
Sustainability Training Series 2015

From Piloting to Sustaining Practices

August 3, 20151:00pm - 3:00pm

The Essentials of Full

Implementation Part I:

Program Structures

Making the Most of a GTM

Muting & unmuting Using chat functionGroup activitiesParticipation via Go To Meeting

AgendaDay 1Project OverviewYour Cohort School’s

ProgressInternal Program

Structures and Sustaining Priorities

Day 2Day 1 RecapWorking

Collaboratively and Sustaining Priorities

Learning ObjectivesParticipants will be able to identify;

Recommended Program Structures for sustaining transition-focused education efforts

Resources to support implementing Program Structures

Specific actions they will take to ensure sustainability in their Cohort School

MaterialsSlidesSustainability Resources Handout

NSNH Essentials

Next Steps NH offers training and coaching on embedding evidence-informed transition practices in schools to increase the graduation rate of students with disabilities and students at-risk of dropping out and prepare them for college, career and adult life.

Training introduces and illustrates the practice.

Coaching supports putting the training to use.

Participatory Adult Learning Styles

NSNH Essentials

Transition practices include:Enhanced transition planning, activities &

opportunities, including RENEWBest practice Extended Learning Opportunities

(ELOs)High level family-school engagement

Evidence shows that embedding new practices requires multi-stage implementation.

NSNH EssentialsImplementing practices with fidelity is a primary focus. The use of planning tools ensures fidelity.

When implemented with fidelity these practices will increase the graduation rates of students with

disabilities and students at-risk of dropping out and prepare them for college, career and adult


Not In Place

Partially In Place

In Place

Critical Component of Practice

X Students-at-risk and students with IEPs participate meaningfully in the development of their post school goals.

Family Engagement

Two-way communicationShared decision making

Transition-related training opportunities

Student Development

Best Practice ELOsSelf-Determination


Program Structure

Leadership TeamsOngoing Strategic Planning

Policy and ProcedureTransition Competencies

for StaffTransition Coordinator

ELO Board

Student-Focused Planning

Student Led IEPsRENEW

Transition Assessment

Interagency Collaboration

Community ServicesColleges/Universities

ELO Partners

Transition- Focused

Education Framework

Adapted from Taxonomy for Transition Programming, Kohler, P.D. (1996) &

NH CoP Template for Secondary Transition & NH Standards for Family /School Partnerships


Leadership, ELO,

RENEW & Family

Engagement Teams


Program Structures

Putting the Pieces Together 1. EXPLORATION• Develop & Meet w/ Project

Teams (Leadership – ELO – FEG – RENEW)

• Complete Fidelity tools


• Implement action plans

• Identify & address challenges

• Scale up ELOs, RENEW &

• Transition Practices• Integrate family-school

partnership strategies(Based on Dean Fixen et al & SWIFT)

2. INSTALLATION• Develop action plans

• Participate in foundational trainings• RENEW student mapping

• Pilot a high quality ELO, EI transition practices• Offer parent



procedures in place

• System recalibrated to accommodate & support new initiatives

Cohort 1 Timeline RecapDec 2013 thru Spring 2014: Exploration

MOUs signed; LT meetings beginKick-off training in ConcordExploration activities:

RENEW, ELO Trainings, Family Focus GroupsRound 1 of Transition and ELO Fidelity ToolsAction plans developed

Summer 2014 to present: Installation and Initial Implementation: Ongoing Leadership Team MeetingsRENEW, ELO and Family Engagement ActivitiesTransition Practices TrainingsTransition Framework and ELO Fidelity Tools- Round 2

Where are you?Next Steps Implementation Stages Management

Use the template to determine what stage of implementation your school is in with Next Steps activities and strategies?

Use the descriptions of each stage, describe why you selected that stage.

Sept 2015 and Beyond: Where Will You Take

Transition From Here?

Transition-Related Program Structures:PhilosophyProgram Evaluation Strategic PlanningPractices and ProceduresProfessional DevelopmentResource Allocation

Program StructuresTransition Focused Education Framework and Next Steps ExamplesPhilosophy

Next Steps mission and vision

Program Evaluation Tools and DataTraining and ELO

SurveysStrategic Planning

Leadership TeamTransition LiaisonCommunity of Practice

Practices and ProceduresRENEWELOTransition PracticesFamily Engagement

Professional DevelopmentTraining ResourcesPALS

Resource AllocationStaffing

PhilosophyNext Steps Vision/Values/MissionBeyond Next Steps, will you:

Adopt a formal philosophy or purpose statement to guide ongoing work?

Is there an existing philosophy or purpose statement that EXPLICITLY focuses on transition for these populations?

Program Evaluation• Fidelity Tools• Data

Program Evaluation: Fidelity Tools Next Steps Fidelity Tools

Transition FrameworkELO Practice ProfileRENEW Readiness Checklist

Program Evaluation: Data TypesReferral sources Outcome measuresProgress monitoring

Program Evaluation: Examples Referral sources

RENEW CharacteristicsEWS

Outcome measuresRequired State Reporting

Indicators 1,2,13, 14; graduation rates; drop out rates)

Progress monitoringELO CharacteristicsELO Student and Teacher SurveysFidelity Tools

Data Ideas and DiscussionEWS data and RENEWIndicator 14 data collection: strategic

outreach Counseling reports (like Naviance) that show

data on plans for students with IEPs and/or student at-risk

Student/teacher surveysELO Characteristics highlights “what’s

missing”NSTTAC Evaluation Toolkit

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning: Leadership TeamsFocus on transition to life-after high school

for youth with disabilities and youth-at-riskReview current practices and make decisions

about “what’s next”Multiple perspectives provide richest options

and possibilitiesResource: Transition Team Leader

Sustainability Toolkit

Strategic Planning: Team Leader Plans and facilitates meetings Recruits new members Oversees an action plan

Next Steps Transition Liaison

Practices and Procedures●Consistency prevents loss due to turnover●Promotes fidelity and best practice

Thank You!

The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the USDepartment of Education, H323A120003. However, those contents do notnecessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and youshould not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer,Corinne Weidenthal.

This product is public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in partis granted. While permission to reprint is not necessary, the citation should be: NH State Personnel Development Grant – Next Steps NH (2012-2017). New Hampshire Department of Education, Concord.

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