

VOLUMEXXXl ;HAR~qR GRA:CE, 1'Nl!.,Ll>.; , •· I t

Valuable Property for Sale L9CA\ MlNUf!rt'URlD RlllltiBJ! I PWBI€ NO · •j0'E! , . - ; -------- l • ,; -- t' 1

The SuhecriiM'ItJ olTon for ..... ., 1)1 private 1h~ Sa~ber hal oow oo b~ocl aod, ror •"fe The P~bli~ are 'herel)y Jioti6ed ~bat. by contract tbe following Freeholcl e•ery teqawteio tiM Foroltarelhle maoafac,tarc th8' Proviaiona of C~~7.1 of the Con-

. , • I ed Ou the prewieee rrona IO~Od aad .. ..,..ea ) 'd _i s . . . . v1z. - nbterlal. • , ~ l so 1 ate~, ta(~tea, ey. ~re req,uiretl• to THE DWELLI G-HOUSE Uedateada, 811,_,.., Cbalna (all kioda) k~p tbeu ' • '

(twotenemente'with OCl\:Hou.Uaad Oar .Sideboar.cte; \Va.bat.aDda, \~iLdow l,olea ·a_,nd ~~-..1~ ~'".1 ·~' ;~ew.~..:a· S 1 Riota. Spno11 Reda, &o.. &e,. · .. ~.L ~ Ql*latl.., ,.., ........._ ;o

dell., at.uate Oil Wat..r St, ~,Xoad,St Bedroom Soil•: macle \ o order-from llO • · 1o ,

A BUILDING LOl' upward•. 01ber Farol,:lN m.Mie ~order.· f~e from all noxious nui nces; nnB, filtli I UNDER l'AKING: . ' which are likely to 'inj~'te the .Pti'Plic

immediat.el:r west of the Ju\ named Pro- Huln~ bad ' i'•eaty yean' uperieoce io 'he health. . 1 ' •

party, aud froc~~0°~ W&te&' &tree\. aodertl\killa dee-rtmeot, eatitfaod~o ha eftry ·, 'J;h~re will be,; , . ~~ · ·•· ·

'l'WO TENEMENTS p.~~~~;;~:r~:~e;;mp~ and penoaal auentu)o. A'THOROU.GH'INSPECTION ' t •te ... _ w-~- --t too\ ot Ooo!araDe Hu,... for blre "' s . ' 11 ~~ .. _.- -- • • tANCY, t;Q.OI>S AND tn'ATl.ON&IlY, ' of theTqwq on, tbe Fi~~ ~hpay of ~at

·-uao- · • ro the l<'U9J Goods Sbop ooaoeoted with the anTlid f:t9.m d!Y, ~pfdl4y .un.ti~ t.,_\s,coda;~pl$'te~~

C , 't Sk •• "''ji' -e': ~.,:. F~aroltu,. ~to .... GaD be had Fancy Uooda, &okt ,.e .OWl\er& 0 • nr~mliMi~OQ'D ln . bad. a,r, .on · '~ ""~ StatiODUJ, Jewc:llel')', aDd. • IIDI~ uaortlbea& Q9DdltiOP•liable ''l!..6oe of « . I

wit.h the Lud OD whioh Jt la • ol amall waN. . ~0\VARI> PA~\J:i!i . ~wenty•ff\'e~uoJiars For. particnlan appl1 toD. J. GRE~N. ;~;'OV A.L NOTIC~ l P9llo,e Offic.e. ~;~!~ ~~mT} ~ ··~·~·-

n.rbor GI'&Of', April 23.-tf. . t r-- . •' • . ,1\fny 8,1890: : I t• ,,

The subscriber bega to iDUma~ · thoU • NO'I'ICn'r N'OTICE. ALL P.ERSO~S HAVI~G CLAlMq qaioal

the &.tate of CATHERI~E THOMEY lat. or lbrbor Graoe. deceued, ara reqa .. tad to faroieb puticolar• of aall'le furtbwitb to aitbtr of thl Doderaiaoed; aod all pereooa iodebted to the .. ld Eatate are rtqalr•d . lo mue immediate

he hu remoYed to that Central IUl4 Oom:. ~ ·• • Jill • , • modloua Hou.e lately ocoupl.d by Keure · ' · ~ ~ "J 1 • ·• l .Jillarcl Broil a: ·ao .• (,.., ot ....,__ Zoh4 ALL PERSONS having· claiml againa\ Mwua & Oo'a), w~.he ~·prepared to ao . the Eatate.of Charles Meroer1 late~f Bay commodat.., W\_tll ~ter ',cODnuiuoe.,aD4 Roberte, Planter: deeea.-ed \lre 'requested comfort, OoDlDWcial 'l'r&Yellen &Dd other to fumieb the ~tbe~ori.hwi\b, to either ot Viato1a, anA Pezmueot' and Caaual Board- the uldllrsigned Fancl all'~~on.abldebUKI era. to said estate'wnl ~1ease tnal'e 1rp1nedtnte

SaJDple Boom• on the ~ ~ payment to HENRYBEAS!NT,· or. WI,L.. . JOBN PATERSON, .11 I • ltOBBB-r' 8DIP80Jr. . LIA

~~r. Harbor Grace, llarbol :Graoe, llay. l, 189olm ,, M 8.000, ExecA~~' aayy' BoWiberR· taD, paymeo~ to

D. 'M. BKOWNlNG. PHOTOGRAPHS & riNTYPE . or, . v.. l:IA 1A ' &licilor, St. Julut',, , . · It· S · Solicitor, Sb~·Jobn's.

-, May 6, 18903i


May IS , I ' 90. -AT- --~~--------------~----~

RElYiOVALi i -- .. ,.

W. R. OKE & SONS Par~.ons' Photqgraph R9f)~s,

All kioda crl Pbotosrraplle, ·notypea, &o., can be t•k~n io good etyle aod at' low priou '

Ealaraement ol 1Piotarfl' caa ' be ileM at •• low a price aod io at !food a ltJie • 'loy im­ported work. Do Q9& Nod JOOr piolaree awa.,r t.o bt~ eolarf(ed-we oar f'i:lea 6rJt. , 1

beg to acquaint their customers and the Oatdoor Vi••• of al deeoripdoaa NOel" publid generally that they have removed prompt t. .. d careful aueotloo. · ' their place of business from 123 Duck- Loc.l V"tewa ror •le .. worth Street to · Roome direcUJ oppoalte tbe of!loe of M..n:

PRESOO'l!f ST., 001\. D~ClWORll ST. ~.:0

8~1::." Co. EDWARD PARSONS.•

the premieesformerly occupied by Mr. R. voF¥, Cabinet maker. WE S .T.RRJi-.C:lA -N'!A..D A!

.lith •'azood __ ,, __ .. _- i'ltaJI be

et iD Uii~alltde.f; in tbe

-.~c~a·c~~~~·:t~~~-~~~ ~eD~

, • t ,, ,,, , r ,

, ,,.,,. 1 .d .,.1, .J ) j . ~ Dclc~~at~ ·of 'the ~pposili6n arc for~ed to the onelu1fio,n th,u~ W c

I I , tl l'(! entitled to the ntue ltabbbn,· for the : 1

Gi~~'~:~::~·:·~~~~f~.: OOOD~ - ~m<~tW~: 'Vc carry hpht•stork'order often, and consrqueully have Goo~s fi ~Jh

O.l)d ~(JW, • C I I : • 1 ' ' I r ~{ .: • I ; r ~ \ [ "'- '; f ... .~if" ffyou,want nny of our 11CW style Flooa· ·ClotLs, you had ut:tter

h,urry up, as ·it 'is · goih~(tas~. •· ( l ·, ... L~" . > t ~ , \ !i . ' . .

• I •• , •• .• :. ll.' I :J:)AV,;t .. ~ db ~90-Aprill82 . . : u: a . • . T - . ,- / ' J . /

,, 'I -• r 84 -Comt:nercial· Street, BOSTON, Mass. . '


cqn, HE·R·L{lNG &'C~~P~IN SJ£rN;E~:· I. • --ALSO--- l . ,, I . . .. ' I

I ., - ~J:~.~~<IN'G NETS, -AT.L "E>F THE · V·ERY • BE~T QUALITY ANU . ll1AOJ~ 01!' OUR-

• II . '• SHEP A.J~,.o GOLD 1\IEDAL rfW-INE~

I I ' I

f ,. h h ' I ' . .• , I •I ' • "1 o Wulc wo are t & exo aa1ve mlnn,aolurera. ~: , • • . · . ~ '.1 I ' ' \. ., I ... '

~ , -.. J

awards· at· B~~ton, .1.869. ; . Philadelphia. . • • • • • 1 c# e& Exhibition, 1883.'

· tr, ~nd. ~it~st""Led O~ta\ogue.

j ' ! • )

1876 ; London Fish 1 JV

' DE'c. 28,2m.

• ·' I : ~ ........,.._ t \

' l

' s .. UP.. • I Alle~·. Lung Dl\ll4ml wu iotroduccd to tbo Having jtreater Caci\Hiea in their new WHERBJS J.T1 WBA.1' HAS JT1 .'c 1

Fac~ory they iJe prepared to at~d. T_ ......,.··. ~~ O,o!?r.P:1•, "t promptly to all orders. "· ~·~~ ....

'N « ~ H -~it ' public art~r iletneritft for lhe positive cure of euc:b

•" ;Q. I re..;lt-lotse •I cou "ffS~' ' t ('l di~· . bid jbuo fully t~~-thd. ' ~ ~ ~X?ile~~·bx-d

•~l \;A ', , pectorat1ooa1u oauaes I be LAlli \I I! lo throw ow 1 e Outport \Vor\neceives prompt and care- A.' KOu~ m~te4 JlacUin• for~ a

f u I atteqtion. · year. .

W R OK - ._ SONS ~ample CopfTeo Ceote. · .· ' • :. g, -. ' - Trial ba«" M•Ditoba Harci''JJetd 'Whea' free to

Wheelritrhte, .oarriap.- Out · pd. Slqh e•er)'loew eabeorlber • 't ~ ~ . ~' · Builderl. -1 Addreae..-The OOLOKIST, Whuil.pelf, a&A~'

SL. Jobo'e, &by 20-101. ~ Apl l~IJl.i.• , · , 1 t ·• • •

• • ~r' • • i• ~ • ~ I ~ ) WM ~ lJJ ~:RU&tiELt; NeWfoundland Pd,1.n:ter · ·

~l, 1! •' _ ___; ~ I ~~ '• 1 _ I ,j ~ t_t .. I ..;,. .. . ~ l Wawr Street w•t, .a~bor Graoe.

~q:'l 1, 1Ep90.• 1' r • •

~~~ kiodt or work Dtiafaotoriii.ptrformtcl;

T lYI i .... ._ 1 flli'Diabecfw .eppllcatloa. 0 . ar D,.. .. ,p.. Kaqlliritl ..... Ncl. Veoetiu Blladt Dfall1 __ , ,.1 re.paire4. M~tlued and re-paiated.

Grand'-BA.nk, Fortune J:Say. ~-...-Ma-1'-1-6'-18-90-·------~~ ' '

Latitute ...... ~'l 08' Nortb l A oproximat f' .. 156~ -'2'30" Wett. 6 • •

A. WQO<l Beacon hu betn ~ted ou tbe Breakwate~ at. tbe abo•~ pl•ce (SOO feet from end) where tbet& will eabibit.ed nia~(fy,' on and after Mar he., from eoue ~ eun~-: an 8th Order J)ioptio Fixed Wbit.e Li~M. h illomiuatea ~ borisoo to & di.ata,Doe ~ 6i milee from 8. E.· ~, 8. (aoatbf'rly) td Weet. From hi&b water \o bue of Tower .. 6 feet. From~ t.oo,ntte of Lilb~ ......... \91~ 6 iD From bi&h' to'- of Vaaw ... 28 ,..._

Tbe, ~ooD ia )~&ioted Ted ..acl w'biU: i l · ternat.e bori~tal b&ud-. Tbe li&Jlt beat• W.N'.W; J~cia t.l.e end~! tHe breik?tf.~ .

...., ~ w I A BTTR'l.fNu. ' Bo~~~'!W~ amce. ·. ~. ·~

Bt.1obo' 18"b April, '1890. .... ' ' II (\ t '

J \

llHI~ Olotaie~a,.baa bMO oaacJ witb tbe .,. .. ,. H 11&. 11100881,1D U19apeeclJ19are of oil,... tia•• UW.a from aa larPare ~,., of lb• bloocl or

frotn ldfiotloa "'l& -Nll••• aacf oarn EOREM~ HAL1'- RHEUM1 HOURVY, UOILS. PILI:S IJLCl~, CHAl'Pi!U HANDS . ad . Lll'S lNdJ!':C'f 8T .. N08, .to Ia aM 60 Jtut At all deaJ•a J6 O..t., I . .. ·~ '

t I '.~ , .. ._ t,

Bq~ bJ. W., B. THOJI,PSUH' II SON • • ,....,

tball· be allowe to ao at l.arae, or·•WWJ· Pen + '·' r • • '' · ' i "'1 ,.·· 11 ! : • •' ' r•hle)(IP or mucu1; oban~tee '''e eeerealo11• 'aodl

altJ·Dol uoetdtort.OQ.OO ., • · .~ • · · ~A 1 ;..'ng ·· ':f:'D~I:&p puriflo• tbe bloo'~; be~le t he irilated put'; a !v,.._ 1

' [1J £ RV D Q C ' \Iiiii \:J I.;.: &;,;I • 'Yn'~ ~· • alreogth to tile d1geell voJ org"oe; b~~~~~· \h3 ltWJ ' l ' f ' ' ·• ·" ' ·~· • 1'' ' "' ' to Ita rroper action. aod in:apart• atren211i 'tb' tbe

(oGDd u .Jat4e wf,~oo\ Ita' oeber'·or otber peno'D •bole lJiletn. Saeh fa. lite tmm'e'diate and 'aatlaf•clory effect thllt:! t ia w.arraoted to break, ¥P ia Gbal,e'llaereoft uialt ba•e ~ 'td lte, ~'t~ t~e moet •41atrea~1 cough' in a tew1 hour.e' time, H DOl t oo lotrJr 811\odfilg 't' 1contlllo.r 11Q a clor or pfeoe of toOc\ 'ell no~ Jhil thao"ftno oplllm io any form iod it' warrabtei! to be ptrfccL:J hannle• to ther moe&. uolrcl\te child. • t'berel poeoda' ••l•b' fDd 'Dol Ia,. 'ttiaa 18 loobee' IP. ie oo rdl tltbe¥.ffy for eq Wao~~~eatba by 'coniumplioo wbeo Allen'• Luoli Hi lum will pre.'41o,·il . leaatb, wllh the o•mfi 'of-tile 10WNr it&m~(4' 0; if onlr talteo hi 1\mo. I For'Coo~nr~pllon, "od all diaeUt'l I bat lead lo il, I!UCh Dl Cou~lta, ntg lected I IUtked •ther,o-. i 'or(tO' f>e-tffeotaallf 1DuU10~j Coldt, Hiotiohftlt, Altba, 'add all dl~Mtea of lbe Luoga. ALt.t::N'e LON0 1llAL5f.ll ia &be Grea~ otlaer,ri• uJay be atld6<bt cJeetrort'd b1. aoj rer- Mo~m ' a."'edr! 'For ··crob"p a~d Whooping , '• • ,

1 •

eoo.· Tblt''•h.,l ' oot applj' to1 Pol a ten. 84,tfen, Coda flit '• alruoat a rpecUio: It ia ao old al1\u· ALI . ~ N 'S• i • , · Spnlele or Terrien. " 1

• •r dw'rd nmeU). aod •o1d u'Oiv~rullJ' 'at ~0 ~~ote L ~t ~" ·No I ~not) tl all 'bue fn . hi•' oOeNatoa &OJ •od sl.OO pe't bot•le. Tbe '!6-eeot ~otu~. aN, I . ll .. • _1 ~

Politer or Setttir; tJJJ*n,el or Tetr~~r Dda. •itb pat ou' t~ aoa.-er the c~uetaot ~II f$>r ' a Good .ll!•• tJ N G B1A; l sAM .! t; otatfa wtttt.-n ll~'ft6cD ·a· ~i~NDawi M~•· •nd Lo•·prfoed Cb~an ··CO'ill. 1r yo~ ber e ' I.. A r. -.·'1 Irate, 'aoder a peba1£1 'oo t'' uOtedlo', t20 M , uoti•triecf tbe H~la \CD: 'CAl '.f/)r 1 a' 26:ceo~ bottle to I t&t tt. . , M6tJ a ~ ~n~d~~h·~~~~~~a~~~ ~~,~·~·~·~·~~~~·~~·~·~··~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the Owoer'a oame fo fdll tbereoo. ' • ' ' · . ....

• ,PoBce Coaatabl~a' arJ rt.«Jnlred 1&0 cany 1oul, • ' .

~;~·:e~~~~,~o~~; rF;~aJ~~~ ~r~:,~,c~,~{ 'Jh· 0., m' . p·~ js·· ~ u · n's . . 'I'. [l UE~NE'1'11 ) P. I ~ t '

.. 6 . ' ' 1 i l "-,,..y • . ' . . • • 'I ----------~~~--~----~·----~~· - Jt • • ' J

I • 1 l ,, ..... I ===· ======:::::.===~=~~··=1 =~=======:::::~==========-·VI ~ f •j • I I • 'I .. ~tru;'J

~hol.eaal.e ~ .· H • , I I • t~ t.l

. -AND- , ·, , lr , ,. I · I • .• J •.n : ~ B..e"ta1 1 • ·

NORTHERN Assurance Company.



INCOUII: A."lD FCHD8 (1887) :

Jflre ttremluma ... ........ . . ............. £607 ,000 Life Prem.iuma .. . ..................... 197,000 Intereat .... ... ........ ................. ... 148,000 Aaco.mulated Funds ....... .......... £8.~1,000

l'l.o unde rai,;tned ia OIT.powered to oiTcct in <Mlnt. noca on Ill! kinJa of Prcpo•ty in Now· 1nunJIIlnd at current lt«t.e8 of P remium.

Tho above Coropany ill well known for ita ibera lity and promptness in 11ellling 101U108.

P roepectnaes, Forms o f Applicat io n fo1 Fire anJ Lire [n8uran::c, aut! ll ll oLllcr In · furwatioo cllu lie- ~vlaiueJ " t t iJo olli<!e o t

A. 0. IIAYW.\RD, ST. J onN's,

Agrn.l (QT ll'f.w(oundland. W. 11 . THO~! PSON,

Su.h-AqtJnl for lla1·bor (/roct.

queen Insurance Company, ~APITAL.-£2,0001000 Sterling.





TWE~TY .liJ:\ lu ANNUAL RF.l'OR1. fbe R eport s anJ A ccounts lor tho yell!"

1886, preaent.ed to the Share boldo n1 "t th Annnal lieeting, o n Thursday 6th Muy 1887, abowed in the

FIRE BRANCH, That the Premiums for 188 6, afte r tleduc.

ting Re-ioaurances, amounted to £601,619 and the Louee to £363,494 ; or 68.76 per cent.

IN THE LIFE BRANCH That New Policies had been issued for

til>8,990, yielding in premium £9,916. ancl ~at the total ne tt. premium income was £82,r S74. Tbat the payments to pohcy ho ldera were £43,74:1 , and that the L ife lund wu iJacreued by £.40,003.

Tbe &Ianoe at CrPt.Jit of Profit and Loa, aAer Adding £ 23,000 to the Fire Fund, waa aown to •mount ' to £134,196 1011 4a, and wu diaf'C*'d of a11 foll~ws :-£8'7,~ t5 0 For Divided&Dnd Bonua

10,701 17' 0 Added to n ... rve Fund, nd eo.~ 8 • Carried fonrard.

THF. FUND~ Were ahd;wn thereafter to atand u follows :-Capl~•l fi.&ld up . ..... ....... , .... £180,089 .itele"• ... ... ... ... ... .. . ........ 4-40,486 Life Aceumulation Fond ... . ... . • 661,016 Aaaal~ l'oad ••• ... ... .. . ... 24,000 l'OT AL FUNDS I!ll nAND ......... £1,296,(00

JOH.N CORMACK, G41ttNl A. gent for 1V ftJ

Sua-Ann. A T nRYSDALE,

"larbor Grace


~·e Compa.n, LONDON 'tl

BSTA~D A .D., 1881

Legislative ~embly \ lo"ltiDAY'1 April IS

~lldoJ, •ad ir~ 114-41 tha& the On !rDIDe"~ wouflt' l tbe,,..alu nit bettrHD lite )tttUway Cqtn~ attooitte d•~ a&ao llft&. ..... ~ amall iniiD ohly wonlcf p,n, 11r1d th~t toeut ha.,l~n ora 10 rlalo, bo ut"Ol'lllrJ &o t-!aot the ul•J""'* •laioh the petj· and •ba& ia alju 01 ... ~ed1 Uraolua~

llooae opened at "c)'oloot. IJon Cot.ONIAL ti'CIIITAMY .by cnmma .... t .or

Uia ltxcellt~ncy. on thcr l 11blo of thr llou~c "COlt}' of taleJtrljlfoio corrf'lljloncl .. nce)incu ~l .. rch II) 1&90. rt>llllive '-> •np•A rtrhrli llA ro lnh11t.or catching: 11110, repon ol Comuumder lloltiu11ou " '' th'e aultject of.A'"oe, correota e nd tida l atreama •Ill the Cllllll of Ibis CUlnny. '

Mr. THflliPSON pr~~t'ntc-ti a pe tit ion I rom Thn11 Wlted~r anrl 01111~,. of Uiloln. nn ll•e •nlojecl o l \roAd. J>etiltOIIC!ralet f\lf1 b lhat the rOiltl "'OUIJ m1 ke a thor& cut fMm w.aer In wnt.-r. • lu•r tl hy &~~vinll much ti111e to thoae who would 11v1il the madvea of h . IJe b..lineol it to hu II Vt•ry nebtfluy ro11d, and he trn•t" t1 tla11t tb11 pctitioo .would rl'ceive favorable CllUIIilier"tinn .

l\lr Huuot:.sS b•d auuob pleuure in supponinK IIJe pl't ili(\n

Mr 1-'. MORRIS prtMnteti a Jll'lition frnm the Htw F11tht,. 0 l>unnell and Bro,.ue, :t.n•l ntloe r11. iohabi tanb of Slllmon Covtt. llarhor ~l11in . 1111

t he eultj .. ct. of • roa•l from the rail"'"' alation " ' ~I moo Cove to 1he interi•lr or the tti .. triot "I he roAti ran pArt~lltl to the r11il•ay track. ao1l peti­t illlorra at .. •t•l t hat j~ wouiJ 1(0 tluou~th llllnll. or 1he & .. at IIO•l tn\\lt •nil11ble lantt fo r cn:rivou ion in lloe rlis tdct.. H the Governroeul l(•v,. thl'm 11 11111111 11101 ro alllrt with. be h.&d 110 rlonht it wuul• l l'"" "u 1. Jt•ellt lteu,.fh. Tbot rli,lrlot, comp~ra t iv .. ly 11peakb1l. dic.l not p01111cn any o the r IIH'"", nf li v,.lil:nod for Ita iultabilanla othl'r thlln th n· t' nf foHIDiDil au&J ftphinll', and U the latter for tlol! p•at fe w ye .. r,, bnd ~en alrnoat a total f11il••rc be thnu L:hl the Gnv.-rnmet.t Wl're bnu uri to ~tiv., tho P"ople all tl:e b .. lp tbey coulcl to CArry ,., tJ.eir far rua witb IIICO\'. Jfe lrUift'd 1h011 tho pt>t ition wrould reo.lve the attention of the Jlnn~e. and 1 hat patiliooen would receive a a mall amount to make a bewioolng.

Mr. ~ oodford and Mr. lblleran b11rt ••ry m uch pluanre ie aopportlo~r tl.o prayer or tloe p~lltion.

Mr TIIO)fi'SON preanled. pt>lltion from r; n 1\' ill inma and otbere of Twrillin~tate 11nti nei11h bod.ood. on I be eut·j ·ct or Suud•y trAffic by " •" cn,ell\1 lle.uuera P.,titinnere uv ·it ia 11 tn'lltt:r of llt"cp r euret 1hat io thia. thl' lut rt,.calie of che ninPictn lh c r. tory, and i•1 11 Chrietian oolnuy uf (;r,.ll~ Hrita:o, iC abooltt be round necuury tn ctomp<l tbe oba<!nanee of auc·, an ohvion~ 11nrt ( "hrral ian rluty, ac.ri tbat aueh -diai u~in01o io" shonld be maoifuateti lo tbe removal o f thi11 Rbr 111g evil, ao e•il tLat bu met wilh the 11trnn11tet cond .. mnatlou from all rotl~loue rienom !o11t i""" : yet, lOCh belog &be fact, tb11y Of! CO more b r in\! the aut>j,.ol before your honorable Jlonee. with the ~op~ lhe1 may be aoccenrut in the pro·at'nl apphcattor:_...Anrt that tbls long et~~nclinjl reprnanh m11y be remo"ed from •mooll' them. ' l"he "Jit'li . lion ••• lat~l1 and lnftucotially 11ignert . . Nnml' del-ale thtor r on .-naoed. btling taken part Ia b~· bon mtmbt'ra on both aldta

At r ~I Cit IIA 1' he!lged len·~~ to pro~•11nt a r,.tltio n from Hicbarcl ' -'lhite. of the Lia.ththou•e Depart· ment. on lbe 'nbj .. ot of oompenaati•tn. 1111t1 In · jltlltt>r whb oorre•pondrnce with the Cultmial Sl'c~etary He aaltf that htt had mr~dt~ inq 11irit"l in•o •he aohject of thia petition. anrl fount1 tlu,t hlr \\" hite • ·u 'Jilfllirly d t .U ... ith 11nri wi lhnnL CJ u•e For tb~ lime apecifte.-t t he fall11mnrual o f t l.e ealary iu quu&ion wu diaAIIowed 11nti w11• lbttn rc>Aiorl'd lll(lln h would then bt> Appare nt to _botb aide• t h.&t an iuju uioe !.ad been done pe llllnoer.

Mr. Snu and. boo Mr Ahrria eopporled the prayer or the petiUno, ·

l 'ur,uant to notice. the hnn lttctlnr C:.-oerAI movrd that a S upply b .. Qranted lo ller t.J ,.j~·y and tha~ the Hou.e ao oo• rno h·e itatll intn oommlrtee of the whole on Rnpply.' Orlicretf accordio~tly. Tbtto the tlonae rn oiYetl itllt'lf into comruittre of the W hole on 8oprly Mr \\"hiteley took &be chair. Arter tbe J')ll~e of " fe " YOit>a. the COIJimlttte roae U~d lhe eh•i rm1111 rtported &o. Tt.e ob•irman rerortec1 th•l they barl 0011aid wred the matter to the,. referrrtf. b11rt m:~de ~omf prnurH~, aod h~tli inat ruotcd l·im to uk !Pave to air a11ain oo TnN••ay nut. O ro ler · ed llr~ t the aalt1 commht"• bau leu~ to 11h again o n "l'uPed"y nut, aod tbu it ataod flrtt on the Orrlt>r or I he n .. ,.

PnreoAnt to Order of th" Oily, t bf'l bill rntltled ·.Au Act for R,.ntlog to lle r aJ•jeary certaiu d o · 11e1 on IPoda. warea and mernhand ia., imror•e•l io to. lbla colony al d Ita depeodeoclea,' ••• read a 1lurd tiiO'",'

Ordued that tLe uld bill rln r:au f.lrdttr~>d tbat the u id 1•111 be aeot to the l.e~tiel•tiwe CN1n ci l with an addreu requeatipg tbeir coocurr~<oce t hereio.

"J htt followlnlf were ordered to btt ckferrf'cl 1 • Commillel! of the whole to oouaf,Jer '"IJOrt of ael~:ot cnmmlttte oo that J)A rt of tho rulu· """' rr lllllslione · cuhmeudel\ byt he F ielt\' tit-• t:ocn. tni18lon. "hlcb related 1'0 the lobeter c•rwi ua in· duat ry

Committeo... of, the whole op lolll r"pecttln.c Comrniaiooere of tbe Poor, and p~1111eut lo rtlier or Commluloatri' pare,.,

Seoood reaclloa of Bil[ to amend ~2 Vio.,01p 18 Tbe HoaM tbtD adJoarDed

MONilAT, April 21 The Houee opt~ at ( o'clook-Alr IJuaoU. pJ'Mtltted a petitio n from J w.

tionrr• ll•tf in •I••· . . dbn o( tbe a~. ,.., ' ~ -Mr ' l'IJOlii'S():f belfpd to ahoe hit aupport to Hou ;\TTtllll'lt.\"-G KNitR.\L-ltl rrply to ~e bon

tho vetitivn membtor, h~ ( .\ V }·• ouid uk !tim if h• b'd.A.ver ~lr. fo't:.\UN t re11eure.l a petition fro en Rt~ v J .,ho• h~"'d ur the Olllc:br~~o• etJ C4k of Jaaptll.lice~ 11• .he

t•ye. ronll olhtra of UoJOIItl lj,.y oo th.s •u~jc:ct uf pndice. lie waa uo rrrore~ lu - J•usi• ioorJ 10 a n · llrl•fCNI · · • 11wc:r the l" ut-r p&~f the hnn mt"anhera qnes .

Mr Mur:puy bej.!UI) lravo to pt(lllent a po•itiuu lion chan he "'"to infurru loilll WIIOQ thM rruuttUI fr(lnc l•:h- l~ti•Jt•IIC!ll•l .. u•l orhttrt . l'naeh <:owe. on ' erlit' woul.l termintcllt •· • the~ •nnjc:l)t of ro"•IA; frnru "I hururte Shiue~ a u1l ,\I r l\luJIISt•!'f- J"o uk hou Colonial Seorel~tr1 •llht>rll. ut I.OitY U.&y. ou tJ,., M•he au~j.,c t : frvru n la1 ~on tloe- tab!e c:opic'e of all1eodera whloh .Jvhu ltuclltt Ami udct'r" of ~l iol !lu C oYe. ou tlae hiiVo baeorrec.olvc~ hy tho G••Vt!rumt ut f?r the 1111•ne aa l•j ·ct; frr.111 I' J l •chy 1111rl o&h torll, of COIIIItrrlclinn of "r..i l•ay tn 1l11ll'a Uay. Uurt:r Uu•u oil tlte COII IDtl aul •jJct: fruno M \ ;A. lime <:b t.ONIAL SI:!CtlltTAIIY~Aetbe unlter wa.s r o:w an•l others of l'uuch t;uYu on \In: AAnou nndur .cnu&idt~rl)tlon it w11.1 uut e xpedient to lay llll•j i'Ot j frnnc ,JKmt'l iAni(OI\'Il.•t . 1111&1 OthPrl of I he tl~lireoJ iuf\IIWaliOIJ UJJOII tho l.tblo Of tbO 8.'\llttt plrouc ou auloj11ct. lu 1111kir11( ~hAl lht!ltl llnuao , , t~evural r•uu•ionl lie on tho tab1e, ho trn•te t1 thn t ' Mr ~lotust:-To ·~rok hon Colnnial Secrotar1 to the•r l"")t:r wouiJ he ll~cll'tl to. 'Jh., l'llrti..a l11y or. t~11 111hle uf llro (l}A oopy of the lllt~ll titlllt!ll h11•l lll~dtt t'XItlllliY,• CltllrlUIOt'l O( J htt opi~oiOIII o f lhu I IIW uJlintt(l of the Cr'tfll or aoil ll•lo.l~r lloe .AIIricuhur•_l Euoonrii!'CIIIIt' llt .{nt n rcal Urit ~i·~ rt!l~t l i vo to lhe claisna of •lle French but hat.! &{ft!at d cffiouhy 111 cuuv,•yllllC COIIIIh•ll' lo 111ke J.,ht~tl"ra ' '" clus cn118t of tJ,je colony. (2} to tla.)lle l• l•·:~a . IJUitCtl lhtl Deed o f thoee TUII1lf A r opy or tloe rtply or II ill Jo:"fa..Jiuncy the G oY· fo r "hirh •hey ~·otitinDI',f. . ' uruM to tt.e rh:IJ1alclc of the Secretary of l:itau,

~Jr IJ ALL.\IC&o:ti . . ~) r De~uio aud Mr Murvhy r~~r l ht: t:olotrit'll olato.:d J,nue~ry 11> h . 1890, r·e lbe 11upportt~•l the IJUIIIIoue. I' raherte\ t.;ommiuion Act. ·

~tr .\l oiCINK IJftlkOitt&l a pe tition rwrn lt~v 1\ (i linn (;CJLONL,t. ~ECIIrTAUY"-Tbe inlormatiO'l n •fitly IID..l Olberw of H IO&Yilta, on tbo an,hj10I will bt' furuieh\'rl 1111 llpl'eoily II\ poetible. ur ec.lnea luu ; frow Htl't \\' K irby arul otl.f'tll . nf P .rf'>luant t o r~uli c._. Mr . l\lorieon cnoYed an lld · K•."w'a C ove•, oo the Mille aubj ~ct; Crteui W (; ~· tfrcee to Il ia ~: , . :.·ll euoJ the (jonrnor rear eot ­l•r:••.l 11.nrl otb~,. of AIUherat Oovu, o n ' '''-' 11nrt1 fIll y rt'qn"lltiui: tna t lao wil l h0 pie •lied to loy ll~ll.ojl'Ot ; from fbomu ~~oa and of'bo•ra •. or .J,"~t!l llrcl IJvue~c .o"pietl of all dtt~patchca a nd Cove, on the •me anbJt!Ct ; frn10 \VIIha n I ur . eorr111pnn•!ence wh1cb hue puacd be tween him uer .""' ' otl..·ra nf llap.,, Aduurure on 1h.s 111me llll&l the t-..p11r i•l .H owt•mrnllol, relative to the ~nhJI'Cr j from Ju1~ph llawau lttf1 . Ol,h'!r II. Of ICCt'lll lllllt /U .( vit:tm)i, 00pie1 Of which iaue 110t (iool'lb~rt1 lalaod, ··oo &be 1awe lonhJect: ,f rom a lre11d y b.-en l11id 011 the table of tloi• Hou~e. l"redl!ric Slti an_a,ud o'herw, of Uf'"'.' .llatl, o n thd Urolt•reti th11t tbe r~alcl atlt1rrae do P"8S aod be ~me aubj .:c&. I boae, aeveral petiiiiiDI al.l lo 11J prea!'ntco l to If'• E-.:oeltuucy ltJ anob rntJmt-era of h1" hurty tapport. !'here were ochers 1n the th u llnu•o aa are .of lhe Elucuti•e t:ouooil banda of the lWv llr. PiloL. 1be l"hn · clo o f l"be ll o.nse atJjoorued uutil to morrow at· bur England ~uperiotoodent, aud oo t.louut rn11117 o"oluclt p ru . boo tnembe,. aliJiilar petltioua lie wu heartily fo ao.30rd whb the p,.yer of ptl tiaion ­ere. aud botxd lhe GoYtrnmtnt wouJJ eee tln·ir way clear to oonc.-ede tboce requttta.

Doctor U utctN prea4wted a p.sLitioo frnro J ulto Co1dy and otlaera, o f Outer Cove, on tlo" snb· j ect of road~; fro01 Mfcbael ltlsrtio ami o•h l!re o( Torba1 on the aame anbJ:tct ; fr o•n William K enne l y aud otbera of Be~te laiCI ou llltt uouu auhj uc&.

Mr t\i URI!.\f preaented a p~tltitJo from Rev. J . Cunola~bam, aLd ocben. of Uura:t>o, o u tl•e auh. juot of education : h om ltolr. L> lloroer. Mid

o11Jera. of Roao fil ,.nobe. on thos 1\m-. auhjec~ ~ froro Rev. It S tlokland, of Har~reo anti Lapoil t' , ou tbe Mtne aubj .. er; frOID J ohn Cake, aut1 othera. of Little Harbor, oo the I\ me auuj~oL; from J ohn l,e ooey, aad othe...., of lt"\wCQ, on I he ume aubj-:ol. In ultlo~r tba\ Uleee pe•idone bo reoeind, be gue hu waraa8M aupport to their pr11yer.

Mr \\- tlln preeented petltlooa froco the fol . lowlo~r. aad lioped tbat tbey 'fOold meet with the luorable ooo.tderatloo of the · n ouso; frl}on P . HofCio, aod olhere. of &y-de Vt~rtla, on the •obj.,ot o r; froiJI SIIJieoo Pike. aod otb·era, of Old Pe~rlicao, oo tbe •m• au\Jj·ol; from Charte• Moo rea, and otjaera, of Adaru ·a Coye, oo tbe aubject of a well.

iolr 1' ua• begved to preaeat tbe following pe. t•tiona : from Uu. ~ J Audrewa: aotl otbera . of Wliite Day, ou tb') au~jo:ct of etiUO"tioo; from J olon A. tiqoirea. ar1d ' "'""·of St. Harte, ou th" ••me 11ubjeot He bellt~vt-d U at boa memb.!ra would concur wltb him io aayiog lbd the Itev. , Mr. Pilot bad elblbited ao -~iYil iotereat io brio~rlotf !thia i~J~portallt aubject of ed ucation · bo~ · fore th~ UouM

"!'lie loon Su~evtvon GlHIRAL be~:ud loue t n pre•ent the r~oWIDil pethloua : From ~r K·t•n· wtty an<( otbera. of J'.,rrfa CoYt oo tbe auujecl of road/,l (rom J ohn llatcb and o rberw, of lte&•l llelld C ove. oo tbe eame eubje" ; from J 111.·pb llarrJ~r<l and otberw, or Oobre ~.t t;., • .,, ou the uu1., auujeot; from ' :aorae hudton aud otlJe • of A~~orua Con, on t~e ume aubj .. ct -'lloo ltttC&IVCR GII:N£8AJ. p roaeure.1 a , prl: ri~

from II F•t•ratrlck aod othe,., ot \\" t~•t C·•~<"· 00 th'e eubl c' or lltacu oomntunio otioa with Ceotda. Iro ~ould oh.~rra thtU a ne• ••~•uer waa about to Le p•uobued b~ P"ttit a ou tlto 1hore, auJ oue buodr«!d abare" hart b• CD ••li•er .l).

· t=d 1\11 tl!e partiea b~in~r Newfou · dl~&uu urta TIJe •teamer would p iJ alour tbe aht).To bc:~t•ton l'la· oeutla aud Uonnt~ U"T ~uoh a~ tlll11'1 by c.f!c:r · ina • medluaa of ablr.rlo~ berriul( "to Jhh f .. ~ would quicken trade at d flliUia~e di4lre... Mr Keatlo~e ll•d ahlpped two thc.~uc.l Larrcla CJf herrlog lo Uallfn IJy the etl'am,.r pi) In" b JLwrt-u llie1re,, ooua aod Ji,.:fr :a: a t d r!.ttain t"d a m:u. ~"' wbicb~ wu o •t off<red by ~1. J<Jbu"a u.,. ~Jr. geatiDI(, bart alao ~blppet1 Cru h ulman in ic11. Co IJoa_top, aQd alro fre1h halibut by IDG:al•f of the aleamer fh1rln11'. !Je tl"\\41t-d tb4t li!ce aood reaul te woald eoaue froaa th ent•rpriao of tbe petltionerl' wboae prayer dcaerred aupport.

Alr AJqrphy, boo Air Alorria, loou Flnauoilll ~~~ratery. Ate.,,. AIDrfoe, Aluoo aod Uotb w\'11 aeye tbelr •rneat aopporL to tl1e pethiotV

'J be hoa tbt SdUll reid. IJIC.,.tj(e r ro m \be . Leaf.lative Couooil acq•1Jo'lioi tbe floo'e tbat t'-' haa. ~ a Hill HJ)t op. eoU•led • A a Aol r.-ep~tD,\ tbe lite of ){tt'lao~ and o&~rr~ • ,..Ia. ~ al.teodtiaeota. (Jl wbloli tbe1 aakea Uh• ~~o.r~ooe of tbe lJoq't ' ~~!61""tndQJenta were .&Uo r jiatl a firet t~mo,

:act ·orc~irc!Jl to be rud a 1eooo 1 tja:" oo ~· .. \ " 01J, • J AfltJr IOQII cUacQtiloo tbo Jlllota' Uill .., .. r . • 1

• eeoood alme. ,"" ~- ~4, ~e ohalraa"o repo~d

thtJ ha.d o'Ooaid•JW tbt' m-*~er &o 1tbciw r'e.

f•ned and ~ Q)adeact~ne pros,..-. aott h"d aak. ed ,,..,. to eta eplo oa fl'ndaJ nq•, aud &o etaud

Andrewa and otbera; of PalltJ'a hlaad oo the aobjec\ of a road Petltlo~aen aehd lhl a aum of money be appropriate I tor, the ootletruolfon of' tble road The1 etetocf tbat P •ete .,.,,. JlX) 9»M eauploJed . who lind. a& a .,DIIde,.ble ~~~t•noe from tbe mlDet, aad the oaiJ. aoone i beJ had to tlcem !' .. aloe< the ludwi:*lt wlalcb, •• hlah tlda wu ltD~ble 'ne petltlooeri 1a~ed for the tam of .~ eo· ....,.Piialt the worlr anlfiJ. had •erJmwaerb ,...,_ .. •pPorU.• &Jte pettdoa

Mr 'J'Bo)IPII)• '*I •• .,_._,.a. nppf»Ytbtit the praJtr 'tbll ioiiii&J .,.. , ' _.,..._ a loa.. oentte, aod • Jarp ..,.. .. , of laone' waa e~ peaded ..,., , •• beJJeyed thai lhfl roaa

lrwt on Ul' order of tbe d•J, 1 l orct.,...d ~at •ld NpO,. be ~ir-.1 and tha;

•ld11o1Jalllltr .. "b'aye ,._,. to aft a11alu o" F rid•y ~ex&. aud -'Uct Arlt oa o....,.r ~· d•J~·

• "'7 •••••rr~ u4 t~•n 'lala earaea& n1m.rt IO &Ia• ......... •

.,..L ... ,...... .... • petftkte from William , ... CJo.. • •• •It~ •-..m....,;;__... ,.,....,.


OfAIO "'Coiwilal

A cream of tertar bakiog powder. Righeet of all io leueoioi' 11\repgth -U. S. Gowrnment Rt· port Attg H . 1889. Apl21 ly

'l'AKE .:A W E'l,·· DAY aod •earcu io oltl truob.- oJ ,W~ets. &c •• for Jeuera dated between 18.) 1 and 1869 ~d oo the'oi you are -uro to lind o ld Stamp, ,bleb you cao turn into m•m(y. I will pay trom 1 cent to $10 each ror Ott! ~twfonudltod and NO'fll oootiao :ltawrR uud lhlt•e11u th11 above datu. Leave oU lite P'''~ W.uu o~a 'tlu. '"""''"{it•. 1 •irt pa1 10 pn­cntc· ncoro for them bee:tto tbe postall'e. Th .. ~o are the price. for :N B\\" lt'OUNDLAN l>STA.l11'ti

1857 to 186:1 Eacb 4d 1 10 1 venuy. lake..... . ()!} 6ol 16 8 veoce. gret-a.... .. Ofl 6•1• 1 20 6 " lake or browo I ll Sd 25 2 •• 1 c a r le~t or I 'llrilllng 80

oranJCtt ... • ... .. . 60 6 ~ola, browo ..... f O 4•1 aoarlctor o raoge 7~ 6 bl1~ ...... 06 61 " " fl .OO 8 • · r~d......... OS 61<1 U tt }.1)0 6 I 02 8J " " 40 S • bloepcrlOO 26 lahillina " 10 00 12. 18 a nd :l4 c:eat,

1868, to 1876 Each t>acb .... .. ... • 06 2d lake or claret ... 16 Otller nluu per 100- l>O

Seod what otbera yon may find for pricea. A II not wanted will be returned.

H. L. JJART, B•-z 281, 48 Wind .• , r St., Hali/oz . N S .

Fisherjes_, ,_

We are folly prep&rt"ti to manofactore from tbe bee~ grade Ameri ~~~ cotton

• 0'-plin, Her ril;l,g and Cod




... % .;) w loC < ....

Golder's Patent Victoria ~nchor and Oil Buoy.


1.::;6Gftslatl·v~ nka·ljd•d li: .. , .. r • ., .. , .., ........ r ro•p hun !\1r. llarw~y. ~~e• CJ \ot u.a, b • die lutpa.tlc;a to a•lwi' all o'll'•~• IU•·I

.:__:o: ~ ~~~~\J~ ~~~ l••t1•iuu .... ~ l rt l u OUT I'" ''~ •·• ,, . .,

Fl. DOl 81100fQ11 QF 16thllD1mDU. &I!Jftvn£T ch•t~< hilt& Q r " " \' o• lu•r """~''"It hly Cl•a. 1"'.'' 1•.'~ llUI· raDQ 11 WUJmli~i&f"'liJlD tn")' '"'"" to llf ll If" (t "I" U, J 1uam1au, .. ,,

_ :0:- tiuu ·~lu:...,peCts•l o ~>r "'" ~•:tt•try """~' ~~~ •uw:'• t IJo'iD,\T, 1\Ltrl)b Dl. rf),!lot toll luI heir l lviu(f h~ tho tnle or h~l• 1!.-IH'II

, , C • I 1 · • ' " " ' f•· •l•lt·nl. '"" .. twn·tl' 11111'1 tut,e '"' tit.•)' h 1\'\l ( , /h f tlltlfl 't' l•y •l•f t')' J\" r loosti'illll'l h i,IIII''HI" fJhU'Otl WtfJ,if'o ti•uir

llo1~ J All liS .\ t>llRt.-Tbo boa. tl•o ~~~"' ilf 'llfl· r ... ,... Am i ht: cuur~u It· II it " " IJtiii110l .. r w·•··•• y lrHlD•I o•u• wod ... of c .. m yh K nutth-. o.~IJJ ·ol a 11uo.l for 1 Ito (inv~r,unt-ut' •. r tltu oolo11y .,. ith liulu ~ • t..'llj tbie bill . "·h~lc th\' trwJieraurla1lvo~to• 110 w11r11i o. :! 111111 ~llht~HI J'W YitJiu\l Cll•u11 u•.t j,,u proUOte another, lloat hon ge nt f., an thmk1 to luovt lakt-u lmu• 1h f'U"I•II' ~• 1( the M1u1h Vl'l'll'

that lioenua to Mil io•mricroti'?.' liqu •Ill 11hnult.l Ol'mot thu ru~: .. ua ' '' "'"'iu~.:.rf'~\r t 1 ·a•'• ,., j •.)'1!•1 oniJ, r'!b for fh11 J..NT8 f¥1l\ t\•" t.., ( ~lc:l'!.l h1 hy thc>•n '" ' " d,cir ft•r!lf~l h.:r!lr fv.r l!' ' ' ' '"llllllllfl. nuu.lier j llttd tlonL lhlll Ultl llatue purpuee \YUIIIrl T l>c ou rlkilllll'lll nr l ht! ~~ .... .. ly ,; li•tl( 10 tho• be arco•unliah.,,J • l)u•, h~ PI!. A ) u,ou~:ht thJ ~'tel oOh ""'Y, huvo lt~to..,fi \:i• l!y ,,fTo.:(:t•··l tlot­bon ~cUtlcn•••• ahl'ul •l watvcs ti11 11plulon lu IJ•vur h~I~ . UIM IW t-Ctl to &JIOO Iuiie t•Xfon t iu ?ur fa1·ur

• J c .. • I or l~lllperftiiCtl OICII, jtCll~rlll!" who bave l0111 \!a 'f Joo t~; ll h~tuOI'cl JotiCI! IO!IY hltV1! b ('t!ll II t:llill l•J 11•11111· c lo118 "'"''ynf tlie ,1.battcr, atH.t' .. ltll ant 4'h.C: KI!d fe w fi;o~lo.:ntHiu II JIOII •••Iocr 1 ,.,~3 of tho co,11c, 11 cl In a CHDli"""'' l.lalllc! •itb tit• in11it..liolia fvo 11 n;11nrt\lrt '" y h~vu tuAJ•Il•l IIOtucwhat l •r..:,' r t•r•• ~·· !'"'&. iull:ocJ~(.! th• t •.bli nu,J • l•o 111 thu B•a •h•w ir t h~ B u t Ac~ wt'r \! nu' u: (1,~9" · ' It Shmll .. ,. • . W 'IJ • " '"' lue ala. e. aut.l who Cllll Ill'\)' 111110 II IT·o~ eo IIC uf <l!lr I l ll•lt:rt uu.J i mport · aff,IIQ to ~~~.a h o 'OIIiounlly, alaonl•1 b~ d 6pri·d·l c18 " '"' nru 'hou'~e•J,- ,~yin!! olnli .•1 upon ,.,,. tbert!of. l~mper~toi'O . workera '-'o uot. waut LO .i:90rla •lwy ino •,o rt ; hu• "" ' '"'"" ' ' ' il •Vtl • q ·•i'c eucroa~1 upou the dghll or euch a VC"''" · louL po~·iltl t~ •o ot•cck "tr110i·; rlml , .. ,r,.lrly ,;u, n•,·a lhl:'y do ou'lku ' it a11, b11rd 111 pouillht C1•r "ll"'""' tbctr ru~rticu l"r iu tM.:.;td ,.r\,. i' "' il l IJu bio\1 to' J(e~ tlltl j(fll~ Tbat 'ct·· .. c.r j:~r801111 will u1Jc .. a8&ry fo r vc li·m~-. cum11 t!: in ti)' Oll r hArb H8

u~t be tujurt'rl b? t ltu enachneo& of eucb a law~· an·l ~"Y" '? •akt~ out 11cc ul!t:ll fur 1thu J•U ·ch•&••

tbte, w.f1110 thOAe • 'A' bo arcs (ht~ real enft't>re re "''II or b.ut. n ru1ur cool II e atll•chott to 11noh li•'•'"'~"" be beoeftttcd b.Y ;e, Ito q~i• e ' a•lmi•tetf tl111t1 obliwio;;: JOtlld ow••ora or ahipnt!rt 1o rt>rn Iii• o ·· oor peopld are DCJL 101 r ' jfiuo to driuk tl••'n bou .t Llol'ir v,•P!t!IB "!Jill.' inr•llr wat t•r:t 1111 I c.,,. . UJot~ol ,othor cuuutri~ ... pnb'aJMliOt 10 much"" pelling lhi$111 to entt'r iu o 1111 unrl,.•t.kiuc: 10 lniOJ, bu~ ho b11d uo, hui•ati•m io •yiu£: that acll . o r aii .J >~~ C.l Ld s.,I.J , uuy hq l ll r<~ ur 0 p,,., I he IIUOU'?t ~f p~·~~ly a~t.l Po.lffuting pNd_IIQ!•tl bJ' C•lnlrHb.'tull. nrlitllt'• nt ~~~ 1) ~ i ~~~ of h ovinu their I'ICt:fltve d1111~111~ I U tlll~ 0.' 1\lllt.YJ 11'U II,Ulltc:h: ul YI:Mill ll C•ll•h~tctl rur YIUII\ II lHI II( lhi'IIU C•llltli. to liiHkt: ~~~0 h"lr ,l f :\0~ 00 I~D>J I t.~,ad.• l rOhl\~11)' til)nll, li d would r~rVLilf IIIIJ' lll)tt II 111\'1\~ ll rl) o f

the ~hert~·bl\! not et!l'n , 11 I·~ (.,tr. '}) hQ•IIIOtHJ, tlutt kiud whtoh "'oultl compel b'\11 pnrct ...... ,~ !110!1 ~611110.! three Or (Onr ~b l h11~1 I day 'fleD•I· uudur "UCIJ II U e ltti CIIl•l f't' llftl ty, l •J C••llll•'y ll'ir l, iul( it all io tbo liqrtor troroa lbtl be. whH·Metl a11y rt~11 u 1 '\rion eo imvoscoi . • lie ~ml•lnot at 1111 •h ... e tbioR• duuhtleaa he•wnnlff>tj •io -iuo rh .111e ~tg~ee w11 h hun ~lc Nu .. ,ot~ ll•a llhe t'ITt!Ct ,r t\\•r· wbo aeek for a Ia• w prevl'nf i,. The hun tho miuil)ll folt- i~tn l'rt ' tQ C•JLno jr•to our hut•orA Sberi~ dot:recatca wbat be h' {Dll tbe ~ <Jf fo rt e wont.J '"' '~ '"" r t'lul t 9f c••nv .. rl i~oc 1h11 whulu nr In Jtro.wollo~ temperance lie (Mr.~) di.J uot '""' cn11at tiuo. from t: ~v.: l 'ino to (.;,1po lt .. v. inC•• lhlok. II nq·med a ny compulaiqta a~ all to "PJ•Iy a a .,:i: ill:! atrO~ · •hop. T lu!;e ie 1)0 auch u uo::l' t ihe IJ!OVil lnlla or IUCh a Jaw II tbie. beOIUW, 11.1 to be "l!l'rttlo&lldd• l, 11uiJ "ltln1111:h 1l"l hou L!<l llll t: .

lie ui·l before, I larce numbor or tbote • ho are man b-.. aca hia opiui'ooa upon' Hiil allor.tlHI kth)W ~riokinll nwn wr u!d gl~trlly \'Ole fc,?r local option. ledge or that Q!lUl. he (Clip~· (; ) t hOUJ:h t thl\1 10 ord••r to I ove lhPrner lv .. a frqro temptation tbe people thl'rOJ Wtrc I'll 1ooer. Ol\lt-rly oud •·e ' l Tlte bnu the' ff nt.luoita thu foeel option ltaa :~ooduoted oa tho"e iu ""Y o~her p~~tt <•I th1< I' · tlouo ~:ocd in 10111~ p11c.-1 ·• here i' bu been in lood ; aod their i n ht~ro:ll abatr11ol ti.:h t to •nak11 oper1lion, tlteu, it b.•• pro•ed 1\ heot-flt " livi•tg out 'or L11it fi •ht:M is tll ~oud u to.: ri ~ ht where lh~ pnnCIJIIO !'!'A ounet..l b1 a t•o·tblrd of a ny othera to el\ro thti r sup!JOrt IJy th" 11al., or maj •rity. It ahculcl al to do equd gooil H cArrierS cod, 11lmon. berrio~r . or 11ny other H•h t.hnl c 1111u by a maj:lrit y \'Ote, end in luat•view ohj•·ol ion •o upon tho abl)ret ul !lsi• lela nd J l e h n:•,.,J, tho bill • ouid be lncontie•ent, and h .. ocu J.i• tl•"refore, that wbilethe Goverom, nt aro> le"v ... !! ar2uuoeot S!;aio~t tbe me~of;Uto ie not aour.d, them free to ull l.ait , tlseJ · will , at tho nn•e \\'oro tho female• pt>rmitted to Yule in 11dclitloo time pruvitle m~cl.inory to (Hef\lut 11l ictl t rnllic to t ile temperance UltD. an•l the large propor- unde r eoverc venalti<lAI lion of d rioiere who •ouiJ enpport i~. litHe The llou•u tbeo adj••uror d uu til \\' eJ oea!.lo1y would be "rry 11\tle trouble io carryh~ prohibi . out tiou io N o Nfouodlaud by an ow~rwbelm in~ ma. jority. (J ~ did D,OL eee tbo_pec.ueltJ of going fnrtber Into tbo aL prt'MJlt, trust i1 fl that. aa ~on mambera . apptOYO of a n•"J'>dty vo:e, wt.lcb hn11 aolt~d '0 admirably in all other q •101· lioae afft'c&ing the peopl11'1 welfare; thtoy will oot withhold tb~r taoatlou io tho aue aft' clod

WED~E.SD \Y. Apoil 2. The lloo•e met at hatr -put four o'cluok, l\ud

ehortly aherw11tda attj 1uroed oat il '.1 ~e11d •y. April ~lb.

(Til~ contin t1ed)

by lhe blll berora lhe Hooee. 1 motion tbat the bill be read a teeood time Tb~, echr Mo.1ifl:J, <.:apt <iil lam ~~rrlvecl in (l ')rl

wu th~o put aod loat. 1 ,. • Sunday. tbe firet arri n l from W•atcrn N P w. CmlttRU -llooorablu Meaare ,Aaael, Sket- foaodlaod title eprin~ T he Mu.lf.ll:J broullllt in

ton and MpnrCte. • , 160 1ule 11nd reporce lho arriv11l1 to datil u rol ­• NoR Cohltnll -Hooorabltl M,..,. lhue1, lowe : Scbr. Maggie A . C111H Oicka, 700: Sphio.;r; Talbot, ClearJ. McL,ughlio and Fox.. . ffickaon. SiO: Anttit (} F."s lm11o 411 ; Sy'ph.

Uoo. A. liAnvn-'la reply to tbe boo Alr. l'enay, 70: IJ'illie ll, ~l"cLclll. 200 ; Candid. Monroe, aa nprda tho tiil.tlolion or tbe Govera-- Ua.ll 16; O~an /kite. H onroorl, !20. ~evwll meo&, witb referaDct ro· tbt tB(Ofte!Dtot or the of tho 6oile& are etlll oot aod be tor r cealte oro Sai&. Act, tald &.he aotwer be bad to 1f1Ye waa aaticlp._t.ed for later arriul11. oCIIflL Gillam re­~ot. 10 -~aclQrJ ~ bo, ~Ur . • ll) bad hoped it ·porla the aeal6aher1 to dato tbe W'OreL for mlll•Y

. WOrde,. for t.he huoya to be bad ol Jo•• Cowould b.'" been Pe~~og l~e, ~ip&. of tl'to yeT~~ codR11he"' on lhe Western Shore hu been

M d I A d d l M 6 c fY.rb G mmbelooer wbo ie now tnqumoa loto tho ef- ' J

e a S • War e • on F o,W Goror'anc•E· R, . ;:' . ~ ~ ftc' ot tb• working of the. '-9'' (wbtob re~ort atao a to'ar rai toro. • • J """'"'Dr", oanoot be fnmllhed before the eacl:or Ult edllOD, T he IC~r Gtorot IVilJiaiTU, Capt J IIOkel)n, nr '

let-Tbe , VLCTO-.Iti'A'ANCBQR" ie 1101 bl:l lA.ll o~ of_A . A.. T. Co. 8. 8 Jli>tiG • • -'the •rllMt) 1he Go"-rnme~~~ llitend to atria. tiyed from tbo Atlll Hshdry on Sand:ly, brloging !all ada tod for any puUcular, bohoery eta.. a~~~ oftM 'Gold Jlt., u4 ~tootly. eofoTee ~e. preYtn tii\J) 0~01~ylcia bah to 1., lSO aula Uufortanately th& eohonoer .-as

Opecf .. ,...' 1• fprom the (}~at &uf~n~ (o tho uo .... 1

Di~ for aoirlel. tst 1M Pi~. Sl Pllrfe. Bo' 1\bey propON ro lf&Dt lfoen• • j~med i.D tbe ice for a loo~t lime And loat the • .... ·~ &\ib ti.Oil tc 1888 llb t I ..... ll t r &a best of tbo fl•llery. Tbe reauh, al thou~eh II OL "

~ ~~-!!~~~'!pettt':d:.'a;'~~~!:':~!:t;' ph:: ~o:~ ~O'IJPR•s J(MI0H1

lA. UA.'I'llNT. OIL' BI'IJf 'dun C::d1

1~: .. f~:.u:o 0/:~;:;:::: tba~:~; euoone to tho ~orth · Sytlncy fl ~ct. yet h11 ~r i vt'n t.' Yi r - II D . "I r 11 n IJ loto our p~rll tq purch-'88 bfth: wbicb eDOOl!lb ,cooouragement to m•k!! lbe fell" ' o wn . eSard~H cannot be "o•~d by cablee oYer It or ,&-;~ A 'Gol4 K.c1al a~ .~ Buoeloal will aleo ban to. aabml.' J to .,otber regula- ert aasiunt to lrJ it aaain oou tpriog.- Norlh

, b 1~ wo J' ,..- •-'-'blt.i 1888 tiona tbat may be put \n force,~ but whlcb have SgdRtf Uerald. t~eep. 1 ° · t d .. · -.....u OD, • ot Jet beeo ddeided upon 1

--'tb-h ltOJDI io oao- ourtb the room on OC& Aod now need bJ t.he luae tltet of alllaa, fa.- n · • ~ or raU, 011\y projeo~iog about a foot froui tho eigo and bankinfl 'Veaelt out of ~ port. n HoD "· MONRO& thanked the boa eeotlematl - Br A UTIIOntT\'- llii l!:xoell l!ocy I be G ove r ­....... aide wbeo ttowtd. hu gheo &•nerala"-f.aoUo.a, tMtimonlala oom• for tbe rzply tu bil eoq:tlry. bll& cualt.l ua oro nor in t:ooooll Ioiii been pleased to appoint J oho

Mb-h eao be 1•' 10 St«t a•d Fltth fro~ ~be log Ia daily. blm tba~ n w~ o" at. all ~i.eraotory to blo.1 Wilcox, Eeq J P. and ~leure Patrick Drophr. rail by I'D ..... of .a •( ambler. No cod:-~nq, ~ ' ......--- (Ur M.) DOt dtd he wlfnt u ... ~t would el•ll w 1 A. Gr"eo, G c Jerrell, I:J E Ohaf~ Moece biu.bra cw wo• oo bGw aeoeaaary. T"VSTIVQNIALS aatWactioo to uy: oae in thla bo'¥' or to tho Uar~leu, Moau ni)L~rta. Caleb C larko, P11 t riok

&&b-It .oat» potJlbly fon\ &he (o,..·foot or ~ ~ , • 1 • ~aqh7 a~ l¥&6. Ha" tbt)' ~eo told tb 1t It Power, Jamc~c 'l'•rahao J .P. and Job Harvey, to riek•*.e bow wblla&o below eecartd. · Thefollowiar tHUmo~alt are from ~ap•. IUw,, waa aot propoeod to t».rr1 out Ule, pro•ielou. of be a Uoar•l of Hoau Commlulonera r,,, lirh:ua;

p 7tla-U it euler ~cot aadfo~ aad ,,,.,. tLau lf!fS, o(.the baoklar aobooatr Bp,., ._4 Oapt tbe Ban Ao~. h •ould be far mqre •~ptable Meure ./.1m~• · ~luort, Richard Nowell. J ~,•o ~ a cbor Hooeo•. or abe IIOboooer &lbul. botb of Baii- I forn•attoo tbaa the tlatemeo' of t.lao loteotloo Richard• w J T t• ompa.>n , UllurQe f'ur rJ, .John

aoi.a.-~b~ l'lok~ oaa·be lttm Otd and Npl4~d bor Graoe ·- • .cf. the of "' the Oonrbmeot to permit t !.o SiUton Jtioharrla O,ort.te BuCier. F.•lor11rd Skaiue11, Ia . few :mlaa&ee. Spirt P'lokee caD~ aappll~d. Baa -1 bau ~ the V1otorla on 8aoJ Freocb to t)Ome Ia np_oo our OO&ft, O~talu baiL and P • trlck r.hhnn .. y to be " llnartl of Road wbitla ie of great tJdHillog., ~by uodiDfl acuuUor tl.e,peat ~n wblle,.e~ap~ed Ia U..k Fl•· ud earry oo tbelr llliot' aod de·rtloralllJOI: tralftc Commialiouen for Uartoeed aod Nortb River ; f ... err. and, durlol the Tfl9 b•I'J a&orpaa I.,OOOD• whb oar ~ople. h tble th&jlqa/41of the oploloaa ~leterl G POtfle Aoc:rfl W'I IUehard Morg-n. W il · 0 iib ·.l'lala A obor ap to liTe kuadred weigb~ tored, bue fouo.d l& to l»e all &hat le ctealred ud we bave be"6ia•the bou aooth!taao deliwer fro10 liam lieury R ioharde. W illiam fjn,.ey. l\Luca

.,; ao ~~by aD)' twdiiiiGJ'r black- what Ia etalmed for ll-wbetbtr , laJiaa to Ot UIUe to time. witb •uob ueru ud foroe. lo tbia Alot2'0· to be a Ooard or Road Com~niaeioorra :~ •. n.:::.. &be eotaiHII aaobor lt totallv wu.- rtlnolar, ia.bMYJ ... i or ridlor a& aoobor Oil tM chamber. io (uor of a• law' to problbitabaolatoly for Port-de Grave i l\Jeura J obo How~ioR. n•ul '" .... oooe Q6kea. Baolrt-:-there la per "' •fel wbllt roa :Ute all eupply of batt to .u. i\ellC~~ and io de· . Jo~bn Kelley. to ' bo ··~ ·litiy~·· member~ or th.: ~~.. -.. aa__._ f •ds ., VlO'fORU. AN· the Oll AaoJ doe&. l woaJ aot•aow be a .. : auaofatfoa of ·uo!a~ful t~:~ca tlae . ~It &ramo Hoard of Oommfialo~~r~ ,for CoJey=s .Poin t ; AVUI -a.ue- 0

• Oil& 1&. at aor. eon. roo aaooot eetlmate - aanled loltJ train? No.• that tbe bon. rooUe- Metlrl JI'Aall Stronjl J •• ltn tlow:lrd, 10 be mOtO· CHOR:'._! •-~ ON·Mj'1(

1:S~ i th•:,.~J: •ril\1 bJ &be uae of tbe <Jll DaN"i:. •w 8

mao (wbo ... fo the CaNtlma 'Gautlc, be bee a be•• ol Road hoard for No 7 Di•iaion, D u trict of or &lae -mon auauor,.. oe D a M') ~r&fU~ . QA J[IJl • t.ermecl.tlte falbu of lberiWtl\ec)'teaalriA.:a'anwl ·u.,.. do-VIIrde Old Perliuatn to Olloiel't ('oye) i oa.a be tllrowo OYer~~'~ aod lt •'" be ~-) ca .. ber of JM Go,e•ameour ah• ootooj! ud Ia Metatt )fark Fruball (Ganef• C..:ove,) Frederick fo~ ,.- • aftllable. No aocbor of the daJ II I ban ued the PaUll& Oil Bqo:r &bit...,.. OD Ia a poeidoa to aiM to J,fe oh.u~ LeClroie, (Broad Con).· to be m~mbe,. of Road "' .... 1..,._, e./eiiiiP. l tbe &au aad caa &lltlf:r to Ita uefclll*l, aod .riewa. b4 .... to bau ohao~ hla bale.. aod lt Hof rd for No ~. llitlaiou. Uietrict of ll\1,-de·

B.B.-Tbe1!0TQIUA ~lfCI !>R lethe oolJ woolcl-ao&. au. to be wftioatlt, '!' koi&ID •Ted earDrilecl blaa (Mr, M).erOHdioaiJ" ~ fttad llm Verde, (Adam'• Co•e lo Spo t. Cou) 1 M~.,. u~of tM tf'J J:~ '~~~~ my , ... 1 whlta& rldlnaat aoehor. rfal8l ~. ble 'pt.O. btre t,bie 'e9eail01 aDd ~_.ior Miobaef l.leery and Abraham Collloa. to be mom-1ol4&ej,_.reoaa .,_., --r--- 1 • .. • ! ROB&RT ~B. t!te aaooaaeeUteot th~HLo FrellQia ~ac1 lla,.rlf hel'lt of the R~c\ houtl lor H~olarct'• !Jey i I• *•........, ' 1

...... -· to ~MM~te l•to'N6wfoao'd~illa -and obtilo all the Ml'urt Jaoob Hiscoe\, J oho Parrett:( of Pator), .

71~~~~~~~~§§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~Q~~~tb~r~~-h~·~~lf~~M~~~~aud ~~ tiiU lila lute .. t'•hm.O. art.,. all bh p~t1on' Ur...-e, to be a Hoard of BoW Oomml•lonere prol..toee pel 1hol.,...,.. o,n, ..,,..•omto&. for ~111_ Co•e. 'frioltJ Uar; .. ..,. JamH Jet­

' a~. &o delead llae. I:M* ... -. 1olcl • llop, (~ \\' Ar111) ~ WID TJio ... Nob:e, bk GO~aeo' ba•• cak• tW. fMI*-tt (Nipper'a Harbor), :o be. •cldi:6odal mtmbe,. of Se. r. 1f"/.., aSn.t~ ,.a!!J! fit• lb'tlod•• &o.rd of Bdueetfoa for Nippert

.._ ..ul · of the l:Jar* 1 Mr l'...d..rtok Maf\h to be a Sa"eJor 'eolaett~ .we11 . or !Amber~ -Otntt'' · " I ' I

·==-~ .. ~~:MI~I I~

A "II Wl')r l: ill Lho d lfTCrUJ!J brnn.:boa or t.lae trade

'••u,•l y t~Xotllllhhl wilh dt.-,~~oh. • ..J. l> •tt•·''" w,H k will rocuiv6 careru1 and promp&

.. t , ..... .,,., .

' ''"'' - I wl) door11 weet 1'f'le,:trllpb (:)l!lce ••

. I ~u Water St.1 Harbor Grnc~, · Prioea modorl\t.o ~tisfact.ion gllAranteecl,

Hair-Dressing· Room) W atl!l' St rct:t, Hm·boryracc.

Evory nt.1.e .1 lion given to customers. t 1

ttl" . t.U d .our to l.:tc rary loetitute. • P AUI .. HIGOINS, ProprietOr

,J ~ A. \V l1lrl, ~l.A·S, C ll3 to u 1 T-ailoring.

\Vlll ~ltfll'an tcc 1-'lt, \Vo rkrnnn sWp and Styto. 01..-c tUI a cnll. ,

Out.port. Orde rs receive prompt ~t.ten.tion

Cv••ltl' l'icl01·Ur. a11.d Wuler Strew. IJ ll R BO l-t G H.A CE.


GE:O. \VEBBER~ ::r::>ru~giet,

Water St., H arbor Grace. p, o,.c ri 1lt.i lln>~ ' c~tmfnlly compounded.

STEWART r~UNN & Co., Shipping and Commission

Merchants. 22 St. J ohn Straet, Montreal.

'3(ll> .. d •ll attoo l ion gi ,·en to the sale of FU.h and .lt'uth Oiltf.

Allif>, to t he uuying and shipping or Flour ' aml Pl'ovisions 11 11d t:enera l Pt·odnoo, ~ Clll,le Ad.lress-)luon, Montreal. ·


WATER STBEET WE3r.: HaRBOR GRACE Venetian Blintla re:\ovnt e:i nnd re.fltted. Eatlma.c.ea for nll or work !u.rn.iabed

on. application.

Atlantic Hotel, St. John's, l:'Hld.

This modern nnd well b uilt Ea~nbliahmont ia now.opeoed under e:1tir e

NEW· MANAGEME~T · A~D - DIRECTION. Ita ,i t llltioo cornm'lnl1o! ti.l(! vi w• or the Hllr­

bor, tbl' N:urowa. &c 1 Rntl 11 '"~ •n clo.~oo viclnic1 to a ll l'ubllc nod prominen t lluil · l io~· ror bnai­oeu parposea Fine comfo rrnllle, nod well-ap­pointed rooms, sinJtlo or cu sniro

Ladiu' j)rt\'ltle P"rlor; llilliArd, Re:tdin:: and Smoltiog Hot'ma; I b t nn.l <..:u:ct UothA. Cou­veoieocea on each 11 or : ~lovator,&o. all ei"K"Dt· ly ruru~hed, t!to ruu~bly vouli lu ted llllrl beated tbrou~,thout. Ever~· 11ttontion and c:: \'ili:y will ho~ pnid .>

Guutt. a ud 1 ravell~ rs in !(I.IOurlll, • ho ar11 Cl)r. diaiJy inVHed 10 ' f\vor wh b thl'ir ~'ltrO'II\,:0

T be T MiiJ wilt uu tuuud vtJry mod.:ro.te h:n·lol:l been re-arrnnJ(od.

J 0 IJ N \\' Il l r I Y. .1/tma!Jtr . [ale l'ur~tr in ,'Ilia'' R•I:Jrzl Jlail ~crl'ir:e


Monlreal Family Herald~- WtJeld!l Star recel\'od at the S1' AN I) A IW O llice. 'l.

BaYe postage, oommtsalon 11ud trou'bte by aencUng yoo.r Bubeoriptlona throo.rh \hie 1

oflloe · • lh?" Bubaoriptiona 'Tecel ved

-L · .. -~ ifi-- L-,· .i.. •hote'Wan~ •• U&~WD'•-'"* r ffllt'ft~fit .... t; t~•\llal $\aul,t~tb•~i:Af,-fo.tne ~il..-a• p ~· t~•-• 'f~~an-v La G~J• t•mlJ clue • "*' f»lnna• Of.lirp faf·J~•:.._ ..... ~.Mit·tJieau,.. eJ to 1Je'llllarntMl '; ,..,., &be~ 1iia wdu.ia -uo-· anpt•lb or oo.J, Ud 011 U.iat etde Uf""' A~ Chwa ma7aooa be10 ldaa • le&W.uf OD &be iDhlr-

r.oNCilft"FJON BA¥ ,-tnrrmtT~P.n. l•olio,l\ hu beea -Gf \IMirJn'l .. ~llllt,Jaaocon•l ....._.._,_..a.arp- ..Ung ~"''; 1~• .,.._ ......., wUI lab ................ _ .. ,_..... ...... -.-.....-.. ................. - . -------~ in the bnildin1 ap Of lbe ... atio a~rO.J.erh.j er may _,.., p. ...,._ from the place ira W•can~ A-.bef. b ~ .,.. --

fRIO.\ Y. MAY 'n, IH90 of thn United ts&a&ee. Nov• Scol-i•',. OOA1 ~of tlaw olcl Bri~ 00foo7, and ~he in· uecmon 1.he tollowtq will h~•4t an ln&ereM e•· -TK.ura: -JI..,.J..a. .. V6eben.ct . ar-• 4Wf! - .................. _.._ ........ ....................... ......., .................. ....-.~-...... hal ~n the baaokboM uf her exiateuOttJ au i tern• I det .. opaaea' o1 &be '-& ponion qt ita pec!i&lly (Of the lad7 ,....., : nl&. of o .. ~. MoiMa.d. will llooep• oar

l Veni. ·lnteleStl·ng Document. even little D..- l.taod, which . ~itlt- inttttioa be no, tanh• n&arcted hJ jm,nadt'ut Ln·•·· Al•l 16.-1& Ia Mid a , .... b for,.. &osok a-J"'•· n..e •• fooDd ·~ one. "'would be a Yfllt7 Pro"ano.S, 0 ,me trea.Dilou- OC &hei)JMCI) reah1uion beeo anuaed W.Mb Nr. ll•'1 M. ti&IAit~·l•la&erllll .. u "-'· ..

La"da •.• ,.r. ·- '"-•ue oue of'\he O~"'f .~... .. , .... of r 11 • • oL _.. ' L ....I •• L oL I d • aod .u. JJMO&hJ Teuuaat .lao Ia ,...... -....--COal in Newfoundland. "'*-'• h111 ltttelJ I'Ntt inu~d a verf in~r.

• ~ dncum~n~-~· the Report of Pro~trt'88 "C11 ... Oeologiel\1 8111' \ 'f'J of Newfo•aricllt~nd 4ilrinR &.he •uon of 1889, t.y J •n•M P. How ~ lef, F.O.S." Our Jl181ttht. int.tlnlion i• toe~·· ~ from it. a tPw in l'flfarenee to &lle Ollrboniferou• erA& in We"LPru Nttwfound Jand. "Tl•erf' caua l..e lm' litllu d >uht." .-..ya

·&he i\~po•t, "th .. ~ Mt one Jofllrioo a v111t oo~al leld, OC\liiJIYina u • ., lower Gulf or s~. Law.

.renee, .. xtend·.O in 11n nnbrokton •heet. from tbe •hote. of N1Hv Brunswick, Nova &oti.a, od Breton t~ Newfouudhtnd.'1

'1'he tirat. thing which reecivoo attention waa (the Report lttlla us) the Howl~y Sellm, on R•1binaon'a River. "Al.our. 130 ft!et of the coal ... m wu thoronahly unoo\·ared anti oxpoaed 11lona the elope of the bill." It. wu foond 'to v"'Y in thicknea from 2! feet. lo Sl ft>et. "The 0031 ftJl(lOilrl tfl lJe of ~tn ex~ celleot qnAli~y thronJthout. It. it of a oloae toxtnrc, dulllJI•clc color, broaking into ~~quaro ur nlJloua blookl, ~and oomparatively free from t•yritoe.

Another ~m waa •H~~eoverecl upon &•ibut.ary brook, about 2t miles to the eaat. ward ot the other. "Tht quality of tla~ coal is of eoperior excellenC('. It hu a brilliant black color, i• entirely free from pyritee or other impttrititt~, and nearly appro:lche~~ an· thracite in h11rdneu, being, however, more It ignites r'llpidly, gin~• ofT but. little I$Ulllke, and lJurn11 wi'h a bright, clea r ft ,tme. Wbett thown inlo a glowing fire it at. fi1'8L Jecrt-pidatea alight I v ; but this ce~t&e& upon iqs burstina= into fltme. J hue raruly a<en a clearer or more lJeautiful looking co~tl, and though lhe eeam i11 of Ruch emftlt dimen aion" whore uncovered, l believe were it lo maintain iLa tl~ickneu of one f(l()t six iuchos aud ita auperticilll area p r O\'.) extenaiv~. i~ auperior quality wouiJ rflnder it of economic importance." "A conaidcrllbl!' am~>unt of cosLeantng Will accomplished along this brook botb above end below tho aforeaai•l ~m . . . Tue indications are such aa to warrant the application of a t.oring ·rod to determine the ch11r110ter of the undcrlyinll deposita.''

Tlle party then rctu1oPu to Robinaon'd Rifor, and thence portuged aoro111 to the Middle B••·l\chois, where the moRt complet.A ~~eetiona of tl1e coat btlaring rock11 on Lho 1,. land 0\:CIIr; a long and close investigation of thie important locality was entere:i upon, with very promising reault.a.'' The J ukoa Seam and Lhe Clear1 Seam were 6ral unoovered on the righ~ bank of the river. Tbree meliii!He· m~nl8 weae mado of t~ latter ~team wbioh revealed the fact that coal, hard 11nd good, wu tli.covered-being one foot len ioo~e. 11nd two feet. one inch in thickoeaa, reepeolively. In the J ukea Searu, on the tint mea'lurement, coal, good, bright and clean, waa fo11nd one foot. t-ight in~hea and two fee~ six inohea in tbidmeu ; on the second measurement two ft'et eight inchPa aotl thret~ feet rcspecthely ." 'It ..,ill beaecn from the above rueaaurementa that mean averaqe tbickoeu of the J ukea Seam reaches aix feet four incbea, carrying foor fee~ ai.x inehea of coal. Tlte close proxi· mity of the Cleary 8ea.1.1 above, and another, named the One an<J-1\ b~tlf Foot Seam, below, all of wbicb migb~ be worked conjointly, t.o getber .,itb the chnaoter or coal, which ia of " ver1 auperior quality, should render tbie • mOlt valuable deposit. The COlli in the Cleary t:e.m oloeely retemblea, iu external appearance, thac. of Sydney mines, C&Lpe Bre ton. hie bright, tolerably bard, at1d brealca into tqG'\re and oblong blooke, with •mooth,

·gloeey oleav'lae f11~ which occaaionall1 e:r hibit thin t~C&let of iron pyrit.ea. It ia a bituminona caking ~I, bnrna woll in an open p&e,-&Jld lea"N a DeArly white aeh; Tbat. of Lbe Jalrea Seam ia entirel1 d18'eren~ an-t nnlike a•ytbioa. 10 ftlr •• I am awar-e. in Lbe Cape B~k)n ~1 field. 11 pre.enta a bril­liant gli.ateaing blaolr appearanoe, llreake iJUo email fragment.l, aod ia nry brit~le, rftem· bliag in Lbll r_,aoL aomo of ~be \V elah coals. Parta of bed exhibi' a amoot.h alioken· llldN ~tfaoe. · .Althou11a i' oootaina, appar· a&lJ, ver1 Uule P1ri&ea. 1•& i& ia much atain· eel, or rather &.roiehecJ, wt.a odde oll..OO, pr..aijaa • IDOl& ._beaatifal irilecl oolora&&oa, Jeltlllbllot. and alaaoe& ri•alliq, ~. of Ooocl Bope erubeiQhe in brilllaoot. I~ buru fnllr 1a u.. opiD at .. , ciria1 fltl ba' uw. llllOtt, lea•• a •Wie 4lah ...Woe. Tlaoatll It doll liCK olot tbe bul-ota .....Sa,...,k·

aWr ''" a ol-'aa" 181? ... tbe of .... oW ...... . w ...... ~~~:.-.......... ~ liiMeoal Etf.l¥a..

., ..., ~ .. ....... o a • "' ""'1 - &~retell owen .... Wl8 .oa u.. Uo aud •dOh ad.ylrW. )Jill Teea•nt u, .. io -hOM Tft& n.•u.-u .. \Yedoncta, lMt the lha n~anulaoc.utiog iodu.try ot a Dominiuu. hope~. Shall &}aejbe dilat•~mc:ed' lUobmood ·rermr.. Whitehall. l:iba11adallMb- labooa• I'Mr. U.p&.' J •. "Wbelata NTind at ·ro como Q•l'er boDMt Rre"Wn J.lMnd i".r J ' ter of the laloe Cbaal• 'l'eutaaat aoa baa beoome PI-aU. rroe ••• Kaa,~~a , .t&ia 100 quiotara or Aelf baa "n •J.M ot oaly t,S76 equ"ae mil~ At their Old Tricks Again ! well lloowo tllroaala ber.olettr PiolDNt lo tbe a.aa for tbrM daJ•' ll.hiu1 wi&b '"'" deriu. wi\h a pol'ufaLioo la 1888 of 84,1500 or • • • · ._ffewr aod other plleriea. 'fbe aaarrlqo, *lH • ·' · to ' • o•er to . &.he aqu"re milo, A nUKoua was curren1 to town laa' probabl1 take plao. .. riJ iu JtaH. -Darmc &he (".t weet nor Jocal ... ~oooen while N"wfuuo~land wilb h• 8"'*" arN of evening (Cot the corrktoesa or which llrt bue 11eut1 all arrt,,(f rrom the ioe ftallia. bot •e 42,000 tquare mil- aho'ffa oolJ • prounrtion do not von"b' ·- "he effect t.ha~ the THa Amerio..o pfftl, •• obtern, are iaooh uoeediaclr ft~J(fe& to ... , whb , .. ,., poor &ripe,

.._, ,..- - '1• "" • ~taud our tbe eoforott.Deua epr..a Yul&ee the lt(abee& on &h lite IM>io~t t'oe'L4ilf Bl41Uifurd. of funr iodiYtduaiL" stearoer .Fiona, enJaged. in the Newfound· eobooue,. of tbe ••• re~ral .. lou lo oooaeodoa baiUIII( for J iU ... l".-7 .,w;~tgok Str•.

THE V.&IRD FISIIRRY QUE3TlON AGAIN. ---=-Berora tha British~ or commons, em· .

Ta& Britiab mttil, per aA. BUAMI A!Jft111ft,

"'"" Jeoeivtd t.ere 7etlercJa1• We are iuJeltt eJ to onr London ooraeaatandetlt., -O.A.., f.,,. "'""~1 lata Jl&l*ra, all ooru•iolog t001At11iug of iuterett in ~·rd to 'he YU.ed ti11hery qntHLion which bu been for 100\ft time I'""L •git.llting the puhlio mind olthia ooiODJ. We ah"ll apvend a few o£ tbe more iowue.lina itews tor the benefic. of our re.dera:

\V e &&re tolll ftrsL b7 Lbe L'lndon ~ndcvd Lba~ in the Uou• of Coa:ruon11, nllt long ain~. "8tr 0. C•m1•bHI,in raieiug the que.tion of thu Newfoundland tia.her1 die(MW, deeired lO im pr&~a upon HM M .. juaty'• 0 JveromAnt ti•P deei,..lJility OJ enfo•'CinJ ne nw> /u. t1LwWU t.rrived IH wi&.ta Franoe for t.lae time beinK, whut.ber th& J•~ple in t.Jee Colony liked it ur not., uud t.luat .uear\1 ltboul.l lJe ~kt>n to aet.lltt the mutter u early as poa~~illle by maana ol ae·lJit.ratiun (hea!'• bear) '!'he question l~oul lJecome a •e• y burning onP, 11ntl ~tny ra11h Mot might. precip1tate tbi• country and .F'-t•tmce in · to Wdr.''

Sir J Fergu1110D 11aid that while' the tTWlitU viv;,rdi !.ad futoit.ed • •trong leeling of oltjqo tion on pltt of N11wfouool•ncJ, i·. h•d lJeen equally condemned in the french Ch .. m hor. lt WU noC. the ft&C~ th11t tho Dt iti"h Government h"d been averae from KrLitr'llllu:.a. '!'he fre!ing-t of the peopl11 of NewfonntliMn•l ought t.o bu carefully cou~idercd, hut we m• 1t. fullil our oblig.tiona nntlllr tbe Tr;):&lJ, lln,l it Will tery dattrtllJie thllt. 8\'ery 1r0and ( ,,r

qu 'rrul ~et.•eeo '" o grfllt~ n•tiona abould be • voi•ll'd,- 'l'ht~re were at.nuo pointa w b:oh coulrl not he referretl LO arbit• atilln u reg.ard eu national riahc.; bot there were auh•ith•ry poinLI wbioh Uer Alttjeat.y'• OovernmPn• would nolo bo athereo lo rererriog t.o ar\Jitra tion. No at.oue hMd been left. anturuAtl ain~' the preaen~ Oo•arr.unent · olme into office w b1 ing Kho•1t an amieahlo ~t~Ltlement. uf the l~>ng l>endiasr difJ' .. ren0811, anrl i' w .. a sreft~ satisfaction t.o them to feel that anythinsr like • colliaWn had been uoirled(hear, h~r)!

Mr W. EeJwoatJ Wrll bot eatia8ed with ~ohe grounJa on wbloh Her M •J.,..~J't Ont"etn• ment had acted in Lbie ml\ttllr t.owarda New­fonndland. H" orged t:•e Oovernmenc. tt) bring abont a ae~rle•uent.· o( q•1"ti~ by form111ly inviting del8fllltet from NAwfoood­l~tnd Lo meet. lhem in o.m(erenoe. l'

Sir J. Fe•gueaon taiJ thaL ~he Oovernment had formally and repetttedi.J fnv[•e-.l the 'Pre: mier of Newfonndl•nd Lo cwue over to &.la\Jt ooantry and diacou 1ho, b••' he }~ad been unable to do so, owing t.o the eJect.ioDt He, however, bo(*l to be •ble t.o viti' Eng l•n•l dnr ing the Spr;oK, and if he bron~let •ny deiPgtltea witb him, ller M •jeety's 011vttm· mont would bo var1 glll.ti Lo eee the~.

We learn further from the Lond·m Cana. di11n Go.:uU4 M ... D~Liale in the Hnn..,. of Cll.nmons asked Lbe Under·&c•·eta•1 of Sta~ for F11teian Ad'11ira- ·

•• Wbetber. cooefderloar the faot tb•t tile lew otftoera Of tbe (;rowo hatll prODOUIIO••d &b l OlriU· ioo tha\, neither br the hwalr of U ' l'fObl, oor br any o~ter treatr•oor b1 pretceiptlob,~e t~ Freo &Of. ril(b' to lrtOt lob.ter f .. ctorl 00 u ... ebore r Nt!wfuaodlaod ~ ud whetber. olDaldlllr• ina the lobe 'lltDdtU tti~~e~1di lately. n~bll ,ecJ uo• reoo.:ollea tL.e "letuce of •ooli f.otorlee, J~ar Ahj.etr'• UofC!fDDito& 1rill. talle loto O•lualtera.­tloo tba nupfhlloo •biola bu beaD publiocy n· preued '' lodlpadoo meetloa- U.roa.c~ou' tbe 1tlaud of Nerrfooadlaod to proteM ~aiua' tbe ooarH tba• ~ .. beta adopted.''

Bir J. FerautiOo, io ~1.:1 Lo Mr, De Liele, .. id Lhe ~~~~ ftNJtt.U DOW eti&W~ed itt re.. l.At.ioo t.o tu olaba 01 &lie Brenob G JYerumeQt t.o ereot lobater fae&orlea oa &he aboree of 1'4 e•· foondland, did aot adwb aaob r-Jcb,, but wu ena ... a, ··~· prej!ldi .. &o ..... olaim• or oonteo&lou of f'i&JMr Oo•enUIIt!llt, Hw M"· j111t1'• OoY1111..-a woal• .. .,. t~ tuiiN& OODUdera&ioa • &DJ np,_&aUoat. M& (o.

oo~a wlala tlae ''*'7 obU..lfooe of ~·W' OOUD&.rJ' aH .t tM ... ,., wiloh ...... N aaade • '* 1."0111 CNi tt.e ...... .....,.~ ........... ~,..~ bear·tro. &U OOioDW ....... ""*' propoe. ... dellred &o a&b.

land Bait Protection Serv,ic:e, had chaaed with tbe Ualt Act. (irN& iadi•oatloo Ia do,.... ---=--- J •

a schooner in~o St. Pierre~ thnt \fhil~ ed o•er tbeaelaaN of tbe.eobouoor R·•pid -The '?odr of ~Ira, Vred Finlay afri•ed here there a jractJA had occurred between th& a' liarbor Hrl&oo. Tbe eap. Aoo Atl«riUu- Ju& enolna .bJ tbe S.~ AliraHda. h wu coo . captain and th& commander ot a French publwbu the fotlowlo!l :- nred to lla• raii••J a\alion tala -.aia,, aod mao·of-war who had come on boar<P the • "'' &Dothw •••foailcll&ud Oawap"' aent fo~ antermeot tt) Hrlgna, •bere th. frleede of BriUah ship. and was interfering in some "A Ja.te upatob from ijc, Pierre, Mlqoeloo, '''e deoeaaed li,., t;be wu tbad•oab&~~rof .Jobo unwarrantAble manner. Be that as it to the New York HeralJ: a&aloel tbac tbe robr Wiloox. Etq .• maatalrate of Uriaaa.-Htrald· may, there.OAn be no dooht but that the Rupi/ TroH,il of Lhla pon bad bMo bouded at F.-ench have lat'tly bfen at their old Fur1aoe Uar. Newfoaodland. bf Capt AlcUratb

. '· l A 1 ·- Cb 1 d tch or the CU I Ittr FWI(G who thru&eDtd Capt trao"ll aga 0 • a.., anne espa \\'bite of th" • .,b•l•mer witb three ~noatba' lm· s~tea thnt anoUler Frenoh outrnge oo Ute oriaonroenc Ia tlu! j •il at Harbor Hrltoo ant! Ule way to the eo-called French Shore bo.s oouftacatJo" of bia car~to of frouo b•rte~r or Lbe been oommllted. A daring Frenoh cap- ah~:rnathe of •hrowlua i' oY.rboard whb "'• •X· taln named BlschelJ, or the ach'oonet o.tptloo or elahtJ barreiL-'fbe aohoooer .. u.d J(aril, whUe.oomina into ~ort.-au·Baaque froru thle port Jao. itt audca a realater. fot For· rtcently ~rrled away a poor old man's tu•lf Bar, N. ~ •• to prooare a oarao of aattbtr­net A1 the ocoorrence wu witneaaed by •ln~t. abe h~Yioa al~adr a:iade ooe trip from tbere m '\lly, the O'lfDer went on board to seek • the pr .. eo' tt!uoo. takioa Iter C)Up to tsoaloo.

Oo bi• arrinl •' FortllDe Day, h• wu board~ reo lmpenee and 'W&~ nearly cnrsed oat br Cuatom• Ull\cer MulliDitl, wbo oo euiDlnlt~& of existence. Toen the mngiatrate wlis bh pa.,e,. and ftodl ... , lb.-a eorreol, eotered aad appealed . to. He promptly issued a · o'earad tt.o aol.oooar C.OMt~iM. a~d denaoded •mmmone, wh!ch was served on Bisohell, •he Joty oD the •It, ........ a~ White paid . • He .but be did not ap~r. an(( j ud~ment fpr 'heo autborUo-d Capt Wl:al•• to lOad, \Vbhe'a default ·• w&s iuu~ agAinst hun aod a b.,od 011 pNtloua trlp'"bt1o~r radated bJ Col· Wl\tranl for hie 4pprehension iuued. lector CllotoD for tbat porooee. Af er t.,.bt yeeeel

h •u- nea T oa eCf ·whh 'berrlD'i lawfoliJ pnr· The consb))'e promptiJ. boJLrded t e OhlleJ, Capt av~u. wal ,.. IJlmOOed,..Qta board venel with a warrant wbtle schooner W:tS •he retea\ie ~mer, wbio be wa.i ' gluo' 81) under way, but so far Bisch ell is gone •oiuutee to decide wltether &o ~to to j •II at Hsrb.>r with summons, warrant nnd constabhr. 13riton for tbree moothL aod to hate bla carao Th~ Magistrate telegraphed facts to the cooli&e&te&J, or to relaiD 80 llarrela of &erriog, tbe Com maodor M ilte Indre aqd also the ~o- I)Uaotity ~lowed . ftahloJ~ ..... 11, aod P~r • veroment. The former replied, enymg li .:o:nee ree. Capt. \Vbhe refuaed to do althar, th Ue ld b · ted bot beio11 coai(MUed to decide, acoepted the

e mn r wpu e anveut_ga · l..tler cJf>tion, wbereopon Cape. Mc(iratb of the Outrage No 2: A BonavtRta. despatch Fiona aeot crew. aod threw oterboard from

o( the 17th lnst states that RvlLll'a bank! the llupid Trauu the oario of 1100 barrel• or ing schooner AdM~, with no fish!. ar- btirriDJ, allowiDI oot1 th_e el.rbLJ 'barrel• &ore­rived there banks the preVlous m:1io oo board &be •chooner. Cap' Wblte pro­dtly. f::Sbe • presented a pitiable app~ar- ~., ... J a11aiua\ tbe arllitary aotJon aed told the ance, havina lost. ' her bowsprit.. jibboom .Japtalo of the rnooae ateawea t~at be did thla and cut-w~r. In faett ~very~hing for· .,a bieowo reapoo~lbllitr, ud to nold aoloa &o wtml of the bollard had ~n cnrried ~ri•oo paitf " fee of e1 per barrel, tlle lloeoee de· away. The disaster oocurr'Jt , by_ eolli- •oau.le.J of ftabloa niMia loteoae u c:,omeot

••• oauatd arooor Ule Amerieau captaloe at sion with a French bankel'. he French- fo'ortuoe H•J oD aoooaol ot arbhrarJ ralioa men barbarously treated ~be erew of the ~.f tue captaio of the at.aaMr aDd tbe d .. truo&ioo .Ac:Wanet. Instead or rendering, or even· of prl.ate propertr iuoJ,Iol aerioua lou and offering to render, as~~istance, the French- d•m•ae to th" owne,.• men flung at tho Ne.wfoundlanders iton' l'he'AJlllrl:.aer Ia nrJan(ry o"er tbe o.bote or belaying·piQS .and every~hing elee CAP.a "'it ter•a.• it ' the lateat Fl)rtuoe !Say ootra~ee'

ble of bein& used by th•m as a miesile. It.~[~~ aotioo of Lobe CQt.ler JitmG woold aeem to T~e Frenoti· were very anxious t.o ueer- 11!lpl tba& tbe N._ewfouDdeaod peroment ia de­tam the name .of a,ao'a veesel, but un<- terml•i<t to decide that all United Htata ftabiDI ~er .the ~peratiog olrcum8tancet and,,: uaaela ::.or atlruc Glouoeeter nuela-oomlo~r an v1ew of the brutal conduct of the for· ieto . Ita water~ eb:all be eluted u ftallermeo e 'gners,·this information waa iudlgnanUY, e04 ·be mad0'11ameaab1e. to' w~terer part1 rod(used •. • ·· : .. . , ' , ' . r&~euiotloua t~e1 ,'f'af. .eo fta ' t.c(,1pu~. aod

~ Another r.~po.rt ia current ~and ia muf ~.-ow• la:terp~•&atlon bf doeu~te laaa-ally' belfeved), yjz, ~hat some New lei tiJ\!Jle Uuited S..tu. aod tha tilDe woulcl'"m 1 d 6 h ' · ' h dt b • d i S , '9 l!oe, . .,~ell fol\ oar p~atoaaeot to ... " a" . a, etliQO~· a t ear neta own a• .t. · i~ ~~~ni•I ~· maiotaJo itt naLte with oo uu·. G~rge a Bay, thM a F.renoh wat'-&blp jcfertalo" '..t

ordered tberq to them up which "-Gre.' iodl~arioq' t. eqr~ so~ the th.ey cftetinctly refaied to do. ~l'he up- ln'attl&,\',r• ~8d 1 PJWient· ~eo;eral!j Ho11 r :nt to sho~ wd ('as Saturday's Herald states) •llii' •oauoal'J actloa ol tbe oa~Ua u ,ooart that H. U. 6. Bmual4, whioh was not to ~aid ·tile• lt'io,.a. Jt-.le tltt atmoi••uoanlmbiia l~au St. Jobn's unlil the lOth. of June, ,op1oloo t~al tbe ao•e~m..s\, 011 oo~derlor received orde-tQ atart on Monday morn- •he lfaota:• will tate lamec!lat~ atapa to hue

,... vt'bmpt. redr .. &Uade •• • • ing. She Ja QQund to St. GeorgA'a Bay, , • · • . 1 • 1

where we linderatnnd some t.rouhle boa .! arisen wllb·French. 'J he French·nd~ 1 By Telegraph. · roiral is up tbere and baa, it. is said, "' -o-count.eoance.d some encroachments in re- li ..._J,tFAX. May 24.-~e Boar4 of Trade speot w our. lobster factori'"fl1, whiotl fnot £ St, JoJ,ln. New Brunawick1 strongly en-hAs oaueea some friction. ' This ia o~ly th~ i:lor88S the demands of Newfoundland. begin~ing of what may be a 1erions wat· The- commission of enquiry appointed ter, byvtEngland and the Um$ed States, will

Yesterday'• Q:Jlonltt oontaiped the Col- spend this eeuon investigating the sea'i· lo~~. It ,¥ya: " 'fbe report in town unting bu8ineas;io Alaak:a. thi& forenoon, to the effeottbJLttbe ale.! mer A" labor riot at Polsen, Austria, was 1\ona had . been captqred and brought su~P'ressed by the troops; there werelix·

into St. Pierre for followio$ a F~eoch t1eeTnt. keilnleo~. i-ra' lit.'. bill p ·-·-.2 ~be Unl~-d eobooner inside the Ulree mile Jimit is 11 ... \OD u .laMI\l • w unt•oe, as Car u can be · u States of Representatives by • a

, II J. • j JroDJ ~he &Co~oina It Is evi- o•rJCt ,PArty vote. ·

dent 'b•t $be lieqob aN no i AtKT 26 ...... A· Ruaalan_:_~~ baa co~-deaire ~ ·u, •. IO.oeably with ~itted !Uici<~e at Wl~t-.<{14 ~ fo~andl&nden. NiJ'", the .,art J'eVetae ie Ttte ~t·~ecJw·~ fC l'c&G~ aGel tht.. cuL- So be l&f ·The IOOD!!Ir .~bey are t<f!~.qlaqy,..k_hl, ~u.sila w111 .remahi GtU• oleared oai, .,_,. a~d •bafta~ tlie b~ter ra~ lor all eonoemld.~ftJr, Great , Brltal~ u

'u he~ oldea, moe' padl1~ neateoted

-There· ara alneiJ three paaeeo.lera booked to ~ro br tbe 8~1106 tlfMI"• In tbe llMI'SR8, aod tbe uftloe of l>b•• & CO. ia bealtatd all day b1 arplioauta for p&Malfot, bo•. tbeir damaDd ooold oot be aoc.ded to, aa thtre •• oo moN room oo bo•rd Uouble ·tbe oumbtr would be o• II the ehlp had aooommodat!Qo~/ltrald. ·

- ·Dario~r tbe pat' week tweoty.fttt boran •ere told bJ M .. ra J. '& \V Pi&ta, aoce or tbem werupleadldanlmale,!ettltlo~r•• blabulour buodNd dolla,. Tbe & aolmal of Uaa lot, it ia aald, ••• parobued b1 a., g, F. Walab, or U1i4ua, aod •o' oter 10 tbai towo b,r traJa tbie cnol'blulf. Tl•• dtahe for 1ood e&<.ok le l.ocreu-lni -C:olonllt. r ...

!'P ... ,

- \V. ( 1/trnld) are torr a lad to laaro that •tr. Nellaeo bauacored tbe e,., loatah»tWf..JP&trD· 1151 ood11ah. wltb whlo liewlll oommeoce tbe prooeaa of artHlolal batcbtoa ~. D~ 'fboy •til be kept lo taoh 1111 the l~'t'ii11J ripe.

·Jo • abort time tbeee will be DO troulMe Ia JlettloJ •D,abaodaot aoppiJ ot apawoara, au~ tbe batohlo~e of- cod will be lo foil blu&. Lobater batcbioa, oo • larae IOAie, will be oar.ted ob io th., ••me batcberr. --- Wacouo -·~ late Sl LawreDce deepatch atatea that a Wtt'Ck wu diacoterNl at Lawo P~lut oo 'J'uea '•1 week. lt haa eiueo beeo fouod to be tblt of tbe brig Louis, from Graotillo, Fraoce bouod '<l St l'hsrre All the crew 11re aoppoaed to be loat. l'iec• or the 9ellel'• boata wera foGDd ia &be con ueu the wreok. Her mut. beada are Juat o"ur· water aud oloee to the clil!. Notl.lo'a hu baeD uud u yer.. Carao uotoowD. The hatobu an~ all oo, but tbe cablo door la opeo. S.lwe of &be olotbing belonafna tu ooe of tbe orew bad beeo foood tied wltb • n~ao'• bel~ to &be top of Ute meet, tbe ,. .. el •laklor too au•J. deoly for tbem to laoocb aod man tx.• . No bediM but Jet been eeoc

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