Page 1: Survival of women compared to men


Women almost never get struck by lightning. Though being struck by lightning is probably lower on most people’s list of fears and worries than cloning eventually leading to dinosaurs roaming the Earth like in Jurassic Park, it is still something that happens with alarming regularity. Every year, lightning kills about 80 people in US. But, there’s only 9 women among them. It’s only an average of 10 times less than men. This tells that the only real way to be safe from lightning is to own a mathing set of X chromosomes.

Women are less likely to die drowned. Generally, Women have more body fat than men. More fat, therefore more water buoyancy is produced. Women can float on water suface more easy than men. If they are not panic.

Besides, Women can survive longer without food. Unlike men who have higher muscle mass, women only needs fewer calories. When women are being abandoned in a place with no food, the fewer muscle needs to burn fewer calories while the more fat, the stored calories act as backup source for woman. Thus, women have double advantage.

Moreover, Women are ‘ greener ‘ . As we mentioned just now, women need fewer natural resources to survive. Nowadays, we humans are causing more and more pollution to our earth. The earth is becoming less and less suitable for us to survive. In this case, women can eventually survive longer than men.

Men seduce by china women Women seduce by African man

U can mess with little man but never mess with a women

Women can remember your mistake u made 10 years ago when they have an argument

Whenever you have a discussion with a women they can easily can it into a argument

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