
How To Take The Perfect Baby Photos

At Home

1. Buy A DSLR Camera

While you don’t have to go out and buy the best camera out there, there is a huge difference in quality from the type of photos you’ll get on an iPhone or Android smartphone vs. an actual DSLR camera.

2. Go Down To Your Baby’s Level

While it’s entirely possible to get great shots at your level, they can feel a lot more personal and natural if they’re taken at your baby’s level.

3. Take A Few Close-ups

Capture the details with close-ups. Good close-ups actually allow you to see and feel the raw emotion in your baby’s face, which means close-ups have the potential to become some of your most precious shots.

4. Swaddle Your Baby If They’re Fussy

If your baby is a little bit antsy and can’t stay still long enough to take any good photos, you may consider swaddling them to calm them down.

5. Utilize Natural Lighting

“Flash is trash!” Okay, not really, but not only does using your camera’s flash have the potential to upset your baby, but it can produce shots that don’t look as authentic.

Natural lighting tends to produce the best photos, so look for an area of your home with lots of lights and take photos there!

6. Take Candid Shots

Candid shots are going to produce more natural, authentic, and precious photos.

Because they capture everything your baby actually feels at sometimes the most random times, they often become the photos you’ll treasure forever.

7. Be Patient And Wait For The Right Shots

Patience can be a difficult skill to employ as a new parent, but you have to remember your little one is a baby and act accordingly. Yes, it’s not easy, but your children will grow up fast, and you will be appreciative of the fact that you put time into getting good photos.

8. Utilize The Self-Timer

Many parents regret not getting enough photos of themselves with their children.Most modern cameras have a self-timer function that will allow you to take these types of photos without any additional assistance.

9. Take Lots Of Pictures In Quick Concession

The great thing about digital cameras is that you can take as many pictures as you want for free.Take lots of pictures right after each other, and simply delete the ones that aren’t as good!

10. Don’t Forget The Background

The wrong background can ruin the right photo. Always check to make sure the background is free from clutter or distractions if this is something that’s important to you before taking photos!

About Starlight Baby:Starlight Baby is the world’s #1 up-and-coming brand for baby and toddler products. It is our goal to provide products that are not only a great value, but are the highest quality and safest products available on the market. Because let’s face it – our children are worth it.On our website, you’ll find free articles that will make your job as a parent easier, providing answers to all of the questions you’ll face going through the wonderful joy of parenthood. We’d love to have you visit us over at

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