
Survey Results & Analysis for

NCMA Board of Directors Meeting Survey (July 27, 2014)


Executive SummaryThis report contains a detailed statistical analysis of the results to the survey titled NCMA Board of Directors Meeting Survey (July 27, 2014) . The results analysis includes answers from all respondents who took the survey in the 10 day period from Sunday, July 27, 2014 to Tuesday, August 05, 2014. 23 completed responses were received to the survey during this time.


1. Did you receive the board packet (board briefs, operations report, etc.) with enough time to prepare for the board meeting?


Excellent job in this area...felt like I had plenty of time to prepare.

Very well organized.

Excellent to include reminders.

Nicely organized, easy to find each topic.

    Strongly Agree 22  Agree 1  Somewhat Agree 0  Somewhat Disagree 0  Disagree 0    Strongly Disagree 0


2. Was the relationship between the agenda topics (or committee reports) and the board’s strategy clear?

    Strongly Agree 17

  Agree 6

  Somewhat Agree 0

  Somewhat Disagree 0

  Disagree 0

    Strongly Disagree 0


This was done extremely well and in a structured manner.

Very well run meeting.

Yes, however, I thought that we would review the final committee reports not on the agenda in more detail.


3. Did the board discussions focus on strategy and policy issues versus operational issues?  

    Strongly Agree 19  Agree 3  Somewhat Agree 1  Somewhat Disagree 0  Disagree 0    Strongly Disagree 0


Yes - made it very clear to discuss strategy.

Board is concentrated on strategy for the future and discussing issues at the right level

Did not see measured progress with our strategy.

yes. Board reviewed overall strategy and this year's related activities.


4. Did you receive sufficient information related to the health of the association’s programs and services?

    Strongly Agree 16  Agree 5  Somewhat Agree 1  Somewhat Disagree 0  Disagree 0    Strongly Disagree 1


Very good information shared.

Could have used more breakout on financial results, not sure what is "unhealthy"


5. Do you think the board is adequately monitoring the association’s financial health?

    Strongly Agree 17  Agree 5  Somewhat Agree 0  Somewhat Disagree 0  Disagree 0    Strongly Disagree 1


The oversight committee is very strong and has a very good mix of talent to monitor the financial health.

Have tremendous confidence.

A little early for me to be sure as a new board member

Report is always thorough and informative

This is an area that merits additional calories.

Again, trends are not apparent. WC was stronger than anticipated - what will we learn and apply at GCMC?

Sam does a great job. Board adequately monitors the financial health. Audit committee oversight is important. Finance & Budget committee will develop a process for a more rigorous review of budget risk.


6. Were discussions constructive and meaningful with facts and supporting information?  

    Strongly Agree 14  Agree 9  Somewhat Agree 0  Somewhat Disagree 0  Disagree 0    Strongly Disagree 0


Yes - the right balance of detail and keeping it strategic or high level.


7. Was adequate time allowed for board members to ask questions and explore issues?

    Strongly Agree 18  Agree 5  Somewhat Agree 0  Somewhat Disagree 0  Disagree 0    Strongly Disagree 0


Nothing controversial so moved swiftly through the agenda.

Always good dialogue


8. Did the board discuss and constructively challenge recommendations made by the President, Executive Director, or other board members?

    Strongly Agree 11  Agree 9  Somewhat Agree 3  Somewhat Disagree 0  Disagree 0    Strongly Disagree 0


Very open and positive discussion.

Interactions were very professional even with opposing views.

Discussion is welcomed and encouraged.10

9. Did the board effectively make decisions and take actions when needed?

    Strongly Agree 13  Agree 8  Somewhat Agree 2  Somewhat Disagree 0  Disagree 0    Strongly Disagree 0


Pretty straight forward today so consensus was easy to reach.

This board was just more informative with many new members


10. Did the board use the association's mission and vision to drive its decisions?

    Strongly Agree 17  Agree 4  Somewhat Agree 2  Somewhat Disagree 0  Disagree 0    Strongly Disagree 0


The focus was definitely present throughout the meeting.

Although mostly administrative proceedings today.


11. Did the meeting foster trust and respect among board members?

    Strongly Agree 18  Agree 5  Somewhat Agree 0  Somewhat Disagree 0  Disagree 0    Strongly Disagree 0


Great diverse group.

Very collegial


12. Did you feel engaged in the discussion?

    Strongly Agree 15  Agree 8  Somewhat Agree 0  Somewhat Disagree 0  Disagree 0    Strongly Disagree 0


Everyone appeared to have an opportunity to participate.


13. Did the board use effective meeting practices (such as setting clear agendas, having good facilitation and managing time well)?

    Strongly Agree 18  Agree 4  Somewhat Agree 1  Somewhat Disagree 0  Disagree 0    Strongly Disagree 0


Very well organized and run meeting.

The time went too well, or there weren't enough items on the agenda to cover, but we ended very early.

an efficient meeting. All Board members were prepared and engaged.15

14. Were accurate action items recorded and read at the end of the meeting for concurrence by the board members?

    Strongly Agree 12  Agree 9  Somewhat Agree 2  Somewhat Disagree 0  Disagree 0    Strongly Disagree 0


no action items required

No action items were needed.


15. Any other comments, observations or recommendations to improve the board’s performance?

This was a well run and efficient meeting.

Well organized and well executed!

Believe that the financial health of NCMA would benefit a WC in DC every third year, but the analysis should bear this out. Other issues aside, WC's in DC makes sense.

Good opportunity for Larry to set the stage for his focus areas this year: Professional Ethics, Standards, Education and Leadership Development. Looking forward to a great year! I perceived the New Board Member Orientation to be an extension of the Board Meeting this year. It all meshed well. rjb.

The stage was set well for future meetings

Really believe that the board is moving in the right direction in terms of board composition and committees.

Excellent processes

I really liked that this year Larry, Russ and Penny are focusing on a few very important issues. Their message was very clear through the meeting and discussions. It would be great to realign the Strategic Plan to the direction our Presidents and Mike are focusing on.


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