  • six pack abs - Your guide to sculpting the perfect set of abs 1








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    INTRODUCTIONOverview - How to train your abs efficiently to maximize development and shape. Correct form. Exercises explained. Full overview. How to achieve the perfect six-pack.

    For most of us, having a Greek God like physique and having ripped abs are two sides of the same coin. Six pack abs have become synonymous with the perfect physique. Having a chiseled midsection is every man and woman’s dream. No matter whether a bodybuilder has biceps that resemble the slope of an insurmountable mountain or shoulders that look as intimidating and wide as the Amazon, they still need to work on their abs for the complete look.

    Six pack abs have always been desirable. If you think the craze for six pack abs is a recent fad, you are wrong! If you go through the history of humankind, you will find that humans set on their quest for the perfect six-pack abs as early as 400 B.C. Museums and historical sites around the world are replete with sculptures of insanely ripped figures. Though people visiting these museums know that many of these sculptures are the imagination of artists, they still can’t take their eyes off their ripped midsection; such is the charm of six pack abs.

    While everyone desires six pack abs, very few have what it takes to burn stubborn abdomen fat to reveal the treasure that lies beneath it. Your body is your vessel. When you commit yourself to a disciplined life, you are throwing your body into a tumultuous sea, not knowing what to expect. Hard work, grit, determination, and will power will be your oars that will help you keep afloat during testing times.

    It’s about why you want it and how bad you want it. There are people who lie on their couches with a bowl of deep fried or sugary snacks, berating themselves for their unhealthy eating habits and making a promise that they will start hitting the gym with a vengeance from the next day onward (we all know that next day never comes), and there are people who decide to take matters in their own hands, realizing that getting chiseled abs is more about doing than wishful thinking.

    Don’t get us wrong. Transforming yourself into a dreamer is the first step to achieving great abs. That said, you also have to be a doer. Your dreams backed with actions will help you scale new heights.

    When you start working on your abs, everything won’t be hunky-dory every time. Some days you will feel supercharged and motivated enough to move a mountain, while on other days you may not feel like even lifting a finger. Your ability to overcome negative emotions will decide how far you go. If on any given day, you feel your ultimate goal drifting away from you, remember if you can dream it you can do it. It is very possible!!

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    What’s in this eBook?

    Burning stubborn abdominal (especially lower ab) fat can be quite a task. On your journey to becoming the next Greek God, you will need a friend by your side who can point out your mistakes and educate you on the best exercises that isolate muscles in the targeted area. Through this eBook, we aim to be that friend.

    To help you carve your midsection and maintain the definition for years to come, we, in this eBook, take a look at some of the most effective exercises that target your abdominal muscles and mistakes to avoid when performing them. No matter how many reps of abs exercises you do, if you are not doing them correctly, say goodbye to your gains. To help ensure that you get the most out of every session, we have tried to address questions regarding correct form.

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    CHAPTER 1: WHAT DO YOU NEED TO SUCCEED?Sculpting the perfect set of abs is not an easy task, if it were easy everyone would be walking around with a shredded six pack however, that is not the case. To sculpt the perfect set of abs you need to combine correct training with perfect nutrition consistently over a long period of time. When you are training your abs in the gym you are shaping your abs and sculpting them to create the ideal visual appearance of your abs. When you are dieting and consuming your food on a daily basis you are manipulating your body fat percentage levels which is what is going to allow you to reveal your abs and make them visible. Your training is sculpting your abs, your nutrition allows you to decrease your body fat percentage to reveal your abs and when you combine both of these two key elements together anything is possible!

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    CHAPTER 2: ANATOMY OF THE ABDOMENThe abdominal muscles facilitate a number of movements. Additionally, these muscles hold different organs in their place, support the trunk and protect vital organs. In humans, the abdomen is divided into four specific muscle groups.


    Rectus abdominis is located between the ribs and the pubic bone located at the front of the pelvis. In a contracted position, the rectus abdominis develop bumps that we commonly associate with six-pack abs. The function of this muscle group is to facilitate the movement of the body between the rib cage and the pelvis. The rectus abdominis is considered to be the most superficial ab muscle.

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    Located on either side of the rectus abdominis, the external oblique muscles facilitate trunk movement, allowing it to twist. These muscles facilitate the movement on the opposite side of the direction in which they are contracting. The right external oblique, for instance, contracts to move the body on the left side.

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    Located in the hip bones, the internal oblique muscles flank the rectus abdominis. These muscles help bend from one side to another and facilitate torso movements.

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    The transversus abdominus is the deepest muscle layer. These muscles help stabilize the spine and facilitate a range of motions. The transversus abdominis wraps around the spine. Working these muscles will help create a solid base for the rest of your abdomen.

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    Core muscles are the link between the upper and lower body. Healthy core muscles are necessary for a number of movements including sitting, bending over, standing, and picking things up. Some core muscles are the transversus abdominis, the oblique muscles, and the pelvic floor muscles. Multifidus, an important core muscle that runs along the spine, helps with spine stability and protects the back.

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    To do weighted ab crunches, lie flat on the floor. You can also rest on a bench. Make sure your knees are bent straight. Hold a weight to your chest or extend it above your torso. Breathe out slowly. Move your shoulders off the ground. Keep lifting your shoulders till they are four inches off the ground. Do not move your lower back. Once you reach at the top of the movement, flex your abdominal muscles. Hold the position for a few seconds. Breathe in slowly and return back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise.

    Mistakes to avoid

    • Relaxing too much when lowering your torso down.• Using momentum.• Crunching too high.

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    Sit down on the ab machine. In the beginning, go slow by choosing a lighter resistance. Position your feet under the pads. Grab the top handles of the machine. Rest your triceps on the upper pads. Ensure your arms are bent at a 90-degree angle. Lift your legs up and crunch the upper part of your torso. Exhale during the movement. Use your abs to move the weight. Hold the position for a second or two. Inhale slowly as you return back to the starting point. Repeat the movement.

    Mistakes to avoid

    • Relaxing too much when lowering your torso down.• Using momentum.• Crunching too high.

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    Position yourself in a kneeling position below a high pulley with a rope attachment. Grip the attachment and lower the rope. Keep lowering until your hands reach next to your face. Flex your hips in a way that the weight hyperextends your lower back. Keep your hips stationary. Flex your waist Contract your abs, moving the elbows toward the midpoint of the thighs. Breathe out while performing this movement. Hold the position for a second or two. Take a deep breath and return back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise.

    If you want to concentrate on each side of your abs, consider using a handle instead of a rope attachment.

    Mistakes to avoid

    • Using too heavy weights.• Failure to maintain the pressure on the abs throughout the movement. • Not keeping the hips tight and locked

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    Lie down on the floor on your back. Keep your legs straight and together. Slowly lift them up. Keep lifting them until your bottom comes off the floor. Lower your legs until they are very close to the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds. Raise your legs back up again. Repeat the movement

    Mistakes to avoid

    • Not keeping enough tension on the abs throughout the range of the movement.

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    One of the most popular variations of leg raises is the hanging leg raise. If you already have strong abs muscles, you can try this exercise instead. To do hanging leg raises, hang from a bar. You can use a wide or a medium grip. Lift your legs. Make sure that your lower back is locked and the movement occurs in the hips. Keep pulling your legs till they can’t go any further. Breathe out during the movement. Return back to the starting position. Breathe in as you do so. Repeat the movement. You can also do the exercise using a vertical bench.

    Mistakes to avoid

    • Swinging and using momentum• Elevating the ribs during the movement. • Breathing from the chest when the legs are in the air.

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    To do bicycle sit-ups, lie down flat on the floor on your back. Bend your legs at 90 degrees at the hip and knees. Keep your shins parallel to the floor. Using your abs muscles keep your lower back pinned to the floor. Position both your arms behind your head. Slowly extend your left leg and move your right knee toward your chest. Lift the upper part of your torso off the ground, slowly rotating it to bring the left elbow close to the right knee. Make sure your leg is at least six inches off the ground. Hold the position for a few seconds. Return your upper torso back to the floor and legs to the starting position. Extend your right leg, while moving the right knee toward the chest. Make sure the extended leg is at least six inches above the floor. Raise your upper torso off the floor as well. Lift to bring your right elbow close to the left knee. Hold the position for a few seconds. Return to the starting position

    Mistakes to avoid

    • Pedaling too quickly.• Rocking the hips.• Letting the lower back to arch.• Jerking the head or neck.

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    V-sit ups help build core strength by working in different areas. To do the exercise, lay down flat on the floor. Your arms must reach out over your head. Stretch your legs out. Use your abs to lift your legs and upper body. Keep lifting till your they make a V with the side profile. While lifting your body, move your hands positioned above your head through to touch the floor as you get to the top of the position. After reaching the top of the position, bring your legs and upper-back back to the floor. Move your arms to the starting position.

    Mistakes to avoid

    • Letting the arms sway, instead of keeping them parallel to the ground.• Rounding the shoulders and back at the top of the movement.

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    To do decline sit-ups, set a decline bench at an angle of anywhere between 30-45 degrees. The difficulty level increases with an increase in the angle. If you are a beginner, set a lesser angle. Sit on the bench with your legs resting on the pads provided near the feet. Cross your arms across the chest. Lean back. Stop just before your back is about to come in contact with the bench. Raise your upper body until it is vertical. Go back again. Repeat the movement.

    Mistakes to avoid

    1. Resting at the bottom or at the top of the rep2. Pulling through your hip flexors.

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    Different variations of planking work diverse muscle groups such as the lower-back muscles, abdominal muscles, upper back, and shoulders. Three common variations of planking are, high plank, low plank, and side plank.

    HIGH PLANK Lie down on the floor with your back facing upward (as in a pushup position). Place your palms next to the shoulders. Flex your feet with the tip of your toes on the floor. Inhale and press your body into a pushup in a way that your body makes a straight line from heels to head. Bring your navel close to your spine. As you do so, tighten your buttocks. To maintain a neutral position, look at the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds.

    LOW PLANK Lie down with your forearms on the floor. Place your elbows directly under your shoulders. Flex your feet with the lower part of your toes on the ground. Clasp your hands in a way that your forearms create an inverted V. Rise up on your toes. Only your forearm and toes must come in contact with the floor. Make sure your body remains a few inches off the ground in a straight line from your shoulders to feet. Move your navel toward the spine. Tighten your buttocks during the movement. Keep looking at the floor throughout. Hold the position for a few moments before lowering yourself.

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    Sit on the floor. Extend your legs. Plant your palms on the floor behind you in a way that your fingertips face your buttocks. Slowly lift your hips off the floor. Press your chest and look at the ceiling. Using your abs stabilize your torso. Keep your buttocks from dropping. Hold the position for a few seconds.


    Take the high plank position. Move your body to the left. While doing so use your left arm for balance. Place your left foot on your right foot. Extend your left hand in the air toward the ceiling. Hold the position for a few seconds before returning to the full plank position. Repeat the movement on the reverse side.

    Mistakes to avoid

    • Allowing the hips to sway.• Letting your head and neck drop.• Rounding the shoulders.• Having your hips too high in the air

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    If your abs are weak, work them at the beginning of your workout session when your energy level is at its peak. If this is not possible, consider working your abs between sets of exercises that work your larger body parts. If you wait till the end to do abs exercises, chances are you won’t have any energy left and you will walk away without training your abdominal muscles.


    The way you breathe can have a huge impact on your amount of gains. To get the most out of your workout sessions, hold your breath when doing contracting movements. Holding your breath gives you more energy as compared to when you exhale. Exhale only when you reach the end of the motion.


    Though abs don’t require much time to recover, working them every day can stress them out. Remember, other exercises stimulate your abdominal muscles too, which is why it is a good idea to give some time to your abs to recover. If you have weak abdominal muscles, work your abs two or maximum three times per week. People with stronger muscles can train their abdominal muscles 1-2 times each week.


    When performing exercises such as Romanian deadlifts and military presses that involve heavy lifting, your core goes into overdrive mode to protect the spine. The resultant stress works them, meaning that your abdomen muscles work hard even on non-abs day. However, it is important to note that during heavy lifting your abs are not lengthening on contracting.

    Consider exercises that involve heavy lifting complementary, rather than alternatives to those that work your core. Remember your abs are a smaller group of muscles and do not require much direct stimulation.


    When training your abdominal muscles, remember you are what you eat. Treating yourself to fatty foods can make your gains disappear before you even realize what’s happening. To build your abdominal muscles, consume at least 1.5-2 gram of lean protein per kg of your body weight every day. To get ripped, you need to get your body fat down to below 10 percent, which is possible when you burn more calories than you consume consistently over an extended period of time. Eating sensibly coupled with hard work and dedication will help you achieve your desired shape.

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    When the going gets tough, you may be tempted to cut corners, however, remember there are no shortcuts to sculpted abs. For maximum results, your focus must be to make your exercises as tough as possible. To ensure your abdomen muscles work as hard as you, hold your peak contraction for a longer period of time squeezing as hard as you can before going into the negative part of the rep. When doing exercises that involve lying down on the floor, keep your shoulder blades from touching down between reps. Minimize momentum by slowing down your rep speed.


    When working your abs, or any other muscle group in general, it is important to maintain the proper form to avoid injuries and get maximum progress. Avoid locking your spine. Instead, allow it to curl. When doing decline crunches, relax your upper thighs as pulling through them reduces the tension on the abdominal muscles. To maintain the natural alignment of your spine, avoid pulling your head when doing bodyweight ab movements.


    For maximum results, you need to hit the gym with a vengeance. You cannot afford to get stuck and you must strive to push your body harder as your abs build strength. Before starting your workout every day, the only thing that must come to your mind is how hard you are going to train and how perfect your nutrition is going to for the rest of the day. Focus on what is important.

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    CHAPTER 5 : DIETARY GUIDELINESWhen it comes to training your abs, the importance of maintaining a protein-rich diet cannot be emphasised enough. For swift and sustainable results, you need to ALWAYS be on top of your nutrition. You need protein in every meal, you need to eat good quality carbohydrates, good quality fats and eat consistently in a calorie deficit.


    For your abdomen muscles to repair you need to eat 1-2 grams of lean proteins per kg of your body weight every day. To get your daily quota of lean proteins, include foods such as fish, chicken breast, and lean cuts of beef in your diet.


    When you are working on revealing your abs, consuming sugary and deep-fried foods is blasphemy. To show some love to your abdomen muscles and allowing them to show by getting rid of excess body fat, replace foods rich in sugar with fruits, veggies, and fiber-rich foods.


    It is important to control how much fat you are consuming per meal for obvious reasons. Your fat intake must come from healthy foods such as avocado, nuts, flax seeds, and fatty fish.

    The road to the perfect six-pack abs is not an easy one. To walk this road, you will have to make sacrifices every day. However, once you reach your destination, you will never again have to be conscious about the way you look without your shirt on and the sacrifices you were required to make on your journey to shredded abs will be 100% worth it!

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