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The Fastest of the Fastest

1. Tianhe-2 This computer has an average performance of 33.86 petaflops and a peak of just under 55 petaflops

The Fastest of the Fastest (2)

The TITAN supercomputer is due to be replaced by Summit in 2017, which will have a performance of more than 100 petaflops

The Fastest of the Fastest (3)

Sequoia is a supercomputer located at Livermore Lab and will also be replaced in 2017

But... How?? this link to find out more in depth

What’s in it?

1. RAM (Random Access Memory)-This is the primary memory in a computer. It is called Random Access because you can randomly access any data stored, if you know where

What’s in it?

2. CPU (Central Processing Unit)-This, hence the name, is the processor in a computer. Most supercomputers have maximum cores installed inside their CPUs.

Diagrams and Charts

Can I Make One?

Its extremely expensive to go the length China’s K computer or TITAN went, but there are a few ways to either make an existing computer faster, or make a cluster supercomputer.

1. Improve your CPUs-

2. Build a Beowulf cluster-

And There You Have It

This slideshow helps explain supercomputers, where they are, and how they work. Here are some related links not shown elsewhere.

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