Page 1: System Configuration Reference Manual

Subscriber Data Management

Release 9.2

System Configuration Reference Manual910-6845-001 Revision A

September 2013

Copyright 2013 Tekelec. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.Legal Information can be accessed from the Main Menu of the optical disc or on the

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Page 2: System Configuration Reference Manual

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction...............................................................................23About this document...........................................................................................................................24Scope and audience..............................................................................................................................24Document organization.......................................................................................................................24Related publications............................................................................................................................25Customer Care Center.........................................................................................................................26Emergency Response...........................................................................................................................28Locate Product Documentation on the Customer Support Site....................................................28

Chapter 2: User Interfaces..........................................................................30Command Line Interface....................................................................................................................31

CLI Navigation.........................................................................................................................32CLI commands..........................................................................................................................33Operations.................................................................................................................................35Command History...................................................................................................................35Auto-Complete Functionality.................................................................................................36Attributes...................................................................................................................................36Command help options...........................................................................................................36

Web Craft Interface (WebCI)..............................................................................................................37WebCI navigation....................................................................................................................38Window display overview......................................................................................................48Shelf View..................................................................................................................................50Operations Available...............................................................................................................51Sorting Alarms..........................................................................................................................56Auto Refresh.............................................................................................................................56

User Security Management.................................................................................................................57User Security Management through WebCI........................................................................57User Security Management through CLI..............................................................................58

Notification Security Management....................................................................................................67Notification Security Management through WebCI...........................................................67Notification Security Management through CLI.................................................................68

Chapter 3: Home Location Register (HLR).............................................75

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HLR configuration...............................................................................................................................76HLR configuration...................................................................................................................76Roaming Message....................................................................................................................90Enhanced control of SCCP routing configuration (phase 1)..............................................91

Forward-to-number (FTN) rule provisioning for FTN digits analysis........................................93FTN Special Numbers..............................................................................................................93FTN Translation Rules.............................................................................................................94FTN Exception Rules...............................................................................................................95FTN Management Rules..........................................................................................................96Allowed Forward to Number.................................................................................................97Restricted forward_to_number..............................................................................................98

HLR identities, HPLMN definitions, and IMSI ranges configuration.........................................99HLR Number Configuration..................................................................................................99Home PLMN...........................................................................................................................101Node Address.........................................................................................................................102Home PLMN Country...........................................................................................................103Country Node.........................................................................................................................104Intra PLMN IMSI Range.......................................................................................................105

CAMEL configuration.......................................................................................................................107HLR Camel Configuration....................................................................................................107Camel GSM Service Control Functionality........................................................................108Camel USSD General Subscription Information...............................................................110HLR Enhanced CAMEL Handling......................................................................................111CAMEL Service Mask Template..........................................................................................111

HLR System Features........................................................................................................................113Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN)...............................................................................113HLR Subscriber Count...........................................................................................................114HLR USSD Routing Table.....................................................................................................115

Authentication Center Provisioning................................................................................................116A4/K4 Transport Encryption Algorithm...........................................................................116Algorithm................................................................................................................................118

Roaming Controls..............................................................................................................................119HLR OCPLMN Configuration.............................................................................................120Operator-Controlled (OC) PLMN........................................................................................121VLR Number...........................................................................................................................122Service Screening Template Definitions.............................................................................124CSI Suppress...........................................................................................................................126BAOC BSG Override..............................................................................................................127Supplementary Service..........................................................................................................128Bearer Service..........................................................................................................................130Tele Service..............................................................................................................................133

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ODB Service............................................................................................................................136OCPLMN Template Definitions..........................................................................................138OCPLMN Data.......................................................................................................................139Allowed IMSI..........................................................................................................................140

VLR/SGSN nodes calculation affected by Roaming Control changes......................................141OCPLMN Node Number......................................................................................................142VLR/SGSN Nodes Operations............................................................................................143

MAP Policing configuration.............................................................................................................146Application Context (AC) Template...................................................................................146ACTemplate Definition.........................................................................................................148AC Template Mapping..........................................................................................................152Node Number.........................................................................................................................153Node Number AC Mapping.................................................................................................154NodeNumberSubset..............................................................................................................157MAP Policing Operations.....................................................................................................158

GSM Bearer Capabilities configuration..........................................................................................160GSM Bearer Capabilities.......................................................................................................160Bearer Cap Name...................................................................................................................171

Flexible MT-SMS Rerouting Configuration....................................................................................172Destination Router.................................................................................................................172MT-SMS Routing Template..................................................................................................175Routing Exception..................................................................................................................177

Routing Controls................................................................................................................................179Destination Router.................................................................................................................179Routing Template...................................................................................................................182Routing Exception..................................................................................................................185IMSI for Redirect Routing.....................................................................................................186

Roaming Welcome Notification configuration..............................................................................187Roaming Message Exception CC.........................................................................................187Roaming Message Exception CC-NDC...............................................................................188Roaming Message NDC Extraction Rule............................................................................190RoamingMsgNDCList...........................................................................................................192

MAP SRI Interworking with SIP Subscribers configuration.......................................................193HLR SIP Subscriber Info........................................................................................................193

Subscriber Signaling Router (SSR) configuration..........................................................................195Subscriber Signaling Router (SSR).......................................................................................195SSR Per Sub Data....................................................................................................................198SSRPerIMSIRangeData..........................................................................................................199SSR Per MSISDN Range Data...............................................................................................200

PDN Context Template configuration............................................................................................201PDN Context Template Configuration...............................................................................201

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HLR Proxy configuration..................................................................................................................205LTE-HSS IMSI Range Configuration...................................................................................205

Dialogue Reinitiation.........................................................................................................................207SetConfigToDB()....................................................................................................................208GetConfigFromDB()...............................................................................................................209GetConfigFromMemory().....................................................................................................209GetHashSize().........................................................................................................................209GetWaitingDlgs()...................................................................................................................210CleanupWaitingDlgs()...........................................................................................................210

HLR Operations..................................................................................................................................210CancelGprsLoc().....................................................................................................................210CancelLoc()..............................................................................................................................211Restart()....................................................................................................................................211Uos().........................................................................................................................................211Uis()..........................................................................................................................................211SendMapReset()......................................................................................................................211ManageNodeNumberSubset().............................................................................................212VlrRecoveryModeEnable()...................................................................................................213VlrRecoveryModeDisable()..................................................................................................215VlrRecoveryModeGet().........................................................................................................215RefreshLocalSSR()..................................................................................................................216DisplaySSRVolatileData().....................................................................................................216UpdateTimeStamp()..............................................................................................................216ActivateFeature()....................................................................................................................216DeactivateFeature()................................................................................................................219

Chapter 4: Signaling System 7 (SS7)......................................................222SS7 configuration................................................................................................................................223

SS7 Configuration..................................................................................................................223Mobile Application Part (MAP) configuration..............................................................................225

Mobile Application Part (MAP)...........................................................................................225GSM MAP Application Context...........................................................................................226GSM MAP General Configuration......................................................................................228GSM MAP Service Access Point (SAP)...............................................................................229GSM MAP Service Access Point Operations......................................................................231GSM MAP Timers..................................................................................................................232GSM MAP Timer Attributes.................................................................................................233GSM MAP Timers Operation...............................................................................................234

Message Transfer Part 2 configuration...........................................................................................234MTP2........................................................................................................................................234

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MTP2 Operation.....................................................................................................................235MPT2 Service Access Point (SAP)........................................................................................236MTP2 SAP Operations...........................................................................................................238MTP2 Timers...........................................................................................................................238MTP2 Timer Attributes.........................................................................................................240MTP2 Timer Profile Operation.............................................................................................241

Signaling ATM Adaption Layer (SAAL) configuration...............................................................242SAAL........................................................................................................................................242SAAL Operations...................................................................................................................243SAAL Service Access Point (SAP)........................................................................................243SAAL SAP Operations...........................................................................................................245

Message Transfer Part 3 configuration...........................................................................................246MTP3........................................................................................................................................246MTP3 Operations...................................................................................................................247Combined Link Set.................................................................................................................251Combined Link Set Operations............................................................................................252Link...........................................................................................................................................253Link Operations......................................................................................................................257Link Set....................................................................................................................................259Link Set Operation.................................................................................................................260MTP3 General Configuration...............................................................................................261MTP3 Network Service Access Point (NSAP)...................................................................262MTP3 Timers...........................................................................................................................264MTP3 Timer Attributes.........................................................................................................269MTP3 Timer Profile Operation.............................................................................................275Route........................................................................................................................................275Signaling Point........................................................................................................................277

TCP/UDP Convergence Layer (TUCL) configuration.................................................................281TCP/UDP Convergence Layer (TUCL)..............................................................................281TUCL Operations...................................................................................................................282TUCL Service Access Point (TSAP).....................................................................................282

MTP3 User Adaption Layer (M3UA) configuration.....................................................................284MTP3-User Adaptation Layer (M3UA)..............................................................................285M3UA Timers.........................................................................................................................286M3UA Operations..................................................................................................................290Network Service Access Point (NSAP)...............................................................................291SCT Service Access Point (SCTSAP)....................................................................................292Local Addresses......................................................................................................................294Provider...................................................................................................................................295SCTSAP Operations...............................................................................................................296Remote Addresses..................................................................................................................296

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Network...................................................................................................................................298Peer Server (PS)......................................................................................................................299Peer Signaling Process (PSP)................................................................................................301PSP State..................................................................................................................................304PSP Operations.......................................................................................................................305Route........................................................................................................................................309

Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) configuration...........................................................310SCCP.........................................................................................................................................310SCCP Operations....................................................................................................................311Concerned Area......................................................................................................................312Concerned Area Operations.................................................................................................314Global Title Entry...................................................................................................................315SCCP Address.........................................................................................................................320SCCP General Configuration................................................................................................323SCCP Network Service Access Point (NSAP)....................................................................324SCCP NSAP Operations........................................................................................................326SCCP Route.............................................................................................................................327SCCP Route Operations........................................................................................................329SCCP Timer Profile................................................................................................................330SCCP Timer Attributes..........................................................................................................333SCCP Timer Profile Operation.............................................................................................335SCCP User Service Access Point (USAP)............................................................................336SCCP User Service Access Point Operations.....................................................................337

Transaction Capability Application Part Layer (TCAP) configuration.....................................338TCAP........................................................................................................................................338TCAP SAP Operations...........................................................................................................338TCAP Timer Profile...............................................................................................................339TCAP Timer Attributes.........................................................................................................340TCAP Timer Profile Operation............................................................................................342

Chapter 5: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).........................................343SIP Server Configuration..................................................................................................................344

SIP Server Configuration......................................................................................................345SIP Server IP Configuration..................................................................................................348Domain....................................................................................................................................349Address of Record (AoR) Domain.......................................................................................351SIP Server TLS Configuration..............................................................................................352SIP TAS GT..............................................................................................................................353

SIP Security Configuration...............................................................................................................356SIP Security.............................................................................................................................356

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SIP Registrar Configuration..............................................................................................................358Registrar Configuration.........................................................................................................358Registration Binding..............................................................................................................360

SIP Redirect Server Configuration...................................................................................................365Redirect Configuration..........................................................................................................365

SIP User Agent Configuration..........................................................................................................369SIP User Agent Configuration..............................................................................................369SIP UA Register Configuration............................................................................................371SIP UA Persistent Contact.....................................................................................................373UA Registration Binding.......................................................................................................375

SIP Operations....................................................................................................................................376EnableSipModuleTraceLevel().............................................................................................377EnableSipStackTraceLevel().................................................................................................377DisableSipModuleTraceLevel()............................................................................................378DisableSipStackTraceLevel...................................................................................................378DisplaySipTraceLevel().........................................................................................................379DisableSipServerStack()........................................................................................................380EnableSipServerStack()..........................................................................................................380LoadPEMFiles()......................................................................................................................380DisplayCertificate()................................................................................................................381

Chapter 6: Home Subscriber Server (HSS)...........................................382HSS Configuration.............................................................................................................................383

HSS Configuration.................................................................................................................383HSS Configuration TCP ListenAddress..............................................................................385HSS Configuration SCTP Listen Address...........................................................................386HSS Configuration Destination Realm...............................................................................387HSS Configuration Destination Hosts................................................................................388

HSS Authentication Center (AuC)...................................................................................................389HSS Authentication Schema.................................................................................................389HSS Authentication Algorithm............................................................................................390

IMS-HSS Subscriber Profiles.............................................................................................................392HSS Charging Information...................................................................................................392HSS SCSCF Server..................................................................................................................393HSS Authorized Visited Networks......................................................................................395HSS AS Permission List.........................................................................................................396

Shared Initial Filter Criteria..............................................................................................................398Shared Initial Filter Criteria..................................................................................................398HSS Shared Service PointTrigger.........................................................................................400

HSS Operations..................................................................................................................................404

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Chapter 7: Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting(AAA)........................................................................................................409

AAA Menu..........................................................................................................................................410AAA System Configuration..............................................................................................................410

AAA Configuration Window...............................................................................................410AAA Configuration...............................................................................................................411AAA System Accounting Servers........................................................................................413AAA Network Access Servers.............................................................................................414AAA NAS Accounting Servers............................................................................................417AAA System Authentication Servers..................................................................................418AAA NAS Authentication Servers......................................................................................419

Provisioning Configuration..............................................................................................................421

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AAA Provisioning Configuration Window.......................................................................421AAA Address Allocation Policy..........................................................................................422AAA Address Allocation Ranges........................................................................................425AAA Address Allocation Association................................................................................426AAA APN Configuration.....................................................................................................428

AAA Operations.................................................................................................................................429GetNumberOfAccountingReqRcvd()..................................................................................429GetNumberOfAccountingReqSent()...................................................................................429GetNumberOfAccountingRespRcvd()................................................................................429GetNumberOfAccountingRespSent().................................................................................430GetNumberOfAccountingRespReturned()........................................................................430GetNumberOfAccessRequest()............................................................................................430GetNumberOfAccessAccept()..............................................................................................430GetNumberOfAccessReject()................................................................................................430GetNumberOfRadiusDisconnect()......................................................................................430GetNumberOfRadiusDisconnectAck()...............................................................................431GetNumberOfRadiusDisconnectNack().............................................................................431GetNumberOfDataContextTimeout().................................................................................431GetNumberOfDiscardedPackets().......................................................................................431GetNumberOfAccessChallenge()........................................................................................431GetPoolUsage().......................................................................................................................431GetPoolAllocatedAddrCount()............................................................................................432GetPoolFreeAddrCount()......................................................................................................432GetRangeUsage()....................................................................................................................432GetRangeAllocatedAddrCount().........................................................................................432GetRangeFreeAddrCount()..................................................................................................432GetRangeAddrCount()..........................................................................................................433GetRangeLastAllocatedAddr().............................................................................................433

Chapter 8: ENUM Server..........................................................................434DNS Configuration............................................................................................................................435DNS Domain Name List...................................................................................................................436DNS Listen Addresses Configuration.............................................................................................438DNS Enum User Template...............................................................................................................439

Chapter 9: LTE-HSS...................................................................................442LTE-HSS Configuration....................................................................................................................443

LTE-HSS Configuration........................................................................................................443LTE-HSS Configuration TCP Listen Address....................................................................447LTE-HSS Configuration SCTP Listen Address..................................................................448

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LTE-HSS Configuration Destination Realm.......................................................................449LTE-HSS Configuration Destination Hosts........................................................................450HSS PLMN..............................................................................................................................451GMLC Node List....................................................................................................................452LTE HSS Realms.....................................................................................................................453VoLTE Session Transfer Number-Single Radio (STN-SR)...............................................454Application Server Permission List.....................................................................................455

LTE-HSS System Features.................................................................................................................457LTE-HSS System Options......................................................................................................457

LTE-HSS Roaming Templates..........................................................................................................460LTE-HSS Roaming Templates..............................................................................................460LTE-HSS Roaming Templates PLMN.................................................................................461Access Restriction Name.......................................................................................................462Access Restriction...................................................................................................................463APN Filtering Name..............................................................................................................464Access Point Name (APN) Filtering....................................................................................465VPLMN Address Allowed Name........................................................................................466VPLMN Address Allowed....................................................................................................467

LTE-HSS Operations..........................................................................................................................468LTE MAP Options..................................................................................................................469LTE Peer Statistics..................................................................................................................469LTE Statistics...........................................................................................................................470

Chapter 10: Subscription Locator Function (SLF)................................478SLF Configuration..............................................................................................................................479

HSS SLF Configuration.........................................................................................................479HSS SLF Configuration TCP Listen Address.....................................................................481HSS SLF Configuration SCTP Listen Address...................................................................482HSS SLF Configuration Destination Realm........................................................................483

Chapter 11: Equipment Identity Register (EIR)...................................484EIR configuration...............................................................................................................................485

EIR IMEI Equipment Status..................................................................................................485EIR IMEI-IMSI Association...................................................................................................486EIR Bound IMEI Equipment Status.....................................................................................487EIR Bound IMEI-IMSI Association......................................................................................488EIR IMEI Range......................................................................................................................489EIR Response Configuration................................................................................................490EIR Global Configuration.....................................................................................................491

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Chapter 12: LTE-EIR..................................................................................494LTE-EIR configuration.......................................................................................................................495

LTE-EIR Configuration..........................................................................................................495LTE-EIR Configuration TCP Listen Address.....................................................................497LTE-EIR Configuration SCTP Listen Address...................................................................498LTE-EIR Destination Host.....................................................................................................499LTE-EIR Destination Realm..................................................................................................499

Chapter 13: Diameter.................................................................................501DRA Configuration............................................................................................................................502

Diameter Relay Agent Configuration.................................................................................502

Chapter 14: System....................................................................................503System hierarchy................................................................................................................................504Shelf......................................................................................................................................................505

Shelf Operations.....................................................................................................................507SNMP Trap Configuration................................................................................................................509VIP........................................................................................................................................................510Slot........................................................................................................................................................511

Slot Operations.......................................................................................................................513Geo-Cluster Configuration...............................................................................................................514Geo-Redundancy Operations...........................................................................................................516Module Type.......................................................................................................................................517Identity.................................................................................................................................................519Service..................................................................................................................................................520Service Option....................................................................................................................................524Service Instance..................................................................................................................................526

Service Instance Operations..................................................................................................528Service Instance Option.....................................................................................................................531SmModule...........................................................................................................................................534

SmModule Operations..........................................................................................................538Alarm...................................................................................................................................................539Alarm History.....................................................................................................................................543Alarm Operations...............................................................................................................................547Background Task................................................................................................................................547Background Task History.................................................................................................................550Self Healing (Database Replication Monitoring)...........................................................................553


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List of Figures

Figure 1: Subsystem Navigation Diagram......................................................................................32Figure 2: SystemID visible in WebCI front page............................................................................37Figure 3: SystemID visible in WebCI front page............................................................................38Figure 4: WebCI main window.........................................................................................................39Figure 5: WebCI main menu expanded...........................................................................................39Figure 6: WebCI window tabs...........................................................................................................40Figure 7: Shelf View Window...........................................................................................................49Figure 8: User Manager......................................................................................................................57Figure 9: Notification Manager.........................................................................................................67Figure 10: AAA Application Folder In The WebCI's Main Window........................................410Figure 11: AAA Configuration Window.......................................................................................411Figure 12: AAA Provisioning Configuration Window...............................................................421Figure 13: Hierarchy Of System CLI Commands.........................................................................504

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List of Tables

Table 1: CLI operations......................................................................................................................35Table 2: WebCI main menu descriptions.........................................................................................40Table 3: Operations performed by symbols....................................................................................51Table 4: User attributes.......................................................................................................................59Table 5: Group attributes...................................................................................................................60Table 6: SecurityAccessPrivileges attributes...................................................................................62Table 7: Predefined services and associated entities......................................................................63Table 8: Predefined access permissions to services per user group............................................64Table 9: Service attributes..................................................................................................................66Table 10: ApplicationIdentity attributes..........................................................................................68Table 11: NotificationSubscribe attributes.......................................................................................70Table 12: ApplicationProperty attributes........................................................................................71Table 13: UserApplicationMap attributes.......................................................................................73Table 14: HlrConfig Mandatory Attributes.....................................................................................77Table 15: HlrConfig Optional Attributes.........................................................................................77Table 16: RoamingMsg Attributes....................................................................................................91Table 17: EnhancedControlOfSccpRoutingConfig Optional Attributes.....................................92Table 18: FtnSpecialNumbers Mandatory Attributes....................................................................93Table 19: FtnTranslationRules Mandatory Attributes...................................................................94Table 20: FtnExceptionRules Mandatory Attributes......................................................................95Table 21: FtnManagementRule Mandatory Attributes..................................................................97Table 22: AllowedFTN Mandatory Attributes................................................................................98Table 23: AllowedFTN Optional Attributes....................................................................................98Table 24: RestrictedFTN Mandatory Attributes.............................................................................99Table 25: HlrNumberConfig Mandatory Attributes....................................................................100Table 26: HPLMN Mandatory Attributes......................................................................................101Table 27: HPLMN Optional Attributes..........................................................................................101Table 28: NodeAddress Mandatory Attributes............................................................................103Table 29: NodeAddress Optional Attributes................................................................................103Table 30: HPLMNCountry Mandatory Attributes.......................................................................104Table 31: CountryNode Mandatory Attributes............................................................................105Table 32: IntraPlmnImsiRange Mandatory Attributes................................................................106Table 33: HlrCamelConfig Mandatory Attributes.......................................................................107Table 34: CamelGsmScf Mandatory Attributes............................................................................109Table 35: CamelGsmScf Optional Attributes................................................................................109Table 36: HlrCamelUGCsi Mandatory Attributes........................................................................110

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Table 37: CamelServiceMaskTemplate Optional Attributes.......................................................112Table 38: CamelServiceMaskTemplate Mandatory Attributes..................................................112Table 39: Plmn Mandatory Attributes...........................................................................................113Table 40: Plmn Optional Attributes................................................................................................113Table 41: HlrUssdRtTable Mandatory Attributes........................................................................115Table 42: HlrUssdRtTable Optional Attributes............................................................................116Table 43: A4K4 Mandatory Attributes...........................................................................................117Table 44: Algorithm Mandatory Attributes..................................................................................119Table 45: Algorithm Optional Attributes......................................................................................119Table 46: HlrOCPlmn_Config Mandatory Attributes.................................................................120Table 47: OCPlmn Mandatory Attributes.....................................................................................122Table 48: VlrNumber Mandatory attributes.................................................................................123Table 49: OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate Mandatory Attributes..........................................125Table 50: OCPlmn_Service_Screen_Template Optional Attributes...........................................125Table 51: CSISuppress Mandatory Attributes..............................................................................126Table 52: BAOCBsgOverride Mandatory Attributes...................................................................127Table 53: SupplementaryService Mandatory Attributes.............................................................129Table 54: SupplementaryService Optional Attributes.................................................................129Table 55: BearService Mandatory Attributes................................................................................131Table 56: BearService Optional Attributes....................................................................................133Table 57: TeleService Mandatory Attributes.................................................................................134Table 58: TeleService Optional Attributes.....................................................................................135Table 59: ODBService Mandatory Attributes................................................................................137Table 60: ODBService Optional Attributes....................................................................................137Table 61: OCPlmn_Template Mandatory Attributes...................................................................138Table 62: OCPlmn_Data Mandatory Attributes...........................................................................140Table 63: OCPlmn_Data Optional Attributes...............................................................................140Table 64: AllowedImsi Mandatory Attributes..............................................................................141Table 65: OCPlmnNodeNumber Mandatory Attributes.............................................................142Table 66: AcTemplate Mandatory Attributes...............................................................................147Table 67: AcTemplate Optional Attributes...................................................................................147Table 68: AcTemplateDefinition Mandatory Attributes.............................................................149Table 69: Default Values of the AcTemplateDefinition table for MAP Policing.....................151Table 70: ACTemplateMapping Mandatory Attributes..............................................................153Table 71: NodeNumber Mandatory Attributes............................................................................154Table 72: NodeNumberAcMapping Mandatory Attributes.......................................................155Table 73: NodeNumberSubset Mandatory Attributes................................................................158Table 74: GsmBearerCapabilities Mandatory Attributes............................................................161Table 75: GsmBearerCapabilities Optional Attributes................................................................161Table 76: GsmBearerCapabilitiesB3x Mandatory Attributes......................................................171Table 77: GsmBearerCapabilitiesB3x Optional Attributes..........................................................172

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Table 78: DestinationRouter Mandatory Attributes....................................................................173Table 79: DestinationRouter Optional Attributes.........................................................................174Table 80: Destination Router permanent entry.............................................................................174Table 81: MtSmsRoutingTemplate Mandatory Attributes..........................................................176Table 82: MtSmsRoutingTemplate Optional Attributes..............................................................176Table 83: SmscRedirectException Mandatory Attributes...........................................................178Table 84: DestinationRouter Mandatory Attributes....................................................................180Table 85: DestinationRouter Optional Attributes.........................................................................180Table 86: Destination Router permanent entry.............................................................................181Table 87: RoutingTemplate Mandatory Attributes......................................................................182Table 88: RoutingTemplate Optional Attributes..........................................................................183Table 89: RoutingTemplate permanent entry...............................................................................184Table 90: SmscRedirectException Mandatory Attributes...........................................................185Table 91: IMSIforRedirectRouting mandatory attributes............................................................187Table 92: Roaming Msg ExceptionCC Mandatory Attributes....................................................188Table 93: RoamingMsgExceptionCCNDC Mandatory Attributes.............................................189Table 94: RoamingMsgNDCExtractionRule Mandatory Attributes..........................................190Table 95: RoamingMsgNDCExtractionRule Optional Attributes..............................................191Table 96: RoamingMsgNDCList Mandatory Attributes.............................................................193Table 97: HlrSipSubscriberInfo Optional Attributes...................................................................194Table 98: SSRTemplate Mandatory Attributes.............................................................................195Table 99: SSRTemplate Optional Attributes..................................................................................196Table 100: SSRPerSubData Mandatory Attributes.......................................................................198Table 101: SSRPerSubData Optional Attributes...........................................................................198Table 102: SSRPerIMSIRangeData Mandatory Attributes..........................................................199Table 103: SSRPerIMSIRangeData Optional Attributes..............................................................199Table 104: SSRPerMSISDNRangeData Mandatory Attributes...................................................200Table 105: SSRPerMSISDNRangeData Optional Attributes.......................................................200Table 106: TemplatePDNContext Mandatory Attributes...........................................................202Table 107: TemplatePDNContext Optional Attributes................................................................202Table 108: Optional Attributes for the EPSQoSClassId parameter............................................204Table 109: LteHssImsiRangeConfig Mandatory Attributes........................................................206Table 110: LteHssImsiRangeConfig Optional Attributes............................................................206Table 111: SetConfigToDB() Attributes..........................................................................................208Table 112: Number of PRN Suppressed/Sent or ISD Compressed/Full for the VLR Link

Congestion Handling Feature...................................................................................................214Table 113: HLR feature or functionality modification types......................................................218Table 114: CONFIG Mandatory Attributes...................................................................................223Table 115: Map Mandatory Attributes...........................................................................................226Table 116: GsmMapApplicationContext Mandatory Attributes...............................................227Table 117: GsmMapApplicationContext Optional Attributes....................................................228

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Table 118: GsmMapGenCfg Mandatory Attributes.....................................................................229Table 119: GsmMapSap Mandatory Attributes............................................................................230Table 120: GsmMapSap Optional Attributes................................................................................231Table 121: GsmMapTimers Mandatory Attributes......................................................................232Table 122: GsmMapTimers Optional Attributes..........................................................................232Table 123: GsmMapTimer Attributes.............................................................................................233Table 124: GSM Map Timers...........................................................................................................234Table 125: MTP2 Mandatory Attributes........................................................................................235Table 126: MTP2Sap Mandatory Attributes..................................................................................236Table 127: MTP2Sap Optional Attributes......................................................................................237Table 128: MTP2Timers Mandatory Attributes............................................................................239Table 129: MTP2Timers Optional Attributes................................................................................239Table 130: MTP2Timers Attributes.................................................................................................240Table 131: MTP2 Timers...................................................................................................................241Table 132: SAAL Mandatory Attributes........................................................................................243Table 133: SAALSap Mandatory Attributes..................................................................................244Table 134: SAALSap Optional Attributes......................................................................................245Table 135: MTP3 Mandatory Attributes........................................................................................246Table 136: SS7 Manager Statistics Detailed Descriptions............................................................248Table 137: CombinedLinkSet Mandatory Attributes...................................................................252Table 138: CombinedLinkSet Optional Attributes.......................................................................252Table 139: Link Mandatory Attributes...........................................................................................253Table 140: Link Optional Attributes...............................................................................................254Table 141: LinkSet Mandatory Attributes.....................................................................................260Table 142: LinkSet Optional Attributes..........................................................................................260Table 143: MTP3GenCfg..................................................................................................................262Table 144: MTP3NSap......................................................................................................................263Table 145: MTP3NSap......................................................................................................................263Table 146: MTP3Timers Mandatory Attributes............................................................................265Table 147: MTP3Timers Optional Attributes................................................................................265Table 148: MTP3Timer Attributes..................................................................................................269Table 149: MTP3 Timers...................................................................................................................270Table 150: MTP3 Specific Timers....................................................................................................272Table 151: Route Mandatory Attributes........................................................................................276Table 152: Route Optional Attributes.............................................................................................276Table 153: SignallingPoint Mandatory Attributes........................................................................278Table 154: SignallingPoint Optional Attributes............................................................................279Table 155: TUCL Mandatory Attributes........................................................................................281Table 156: TSap Mandatory Attributes..........................................................................................283Table 157: M3UA Mandatory Attributes.......................................................................................285Table 158: M3uaTimers....................................................................................................................287

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Table 159: NSAP Mandatory Attributes........................................................................................292Table 160: SCTSAP Mandatory Attributes....................................................................................293Table 161: SCTSAP Optional Attributes........................................................................................293Table 162: LocalAddresses Mandatory Attributes.......................................................................294Table 163: LocalAddresses Optional Attributes...........................................................................295Table 164: RemoteAddresses Mandatory Attributes...................................................................297Table 165: RemoteAddresses Optional Attributes.......................................................................297Table 166: Network Mandatory Attributes...................................................................................298Table 167: Network Optional Attributes.......................................................................................299Table 168: PS Mandatory Attributes..............................................................................................300Table 169: PS Optional Attributes...................................................................................................300Table 170: PSP Mandatory Attributes............................................................................................301Table 171: PspState Mandatory Attributes....................................................................................305Table 172: TerminateAssociation() Attributes..............................................................................307Table 173: AspUp() Attributes........................................................................................................307Table 174: AspDown() Attributes...................................................................................................307Table 175: Inhibit() Attributes.........................................................................................................308Table 176: Uninhibit() Attributes....................................................................................................308Table 177: ActivateAsp() Attributes...............................................................................................308Table 178: DeactivateAsp() Attributes...........................................................................................309Table 179: Route Mandatory Attributes........................................................................................309Table 180: Route Optional Attributes.............................................................................................310Table 181: SCCP Mandatory Attributes.........................................................................................311Table 182: ConcernedArea Mandatory Attributes.......................................................................312Table 183: ConcernedArea Optional Attributes...........................................................................313Table 184: GlobalTitleEntry Mandatory Attributes.....................................................................316Table 185: GlobalTitleEntry Optional Attributes.........................................................................318Table 186: SCCPAddress Mandatory Attributes..........................................................................321Table 187: SCCPGenCfg Mandatory Attributes...........................................................................323Table 188: SCCPGenCfg Optional Attributes...............................................................................323Table 189: SCCPNSap Mandatory Attributes...............................................................................325Table 190: SCCPNSap Optional Attributes...................................................................................325Table 191: SCCPRoute Mandatory Attributes..............................................................................328Table 192: SCCPRoute Optional Attributes..................................................................................328Table 193: SccpTimerProfile Mandatory Attributes....................................................................331Table 194: SccpTimerProfile Optional Attributes.........................................................................331Table 195: SCCPTimer Attributes...................................................................................................333Table 196: SCCPTimers Specific Timers........................................................................................334Table 197: SCCPUSap Mandatory Attributes...............................................................................336Table 198: SCCPUSap Optional Attributes...................................................................................337Table 199: TCAP Mandatory Attributes........................................................................................338

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Table 200: TcapTimerProfile Mandatory Attributes....................................................................340Table 201: TcapTimerProfile Optional Attributes........................................................................340Table 202: TCAPTimer Attributes..................................................................................................341Table 203: TCAPTimer Specific Timers.........................................................................................341Table 204: SipServerConfig Mandatory Attributes (Refer to *NOTE1)....................................345Table 205: SipServerIpConfig Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1).................................349Table 206: SipServerIpConfig Optional Attributes......................................................................349Table 207: Domain Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1)...................................................350Table 208: AorDomain Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1)............................................351Table 209: SipServerTlsConfig Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1)...............................352Table 210: SipTasGt Mandatory Attributes ..................................................................................354Table 211: SipTasGt Optional Attributes.......................................................................................355Table 212: SipTasGT Permanent Entry..........................................................................................356Table 213: SecurityConfig Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1).......................................357Table 214: RegistrarConfig Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1).....................................358Table 215: RegistrationBinding Mandatory Attributes (refer to ***NOTE 3)...........................361Table 216: RedirectConfig Mandatory Attributes (refer to ***NOTE 3)....................................365Table 217: SipUaConfig Mandatory Attributes............................................................................370Table 218: SipUaRegisterConfig Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1)............................372Table 219: SipUaPersistentContact Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1)........................374Table 220: SipUaRegistrationBinding Mandatory Attributes....................................................375Table 221: SipUaRegistrationBinding Optional Attributes.........................................................376Table 222: HssConfig Mandatory Attributes................................................................................383Table 223: HssConfig Optional Attributes....................................................................................383Table 224: HssConfigTCPListenAddress Mandatory Attributes...............................................386Table 225: HssConfigSCTPListenAddress Mandatory Attributes.............................................387Table 226: HssConfigDestinationRealm Mandatory Attributes................................................388Table 227: HssConfigDestinationHosts Mandatory Attributes.................................................388Table 228: HssConfigDestinationHosts Optional Attributes......................................................389Table 229: HssAuthSchema Mandatory Attributes.....................................................................390Table 230: HssAucAlgorithm Mandatory Attributes..................................................................391Table 231: HssAucAlogithm Optional Attributes........................................................................391Table 232: HssChargingInfo Mandatory Attributes....................................................................392Table 233: HssChargingInfo Optional Attributes........................................................................392Table 234: HssScscfServer Mandatory Attributes........................................................................394Table 235: HssScscfServer Optional Attributes............................................................................394Table 236: HssAuthorizedVisitedNetworks Mandatory Attributes..........................................395Table 237: HssASPermList Mandatory Attributes.......................................................................397Table 238: HssSharedInitialFilteringCriteria Mandatory Attributes.........................................398Table 239: HssShartedInitialFilteringCriteria Optional Attributes............................................399Table 240: HssSharedServicePointTrigger Mandatory Attributes.............................................401

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Table 241: HssSharedServicePointTrigger Optional Attributes.................................................401Table 242: AAASystemConfig Mandatory Attributes.................................................................412Table 243: AAASystemConfig Optional Attributes.....................................................................412Table 244: AAASystemAccountingServers Mandatory Attributes...........................................414Table 245: AAANetworkAccessServers Mandatory Attributes.................................................415Table 246: AAANetworkAccessServers.........................................................................................416Table 247: AAANASAccountingServer Optional Attributes.....................................................418Table 248: AAASystemAuthenticationServers Mandatory Attributes.....................................419Table 249: AAANASAuthenticationServers Mandatory Attributes.........................................420Table 250: AAAAdressAllocationPolicy Mandatory Attributes................................................422Table 251: AAAAddressAllocationPolicy Optional Attributes..................................................423Table 252: AAAAddressAllocationRanges Mandatory Attributes...........................................425Table 253: AAAAddressAllocationRanges Optional Attributes................................................425Table 254: AAAAddressAllocationAssociation Mandatory Attributes....................................426Table 255: AAAAPNConfigTable Mandatory Attributes...........................................................428Table 256: DNSConfig Mandatory Attributes..............................................................................435Table 257: DNSConfig Optional Attributes..................................................................................436Table 258: DNSDomainNameList Mandatory Attributes...........................................................437Table 259: DNSListenAddresses Mandatory Attributes.............................................................439Table 260: DNSEnumUserTemplate Mandatory Attributes.......................................................440Table 261: DNSEnumUserTemplate Optional Attributes...........................................................440Table 262: LteHssConfig Mandatory Attributes..........................................................................443Table 263: LteHssConfig Optional Attributes...............................................................................444Table 264: LteHssConfigTCPListenAddress Mandatory Attributes.........................................447Table 265: LteHssConfigSCTPListenAddress Mandatory Attributes.......................................448Table 266: LteHssConfigDestinationRealm Mandatory Attributes...........................................449Table 267: LteHssConfigDestinationRealm Optional Attributes...............................................450Table 268: LteHssConfigDestinationHosts Mandatory Attributes............................................451Table 269: LteHssConfigDestinationHosts Optional Attributes................................................451Table 270: HSSPLMN Mandatory Attributes...............................................................................452Table 271: GMLCNodeList Mandatory Attributes......................................................................453Table 272: LteHssRealms Mandatory Attributes..........................................................................454Table 273: LteHssRealms Optional Attributes..............................................................................454Table 274: VoLteStnSr Mandatory Attributes...............................................................................455Table 275: Application Server Permission List Mandatory Attributes.....................................456Table 276: LTE-HSS Modification Type.........................................................................................457Table 277: LteHssOptions Optional Attributes............................................................................458Table 278: LTE-HSS RoamingTemplates Attributes....................................................................461Table 279: LTE-HSS Roaming Templates PLMN Attributes (*=Mandatory)...........................462Table 280: Access Restriction Name Attributes (*=Mandatory)................................................463Table 281: Access Restriction Attributes (*=Mandatory)............................................................464

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Table 282: APN Filtering Name Attributes (*=Mandatory)........................................................465Table 283: APN Filtering Attributes (*=Mandatory)...................................................................466Table 284: VPLMN Address Allowed Name Attributes (*=Mandatory).................................467Table 285: VPLMN Address Allowed Attributes (*=Mandatory).............................................468Table 286: Operations to retrieve counter values.........................................................................472Table 287: Operations to retrieve counter values.........................................................................475Table 288: HssSlfConfig Mandatory Attributes............................................................................479Table 289: HssSlfConfig Optional Attributes................................................................................479Table 290: HssSlfConfigTCPListenAddress Mandatory Attributes..........................................481Table 291: HssSlfConfigSCTPListenAddress Mandatory Attributes........................................482Table 292: HssSlfConfigDestinationRealm Mandatory Attributes............................................483Table 293: IMEI Equipment Status Mandatory Attributes.........................................................486Table 294: IMEI-IMSI Association Entity Mandatory Attributes...............................................487Table 295: IMEI-IMSI Association Entity Optional Attributes...................................................487Table 296: Bound IMEI Equipment Status Mandatory Attributes.............................................488Table 297: Bound IMEI IMSI Association Mandatory Attributes..............................................489Table 298: Bound IMEI IMSI Association Optional Attributes..................................................489Table 299: IMEI Range Entity Mandatory Attributes..................................................................489Table 300: ME-Check-Identity Response Type Mandatory Attributes.....................................490Table 301: EIR Global Configuration Mandatory Attributes......................................................492Table 302: EIR Global Configuration Optional Attributes..........................................................493Table 303: LTE-EIR Configuration Mandatory Attributes..........................................................495Table 304: LTE-EIR Configuration Optional Attributes..............................................................496Table 305: LTE EIR TCP Listen Addresses Mandatory Attributes............................................497Table 306: LTE EIR TCP Listen Addresses Attributes.................................................................497Table 307: LTE EIR SCTP Listen Addresses Mandatory Attributes..........................................498Table 308: LTE EIR SCTP Listen Addresses Optional Attributes..............................................498Table 309: LTE EIR Destination Host Mandatory Attributes.....................................................499Table 310: LTE EIR Destination Realm Mandatory Attributes..................................................500Table 311: HssSystemOptions Optional Attributes.....................................................................502Table 312: Shelf Mandatory Attributes..........................................................................................505Table 313: Shelf Optional Attributes..............................................................................................506Table 314: SNMP Trap Configuration Mandatory Attributes....................................................509Table 315: SNMP Trap Configuration Optional Attributes........................................................510Table 316: VIP Optional Attributes................................................................................................511Table 317: Slot Mandatory Attributes............................................................................................512Table 318: Slot Optional Attributes................................................................................................512Table 319: Geo Cluster Configuration Mandatory Attributes....................................................515Table 320: Geo Cluster Configuration Optional Attributes........................................................515Table 321: Module Type Mandatory Attributes...........................................................................518Table 322: Module Type Optional Attributes...............................................................................519

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Table 323: Identity Mandatory Attributes.....................................................................................520Table 324: Service Mandatory Attributes......................................................................................521Table 325: ServiceOption mandatory attributes ..........................................................................525Table 326: OptionValue Value Range............................................................................................525Table 327: OptionID Value Range..................................................................................................525Table 328: Service Instance Mandatory Attributes......................................................................527Table 329: Service Instance Optional Attributes...........................................................................528Table 330: Service Instance Option Mandatory Attributes.........................................................532Table 331: SmModule Mandatory Attributes...............................................................................535Table 332: SmModule Optional Attributes....................................................................................537Table 333: Alarm Mandatory Attributes........................................................................................539Table 334: Alarm Optional Attributes............................................................................................539Table 335: Alarm Severity Definition.............................................................................................543Table 336: Alarm History Mandatory Attributes.........................................................................544Table 337: Alarm History Optional Attributes.............................................................................544Table 338: Background Task Mandatory Attributes and Values...............................................548Table 339: Background Task Optional Attributes and Values...................................................549Table 340: Background Task History Mandatory Attributes.....................................................551Table 341: Background Task History Optional Attributes and Values.....................................552Table 342: Operations Permitted Attributes and Values.............................................................554

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This chapter provides general information aboutmanual organization, the scope of this manual, its


• About this document.....24 targeted audience, how to get technical assistance,• Scope and audience.....24 and how to locate customer documentation on the

Customer Support site.• Document organization.....24• Related publications.....25• Customer Care Center.....26• Emergency Response.....28• Locate Product Documentation on the Customer

Support Site.....28

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About this document

This document describes in detail the entities and operations required to configure the SubscriberData Management (SDM) system. This document also describes the user interfaces used to configurethe system and the entities to set up users, groups, services, and access privileges.

Scope and audience

Use this document to look up entity information for provisioning the system as well as the entitiesrequired to set up users, groups, services, and access privileges. To learn how to use the interfacesand provision the SDM system, refer to the System Configuration User Guide.

This document is intended for operators that are responsible and qualified for the subject matter ofthis document.

Document organization

This document is organized into the following chapters:

• Introduction contains general information about this document, to contact the Tekelec CustomerCare Center, and how to locate the customer documentation on the Customer Support site.

• User Interfaces describes the user interfaces, user management, and notification management.• Home Location Register (HLR) provides details on HLR system configuration and feature entities as

well as HLR operations performed through the CLI.• Signaling System 7 (SS7) provides details on SS7 entities that configure the SS7 features using MTP2,

ATM broadband, or SIGTRAN.• Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) provides details on SIP server, SIP registrar, and SIP User Agent

entities as well as SIP operations performed through the CLI.• Home Subscriber Server (HSS) provides the details on HSS entities including IMS-HSS system feature

entities. This chapter also includes HSS operations performed through the CLI.• Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) provides details on AAA entities.• ENUM Server provides details on ENUM Server configuration entities.• LTE-HSS provides details on LTE-HSS entities including error notifications and performance counts.• Subscription Locator Function (SLF) provides details to provision the SLF.• Equipment Identity Register (EIR) provides details on EIR system configuration entities.• LTE-EIR provides details on LTE-EIR entities.• Diameter provides details on DRA system configuration entities.• System provides details on the entities that retrieve alarms and provision system features.

About links and references

Information within the same document is linked and can be reached by clicking the hyperlink.

To follow references pointing outside of the document, use these guidelines:

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• Locate the referenced section in the Table of Content of the referenced document.• Locate the same section name in the referenced document.• Place the PDF files in one folder or on a disc and use the powerful Adobe PDF search functions to

locate related information in one or more documents simultaneously.


• SDM Alarms Dictionary

Product, features, concepts

• SDM Product Description

Monitoring, maintenance, or troubleshooting:

• Procedures: Monitoring, Maintenance, Troubleshooting User Guide• Entities: Monitoring, Maintenance, Troubleshooting Reference Manual

Subscriber provisioning:

• Procedures: Subscriber Provisioning User Guide• Entities: Subscriber Provisioning Reference Manual

System configuration:

• Procedures: System Configuration User Guide• Entities: System Configuration Reference Manual

User Interfaces:

• User guides

• How to use the user interface• How to set up users (permissions, groups, services)

• Reference manuals

• About user interfaces• Entities for setting up users

To determine the components of the complete documentation set delivered with the software, referto the SDM Documentation Roadmap delivered with each documentation set.

Related publications

For a detailed description of the available SDM documentation, refer to the SDM DocumentationRoadmap included with your SDM documentation set.

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Customer Care Center

The Tekelec Customer Care Center is your initial point of contact for all product support needs. Arepresentative takes your call or email, creates a Customer Service Request (CSR) and directs yourrequests to the Tekelec Technical Assistance Center (TAC). Each CSR includes an individual trackingnumber. Together with TAC Engineers, the representative will help you resolve your request.

The Customer Care Center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and is linkedto TAC Engineers around the globe.

Tekelec TAC Engineers are available to provide solutions to your technical questions and issues 7days a week, 24 hours a day. After a CSR is issued, the TAC Engineer determines the classification ofthe trouble. If a critical problem exists, emergency procedures are initiated. If the problem is not critical,normal support procedures apply. A primary Technical Engineer is assigned to work on the CSR andprovide a solution to the problem. The CSR is closed when the problem is resolved.

Tekelec Technical Assistance Centers are located around the globe in the following locations:

Tekelec - Global

Email (All Regions): [email protected]

• USA and Canada


1-888-FOR-TKLC or 1-888-367-8552 (toll-free, within continental USA and Canada)

1-919-460-2150 (outside continental USA and Canada)

TAC Regional Support Office Hours:

8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. (GMT minus 5 hours), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays

• Caribbean and Latin America (CALA)



TAC Regional Support Office Hours (except Brazil):

10:00 a.m. through 7:00 p.m. (GMT minus 6 hours), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays

• Argentina


0-800-555-5246 (toll-free)

• Brazil


0-800-891-4341 (toll-free)

TAC Regional Support Office Hours:

8:00 a.m. through 5:48 p.m. (GMT minus 3 hours), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays

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• Chile



• Colombia



• Dominican Republic



• Mexico



• Peru



• Puerto Rico


1-888-367-8552 (1-888-FOR-TKLC)

• Venezuela



• Europe, Middle East, and Africa

Regional Office Hours:

8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. (GMT), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays

• Signaling


+44 1784 467 804 (within UK)

• Software Solutions


+33 3 89 33 54 00

• Asia

• India


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+91-124-465-5098 or +1-919-460-2150

TAC Regional Support Office Hours:

10:00 a.m. through 7:00 p.m. (GMT plus 5 1/2 hours), Monday through Saturday, excludingholidays

• Singapore


+65 6796 2288

TAC Regional Support Office Hours:

9:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m. (GMT plus 8 hours), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays

Emergency Response

In the event of a critical service situation, emergency response is offered by the Tekelec Customer CareCenter 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The emergency response provides immediate coverage, automaticescalation, and other features to ensure that the critical situation is resolved as rapidly as possible.

A critical situation is defined as a problem with the installed equipment that severely affects service,traffic, or maintenance capabilities, and requires immediate corrective action. Critical situations affectservice and/or system operation resulting in one or several of these situations:

• A total system failure that results in loss of all transaction processing capability• Significant reduction in system capacity or traffic handling capability• Loss of the system’s ability to perform automatic system reconfiguration• Inability to restart a processor or the system• Corruption of system databases that requires service affecting corrective actions• Loss of access for maintenance or recovery operations• Loss of the system ability to provide any required critical or major trouble notification

Any other problem severely affecting service, capacity/traffic, billing, and maintenance capabilitiesmay be defined as critical by prior discussion and agreement with the Tekelec Customer Care Center.

Locate Product Documentation on the Customer Support Site

Access to Tekelec's Customer Support site is restricted to current Tekelec customers only. This sectiondescribes how to log into the Tekelec Customer Support site and locate a document. Viewing thedocument requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded at

1. Log into the Tekelec Customer Support site.

Note: If you have not registered for this new site, click the Register Here link. Have your customernumber available. The response time for registration requests is 24 to 48 hours.

2. Click the Product Support tab.

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3. Use the Search field to locate a document by its part number, release number, document name, ordocument type. The Search field accepts both full and partial entries.

4. Click a subject folder to browse through a list of related files.5. To download a file to your location, right-click the file name and select Save Target As.

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2User Interfaces

This chapter describes the user interfaces that allowthe operator to configure the system or provision


• Command Line Interface.....31 subscribers. The description includes functionalities,• Web Craft Interface (WebCI).....37 command convention, navigation method,

command execution, and the GUI symbols used inthe WebCI.

• User Security Management.....57• Notification Security Management.....67

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Command Line Interface

The Command Line Interface (CLI) is the client OAM&P (Operation, Alarm, Maintenance andProvisioning) application that manages and provisions the Tekelec Subscriber Data Management. TheCLI provides a command-line, text-based environment to access the OAM&P. The operator accessesOAM&P functionality by invoking commands in the CLI. Changes made to system configuration orsubscriber provisioning data takes effect immediately. The system administrator creates and managesusers, their username and password, and assigns users to groups with different access privileges forspecific services.

The administrator can perform all tasks through the CLI:

• Create and manage users• Manage the Dynamic System Configuration• View, add, delete, and modify subscriber provisioning information• View and modify configuration data• View and modify operational aspects of the system• View and modify system configuration properties• View current and historical data• Remote system administration• System maintenance

Refer to User Security Management through CLI in this document for a detailed description of the UserSecurity Management feature, also refer to the "Creating and Managing users for the User Interfaces"section in the SDM System Configuration - User Guide for step by step procedures to provision usersthrough the CLI and WebCI.

CLI Command Convention

In this document, system information such as commands, system prompts, and responses, will berepresented as follows:

• Command Strings that the user enters appear in bold face:

# cli

Note: CLI commands are case sensitive. Users must enter the command string exactly as shown,including spaces.

• System Prompts and Responses appear in courier font:

1: System []>

System Identification

The CLI identifies the system ID of the system to which the opened CLI session is connected. Thesystem ID is provided by Tekelec for a specific SDM system and is also used as the Customer Name.

The CLI displays the Customer Name (SystemID) as part of the license information. Display theCustomer Name and other license information by executing the DisplayLicense() operation.

:Oamp[]:OampManager[]:LicenseManager[LicenseId = 6]> DisplayLicense()

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Refer to the Command Line Interface (CLI) section of the SDM System Configuration – User Guide forinstructions on how to start, navigate, or end a CLI session.

CLI Navigation

Navigation diagram

All navigation, provisioning, or configuration in the CLI subsystems is based on entities, attributes,and values.

Figure 1: Subsystem Navigation Diagram

Each subsystem, for example, Hlr, Sip, Hss, Database, OAM&P, SS7, System, and Subscriptions, ismade up of entities. An entity is a table in a database that contains all the information about the entity.Each entity is defined by one or more attributes, which can be mandatory or optional. An attribute isdefined by its value.

For example, the Hlr subsystem contains entities such as Plmn, Algorithm, and MSISDN. The Plmnentity is defined by the PlmnId attribute, which is a mandatory attribute. The PlmnId has a value ofMontreal.

Navigating through the CLI entails defining instances of entities, that is, by choosing a set of attributesof an entity and assigning a value to each selected attribute, the user creates an instance of the entity.By adding, modifying or deleting attribute values, the user is provisioning a subscriber entity orconfiguring a system entity.

To connect to the system, refer to section Accessing the System in the SDM System Configuration - UserGuide, and log in with a valid user ID and password.

Command line usage

• System prompt:

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• Starting CLI at system prompt:

# cli

• CLI system startup prompt:

1 :>

The first part of the prompt is the command number, which starts at 1 and auto-increments foreach new command entered. This number is used to keep a history log of the commands issued.

• CLI prompt with navigation context:

2: System[] >

The command number, has incremented.

The second part of the prompt indicates the current navigation context (System[]). This showswhere the user is within the navigational levels.

The third part is the prompt separator (>). The user can enter commands after the prompt separator.

• The subsystems can be accessed from anywhere in the CLI when the command is preceded by acolon (:), which defines an absolute navigation path:

2 :Hlr[]:Plmn[PlmnId = Montreal]> :System[]

3 :System[]>

CLI commandsThis section lists basic Unix shell commands, CLI commands and characters, as well as subsystemaccess commands.

Basic Unix shell commands

These basic UNIX shell commands facilitate usage of the CLI.


jump to home<CTRL> a

exit the CLIquit

jump to end<CTRL> e

clear screen<CTRL> l

clear typed line<CTRL> u

Use up arrow to scroll up the command history↑

Use down arrow to scroll down the command history↓

Cancels any change made by the ongoing command by abortingthe session.*

<CTRL> z

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When using the CLI, the <CTRL> z command does not send the process execution tobackground, as it typically would. Since there is no need to allow to run the CLI inbackground, the Tekelec implementation intentionally interprets the <CTRL> z commandas an “abort” message and suspends the ongoing command. Basically, the use of the<CTRL> z command cancels any change made by the ongoing command. In somesituations, executing this command may produce a core dump of the CLI processes.

However, using the CTRL-Z command will not cause any service outage, nor will itcause data corruption. The same warning also applies for the use of the <CTRL> zcommand when using the Command File Loader (CmdFileLoader).

CLI commands


Adds a new instance to the systemadd

Show attributes of an entityattributes

Deletes instances from the systemdelete

Display the instancesdisplay

Show sub-entitiesentities

Display help optionshelp

Lists history of commandshistory

Display all instances of an entityinstances

Show navigation key attributeskey

Make changes to instancesmodify

Show operationsoperations

Show parameters of an operationparameters

Exit the CLIquit

Go to top leveltop

View the command treetree

Go up one levelup

Displays current version of the software loadversion

CLI characters


Indicates a mandatory item*

Separate multiple attributes or attribute values with a semicolon;

Separate multiple items in a value list with a comma,

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Specifies the current instance.

Separates different levels between entities:

Subsystem access commands


access Database subsystemDatabase[]

access HLR subsystemHlr[]

access OAM&P subsystemOamp[]

access SS7 subsystemSS7[]

access System subsystemSystem[]

access SIP functionalities of the Tekelec ngHLRSip[]

HSS subsystemHss[]

Access Subscriptions subsystemSubscriptions[]


The CLI supports the following operations: Display, Add, Modify, and Delete. These operations canbe used on entities and instances to provision or modify system parameters.

The supported operands for each operation are listed below.

Table 1: CLI operations

Supported OperandOperation

=, <, >, >=, <=Display




Command History

A history of all the commands entered can be viewed.

To view all the commands entered, type history.

To view the most recent commands, type history <#>, where # is used to specify the number ofthe most recent commands to be displayed.

To view a specific command entered, type !<command #>.

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Auto-Complete Functionality

The CLI is powered by a contextual auto-complete functionality enabled by the <Tab> key. Using thisfunctionality is by no means necessary for the use of the CLI, but offers great improvements inoperational efficiency.

This function aids in navigation as well as provisioning by completing the following command strings:

• Recognized Subsystem, Entity, and Attribute names• Recognized Values for Attributes when there is a finite number of acceptable values• Navigation options• Displaying which Entities are mandatory (marked with an "*")• Completing grammar

Press the Tab key at any time in the CLI for text or grammar completion, information about availableEntities and Values for Attributes, and help. If the <Tab> key does not complete any further, there isno system-defined acceptable values or the user may insert a sign or closing bracket "]" to continueediting the command.


Mandatory Attributes

When using the CLI, some attributes are preceded by an asterisk (*). The asterisk has different meaningsdepending on the context where it is being used.

When navigating to entities, an attribute with an asterisk indicates a key instance and it is mandatoryto continue navigating. When performing an Add operation, the attribute is a mandatory attributeand must be included in the command. In the add operation, a unique instance is being created. Fora Modify, Delete, or Display operation, the asterisk indicates the attribute is a key instance, but it isnot a mandatory attribute. If no mandatory attributes are specified, then the operation will apply to0 or more instances.

Inherited Attributes

Attributes that are passed down from a higher level (parent) entity to a lower (child entity) are calledinherited attributes . The inherited attributes are passed on when navigating down to lower levelentities. In order to access the lower entities, the inherited attributes must be specified in the CLIcommand string.

In this document, all the attributes are considered to be Read/Write unless noted otherwise.

Command help optionsThis option displays options available for built-in commands.

Help options show the operator the operations available to perform on the system.

From the directory where the command is stored, type the command name followed by -h or -helpas shown with the commands below.

Help options are available for commands such as

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• -help

• cfl -help (Command File Loader)• ctl -h (Command Template Loader)• CmdTemplateViewer -h (Command Template Viewer)

Note: The user must have access privileges to these interfaces and must have logged in successfullybefore these commands become available.

Web Craft Interface (WebCI)

This chapter provides an overview of the Tekelec GUI: Web Craft Interface (WebCI), with the navigationsystem, the different operations available and the auto-refresh mechanism.

With the User Security Management feature, not all WebCI operations and functionalities are availableto all users. The administrator of the system is in charge to create and manage users, their usernameand password and assign them to groups with different access privileges for specific services.

Please refer to the User Security Management in this document for a more detailed description of theUser Security Management feature, also refer to the "Creating and Managing users for the UserInterfaces" section in the SDM System Configuration - User Guide for step by step procedures to provisionusers through the CLI and WebCI.

Hereunder are some general descriptions of the WebCI's different characteristics:

System Identification

The WebCI provides to the user an easy way to identify the System ID (System Number given byTekelec for a specific SDM system, also used as the Customer Name) of the system to which the openedWebCI session is connected to.

The WebCI displays the SystemID in the front page (at user login) as well as in its menu, as part ofthe System folder name.

Figure 2: SystemID visible in WebCI front page

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Figure 3: SystemID visible in WebCI front page


Hyperlinks take the user to the system configuration or user provisioning tables. Hyperlinks mayhave one or more sublinks.

Pop-up windows

Pop-up windows appear:

• To display further information, after clicking on a button or on a text highlighted in blue. Aprovisioning window or simply a confirmation request will appear depending on the operation.

• To request a confirmation of the action to take and always give the chance for the operator to Cancelor proceed with the action.

If the web browser is configured to block pop-up windows, some WebCI screens will not be displayed.To display all WebCI screens, add the address of the Single Board Computer (SBC) to the list of allowedsites. Alternatively, temporarily allow the pop-ups windows to be displayed in order to view theWebCI screens.

Table entry count

• HSS Shared Initial Filtering Criteria• HSS SLF Public 2 HSS Name (HSS Redirect Host Mapping)

The Web Craft Interface (WebCI) is a web-based application that provides a user friendly graphicaluser interface (GUI). The WebCI is used to facilitate system configuration, subscriber provisioning,and alarm management.

WebCI navigation

The WebCI main menu is located to the left of the window. The menu provides access to the SDMapplications.

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Figure 4: WebCI main window

Clicking the application name or folder opens a submenu. Each submenu item has a specificconfiguration window.

Figure 5: WebCI main menu expanded

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These windows may have tabs to access additional configuration settings.

Figure 6: WebCI window tabs

WebCI main menu descriptionsThis table describes the purpose of each menu item. The items are listed in order they appear on themenu.

Table 2: WebCI main menu descriptions


Provides information on each of the hardware platform'sslots (processors) and the services running on each one

Shelf ViewSystem

of them. This window allows to configure the system withidentities/services on each slot. This view also allows toperform Switch Overs.

Displays Shelf information and the software version.Shelf Inventory

Provisions services to each slot's Identity. Also allows theoperator to manage those services on each slot.

Service Management

Provides information on the geo-redundant feature,whether it is enabled or disabled and what the

Geo RedundancyView

Geo-Redundancy Virtual IP (VIP) address of the peer siteis, as well as information on the state of the database. Italso allows to enable or disable the feature and to modifythe Geo-Redundancy VIP address of the peer site.

Provides a listing of all active alarms existing on the shelf.Active Alarm View

Provides a listing of all alarms that have occurred as wellas those that have been cleared on the system.

History Alarm View

The HLR Configuration window provisions the HLRthrough these tabs:

HLR ConfigurationHLR

• HLR Config: Provisions

• HLR Configuration parameters andactivate/deactivate HLR features

• HLR Number Configuration

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• HLR SIP Subscriber Information for MAP SRIInterworking with SIP Subscribers

• TCAP: Allows manual execution of the TCAPout-of-service and TCAP in-service operations.

• Cancel LOC: Allows manual execution of a CancelLocation and a Cancel GPRS Location.

• PLMN: Allows manual provisioning of Plmns andHome Plmns.

• Enhanced SCCP Routing: Allows enhanced controlof SCCP Routing.

• MNP: Allows manual activation/deactivation of theMobile Number Portability functionality.

• SS IMSI Range: Allows the provisioning of mulitipleIMSI ranges for the XML Notifications on SSManagement feature.

Provisions USSD messaging handling parameters suchas Service Code, Application Node, and Application Node

HLR System Features

address. Moreover, it allows to configure the followingHLR features: FTN Management, FTN Digits Analysis,XML notification on NDC change, Short NumberTranslation on RegSS.

Provisions PLMN and IMSI Rejection error causes,VLR/PLMN Definitions, OCPLMN templates, AllowedIMSI ranges and Service Screening Templates.

Roaming Controls

Defines custom templates by provisioning ApplicationContext templates and AcTemplateMapping to associate

MAP Policing

each of these templates to a node number. It also displaysthe NodeNumber and NodeNumberAcMapping tables.

It also enables the operator to force the Tekelec ngHLRto send MAP_Reset messages to peer nodes.

Allows the Network Operator to:Routing Controls

• Define Destination Router addresses

• Define Routing Templates for the GSM/IMS Router(MT-SMS/SRI/SRI-LCS/ATI routing). Defining arouting template consist mainly in setting thefollowing:

• Routing trigger• Routing type• Destination Router• Default Action

• Define Routing exceptions (only applies for MT-SMSrouting)

• Define a subscriber IMSI for Redirect Routing (onlyapplies to MT-SMS routing)

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Provisions different types of Bearer Capabilityinformation, each identified by a unique BearerCapName

Bearer Capabilities

to which MSISDNs can be associated to when provisioningthe subscriber profile.

Provisions the HLR Camel USSD General Csi parameters,Camel GSM Service Control Functionality and the


CamelServiceMaskTemplate for enhanced CAMELhandling.

This window allows to define PDN Context Templatesfor the LTE-HSS profiles. Each PDN Context provisioned


for a LTE-HSS profile must have a PDN Context Templateassigned to it.

Provisions the Mnp entity in order to provision theNumber Portability data for each "ported" MSISDN and

Mobile NumberPortability

the ImsiForRedirect entity in order to provision the IMSIthat must be returned in the SRI-ack when the TekelecngHLR redirects the interrogating node to the recipient'snetwork.

Activates/Deactivates SSR (Subscriber Signaling Routerfunctionality) and provisions SSR Templates and assigns

Subscriber SignalingRouter

them to an IMSI or IMSI range and to a MSISDN orMSISDN range.

Provisions the A4/K4 Transport Encryption Algorithmby defining A4/K4 combinations.


Provisions the Authentication algorithms that will be usedto authenticate subscribers.


Allows to view the activation status of the SS7 andSIGTRAN links


Provisions MAP general parameters, SAP, Applicationcontext, and Timer profile.


Provisions TCAP general parameters, SAP, and Timerprofile.


Provisions SCCP general parameters, Timer profile,Network SAP, User SAPs, Route, Concerned Area, Globaltitle entries and SCCP addresses.


This is part of the SIGTRAN protocol. It is used toprovision M3UA general parameters, Network, NetworkSAP, SCT SAP, PSP, PS and Route.


Provisions MTP3 general parameters, Network SAP,Timer profile, Signalling points, Combined Linksets,Linksets, Links, and Routes.


Provisions MTP2 general parameters, Service Access Point(SAP), and Timer profiles.


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Provisions SAAL general parameters and Service AccessPoint (SAP).


This is part of the SIGTRAN protocol. It is used toprovision the TUCL general parameters and the TUCLSap (TSap).


Displays the License information and allows to view thenumber of active subscribers at the end of each month. Italso allows to provision active and total thresholds.

License ManagerOamp

Manage users, following the USM feature, the group theyare in and their password as well as their access privileges.

User Management


The AuditManager entity:

• The Audit log message format (CSV or XML)• The number of days that the old audit log files must

be kept in the /export/audit director.• The debug information request in order to request the

following debug information to be included in eachaudit line: slot, module, file and line. By default, thisdebug information is not included.

The AuditInfo entity:

• The new AuditInfo entity has been implemented toallow the Network Operator to view the informationthat is being audited and its audit status: Enable orDisable.

Manage notification subscription permissions/propertiesfor each application and users.


Allows to view the current value of OS Resource and HLRSubscriber counters.


Allows to view and edit the thresholds implemented forthe OS Resource counters.


Performs a manual backup and a restore of the entiredatabase file or individually of some portions of the



database. Can also perform an automatic backup of thesubscriber's profile data. Also allows to manage the selfhealing functionality of the system (Database MonitoringReplication).

Provides information on the SIP Configuration attributesand their values as well as on the Sip IP Configuration.

Server ConfigurationSIP

Provides information on the SIP Security Configurationattributes and their values.


Provides information on the Registrar Configuration andits Domain and provisions the RegistrationBinding.


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Provides information on the SIP Redirect Configuration'sattributes and their value.


Provides information on the SIP User AgentConfiguration, the SIP User Agent Register Configuration,

User Agent

the User Agent PersistentContact and the IP User AgentConfiguration attributes and their values. It also providesinformation on the UaRegistrationBinding.

Provides access to the NpAorUseRangePrefix table, whichdefines Address of Record user range prefixes.

User Portability

Allows the Network Operator to conigure TelephonyApplication Server (TAS) data (Gt, Tt, Prefix, TasId,TasFQDN, OverrideTt, etc.).

The SDM extracts the TAS data configured here whenredirecting/relaying messages to an external TAS.


Provides information on the HSS Configuration, HSSConfiguration TCP Listen Address and HSS Configuration

HSS ConfigurationHSS

SCTP Listen Address, their attributes and their values.Also allows the provisioning of HSS parameters such asHSS Configuration Destination Realm and HSSConfiguration Destination Hosts.

Allows to configure the Authentication schemas andalgorithms that will be used to authenticate IMSsubscribers.


Provisions HSS Subscriber configuration parameters, suchas HSS Charging Info, HSS S-CSCF Server, HSSAuthorized Visited Network and HSS AS Permanent list.

HSS System Features

It also allows to configure the SPR by defining the ServiceIndications supported by the SPR from the Sh interfaceand from the OAM&P provisioning interface, setting theAuto Enrollment feature and data compression level, andconfigure internal receive queue, sequentialwrite/read/write requests, as well as HTTP andXML-REST request processing.

Provision the Shared Initial Filter Criteria feature byallowing to define Shared Initial Filter Criterias and foreach of them a list of Shared Service Point Triggers.


The LTEHSS Configuration window provisions theLTE-HSS through these tabs:



• Config: LTE-HSS Configuration, LTE-HSSConfiguration TCP Listen Address and LTE-HSSConfiguration SCTP Listen Address, their attributesand their values. Also allows the provisioning ofLTE-HSS parameters such as LTE-HSS Configuration

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Destination Realm and LTE-HSS ConfigurationDestination Hosts.

• PLMN: Defines allowed PLMNs for specific IMSIRanges. This is used to allow/disallow roaming tosubscribers depending on their IMSI Range and thePLMNs defined in this window.

• GMLCNodeList: Defines valid GMLC nodes. Thesenodes are used to validate the GMLC numbercontained in the RIR (Routing Information Request)to ensure it belongs to a node authorized to requestlocation services (LCS) routing information.

• Realms: Defines valid LTE-HSS Realms. A host, realmand an IMSI range can be defined. These are usedwhen the LTE-HSS receives a diameter requestmessage from a node in another network and needsto determine the host and realm values to send in theresponse. It is also used when the LTE-HSS initiates arequest message.

• VoLteStnSR: Specifies the default STN-SR for thecorresponding PLMNs when there is no STN-SR forthe UE in volatile data.

• ASPermList Contains a list of each Application Server(AS) that can communicate with the LTE-HSS. The listcontains the originating host, the associated alloweddata references, and a permission list.

The LTEHSS System Features window:LTEHSS SystemFeatures • Activates and deactivates LTE-HSS logging

• Modifies LTE-HSS log file attributes• Activates and deactivates multiple realm support in

the LTE-HSS• Activates and deactivates 3G/4G Roaming Support• Sets IDR Timeout value for STN-SR or T-ADS• Activates and deactivates LTE HSS Roaming Templates


The LTEHSS Roaming Templates window provisionsLTE-HSS Roaming templates (LRT) and related servicesthrough these tabs:

LTEHSS RoamingTemplates

• Global Roaming Templates: Creates an LRT andassociates an IMSI range with an LRT service.

• PLMN: Defines the PLMN IDs used in the roamingtemplates.

• Access Restriction: Creates and defines the servicetemplate for allowing subscribers to connect via2G/3G, 2G/3G/4G, 4G only or have no access.

• APN Filtering: Creates and defines the servicetemplate for screening the APNs that are returned withthe subscriber profile.

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• VPLMN Address Allowed: Creates and defines theservice template for blocking the VPLMN AddressAllowed within APNs that are returned to a visitednetwork.

Provides information on the SLF Configuration, SLFConfiguration TCP Listen Address and SLF Configuration

SLF ConfigurationSLF

SCTP Listen Address, their attributes and their values.Also allows the provisioning of SLF parameters such asSLF Configuration Destination Realm and SLFConfiguration Destination Hosts.

Provides information on the AAA Configuration, AAASystem Accounting Servers, AAA Network Access Servers

AAA ConfigurationAAA

and AAA NAS Accounting Servers, their attributes andtheir values.

Provisions the Dynamic IP Address Allocationfunctionality by allowing to add, display, modify and


delete AAA Address Allocation Policies, AAA AddressAllocation Ranges and AAA Address AllocationAssociations.

Allows to provision the following DNS data:ENUM ServerConfiguration

ENUM Server

• DNS Domain Name List• DNS ENUM User Template• DNS Black List Range• DNS Black List ENUM

Allows to view and edit the ENUM Server and DNS ListenAddresses configuration data


The EIR configuration window defines:EIR ConfigurationEIR

• The common EIR configuration• The IMEI range and associated equipment status for

the range• The Diameter host authorized to establish new

Diameter connection with EIR application.• Which equipment status to return in ECA if an EMEI

has been configured in several lists(White/Grey/Black)

The LTE-EIR configuration window configures theDiameter protocol:



• Defines Diameter host name and Diameter realm ofthe EIR for LTE.

• Configures IP address for SCTP/TCP connections.• Defines Diameter host authorized to establish new

Diameter connection with EIR application.• Defines list of authorized diameter realms

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The DRA configuration window configures the DiameterRelay Agent by defining the diameter host name of DRAto connect to the HSS

DRA ConfigurationDiameter

The Subscriber Provisioning window:SubscriberProvisioning

SubscriptionManagement • Defines SubscriptionIDs to represent subscribers.

• Provisions SIM cards assigned or unassigned to aSubscription ID using one of the following operations:

• Assign SIM• Unassign SIM• Swap SIM• Display Deferred Swap• Delete HLR Subscriber using the Delete

HLRSubscriber button• Search subscriber profiles

• View/Modify/Add/Delete Policy subscriber profiles• View policy quota and state data using the Policy

PublicIdentity search• Delete quota data using the Reset Quota button in the

Policy PublicIdentity search• View/Modify/Add/Delete an SPR Pool

For each subscriber (SubscriptionID), provisions:

• IMSIs for the SIM card assigned to the subscriber(SubscriptionID).

• MSISDNs for the SIM card assigned to the subscriber(SubscriptionID).

• IMSI-MSISDN associations (Primary and alternate) >Multiple IMSIs

• HLR Subscriber Profile with a Service Profile in whichservices such as Call Forward, Call Barring, ClosedUser Group, Camel Service, Number ID, CallCompletion, Call Waiting, and Change Service can beprovisioned. Within the Service profile of an HLRSubscriber Profile, an LTE-HSS subscriber profile canalso be provisioned.

• SIP Subscribers and their AddressOfRecords• HSS Subscribers and their service profile by allowing

to create Private Identities as well as Service Profilesand Public Identities. It also permits to create IMS-HSSInitial Filtering Criteria and link Public Identities fordifferent service Profiles.

• AAA users by creating AAA User IDs and specifyingtheir Vendor Specific Attributes.

• ENUM users• Link Public Identities to HSS Names for SLF Redirect

Host Mapping.

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Window display overview

Information shown on the screen provides a snapshot view. To view the current status, refresh thescreen by clicking the application name on the main menu.

Note: The Shelf View and Active Alarm screens are dynamically updated. All the other screens providea static view. Information shown on these screens provides a snapshot view. To view the currentstatus, refresh the screen by clicking the application name on the main menu.

In the WebCI, the system entities are displayed as tables. In each window, a series of tables can beprovisioned. The WebCI automatically stores the information provisioned in these tables in the system'scorresponding database entities.

The following windows display tabs at the top that provide access to sub-categories of the window:

• HLR folder: HLR Configuration window• SS7 folder: All windows• SIP folder: Registrar and User Agent windows

Each tab displays different tables. This allows to keep the WebCI display more organized and thetables regrouped per category.

As an example, the figure below depicts the tabs in the HLR Configuration window:

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The WebCI displays all the entities that can be edited by the operator for system configuration andsubscriber provisioning. The operator can perform the following from the WebCI:

• System Configuration• System Maintenance, Troubleshooting, Monitoring

SIM card and subscriber provisioning is usually performed in bulk with the SOAP/XML interface orwith the Command File Loader. These interfaces are described in the Subscriber Provisioning ReferenceManual and User Guide.

The different operations that can be performed to provision each of these tables are displayed in theform of a GUI button and are located nearby or within each table. After clicking on one of these buttons,a provisioning window will appear to allow you to set the values of the table's parameters to provisionan entry in the table. In this provisioning window, the parameters identified by a * are mandatoryparameters that have to be provisioned to be able to commit the entry.

Some WebCI windows also display buttons that are not specific to a table. These buttons are locatedindependently from any table and they allow to perform operations when troubleshooting the system.

Other WebCI windows display some operations in a different format, with a symbol. For more detailson the different operations format the WebCI displays, refer to the next section.

Shelf View

This window displays the information on each of the hardware platform's slots (processors) and theservices running on each one of them. This window allows to configure the system withidentities/services on each slot. This view also allows to perform Switch Overs.

Figure 7: Shelf View Window

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As you can see, in the Shelf View window, each slot is preceded by a symbol. Clicking on it willdisplay further information about the slot, such as: the services running on the slot and configurationoperations that can be performed on the slot. Another symbol precedes each slot's service(s), clickingon it will display further details about the processes running within each service and their state:ResourceState, HaRole, OpState, AdminState. For details about these different service states, refer tothe "Services running on the system" section of the SDM Product Description.

Shelf View

The shelf View tab displays the slot (processor) information for each hardware platform and theservices running on each. Use this window to configure the system identities and services per slot andperform switch overs.

In the Shelf View window, each slot is preceded by a Plus symbol. Clicking the symbol will displayfurther information about the slot, such as the services running on the slot and the configurationoperations that can be performed on the slot. Another Plus symbol precedes each slot's service(s),clicking the symbol will display further details about the processes running within each service andtheir state: ResourceState, HaRole, OpState, AdminState. For details about these different service states,refer to the "Services running on the system" section of the SDM Product Description.

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Operations Available

The WebCI allows you to provision tables and perform different operations through buttons.

Some buttons provision the system entities and include add, delete, and modify operations. The buttonsare located underneath the table or in each row within the table. They are labeled with the action to

be performed, for example to add an HLR configuration.

In addition to the provisioning buttons, some operations are represented by symbols. The table providesa list of operations performed by symbols and provides the symbol location within the WebCI.

Table 3: Operations performed by symbols

OperationLocation in windowSymbolWebCI windowWebCIfolder

Logs out of the WebCI andends the session.

Top right corner ofMain page.


Clears the alarm described inthe same row.

In the last column tothe right in theActive Alarm table,for each alarm.

Active Alarm ViewSystem

Acknowledges all alarms.Top right corner ofthe Active AlarmView window.

Active Alarm ViewSystem

Acknowledges the alarmdescribed in the same row.

In the last column tothe right in theActive Alarm table,for each alarm.

Active Alarm ViewSystem

Stops the Auto-Refreshmechanism.

Top right corner ofthe Active AlarmView window.

Active Alarm ViewSystem

Starts the Auto-Refreshmechanism.

Active Alarm ViewSystem

Displays the previous page orthe previous entries in thetable.

VariesNot specificNotspecific

Displays the next page or thenext entries in the table.

VariesNot specificNotspecific

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Displays the SS7 layer'sTimers Configuration table toallow you to edit the Timers.

At the right of thetable. It appears foreach entryprovisioned in thistable.


MAP > ApplicationContext

MAP > GsmMap TimerProfile


TCAP > Tcap Sap

TCAP > Tcap TimerProfile

SCCP > Timer Profile

M3UA > SCT Sap

MTP3 > Timer Profile

MTP2 > MTP2 Sap

MTP2 > MTP2 TimerProfile

Displays the parameters thatcan be modified in the table to

At the right of thetable. It appears for

MAP > GsmMap Sap

MAP > ApplicationContext


allow you to edit an alreadyprovisioned entry.

each entryprovisioned in thistable.TCAP > Tcap Sap

SCCP > Network Sap

SCCP > User Saps

SCCP > Route

SCCP > ConcernedArea

M3UA > Network Sap

M3UA > SCT Sap



MTP3 > Network Sap

MTP3 > SignallingPoint

MTP3 > Routes

MTP3 > Links

MTP2 > MTP2 Sap

Sigtran > Sigtran LocalIP

Sigtran > SigtranRemote IP

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Deletes the entry alreadyprovisioned in the table.

At the right of thetable. It appears foreach entry

MAP > GsmMap TimerProfile

TCAP > Tcap TimerProfile


provisioned in thistable.

SCCP > Timer Profile

SCCP > Route

SCCP > ConcernedArea

SCCP > Global TitleEntries

SCCP > SCCPAddresses

M3UA > Network

M3UA > Network Sap

M3UA > SCT Sap



M3UA > Route

MTP3 > Timer Profile

MTP3 > SignallingPoint

MTP3 > CombinedLinksets

MTP3 > Linksets

MTP3 > Routes

MTP3 > Links

MTP2 > MTP2 Sap

MTP2 > MTP2 TimerProfile

TUCL > Tucl Sap

SAAL > Saal Sap

Sigtran > Sigtran LocalIP

Sigtran > SigtranRemote IP

Deletes unused TCAPdialogues.

At the right of thetable. It appears foreach entry

TCAP > Tcap SapSS7

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provisioned in thistable.

Deletes unused TCAPinvokes.

At the right of thetable. It appears foreach entry

TCAP > Tcap SapSS7

provisioned in thistable.

Displays the parameters thatcan be edited to set the SioPriorities.

At the right of thetable. It appears foreach entryprovisioned in thistable.

SCCP > Network SapSS7

Displays the Concerned PCs.At the right of thetable. It appears for

SCCP > User Saps

SCCP > ConcernedArea


each entryprovisioned in thistable.

Displays the parameters thatallow you to add/edit a

At the right of thetable. It appears for

SCCP > Route

SCCP > ConcernedArea


backup Point Code for thatSCCP Route.

each entryprovisioned in thistable.

Bind s and creates a relationbetween the Sap user in the

At the right of thetable. It appears for


corresponding layer and itseach entrySap provider in the lowerlayer.

provisioned in thistable.

Deletes the relation betweenthe Sap user in the

At the right of thetable. It appears for


corresponding layer and itseach entrySap provider in the lowerlayer.

provisioned in thistable.

Establishes the PSP associationbetween the Tekelec ngHLR

At the right of thetable. It appears for


and the remote peer (PSP)through an SctSap.

each entryprovisioned in thistable.

Terminates the associationbetween the Tekelec ngHLRand the remote peer (PSP).

At the right of thetable. It appears foreach entryprovisioned in thistable.


Indicates to the peer that theApplication Server process is

At the right of thetable. It appears for


up and that the SIGTRANeach entry

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provisioned in thistable.

applications are ready toreceive traffic.

Indicates to the peer that theApplication Server process is

At the right of thetable. It appears for


down and that the SIGTRANeach entryapplications are no longerready to receive traffic.

provisioned in thistable.

Activates the ApplicationServer process (ASP).

At the right of thetable. It appears foreach entry


provisioned in thistable.

Deactivates the ApplicationServer process (ASP).

At the right of thetable. It appears foreach entry


provisioned in thistable.

The PSP Association isavailable to carry traffic.

At the right of thetable. It appears foreach entry


provisioned in thistable.

The PSP Association is notavailable to carry traffic.

At the right of thetable. It appears foreach entry


provisioned in thistable.

Displays the linksets.At the right of thetable. It appears for

MTP3 > CombinedLinksets


each entryprovisioned in thistable.

Displays the links.At the right of thetable. It appears for

MTP3 > LinksetsSS7

each entryprovisioned in thistable.

Activates the linkset/link.At the right of thetable. It appears for

MTP3 > LinksetsMTP3 > Links


each entryprovisioned in thistable.

Deactivates the linkset/link.At the right of thetable. It appears for

MTP3 > LinksetsMTP3 > Links


each entry

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provisioned in thistable.

Blocks the link.At the right of thetable. It appears for

MTP3 > LinksSS7

each entryprovisioned in thistable.

Inhibits the link.At the right of thetable. It appears for

MTP3 > LinksSS7

each entryprovisioned in thistable.

Activates an MTP2 SAP tobind the MTP2 layer to theMTP3 layer.

At the right of thetable. It appears foreach entryprovisioned in thistable.

MTP2 > MTP2 SapSS7

Deactivates an MTP2 SAP tounbind the MTP2 layer to theMTP3 layer.

At the right of thetable. It appears foreach entryprovisioned in thistable.

MTP2 > MTP2 SapSS7

Sorting Alarms

From the Active Alarm View and History Alarm View windows, any of the alarm items can be sortedaccording to the heading names. Clicking on the heading name will toggle between sorting in ascending(shown by up arrow ↑) and descending order (shown by the down arrow ↓).

Auto Refresh

The WebCI has an auto-refresh mechanism that automatically refreshes and updates the Active AlarmView window every 15 seconds. This allows the following:

• The Active Alarm View window to dynamically display current active alarms.• The WebCI session to remain refreshed and opened even if there is no activity performed on the

WebCI for a certain period of time. To achieve this, the user must leave the WebCI opened withthe Active Alarm View window opened.

It is possible to manually deactivate/activate the auto-refresh mechanism by performing the followingfrom the Active Alarm View window:

• Stop the auto refresh cycle, by clicking the action button (in the top right corner) when it is red.• Start the auto refresh cycle, by clicking the action button when it is green.

Note: The auto-refresh mechanism is active by default.

The refresh timer is displayed only for Internet Explorer browser windows. To view timer information,the View Status toolbar must be set to showing.

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User Security Management

The SDM system offers its users high security by giving the administrator the capability to make thefollowing user restrictions from any of the supported SDM user interfaces (CLI, WebCI, XML interfaces):

• Manage users by classifying them within groups with specific access privileges and services.• Manage notifications sent to subscribed users about updates to certain applications


The following sections describe the entities and attributes available through the CLI and WebCI tomanage user privileges.

User Security Management through WebCI

Figure 8: User Manager

The User Management window provides information on the user, its username and password, on thedifferent Groups, its identifier and name, and on the access privileges (access permission) associatedto each Group for a specific Service. The User Management window displays the following tables:User, Service, Group and AccessPrivileges. These tables can only be modified by the Admin Group,while each user can change their own password.

Through the WebCI, the administrator of the system, already defined in the admin group, can:

• Create new groups and provision the desired access privileges for each one of them, by provisioningthe Group table.

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• Modify the access privileges provisioned for each group (including pre-defined groups), by clickingon each GroupName link. This means that the administrator of the system can modify thepermissions defined for each service of a specific group.

• Delete groups (including pre-defined groups, except the 'admin' group)• Create new users and associate them to the right group by provisioning the User table.• Delete users (including pre-defined users, except the 'admin' user)• Modify the password of a user or the group to which the user (including predefined users) is

associated to, by clicking on the 'Modify' button in the User table.• Create/Delete services by provisioning the Service table.

• Warning: The predefined services cannot be deleted since these are internal services and adeletion could impact the system.

For instructions on how to provision these tables, refer to the 'Creating and Managing users for theUser Interfaces' section of the SDM System Configuration - User Guide.

User Security Management through CLI

Users can be managed only by the users in Group Admin, except for the fact that each user can changetheir own password. Please refer to the "Users" section of the SDM Product Description for details onthe Admin Group.

This section describes the CLI commands to manage users through the CLI.




This is used to define users and their user name and password.

CLI NavigationOamp[]> SecurityManager[]> User

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Oamp[]> SecurityManager[]> add User [UserName = string; Password = string; GroupName = string]

Operations Permitted

Display, add

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Attributes and Values

Table 4: User attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatory Attributes

Identifier that uniquelyidentifies a user.

N/AUp to 20 charactersexcept the following:"/ \ [] : ; | = , + * ^<>"


Encrypted password uniquefor each Group a user isassociated to.


Minimum of 6characters and up to64 charactersencrypted.



Name of the Group to whichthe user is associated to. This

N/AMade of up to 64characters in


gives access privileges to auser.

lowercase. Groupsalready predefined inthe system:

• operation• surveillance• admin• batch• simprov

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeOptional Attributes

For future use.NotApplicable


This parameter indicates tothe SDM system whether or

0Bool 0 , 1PersistOS

not to store the userinformation in the OperatingSystem (OS) in addition tobeing stored in the database.

Once the user information isadded to the OS, the user canlogin to the blade usingterminal emulator.

• 0=The user information isnot stored in the OS, butonly in the database.

• 1= The user information isstored in the OS inaddition to being stored inthe database.

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CLI Example

1 : Oamp[]> SecurityManager[]> display User[UserName = blue1]




This is used to define a user group (some are pre-defined at installation of the system), which consistsof a group name and the right access granted for each service. A group may be associated to severalusers.

CLI NavigationOamp[]> SecurityManager[]> Group

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Oamp[]> SecurityManager[]> display Group [GroupName = string]

Operations Permitted

Display, modify.

Attributes and Values

Table 5: Group attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatory Attribute

Name of the Group thatregroups users that have been

N/AMade of up to 64characters in


categorized based on theirlowercase. Groupssystem use and that have thealready predefined in

the system: same access privileges andaccess permission for the• user different entity services on thesystem.

For more details on each ofthe predefined Groups, refer

• operation• surveillance• admin• batch to the "Users" section of the

SDM Product Description.• simprov

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatory Attribute

This parameter indicates tothe SDM system whether or

0Bool 0 , 1PersistOS

not to store the userinformation in the OperatingSystem (OS) in addition tobeing stored in the database.Once the user information isadded to the OS, the user canlogin to the blade usingterminal emulator.

• 0=The user information isnot stored in the OS, butonly in the database.

• 1= The user information isstored in the OS inaddition to being stored inthe database.

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeOptional Attribute

This parameter allows to givea clear description of thegroup.

N/AString (up to 256)Description

CLI Example

1 : Oamp[]> SecurityManagement[]> display Group[GroupName = user]

Security Access Privileges



This entity defines access privileges to a user group by making an association between a user group,a service, and an access permission. Each access privilege gives a single group the access permission(Read/Write/Execute) to a single service.

CLI NavigationOamp[]> SecurityManager[]> Group []> SecurityAccessPrivileges

CLI Inherited AttributesGroupName

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CLI Command Syntax

Oamp[]> SecurityManager[]> Group [GroupName = string] > display SecurityAccessPrivileges [ServiceName=char; Permission=integer]

Operations Permitted

Display, add, modify

Attributes and Values

Table 6: SecurityAccessPrivileges attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatory Attribute

Identifier that identifies aservice and their associated

N/AInteger except "0"Services that are


entities. A service is associatedalready predefined inthe system: to each user group to define

to which entities it has access• Database to. Please see *NOTE below• ExternalService for more details on the entities

associated to the services.• HlrConfigHlrSimProv

• HlrSubsProv• HssConfig• HssSubsProv• Oamp• Policy• Schema• SipConfig• SipSubsProv• Ss7Config

SubscriberProv• System

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeOptional Attribute

Type of action a user groupcan do to the entities it has

N/APermission • 1 Read(Display)

access to. Please see **NOTE• 2 Write (Add/Modify/Delete) below for more details on the

access permissions allowed by• 3 ReadWritea user group for all thedifferent services.

• 4 Execute(Access toentity ownoperations)

• 5 ReadExecute

• 7 ReadWriteExecute

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Important: The User Security Management feature allows any module to supersedeany access right, meaning that module could define their own access rights and thoserights cannot be overwritten. For example, if a particular entity cannot be added ordeleted, the module will prevent the user from adding or deleting the entity.

CLI Example

1 : Oamp[]>SecurityManager[]> Group[GroupName=user]> display SecurityAccessPrivileges[ServiceName = Oamp]

Predefined services and associated entities

An entity can belong only to one service. The following table displays the different pre-defined servicesand their associated entities:

Table 7: Predefined services and associated entities


System, Shelf, Slot, SmModule, Alarm, AlarmHistorySystem

All entities that are used to provision Subscriptions (SubscriptionID)Subscriber Provisioning(Subscription)

All entities that are used to provision a HLR subscriber profile.HLR Subscriber Provisioning

All entities that are used to provision Sim cards and associate themwith IMSIs.

SIM Provisioning

All the HLR entities that are used to configure the Tekelec ngHLR.HLR Configuration

All SS7/SIGTRAN entities that are used to configure SS7 andSIGTRAN.

SS7 Configuration

All the HSS subscriber entitiesHSS Subscriber Provisioning

All the HSS entities which are used to configure the HSS.HSS Configuration

All the SIP subscriber entitiesSIP Subscriber Provisioning

All the SIP entities which are used to configure the SIP functionalitySIP Configuration

Database entity (Backup/Restore/DRM operations)Database

LicenseManagement, UserManagement, NotificationManagement,Performance Management counter.


All the entities used by the schema:Schema

• CacheAttribute• Constraint• ConstraintAttribute• DataType• Entity• LdapAttribute

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EntitiesService• LdapAttributeCriteriaRelation• LdapAttributeMapping• LdapAttributeMappingCriteria• LdapNamingContexts• LdapObjectClass• LdapObjectClassCriteria• LdapObjectClassCriteriaRelation• LdapRdn• Namespace• Operation• Parameter• PhysicalAccessPath• RDbDataType• Reference• ReferenceParameter• ResourceManager• Schema• Schemaversion• SchemaVersionFile• Token• TokenMaxPerCategory

Entities that are used to manage external services defined by theNetwork Operator in the Global Schema.

External Service

All entities used for system validation.SystemValidation

Subscriber, IdMap, FieldInformationPolicy

Access permissions per service and group

Each access privilege gives a single group the access permission (Read/Write/Execute) to a singleservice. The access privileges table is defined or fined tune by the operators when needed (when anew group is added or an existing group needs to be altered).

Table 8: Predefined access permissions to services per user group






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R: Read (Display) W: Write (Add/Modify/Delete) X: eXecute (Access to entity own operations)

Important: The User Security Management feature allows any module to supersedeany access right, meaning that a module could define its own access rights and thoserights cannot be overwritten. For example, if a particular entity cannot be added ordeleted, the module will prevent the user from adding or deleting the entity.




In addition to the internal services pre-defined in the system, the Network Operator can use this entityto define/modify/delete external services that regroup entities manually added by the NetworkOperator in the system's Global Schema.

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CLI NavigationOamp[]> SecurityManager[]> Service

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Oamp[]> SecurityManager[]> add Service [ServiceName = string; Description = string]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Attributes and Values

Table 9: Service attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatory Attributes

Identifier that uniquelyidentifies a service.

N/AUp to 20 charactersexcept the following:"/ \ [] : ; | = , + * ^


<>" The pre-definedservices are asfollows:

• System• OAMP• Database• External service• Schema• HLR Subscriber

prov• SIM provisioning• HLR configuration• SS7 configuration• SIP subscriber

prov• SUP configuration• HSS Subscriber

prov• HSS configuration• Subscriber prov• Policy

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatory Attributes

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatory Attributes

Description that defines theservice.

N/AString (up to 256)Description

CLI Example

1 : Oamp[]> SecurityManager[]> display Service[ServiceName = HlrConfig]

Notification Security Management

The Oamp folder accesses the Notification Management functionality, which allows the managementof users, applications, their notification registrations, and properties.

Notification Security Management through WebCI

Figure 9: Notification Manager

The Notification Manager window provides information on the applications associated to each user(the applications allowed for each user) and on the applications' notification registration and properties.The user-application combinations are defined in the UserAppMap table. The external applicationsare defined in the ApplicationIdentity table, each with notification properties and registrationpermissions that can be defined/deleted in the ApplProperty and NotifSubscribe tables respectively.

For instructions on how to provision these tables, refer to the 'Creating and managing users/applicationsfor the Notifications' section of the SDM System Configuration - User Guide.

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Notification Security Management through CLI

This section describes the CLI commands that manage which user is allowed to request which typeof notification through the CLI.

Only users in the Admin group can manage users, except that all users can change their own password.Refer to the “Users” section of the SDM Product Description for details on the Admin group.

Application Identity




This is used to define applications (application name and description) for which users associated tothem will be able to subscribe to receiving notifications.

CLI NavigationOamp[]> NotificationManager[]> ApplicationIdentity

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Oamp[]> NotificationManager[]> add ApplicationIdentity [ApplName = string; Description = string]

Operations Permitted

Display, add, modify, delete

Attributes and Values

Table 10: ApplicationIdentity attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatory Attribute

Identifier that uniquelyidentifies an application.

N/AUp to 20 charactersexcept the following:"/ \ [] : ; | = , + * ^


<>" The pre-definedapplications are:

• BlueCli• WebCI• CmdFileLoader• SNMP

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatory Attribute• LdapDataServer• PolicyManager

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeOptional Attribute

Identifier that uniquelyidentifies an application.

N/AUp to 20 charactersexcept the following:"/ \ [] : ; | = , + * ^


<>" The pre-definedapplications are:

• BlueCli• WebCI• CmdFileLoader• SNMP• LdapDataServer• PolicyManager

CLI Example

1 : Oamp[]> NotificationManager[]> display ApplicationIdentity[ApplName = BlueCli]

Notification Subscribe



This is used to define an NotificationSubscribe application's notification subscription capabilities:namespace, entity, Attribute. The application can only subscribe to notifications for changes/updatesmade to the entities' attributes or entity defined here.

CLI NavigationOamp[]> NotificationManager[]> ApplicationIdentity[]> NotificationSubscribe

CLI Inherited AttributesApplName

CLI Command Syntax

Oamp[]> NotificationManager[]> ApplicationIdentity [ApplName = char] > add NotificationSubscribe [Namespace = char; Entity = char; Attribute= char]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

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Attributes and Values

Table 11: NotificationSubscribe attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatoryAttribute

Namespace given for theentity in the GlobalSchema.

N/AThere are only two Namespaces in theGlobal Schema:


• 'bn'• 'global' (this is only for the

Subscription entity)

Name of the entity forwhich notifications need

N/AName of entity in Global Schema.Entity

to be sent ifchanges/updates aremade.

Name of the applicationthat is registered to

N/AUp to 20 characters except thefollowing:


receive notifications on/ \ [] : ; | = , + * ^ changes of the configurednamespace/entity/attribute.The pre-defined applications are:

This name should be thesame as the name

Unknown, Framework,SchemaManager, , SystemManager,

specified by theDataProvider, DpController,application in theOampEventViewer, OampEventMgr,InterfaceModuleIdOampManager,

OampPerformanceManager, parameter whenHlrServer, HlrProvManager, HlrWgs, authenticating with theAucServer, SS7Manager, SipServer, system through theSipProvManager, NodeManager, RequestUserAuc

operation.TestModuleType, DpReplicator,BlueCli, WebCI, SOAP,CmdFileLoader, SNMP, HssServer,HssProvManager, SipUa,XmlDataServer, DpProxy,SubscriberManager, LdapDataServer,LteHssServer, LteProvManager, Drm,DataAccessServer, ExternalService,PolicyManager, RasServer,EirProvManager, DraProvManager

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeOptional Attribute

Name of the attribute forwhich notifications need

N/AName of attribute belonging to theentity as defined in the GlobalSchema.


to be sent ifchanges/updates aremade.

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CLI Example

1 : Oamp[]> NotificationManager[]> display ApplicationIdentity[ApplName = BlueCli]>add NotificationSubscribe[Namespace = bn; Entity=MSISDN;Attribute=DefaultBsg]

Application Property



This is used to define the properties of the notifications that must be sent out for each application. Itallows the Network Operator to specify the following property for each application/entity for whichnotifications need to be sent: whether or not the previous value (before update) must be included inthe notifications in addition to the current value (after update).

CLI NavigationOamp[]> NotificationManager[]> ApplicationIdentity[]> ApplicationProperty

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Oamp[]> SecurityManager[]> ApplicationIdentity [ApplName = char] > add ApplicationProperty [Namespace = char; Entity = char; isValueBefore = 0,1]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Attributes and Values

Table 12: ApplicationProperty attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatory Attribute

Namespace given for theentity in the Global Schema.

N/AThere are only twoNamespaces in theGlobal Schema:


• 'bn'• 'global' (this is

only for theSubscriptionentity)

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatory Attribute

Name of the entity for whichnotifications need to be sent ifchanges/updates are made.

N/AName of entity inGlobal Schema.


DescriptionDefaultValue RangeOptional Attribute

This parameter indicateswhether or not the previous

0Bool 0 , 1isValueBefore

value (before update of entity)must be sent in thenotification in addition to thecurrent value (after update ofentity). For example, if the'ValueBefore' property is setto 'On' for the MSISDN entityon the WebCI application, allthe changes made to thatentity (for example, onDefaultBsg) from thisapplication will trigger anotification sending theprevious DefaultBsg value(before update) and thecurrent DefaultBsg value(after update).

CLI Example

1 : Oamp[]> NotificationManager[]> display ApplicationIdentity[ApplName = BlueCli]>add ApplicationProperty[Namespace = bn; Entity=MSISDN]

User Application Map



This is used to define user-application combinations. Each user account must have one or severalapplications (as defined in the ApplicationIdentity entity) associated to it. The same user can havedifferent applications associated to it with different logging properties. To achieve this, different entrieswith the same user name must be created in the UserApplicationMap entity.

CLI NavigationOamp[]> NotificationManager[]> UserApplicationMap

CLI Inherited Attributes


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CLI Command Syntax

Oamp[]> NotificationManager[]> add UserApplicationMap [UserName=string; ApplName=char; LogOption=0,1,2,3]

Operations Permitted

Display, add, modify, delete

Attributes and Values

Table 13: UserApplicationMap attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatory Attributes

Identifier that uniquelyidentifies a user.

N/AUp to 20 charactersexcept the following:"/ \ [] : ; | = , + * ^


<>" The pre-definedusers are:

• user• operation• surveillance• admin• batch• simprov

Identifier that uniquelyidentifies an application.

N/AUp to 20 charactersexcept the following:"/ \ [] : ; | = , + * ^


<>" The pre-definedapplications are:

• Cli• WebCI• CmdFileLoader• SNMP• LdapDataServer• PolicyManager

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeOptional Attributes

This parameter indicateswhich of the following

0LogOption • 0 NoLog

• 1 LogAlllogging options the SDM• 2 LogReadsystem should follow for eachuser-application combination:

0 NoLog: No logs are savedby the system.

• 3 LogMod

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatory Attributes1 LogAll: The system saveslogs for all the actions takenby this user on thisapplication. WARNING: Thiscould impact the performanceof the system during hightraffic.

2 LogRead: The system saveslogs only for the readingactions taken by this user onthis application.

3 LogMod: The system saveslogs only for the modifyingactions taken by this user onthis application.

CLI Example

1 : Oamp[]> NotificationManager[]> add UserApplicationMap[UserName=admin;ApplName=WebCI]

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3Home Location Register (HLR)

This chapter provides details on the entities thatstore HLR configuration data. The following isdescribed for each HLR entity:


• HLR configuration.....76• Forward-to-number (FTN) rule provisioning for

FTN digits analysis.....93 • CLI and WebCI navigation path• Allowed operations

• HLR identities, HPLMN definitions, and IMSIranges configuration.....99 • Entity attributes and values.

• CAMEL configuration.....107• HLR System Features.....113• Authentication Center Provisioning.....116• Roaming Controls.....119• VLR/SGSN nodes calculation affected by Roaming

Control changes.....141• MAP Policing configuration.....146• GSM Bearer Capabilities configuration.....160• Flexible MT-SMS Rerouting Configuration....172• Routing Controls.....179• Roaming Welcome Notification configuration.187• MAP SRI Interworking with SIP Subscribers

configuration.....193• Subscriber Signaling Router (SSR)

configuration.....195• PDN Context Template configuration.....201• HLR Proxy configuration.....205• Dialogue Reinitiation.....207• HLR Operations.....210

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HLR configuration

HLR configuration




This entity allows to provision the HLR configuration parameters used at system startup and to viewthe activation status of the HLR features. Most HLR features can be dynamically activated/deactivatedduring running time of the system. To achieve this, execute the ActivateFeature() andDeactivateFeature() operations (refer to the HLR Operations section of this document).

Also keep in mind that most of these HLR features will only fulfill their role when they are activatedand provisioned. Refer to the SDM System Configuration – User Guide for instructions on how toprovision HLR features.

CLI Navigation

Hlr[]> HlrConfig

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> display HlrConfig [HlrInstance = integer; RoutingNetworkType =ANSI,ITU; SccpRoutingNetworkIndicator = National,International;RoutingSubSystemNumber = integer; RoutingPointCode = integer; GtNumberingPlan= 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,14; GtNatureOfAddress = integer; ImscAddr = integer;MaxNumCallForwardAllowed = 0-5; MapMessageSegmentation = 0,1;RegionalSubscription = 0,1; SuperCharger = 0,1 ; UssdForwardVlrNumber = 0,1; RoutingOnSsn = 0,1; RoamingWelcomeMessage = 0,1,2; HlrSSMgmtFeature =0,1,255; MapPolicing = 0,1; FtnTranslation = 0,1; SimKiTransportEncryption= 0,1; SmsRouting = 0,1,255; UssdRouting = 0,1; VolDataOptimization = 0,1;SaiAckSegmentation = 0,1; ActiveDeviceDetection = 0,1;MobileNumberPortability = 255,0,1; SubscriberSignallingRouter = 255,0,1;AccessRestrictionData = 0,1; DirectCallForwardRegistration = 0,1;DomainSelection = 0,1; MapResetOptimization = 0,1; VlrMsgNotification =0,1,2,3; EnhanceControlOfSccpRouting = 255,0,1; UpdateOfSccpCgAddrOnlyForUL= 0,1,255; FtnProvValidation=0,1; SmsRelay = 0,1,255; AlertSCBuildCdPA =0,1; SriRouting = 0,1,2,3,255; IMEIEnforcement = 0,1; MtRoamingRetry = 0,1, 255; EnhancedSccpAllowedPlmn = 0,1,255; DlgReinitiation = 0, 1, 2, 255]

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Operations Permitted


Attributes and Values

Table 14: HlrConfig Mandatory Attributes



Identifies a specific HLR Instance when multipleHLR blades are used to support the traffic load.In this version, only one instance is available.

1up to 10digits


Table 15: HlrConfig Optional Attributes



Network protocol. This parameter is notdynamically configurable during running time of

ITU (1)ANSI(2)


the system. The HLR service must be restarted forthe changes to be committed to the database.or

ITU (1)

Network Indicator.International(0)

National(1) or

SccpRoutingNetworkIndicator This parameter is not dynamically configurable

during running time of the system. The HLRInternational(0) service must be restarted in order for the changes

to be committed to the database.

SubSystem Number.6up to 10digits

RoutingSubSystemNumber This parameter is not dynamically configurable

during running time of the system. The HLRservice must be restarted in order for the changesto be committed to the database.

Global Title Numbering Plan.1up to 10digits



This parameter is not dynamically configurableduring running time of the system. The HLRservice must be restarted in order for the changesto be committed to the database.

Global Title Nature of Address.1up to 10digits


This parameter is not dynamically configurableduring running time of the system. The HLRservice must be restarted in order for the changesto be committed to the database.

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SMS Interworking MSC Address.15634110123up to 15digits


This parameter is not dynamically configurableduring running time of the system. The HLRservice must be restarted for the changes to becommitted to the database.

Specify maximum number of call forward legsallowed. This parameter is not dynamically

50 to 5MaxNumCallForwardAllowed

configurable during running time of the system.The HLR service must be restarted in order forthe changes to be committed to the database.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe MAP Message Segmentation feature.

10 or 1MapMessageSegmentation

This parameter is not dynamically configurableduring running time of the system. The HLRservice must be restarted for the changes to becommitted to the database.

0 (Deactivated) = The Tekelec ngHLR segmentslarge MAP messages at the MAP layer, restrictingthe SCCP layer to use only UDT.

1 (Activated) = The Tekelec ngHLR segmentslarge MAP messages like an ISD at the SCCP layerusing XUDT.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe Regional Subscription Support. The feature

10 or 1RegionalSubscription

can be dynamically activated/deactivated duringrunning-time of the system by executing theActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature() operations.

0 = Deactivated. The Regional Subscription is notsupported.

1 = Activated. The Regional Subscription issupported.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe Super Charger feature.

This parameter is not dynamically configurableduring running time of the system. The HLR

10 or 1SuperCharger

service must be restarted for the changes to becommitted to the database.

0 = Deactivated. The Super Charger feature isdeactivated.

1 = Activated. The Super Charger feature isactivated.

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This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe USSD Forward VLR Number feature. The

10 or 1UssdForwardVlr-Number

feature can be dynamically activated/deactivatedduring running-time of the system by executingthe ActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature()operations.

0 (Deactivated) = The Tekelec ngHLR doesn’tforward the VLR number to the next USSD node(e.g., gsmSCF).

1 (Activated) = The Tekelec ngHLR forwards theVLR number to the next USSD node (e.g.,gsmSCF).

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe Routing on SSN feature. This feature can be

10 or 1RoutingOnSsn

dynamically activated/deactivated duringrunning-time of the system by executing theActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature() operations.

0 (Deactivated) = The IntraPLMN routing is basedon the GTT (Global Title Translation).

1 (Activated) = The IntraPLMN routing is basedon PC + SSN

This parameter indicates the activation status andtype of Roaming Welcome Message feature. The

00, 1, 2RoamingWelcomeMessage

feature can be dynamically activated/deactivatedduring running-time of the system by executingthe ActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature()operations.

• 0=Off.• 1=Notify on CC changes or IMSI change. This

means that the service is enabled andnotifications are sent only when the CCchanges or when the IMSI changes.

• 2=Notify on CC-NDC changes or IMSIchange. This means that the service is enabledand notifications are sent when both theCC-NDC change or when the IMSI changes.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe MAP Policing feature. The feature can be

10 or 1MapPolicing

dynamically activated/deactivated duringrunning-time of the system by executing theActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature() operations.

• 0=Deactivated. The MAP Policing isdeactivated.

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• 1=Activated. The MAP Policing is activated.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe FTN translation feature.

This parameter is not dynamically configurableduring running time of the system. The HLR

10 or 1FtnTranslation

service must be restarted for the changes to becommitted to the database.

• 0= Deactivated. The FTN translation featureis deactivated.

• 1= Activated. The FTN translation feature isactivated.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe A4/K4 Transport Encryption Algorithm. The

00 or 1SimKiTransportEncryption

feature can be dynamically activated/deactivatedduring running-time of the system by executingthe ActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature()operations.


When enabled, it indicates the following:

• When the AlgoId (A4/K4 index) provided isnot 0, the Ki must be decrypted.

• When the AlgoId (A4/K4 index) is notprovided, the Ki must be rejected.

• When the AlgoId (A4/K4 index) provided isequal to 0, the Ki must not be decrypted.


When disabled, it indicates the following:

• When the AlgoId (A4/K4 index) provided isnot 0, the Ki must be rejected.

• When the AlgoId (A4/K4 index) is notprovided, the Ki must not be decrypted.

• When the AlgoId (A4/K4 index) provided isequal to 0, the Ki must not be decrypted.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe SMS Redirection functionality, which can be

00, 1,255


dynamically activated/deactivated duringrunning-time of the system by executing theActivateFeature()/ DeactivateFeature() operationsfrom the CLI, or by modifying the SmsRouting'sactivation status in the HlrConfig entity.

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Note: This feature must be made available byTekelec support staff before it can be dynamicallychanged (activated/deactivated) by the Operator.

Note: The SMS Relay functionality has to bedeactivated ('SmsRelay' set to 0 (deactivate)) priorto deactivating SMS Routing.

• 0= Deactivated. The SMS Redirectionfunctionality is deactivated.

• 1= Activated. The SMS Redirectionfunctionality is activated.

• 255 = Unavailable The SMS Redirectionfunctionality is unavailable.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe MT-SMS Relay functionality, which can be

2550, 1,255


dynamically activated/deactivated duringrunning-time of the system by executing theActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature() operationsfrom the CLI or by modifying the SmsRelay'sactivation status in the HlrConfig entity.

NOTE: This feature must be made available byTekelec support staff before it can be dynamicallychanged (activated/deactivated) by the Operator.

NOTE:The SMS Routing functionality has to beactivated ('SmsRouting' set to 1 (activate)) priorto activating SMS Relay.

0= Deactivated The MT-SMS Relay functionalityis deactivated.

1= Activated. The MT-SMS Relay functionality isactivated.

255=Unavailable. The MT-SMS Relayfunctionality is unavailable.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe Alert Service Center CdPA feature.

00 or 1AlertSCBuildCdPA

The feature can be dynamically activated/deactivated during running-time of the systemby executing the ActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature() operations from the CLI, orby modifying the AlertSCBuildCdPA's activationstatus in the HlrConfig entity.

The Alert Service Center CdPA must be set to 1(Activated) for the MT-SMS Relay routingfunctionality.

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0= Deactivated. The Alert Service Center CdPAis deactivated. The Tekelec ngHLR uses the AlertService Center address provided in the SCCPheader.

1= Activated. The Alert Service Center CdPA isactivated. The Tekelec ngHLR uses the AlertService Center address provided in the MAPheader. The Alert Service Center address is usedto rebuild the CdPA.

This configuration flag indicates whether theTekelec ngHLR sends the IMSI or MSISDN as theDestination Reference in the following messages:

00 or 1UssdRouting



This parameter is not dynamically configurableduring running time of the system. The HLRservice must be restarted for the changes to becommitted to the database.

0: The UssdRouting flag is turned OFF. The IMSIis sent as the Destination Reference in the USSDmessages.

1: The UssdRouting flag is turned ON. TheMSISDN is sent as the Destination Reference inthe USSD messages.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe Volatile Data Optimization feature.

10 or 1VolDataOptimization

This parameter is not dynamically configurableduring running time of the system. The HLRservice must be restarted for the changes to becommitted to the database.

0 (Deactivated): The Volatile Data Optimizationfeature is deactivated.

1 (Activated): The Volatile Data Optimizationfeature is activated.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe MAP Segmentation on SAI-ack feature.

00 or 1SaiAckSegmentation

This parameter is not dynamically configurableduring running time of the system. The HLRservice must be restarted for the changes to becommitted to the database.

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0 (Deactivated): The MAP Segmentation onSAI-ack feature is deactivated.

1 (Activated): The MAP Segmentation on SAI-ackfeature is activated.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe Automatic Device Detection feature. The

00 or 1ActiveDeviceDetection

feature can be dynamically activated/deactivatedduring running-time of the system by executingthe ActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature()operations.

1 (Activated): The ADD feature is activated. TheTekelec ngHLR stores the IMEI-SV information ifpresent in the MAP UL or GPRS UL.

0 (Deactivated): The ADD feature is deactivated.The Tekelec ngHLR doesn’t store the IMEI-SVinformation.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe MNP-SRF feature. The feature can be

2550, 1,255


dynamically activated/deactivated duringrunning-time of the system by executing theActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature() operations.

255 (Unavailable): The Network Operator isunauthorized to activate the Mobile NumberPortability feature.

0 (Deactivated): The Mobile Number Portabilityfeature is deactivated, but the Network Operatorcan dynamically activate it at any time withoutan HLR restart.

Note: Deactivating the MNP will not remove thedata provisioned for the MNP.

1 (Activated): The Mobile Number Portabilityfeature is activated and the Network Operator candeactivate it at any time during running-time.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe Subscriber Signaling Router function. The

2550, 1,255


feature can be dynamically activated/deactivatedduring running-time of the system by executingthe ActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature()operations.

255 (Unavailable): The Network Operator is notauthorized to activate the Subscriber SignalingRouter function.

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0 (Deactivated): The Subscriber Signaling Routerfunction is deactivated, but the Network Operatorcan dynamically activate it using the ActivateSSR()operation (see HLR Operations) at any time withoutan HLR restart.

1 (Activated): The Subscriber Signaling Routerfunction is activated and the Network Operatorcan deactivate it (using the DeactivateSSR()operation (see HLR Operations) at any time duringrunning-time.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe Support of Access Restriction Data feature.

10 or 1AccessRestrictionData

The feature can be dynamicallyactivated/deactivated during running-time of thesystem by executing theActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature() operations.

0 (Deactivated): The Tekelec ngHLR neverincludes the Access Restriction Data parameter inthe ISD message sent to the VLR/SGSN duringlocation update or restoration and in TekelecngHLR initiated ISD messages created due to acontent change.

1 (Activated): The Tekelec ngHLR includes theAccess Restriction Data parameter in ISDmessages.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe Call Forward re-activation with RegisterSSfeature.


0 or 1


This parameter is not dynamically configurableduring running time of the system. The HLRservice must be restarted for the changes to becommitted to the database.

0 (Deactivated): The Tekelec ngHLR doesn’t allowthe Call Forward services to be re-activateddirectly with a RegisterSS. They must bere-activated as per the 3GPP standards.

1 (Activated): The Tekelec ngHLR allows for theCall Forward services to be re-activated directlywith a RegisterSS.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe SIP Domain. The feature can be dynamically

00 or 1DomainSelection

activated/deactivated during running-time of the

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system by executing theActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature() operations.

0 (Deactivated): The SIP Domain is not used.

1 (Activated): The SIP Domain is activated andcan be used by any SIP functionality.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe MAP Reset Optimization mechanism.

00 or 1MapResetOptimization

This parameter is not dynamically configurableduring running time of the system. The HLRservice must be restarted for the changes to becommitted to the database.

0 (Deactivated): The MAP Reset Optimizationmechanism is deactivated.

1 (Activated): The MAP Reset Optimizationmechanism is activated.

The MAP Reset Optimization mechanism keepsa count of the number of subscribers registeredon a given node. That count is incremented uponan Update Location, decremented upon a CancelLocation, and stored in the database. This reducesthe list of VLRs to which the Tekelec ngHLR sendsa MAP reset since it is sent onlyThis parameterindicates the activation status of the XMLNotifications on UL, UL-GPRS, SAI, Ready SMand Purge MS feature. to the nodes that haveregistered subscribers (count > 0).

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe VLR Message Notification options for the

00, 1,2, 3


following MAP message types: UL, UL-GPRS,SAI, Ready SM, Purge MS, CL, ISD, DSD.

This parameter is dynamically activated anddeactivated by using the ActivateFeature() orDeactivateFeature() operation.

0 (Deactivated): This feature is enabled, butdeactivated (default) for the entire system. NoVLR message XML notifications are sent and noVLR message notification logs are updated whena MAP message is received even if theSubsVlrMsgNotificationOn parameter is enabledfor the subscriber for which the message has beenreceived.

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1 (Logging Only): This feature is enabled for VLRmessage notification logging. A VLR messagenotification log is updated when a MAP messageis received. The VLR message notification log isstored in a CSV file on the blade running the Hlrservice. Individual subscribers must have theSubsVlrMsgNotificationOn parameter set to ‘On’(enabled).

2 (Notification Only): This feature is enabled forVLR message XML notifications. When a MAPmessage is received a VLR message XMLnotification is sent to an external application.Individual subscribers must have theSubsVlrMsgNotificationOn parameter set to ‘On’(enabled).

3 (Logging and Notification): This feature isenabled for both VLR message notification loggingand VLR message XML notification generation.Both of these are created when a MAP messageis received. A VLR message notification log isupdated and stored on the blade running the Hlrservice. A VLR message XML notification is sentto an external application. Individual subscribersmust have the SubsVlrMsgNotificationOnparameter set to ‘On’ (enabled).

For details on the ‘SubsVlrMsgNotificationOn’parameter, refer to the Subscriber Profile sectionof the SDM Subscriber Provisioning – ReferenceManual.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe Enhanced control of SCCP routing parameters

2550, 1,255


feature The feature can be dynamicallyactivated/deactivated during running-time of thesystem by executing theActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature() operations.

255 (Unavailable): The feature is unavailable tothe operator. It requires intervention by Tekelecpersonnel to authorize its activation.

0 (Deactivated): The feature has been deactivated.The operator can activate it dynamically.

1 (Activated): The feature has been activated. Theoperator can deactivate it dynamically.

This parameter indicates whether all messages oronly the UL, UL-GPRS messages are allowed to


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modify the response calling address as part of the‘Enhanced Control of Sccp Routing’ feature. Thiscan be dynamically activated/deactivated duringrunning-time of the system by executing theActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature() operations.

0 (Deactivated): All messages will be allowed tomodify the response calling address.

1 (Activated): Only UpdateLocation andUpdateLocation_GPRS will be allowed to modifythe response calling address.

255 (Unavailable): This feature is unavailable tothe operator. Contact the Tekelec Customer CareCenter to make this feature available for activation.

This parameter indicates whether or not thevalidation of provisioned FTNs is performed

00 or 1FtnProvValidation

through the OAM interface for the entire system(all subscribers).*

0 (Deactivated): The HLR Provisioning Managerskips the validation of the provisioned FTNsthrough the OAM interface.

1 (Activated): The HLR Provisioning Managerperforms the validation of the provisioned FTNsthrough the OAM interface.

*The status set here can be overridden on a persubscriber basis by provisioning the ‘FtnOverride’parameter in the Subscriber Profile’sCallForwardBsg[] entity. For details on the‘FtnOverride’ parameter, refer to the “CallForward Basic Service Group” section of the SDMSubscriber Provisioning – Reference Manual.

This attribute displays and allows to edit theactivation status of the SRI/SRI-LCS/ATI Routingfunctionalities.



Once authorized by the Tekelec Customer CareCenter, this ngHLR’s functionality can bedynamically activated/deactivated duringrunning-time of the system by executing theActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature() operations.

255 (Unavailable): The feature is unavailable tothe operator. Contact the Tekelec Customer CareCenter to make this feature available for activation.

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0 (Deactivated): The feature has been deactivated.The operator can activate it dynamically.

1 (Activated - Relay): The feature has beenactivated for relaying SRI, SRI-LCS, or ATImessages. The operator can deactivate itdynamically.

2 (Activated - Redirect): The feature has beenactivated for redirecting SRI or SRI-LCS messages.The operator can deactivate it dynamically.

Note: For the ATI messages, the Tekelec ngHLRdoesn't support redirect capabilities. If theSriRouting attribute is set to 'Redirect', the TekelecngHLR may use the default relay to an externalHLR process instead, depending on the otherrouting controls configuration.

3 (Activated - Template only): The feature hasbeen activated for using an SriRouting templatefor SRI, SRI-LCS, or ATI messages. The operatorcan deactivate it dynamically.

Note: If the flag “isExpiryTimestampSet” fromthe entity RegistrarConfig is set to ‘1’, the TekelecngHLR tries to find the TasId in SIP registrationbinding but only if the “RegistrationExpiryTime”is greater than the current time. If the flag“isExpiryTimestampSet” is set to ‘0’, the TekelecngHLR doesn’t check the RegistrationExpiryTime.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe XML notification on SS Management feature.

2550, 1,255


The feature can be dynamicallyactivated/deactivated during running-time of thesystem by executing theActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature() operations.

255 (Unavailable):

This feature cannot be activated/deactivated bythe Network Operator. It is disabled. To purchasethis feature and to make it available foractivation/deactivation), contact the TekelecCustomer Care Center.

0=Deactivated. The XML notifications on SSManagement feature is enabled, but deactivated(default once available) for the entire system.

1=Activated. The XML notifications on SSManagement is activated.

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This parameter is used to activate and deactivatethe Map Equipment Identity Register (EIR). This


can be dynamically activated or deactivatedduring running time of the system by executingthe ActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature()operations.

0=Deactivated. The Map Equipment IdentityRegister (EIR) feature is unavailable.

1=Activated. IMEIEnforcementThe MapEquipment Identity Register (EIR) feature isavailable.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe mobile terminated retry feature. This feature

2550, 1,255


can be dynamically activated/deactivated duringrunning-time of the system by executing theActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature() operations.

255 (Unavailable):

This feature is unavailable to the NetworkOperator. To authorize it foractivation/deactivation, contact the TekelecCustomer Care Center.

0=Deactivated: The feature is deactivated. Theoperator can activate it dynamically.

1=Activated: The feature is activated. The operatorcan deactivate it dynamically.

This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe enhanced SCCP allowed PLMN feature. This

2550, 1,255


feature can be dynamically activated/deactivatedduring running-time of the system by executingthe ActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature()operations.

255 (Unavailable):

This feature is unavailable to the NetworkOperator. To authorize it foractivation/deactivation, contact the TekelecCustomer Care Center.

0 (Deactivated): The feature is deactivated. Theoperator can activate it dynamically.

1 (Activated): The feature is activated. Theoperator can deactivate it dynamically.

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This parameter indicates the activation status ofthe Dialogue Re-initiation upon Failure feature

2550, 1,2, 255


for the following types of standalone MAPmessages: ISD (Insert Subscriber Data) and DSD(Delete Subscriber Data) and any type of CL(Cancel Location).

The feature can be dynamically activated ordeactivated during running-time of the systemby executing theActivateFeature()/DeactivateFeature() operations.

255 (Unavailable): The feature is unavailable tothe operator. It requires intervention by Tekelecpersonnel to authorize its activation.

0 (Deactivated): The feature has been deactivated.The operator can activate it dynamically.

1 (ISD, DSD on): Activates reinitialization of ISDand DSD messages. The operator can deactivatedynamically.

2 (ISD, DSD, CL on): Activates reinitialization ofISD, DSD, and CL messages. The operator candeactivate dynamically.

CLI Example:Hlr[]> display HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]

Roaming Message




To provision the Tekelec ngHLR with a list of country codes for which roaming welcome messagesaren’t required to be sent.

CLI Navigation

Hlr[]> HlrConfig> RoamingMsg

CLI Inherited Attributes


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CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> HlrConfig [HlrInstance = integer]> display RoamingMsg[RoamingMsgCCOff=integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, Modify, delete and display.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 16: RoamingMsg Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifies a specific HLRInstance when multiple HLR

1up to 10 digitsHlrInstance

blades are used to support thetraffic load. In this version,only one instance is available.

Country code that doesn’trequire a roaming welcome

N/Aup to 3 digitsRoamingMsgCCOff

notification to be sent by theHLR.

CLI Example

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]> add RoamingMsg[RoamingMsgCCOff =11]

Enhanced control of SCCP routing configuration (phase 1)




To configure necessary data for the Tekelec ngHLR to use the SCCP called address to determine if theresponse SCCP calling address will be updated using the proper HlrNumber. The Enhanced ControlOf SCCP Routing feature must be activated (see HlrConfig[] entity) for this to be used by the TekelecngHLR.

CLI Navigation

Hlr[]> HlrConfig> EnhancedControlOfSccpRoutingConfig

CLI Inherited Attributes


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CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> HlrConfig [HlrInstance = integer]> addEnhancedControlOfSccpRoutingConfig [FilteringCallingPartyCheck=0,1;FilteringPrefix=int; PrefixStrip=0,1; PrefixStripMsIsdnLength=int]

Operations Permitted

Add, Modify, delete and display.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 17: EnhancedControlOfSccpRoutingConfig Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This attribute indicates thatthe feature only applies for aspecific calling address prefix.



0 (Off)

1 (On)


0 (Off): No filtering on thecalling address takes place,the feature will work for allincoming addresses

1 (On): Filtering will occurthat will only permit callingaddresses that match theFilteringPrefix. If the prefix isnot matched, then this featurewill be bypassed and thecalling address of theresponse will be the calledaddress of the request.

This is the FilteringPrefixreferred to above. If Filtering

Noneup to 15 digitsFilteringPrefix

is On, only calling addressesthat match the FilteringPrefixare allowed.

Prefix to remove from thecalled address.



0 (Off)

1 (On)


0 (Off): No prefix will bestripped off from the calledaddress.

1 (On): If the called addressstarts with a zero, all prefixeddigits in excess of thePrefixStripMsIsdnLength (seebelow) will be stripped off.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Number that represents thedefault called party address(MSISDN) length.


Forward-to-number (FTN) rule provisioning for FTN digits analysis

FTN Special Numbers




This entity allows to provision a list of disallowed numbers (e.g. 911, 112, etc…) as aforward_to_number.

CLI Navigation

Hlr[]> HlrFtn[]> FtnSpecialNumbers

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> HlrFtn[]> add FtnSpecialNumbers[]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 18: FtnSpecialNumbers Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Specific disallowed number(e.g. 911, 112, etc).


CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrFtn[]> add FtnSpecialNumbers[SpecialNum=123]

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FTN Translation Rules




Short numbers and any national numbers can be sent in RegSS messages. This entity allows to definesome translation rules that will be used by the Tekelec ngHLR to convert the forward_to_numbers(FTN) into a valid number. The Tekelec ngHLR includes a logic that will analyze received FTNs inSupplementary Service Registration messages and will apply the set of predefined and configuredrules provisioned in this entity.

CLI Navigation

Hlr[]> HlrFtn[]> FtnTranslationRules

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> HlrFtn[]> add FtnTranslationRules[ShortNumber=char;LongNumber=char]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete, modify (only the LongNumber parameter can be modified).

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 19: FtnTranslationRules Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

A short number that isassociated with a long number




and used for translation.When the NOA is unknown,the FTN supplied is comparedwith this short number and ifa match is found, the FTN istranslated into the associatedlong number.

If the FTN supplied by theuser matches the




ShortNumber associated tothis LongNumber, then the

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeTekelec ngHLR translates theShortNumber into thisLongNumber and stores theFTN in this longer format.

CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrFtn[]> add FtnTranslationRules[ShortNumber=786;LongNumber=2437896]

FTN Exception Rules




To provision some exception rules in the FTN formats and replace some prefixes with a substitutenumber that will ensure that the Tekelec ngHLR stores the FTN in the correct international format.

CLI Navigation

Hlr[]> HlrFtn[]>FtnExceptionRules

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> HlrFtn[]> add FtnExceptionRules[MatchingPrefix=char;Substitute=char]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete, modify (only the Substitute parameter can be modified).

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 20: FtnExceptionRules Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Prefix with which theNational NOA will be




compared with. In the casewhere the NOA is unknown,it is the prefix with which thedigits following the first NDD

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributedigits will be compared with.and a translation of thematched pattern

If a National NOA or thedigits following the NDD




digits of an Unknown NOAmatch with the correspondingMatchingPrefix, then thisprefix will be substituted bythe Substitute number.

CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrFtn[]> add FtnExceptionRules[MatchingPrefix=33; Substitute=9876]

FTN Management Rules




This entity allows the operator to define a FTN Management rule, which represents a list of allowedFTN(s) (white-list) defined in the AllowedFTN entity.

CLI Navigation


CLI Inherited Attributes :


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrFtn[]> add FTNManagementRule[FTNRule = xmlstring]

Operation Permitted :

Add, delete ,display.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 21: FtnManagementRule Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Name that identifies the FTNmanagement rule. The ngHLR

N/AXML stringFTNRule

decides whether to accept orrefuse the registration of anFTN performed by asubscriber with aRegSS/ActSS, depending onthe “FTN Management Rule”(the allowed FTN list) that isassigned to its subscriberprofile.

CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrFtn[]> add FTNManagementRule[FTNRule=ftnrule1]

Allowed Forward to Number




This entity allows the operator to define different lists of allowed FTN(s) (white-list) for a FTNmanagement rule. Once this entity is provisioned, each subscriber profile can be associated to one ofthe FTN management rules defined in this entity. With this entity provisioned and with FTNmanagement rules assigned to subscriber profiles, the Tekelec ngHLR will accept or refuse theregistration of an FTN performed by a subscriber with a RegSS/ActSS, depending on the “FTNManagement Rule” (the allowed FTN list) that is assigned to its subscriber profile. Refer to the“Subscriber Profile (Bearer Services, Teleservices, CallBarring, PreferredRoutingNetworkDomain”section in the SDM Subscriber Provisioning – Reference Manual for information on the Subscriber Profileentity and the parameter to provision to assign a FTN management rule to a subscriber profile.

CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrFtn[]>FTNManagementRule[]>AllowedFTN

CLI Inherited Attributes :


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CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrFtn[]> FTNManagementRule[FTNRule = xmlstring]> addAllowedFTN[ForwardToNumber=integer; MinimumLength=integer;MaximumLength=integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete ,display.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 22: AllowedFTN Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Forward to Number (FTN)that you wish to define in the

N/A1-15 digitsForwardToNumber

white-list for the FTNManagement rule youspecified.

Table 23: AllowedFTN Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Minimum length the FTN canhave.


Maximum length the FTN canhave.


CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrFtn[]> FTNManagementRule[FTNRule=ftnrule1]> addAllowedFTN[ForwardToNumber=23456789; MinimumLength=7; MaximumLength=9]

Restricted forward_to_number




This entity allows the operator to globally restrict some FTNs (for all subscribers) by defining a globallist of restricted FTNs (black-list). With the configuration of such a list, the Tekelec ngHLR doesn’taccept subscribers to register a FTN (with RegSS/ActSS) that is in the restricted FTN list (black-list).

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CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrFtn[]>RestrictedFTN

CLI Inherited Attributes :


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrFtn[]> add RestrictedFTN[ForwardToNumber = integer]

Operation Permitted:

Add, delete, display.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attribute and Values

Table 24: RestrictedFTN Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Forward to Number (FTN)that you wish to define in the

N/A1-15 digitsForwardToNumber

black-list for all thesubscribers.

CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrFtn[]> add RestrictedFTN[ForwardToNumber=23456789]

HLR identities, HPLMN definitions, and IMSI ranges configuration

HLR Number Configuration




To provision the HLR with multiple HLR identities. An HLR identity is represented by its address.

CLI NavigationHlr[] > HlrConfig > HlrNumberConfig

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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]> display HlrNumberConfig [HlrNumberConfigId=integer; HlrAddrCC = integer; HlrAddrNDC = integer; HlrAddrSN = integer;HlrAddrIDD = integer; HlrAddrNDD = integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 25: HlrNumberConfig Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identification of one of theHLR identities (addresses)defined for the HLR.


Country code of this HLRnumber.

N/Aup to 3 digitsHlrAddrCC

National Destination Code ofthis HLR identity.

N/A1 to 6 digitsHlrAddrNDC

Subsystem Number of thisHLR identity.

N/Aup to 15 digitsHlrAddrSN

International Direct Dialingnumber dialed by the

N/AUp to 5 digitsHlrAddrIDD

subscriber to call FROM thatcountry TO a differentcountry. (equivalent to the “+”sign)

National Direct Dialingnumber dialed by the

N/AUp to 5 digitsHlrAddrNDD

subscriber to call within acountry.

CLI Example

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]>display HlrNumberConfig[HlrNumberConfigId=1]

Note: The combination of HlrAddrCC-HlrAddrNDC-HlrAddrSN is the HLR number in E.164 format.

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To create different HPLMN Identifications and names in the HLR to identify each of the differentCC-NDC lists that correspond to the Home PLMN and that are associated to an IMSI Range.

CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrConfig>PLMN

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]>display HPLMN[HplmnId = integer; HplmnName=string; InsideHplmnIndicator= string; OutsideHplmnIndicator= string]

Operations Permitted

Add, modify (HplmnName), delete, and display

Attributes and Values

Table 26: HPLMN Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identification of one of thelists of CC-NDC combinations


corresponding to the HomePLMN.

Table 27: HPLMN Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Name of one of the lists ofCC-NDC combinations


corresponding to the HomePLMN.

Generic node number thatindicates that the subscriber


(up to 15 digits)


is located inside its HomePLMN.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Generic node number thatindicates that the subscriber


(up to 15 digits)


is located outside its HomePLMN.

The IP address of the PPR ofthe Home PLMN.


(up to 17 characters)


The IP address of the GMLCof the Home PLMN.


(up to 17 characters)


CLI ExampleHlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]> display HPLMN[HplmnId = 1]

Node Address




To provision the HLR with a list of CC-NDC combinations that correspond to the HPLMN. Each listof CC-NDCs represents an HPLMN Identity. The ngHLR can define multiple HPLMNs using variousCC-NDC combinations.

The node type is used by the Enhanced SCCP Allowed PLMN feature to identify whether the subscriberis in the home PLMN or in an allowed PLMN based on the CC-NDC values received in the requestmessage.

CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrConfig>PLMN>NodeAddress

CLI Inherited Attributes

HlrInstance, HplmnId

CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]>HPLMN[HplmnId = 1]>displayNodeAddress[AddrCC= integer; AddrNDC= integer, NodeType=0,1,2]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 28: NodeAddress Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Country code of this HLRnumber.

N/A1 to 15 digitsAddrCC

National Destination Code ofthis HLR identity.

N/A0 to (15-{CC length})digits


Table 29: NodeAddress Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This field is used by theEnhanced SCCP Allowed

00, 1, 2NodeType

PLMN feature to define thenode type. The node typeidentifies whether thesubscriber is in the homePLMN or in an allowedPLMN. It is one of thefollowing:

• 0= HPLM Check andAllowed PLMN

• 1= HPLMN Check• 2= Allowed PLMN

CLI Example

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]> HPLMN[HplmnId = 1]>displayNodeAddress[AddrCC=1; AddrNDC=563; NodeType=0]

Note: You can add multiple CC-NDC to create a list of CC-NDC combinations for each HPLMNIdentification defined. To do so, you must add a CC-NDC combination one at a time to the sameHplmnId.

Home PLMN Country




To create different HPLMN Country Identifications and names in the HLR to identify each of thedifferent CC lists that correspond to the Home PLMN Country and that are associated to an IMSIRange.

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CLI NavigationHlr[] > HlrConfig   PLMNCountry[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]> add HPLMNCountry[HplmnCountryId = integer;HplmnCountryName= string]

Operations Permitted

Add, modify (HplmnName), delete, and Display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 30: HPLMNCountry Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identification of one of thelists of CCs corresponding tothe Home PLMN Country.


Name of one of the lists ofCCs corresponding to theHome PLMN Country.


CLI Example

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]> add HPLMNCountry[HplmnCountryId = 1;HplmnCountryName= HPLMNC1]

Country Node




To provision the HLR with a list of CC-NDC combinations that corresponds to the HPLMN. Each listof CC-NDC is represented by one of the HPLMN Identifications. This allows to define the HLR withmultiple CC-NDC as HPLMN.

CLI NavigationHlr[] > HlrConfig   PLMNCountry > CountryNode[]

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CLI Inherited Attributes

HlrInstance, HplmnCountryId

CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]>HPLMNCountry[HplmnCountryId = 1]>displayCountryNode[AddressRange= integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 31: CountryNode Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Country code of an HPLMNCountry definition that will

N/A1 to 15 digitsAddressRange

be associated to an IMSIRange.

CLI ExampleHlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]> HPLMNCountry[HplmnCountryId = 1]> displayCountryNode[AddressRange=143]

Intra PLMN IMSI Range

This entity defines the supported IMSI ranges and associates each of them with one HLR identity(address) and one list of country code CC)-NDC combinations as Home PLMN.




To define the supported IMSI ranges and associate each of them with one HLR identity (address) andwith one list of CC-NDC combinations as HPLMN.

CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrConfig>IntraPlmnImsiRange

CLI Inherited Attributes


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CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]>display IntraPlmnImsiRange[HlrNumberConfigId= integer; ImsiRange= integer; HplmnId= int; HplmnCountryId= int]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 32: IntraPlmnImsiRange Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identification of one of thelists of CC-NDC combinations


corresponding to the HomePLMN.

Identification of one of thelists of CCs corresponding tothe Home PLMN Country.


Range of IMSIs managed bythis HLR.

N/Aup to 15 digitsImsiRange

Identification of one of theHLR identities (addresses) of


the HLR defined in theHlrNumberConfig table.

CLI Example

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]>display IntraPlmnImsiRange[HplmnId = 1;HplmnCountryId = 1;ImsiRange=3109104;HlrNumberConfigId=1]

Note: Multiple IMSI ranges can use the same HLR identity (address) and can share the same HPLMNand HPLMN Country definition. It is therefore possible to associate more than one IMSI Range to thesame HLR identity and/or HPLMN definition and/or HPLMN Country definition. Please refer to the“Associating an HPLMN, HPLMN Country and HLR Identity to an IMSI range” section of the SDMSystem Configuration - User Guide , for the procedure on how to associate an IMSI Range to HLRidentities and HPLMN.

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CAMEL configuration

HLR Camel Configuration




To provision configuration elements for CAMEL.

CLI NavigationHlr[]> HlrCamelConfig

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> modify HlrCamelConfig[] DchOverride = 0,1,2

Operations Permitted

Display, modify.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 33: HlrCamelConfig Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Parameter that allows theNetwork Operator to set at a

(0) Normal(0) Normal

(1) Continue


global level (for all subscribersand all messages) the default(2) Releasecall handling to one of thefollowing options:

(0) Normal: the normalsetting. This option is theequivalent of having theSystem DCH override featuredisabled.

(1) Continue: this optionallows the calls to continue

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeeven if the SCP is unavailable.This prevents calls fromfailing when the SCP node isnot reachable.

(2) Release: this option allowsthe calls to be released.

This configuration overridesthe setting of the TDP CSI’sDefaultCallHandlingparameter provisioned on aper-subscriber basis.

Note: This parameter doesnot change the subscriber datasettings in the HLR database.It simply overrides the DCHvalue for all the following CSItypes sent as part of ISD andSRI MAP operations: O-CSI,T-CSI, VT-CSI, GPRS-CSI,OSMS-CSI, D-CSII.

The system DCH overridefeature applies only if themessage includes some Camelinformation, otherwise theglobal DCH value has noimpact.

CLI Example

1 :Hlr[]>modify HlrCamelConfig[] DchOverride = 1

Camel GSM Service Control Functionality




To provision Camel Server addresses for the GSM Service Control Functionality in the HLR.

CLI NavigationHlr[]> HlrCamelConfig[]> CamelGsmScf

1 DCH is excluded for TDP: M-CSI, U-CSI, TIF-CSI, SS-CSI.

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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> HlrCamelConfig[]> add CamelGsmScf[GsmScfId = integer; GsmScfAddress= text; CallForwardNotifyMe=0,1; CallBarringNotifyMe=0,1; OdbNotifyMe=0,1;CsiNotifyMe=0,1]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 34: CamelGsmScf Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identification of the CAMELserver address.


Table 35: CamelGsmScf Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Camel Server Addresses.N/Aup to 15 digits and/orletters (A-F)


This flag can be provisionedto indicate to the Tekelec





ngHLR whether or not theCamel Server needs to benotified if a Call Forwardevent takes place.

This flag can be provisionedto indicate to the Tekelec





ngHLR whether or not theCamel Server needs to benotified if a Call Barring eventtakes place.

This flag can be provisionedto indicate to the Tekelec





ngHLR whether or not theCamel Server needs to benotified if a Odb event takesplace.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This flag can be provisionedto indicate to the Tekelec





ngHLR whether or not theCamel Server needs to benotified if a CSI event takesplace.

CLI Example

1 :Hlr[]> HlrCamelConfig[]> add CamelGsmScf[GsmScfId = 3; GsmScfAddress =123456; CallBarringNotifyMe=1; CsiNotifyMe=1]

Camel USSD General Subscription Information




To link USSD service codes to the GsmScfid (GsmScf address) that is generally applied to all subscribers.

CLI NavigationHlr[]> HlrCamelConfig[]> HlrCamelUGCsi

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> HlrCamelConfig[]> add HlrCamelUGCsi[GsmScfId = integer; ServiceCode= 1-999]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 36: HlrCamelUGCsi Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identification of theCAMEL server address.


Service code.N/A1-999ServiceCode

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CLI Example

1 : Hlr[]> HlrCamelConfig[]> add HlrCamelUGCsi[GsmScfId = 3; ServiceCode =130]

HLR Enhanced CAMEL Handling

The following section provides information about the entity and its parameters that need to beprovisioned for the HLR Enhanced CAMEL handling feature. It also briefly describes the HLR CLIcommands used to provision this feature.

CAMEL Service Mask Template




This allows the operator to define TS/BS masks using templates with each subscriber referring to aspecific template. This way, different TS/BS masks can be defined for different subscriber. This entityapplies to the list of services (TeleServices or BearerServices) of the subscriber that refers to a specificCamelServiceMaskTemplate and that has the parameter “ActionOnUnsCamelPh” set to 'Apply Mask'in the CamelCsiData entity.

CLI NavigationHlr[]> HlrCamelConfig[]> CamelServiceMaskTemplate[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> HlrCamelConfig[]> add CamelServiceMaskTemplate[TemplateId= integer;TemplateName= string; BlockedTeleServiceList = TS00-TSDF;BlockedBearerServiceList=BS00-BS36]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 37: CamelServiceMaskTemplate Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Numerical identifier of aTS/BS mask template. This is


what theServiceMaskTemplateIdparameter in the HLRSubscriber profile refers to, inorder to assign a TS/BS maskfor a specific subscriber.

Name of a TS/BS masktemplate.


Table 38: CamelServiceMaskTemplate Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This parameter allows todefine a specific TeleService


that needs to be suppressedby the Tekelec ngHLR for thesubscribers with the“ActionOnUnsCamelPh”parameter set to ‘ApplyMask’in the CamelCsiData entity ofits subscriber profile.

This parameter allows todefine a specific BearerService


that needs to be suppressedby the Tekelec ngHLR for thesubscribers with the“ActionOnUnsCamelPh”parameter set to ‘ApplyMask’in the CamelCsiData entity ofits subscriber profile.

CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrCamelConfig[]> add CamelServiceMaskTemplate[TemplateId=1;TemplateName=mask1; BlockedTeleServiceList = TS21 ;BlockedBearerServiceList=BS14]

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HLR System Features

Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN)




To provision Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) nodes.

CLI NavigationHlr[] > Plmn

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> add Plmn[PlmnId = text; NodeNmb_CC = integer; NodeNmb_NDC = integer;NodeType = 0,1]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 39: Plmn Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Logical name for a PLMN,e.g., Montreal.

N/Aup to 10 digits and/orletters


Country Code (CC) of node.N/Aup to 3 digitsNodeNmb_CC

National Destination Code(NDC) of node.

N/Aup to 3 digitsNodeNmb_NDC

Table 40: Plmn Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Specify type of PLMN node.00 (NonGprsNetwork),NodeType

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute1 (GprsNetwork)


1 :Hlr[]> add Plmn[PlmnId = Montreal; NodeNmb_CC = 1; NodeNmb_NDC = 563;NodeType = 1]

HLR Subscriber Count




The Hlr Subscriber Count is an operation that counts the number of subscribers provisioned in thedatabase. Counts are provided for the following types of subscribers: Imsi, MsIsdn, and Sim.

CLI NavigationHlr[] > HlrSubscriberCount

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[] > HlrSubscriberCount > [name of operation]

Operations Permitted

The following operations can be used to obtain a count of the number of subscribers provisioned.


This operation provides a count of the number of Imsi entries stored in the SimImsiMap entity (AllIMSIs for all SIMs).


This operation provides a count of the number of MsIsdn entries stored in the MSISDN entity (AllMSISDNs for all SubscriptionIDs)


This operation provides a count of the number of Imsi entries stored in theMsIsdnImsiProfileAssociation entity (for all the IMSIs used).


This operation provides a count of the number of MsIsdn entries stored in theMsIsdnImsiProfileAssociation entity (for all the MSISDNs used).

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This operation provides a count of the number of SimId subscribers in Sim.


1 :Hlr[] > HlrSubscriberCount > GetTotalNumberOfImsiCount()

HLR USSD Routing Table




To provision the USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) routing table for the HLR to directUSSD messages to the proper USSD application.

CLI NavigationHlr[]> HlrUssdRtTable

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> add HlrUssdRtTable [ServiceCode = 1-999; UssdAppNode = 2-4;UssdAppNodeAddress = integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 41: HlrUssdRtTable Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Service CodeN/A1-999ServiceCode

Type of USSD ApplicationNode

N/A2 secHLR



2 = Secondary HLR4 gsmSCF

3 = Gateway MobileSwitching Center

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute4 = GSM Service ControlFunction

Table 42: HlrUssdRtTable Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

USSD Application NodeAddress

N/Aup to 15 digits and/orletters (A-F)


CLI Example

1 :Hlr[]> add HlrUssdRtTable [ServiceCode = 130; UssdAppNode = 3;UssdAppNodeAddress = 5142233789]

Authentication Center Provisioning

A4/K4 Transport Encryption Algorithm

This section provides details on the Tekelec ngHLR‘s A4/K4 Transport Encryption Algorithm entityand parameters.


1. The SimKiTransportEncryption control flag must be provisioned to enable or disable the A4/K4support. This flag can be provisioned in the HlrConfig table, defined above in “HLR configuration”.

2. Second, the AuC A4/K4 table must be provisioned to configure A4/K4 combinations, which willbe used by the Tekelec ngHLR when decrypting the provided Ki value upon receiving a provisioningcommand for the Sim table. The AuC A4/K4 table and its parameters are also defined below.

Note: This table can be provisioned while the feature is enabled or disabled.

3. Once the feature has been enabled and the A4K4 combinations have been defined with uniqueindexes (AlgoId), SIM cards can be provisioned using the A4K4 Transport Encryption Algorithmby referring to a specific A4K4 combination using the AlgoId. As described below, the Sim entityallows you to specify the AlgoId for each SIM card provisioned.




Allows to configure a number of A4/K4 combinations, to which a unique ID is assigned, and that willbe used by the Tekelec ngHLR to decrypt the provided Ki upon receiving a provisioning commandfor the Sim entity. This table must be provisioned in order to allow the processing of the encryptedKi.

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CLI NavigationHlr[]>A4K4

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

:Hlr[]> add A4K4[AlgoId= integer; A4= char ; K4= char]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Attributes and Values

Table 43: A4K4 Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Unique identifier used tolocate in the A4K4 table the




record pointed by the AlgoId(index) in the SIM Kiprovisioning request.

Name of the transportalgorithm (i.e. AES128,AES192, AES256, DES, 3DES).

N/AChar (8) :

1 (AES128)*

2 (AES192)


3 (AES256)

4 (DES)*

5 (3DES)*

K4 Transport key for the A4Algorithm.

N/AASCII Hexcharacters


Depending on the A4algorithm, the K4 key hasdifferent lengths:


• A4 AES128 = 32• A4 AES192 = 48• A4 AES256 = 64• A4 DES = 16• A4 3DES = 48

Once the K4 key has beenprovisioned in the TekelecngHLR, it is encrypted withA7/K7 before being stored in

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributethe database. A7 is aproprietary algorithm and K7is hard-coded. Hence, whendisplaying the K4 key, it willappear encrypted.


K4 entered in thesystem(possiblelengths: 16.32,48 or64): 4FBAEFCC019D2E31

K4 displayed :39f080daca08483b

Note: *NOTE: For now, only the A4 AES128, DES and 3DES algorithms are supported.

Note: More than one record with the same A4 type may exist in this table, which allows the flexibilityto provision the SIM entity of a specific operator/provider under a specific index (AlgoId).





Refers to the Authentication algorithm for the Authentication Center (AuC) of the HLR.

CLI NavigationHlr[]> Algorithm

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]: Algorithm[AlgorithmName = text ; Filename = text ; Op32HexChar =text; AlgorithmType = Unknown, XOR, Comp128, GsmMilenage, Milenage]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 44: Algorithm Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Specify name of theauthentication algorithm to be

N/Aup to 32 digits and/orletters.


used by the AuthenticationCenter (AuC).

Specify the type of thealgorithm used in theauthentication.

N/A0 (Unknown) or

1 (XOR) or

2 (Comp128) or





Specify name (or path) of thedynamic shared library (file

N/Aup to 64 digits and/orletters (including thecharacter “/”).


with extension .so)implementing theauthentication algorithm.

*GsmMilenage: Deprecated AlgorithmType supporting milenage library defined prior to 1.5.3. Allnewly defined Milenage algorithms must have their AlgorithmType defined as 4 (Milenage).

**FileName mandatory attribute for an Algorithm of algorithm type: Unknown, XOR, Comp128 andGsmMilenage, but optional for an Algorithm of algorithm type: Milenage.

Table 45: Algorithm Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Operator variant for GSMMilenage algorithm.

NULLMust be 32 digitsand/or letters (a to f).


CLI Example

:Hlr[]> add Algorithm [AlgorithmName = TestAlgorithm; AlgorithType = Unknown;FileName = /blue/lib/; Op32HexChar =1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef]

Roaming Controls

This section describes each of the HLR entities used to provision Roaming Controls (Operator ControlledPLMNs, roaming restrictions and Service Screening restrictions). The following information is provided:

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entity name, description, CLI/WebCI navigation, CLI inherited attributes, CLI command syntax,operations permitted, attributes (with value ranges, defaults, and description), and an example.

HLR OCPLMN Configuration




To enable/disable the Roaming restrictions and the Service Screening restrictions and to provisionthe Operator defined PLMN/IMSI Error causes that will be sent back when the UL is rejected due toa PLMN/IMSI that is not allowed.

WebCI Navigation:HLR folder > Roaming Controls > Hlr Roaming Controls Config table

CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId=integer]>BearService[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> display HlrOCPlmn_Config[RoamRestrictEnable=0,1;RoamServiceScreeningEnable=0,1;PlmnErrorCause=integer;ImsiErrorCause=integer]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 46: HlrOCPlmn_Config Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Allows to enable/disable dynamically thevalidation of the Roaming restrictions(PLMN-IMSI validation).

00, 1RoamRestrictEnable

0 (disabled): The Tekelec ngHLR doesn’t validatethe roaming PLMN and the “allowed” IMSIsdefined for that roaming PLMN.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute1 (enabled): The Tekelec ngHLR validates if theroaming PLMN and IMSI are allowed.

Allows to enable/disable dynamically the ServiceScreening restrictions.

00, 1RoamServiceScreeningEnable

0 (disabled): The Tekelec ngHLR doesn’t executethe Service Screening procedure after thePLMN-IMSI validation. The Tekelec ngHLR neverapplies the Service Screening Template assignedto the subscriber’s roaming PLMN. The servicessent in the ISD message are as provisioned in theSubscriber Profile.

1 (enabled): The Tekelec ngHLR executes theService Screening procedure after the PLMN-IMSIvalidation is successful. If a Service ScreeningTemplate other than ‘Not Defined’ is assigned tothe roaming PLMN, the Service ScreeningTemplate is retrieved and applied against theprovisioned Subscriber’s services. The UpdateLocation continues with thus tailored SubscriberProfile, as modified by the service screening rules.

Error Cause sent by system upon Rejection of thePlmn.


Error Cause sent by system upon Rejection of theImsi.


CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>modify . ImsiErrorCause = 80

Operator-Controlled (OC) PLMN




To define the roaming PLMNs with Node Ranges (VLR/GMSC address ranges).

Note: At system start-up, a “Default PLMN” is created. The “Default PLMN” is a PLMN for whichno VLRs/GMSCs can be defined.

WebCI Navigation from the GUI’s Menu:HLR folder > Roaming Controls > Plmn Definitions table

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CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> display OCPlmn_[PlmnId =integer;PlmnName= string]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 47: OCPlmn Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The instance identifier of thisentity. Generated by theTekelec ngHLR. Read only

N/Aup to 10 digitsPlmnId

The name of the Plmn that isused to identify a roaming OC


PLMN (an OCPlmndefinition).

Note: The followingcharacters must not be usedin the PlmnName string: &, ",', >, <.When used, an errormay be generated.

CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>display OCPlmn_[PlmnId=1]

VLR Number




To provision the VLR address (for GSM/UMTS networks) or GMSC address (for GPRS network)range associated with an existing OC PLMN.

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Note: A VLR/GMSC address range can only be created after specifying an already defined OC PLMNentry.

CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_[PlmnId=integer]>VlrNumber[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_[PlmnId =integer] >VlrNumber[NodeRange=integer]

WebCI Navigation from the GUI’s Menu:HLR folder > Roaming Controls > Plmn Definitions table

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 48: VlrNumber Mandatory attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

OC PLMN entry. Read onlyN/Aup to 10 digitsPlmnId

The VLR address (forGSM/UMTS networks) or

N/ACan vary from 1 to 15digits.


GMSC address (for GPRSnetwork) associated to aspecific OC Plmn entry. Thisis the field that allows theoperator to define a list ofNode Ranges for a Plmn. It iswith these Node Ranges thatthe Tekelec ngHLR comparesthe Node address received inthe UL with, in order todetermine the roamingPLMN. This comparison isdone based on the “Bestmatch” algorithm where thebest one is the longestmatching Node number.

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CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_[PlmnId =integer]> add VlrNumber[NodeRange=123456]

Service Screening Template Definitions




This table can be used to define Service Screening Templates. The Service Screening Templates areused by the OCPLMN Templates in order to customize the Subscriber Profile based on the PLMNwhere the subscriber is roaming. A Service Screening Template can be assigned to each of an OCPLMNTemplate’s roaming PLMN.

A Service Screening Template allows the customization of the following services

• CSI Key To Suppress from O-CSI• BAOC per BSG• Camel – max Camel Version Allowed• ODB (All Outgoing, All Outgoing Intl, Premium)• TeleServices (TS91, TS92), Bearer Services (BS1F, BS17)• Other services - CLIP, CLIR, COLP, COLR, CW, HOLD, MPTY, REGSUBSCRIPTION, CFB, CRNRc,

CFNRy.• Remove IMS APN - removes the IMS APN in the Insert Subscriber Data (ISD) message part of the

update location (UL) GPRS request.

At system start-up a Service Screening Template with Name = “Not Defined” and Id = 0 is createdwithout any customization of services (no customization of services can be added for this template).The template used as default for the creation of any OCPLMN Templates.

Moreover, by default, all the Service Screening Templates are created without any BAOC customization(empty BAOC BSG List) and without any Camel Data customization (empty CSI key list to suppress)or any other service customization.

WebCI NavigationHLR folder > Roaming Controls window > Service Screening Templates Definitions

CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> addOCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateName=string;MaxCamelVersion=integer; RemoveIMSAPN= boolean]

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Operations Permitted

Add, delete, modify, display

Attributes and Values

Table 49: OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Unique name that identifiesthe Service ScreeningTemplate.


Read-Only. This is the ID ofthe Service Screening


Template that is automaticallygenerated by the system.

Table 50: OCPlmn_Service_Screen_Template Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Maximum Camel version thatis supported.

31, 2, 3MaxCamelVersion

0= Off. The RemoveIMSAPNis switched off. No additionalscreening takes place.

00, 1RemoveIMSAPN

1=On. The RemoveIMSAPNis switched on. The followingscreening is performed:

• The Tekelec ngHLR willnot send the PDP contextwith the Access PointName that contains thekeyword "ims".

• The Tekelec ngHLR willset the VPLMN AddressAllowed to Off for all thePDP Contexts ofsubscribers.

CLI Example

Hlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> addOCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateName=servtemp1;RemoveIMSAPN= 1]

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CSI Suppress




To provision the CSI-Suppress feature by allocating a ServiceKeyToSuppress to a Service ScreeningTemplate. The table contains the Service Keys for which the CSIs have to be suppressed.

WebCI NavigationHLR folder > Roaming Controls window > Service Screening Templates Definitions

CLI NavigationHlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateName=string]> CSISuppress

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateName=string]> addCSISuppress[ServiceKeyToSuppress=int]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Table 51: CSISuppress Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read-only. The instanceidentifier of the Service

N/Aup to 10 digitsServiceScreenTemplateId

Screening Template for whichthe CSI service key applies to.This ID is generated by theTekelec ngHLR.

ID number in the CAMELServer of the CAMEL service


for which the Originating-CSIneeds to be suppressed.

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CLI ExampleHlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId=2]> displayCSISuppress[]

BAOC BSG Override




To provision a mask of SS-Barring (BAOC) for a Service Screening Template. The list of BAOC BSGsprovisioned for a Service Screening Template are added to the Subscriber’s explicitly provisioned ornot provisioned BAOC when the Service Screening Template is applied.

WebCI NavigationHLR folder > Roaming Controls window > Service Screening Templates Definitions

CLI NavigationHlr[] >HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId=integer]>BAOCBsgOverride []

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId=integer]> add BAOCBsgOverride[BSG= integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 52: BAOCBsgOverride Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Bearer Service Group that willbe barred for the IMSI

N/A(1) Speech

(2) ShortMessageService


(subscriber) when roaming inthe PLMN for which thismask applies for. This mask

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute(6) FacsimileServices

is applied regardless of theBSG provisioning in thesubscriber profile.



(12) VoiceGroupServices

CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId =1] > addBAOCBsgOverride[BSG=2]

Supplementary Service




This entity can be used to customize, for each Service Screening Template, supplementary services(CLIP, CLIR, COLP, COLR, CW, HOLD, MPTY, REGSUBSCRIPTION (REGIONAL SUBSCRIPTION),CFB, CRNRc, CFNRy) with a combination of Send/NotSend and Action parameters:

1) Service sent / Service NOT sent to the VLR/SGSN node.

2) If the service is NOT sent, or sent, but reported as “Not Supported by the VLR ” in the ISD Response,the following actions can be applied:

1. Reject Roaming2. Send Roaming Restriction Due to Unsupported Feature (RRDUF)3. Send BAOC for all BSG except SMS4. No Action

WebCI NavigationHLR folder > Roaming Controls window > Service Screening Templates Definitions

CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId=integer]>SupplementaryService []

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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId=integer]> add SupplementaryService[ServiceType= integer; SendService=bool;Action= integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 53: SupplementaryService Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Type of Supplementaryservice to be customized.



17 (CLIP)

18 (CLIR)

19 (COLP)

20 (COLR)

41 (CFB)

42 (CFNRy)

43 (CFNRc)

65 (CallWaiting)

66 (CallHold)

81 (MPTY)

97 (CUG)

Table 54: SupplementaryService Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Allows to provision theTekelec ngHLR to send or not

10, 1SendService

send the supplementaryservice to the roamingVLR/SGSN node.

0 (Not Send): The TekelecngHLR doesn’t send the

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributesupplementary service to theroaming VLR/SGSN node.

1 (Send): The Tekelec ngHLRsends the supplementaryservice to the roamingVLR/SGSN node.

Action the Tekelec ngHLRmust apply if the service is

11 (NoAction)

2 (RejectRoaming)


NOT sent, or sent, butreported as “Not Supported3 (ApplyBAOC)by the VLR” in the ISDResponse.4 ( RoamRestrDueTo


CLI Example:

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId =1] > addSupplementaryService[ServiceType=65; SendService=1]

Bearer Service




This entity can be used to customize, for each Service Screening Template, BearerServices with acombination of Send/NotSend and Action parameters:

1. Service sent / Service NOT sent to the VLR/SGSN node.2. If the service is NOT sent, or sent, but reported as “Not Supported by the VLR ” in the ISD Response,

the following actions can be applied:

• Reject Roaming• Send Roaming Restriction Due to Unsupported Feature (RRDUF)• Send BAOC for all BSG except SMS• No Action

WebCI NavigationHLR folder > Roaming Controls window > Service Screening Templates Definitions

CLI NavigationHlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId=integer]> BearService[]

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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId=integer]> add BearService[ServiceType= integer; SendService=bool; Action=integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 55: BearService Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Type of Bearer service to becustomized.

N/A17 (BS11)

18 (BS12)


19 (BS13)

20 (BS14)

21 (BS15)

22 (BS16)

23 (BS17)

25 (BS19)

26 (BS1A)

27 (BS1B)

28 (BS1C)

29 (BS1D)

30 (BS1E)

31 (BS1F)

33 (BS21)

34 (BS22)

35 (BS23)

36 (BS24)

37 (BS25)

38 (BS26)

39 (BS27)

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute41 (BS29)

42 (BS2A)

43 (BS2B)

44 (BS2C)

45 (BS2D)

46 (BS2E)

47 (BS2F)

48 (BS30)

49 (BS31)

50 (BS32)

51 (BS33)

52 (BS34)

53 (BS35)

54 (BS36)

56 (BS38)

64 (BS40)

72 (BS48)

209 (BSD1)

210 (BSD2)

211 (BSD3)

212 (BSD4)

213 (BSD5)

214 (BSD6)

215 (BSD7)

216 (BSD8)

217 (BSD9)

218 (BSDA)

219 (BSDB)

220 (BSDC)

221 (BSDD)

222 (BSDE)

223 (BSDF)

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Table 56: BearService Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Allows to provision theTekelec ngHLR to send or not

10, 1SendService

send the Bearer service to theroaming VLR/SGSN node.

0 (Not Send): The TekelecngHLR doesn’t send theBearer service to the roamingVLR/SGSN node.

1 (Send): The Tekelec ngHLRsends the Bearer service to theroaming VLR/SGSN node.

Action the Tekelec ngHLRmust apply if the service is

11 (NoAction)

2 (RejectRoaming)


NOT sent, or sent, butreported as “Not Supported3 (ApplyBAOC)by the VLR” in the ISDResponse.4( RoamRestrDue


CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId =1] > addBearService[ServiceType=23; SendService=1]

Tele Service




This entity can be used to customize, for each Service Screening Template, TeleServices (TS91, TS92)with a combination of Send/NotSend and Action parameters:

1. Service sent / Service NOT sent to the VLR/SGSN node.2. If the service is NOT sent, or sent, but reported as “Not Supported by the VLR ” in the ISD Response,

the following actions can be applied:

• Reject Roaming• Send Roaming Restriction Due to Unsupported Feature (RRDUF)• Send BAOC for all BSG except SMS• No Action

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WebCI NavigationHLR folder > Roaming Controls window > Service Screening Templates Definitions

CLI NavigationHlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId=integer]> TeleService[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId=integer]> add TeleService[ServiceType= integer; SendService=bool; Action=integer]

WebCI NavigationHLR folder > Roaming Controls window > Service Screening Templates Definitions

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, modify, display

Attributes and Values

Table 57: TeleService Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Type of Teleservice to becustomized.

N/A17 (TS11)

18 (TS12)


33 (TS21)

34 (TS22)

97 (TS61)

98 (TS62)

99 (TS63)

145 (TS91)

146 (TS92)

209 (TSD1)

210 (TSD2)

211 (TSD3)

212 (TSD4)

213 (TSD5)

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute214 (TSD6)

215 (TSD7)

216 (TSD8)

217 (TSD9)

218 (TSDA)

219 (TSDB)

220 (TSDC)

221 (TSDD)

222 (TSDE)

223 (TSDF)

Table 58: TeleService Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Allows to provision theTekelec ngHLR to send or not

10, 1SendService

send the Teleservice to theroaming VLR/SGSN node.

0 (Not Send): The TekelecngHLR doesn’t send theTeleservice to the roamingVLR/SGSN node.

1 (Send): The Tekelec ngHLRsends the Teleservice to theroaming VLR/SGSN node.

Action the Tekelec ngHLRmust apply if the service is

11 (NoAction)

2 (RejectRoaming)


NOT sent, or sent, butreported as “Not Supported3 (ApplyBAOC)by the VLR” in the ISDResponse.4 (RoamRestrDue


CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId =1] > addTeleService[ServiceType=145; SendService=1]

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ODB Service




This entity can be used to customize, for each Service Screening Template, ODBServices (All Outgoing,All Outgoing Intl, Premium) with a combination of Send/NotSend and Action parameters:

1. Service sent / Service NOT sent to the VLR/SGSN node.2. If the service is NOT sent, or sent, but reported as “Not Supported by the VLR” in the ISD Response,

the following actions can be applied:

• Reject Roaming• Send Roaming Restriction Due to Unsupported Feature (RRDUF)• Send BAOC for all BSG except SMS• No Action

WebCI NavigationHLR folder > Roaming Controls window > Service Screening Templates Definitions

CLI NavigationHlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId=integer]> ODBService[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId=integer]> add ODBService[ServiceType= integer; SendService=bool; Action=integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 59: ODBService Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Type of ODB Service to becustomized.

N/A1 (AllOutgoingCalls)



3 (PremiumRateInfo)

4 (PremiumRateEntertainment)

5 (PremiumRateInfoAndEntertainment)

Table 60: ODBService Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Allows to provision theTekelec ngHLR to send or not





send the ODB Service to theroaming VLR/SGSN node.

0(Not Send): The TekelecngHLR doesn’t send the ODBService to the roamingVLR/SGSN node.

1(Send): The Tekelec ngHLRsends the ODB Service to theroaming VLR/SGSN node.

Action the Tekelec ngHLRmust apply if the service is

11 (NoAction)

2 (RejectRoaming)


NOT sent, or sent, butreported as “Not Supported3 (ApplyBAOC)by the VLR” in the ISDResponse.4( RoamRestrDue


CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ServiceScreenTemplateId =1] > addODBService[ServiceType=1; SendService=1]

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OCPLMN Template Definitions




This table can be used to create OCPLMN Templates.

Note: At system start-up, an OCPLMN Template with OCPLMN Template Name = “Not Defined”is created by the system. The Template is used as default for all new subscribers. It is created for thepurpose to denote that the subscriber does not have any Roaming restrictions or Service Screening tobe applied. By using OCPLMN template = “Not Defined, the feature can be turned OFF on a persubscriber basis. The “Not Defined OCPLMN Template” cannot have any PLMNs assigned to it.

WebCI Navigation from the GUI’s Menu:HLR folder > Roaming Controls > OCPlmn Template Definitions table

CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_Template[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> add OCPlmn_Template[TemplateName=integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, display.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 61: OCPlmn_Template Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Unique name that identifiesthe OCPLMN template.


Read-Only. This is the ID ofthe OCPLMN Template that


is automatically generated bythe system.

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CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> add OCPlmn_Template [TemplateName=Template1]





This entity allows to assign the following to an OCPLMN Template:

• Roaming PLMNs (must already be defined in the Plmn Definitions (OCPlmn_[] entity))• Service Screening Templates (one Service Screening Template can be assigned for each roaming

PLMN and the Service Screening Template must already be defined in theOCPlmn_ServiceScreenTemplate[ ] entity)

Note: No roaming PLMNs can be assigned to the “Not Defined” OCPLMN Template.

Each OCPLMN Template must have a “Default PLMN” and therefore the first PLMN that is to beassigned to an OCPLMN Template must be the “Default PLMN”. If a VLR is not found in any ofthe PLMNs defined for the used OCPLMN Template, it is considered as belonging to the “defaultPLMN.”

The roaming PLMNs assigned to an OCPLMN Template are the “Allowed PLMNs” from whichthe Tekelec ngHLR will process Update Location from.

Note: For the "Default PLMN", it is possible to associate different service restrictions, (for example,TeleService, BearerService, Supplementary Service restrictions), for VLR and SGSN node types. Itis a general rule that the same PLMN cannot be associated more than one time, an exception hasbeen made for the "Default PLMN". This exemption means that two entries can be provisioned inthe OCPLMN_Data entity with the same "Default PLMN." These two entries must have differentService Screening templates and different Applicable Node Types, which can only be eitherVLR_Only or SGSN_Only. The node type in either case cannot be VLR_SGSN.

WebCI Navigation from the GUI’s Menu:HLR folder > Roaming Controls > OCPlmn Template Definitions table

CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_Template[OCPlmnTemplateId=integer]>OCPlmn_Data[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_Template[OCPlmnTemplateId=integer]> addOCPlmn_Data[PlmnId= integer; ServiceScreenTemplateId= integer;ApplicableNodeType= 0,1,2]

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Operations Permitted

Add, delete, display.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 62: OCPlmn_Data Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

OC PLMN entry. Read onlyN/Aup to 10 digitsPlmnId

Table 63: OCPlmn_Data Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

OC PLMN entry. Read onlyN/Aup to 10 digitsServiceScreenTemplateId

This allows to restrict towhich type of Node the


1 (VLR_only)


roaming restrictions andservice screening restrictionswill apply to.

Note: The two default PLMNvalues for the same

2 (SGSN_only)

OCPLMN_Data are:VLR_Only or SGSN_Only.

CLI Example

Hlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_Template[OCPlmnTemplateId=1]> addOCPlmn_Data[PlmnId= 0; ServiceScreenTemplateId= servtemp1;ApplicableNodeType= 0]

Allowed IMSI




This entity allows to provision a list of “allowed IMSI ranges” for each roaming PLMN assigned toan OCPLMN Template. For the IMSIs in the “Allowed IMSI Range” the Update Location will beallowed.

WebCI Navigation from the GUI’s Menu:HLR folder > Roaming Controls > OCPlmn Template Definitions table

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CLI NavigationHlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_Template[OCPlmnTemplateId=integer]>OCPlmn_Data[PlmnId=integer]> AllowedImsi []

CLI Inherited Attributes

PlmnId, OCPlmnTemplateId

CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_Template[OCPlmnTemplateId=integer]>OCPlmn_Data[PlmnId=integer]>AllowedImsi[MCC=integer; MNC= integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, display.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 64: AllowedImsi Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Mobile Country Code of theAllowed Imsi entry. Empty

N/A0 or 3 digitsMCC

MCC means wild card. Readonly

Mobile Network Code of theAllowed Imsi entry. Empty

N/A0-3 digitsMNC

MNC means wild card. Readonly

CLI Example

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_Template[OCPlmnTemplateId=2]>OCPlmn_Data[PlmnId=0]> add AllowedImsi[MCC=123;MNC=3]

VLR/SGSN nodes calculation affected by Roaming Control changes

Firstly, this section describes in detail the entity in which is stored temporarily the list of affectedVLR/SGSN nodes calculated by the Tekelec ngHLR.

Secondly, it describes the operations that can be performed in order to request the Tekelec ngHLR tocalculate the list of affected VLR/SGSN Nodes for specific roaming control changes.

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OCPLMN Node Number




The Tekelec ngHLR stores the number of all the VLR/SGSN nodes with which the Tekelec ngHLRhas communicated with since entering in service. This entity can also store temporarily the list ofaffected VLR/SGSN nodes last calculated by the Tekelec ngHLR. It can store the result of the lastperformed operation:

• ComputePlmnChanges()• ComputeOCPlmnTemplateChanges()• ComputeServiceScreeningTemplateChanges()

CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrOCPlmn_Config[]>OCPlmn_ConfigChanges[]>OCPlmnNodeNumber

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_ConfigChanges[]>display OCPlmnNodeNumber[]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 65: OCPlmnNodeNumber Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifies the type of nodeaffected by the roamingcontrols change.

N/A7 (VLR)

8 (MSC)

149 (SGSN)


150 (GGSN)

Node number (in E.164format) that is affected by theroaming controls change.


Number of the TekelecngHLR.


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VLR/SGSN Nodes Operations

The following steps must be followed in order to calculate the affected VLR/SGSN nodes for a specificroaming controls configuration change:

In order to request the Tekelec ngHLR to calculate the VLR/SGSN nodes affected by a specific roamingcontrol configuration change, one of the following operations must first be executed:

• ComputePlmnChanges()• ComputeOCPlmnTemplateChanges()• ComputeServiceScreeningTemplateChanges()

If you wish to view the list of VLR/SGSN nodes calculated by the Tekelec ngHLR, you must displaythe OCPlmnNodeNumber[] entity (see description above).

Finally, you must perform one of the following operations depending on what you wish to do withthis list of affected VLR/SGSN nodes:

• ReplaceCurrentNodeList()• AppendCurrentNodeList()• DiscardCurrentNodeList()


The ComputePlmnChanges() operation can be used by the Network Operator to request to the TekelecngHLR to calculate the list of VLR/SGSN nodes that would be affected by a change in the PlmnDefinitions. This operation can be executed for one roaming configuration change at a time.

Command syntax:

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_ConfigChanges[]> ComputePlmnChanges()PPlmn=<PLMN Id>; PAction=<Action>

When executing the ComputePlmnChanges operation, the following parameters can be specified withthe following corresponding values:

Mandatory parameters:

• PPlmn {ID of the PLMN for which you wish to calculate the list of VLR/SGSN nodes affected bya change in its configuration}

• PAction{type of action that would change the roaming configuration and for which you wish theTekelec ngHLR to calculate the list of affected VLR/SGSN nodes}:

• 0 (Delete Plmn)• 1 (Delete Vlr)• 2 (Add Vlr)

Optional parameter:

• PNodeRange

• {Case1: Node Range # to which the ‘Delete Node Range’ action applies to. The Tekelec ngHLRwill calculate the list of VLR/SGSN nodes that would be affected by the deletion of this NodeRange

• {Case2: New Node Range # that would be added to the PLMN and for which you wish tocalculate the list of affected VLR/SGSN nodes}

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This parameter must be specified in the case where you wish to calculate the list of VLR/SGSNnodes affected by a change of a Node Range. It only needs to be specified in the cases wherethe ‘Action’ parameter is set to ‘Delete Node Range’ or ‘Add Node Range’.


Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_ConfigChanges[]> ComputePlmnChanges()PPlmn=1; PAction= 1; PNodeRange=123422


The ComputeOCPlmnTemplateChanges() operation can be used by the Network Operator to requestto the Tekelec ngHLR to calculate the list of VLR/SGSN nodes that would be affected by a change inthe OCPLMN Template definitions. This operation can be executed for one roaming configurationchange at a time.

Command syntax:

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_ConfigChanges[]>ComputeOCPlmnTemplateChanges()PPlmn= <PLMN Id>; PTemplate=<PLMN TemplateID>; PAction=<action>

When executing the ComputeOCPlmnTemplateChanges operation, the following parameters can bespecified with the following corresponding values:

Mandatory parameters:

• PTemplate {ID of the PLMN Template for which you wish to calculate the list of VLR/SGSN nodesaffected by a change in its configuration}

• PPlmn {ID of the PLMN for which you wish to calculate the list of VLR/SGSN nodes affected bya change in its configuration}

• Action {type of action that would change the roaming configuration and for which you wish theTekelec ngHLR to calculate the list of affected VLR/SGSN nodes}:

• 0 (Delete Plmn Reference)• 1 (Delete Imsi)• 2 (Add/Delete Service Template Reference)

Optional parameters:

• PImsiRange {IMSI range (MCC+MNC) to which the ‘Delete Imsi’ action applies to. The TekelecngHLR will calculate the list of VLR/SGSN nodes that would be affected by the deletion of thisIMSI Range}

This parameter must be specified in the case where you wish to calculate the list of VLR/SGSNnodes affected by a deletion of an allowed Imsi range. It only needs to be specified in the case wherethe ‘Action’ parameter is set to ‘Delete Imsi.


Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_ConfigChanges[]>ComputeOCPlmnTemplateChanges()PPlmn= 1; PTemplate=temp1; PAction= 0

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The ComputeServiceScreeningTemplateChanges() operation can be used by the Network Operatorto request to the Tekelec ngHLR to calculate the list of VLR/SGSN nodes that would be affected by achange in the Service Screening Template Definitions. This operation can be executed for one roamingconfiguration change at a time.

Command syntax:

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_ConfigChanges[]>ComputeServiceScreeningTemplateChanges()PTemplate= <Service ScreeningTemplate-ID#>; PAction=<action>

When executing the ComputeServiceScreeningTemplateChanges operation, the following parameterscan be specified with the following corresponding values:

Mandatory parameters:

• PTemplate {ID of the Service Screening Template for which you wish to calculate the list ofVLR/SGSN nodes affected by a change in its configuration}

• PAction {type of action that would change the roaming configuration and for which you wish theTekelec ngHLR to calculate the list of affected VLR/SGSN nodes}:

• 0 (Modify Service ScreeningTemplate)


Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_ConfigChanges[]>ComputeServiceScreeningTemplateChanges()PTemplate= sstemp1; PAction=0


The DisplayCurrentNodeList() operation can be used by the Network Operator to display in the HLRProvisioning Manager’s traces (HlrProvManager.xml) the list of affected VLR/SGSN nodes that waslast calculated by the Tekelec ngHLR. In order to view this list, the Network Operator must access thetraces. For instructions on how to view traces, refer to the “Accessing traces” section in the SDMMonitoring, Maintaining, Troubleshooting — User Guide document.

Prerequisite: The HLR provisioning traces must be activated. Contact the Tekelec Customer Care Centerif the system doesn’t generate traces for the HLR provisioning.

Command syntax:

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_ConfigChanges[]>DisplayCurrentNodeList()


The ReplaceCurrentNodeList() operation can be used by the Network Operator to replace theNodeNumberSubset entity’s list of nodes (list of nodes to which MAP_RESET messages are sent uponthe execution of the SendMapReset() operation with option=Node Subset) with the calculated list ofaffected VLR/SGSN nodes.

Prerequisite: One of the ComputePlmnChanges(), ComputeOCPlmnTemplateChanges() orComputeServiceScreeningTemplateChanges() operations to calculate the list of affected VLR/SGSNnodes must have been executed.

Command syntax:

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_ConfigChanges[]>ReplaceCurrentNodeList()

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The AppendCurrentNodeList() operation can be used by the Network Operator to add the calculatedlist of affected VLR/SGSN nodes to the already existing list of nodes in the NodeNumberSubset entity(list of nodes to which MAP_RESET messages are sent upon the execution of the SendMapReset()operation with option=Node Subset).


One of the ComputePlmnChanges(), ComputeOCPlmnTemplateChanges() orComputeServiceScreeningTemplateChanges() operations to calculate the list of affected VLR/SGSNnodes must have been executed.

Command syntax:

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_ConfigChanges[]>AppendCurrentNodeList()


The DiscardCurrentNodeList() operation can be used by the Network Operator to discard the calculatedlist of affected VLR/SGSN nodes.

Prerequisite: One of the ComputePlmnChanges(), ComputeOCPlmnTemplateChanges() orComputeServiceScreeningTemplateChanges() operations to calculate the list of affected VLR/SGSNnodes must have been executed.

Command syntax:

Hlr[]> HlrOCPlmn_Config[]> OCPlmn_ConfigChanges[]>DiscardCurrentNodeList()

MAP Policing configuration

Application Context (AC) Template

This section describes each of the HLR CLI commands used to provision the MAP Policing feature.

Note: The MAP Policing feature can be enabled or disabled in the HlrConfig[] entity described inHLR Configuration. The following section provides information about the entities and their parametersthat need to be provisioned for the MAP Policing feature when it is enabled.




This configuration table is used to define/associate a name with a specific template.

CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=int]>MapPolicing[]> AcTemplate

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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> HlrConfig[HlrInstance=int]>MapPolicing[] > displayAcTemplate[TemplateId= integer; TemplateName=string; AlrOn=0,1; PsiMsgOn=0,1;BcInSriAck=0,1]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 66: AcTemplate Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifier of a template.0integerTemplateId

Name of the template.N/AstringTemplateName

Table 67: AcTemplate Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This flag indicates whetherthe Tekelec ngHLR needs to





block the ALR request sent inthe ATI or SRI message fromthe node or node rangeassociated to this template.

‘1’: The Tekelec ngHLRdoesn’t block the ALR requestand returns the ALRinformation when requestedby the incoming message.

‘0’: The Tekelec ngHLR blocksthe ALR request in theincoming message and neverreturns the ALR informationin the reply message.

This flag indicates whetherthe Tekelec ngHLR needs to





block the PSI request sent inthe ATI or SRI message from

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributethe node or node rangeassociated to this template.

‘1’: The Tekelec ngHLRdoesn’t block the PSI requestand sends a PSI message tothe VLR or SGSN whenrequested in the ATI or SRImessage.

‘0’: The Tekelec ngHLR blocksthe PSI request and doesn’tsend a PSI message.

Flag that indicates whetherthe GSM-BC and BS





information is to be includedin the SRI-ack response or not.This flag is dynamic and canbe modified during runningtime.

0: The Tekelec ngHLR won’tinclude the GSM-BC and BSinformation in the SRI-ackresponse.

1: The Tekelec ngHLRincludes the GSM-BC and BSinformation in the SRI-ackresponse when possible.

CLI Example:

Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=1]>MapPolicing[]> addAcTemplate[TemplateId=1;TemplateName=temp1]

ACTemplate Definition




This allows the operator to configure a default maximum MAP version, per Application Context (AC)that is applied to the entire Tekelec ngHLR. This configuration table defines a template as a set ofapplication contexts with their associated MAP version. These default maximum values are appliedfor all transactions with unknown Network Elements (all NE with an address not corresponding tothe address node ranges defined in the AcTemplateMapping table). At startup, a default template is

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defined* and the operator can customize these templates by modifying the MAP versions for theApplication Contexts.

You can have access to the AcTemplateDefinition entity by following one of these navigation paths:

• Individual AcTemplateDefinition for a specific template:

• * Hlr[] > HlrConfig[] > MapPolicing[]> AcTemplate[] >AcTemplateDefinition

• General AcTemplateDefinition for all the templates:

• * Hlr[] > HlrConfig[] > MapPolicing[]> AcTemplateDefinition

CLI Inherited Attributes

• For the AcTemplateDefinition of a specific template:TemplateId.• For the AcTemplateDefinition of all the templates: None.

CLI Command Syntax

• Individual AcTemplateDefinition for a specific template:

Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=int]>MapPolicing[]>AcTemplate[TemplateId=integer]>display AcTemplateDefinition[AcId= integer;AcVersion=integer]

• General AcTemplateDefinition for all the templates:

Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=int]>MapPolicing[] >displayAcTemplateDefinition[TemplateId=integer; AcId= integer; AcVersion=integer]

Operations Permitted

Display, modify

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 68: AcTemplateDefinition Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifier of a template.0IntegerTemplateId

Identifier of an ApplicationContext.

N/A1 NetworkLocUpContext


2 LocationCancellationContext

3 Roaming NumberEnquiryContext

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute5 LocationInfoRetrievalContext

10 ResetContext

14 InfoRetrievalContext

16 SubscriberDataMngt Context

18 NetworkFunctionalSsContext

19 NetworkUnstructuredSsContext

20 ShortMsgGatewayContext

23 ShortMsgAlertContext

24 MwdMngtContext

26 ImsiRetrievalContext

27 MsPurgingContext


29 AnyTimeInfoEnquiryContext

32 GprsLocationUpdateContext

33 GprsLocationInfoRetrievalContext

34 FailureReportContext



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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeFailureReportContext

The default maximum MAPVersion that is used by the

V1 for theAcId: 14,19

0 NotSupported

1 V1


Tekelec ngHLR perApplication Context.

Note: By setting the defaultmaximum MAP version to

V2 for theAcId:23,10,19,18.

V4 for theAcId: 33

2 V2

3 V3

4 V4 “NotSupported” for an AC,the operator can block thatAC.V3 for all the

other ACs.

CLI Example

Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=1]>MapPolicing[]> AcTemplate[TemplateId=1]> addAcTemplateDefinition[AcId=3;AcVersion=2]

*By default, a templateId=0 is created with all of the Application Contexts with the maximum MAPversion allowed by the SS7 Stack. In the cases where the MAP Policing feature is disabled or enabled,but without any MAP Policing tables provisioned, the Tekelec ngHLR uses the defaultAcTemplateDefinition, shown below, to know which MAP Version to use for which AC (ApplicationContext) during a MAP transaction with any NE (Network Element).

Table 69: Default Values of the AcTemplateDefinition table for MAP Policing.

TemplateIdDefault MaximumMAP version perApplication

Context. (Global HLRconfiguration)

Application Context Name











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TemplateIdDefault MaximumMAP version perApplication

Context. (Global HLRconfiguration)

Application Context Name












AC Template Mapping




This table allows the operator to configure a maximum MAP version, per Application Context (byreferring to a templateId defined in the AcTemplateDefinition entity) and per network element addressrange. During MAP transactions with a Network Element (NE), the Tekelec ngHLR will limit the MAPversions to the values defined in this table, if that NE is covered by a range defined in this table.Basically, the AcTemplateMapping table associates an existing template (defined previously in theAcTemplate and AcTemplateDefinition tables) with a node range.

CLI NavigationHlr[] > HlrConfig[] > MapPolicing[]> AcTemplateMapping

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=int]> MapPolicing[]>displayAcTemplateMapping[TemplateId=integer; NodeRange= integer]

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CLI Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete, modify.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

CLI Attributes and Values

Table 70: ACTemplateMapping Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifier of a template.0integerTemplateId

Identifier of an ApplicationContext.


(up to 15 digits)


CLI Example

Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=int]> MapPolicing[]> addAcTemplate[TemplateId=1;TemplateName=temp1]

Node Number




This table is dynamic and contains a list of all the nodes for which an “Update Location” message hasbeen received. This table is used internally by the NodeNumberAcMapping table.

CLI NavigationHlr[] > HlrConfig[] > MapPolicing[]> NodeNumber

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=int]>MapPolicing[]>display NodeNumber[]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 71: NodeNumber Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This is used internally toindicate if the AC values are





present in theNodeNumberAcMappingtable.

0=AC values are not presentin theNodeNumberAcMappingtable.

1=AC values are present inthe NodeNumberAcMappingtable.

Identifies the type of nodewith which MAP transactionsare exchanged.

N/A7 (VLR)

8 (MSC)

149 (SGSN)


150 (GGSN)

Node number in E.164 format.N/AStringNodeNmb

Number of the TekelecngHLR.


Indicates if the externalquality of service is supportedor not.





0= not supported

1= supported

CLI Example

Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=1]>MapPolicing[]>display NodeNumber[]

Node Number AC Mapping



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This dynamic table contains the current MAP version values (negociated or not) to be used in anytransaction with the specified node. During a MAP transaction, the Tekelec ngHLR proceeds withMAP Version Fallback when needed, and dynamically stores the last negotiated MAP version for agiven AC, to be used for subsequent transactions.

CLI NavigationHlr[] > HlrConfig[] > MapPolicing[]> NodeNumberAcMapping

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=int]>MapPolicing[]>display NodeNumberAcMapping[]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 72: NodeNumberAcMapping Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifier of an ApplicationContext.

N/A1 NetworkLocUpContext


2 LocationCancellationContext

3 RoamingNumberEnquiryContext

5 LocationInfoRetrievalContext

10 ResetContext

14 InfoRetrievalContext

16 SubscriberDataMngt Context

18 NetworkFunctionalSsContext

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute19 NetworkUnstructuredSsContext

20 ShortMsgGatewayContext

23 ShortMsgAlertContext

24 MwdMngtContext

26 ImsiRetrievalContext

27 MsPurgingContext


29 AnyTimeInfoEnquiryContext

32 GprsLocationUpdateContext

33 GprsLocationInfoRetrievalContext

34 FailureReportContext

35 GprsNotifyContext


Identifies the type of nodewith which MAP transactionsare exchanged.

N/A7 (VLR)

8 (MSC)

149 (SGSN)


150 (GGSN)

Node number in E.164 format.N/AStringNodeNmb

The default maximum MAPVersion that is used by the

V1 for theAcId: 14,19

0 NotSupported

1 V1


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeTekelec ngHLR perApplication Context.

Note: By setting the defaultmaximum MAP version to

V2 for theAcId:23,10,19,18.

V4 for theAcId: 33

2 V2

3 V3

4 V4

“NotSupported” for an AC,the operator can block thatAC.V3 for all the

other ACs.

CLI Example

Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=1]>MapPolicing[]>display NodeNumberAcMapping[]





This entity is used to define a specific list of nodes and their number. This list of nodes is used by theTekelec ngHLR when the SendMapReset() operation is executed with the ‘Node Number Subset’option. This entity can be cleared or provisioned by adding/deleting one entry at a time or by executingthe ManageNodeNumberSubset () operation. Refer to section "MAP Policing Operations” for detailson these operation.

CLI NavigationHlr[] > HlrConfig[] > MapPolicing[]> NodeNumberSubset

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=int]>MapPolicing[]> addNodeNumberSubset[NodeNmb=string;NodeClass=string; HlrNumber=string]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 73: NodeNumberSubset Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifies the type of nodewith which MAP transactionsare exchanged.

N/A7 (VLR)

8 (MSC)

149 (SGSN)


150 (GGSN)

Node number of the Node towhich the Tekelec ngHLR

N/AStringin E.164format.


needs to send a MAP_Resetwhen the SendMapReset()operation is executed.

Number of the HLR for whichthe remote Node should

N/AStringin E.164format.


refresh all of the subscriberdata, previously received bythat HLR, after receiving aMAP_Reset message.

CLI Example

Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=1]>MapPolicing[]> addNodeNumberSubset[NodeClass=7;NodeNmb=15634110001; HlrNumber=15634210100]

MAP Policing Operations

The following section provides a description of the operations that can be performed on the TekelecngHLR system for the MAP Policing feature.

RestoreACDefaults ()

The RestoreACDefaults operation allows the operator to manually restore the MAP versions storedin the dynamic NodeNumberAcMapping table back to the original default maximum values, whichwere defined as a template in the AcTemplateDefinition table.

Command syntax:



The SendMapReset operation is used to send a MAP_RESET message to VLRs or SGSNs in order toinform them that a failure occurred. When executing this operation, you can choose to send MAP_RESETmessages to all nodes, to only one node by specifying its Node Number and the HLR Number, andfinally to a list of nodes imported from the NodeNumberSubset entity.

Command syntax:

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When executing the SendMapReset operation, the following parameters can be specified with thefollowing corresponding values:

Mandatory parameter:

• Option

• 0 All Nodes• 1 Node Number• 2 Node Number Subset

Optional parameters:

These parameters must be specified in the case where you set the Option parameter to ‘Node Number’.

• NodeNum {Node # to which you want the Tekelec ngHLR to send a Map Reset}• HlrNum {# of the Hlr for which the remote Node should refresh all of the subscriber data previously

received by that Hlr}

In the case where you choose to set the Option parameter to ‘Node Number Subset’, the Tekelec ngHLRsends a MAP Reset to all of the Node Numbers defined in the NodeNumberSubset entity. For moreinformation on the NodeNumberSubset, refer to “Application Context (AC) Template”. For informationon how to provision this entity, refer to the “MAP Reset” section of the “HLR ApplicationConfiguration” chapter in the SDM System Configuration - User Guide.


Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=int]>MapPolicing[]>SendMapReset() Option= 1;NodeNum=34234235; HlrNum=15634210100


The ManageNodeNumberSubset operation is used to clear the NodeNumberSubset entity or to importall elements from the NodeNumber entity. This operation helps to easily and quickly clear theNodeNumberSubset entity or helps you to provision it. For more information on theNodeNumberSubset and NodeNumber entities, refer to “Application Context (AC) Template” in thisdocument and to know how to provision it, refer to the “MAP Reset” section of the “HLR ApplicationConfiguration” chapter in the SDM System Configuration - User Guide.

Command syntax:


Mandatory parameter:

When executing the ManageNodeNumberSubset operation, the following parameter is mandatoryand must be specified with either one of the following values:

• Option:

• 0 Clear table• 1 Import all elements from Node Number table


Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance=int]>MapPolicing[]>ManageNodeNumberSubset()Option= 1

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GSM Bearer Capabilities configuration

GSM Bearer Capabilities

The following section provides information about the entities and their parameters that need to beprovisioned for the Phase 1 GSM Bearer Capabilities feature. It also briefly describes the HLR CLIcommands used to provision this feature. For more information on the Bearer Capability Informationelement and all of its characteristics, refer to the 3GPP standard TS 24.008, version 5.




This allows the operator to define Bearer Capabilities information that he wishes for the Tekelec ngHLRto send to the VLR through the Provide Roaming Number message.

CLI NavigationHlr[] > GsmBearerCapabilities[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> add GsmBearerCapabilities[BearerCapName= varchar; B3_RadioChannelReq=1,2,3; B3_CodingStandard= 0 ; B3_TransferMode= 0,1 ; B3_InfoTransferCap=0,1,2,3,5; B4_Compression= 0,1 ; B4_Structure= 0,3 ; B4_DuplexMode= 0,1 ;B4_Config= 0 ; B4_NIRR= 0,1 ; B4_Establishment= 0 ; B5_AccessIdentity= 0 ;B5_RateAdaptation= 0,1,2,3 ; B5_SignallingAccessProtocol= 1 ;B5a_OtherInfoTransferCap= 0 ; B5a_OtherRateAdaptation= 0,1,2 ;B5b_RateAdaptationHeader= 0,1 ; B5b_MultiFrameEstSupport= 0,1 ;B5b_OperationMode= 0,1 ; B5b_LogicalLinkIdNegotiation= 0,1 ;B5b_AssignorAssignee= 0,1 ; B5b_NegotiationType= 0,1 ; B6_Layer1Identity=1 ; B6_UserInfoLayer1Protocol= 0 ; B6_SyncAsync= 0,1 ; B6a_NumStopBits= 0,1; B6a_Negotiation= 0 ; B6a_NumDataBits= 0,1 ; B6a_UserRate= 1,2,3,4,5,6 ;B6b_IntermediateRate= 2,3 ; B6b_NicOnTx= 0,1 ; B6b_NicOnRx= 0,1 ; B6b_Parity=0,2,3,4,5 ; B6c_ConnectionElement= 0,1,2,3 ; B6c_ModemType= 0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8; B6d_OtherModemType= 0,2 ; B6d_FixedNetworkUserRate=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 ; B6e_ChannelCoding_14_4= 0,1 ;B6e_ChannelCoding_9_6= 0,1 ; B6e_ChannelCoding_4_8= 0,1 ;B6e_MaxNumTrafficChannel= 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ; B6f_UserInitiatedModificationInd=0,1,2,3,4 ; B6f_AirInterfaceUserRate= 0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9 ;B6g_ChannelCodingExt_28_8= 0,1 ; B6g_ChannelCodingExt_32_0= 0,1 ;B6g_ChannelCodingExt_43_2= 0,1 ; B6g_ChannelCodingAsymetryInd= 0,1,2,3 ;B7_Layer2Identity= 2 ; B7_UserInfolayer2Protocol= 8,10,12 ; RawData_B3=

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decimal ; RawData_B2= decimal ; RawData_B1= decimal ; RawData_B0= decimal; B3a_Coding= 0,1 ; B3a_CTM= 0,1 ; B3a_SpeechVersionInd=0,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,11,15]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 74: GsmBearerCapabilities Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifier of Bearer Capabilityinformation.




Table 75: GsmBearerCapabilities Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Defines the type of radiochannel that you want to be

null1 (Full Rate Only)

2 (Dual Rate (HalfRate Preferred))


requested. For SpeechInformation TransferCapability, the type of radio3 (Dual Rate (Full

Rate Preferred)) channel defined here isignored.

Defines the coding standardused.




Defines the transfer modeused.

Null0 (Circuit Mode)

1 (Packet Mode)


Defines the type of data thatcan be transmitted.

Null0 (Speech)

1 (Unrestricted DigitalInformation)


2 (3.1 kHz Audio)

3 (Facsimile Groupe3)

5 (Other ITC)

Indicates if the compressionof the data is allowed or not.

Null0 (Not Possible/NotAllowed)


1 (Possible/Allowed)

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Defines whether the data isstructured or not.

Null0 (Service Data UnitIntegrity)


3 (Unstructured)

Defines whether thetransmission is done on both

Null0 (Half Duplex)

1 (Full Duplex)


sides (full duplex) at the sametime or only on one side (halfduplex).

This indicates the point topoint configuration used formobile communication.


(Point to point)


Defines whether or not anegociation is done for theintermediate rate requested.

Null0 (NotApplicable/Nomeaning is associatedwith this value)


1(StandardNegotiation,data up to andincluding 4.8 kb/s,full rate,non-transparent,6kb/s radio interfacerate is requested)

This indicates that theestablishement is done ondemand.




Reserved value. This indicatesthe access identity.


(octet identifier)


This defines the protocol usedfor rate adaptation.

Null0 (None)

1 (V.110 I.460/X30Rate Adaptation)


2 (ITU-T X31 FlagStuffing)

3 (Other)

This indicates the protocolused for signaling accesswhen establishing connection.




This indicates if any othertype of Information TransferCapabilities are used.


(restricted digitalinformation)


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This defines the protocol usedfor rate adaptation.

Null0 (V.120)

1 (H.223 and H.245)



This defines whether theheader is included or not ineach frame.

Null0 (Header NotIncluded)

1 (Header Included)


This indicates whethermultiple frame establishementis supported or not.

Null0 (Not Supported)

1 (Supported)


This defines the operationmode used, whether a

Null0 (Bit Transparent)

1 (Protocol Sensitive)


protocol is used or not totransmit the control frames.

Defines how the logical linkis negotiated.

Null0 (DefaultNegotiation, LLI=256only)


1 (Full ProtocolNegotiation)

Defines who is the messageoriginator.

Null0 (Default Assignee)

1 (Assignor Only)


Defines how the negotiatingis done.

Null0 (In-band)

1 (TemporarySignallingConnection)


Defines the layer level, layer1.




Defines the protocol used inlayer 1.




Defines the way the data istransmitted.

Null0 (Synchronous)

1 (Asynchronous)


Defines the number of bitsthat are added between theoctets during transmission.

Null0 (1 Stop bit)

1 (2 Stop Bits)


Used to describe bearercapabilities in theinterworking context of ITU-Trecommendations V110 and

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeX.1 and X30. Please refer tothose recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

Defines that in bandnegotiation is not possible.


(In band negotiationnot possible)


Used to describe bearercapabilities in theinterworking context of ITU-Trecommendations V110 andX.1 and X30. Please refer tothose recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

Defines the number of databits transmitted between thestop bits.

Null0 (7 Data Bits)

1 (8 Data Bits)


Used to describe bearercapabilities in theinterworking context of ITU-Trecommendations V110 andX.1 and X30. Please refer tothose recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

Defines the bandwidthsupported for the datatransmission.

Null1 (0.3 kbps)

2 (1.2 kbps)


3 (2.4 kbps) Used to describe bearercapabilities in the4 (4.8 kbps)interworking context of ITU-T

5 (9.6 kbps) recommendations V110 andX.1 and X30. Please refer to6 (12.0 kbps)those recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

Describes which intermediateNetwork Independent clock

Null2 (8 kbps)

3 (16 kbps)


transmission rate is supportedby the terminal, for A/Gb andGERAN lu mode.

Used to describe bearercapabilities in theinterworking context of ITU-T

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributerecommendations V110 andX.1 and X30. Please refer tothose recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

The terminal accepts(1)/cannot accept (1) data

Null0 (Data Not Required)

1 (Data Required)


with a Network IndependentClock on Transmission (Tx).

Used to describe bearercapabilities in theinterworking context of ITU-Trecommendations V110 andX.1 and X30. Please refer tothose recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

The terminal accepts(1)/cannot accept (1) data

Null0 (Data Not Accepted)

1 (Data Accepted)


with a Network IndependentClock on Reception (Rx).

Used to describe bearercapabilities in theinterworking context of ITU-Trecommendations V110 andX.1 and X30. Please refer tothose recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

Defines the parity that is usedin the data.

Null0 (Odd)

2 (Even)


Used to describe bearercapabilities in the3 (None)

interworking context of ITU-T4 (Forced To 0)recommendations V110 and

5 (Forced To 1) X.1 and X30. Please refer tothose recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

Defines which data bit rate issupported by the terminalmodem.

Null0 (Transparent)

1 (Non Transparent)


2 (Both-TransparentPreferred) Used to describe bearer

capabilities in the

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeinterworking context of ITU-Trecommendations V110 and

3 (Both-NonTransparentPreferred) X.1 and X30. Please refer to

those recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

Defines the type of modemsupported.

Null0 (None)

1 (V.21)


Used to describe bearercapabilities in the2 (V.22)

interworking context of ITU-T3 (V.22 Bis)recommendations V110 and

5 (V.26 Ter) X.1 and X30. Please refer tothose recommendation and to6 (V.32)3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.7 (Undefined


8 (Autobauding Type1)

Defines the other type ofmodem that can be supported.

Null0 (None)

2 (V.34)


Used to describe bearercapabilities in theinterworking context of ITU-Trecommendations V110 andX.1 and X30. Please refer tothose recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

Defines the fixed bandwidthand standard that is

Null0 (Not Applicable)

1 (9.6 kbps (X.1V.110))


supported for the modemcommunication.

2 (14.4 kbps (X.1V.110)) Used to describe bearer

capabilities in theinterworking context of ITU-T3 (19.2 kbps (X.1

V.110)) recommendations V110 andX.1 and X30. Please refer to

4 (28.8 kbps (X.1V.110)) those recommendation and to

3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.5 (38.4 kbps (X.1


6 (48.0 kbps (X.1V.110))

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute7 (56.0 kbps (X.1V.110))

8 (64.0 kbps (BitTransparent))

9 (33.3 kbps (BitTransparent))

10 (32.0 kbps (I.460))

11 (31.2 kbps (V.34))

Indicates if 14.4 kbps isacceptable bandwidth or not.

Null0 (Not Acceptable)

1 (Acceptable)


Used to describe bearercapabilities in theinterworking context of ITU-Trecommendations V110 andX.1 and X30. Please refer tothose recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

Indicates if 9.6 kbps isacceptable bandwidth or not.

Null0 (Not Acceptable)

1 (Acceptable)


Used to describe bearercapabilities in theinterworking context of ITU-Trecommendations V110 andX.1 and X30. Please refer tothose recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

Indicates if 4.8 kbps isacceptable bandwidth or not.

Null0 (Not Acceptable)

1 (Acceptable)


Used to describe bearercapabilities in theinterworking context of ITU-Trecommendations V110 andX.1 and X30. Please refer tothose recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

Defines the maximum numberof traffic channels that can besupported.

null0 (1 Traffic Channel)

1 (2 Traffic Channels)


2 (3 Traffic Channels)

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeUsed to describe bearercapabilities in the

3 (4 Traffic Channels)

4 (5 Traffic Channels) interworking context of ITU-Trecommendations V110 and5 (6 Traffic Channels)X.1 and X30. Please refer to

6 (7 Traffic Channels) those recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

7 (8 Traffic Channels)

Indicates if the number ofchannels used in the GSM

Null0 (Not Applicable)

1 (Up to 1 TrafChan/F)


circuit can be modified by theuser and if so, the number ofchannels that can besupported.

2 (Up to 2 TrafChan/F)

Used to describe bearercapabilities in the

3 (Up to 3 TrafChan/F)

interworking context of ITU-T4 (Up to 4 TrafChan/F) recommendations V110 and

X.1 and X30. Please refer tothose recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

This specifies the bandwidthper channel that can besupported.

Null0 (Not Applicable/nomeaning associatedwith this value)


Used to describe bearercapabilities in the

1 (9.6 kbps)

2 (14.4 kbps) interworking context of ITU-Trecommendations V110 and3 (19.2 kbps)X.1 and X30. Please refer to

5 (28.8 kbps) those recommendation and to3GPP 24.008 for additionaldetails and references.

6 (38.4 kbps)

7 (43.2 kbps)

8 (57.6 kbps)

9 (Interpreted As38.4kbps)

Indicates if 28.8 kbps isacceptable bandwidth or not.

Null0 (Not Acceptable)

1 (Acceptable)


Indicates if 32.0 kbps isacceptable bandwidth or not.

Null0 (Not Acceptable)

1 (Acceptable)


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Indicates if 43.2 kbps isacceptable bandwidth or not.

Null0 (Not Acceptable)

1 (Acceptable)


Defines the way thebandwidth is reserved.

Null0 (Symmetry)

1 (Uplink BiasedAsymmetry)


Whether the priority is uplink,downlink or symmetric.

2 (Downlink BiasedAsymmetry)

3 (Unused)

Identifies the layer level.Null2B7_Layer2Identity

(Layer 2)

Defines the protocol to beused

Null8 (ISO 6429 Codeset0)


10 (Videotex Profile1)

12 (CharacterOriented Protocol -No Flow ControlMechanism)

This parameter only needs tobe provisioned for


(4 octets)


non-standard BearerCapability information or forBC information that is notsupported by the Tekelec GUI.Low level coding must beknown to provision thisparameter. Please contactTekelec’ support team toprovision this parameter.

This parameter only needs tobe provisioned for


(4 octets)


non-standard BearerCapability information or forBC information that is notsupported by the Tekelec GUI.Low level coding must beknown to provision thisparameter. Please contactTekelec’ support team toprovision this parameter.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This parameter only needs tobe provisioned for


(4 octets)


non-standard BearerCapability information or forBC information that is notsupported by the Tekelec GUI.Low level coding must beknown to provision thisparameter. Please contactTekelec’ support team toprovision this parameter.

This parameter only needs tobe provisioned for


(4 octets)


non-standard BearerCapability information or forBC information that is notsupported by the Tekelec GUI.Low level coding must beknown to provision thisparameter. Please contactTekelec’ support team toprovision this parameter.

Defines the way theinformation transfer capabilityis encoded.

Null0 (ITC Extension)

1 (Other Extension)


Indicates whether the CTMtext telephony indication issupported or not.

Null0 (Text TelephonyNot Supported)

1 (Text TelephonySupported)


Defines the speech versionthat can be supported in theGsm circuit.

null0 (Full Rate v1)

1 (Half Rate v1)

2 (Full Rate v2)


4 (Full Rate v3)

5 (Half Rate v3)

6 (Full Rate v4)

7 (Half Rate v4)

8 (Full Rate v5)

11 (Half Rate v6)

15 (Not Supported)

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Note: All traffic-related attributes are optional in the Bearer Capability element. This implies thatdefining an “empty” Bearer Capability element with only a name, will in fact create a “speech” BearerCapability in its simplest form.

CLI Example

Hlr[]> add GsmBearerCapabilities[BearerCapName=Bearer1; B3_RadioChannelReq=1;B3_CodingStandard= 0 ; B3_TransferMode= 1 ; B3_InfoTransferCap= 1]

Bearer Cap Name




This table allows the operator to provision the Gsm Bearer Capability element with multiple speechversions. Once the B3a_SpeechVersionInd is provisioned in the GsmBearerCapabilities [] table, theGsmBearerCapabilitiesB3x can be provisioned. The Gsm Bearer Capability element supports multipleoctets 3x (octet 3b, 3c,etc. as per the 3GPP standard 24.008) for which different speech versions can beprovisioned.

CLI NavigationHlr[]>GsmBearerCapabilities[]>GsmBearerCapabilitiesB3x[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> GsmBearerCapabilities[BearerCapName= varchar] > addGsmBearerCapabilitiesB3x [B3x_Index= 0-9 ; B3x_Coding= 0;B3x_SpeechVersionInd= 0,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,11,15]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 76: GsmBearerCapabilitiesB3x Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifier of Bearer Capabilitiyinformation.




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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifies the octet 3x (x:b,c,d,e,f…) of the bearer

0Int unsigned

(0 to 9)


capability informationelement.

Table 77: GsmBearerCapabilitiesB3x Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Reserved. This indicates theway the information transfercapability is encoded.


(ITC Extension)


Indicates the speech versionthat can be supported in theGSM circuit.

null0 (Full Rate v1)

1 (Half Rate v1)

2 (Full Rate v2)


4 (Full Rate v3)

5 (Half Rate v3)

6 (Full Rate v4)

7 (Half Rate v4)

8 (Full Rate v5)

11(Half Rate v6)

15(Not Supported)

CLI Example

Hlr[]> GsmBearerCapabilities[BearerCapName=Bearer1]> addGsmBearerCapabilitiesB3x [B3x_Index=0; B3x_Coding=0; B3x_SpeechVersionInd=2]

Flexible MT-SMS Rerouting Configuration

Destination Router



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This entity allows the Network Operator to define a list of Destination Router addresses to which SRI,SRI-LCS, MT-SMS, and ATI requests are routed or relayed when one or more of the SmsRouting,SmsRelay, or SriRouting functionalities are activated.

Once the addresses are defined, the Network Operator can create Routing Templates and associatethem to the existing Destination Router defined in this entity by assigning a RouterName (or RouterIDfrom the CLI) to each template.

WebCI NavigationHLR > Routing Controls

CLI NavigationHlr[]> DestinationRouter[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> display DestinationRouter [RouterName= varchar; RouterAddress=varchar;SkipPSI=0,1 ; RouterId= int; Tt=int; OverrideTt=0,1; DefaultImsi=varchar;Prefix=varchar]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 78: DestinationRouter Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Name of the Destination Router (SMS Routerwhen processing a MAP SRI_for_SM).

Not DefinedVarcharRouterName

Address of Destination Router to which theTekelec ngHLR will relay the MT-SMS, SRI,



SRI-LCS, or ATI request if the following ismet:Varchar

• One or more of SmsRouting, SmsRelay, orSriRouting functionalities are activated

• the routing template's trigger is met• the subscriber is HLR- or SIP-registered

The ID number that identifies the DestinationRouter (SMS Router when processing a MAPSRI_for_SM).



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Table 79: DestinationRouter Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Ability to skip the PSI procedure when an ATImessage comes from a Destination Router.

00, 1SkipPSI

0: The Tekelec ngHLR doesn’t skip the PSIprocedure and sends back a PSI request afterreceiving a MAP_ATI Req. Only once the PSIprocedure is performed, the Tekelec ngHLRsends back a MAP_ATI ack.

1: The Tekelec ngHLR skips the PSI procedurewhen sending an ATI ack.

Translation Type.255Integer



0: The Tekelec ngHLR does not change theTranslation type.

10, 1Override Tt

1: The Tekelec ngHLR changes the Translationtype.

IMSI returned by the Tekelec ngHLR in theMAP SRI/SRI-LCS/MT-SMS ACK messagefor the redirect mode.

Note: When writing up the MT-SMS Ackmessage, the Tekelec ngHLR first checks if


5 to 15


there is an IMSI provisioned in theIMSIForRedirectRouting table for thesubscriber's MSISDN. If there is, the TekelecngHLR returns that provisioned IMSI in theMT-SMS Ack message instead of thedefaultImsi. If there is no provisioned IMSIin the IMSIForRedirectRouting table, theTekelec ngHLR returns the defaultImsi in theMT-SMS Ack message.

Applies to the redirect mode for SRI messagesonly. It is used along with the MSISDN in


0 to 9,


order to make up the MSRN (Prefix+MSISDN)in the SRI-Ack message.

The prefix must be E. 164.

overdecadicdigits A, B, C,D, E

Overdecadic digits represent hexadecimalvalues and are encoded exactly as such.

Table 80: Destination Router permanent entry

Entry cannot be updated or deleted. It is used by the Tekelec ngHLR for the default Routing Template.

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Default ImsiPrefixOverride TtTtRouterAddress


Router ID

0000012550Not Defined0

CLI ExampleHlr[]> add DestinationRouter[RouterName= Router1; RouterId=1;RouterAddress=18293; SkipPSI=0; Tt=55; OverrideTt=0; DefaultImsi=123456]

MT-SMS Routing Template


MtSMSRoutingTemplate (also known as RoutingTemplate in the WebCI)


This entity allows the operator to define MT-SMS Routing templates with information such as therouting trigger, the routing type and routing exceptions. Each subscriber profile can then be provisionedwith one of the Routing Templates defined in this entity. This dictates to the Tekelec ngHLR whichbehaviour to adapt when receiving an MT-SMS request for that subscriber. The operator can alsoassociate each Routing Template to an existing Destination Router, defined in the DestinationRouterentity, by assigning it a RouterName (or RouterId in the CLI). This will indicate to the Tekelec ngHLRwhich Destination Router to communicate with in order to reroute the MT-SMS request.

WebCI NavigationHLR   Routing Template

CLI NavigationHlr[]   MtSmsRoutingTemplate[ ]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> display MtSmsRoutingTemplate[TemplateName= varchar; RouterId= int;TemplateId= int; RoutingTrigger= 0,1,2,3,4,5,6]; RoutingType= varchar]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 81: MtSmsRoutingTemplate Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Name of the template defined.Not DefinedVarcharTemplateName


Identifier of DestinationRouteraddress. To each template, a

RouterID: 0


RouterID: Smallinteger


RouterId (used inthe CLI)


RouterName (used inthe WebCI

RouterId (RouterName in theWebCI) must be assigned. ThisRouterId refers to theDestinationRouter addressdefined in theDestinationRouter entity.

Unique numerical identifier ofthe MT-SMS Routing template.

0Small integerTemplateId

Table 82: MtSmsRoutingTemplate Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Template flag that triggers thererouting of an MT-SMS.



0 (Never)

1 (Always)


0: The MT-SMS is neverredirected or related to2 (SipRegistered)

DestinationRouter. For3(RoamingOutHPLMN)subscribers with an MT-SMS

4(RoamingOutHplmnOrSipRegistered) Routing template assigned to

them that has its flagTriggerSmsRedirect = Never,5(InHplmn)the SMS redirect is turnedOFF.6(InHplmnOrSipRegistered

1: The SMS is alwaysredirected or relayed toDestinationRouter.

2: The SMS is only redirectedor relayed to an SMS Relaywhen it is SIP Registered.

3: The SMS is only redirectedor relayed to an SMS Relaywhen the subscriber isroaming out of the HomePLMN.

4: The SMS is only redirectedor relayed to an SMS Relaywhen the subscriber is SIP

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeRegistered or when thesubscriber is roaming out ofthe HPLMN.

5: The SMS is redirected orrelayed to a DestinationRouter when the subscriber isin the HPLMN network .

6: The SMS is redirected orrelayed to a DestinationRouter when the subscriber isin the HPLMN network or isSIP registered.

Type of MT-SMS Routing theTekelec ngHLR must perform




which is either redirect orrelay.

0 (Redirect): The TekelecngHLR performs the MT-SMSRedirection functionality .

1 (Relay) = The Tekelec ngHLRperforms the MT-SMS Relayfunctionality .

For details on the behavioursthe Tekelec ngHLR adapts foreach Routing Type, refer to the"MT-SMS Routing" section ofthe SDM Product Description.

CLI Example

Hlr[]> add MtSmsRoutingTemplate[TemplateName= template1; RouterId=1;templateId=1; RoutingTrigger=3; RoutingType=0]

Routing Exception




This entity allows the operator to provision the prefix of GT addresses of the Originator SMSGMSCthat will be part of the exception list. The Tekelec ngHLR never reroutes an MT-SMS request sent froman Originator SMS-GMSC that is defined in this exception list.

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WebCI NavigationHLR > Routing Controls > Routing Template

CLI NavigationHlr[]>RoutingTemplate[templateId=smallint]>RoutingException[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> RoutingTemplate[TemplateId= smallint]> RoutingException[OrigAddress=char]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete.

Attributes and Values

Table 83: SmscRedirectException Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

MT-SMS Routing Exception.Address of an Originator




SMS-GMSC for which theTekelec ngHLR does notreroute (redirection/relay) anMT-SMS request received byit, no matter what theconfiguration of the FlexibleMT-SMS Rerouting feature isset to.

Note: No OrigAddress can bedefined for the defaultTemplate (TemplateId=0,TemplateName=Not Defined)

Note: For the MT-SMS Relayfunctionality, the SCCP CgPAis compared to theSMS-GMSC exception list. TheCgPA is normalized (fromnational to international byadding the country code)prior to comparison.

Note: For the MT-SMSRedirect functionality, it is theSC (Service Center) address

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributethat is compared to theSMS-GMSC exception list. TheSC address is normalized(from national to internationalby adding the country code)prior to comparison. In thecase where a match is found,the Tekelec ngHLR handlesMT-SMS requests as per thestandard MT-SMS process.

CLI Example

Hlr[]> RoutingTemplate[TemplateId= 1]> add RoutingException[OrigAddress=12384765]

Routing Controls

The Tekelec ngHLR can be configured as a GSM or IMS router using redirect or relay routing for thefollowing messages:





The Destination Router, Routing Template, and Routing Exception entities provision the GSM/IMSRouting functionality.

Destination Router




This entity allows the Network Operator to define a list of Destination Router addresses to which SRI,SRI-LCS, MT-SMS, and ATI requests are routed or relayed when one or more of the SmsRouting,SmsRelay, or SriRouting functionalities are activated.

Once the addresses are defined, the Network Operator can create Routing Templates and associatethem to the existing Destination Router defined in this entity by assigning a RouterName (or RouterIDfrom the CLI) to each template.

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WebCI NavigationHLR > Routing Controls

CLI NavigationHlr[]> DestinationRouter[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> display DestinationRouter [RouterName= varchar; RouterAddress=varchar;SkipPSI=0,1 ; RouterId= int; Tt=int; OverrideTt=0,1; DefaultImsi=varchar;Prefix=varchar]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 84: DestinationRouter Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Name of the Destination Router (SMS Routerwhen processing a MAP SRI_for_SM).

Not DefinedVarcharRouterName

Address of Destination Router to which theTekelec ngHLR will relay the MT-SMS, SRI,



SRI-LCS, or ATI request if the following ismet:Varchar

• One or more of SmsRouting, SmsRelay, orSriRouting functionalities are activated

• the routing template's trigger is met• the subscriber is HLR- or SIP-registered

The ID number that identifies the DestinationRouter (SMS Router when processing a MAPSRI_for_SM).



Table 85: DestinationRouter Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Ability to skip the PSI procedure when an ATImessage comes from a Destination Router.

00, 1SkipPSI

0: The Tekelec ngHLR doesn’t skip the PSIprocedure and sends back a PSI request after

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributereceiving a MAP_ATI Req. Only once the PSIprocedure is performed, the Tekelec ngHLRsends back a MAP_ATI ack.

1: The Tekelec ngHLR skips the PSI procedurewhen sending an ATI ack.

Translation Type.255Integer



0: The Tekelec ngHLR does not change theTranslation type.

10, 1Override Tt

1: The Tekelec ngHLR changes the Translationtype.

IMSI returned by the Tekelec ngHLR in theMAP SRI/SRI-LCS/MT-SMS ACK messagefor the redirect mode.

Note: When writing up the MT-SMS Ackmessage, the Tekelec ngHLR first checks if


5 to 15


there is an IMSI provisioned in theIMSIForRedirectRouting table for thesubscriber's MSISDN. If there is, the TekelecngHLR returns that provisioned IMSI in theMT-SMS Ack message instead of thedefaultImsi. If there is no provisioned IMSIin the IMSIForRedirectRouting table, theTekelec ngHLR returns the defaultImsi in theMT-SMS Ack message.

Applies to the redirect mode for SRI messagesonly. It is used along with the MSISDN in


0 to 9,


order to make up the MSRN (Prefix+MSISDN)in the SRI-Ack message.

The prefix must be E. 164.

overdecadicdigits A, B, C,D, E

Overdecadic digits represent hexadecimalvalues and are encoded exactly as such.

Table 86: Destination Router permanent entry

Entry cannot be updated or deleted. It is used by the Tekelec ngHLR for the default Routing Template.

Default ImsiPrefixOverride TtTtRouterAddress


Router ID

0000012550Not Defined0

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CLI ExampleHlr[]> add DestinationRouter[RouterName= Router1; RouterId=1;RouterAddress=18293; SkipPSI=0; Tt=55; OverrideTt=0; DefaultImsi=123456]

Routing Template




This entity allows the Network Operator to define routing trigger, routing type, and default action.

The Routing template can provision a subscriber profile to act as defined when receiving an SRI,SRI-LCS, MT-SMS, or ATI request. The Network operator can also associate each Routing Templateto an existing Destination Router, defined in the DestinationRouter entity, by assigning it a RouterName(or RouterId in the CLI). The Tekelec ngHLR will use the assigned Destination Router to reroute theMAP request.

WebCI NavigationHLR > Routing Template

CLI NavigationHlr[]>RoutingTemplate[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> display MtSmsRoutingTemplate[TemplateName= varchar; RouterId= int;TemplateId= int; RoutingTrigger= 0,1,2,3,4,5,6]; RoutingType= varchar;DefaultAction= 0,1]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 87: RoutingTemplate Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Name of the template defined.Not DefinedVarcharTemplateName


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifier of DestinationRouteraddress.

To each template, a RouterId (CLI) orRouterName (WebCI) must be



RouterID: Smallinteger


RouterId (CLI)


RouterName(WebCI) assigned. This RouterId or

RouterName refers to theDestinationRouter address defined inthe DestinationRouter entity.

RouterId or RouterName indicates tothe Tekelec ngHLR with whichDestination Router to communicateto reroute the MT-SMS request.

Note: In the WebCI, the RouterNameis used instead of the RouterId to referto the Destination Router. Thedifference between the CLI and theWebCI is that the CLI uses a numericidentifier to represent a Destination

Unique numerical identifier of theRouting template.

0Small integerTemplateId

Table 88: RoutingTemplate Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Template flag that triggers thererouting of SRI, SRI-LCS, MT-SMS,or ATI messages.

00 (Never)

1 (Always)

Routing Trigger

2 (Sip Registered) 0: The message is never redirected orrelayed to DestinationRouter. For3 (Roaming

OutHPLMN) subscribers with an MT-SMS Routingtemplate assigned and set to

4 (RoamingOutHplmnOrSipRegistered)

TriggerSmsRedirect = Never, the SMSredirect is turned OFF.

1: The message is always redirectedor relayed to DestinationRouter.5 (InHplmn)

6 (InHplmnOrSipRegistered 2: The message is only redirected or

relayed when the subscriber isTAS-registered or SIP-registered.

3: The message is only redirected orrelayed to an SMS Relay when thesubscriber is roaming out of the HomePLMN.

4: The message is only redirected orrelayed when the subscriber is

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeTAS-registered or SIP-registered orwhen the subscriber is roaming out ofthe HPLMN.

5: The message is redirected or relayedto a Destination Router when thesubscriber is in the HPLMN network.

6: The message is redirected or relayedwhen the subscriber is TAS-registeredor in the HPLMN network or isSIP-registered.

Type of routing, which the TekelecngHLR must perform:

00 (Redirect)

1 (Relay)


0 (Redirect): Redirection functionality.

1 (Relay) = Relay functionality .

For detailed routing behavior of eachrouting type, refer to the GSM/IMSRouter section of the SDM ProductDescription.

The default action if trigger conditionsare not met.

00 (Process locally)

1 (Relay with CdPA)


0: Process locally

1: Relay with modified Tt

All other values are rejected.

The Routing template contains a permanent entry. It cannot be updated or deleted. It is used by theTekelec ngHLR for the default SMSTemplateId to specify that there is no routing template for thesubscriber. When the Tekelec ngHLR looks for the SMSTemplateId value, it first checks the MSISDNtable and then the Subscriber Profile.

Table 89: RoutingTemplate permanent entry

Default ActionRouting TypeRouterIdRoutingTrigger


Template Id

Process LocallyRedirect0NeverNot Defined0

CLI Example

Hlr[]> add MtSmsRoutingTemplate[TemplateName= template1; RouterId=1;templateId=1; RoutingTrigger=3; RoutingType=0; DefaultAction=0]

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Routing Exception




This entity allows the operator to provision the prefix of Gt addresses of the Originator SMS-GMSCthat will be part of the exception list. The Tekelec ngHLR never reroutes an MT-SMS request sent froman Originator SMS-GMSC that is defined in this exception list.

WebCI NavigationHLR > Routing Controls > Routing Template

CLI NavigationHlr[]>RoutingTemplate[templateId=smallint]>RoutingException[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> RoutingTemplate[TemplateId= smallint]> RoutingException[OrigAddress=char]

Operations Permitted

Add, display and delete.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 90: SmscRedirectException Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

MT-SMS Routing Exception.Address of an Originator




SMS-GMSC for which theTekelec ngHLR does notreroute (redirection/relay) anMT-SMS request received byit, no matter what theconfiguration of the FlexibleMT-SMS Rerouting feature isset to.

Note: No OrigAddress can bedefined for the default

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeTemplate (TemplateId=0,TemplateName=Not Defined)

Note: For the MT-SMS Relayfunctionality, the SCCP CgPAis compared to theSMS-GMSC exception list. TheCgPA is normalized (fromnational to international byadding the country code)prior to comparison.

Note: For the MT-SMSRedirect functionality, it is theSC (Service Center) addressthat is compared to theSMS-GMSC exception list. TheSC address is normalized(from national to internationalby adding the country code)prior to comparison. In thecase where a match is found,the Tekelec ngHLR handlesMT-SMS requests as per thestandard MT-SMS process.

CLI Example

Hlr[]> RoutingTemplate[TemplateId= 1]> add RoutingException[OrigAddress=12384765]

IMSI for Redirect Routing




This entity allows the operator to provision a subscriber IMSI (instead of the default IMSI).

WebCI Navigation

HLR > Routing Controls > IMSIForRedirectRouting

CLI Navigation

Hlr[]> IMSIForRedirectRouting[]

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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> IMSIForRedirectRouting[MsIsdn = char]

Operations Permitted

Add, Display, Modify, Delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations


Table 91: IMSIforRedirectRouting mandatory attributes


Value RangeAttribute

MsIsdn of the subscriber.Empty stringVARCHAR(15)MsIsdn

IMSI of the subscriber that the Tekelec ngHLRreturns instead of the defaultimsi in the MAP

Empty stringVARCHAR(15)Imsi

SRI/SRI-LCS/MT-SMS Ack message for theredirect mode.

IMSI must be 5 to 15 digits only.

CLI Example

HLR[]> add IMSIForRedirectRouting[Imsi = 310910421000100; MsIsdn =15634210100]

Roaming Welcome Notification configuration

Roaming Message Exception CC

The following section provides information about the entities and their parameters that need to beprovisioned for the Roaming Welcome Notification feature (including the XML Notifications on NDCand IMSI change). It also briefly describes the HLR CLI commands used to provision this feature.

Refer to theSDM Roaming Welcome Message XML Interface Description document included with yourSDM user documentation for a more detailed description of how the Tekelec ngHLR provides XMLinterfaces for sending external notifications when a subscriber is successfully roaming in a differentcountry.



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This allows the operator to define a list of country codes (CCs) that are an exception to the roamingwelcome notification service. This means that when the Tekelec ngHLR’s RoamingMsgOn configurationparameter is set to “Notify on CC changes” (refer to the “HLR configuration” section of this document),the Tekelec ngHLR will never send a notification for the CCs in this list.

CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrConfig[]>RoamingMsgExceptionCC[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[]> add RoamingMsgExceptionCC[CountryCode = integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Attributes and Values

Table 92: Roaming Msg ExceptionCC Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Country Code of the VLRfrom which the subscriber is

N/A1-3 digitsCountryCode

registered during a LocationUpdate.

CLI Example

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[]> add RoamingMsgExceptionCC[CountryCode = 55]

Roaming Message Exception CC-NDC




This allows the operator to define a list of CC-NDCs that are an exception to the roaming welcomenotification service. This means that when the Tekelec ngHLR’s RoamingMsgOn configurationparameter is set to “Notify on CC-NDC changes” (refer to the “HLR configuration” section of thisdocument), the Tekelec ngHLR will never send a notification for the CC-NDCs in this list.\

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CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrConfig[]>RoamingMsgExceptionCCNDC[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[]> add RoamingMsgExceptionCCNDC[CountryCode = integer; NDC=integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 93: RoamingMsgExceptionCCNDC Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Country Code of the VLRfrom which the subscriber is

N/A1-3 digitsCountryCode

registered from during aLocation Update.

National Destination Code ofthe VLR from which the

N/A1-14 digits or *NDC

subscriber is registered fromduring a Location Update.

In the case where you wish torestrict an entire countrywhen the Tekelec ngHLR isset to “Notify on CC-NDCchanges”, the operator needsto enter the Country Code andenter “*” (wildcard) as theNDC.

*Total of CC + NDC must not exceed 14 digits

CLI Example

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[]> add RoamingMsgExceptionCCNDC[CountryCode = 55; NDC=6]

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Roaming Message NDC Extraction Rule




This allows the operator to define for a specific CC the method that the Tekelec ngHLR needs to useto extract the NDC. In the case where the Tekelec ngHLR is set to “Notify on CC-NDC changes”, theTekelec ngHLR extracts the CC as per the ITU assignment rules and verifies in theRoamingMsgNDCExtractionRule entity which method is defined for this CC in order to extract theNDC from the VLR GT (e.164 global title).

CLI NavigationHlr[]>HlrConfig[]>RoamingMsgNDCExtractionRule[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[]> add RoamingMsgNDCExtractionRule[CountryCode = integer;NDCMethod=0,1; NDCLength=integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 94: RoamingMsgNDCExtractionRule Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Country Code of the VLRfrom which the subscriber is

01-3 digitsCountryCode

registered from during aLocation Update.

If the Tekelec ngHLR doesn’tfind the CC sent in the UL inthis entity, it uses the defaultCC (CC=0), for which only theFixedLength method can beused. Note that theNDCLength can be modifiedfor the default CC.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This parameter indicateswhich method is defined for



0 (Fixed Length)

1 (NDC List)


this CC in order to extract theNDC from the VLR GT (e.164global title):

The “FixedLength” method.With this method, the TekelecngHLR finds the NDC digitlength defined for the CC andextracts the NDC with theknown length. With thismethod, the ‘NDCLength’parameter must absolutely bedefined.

The “NDCList” method. Withthis method, the TekelecngHLR finds the list of NDCfor the CC extracted andverifies if the VLR GT NDC isin this list. If it’s in this list, theNDC can be extracted fromthe VLR GT, otherwise theTekelec ngHLR sends anotification. This list of NDCsmust be defined by theoperator manually for aspecific Country Code. Todefine this list, the operatormust provision theRoamingMsgNDClist entitywith a list of shared countrycodes and their correspondingNDC list in which roamingwelcome messages are sent ifthe CC-NDC changes.

*Total of CC + NDC must not exceed 15 digits

Table 95: RoamingMsgNDCExtractionRule Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

With this parameter, theoperator can define the NDC

30-14 digitsNDCLength

digit length for a specific CCor can define the default NDCdigit length applicable to allother CCs. This parameter

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributemust be defined if the‘NDCMethod’ is set toFixedLength.

CLI Example

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[]> add RoamingMsgNDCExtractionRule[CountryCode = 66;NDCMethod = 0; NDCLength = 13]





This entity must be provisioned for the CC for which the roaming message NDC extracting rule is theNDC list method. This entity allows the operator to define a list of shared country codes and theircorresponding NDC list in which roaming welcome messages are sent if the CC-NDC changes. Withthe NDC List method, the Tekelec ngHLR finds the list of NDC for the CC extracted and verifies ifthe VLR GT NDC is in this list. If it’s in this list, the NDC can be extracted from the VLR GT, otherwisethe Tekelec ngHLR uses the default CC (CC=0) for which only the Fixed Length method can be used.

CLI NavigationHlr[]> HlrConfig[]> RoamingMsgNDCExtractionRule[CountryCode=integer]>RoamingMsgNDCList[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[]> RoamingMsgNDCExtractionRule[CountryCode=integer]> addRoamingMsgNDCList[NDC = integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 96: RoamingMsgNDCList Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

National Destination Codepart of the NDC list from

N/A1-14 digitsNDC

which the Tekelec ngHLRverifies if the VLR GT NDC isin this list.

*Total of CC + NDC must not exceed 14 digits

CLI Example

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[]> add RoamingMsgNDCExtractionRule[CountryCode = 66] ]> addRoamingMsgNDCList[NDC=999]

MAP SRI Interworking with SIP Subscribers configuration

HLR SIP Subscriber Info

The following section provides information about the entity and its parameters that need to beprovisioned for the MAP SRI Interworking with SIP Subscribers feature. It also briefly describes theHLR CLI commands used to provision this feature.




This allows the operator to define the state, location and non reachable reason for eachHlrNumberConfig entry (Hlr address) defined in the system. This indicates to the Tekelec ngHLRwhat information it must include in the MAP SRI-ack in the case where the subscriber is reachableonly in the SIP domain. By provisioning this entity, the Tekelec ngHLR can send back, for a subscriberonly reachable in the SIP domain, a SRI-ack with the state/location (as per provisioned in theHlrSipSubscriberInfo entity), which allows the call to continue and for the Tekelec ngHLR to route itto the SIP domain.

CLI Navigation

Hlr[]>HlrConfig[HlrInstance = <value>]>HlrNumberConfig[HlrNumberConfigId =<value>]>HlrSipSubscriberInfo[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


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CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance=integer]> HlrNumberConfig[HlrNumberConfigId =integer]>display HlrSipSubscriberInfo[]

Operations Permitted

Display, modify

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 97: HlrSipSubscriberInfo Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The state of the SIP subscriber.2551 AssumedIdleSubsState

2 CamelBusy



255 None

The not reachable reason. Thisattribute is only valid when

2550 MsPurged

1 ImsiDetached


SubsState isNetDetNotReachable and in2 RestrictedAreathat case, the value must be0-3.3 NotRegistered

255 None

The default location of the SIPsubscriber.

Null0-20 DigitsSubsLocation

CLI Example

:Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]:HlrNumberConfig[HlrNumberConfigId =1]>modify HlrSipSubscriberInfo[] SubsState = 3; NotReachableReason = 2;SubsLocation = 15149359700

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Subscriber Signaling Router (SSR) configuration

Subscriber Signaling Router (SSR)

The following section provides information about the entities and their parameters that need to beprovisioned for the SSR. It also briefly describes the HLR CLI commands used to provision this function.




This allows the operator to define SSR Templates with each different rules for which messages mustbe redirected or not, whether or not messages must be forwarded and where, etc..

CLI NavigationHlr[] >SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> SSRTemplate[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> add SSRTemplate[SSRTemplateDesc= string;ForwardingAddress= e.164; BlockUserChange= 0,1,2,3; Forward= 0,1,2,3;ForwardSAIOverride= 0,1; ForwardATIOverride= 0,1]

WebCI NavigationHLR folder > Subscriber Signaling Router window > SSR Template table

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 98: SSRTemplate Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifier of the SSR Template.N/AstringSSRTemplateDesc

Address of the node to whichthe SSR must redirect themessages to.


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Table 99: SSRTemplate Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Specifies under whichconditions the SSR must blockUser change requests**.

00 (Never)

1 (Always)


2 (BeforeUL) 0 (Never): The SSR neverblocks the User changerequests**.

3 (After UL)

1(Always): The SSR alwaysblocks the User changerequests**.

2 (BeforeUL): The SSR onlyblocks the User changerequests** until an UpdateLocation is received for theuser, all subsequent messages(including UL) are processedlocally.

3 (After UL): The SSR onlyblocks the User changerequests** after an UpdateLocation has been received.Messages are handled locallyuntil an Update Location isreceived for the user, allsubsequent messages(including UL) are blocked.

For future use.BlockAdminChange

Specifies under whichconditions the SSR mustforward messages*.

00 (Never)

1 (Always)


2 (BeforeUL) 0 (Never): The SSR neverforwards messages.3 (After UL)

1(Always): The SSR alwaysforwards messages*.

2 (BeforeUL): The SSR onlyforwards messages* until anUpdate Location is receivedfor the user, all subsequentmessages (including UL) areprocessed locally.

3 (After UL): The SSR onlyforwards messages* after anUpdate Location has been

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributereceived. Messages arehandled locally until anUpdate Location is receivedfor the user, all subsequentmessages (including UL) areforwarded.

Specifies whether or not theForward rule must beoverridden for SAI messages.





0(0ff): The SAI messages areto be forwarded in the casewhere the Forward rulespecifies to forward all MAPmessages.

1(On): The SAI messages areto never be forwarded even ifthe Forward rule specifiesotherwise. This overrides thesetting of the Forwardparameter.

Specifies whether or not theForward rule must beoverridden for ATI messages.





0(0ff): The ATI messages areto be forwarded in the casewhere the Forward rulespecifies to forward all MAPmessages.

1(On): The ATI messages areto never be forwarded even ifthe Forward rule specifiesotherwise. This overrides thesetting of the Forwardparameter.

For future use.Mirroring


Note: Forward messages are for all MAP messages (the Begin message).


Note: Block user changes is for RegisterSS, EraseSS, ActSS, DeactSS message.

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CLI Example

:Hlr[]:SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> add SSRTemplate[SSRTemplateDesc=temp1;ForwardingAddress=15634213333]

SSR Per Sub Data




This allows the operator to associate a subscriber (SubscriptionID) to a SSR Template.

CLI NavigationHlr[] >SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> SSRPerSubData[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> add SSRPerSubData[SubscriptionID= string;SSRTemplateDesc= string]

WebCI Navigation:HLR folder > Subscriber Signaling Router window > SSRPerSubData table

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 100: SSRPerSubData Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifier of the subscriber.Unique key.


Table 101: SSRPerSubData Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifier of the SSR Template.N/AstringSSRTemplateDesc

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CLI Example

:Hlr[]:SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> add SSRPerSubData[SubscriptionID=sub-1;SSRTemplateDesc=temp1]





This allows the operator to associate an IMSI Prefix to a SSR Template.

CLI NavigationHlr[] >SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> SSRPerIMSIRangeData[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> add SSRPerIMSIRangeData[ImsiPrefix=e.212; SSRTemplateDesc= string]

CLI WebCI Navigation:HLR folder > Subscriber Signaling Router window > SSRPerIMSIRangeData table

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 102: SSRPerIMSIRangeData Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Prefix of an IMSI thatrepresents an IMSI range.


0 to 15 digits


Table 103: SSRPerIMSIRangeData Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifier of the SSR Template.N/AstringSSRTemplateDesc

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CLI Example

:Hlr[]:SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> addSSRPerIMSIRangeData[ImsiPrefix=3109104; SSRTemplateDesc=temp1]

SSR Per MSISDN Range Data




This allows the operator to associate an MSISDN Prefix to a SSR Template.

CLI NavigationHlr[] >SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> SSRPerMSISDNRangeData[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> add SSRPerMSISDNRangeData[MsisdnPrefix=e.164; SSRTemplateDesc= string]

WebCI Navigation:HLR folder > Subscriber Signaling Router window > SSRPerMSISDNRangeData table

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 104: SSRPerMSISDNRangeData Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Prefix of a MSISDN thatrepresents a MSISDN range.


0 to 15 digits


Table 105: SSRPerMSISDNRangeData Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifier of the SSR Template.N/AstringSSRTemplateDesc

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CLI Example

:Hlr[]:SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> addSSRPerMSISDNRangeData[MsisdnPrefix=123; SSRTemplateDesc=temp1]

PDN Context Template configuration

PDN Context Template Configuration

PDN Context Templates must be configured first prior to being able to define the PDN Context for aLTE-HSS subscriber. The PDN Context Templates can be defined in the TemplatePDNContext entityand once provisioned, each PDN Context Template can be linked to a subscriber profile.

The following section provides information about the TemplatePDNContext entity and its parametersthat need to be provisioned. It also briefly describes the HLR CLI commands used to provision thisfunction.




This allows the operator to define PDN Context Templates. The TemplatePDNContext entity can bemodified dynamically, which means that the LTE HSS doesn’t need to be restarted whenadding/removing/updating entries in this entity.

Note: The PDN template can be modified on the fly without an LTE-HSS restart. However, modifyinga PDN Template Id can result in a very high number of IDR sent by the LTE-HSS over the network.One IDR will be sent for each subscriber registered in an MME/SGSN using the modified templatein its subscriber profile. If 1Million subscribers are using the PDN Template being modified, and these1Million subscribers are registered in several MMEs, upon modification of such PDN Template, theLTE HSS will send 1Million IDR messages.

CLI NavigationHlr[] > TemplatePDNContext

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]> add TemplatePDNContext[AccessPointName= string; VplmnAddressAllowed;AMBRUL= uint; AMBRDL= uint; PdnTemplateId= uint; EPSQoSClassId= enum;QosAllocationRetentionPriorityLevel= char;QosAllocationRetentionPreEmptionCapability= enum;QosAllocationRetentionPreEmptionVulnerability= enum;PdnGWAllocationType=enum; PdnChargingCharacteristics= enum;PdnGWIdentity= string]

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WebCI NavigationHLR folder > TemplatePDNContext window

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 106: TemplatePDNContext Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The Access point name (APN)identifies an IP packet data


network (PDN), that a mobiledata user wants tocommunicate with.

The Identifier of this PDNTemplate that has to be used

N/AUnsigned int 32PdnTemplateId

when within a SubscriberProfile, a PDN Context needsto be linked with this PDNContext Template.

Table 107: TemplatePDNContext Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Maximum RequestedBandwidth Up Link.

NullUnsigned int 32AMBRUL

Maximum RequestedBandwidth Down Link.

NullUnsigned int 32AMBRDL

The priority level defines therelative importance of a


resource request. It is used fordeciding whether a bearerestablishment or modificationrequest can be accepted orneeds to be rejected in case ofresource limitations (typicallyused for admission control ofGBR traffic). It can also beused to decide which existingbearers to pre-empt duringresource limitations.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeValues 1 to 15 are defined,with value 1 as the highestlevel of priority.

Values 1 to 8 should only beassigned for services that areauthorized to receiveprioritized treatment withinan operator domain. Values 9to 15 may be assigned toresources that are authorizedby the home network andthus applicable when a UE isroaming.

This parameter is only forfuture use.


This parameter indicateswhether for this APN, the UE




is allowed to use the PDN GWin the domain of the HPLMNonly, or additionally, the PDNGW in the domain of theVPLMN.

See the 'Optional Attributes for the EPSQoSClassId parameter' table.EPSQoSClassId

This parameter defineswhether a service data flow



can get resources that wereENABLEDalready assigned to another(0)PRE-EMPTION_service data flow with a lowerpriority level.


(0): This value indicates thatthe service data flow isallowed to get resources thatwere already assigned toanother service data flow witha lower priority level.

(1): This value indicates thatthe service data flow is notallowed to get resources thatwere already assigned toanother service data flow witha lower priority level. This isthe default value applicable ifthis AVP is not supplied.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The Pre-emption VulnerabilityAVP (AVP code 1048) is of



type Enumerated. The AVP_ENABLEDdefines whether a service data(0)PRE-EMPTION_flow can lose the resourcesVULNERABILITY

_DISABLED(1) assigned to it in order toadmit a service data flow withhigher priority level.

(0): This value indicates thatthe resources assigned to theservice data flow can bepre-empted and allocated toa service data flow with ahigher priority level. This isthe default value applicable ifthis AVP is not supplied.

(1):This value indicates thatthe resources assigned to theservice data flow shall not bepre-empted and allocated toa service data flow with ahigher priority level.

This parameter indicateswhether the PDN GW address




is statically allocated ordynamically selected by othernodes.

This parameter indicates thecharging type(s) to be appliedto the PDP context.

NullOne or a combinationof these values:






Table 108: Optional Attributes for the EPSQoSClassId parameter

This parameter reflects the Mapping for GPRS QoS Class Identifier to/from UMTS QoS parametersfollowing the table:



THPTraffic ClassGPRSQoS-Class-IdentifierAVP Value

Value Range

speechn/an/aConversational1ConversationalSpeech(1) (NOTE)

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This parameter reflects the Mapping for GPRS QoS Class Identifier to/from UMTS QoS parametersfollowing the table:



THPTraffic ClassGPRSQoS-Class-IdentifierAVP Value

Value Range

unknownn/an/aConversational2Conversational (2)

speechn/an/aStreaming3StreamingSpeech (3)


unknownn/an/aStreaming4Streaming (4)





n/an/an/aBackground9Background (9)

CLI Example

Hlr[]> add TemplatePDNContext[AccessPointName = apn2; PdnTemplateId = 3;VplmnAddressAllowed = 0; AMBRUL = 1500; AMBRDL = 2300; EPSQoSClassId = 2;QosAllocationRetentionPriorityLevel = 1;QosAllocationRetentionPreEmptionCapability = 1;QosAllocationRetentionPreEmptionVulnerability = 1; PdnGWAllocationType =1; PdnChargingCharacteristics = HotBilling]

HLR Proxy configuration

LTE-HSS IMSI Range Configuration

The SDM’s LTE-HSS application uses the SDM ngHLR’s HLR Proxy functionality in order to proxymessages to the external legacy HLR, which hosts the subscriber. This section describes the entity thatallows to configure the HLR Proxy functionality. For more details on this functionality and it’sinteraction with the LTE-HSS, refer to the “HLR-Proxy-Mode for bidirectional mobility between3G-LTE networks” section in theSDM Product Description.



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This allows the operator to configure the SDM ngHLR’s HLR-Proxy functionality.

CLI NavigationHlr[] >HlrProxy[]> LteHssImsiRangeConfig

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrProxy[]> add LteHssImsiRangeConfig[HlrInstance=integer;ImsiRange=string; SrcNodeNumber=string;SrcNodeType=7,149;DstNodeNumber=string;DstNodeType=6;RoutingType=0,1]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 109: LteHssImsiRangeConfig Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifies a specific HLRInstance when multiple HLR

1up to 10 digitsHlrInstance

blades are used to support thetraffic load. In this releaseversion, only one instance isavailable.

The Range of IMSI for whichthe HLR Proxy configurationapplies.


HLR Number of thedestination node


Type of the destination nodeSS_HLR (






Table 110: LteHssImsiRangeConfig Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Local HLR number.<ngHLR’sNumber>


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Must be set to SGSN Type(149) in an HLR ProxyConfiguration.

VLR(7)7 (VLR)

149 (SGSN)


This parameter specifies thetype of routing (GT or Imsi).



0 (E.212)

1 (E.164)


This parameter allows tomake the Tekelec ngHLRmore flexible with respect tovarious types of networks.This parameter is used by theTekelec ngHLR to set thedestination address (GT orImsi) in the SCCP headerwhen building an openrequest.

0 (E.212): The Tekelec ngHLRsets the destination address inIMSI format in the SCCPheader when building anopen request.

1 (E.164): The Tekelec ngHLRsets the destination address inGT format in the SCCP headerwhen building an openrequest.

CLI Example

Hlr[]:HlrProxy[]> add LteHssImsiRangeConfig[HlrInstance = 1; ImsiRange =3109105; SrcNodeNumber = 15634210100; SrcNodeType = 149; DstNodeNumber =15634210002; DstNodeType = 6; RoutingType = 1]

Dialogue Reinitiation




This entity has no attributes and uses operations to configure and maintain the HLR retry attemptsfor the Dialogue Reinitiation upon Failure feature.

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WebCI Navigation

HLR>HLR Configuration

CLI Navigation

Hlr[]:HlrConfig [HlrInstance = integer]:DlgReinitiation[ ]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hlr[]:HlrConfig [HlrInstance = integer]:DlgReinitiation[ ]

Operations Permitted

• SetConfigToDB()• GetConfigFromDB• GetConfigFromMemory()• GetHashSize()• GetWaitingDlgs()• CleanupWaitingDlgs()


This operation creates a new configuration in the database. Use this operation to configure the DialogueRe-initiation upon Failure feature.

Hlr[]:HlrConfig [HlrInstance = integer]:DlgReinitiation[ ] > SetConfigToDB()

3 :Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]:DlgReinitiation[]> SetConfigToDB() MaxRetryNumber Interval1 Interval2 Interval3 Interval4 Interval5 MaxWaitingDlgReinit

Table 111: SetConfigToDB() Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The maximum number of retries per dialogue30-5MaxRetryNumber

The interval of the first retry in seconds15s1-1800sInterval1

The interval of the second retry in seconds15s1-1800sInterval2

The interval of the third retry in seconds900s1-1800sInterval3

The interval of the fourth retry in seconds01-1800sInterval4

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The interval of the fifth retry in seconds01-1800sInterval5

The maximum number of dialogues in waitingstate



This operation retrieves the feature configuration from the database for the Dialogue Re-initiationupon Failure feature after a restart of the HLR service.

Hlr[]:HlrConfig [HlrInstance = integer]:DlgReinitiation[ ] >GetConfigFromDB()

4 :Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]:DlgReinitiation[]> GetConfigFromDB()

Result 0 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MaxRetryNumber = 3, IntervRetry 1 = 15, IntervRetry 2 = 15, IntervRetry 3 = 900, IntervRetry 4 = 0, IntervRetry 5 = 0, MaxWaitingDlgReinit = 10000|


This operation retrieves the current feature configuration for the Dialogue Re-initiation upon Failurefeature. Use this operation to verify the configuration before activating the feature

Hlr[]:HlrConfig [HlrInstance = integer]:DlgReinitiation[ ] >GetConfigFromMemory()

4 :Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]:DlgReinitiation[]> GetConfigFromMemory()

Result 0 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MaxRetryNumber = 3, IntervRetry 1 = 15, IntervRetry 2 = 15, IntervRetry 3 = 900, IntervRetry 4 = 0, IntervRetry 5 = 0, MaxWaitingDlgReinit = 10000|


This operation displays the number of waiting dialogues for the Dialogue Re-initiation upon Failurefeature.

Hlr[]:HlrConfig [HlrInstance = integer]:DlgReinitiation[ ] > GetHashSize()

5 :Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]:DlgReinitiation[]> GetHashSize() Result 0 |---------------------- Hash Record size = 1|

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This operation displays the information of waiting dialogues for the Dialogue Re-initiation uponFailure feature.

The system retrieves the following information:

• LastDlgID indicates the last DlgId used to send the message.• WaitingTime indicates the time configured as waiting time.• Retry indicates the retry number.• LastTS indicates the timestamp of the last retry.• CreatingTS indicates the timestamp when the notification arrived.• Imsi indicates the IMSI number of the subscriber.• Type indicates the type of the waiting message: 1 for CL and 2 for ISD or DSD.• Status indicates whether the timer (waiting time) is running or is stopping.

Hlr[]:HlrConfig [HlrInstance = integer]:DlgReinitiation[ ] > GetWaitingDlgs()

6 :Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance = 1]:DlgReinitiation[]> GetWaitingDlgs()

Result 0 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>

Waiting dialogues = Current Time Stamp2013-8-22 10:23:55|--> LastDlgID: 267144, waitingTime: 900, Retry: 3, LastTS: 2013-8-22 10:22:47, CreatingTS: 2013-8-22 10:22:47, Imsi: 310910421000100, Type: 1, Status: running||


This operation cleans up or deletes waiting dialogues for the Dialogue Re-initiation upon Failurefeature.

Hlr[]:HlrConfig [HlrInstance = integer]:DlgReinitiation[ ] >CleanupWaitingDlgs()

HLR Operations

The following section provides a description of the operations that can be performed on the HLRsystem.


The Cancel GPRS Location operation is used to force the HLR to send a MAP_CANCEL_LOCATIONmessage to the current SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node) location for the specified subscriber IMSI(e.g., CancelGprsLoc () Imsi = 302370421001).

Command syntax:

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Hlr[]> CancelGprsLoc()


The Cancel Location operation is used to force the HLR to send a MAP_CANCEL_LOCATION messageto the current VLR location for the specified subscriber IMSI (e.g., CancelLoc () Imsi = 302370421001).

Command syntax:

Hlr[]> CancelLoc()


This operation is used to inform a list of associated VLRs or SGSNs that a failure or restart occurredin the HLR. The VLRs and SGSNs will then send a MAP_UPDATE_LOCATION orMAP_UPDATE_GPRS_LOCATION message back to the HLR for all its registered subscribers. Thisis done to update the mobile subscriber locations in the HLR.

Command syntax:



The User Out of Service operation is used to request a state change of the SS7 Stack to indicate thatthe HLR User is Out of Service. This notifies the network that the HLR node is Out Of Service.

Command syntax:



The User In Service operation is used to request a state change of the SS7 Stack to indicate that theHLR User is back In Service. This notifies the network that the HLR node is In Service.

Command syntax:



The SendMapReset operation is used to send a MAP_RESET message to VLRs or SGSNs in order toinform them that a failure occurred. When executing this operation, you can choose to send MAP_RESETmessages to all nodes, to only one node by specifying its Node Number and the HLR Number, andfinally to a list of nodes imported from the NodeNumberSubset entity.

Warning: The SendMapReset() operation must only be executed during low trafficperiods, otherwise it could affect the performance of the system.

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Command syntax:


When executing the SendMapReset operation, the following parameters can be specified with thefollowing corresponding values:

Mandatory parameter:


• 0 All Nodes• 1 Node Number• 2 Node Number Subset

Optional parameters:

These parameters must be specified in the case where you set the Option parameter to ‘Node Number’.


{Node # to which you want the Tekelec ngHLR to send a Map Reset}


{# of the Hlr for which the remote Node should refresh all of the subscriber data previously receivedby that Hlr}

In the case where you choose to set the Option parameter to ‘Node Number Subset’, the Tekelec ngHLRsends a MAP Reset to all of the Node Numbers defined in the NodeNumberSubset entity. For moreinformation on the NodeNumberSubset, refer to the “Application Context (AC) Template” section. Forinformation on how to provision this entity, refer to the “MAP Reset” section of the “HLR ApplicationConfiguration” chapter in theSDM System Configuration - User Guide.


Hlr[]:MapPolicing[]>SendMapReset() Option= 1; NodeNum=34234235;HlrNum=15634210100


The ManageNodeNumberSubset operation is used to clear the NodeNumberSubset entity or to importall elements from the NodeNumber entity. This operation helps to easily and quickly clear theNodeNumberSubset entity or helps you to provision it. For more information on theNodeNumberSubset and NodeNumber entities, refer to the “Application Context (AC) Template” sectionin this document and to know how to provision it, refer to the “MAP Reset” section of the “HLRApplication Configuration” chapter in theSDM System Configuration - User Guide.

Command syntax:


When executing the ManageNodeNumberSubset operation, the following parameter is mandatoryand must be specified with either one of the following values:


• 0 Clear table• 1 Import all elements from Node Number table

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Example:Hlr[]:MapPolicing[]> ManageNodeNumberSubset() Option= 1


The VlrRecoveryModeEnable() operation can be used to enable the VLR link congestion feature (see“VLR link congestion” section in theSDM Product Description). This operation allows the NetworkOperator to be able to manually reduce the SS7 traffic by controlling the quantity of PRN and ISDmessages (in percentage) sent towards the HPLMN VLRs until the VLR recovers from an overloadcondition.

Note: that this operation doesn’t modify the HLR Configuration permanently.

Note: that if the VLR link congestion feature is enabled using this operation and then one of the HLRservices is restarted, the feature will remain enabled on all blades except the restarted one.

Command syntax:

Hlr[]>VlrRecoveryModeEnable() IsdCompressed_percent = <percent1>;PrnSuppressed_percent = <percent2>


• <Percent1>: integer from 0-100. Specifies the percentage of the UL that will trigger ISD uploadingminimal subscriber profile to the HPLMN VLR.

• <Percent2>: integer from 0-100. Specifies the percentage of PRNs toward the HPLMN VLR thatwill be suppressed (not sent).

Note: that if the ISD_compressed% is > 0 or/and the PRN_suppressed% is > 0 the feature isconsidered enabled. The feature is considered disabled if both ISD compression and PRNsuppression parameters are set to 0%.

When the VlrRecoveryMode is enabled with parameter IsdCompressed_percent parameter > 0 and<=100, a certain amount of ULs will trigger ISDs that upload minimal subscriber profile that will becontained in a single ISD.

The definition of a minimal (compressed) Subscriber Profile is the following:

• Imsi• MSISDN• TS11 TS21, TS22, if provisioned in the subscriber profile• BOIC for speech, regardless of whether it is provisioned in the subscriber profile• CLIR as provisioned in the subscriber profile

When the VlrRecoveryMode is enabled with parameter PRNsupressed_percent parameter > 0 and<=100, a certain amount of the PRNs that are to be sent to the HPLMN VLR are not sent. Instead, theSRI processing continues as if a PRN has been sent and PRN Rasp with error RoaminNotAvailablehas been received. This results in SRI Ack with the SIPNumber, CFNumber with/without Camel info,depending on the subscriber’s profile and registration.

Note: The PRN suppress mode does not have control over the PSIs triggered. Even ifPRNsupressed_percent = 100%, PSIs are still sent to the HPLMN VLR.

The table below presents the number of PRN suppressed/sent or the number of ISD compressed/fullfor each percentage set for either the PRNsupressed_percent parameter or for theIsdCompressed_percent parameter.

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Table 112: Number of PRN Suppressed/Sent or ISD Compressed/Full for the VLR Link CongestionHandling Feature

PRN suppressed/sent (or ISD compressed/full)% PRN suppressed ( % ISD compressed)

All PRN Suppressed (ISDs compressed)100%


1 of 20 PRN sent95%

1of 16 PRN sent94%

1 of 14 PRN sent93%

1 of 12 PRN sent92%

1 of 11 PRN sent91%

1 of 10 PRN sent90%

1 of 9 PRN sent89%

1 of 8 PRN sent88%

1 of 7 PRN sent87 %


1 of 6 PRN sent85%


1 of 5 PRN sent83%


1 of 4 PRN sent79%


1 of 3 PRN sent74%

67 %

1 of 2 PRN sent66%


1 of 2 PRN suppressed50%


1 of 3 PRN suppressed33%


1 of 4 PRN suppressed25%


1 of 5 PRN suppressed20%

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PRN suppressed/sent (or ISD compressed/full)% PRN suppressed ( % ISD compressed)17%

1 of 6 PRN suppressed16%


1 of 7 PRN suppressed14%


1 of 8 PRN suppressed12%

1 of 9 PRN suppressed11%

1 of 10 PRN suppressed10 %

1 of 11 PRN suppressed9 %

1 of 12 PRN suppressed8%

1 of 14 PRN suppressed7%

1 of 16 PRN suppressed6%

1 of 20 PRN suppressed5%

0 suppressed4%



The VlrRecoveryModeDisable() operation can be used to disable the VLR link congestion feature (see“VLR link congestion” section in theSDM Product Description). This operation will set both theIsdCompressed_percent and PRNsupressed_percent parameters to 0%.

Command syntax:



The VlrRecoveryModeGet() operation can be used to display the IsdCompressed_percent andPRNsupressed_percent parameters. Refer to the ‘VlrRecoveryModeEnable()’ operation describedpreviously and refer to the “VLR link congestion” section in theSDM Product Description for a descriptionof the feature.

Command syntax:


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The RefreshLocalSSR() operation can be used by the Network Operator to refresh the peergeo-redundant system’s database when new entries are provisioned in theHlrSSRPerMSISDNRangeData and HlrSSRPerIMSIRangeData entities and when existing entries aremodified. This will replicate the changes onto the peer site’s system.

Command syntax:

Hlr[]:SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> RefreshLocalSSR()


The DisplaySSRVolatileData() operation can be used by the Network Operator to display the SSRvolatile data for a specific subscriber.

Command syntax:

Hlr[]:SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> DisplaySSRVolData()SubscriptionID=<sub-ID>


The UpdateTimeStamp() operation can be used by the Network Operator to refresh the SSRTemplateentity’s TimeStamp to the current time.

Command syntax:

Hlr[]:SubscriberSignalingRouter[]> SSRTemplate[SSRTemplateDesc=temp1]>UpdateTimeStamp()


This operation can be used by the Network Operator to activate an HLR feature. Note that if theactivation status of the feature is set to ‘Unavailable’ (can be seen by displaying the HlrConfig[] entity), thisoperation cannot be executed. You must first contact Tekelec Customer Care Center to make the featureavailable for activation. The activation of the feature can be done dynamically during running-timeof the system.

Command syntax

:Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance=1]> ActivateFeature()Feature={Feature value}

When executing the ActivateFeature operation, the following parameters can be specified with thefollowing corresponding values:

Mandatory parameters


0 RegionalSubscription

1 MapMessageSegmentation

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2 SuperCharger

3 UssdForwardVlrNumber

4 RoutingOnSsn

5 DomainSelection

6 RoamingWelcomeMessage

7 MapPolicing

8 SimKiTransportEncryption

9 FtnTranslation

10 SmsRouting

11 UssdRouting

12 MapResetOptimization

13 VolDataOptimization

14 SaiAckSegmentation

15 ActiveDeviceDetection

16 MobileNumberPortability

17 SubscriberSignalingRouter

18 AccessRestrictionData

19 DirectCallForwardRegistration

20 VlrMessageNotification

21 EnhancedControlOfSccpRouting

22 UpdateOfSccpCgAddrOnlyForUL

23 FtnProvValidation

24 HLRSSMgmtFeature

25 SmsRelay

26 AlertSCBuildCdPA

27 SriRouting

28 IMEIEnforcement

29 EnhancedSccpAllowedPlmn

30 MtRoamingRetry

31 DlgReinitiation

Optional parameters

This parameter must be specified to activate the Roaming Welcome Message feature.


0 (Off)

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1 (Notify on CC changes or IMSI change)

2 (Notify on CC-NDC changes or IMSI change)

This parameter must be specified to activate is the SRI Routing feature.


0 (Deactivated)

1 (Activated - Relay)

2 (Activated - Redirect)

3 (Activated - Template Only)

255 (Unavailable)

Example: Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance=1]> ActivateFeature()Feature=6;RoamingMsgOpt=1

This parameter must be specified to activate the Vlr Notification feature.


0 (Off)

1 (Logging On)

2 (Notification On)

3 (Logging and Notification)

Example: Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance=1]> ActivateFeature()Feature=20;VlrNotificationOpt=1

HLR Feature/Functionality ModificationMost HLR features or functionalities can be modified dynamically, that is, while the system is running.Other HLR features or functionalities require a restart of the HLR service to commit the modifications.The following table identifies these modification types.

Table 113: HLR feature or functionality modification types

HLR service restartDynamic modification




MapResetOptimizationDlgReinitiation ¹




VolDataOptimizationFtnProvValidation (FTN Provisioning validationthrough the OAM interface)

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HLR service restartDynamic modification














VlrMessageNotification ²

¹ The Dialogue Re-initiation upon Failure feature requires an HLR service restart only after its featureconfiguration has changed with SetConfigDB(). Activating the feature with an existing configurationfrom the database or from memory is dynamic. See also Configuring and Activating the DialogueRe-initiation upon Failure feature.

² The Network Operator can activate/deactivate the VLR Message Notification feature dynamically:

• for the entire system, by activating/deactivating from the WebCI’s HLR Configuration -VlrMsgNotification tab


• on a per subscriber basis, by provisioning from the WebCI the SubsVlrMsgNotificationOn parameterin the subscriber’s Service Profile (SubscriberProfile)

Note: The VLR Message Notification feature is based on the same notification mechanism used forthe Roaming Welcome Notification feature and may generate a large number of XML notifications.This number will impact the performance and/or decrease the maximum number of subscriber thatcan be provisioned on the system. This feature must only be enabled on a system that is dimensionedaccordingly (for a given capacity AND traffic model). The Network Operator must contact the TekelecCustomer Care Center prior to enabling this feature to prevent any performance issues.


This operation can be used by the Network Operator to deactivate an HLR feature. Note that thisoperation can only be executed if the activation status of the feature is already activated (see activationstatus of feature by displaying the HlrConfig[] entity). The deactivation of the feature can be donedynamically during running-time of the system.

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Command syntax

Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance=1]> DeactivateFeature()Feature={Feature value}

When executing the DeactivateFeature operation, the following parameters can be specified with thefollowing corresponding values:

Mandatory parameters


0 RegionalSubscription

1 MapMessageSegmentation

2 SuperCharger

3 UssdForwardVlrNumber

4 RoutingOnSsn

5 DomainSelection

6 RoamingWelcomeMessage

7 MapPolicing

8 SimKiTransportEncryption

9 FtnTranslation

10 SmsRouting

11 UssdRouting

12 MapResetOptimization

13 VolDataOptimization

14 SaiAckSegmentation

15 ActiveDeviceDetection

16 MobileNumberPortability

17 SubscriberSignalingRouter

18 AccessRestrictionData

19 DirectCallForwardRegistration

20 VlrMessageNotification

21 EnhancedControlOfSccpRouting

22 UpdateOfSccpCgAddrOnlyForUL

23 FtnProvValidation

24 HLRSSMgmtFeature

25 SmsRelay

26 AlertSCBuildCdPA

27 SriRouting

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28 IMEIEnforcement

29 EnhancedSccpAllowedPlmn

30 MtRoamingRetry

31 DlgReinitiation

Example: Hlr[]:HlrConfig[HlrInstance=1]> DeactivateFeature()Feature=6

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4Signaling System 7 (SS7)


• SS7 configuration.....223• Mobile Application Part (MAP)

configuration.....225• Message Transfer Part 2 configuration.....234• Signaling ATM Adaption Layer (SAAL)

configuration.....242• Message Transfer Part 3 configuration.....246• TCP/UDP Convergence Layer (TUCL)

configuration.....281• MTP3 User Adaption Layer (M3UA)

configuration.....284• Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP)

configuration.....310• Transaction Capability Application Part Layer

(TCAP) configuration.....338

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SS7 configuration

SS7 Configuration




Table that allows to view the activation status of the SS7 and SIGTRAN links.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>CONFIG

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]>display CONFIG[]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 114: CONFIG Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Unique identification for eachinstance of the SS7 Stack.


Activation status of the MTP2 layer.00,1MTP2Active

0= Not active


Identifies whether MTP3 is Master*or not on the instance.


0: MTP3 is not Master.

1: MTP3 is Master.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifies whether MTP3 isShadow* or not on the instance.


0: MTP3 is not Shadow.

1: MTP3 is Shadow.

Identifies whether SCCP is Master*or Shadow on the instance.


0: SCCP is not Master

1: SCCP is Master

Identifies whether SCCP is Shadow*or not on the instance.


0: SCCP is not Shadow.

1: SCCP is Shadow.

Identifies whether TCAP is Master*or Shadow on the instance.


0: TCAP is not Master

1: TCAP is Master

Identifies whether TCAP isShadow* or not on the instance.


0: TCAP is not Shadow.

1: TCAP is Shadow.

Activation status of the GSM-MAPlayer.


0= Not active


Slot ID of the shelf on which the SS7configuration is made.


Instance on which runs the HLRservice for which the SS7configuration is made.


Activation status of the TUCL layer.00,1TUCLActive

0= Not active


Note: This attribute should be setto active if you are provisioning theSDM with SS7 using SIGTRAN.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Activation status of the M3UAlayer.


0= Not active


Note: This attribute should be setto active if you are provisioning theSDM with SS7 using SIGTRAN.

Activation status of the SAALprotocol.


0= Not active


Note: This attribute should be setto active if you are provisioning theSDM with SS7 using the ATMbroadband.


Note: Distributed stacks, such as the MTP3, SCCP and TCAP stacks, must each have one instancedefined as Master. Every instance of these stacks run on each blade as Master or Shadow and areconfigured identically. The instance defined as the Master is the one from where all control operationsare executed and it is responsible to distribute the resulting effect and information to all of its Shadowinstances. In a twelve blade system, ten Hlr services can run traffic and so ten instances of the MTP3,SCCP and TCAP stack run traffic with one of each defined as Master and the nine other instancesdefined as Shadow.

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]>display CONFIG[]

Mobile Application Part (MAP) configuration

Mobile Application Part (MAP)




Mobile Application Part (MAP) layer. The alarm attribute for the MAP layer can be accessed.

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CLI NavigationSS7[]>Map

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]>display MAP[]

Operations Permitted

Modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 115: Map Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Enable alarm generation. Thisattribute cannot be reconfigured.Read only.

10 or 1AlarmOn

0 = disabled

1 = enabled


1 :SS7[]>display MAP[]

GSM MAP Application Context




This entity defines the MAP services supported by the HLR, such as mobility management, locationmanagement, or call handling.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>Map[]>GsmMapApplicationContext

CLI Inherited Attributes


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CLI Command Syntax

:SS7[]:MAP[]> modify GsmMapApplicationContext[ApplCtxId = 1-100;OperationCode = 0-255; OperationClass = 1-4; VersionId = 1-4,16,64-67,128;ApplicationContextName = octets;AlternateApplicationContextName = octets;GsmMapTimerProfileId = 1-15; GsmMapSapId = 1-15]

Operations Permitted Modify and Display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 116: GsmMapApplicationContext Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Application Context ID.Identifier of the instance of

N/A1 to 100ApplCtxId

this entity. Read only.Generated by the TekelecSubscriber Data Managementsystem.

Indicates the TCAP OperationCode of the service supported.

N/A0 to 255Operation-


Indicates the TCAP invokeclass associated with anoperation code.

N/A1 (CLASS1),

2 (CLASS2),

3 (CLASS3),



4 (CLASS4)

Indicates the GSM MAPversion supported for thisservice.

N/A1 (V1),

2 (V2),

3 (V2P),


4 (V4),

16 (V1_AND_V2),

64 (V2_AND_V2P),


66 (V2P_AND_V4),


128 (ALL)

This field is compared withthe ACN present in the

N/AUp to 8 octets.Application-

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeContextName dialogue open request

message (TCAP-BEGIN) fromthe peer. If the ACNs match,the dialogue open request isaccepted. Otherwise, abortmessage is sent to the peer.

This field is used to carry thealternate application context

N/AUp to 8 octets.Alternate-

Application- name. If the ACNcompatibility verification failsContextNameand valid alternate ACN isconfigured, this field is sent tothe peer in the abort message.

The Identifier of theGsmMapTimers instance from

N/A1 to 15GsmMapTimer-ProfileId

which the timers of this entitywill be set.

Table 117: GsmMapApplicationContext Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The identifier of the GsmMapSapto which this service will beprovided

N/A1 to 15GsmMapSapId


1 :SS7[]:MAP[]>display GsmMapApplicationContext [GsmMapSapId = 1]

GSM MAP General Configuration




Used to initialize the general configuration parameters that apply to the entire GsmMap Layer.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>Map[]>GsmMapGenCfg

CLI Inherited Attributes


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CLI Command SyntaxSS7[]:MAP[]> modify GsmMapGenCfg[MaxNbDialogues = integer; MaxNbOperation= integer; SignallingFrameSize = 0-4000]0-4000]]

Operations Permitted

Modify, display

Attributes and Values

Table 118: GsmMapGenCfg Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Maximum number of concurrentdialogues at GSM MAP layer. Read only.

N/A1 to 4294976295MaxNbDialogues

Maximum number of concurrentoperations at GSM MAP layer. Read only

N/A1 to 4294976295MaxNbOperation

Signalling frame size in bytes. When theparameters of the response primitives

10000 to 4000SignallingFrameSize

exceed this size, MAP issues aTC-RESULT-NL (Return Result Not Last)components instead of TC-RESULT-L(Return Result Last). This attribute is toenable the segmentation feature. Whenthis frame size is set to zero, nosegmentation is performed.

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:MAP[]>display GsmMapGenCfg[]

GSM MAP Service Access Point (SAP)




This is the Service Access Point (SAP) of the GSM-MAP services to its users (e.g., HLR) and containsthe SAP address (e.g., Sub-System number).


SS7[]> Map[]> GsmMapSap

Inherited Attributes:


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Command Syntax:

SS7[]:MAP[]> modify GsmMapSap[GsmMapSapId = 1-15; TcapSapId = 1-15;MaxDialogues = integer; SubSystemNumber = 1-255; GsmMapTimerProfileId =1-15; ShelfId=int; SlotId= int; Priority = 0-3; RetOpt = 0,8; ProtocolClass= 0,1]

Operations Permitted

Modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 119: GsmMapSap Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The identifier of the entity.Read only. Generated by theTekelec ngHLR.

N/A1 to 15GsmMapSapId

The TcapSap ID of theTcapSap to which this

N/A1 to 15TcapSapId

GsmMapSap is connecting to.Read only.

Maximum dialogues per SAP.Read only.

N/A1 to



The subsystem number of thisSAP. Read only.

6 (HLR)1 to 255SubSystem-


The Identifier of theGsmMapTimers instance from

N/A1 to 15GsmMapTimer-ProfileId

which the timers of this SAPwill be set.

This parameter identifies theShelf Id number on which the

N/A1 to 4294976295ShelfId

GSM MAP Sap is beingconfigured.

Numerical identification ofslot on the shelf, on which this

N/A1 to 14SlotId

GsmMapSap is configured.Note that this is a displayonly, the slot assignment willbe done automatically whena new Hlr service will beadded to a new slot in thesystem.

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Table 120: GsmMapSap Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

MAP message priority usedby the MTP3 to route themessage.

00 to 3Priority

0 = lowest priority

3 = highest priority

Enable (return on erroroption) or disable (drop on




error option) notice indicationwhen the MAP-GSM messageis not delivered to thenetwork by SCCP layer.

SCCP Protocol class for theMAP message. Read only.



0 (CLASS0),

1 (CLASS1)


0 = no sequencing

1 = sequencing


1 :SS7[]:MAP[]>display GsmMapSap[GsmMapSapId = 1]

GSM MAP Service Access Point Operations

The following section provides a description of the operations that can be performed on GSM MAPSAPs.


Activate the GsmMap Service Access Point. This will bind the MAP Layer with the TCAP Layer andthen processing the MAP messages.

Command Syntax:

SS7[]:MAP[]:GsmMapSap[GsmMapSapId = 1]> Activate()


Deactive the GsmMap Service Access Point. This will unbind the MAP Layer with the TCAP Layerand then not process any MAP messages.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:MAP[]:GsmMapSap[GsmMapSapId = 1]> Deactivate()

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GSM MAP Timers




Used to define the specified timers for the MAP Protocol Layer. When creating a newGsmMapTimerProfile, the OamTimerVal entities (TimerGuard, TimerBindConfirm andTimerInvocation) will be automatically created and the minimum, maximum, and current values willbe set to the predefined values according to the Protocol Variant chosen. Current values are set todefault values.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>Map[]>GsmMapTimers

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:MAP[]>display GsmMapTimers[GsmMapTimerProfileId = 1]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, display.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 121: GsmMapTimers Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The identifier of the instanceof this GsmMapTimer.

N/A1 to 15GsmMapTimer-ProfileId

Generated by the TekelecTekelec ngHLR.

Table 122: GsmMapTimers Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The GSM MAP starts thistimer after delivering the

600,000 msITU: 0-720,000 msTimerGuard

600,000 msANSI: 0-720,000 ms operation indication to theservice user.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The GSM MAP starts thistimer after sending the bindrequest to the lower layer.

10,000 msITU: 360,000-720,000ms


10,000 msANSI: 360,000-720,000ms

Invocation timer.30,000 msITU: 0-720,000 msTimer-

30,000 msANSI: 0-720,000 msInvocation

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:MAP[]>display GsmMapTimers[GsmMapTimerProfileId = 1]

GSM MAP Timer Attributes

The attributes for each GSM MAP Timer can be retrieved and displayed. The attributes are listed inthe table below. The Minimum and Maximum values are defined according to the Protocol Variant(ITU or ANSI) that was selected. The Current value is set to the default value and can be modified aslong as it is between the Minimum and Maximum values.

Table 123: GsmMapTimer Attributes


Identifier of OAM Timer Value. Read only.Generated by the ngHLR.


Timer ID number from 501 to 503. Read only.TimerId

Minimum Value, in milliseconds, that timer canbe set. Read only.


Maximum Value, in milliseconds, that timer canbe set. Read only.


Current Value of timer in milliseconds.CurrentVal

CLI NavigationSS7[]>Map[]>GsmMapTimers>specific Gsm Map timer

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

:SS7[]:MAP[]:GsmMapTimers[GsmMapTimerProfileId = #]> modify SpecificTimer[CurrentVal = milliseconds]

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Operations Permitted

Modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 124: GSM Map Timers







StandardTimerIdOAMTimerValIdSpecific Timer

600,000720,0000ITU5011 to 2,000TimerGuard


10,000720,000360,000ITU5021 to 2,000TimerBind-


30,000720,0000ITU5031 to 2,000Timer-


CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:MAP[]:GsmMapTimers[GsmMapTimerProfileId = #]> modify TimerGuard[]CurrentVal = 500000

GSM MAP Timers Operation

The following provides a description of the operation that can be performed with GSM MAP Timers.

Get All Timers

This operation will retrieve and display all the information for the GSM MAP timers. It will displaythe minimum, maximum, and current values of all the timers.

Command syntax:

:SS7[]:MAP[]:GsmMapTimers[GsmMapTimerProfileId = 1]> GetAllTimers()

Message Transfer Part 2 configuration




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Message Transfer Part 2. MTP2 corresponds to OSI Layer 2 (the data link layer) and as such is thelowest protocol in the stack. Sitting on the physical layer, it provides a reliable means of transfer forsignalling information between two directly connected signalling points (SPs), ensuring that thesignalling information is delivered in sequence and error-free. The alarm attribute for the MTP2 layercan be accessed and modified.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>MTP2

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

:SS7[]>display MTP2[]

Operations Permitted Modify and Display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 125: MTP2 Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Enable or disable alarmgeneration. Read only.


1 = enabled

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]>display MTP2[]

MTP2 Operation

This section provides a description of the operation that can be performed on the Message TransferPart Layer 2.

Get Active MTP2 Saps

This operation will retrieve and display all active MTP2 Service Access Points.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:MTP2[]> GetActiveMTP2Saps()

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MPT2 Service Access Point (SAP)




The MTP2 Sap (Service Access Point) contains the attributes of the physical port and link that isconnected to the logical signaling link. The timer values to be used with this link can be configuredon a per-link basis. This entity is configured in load-shared mode between the two SS7 cards (meaningthis entity can be configured differently on the two cards and both cards are actively processing MTP2traffic).

CLI NavigationSS7[]>MTP2[]>MTP2Sap

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:MTP2[]> add MTP2Sap [PhyNumber = 0-3; ChannelNumber = integer;MTP2TimerProfileId = 1-16; ProtocolVariant = 1-4; MsgSize = 0-272;Mtp2LinkType=0,1; SlotId = 5,10 ]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 126: MTP2Sap Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Specify which physicalinterface to create the link on.Read only.

N/A0 (PHY0),

1 (PHY1),

2 (PHY2),


3 (PHY3)

Indicates which channel of thevirtual port to use.

N/ASee description.ChannelNumber

-in T1 the channel number canrange from 0-23,corresponding to timeslots 0to 23.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute-in E1 the channel number canrange from 0-30,corresponding to timeslots 1to 31.

Channel 0 of E1 is the onlychannel allowed for HSL andis not available for LSL. Notethat virtual channel number 0maps to T1 timeslot 0 but E1timeslot 1. Read only.

Timer definitions associatedwith this link.

N/A1 to 16MTP2Timer-ProfileId

Protocol type of the link. Readonly.

N/A1 (ITU88),

2 (ANS88),



3 (ANS92),

4 (ITU92)

Type of link used by theMTP2 protocol. The ngHLR

0 (LSL)

1 (HSL)


can support the MTP2 narrowband Low Speed Link (LSL)or the MTP2 narrow bandHigh Speed Link (HSL).

The shelf Slot ID for the linkbeing configured. The

N/A3 or 10SlotId

Mtp2Sap can be configureddifferently on the two SS7cards. This allows using adifferent timeslot. The MTP2Layer is configured inload-shared mode. The otherlayers are configured inactive-standby mode.

Read only.

Read only. This isautomatically generated by




the system to indicate theprovisioning state of the SAP.

Table 127: MTP2Sap Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Maximum message length (inbytes) acceptable for layer 2.

2720 to 272MsgSize

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CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:MTP2[]> add MTP2Sap [PhyNumber = 0; ChannelNumber = 1;MTP2TimerProfileId = 1; Speed = 0; ProtocolVariant = 3; Mtp2LinkType=0;SlotId = 5; MsgSize = MsgSize]

MTP2 SAP Operations

The following section provides a description of the operations that can be performed on MTP2 SAPs.


Activate the MTP2 Service Access Point. This binds the MTP2 Layer with the MTP3 Layer and thenprocessing the MTP2 messages.

Command syntax:

:SS7[]:MTP2[]:MTP2Sap[MTP2SapId = 1]> Activate()


Deactivate the MTP2 Service Access Point. This unbinds the MTP2 Layer from the MTP3 Layer andthen stops processing the MTP2 messages.

Command syntax:

:SS7[]:MTP2[]:MTP2Sap[MTP2SapId = 1]> Deactivate()

MTP2 Timers




The MTP2Timers is used to define the specified timers for the MTP2 Protocol Layer. When creatinga new MTP2TimerProfile, the OamTimerVal entities (T1, T2, T3, T4E, T4N, T5, T6, T7) will beautomatically created and the minimum, maximum, and current values will be set to the predefinedvalues according to the Protocol Variant chosen (ITU or ANSI). Current values are set to default values.For detailed information on MTP2 Timers, please refer to the following specifications:ITU Q.703,Section 12.3 and ANSI T1.111.3, Section 12.3.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>MTP2[]>MTP2Timers

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:MTP2[]> add MTP2Timers[ProtocolVariant = 1-4]

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Operations Permitted

Add, delete, display.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 128: MTP2Timers Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Protocol variant supported byMTP2 layer. Read only.

N/A1 (ITU88),

2 (ANS88),



3 (ANS92),

4 (ITU92)

The identifierMtp2TimerProfile instance

N/A1 to 16MTP2Timer-

ProfileId from which the timers of thisentity will be set. Read only.Generated by the TekelecngHLR.

Table 129: MTP2Timers Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Alignment ready timer. Readonly.

45,000 msITU: 40,000-50,000 msT1

13,000 msANSI: 12,900-16,000ms

Not aligned timer. Read only.30,000 msITU: 5,000-150,000 msT2

11,500 msANSI: 5,000-30,000 ms

Aligned timer. Read only.1,500 msITU: 1,000-2,000 msT3

11,500 msANSI: 5,000-14,000 ms

Emergency Proving Periodtimer. Read only.

500 msITU: 400-600 msT4E

600 msANSI: 540-660 ms

Normal Proving Period timer.Read only.

8,200 msITU: 7,500-9,500 msT4N

2,300 msANSI: 2,070-2,530 ms

Sending SIB (Status IndicationBusy) timer. Read only.

100 msITU: 80-120 msT5

100 msANSI: 80-120 ms

Remote Congestion timer.Read only.

4,500 msITU: 3,000-6,000 msT6

3,500 msANSI: 1,000-6,000 ms

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Excessive delay ofacknowledgement timer. Readonly.

1,500 msITU: 500-2,000 msT7

1,500 msANSI: 500-2,000 ms

CLI Example

SS7[]:MTP2[]> add MTP2Timers [ProtocolVariant = 1]

MTP2 Timer Attributes




The attributes for each MTP2 timer can be retrieved and displayed. The attributes are listed in thetable below. The Minimum and Maximum values are defined according to the Protocol Variant (ITUor ANSI) that was selected. The Current value can be modified as long as it is between the Minimumand Maximum values.

Table 130: MTP2Timers Attributes


Identifier of OAM Timer Value. Read only.Generated by the Tekelec ngHLR.


Timer ID number from 101 to 108. Read only.TimerId

Minimum Value of timer in milliseconds. Readonly.


Maximum Value of timer in milliseconds. Readonly.


Current Value of timer in milliseconds. Read-writeCurrentVal

CLI NavigationSS7[]>MTP2[]>MTP2Timers[]>specific MTP2 timer

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:MTP2[]:MTP2Timers[MTP2TimerProfileId = #]> modify TimerName[]CurrentVal = milliseconds

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Operations Permitted

Modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations. Please see Table 2-2 toknow which ones have access to this entity and which operations they have permission to do.

Attributes and Values

Table 131: MTP2 Timers







StandardTimerIdOAMTimerValIdSpecific Timer

45,00050,00040,000ITU1011 to 2,000T1

(Alignment ready) 13,00016,00012,900ANSI

30,000150,0005,000ITU1021 to 2,000T2

(Not aligned) 11,50030,0005,000ANSI

1,5002,0001,000ITU1031 to 2,000T3

(Aligned) 11,50014,0005,000ANSI

500600400ITU1041 to 2,000T4E

(Emergency Proving) 600660540ANSI

8,2009,5007,500ITU1051 to 2,000T4N

(Normal Proving) 2,3002,5302,070ANSI

10012080ITU1061 to 2,000T5

(Sending SIB) 10012080ANSI

4,5006,0003,000ITU1071 to 2,000T6

(Remote Congestion) 3,5006,0001,000ANSI

1,5002,000500ITU1081 to 2,000T7

(Excessive Delay ofAcknowledgement)



SS7[]:MTP2[]:MTP2Timers[MTP2TimerProfileId = #]> modify T1[] CurrentVal =48000

MTP2 Timer Profile Operation

The following describes the operation that can be performed with MTP2 timers.

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The GetAllTimers() operation will retrieve and display all the information for the MTP2 timers. It willdisplay the minimum, maximum, and current values of all the timers.

CLI Example:

SS7[]:MTP2[]:MTP2Timers[MTP2TimerProfileId = 1]> GetAllTimers()

Signaling ATM Adaption Layer (SAAL) configuration





Signalling ATM Adaption Layer. SAAL corresponds to OSI Layer 2 (the data link layer) and as suchis the lowest protocol in the stack. Sitting on the physical layer, it provides a reliable means of transferfor signalling information between two directly connected signalling points (SPs), ensuring that thesignalling information is delivered in sequence and error-free. It utilizes the entire bandwidth of aT1/E1 for the transport of SS7 signaling messages, which amplifies the HLR SS7 capacity. The alarmattribute for the SAAL layer can be accessed and modified.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>SAAL

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

:SS7[]>display SAAL[]

Operations Permitted

Modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 132: SAAL Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Enable or disable alarmgeneration. Read only.


1 = enabled

CLI Example

:SS7[]>display SAAL[]

SAAL Operations

This section provides a description of the operation that can be performed on the Signaling ATMAdaptation Layer.

Get Active SAAL Saps

This operation will retrieve and display all active SAAL Service Access Points.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SAAL[]> GetActiveSaalSaps()

SAAL Service Access Point (SAP)




The SAAL SAP (Service Access Point) contains the attributes of the physical port and link that isconnected to the logical signalling link. The timer values to be used with this link can be configuredon a per-link basis. This entity is configured in load-shared mode between the two SS7 cards (meaningthis entity can be configured differently on the two cards and both cards are actively processing SAALtraffic). The other entities are configured in active-standby mode (same configuration on the twocards).

CLI NavigationSS7[]>SAAL[]>SAALSap

CLI Inherited Attributes


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CLI Command Syntax

:SS7[]>SAAL[]> add SAALSap [VirtualPort = 0,1,2,3; VPI = 0-255; VCI =1,2,5-65535; SaalLinkType =0,1; MsgSize = 0-4096; SlotId = integer ]

Attributes and Values

Table 133: SAALSap Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Specifies on which port of theSS7 Card to create the link on.

N/A0 (PHY0),

1 (PHY1),


The port on which the link canbe created for a SAALSap has2 (PHY2),to have been configured withthe SAAL protocol. Read only.3 (PHY3)

Virtual Channel Identifier.Identifies the Channel usedby the Sap.


0-65 535

Except the followingvalues:0 (reserved foridle cell)


3 and4 (reserved forOAM).

Virtual Path Identifier. ItRegroups one or more VCI. It




identifies the path betweentwo nodes of the network.

Indicates which channel of thevirtual port to use.

N/ASee description.SaalLinkType

-in T1 the channel number canrange from 0-23,corresponding to timeslots 0to 23.

-in E1 the channel number canrange from 0-30,corresponding to timeslots 1to 31.

Timeslot 0 of E1 is notavailable. Note that virtualchannel number 0 maps to T1timeslot 0 but E1 timeslot 1.Read only.

The shelf Slot ID for the linkbeing configured. The SaalSap


can be configured differently

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeon the two SS7 cards. Thisallows using a differenttimeslot. The SAAL Layer isconfigured in load-sharedmode.

Read only.

Table 134: SAALSap Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Maximum message length (inbytes) acceptable for layer 2.

40960 to 4096MsgSize

CLI Example

:SS7[]:SAAL[]> add SAALSap [VirtualPort = 0; VPI =0; VCI =5;SallLinkType=0; SlotId = 5]

SAAL SAP Operations


Activate the SAAL Service Access Point. This binds the SAAL Layer with the MTP3 Layer and thenprocessing the SAAL messages.

Note: The SAALSapId is generated by the system for every SAALSap added. To Take note of theSAALSapId generated by the system, type the following:SS7[]:SAAL[]> display SAALSap[]

Command syntax:

:SS7[]:SAAL[]:SAALSap[SAALSapId = 1]> Activate()


Deactivate the SAAL Service Access Point. This unbinds the SAAL Layer from the MTP3 Layer andthen stops processing the SAAL messages.

Command syntax:

:SS7[]:SAAL[]:SAALSap[SAALSapId = 1]> Deactivate()

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Message Transfer Part 3 configuration





Message Transfer Part 3. MTP3 corresponds to OSI Layer 3 and performs the SS7 protocol’s networkfunctions. The primary purpose of this protocol level is to route messages between SS7 network nodesin a reliable manner. The alarm attributes for the MTP3 layer can be accessed.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>MTP3

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]>display MTP3[]

Operations Permitted

Modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 135: MTP3 Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Enable or disable alarmgeneration. Read only.

10 or 1AlarmOn

0 = disabled

1 = enabled

CLI Example

:SS7[]>display MTP3[]

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MTP3 Operations

This section describes the operations that can be performed on the Message Transfer Part Layer 3.


This operation will retrieve and display all active MTP3 Network Service Access Points.

Command syntax:

:SS7[]:MTP3[]> GetActiveMTP3NSaps()


This operation will retrieve and display all active Link Sets.

Command syntax:

:SS7[]:MTP3[]> GetActiveLinkSets()


This operation will retrieve and display all active Links.

Command syntax:

:SS7[]:MTP3[]> GetActiveLinks()


This operation will display the Statistics of the SS7 Links in the latest SS7Manager log file based onthe time period from the last DisplayLinksStatistics() command execution.

Command syntax:

:SS7[]:MTP3[]> DisplayLinksStatistics()

Displaying Links StatisticsTo do so, it is recommended you open multiple Shell sessions. Log in the active core system controllerto access the system and in one of them, start a CLI session. It is important to note that only theadministrator can execute this operation. In the other Shell sessions (on each of the blades hosting theHlr services), log in the system and find the latest SS7 Manager file as follows:

1. Go to the trace directory by typing:

cd /blue/var/trace

2. Display the SS7 Manager files in order, by typing:

ls -lrt

3. Take note of the name of the latest file and open it with the following option:

tail -f HlrServer.xml

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4. Then, in the other Shell, once a CLI session has been started, follow the steps below:5. Go to the SS7 subsystem, by typing:

:SS7[] :

6. Go to the MTP3, by typing:

:SS7[] :MTP3[]

7. Execute the Display Links Statistics operation, by typing:

:SS7[] :MTP3[] DisplayLinksStatistics()

In the latest SS7 Manager file, you will find the Statistic Information for each link on the local slot,displayed as per the format shown below:

Time: Wed Nov 7 15:48:41 2007

File: mtp3/mtp3ProvisioningManager.cpp

Line: 471

SlotId: 3

Seq#: 2449

Table 136: SS7 Manager Statistics Detailed Descriptions


Changeover order transmitted for this link.Change Over Tx

Changeover order received for this link.Change Over Rx

Changeback declaration transmitted on this link.Change Back Tx

Changeback declaration received on this link.Change Back Rx

Emergency changeover transmitted for this link.Emergency Change Over Tx

Emergency changeover received for this link.Emergency Change Over Rx

Link connection order transmitted for this link.Link Connection Tx

Link connection order received for this link.Link Connection Rx

Link connection acknowledgment transmittedfor this link.

Link Connection Ack Tx

Link connection acknowledgment received forthis link.

Link Connection Ack Rx

Signalling link test message received on this link.Link Test Rx

Signalling link test message transmitted on thislink.

Link Test Tx

Signalling link test acknowledgment receivedon this link.

Link Test Ack Rx

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Signalling link test acknowledgment transmittedon this link.

Link Test Ack Tx

A message to be transmitted cannot be sent andconsequently is dropped. This may occur for thefollowing reasons:

Tx Message Drop

• There is an error in encoding the message• The size of the message is illegal• The link is congested and a message is a COO

(Changeover, Order) or ECO (EmergencyChangeover, Order). Changeover messagesare not queued, as congestion abatement ata later time may bring down the link forwhich the changeover was previously sent.

• A message retrieved from layer2 duringchangeover cannot be decoded or containsan illegal field

MSUs (Message Signal Unit) dropped becauseof congestion on this link.

Tx MSUs Drop due to congestion

Number of SIF (Service Information Field) octetstransmitted.

SIF Octets Tx

Number of SIF (Service Information Field) octetsreceived.

SIF Octets Rx

Number of MSUs (Message Signal Unit)transmitted.


Number of MSUs (Message Signal Unit)received.


Link congestion set at threshold 1.Congestion at Threshold 1

Link congestion set at threshold 2.Congestion at Threshold 2

Link congestion set at threshold 3.Congestion at Threshold 3

Duration of link unavailability (in terms ofnumber of system ticks).

Duration of Link Unavailability (ticks)

Duration of link congestion (in terms of numberof system ticks).

Duration of Link Congestion (ticks)

Invalid PDU (Protocol Data Unit) received onthis link. This may reflect one of the followingconditions:

Nb errored msg Rx

• PDU has a wrong size. That is, less than theminimum allowed or more than themaximum allowed.

• Length of PDU cannot be found.• PDU cannot be decoded.

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DescriptionField• PDU contains illegal SLS (Signalling Link

Selection) value.• PDU is received in an invalid link state.

----------------------------------------------Statistics Information for Link #1:Gathering Interval = 21839 secsLink Utilization = 0.016%==============================================Change Over Tx = 1Change Over Rx = 0Change Back Tx = 0Change Back Rx = 0Emergency Change Over Tx = 0Emergency Change Over Rx = 0Link Connection Tx = 0Link Connection Rx = 0Link Connection Ack Tx = 0Link Connection Ack Rx = 0Link Test Rx = 2Link Test Tx = 365Link Test Ack Rx = 365Link Test Ack Tx = 2Tx Message Drop = 0Tx MSUs Drop due to congestion = 0SIF Octets Tx = 16698SIF Octets Rx = 12624MSU Tx = 470MSU Rx = 462Congestion at Threshold 1 = 0Congestion at Threshold 2 = 0Congestion at Threshold 3 = 0Duration of Link Unavailability (ticks) = 47Duration of Link Congestion (ticks) = 0Nb errored msg Rx = 0----------------------------------------------Time: Wed Nov 7 15:48:41 2007File: mtp3/mtp3ProvisioningManager.cppLine: 471SlotId: 3Seq#: 2450----------------------------------------------Statistics Information for Link #2:Gathering Interval = 21837 secsLink Utilization = 0.000%==============================================Change Over Tx = 0Change Over Rx = 0Change Back Tx = 0Change Back Rx = 0Emergency Change Over Tx = 0Emergency Change Over Rx = 0Link Connection Tx = 0Link Connection Rx = 0Link Connection Ack Tx = 0Link Connection Ack Rx = 0Link Test Rx = 0Link Test Tx = 0Link Test Ack Rx = 0Link Test Ack Tx = 0

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Tx Message Drop = 0Tx MSUs Drop due to congestion = 0SIF Octets Tx = 0SIF Octets Rx = 0MSU Tx = 0MSU Rx = 0Congestion at Threshold 1 = 0Congestion at Threshold 2 = 0Congestion at Threshold 3 = 0Duration of Link Unavailability (ticks) = 0Duration of Link Congestion (ticks) = 0Nb errored msg Rx = 0----------------------------------------------

To have the complete link utilization and tTx/Rx bytes for the Link, you should add up all thevalues from all the slots.

Combined Link Set




It defines a group of all linksets that can be used to reach a particular destination or group ofdestinations (routes). Each linkset may be associated with up to 16 combined linksets. For each combinedlinkset that a linkset is a member of, it may be assigned a priority relative to other linksets belongingto that combined linkset.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>MTP3[]>CombinedLinkSet

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:MTP3[]>display CombinedLinkSet[]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 137: CombinedLinkSet Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The instance identifier of thisentity. Generated by theTekelec ngHLR. Read only

N/A1 to 255Combined-LinkSetId

Table 138: CombinedLinkSet Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

User defined name forCombined linkset.

N/Aup to 255 digitsand/or letters


CLI Example

SS7[]:MTP3[]>display CombinedLinkSet [CombinedLinkSetId = 1]

Combined Link Set Operations

The following provides a description of the operation that can be performed with a Combined LinkSet.


This operation will add a new LinkSet to a specific CombinedLinkSet. A priority for this linkset mustbe specified within the CombinedLinkSet. Only linksets with priority 0 will be used to carry traffic(0=highest priority, 3 = lowest priority).

Command syntax:

:SS7[]:MTP3[]:CombinedLinkSet[CombinedLinkSetId = 1]> addLinkSets() LinkSetId= 1; Priority = 0


This operation will remove a LinkSet from a specific CombinedLinkSet.

Command syntax:

:SS7[]:MTP3[]:CombinedLinkSet[CombinedLinkSetId = 1]> RemoveLinkSets()LinkSetId = 1


This operation will retrieve and display all the LinkSets belonging to a specific CombinedLinkSet.

Command syntax:

:SS7[]:MTP3[]:CombinedLinkSet[CombinedLinkSetId = 1]> GetLinkSets()

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Link defines physical signaling links between the SS7 board and the adjacent signaling points. Onelink configuration must be performed for each physical signaling link. The attributes of a link includethe point code of the adjacent signalling point, protocol variant employed on the link (ITU-T or ANSI),point code length, maximum packet length, various timer values, membership in a linkset, and others.

There must be at least one Link in a LinkSet with priority 0. If there are links with different prioritiesin a LinkSet, the priorities of the links must be continuous.

For example, there can be no existing links with priority 0, 1, and 3 in a LinkSet (priority 2 is missing).At any given time, only the in-service links with the highest priority are used to carry traffic on thatlink. If one priority 0 link goes out-of-service, then one of the in-service priority 1 links will be usedto carry traffic.

CLI Navigation

SS7[]> MTP3[]> LinkSet[]> Link.

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:MTP3[]:Linkset[LinksetId =#]> add Link [Priority = 0-3; MTP2SapId =1-192; SapType= 0,1;LinkTstSLC = 0-15; MTP3TimerProfileId = 1-32; AdjDPC =1-255; SignallingLinkTestOn = 0,1; MsgPriority = 0-3; IsCLink = 0,1;MaxSLTtry = integer; P1QLen = integer; P2QLen = integer; P3QLen = integer;DiscardPrior = 0-3; TestPattern = characters]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 139: Link Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Link priority within the linkset. At least one linkmust have priority zero. Read only.

00 to 3Priority

0=highest priority

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute3=lowest priority

MTP2Sap this Link is connected to. Read only.N/A1 to 192 (ANSI)MTP2SapId

1 to 248 (ITU)

Type of protocol used in layer 1&2 for signaling.The Tekelec ngHLR supports either the MTP2 orSAAL protocols.




Signalling Link Code for link test. This mustmatch the configured value at the adjacent SP.

00 to 15LinkTstSLC

Timer definitions associated with this link.N/A1 to 32MTP3Timer-


Table 140: Link Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Indicates the state of the link. Read only.00 (DOWN),State

0 = deactivated1 (UP)

1 = activated

This state is changed on reception of the alarms:



Refreshed automatically by the Tekelec ngHLR.

Read only. Link is congested. This state is changedon reception of the alarms:






Refreshed automatically by the Tekelec ngHLR.

Adjacent Destination Point Code. (Signalling PointId).

N/A1 to 255AdjDPC

Instance identification of this entity. Read only.Generated by the Tekelec ngHLR.

N/A1 to 32

Read only. Signalling test is on for this link.00 or 1Signalling-

0 = falseLinkTestOn

1 = true

Management message priority on this link.30 to 3MsgPriority

0 = lowest

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute3 = highest

Set priority to 0 for international networks ornetworks without congestion states.

Is the link a Cross-Link (i.e., a link between matedSTPs)

00 or 1IsCLink

0 = false

1 = true

Maximum times to retry SLTM (Signalling LinkTest Message). When a link is aligned at MTP3,

20 to 255MaxSLTtry

an SLTM message is periodically sent to the peerMTP3 to determine the state of the link and waitsfor SLTA (Signalling Link Test Acknowledgement- MTP3 receives SLTA for the SLTM message itsent after level 2 is aligned for an Out-Of-Service(OOS) link). If SLTA is not received, then it repeatsthe SLTM messageMaxSLTtry before declaringthe link OOS.

Transmit Queue Length threshold at which thecongestion priority is raised to 1.

162 to 1024

P1QLen is used toimplement multiple


P*QLen is used to implement multiple levels ofcongestion on this Link with P1QLen <= P2QLenlevels of congestion<= P3QLen. This specifies four different levels ofon this Link withthresholds and does not represent four differentP1QLen <= P2QLenqueues for the Link. When MTP3 starts queuing<= P3QLen. Thisup messages (for example, due to congestion onspecifies four differenta link), the messages are queued up. As the queuelevels of thresholdslength grows, different levels of congestion areand does notreached depending upon the values configuredrepresent fourfor p*QLen. The same value of P1QLen to P3QLendifferent queues foris acceptable, but will result in only one level ofthe Link. When MTP3congestion. These values are configured basedstarts queuing upupon the memory available to queue themessages (formessages. For international networks or forexample, due tonational networks without multiple congestioncongestion on a link),priorities, the same value for P1QLen to P3QLenshould be configured.

the messages arequeued up. As thequeue length grows,different levels ofcongestion arereached dependingupon the valuesconfigured forp*QLen. The samevalue of P1QLen toP3QLen is acceptable,

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributebut will result in onlyone level ofcongestion. Thesevalues are configuredbased upon thememory available toqueue the messages.For internationalnetworks or fornational networkswithout multiplecongestion priorities,the same value forP1QLen to P3QLenshould be configured.

Transmit Queue Length threshold at which thecongestion priority is raised to 2.

32(P1QLen +2) to 1024P2QLen

Transmit Queue Length threshold at which thecongestion priority is raised to 3.

64(P2QLen +2) to 1024P3QLen

Discard Priority.00 to 3DiscardPrior

0 = lowest

3 = highest

In national networks supporting multiple levelsof congestion, if a message is received by MTP3with a priority less than the current congestionpriority of the link (in case the link is congested),then the message is dropped. If it is required tooverride this feature, this parameter can beconfigured so that before MTP3 drops a messagebecause of congestion, it checks the messagepriority with DiscardPrior. If the message priorityis less than the discard priority, the message isdropped. If it is necessary to completely avoid themessage dropping functionality, DiscardPrior isconfigured as 0 (lowest message priority). Ifmessage dropping functionality is required asspecified in ANSI, DiscardPrior is configured as3 (highest message priority).

Link Test Pattern. Specify the character patternfor the SLTM message.

N/AMaximum of 15characters


Read only. Link is inhibited or uninhibited. Thisstate is changed on reception of the alarms:






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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute


Refreshed automatically by the Tekelec ngHLR.

Read only. Link is blocked (Processor Outage) Seenote below. This state is changed on reception ofthe alarms:





Refreshed automatically by the Tekelec ngHLR.

Read only. This parameter indicates whether thelinks are UP or DOWN at Startup system.

UP1 (UP)

0 (DOWN)


If the links were deactivated manually by theoperator (from the CLI or WebCI), the StartupStatewill be down. If the links were activated manuallyby the operator, the StartupState will be up.

CLI Example

:SS7[]:MTP3[]:Linkset[LinksetId = #]> add Link [Priority = 0; MTP2SapId =1; LinkTstSLC = 0; MTP3TimerProfileId = 1; CongestionState = 0; AdjDPC =0; SignallingLinkTestOn = 0; MsgPriority = 3; IsCLink = 0; MaxSLTtry = 2;P1QLen = 16; P2QLen = 32; P3QLen = 64; DiscardPrior = 0; TestPattern =abcdefghijkl]

Note: A signaling link (in service, failed or inactive) is recognized as blocked when an indication isobtained from the signalling terminal that a processor outage condition exists at the remote terminal(i.e. link status signal units with processor outage indication are received), or when a local processoroutage situation is detected.

Note: – A link becomes unavailable when it is failed or deactivated or [(failed or deactivated) andblocked] or inhibited.

Link Operations

The following section provides a description of the operations that can be performed with a Link.


Make this link available to carry MTP3 user traffic. This operation will trigger the alarm:LSN_EVENT_PROT_ST_UP so then the link ‘State’ will change.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:MTP3[]:LinkSet[LinkSetId = 1]:Link[LinkId = 1]> Activate()

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Remove the link from service and make it unavailable to carry traffic. This operation will trigger thealarm: LSN_EVENT_PROT_ST_DN so then the link ‘State’ will change.

Note: In the situation where the Tekelec ngHLR has unused SS7 links defined and activated, thesystem will continue to generate alarms and logs, causing an increase of the database disk spaceallocation, which could result in a performance impact of the backup and restore procedure. Tekelecrecommends operators to either delete or deactivate any SS7 links defined in the system which arenot in use. This will stop the alarm generation and prevent the issue to occur. If the operator decidesto deactivate but not delete the unused SS7 links, then the deactivation of the unused SS7 links mustbe performed every time a Blade switch over or Blade restart occurs.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:MTP3[]:LinkSet[LinkSetId = 1]:Link[LinkId = 1]> Deactivate()


Signalling link management inhibiting is used to prevent user traffic on the links while leaving thelinks themselves in service. This process is useful for isolating links for testing purposes. This operationwill trigger the alarms: LSN_EVENT_LOC_INH_ACK with the cause set toLCM_CAUSE_MGMT_INITIATED, so then the link ‘InhibitionState’ will change. When a link is in theinhibited state, an inhibit test message is periodically sent to verify that the link is still in the inhibitedstate. Since an inhibited link is not available for user traffic, the inhibit test is a safeguard to ensurethat the link state is correctly marked as inhibited at the far end of the link. Both the locally inhibitednode and remote node perform the inhibit test. The periodic test continues between the nodes at eachend of the link until the link is unhibited.

It is possible that this operation trigger the alarms LSN_EVENT_INH_DEN with the cause set toLSN_CAUSE_DPC_UNAVAIL. It is because a Link can only be inhibited if they do not cause anydestinations (route) defined at the node to become isolated.

A signalling link is recognized as inhibited when:

a) An acknowledgement is received from a remote signalling point in response to an inhibit requestsent to the remote end by the local signalling link management.

b) Upon receipt of a request from a remote signalling point to inhibit a link and the successfuldetermination that no destination will become inaccessible by inhibiting the link.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:MTP3[]:LinkSet[LinkSetId = 1]:Link[LinkId = 1]> Inhibit()


The link uninhibit procedure does the reverse of the inhibit procedure: it puts the link back into servicefor user traffic. This operation will trigger the alarm: LSN_EVENT_LOC_UNINHED, so then the link‘InhibitionState’ will change.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:MTP3[]:LinkSet[LinkSetId = 1]:Link[LinkId = 1]> Unhibit()

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Set Local Processor Outage

This operation sets the local-processor outage condition on the link. This operation will trigger thealarm: LSN_EVENT_LOC_BLKD, so then the link ‘BlockedState’ will change.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:MTP3[]:LinkSet[LinkSetId = 1]:Link[LinkId = 1]>SetLocalProcessorOutage()

Set Local Processor Recovered

This operation removes the local-processor outage condition on the link. This operation will triggerthe alarm: LSN_EVENT_LOC_UNBLKD, so then the link ‘BlockedState’ will change.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:MTP3[]:LinkSet[LinkSetId = 1]:Link[LinkId = 1]>SetLocalProcessorRecovered()

Link Set




It defines groups of 1 to 16 links that directly connect two signaling points (SPs). Although a linksetusually contains all parallel signalling links between two SPs, it is possible to define parallel linksets.Each signaling link defined is assigned membership in exactly one linkset.

CLI Navigation

SS7[]> MTP3[]> CombinedLinkSet[]> LinkSet

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:MTP3[]:CombinedLinkSet[CombinedLinkSetId=#]>display LinkSet [AdjDPC= 1-255; State = 0,1; Name = text; LinkSetId = 1-16; AllLinksActive = 0,1]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, modify, and Display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 141: LinkSet Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Adjacent Destination PointCode (Signalling Point Id).Read only.

N/A1 to 255AdjDPC

Table 142: LinkSet Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Indicates the state of the SAP. Thisstate is changed on reception of thealarms:






0 = deactivated

1 = activated

Refreshed automatically by theTekelec ngHLR.

User defined name for linkset.N/AUp to 65535 digitsand/or letters


Linkset identification value. Readonly. Generated by the TekelecngHLR.

N/A1 to 16LinkSetId

All Links belonging to this linkset areactive. Read only.

00 or 1AllLinks-

Active0 = false

1 = true

Refreshed automatically by theTekelec ngHLR.

CLI Example:

:SS7[]:MTP3[]:CombinedLinkSet[CombinedLinkSetId=1]> add LinkSet[AdjDPC =2; Name = LS01; AllLinksActive = 0]

Link Set Operation

The following section describes the operations that can be performed with a Link Set.

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Activate all the Links of a LinkSet. This operation will trigger the alarm: LSN_EVENT_LSET_ACTIVE,so then the LinkSet ‘State’ will change.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:MTP3[]:LinkSet[LinkSetId = 1]> Activate()


Deactivate all the Links of a LinkSet. This operation will trigger the alarm:LSN_EVENT_LSET_INACTIVE, so then the LinkSet ‘State’ will change

Command syntax:

SS7[]:MTP3[]:LinkSet[LinkSetId = 1]> Deactivate()


Retrieve and display all the Links belonging to that LinkSet. A list of LinkIds will be displayed.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:MTP3[]:LinkSet[LinkSetId = 1]> GetLinks()

MTP3 General Configuration




The MTP3GenCfg is used to define and control the general operation of the signaling point (SP). It isused to initialize general configuration parameters for the MTP3 layer such as values for variousSP-level timers.

CLI Navigation

SS7[]> MTP3[]> MTP3GenCfg

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:MTP3[]>display MTP3GenCfg[] SsfValid = 0,1; MTP3TimerProfileId = 1-32

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 143: MTP3GenCfg

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Service Switching Functionvalidation required.

00 or 1SsfValid

0 = yes

1 = no

Timer definitions for thegeneral configuration.

N/A1 to 32MTP3Timer-


CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:MTP3[]>display MTP3GenCfg[]

MTP3 Network Service Access Point (NSAP)




Nsap (Network Service Access Point) defines the interface between the SCCP layer and the MTP Layer3. One Network SAP is defined for each MTP 3 layer interface that the SCCP layer uses. Typically theSCCP layer has only a single Network SAP, although if the same system supports multiple protocolvariants (ANSI and ITU-T), the SCCP layer would have a separate Network SAP for each variant. Youcannot deactivate or activate MTP3 Network SAP.

CLI Navigation

SS7[]> MTP3[]> MTP3NSap

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:MTP3[]> add MTP3NSap [ProtocolVariant = 1,2,6; SCCPNSapId = 0,1;OwnSignallingPointId = 1-255; ServiceIndicator = 0-8]

Operations Permitted

Add, modify, and Display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 144: MTP3NSap

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Protocol variant used toprovide service to the user

N/A1 (ANS),

2 (ITU),


Variant part connected through thisupper SAP. Read only.6 (ANS96)

Table 145: MTP3NSap

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

State of the Network SAP.Read only.




0 = deactivated

1 = activated

Refreshed automatically bythe Tekelec ngHLR.

The SccpNSap instance that isconnected to this SAP. Readonly.

N/A0 or 1SCCPNSapId

Instance Identification Value.Read only. Generated by theTekelec ngHLR.


The Own Signaling pointassociated with this NSAP.Read only.

N/A1 to 255Own-



Specifies the MTP user,thereby allowing the decoding



Indicator of the information containedin the SIF (SignalingInformation Field). Read only.


2 (DUP_FACILITY_ 0=Broadband ISDN User PartCANCELLATION), 1=Data User Part-call and

circuit-related messages3 (ISUP),

2= Data User Part-facilityregistration and cancellationmessages



6 (SCCP), 3=ISDN User Part7 (SIG_NET_MAIN_ 4=Reserved for MTP Testing


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute5=Satellite ISDN User Part8 (TUP)


7=Signaling NetworkManagement Messages

8=Telephone User Part

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:MTP3[]> add MTP3NSap [ProtocolVariant = 1; OwnSignallingPointId =1; ServiceIndicator = 5]

MTP3 Timers




The MTP3Timers is used to define the specified timers for the MTP3 Protocol Layer.

When creating a new MTP3Timer, the OamTimerVal entities (T1 to T8 and T10 to T39) will beautomatically created and the minimum, maximum, and current values will be set to the predefinedvalues according to the Protocol Variant chosen (ITU or ANSI or ANS96). For detailed informationon MTP3 Timers, please refer to the following specifications: ITU Q.704, Section 16.8 and ANSI T1.111.4,Section 16.7.

CLI Navigation

SS7[]> MTP3[]> MTP3Timers

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:MTP3[]> add MTP3Timers [ProtocolVariant = 1,2,6]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, display.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 146: MTP3Timers Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The instance identificationvalue of Mtp3TimerProfile

N/A1 to 32MTP3Timer-ProfileId

entity. Read only. Generatedby the Tekelec ngHLR.

Uses the timer ranges asspecified in the selected

N/A1 (ANS),

2 (ITU),


standard or recommendation.Currently ANSI and ITU aresupported. Read only.

6 (ANS96)

Table 147: MTP3Timers Optional Attributes



Value Range (ms)Attribute

Delay to avoid messagemis-sequencing onchangeover.

850ITU: 500-1200T1

850ANSI: 500-1200

Waiting for changeoveracknowledgment.

1,350ITU: 700-2,000T2

1,350ANSI: 700-2,000

Time controlleddiversion-delay to avoid

850ITU: 500-1,200T3

850ANSI: 500-1,200 mis-sequencing onchangeback.

Waiting for changebackacknowledgment (firstattempt).

850ITU: 500-1,200T4

850ANSI: 500-1,200

Waiting for changebackacknowledgement (secondattempt).

850ITU: 500-1,200T5

850ANSI: 500-1,200

Delay to avoid messagemis-sequencing on controlledrerouting.

850ITU: 500-1,200T6

850ANSI: 500-1,200

Waiting for signalling datalink connectionacknowledgment.

1,500ITU: 1,000-2,000T7

1,500ANSI: 1,000-2,000

Transfer prohibited inhibitiontimer (transient solution).

1,000ITU: 800-1,200T8

1,000ANSI: 800-1,200

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Value Range (ms)Attribute

Waiting to repeat signalingrouteset test message.

45,000ITU: 30,000-60,000T10

45,00ANSI: 30,000-60,000

Transfer restricted timer.60,00ITU: 30,000-90,000T11

60,00ANSI: 30,000-90,000

Waiting for uninhibitacknowledgment.

1,150ITU: 800-1,500T12

1,150ANSI: 800-1,500

Waiting for force uninhibit.1,150ITU: 800-1,500T13

1,150ANSI: 800-1,500

Waiting for inhibitionacknowledgment.

2,500ITU: 2,000-3,000T14

2,500ANSI: 2,000-3,000

Waiting to start signallingrouteset congestion test.

2,500ITU: 2,000-3,000T15

2,500ANSI: 2,000-3,000

Waiting for routesetcongestion status update.

1,700ITU: 1,400-2,000T16

1,700ANSI: 1,400-2,000

Delay to avoid oscillation ofinitial alignment failure andlink restart.

1,150ITU: 800-1,500T17

1,150ANSI: 800-1,500

Timer within a signaling pointwhose MTP restarts for

0ITU: 0T18

supervising link and link setactivation as well as thereceipt of routing information.Timer values areimplementation and networkdependent. Criteria to chooseT18 are given in ITU-T Rec.Q.704 9.2.

Transfer Restricted inhibitiontimer.

10,000ANSI: 2,000-20,000


Failed link craft referral timer.540,000ANSI: 480,000-600,000

Overall MTP restart timer atthe signalling point whoseMTP restarts.

60,000ITU: 59,000-61,000T20

Waiting to repeat local inhibittest.

105,000ANSI: 90,000 -120,000

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Value Range (ms)Attribute

Overall MTP restart timer ata signalling point adjacent toone whose MTP restarts.

64,000ITU: 63,000-65,000T21

Waiting to repeat remoteinhibit test.

105,000ANSI: 90,000 -120,000

Local inhibit test timer.240,000ITU: 180,000-360,000T22

Timer at starting SP, waitingfor signalling links to become

0ANSI: 0-1,000,000

available. Networkdependent.

Remote inhibit test timer.240,000ITU: 180,000-360,000T23

Timer at restating SP, startedafter MTP3_TIMER_22,

0ANSI: 0-1,000,000

waiting to receive all trafficrestart allowed messages.Network dependent.

Stabilising timer after removalof local processor outage

500ITU: 500-500T24

(LPO), used in LPO latchingto RPO (Remote ProcessorOutage) (national option).

Timer at restarting SP, startedafter MTP3_TIMER_22,

0ANSI: 0-1,000,000

waiting to broadcast all trafficrestart allowed messages.


Timer at SP adjacent torestarting SP, waiting for

32,500ANSI: 30,000 -35,000

traffic restart allowedmessage.


Timer at restarting SP, waitingto repeat traffic restart waitingmessage.

13,500ANSI: 12,000 -15,000


Minimum duration ofunavailability for full restart

3,500ANSI: 2,000 -5,000


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Value Range (ms)Attribute

Timer at SP adjacent torestarting SP, waiting for

19,000ANSI: 3,000 -35,000

traffic restart waitingmessage.


Timer started when TRA(Traffic restart allowed) sent

62,500ANSI: 60,000 -65,000

in response to unexpectedTRA or TRW (Traffic restartwaiting).


Timer to limit sending ofTransfer-Prohibits and

32,500ANSI: 30,000 -35,000

Transfer-Restricteds inresponse to unexpectedTraffic Restarts or TRW(Traffic restart waiting).

BSN requested timer. This isan Internal-specific timer. As

5,000ITU: 100 -65,000T31

5,000ANSI: 100 -65,000 part of changeover procedureon a link, MTP3 sends a statusrequest to MTP2 Layer toreturn the BSN for that link.

SLT timer. Same as T1 inQ.707.

8,000ITU: 4,000 -12,000T32


Connecting timer. This is anInternal-specific timer to take

360,000ITU: 120,000 -600,000T33

360,000ANSI: 120,000-600,000

care of loss of connect requestor connect confirm.

Periodic signalling link testtimer This is the same as T2 inQ.707.

60,000ITU: 30,000 -90,000T34



Same as Timer T31 in ANSI96.

65,000ANSI: 100 -65,000


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Value Range (ms)Attribute

Same as Timer T33 in ANSI96.

330,000ANSI: 100 -650,000


Same as Timer T34 in ANSI96.

63,000ANSI: 100 -65,000

Flow Control Request Timer.This is an Internal-specific

30,000ITU: 100 -65,000T38

30,000ANSI: 100 -65,000 timer. When layer 2 sends aflow control indication toMTP3 indicating onset of flowcontrol, MTP3 sends a statusrequest to layer 2 periodicallyat the time out of the thistimer.

Bind Confirm Wait Timer.This is an Internal-specific

5,000ITU: 2,000 -5,000T39

5,000ANSI: 2,000 -5,000 timer. When MTP3 sends abind request to layer 2, itstarts this timer to wait for thebind confirm.

CLI Example

:SS7[]:MTP3[]> add MTP3Timers[ProtocolVariant = 2]

MTP3 Timer Attributes

The attributes for each MTP3 timer can be retrieved and displayed. The attributes are listed in thetable below. The Minimum and Maximum values are defined according to the Protocol Variant (ITUor ANSI) that was selected. The Current value can be modified as long as it is between the Minimumand Maximum values.

Table 148: MTP3Timer Attributes


Identifier of OAM Timer Value. Read only. Generated by the Tekelec ngHLRsystem.


Timer ID number from 201 to 238. Read only.TimerId

Minimum Value of timer in milliseconds. Read only.MinVal

Maximum Value of timer in milliseconds. Read only.MaxVal

Current Value of timer in milliseconds.CurrentVal

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CLI Navigation

SS7[]> MTP3[]> MTP3Timers> specific MTP3 timer

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command SyntaxSS7[]:MTP3:MTP3Timers[MTP3TimerProfileId = #]> modify TimerName[] CurrentVal= milliseconds

Operations Permitted

Modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations. Please see Table 2-2 toknow which ones have access to this entity and which operations they have permission to do.

MTP3 Timer Definitions

Table 149: MTP3 Timers


(definitions apply to both ITU and ANSI unless noted otherwise)

MTP3 Timer

Delay to avoid message mis-sequencing on changeover.T1

Waiting for changeover acknowledgment.T2

Time controlled diversion-delay to avoid mis-sequencing on changeback.T3

Waiting for changeback acknowledgment (first attempt).T4

Waiting for changeback acknowledgment (second attempt).T5

Delay to avoid message mis-sequencing on controlled rerouting.T6

Waiting for signaling data link connection acknowledgment.T7

Transfer prohibited inhibition timer (transient solution).T8

Waiting to repeat signaling routeset test message.T10

Transfer restricted timer.T11

Waiting for uninhibit acknowledgment.T12

Waiting for force uninhibit.T13

Waiting for inhibition acknowledgment.T14

Waiting to start signaling routeset congestion test.T15

Waiting for routeset congestion status update.T16

Delay to avoid oscillation of initial alignment failure and link restart.T17

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(definitions apply to both ITU and ANSI unless noted otherwise)

MTP3 Timer

ITU: Timer within a signaling point whose MTP restarts for supervising link andlink set activation as well as the receipt of routing information.


ANSI: Transfer Restricted inhibition timer.

ANSI: Failed link craft referral timer.T19

ITU: Overall MTP restart timer at the signaling point whose MTP restarts.T20

ANSI: Waiting to repeat local inhibit test.

ITU: Overall MTP restart timer at a signaling point adjacent to one whose MTPrestarts.


ANSI: Waiting to repeat remote inhibit test.

ITU: Local inhibit test timer.T22

ANSI: Timer at starting SP, waiting for signaling links to become available.

ITU: Remote inhibit test timer.T23

ANSI: Timer at restating SP, started after MTP3_TIMER_22, waiting to receive alltraffic restart allowed messages.

ITU: Stabilizing timer after removal of local processor outage (LPO), used in LPOlatching to RPO (Remote Processor Outage) (national option).


ANSI: Timer at restarting SP, started after MTP3_TIMER_22, waiting to broadcastall traffic restart allowed messages.


ANSI: Timer at SP adjacent to restarting SP, waiting for traffic restart allowedmessage.


ANSI: Timer at restarting SP, waiting to repeat traffic restart waiting message.


ANSI: Minimum duration of unavailability for full restart


ANSI: Timer at SP adjacent to restarting SP, waiting for traffic restart waitingmessage.


ANSI: Timer started when TRA (Traffic restart allowed) sent in response tounexpected TRA or TRW (Traffic restart waiting).


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(definitions apply to both ITU and ANSI unless noted otherwise)

MTP3 Timer

ANSI: Timer to limit sending of Transfer-Prohibits and Transfer-Restricteds inresponse to unexpected Traffic Restarts or TRW (Traffic restart waiting).

BSN requested timerT31

ITU: SLT Timer.T32


Connecting timerT33

ITU: Periodic signalling link test timerT34



ANSI: Same as Timer T31 in ANSI 96.


ANSI: Same as Timer T33 in ANSI 96


ANSI: Same as Timer T34 in ANSI 96

Flow Control Request TimerT38

Bind Confirm Wait TimerT39

The OAMTimerValId, TimerId, MinVal, MaxVal and CurrentVal for each timer are shown below.

Table 150: MTP3 Specific Timers








8501,200500ITU2011 to 2,000T1


1,3502,000700ITU2021 to 2,000T2


8501,200500ITU2031 to 2,000T3


8501,200500ITU2041 to 2,000T4


8501,200500ITU2051 to 2,000T5

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8501,200500ITU2061 to 2,000T6


1,5002,0001,000ITU2071 to 2,000T7


1,0001,200800ITU2081 to 2,000T8


45,00060,00030,000ITU2101 to 2,000T10


60,00090,00030,000ITU2111 to 2,000T11


1,1501,500800ITU2121 to 2,000T12


1,1501,500800ITU2131 to 2,000T13


2,5003,0002,000ITU2141 to 2,000T14


2,5003,0002,000ITU2151 to 2,000T15


1,7002,0001,400ITU2161 to 2,000T16


1,1501,500800ITU2171 to 2,000T17


000ITU2181 to 2,000T18


68,00069,00067,000ITU2191 to 2,000T19


60,00061,00059,000ITU2201 to 2,000T20


64,00065,00063,000ITU2211 to 2,000T21

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240,000360,000180,000ITU2221 to 2,000T22


240,000360,000180,000ITU2231 to 2,000T23


500500500ITU2241 to 2,000T24


N/AN/AN/AITU2251 to 2,000T25


N/AN/AN/AITU2261 to 2,000T26


N/AN/AN/AITU2271 to 2,000T27


N/AN/AN/AITU2281 to 2,000T28


N/AN/AN/AITU2291 to 2,000T29


N/AN/AN/AITU2301 to 2,000T30


5,00065,000100ITU2311 to 2,000T31


8,00012,0004,000ITU2321 to 2,000T32


360,000600,000120,000ITU2331 to 2,000T33


60,00090,00030,000ITU2341 to 2,000T34


N/AN/AN/AITU2351 to 2,000T35


N/AN/AN/AITU2361 to 2,000T36

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N/AN/AN/AITU2371 to 2,000T37


30,00065,000100ITU2381 to 2,000T38


5,0005,0002,000ITU2391 to 2,000T39


CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:MTP3[]:MTP3Timers[MTP3TimerProfileId = #]> modify T1[] CurrentVal= 1000

MTP3 Timer Profile Operation

The following section provides a description of the operation that can be performed with the MTP3Timers.


The Get All Timers operation will retrieve and display all the timer information for the MTP3 Timers.It will display the minimum, maximum, and current values of all the timers.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:MTP3[]:MTP3Timers[MTP3TimerProfileId = 1]> GetAllTimers()





Route specifies the destination signaling points that are accessible from the Signaling Point (SP) beingconfigured. One route is required for each remote signaling point/network/cluster that is to beaccessible from the SP being configured (DPC). Routes are used to route outgoing messages to theappropriate signaling links. Each route is assigned to one combined linkset, which in turn identifiesall linksets which may be used to reach that destination. Each linkset within the route's associatedcombined linkset may have an optional priority assigned, such that MTP routing will choose thehighest priority available linkset when routing an outgoing packet to a particular destination. Anynumber of routes may be assigned to a Combinedlinkset.

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CLI Navigation

SS7[] > MTP3[] > Route

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:MTP3[]> add Route[NSapId = 1; CombinedLinkSetId = 1-255; RouteToAdjSP= 0,1; DPC = 1-255; MTP3TimerProfileId = 1-32; BroadcastFlag = 0,1]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 151: Route Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The ID of the MTP3NSap towhich this Route is connectedto. Read only.


The instance identifier of thisentity. Read only.

N/A1 to 255Combined-LinkSetId

The point code beingconfigured is adjacent to thisnode. Read only.

00 or 1RouteToAdjSP

0 = false

1 = true

Destination Point Code(SignallingPoint ID).

N/A1 to 255DPC

Read only.

The identifier of the instanceof this Mtp3TimerProfile.

N/A1 to 32MTP3Timer-


Table 152: Route Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Indicates the state of the route.Read only.




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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeThis state is changedautomatically by the systemon reception of the alarms:


0 = unavailable

1 = available

Refreshed automatically bythe Tekelec ngHLR.

The instance identifier of thisentity. Read only. Generatedby the Tekelec ngHLR.

N/A1 to 255RouteId

Route management messagesare broadcast to everydestination in the network.

00 or 1Broadcast-


0 = false

1 = true

Flag indicating if the Route tothe destination signaling pointis congested. Read only.





This state is changedautomatically by the systemon reception of the alarms:


Refreshed automatically bythe Tekelec ngHLR.


:SS7[]:MTP3[]> add Route [NSapId = 1; CombinedLinkSetId = 2; RouteToAdjSP= 0; DPC = 1; MTP3TimerProfileId = 1; BroadcastFlag = 1]

Signaling Point



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A signaling point can represent either a local (Own Signalling Point - OPC) or a remote signaling point(Destination Signalling Point - DPC). The remote signaling point is an adjacent or far-end node.

If the ProtocolVariant is set to: ANS or ANS96, the following attributes are set to:

• PCLength = 24_BITS• SlsRange = ANSI_8BITS• MultiCongestionPriority = true• RouteSetCongestion = true

If the ProtocolVariant is set to: ITU, the following attributes are set to:

• PcLength = 14_BITS• SlsRange = ITU• MultiCongestionPriority = true• RouteSetCongestion = true

CLI Navigation

SS7[]> MTP3[]> SignallingPoint

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:MTP3[]> add SignallingPoint[ProtocolVariant = 1,2,6;SignallingPointCode = x.y.z; PCType = 0,1; SignallingPointId = 1-255;NetworkIndicator = 0-3; SignallingType = 0-2; PCLength = 0,1; SlsRange =16,32,256; RestartReqProcedure = 0-3; MultiCongestionPriority = 0,1;RouteSetCongestion = 0,1; TransferRestrict = 0,1; Name = text]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 153: SignallingPoint Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Protocol variant supported byMTP3 layer. For variant

N/A1 (ANS),

2 (ITU),


Variant identical to Bellcore GR-246,use ANS96.6 (ANS96)

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Point code of this signalingpoint. Read only.


(where x, y & z = 1 to255)



ANSI (max:255.255.255)

x = Network

y = ClusterITU (max: 7.255.7) z = Member

For ITU:

x = Zone

y = Area

z = Signaling Point

Type of Point Code. Readonly.

N/A0 (OPC) or

1 (DPC)


0 = Originating Point Code

1 = Destination Point Code

Table 154: SignallingPoint Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The instance identifier of thisentity. Read only. Generatedby the Tekelec ngHLR.

N/A1 to 255Signalling-


Network Indicator.20(INTERNATIONAL_00),


Indicator 0 = International

1 = Not used1(INTERNATIONAL_01),

2 = National2 (NATIONAL_10),3 = Not used3 (NATIONAL_11)

Type of Signaling Point.0 (SEP)0 (SEP),Signalling-

0=Signaling End Point1 (STP),Type

1=Signaling Transfer Point2 (STEP)

2=Signaling Transfer PointEnd Point

Select Point Code Lengthaccording to protocol variant:

N/A0 (14_BITS) or

1 (24_BITS)


0 = ITU

1 = ANSI

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Signalling Link Selection(SLS). The selection of

N/A16 (ITU),

32 (ANSI_5BITS),


outgoing link is based oninformation in the DPC and256 (ANSI_8BITS)Signalling Link Selection field.Not undatable.

Restart Procedure for adjacentpoint code compliant tospecified standard.

0 (NO)0 (NO),

1 (ITU88),

2 (ITU92),



3 (ANS)

Multiple Congestion Priorityflag.

00 or 1Multi-

Congestion-Priority0 = disabled

1 = enabled

Route-set-congestion test flag.00 or 1RouteSet-

0 = disabledCongestion

1 = enabled

Transfer Restrict RouteManagement Procedure.

00 or 1Transfer-

Restrict0 = disabled

1 = enabled

User defined name.N/Aup to 255 digitsand/or letters



1 :SS7[]:MTP3[]> add SignallingPoint[ProtocolVariant = 2; SignallingPointCode= 1.255.7; PCType = 0; NetworkIndicator = 0; SignallingType = 0; PCLength= 0; SlsRange = 16; RestartReqProcedure = 0; MultiCongestionPriority = 1;RouteSetCongestion = 1; TransferRestrict = 0]

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TCP/UDP Convergence Layer (TUCL) configuration

TCP/UDP Convergence Layer (TUCL)




TCP/UDP Convergence Layer.The TUCL protocol layer provides support for TCP, UDP and RAWtransport mechanisms. This protocol replaces the MTP Level 1 when using the SIGTRAN feature. Thealarm attributes for the TUCL layer can be accessed through this table.

CLI Navigation


CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]>display TUCL[]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 155: TUCL Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Enable or disable alarmgeneration. Read only.

10 or 1AlarmOn

0 = disabled

1 = enabled

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]>display TUCL[]

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TUCL Operations

The following section provides a description of the operations that can be performed with the TUCLlayer of the SIGTRAN feature.


This operation allows you to view in which state each SIGTRAN element is, in the TUCL layer.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:TUCL[]>Status() Element=1

Value of Element (Name of Element): Description

0 (STSID): Get the system ID

1 (STTSAP): Get the TSAP status


This operation allows you to view the statistics of the SS7 messages for each SIGTRAN element, inthe TUCL layer. The Action attribute also allows you to choose if you wish to view the statistics of anelement starting at 0 following a reset of the statistics (Action=0 ZEROST) or if you wish to view thestatistics in a continuous manner following the previous statistics.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:TUCL[]>Statistics() Element=1 ; ElementId=1; Action=0

• Values of Element:

• 0 (STGEN): General statistics• 1 (STTSAP): TUCL TSAP statistics

• Values of ElementId:

• A defined TUCL TSAP identifier.

• Values of Action:


TUCL Service Access Point (TSAP)




The TSap (Service Access Point) stands for TUCL Sap and is used to configure the Sap provider in theTUCL layer. This table is used to configure the TUCL with a TSap on the slot on which it runs.


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1. A minimum of two TUCL SAPs must be configured on two different Hlr Instances (on two differentblades, for different SlotIds) to support High Availability failure. See also TSapID attribute in Table156: TSap Mandatory Attributes

2. Some parameters require a restart of the Tekelec ngHLR after modification. These parameters areidentified by an asterisk in TUCL Service Access Point (TSAP).

CLI Navigation

SS7[]> TUCL[]> ]UCL

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:TUCL[]>display TSAP [SlotId=1-14; TSapId=integer;HeartbeatFlag=bool;HeartbeatInterval=int]

CLI Operations Permitted

Add, delete, Display, modify

Attributes and Values

Table 156: TSap Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The shelf Slot ID on whichruns the TUCL for which you


wish to configure a TSapprovider.

Enables or disables the TUCLHeartbeat function.


0=disabled (Off)

1=enabled (On)

Value of the TUCL heartbeat,which is one second.


Numerical identification ofthe TSap (Service AccessPoint). See Note 1.


Retransmission initialtimeout. See Note 2.


Retransmission timeoutminimum. See Note 2.


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Retransmission timeoutmaximum. See Note 2.


Transmit buffer size. See Note2.


Maximum selectiveacknowledgment delay. SeeNote 2.


CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:TUCL[]> add TSAP[TSapId=1;SlotId=5;HeartbeatFlag=1;HeartbeatInterval=30]

MTP3 User Adaption Layer (M3UA) configuration

Some M3UA configurations require more than one table.

Configuring the SCT Service Access Point (SAP) requires the following tables:

• SCTSAP• LocalAddresses• Provider

Configuring the Peer Signaling Process (PSP) requires the following tables:

• PSP• RemoteAddresses• Network• PS

Configuring an M3UA route requires the following tables:

• Route• Network• NSAP• PS

Configuring the Peer Server (PS) requires the following tables:

• PS• Network

Refer to the respective table for navigation examples.

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MTP3-User Adaptation Layer (M3UA)




MTP3-User Adaptation Layer. M3UA corresponds to OSI Layer 3 and provides the transport ofMTP-TRANSFER primitives across an established SCTP association between SIGTRAN nodes. Theprimary purpose of this protocol level is to route MAP messages over the SIGTRAN IP network. Thistable allows you to configure the M3UA Layer parameters.

CLI Navigation

SS7[]> M3UA

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]>display M3UA[]

Operations Permitted

Modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 157: M3UA Mandatory Attributes



Enable or disable alarm generation.Read only.

10 or 1Alarm

0 = disabled

1 = enabled

Maximum number of upper Saps thatcan be used.


Maximum number of lower Saps thatcan be used.


Timer used to re-establish theassociation when the remote peer has


brought down the association. The

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Tekelec ngHLR will only try tore-establish the association if the PSPassociation type is configured as aclient.

Maximum number of peer servers thatcan be configured at the ASP, SGP, andIPSP.


This value includes both the local andremote PS.

Maximum Number of Peer SignalingProcesses.


CLI Example

1 :SS7[]>display M3UA[]

M3UA Timers




This entity contains all the Timer Profile parameters for the M3UA layer.

CLI Navigation

SS7[]> M3UA[]> M3uaTimers

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]> M3UA[]>display M3uaTimers[]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 158: M3uaTimers

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifier of the M3UA TimerProfile.


Indicates whether or not the Restarthold-off timer is turned On.

1 (On)0 or 1 (bool)RestartTimerEnabled

Restart hold-off timer. At the SG,this is the period that the M3UAwaits to

5Integer (inseconds)


gather remote point code statusinformation from the co-residentMTP3 after a


A value of0 is permissible for thistimer, in which case no hold-off isapplied on


Indicates whether or not the MTP3status poll timer is turned On.

1 (On)0 or 1 (bool)Mtp3StatusPollTimerEnabled

MTP3 status poll timer. Period ofthe status poll timer used to poll the

5Integer (inseconds)


coresident MTP3 point codes statusthrough the nodal interworkingfunction

Indicates whether or not the M3UAheartbeat (BEAT) timer is turnedOn.

1 (On)0 or 1 (bool)BeatIntervalTimerEnabled

M3UA heartbeat timer. If this timeris enabled, M3UA sends outBEATmessages

30Integer (inseconds)


to remote servers with the selectedperiod, and expectsBEAT_ACKmessages in

return. Similarly, M3UAexpectsBEAT messages from remoteclients and

responds withBEAT_ACK. In bothcases, successive incomingBEATorBEAT_ACK

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributemessages are expected to arrivewithin a minimum period of twicethe timer

value; otherwise, the remote peer isdeclared to be “down.”

Indicates whether or not theRecovery Timer is turned on.

1 (On)0 or 1 (bool)RecoveryTimerEnabled

Timer T (r). Value is in seconds2Integer (inseconds)


Indicates whether or not theAspUp1 Timer is turned on.

1 (On)0 or 1 (bool)AspUp1TimerEnabled

Initial period between ASPUPmessages when attempting to bringup the path

1Integer (inseconds)


to the SGP (initiated from ASP) orto the IPSP peer node (for IPSP-IPSP

communication). This period is usedfornmbAspUp1 tries.

Indicates whether or not theAspUp2 Timer is turned On.

1 (On)0 or 1 (bool)AspUp2TimerEnabled

Steady state period between ASPUPmessages when attempting to bringup the

1Integer (inseconds)


path to the SGP (initiated from ASP)or to the IPSP peer node (forIPSP-IPSP

communication). This period is usedafternmbAspUp1 number ofattempts

Indicates whether or not the ASPDown Timer is turned On.

1 (On)0 or 1 (bool)AspDownTimerEnabled

Period between ASPDN messageswhile attempting to bring down thepath to

1Integer (inseconds)


the SGP (initiated from ASP) or tothe IPSP peer node (for IPSP-IPSP


Indicates whether or not the ASPMtimeout is turned On.

1 (On)0 or 1 (bool)AspmTmoTimerEnabled

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

ASPM timeout. The time to waitafter sending ASPAC or ASPIAbefore failing.

1Integer (inseconds)


Indicates whether or not the DaudTimer is turned On.

1 (On)0 or 1 (bool)DaudTimerEnabled

Period between the DAUDmessages while auditing adestination state at ASP

30Integer (inseconds)


or at IPSP.

Indicates whether or not the DrkmTimer is turned On.

0 (Off)0 or 1 (bool)DrkmTimerEnabled

Time period between the DRKM(REG REQ andDEREG REQ)messages when

0Integer (inseconds)


registering or deregistering RKsfrom the ASP or IPSP. This periodis used for

themaxNmbRkTry numberattempts. IfdrkmSupp is enabled,the value of this

parameter should not be configuredas zero.

Indicates whether or not theSequence Control Timer is turnedOn.

0 (Off)0 or 1 (bool)SeqCtrlTimerEnabled

Sequence Control Timer. M3UA candistribute the traffic in theloadsharing

0Integer (in ms)SeqCtrlTimer

mode on the multiple Active PSPsfor a PS by distributing SLSs acrossthose

PSPs. If a PSP becomes unavailable(due to an association going down,or

because of a DUNA messagereceived from that PSP), the trafficis diverted to

other PSPs in the loadsharingmanner, after holding the trafficfortmrSeqCntrl

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributetime to avoid misequencing.Similarly, this timer is used to divertthe traffic

back onto a PSP when the PSPbecomes available again. This timermust be

enabled to use this time-controlledtraffic diversion procedure. Ifenabled, a

value of zero is not allowed.

CLI Example

SS7[]> M3UA[]>display M3UA[]

M3UA Operations

This section describes the operations that can be performed on the MTP3-User Adaptation Layer.


This operation allows you to view in which state each SIGTRAN element is, in the M3UA layer.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:M3UA[]>Status() Element=1; ElementId=1

• Value of Element (Name of Element) - Description

• 0 (STITGEN) - Status of the layer• 1 (STITSID) - System ID (version and part number)• 2 (STITNSAP) - Status of upper SAP• 3 (STITADRTRAN) - Status of the address translation table• 4 (STITAPC) - Status of the Point Code• 5 (STITNWK) Status of a Network• 6 (STITROUT) - Status of a Route• 7 (STITPS) - Status of a peer server• 8 (STITSCTSAP) - Status of a lower SAP• 9 (STITPSP) - Status of the remote signaling process• 10 (STITRK) - Status of the dynamically registered routing keys• 11 (STITPSPRKID) - Status of the routing key registration requests sent to server PSP

• Value of ElementId

• A defined PS, PSP, Network, SCTSAP, Route, or NSAP identifier

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This operation allows you to view the statistics of the SS7 messages for each SIGTRAN element, inthe M3UA layer. The Action attribute also allows you to choose if you wish to view the statistics ofan element starting at 0 following a reset of the statistics (Action=0 ZEROST) or if you wish to viewthe statistics in a continuous manner following the previous statistics.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:M3UA[]> Statistics() Element =1 ; ElementId =1; Action=0

• Value of Element (Name of Element) - Description

• 0(STITGEN) - General statistics• 1(STITNSAP): Upper MTP3 SAP of M3UA• 2(STITSCTSAP) - Lower MTP3 SAP of M3UA• 3(STITPSP) - Remote signaling process (ASP or SGP)

• Value of ElementId

• A defined PSP, SCTSAP, or NSAP identifier.• Values of Action:• 0 ZEROST• 1 NOZEROST

Network Service Access Point (NSAP)




NSAP (Network Service Access Point) defines the interface between the SCCP layer and the MTP3-UserAdaptaion Layer (M3UA). One Network SAP is defined for each M3UA layer interface that the SCCPlayer uses. Typically, the SCCP layer has only a single Network SAP. The Sigtran feature is supportedonly on the ITU-T network.

This table defines, displays, and modifies the slot on which the Sigtran network runs.

CLI Navigation

SS7[]> M3UA[]> NSAP


CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:M3UA[]> add NSAP [NSapId = integer; NetworkId=integer]

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Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Attributes and Values

Table 159: NSAP Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The NSap instance that isconnected to this SAP. Readonly.


Numerical identification ofthe network used by the SAP.


CLI Example

:SS7[]:M3UA[]> add NSAP [NetworkId=2; NSapId = 1]

SCT Service Access Point (SCTSAP)




The SCTSap (Service Access Point) stands for SCTP Sap and is used to configure the SCTSap user inthe M3UA layer. This table is used to configure the M3UA with a SCTSap user on the slot on whichit runs.

Note: A M3UA’s SCT Sap should be created for all existing instance(s) of TUCL Sap.

CLI NavigationSS7[]> M3UA[]> SCTSAP

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:M3UA[]>display SCTSAP [SctSapId = integer; ProviderId= integer;StateInfo= string; Port=int]

Operations Permitted

Add, modify, display, delete.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 160: SCTSAP Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Numerical identification ofthe SCTSap (Service AccessPoint).


Numerical identification ofthe SCTSap provider for this


SCTSap user in the M3UAlayer.

Port number on which theTekelec ngHLR will accept


SCTP associations from peernodes. Its value range is: 0 to65 535.

Table 161: SCTSAP Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This gives the information onthe state of the TSap.




• offline: When the Hlrservice is stopped on abound

blade (slot), the TSapend point openrunning on that blade issaid to be in an offlinestate.

• online : The state of theTSap is said to be onlinewhen the Hlr service isstarting or when the Hlrservice is up and running,but the TSap user is notbound.

• bound: the TSaps arebound together. The bind()operation has beenexecuted for the TSap user.

• end point open: End pointready to establishassociation.

CLI Example

:SS7[]:M3UA[]> add SCTSAP [SctSapId = 1; ProviderId=1;Port=3003]

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Local Addresses




This table is used to provision the Tekelec ngHLR with Local Addresses that will be used by SIGTRAN.The system supports multiple address configurations for the local address of each SCTP association.The M3UA SctSap has been changed to be able to allow the Network Operator to assign a sub-list ofall the local multi-homing IP that will be used for a SCT Sap. Note that a minimum of two local IPaddresses must be configured for multihoming to be functional.

CLI NavigationSS7[]> M3UA> SCTSAP> LocalAddresses

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]> M3UA[]> SCTSAP[SapId=int]> add LocalAddresses[IPAddress= IPAddress;Netmask= string; Description=string ]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 162: LocalAddresses Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read-Only. This value isautomatically generated by


the system upon creation of alocal IP address.

Slot IP Address.N/AStringIPAddress


Netmask used with slot IPaddress.




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Table 163: LocalAddresses Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Description of the Local IPAddress.


This gives the information onthe state of the local IPaddress.




unbound: The local IP addresshas not been bound by thesystem’s platform due to anerror.

bound: The local IP address isbound by the system’splatform. When defining alocal IP address, the system ‘splatform automatically bindsthe IP address.

Numerical identification ofthe SCTSap (Service AccessPoint).


CLI Example:

1 :SS7[]> M3UA[]> SCTSAP[SapId=1]> addLocalAddresses[IPAddress=;Netmask=]





This is a reference to the SCTSAP configured in the M3UA layer. For more information about thistable, please refer to the previous section “”.

CLI NavigationSS7[]> M3UA[]> SCTSAP>Provider

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:M3UA[]>SCTSAP [SctSapId=1] >display Provider []

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SCTSAP Operations

The following section provides a description of the operations that can be performed with the SCTSapin the M3UA layer of the SIGTRAN feature.


This operation allows you to manually create a relation between the SCTSap user in the M3UA layerand its TUCL Sap provider in the TUCL layer. This operation must be done once both the SCTSap areconfigured.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:M3UA[]:SCTSAP[SctSapId=1]> Bind()


This operation allows you to manually erase the relation between the SCTSap user in the M3UA layerand its TUCL Sap provider in the TUCL layer.

Note: This operation must be executed if you need to change anything in the configuration of theSCTSap user or provider.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:M3UA[]:SCTSAP[SctSapId=1]> Unbind()


This operation allows you to manually open the SCTP end point.

Note: This operation can be executed only if the SCTSap are already bound.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:M3UA[]:SCTSAP[SctSapId=1]> OpenEndpoint()

Remote Addresses




This table is used to provision the Tekelec ngHLR with the remote IP addresses of the peer nodes withwhich the Tekelec ngHLR will communicate using SIGTRAN. It contains the list of the remote IPaddresses.

The Tekelec ngHLR supports multiple incoming addresses from the peer as multi-homing addressesfor each SCTP association. Through this entity, the Network Operator can assign a sub-list of all theremote multi-homing IP that will be used for a PSP.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>M3UA>PSP>RemoteAddresses

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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]> M3UA[]> PSP[PspId=int]> add RemoteAddresses[IPAddress= IP AddressDescription=string; M3uaPrimaryIpAddress=0,1]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 164: RemoteAddresses Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read-Only. ID that is automatically generatedby the system upon creation of a Remote IP


Address. This uniquely identifies a RemoteIP Address.

IP Address of the peer node.N/AString (15)IPAddress

Note: The first remote IP Address definedmust be the primary address (IP address touse when connecting with the peer).

This means that the first IP address createdmust be set as ‘Primary’ before creating theremaining ones.

This parameter indicates to the TekelecngHLR which IP address to use whenconnecting with the peer.




0: not primary

1:primary IP address

When defining multiple remote IP addresses,one and only one remote IP address must bedefined as the ‘Primary’ IP address (only oneprimary remote IP address must be definedfor all PSP associations).

Table 165: RemoteAddresses Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Description of the Remote IP Address.N/AStringDescription

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read-Only. Numerical identification of thePSP in the M3UA layer for which this remoteIP address is defined for.


CLI Example

1 :SS7[]> M3UA[]> PSP[PspId=1]> add RemoteAddresses[IPAddress=; M3uaPrimaryIpAddress=1]





This table identifies the network and defines the slot on which to run the SIGTRAN network.

CLI Navigation Examples





CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:M3UA[]> add Network [NetworkId=integer; NetworkAppearance=integer]

SS7[]:M3UA[]>display Network[NetworkId= integer; StateInfo= offline, online]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Attributes and Values

Table 166: Network Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Numerical identification ofthe network.


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeThe Network Appearanceidentifies an SS7 networkcontext for the purposes oflogically separating thesignaling traffic between theSG and the Application ServerProcesses over a commonSCTP Association.

List of network appearancevalues specific to the peer ID.


This parameter is used in thenetwork appearance field ofthe M3UA messages sent tothe peer.

Note: The HLR must berestarted every time theNetworkAppearance ischanged.

Table 167: Network Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read-Only. This isautomatically set by the




system. It indicates the stateof the M3UA Network.

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:M3UA[]> add Network [NetworkId = 1]; NetworkAppearance = 10

Peer Server (PS)




This table identifies the Peer Server (PS) on which to run the SIGTRAN network and defines the serveras the local or remote PS for the Peer Server Process (PSP). This table is part of the M3UA table.

CLI Navigation

SS7[ ]> M3UA[ ]> PS

SS7[]>M3UA[ ]> Route[ ]> PS

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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:M3UA[]>display PS[NetworkId= integer; M3uaPsId= integer;M3uaPsType=0,1; RoutingContext=50; StateInfo= string]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Attributes and Values

Table 168: PS Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Numerical identification ofthe Network in the M3UAlayer


Numerical identification ofthe PS in the M3UA layer.


Type of PS.N/A0,1M3uaPsType

0= Local; receives themessages.

1= Remote; sends themessages to the peer.

Value that uniquely identifiesthe Routing Key, which



determines the distribution ofSS7 messages between theSGP and the ApplicationServers.

Table 169: PS Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This gives the information onthe state of the PS.




offline: the Tekelec ngHLR

as-inactive online: the Hlr service isstarting or when the Hlrservice is up and running.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeas-active: the Tekelec ngHLRis ready to process signalingtraffic.

as-inactive: the TekelecngHLR is not ready to processsignaling traffic.

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:M3UA[]> add PS[NetworkId=1; M3uaPsId=2; M3uaPsType=0;RoutingContext=1]

Peer Signaling Process (PSP)




The PSP (Peer Signalling Process) table defines the IP associations between the Tekelec ngHLR andthe peer nodes for SIGTRAN communication.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>M3UA[]>PSP

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:M3UA[]>display PSP[NetworkId= integer; RemoteAddressId= integer;M3uaPspId= integer; M3uaPsId= integer; PspType=0,1,2; AssocType=0,1; ]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Attributes and Values

Table 170: PSP Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Numerical identification ofthe Sigtran network.


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Numerical identification ofthe remote IP address.


Numerical identification ofthe PSP in the M3UA layer.


Numerical identification of aremote PS.


Type of remote peer used tocommunicate with the TekelecngHLR using SIGTRAN.

N/A1 (SGP)

2 (IPsP)


3 (IPsP2) IPsP is the standard IPsPmode as per RFC4666 wherethe server will send the ASPActive.

IPsP2 is a similar way ofExchange than the ASP-SGPcommunication (5/1/1/1),where it is the client that willsend the ASP Active.

Type of IP Association usedfor SIGTRAN.

N/A0 (Client)

1 (Server)


0= Tekelec ngHLR acts asclient and initiates anyexternal M3UA-relatedoperation.*

1= Tekelec ngHLR acts asserver; remote peer initiatesM3UA-related operations andTekelec ngHLR responds topeer.

Note: Note that when theSGP type is selected as thePspType, the association typecan only be Client.

Network appearance flag.0 or 1 (bool)NetworkAppIncl

1(On): The optional networkappearance parameter isincluded whencommunicating with theremote peer. The networkappearance is taken from thenetwork configuration.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeSet this parameter toTRUEonly if two M3UA peer nodesexchange messages belongingto different types of networksover the sameSCTPassociation.

Otherwise, all the messagesreceived from a peer node canbe assumed to be of a defaultnetwork type.

Receive-TransmitASP_IDflag. At SG/IPSPs, this flag

0 (NONE)

1 (RX)


specifies whetherASP_ID is2 (TX) mandatory to be received in

an ASPUP message. As per3 (RXTX) RFC 4666, it also specifieswhetherASP_ID is mandatoryto be received in the ASPUPAck on the IPSP.

0 (NONE): Signifies it is NOTmandatory to receive ASP Idin the ASP UP/ASP UP Ackmessage.

1 (RX): Signifies it isMANDATORY to receive ASPId in the ASP UP message onSGP/IPSP or in the ASP UpAck message on the IPSP.

2 (TX):Prompts to send ownASP Id specified intheselfAspId on theASP/IPSP node in theASPUP/ASPUP Ack messageas applicable.

3 (RXTX):Does the action asspecified under both thevalues mentioned above.

Self ASP ID. This valuespecifies the ID of the self


ASP/IPSP node. AtASPs/IPSPs, this value is sentin theASP_ID parameter ofthe ASPUP message towardsSGP/IPSP or in the ASP UPAck from the IPSP. This

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeparameter is reconfigurableonly in the ASP Down state.

Port number of the peer nodefrom which and to which

N/AInteger (0 to 65 535)Port

SIGTRAN traffic will beexchanged.

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:M3UA[]> add PSP[NetworkId = 1; RemoteAddressId = 1; M3uaPspId =1; PspType = 3; AssocType = 2]

PSP State




The PspState table indicates the status of the SCTP association and PSP state for each PSP. An entryis created in the table using the Establish Association and providing the SCT Sap identifier. This tableis used to display the PSP StateInfo.

CLI Navigation

SS7[ ]>M3UA[ ]>PSP[ ]>PspState[ ]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[ ]:M3UA[ ]:PSP[M3uaPspId = 1]>display PspState[SctSapId = integer ;StateInfo = string]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 171: PspState Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read-Only. Numericalidentification of the Psp.


Read-Only. Numericalidentification of the SCT Sap.


Only shown after you haveestablished PSP association onthe SctSapId.

Read-Only. Only shown afteryou have established PSPassociation on the SctSapId.

StateInfo • establish-association

• terminate-association

• asp-up

• asp-down This gives the information on thestate of the IP association.• asp-active

• asp-inactive • establish-association: Theconnection is being• inhibit

• uninhibit established for this IPassociation

• terminate-association: Theconnection is beingterminated for this IPassociation.

• asp-up: the ApplicationServer process is beingbrought up

• asp-down: the ApplicationServer process is beingbrought down

• asp-active: The ApplicationServer process is ready toreceive traffic.

• asp-inactive: The ApplicationServer process is beingdeactivated.

• inhibit: the PSP Associationis not available to carrytraffic.

• uninhibit: the PSPAssociation is available tocarry traffic.

PSP OperationsOperations that can be performed with the PSP in the M3UA layer of the SIGTRAN feature.

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The following section provides a description of the operations that can be performed with the PSP inthe M3UA layer of the SIGTRAN feature.

EstablishAssociation()This operation allows to manually establish the association between the Tekelec ngHLR and the remotepeer (PSP).

Command syntax:

SS7[ ]:M3UA[ ]:PSP[M3uaPspId=1]> EstablishAssociation() SctSapId = Integer;

Performing this operation automatically adds an entry in the PspState [ ] entity.

Description of the PspState [] entity: The PspState table indicates the status of the SCTP associationand PSP state for each PSP. An entry is created in the table using the Establish Association and providingthe SCT Sap identifier. This table is used to display the PSP StateInfo.

Navigation: SS7[] —> M3UA[] —> PSP[] —> PspState[]

Inherited Attributes: M2uaPspId

Command syntax:

SS7[]:M3UA[]:PSP[M3uaPspId = 1]> display PspState[SctSapId = integer ;StateInfo = string]

Operations permitted:

DescriptionsDefaultValue RangeAttributes

Read-Only. Numerical identification of thePsp.


Read-Only. Numerical identification of theSCT Sap. Only shown after you haveestablished PSP association on the SctSapId.


Read-Only. Only shown after you haveestablished PSP association on the SctSapId.

StateInfo • establish-association• terminate-association• asp-up This gives the information on the state of the

IP association.• asp-down• asp-active • establish-association: The connection is

being established for this IP association• asp-inactive• inhibit • terminate-association: The connection is

being terminated for this IP association.• uninhibit• asp-up: the Application Server process is

being brought up. asp-up: the ApplicationServer process is being brought up.

• asp-down: the Application Server processis being brought down

• asp-active: The Application Server processis ready to receive traffic.

• asp-inactive: The Application Serverprocess is being deactivated.

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DescriptionsDefaultValue RangeAttributes• inhibit: the PSP Association is not available

to carry traffic.• uninhibit: the PSP Association is available

to carry traffic.


This operation allows to manually terminate the association between the Tekelec ngHLR and theremote peer (PSP). Performing this operation deletes an entry in the StateInfo [] entity. For informationon this entity, refer to the EstablishAssociation() operation, just above.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:M3UA[]:PSP[M3uaPspId=1]> TerminateAssociation() SctSapId = Integer;

Table 172: TerminateAssociation() Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read-Only. Numericalidentification of the SCT Sap.



This operation allows to manually indicate to the peer that the SIGTRAN applications are ready toreceive traffic. Executing this operation indicates that the Application Server process is up.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:M3UA[]:PSP[M3uaPspId=1]> AspUp() SctSapId = Integer;

Table 173: AspUp() Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read-Only. Numericalidentification of the SCT Sap.



Executing this operation indicates that the Application Server process is down. This operation allowsto manually indicate to the peer that the SIGTRAN applications are no longer ready to receive traffic.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:M3UA[]:PSP[M3uaPspId=1]> AspDown() SctSapId = Integer;

Table 174: AspDown() Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read-Only. Numericalidentification of the SCT Sap.


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This operation allows to manually make the PSP Association not available to carry traffic.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:M3UA[]:PSP[M3uaPspId=1]> Inhibit() SctSapId = Integer;

Table 175: Inhibit() Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read-Only. Numericalidentification of the SCT Sap.



This operation allows to manually make the PSP Association available to carry traffic.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:M3UA[]:PSP[M3uaPspId=1]> Uninhibit() SctSapId = Integer;

Table 176: Uninhibit() Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read-Only. Numericalidentification of the SCT Sap.



This operation allows to manually activate the applications by activating the Application ServerProcess. This operation can only be done once the following operations have been executed:EstablishAssociation operation from the PSP and the AspUp operation from PSP.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:M3UA[]:PSP[M3uaPspId=1]> ActivateAsp() SctSapId = Integer;

Table 177: ActivateAsp() Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read-Only. Numericalidentification of the SCT Sap.



This operation allows to manually inactivate the applications by inactivating the Application ServerProcess.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:M3UA[]:PSP[M3uaPspId=1]> DeactivateAsp() SctSapId = Integer;

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Table 178: DeactivateAsp() Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read-Only. Numericalidentification of the SCT Sap.






The M3UA Route specifies the destination signalling points that are accessible from the SignallingPoint (SP) being configured. One route is required for each remote signalling point/network/clusterthat is to be accessible from the SP being configured (DPC). Routes are used to route outgoing messagesto the appropriate signalling IP associations. Each route is assigned to one IP association which maybe used to reach that destination.

CLI Navigation

SS7[]> M3UA[]> Route

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:M3UA[]>display Route[NSapId = integer; DpcSignallingPoint = integer;M3uaPsId=integer; M3uaRouteId=integer; StateInfo= string ]

Operations Permitted

Add, modify, delete, display.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 179: Route Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The ID of the M3UA NSap towhich this Route is connectedto.


Numerical Identification ofthe PS used.


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Numerical Identification ofthe Route used.


Destination Point Code(SignallingPoint ID).


Table 180: Route Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This gives the information onthe state of the Route.




offline: When the Hlr serviceis stopped on a blade (slot),the TSap running on thatblade is said to be in an offlinestate.

online : The state of the TSapis said to be online when theHlr service is starting or whenthe Hlr service is up andrunning, but the TSap user isnot bound.

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:M3UA[]> add Route [NSapId = 1; DpcSignallingPoint= 1; M3uaPsId=1;M3uaRouteId=1]

Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP) configuration





Signalling Connection Control Part is defined in ITU-T Q.711-Q.716 and ANSI T1.112. The SCCP sitson top of MTP3 and M3UA in the SS7 protocol stack. The SCCP provides additional network layerfunctions to provide transfer of noncircuit-related signaling information, application managementprocedures, and alternative flexible methods of routing. This entity is used to manage the other SCCPentities. The alarm attributes for the SCCP layer can be accessed.

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CLI NavigationSS7[]> SCCP

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]>display SCCP[]

Operations Permitted

Modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 181: SCCP Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Enable or disable alarmgeneration. Read only.

10 or 1AlarmOn

0 = disabled

1 = enabled

Audit of SignallingConnection Status.

00 or 1AuditSignal-ConnStateOn

0 = disabled

1 = enabled

CLI Example:

1 :SS7[]>display SCCP[]

SCCP Operations

The following section provides a description of the operations that can be performed with the SCCP.


This operation will retrieve and display all active SCCP Network Service Access Points.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]> GetActiveSccpNSaps()

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This operation will retrieve and display all active SCCP User Service Access Points.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]> GetActiveSccpUSaps()

Concerned Area




The ConcernedArea defines all the subsystems of the Point Code for which a SccpRoute is defined. Amaximum of 5 Concerned Areas per Route can be added.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>SCCP[]>SCCPRoute[]>ConcernedArea

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPRoute[SCCPRouteId = #]> add ConcernedArea [RemoteSSN =0-255; ReplicatedMode = 1,3; ConcernedAreaStatus = 1,254]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 182: ConcernedArea Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The instance identifier of thisentity. Read only. Generatedby the Tekelec ngHLR.

N/A1 to 1275Concerned-


Remote SubSystem Number.N/A0 to 255RemoteSSN

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Table 183: ConcernedArea Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The Route to which thisConcerned Area belongs to.Read only.

N/A1 to 255SCCPRoute-Id

Mode of replicatedsubsystems.

11 (DOMINANT) or




Each backup node of thesubsystem is assigned aunique priority. Thesubsystem configured on theroute is the primarysubsystem and is selected asthe preferred subsystem whenaccessible. On failure of thepreferred subsystem the nexthigher priority availablebackup node for thesubsystem is selected as thepreferred node.


This mode is significant onlyforRouteVariant ANS96 andfor class 0 traffic. In this mode,class 0 traffic is preventedfrom reaching an accessiblesubsystem on congested node.For class 1 traffic, this modeis the same as DOMINANTmode. In this mode, eachbackup node of the subsystemis assigned a unique priority.The subsystem configured onthe route is selected as theprimary subsystem and is thepreferred subsystem whenaccessible and the node is notcongested. On failure of thepreferred subsystem orcongestion of the node hostingpreferred subsystem, the nexthigher priority available anduncongested backup node ofthe subsystem is selected asthe preferred node for thesubsystem.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Status of Concerned Area.11 (ACC) orConcerned-

ACC= Subsystem is accessibleby default

254 (SNR)AreaStatus

SNR= Subsystem normalrouted - valid in ANSI andBellcore networks only.

CLI Example

:SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPRoute[SCCPRouteId = #]> add ConcernedArea [RemoteSSN =8; ReplicatedMode = 1; ConcernedAreaStatus = 1]

Concerned Area Operations

The following section provides a description of the operations that can be performed with ConcernedArea.


Add a Concerned Point Code to this RemoteSSN (Subsystem Number). Maximum of 2 ConcernedPoint Codes can be added. A SignallingPointId also must be specified to run this operation.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPRoute[SCCPRouteId = 1]:ConcernedArea[ConcernedAreaId = 1]>addConcernedPC() SignallingPointId = #


Remove a Concerned Point Code (PC) to this Remote SSN. A Signalling Point Id also must be specifiedto run this operation.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPRoute[SCCPRouteId = 1]:ConcernedArea[ConcernedAreaId = 1]>RemoveConcernedPC() SignallingPointId = #


Retrieve and display the Concerned Point Codes for this specific RemoteSSN.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPRoute[SCCPRouteId = 1]:ConcernedArea[ConcernedAreaId = 1]>GetConcernedPCs()


Add a Backup Point Code (PC) to this Remote SSN. Maximum of 5 Backup Point Codes can be added.The SignallingPointId of the SSN also must be specified to run this operation.

Command syntax:

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SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPRoute[SCCPRouteId = 1]:ConcernedArea[ConcernedAreaId = 1]>addBackupPC() SignallingPointId = #;


Remove a Backup Point Code (PC) from this RemoteSSN. The SSN SignallingPointId must be specifiedto run this operation.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPRoute[SCCPRouteId = 1]:ConcernedArea[ConcernedAreaId = 1]>RemoveBackupPC() SignallingPointId = #;


Retrieve and display the list of Backup Point Codes.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPRoute[SCCPRouteId = 1]:ConcernedArea[ConcernedAreaId = 1]>GetBackupPCs()

Global Title Entry




The SS7 SCCP layer supports global title translation, a feature which allows applications to addressmessages with a string of digits, such as a telephone number or a mobile identification number, andrely on the network configuration to route the message to the correct destination signaling point andsubsystem. This can help isolate applications from changes in the network structure, such as when aparticular network database is moved from one signaling point code to another. This feature is availablefor both applications accessing the SCCP layer directly and for applications using the SCCP layerindirectly through the TCAP layer. The SCCP layer can translate a global title into its final destinationaddress (point code and subsystem number) or, more likely, into the address of a gateway STP. Agateway STP is typically an STP containing a global title translation capability which acts as the entrypoint to a network for all requests originating from outside the network. In either case, the global titledigits may be carried through in the translated address for subsequent translation by the gateway STPor analysis by the destination application.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>SCCP[]>GlobalTitleEntry

CLI Inherited Attributes


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CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:SCCP[]> add GlobalTitleEntry[ProtocolVariant = 1,2; Format = 0-4;OddEven = 0,1; NatAdd = 0-5; TType = integer; NumPlan = 0-7,14; EncSch =0-3; Digits = integer; NI=0,1; ActionType=1-7; Mode=1,2; NoCoupling=0,1;NumEntity=1,2; ReplaceGT=0,1; SCCPAddressId=int]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, display.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Table 184: GlobalTitleEntry Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Protocol Variant of this entity.N/A1 (ITU) orProtocol-

2 (ANSI)Variant

Global Title Format (Functionformat). Please refer to NOTEbelow.

N/A0 (FORMAT_0),

1 (FORMAT_1),


2 (FORMAT_2), Read only.3 (FORMAT_3),

4 (FORMAT_4)

Mode of operation of SCCPentries. Applicable only in




ITU96. Loadsharing amongSCCP entities will be achievedon the basis of SLS for class 1traffic and on round-robinfashion for class 0 traffic. Readonly.

BCD Digits (OutgoingAddress).

N/AMaximum of 16Digits

The system deducts the‘StopDigit’ by inferring fromthe length of the valuesspecified by this newparameter.

This parameter indicateswhether the GT address isNational or International.




Type of action. Read only.N/A1 (FIX),ActionType

Fix = Use a fixed range ofdigits to perform GTT.

2 (VAR_ASC),

3 (DES),

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeVAR_ASC = Use variablenumber of digits in ascendingorder to perform GTT.

4 (CONST),

5 (GT_TO_PC),

6 (INSERT_PC),DES = Use variable number ofdigits in descending order toperform GTT.


CONST = Always translate theincoming GT to a fixedaddress.

GT_TO_PC = Use digits inincoming GT as the point codefor routing purposes.

INSERT_PC = Insert PC in thebeginning of GTAI - forGeneric Numbering Plan.

STRIP_PC = Strip off PC fromthe beginning of GTAI - forGeneric Numbering Plan.

Flag for no coupling ofconnection section. Read only.

N/A0 or 1NoCoupling

0 = no coupling

1 = coupling

Number of SCCP entities.Valid only in ITU96.

11 or 2NumEntity

Loadsharing can be donebetween SCCP entities on thebasis of SLS provided as inputto GTT function.

ITU96 = 2

All other versions = 1

Specify whether to replace theGlobal Title of the Outgoing

N/A0 or 1ReplaceGT

SCCP Address with theGlobal Title of the IncomingSCCP Address. Read only.

0 = no

1 = yes

SCCP address. Read only.N/A1 to 255SCCPAddressId

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Table 185: GlobalTitleEntry Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The instance identifier of thisentity. Read only. Generatedby the Tekelec ngHLR.

N/A1 to 255Global-



Encoding scheme. Read only.N/A0 (UNKNOWN),EncSch

0 = unknown1 (ODD),

1 = BCD odd2 (EVEN),


3 = National Specific

The Nature of Address. Readonly.







Numbering Plan. Read only.N/A0 (UNKNOWN),NumPlan

2 = Generic numbering plan(ITU96).


2 (GENERIC),14 = Private network ornetwork specific numberingplan.

3 (DATA),

4 (TELEX),





This parameter only appliesfor a GT Entry of FORMAT_1.

N/A0 (EVEN),

1 (ODD)


It indicates whether theGlobal Title is odd or even inlength. Read only.

SCCP address. Read only01 to 255SCCPAddressId2

Translation Type. Read only.N/A0 to 255TType

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Specified whether translationtype is to be used formatching the GT. Read only.

00 or 1TTypePres

The CCPU stack requires the following mandatory parameters according to the GT Format and Protocolvariant.


• TranslationType• NumberingPlan• EncodingScheme


• OddEven• NatureOfAddress


• TranslationType


• TranslationType• NumberingPlan• EncodingScheme


• TranslationType• NumberingPlan• EncodingScheme• NatureOfAddress

Note: Format is the equivalent of GTI (Global Title Indicator in the Address Indicator). See ITU-TRecommendation Q.713 Section 3.4.1.


Point codeindicator


Global title indicatorRoutingindicator



6 5 4 3

no global title included0 0 0 00

global title includes nature ofaddress indicator only

0 0 0 11

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global title includes translationtype only (National Use only)

0 0 1 02

global title includes translationtype, numbering plan andencoding scheme

0 0 1 1 (ITU)

0 0 0 1 (ANSI)


global title includes translationtype, numbering plan, encoding

0 1 0 04

scheme and nature of addressindicator

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:SCCP[]> add GlobalTitleEntry [ProtocolVariant = 2; Format = 2;OddEven = 0; NatAdd = 0; TType = 10; NumPlan = 0; EncSch = 0; Digits =156342; ActionType=1; Mode=1; NoCoupling=0; NumEntity=1; ReplaceGT=1;SCCPAddressId=1]

SCCP Address




All SCCP connectionless data requests and connection establishment requests contain a mandatorycalled and calling party address (the calling address is optional for the connection request message).These addresses are passed to and from user applications via this class, which is a C++ objectrepresentation of the actual address passed in the SCCP protocol message. SCCP addresses can takeseveral forms, containing various combinations of point code, subsystem number, and global title.The combination of the address and routing indicator constructed by applications (or received fromthe SS7 network) together with the SCCP configuration allow these messages to be routed to the correctdestination or local application.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>SCCP[]>SCCPAddress

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:SCCP[]> add SCCPAddress [DPC = 1-255; AddressPres = 0,1; SsfPres =0,1; RtgInd = 0,1; PCInd = 0,1; SSNInd = 0,1; SSN = 1-255; HdrOpt = 0,1]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, display.

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Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 186: SCCPAddress Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Destination Point Code. Usedif routing indicator is PC_SSN

N/A1 to 255DPC

and Point Code indicator isset to true.

The instance identifier of thisentity. Read only. Generatedby the Tekelec ngHLR.

N/A1 to 255SCCPAddressId

Address is present. Read only.00 or 1AddressPres

0 = Present

1 = Not present

SubService Field is present.Read only.

00 or 1SsfPres

0 = Present

1 = Not present

Routing Indicator based onGlobal Title Translation or

00 (GT),



Point Code SubSystemNumber. Read only.

Point Code Indicator. Readonly.

00 or 1PCInd

0 = Present

1 = Not Present

Presence of SubSystemNumber Indicator. Read only.

00 or 1SSNInd

0 = Present

1 = Not present

SubSystem Number. Used ifrouting indicator is Point

N/A1 to 255SSN

Code Subsystem number (PCSSN) and if Subsystemnumber is present.

Note: For the HLR-Proxy(used with the LTE-HSSapplication), the SSN of the

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeSCCP addresses for the localroutes must be defined exactlythe same as the SSN of theTCAP Sap and of the GSMMAP Sap, as well as the sameas theRoutingSubSystemNumber ofthe HLR Configuration(HlrConfig entity). Example,the HLR may have a SSN=6.In this case, make sure thatthe following is set to thesame value ‘6’ for theHLR-Proxy:

SubSystemNumber in theTcapSap entity.

SubSystemNumber for theGsmMapSap entity.

RoutingSubSystemNumberfor the HLR Configuration(HlrConfig entity).

SCCP Header Point CodeOption.

10 (DEF),

1 (NO_PC)


Specifies SCCP header fillingoptions. The user can specifywhether the PC passed in theSccpAddress should beincluded in the SCCP messageheader. It is valid for outgoingmessage (SCCP to MTP3) forcalled and calling partyaddress. Read only.

0 = always include the pointcode in the SCCP header.

1 = do not include the pointcode in the SCCP header.

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:SCCP[]> add SCCPAddress [DPC = 1; AddressPres = 1; SsfPres = 0;RtgInd = 0; PCInd = 1; SSNInd = 0; SSN = 0; HdrOpt = 1]

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SCCP General Configuration




The SCCPGenCfg initializes the general configuration parameters like the values of various SCCPtimers and threshold values that apply to the entire SCCP Layer.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>SCCP[]>SCCPGenCfg

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:SCCP[]> modify SCCPGenCfg[SccpTimerProfileId = 1,2; NmbXudCb = integer;NmbConn = integer; MngmtOn = 0,1; SogThresh = 1-10; MaxRstLvl = 0-8;MaxRstSubLevel = 0-4; ConnThresh = 1-10; QueThresh = 1-10; ItThresh = 1-10]

Operations Permitted

Modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 187: SCCPGenCfg Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Timer definitions for thegeneral configuration.

N/A1 to 2SccpTimer ProfileId

Table 188: SCCPGenCfg Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Maximum numberof control blocks used for

N/A0 to 65535NmbXudCb

reassembling segmentedconnectionless data.

Read only. Maximum numberof simultaneous connections.

N/A0 to 65535NmbConn

Management messages.00 or 1MngmtOn

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute0 = enabled

1 = disabled

Subsystem Out-Of-Service(OOS) grant threshold.

61 to 10SogThresh

Threshold for grantingcoordinated state change.

Maximum number ofrestriction levels.

20 to 8MaxRstLvl

Maximum number ofrestriction sub-levels.

20 to 4MaxRstSubLevel

Threshold for grantingconnections.

21 to 10ConnThresh

Threshold for queuingconnection-oriented data

21 to 10QueThresh

message if it is outside theclass 3 flow control window.

Inactivity send threshold isused to initiate audit ofsignaling connection status.

21 to 10ItThresh


1 :SS7[]:SCCP[]> modify SCCPGenCfg[SccpTimerProfileId = 1; MngmtOn = 1;SogThresh = 5; MaxRstLvl = 3; MaxRstSubLevel = 3; ConnThresh = 3; QueThresh= 1; ItThresh = 1]

SCCP Network Service Access Point (NSAP)




The Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP) Network Service Access Point (NSap) defines theinterface between the SCCP layer and the MTP Layer 3. One Network Sap is defined for each MTP 3layer interface that the SCCP layer uses. Typically the SCCP layer has only a single Network Sap. If alayer supports multiple protocol variants (ANSI and ITU-T) then the SCCP layer would have a separatenetwork SAP for each variant.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>SCCP[]>SCCPNSap

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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:SCCP[]> add SCCPNSap[ProtocolVariant = 1,2; NSapType = integer;NSapId=integer; SCCPTimerProfileId = 1,2; MsgLength = 0-272; SioPrioImpPres= 0,1; HopCount = 1-15]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Table 189: SCCPNSap Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Protocol variant used toprovide service to the user

N/A1 (ITU),

2 (ANSI)


part connected through thisupper SAP. Read only.

The type of the NSAPprovider. The NSAP user has


1 MTP3


an NSAP provider of typeMTP3 in the case where theMTP2 or SAAL protocols areused and the NSap user hasan NSap provider of typeM3UA in the case where theSIGTRAN feature is used.

Identification of the NSAPused. Generated by the


Tekelec ngHLR when theMTP3 NSAP or M3UA NSAPis created.

Read only. The identifierSccpTimerProfile instance

N/A1 to 2SCCPTimer-ProfileId

from which the timers of thisentity will be set.

Table 190: SCCPNSap Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Maximum message lengthdelivered to service providerlayer from this SAP.

2560 to 272MsgLength

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Flag indicating if SIO (ServiceInformation Octet) priority to

N/A0 or 1SioPrio-

ImpPres importance mapping issupported.

The originating end node setsthe value of the SS7 hop

21 to 15HopCount

counter to the maximumvalue (15 or less). Each timethe relay function is invokedwithin an intermediate (relay)node, the SS7 hop counter isdecremented. When the valuereaches zero, the return orrefusal procedures areinvoked with reason "Hopcounter violation". This is toprevent looping.

CLI Example

:SS7[]:SCCP[]> add SCCPNSap[ProtocolVariant = 2; NSapType = 1; SlotId=5;NSapId=1; SCCPTimerProfileId = 1; MsgLength = 200; SioPrioImpPres = 1;HopCount = 2]

SCCP NSAP Operations

The following section describes the operations that can be performed with the SCCP Network ServiceAccess Point (NSAP).

AddSiPriority() SioPriority = #

This maps a Service Information Octet (SIO) priority to the importance of the message. A maximumof 4 SIO priorities can be added (0 = highest, 4 = lowest). A SioPriority must be specified.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPNSap[SCCPNSapId = 1]> addSioPriority() SioPriority = 1

Remove SioPriority() SioPriority = #

Removing a SIO priority. A SioPriority (0-4) must be specified.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPNSap[SCCPNSapId = 1]> RemoveSioPriority() SioPriority = 1


Returns the SIO priorities set for the SCCP SAP specified.

Command syntax:

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SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPNSap[SCCPNSapId = 1]> GetSioPriorities()


Activate the SCCP Network Service Access Point. This has the effect of binding the SCCP Layer withthe MTP3 Layer or the M3UA layer, once the MTP3 or M3UA are activated and running, and thenprocessing the SCCP messages. However, this operation can only be executed for the M3UA layer,since it is not a distributed layer.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPNSap[SCCPNSapId = 1]> Activate()


Deactivate the SCCP Network Service Access Point. This has the effect of unbinding the SCCP Layerwith the MTP3 Layer or M3UA layer and then stop processing the SCCP messages. However, thisoperation can only be executed for the M3UA layer, since it is not a distributed layer.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPNSap[SCCPNSapId = 1]> Deactivate()

SCCP Route




One route is defined for each destination signalling point that the SCCP Layer may route outgoingmessages to. The route defines the destination point code of that signalling point and each subsystem(ConcernedArea) of interest at that signalling point as well as any backup point codes which replicatethose subsystems.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>SCCP[]>SCCPRoute

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:SCCP[]> add SCCPRoute[SCCPNSapId = 1; RouteVariant = 11-16; DPC =1-255; RouteStatus = 1,4,8,16; ReplicatedMode = 1,3; PeerNwSupport = 1,254]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 191: SCCPRoute Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

SCCPNSap to which thisroute is associated. Read only.


Route Variant.N/A11 (ITU88),Route-Variant

12 (ITU92),

13 (ANS88),

14 (ANS92),

15 (ITU96),

16 (ANS96)

Destination Point Code(SignallingPointID).

N/A1 to 255DPC

Read only.

Table 192: SCCPRoute Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The instance identifier of thisentity. Read only. Generatedby the Tekelec ngHLR.

N/A1 to 255SCCPRouteId

Route Status bit mask.11 (SP_ONLINE),RouteStatus

1 = node online4 (SP_TRANS),

4 = Translator node8 (SP_ ADJACENT),

8 = Adjacent node16(SP_INS_CAPABLE) 16 = INS incapable node for


Mode of replicated node(DPC).





Each backup node is assigneda unique priority. The node inthis route is the primary nodeand is selected as thepreferred node whenaccessible. On failure of thepreferred node the next higherpriority available backup

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributenode is selected as thepreferred node.


This mode is significant onlyfor RouteVariant ANS96 andfor class 0 traffic. In this mode,class 0 traffic is preventedfrom reaching an accessiblebut congested node. For class1 traffic, this mode is the sameas DOMINANT mode. In thismode, each backup node isassigned a unique priority.The node configured on theroute is selected as theprimary node and is thepreferred node whenaccessible and not congested.On failure or congestion of thepreferred node, the nexthigher priority available anduncongested backup node isselected as the preferred node.

Flag indicating networksupport of the Peer SCCP onthe route.




CLI Example

:SS7[]:SCCP[]> add SCCPRoute [SCCPNSapId = 1; RouteVariant = 16; DPC = 2;RouteStatus = 1; ReplicatedMode = 1; PeerNwSupport = 254]

SCCP Route Operations

The following section provides a description of the operations that can be performed with SCCP Route.


Add a Backup Signalling Point for the Destination Signalling Point (DPC). A maximum of 5 BackupPCscan be added per route. A Signalling Point Id must be specified.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPRoute[SCCPRouteId = 1]> addBackupPC() SignallingPointId =1

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Remove a Backup Signalling Point for the Destination SignallingPoint (DPC). A Signalling Point Idmust be specified.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPRoute[SCCPRouteId = 1]> RemoveBackupPC() SignallingPointId= 1


Retrieves and displays the list of BackupPCs for the Destination Signalling Point (DPC).

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPRoute[SCCPRouteId = 1]> GetBackupPCs()

SCCP Timer Profile




The SccpTimerProfile is used to define the specified timers for the SCCP Layer.

When creating a new SCCPTimer, the OamTimerVal entities (Connect, Guard, IAR, IAS, Int,Reassembly, Release, RepeatRelease, Reset, CoordChg, IgnoreSST, RtgStatInfo, SST, RestartEnd,InterfaceBindEnquiry, StatusEnquiry, Attack, Decay, Congestion, and Freeze) will be automaticallycreated. The minimum, maximum, and current values will be set to predefined values according tothe Protocol Variant chosen (ITU Q.714 or ANSI T1.112.4). For detailed information on SCCP Timers,please refer to the following specifications: ITU Q.714 and ANSI T1.112.4.

CLI Navigation

SS7[]> SCCP[]> SccpTimerProfile

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:SCCP[]> add SCCPTimerProfile[ProtocolVariant = 1,2]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, display.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 193: SccpTimerProfile Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. The instanceidentifier of this entity.

N/A1 to 2SccpTimer-

ProfileId Generated by the TekelecngHLR.

Protocol variant supported bySCCP layer. Read only.

N/A1 (ITU),

2 (ANSI)



Table 194: SccpTimerProfile Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Connect timer. Waiting forconnection confirm message.

540,000 msITU: 360,000-720,000ms


540,000 msANSI: 360,000-720,000ms

Guard timer. Waiting toresume normal procedure for

86,000,000 msITU:82,000,000-90,000,000ms


temporary connection sectionsduring the restart procedure.

86,000,000 msANSI:82,000,000-90,000,000ms

IAR timer. Waiting to receivea message on a connection

62,600,000 msITU:39,600,000-75,600,000ms


section. This timer is resetwhen data is received. If the

62,600,000 msANSI:39,600,000-75,600,000ms

timer expires, the signallingconnection is released.

IAS timer. Delay to send aninactivity test message when

2,400,000 msITU:1,800,000-3,600,000 ms


no data is sent on aconnection.2,400,000 msANSI:

1,800,000-3,600,000 ms

Int timer. Time to continuesending released messages

500 msITU: 0-1,000 msInt

after sending the secondreleased message.


Reassembly timer. Waiting toreceive all the segments of themessage.

15,000 msITU: 10,000-20,000 msReassembly

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

15,000 msANSI: 10,000-20,000ms

Release timer. Waiting forrelease complete message.

15,000 msITU: 10,000-20,000 msRelease

15,000 msANSI: 10,000-20,000ms

Repeat Release timer. Waitingfor release complete message;

15,000 msITU: 10,000-20,000 msRepeat-Release

or to repeat sending releasedmessage after the initial.


Reset timer. Time to wait forthe Reset Confirmation (RSC)

15,000 msITU: 10,000-20,000 msReset

15,000 msANSI: 10,000-20,000ms

message after sending a ResetRequest (RSR) message.

N/AN/AITU: N/ACoordChg

Out-of-service Grant Timer.Waiting for grant forsubsystem to go out-of-service

30,000 msANSI: 25,000-35,000ms


Ignore SST timer. Delay forsubsystem between receiving

30,000 msANSI: 25,000-35,000ms

grant to go out-of-service andactually going out of service.

N/AN/AITU: N/ARtgStatInfo

Routing Stat Info timer. Delaybetween requests for

30,000 msANSI: 25,000-35,000ms

subsystem routing statusinformation.


Subsystem Status Test defaulttimer. Time between sending

30,000 msANSI: 25,000-35,000ms

SST messages to unavailableremote subsystem

Restart End Timer. Startedwhen the restart begins status

30,000 msITU: 0-35,000 msRestartEnd

30,000 msANSI: 0-35,000 ms is received from MTP Level 3.Connections cannot beestablished while the timer isrunning.

Interface timer to enquireabout status of bind request.

5,000 msITU: 0-35,000 msInterface-BindEnquiry

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

5,000 msANSI: 0-35,000 ms

Timer to enquire about statusof Point Code at the MTP3Layer.

30,000 msITU: 0-35,000 msStatus-Enquiry

30,000 msANSI: 0-35,000 ms

Attack Timer for trafficlimitation procedures.

10,000 msITU: 0-35,000 msAttack


Decay Timer for trafficlimitation procedures.

10,000 msITU: 0-35,000 msDecay


Congestion Timer for SCCPcongestion controlprocedures.

10,000 msITU: 0-35,000 msCongestion


Default freeze timer. Timer tofreeze a Source Local

1,000 msITU: 0-35,000 msFreeze

1,000 msANSI: 0-35,000 ms Reference (SLR) connectionbefore reusing it.

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:SCCP[]> add SCCPTimerProfile[ProtocolVariant = 1]

SCCP Timer Attributes

The attributes for each SCCP timer can be retrieved and displayed. The attributes are listed in the tablebelow. The Minimum and Maximum values are defined according to the Protocol Variant (ITU orANSI) that was selected. The Current value can be modified as long as it is between the Minimumand Maximum values.

Table 195: SCCPTimer Attributes


Identifier of OAM Timer Value. Read only.Generated by the Tekelec ngHLR.


Timer ID number from 301 to 320. Read only.TimerId

Minimum Value of timer in milliseconds. Readonly.


Maximum Value of timer in milliseconds. Readonly.


Current Value of timer in milliseconds.CurrentVal

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CLI NavigationSS7[]> Sccp[]> SccpTimerProfileId[]> specific Sccp timer

CLI Inherited Attributes


Command Syntax:SS7[]:SCCP]:SccpTimerProfile[SccpTimerProfileId = #]> modifySpecificTimerName[] CurrentVal = milliseconds

Operations Permitted

Modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Table 196: SCCPTimers Specific Timers








540,000720,000360,000ITU3011 to 2,000Connect


86,000,00090,000,00082,000,000ITU3021 to 2,000Guard


62,600,00075,600,00039,600,000ITU3031 to 2,000IAR


2,400,0003,600,0001,800,000ITU3041 to 2,000IAS


5001,0000ITU3051 to 2,000Int


15,00020,00010,000ITU3061 to 2,000Reassembly


15,00020,00010,000ITU3071 to 2,000Release


15,00020,00010,000ITU3081 to 2,000Repeat-Release


15,00020,00010,000ITU3091 to 2,000Reset


N/AN/AN/AITU3101 to 2,000CoordChg

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N/AN/AN/AITU3111 to 2,000IgnoreSST


N/AN/AN/AITU3121 to 2,000RtgStatInfo


N/AN/AN/AITU3131 to 2,000SST


30,00035,0000ITU3141 to 2,000RestartEnd


5,00035,0000ITU3151 to 2,000Interface-BindEnquiry


30,00035,0000ITU3161 to 2,000Status-Enquiry


10,00035,0000ITU3171 to 2,000Attack


10,00035,0000ITU3181 to 2,000Deca


10,00035,0000ITU3191 to 2,000Congestion


1,00035,0000ITU3201 to 2,000Freeze


CLI Example

1 :SS7:SCCP[]:SccpTimerProfile[SccpTimerProfileId = #]> modify Connect[]CurrentVal = 600000

SCCP Timer Profile Operation

The following operation can be performed with the SCCP Timer Profile.


The Get All Timers operation will retrieve and display all the timer information for the SCCP. It willdisplay the minimum, maximum, and current values of all the timers.

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Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SccpTimerProfile[SccpTimerProfileId = 1]> GetAllTimers()

SCCP User Service Access Point (USAP)




SCCP User Service Access Point (USap) defines the interface between the user applications and theSCCP layer. One user SAP is defined for each application using the SCCP layer services. A user SAPis associated with a single subsystem number and protocol variant (ANSI or ITU-T). The user SAPlists any concerned point codes (nodes which must be notified of any change in the status of theapplication).

CLI NavigationSS7[]> SCCP[]> SCCPUSap

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:SCCP[]> add SCCPUSap[SCCPNSapId = 1; TCAPSapId = 1-15]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 197: SCCPUSap Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The instance identifier of thisentity Read only. Generatedby the Tekelec ngHLR.

N/A1 to 24SccpUSapId

Specify the Network forwhich this USAP is beingconfigured. Read only.


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Table 198: SCCPUSap Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Upper User SAP (e.g.,TCAPSap).

N/A1 to 15TCAPSapId

State of the user. Read only.This state is changed onreception of the alarms:






INS = Inservice

OOS = Out Of Service

Refreshed automatically bythe Tekelec ngHLR.

CLI Example:

:SS7[]:SCCP[]> add SCCPUSap[SCCPNSapId = 1;TCAPSapId = 1]

SCCP User Service Access Point Operations

The following section provides a description of the operations that can be performed with the SignallingConnection Control Part User SAP.


Add a Concerned Point Code that must be notified of status change of this USAP. Maximum numberof Concerned PC is 2. A Signalling Point Id must be specified.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPUSap[SccpUSapId = 1]> addConcernedPC() SignallingPointId= 1


Remove a Concerned Point Code. A Signalling Point Id must be specified.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPUSap[SccpUSapId = 1]> RemoveConcernedPC() SignallingPointId= 1


Returns the list of ConcernedPC interested in the status change of this USAP.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:SCCP[]:SCCPUSap[SccpUSapId = 1]> GetConcernedPCs()

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Transaction Capability Application Part Layer (TCAP) configuration





Transaction Capability Application Part Layer. The alarm attribute for the TCAP layer can be accessed.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>TCAP

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

:SS7[]>display TCAP[]

Operations Permitted

Modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 199: TCAP Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Enable or disable alarmgeneration.

10 or 1AlarmOn

0 = disabled

1 = enabled

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]>display TCAP[]

TCAP SAP Operations

The following section provides a description of the operations that can be performed on TCAP SAPs.

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This operation will delete all unused dialogue control blocks.

Audit Definition: This operation will run an audit on the TCAP SS7 Stack. Audits check the idle time(current time minus the time of the last modification) for each allocated control block, and the controlblock is deallocated if the idle time is more than the audit time. The control blocks may stay idle fora long time as a result of primitive/message loss. Subsequently, the dialogue control block will remainallocated forever.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:TCAP[]:TcapSap[TcapSapId = 1]> DeleteAllUnusedDialogues()


This operation will delete all unused invoke control blocks.

Audit Definition: This operation will run an audit on the TCAP SS7 Stack. Audits check the idle time(current time minus the time of the last modification) for each allocated control block, and the controlblock is deallocated if the idle time is more than the audit time. The control blocks may stay idle fora long time as a result of primitive/message loss. Subsequently, the dialogue control block will remainallocated forever.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:TCAP[]:TcapSap[TcapSapId = 1]> DeleteAllUnusedInvokes()

TCAP Timer Profile




The TcapTimerProfile is used to define the specified timers for the TCAP Protocol Layer. When creatinga new TcapTimerProfile, the OamTimerVal entities (T1, T2, and TimerProviderConnection) will beautomatically created and the minimum, maximum, and current values will be set to the predefinedvalues according to the Protocol Variant chosen. Current values are set to default values.

CLI NavigationSS7[]>TCAP>TcapTimerProfile

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

SS7[]:TCAP[]> add TcapTimerProfileId[TcapProtocolVariant = 1-5,7]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete, display.

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Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 200: TcapTimerProfile Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Protocol variants supportedby TCAP. The protocol

N/A1 (ITU88),

2 (ITU92),


Variant variant selected willdetermine the timer default,3 (ANS88),minimum and maximumvalues.4 (ANS92),

5 (ANS96),

7 (ITU96)

The identifier of the instancecreated for this TimerProfile.

N/A1 to 15TcapTimer-

ProfileId Read only. Generated by theTekelec ngHLR.

Table 201: TcapTimerProfile Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Time to wait for a response toan invoke.

30,000 msITU: 0-720,000 msT1

30,000 msANSI: 0-720,000 ms

Time to wait for reject of anon-invoke component.

30,000 msITU: 0-720,000 msT2

30,000 msANSI: 0-720,000 ms

This is used by TCAPprovider to detect lostconnections.

20,000 msITU: 0-720,000 msTimer-Provider-

Connection 20,000 msANSI: 0-720,000 ms

CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:TCAP[]> add TcapTimerProfile[TcapProtocolVariant=1]

TCAP Timer Attributes

The attributes for each TCAP timer can be retrieved and displayed. The attributes are listed in thetable below. The Minimum and Maximum values are defined according to the Protocol Variant (ITUor ANSI) that was selected. The Current value can be modified as long as it is between the Minimumand Maximum values.

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Table 202: TCAPTimer Attributes


Identifier of OAM Timer Value. Read only.Generated by the Tekelec ngHLR.


Timer ID number from 401 to 403. Read only.TimerId

Minimum Value of timer in milliseconds. Readonly.


Maximum Value of timer in milliseconds. Readonly.


Current Value of timer in milliseconds.CurrentVal


SS7[]> Tcap> TcapTimerProfile> specific Tcap timer

CLI Inherited Attributes


Command Syntax:

SS7[]:TCAP[]:TcapTimerProfile[TcapTimerProfileId = #]> modify SpecificTimer[] CurrentVal = milliseconds

Operations Permitted

Modify, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations. Please see Table 2-2 toknow which ones have access to this entity and which operations they have permission to do.

Table 203: TCAPTimer Specific Timers









30,000720,0000ITU4011 to 2,000T1


30,000720,0000ITU4021 to 2,000T2


20,000720,0000ITU4031 to 2,000Provider-


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CLI Example

1 :SS7[]:TCAP[]:TcapTimerProfile[TcapTimerProfileId = #]> modify T1[]CurrentVal = 50000

TCAP Timer Profile Operation

The following section provides a description of the operation that can be performed on TCAP(Transaction Capabilities Application Part) Timer Profiles.


The Get All Timers operation will retrieve and display all the timer information for the Tcap TimerProfile. It will display the minimum, maximum, and current values of all the timers.

Command syntax:

SS7[]:TCAP[]:TcapTimerProfile[TcapTimerProfileId = 1]> GetAllTimers()

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5Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)


• SIP Server Configuration.....344• SIP Security Configuration.....356• SIP Registrar Configuration.....358• SIP Redirect Server Configuration.....365• SIP User Agent Configuration.....369• SIP Operations.....376

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SIP Server Configuration

This chapter provides the entities required to configure the SIP functionalities:

• Server configuration:

• SipServerConfig• SipServerIpConfig• Domain• AorDomain• SipServerTlsConfig

• Security

• SecurityConfig

• Registrar

• RegistrarConfig• SRegistrationBinding

• Redirect

• RedirectConfig

• User Agent

• SipUaConfig• SipUaRegisterConfig• SipUaPersistentConfig• SipUaRegistrationBinding

• SipTas

• SipTasGt

Each entity provides parameters (attributes), navigation paths, syntax, and CLI example.

The mandatory attributes can take on different meanings, which are identified by referrring to thesenotes:


Note: These mandatory attributes that are the ones that need to be acknowledged or given by theoperator at installation.


Note: These mandatory attributes need to be specified by the operator to proceed with the provisioning.


Note: These mandatory attributes are the ones that the system always compiles and thus that theoperator will always be able to read.

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SIP Server Configuration




To configure the SIP configuration parameters used at system startup.

CLI NavigationSip[ ]> SipServer[ ] > SipServerConfig

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Sip[] > SipServer[]> display SipServerConfig[]

Operations Permitted

Display or Modify.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 204: SipServerConfig Mandatory Attributes (Refer to *NOTE1)

DescriptionDefaultTypeAttribute Name

It’s the equivalent of T1 fromRFC 3261 and it represents theinitial retransmission interval.

500Small integerT1

This parameter specifies ifOptions method is allowed.

00 or 1IsOptionsMethodAllowed

0 = Options method is notallowed.

1 = Options method is allowed.The SIP Server can answer to SIPOPTIONS messages and includeits capabilities.

This parameter specifies ifAuthentication is enabled.

00 or 1IsAuthenticationEnabled

0 = Authentication disabled.

1 = Authentication enabled.

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DescriptionDefaultTypeAttribute Name

List of DNS (Domain NameSystem) servers which will be


queried to translate domainnames to A, SRV or NAPTRrecords. The DNS servers arecomma separated.

Note: DNS server configurationis currently not supported. AllIP related configuration must useIP addresses.

This parameter indicates if a SIPREDIRECT is issued or not asresponse to SIP INVITE.

00 or 1IsRedirectServerEnabled

0 = Redirect Server disabled. SIPREDIRECT is not issued.

1 = Redirect Server enabled. SIPREDIRECT is issued.

This parameter indicates if theincoming SIP REGISTER methodis accepted or not.

00 or 1IsRegistrarEnabled

0 = Registrar disabled. IncomingSIP REGISTER method is notaccepted.

1 = Registrar enabled. IncomingSIP REGISTER method isaccepted.

Specifies if the Tekelec ngHLRsends or not SIP REGISTER to

00 or 1IsRegClientEnabled

the external SIP Registrar basedon GSM Location Update.

0 = The Tekelec ngHLR does notsend SIP REGISTER to theexternal SIP Registrar.

1 = The Tekelec ngHLR sendsSIP REGISTER to the externalSIP Registrar.

This parameter allows theoperator to dynamically


enable/disable the SIP-FMCscalability beyond 2 bladesdeployment.

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DescriptionDefaultTypeAttribute Name0: the SIP-FMC scalabilitybeyond 2 blades deployment isdisabled.

1: the SIP-FMC scalabilitybeyond 2 blades deployment isenabled.

Note: This value can bedynamically modified duringrunning time of the system, butthe new value will only be usedonce all the HLR services (thatrun the SIP Server) are stoppedand then started once again.Refer to the “Starting andStopping services on a blade”section of theSDM Monitoring,Maintaining, Troubleshooting –User Guide.

This parameter allows theoperator to set the maximum of

00 to 10000MaxLoadBalancingProxyCoreObjects

SIP INVITE messages (up to10000) that can besimultaneously proxied by onesingle SIP Stack at one givenmoment. This allowsdimensioning of the stack for theproxying of messages to otherblades.

The value configured for thisparameter is added to themaximum number of Redirectclients.

Note: The 2 values will becombined into a number ofProxy Core Objects shared forboth functionalities).

Note: : This value can bedynamically modified duringrunning time of the system, butthe new value will only be usedonce all the HLR services (thatrun the SIP Server) are stoppedand then started once again.Refer to the “Starting andStopping services on a blade”section of theSDM Monitoring,

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DescriptionDefaultTypeAttribute NameMaintaining, Troubleshooting –User Guide.

Determines the number ofthreads used by its applications


to send/receive and treat SIPmessages.

Determines the number ofthreads used by their respective


SIP Stack to send/receive andtreat SIP messages.

It represents the maximumretransmission interval.


It represents the Maximumduration a message will remainin the network.


CLI ExampleSip[]:SipServer[]:SipServerConfig[]> display

SIP Server IP Configuration




To configure the VIP addresses on the system for the SIP Server.

Note: SipUa and/or SipServer will not start if the IP addresses configured are not valid.

CLI NavigationSip[ ]> SipServer[ ] > SipServerIpConfig

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Sip[] > SipServer[] >display SipServerIpConfig[ShelfId=integer; SlotId=1-14;IpAddress=IP Address; SipPort=integer ; SipsPort=integer;IpAddressNetmask=string]

Operations Permitted

Display, modify

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Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 205: SipServerIpConfig Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1)


Read only. The Shelf Id numberassigned by system for the shelf

N/A1 to 4294976295ShelfId

on which the SIP application isenabled and for which you wishto configure a VIP address.

Read only. Numericalidentification of slot on the shelf.

N/A1 to 14SlotId

Identifies the slot for which youwish to configure a VIP addressfor the SIP application.

Table 206: SipServerIpConfig Optional Attributes


Sip server IP address. Thisparameter is dynamically

N/AString (128)



configurable, which meansthat it can be edited duringrunning-time.

Sip server port number usedfor TCP and UDP. Its valuerange is: 0 to 65 535.


Sip server port number usedfor TLS. Its value range is: 0to 65 535.


Netmask used with the IPaddress.


CLI Example





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To configure the Domain parameters used at system startup.

To set up the ‘SRI Router’ functionality, the following SIP domains must be provisioned in the “Domain”entity before the SDM-HLR service is started:

1. Request-URI domain2. TO URI domain

To allow this, multiple entries can be provisioned in this table. Simply add an entry (by clicking onthe ‘Add Domain’ button beneath the Domain table) with the ‘Request-URI domain’ and then separatelyadd another entry with the ‘TO URI domain’.

If the SIP domain list is changed by the user, the Hlr service needs to be restarted.

CLI NavigationSip[ ]> SipServer[ ] > Domain

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Sip[ ]> SipServer[ ]>display Domain[Name = x.x.x.x or FQDN;SipDomainId=integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 207: Domain Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1)


Fully qualified Domain Name.Resolvable address.

N/AString (128)

Fully qualifiedDomain Name


Ex: x.x.x.x

Read only. Numericalidentification of the SIP


Domain. This ID is generatedautomatically by the systemand is for internal use only.

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CLI Example

Sip[]:SipServer[]> modify Domain[] Name =

Address of Record (AoR) Domain




This entity allows to define domain names and associate them with an ID. The AddressOfRecordentity (used to provision an Address Of Record for a subscriber) refers to this table. Refer to theSDMSubscriber Provisioning –Reference Manual for more details on the AddressOfRecord entity.

CLI NavigationSip[ ] > SipServer[ ] > AorDomain

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Sip[ ]> SipServer[ ]> add AorDomain[AorDomainName = x.x.x.x or FQDN;AorDomainId=integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 208: AorDomain Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1)


Fully qualified Domain Name.Resolvable address.

N/AString (128)

Fully qualifiedDomain Name


Ex: x.x.x.x

Numerical identification ofthe AOR Domain name.


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CLI Example

Sip[]:SipServer[]> modify AorDomain[] AorDomainName =

SIP Server TLS Configuration




This entity allows to display the TLS data configured by Tekelec at startup. The TLS Support is bydefault disabled and in order to change the activation status (enabled/disabled) or any TLSconfiguration data for that matter, you must call Tekelec Customer Care Center to make the change andif necessary restart the HLR service (only needed when modifying the value of the TlsSupport orTlsSessionMax parameters).

CLI NavigationSip[ ]> SipServer[ ] > SipServerTlsConfig

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Sip[ ]> SipServer[ ]>display SipServerTlsConfig[TlsCertIssuer=varchar;TlsCertSubject=varchar; TlsCertificatePem =varchar;TlsPrivateKeyPem=varchar; TlsPrivateKey=varchar ; TlsSupport= 0,1; TlsSessionMax=integer ]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 209: SipServerTlsConfig Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1)


Issuer of the Certificate: Nameof the company that generatedthe certificate.


Subject that defines the use ofthe certificate (i.e. SIP overTLS)


Content of the PEM file thatdefines the Public key.


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Content of the PEM file thatdefines the Private key.


The value of this parameter isgenerated by the system and



it indicates whether theprivate key has beenprovisioned or not.

This parameter indicateswhether the TLS Transport


0 (TlsDisabled)

1 (TlsEnabled)


protocol is supported or not(enabled or disabled).

Note: The support of TLScannot be modifieddynamically duringrunning-time of the system,you must call TekelecCustomer Care Center to makethe change and to then restartthe Hlr service.

0 (TlsDisabled)

1 (TlsEnabled)

Maximum number ofconcurrent TLS connections.

65 535integerTlsSessionMax

The maximum connectionssupported is 65 535.

Note: This parameter’s valuecannot be modifieddynamically duringrunning-time of the system,you must call the TekelecCustomer Care Center to makethe change and to then restartthe HLR service.

CLI Example

Sip[]:SipServer[]>display SipServerTlsConfig[]




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This entity allows to map the SIP registration binding to a TAS Gt address in the context of a 3rd

partyregistration. In the context of the GSM/IMS Router functionality, where the subscriber is TAS-registered,the Tekelec ngHLR retrieves the TAS Gt address defined in this entity based on the subscriber's SIPregistration bindings. The Tekelec ngHLR will send back this Gt address in the MAP response andset the Gt address in the SCCP Called Party Address.

WebCI Navigation


CLI NavigationSip[ ] > SipServer[ ] > SipTas[ ] > SipTasGt

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Sip[ ]> SipServer[ ]> SipTas[ ]>add SipTasGt[TasId=integer; TasName=varchar;TasFqdn=varchar; Gt=varchar ; Tt=integer; OverrideTt= 0,1; Prefix= varchar;DefaultImsi=00000]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Attributes and Values

Table 210: SipTasGt Mandatory Attributes


TAS identifier. This attributeis unique (primary key)


Descriptive name (used inGUI)


TAS FQDN or IP address.This attribute is unique.


Global Title of the TAS.N/AVARCHAR(15),



Note: Global Title must beE.164overdecadic digits A,

B, C, D, E Overdecadic digits representhexadecimal values and areencoded exactly as such.

Translation TypeN/ATINYINT,



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Modifying Translation Type.N/ABOOL (0,1)OverrideTt

0: Do not change the Tt

1: Change the Tt

The prefix applies to theredirect mode for SRI

Empty stringVarchar



messages only. It is usedalong with the MSISDN inoverdecadic digits A,

B, C, D, E order to make up the MSRN(Prefix+MSISDN) in theSRI-Ack message.

Note: The prefix must beE.164.

Overdecadic digits representhexadecimal values and areencoded exactly as such.

Table 211: SipTasGt Optional Attributes


The prefix applies to the redirectmode for SRI messages only.

Note: The prefix must be E.164.

Empty stringVarchar


overdecadic digits A,B, C, D, E


Overdecadic digits representhexadecimal values and are encodedexactly as such.

IMSI returned by the Tekelec ngHLRin the MAP SRI/SRI-LCS/MT-SMSACK message for the redirect mode.

Note: When writing up the MT-SMSAck message, the Tekelec ngHLR first

00000Varchar, 5 to 15DefaultImsi

checks if there is an IMSI provisionedin the IMSIForRedirectRouting tablefor the subscriber's MSISDN. If thereis, the Tekelec ngHLR returns thatprovisioned IMSI in the MT-SMS Ackmessage instead of the defaultImsi. Ifthere is no provisioned IMSI in theIMSIForRedirectRouting table, theTekelec ngHLR returns thedefaultImsi in the MT-SMS Ackmessage.

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The SipTasGt entity contains a permanent entry. It cannot be updated or deleted. It is used by theTekelec ngHLR for the default TasId. If the Subscriber is not found or the Subscriber is not SIP-registeredand there is no routing template set, the Tt of the TasId 0 will be used. The Gt of TasId 0 is not usedbecause only the Translation Type is changed in case of an Tekelec ngHLR error. The Network Operatorcan modify the value of the Translation Type for the default TasId 0.

Table 212: SipTasGT Permanent Entry


PrefixOverride TtTtGtTas FqdnTas NameTas Id

00000Not used1255Not usedDefault0

CLI Example

Sip[]:SipServer[]>SipTas[]> add SipTasGt[TasId=1; TasName= TAS1;; Gt=15634110004 ; Tt=9; OverrideTt= 0; Prefix= 1;DefaultImsi=00000]

SIP Security Configuration

SIP Security




To configure the Security parameters used at system startup.


Sip[ ] > SipServer[ ] > Security[ ] > SecurityConfig

Inherited Attributes:


Command Syntax:

Sip[ ]: SipServer[ ]:Security[ ] >display SecurityConfig[ ]

Operations Permitted

Display, modify

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 213: SecurityConfig Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1)


Validity period of a nonce inseconds.

900Date and timeNonceValidityDuration

Private key used forgenerating the nonce.

BluesliceNetworksString (64)NoncePrivateKey

Name linked touser-password association.

N/AString (128)GlobalRealm

The directive specifies thequality of the protectionapplied to the message.

‘ ‘Auth or AuthInt orAuth,AuthInt


‘ ‘ = Minimum level ofprotection.

Auth = second level ofprotection: Authentication.

AuthInt = third level ofprotection: Integrity andAuthentication.

Auth, AuthInt = One of theselevel of protection can beapplied to the message.

Domain name sent inWWW-Authentication Header

‘ ‘String (128)

Fully qualifiedDomain Name


using Digest accessauthentication.

Ex: x.x.x.x

Data string specified by theserver and returnedunchanged by the client.

‘ ‘String (32)Opaque

CLI Example


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SIP Registrar Configuration

Registrar Configuration




To configure the Registrar Configuration parameters used at system startup.

CLI NavigationSip[ ] > SipServer[ ] > Registrar > RegistrarConfig

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Sip[ ] > SipServer[ ] >Registrar[ ] >display RegistrarConfig[ ]

Operations Permitted

Display, modify

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 214: RegistrarConfig Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1)


It represents the maximumnumber of contacts in the

10small intMaxContactsPerAor

RegistrationBinding for thesame user. The user isidentified by REGISTER TOURI.

It represents the minimumexpiration duration for a

3600Unsigned intMinRegistrationDuration

registered contact. Anyregister messages receivedwith an “expires” value lowerthan the configured value will

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DescriptionDefaultTypeAttributebe rejected with 423 i.e.Interval Too Brief.

It represents the maximumexpiration duration for a

7200Unsigned intMaxRegistrationDuration

registered contact. Anyregister messages receivedwith an “expires” valuehigher than the configuredvalue, are stored in the systemusing the configured value.

Default registration duration.3600Unsigned intDefaultRegistrationDuration

It represents the maximumnumber of REGISTER

3300Unsigned intMaxRegClients

messages that can be handledsimultaneously.

This parameter allows toenable/disable the ExpiryTimestamp.

1Bool (0,1)IsExpiryTimestampSet

If this parameter is disabled(set to ‘0’), the expirytimestamp will be set to “0”.This means the registrationbinding will never expire (i.e.a re-registration is notrequired from the client, ormain registrar).

If this parameter is enabled(set to ‘1’), the expirytimestamp will be set to thetime when the binding willexpire.

Note: The Expiry Timestampcannot be disabled if the‘IsRegistrationCleanupEnabled’is enabled.

This parameter allows toenable/disable theRegistration cleanup.

0Bool (0,1)IsRegistrationCleanupEnabled

If this parameter is disabled(set to ‘0’), theRegistrationBinding cleanupis NOT performed.

If this parameter is enabled(set to ‘1’), the

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DescriptionDefaultTypeAttributeRegistrationBinding cleanupis performed once a day at thetime set inRegistrationBindingCleanupTime.

Note: The Registrationcleanup cannot be enabled ifthe

‘IsExpiryTimestampSet’ isdisabled.

This parameter indicates theGMT of the day the


RegistrationBinding cleanupis performed.

Note: If ‘IsRegistrationCleanupEnabled’ is changed from “0” (disabled) to “1” (enabled), the firstaudit will be run at the time indicated in ‘RegistrationBindingCleanupTime’. At this time, there maybe Registration Bindings without a RegistrationExpiryTime (i.e. set to “0”). They will be removed bythe audit.

CLI Example


Registration Binding




To view the system driven RegistrationBinding’s parameters for a specific subscriber or for allsubscribers. The system generates RegistrationBindings upon normal registration of SIP users (as perthe 3GPP standards) and also upon 3

rd party registrations from TAS nodes (The SIP Registrar allows

third party registrations from TAS nodes with the ‘SRI Router’ feature).

CLI NavigationSip[ ]> SipServer[ ] > Registrar > RegistrationBinding

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Sip[ ]: SipServer[ ]:Registrar[]>displayRegistrationBinding[SubscriptionID=string; Scheme = sip or sips; User =

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integer; AorDomainId=integer; Port = integer; DirectoryNumber= integer;ContactUriScheme =0,1,2,3,4,5,6; ContactUriUser = string; ContactUriHost=x.x.x.x, FQDN ; ContactUriPort =integer; ContactUriUriParameters=OtherUriParameters; ContactUriAbsUriIdentifier =AbsoluteUri ; CallId=string; Cseq =integer ; RegistrationExpiryTime =Date and Time ; Qvalue=float; RegistrationPriority =integer ; TasId=integer; ActiveSubsTimestamp=Date and Time]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Note: If in AddressOfRecord, the attribute ServiceAllowed = OperatorDisabled, then theRegistrationBinding is deleted.

Note: If the DirectoryNumber is updated/deleted in the AddressOfRecord, it is propagated to allapplicable RegistrationBinding entries, if any.

Attributes and Values

Table 215: RegistrationBinding Mandatory Attributes (refer to ***NOTE 3)

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute Name

Unique identifier of thesubscription defined for a


subscriber. This parametermust be specified if you wishto only display theRegistrationBindings of aspecific subscriber.

In the case where thisparameter is not specified,the system may display theRegistrationBindings ofvarious subscribers,depending on the otherparameters specified whendisplaying theRegistrationBinding.

Top level of the URI namingstructure. (refer to *NOTEbelow)

N/A1 (Sip) or

2 (Sips)


Part of the hierarchical partof the URI naming structure.(refer to*NOTE below)

N/AAlphanumeric withexceptions: “:” and “;”

Note: to include abackslash in the user


name, you need to doublethe quotes. (ex: if you

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute Namewant the user name to be:user\\name, you need toenter the following:user\\\\name.)

ID number configured in theAorDomain table (see SIP


Redirect Server section of theSDM SystemConfiguration-ReferenceManual) for the AOR DomainName that you wish toprovision for this AOR.

Part of the hierarchical partof the URI naming structure.(refer to*NOTE below)

N/A0 to 65 535Port

The Tekelec ngHLR supportsalphanumeric VoIP Directory

‘ ‘

Up to 15 alphanumbericcharacters


Numbers (DN), as per theE164I GSM format.Digits supported:0-9

Characters supported: ‘ *,#, a, b, c ’ The E.164 Telephone number

that exists in the SIP Domainand which is provisioned bythe operator to whom theincoming calls will beredirected.

Value of the Scheme of theContact header in a SipRegister message.



(1) sip


(2) sips Not used for 3rd

partyregistration.(3) tel

(4) mailto

(5) im

(6) pres

Value of the User Info part ofthe Contact field in a SipRegister message.“”

String (64) withexceptions: “:” and “;”


Not used for 3rd


Value of the Host Name partof the Contact header in a SipRegister message.

“”String (128) IP ex: x.x.x.x

or FQDN (Fully QualifiedDomain Name)


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute NameNot used for 3

rd party


Value of the Port part of theContact field in a Sip Registermessage.“”

0 to 65 535



Not used for 3rd


Value of the uri-parametersof the Contact field in a SipRegister message.





method Not used for 3rd





Value of the Contact field ina Sip Register message. It is


[Hierarchical-part] or[opaque-part] or a URI


the absolute URI, which is aURI section equal to thehierarchical part or theopaque part.

Value of the Call-id field in aSip Register message.


String (255)CallId

Uniquely identifies allregistrations of a particularuser agent client.

Not used for 3rd


Value of the Cseq field in aSip Register message. This


0 - 65 535

(unsigned 16 bit integer)


field contains a sequencenumber and the requestmethod.

Not used for 3rd


Date/Time this record mustexpire.


Date and Time



When the RegistrarConfig’sIsExpiryTimestampSetExample: parameter is set to ‘1’, theRegistrationExpiryTime2011-03-14 19:41:07

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute Nameindicates the time theregistration gets expired.

If the RegistrarConfig’sIsExpiryTimestampSetparameter is set to ‘0’, thisparameter is set to 0000-00-0000:00:00.

Value used for preferentialregistration. Preference orderincreases with Qvalue.“”

Float [0…1]Qvalue

Not used for 3rd


Qvalue times a thousand.1000


Not used for 3rd


TAS identifier.



Derived from the URI’s hostpart of the ‘FROM’ headerusing the SipTasGt table.

Set to “0” when a regularRegister message is received(i.e. not a 3

rd party


The timestamp the recordwas created or last updated.


Date and Time




2011-03-14 19:41:07

Note: Internet standard STD 66 (also RFC 3986) defines the generic syntax to be used in all URIschemes. Every URI is defined as consisting of four parts, as follows: <scheme name> : <hierarchicalpart> [ ? <query> ] [ # <fragment> ]

CLI Example that Displays All Registrations Bindings of All the Subscribers:

Sip[]:SipServer[]:Registrar[]>display RegistrationBinding[]

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SIP Redirect Server Configuration

Redirect Configuration




To configure the SIP Redirect Server configuration parameters used at system startup.

CLI NavigationSip[ ]> SipServer[ ] > RedirectServer[ ] >RedirectConfig

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Sip[]:SipServer[]:RedirectServer[]>displayRedirectConfig[MaxRedirectClients=int;IsAdditionalInfoEnabled=0,1;IsGsmLocationInfoIncluded=0,1;MaxPendingHlrRequests=int; MaxPendingHlrRequestsThreshold=0-100;IsCamelInfoIncluded=0,1; IsDiversionHeaderIncluded=0,1;MsrnContactDomain =varchar; MsrnContactExpires = unsigned integer;IsVoipDnReverseSearchEnabled=0,1]

Operations Permitted

Display, modify

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations. Please see Table 8: Predefinedaccess permissions to services per user group to know which ones have access to this entity and whichoperations they have permission to do.

Attributes and Values

Table 216: RedirectConfig Mandatory Attributes (refer to ***NOTE 3)


Attribute Name

Read-Only. This parameter indicatesto the SIP Redirect Server the

1000 transactions.integerMaxRedirectClients

maximum number of transactions thatcan be treated simultaneously for SIPRedirect Clients. This is a Stackdimensioning parameter.

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Attribute Name

This parameter indicates tothe ngHLR SIP Redirect




Server whether or not a“Message Body” needs to beincluded in the 30x Responsemessage.

1=On: A “Message Body” willbe included in the 30xResponse message and willcontain the followingadditional information:

• Timestamp: Field that provides thelocal system time when the SIP 30xmessage was generated.

• ActiveImsi: Field that indicatescurrent active IMSI for subscriberswith Multi-IMSI feature activated. Forsubscribers without Multi-IMSI thevalue of ActiveImsi is the same asprimary IMSI.

0=Off: The ngHLR sends the30x Response message withoutany “Message Body”, hencewithout any additionalinformation. In this case,the 30x Response messagewill be as follows:

SIP/2.0 302 Moved TemporarilyFrom: <from details>To: <to details>Contact: <returned contact>

This parameter indicates tothe ngHLR SIP Redirect




Server whether or not tosend, in addition to theTimestamp and ActiveImsi,the following subscriberinformation in the 30xResponse ‘s “Message Body”:

• VlrNumber : Field that indicates theVLR number from which last

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Attribute Name

MAP-UpdLoc was received byTekelec ngHLR for subscribers thatare GSM attached. For subscribersthat are not GSM attached, are notreachable, or have no GSM profile,the VlrNumber is zero.

• SgsnNumber: Field that indicatesthe SGSN Number to whichsubscriber is attached for subscribersthat are GPRS attached. Forsubscribers that are not GPRSattached, are not reachable, or haveno GSM profile, the SgsnNumber iszero.

0=Off: The ngHLR SIP RedirectServer doesn’t send the VlrNumberand SgsnNumber information in theMessage Body of the 30x Response.

1=On: The Tekelec ngHLR SIPRedirect Server sends the VlrNumberand SgsnNumber information in theMessage Body of the 30x Response.

Read-Only. Maximum number ofpending Hlr requests supported bythe system.

100 000integerMaxPendingHlrRequests

Threshold in percentage of thepending Hlr requests. When the

500-100 (%)MaxPendingHlrRequestsThreshold

threshold is reached, the followingalarm is raised to notify the operator:Max PendingHlrRequestsThresholdReached (Alarm Id:8043).

Indicates whether the SIPRedirection Server CAMEL




information feature isenabled or not.

0 (Off): This feature isdisabled. The ngHLR neveradds the CAMEL data in the30x responses.

1 (On): This feature isenabled. For the ngHLR to beable to add the CAMEL datain the 30x response, theIsAdditionalInfoEnabled

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Attribute Name

parameter must also be setto 1 (On). In the case wherethese two parameters areenabled, the ngHLR returnsa SIP INVITE response thatincludes the subscriber’sCAMEL data in the case wherethe following conditions aremet:

-The Subscriber has CAMELData provisioned.

-The subscriber has T-CSICAMEL services provisionedand active.

-The subscriber has T-CSITerminating Attempt Authorizedprovisioned.

This parameter allows theNetwork Operator to




configure the RedirectServer to include or not aDiversion header in the 300and 302 responses.

0 (Off): The Redirect Serverdoesn’t include theDiversion header in the 300and 302 messages.

1(On): the Redirect Serverincludes the Diversionheader in the 30x messagewhen it contains at leastone GSM contact.

Name of the Domain that the HLRsends in the contact header of the 302Redirect response.

gateway. blueslicenetworks ims.test


Expiry time (in seconds) associatedwith the contact.

1Uint 16MsrnContactExpires

This parameter allows theNetwork Operator to

0 (disabled)Bool (0,1)IsVoipDnReverseSearchEnabled

enable/disable the ReverseSearch the SIP Serverperforms in the case wherethe AOR is not found (see

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Attribute Name

“VoIP DN allocationenhancements phase 1”section in SDM ProductDescription).

0 (Disabled): The SIP Serverdoesn’t perform a ReverseSearch in addition to itsnormal AOR search.

1 (Enabled): The SIP Serverperforms an additionalsearch in the AOR DirectoryNumbers when no AOR arefound with the normalsearch.

SIP support for AOR ranges featureactivation flag.


CLI Example

Sip[]:SipServer[]:RedirectServer[]>display RedirectConfig []

SIP User Agent Configuration

SIP User Agent Configuration




To configure the SIP UA configuration parameters used at system startup.

CLI NavigationSip[ ]> SipServer > RegClient > SipUaConfig

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Sip[]: SipServer[]> RegClient[]>display SipUaConfig[]

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Operations Permitted


Attributes and Values

Table 217: SipUaConfig Mandatory Attributes


IP Address of the Sip UA outbound proxy,which is a proxy that receives requests froma client, even

N/AString (128)



though it may not be the server resolved bythe Request-URI.

Typically, a UA is manually configured withan outbound proxy,

or can learn about one throughauto-configuration protocols.

Sip UA outbound proxy port number usedfor TCP or UDP.

5060Uint 16OutboundProxyPort

Maximum number of Register-Clients the SipUA stack handles simultaneously.

2500Uint 16MaxRegClients

Determines the number of threads used by itsapplications to send/receive and treat SIPmessages.


This parameter indicates whether or not theSIP UA needs to include IMS Headers in theREGISTER message.


0 or 1


0=Off: The SIP UA doesn’t need to includeIMS Headers in the REGISTER message.

1=On: The SIP UA needs to include IMSHeaders in the REGISTER message.

This parameter indicates whether or not theSIP UA needs to include the username in theContact Header of the REGISTER message.


0 or 1


0=Off: The SIP UA doesn’t need to includethe username in the Contact header of theREGISTER message.

1=On: The SIP UA needs to include theusername in the Contact header of theREGISTER message.

This parameter indicates whether or not theSIP UA needs to include a “user=phone” URI


0 or 1


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DescriptionDefaultTypeAttributeparameter in the Contact Header of theREGISTER message.

0=Off: The SIP UA doesn’t need to include a“user=phone” parameter in the Contactheader of the REGISTER message.

1=On: The SIP UA needs to include a“user=phone” parameter in the Contactheader of the REGISTER message.

This parameter indicates whether or not theSIP UA needs to include the Path Header inthe REGISTER message.


0 or 1


0=Off: The SIP UA doesn’t need to includethe Path Header in the REGISTER message.

1=On: The SIP UA needs to include the PathHeader in the REGISTER message. When the“IsPathHeaderRequired” parameter is set to“On”, the “PathHeaderValue” parameter inthe SipUaRegisterConfig entity is configuredwith the path value (in this case, thePathHeaderValue must absolutely beconfigured at system startup).

Sip UA outbound proxy transport protocolused (TCP or UDP or TLS).

21 UDP




CLI Example

Sip[]:SipServer[]> RegClient[]>display SipUaConfig[]

SIP UA Register Configuration




To configure the SIP Register method’s parameters defined at system startup.

CLI NavigationSip[ ]> SipServer > RegClient > SipUaRegisterConfig

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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Sip[]: SipServer[]> RegClient[]>display SipUaRegisterConfig[]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 218: SipUaRegisterConfig Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1)

DescriptionDefaultTypeAttribute Name

Defines the Request-URIscheme of the REGISTERrequest issued by SipUa.

‘ ‘Sip or sipsRequestUriScheme

Defines the Request-URIhost of the REGISTERrequest issued by the SipUa.‘ ‘

String (128) ex:x.x.x.x

or FQDN (FullyQualifiedDomain Name)


Defines the scheme of theFrom message-header of the

SipSip or SipsFromScheme

REGISTER request issuedby SipUa.

Defines the user of the Frommessage-header of the


REGISTER request issuedby SipUa.

Defines the host of the Frommessage-header of the

N/AString (128) ex:x.x.x.x


REGISTER request issuedby SipUa.or FQDN (Fully

QualifiedDomain Name)

Defines the default value ofthe expired message-header/ contact-param.

600 000Unsignedinteger.


Used for the header-nameof extension-header of the

User-AgentString (64)OtherHeaderName

REGISTER request issuedby SipUa. i.e. User-Agent.

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DescriptionDefaultTypeAttribute Name

Used for the header-valueof extension-header of the


String (128)OtherHeaderValue

REGISTER request issuedby SipUa.


Register refresh rate for aspecific IMSI.


Margin,that represents apercentage of time of the


RefreshTimeSlotDuration,used right before the Expirytime to give enough time forthe register refresh to becompleted.

Specifies if the SIP UAbehaves like the Third PartyRegister or not.

00 or 1IsThirdPartyRegistrationEnabled

0 = SIP UA does not behavelike the Third PartyRegister.

1 = SIP UA behaves like theThird Party Register.

This parameter indicates thepath value to be included in



the Path header of theREGISTER message. Thisparameter is only used if the“IsPathHeaderRequired”parameter is set to “ON” (inSipUaConfiguration).

Example value:

Sip:[email protected];lr

CLI Example

Sip[]: SipServer[]> RegClient[]>display SipUaRegisterConfig[]

SIP UA Persistent Contact



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To define the SIP contacts, more precisely their address bindings, that are sent in Register messages.

CLI NavigationSip[ ]> SipServer > RegClient > SipUaPersistentContact

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Sip[]: SipServer[]> RegClient[]>display SipUaPersistentContact[]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 219: SipUaPersistentContact Mandatory Attributes (refer to *NOTE 1)


The URI host of theprovisioned contact.

N/AString (128)Host

The URI scheme of theprovisioned contact.

SipSip or



The URI user of theprovisioned contact.

, ,Alphanumeric withexceptions: “:” and“;”

Note: to include abackslash in the user


name, you need todouble the quotes. (ex:if you want the username to be:user\\name, youneed to enter thefollowing:user\\\\name.)

The URI port of theprovisioned contact.

5060Unsigned 16 bitinteger.


Indicates if the provisionedcontact is the mandatory one

GSMGSM or OtherContactType

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DescriptionDefaultTypeAttribute(Gsm type) or an optional one(Peristent type).

CLI Example

Sip[]: SipServer[]> RegClient[]>display SipUaPersistentContact[]

UA Registration Binding




To view the system driven RegistrationBinding’s parameters associated with the Sip User Agent. Thedisplay of SipUaRegBinding shows registration bindings between the SipUa and an external SIPRegistrar. SipUa registration bindings are not persistent across a system restart. Therefore, after arestart, the SipUa registration bindings are empty.

CLI NavigationSip[ ]> SipServer > RegClient > SipUaRegistrationBinding

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Sip[]: SipServer[]> RegClient[]>display SipUaRegistrationBinding[CanonicalUri =string ; RegistrationExpiryInterval =Date and Time ;FirstRegistrationTimestamp =Date and Time]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations. Please see Table 2-2 toknow which ones have access to this entity and which operations they have permission to do.

Attributes and Values

Table 220: SipUaRegistrationBinding Mandatory Attributes

Mandatory Attributes (refer to ***NOTE3)

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The Tekelec ngHLRuses the basic canonical

N/ASIP URICanonicalUri

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Mandatory Attributes (refer to ***NOTE3)

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeform of the request’sToUri for a lookup inthe location store toretrieve matchingcontacts.

Table 221: SipUaRegistrationBinding Optional Attributes

Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Unique identifier of the subscriberN/A5 to 15 digitsImsi

Username used for theauthentication.

N/AString (64)AuthUserName

The date and time the SIP UA firstregistered.‘ ‘

Date and TimeFirstRegistrationTimestamp

The amount of time (seconds) thiscontact's registration remains valid

‘ ‘

0 to MAXINT32RegistrationExpiryInterval

with the SIP Registrar.RegistrationExpiryInterval = 0indicates bindings that are no longeractive and entries withRegistrationExpiryInterval > 0indicate active registrations. When aSIP subscriber deregisters, SipUaregistration bindings are marked ashaving a RegistrationExpiryIntervalof 0 (i.e. deregistered) instead ofbeing deleted.

CLI Example

Sip[]: SipServer[]> RegClient[]>display SipUaRegistrationBinding[]

SIP Operations

SipServerTracing provides operations to control Sip debug tracing output.The following sectionprovides a description and the command syntax of the operations that can be performed on theSipServer through the SDM CLI. All the operations described below can be performed for the SipServerby following different command syntax.

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This operation enables the trace level of SipServer modules. There are 4 different levels of traces(Info/Debug/Error/Alarm).

Command syntax:

Sip[]>SipServer[]> SipServerTracing[]>EnableSipModuleTraceLevel()SipServerModule = 1;SipModuleTraceLevel = 1

• Where SipModuleTraceLevel can have the following values:

• 1 Info• 2 Debug• 3 Error• 4 Alarm

• And, where SipServerModule can have the following values:

• 1 Server• 2 Registrar• 3 Redirect• 4 Security• 5 Common• 6 RegClient


This operation enables the trace level of SipStack modules. There are 4 levels of traces (Info/Warning/Error/Exception). The trace level can be enabled per module.

Command syntax for the SipServer:

Sip[]>SipServer[]> SipServerTracing[]>EnableSipStackTraceLevel()SipStackModule = 10; SipStackModuleTraceLevel = 2

• Where SipStackModuleTraceLevel can have the following values:

• 1 Info• 2 Warning• 3 Error• 4 Exception

• And, where SipStackModule can have the following values:

• 1 SipServerMgr• 2 Policy• 3 SrvAuth• 4 RegServer• 5 ProxyList• 6 StackTransport• 7 CoreAPI• 8 StackSemaphore

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• 9 StackMutex• 10 StackLock• 11 StackMemory• 12 StackThread• 13 StackQueue• 14 StackSocket• 15 StackTls• 16 StackPortRange


This operation disables the trace level of the SipServer modules. By executing the command below,the trace levels can be disabled per module:

Command syntax for the SipServer:

Sip[]>SipServer[]> SipServerTracing[]>DisableSipModuleTraceLevel()SipServerModule = 3;SipModuleTraceLevel = 4

• Where SipModuleTraceLevel can take the following values:

• 1 Info• 2 Debug• 3 Error• 4 Alarm

• And, where SipServerModule can take the following values:

• 1 Server• 2 Registrar• 3 Redirect• 4 Security• 5 Common• 6 RegClient


This operation disables the trace level of SipStack modules. The trace level can be disabled per module.

Command syntax for the SipServer:

Sip[]>SipServer[]> SipServerTracing[]>DisableSipStackTraceLevel()SipStackModule = 1; SipStackModuleTraceLevel =1

• Where SipStackModuleTraceLevel can take the following values:

• 1 Info• 2 Warning• 3 Error• 4 Exception

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• And, where SipStackModule can have the following values:

• 1 SipServerMgr• 2 Policy• 3 SrvAuth• 4 RegServer• 5 ProxyList• 6 StackTransport• 7 CoreAPI• 8 StackSemaphore• 9 StackMutex• 10 StackLock• 11 StackMemory• 12 StackThread• 13 StackQueue• 14 StackSocket• 15 StackTls• 16 StackPortRange


The DisplaySipTraceLevel operation displays the SipServerModule and SipStackModule’s trace levels.

Command syntax for the SipServer:

Sip[]>SipServer[]> SipServerTracing[]> DisplaySipTraceLevel()

Output: Result 0 |---------------------------------------------------SipServerModule Info Debug Error Alarm |__________________________________________________||Server Off Off On On |Registrar Off Off On On |Redirect Off Off On On |Security Off Off On On |Common Off Off On On |RegClient Off Off On On ||__________________________________________________||SipStackModule Info Warning Error Exception |__________________________________________________||SipServerMgr Off Off On On |Policy Off Off On On |SrvAuth Off Off On On |RegServer Off Off On On |ProxyList Off Off On On |StackTransport Off Off On On |CoreAPI Off Off On On |StackSemaphore Off Off On On |StackMutex Off Off On On |

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StackLock Off Off On On |StackMemory Off Off On On |StackThread Off Off On On |StackQueue Off Off On On |StackSocket Off Off On On |StackTls Off Off On On |StackPortRange Off Off On On |


This operation has been implemented with the Handling of SS7 and SIP abnormal failure cases feature,in order to allow the SIP Client Application to react more accurately in the case where it communicateswith two SDM systems working in a geo-redundant mode. This operation can be executed in the caseswhere the SIP Client Application should route all the SIP transactions from the troubled site to thehealthy site. When this operation is executed, the SIP Server performs the following:

Raises the Sip Server Stack Disabled critical alarm (alarmId: 8044) with the following DescriptionSipServer - stack is Disabled, by OAM request received (manual operation)"

Answers to INVITE, OPTIONS and REGISTER valid SIP messages with “503 Service Unavailable”.

Note: The state established by this operations is not persistent.

Command syntax:

Sip[]:SipServer[]> DisableSipServerStack()


This operation has been implemented with the Handling of SS7 and SIP abnormal failure cases featureand can be executed after the DisableSipServerStack () operation. When this operation is executed,the SIP Server performs the following:

Clears the SipServerStackDisabled alarm (alarmed:8044).

Answers to SIP INVITE, OPTIONS and REGISTER messages as per the usual (it no longer sends a 503error code).

Command syntax:

Sip[]:SipServer[]> EnableSipServerStack()


This operation has been implemented to allow the Network Operator to load a TLS certificate andprivate

key from the following well known PEM files onto the database:/tmp/cacert.pem and /tmp/cakey.pem.

Note: In the current release, multiple certificates are not supported. Only one certificate and privatekey can be loaded.

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At system startup, a certificate and a private key are provisioned andstored by default in the well known /tmp/cacert.pem and /tmp/cakey.pemfiles.

If the Network Operator chooses to use them, he must simply load them ontothe system by performing the LoadPEMFiles() operation. Otherwise, if theNetwork Operator chooses to use another certificate or private key, he mustfollow these steps:

1. Connect to the system’s active System Controller blade and store the certificate/private key ontothe database’s well known PEM files: /tmp/cacert.pem and /tmp/cakey.pem.

2. Load the certificate/private key by performing the LoadPEMFiles() operation.

Command syntax:

Sip[]:SipServer[]:SipServerTlsConfig[]> LoadPEMFiles()


This operation allows the Network Operator to display the details of the TLS Certificate.

Command syntax:


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6Home Subscriber Server (HSS)

This chapter provides details on the HSS CLIcommands, operations, error notifications, andperformance counts.


• HSS Configuration.....383• HSS Authentication Center (AuC).....389• IMS-HSS Subscriber Profiles.....392• Shared Initial Filter Criteria.....398• HSS Operations.....404

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HSS Configuration

HSS Configuration




To provision the HSS configuration parameters used at system startup.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssConfig

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>display HssConfig [SlotId = integer; OriginatingRealm = string;LocalFQDN = string; TCPTransport = 0,1; LocalTCPPort = integer; SCTPTransport= 0,1; LocalSCTPPort = integer; HssHlrCommTmo= int; AutomaticPeerReconnect= 0,1; FeatureEnabled=0,1]

Operations Permitted

display, modify (only the DeregistrationDefString attribute can be modified).

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 222: HssConfig Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Numerical identification of sloton shelf. Identifies the slot that could berelated to this alarm.

N/A1 to 14SlotId

Table 223: HssConfig Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The Realm to which the HSS is belonging.Read-only attribute

originrealm.comString(100) (


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Value used to uniquely identify the HSSnode for purposes of duplicate connection

localfdqn.comFQDN (ex:


and routing loop detection. Read-onlyattribute

Enables or disables TCP transport.Read-only attribute

10 or 1TCPTransport

0 = disabled

1 = enabled

The TCP port on which the HSS willaccept connections from diameter nodeon TCP transport. Read-only attribute.

3868Unsigned Integer(32)


Enables or disables SCTP transport.10 or 1SCTPTransport

0 = Disables SCTP transport.

1 = Enables SCTP transport.

The SCTP port on which the HSS willaccept connections from diameter nodeon SCTP transport. Read-only attribute.

3869Unsigned Integer(32)


If the HSS has accepted a connection fromthe CSCF but there is a failure of the

00 or 1Automatic PeerReconnect

connection on the CSCF’s side, the HSSwill either try to reconnect with the CSCFautomatically or not.

0 = No automatic reconnection

1 = Automatic reconnection

This attribute is configured to delaysending the PNR from the SPR to the

5 secondsInt (11)HssHlrCommTmo

PCRF after a user profile has beenmodified. The delay, in seconds, ensuresthe PNR message contains the most up todate user profile data. This delay isdynamically configurable and can bechanged while the HSS is running. If thevalue is set to 0 then the PNR is sentimmediately after the user profile hasbeen modified. By setting a delay beforesending the PNR the possibility of thePNR containing invalid user profile datais reduced. The delay allows for thereplication window between blades.

Note: It is highly recommended that thevalue is not set to a value greater than 60

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeseconds. This is to avoid internal queuingthat would affect system performance.

To indicate if the HSS application isenabled or not.


0: HSS application is not enabled.

1: HSS application is enabled.

This is the timer that triggers every 60seconds (by default) the verification of the

60integerShSubscribeNotifWatchdogperiod expiry date of the Sh Subscription

Notifications for each Application Serverthat have subscribed to by notified.

The expired notifications are removedfrom the database.

Note: This parameter is only configurableat installation of the system and isread-only during the running time of thesystem.

CLI Example

Hss[]>display HssConfig [SlotId = 5]

HSS Configuration TCP ListenAddress




To view the TCP IP address that accepts the connections.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssConfig []> HssConfigTCPListenAddress

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>HssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display HssConfigTCPListenAddress [SlotId =integer; Address = IPAddress; Netmask=string]

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Operations Permitted

Add, Display

Attributes and Values

Table 224: HssConfigTCPListenAddress Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Numerical identification of slot onshelf. Identifies the slot that could be relatedto this alarm.

N/A1 to 4294976295SlotId

Configured TCP address on which connectionwill be accepted. All local interfaces areconfigured to accept incoming connections.

N/AString (100)

IPAddress or DNSresolvable name


Netmask used with slot IP address.N/AString(15)Netmask

CLI Example

Hss[]> HssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display HssConfigTCPListenAddress [Address =]

HSS Configuration SCTP Listen Address




To view the SCTP IP address that accepts the connections.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssConfig []> HssConfigSCTPListenAddress

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>HssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display HssConfigSCTPListenAddress [SlotId =integer; Address = IPAddress; Netmask=string]

Operations Permitted

Add, Display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 225: HssConfigSCTPListenAddress Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Numericalidentification of slot on shelf.

N/A1 to 4294976295SlotId

Identifies the slot that couldbe related to this alarm.

Configured SCTP address onwhich connection will be

N/AString (100)

IPAddress or DNSresolvable name


accepted. All local interfacesare configured to acceptincoming connections.

Netmask used with slot IPaddress.


CLI Example

Hss[]:HssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display HssConfigSCTPListenAddress [Address =]

HSS Configuration Destination Realm




To provision the domains only from which the connections are accepted.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssConfig []> HssConfigDestinationRealm

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>HssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display HssConfigDestinationRealm [LocalRealm= FQDN ]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 226: HssConfigDestinationRealm Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Name of the Domain to whichthe HSS belongs to.



CLI Example

Hss[]>HssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display HssConfigDestinationRealm [LocalRealm=]

HSS Configuration Destination Hosts




To provision the hosts only from which the connections are accepted.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssConfig []> HssConfigDestinationHosts

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>HssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display HssConfigDestinationHosts [LocalFQDN =FQDN; SupportsSharedIfc=0,1]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 227: HssConfigDestinationHosts Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Value used to uniquelyidentify the HSS node for



purposes of duplicate

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeconnection and routing loopdetection.

Table 228: HssConfigDestinationHosts Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Allows to configure the CSCFcapable of handling Shared

0 (Off)0 (Off) ,1 (On)SupportsSharedIfc

Initial Filter Criterias. It canbe turned On or Off to signifythe following:

0 (Off): The CSCF is notcapable of handling SharedIFCs.

1 (On): The CSCF is capableof handling Shared IFCs.

CLI Example

Hss[]>HssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display HssConfigDestinationHosts [LocalFQDN]

HSS Authentication Center (AuC)

HSS Authentication Schema




To provision the authentication centre with Authentication Schemas.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssAuthSchema []

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>display HssAuthSchema[AuthSchema = string]

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Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 229: HssAuthSchema Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Used to encode theauthentication parameters. The

Digest-AKAv1-MD5String (100)AuthSchema

schemes supported are:“Digest”,"Digest-AKAv1-MD5",“Digest-MD5”,“HTTP_DIGEST_MD5”,“NASS-Bundled”,“NoSchema” and“Early-IMS-Security”.

CLI Example

1 :Hss[]> display HssAuthSchema[AuthSchema = Digest-AKAv1-MD5]

HSS Authentication Algorithm




To provision the authentication algorithms.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssAucAlgorithm []

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>display HssAucAlgorithm[AuthSchema = string; AlgoName=text ;HssOP=string; HssAmf=string ; SQNEncryption=0,1 ]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

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Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 230: HssAucAlgorithm Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Used to encode theauthentication parameters.

Digest-AKAv1-MD5String (100)AuthSchema

The schemes supported are:“Digest”,"Digest-AKAv1-MD5",“Digest-MD5”,“HTTP_DIGEST_MD5” and“NASS-Bundled”,“NoSchema” and“Early-IMS-Security”.

Specify name of theauthentication algorithm to be

N/Aup to 32 digits and/orletters.


used by the HSSAuthentication Center (AuC).

Table 231: HssAucAlogithm Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Operator variant for GSMMilenage algorithm.

NULLMust be 32 digits and/orletters (a to f).


Authentication Managementfield in the authenticationvectors.

02 bytes (16 bits)HssAmf

Determines whether or not theSequence Number is to beencrypted or not.


0=SQN not to be encrypted

1=SQN to be encrypted

CLI Example

1 :Hss[]> display HssAucAlgorithm[AuthSchema =Digest-AKAv1-MD5;AlgoName=GsmMilenage]

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IMS-HSS Subscriber Profiles

HSS Charging Information




To provision the charging information related to a subscriber.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssChargingInfo

CLI Inherited Attributes


Command Syntax:

Hss[]>display HssChargingInfo [ChargingID = integer, PrimEventChargFunction= Diameter URI, PrimChargCollectionFunction = DiameterURI,SecEventChargFunction = Diameter URI, SecChargCollectionFunction =Diameter URI]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 232: HssChargingInfo Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifies the chargingfunctions for an IMS user.

N/AString (100)ChargingID

Table 233: HssChargingInfo Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifies the Primary OCSFunction node that performson-line based charging.

N/ADiameterURI typePrimEventChargFunction

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identifies the primaryCharging Collection Function

N/ADiameterURI typePrimChargCollectionFunction

node that provides off-linecharging support for the IMSsubscribers.

Identifies the Secondary OCSCharging Function node that

N/ADiameterURI typeSecEventChargFunction

performs on-line basedcharging.

Identifies the secondaryCharging Collection Function

N/ADiameterURI typeSecChargCollectionFunction

node that provides off-linecharging support for the IMSsubscribers.

Note: DiameterURI type which must follow the URI syntax rules (refer to RFC 3588, sect.4.3):

“aaa://” FQDN [port][transport][protocol]


• FQDN = Fully qualified domain name• Port = “:”1*DIGIT• Transport = “;transport=” transport-protocol• Transport-protocol = (“tcp”/”sctp”/”udp”)• Protocol = “;protocol=” aaa-protocol• aaa-protocol = ( "diameter" / "radius" / "tacacs+" )


Note: A semicolon is used as a separator in the CLI. Therefore, if you wish to write a long format ofDiameterURI type, such as:

PrimEventChargFunction: aaa://;transport=tcp

you have to enter it as follows in the CLI command:

PrimEventChargFunction: aaa://\;transport=tcp

You have to precede the semicolon with” \ ”.

CLI Example

1 :Hss[]> add HssChargingInfo [ChargingID =ChargingID-1;PrimEventChargFunction=aaa://\;transport=tcp]




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To provision the name and capabilities of the S-CSCF server.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssScscfServer

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>display HssScscfServer [ServerCapabilitiesID = string; ServerName =string; MandatoryCapability = integer; OptionalCapability = integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 234: HssScscfServer Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Logical name to identify theserver and its capabilities.

N/AString (100)



Table 235: HssScscfServer Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Contains the information toassist the I-CSCF in the

N/AUnsigned integer (32)Optional Capability

selection of a S-CSCF. Eachoptional capability availablein an individual operator’snetwork shall be allocated aunique value.

Name of the server.N/AString (100)ServerName

(ex: ScscfMontreal)

Contains the information toassist the I-CSCF in the

N/AUnsigned integer (32)MandatoryCapability

selection of a S-CSCF.Represents a singledetermined mandatory

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributecapability of an S-CSCF. Eachmandatory capabilityavailable in an individualoperator’s network shall beallocated a unique value.

CLI Example

:Hss[]> display HssScscfServer [ServerCapabilitiesID =ServerCapabilitiesID-1]

HSS Authorized Visited Networks




To provision authorized visited network identifiers associated with the Public User Identity of IMSsubscribers and their roaming profile.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssAuthorizedVisitedNetworks

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>display HssAuthorizedVisitedNetworks [RoamingProfileID = string;NetworkIdentifier = Domain Name]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 236: HssAuthorizedVisitedNetworks Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Logical name for an IMS userwith a profile in the HSS to

N/AString (100)RoamingProfileID

identify its roaming

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributepossibilities in the visitednetworks.

An identifier that allows thehome network to identify the

N/ADomain Name or IPaddress format(ex:


Visited Network. Thisinformation element containsthe domain name of thevisited network.

CLI Example

1 :Hss[]>display HssAuthorizedVisitedNetworks[RoamingProfileID =RoamingProfileID-1]

HSS AS Permission List




To provision the operations the HSS allows the AS to make for every OriginHost and DataReferencetype.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssASPermList []

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>display HssASPermList[OriginHost = string; DataReference = 0,10-18;PermissionList = 1-7]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 237: HssASPermList Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Information element thatidentifies the Application

N/AString (100) ex: x.x.x.x orFQDN (Fully QualifiedDomain Name)


Server originator of therequest and that is used tocheck the AS permission list.

The Data-Reference AVPindicates the type of the

N/A0 (RepositoryData)

10 (IMSPublicIdentity)


requested user data in theoperation UDR and SNR.11 (IMSUserState)

12 (SCSCFName)

13 (InitialFilterCriteria)

14 (LocationInformation)

15 (UserState)

16 (ChargingInformation)

17 (MsIsdn)

18 (PSIActivation)

19 (DSAI)

20 (AliasesRepositoryData)

To manage whether an ASmay request each element of

01 (Sh_Pull)

2 (Sh_Subs_Notif)


Data-AVP with a specificcommand, the HSS shall3 (Sh_Pull,Sh_Subs_Notif)maintain a list of AS4 (Sh_Update) permissions (the ‘ASPermissions List’). AS5 (Sh_Pull, Sh_Update)permissions are identified by6

(Sh_Update,Sh_Subs_Notif) AS identity and DataReference with the possiblepermissions associated witheach Data Reference

7 (Sh_Pull, Sh_Update,Sh_Subs_Notif)

CLI Example

1 :Hss[]> display HssASPermList[OriginHost = ;DataReference = RepositoryData PermissionList=Sh_Pull]

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Shared Initial Filter Criteria

Shared Initial Filter Criteria

This section describes each of the HSS CLI commands used to provision the Shared Initial Filter Criteriafeature. The following information is provided: name, description, navigation, inherited attributes,command syntax, operations permitted, attributes (with value ranges, defaults, and description), andan example.




To create and define the Shared Initial Filter Criterias.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssSharedInitialFilteringCriteria

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>display HssSharedInitialFilteringCriteria [SharedInitialFiltCritID =string; SharedIfcSetID = String; ASDefaultHandling = 0,1; ASName = string;ASServiceInfo = string; ConditionTypeCNF= 0,1; ProfilePartIndicator= 0,1;iFCPriority= integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 238: HssSharedInitialFilteringCriteria Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identification of the SharedInitial Filter Criteria.

N/AstringSharedInitial FiltCritID

Identification of the subsets ofInitial Filter Criteria that are


shared (shared Ifc sets) byseveral service profiles and

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributethat are implicitlydownloaded by the HSS bydownloading the uniqueidentifiers of the shared iFCsets to the S-CSCF.

Table 239: HssShartedInitialFilteringCriteria Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Determines whether the dialogshould be released if the

N/A0 or 1ASDefaultHandling

Application Server could not bereached or not.



attribute indicating ifthe Shared iFC is a part

Registered0 or 1ProfilePartIndicator

of the registered orunregistered userprofile.



Server Name is the SIPURL of the applicationserver to contact




Conveys the informationthat is allowed to be



downloaded to S-CSCF andthat is to betransferredtransparently to anApplication Server whenthe trigger points of afilter criterion aresatisfied.

Defines how the set of SPTs areexpressed, i.e. either an Ored set

10 or 1ConditionTypeCNF

of ANDed sets of SPT statementsor an ANDed set of Ored sets ofstatements. IndividualSPTstatements can also be

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributenegated. These combinations aretermed, respectively, DisjunctiveNormal Form (DNF) andConjunctive Normal Form (CNF)for the SPT.

0 = if the Trigger Point isexpressed in Disjunctive NormalForm (DNF)

1 = when the Trigger Pointassociated with the FilterCriteriais a boolean expression inConjunctive Normal Form (CNF)

indicates the priority of theShared Filter Criteria. The higher


the Priority Number the lowerthe priority of the Shared FilterCriteria is; i.e., a Shared FilterCriteria with a higher value ofPriority Number shall beassessed after the Shared FilterCriteria with a smaller PriorityNumber have been assessed. Thesame priority shall not beassigned to more than oneshared initial Filter Criterion.

CLI Example

1 :Hss[]> add HssSharedInitialFilteringCriteria [SharedInitialFiltCritID =sharedIfc1;SharedIfcSetID= 1]

HSS Shared Service PointTrigger




To define the Shared Service Point Trigger for a Shared Initial Filter Criteria.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssSharedInitialFilteringCriteria> HssSharedServicePointTrigger

CLI Inherited Attributes


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CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]> HssSharedInitialFilteringCriteria[SharedInitialFiltCritID =sharedIfc1]> display HssSharedServicePointTrigger [ServPointTriggerType =0-4; SharedServicePointTriggerID = String; ConditionNegated = 0,1; GroupList= string; RegistrationType = 0,1,2; RequestUriInfo= string; SessionCaseInfo=0,1,2,3; SessionDescriptionContent= string ; SessionDescriptionLine= string;SipHeaderContent= string; SipHeaderHeader= string; SipMethodInfo= string]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 240: HssSharedServicePointTrigger Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identification of the Shared Initial FilterCriteria.







Identification of the SharedServicePointTrigger.

N/AdigitsSharedServicePoint TriggerID

Table 241: HssSharedServicePointTrigger Optional Attributes

+DefaultValue RangeAttribute

Defines whether the individual Shared SPTinstance is negated (i.e. NOT logicalexpression).

00 or 1ConditionNegated

0 = Not negated

1 = Negated

allows the grouping of Shared SPTs that willconfigure the sub-expressions inside a CNF

0String (255)GroupList

or DNF expression. For instance, in thefollowing CNF expression (A+B).(C+D), A+Band C+D would correspond to differentgroups.

In CNF, the attribute Group identifies theORed sets of Shared SPT instances. If the

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+DefaultValue RangeAttributeShared SPT belongs to different ORed sets,Shared SPT can have more than one Groupvalues assigned. At least one Group must beassigned for each Shared SPT.

In DNF, the attribute Group identifies theANDed sets of Shared SPT instances. If theShared SPT belongs to different ANDed sets,Shared SPTcan have more than one Groupvalues assigned. At least one Group must beassigned for each SPI.

is relevant only to the SIP Method Shared SPTwith a value of "REGISTER" and its' support

N/A0 or 1 or 2RegistrationType

is optional in the HSS and in the S-CSCF. TheRegistrationType may contain a list of valuesthat define whether the Shared SPT matchesto REGISTER messages that are related toinitial registrations, re-registrations, and/orde-registrations. If RegistrationTypes aregiven, the SIP Method SPT with a value of"REGISTER" shall match if any of theRegistrationTypes match and the S-CSCFsupports the RegistrationType attribute. If theSIP Method SPT contains value "REGISTER",and no RegistrationType is given, or if theS-CSCF does not support the RegistrationTypeattribute, the SIP Method Shared SPT matchesto all REGISTER messages. The attributeRegistrationType may be discarded if it ispresent in an SPT other than SIP Method withvalue "REGISTER".




defines Shared SPT for the Request-URInullString (255)RequestUriInfo

indicates if the filter should be used by theS-CSCF handling the Originating, Terminating

null0 or 1 or 2 or 3SessionCase Info

for a registered end user or Terminating foran unregistered end user or Originating foran unregistered end user services.





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+DefaultValue RangeAttribute

Defines Shared SPT for the content of any SDPfield within the body of a SIP Method.

nullString (255)SessionDescriptionContent Defines the content of the line identified by


identifies the line inside the sessiondescription

nullString (255)SessionDescription Line

identifies the SIP Header, which is the SPTNullString (255)SipHeaderHeader

defines the value of the SIP Header ifrequired. The absence of the Content attribute

NullString (255)SipHeaderContent

and if ConditionNegated = TRUE indicatesthat the Shared SPT is the absence of adetermined SIP header.

holds the name of any SIP method.N/AString (50)SipMethodInfo













12 ACK


CLI Example

1 :Hss[]> HssSharedInitialFilteringCriteria [SharedInitialFiltCritID =sharedIfc1] > addHssSharedServicePointTrigger[SharedServicePointTriggerID=sharedSPT1;ServPointTriggerType=0]

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HSS Operations

The following section provides a description and the command syntax of the operations that can beperformed on the HSS system through BlueCLI.


The GetNumApplications operation returns the number of applications.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumApplications()


The GetNumConnectionsAccepted operation returns the number of connections accepted.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumConnectionsAccepted()


TheGetNumConnectionsCreated operation returns the number of connections created.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumConnectionsCreated()


The GetNumCurrentConnections operation returns the number of current connections.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumCurrentConnections()


The GetNumRoutes operation returns the number of routes in use.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumRoutes()


The GetNumRejectedRequestsDiscardedDueToLicense operation returns the number ofnetwork incoming requests discarded due to license.

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Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumRejectedRequestsDiscardedDueToLicense()


The GetNumTransactions operation returns the number of transactions. A transaction is completedwhen either a response to an incoming request is sent successfully, or a response to an outgoing requestis received and dispatched to the application with no error.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumTransactions()


The GetNumTransactionAttempts operation returns the number of request that have been triedto be sent. Upon receipt of a request, this counter is incremented. When trying to send a new request,this counter is also incremented.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumTransactionAttempts()


The GetNumActivePeers operation returns the number of active peers. An active peer is either adirect peer or a proxy peer. Direct Peer objects that are in the active table are either connected to aremote Diameter peer, or trying to connect (the Diameter stack periodically scans the active peer tableand attempts to reconnect the disconnected peers). A Proxy Peer object acts as a proxy for a DirectPeer that is in another process. Proxy Peer objects exist only when the Scalability and High AvailabilityAPI is used.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumActivePeers()


The GetNumBackupPeers operation returns the number of backup peers. The backup table is empty(not used) when the Scalability and High Availability API is not used. This table may only containDirect Peer objects that are inactive (not connected to a remote peer), until the S+HA algorithmdetermines that a backup peer needs to be switched to the active table and connected.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumBackupPeers()

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TheGetNumActiveSessions operation returns the number of current active sessions for this core.This is the total of all sessions that are currently active in all application related with this core.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumActiveSessions()


The GetNumberOfUAR operation returns the number of UAR messages received by the HSS.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumberOfUAR()


The GetNumberOfLIR operation returns the number of LIR messages received by the HSS.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumberOfLIR()


The GetNumberOfMAR operation returns the number of MAR messages received by the HSS.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumberOfMAR()


The GetNumberOfSAR operation returns the number of SAR messages received by the HSS.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumberOfSAR()


The GetNumberOfPPR operation returns the number of PPR messages received by the HSS.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumberOfPPR()

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The GetNumberOfPPA operation returns the number of PPA messages sent by the HSS.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumberOfPPA()


The GetNumberOfRTR operation returns the number of RTR messages received by the HSS.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumberOfRTR()


TheGetNumberOfRTA operation returns the number of RTA messages sent by the HSS.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumberOfRTA()


The GetNumberOfPUR operation returns the number of PUR messages received by the HSS.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumberOfPUR()


The GetNumberOfSNR operation returns the number of SNR messages received by the HSS.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumberOfSNR()


The GetNumberOfUDR operation returns the number of UDR messages received by the HSS.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumberOfUDR()


The GetNumberOfPNR operation returns the number of PNR messages received by the HSS.

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Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumberOfPNR()


The GetNumberOfPNA operation returns the number of PNA messages sent by the HSS.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:HssStatistics[]> GetNumberOfPNA()


The ResetPasswdCounter operation resets bad password counter concerning a given Private Identityand unlocks it.

Command syntax:

:Hss[]:HssSubscription[IMSSubscriptionID =sub-1]:HssPrivateIdentity[PrivateIdentity = [email protected]]>ResetPasswdCounter()


The DisplayPasswdCounter operation shows current bad password counter value for a given PrivateIdentity.

Command syntax:

:Hss[]:HssSubscription[IMSSubscriptionID =sub-1]:HssPrivateIdentity[PrivateIdentity [email protected]]>DisplayPasswdCounter()


This command provides information regarding the ENUM Cache usage.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:DNSStatistics[]> GetEnumCacheStatistics()

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7Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA)

This chapter provides details on the AAA WebCIapplication folder, the entities available to configure


• AAA Menu.....410 and provision the AAA, and details on eachparameter.• AAA System Configuration.....410

• Provisioning Configuration.....421• AAA Operations.....429

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AAA Menu

The AAA application folder provides the following:

Figure 10: AAA Application Folder In The WebCI's Main Window

AAA System Configuration

AAA Configuration Window

The AAA Configuration window displays all the parameters that have been provisioned for the AAAConfiguration Profile, the AAA SystemAccountingServers, the AAANetworkAccessServers, theAAANASAccountingServers, the AAASystemAuthenticationServers and theAAANASAuthenticationServers.

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Figure 11: AAA Configuration Window

AAA Configuration


• Entity in the database and CLI: AAASystemConfig• Name of table in the WebCI: AAA Configuration


This table is used at system startup to provision the AAA configuration parameters.

WebCI NavigationAAA > AAA Configuration

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CLI NavigationHss[]> AAASystemConfig[]

Operations Permitted

Display, modifyNote that the HSS service must be stopped before being able to modify this entity.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 242: AAASystemConfig Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Enables or disables the AAAfunctionalities.


0= AAA feature disabled.

1= AAA feature enabled.

Table 243: AAASystemConfig Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The number of allowed retries after aTxRetryTimeout delay when sendinga disconnect message.

3Integer (11)NumberOfTxRetries

The delay before retransmitting aDisconnect message.

3Integer (11)TxRetryTimeout

This indicates the delay beforere-sending an accounting request

3Integer (11)AccountingResponseTimeout

message when the accounting requestis forwarded to a primary accountingserver and no response has beenreceived.

Configures the AAA as a forwarderfor accounting requests.

1Integer (1)AccountingProxyModeEnable

The maximum number of AAAlistening addresses that can be definedin the system.


Flag that enables or disables allaccounting messages to be forwarded

00 (Off),1 (On)ForwardAccoReqForUnknownUser

or not to accounting servers whetherthe user is provisioned in the SDM’sdatabase or not.

0:disabled. Accounting messages arenot forwarded to accounting servers

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeif the user is not provisioned in theSDM.

1: enabled. Accounting messages areforwarded to accounting servers evenif the user is not provisioned in theSDM.

This flag allows to enable/disable theAAA Authentication Proxyfunctionality.


0 (disable):The AAA AuthenticationProxy functionality is disabled.

1 (enable):The AAA AuthenticationProxy functionality is enabled.

The delay before re-sending an accessrequest message to a remote server

4 secondsInteger (11)AuthenticationResponseTimeout

when the authentication proxy modeis enabled and no response has beenreceived.

Defines, in seconds, the polling timerto delete the expired sessions.

0 (infiniteperiod, noexpiration)

integerSessionWatchdog Period

By default, the period is infinite andhence the session is never deleted.

Indicates the period of time (inseconds) during which the IP address

0 (infiniteperiod, noexpiration)

integerDefaultSession Timeout

remains allocated to a subscriber thatis not provisioned in the AAA server.When the session timeout period isreached, the IP address allocated tothe subscriber is freed up.

AAA System Accounting Servers




This table allows to configure the per system list of accounting applications to which accountingrequests will be forwarded in case no per NAS accounting applications list is defined.

Operations Permitted

Add, delete.

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Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 244: AAASystemAccountingServers Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The encrypted secret key thatis shared between the AAAand accounting servers.



Not Provisioned


When configured, the valuedisplayed is ‘Provisioned’ andwhen it is not configured, thevalue displayed is ‘NotProvisioned’.

Define if this accountingapplication is a primary

N/A1 (On)

0 (Off)


accounting server. Thatmeans, is a accounting answeris expected from thataccounting application whena accounting requests isforwarded. If it is, a context isallocated to match theforwarded request and theexpected answer.

1 = ON ;0 = OFF

The accounting address towhich an accounting request


has to be forwarded. Formatmust be : a.b.c.d

The accounting address portto which an accountingrequest has to be forwarded.




AAA Network Access Servers




This table allows to configure the list of allowed NAS that are able to send Radius packet to the AAAserver. It also allows to configure the secret key that is shared between the AAA server and the NAS.

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Operations Permitted

Add, delete.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 245: AAANetworkAccessServers Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute


The encrypted secret key thatis shared between the NASand the AAA Server.



Not Provisioned


When configured, the valuedisplayed is ‘Provisioned’ andwhen it is not configured, thevalue displayed is ‘NotProvisioned’.

The IP address of a new NASthat is allowed to send


RADIUS messages to theAAA Server. Format must be: a.b.c.d

The Listen IP Address onwhich the Access-Requests


Format must be :a.b.c.d


and/or Accounting-requestsare accepted.

The address of the portthrough which the AAA




Server can receive theAccess-Requests and/orAccounting-Requests.

The AAA Server can, as perthe RFCs 2865 and 2866,receive the Access-Requestand Accounting-Requestmessages on two differentports.*

The AAA Server can receiveboth the Access-Request andAccounting-Request messageson the same Port.**

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Note: To use two different ports, two entries must be provisioned in the AAA Network Access Serversentity for one single NAS. Both of these entries can have the same NASIPAddress and the sameAAAListenIPAddress.

Note: To use one single port, only one entry needs to be configured in the AAA Network AccessServers entity for one single NAS, but the NAS must be able to send both Access-Request andAccounting-Request messages to the same port.

Table 246: AAANetworkAccessServers

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The NAS IdentifierN/AStringNASIdentifier

The IP address port of a newNAS that is allowed to send

N/AAll ports (-1)NASPort

RADIUS messages to theAAA Server

Flag that enables or disablesthe system to release an IP


address without having towait for a Disconnect Ack.from the NAS.

0 (Off): disabled. The systemonly releases an IP addressonce it has received theDisconnect Ack. from theNAS.

1(On): enabled. The systemreleases an IP address whensending a Disconnect messageto the NAS and does not waitto receive the Disconnect Ack.

Flag that allows or notmultiple PDP contexts withina PDP session.


0 (Off): Multiple PDP contextsare not allowed within a PDPsession. Accounting-RequestSTOP message releases theassigned IP address.

1 (On): Multiple PDP contextsare allowed within a PDPsession. Accounting-RequestSTOP message releases theassigned IP address only if theStopSessionIndicator attributeis present.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The VSADisconnect field isused to specify if the AAA




needs to include the 3gppvendor specific sub-attribute,3GPP-Teardown-Indicator, inthe disconnect messages.


This parameter can be used toset the AAA to send or not to

1 (On)0 or 1 (bool)SendUserDisconnect

the NAS, for which theDisconnectNAS() has beenperformed, Requests for eachuser registered with that NAS.

1(On): The AAA sendsRequests for each user that isregistered with the NAS forwhich a DisconnectNAS() hasbeen performed.

0(Off): The AAA doesn’t sendany Requests to the NAS forwhich a DisconnectNAS() hasbeen performed and simplyde-allocates the IP addresses.

AAA NAS Accounting Servers




This table allows to configure the NAS system list of accounting applications to which accountingrequests will be forwarded. This table is looked at first, when an accounting request is received. Ifthere is a NAS that matches the one from which the accounting request is coming from, the accountingapplication list is retrieved, and the accounting request is forwarded to that list.

Operations Permitted

Add, delete.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 247: AAANASAccountingServer Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeMandatory

The encrypted secret key thatis shared between the NAS



Not Provisioned


and the AAA Server. Whenconfigured, the valuedisplayed is ‘Provisioned’ andwhen it is not configured, thevalue displayed is ‘NotProvisioned’.

Define if this accountingapplication is a primary

01 (On)

0 (Off)


accounting server. Thatmeans, is a accounting answeris expected from thataccounting application whena accounting requests isforwarded. If it is, a context isallocated to match theforwarded request and theexpected answer.

1 = ON ;0 = OFF

The accounting address towhich an accounting requesthas to be forwarded


The accounting address portto which an accountingrequest has to be forwarded.




The IP address of a new NASthat is allowed to send


RADIUS messages to theAAA Server

AAA System Authentication Servers



CLI Navigation

Hss> AAASystemAuthenticationServers[]

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CLI Inherited Attributes:


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]> add AAASystemAuthenticationServers[RealmOrCalledStation = string;EncryptedSharedSecret = string; AssociationType = 1,2;AuthenticationServerIPAddress = ip; AuthenticationServerPort = int]

Operations Permitted

add, delete.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 248: AAASystemAuthenticationServers Mandatory Attributes



The Realm or CalledStationIdto which the authenticationserver is associated.


The secret key that is sharedbetween the AAA server and


the remote authenticationserver.


N/A1, 2AssociationType

The address of theauthentication server to which


an Access-Request message isforwarded.

The port of the authenticationserver to which an


Access-Request message isforwarded.

AAA NAS Authentication Servers



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This table allows the operator to configure the NAS-level list of remote authentication servers to whichauthentication requests are forwarded.

CLI Navigation

Hss[]> AAANetworkAccessServers[NASIPAddress = x.x.x]>AAANASAuthenticationServers[]

CLI Inherited Attributes:


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>add AAANASAuthenticationServers[RealmOrCalledStation = string;EncryptedSharedSecret = string; AssociationType = 1,2;AuthenticationServerIPAddress = ip; AuthenticationServerPort = int]

Operations Permitted

Add, delete.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 249: AAANASAuthenticationServers Mandatory Attributes



The Realm or CalledStationIdto which the authenticationserver is associated.


The secret key that is sharedbetween the AAA server and


the remote authenticationserver.


N/A1, 2AssociationType

The address of theauthentication server to which


an Access-Request message isforwarded.

The port of the authenticationserver to which an


Access-Request message isforwarded.

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Provisioning Configuration

AAA Provisioning Configuration Window

The AAA Provisioning Configuration window displays the four tables, including their parameters,used for the Address allocation policy. Moreover, it displays the AAA APN Configuration table, whichallows the operator to define the IMS Private Identity (IMPI) association criteria for Early IMS Securityon a Called-Station-Id (APN) basis.

Through this window, the tables depicted in the figure below can be provisioned and edited.

Figure 12: AAA Provisioning Configuration Window

The following section gives you detailed information on these tables and each of their parameters.

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AAA Address Allocation Policy




This table lists all of the allocation policies for each Address allocation policy.

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 250: AAAAdressAllocationPolicy Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The name of the allocationpolicy.


This field allows to define theaddress allocation policy for




a specific Address allocationpolicy.2 NO_IP_ALLOC

0 (ADDRESS_POOL): TheAAA performs the IP addressallocation procedure andsends back an IP address inthe Access-Accept message.

1 (DHCP_IDENT)*: The AAAsends back a DHCP addressinstead of an IP address in theAccess-Accept message.

2 (NO_IP_ALLOC)*: TheAAA doesn’t perform the IPaddress allocation procedureand in the case where theauthentication is successful,the AAA won’t send theFramed-IP-Address attribute(no IP address allocated to theuser) in the Access-Acceptmessage.

Note: In the current release,there is a limitation on the

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributelength of the ‘AAAUsername’for a AAA user with a AAAAddress Allocation Policy oftype ‘DHCP_IDENT’ or‘No_IP_ALLOC’. Thefollowing occurs:

• The re-authentication of aAAA user fails, if its‘AAAUsername’ is longerthan 15 characters.

• The authentication of aAAA user fails, if the first15 characters of its‘AAAUsername’ are thesame as the ones of a AAAuser already authenticated.

Table 251: AAAAddressAllocationPolicy Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Contains the primary DNSserver address for this APN.

NullIP format



Contains the secondary DNSserver address for this APN.

NullIP format



Contains the primary NetBiosname server address for thisAPN.

NullIP format



Contains the secondaryNetBios server address forthis APN.

NullIP format



Contains the IP Netmask forthis APN.

NullIP format



If the“AddressDepletionBehavior”

NullIP format



field has been set to ‘1’, theoperator must define an“error address” to send incase of address depletion.

Flag that enables or disablesto use the full address pool

00 (Off), 1 (On)UseFullAddressPool

before looking for a freeaddress.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute0(Off): The Full Usage ofAddress Pool feature isdisabled and the originalmethod is used to allocate IPAddresses, which consists inlooking for a free address andallocating that first IP addressthat becomes free.

1(On): The Full Usage ofAddress Pool feature isenabled, which consists inallocating the least used IPaddress, hence fully using thepool.

The behavior to implement inthe case of addresss depletion.The choices are:




0 : send an Access-Reject

1: send an Access-Accept withan operator defined “erroraddress” (i.e.

This flag allows the NetworkOperator to enable or disable

10 or 1AuditLoggingEnabled

the audit logging mechanismupon IP allocation andde-allocation for a specificAddress allocation policy.

0: The audit loggingmechanism is disabled whichmeans that for the specifiedAddress allocation policy, theAAA doesn’t generate logsupon IP allocation andde-allocation.

1: The audit loggingmechanism is enabled whichmeans that for the specifiedAddress allocation policy, theAAA generates logs upon IPallocation and de-allocation.

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AAA Address Allocation Ranges




This table allows you to specify address ranges for specific Allocation Policies which are of type:Address Pool. Those ranges are identified by a starting address (Low) and an end address (Hi).

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 252: AAAAddressAllocationRanges Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The name of the allocationpolicy. This allocation policymust be of type: Address pool.


The upper IP addressboundary within the range of


that address pool. Must be anIPv4 IP address based on thefollowing

The lower IP addressboundary within the range of


that address pool. Must be anIPv4 IP address based on thefollowing

The Range Identifier that mustbe unique within an addresspool.


Table 253: AAAAddressAllocationRanges Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read-Only. This helps to keeptrack, among an IP Address

N/AIP Address (doteddecimal notation:x.x.x.x)


range, of which IP address

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributewas the last one allocated bythe AAA so far.

Since the IP allocation is donesequentially, the last IPAddress to have beenallocated is always the highestone among the IP addressesalready allocated.

AAA Address Allocation Association




This table allows you to associate an Allocation Policy to one of the following attributes, in order toindicate how the AAA should make the allocation policy selection depending on the received attributesin the Access-Request message:

• SGSN Address• SGSN Address combined with Called Station Id• Realm• Called-Station_id• NAS Identifier• System

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 254: AAAAddressAllocationAssociation Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The name of the AllocationPolicy.


Whether an allocation policyis associated with a realm,




Called Station (APN), System,NAS Identifier, SGSN2

(CALLED_STATION_ID) Address or a combination of

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributethe SGSN Address and CalledStation.

3 (NAS Identifier)

4 (SGSN Address)

5 (SGSN and CalledStation)

Value of the attribute to whichthe allocation policy isassociated to.

N/AChar String (128)



or In the case where theAssociation Type is set tocalledstation1)‘SGSN and Called Station’,this attribute must beprovisioned with the SGSNAddress and theAuxiliaryValue attribute (seebelow) can be provisionedwith the Called Station Id.

In case of absence of Realm orCalled-Station-Id, the Systemallocation policy is used bydefault.

For now, this parameter onlyneeds to be provisioned in the

N/AChar string (128)AuxiliaryValue

case where the AssociationType is set to ‘SGSN andCalled Station’. It allows todefine the Called Station Id.

A given Calling-Station-id(APN) may be associated to




up to 2 different allocationpolicies, each with a differentRestricted Access Level.

0:this level should beassociated with an allocationpolicy which is only used forusers who passauthentication.

1: this level should beassociated with an allocationpolicy which may beassociated with users whodon’t pass authentication.

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AAA APN Configuration




This table allows the operator to define the IMS Private Identity (IMPI) association criteria for EarlyIMS Security on a Called-Station-Id (APN) basis.

WebCI NavigationAAA > Provisioning Configuration > Add AAAAPNConfigTable

CLI NavigationHss[]:AAAAPNConfigTable[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]> addAAAAPNConfigTable[CalledStationId=string;EarlyIMSSecurity=0,1;EarlyIMSSecurityFailureAction=0,1,2;EarlyIMSSecurityIMPISelection=0,1,2,3]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 255: AAAAPNConfigTable Mandatory Attributes

+DefaultValue RangeAttribute

The APN with Early IMSSecurity capabilities.


Enables or disables the EarlyIMS Security function for theAPN.

0 (OFF)Boolean

0 (OFF)



The action (Proceed orDiscardMessage) to be taken




in case an error occurs in themessage.

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+DefaultValue RangeAttribute2 (DISCARD_MESSAGE)

Indicates to the HSS server totry and find a match between




the IMPI provisioned with theEarly IMS Security and one ofthe following attributes2 (IMSI)received in the RADIUS3 (USER_ NAME) Accounting Reset message:CallingStationId, IMSI, orUserName.

Note: The CallingStationId isexpected to carry thesubscriber’s MSISDN.

AAA Operations

The following section provides a description and the command syntax of the operations that can beperformed on the AAA system through CLI.


The GetNumberOfAccountingReqRcvd operation returns the number of accounting requests receivedfrom the NAS.

Command syntax:



The GetNumberOfAccountingReqSent operation returns the number of accounting requests sent tothe Accounting Server.

Command syntax:



The GetNumberOfAccountingRespRcvd operation returns the number of accounting response receivedfrom the Accounting Server.

Command syntax:


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The GetNumCurrentConnections operation returns the number of accounting response sent to theNAS from the Accounting Server.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:AAAStatistics[]> GetNumberOfAccountingRespSent()


The GetNumberOfAccountingRespReturned operation returns the number of returned accountingresponse to the NAS locally.

Command syntax:



The GetNumberOfAccessRequest operation returns the number of access request

Command syntax:



The GetNumberOfAccessAccept operation returns the number of accepted access requests

Command syntax:



The GetNumberOfAccessReject operation returns the number of rejected access requests.

Command syntax:



The GetNumberOfRadiusDisconnect operation returns the number of Radius Disconnect

Command syntax:


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The GetNumBackupPeers operation returns the number of Radius Disconnect acknowledgment.

Command syntax:



The GetNumActiveSessions operation returns the number of Radius Disconnect Negativeacknowledgment.

Command syntax:



The GetNumberOfDataContextTimeout operation returns the number of data context time out

Command syntax:

Hss[]:AAAStatistics[]> GetNumberOfDataContextTimeout()


The GetNumberOfDiscardedPackets operation returns the number of discarded packets

Command syntax:



The GetNumberOfAccessChallenge operation returns the number of Access Challenge messages.

Command syntax:



The GetPoolUsage operation returns the percentage of used IP address in the pool.

Example 23.56 equal to 23.56% pool usage

Command syntax

Hss[]:AAAAddressAllocationPolicy[AddressPoolName = addresspool1]>GetPoolUsage()

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The GetPoolAllocatedAddrCount operation returns the total number of IP addresses used in the pool.The result is for all ranges within the pool

Command syntax:

Hss[]:AAAAddressAllocationPolicy[AddressPoolName = addresspool1]>GetPoolAllocatedAddrCount()


The GetPoolFreeAddrCount operation returns the total number of available (not yet used) IP addressesin the pool. The result is for all ranges within the pool

Command syntax:

Hss[]:AAAAddressAllocationPolicy[AddressPoolName = addresspool1]>GetPoolFreeAddrCount()


The GetRangeUsage operations returns the percentage of used IP address in the current range Idwithin the specified pool.

Command syntax:

Hss[]:AAAAddressAllocationPolicy[AddressPoolName =addresspool1]:AAAAddressPoolRanges[AddressRangeId = 4]> GetRangeUsage()


The GetRangeAllocatedAddrCount operation returns the total number of IP addresses used in thecurrent range Id within the specified pool

Command syntax:

Hss[]:AAAAddressAllocationPolicy[AddressPoolName =addresspool1]:AAAAddressPoolRanges[AddressRangeId = 4]>GetRangeAllocatedAddrCount()


The GetRangeFreeAddrCount operation returns the total number of available IP addresses in thecurrent range Id within the specified pool

Command syntax:

Hss[]:AAAAddressAllocationPolicy[AddressPoolName =addresspool1]:AAAAddressPoolRanges[AddressRangeId = 4]>GetRangeFreeAddrCount()

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The GetRangeAddrCount operation returns the total number of addresses in the pool (equal numberof used addresses + number of free addresses) in the current range Id within the specified pool

Command syntax:

Hss[]:AAAAddressAllocationPolicy[AddressPoolName =addresspool1]:AAAAddressPoolRanges[AddressRangeId = 4]> GetRangeAddrCount()


The GetRangeLastAllocatedAddr operation returns the last IP address that has been allocated in thecurrent range Id within the specified pool

Command syntax:

Hss[]:AAAAddressAllocationPolicy[AddressPoolName =addresspool1]:AAAAddressPoolRanges[AddressRangeId = 4]>GetRangeLastAllocatedAddr()

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8ENUM Server


• DNS Configuration.....435• DNS Domain Name List.....436• DNS Listen Addresses Configuration.....438• DNS Enum User Template.....439

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DNS Configuration



• Entity in the database and CLI: DNSConfig• Name of table in the WebCI: :ENUM Server Config


This entity allows the operator to enable/disable the feature that supports the Enum Server and alsoallows the operator to set the maximum number of Enum Users that can be configured under the samesubscription Id.

CLI NavigationHss[]> DNSConfig

WebCI NavigationENUM folder > ENUM Server Configuration > ENUM Server Config

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>display DNSConfig[FeatureEnabled=0,1; MaxEnumUserIdPerSub=0-65535]

Operations Permitted

Display, modify

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 256: DNSConfig Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This parameter indicateswhether or not the ENUM

00 or 1FeatureEnabled

Server functionality is enabledor disabled.

1(On): The ENUM Serverfunctionality is enabled.

0 (Off): The ENUM Serverfunctionality is disabled.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This parameter defines themaximum number of Enum


Users that the operator canprovision in the system forone subscription Id.

Table 257: DNSConfig Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Maximum size of memory (inbytes) allowed to be allocated

0Integer unsignedEnumCacheSize

for the Enum Cache. A valueof “0” means that the EnumCache is disabled.

CLI Example

Hss[]>display DNSConfig[]

DNS Domain Name List


• Entity in the database and CLI: DNSDomainNameList• Name of table in the WebCI: Domain Name List Configuration


• This entity allows the operator to define the different Domain Names supported by the EnumServer. When processing the DNS Query received, the Enum Server verifies that the domain nameis supported, by comparing the domain name extracted from the DNS Query with the list of domainnames configured by the operator in this entity.

CLI NavigationHss[]> DNSDomainNameList

WebCI Navigation:ENUM folder > Provisioning Configuration > Domain Name List Configuration

CLI Inherited Attributes


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CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]> add DNSDomainNameList[EnumDomainName= varchar; EnumDomainNameId=int;DefaultEnumDomainName=0,1]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 258: DNSDomainNameList Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Domain Name of the ENUMServer.

N/AVarchar (128)EnumDomainName

Identifies a Domain Name.This identifier is used when


configuring a new EnumUser,as follows: A domain name,defined in theDNSDomainNameList entity,can be associated to anEnumUser. This association isdone by specifying thisIdentifier. The Enum User’sassociated domain name is theone used in the comparison ofthe domain name supportedand the domaine nameextracted from the DNSQuery. If theEnumDomainNameId is notprovided, the DefaultEnumDomainName willapply. See description forDefaultEnumDomainName.

This parameter defineswhether or not the

00 or 1DefaultEnumDomainName

EnumDomainName beingcreated should be consideredas the Default one that will beaffected to each EnumUser forwhich the fieldEnumDomainNameId is notprovided at provisioning time.*

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeNote: Only oneEnumDomainName definedcan be used as the defaultdomain name.

0(Off): TheEnumDomainName beingcreated should not be used asthe default one for EnumUsers for which the fieldEnumDomainNameId has notbeen provided at provisioningtime.

1(On): TheEnumDomainName beingcreated should be used as thedefault one for Enum Usersfor which the fieldEnumDomainNameId has notbeen provided at provisioningtime.*

Note: Only one entry of thisentity can have theDefaultEnumDomainNamefield set to this value.

CLI Example

Hss[]> add DNSDomainNameList[EnumDomainName=; EnumDomainNameId=1;DefaultEnumDomainName=1]

DNS Listen Addresses Configuration


• Entity in the database and CLI: DNSListenAddresses• Name of table in the WebCI: :DNS Listen Addresses Configuration


This entity allows the operator to define the different DNS Listen Addresses (up to 2 listen addressescan be configured for the whole system) and Port Numbers on which the DNS Server will listen forincoming DNS Queries trough UDP transport.

CLI NavigationHss[]> DNSListenAddresses

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WebCI NavigationENUM folder > ENUM Server Configuration > DNS Listen Addresses Configuration

CLI Inherited Attributes:


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]> add DNSListenAddresses[Netmask= varchar; DNSListenAddress=varchar;DNSListenPort=int]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 259: DNSListenAddresses Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Netmask used with the IPaddress.


Configured IP address onwhich connection will be


IP address


accepted. All local interfacesare configured to acceptincoming connections.

The listening port on whichthe Enum Server can receive

N/Aunsigned intDNSListenPort

the DNS Queries. The defaultlistening port of ENUM serveris 53.

CLI Example

Hss[]> add DNSListenAddresses[Netmask=;DNSListenAddress=; DNSListenPort=53]

DNS Enum User Template


• Entity in the database and CLI: DNSEnumUserTemplate• Name of table in the WebCI: :DNS Enum User Template

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This entity allows to provision templates for ENUM profiles that can be shared by multiplesubscriptions.

CLI NavigationHss[]> DNSEnumUserTemplate

WebCI NavigationENUM folder > ENUM Server Configuration > DNS Enum User Template

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]> add DNSEnumUserTemplate[DNSEnumUserTemplateId= int; NAPTRRegExp=varchar]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, modify, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 260: DNSEnumUserTemplate Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identification of the templateto be used for provisioningthe Enum User.

N/ASmallint (5) unsignedDNSEnumUserTemplateId

The regular expression thatcorresponds to this phonenumber.


Table 261: DNSEnumUserTemplate Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

A number indicating to theENUM client the mandatory

10Smallint (5) unsignedNAPTROrder

order for processing theNAPTR records.

A number indicating to theENUM client the mandatory

10Smallint (5) unsignedNAPTRPreference

order for processing theNAPTR records having the

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributesame NaptrOrder in the DNSanswer.

Set to “u” for IMS Networks.This value is sent in the reply.


Set to “E2U+sip” for IMSNetworks. This value is sent


in the reply. (Used for Sipservices).

The next NAME to query forNAPTR. This value must be afully qualified domain name.


The Time To Live of theNAPTR record.

3600int(10) unsignedNAPTRTtl

Identification of one of theDomain Names already


defined in the system’sDNSDomainNameList entity.Specifying the Id of a DomainName is associating a DomainName to an Enum UserTemplate. The Enum UserTemplate’s associated domainname is the supported domainname used by the EnumServer to compare the domainname extracted from the DNSQuery.

Note: The provisioning system enforces the uniqueness of the NAPTR records (in the context of thisapplication defined as the combination of NAPTRFlags, NAPTRServices, NAPTRRegExp andNAPTRReplacement) and also the uniqueness of DNSEnumUserTemplateId.

CLI Example

Hss[]> add DNSEnumUserTemplate[DNSEnumUserTemplateId= 1; NAPTRRegExp=!^.*$!sip:information@examplecom!]

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This chapter provides details on the LTE-HSSentities, their CLI commands, operations, errornotifications and performance counts.


• LTE-HSS Configuration.....443• LTE-HSS System Features.....457• LTE-HSS Roaming Templates.....460• LTE-HSS Operations.....468

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LTE-HSS Configuration

LTE-HSS Configuration




This entity allows to provision the LTE HSS configuration parameters used at system startup.

Note: The LTE HSS Server Configuration is static, which means that it cannot be modified while theHSS is running. The HSS has to be stopped before being able to modify this entity. After a restart, thenew configuration is taken into account.

CLI Navigation

LteHss[]> LteHssConfig[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]>display LteHssConfig [SlotId = integer; OriginatingRealm = string;LocalFQDN = string; TCPTransport = 0,1; LocalTCPPort = integer; SCTPTransport= 0,1; LocalSCTPPort = integer; AutomaticPeerReconnect = 0,1;FeatureEnabled=0,1;OdbNotSupportedAcceptMessage=0,1;FeatureNotSupportedAcceptMessage = 0,1;ExtraAIRQueryForEPSSubscription =0,1;SuperChargedEnabled = 0,1;CLREnabled = 0,1;AMFAdaptationEnabled =0,1;HlrProxySynchroneMode = 0,1]

Operations Permitted

Display, modify (only the DeregistrationDefString attribute can be modified).

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 262: LteHssConfig Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Numerical identification of slot onshelf. Identifies the slot on which theconfiguration will apply for the LTE-HSS.

N/A1 to 14SlotId

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Table 263: LteHssConfig Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The Realm to which the HSS is

String (100)(

OriginatingRealm The Diameter Realm to be configured for the

LTE-HSS on the current SlotId.

The Diameter Origin Host to be configuredfor the LTE-HSS on the current SlotId.

FQDN(ex:[email protected])


Value used to uniquely identify the LTE-HSSnode for purposes of duplicate connectionand routing loop detection.

Enables or disables TCP transport protocolfor the LTE-HSS.

10 or 1TCPTransport

0 = disabled

1 = enabled

The local TCP listening port on whichLTE-HSS will accept connections from remoteDiameter Peers.

3868UnsignedInteger (32)


Enables or disables the SCTP transportprotocol for the LTE-HSS.

00 or 1SCTPTransport

0 = Disables SCTP transport.

1 = Enables SCTP transport.

The local SCTP listening port on which theLTE-HSS will accept connections from theremote Diameter Peers.

3869UnsignedInteger (32)


If the LTE-HSS has accepted a connection fromthe Diameter Peer but there is a failure of the

00 or 1AutomaticPeerReconnect

connection on the Diameter Peer’s side, theLTE-HSS will either try to reconnectautomatically or not with the Diameter Peer.

0 = No automatic reconnection

1 = Automatic reconnection

To indicate if the LTE-HSS application isenabled or not.


0: LTE-HSS application is not enabled.

1: LTE-HSS application is enabled.

This parameter should remain set at 1. It willbe mainly useful in future releases.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

1: If this flag is set to true and the MME/SGSNdoes not send any supported feature in the

1Bool (0,1)OdbNotSupportedAcceptMessage

ULR, the LTE-HSS sends the LTE-HSS ODBsupported feature in the ULA. TheODB-all-APN, ODB-HPLMN-APN andODB-VPLMN-APN flags are sent in the ULAif the ULR was received over the S6a interface(MME).

The ODB-all-APN, ODB-HPLMN-APN,ODB-VPLMN-APN,ODB-all-OG,ODB-all-InternationalOG,ODB-all-InternationalOGNotToHPLMN-Country, ODB-all-InterzonalOG,ODB-all-InterzonalOGNotToHPLMN-Country andODB-all-InterzonalOGAndInternationalOGNotTo HPLMN-Country flagsare sent in the ULA if the ULR was receivedover the S6d interface (SGSN).

Moreover, if the flag is set to ‘true’ (1),whatever the ODB configuration is, the statussent is always ‘Service_Granted’.

0: If this flag is set to false and theMME/SGSN does not send any supportedfeature in the ULR, the HSS won’t send anyHSS ODB supported feature in the ULA.

If the supported feature attribute is receivedin ULR, the LTE-HSS will apply them againstthe one supported whatever the value of theOdbNotSupportedAcceptMessage flag.

1: If set to true, if a ULR is received withoutany Supported Features attribute, the ULR

0Bool (0,1)FeatureNotSupportedAcceptMessage won’t be rejected. If the ULR is received

without the RegSub flag (part of theSupported Feature attribute) set in theSupported Feature, the lte-HSS may reject thelocation update.

0:If this flag is set to false, the ULR won’t berejected even if there is no Supported FeatureAttribute within the ULR.

This flag is for optimization purposes, in orderto avoid an extra query to the Database. If

0Bool (0,1)ExtraAIRQueryForEPSSubscription upon an AIR message, the IMSI in the request

is known but the subscriber has no EPS orGPRS subscription, the LTE-HSS may (as a

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeconfiguration option) return a result code ofDIAMETER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_EPS_SUBSCRIPTION. If thisflag is set, the LTE-HSS will always do thetest, if not the LTE-HSS will return theauthentication vector even if there is noEPS/GPRS subscription configured for thereceived IMSI.

If this flag is set to true, the HSS will manageSubscription Data age and in certain condition

0Bool (0,1)SuperChargedEnabled

upon Location Update the subscription datawon’t be sent to the MME/SGSN.

If this flag is set to true, the LTE-HSS will sendCancel Location to the old MME/SGSN upon

1Bool (0,1)CLREnabled

Update Location Procedure. If this flag is notset, Cancel Location will not be sent.

If this flag is set to true, the LTE-HSS enforcesthe AMF separation bit to 1 upon E-UTRANauthentication.

0Bool (0,1)AMFAdaptationEnabled

This flag is used for the 3G-4G mobility withlegacy HLR. When the LTE-HSS receives a

0Bool (0,1)HlrProxySynchroneMode

Location Update on the 4G network and theuser was 3G registered, a Cancel Locationneeds to be sent. If the LTE-HSS detects thatthe Cancel Location needs to be sent towarda legacy HLR, the LTE-HSS will request theHLR proxy to build a MAP UL. This MAP ULwill be sent to the legacy HLR by the HLRProxy. If this flag is set to true, the LTE-HSSupon reception of a Location Update thattrigger a MAP-UL toward the HLR proxy willwait the MAP-UL-Ack from the legacy HLRto send back the IDA to the MME/SGSN.

If the flag is set to false, the IDA is sent in thesame time the MAP-UL is triggered withoutwaiting any answer from the legacy network.

CLI Example

Hss[]>display HssConfig [SlotId = 5]

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LTE-HSS Configuration TCP Listen Address




The LTE HSS can accept incoming Diameter connections over TCP through several local IP addresses.This is done by adding new entries in the LteHssConfigTCPListenAddress entity. This configurationis static, which means that in order to commit add/modify/delete changes performed on entries inthis entity, the LteHss service must be restarted.

CLI NavigationLteHss[]> LteHssConfig[]> LteHssConfigTCPListenAddress[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]>LteHssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display LteHssConfigTCPListenAddress[SlotId = integer; Address = IPAddress; Netmask=string]

Operations Permitted

Add, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 264: LteHssConfigTCPListenAddress Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. The HSS SlotId onwhich the IP address needs tobe configured.

N/A1 to 4294976295SlotId

The IP address for the TCPconnections. If this address is

N/AString (100)

IPAddress or DNSresolvable name


not already created on theSlotId, it will get created onthe fly when the LTE-HSS isstarted.

Netmask used by the IPaddress that is beingconfigured.


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CLI Example

LteHss[]> LteHssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display LteHssConfigTCPListenAddress[Address =; Netmask=]

LTE-HSS Configuration SCTP Listen Address




The LTE HSS can accept incoming Diameter connections over SCTP thru several local IP addresses.This is done by adding new entries in the LteHssConfigSCTPListenAddress entity. This configurationis static. In order to commit add/modify/delete changes performed on entries in this entity, the LteHssservice must be restarted.

CLI Navigation

LteHss[]> LteHssConfig[]> LteHssConfigSCTPListenAddress

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]> LteHssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display LteHssConfigSCTPListenAddress[SlotId = integer; Address = IPAddress; Netmask=string]

Operations Permitted

Add, Display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 265: LteHssConfigSCTPListenAddress Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. The HSS SlotId onwhich the IP address needs tobe configured.

N/A1 to 4294976295SlotId

The IP address for the STCPconnections. If this address is

N/AString (100)

IPAddress or DNSresolvable name


not already created on theSlotId, it will get created onthe fly when the LTE-HSS isstarted.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Netmask used by the IPaddress that is beingconfigured.


CLI Example

LteHss[]:LteHssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display LteHssConfigSCTPListenAddress[Address =; Netmask=]

LTE-HSS Configuration Destination Realm




To provision the domains only from which the connections are accepted. The LTE HSS can restrictDiameter Realm that will be authorized to connect with it. One way of restricting Realms is to definea list of authorized diameter realms by adding new entries in the LteHssConfigDestinationRealmentity. This entity can be modified dynamically, which means that the LteHss service doesn’t need tobe restarted when adding/removing/updating entries in this entity.

CLI NavigationLteHss[]>LteHssConfig[]> LteHssConfigDestinationRealm

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]> LteHssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display LteHssConfigDestinationRealm[LocalRealm = FQDN; CLREnabled=0,1]

CLI Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

CLI Attributes and Values

Table 266: LteHssConfigDestinationRealm Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Name of the Domain to whichthe LTE-HSS belongs to.



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Table 267: LteHssConfigDestinationRealm Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

If this flag is set to true (‘1’),the LTE-HSS will send Cancel

1Bool (0,1)CLREnabled

Location to the oldMME/SGSN upon UpdateLocation Procedure. If thisflag is set to false (‘0’), CancelLocation will not be sent.

CLI Example

LteHss[]> LteHssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display LteHssConfigDestinationRealm[LocalRealm =]

LTE-HSS Configuration Destination Hosts




To provision the hosts only from which the connections are accepted. The LTE HSS can restrict theDiameter Peers that will be authorized to connect with it. One way of restricting the Peer is to definea list of authorized diameter hosts by adding new entries in the LteHssConfigDestinationHosts entity.This entity can be modified dynamically, which means that the LteHss service doesn’t need to berestarted when adding/removing/updating entries in this entity.

Note: If this list is empty, the LTE-HSS will accept incoming Diameter Connection from any DiameterHost. As soon as one entry is added in this list, the LTE-HSS will check each incoming CER againstthis list and reject it if needed.

CLI NavigationLteHss[]> LteHssConfig []> LteHssConfigDestinationHosts

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]> LteHssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display LteHssConfigDestinationHosts[LocalFQDN = FQDN; CLREnabled=0,1]

Operations Permitted Display, Delete, Add

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 268: LteHssConfigDestinationHosts Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The diameter host authorizedto establish a new Diameter



Connection with the HSS. Thisvalue needs to be set to thevalue in the originating hostAVP of the CER message thatwill be received during theDiameter connection set up.

Table 269: LteHssConfigDestinationHosts Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This value overloads theCLREnabled value in the

0 (Off)0 (Off) ,1 (On)CLREnabled

HSSConfig entity. This is usedto manage CLR per diameterhost and not system wide. Ifthis value is set to false, eachtime a CLR needs to be sentto this host, the CLR will bedropped by the HSS and thehost won’t receive any CLR.

CLI Example

LteHss[]> LteHssConfig[SlotId = 5]>display LteHssConfigDestinationHosts[LocalFQDN =]





This entity allows to configure IMSI ranges for MCC and MNC. This defines the Mobile Country Codeand the Mobile Network Code for a range of IMSIs. This will be used in case of roaming in order tocheck depending where the user is located if it is allowed to roam or not. This is done by adding newentries in the HSSPLMN entity. This entity can be modified dynamically, which means that the LTE-HSSdoesn’t need to be restarted when adding/removing/updating entries in this entity.

CLI NavigationLteHss[]> HSSPLMN

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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]> HSSPLMN[ImsiRange = string; ImsiMcc= uint; ImsiMnc= uint]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 270: HSSPLMN Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The Range of IMSI for whichthe MCC and MNC apply.


The Mobile Country Code forthe IMSI range.

N/AUnsigned int 32ImsiMcc

The Mobile Network Code forthe IMSI range

N/AUnsigned int 32ImsiMnc

CLI Example

LteHss[]> HSSPLMN[ImsiRange = 3109104; ImsiMcc=123; ImsiMnc=654]

GMLC Node List




This entity allows the operator to configure a list of valid network nodes. These nodes are used tovalidate the Gateway Mobile Location Center (GMLC) number contained in the RIR (RoutingInformation Request) to ensure it belongs to a network authorized to request User Equipment (UE)information.

This entity can be modified dynamically.

CLI NavigationLteHss[]> GMLCNodeList

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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]> GMLCNodeList[NodeNumber = integer]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 271: GMLCNodeList Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

A valid GMLC node number.NoneInteger (up to 15digits)


CLI Example

LteHss[]> GMLCNodeList[NodeNumber =1]

LTE HSS Realms




This entity allows the operator to configure a host, an IMSI range and a realm. Each IMSI range isassociated with a specific host and realm value. It is used when the LTE-HSS receives a diameterrequest message from a node in another network and needs to determine the host and realm valuesto send in the response. It is also used when the LTE-HSS initiates a request message.

This entity can be modified dynamically, which means the LTE-HSS does not need to be restartedwhen adding or deleting entries in this entity.

CLI NavigationLteHss[ ]> LteHssRealms[ ]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[ ]> LteHssRealms[Host=string, ImsiRange=string, Realm=string]

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Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 272: LteHssRealms Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The range of IMSIs fthatdefine an operator.


A diameter realm associatedwith an IMSI range.


Table 273: LteHssRealms Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

A diameter host associatedwith an IMSI range.

N/AString (Fully QualifiedDomain Name)


CLI Example

LteHss[ ] > LteHssRealms[, ImsiRange=320910,]

VoLTE Session Transfer Number-Single Radio (STN-SR)Use this table to configure the STN-SR for the STN-SR and T-ADS Support for VoLTE on LTE-HSSfeature.




The VoLTE STN-SR table allows the operator to associate an STN-SR with the subscriber's PLMN.The configuration uses the MCC (mobile country code) and MNC (mobile network code) parametersof the associated IMSI. The LTE-HSS looks up this table if there is no STN-SR for the user equipmentin the volatile data.

Modifications in this table do not require a restart of the LTE-HSS.

CLI Navigation


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WebCI Navigation

LTEHSS>LTEHSS Configuration>VoLteStnSr

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss [ ] > VoLteStnSR [StnSR-= integer, StnSrMcc = integer, StnSrMnc=integer]

Permitted Operations

Add, Delete, Display

Attributes and Values

Table 274: VoLteStnSr Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeTypeAttribute

Default STN-SR value associated to rangesof subscribers. The range is defined through



the MCC and MNC of the associated IMSIrange.

Mobile Country Code (MCC) of thesubscriber IMSI associated with the STN-SR.

N/A1-11 digitsIntegerStnSrMcc

Mobile Network Code of the subscriberIMSI associated with the STN-SR.

N/A1-11 digitsIntegerStnSrMnc

CLI Example

LteHss [ ] > VoLteStnSR [StnSR-= 15141111111, StnSrMcc = 320, StnSrMnc =910]

Application Server Permission ListUse this table to configure the T-ADS support for the STN-SR and T-ADS Support for VoLTE onLTE-HSS feature.




This table allows the operator to configure a list of allowed application servers (AS) that cancommunicate with the LTE-HSS. The table contains the originating host, the associated allowed data

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references, and a permission list of allowed request commands. When the LTE-HSS receives a requestfrom the AS, it refers to this table to validate whether or not to process the request.

Modifications in this table do not require a restart of the LTE-HSS.

CLI Navigation

LteHss[]> LteHssASPermList[]

WebCI Navigation

LTEHSS>LTEHSS Configuration>ASPermList

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss [ ] > LteHssASPermList [OriginHost-= string, DataReference = string,PermissionList = string]

Permitted Operations

Add, Delete, Display

Attributes and Values

Table 275: Application Server Permission List Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Originating hostN/AStringOriginHost



The request type allowed forcommunication with the LTE-HSS.





CLI Example

LteHss [ ] > LteHssASPermList [OriginHost =, DataReference= TADSInformation, PermissionList = Sh_Pull]

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LTE-HSS System Features

LTE-HSS System Options




This entity contains options for various system features. These options either activate/deactivate afeature or configure other system values. Some options require for LTE-HSS services to be stoppedbefore making a change, and then restarted again to implement the change. Other options can bechanged dynamically (immediate implementation).

Important: Prior to modifying LTE-HSS Options data during running-time, determinethe modification type in the table below. If the change requires a service stop/restart,traffic will be affected. Make sure to perform the change during down time if necessary.

To stop a service, refer to section “Starting and Stopping Services on a blade” in the SDM Monitoring,Maintaining, Troubleshooting – User Guide.

Table 276: LTE-HSS Modification Type

FeatureModification TypeAttribute

3G-4G Roaming SupportDynamicSendCancelLocation3G4G¹

LTE-HSS LoggingDynamicCaleaLogging¹

LTE-HSS LoggingStop/Restart ServiceCaleaLogDir

LTE-HSS LoggingStop/Restart ServiceCaleaLogName

LTE-HSS LoggingStop/Restart ServiceCaleaMaxLogFile

Multiple RealmDynamicSupportMultiRealm¹

STN-SR and T-ADS Support for VoLTEon LTE-HSS


Support for HSS Roaming TemplatesDynamicLteHssRoamingTemplate¹

¹ Activates/deactivates the feature.

WebCI Navigation

LTEHSS>LTEHSS System Features

CLI Navigation

LteHss[]> LteHssOptions[]

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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[] > LteHssOptions [CaleaLogging = 0,1; CaleaLogDir = string;CaleaLogName = string ;CaleaMaxLogFile = integer; SupportMultiRealm = 0,1;SendCancelLocation3G4G = 0,1; IDRTimeout = integer; LteHssRoamingTemplate= 0, 1, 255]

Operations Permitted

Display, modify.

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 277: LteHssOptions Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This flag indicates the activation status ofLTE-HSS Logging for the following diameter

00 or 1CaleaLogging

message types: Location Update Request,Authentication Information Request, NotifyRequest, Purge UE Request and CancelLocation Request.

0 (Deactivated) = The LTE-HSS loggingmechanism is deactivated. No LTE-HSSlogging takes place.

1 (Activated) = The LTE-HSS loggingmechanism is activated. Lines are added tothe LTE-HSS log file when certain diametermessage types are received.

This parameter is dynamically activated

The location of the LTE-HSS log directory./blue/var/log/csvstringCaleaLogDir

When modifying this attribute the LTE-HSSservice must be stopped, the changes madeand the LTE service restarted.

The name of the LTE-HSS log file.lteHSSCaleaLogsstringCaleaLogName

When modifying this attribute the LTE-HSSservice must be stopped, the changes madeand the LTE service restarted.

The maximum number of lines in theLTE-HSS log file.

50000UnsignedInteger (32)


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeWhen modifying this attribute the LTE-HSSservice must be stopped, the changes madeand the LTE service restarted.

This flag indicates the activation status ofmultiple realm support.

00 or 1SupportMultiRealm

0 (Deactivated) = The multi realm support isdeactivated..

1 (Activated) = The multi realm support isactivated.

This parameter is dynamically activated

This parameter indicates the activation statusof the 3G/4G Roaming feature. This featurecan be dynamically activated or deactivated.


0 (Deactivated) = The feature has beendeactivated. The operator can activate itdynamically.

1 (Activated) = The feature has been activated.The operator can deactivate it dynamically.

The time the LTE-HSS will wait for the IDAresponse before timing out the IDR logic.

4 s0 to 4 294 967295 ms


This parameter indicates the activation statusof the LTE-HSS Roaming Template feature.

00, 1, 255LteHssRoamingTemplate

This feature can be dynamically activated ordeactivated during running-time of the systemby executing the ActivateFeature orDeactivateFeature operations.

0 (Deactivated) = The feature is deactivated.The operator can activate it dynamically.

1 (Activated) = The feature is activated. Theoperator can deactivate it dynamically.

255 (Unavailable) = This feature is unavailableto the network operator. To authorize it foractivation/deactivation, contact the TekelecCustomer Care Center.

CLI Example

LteHss[]> LteHssOptions [CaleaLogging = 0, CaleaLogDir = /blue/var/log/csv,CaleaLogName = lteHSSCaleaLogs, CaleaMaxLogFile= 500000, SupportMultiRealm= 1; SendCancelLocation3G4G = 1;IDRTimeout = 4; LteHssRoamingTemplate = 1]

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LTE-HSS Roaming Templates

LTE-HSS Roaming Templates (LRT) control the roaming of LTE-HSS subscribers to 4G networks. AnLRT is defined in the LteHssRoamingTemplates table. Template entries are based on PLMN IDs(MCC/MNC), which are defined in the LteHssRoamingTemplatesPlmn table. LTE-HSS RoamingTemplates also offer service templates that allow or reject roaming or tune the content of the UpdateLocation Answer (ULA) message.

The following service templates are available:

• Access Restriction• APN Filtering• VPLMN Address Allowed

LTE-HSS Roaming Templates




LTE-HSS Roaming Templates (LRT) control the roaming of user equipment to 4G networks. This tableassociates an IMSI range with an LRT service.

WebCI Navigation

LTEHSS>LTEHSS Roaming Templates>Global Roaming Templates>LteHssRoamingTemplates

CLI Navigation

LteHss[]> ltehssroamingtemplate[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]> ltehssroamingtemplate[ImsiRange= ; LRT_AccessRestriTemplateId= ;LRT_APNFilterTemplateId= ; LRT_VPLMNAddrAllowedTemplateId= ]

Operations Permitted

Add, Delete

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Attributes and Values

Table 278: LTE-HSS RoamingTemplates Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The IMSI range associated to an LRT service.N/AVARCHAR(15)


The template ID of the Access Restriction LRTservice to be associated with the IMSI range.

N/AInteger (10)LRT_AccessRestriTemplateId

The template ID of the APN Filering LRTservice to be associated with the IMSI range.

N/AInteger (10)LRT_APNFilterTemplateId

The template ID of the VPLMN AddressAllowed LRT service to be associated with theIMSI range.

N/AInteger (10)LRT_VPLMNAddrAllowedTemplateId

CLI Example

LteHss[]> ltehssroamingtemplate[ImsiRange= 310910;LRT_AccessRestriTemplateId= 5; LRT_APNFilterTemplateId= 6;LRT_VPLMNAddrAllowedTemplateId= 8]

LTE-HSS Roaming Templates PLMN



DescriptionThis table maps the Visited-PLMN-Id AVP (MCC and MNC) to the VPlmnId (index) in the database.These IDs are used by all service Template tables.

WebCI Navigation

LTEHSS>LTEHSS Roaming Templates>PLMN>LteHssRoamingTemplatesPlmn

CLI Navigation

LteHss[]> lrt_plmntbl[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]> lrt_plmntbl[PlmnId= ; PlmnName= ; PlmnMcc= ; PlmnMnc= ]

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Operations Permitted

Add LRT_PlmnTbl, Modify, Delete

Attributes and Values

Table 279: LTE-HSS Roaming Templates PLMN Attributes (*=Mandatory)

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

VPlmnId (index) in the database.N/AInteger (10)PlmnId

Template name of the VPlmnId in thedatabase

N/AVarChar (40)*PlmnName

Mobile Country Code (MCC) ofVisited-PLMN

N/ASmallInt (5)*PlmnMcc

Mobile Network Code MNC) ofVisited-PLMN

N/ASmallInt (5)*PlmnMnc

CLI Example

LteHss[]> lrt_plmntbl [PlmnId= 5; PlmnName= PLMN7; PlmnMcc= 123; PlmnMnc=456]

Access Restriction Name




This table defines the Access Restriction service for an LTE-HSS Roaming template, which lists entriesbased on the PLMN ID (MCC/MNC). If the template is set to restrict access, then roaming will beblocked for any PLMN not included in the list (whitelist). If the template does not restrict access, thenroaming will be allowed to any PLMN not included in the list (blacklist).

Each row in the AccessRestrictionName table defines a template id, while the content of the templateis defined in AccessRestriction table. One template id in AccessRestrictionName table may correspondto multiple rows in the AccessRestriction table.

WebCI Navigation

LTEHSS>LTEHSS Roaming Templates>Access Restriction>AccessRestrictionName

CLI Navigation

LteHss[]> lrt_accessrestrictionname[]

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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]> lrt_accessrestrictionname[TemplateId= ; TemplateName= ;RestrictAccess= ]

Operations Permitted

Add LRT_AccessRestrictionName, Modify, Delete

Attributes and Values

Table 280: Access Restriction Name Attributes (*=Mandatory)

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

VPlmnId in the database.N/AInteger (40)TemplateId

Template name for the VPlmnId in thedatabase

N/AVarChar (60)*TemplateName

Turns the Access Restriction service On (1) orOff (0).

0SmallInt (1)*RestrictAccess

CLI Example

LteHss[]> lrt_accessrestrictionname[TemplateId= 7; TemplateName= AR3;RestrictAccess=1 ]

Access Restriction



DescriptionThis table defines the Access Restriction service for an LTE-HSS Roaming template, which lists entriesbased on the PLMN ID (MCC/MNC). If the template is set to restrict access, then roaming will beblocked for any PLMN not included in the list (whitelist). If the template does not restrict access, thenroaming will be allowed to any PLMN not included in the list (blacklist).

The AccessRestriction table can have multiple rows with the same Template Id, each with a differentPlmnId and AllowedRAT setting. The Template Id is defined in the AccessRestrictionName table.

WebCI Navigation

LTEHSS>LTEHSS Roaming Templates>Access Restriction>AccessRestriction

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CLI Navigation

LteHss[]> lrt_accessrestriction[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]> lrt_accessrestriction[TemplateId= ; PlmnId= ; AllowedRAT= ]

Operations Permitted

Add LRT_AccessRestriction, Modify, Delete

Attributes and Values

Table 281: Access Restriction Attributes (*=Mandatory)

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The TemplateId defined in theAccessRestrictionName table.

N/AInteger (10)*TemplateId

The PlmnId defined in theLteHssRoamingTemplatesPlmn table

N/AInteger (10)*PlmnId

The RAT type that the UE is allowed to usewhile roaming.




• 2G_3G: non-LTE access2G_3G_4G• 4G: LTE access

None • 2G_3G_4G: LTE and non-LTE access• None: No access

CLI Example

LteHss[]> lrt_accessrestriction[TemplateId= 7; PlmnId= 3; AllowedRAT=2G_3G]

APN Filtering Name




This table defines the APN Filtering service for an LTE-HSS Roaming template, which lists entriesbased on the PLMN ID (MCC/MNC). If the template is set to filter APNs, then the service screens theAPNs that are returned with the subscriber profile for APNs that should be removed before the profile

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is communicated to the visited network. Each PLMN can be configured with a list of up to 255 APNIDs.

Each row in the APNFilteringName table defines a template id, while the content of the template isdefined in APNFiltering table. One template id in the APNFilteringName table may correspond tomultiple rows in the APNFiltering table.

WebCI Navigation

LTEHSS>LTEHSS Roaming Templates>APN Filtering>APNFilteringName

CLI Navigation

LteHss[]> lrt_apnfilteringname[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]> lrt_apnfilteringname[TemplateId= ; TemplateName= ]

Operations Permitted

Add LRT_APNFilteringName, Modify, Delete

Attributes and Values

Table 282: APN Filtering Name Attributes (*=Mandatory)

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

VPlmnId in the database.N/AInteger (10)TemplateId

APN Filtering Template name of theassociated TemplateId.

N/AVarChar (60)*TemplateName

CLI Example

LteHss[]> lrt_apnfilteringname[TemplateId= 5; TemplateName= APN5]

Access Point Name (APN) Filtering




This table defines the APN Filtering service for an LTE-HSS Roaming (LRT) template, which listsentries based on the PLMN ID (MCC/MNC). If the LRT is set to filter APNs, then the service screens

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the APNs that are returned with the subscriber profile. If the VPLMN of the UL is listed in the servicetemplate and if any APNs in the subscriber profile match the entries in the service template, then thoseAPNs are removed from the subscriber profile that is returned to the visited network.

The APNFiltering table can have multiple rows with the same Template Id, each with a differentPlmnId and APN setting. The Template Id is defined in the APNFilteringName table.

WebCI Navigation

LTEHSS>LTEHSS Roaming Templates>APN Filtering>APNFiltering

CLI Navigation

LteHss[]> lrt_apnfiltering[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]> lrt_apnfiltering[TemplateId= ; PlmnId= ; AccessPointName= ]

Operations Permitted

Add LRT_APNFiltering, Delete

Attributes and Values

Table 283: APN Filtering Attributes (*=Mandatory)

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The TemplateId defined in theAccessRestrictionName table.

N/AInteger (10)*TemplateId

The PlmnId defined in theLteHssRoamingTemplatesPlmn table.

N/AInteger (10)*PlmnId

The APN to be removed from the subscriberprofile that is returned to the visited network

N/AVarChar (63)*AccessPointName

CLI Example

LteHss[]> lrt_apnfiltering[TemplateId= APN3; PlmnId= 5;]

VPLMN Address Allowed Name



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This table defines the template IDs of the VPLMN Address Allowed service for an LTE-HSS Roaming(LRT) template, which lists entries based on the PLMN ID (MCC/MNC). If the VPLMN of the UL islisted in the service template, then the VPLMN Address Allowed setting will be turned off for eachAPN that is returned in the profile to the visited network.

Each row in the VplmnAddressAllowedName table defines a template id, while the content of thetemplate is defined in VplmnAddressAllowed table. One template id in theVplmnAddressAllowedName table may correspond to multiple rows in the VplmnAddressAllowedtable.

WebCI Navigation

LTEHSS>LTEHSS Roaming Templates>Vplmn Address Allowed>VplmnAddressAllowedName

CLI Navigation

LteHss[]> lrt_vplmnaddressallowedname[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]> lrt_vplmnaddressallowedname[TemplateId= ; TemplateName= ]

Operations Permitted

Add LRT_VplmnAddressAllowedName, Modify, Delete

Attributes and Values

Table 284: VPLMN Address Allowed Name Attributes (*=Mandatory)

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

VPlmnId in the database.N/AInteger (10)*TemplateId

APN Filtering Template name of theassociated TemplateId.

N/AVarChar (60)*TemplateName

CLI Example

LteHss[]> lrt_vplmnaddressallowedname[TemplateId= 5; TemplateName= VPLMN5]

VPLMN Address Allowed



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This table defines the VPLMN Address Allowed service for an LTE-HSS Roaming (LRT) template,which lists entries based on the PLMN ID (MCC/MNC). If the VPLMN of the UL is listed in the servicetemplate, then the VPLMN Address Allowed setting will be turned off for each APN that is returnedin the profile to the visited network.

The VplmnAddressAllowed table can have multiple rows with the same Template Id, each with adifferent PlmnId. The Template Id is defined in the VplmnAddressAllowedName table.

WebCI Navigation

LTEHSS>LTEHSS Roaming Templates>Vplmn Address Allowed>Vplmn Address Allowed

CLI Navigation

LteHss[]> lrt_vplmnaddressallowed[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

LteHss[]> lrt_vplmnaddressallowed[TemplateId= ; PlmnId= ]

Operations Permitted

Add LRT_VplmnAddressAllowed, Delete

Attributes and Values

Table 285: VPLMN Address Allowed Attributes (*=Mandatory)

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The TemplateId defined in theVplmnAddressAllowedName table.

N/AInteger (10)*TemplateId

The PlmnId defined in theLteHssRoamingTemplatesPlmn table???

N/AInteger (10)*PlmnId

CLI Example

LteHss[]> lrt_vplmnaddressallowed[TemplateId= APN3; PlmnId= 5]

LTE-HSS Operations

This section describes the LTE-HSS operations available from the CLI.

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LTE MAP Options

This option is linked with the 3G-4G mobility feature using a legacy HLR. When a user roams froma 3G to a 4G network, the LTE-HSS needs to send a MAP-UL to the legacy HLR upon the receptionof the Diameter ULR message. If the MAP-UL is lost or not sent, the legacy HLR thinks that the useris still registered in a “real” 3G network. If the user roams from MME to MME, the LTE-HSS doesn’tsend again a MAP-UL, since the user remains within a 4G network. Now, if the user roams back to3G, the legacy HLR doesn’t send any MAP-CL to the LTE-HSS (the HLR Proxy functionality), sinceno MAP-UL has been previously received from the SDM ngHLR’s HLR Proxy functionality. The useris then registered in both 3G and 4G networks. In order to resynchronize the network, the LTE-HSSoffers to the Network Operator the ability to perform the following operation:ProxyLteUpLocToLegacyHlr().

This operation is under the LteMapOptions entity.

When this operation is invoked, the LTE HSS sends a MAP-UL message on each ULR received fromthe MME/SGSN. This resynchronizes the legacy HLR if one MAP-UL has been lost between the SDMngHLR’s HLR Proxy and the legacy HLR.

Note: Enabling this feature will trigger overhead on the network especially upon MME/MME roaming.

Command syntax:

LteHss[]:> LteMapOptions[]> ProxyLteUpLocToLegacyHlr()

LTE Peer Statistics

The LtePeersStatistics entity provides operations to retrieve the list of connected diameter peers.

From this entity, the two available operations are available:


This operation returns the full list of Diameter Peers (MME,SGSN, ect…) that are or have been connectedto the LTE-HSS. It gives the Diameter Identities of the Peers, the type of connection used, the connectionstatus and the number of time the Peer has been disconnected.


13 :LteHss[]:LtePeersStatistics[]>

OriginLteHost | OriginLteRealm | ConnectionStatus | PeerTransportType | | | DISCONNECTED | TCP | | | DISCONNECTED | TCP | | | DISCONNECTED | TCP | 1

Note: DisconnectTime is the number of time the corresponding peer has connected to the LTE-HSS.


This operation returns the list of Diameter Peers that are currently connected to the LTE-HSS.

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16 :LteHss[]:LtePeersStatistics[]> GetConnectedPeers()

OriginLteHost | OriginLteRealm | | | | | | |

LTE Statistics

The LteStatistics entity provides all the operations that allow to retrieve the result of each LTE-HSScounter (PM).

The operations are listed in alphabetical order:

• GetNumberOfAIA()







• GetNumberOfAIA_SUCCESS()



• GetNumberOfAIR()

• GetNumberOfAIR_OK()

• GetNumberOfAuthInfoAckRemoteRcvd()

• GetNumberOfBlackListIMSIMatch()

• GetNumberOfBlackListIMSIMisMatch()

• GetNumberOfBlackListReturned()

• GetNumberOfBlackListReturnedGlobalResp()

• GetNumberOfCancelLocationAckRemoteRcvd()

• GetNumberOfCancelLocationReqRemoteRcvd()

• GetNumberOfCLR()

• GetNumberOfCLA()


• GetNumberOfCLRRemoteSent()





• GetNumberOfCLA_OK()



• GetNumberOfDSA()

• GetNumberOfDSA_OK()

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• GetNumberOfDSR()

• GetNumberOfDSRRemoteSent()

• GetNumberOfDynamicIMSIRecording()

• GetNumberOfGreyListReturned()

• GetNumberOfGreyListReturnedGlobalResp()

• GetNumberOfIDA()

• GetNumberOfIDA_OK()



• GetNumberOfIDR()

• GetNumberOfIDRRemoteSent()

• GetNumberOfMapUlAckRemoteRcvd()

• GetNumberOfMapUlRemoteSent()

• GetNumberOfMEIdentityCheckRcvd()

• GetNumberOfNOA()

• GetNumberOfNOA_SUCCESS()




• GetNumberOfNOR()

• GetNumberOfNOR_OK()



• GetNumberOfPUA()

• GetNumberOfPUA_SUCCESS()




• GetNumberOfPUR()

• GetNumberOfPUR_OK()



• GetNumberOfRIA()



• GetNumberOfRIA_SUCCESS()




• GetNumberOfRIR()



• GetNumberOfRIR_OK()

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• GetNumberOfRSA()

• GetNumberOfRSA_OK()



• GetNumberOfRSR()

• GetNumberOfULA()

• GetNumberOfULA_SUCCESS()








• GetNumberOfULR()

• GetNumberOfULR_OK()



• GetNumberOfUnknownIMEIStatus

• GetNumberOfUnknownIMEIStatusGlobalResp()

• GetNumberOfWhiteListReturned()

• GetNumberOfWhiteListReturnedGlobalResp()

This table lists the counters that can be retrieved by the respective operation:

Table 286: Operations to retrieve counter values















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GetNumberOfGreyListReturnedGlobalResp()NumberOfGreyListReturned GlobalResp













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Table 287: Operations to retrieve counter values






















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Refer to the “LTE-HSS Application” section of the SDM Performance Measurements document for detailson these counters.

Command syntax (example):

LteHss[]:> LteStatistics[]> GetNumberOfMapUlRemoteSent()

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10Subscription Locator Function (SLF)


• SLF Configuration.....479

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SLF Configuration

HSS SLF Configuration




To provision the Subscription Locator Function (SLF) configuration parameters used at system startup.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssSlfConfig

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>display HssSlfConfig [SlotId = integer; OriginatingRealm = string;LocalFQDN = string; TCPTransport = 0,1; LocalTCPPort = integer; SCTPTransport= 0,1; LocalSCTPPort = integer; AutomaticPeerReconnect = 0,1;MaxSlfEntriesPerSub = 0-65 535]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values:

Table 288: HssSlfConfig Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Numerical identification of sloton shelf. Identifies the slot that could berelated to this alarm.

N/A1 to 4294976295SlotId

Table 289: HssSlfConfig Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The Realm to which the HSS is belonging.Read-only attribute

originrealm.comString(100) (


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Value used to uniquely identify the HSSnode for purposes of duplicate connection

localfdqn.comFQDN (


and routing loop detection. Read-onlyattribute

Enables or disables TCP transport.Read-only attribute

10 or 1TCPTransport

0 = disabled

1 = enabled

The TCP port on which the HSS willaccept connections from diameter nodeon TCP transport. Read-only attribute.

3868Unsigned Integer(32)


Enables or disables SCTP transport.10 or 1SCTPTransport

0 = Disables SCTP transport.

1 = Enables SCTP transport.

The SCTP port on which the HSS willaccept connections from diameter nodeon SCTP transport. Read-only attribute.

3869Unsigned Integer(32)


If the HSS has accepted a connection fromthe CSCF but there is a failure of the

00 or 1AutomaticPeerReconnect

connection on the CSCF’s side, the HSSwill either try to reconnect with the CSCFautomatically or not.

0 = No automatic reconnection

1 = Automatic reconnection

To indicate if the SLF application isenabled or not.


0: SLF application is not enabled.

1: SLF application is enabled.

Maximum number of SLF entries (PublicIdentity-HssName pairs) that can be

65 535Integer (0-65 535)MaxSlfEntriesPerSub

provisioned in the‘HssSlfPublic2HssName’ entity for onesingle subscriber (SubscriptionID).

CLI Example

Hss[]>display HssSlfConfig [SlotId = 5]

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HSS SLF Configuration TCP Listen Address




To view the TCP IP address that accepts the connections to the SLF.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssSlfConfig []> HssSlfConfigTCPListenAddress

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>HssSlfConfig[SlotId = 5]>display HssSlfConfigTCPListenAddress [SlotId= integer; Address = IPAddress; Netmask=string]

Operations permitted

Add, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 290: HssSlfConfigTCPListenAddress Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Numericalidentification of slot on shelf.

N/A1 to 4294976295SlotId

Identifies the slot that couldbe related to this alarm.

Configured TCP address onwhich connection will be

N/AString (100)

IPAddress or DNSresolvable name


accepted. All local interfacesare configured to acceptincoming connections.

Netmask used with slot IPaddress.


CLI Example

Hss[]> HssSlfConfig[SlotId = 5]>display HssSlfConfigTCPListenAddress [Address=]

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HSS SLF Configuration SCTP Listen Address




To view the SCTP IP address that accepts the connections for the SLF.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssSlfConfig []> HssSlfConfigSCTPListenAddress

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>HssSlfConfig[SlotId = 5]>display HssSlfConfigSCTPListenAddress [SlotId= integer; Address = string; Netmask=string]

Operations Permitted

Add, display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 291: HssSlfConfigSCTPListenAddress Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Numericalidentification of slot on shelf.

N/A1 to 4294976295SlotId

Identifies the slot that couldbe related to this alarm.

Configured SCTP address onwhich connection will be

N/AString (100)

IPAddress or DNSresolvable name


accepted. All local interfacesare configured to acceptincoming connections.

Netmask used with slot IPaddress.


CLI Example

Hss[]:HssSlfConfig[SlotId = 5]>display HssSlfConfigSCTPListenAddress [Address=]

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HSS SLF Configuration Destination Realm




To provision the domains only from which the connections are accepted by the SLF.

CLI NavigationHss[]> HssSlfConfig []> HssSlfConfigDestinationRealm

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

Hss[]>HssSlfConfig[SlotId = 5]>display HssSlfConfigDestinationRealm[LocalRealm = FQDN ]

Operations Permitted

Add, display, delete

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 292: HssSlfConfigDestinationRealm Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Name of the Domain to whichthe HSS belongs to.



CLI Example

Hss[]>HssSlfConfig[SlotId = 5]>display HssSlfConfigDestinationRealm[LocalRealm =]

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11Equipment Identity Register (EIR)

This chapter provides details of EIR entities usingWebCI. EIR entities configure global EIR settings,


• EIR configuration.....485 EIR response types, EIR-IMEI equipment status,associations, and ranges, as well as bind IMEIs to asubscription.

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EIR configuration

EIR entities include:

• EirImeiEquipStatus – defines new IMEIs and associates them with their equipment status• EirImeiImsiAssociation – associates unbound IMEIs with one or more IMSIs• EirBoundImeiEquipStatus – Defines new bound IMEIs and associates them with their equipment

status• EirBoundImeiImsiAssociation – associates bound IMEIs with one or more IMSIs• EirIMEIRange – defines the IMEI range with the associated equipment status for the range• EirResponseConfig – Defines which equipment status to be returned in the ME-Check-Identity

answer if an IMEI has been configured in several lists (White/Grey/Black)• EirGlobalConfig – Defines the common EIR configuration that will be used by all EIR applications

belonging to the same platform.

EIR IMEI Equipment Status


• Before updating this table, the IMEI and Equipment Status must be specified. The IMEI valuecannot be modified.

• Changes to this table do not require a restart.• The IMEIs in this table are not bound to any particular subscriber.




This table defines new IMEIs and associates them with their equipment status.

CLI Navigation


WebCI Navigation

EIR>EIR Configuration>Add EirImeiEquipStatus

Inherited Attributes

IMEI, EquipmentStatus

Permitted Operations

Add, Modify, Delete

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Attributes and Values

Table 293: IMEI Equipment Status Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The IMEI of the handsetN/Astring size(14)IMEI

This is the configuredequipment status for the


• NO_LIST (000) handset and is definedas a set.• WHITE_LIST (001)



EIR IMEI-IMSI Association




This entity associates unbound IMEIs (from the EirImeiEquipStatus table) with one or more IMSIs.The table also allows to link several IMEIs to the same IMSI, and several IMSIs to the same IMEI.

CLI Navigation


WebCI Navigation

EIR>EIR Configuration>Add EirImeiImsiAssociation

Inherited Attributes

IMEI, EquipmentStatus

Permitted Operations

Add, Delete

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Attributes and Values

Table 294: IMEI-IMSI Association Entity Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The IMEI of the handsetN/Astring size(14)IMEI

The IMSI to be linked tothe IMEI

string size(15)IMSI

Table 295: IMEI-IMSI Association Entity Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Indicates if the entrywas dynamically created


due to the “IMSIDynamic Recording”feature

EIR Bound IMEI Equipment Status

Note: If a SubscriptionID is removed from the SDM Subscription table, a cascade operation will resultin the deletion of all EirBoundImeiEquipStatus entries which specify that SubscriptionID.




This table defines new IMEI and associates them with their equipment status. The IMEIs in this tableare bound to a specific subscriber.

CLI Navigation


WebCI Navigation

SubscriptionID>EIR>display/modify>Add EirBoundImeiEquipStatus

Permitted Operations

Add, Modify, Delete

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Attributes and Values

Table 296: Bound IMEI Equipment Status Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The Subscription IDassociated with the IMEI

string size(128)SubscriptionID

The IMEI of the handsetN/Astring size(14)IMEI

This is the configuredequipment status for the

Not setSetEquipmentStatus

• NO_LIST (000) handset and is definedas a set.• WHITE_LIST (001)



EIR Bound IMEI-IMSI Association




This entity associates bound IMEIs (from the EirBoundImeiEquipStatus table) with one or more IMSIs.The table also allows to link several IMEIs to the same IMSI, and several IMSIs to the same IMEI.

CLI Navigation


WebCI Navigation

SubscriptionID>EIR>display/modify>Add EirBoundImeiEquipStatus

Permitted Operations

Add, Delete

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Attributes and Values

Table 297: Bound IMEI IMSI Association Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The IMEI of the handsetstring size(14)IMEI

The IMSI to be linked tothe IMEI

string size(15)IMSI

Table 298: Bound IMEI IMSI Association Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Indicates if the entrywas dynamically created


due to the “IMSIDynamic Recording”feature





This entity defines the IMEI range with the associated equipment status for the range. This willWhite/Grey/Black list a range of IMEI in case of multiple handset having consecutive IMEI need tobe targeted. This table allows overlapping of IMEI range, each range having its own equipment statusconfiguration which can be : WHITE/GREY/BLACK List.

WebCI Navigation

EIR>EIR Configuration>EirImeiRange

Permitted Operations

Add, Modify, Delete

Attributes and Values

Table 299: IMEI Range Entity Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

It is the start of the rangefor IMEI

string size(14)BeginIMEI

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

It is the end of the rangefor IMEI.

string size(14)EndIMEI

It is the status of therange



• WHITE_LIST (001)• GREY_LIST (010)• BLACK_LIST (100)

EIR Response Configuration




The table defines three response types. The global response type to be used is defined in system widelevel. This table is predefined to contain exactly 8 entries, one per equipment status combination(defined see EquipmentStatus value set). This table is read at the process startup. If the EIR feature isturned on and this table doesn�t contain the 8 entries, the EIR will not start and the startup will fail.This table can be modified dynamically while the system is running. A new configuration of this tableis applied on the fly to the LTE EIR application.

CLI Navigation


WebCI Navigation

EIR>EIR Configuration>EirImeiEquipmentStatus

Permitted Operations

Add, Modify

Attributes and Values

Table 300: ME-Check-Identity Response Type Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

It is the equipment status thathas been configured for the


• NO_LIST (000) searched IMEI. This is definedas a set of values.• WHITE_LIST (001)


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute• WHITE_BLACK_LIST (101)• GREY_BLACK_LIST(110)• WHITE_GREY_BLACK_LIST


The equipment status that willbe returned in the

Type 1 • NO_LIST (000)• WHITE_LIST (001)

ME-Check-Identity answer in• GREY_LIST (010)case the global response typehas been defined as Type1

The equipment status that willbe returned in the

Type 2 • NO_LIST (000)• WHITE_LIST (001)

ME-Check-Identity answer in• GREY_LIST (010)case the global response type• BLACK_LIST (100)has been defined as Type2.This is defined as a set and thefollowing values are valid

The equipment status that willbe returned in the

Type 3 • NO_LIST (000)• WHITE_LIST (001)

ME-Check-Identity answer in• GREY_LIST (010)case the global response typehas been defined as Type3

• BLACK_LIST (100)

EIR Global Configuration




This entity defines the common EIR configuration that will be used by all EIR applications belongingto the same platform. This table is predefined to contain exactly one row, and is read at startup byeach EIR application. If there is not exactly one row, the LTE EIR will not start. This table can bemodified on the fly while the LTE-EIR is running and the new configuration is taken into accountright after the modification.

CLI Navigation


WebCI Navigation

EEIR>EIR Configuration> Modify EirGlobalConfig

Permitted Operations


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Attributes and Values

Table 301: EIR Global Configuration Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

It is the system wide parameterthat will be applied in case an


• Type1 IMEI is defined with several• Type2 list in order to find the• Type3 corresponding equipment

status to be sent in theME-Check-Identity answer.

It is the global Response optionthat turns off or on the search


• Example : of IMEI into the database upon• GlobalResponseOption = ON the receipt of• EirResponseType = Type2 in

EirGlobalConfigMECheck-Identity request. Ifthis option is set to OFF,

• In EirResponseConfig forEquipmentStatus = NO_LIST

normal processing takes place(i.e. the algorithm described

and Type2=BLACK_LIST(100). above is executed). If thisThe equipment status in the option is set to ON, theME-Check-Identity answer willbe set to BLACK_LIST.

algorithm is not executed andinstead the ME-Check-Identityanswer will contain theequipment status set to thevalue corresponding to theEirResponseType value for theEquipmentStatus : NO_LIST.

It is the option that turns off oron the “IMSI Check” feature of


the EIR, i.e. determineswhether or not the IMSI shouldbe considered whenformulating the response.

It is the option that turns off oron the “IMSI Dynamic


Recording” feature of the EIR,i.e. determines whether or notan unknown IMSI associatedwith a non-blacklisted IMEIresults in the dynamic creationof that IMSI. If the IMSI is tobe dynamically created, anentry will be in the appropriatetable (EirImeiImsiAssocationif the IMEI is unbound;EirBoundImeiImsiAssociationif the IMEI is bound), with the

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributegiven IMEI/IMSI and aDynamicallyProvisioned flagvalue of true.

Table 302: EIR Global Configuration Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The system-wide Default MNCstring size(3)DefaultMNC

The system-wide Default MCCstring size(3)DefaultMCC

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This chapter provides details on LTE-EIR entitiesconfigured through the WebCI. LTE-EIR entities


• LTE-EIR configuration.....495 configure the LTE Diameter host name and realm,the IP addresses for TCP/SCTP, as well as thedestination host and realm.

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LTE-EIR configuration

LTE-EIR requires Diameter provisioning through these new tables:

• LteEirConfig –defines Diameter Host Name and Diameter Realm of the EIR for LTE.• LteEirConfigTcpListenAddress - configures the IP address for a TCP connection.• LteEirConfigSctpListenAddress – Configures the IP address for an SCTP connection.• LteEirConfigDestinationHosts – Defines the Diameter host authorized to establish a new Diameter

connection with the EIR application.• LteEirConfigDestinationRealm – Defines a list of authorized diameter realm

For each of these tables, the global schema representation exactly matches the database table definition.

LTE-EIR Configuration

Note: The LTE process has to be stopped before modifying this entity; a restart commits theconfiguration.




This table defines the Diameter Host Name and Diameter Realm of the LTE-EIR application.

CLI Navigation


WebCI Navigation

LTEEIR>LTEEIR Configuration

Permitted Operations

Add, Modify, Delete

Attributes and Values

Table 303: LTE-EIR Configuration Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The slot id for which thefollowing configuration willapply for EIR

unsigned int32SlotId

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Table 304: LTE-EIR Configuration Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Define if the EIR application isturned on within the LTEprocess


The Diameter Origin Host ofthe Diameter EIR application.


This value will be the one sentin each Diameter message inthe OriginHost AVP

The Diameter OriginRealm ofthe Diameter EIR application.


This value will be the one sentin each Diameter message inthe OriginRealm AVP

Define if the TCP transportneeds to be activated or not. If


not, the EIR won't be able toaccept any incoming Diameterconnection over TCP transport

The default TCP port on whichincoming Diameter connectionwill be listened.

3868unsigned int32LocalTCPPort

Define if the SCTP transportneeds to be activated or not. If


not, the EIR won't be able toaccept any incoming Diameterconnection over SCTPtransport.

The default SCTP port onwhich incoming Diameterconnection will be listened.

3869unsigned int32LocalSCTPPort

When EIR application hasaccepted connection with


remote Diameter Peer, if someof those connections are lost,the EIR will try to reconnectitself to the failed remoteDiameter peers. (DNS serverneeds to be configured in orderto allow the EIR application tofind the IP address of theDiameter Peer based on theDiameter DestinationHostAVP).

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LTE-EIR Configuration TCP Listen Address

The LTE EIR application can accept incoming Diameter connections over TCP through several localIP addresses. These addresses are configured in this table. The configuration is static. Toadd/modify/remove entries in this entity, the LTE process needs to be restarted.




This table configures the IP address for a TCP connection.

CLI Navigation


WebCI Navigation

LTEEIR>LTEEIR Configuration>Add LteEirConfigTcpListenAddress

Permitted Operations

Add, Modify, Delete

Attributes and Values

Table 305: LTE EIR TCP Listen Addresses Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The netmask that will be usedby the IP address that is beingconfigured


The slot id for which thefollowing configuration willapply for EIR

unsigned int32SlotId

Table 306: LTE EIR TCP Listen Addresses Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The IP address to beconfigured for TCP


connections. If this address isnot already created on theSlotId, it will get created on thefly when the EIR applicationwill be started.

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LTE-EIR Configuration SCTP Listen Address

The LTE EIR application can accept incoming Diameter connections over SCTP through several localIP addresses. These addresses are configured in this table. The configuration is static. Toadd/modify/remove entries in this entity, the LTE process needs to be restarted.




This table configures the IP address for a SCTP connection.

CLI Navigation


WebCI Navigation

LTEEIR>LTEEIR Configuration>Add LteEirConfigSctpListenAddress

Permitted Operations

Add, Modify, Delete

Attributes and Values

Table 307: LTE EIR SCTP Listen Addresses Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The netmask that will be usedby the IP address that is beingconfigured


The slot id for which thefollowing configuration willapply for EIR

unsigned int32SlotId

Table 308: LTE EIR SCTP Listen Addresses Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The IP address to beconfigured for SCTP


connections. If this address isnot already created on theSlotId, it will get created on thefly when the EIR applicationwill be started.

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LTE-EIR Destination Host

The LTE EIR application can restrict the Diameter Peers that will be authorized to connect with it. Oneway of restricting the Peer is to define a list of authorized diameter hosts. This is done by new addingentries in this entity. This entity can be modified dynamically. LTE process doesn't need to be restartedwhen adding/removing/updating entries in this entity.




This table defines the Diameter host authorized to establish a new Diameter connection with the EIRapplication.

CLI Navigation


WebCI Navigation

LTEEIR>LTEEIR Configuration>Add LteEirConfigDestinationHosts

Permitted Operations

Add, Modify, Delete

Attributes and Values

Table 309: LTE EIR Destination Host Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The diameter host authorizedto establish a new Diameter


Connection with the EIRapplication. This value needsto be set to the value in theoriginating host AVP of theCER message that will bereceived during the Diameterconnection set up.

LTE-EIR Destination Realm

The LTE EIR application can restrict the Diameter Realm that will be authorized to connect with it.One way of restricting the Peer is to define a list of authorized diameter realm. This table configuresthe destination realm. This entity can be modified dynamically. LTE process doesn't need to be restartedwhen adding/removing/updating entries in this entity.

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This table configures the destination realm.

CLI Navigation


WebCI Navigation

LTEEIR>LTEEIR Configuration> Add LteEirConfigDestinationRealm

Permitted Operations

Add, Modify, Delete

Attributes and Values

Table 310: LTE EIR Destination Realm Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The diameter host authorizedto establish a new Diameter


Connection with the EIRapplication. This value needsto be set to the value in theoriginating host AVP of theCER message that will bereceived during the Diameterconnection set up.

Note: If this list is empty, the LTE EIR application will accept incoming Diameter Connection fromany Diameter Realm. As soon as one entry is added in this list, the EIR will check each incoming CERand reject it if needed.

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• DRA Configuration.....502

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DRA Configuration

Diameter Relay Agent Configuration




This entity allows the configuration of the Support for Diameter Relay Agent feature.

WebCI NavigationDiameter > DRA Configuration > DraConfig

CLI NavigationDiameter[]

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax2:Diameter[]> add DraConfig[DraHost =; DraRealm];2:Diameter[]> delete DraConfig[DraHost =; DraRealm]

Operations Permitted

Add, Delete

Attributes and Values

Table 311: HssSystemOptions Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

The diameter host name of theDiameter Relay Agent that willconnect to the HSS

N/AFQDN formatDraHost

The diameter host name of theDiameter Relay Agent that willconnect to the HSS


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This chapter provides an overview of the systemhierarchy and describes the entities that retrievealarms and provision system features.


• System hierarchy.....504• Shelf.....505• SNMP Trap Configuration.....509• VIP.....510• Slot.....511• Geo-Cluster Configuration.....514• Geo-Redundancy Operations.....516• Module Type.....517• Identity.....519• Service.....520• Service Option.....524• Service Instance.....526• Service Instance Option.....531• SmModule.....534• Alarm.....539• Alarm History.....543• Alarm Operations.....547• Background Task.....547• Background Task History.....550• Self Healing (Database Replication


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System hierarchy

The following figure provides a hierarchical view of the System entities.

Note: Lower level entities inherit key attributes from higher level entities. Attributes are shown inbrackets.

Figure 13: Hierarchy Of System CLI Commands

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This represents the physical shelf.

CLI Navigation


CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

System[]> display Shelf[ShelfId = integer; Name = text; Description = text;Location = text; Contact = text; PrivateOampVip=IP Address;SnmpRWCommunity=string; SnmpAgentPort=0-65535; SnmpHeartbeatEnabled=0,1;SnmpHeartbeatTime=30-240]

Operations Permitted


Attributes and Values

Table 312: Shelf Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. The Shelf Idnumber assigned bysystem.

N/A1 to 4294976295ShelfId

User defined name forthe shelf.

SDMUp to 65535 digitsand/or letters


User defineddescription ofapplication for the shelf.

ShelfUp to 65535 digitsand/or letters


User defined locationdescription for the shelf.

NullUp to 65535 digitsand/or letters


User defined contactname for the shelf. Shelfsupport contact info.

[email protected] to 65535 digitsand/or letters


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Table 313: Shelf Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Internal IP address usedby Tekelec applicationsto reach the Oamp.

IP addressPrivateOampVip

This parameterindicates thecommunity for get/set.


This parameterindicates the UDP portfor the SNMP agent.

161*0 to 65



Warning: The TPDSNMP Agent uses the"161" port, so for a SDMdeployment running theTPD (Tekelec SoftwarePlatform), thisparameter must be setto any value other than"161". We recommendusing port "62008"instead of "161" on TPDinstallations.

This parameter enablesor disables the heartbeat


0 or 1


notifications sent by theTekelec SDM's SNMPAgent to the externalNetwork Manager.

0: The SNMP HeartbeatNotification trap isdisabled.

1: The SNMP HeartbeatNotification trap isenabled.

Heartbeat frequency.Frequency in seconds at

3030 to 240SnmpHeartbeatTime

which the heartbeatnotification traps aresent out to the NetworkManager (NM).

The SNMP heartbeatnotification trap is sentto the NM on each

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeheartbeat internalnotification.

CLI Example

1 :System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = 1]> display

Shelf Operations

The following section provides a description of the operations that can be performed with the Shelfentity in the system.


The operator can use this to acknowledge all the alarms on the system. An acknowledge notificationwith a date and time stamp will be recorded in the AlarmHistory for all the alarms. The acknowledgeoperation does not clear the alarms.

CLI Command Syntax:

System[]> AcknowledgeAllAlarms()


Caution: The operator must be careful with this operation. This operation will removeall the alarms from the active alarm list. Updated alarm entries will appear in theAlarmHistory list. Even though the alarms have been cleared from the active alarm list,the conditions that caused the alarms still exist but will NOT be reported when theseconditions no longer prevail. The AcknowledgeAllAlarms operation must be run firstbefore running the ClearAllAlarms operation.

CLI Command Syntax:



The operator can use this operation to configure the public OAMP VIP(s) of the system. For a systemusing one IP connection to communicate with a single network, only the VIP of type OAMP needs tobe configured. On the other hand, for a system using more than one IP connection to communicatewith multiple networks (using the IP Subnet Separation feature), a VIP address of type OAMP mustbe configured on the ACCESS network as well as a VIP address per network. In this case, each networkis organized per traffic type and a VIP must be configured per type. This operation can be used tobind one or more Vips to the shelf of the system. Note that only one VIP address can be bind at a timeand only one VIP can be created per VipType. The Netmask and the VIP address as well as the VIPType must be specified to run this operation. (as an example: Netmask:, Vip: and VipType: Oamp)

Values VipType can have:

0 Default

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1 Oamp

2 GeoReplication

3 Provisioning

CLI Command Syntax:

System[]>Shelf[ShelfId=1]> AddVip() Netmask=; Vip=; VipType=1

Note: Only one Vip per VipType can be bind to the system.


The operator can use this operation to remove a public VIP already configured in the system. Notethat only one VIP can be removed at a time.

Warning: Removing a VIP will terminate all communication to this VIP. The VIP address must bespecified to run this operation. (as an example: Vip:

CLI Command Syntax:

System[]>Shelf[ShelfId=1]> RemoveVip() Vip=


By default, no trap hosts are configured in the system. This operation allows the Network Operatorto configure one SNMP trap host at a time. Multiple trap hosts can be configured in the system, simplyby executing this operation for each trap host to be configured. The SnmpTrapHost parameter is theonly mandatory parameter when executing this operation. The default values of the SnmpTrapPortand SnmpTrapCommunity are "162" and "public" respectively.

CLI Command Syntax:

System[]>Shelf[ShelfId=1]> AddSnmpTrapConfig() SnmpTrapHost=localhost


This operation allows the Network Operator to remove one SNMP trap host at a time. The mandatoryparameters are: SnmpTrapHost, SnmpTrapCommunity, SnmpTrapPort.

CLI Command Syntax:

System[]>Shelf[ShelfId=1]> RemoveSnmpTrapConfig() SnmpTrapHost=localhost; SnmpTrapPort=163;SnmpTrapCommunity=public


The operator can use this operation to refresh the High-availability state of each service running onthe shelf.

CLI Command Syntax:

System[]>Shelf[ShelfId=1]> RefreshHaState()

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SNMP Trap Configuration




The SnmpTrapConfig table allows you to view the SNMP trap(s) configured in the system throughthe AddSnmpTrapConfig() operation.

CLI Navigation


CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

System[]:Shelf[ShelfId =ShelfId]> display SnmpTrapConfig[SnmpTrapHost=string; SnmpTrapCommunity= string; SnmpTrapPort= string]

WebCI Navigation:

System > Shelf View > SNMP Config

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 314: SNMP Trap Configuration Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This parameter indicates thehost to which traps are sent.

N/AString (maximum size255)


ex: x.x.x.x

or FQDN (FullyQualified DomainName)

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Table 315: SNMP Trap Configuration Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This parameter indicates theport used by the remote hostto receive traps

162String (maximum size16)


This parameter indicates thecommunity string used tosend traps.

publicString (maximum size255)


CLI Example

1 :System[]:Shelf[Shelf[ShelfId = 1]>display SnmpTrapConfig[]





The Vip table allows you to view the OAMP VIP addresses configured in the system. This table actsas a repository to store the VIPs that are bind to the system.

CLI Navigation


CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

System[]:Shelf[ShelfId =ShelfId]>display Vip[Netmask= string; Vip= VirtualIP address; VipType=0,1,2,3,4]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 316: VIP Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Slot external IP Address.N/AVirtual IP address(


Defines the purpose of theVip.

00 Default

1 Oamp


2 GeoReplication

3 Provisioning

4 Ldap

Netmask used with slot IPaddress.


CLI Example

1 :System[]:Shelf[Shelf[ShelfId = 1]>display Vip[]





The Slot Entity represents one of the slots on the shelf. Slots numbered 1 through 15 represent theirphysical counterpart on the shelf.

CLI Navigation

You can have access to the SmModule entity by following one of these navigation paths:

• To access the Slot knowing the ShelfId it belongs to:System[]>Shelf>Slot• To access the Slot knowing the Identity bound to it:System[]>Identity>Slot

CLI Inherited Attributes

• When accessing Slot through Shelf:ShelfId.• When accessing Slot through Identity:IdentityId

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CLI Command Syntax

• System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = ShelfId#]> display Slot[SlotId = integer;IsLocked=0,1; GeoClusterId=int; Hostname=string; IpAddress= IP address;AccessVip=string; IdentityId=integer]

• System[]:Identity[IdentityId = IdentityId#]> display Slot[SlotId = integer;IdentityId=uint; GeoClusterId=int; IsLocked=0,1; Hostname=string;IpAddress= IP address; AccessVip=string]

Operations Permitted Display

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 317: Slot Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Numerical slotIdentification assigned by the

N/A1 to 4294976295SlotId

system. For cards, thiscorresponds to the physicalslot on the shelf. Values areunique for the shelf.

Identifier of theGeo-redundant cluster.


Read only. Indicates theLocked state of the FRU in thisslot.

00 or 1IsLocked



Identification of the Identitybound to the slot.

N/A0 Default

1 SystemController


7 FrontEnd

Table 318: Slot Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Slot IP Address.N/AString (15)IpAddress

Slot hostname.N/AStringHostname

Slot external access IPaddress.

N/AString (15)AccessVip

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CLI Example

1 :System[]:Shelf[Shelf[ShelfId = 1]>display Slot[SlotId = 5] IsLocked

Slot Operations

Add Service()

The operator can use this operation to bind a service to a slot. Only user service can be added by theoperator. Binding a service to a slot will populate the system model with required module instancesand deploy software process on the blade. When adding a service to a slot, the operator is actuallydefining the set of modules that will start on that slot. This is achieved using the Module Type.

Command syntax:

:System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = #]:Slot[SlotId = #]> addService()

Remove Service()

The operator can use this operation to remove a service from this slot. Only user service can be removedby the operator. This operation will remove affected module instances from the system model andshutdown affected processes.

Command syntax:

:System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = #]:Slot[SlotId = #]> RemoveService()

Start Services()

The operator can use this operation to start all services bound to this slot. All service processes willbe launched if an SBC is assigned to this slot.

Warning: If the StopServices() operation was executed previously, a delay of 30 secondsmust be taken into account before being able to execute the StartServices() operation.

Command syntax:

:System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = #]:Slot[SlotId = #]> StartServices()

Stop Services()

The operator can use this operation to stop all services bound to this slot.

When stopping the services on a blade, you can choose to stop or not the database with the Stopdbparameter. This parameter can take the following values: 0: the database won’t be stopped. The databasewill continue running on the blade.

1: the database is stopped at the same time as the services.

If you choose not to stop the database, the services on the blade will stop, but the database will continuerunning and the volatile data won’t be lost.

Command syntax:

:System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = #]:Slot[SlotId = #]> StopServices() Stopdb=0

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Restart Services()

The operator can use this operation to restart all services running on a slot. When executing thisoperation, the system will stop all the services running on the slot selected and then automaticallyrestart them. This operation should only be executed during down time for troubleshooting, as it couldaffect the traffic.

Command syntax:

:System[] :Shelf[ShelfId = #]:Slot[SlotId = #]> RestartServices()

Start Trace()

Warning: This operation cannot under any circumstances be executed by the operatorwithout the permission of Tekelec’s Customer Care Center. When troubleshooting, theTekelec Customer Care Center must be contacted in order to activate the necessary traces.When a Tekelec technician performs this operation, traces for all modules running onthe specified slot will be enabled.

Stop Trace()

Warning: This operation cannot under any circumstances be executed by the operatorwithout the permission of Tekelec’s Customer Care Center. When troubleshooting, theTekelec Customer Care Center must be contacted and if needed will deactivate sometraces by performing this operation and disabling the traces for all modules running onthe specified slot.

Geo-Cluster Configuration




The GeoClusterConfig table allows you to configure the system for a Geo-Redundancy deployment.

CLI Navigation


CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = ShelfId]>display GeoClusterConfig[GeoClusterId=int;GeoLocalSiteIp= IP address; GeoLocalSiteNetmask= string; GeoRemoteSiteIp=

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IP address; GeoRedundancyEnabled= 0,1; GeoRemotePort= string; GeoLocalPort=string]

WebCI Navigation:

System > Geo Redundancy View

Operations Permitted

Display, modify

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 319: Geo Cluster Configuration Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Id of the Geo cluster.00GeoClusterId

Local virtual IP address of asite of type GeoReplication

N/AIP AddressGeoLocalSiteIp

that works in aGeo-redundancy deployment.

Netmask of thegeo-redundant local site.


Virtual IP address of the peersite of type GeoReplication

N/AIP AddressGeoRemoteSiteIp

and with which it works within a Geo-redundancydeployment.

Attribute that indicates if theGeo-Redundancy feature isenabled or not.

0bool 0,1GeoRedundancyEnabled



Table 320: Geo Cluster Configuration Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This parameter indicates theremote port on thegeo-redundant peer site.

620020 to 65 535GeoRemotePort

This parameter indicates thelocal listening port on thegeo-redundant site.

620020 to 65 535GeoLocalPort

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CLI Example

System[]:Shelf[Shelf[ShelfId = 1]>display GeoClusterConfig[]

Geo-Redundancy Operations


The operator can use this operation to disable the geo-redundancy feature. When disabling this feature,the parameter GeoRedundancy in the System entity will take the value of 0. Once you have executedthis operation, you can verify the result by displaying the System entity and if the GeoRedundancyparameter has a value of 0, the feature has been disabled.

Command syntax:

System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = 1]> GeoClusterConfig[GeoClusterId=0]>DisableGeoRedundancy()


This operation is mostly useful at installation of the system in a geo-redundancy deployment to enablethe geo-redundancy feature. When enabling this feature, the parameter GeoRedundancy in the Systementity will take the value of 1. For a system with the geo-redundancy feature enabled, theGeoRedundancy parameter will have a value of 1 in the System entity.

Command syntax:

System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = 1]> GeoClusterConfig[GeoClusterId=0]>EnableGeoRedundancy()


In the case where the system’s database is the replica of the database of its reference peer in the remotesite and where the connection between the two sites is lost, the operator can judge the situation andwait until the connection is re-established, in which case the system will eventually go back into thereplica state. However, if the operator knows the connection will not be re-established soon, he canuse the ForceGeoReference operation to force the database to become in a Reference state and thereforeforce the system to become the reference peer. Using this operation will force the system into becomingthe reference for its remote site when the connection is re-established.

Command syntax:

System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = 1]> GeoClusterConfig[GeoClusterId=0]>ForceGeoReference()

Note: When the ForceGeoReference() operation is executed on the former Replica HLR, it goes intodatabase Reference immediately. When the Geo-Redundancy link is recovered, a replication negotiationwon't start between two reference HLRs. So once this operation has been successfully completed, itis necessary to manually execute the following operations on the former Reference HLR to triggerreplication negotiation and to complete the Geo 'switch-over':

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In the case where the connection is lost between the geo-redundant sites and where it is laterreestablished but then where the system could not detect which peer serves as the reference and whichone is the replica (i.e, due to configuration changes), the system becomes in an unassignedEnabledstate. When the system is in this unassigned state, the operator can execute the ResumeGeoRedundancyoperation to bring the system back into the negotiating state at which point it goes into a detectionprocess to determine which peer is the replica and which one is the reference.

Note: To view in which state the system’s database is, display the GeoDatabaseState entity, part ofthe Database entity. For more information on the GeoDatabaseState entity and its parameters, pleaserefer to the “Database Operations” chapter of the SDM Monitoring, Maintaining, Troubleshooting –Reference Manual. For the step-by-steps instructions on how to display the GeoDatabaseState entity,please refer to the “Viewing/Modifying the information for a Geo-Redundant System” in the“Troubleshooting the system” chapter in the SDM Monitoring, Maintaining, Troubleshooting - User Guide.

Command syntax:

System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = 1]> GeoClusterConfig[GeoClusterId=0]>ResumeGeoRedundancy()

Module Type




A ModuleType is a kind of Module (i.e., or a kind of process) associated to a Service. This table containsthe different Module Types already pre-configured in the system.

CLI Navigation


CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

System[]>display ModuleType[ModuleType = 0-37; Name = string; Description= string; TraceEnable=0,1; MasterName = string; MasterInstance = string]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 321: Module Type Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Module type: kind of ModuleN/A0 UnknownModuleType

associated to a service.1 Framework

2 SchemaManager

4 SystemManager

5 DataProvider

6 DpController

7 OampEventViewer

8 OampEventMgr

9 OampManager

10 Oamp PerformanceManager

11 HlrServer

12 HlrProvManager

13 HlrWgs

14 AucServer

15 SS7Manager

16 SipServer

17 SipProvManager

19 NodeManager

20 TestModuleType

21 DpReplicator

22 BlueCli

23 WebCI


25 CmdFileLoader


27 HssServer

28 HssProvManager

29 SipUa

30 XmlDataServer

31 DpProxy

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute32 SubscriberManager

33 LdapDataServer

34 LteHssServer


36 Drm

37 DataAccessServer

38 ExternalService

Module type name.Up to 65535 digitsand/or letters


Module type description.Up to 65535 digitsand/or letters


Enables/Disables the tracesper module.


Table 322: Module Type Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This field indicates the nameof the module that has been

Up to 65535 digitsand/or letters


elected as master. This field isused for master election loaddispatching. Read-Onlyattribute.

If the load dispatching ismaster election, this field

Up to 65535 digitsand/or letters


indicates the instance numberof the module that has beenelected as master. Read-Onlyattribute.

CLI Example

1 :System[]:ModuleType[ModuleType = NodeManager]>display




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Represents the identities bound to slots, which define the basic set of services that run on that specificslot. All identities with their associated services are statically defined and loaded at installation time.

CLI Navigation


CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

System[]> add Identity[IdentityId = 0,1,7; Name = string; Description =string]

Operations Permitted


Attributes and Values

Table 323: Identity Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Identity ID.00 DefaultIdentityId

1 SystemController

7 FrontEnd

Identity name.N/AUp to 65535 digitsand/or letters


Identity descriptionN/AUp to 65535 digitsand/or letters


CLI Example

1 :System[]:add Identity[IdentityId = 1; Name=SystemController;Description=System Controller]




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Represents the services and their type that are already statically defined and loaded at installationtime.

CLI Navigation


CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

System[]> add Service[ServiceId = 0,1,2,3,5,6,8; Name = string; Description= string; ServiceType=0,1; Leader=0-26; ProtMode=0,1,2; MaxNbOfInstance=uint]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 324: Service Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Service ID.01CoreSystemController


2 CoreServiceNode

3 Hlr

5 Hss

7 Database

8 ChassisManagement

11 DataAccess

12 LteHss

14 Ldap

Service name.N/AUp to 65535 digitsand/or letters


Service descriptionN/AUp to 65535 digitsand/or letters


Set if it is a core service, userservice, Framework service or

N/A0 Core

1 User


backend service. Refer to the

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute“Services running on thesystem” section in theSDM

2 Fw

3 Backend Product Description for adetailed description of thesetypes of services.

ModuleType of service leader.0 UnknownLeader

1 Framework

2 SchemaManager

3 ChassisManager

4 SystemManager

5 DataProvider

6 DpController

7 OampEventViewer

8 OampEventMgr

9 OampManager

10 Oamp PerformanceManager

11 HlrServer

12 HlrProvManager

13 HlrWgs

14 AucServer

15 SS7Manager

16 SipServer

17 SipProvManager

19 NodeManager

20 TestModuleType

21 DpReplicator

22 BlueCli

23 WebCI


25 CmdFileLoader


27 HssServer

28 HssProvManager

29 SipUa

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute30 XmlDataServer

31 DpProxy

32 SubscriberManager

33 LdapDataServer

34 LteHssServer


36 Drm

37 DataAccessServer

38 ExternalService

Service group protectionmode.

0 NoProt

1 PureFT


0 (NoProt): This means thatthe service group is not2 PureDistributed

protected. If it fails, no otherinstance of this service grouptakes over.

1(PureFT): This means thatthe service group is protectedin a 1+1 mode(active/standby). Oneinstance provides service andis active while the other oneis standby and ready toprovide service and take overupon failure of the activeinstance.

2 (PureDistributed): Thismeans that the service groupis protected in a 1+N or1+1+N mode (see the“Services running on thesystem” section in theSDMProduct Description for adetailed description of thesemodes) and upon failure of aninstance the other enabledinstances take over the load ofthe failed instance in additionto their already assigned load.

In the Protection modes 1 and2, there is no loss of serviceupon failure of an instance.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Maximum number ofinstances of this service.


CLI Example

1 :System[]:add Service[ServiceId =1;Name=CoreSystemController;Description=Core SystemController;MaxNbOfInstance=2;ProtMode=PureFT;ServiceType=Core;Leader=NodeManager]

Service Option




The ServiceOption entity is used to define an option bound to a specific service. A ServiceOption isbound to all instances of a service.

CLI Navigation


CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

System[]> Service[ServiceId=0,1,2,3,5,6,8,11,12,14,15]> displayServiceOption[OptionId = WebServiceSecurity, HlrInterfaceType,HlrSctpSackTimeout, PublicIdentityBase, HttpsCertFile, HttpsKeyFile, Port,RequireAuth, WebSecurity; OptionValue = string]

Operations Permitted

Display, Modify**.

Note: The service options must be configured/modified at installation/reboot of the system. Theycannot be changed during running-time of the system, the services must be stopped and the systemmust be rebooted afterwards. Contact the Customer Care Center to request changes to be made to theservice options.

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Attributes and Values

Table 325: ServiceOption mandatory attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Values of OptionIdattribute

See Table 326: OptionValue Value RangeOptionValue

See Table 327: OptionIDValue Range

N/ASee Table 327: OptionIDValue Range


Service ID01 CoreSystem ControllerServiceId

2 CoreService Node

3 Hlr

5 Hss

7 Database

8 Chassis Management

11 DataAccess

12 LteHss

14 Ldap

Table 326: OptionValue Value Range

DefaultOption ValueOptionIDServiceID

DisableEnable or DisableWebServiceSecurity1 (CoreSystemcontroller)

E1E1 or T1HlrInterfaceType3 (Hlr)


200Integer (milliseconds)HlrSctpSackTimeout

MSISDNMSISDN, NAI, IMSIPublicIdentityBase11 (DataAccess)


Table 327: OptionID Value Range

OptionID DescriptionOptionIDServiceID

Attribute that allows to enable/disablethe Web Service’s security (http/https).

WebServiceSecurity1 (CoreSystem controller)

Type of broadband telecommunicationconnection used (E1 or T1)



3 (Hlr)

Kernel SCTP's SACK Timeout value.HlrSctpSackTimeout

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CLI ExampleSystem[]:Service[ServiceId = 1]>display ServiceOption[OptionId =WebServiceSecurity]

Service Instance




The ServiceInstance entity is used to define the binding of a service to a slot. The Slot Entity representsone of the slots on the shelf. Slots numbered 1 through 15 represent their physical counterpart on theshelf.

CLI Navigation

You can have access to the ServiceInstance entity by following one of these navigation paths:

• Any ServiceInstance of a specific service in the system:


• Individual ServiceInstance bind to a specific slot on the shelf:


• Individual ServiceInstance bind to a specific slot to which is bind a specific identity:


CLI Inherited Attributes

• For any ServiceInstance of a specific service in the system: ServiceId• For individual ServiceInstance bound to a specific slot on the shelf: ShelfId, SlotId• Individual ServiceInstance bound to a specific slot to which is bound a specific identity: IdentityId,


CLI Command Syntax

• Any ServiceInstance of a specific service in the system

System[]> Service[ServiceId=0,1,2,3,5,6,8,11,12,14]> displayServiceInstance[ShelfId = uint; SlotId = 1-16;IdentityId=0,1,7;ServiceState=0,1]

• Individual ServiceInstance bound to a specific slot on the shelf:

System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = ShelfId#]: Slot[SlotId = SlotId#]> displayServiceInstance[ServiceId=0,1,2,3,5,6,8,11,12,14;ServiceState=0,1]

• Individual ServiceInstance bound to a specific slot to which is bound a specific identity:

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System[]:Identity[IdentityId =0,1,7]: Slot[SlotId = SlotId#]> displayServiceInstance[ServiceId=0,1,2,3,5,6,8,11,12,14; ServiceState=0,1]

Operations Permitted


Attributes and Values

Table 328: Service Instance Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. The Shelf Id numberassigned by system.

N/A1 to 4294976295ShelfId

Read only. Numerical slotIdentification assigned by the system.

N/A1 to 16SlotId

For cards, this corresponds to thephysical slot on the shelf. Values areunique for the shelf.

Read only. Identity ID.00 DefaultIdentityId

1 System Controller

7 FrontEnd

Read only. Service state. It can beStarted or Stopped.

00 Stopped

1 Started


Read only. Service ID.00 DefaultServiceId

1 CoreSystemController

2 CoreService Node

3 Hlr

5 Hss

7 Database

11 DataAccess

12 LteHss

14 Ldap

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Table 329: Service Instance Optional Attributes

Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Indicates the HighAvailability role of modules runningon this slot.

00 Unassigned,

1 Standby,


2 Active 0 = Unassigned. Does not participatein providing service.

1 = Standby. Ready to take overservice if active fails.

2 = Active. Actively providingservice.

Read only. Indicates the Operationalstate of the modules in this slot.

00 Disabled,

1 Troubled,


2 Initializing,

3 Enabled

Read only. Resource state of theservice’s modules reported by the




system. Indicates whether theprocess’s resources are ready to beUninitializedfunctional or not. Generally, for aHealthy process that has started, the Resourcestate appears as “healthy” and for aShuttingDownprocess that has stopped, theShuttingDownDone Resource state appears as“NoResource”.Failed

Read only. Administrative state ofthe service instance.

0 Unlocked0 Unlocked

1 Locked


CLI Example

Any ServiceInstance of a specific service in thesystem:System[]:Service[ServiceId = 1]>display ServiceInstance[]

Service Instance Operations

Start Trace()

Warning: This operation cannot under any circumstances be executed by the operatorwithout the permission of Tekelec’s Customer Care Center. When troubleshooting, theTekelec Customer Care Center must be contacted in order to activate the necessary traces.

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When a Tekelec technician performs this operation, traces for all modules running onthe specified slot will be enabled.

Stop Trace()

Warning: This operation cannot under any circumstances be executed by the operatorwithout the permission of Tekelec’s Customer Care Center. When troubleshooting, theTekelec Customer Care Center must be contacted and if needed will deactivate sometraces by performing this operation and disabling the traces for all modules running onthe specified slot.

Start Service()

The operator can use this operation to start service. This will launch the processes of all SmModulecontained in this service instance. In order to start a service, each of the processes of all SmModulescontained in this service must be started.

Warning: If the StopService() operation was executed previously, a delay of 30 secondsmust be taken into account before being able to execute the StartServices() operation.

CLI Command syntax

• :System[]:Service[ServiceId = #]> ServiceInstance[ShelfId=#;SlotId=#]>StartService()


• :System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = #]:Slot[SlotId = #]:ServiceInstance[ServiceId=#]>StartService()


• :System[]:Identity[IdentityId = #]:Slot[SlotId = #]>ServiceInstance[ServiceId=#;ShelfId=#]> StartService()

Stop Service()

The operator can use this operation to stop service. This will kill the processes of all SmModulecontained in this service instance.

CLI Command syntax

• :System[]:Service[ServiceId = #]>ServiceInstance[ShelfId=#;SlotId=#]>StopService()


• :System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = #]:Slot[SlotId =#]:ServiceInstance[ServiceId=#]>StopService()


• :System[]:Identity[IdentityId = #]:Slot[SlotId = #]>ServiceInstance[ServiceId=#;ShelfId=#]>StopService()

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Switch Over()

The operator can use this operation to order a switch over for this service.

Command syntax:

• :System[]:Service[ServiceId = #]>ServiceInstance[ShelfId=#;SlotId=#;IdentityId=#]>SwitchOver()


• :System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = #]:Slot[SlotId =#]:ServiceInstance[ServiceId=#;IdentityId=#]>SwitchOver()


• :System[]:Identity[IdentityId = #]:Slot[SlotId = #]>ServiceInstance[ServiceId=#;ShelfId=#]>SwitchOver()


The operator can use this operation to lock a service. This can be useful during maintenance in orderto minimize the traffic impact when stopping a service. To achieve this, the service should be lockedprior to being stopped.

CLI Command syntax

• :System[]:Service[ServiceId = #]>ServiceInstance[ShelfId=#;SlotId=#;IdentityId=#]>LockService()


• :System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = #]:Slot[SlotId =#]:ServiceInstance[ServiceId=#;IdentityId=#]>LockService()


• :System[]:Identity[IdentityId = #]:Slot[SlotId = #]>ServiceInstance[ServiceId=#;ShelfId=#]>LockService()


The operator can use this operation to unlock a service.

CLI Command syntax

• :System[]:Service[ServiceId = #]>ServiceInstance[ShelfId=#;SlotId=#;IdentityId=#]>UnlockService()


• :System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = #]:Slot[SlotId =#]:ServiceInstance[ServiceId=#;IdentityId=#]>UnlockService()


• :System[]:Identity[IdentityId = #]:Slot[SlotId = #]>ServiceInstance[ServiceId=#;ShelfId=#]>UnlockService()

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Service Instance Option




When a service is added to a slot, an option (ServiceInstanceOption) is automatically created. AServiceInstanceOption is bound to a specific service instance. This entity can be configured by modifyingthe OptionValue attribute. With the ServiceInstanceOption, you can view the identification of theservice and of the slot and shelf on which it runs. Moreover, you can view which protocol is used withSS7 (MTP2, SAAL, SIGTRAN).

CLI Navigation

You can have access to the ServiceInstanceOption entity by following one of these navigation paths:

• Any ServiceInstanceOption of a specific service instance of a service in the system:


• Individual ServiceInstanceOption of a service instance bind to a specific slot on the shelf:


• Individual ServiceInstanceOption of a service instance bind to a specific slot to which is bind aspecific identity:


CLI Inherited Attributes

ServiceId, IdentityId, SlotId, ShelfId

CLI Command Syntax

• Any ServiceInstance of a specific service in the system:

System[]>Service[ServiceId=0,1,2,3,5,6,8,11,12,14]> ServiceInstance[ShelfId= uint; SlotId = 1-16; IdentityId=0,1,6]> displayServiceInstanceOption[OptionId=OptionId#; OptionValue=string]

• Individual ServiceInstance bound to a specific slot on the shelf:

System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = ShelfId#]: Slot[SlotId =SlotId#]>ServiceInstance[ServiceId=0,1,2,3,5,6,8,11,12,14; IdentityId=0,1,6]> display ServiceInstanceOption[OptionId=OptionId#;OptionValue=string]

• Individual ServiceInstance bound to a specific slot to which is bound a specific identity:

System[]:Identity[IdentityId = 0,1,6]: Slot[SlotId =SlotId#]>ServiceInstance[ShelfId=ShelfId#; ServiceId=

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0,1,2,3,5,6,8,11,12,14]> display ServiceInstanceOption[OptionId=OptionId#;OptionValue=string]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 330: Service Instance Option Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. The Shelf Idnumber assigned by system.

N/A1 to 4294976295ShelfId

Read only. Numerical slotIdentification assigned by the

N/A1 to 16SlotId

system. For cards, thiscorresponds to the physicalslot on the shelf. Values areunique for the shelf.

Identity ID.00 DefaultIdentityId

1 SystemController

7 FrontEnd

Service ID.00 DefaultServiceId

1 CoreSystemController

2 CoreServiceNode

3 Hlr

5 Hss

7 Database

11 DataAccess

12 LteHss

14 Ldap

Option Id. For the Hlr service,the SIP functionalities can or




cannot be provisioned and allor either one of the MTP2,SS7SaalLayerSAAL or SIGTRAN protocolsSS7Sigtran can be used in the first fewlayers of the SS7 Stack.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Option value for the OptionId.

For SipIpAddress:

Provisioned orNotProvisioned


For the OptionId:SipIpAddress, two valuesexist.For the

SS7Mtp2Layer,SS7SallLayer andSS7Sigtran:

Provisioned: the SIPfunctionalities are provisionedfor the Hlr service.Enable or DisableNotProvisioned: The SIPfunctionalities are notprovisioned for the Hlrservice.

The values of theSS7Mtp2Layer are as follows:

Enable: The SS7 Stack uses theMTP2 Layer protocol.

Disable: The SS7 Stack doesnot use the MTP2 Layerprotocol.

The values of theSS7SaalLayer are as follows:

Enable: The SS7 Stack uses theSAAL protocol.

Disable: The SS7 Stack doesnot use the SAAL protocol.

The values of the SS7Sigtranare as follows:

Enable: The SS7 Stack uses theSIGTRAN protocol for layers1-2-3. (TUCL, SCTP andM3UA protocols)

Disable: The SS7 Stack doesnot use the SIGTRANprotocol.

CLI Examples:

• Any ServiceInstanceOption of a specific service instance of a service in the system:

1 :System[]:Service[ServiceId = 1]> ServiceInstance[SlotId =5;ShelfId=1;IdentityId=SystemController]>display ServiceInstanceOption[]

• Individual ServiceInstanceOption of a service instance bound to a specific slot on the shelf:

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1 : System[]:Shelf[ShelfId = 1]: Slot[SlotId = 5]>ServiceInstance[ServiceId=1; IdentityId=1] >display ServiceInstanceOption[]

• Individual ServiceInstanceOption of a service instance bound to a specific slot to which is bounda specific identity:

1 : System []:Identity[IdentityId =1]: Slot[SlotId = 5]>ServiceInstance[ShelfId=1; ServiceId=1] >display ServiceInstanceOption[]





This entity represents the modules running on the blades of the system. The modules are configuredbased on the identities bound to a given slot.

CLI Navigation

You can have access to the SmModule entity by following one of these navigation paths:

• Individual SmModule of a specific slot on the shelf:

System[] >Shelf>Slot>SmModule

• Individual SmModule of a specific slot to which is bind a specific identity:


• Individual SmModule of a specific service instance of a service in the system:


• Individual SmModule of a service instance bind to a specific slot on the shelf:


• Individual SmModule of a service instance bind to a specific slot to which is bind a specific identity:

System[] >Identity[]>Slot[]>ServiceInstance>SmModule

• Individual SmModule of a specific ModuleType:

System[] >ModuleType[]>SmModule

CLI Inherited Attributes

• For individual SmModule of a specific slot on the shelf: ShelfId, SlotId• For individual SmModule of a specific slot to which is bound a specific identity:IdentityId,SlotId• For individual SmModule of a specific service instance of a service in the system: ServiceId, ShelfId,

SlotId, IdentityId

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• Individual SmModule of a service instance bound to a specific slot on the shelf: ServiceId, ShelfId,SlotId, IdentityId

• Individual SmModule of a service instance bound to a specific slot to which is bound a specificidentity: ServiceId, ShelfId, SlotId, IdentityId

• Individual SmModule of a specific ModuleType:ModuleType

CLI Command Syntax

System[]: ModuleType[ModuleType = 0-37] >display SmModule [Orl= string;Cgname= string; ShelfId=uint; SlotId= uint; IdentityId=uint; ServiceId=uint;HaRole= 0,1,2; Description= string ; Instance= string; TraceEnable=0,1]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Table 331: SmModule Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. ModuleIdentification used internallyby the system.

N/AUp to 255 digitsand/or letters


An ORL is a name structureseparated by slashes. Forexample, the Node Managerhas the followingORL:”/NodeManager5”. Thisis the NodeManager runningon blade 5.

ModuleType of this module.00 UnknownModuleType

1 Framework

2 SchemaManager

4 SystemManager

5 DataProvider

6 DpController

7 OampEventViewer

8 OampEventMgr

9 OampManager

10 OampPerformanceManager

11 HlrServer

12 HlrProvManager

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute13 HlrWgs

14 AucServer

15 SS7Manager

16 SipServer

17 SipProvManager

19 NodeManager

20 TestModuleType

21 DpReplicator

22 BlueCli

23 WebCI


25 CmdFileLoader


27 HssServer

28 HssProvManager

29 SipUa

30 XmlDataServer

31 DpProxy

32 SubscriberManager

33 LdapDataServer

34 LteHssServer


36 Drm

37 DataAccessServer

38 ExternalService

Name of cluster group thatthis module takes part.


ID of the shelf where thismodule stands.

N/A1 to 4294976295ShelfId

ID of the slot where thismodule stands.

N/A1 to 16SlotId

Identity ID of the slot wherethis module is deployed.

00 Default

1 SystemController


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute7 FrontEnd

Service Id of the service thatcontains this module.

00 Default



2 CoreServiceNode

3 Hlr

5 Hss

7 Database

8 ChassisManagement

11 DataAccess

12 LteHss

14 Ldap

Module HA role.00 unassignedHaRole

1 standby

2 active

Module description.N/AStringDescription

Module Instance number.N/AUint32Instance

To enable or disable the Tracefor this module.




Table 332: SmModule Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Administrativestate of the moduleestablished by the system.

0 Unlocked0 Unlocked

1 Locked


Read only. Resource state ofthe module reported by the




system. Indicates whether theprocess’s resources are readyUninitializedto be functional or not.Healthy Generally, for a process thathas started, the Resource stateShuttingDownappears as “healthy” and forShuttingDownDone a process that has stopped, the

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeResource state appears as“NoResource”.


Read only. Indicates theOperational state of themodules in this slot.

00 Disabled,

1 Troubled,

2 Initializing,


3 Enabled

CLI Example

1 : System[]:ModuleType[ModuleType=6]>display SmModule[Orl = /NodeManager3]

SmModule Operations

Start Trace

Warning: This operation cannot under any circumstances be executed by the operatorwithout the permission of Tekelec’s Customer Care Center. When troubleshooting, theTekelec Customer Care Center must be contacted in order to activate the necessary traces.When a Tekelec technician performs this operation, traces for all modules running onthe specified slot will be enabled.

Stop Trace

Warning: This operation cannot under any circumstances be executed by the operatorwithout the permission of Tekelec’s Customer Care Center. When troubleshooting, theTekelec Customer Care Center must be contacted and if needed will deactivate sometraces by performing this operation and disabling the traces for all modules running onthe specified slot.

Add Filter Component

Warning: This operation cannot under any circumstances be executed by the operatorunless given the permission and instructions by Tekelec’s Customer Care Center. Whentroubleshooting, the Tekelec Customer Care Center must be contacted and if necessarymay reduce the number of traces produced by filtering on components for a givenmodule’s traces.

Remove Filter Component

Warning: This operation cannot under any circumstances be executed by the operatorunless given the permission and instructions by Tekelec’s Customer Care Center. Whentroubleshooting, the Tekelec Customer Care Center must be contacted and if neededwill remove the necessary filters that were previously added on components for a givenmodule’s traces.

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This is used to retrieve the alarms that are currently active on the system.

CLI Navigation


CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

System[]>display Alarm[SequenceId = integer; SlotId = integer; Description= text; ShelfId = integer; AlarmId = integer; ModuleId = 4,6,8-12,14,15,19;ModuleInstance = integer; ComponentId = 0-9; SetTimestamp = timestamp;AckTimestamp = timestamp; IsAcknowledge = 0,1; ComponentInstanceContext =text; Severity = AlarmSeverity; SetBy = text; AckBy= text]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 333: Alarm Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Numericalidentifier uniquely identifiesthis specific alarm occurrence.

N/A1 to 4294976295SequenceId

Table 334: Alarm Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Numericalidentification of slot on shelf.

N/A1 to 4294976295SlotId

Identifies the slot that couldbe related to this alarm.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Text description of alarmcondition.

NullUp to 65535 digitsand/or letters


Read only. Identifies the shelf.N/A1 to 4294976295ShelfId

Read only. Identifier whichrepresents a specific type ofalarm.

N/A1 to 4294976295AlarmId

Read only. Identifier ofsoftware module related tothe alarm.

N/A0 Unknown

1 Framework

2 SchemaManager


3 ChassisManager

4 SystemManager

5 DataProvider

6 DpController

7 OampEventViewer

8 OampEventMgr

9 OampManager

10 Oamp PerformanceManager

11 HlrServer

12 HlrProvManager

13 HlrWgs

14 AucServer

15 SS7Manager

16 SipServer

17 SipProvManager

19 NodeManager

20 TestModuleType

21 DpReplicator

22 BlueCli

23 WebCI


25 CmdFileLoader


27 HssServer

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute28 HssProvManager

29 SipUa

30 XmlDataServer

31 DpProxy

32 SubscriberManager

33 LdapDataServer

34 LteHssServer


36 Drm

37 DataAccessServer

38 ExternalService

Read only. Instance numberof software module.

N/A1 to 4294976295ModuleInstance

Read only. The componentwhich generated the alarm.

N/A0 (Unknown),

1 (Framework),


2 (SystemProv),

3 (SystemManager),

4 (OampManager),

5 (HlrProvManager),

6 (HlrServer),

7 (SS7),

8 (AucServer),

9 (SystemHardware)

Read only. The date and timethe alarm was generated,where:

N/ATimestamp in format:

day MMM DDhh:mm:ss YYYY


MMM = month

DD = date

hh = hour

mm = minute

ss = second

YYYY = year

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. The date and timethe alarm was acknowledged,where:

NullTimestamp in format:

day MMM DDhh:mm:ss YYYY


MMM = month

DD = date

hh = hour

mm = minute

ss = second

YYYY = year

Read only.00 or 1IsAcknowledge

0 = alarm not acknowledged

1 = alarm has beenacknowledged.

Read only. Represents thespecific instance of the

NullUp to 255 digitsand/or letters


Instance- module and/or componentwhich generated the alarmcondition.


Read only. The severity of thealarm (see table below forseverity definition).






Read only. Name of thesystem’s process


(ModuleType, i.e.OampManager, HlrServer,etc.) that set the alarm. Thevalue of this parameter isgenerated by the system.

Read only. Username of theuser that acknowledged the


alarm. The value of thisparameter is generated by thesystem.

CLI Example

1 : System[]>display Alarm[SequenceId = 1]

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Table 335: Alarm Severity Definition


Service affecting. A serious problem has occurred. This alarm should be clearedimmediately. Resource is completely disabled.


Service affecting. This alarm should be cleared immediately. Resource is partiallydisabled.


Non-service affecting. Problem exists. This alarm should be cleared as soon as possible.Resource is partially disabled.


Non-service affecting. Potential problem exists, resource is operational.Warning

Alarm History




This represents the history of all alarms generated. This includes active alarms and cleared alarms.Additionally, alarm acknowledgements are also recorded in the alarm history.

CLI Navigation


CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

System[]>display AlarmHistory[SequenceId = integer; SlotId = integer;Description = text; ShelfId = integer; AlarmId = integer; ModuleId =4,6,8-12,14,15,19; ModuleInstance = integer; ComponentId = 0-9; Timestamp= Timestamp; AckTimestamp = Timestamp; IsAcknowledge = 0,1;ComponentInstanceContext = text; Severity = AlarmSeverity; IsCleared = 0,1;SetBy = text; AckBy = text; ClearBy = text]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

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Attributes and Values

Table 336: Alarm History Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Numericalidentifier uniquely identifiesthis specific alarm occurrence.

N/A1 to 4294976295SequenceId

Table 337: Alarm History Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Numericalidentification of slot on shelf.

N/A1 to 4294976295SlotId

Identifies the slot to whichthis alarm is related, ifappropriate.

Text description of alarmcondition.

NullUp to 65535 digitsand/or letters


Read only. Identifies the shelf.N/A1 to 4294976295ShelfId

Read only. Identifier whichrepresents a specific alarmcode.

N/A1 to 4294976295AlarmId

Read only.N/A4 (SystemManager),ModuleId

6 (DPController),

8 (OampEventMgr),

9 (Oamp Manager),

10 (OampPerformanceManager),

11 (HlrServer),

12 (HlrProvManager),

14 (AucServer),

15 (SS7Manager),

19 (NodeManager)

Read only.Instance number ofapplication.

N/A1 to 4294976295ModuleInstance

Read only. The componentwhich generated the alarm.

N/A0 (Unknown),

1 (Framework),


2 (SystemProv),

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute3 (SystemManager),

4 (OampManager),

5 (HlrProvManager),

6 (HlrServer),

7 (SS7),

8 (AucServer),

9 (SystemHardware)

Read only. The date and timethe alarm was generatedwhere:

N/ATimestamp in format:

day MMM DDhh:mm:ss YYYY


MMM = month

DD = date

hh = hour

mm = minute

ss = second

YYYY = year

Read only. The date and timethe alarm was acknowledged.where:

NullTimestamp in format:

day MMM DDhh:mm:ss YYYY


MMM = month

DD = date

hh = hour

mm = minute

ss = second

YYYY = year

Read only.00 or 1IsAcknowledge

0 = alarm not acknowledged

1 = alarm has beenacknowledged.

Read only. Represents thespecific instance of the

NullUp to 255 digitsand/or letters


Instance- module and/or componentwhich generated the alarmcondition.


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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. The severity of thealarm.






Type of alarm.00 or 1IsCleared

0 = set alarm. An alarmoccurred on the system.

1 = cleared alarm.

Read only. Name of thesystem’s process


(ModuleType, i.e.OampManager, HlrServer,etc.) that set the alarm. Thevalue of this parameter isgenerated by the system.

Read only. Username of theuser that acknowledged the


alarm. The value of thisparameter is generated by thesystem.

Read only. Name of thesystem’s process


(ModuleType, i.e.OampManager, HlrServer,etc.) that cleared the alarm.The value of this parameter isgenerated by the system.

When the alarm is cleared bythe system, the latter createsa new entry in theAlarmHistory to represent thecleared alarm and it generatesthe value for this parameter.

Note: The SetBy and AckByparameters are set to ‘null’ forthe cleared alarm entry.

CLI Example

: System[]>display AlarmHistory[SequenceId = 1]

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Alarm Operations

The following section describes the operations that can be done with alarms.


The operator can use this to acknowledge a specific alarm. An acknowledge notification with a dateand time stamp will be recorded in the AlarmHistory. The acknowledge operation does not clear thealarm. An alarm SequenceId will need to be specified to run this operation.

CLI Command syntax

System[]:Alarm[SequenceId = #]> Acknowledge()


Caution: the operator must be careful with this operation.

This operation will remove the alarm from the active alarm list. An updated alarm entryappears in the AlarmHistory list. From the CLI, an alarm can be cleared even if theconditions that caused the alarm to be raised remain. In this scenario, take note that eventhough the alarm is no longer part of the active alarm list, the conditions that caused thealarm still exist and will NOT be reported when these conditions no longer prevail. It isstrongly recommended to only clear alarms for which the conditions have not beenrectified.

An Alarm SequenceId will need to be specified to run this operation. The Acknowledgeoperation must be run first before running the Clear operation.

CLI Command syntax

System[]:Alarm[SequenceId = #]> Clear()

Background Task




This entity allows to view all the operations (tasks) that are currently being performed by the systemin the background.

CLI Navigation


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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

System[]>display BackgroundTask[OperationId = integer; ModuleId = integer;SequenceId = int; TaskContext = text; TaskStatus = 0,1; Timestamp = time]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 338: Background Task Mandatory Attributes and Values

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Numericalidentifier that uniquely

N/A1 to 4294976295SequenceId

identifies a background task.The system generates thenumerical ID in a sequentialorder in which thebackground tasks areperformed.

Read only. Identifier of thesoftware module affected bythe task performed.

N/A0 Unknown

1 Framework

2 SchemaManager


3 ChassisManager

4 SystemManager

5 DataProvider

6 DpController

7 OampEventViewer

8 OampEventMgr

9 OampManager

10 OampPerformanceManager

11 HlrServer

12 HlrProvManager

13 HlrWgs

14 AucServer

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute15 SS7Manager

16 SipServer

17 SipProvManager

19 NodeManager

20 TestModuleType

21 DpReplicator

22 BlueCli

23 WebCI


25 CmdFileLoader


27 HssServer

28 HssProvManager

29 SipUa

30 XmlDataServer

31 DpProxy

32 SubscriberManager

33 LdapDataServer

34 LteHssServer


36 Drm

37 DataAccessServer

38 ExternalService

Table 339: Background Task Optional Attributes and Values

Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. String identifyingthe type of operation being


performed in the background.Most performed operations:StartService, StopService,StartServices, StopServices,RestartService, SwitchOver.

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Optional Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. This parameteridentifies the context of the


operation: the type ofoperation, the moduleaffected, the instance and sloton which runs thatmodule,etc.

Read only. Status of the task.The entries in this entity

N/A1 (InProgress)TaskStatus

display the tasks currentlybeing performed in thebackground, therefore, thesetasks are always in progress.

Read only. The date and timeat which the background taskwas performed, where:

NullTimestamp in format:

day MMM DDhh:mm:ss YYYY


MMM = month

DD = date

hh = hour

mm = minute

ss = second

YYYY = year

CLI Example

1 : System[]>display BackgroundTask[]

Background Task History




This entity allows to view all the operations (tasks) that have been performed by the system in thebackground. The tasks stored in this entity are no longer in progress.

CLI Navigation


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CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command Syntax

System[]>display BackgroundTaskHistory[OperationId = integer; ModuleId =integer; SequenceId = int; TaskContext = text; TaskStatus = 0,1; Timestamp= time]

Operations Permitted


Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations.

Attributes and Values

Table 340: Background Task History Mandatory Attributes

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. Numericalidentifier that uniquely

N/A1 to 4294976295SequenceId

identifies a background task.The system generates thenumerical ID in a sequentialorder in which thebackground tasks have beenperformed.

Read only. Identifier of thesoftware module affected bythe task performed.

N/A0 Unknown

1 Framework

2 SchemaManager


3 ChassisManager

4 SystemManager

5 DataProvider

6 DpController

7 OampEventViewer

8 OampEventMgr

9 OampManager

10 OampPerformanceManager

11 HlrServer

12 HlrProvManager

13 HlrWgs

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute14 AucServer

15 SS7Manager

16 SipServer

17 SipProvManager

19 NodeManager

20 TestModuleType

21 DpReplicator

22 BlueCli

23 WebCI


25 CmdFileLoader


27 HssServer

28 HssProvManager

29 SipUa

30 XmlDataServer

31 DpProxy

32 SubscriberManager

33 LdapDataServer

34 LteHssServer


36 Drm

37 DataAccessServer

38 ExternalService

Table 341: Background Task History Optional Attributes and Values

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. String identifyingthe type of operation that has


been performed in thebackground. Most performedoperations: StartService,StopService, StartServices,StopServices, RestartService,SwitchOver.

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

Read only. This parameteridentifies the context of the


operation: the type ofoperation, the moduleaffected, the instance and sloton which runs thatmodule,etc.

Read only. Status of the task.The tasks stored in this entityare no longer in progress.

N/A0 Default

2 Done

3 Cancelled


4 Timeout

5 Failed

Read only. The date and timeat which the background taskwas performed, where:

NullTimestamp in format:

day MMM DDhh:mm:ss YYYY


MMM = month

DD = date

hh = hour

mm = minute

ss = second

YYYY = year

CLI Example

1 : System[]>display BackgroundTaskHistory[]

Self Healing (Database Replication Monitoring)



This entity is used to configure/control the Database Replication Monitoring (DRM) process, whichmonitors the data replication between the system’s different servers and which produces report files.The DRM can be configured/controlled during running time and will have the impacts on the DRMprocess thereafter.

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CLI NavigationDatabase[]>DrmConfig

CLI Inherited Attributes


CLI Command SyntaxDatabase[]>display DrmConfig[DrmState = 0,1; DrmRunMode = Once, Repeatedly;DrmRunTime = integer; DrmScanPeriod = integer; DrmScanMethod = AllDatabase;DrmSite=LocalSite,LocalSiteAndGeo;DrmAction =SyncData,PrintDiff]

Operations Permitted

Display, modify

Note: Not all users (User Groups) are allowed to perform these operations. Please see Security AccessPrivileges to know which ones have access to this entity and which operations they have permissionto do.

Attributes and Values

Table 342: Operations Permitted Attributes and Values

DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute

This parameter allowsthe Network Operator

0 (disabled)Bool (0,1)DrmState

to control the DRMfunctionality’sactivation status byenabling/disabling it.By default it’s disabled.The Network Operatorcan disable andre-enable it as required.

0 (disabled): The DRMprocess will never run.

1 (enabled): The DRMprocess runs asconfigured in theDrmConfig [ ] entity.

This parameter allowsthe Network Operator




to set the monitoringmode of the DRM: Onceor repeatedly. If theDRM needs to run onlyonce, the monitoringwill scan all databases

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttribute(refer to point ‘Action’field described below)and the operator has thechoice to configure astart time or now.

This parameter allowsthe Network Operator

01:00 (1 AM)Time (hour)



to monitor the start time(on an hourly basis) atwhich the DRM muststart to run.

This parameter allowsthe Network Operator

7 (the DRM runs andproduces a report oncea week)

Time (in days)

1 to 30


to monitor the period oftime (in days) that mustelapse before the DRMcan run again andproduce the report. Inother words, it is thefrequency at which theDRM can run on aregular basis.

This parameter allowsthe Network Operator


to monitor the methodof monitoring that mustbe done by the In thiscurrent release, the onlyDRM scanning methodsupported is: Alldatabase.

The DRM module canperform schema or data




validation either onsingle chassis system orGeo-Redundantsystems. This parameterallows the NetworkOperator to monitoreither only the LocalSite or the Local Siteand its Geo-RedundantSite.

For Geo-Redundantsystems, the DRMmodule should beenabled on both active

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DescriptionDefaultValue RangeAttributeSystemControllers andDrmSite should beconfigured as LocalSiteon one system andLocalSiteAndGeo onanother system. TheDRM module thatmonitors local siteshould be scheduled tobe ran first (bycontrolling themonitoring start time),at least 1 hour beforethe DRM module thatmonitors local andGeo-Redundant sites.

This parameter allowsthe Network Operator




to configure the actionto be taken by the DRMprocess after itsmonitoring session:Print out the differencesinto the report file orre-synchronize thedatabases.

Note: Even if the Syncoption is chosen, it mayhappen that somediscrepancies can’t becorrected and requiresmanual intervention.

CLI Example1 : Database[]>display DrmConfig[]

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3rd Generation Partnership Project.The standards body for wirelesscommunications.



Application ContextAC

Access Point NameAPN

The name identifying a generalpacket radio service (GPRS) bearerservice in a GSM mobile network.See also GSM.

Abstract Service PrimitiveASP

Application Server Process

A process instance of anApplication Server. An ApplicationServer Process serves as an activeor standby process of anApplication Server (e.g., part of adistributed virtual switch ordatabase). Examples of ASPs areprocesses (or process instances of)MGCs, IP SCPs or IP HLRs. AnASP contains an SCTP end-point,and may be configured to processsignaling traffic within more thanone Application Server.

Application Service PartApplication Server Process

Authentication CenterAuC


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Connection ConfirmedCC

Country Code

Composite Clock


A Diameter message that theMobile Originated applicationsends to a prepaid rating engine toperform a capability exchange. TheCER (indicated by theCommand-Code set to 257 and theCommand Flags' 'R' bit set) is sentto exchange local capabilities.Theprepaid rating engine respondswith aCapability-Exchange-Answer(CEA) message.

Command-line interfaceCLI

Call Session Control FunctionCSCF

Comma-separated valuesCSV

The comma-separated value fileformat is a delimited data formatthat has fields separated by thecomma character and recordsseparated by newlines (a newlineis a special character or sequenceof characters signifying the end ofa line of text).

Closed User GroupCUG


Protocol that provides anAuthentication, Authorization, and


Accounting (AAA) framework forapplications such as network accessor IP mobility. Diameter works in

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both local and roaming AAAsituations.

Diameter can also be used as asignaling protocol for mobilitymanagement which is typicallyassociated with an IMS or wirelesstype of environment. Diameter isthe successor to the RADIUSprotocol. The MPE device supportsa range of Diameter interfaces,including Rx, Gx, Gy, and Ty.

Directory numberDN

A DN can refer to any mobile orwireline subscriber number, andcan include MSISDN, MDN, MIN,or the wireline Dialed Number.

Domain Name ServicesDNS

Domain Name System

A system for converting Internethost and domain names into IPaddresses.

Destination Point CodeDPC

DPC refers to the scheme in SS7signaling to identify the receivingsignaling point. In the SS7 network,the point codes are numericaddresses which uniquely identifyeach signaling point. This pointcode can be adjacent to the EAGLE5 ISS, but does not have to be.

Destination Routing AddressDRA

Diameter Relay Agent


Equipment Identity RegisterEIR

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A network entity used in GSMnetworks, as defined in the 3GPPSpecifications for mobile networks.The entity stores lists ofInternational Mobile EquipmentIdentity (IMEI) numbers, whichcorrespond to physical handsets(not subscribers). Use of the EIRcan prevent the use of stolenhandsets because the networkoperator can enter the IMEI of thesehandsets into a 'blacklist' andprevent them from being registeredon the network, thus making themuseless.

TElephone NUmber MappingENUM

A technology for unifying variouscommunications and telephoneaddresses for private and businessnumbers, facsimile and mobilephone numbers, SMS services,Instant Messaging and email.ENUM integrates legacy phonenumbers with the Domain NameSystem (DNS). Users can accessand maintain a directory thatsupports all forms of wiredcommunication, mobilecommunications networks, and theInternet. ENUM allows for an enduser to be reached on multipledevices via one phone number andallows the end user to determinewhich device to contact first ormultiple devices simultaneously.


Fixed-Mobile ConvergenceFMC


Gateway GPRS Support NodeGGSN

An edge router that acts as agateway between a GPRS wireless

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data network and other networks.The MPE supports GGSN nodes asnetwork elements. See also GPRS,PGW, and SGW.

General Packet Radio ServiceGPRS

A mobile data service for users ofGSM mobile phones.

Global System for MobileCommunications


A second generation digital PCSmobile phone standard used inmany parts of the world.

Global Title TranslationGTT

A feature of the signalingconnection control part (SCCP) ofthe SS7 protocol that the EAGLE 5ISS uses to determine which servicedatabase to send the query messagewhen an MSU enters the EAGLE 5ISS and more information is neededto route the MSU. These servicedatabases also verify calling cardnumbers and credit card numbers.The service databases are identifiedin the SS7 network by a point codeand a subsystem number.

Graphical User InterfaceGUI

The term given to that set of itemsand facilities which provide theuser with a graphic means formanipulating screen data ratherthan being limited to characterbased commands.


High AvailabilityHA

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High Availability refers to a systemor component that operates on acontinuous basis by utilizingredundant connectivity, therebycircumventing unplanned outages.

High-Speed LinkHSL

An innovative distributed I/Otechnology designed forautomation applications that isbased on an open standard RS-422,which is designed forfull/half-duplex, multi-drop serialtransmission.


International Mobile EquipmentIdentifier


IP Multimedia Private IdentityIMPI

International Mobile SubscriberIdentity


A unique internal network IDidentifying a mobile subscriber.International Mobile StationIdentity


The primary function of the LOCserver is to locate subscribers onGSM and IS-41 networks.


Link Processor OutageLPO

Low-speed LinkLSL

The low-speed signaling data linkis a full-duplex, digital

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transmission channel operating at64 or 56 kbps. The packets carriedusing this protocol are variablelength and carried down a singleclear channel link. This means thatthe link must be dedicated to theSS7 traffic and cannot be used tocarry any other data.


SS7 MTP3-User Adaptation LayerM3UA

M3UA enables an MTP3 User Partto be connected to a remote MTP3via a reliable IP transport.

Mated Application PartMAP

Mobile Application Part

An application part in SS7signaling for mobilecommunications systems.

Mobile Station InternationalSubscriber Directory Number


The MSISDN is the networkspecific subscriber number of amobile communications subscriber.This is normally the phone numberthat is used to reach the subscriber.

Mobile Subscriber IntegratedServices Digital Network [Number]Mobile Station InternationalSubscriber Directory Number. Theunique, network-specific subscribernumber of a mobilecommunications subscriber.MSISDN follows the E.164numbering plan; that is, normallythe MSISDN is the phone numberthat is used to reach the subscriber.

Message Transfer Part, Level 2MTP2

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Message Transfer Part, Level 3MTP3


Network Access IdentifierNAI

The user identity submitted by theclient during networkauthentication.

Network destination codeNDC

Network Data Collection

Network ElementNE

An independent and identifiablepiece of equipment closelyassociated with at least oneprocessor, and within a singlelocation.

In a 2-Tiered DSR OAM system,this includes the NOAM and allMPs underneath it. In a 3-TieredDSR OAM system, this includes theNOAM, the SOAM, and all MPsassociated with the SOAM.


Operations, Administration,Maintenance, and Provisioning.


These functions are generallymanaged by individualapplications and not managed bya platform managementapplication, such as PM&C

Operations – Monitoring theenvironment, detecting anddetermining faults, and alertingadministrators.

Administration – Typicallyinvolves collecting performancestatistics, accounting data for thepurpose of billing, capacity

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planning, using usage data, andmaintaining system reliability.

Maintenance – Provides suchfunctions as upgrades, fixes, newfeature enablement, backup andrestore tasks, and monitoringmedia health (for example,diagnostics).

Provisioning – Setting up useraccounts, devices, and services.

Originating Point CodeOPC

Within an SS7 network, the pointcodes are numeric addresses whichuniquely identify each signalingpoint. The OPC identifies thesending signaling point.

Operating SystemOS

Operations Systems


Point CodePC

The identifier of a signaling pointor service control point in anetwork. The format of the pointcode can be one of the followingtypes:

• ANSI point codes in the formatnetwork indicator-networkcluster-network cluster member(ni-nc-ncm).

• Non-ANSI domestic point codesin the format networkindicator-networkcluster-network cluster member(ni-nc-ncm).

• Cluster point codes in theformat network

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indicator-network cluster-* ornetwork indicator-*-*.

• ITU international point codesin the format zone-area-id.

• ITU national point codes in theformat of a 5-digit number(nnnnn), or 2, 3, or 4 numbers(members) separated by dashes(m1-m2-m3-m4) as defined bythe Flexible Point Code systemoption. A group code isrequired (m1-m2-m3-m4-gc)when the ITUDUPPC feature isturned on.

• 24-bit ITU national point codesin the format main signalingarea-subsignaling area-servicepoint (msa-ssa-sp).

Packet Data NetworkPDN

A digital network technology thatdivides a message into packets fortransmission.

Public Land Mobile NetworkPLMN


Reset ConfirmationRSC

Reset RequestRSR


Signaling ATM Adaptation LayerSAAL

Service Access PointSAP

Session Border ControllerSBC

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Device used in some VoIPnetworks to exert control over thesignaling and usually also themedia streams involved in settingup, conducting, and tearing downcalls.

Single-board computer

Signaling Connection Control PartSCCP

The signaling connection controlpart with additional functions forthe Message Transfer Part (MTP)in SS7 signaling. Messages can betransmitted between arbitrarynodes in the signaling networkusing a connection-oriented orconnectionless approach.

Serving - Call Session ControlFunction


Provides user and serviceauthentication and authorization,client registration, SIP-routingcapabilities, service integration,data management, FW/NATtraversal, multi-networkintegration and an interface tothird-party applications.

Stream Control TransmissionProtocol


An IETF transport layer protocol,similar to TCP that sends a messagein one operation.

The transport layer for all standardIETF-SIGTRAN protocols.

SCTP is a reliable transportprotocol that operates on top of aconnectionless packet network suchas IP and is functionally equivalentto TCP. It establishes a connectionbetween two endpoints (called an

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association; in TCP, these aresockets) for transmission of usermessages.

Subscriber Data ManagementSDM

Signaling Information FieldSIF

Service Information FieldSIF

MTP Service Information Field isthe payload field of an SS7 MSUheader. The first byte of the SIF isthe start of the MTP3 routing label.For MTP3-variant networks, themaximum SIF size is 272 bytes. ForMTP3b-variant networks, themaximum SIF size is 4095 bytes.

The name given to an IETFworking group that produced


specifications for a family ofprotocols that provide reliabledatagram service and user layeradaptations for SS7 and ISDNcommunications protocols. Themost significant protocol definedby the SIGTRAN group was theStream Control TransmissionProtocol (SCTP), which is used tocarry PSTN signalling over IP.

The SIGTRAN group wassignificantly influenced bytelecommunications engineersintent on using the new protocolsfor adapting VoIP networks to thePSTN with special regard tosignaling applications. Recently,SCTP is finding applicationsbeyond its original purposewherever reliable datagram serviceis desired.

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Service Information Octet.SIO

The network indicator code (NIC),priority (PRI), and service indicator(SI) in the SIO field in the messagesignaling unit (MSU). Thisinformation identifies the type ofMSU (ISUP, TCAP, and so forth)that is allowed in the networkwhere the EAGLE 5 ISS is located.

Session Initiation ProtocolSIP

A peer-to-peer protocol used forvoice and video communications.

Subscription Locator FunctionSLF

Signaling Link SelectorSLS

Signaling Link TestAcknowledgment


Signal Link Test MessageSLTM

Simple Network ManagementProtocol.


An industry-wide standardprotocol used for networkmanagement. The SNMP agentmaintains data variables thatrepresent aspects of the network.These variables are called managedobjects and are stored in amanagement information base(MIB). The SNMP protocolarranges managed objects intogroups.

Simple Object Access ProtocolSOAP

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Service ProviderSP

Signaling Point

A set of signaling equipmentrepresented by a unique point codewithin an SS7 domain.

Subscriber Profile RepositorySPR

A logical entity that may be astandalone database or integratedinto an existing subscriber databasesuch as a Home Subscriber Server(HSS). It includes information suchas entitlements, rate plans, etc. ThePCRF and SPR functionality isprovided through an ecosystem ofpartnerships.

Signaling System #7SS7

A communications protocol thatallows signaling points in anetwork to send messages to eachother so that voice and dataconnections can be set up betweenthese signaling points. Thesemessages are sent over its ownnetwork and not over the revenueproducing voice and data paths.The EAGLE 5 ISS is an STP, whichis a device that routes thesemessages through the network.

SIP Signaling RouterSSR

Function responsible for queryinga redirection server and proxyingrequests to other SSR servers,redirect servers, SSR Service Points,and Gateways. It helps in evolvinga Flat NGN network into ahierarchical network.

See SDM.Subscriber Data Management

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Transaction CapabilitiesApplication Part


A protocol in the SS7 protocol suitethat enables the deployment ofadvanced intelligent networkservices by supporting non-circuitrelated information exchangebetween signaling points using theSignaling Connection Control Partconnectionless service. TCAP alsosupports remote control - ability toinvoke features in another remotenetwork switch.


Transfer Control Protocol

Transmission Control ProtocolA connection-oriented protocolused by applications on networkedhosts to connect to one another andto exchange streams of data in areliable and in-order manner.

Tekelec Platform DistributionTPD

TPD is a standard Linux-basedoperating system packaged anddistributed by Tekelec. TPDprovides value-added features formanaging installations andupgrades, diagnostics, integrationof 3rd party software (open andclosed source), build tools, andserver management tools.

Traffic Restarting AllowedTRA

Traffic Restarting WaitingTRW


User Security ManagementUSM

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Unstructured SupplementaryService Data



Visitor Location RegisterVLR

A component of the switchingsubsystem, within a GSM network.The switching subsystem includesvarious databases which storeindividual subscriber data. One ofthese databases is the HLRdatabase or Home LocationRegister; and the VLR is another.

Virtual Location Register


Web Craft InterfaceWebCI


eXtensible Markup LanguageXML

A version of the StandardGeneralized Markup Language(SGML) that allows Webdevelopers to create customizedtags for additional functionality.

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