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Page 1: Super Voca

******************************************************************************** I have written down certain words that I did not know while questions popped up on the SuperVoca Synonyms/Antonyms Test. The following list is a compilation of such words [not in an alphabetical order]. Some of these words have "(NB)" immediately following them.’NB' stands for 'Non-Barron'.Of course these markings are memory dependent to a certain extent and some Barron © words may have been marked inadvertently; A "!" 'may' indicate this. saurav @ Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India ******************************************************************************** fecund: fertile capitulation: surrender apostate: traitor rakish : tawdry; having unconventional manner odious : hateful seraphic(NB) : angelic;holy nucleate :(of)center imperious : haughty sudorific (NB) :pertaining to perspiration incarnadine(NB) :stain crimson or red color gasconade(NB) :bluster;boastfulness retrench:cut down;curtail prefatory:introductory mugwump(NB):any independent esp. in politics; acarpous(NB):bearing no fruit;sterile scourge :lash;whip off-key(NB) : not in accord lave : wash bootless(NB) :useless objurgation :severe rebuke;scolding parlous(NB) :dangerous;perilious plangent(NB):plaintive;resounding sadly rubicund(NB!)having ahealthy reddish color;ruddy;florid eviscerate(NB):disembowel;remove entrails mall(NB) :public walk soupcon(NB):suggestion;hint;taste triolet(NB):eight line stanza threnody(NB):song of lamentation;dirge *jejune(NB):lacking interest;barren;meager recreant:craven;disloyal maunder(NB):to move aimlessly;to talk incoherently;utter drivel sacerdotal(NB):priestly;characterised by belief in the divine authority of priesthood carte blanche(NB):full authority;freedom to do as one wishes;(literally) white order /blank cheque integument(NB):outer covering or skin

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athwart(NB):across;in opposition affray(NB):public brawl purloin(NB):steal macerate:waste away hypothecate(NB):pledge as security;mortgage panoply(NB):full set of armour nave(NB):main body of a church demesne(NB):domain;land over which a person has full soverignity extenuate:weaken;mitigate presentiment:premonition prognathous(NB):having projecting jaws preforce(NB): of necessity truckle:curry favour;act in a obsequious way recusant(NB):person who refuses to comply batten(NB):grow fat;thrive upon others depilate(NB):remove hair educe(NB):draw forth ;elicit parturition(NB):delivery;childbirth facetious:humorous;jocular trope(NB):figure of speech vellum(NB):parchment prurient:based on lasviciuos thoughts scullion(NB):menial kitchen worker offal(NB):waste;garbage lapidiary(NB):worker in precious stones caparison(NB):showy harness or ornamentation for a horse *scarify(NB):make slight incisions in;scratch impute:attribute;ascribe welkin(NB):sky amortization(NB):act of reducing debt thru partial payments morganatic(NB):describing a marriage between a member of a royal family and a commoner obtrude:push into prominence contumacious:disobedient;resisting authority tatterdemalion(NB):ragged fellow prorouge(NB):dismiss parliament;end officially traduce:expose to slander defalcate(NB):misuse money held in trust pleonasm(NB):unnecessary repetition *serried(NB):standing shoulder to shoulder;crowded tenacious:holding fast asseverate(NB):make a positive statement or solemn declaration arrant(NB):thorough;complete;unmitigated promiscuous:mixed indiscriminately esp.sexually;haphazard;irregular gamester(NB):gambler *rapprochment(NB):reconciliation bandanna(NB):large,bright-colored handkerchief

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lubricity(NB):slipperiness;evasiveness troglodyte(NB):cave dweller FF(NB):syrup obtained in refining sugar blazon(NB):decorate with an heraldic coat of arms roan(NB):brown mixed with grey or white champ(NB):chew noisily *refection(NB):slight refreshment *screed(NB):long tiresome language lesion:injury durance(NB!):restraint;imprisonment rime(NB):white frost *fustian(NB):pompous;bombastic persiflage(NB):flippant conversation;banter phial(NB!):small bottle rectitude:uprightness putative:supposed;reputed condone:forgive;overlook an offense *supernal(NB):divine;heavenly gelid(NB):cold dastard(NB):chicken;coward; *poltroon(NB):weakling estival(NB):pertaining to summer breviary(NB):book containing the daily prayers *cul-de-sac:blind alley;trap cockade(NB):decoration worn on hat portly:stately;stout exaction(NB):exorbitant demand;extortion debenture(NB):bond issued to secure a loan bumptious(NB!):self-assertive froward(NB):disobedient;perverse;stubborn interlocutory(NB!):conversational;intermediate,not final terrapin(NB):Amerrican marsh tortoise devious:erratic mien(NB!):demeanor;bearing *coruscate(NB):glitter;scintillate spume(NB):forth;foam descant(NB):discuss fully hustings(NB):meetings particularly to choose candidates chattel(NB!):personal property *sub rosa(NB):in strict confidence;privately interstices(NB):chinks;crevices sirroco(NB):warm,sultry wind blown from Africa to Southern Europe gloaming(NB):twilight *sapient:wise;shrewd theosophy(NB):wisdom in divine things parapet(NB!):low wall at the edge of roof or balcony

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risible(NB!):inclined to laugh;ludicruous orision(NB):prayer seraph(NB):high-ranking,six-winged angel *oblation(NB):the Eucharist;pious donation valence(NB):short drapery hanging above window frame precocious:developed ahead of time frangible(NB!):fragile:breakable desututude(NB):[n.]disuse;condition of not being used plenipotentiary(NB!):fully empowered fiduciary(NB!):pertaining to the position of trust teleology(NB):doctrine of final causes flotilla(NB):small fleet importune:beg earnestly *parvenu(NB):upstart;newly rich person elusory(NB):tending to deceive expectations;elusive cormorant(NB!):greedy,rapacious bird pediment(NB):triangular part above columns in Greek bulidings *sapid(NB):savory;tasty;relishable recherche(NB):choice,sought after;rare desideratum(NB):that which is desired *jeremiad(NB):lament;complaint *doughty(NB!):courageous mesa(NB):high,flat topped hill durance:restraint;imprisonment recrudescence(NB):reopening of a wound or sore emblazon(NB):deck in brilliant colours moot(NB!):debatable concordat(NB):agreement,usually between the papal authority and the secular postprandial(NB):after dinner peculate(NB!):steal;embezzle objurgate:scold;rebuke severely mews(NB):group of stables built around a courtyard compendium:brief,comprehensive summary factitious:artificial;sham *sumptuary(NB):limiting or regulating expenditures hauteur(NB):haughtiness fealty(NB):loyalty;faithfulness rheumy(NB):pertaining to a discharge from nose and eyes afflatus(NB):inspiration moeity(NB):half;part brazier(NB):open pan in which live coals are burned offertory(NB):collection of money at religious ceremony suppurate(NB):create pus *reticulated(NB!):covered with a network; having the appearance of a mesh vertiginous(NB):giddy;causing dizziness hawser(NB):large rope

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*fain(NB):gladly stein(NB):beer mug billingsgate(NB):vituperation;abusive language utilitarian(NB):having to do with utility;stressing usefulness over beauty or other considererations postulate:assume;to demand vale(NB):valley clemency:forbearance,leniency or mercy,as toward an offender or enemy;mildness as of weather *preciosity(NB!):great fastidiousness,overrefinemnet or affectation ,esp. in language *sessile(NB):permanently fixed;immobile felicity:happiness;bless hoyden(NB):a bold boisterous girl;tomboy carte blanche(NB):full authority;freedom to do as one wishes; white card (literally) cadge(NB):to beg or get by begging debility(NB!):weakness or feebleness esp. of the body temerarious:rash;reckless cudgel(NB!):short,thick stick or club benighted(NB):overcome by darkness (literally and figuratively) recission(NB):abrogation;annulment cortege(NB):procession avouch(NB):affirm;proclaim sebaceous(NB):oily;fatty orotund(NB):resonant intermezzo(NB):a short,light dramatic,musical,or ballet entertainment between the acts of a play or opera hyperborean(NB):of the far north;very frigid outset(NB):a setting out;beginning;start moiety(NB):a half;either of two equal (or more or less equal) parts feckless(NB):weak;ineffective/careless;irresponsible raffish(NB):rakish;having a carelessly unconventional style or manner/tawdry;vulgar;low scoop:any of various utensils shaped like a small shovel or ladle tine(NB):prong (e.g the tines of a fork) carmine(NB):red conch(NB):sea shell faux pas(NB): error rood(NB): crucifix aseverate(NB): make a positive statement or solemn declaration treacle(NB): syrup obtained in refining sugar neap(NB): lowest arrogate(NB): claim without resonable ground dishabille(NB): in state of undress kith(NB): familiar friend shoal(NB): shallow place miscegenation(NB): intermarriage between races lissome(NB): agile;lithe sciolism(NB):quackery;superficial information purblind(NB):dim-sighted;obtuse

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epitome(NB):summary;concise absract perforce(NB!):of necessity adipose(NB):fatty freshet(NB):sudden flood lackey(NB):footman;toady kiosk(NB):summerhouse;open pavilion minaret(NB):slender tower attached to a mosque teleology(NB):the study of final causes;having an ultimate purpose incogitable(NB):unthinkable;inconceivable legato(NB):in a smooth .even style,with no noticeableinterruption between notes (ANT>stacccato) trencherman(NB:an eater esp. person who eats much and heartily undergird(NB):to gird,strengthen,or brace from the bottom side trumpery(NB):something showy but worthless;nonsense or rubbish phantasm(NB):apparition,fantasy,hallucination valetudianrian(NB):unhealthy pinch(NB):crsis;poverty ensemble:gathering;collection;whole seditious:rebellious;lawless ersatz(NB):artificial;synthetic;manufactured tousle(NB):mess;confusion;disorder drivel(NB!):nonsense;twaddle;blather;foolishness repose(NB!):rest,relaxation;(v.)lie recline corral(NB):an enclosure for holding or capturing horses cattle or other animals;pen coop(NB):a small cage ,pen or building as for poultry signatory(NB):undersigned:witness incinerate:cremate;patch;burn up nip:to make numb with cold daze:apathy menhir(NB):obelisk parvenu(NB):upstart;newly rich person crepescular(NB):perataining to twilight caryatid(NB):sculptured column of a female figure fiesta:any gala celebration;holiday/a religious festivel esp.a saint's day valetudinarian(NB):a person in poor health ;invalid ;/one who thinks constantly and anxiously about one's own health horrendous(NB):horrible;frightful

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