinathar’s sutras, that is more known than other enlightened works of Siddhar sages in the West.

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Cosmic Dancer (Bhoga Deva Nathar)Sage of the Six Pointed Star Yantra!

Invite the breath, the outer space,

to come within your house. If you are unwavering,

placing it there as though you were

putting oil in a lamp,... They shall meet. Breath and God becoming one.

Like wind becoming breath there is no individual intelligence."

   -- Siddhar Bhoganathar (from the translations of Layne Little)

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heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

From the heart, connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

He danced with joy of energy beyond human to be all human and yet all life!Life is the heart throb as drum of each pinnacle peak of intellect dancing in joy of blossoming and becoming!

The body gathered as the Siddha to dissolve into five elements and then transcended as space to throb beyond manifestation as the joy?Ananda. As


Siddhar Boganathar graced me with his presence at first when I was meditating in his samadhi on the Palani Hills. This painting of Siddhar

Boganathar came alive with the constant invoking of His mantra over several years. His presence is of enormous explosive tantric energies that vibrate

though to transform not only the mind and body, but our life as well.

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Heart Cave- Siddhar Guha NatharThe Eternal Fire of the Heart Cave!

"Seated in the center of Void,He descended into my heart's temple,

And there His place He took;And as He descended,

I stood up saying: "My Father Come";Thus as I greeted,

Siva in my thoughts instant Stood."-Siddhar Thirumulanathar

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heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

From the heart, connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

Within our depth exists true joy that has always been lit as the life force and waiting to be acknowledged. As children, in our innocence, we were aware of this joy from simple acts which kept us close to the heart and gradually, and as we grew, we were conditioned to forget this primal joy which was lit and stands as lit ever before.

The yogis search the external for seclusion as caves wherein they could plunge deep within themselves to find the lit lamp of their heart. Once the lit lamp of awareness grows brighter, the spiritually evolved pour their mind like fuel for this lamp and gradually the Light as primal truth absorbs all thought and perceptions arising from thought. As Light, the evolved then keep their awareness of the supreme truth wherever they travel, carrying with them the key to their eternal origin which is just a thought away.

Wherever the spiritually awakened are, they would know that the knower sits as the lit lamp within their heart and then whether in a busy street rushing through, or in the midst of an important decision making, all thoughts arise from the sacred light. Shining in this delightful glow and keeping the lamp lit brighter each day, the heart's cave's radiance transcends from every thought to action and life lived as the heart's delight is divine earthly fulfillment and heaven's presence. This painting celebrates the joy of knowing and dwelling in the heart!

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Eternal Youth (Siddhar Idaikattu Nathar)Grace of Siddhar Initiation!

"No going; no coming No death; no aging 

No delay in seeing Light behind breath Beyond desire 

Thus it is with Siddhas 

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Who attained this Siddhi"Siddhar Thirumulanathar


heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

From the heart, connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

After my awakening to my true being about two decades back, my journey into our ancient mother India began. In the initial part of my pilgrimage, i craved to find the part of myself that was incomplete- the eternal yogi. I was drawn to certain sacred corners behind the temples, within abandoned shrines and any other place where I felt I could simply connect.

It was in the main temple of Thiruvannamalai that I heard the call. I sat behind the temple at what seemed to be a small shrine. As I meditated on this spot, I felt myself connected to the ancient Siddhar lineage with the flow of knowing. I kept visiting and meditating on this sacred spot to feel myself complete each time, renewed to take the next plunge for more. It was many visits later that I came to know that this was the samadhi to Siddhar Idaikattunathar who is also called the "Gatekeeper to the Siddhar Gurus". This painting is the enchanting presence of Siddhar Idaikathanathar.

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Realization-(Siddhar Ramadeva Nathar)The "Knowing" Beyond Death & Birth!

To know not to reach HimIs true Path of Becoming;

If you know thus,

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You know contradiction none;That is Path He is Light within you;

finite, your goal's end;They are but folks weak in spiritThat know not merging in Light

Siddhar Thirumulanathar


heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

From the heart, connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

"Illness is not cured by saying the word 'medicine,' but by taking medicine. Enlightenment is not achieved by repeating the word 'God' but by directly experiencing God. Talk as much philosophy as you like, worship as many gods as you please, observe as many ceremonies and sing devotional hymns, but liberation will never come, even after a hundred eons, without realizing Oneness, Wholeness." -- Adi Shankara

Crucifying ego as the offspring of the body, the Sage transcends through the knowledge of death and destruction of ego by invokes the divinity of Maya (illusion) as the Goddess to guide him. Ascending upwards by his guru's grace, the moment he sits above his navel, the sage now realizes the God in him as the Infinite Supreme Self. Sitting above his navel he frees himself from the needs of the body such as need for warmth, hunger and physical limitations. Ascending further upward he merges with the infinite as the eternal truth denoted in blue hue and then radiates as overflowing Supreme Oneness as himself.

This form is to the realized beings, the shape in which Siva is worshipped- the Supreme Self. As the lingam, it is the symbol of infinity. Now above the cycle of death and life, He presides as the Universal Energy overflowing with radiance knowing Himself as eternal. As the center, He creates the environment that enables even higher evolution as in the human reality rather than being the incomplete that goes around the center seeking.

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The Plunge(Siddhar Ayya Vaikuntha)Wisdom in the Ocean of Breathlesness!

He was transformed, glowing and radiant. He said that He was taken to the depth of the ocean by the divine beings and here He was imparted the

sacred wisdom.

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heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

From the heart, connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

Plunge Within!Dolphins communicate with a higher sound vibration which when these vibrations are sequenced into human speech, the higher level of intensity in communication the language of the dolphin's could contain an entire bible in 3 hours.

Ayya (Ayya means father in Tamil) comes from the lineage of gurus who follow the path of Ayya Narayana, a Siddhar (a perfected being like the state of Christ after resurrection). Ayya Narayana was born in a poor family of the lower caste in the early 18 century in the Southern tip of India. He was bed ridden from the time of birth due to bone cancer until he was 19 years old. One day, he felt some invisible beings lift him up physically and carry him out of his bed and then out of his house towards the sea. Most people around him expressed shock and surprise at this sight. As he neared the sea, he started running towards the waves and then went further and further until he disappeared.

Three days later, He emerged out of the sea. He was transformed, glowing and radiant. He said that He was taken to the depth of the ocean by the divine beings and here He was imparted the sacred wisdom. He then began His teachings breaking the caste barriers and enlightening all around Him. Many miracles were attributed to Him such as bringing many back to life, being in two places at the same time etc. In His lineage is the sacred secretive meditative invocation called 'Brahmara Nadi' which is the meditative aum resonance gathering the guru-mantra to then vibrate in the higher frequency which is alike the dolphin's communication with a chain of over 108 mantras flowing though the eternal aum within 2-5 seconds. Brahmara Nadi dissolves all thoughts to bring a blissful Oneness of the divine space shared by these immortal. Siddhars while keeping the human intellect alive to absorb this higher wisdom that enables us to evolve- making the best use of this human birth!

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Transforming Wisdom (Siddhar Ayya of Thiruvannamalai)Divine Grace of Guidance & Teachings!

"Straight within the foreheadBetween the eye-browsIs the astral space vast;Peer, peer within there

The luminous mantra will be;The place where they in yearning sought Him

Is the place where He in yearning is;That verily is the Him as Space

And there did I firmly sit."

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heals, manifests, inspires, showers harmony, protects, guides

Chakra Centers:

From the heart, connecting to the third eye, between the eye brows

This painting was inspired by my deeper question, who is actually painting? Is it me, my ego, my spirit or my Guru?? All paintings were done on Thursday when I dissolve to be with my Gurus and yet, as I would allow the painting to become a reality, this deeper question would constantly surface until one Thursday, just before getting started with a new painting and a fresh blank mind, I thought to myself, Let me paint the one who paints through me. Let me capture the real artist who is behind my thinking as the thought.

As the painting unfolded, I realized that the seat of wisdom guiding me was my third eye’s light and the artist was my wonderful Siddhar Guru Ayya. As I, the ego, was enjoying the visuals revealed through each hurried stroke of the hands, my Guru Ayya smiled at me to say, So you wanted to capture the micro moment of that Thought that connects to all thoughts???Enjoy the sacred senior’s grace though the visual! aum

Here, in this vast space of light is the infinite wisdom that pours through the intellect. In this sacred space is the unfolding truth of our Self as the Holy Ghost, the spirit and the recognition of the divine in human form while completing the sacred trinity with the worship of the Absolute.

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Sacred Vision (Thiruvannamalai-The Sacred Mountain)

Vision of God!

"As I clung to God that is Transcendental Light;The Transcendental Light in me entered and remained;And as I sank and sank into the Transcendental Light;

I beheld the Transcendental Light,Himself aloud proclaiming"

- Siddhar Thirumulanathar

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A few testimonials about Tapasyogi Nandhi’s sacred art:

"Nandhi's visionary art is inspired deep from within the inner spiritual realms--his creations are by divine Grace. Contemplating on his artwork provides keys to unlock one's potential spiritual consciousness, transporting and expanding one to the healing, initiating world of the Siddhas. Jai Shiva!"

Parvati Premananda, Acharya, Babaji's Kriya Yoga Order of Acharyas, Los Angeles,CA

"Nandhi's paintings of the ancient Siddha seers of India, captures the essence of transformation of the mind from the physical realm to the spiritual plane of consciousness. It brings forth the importance of simplicity in the pursuit of eternal nirvana."

Arun Sitaraman, San Jose, CA

"I can't express to you the immeasurable blessings since I have received your paintings in my home, I have come to understand that they are truly anointed items. I can feel the energy from them and they stir this deepest Silence within me that I had long forgotten. What an absolute blessing. They are a transmission in and of itself of incredible bliss and energy and light. I don't know how to express my appreciation and gratitude. It has uplifted me to levels of awareness that I only thought existed. The Light of Brahman has dawned in my consciousness. How can I thank you?"

Rosemary Cochran, CA

"Feel the presence of the Divine that emanates from these paintings. It will awaken your inner being on your road to Divine Realization. Thanks for sharing these priceless instrument of the Divine with the seekers of the path."

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Don Zapanta, Bakersfield, CA


825 Wilshire Blvd #333

Santa Monica, CA 90401


Agent/Manager: Melissa Athens

[email protected]

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