Page 1: Sunnyside Adventist Church Communiqué News  · Sunnyside Adventist Church • 10501 SE Market Street • Portland,

Sunnyside Adventist Church Communiqué News & Announcements

Sabbath, April 18, 2020

Sunnyside Adventist Church • 10501 SE Market Street • Portland, Oregon 97216 • 503-252-8080 •

Greetings church family,

Real Easter Eggs!

Next to our house, in a lone-standing

Arborvitae tree, resides Mr and Mrs House

Finch and five soon to be chicks. The nest

is roughly constructed, well hidden but

functional enough to safely house five little

eggs which are well cared for by one or other of the parents. It

seems that they have no idea of the angst that our world is exhibiting

because of a rampant

coronavirus. Although I

must say that whenever I

come around the corner of

my house and approach

their “house,” they

immediately practice a

social distancing maneuver

by instinctively flying off in

the opposite direction as if

they, too, have received

the memo from our higher authorities! They stay away a while,

perched in a nearby tree and then will return to the nest when they

consider it safe to do so.

In Matthew 6, Jesus says:

26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or

store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds

them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can

any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

And then again, Jesus promises in Matthew 10, something like this:

Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many house


I think Jesus is reminding Sunnyside Church Family members to

look to Him, go to Him and realize that we belong to Him and to one

another. I am so grateful that He loves and cares for the house

finches and also for us.

God bless Sunnyside Church Family,

Pastor Dave Allen

Send your “shout-outs” to [email protected] so we can include them in next week’s Communiqué. This is a place you can recognize someone for doing well or going beyond expectations.

A special shout out to the many leaders that are facilitating togetherness at a distance by conducting their classes via video: Wednesday FaithLift, Wednesday Men’s Study group, Pathfinders, Children’s Sabbath School class, Dick Gingrich’s Sabbath School class, and the Baptismal Room Sabbath School class. Thank you, leaders, for making this happen!

News & Notes

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic all services and meetings at the church have been canceled until further notice. Stay connected! Check out our Facebook page and website. If you are not receiving our emails, please forward your email address to [email protected], so we can keep you informed of our activities.


Friday, April 17, 7:00 PM, Jaime Jorge, an international concert violinist, presents a special online concert. This is an encouraging and uplifting concert with soothing music and testimony. Go to our website at and click on the Jaime Jorge concert link, our Facebook page, or click here

Welcome to our worship service via streaming video at 11:15 AM. Pastor Juan Fresse will present our Bible message titled “After Easter — Now What?”


Wednesdays, 7:00 PM, virtual Bible study and prayer. You may connect by going to Sunnyside’s page on Facebook, or go to our website,, and click on “Live Stream” then “You Tube Channel” on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM. We have started a series titled “In His Words.”

Many have asked about getting a Sabbath School quarterly for this new quarter. We are encouraging as many as possible to go online for the quarterly at There is no charge. If you are unable to do so, contact the church office at 503-252-8080, and we’ll make sure you can get one.

Page 2: Sunnyside Adventist Church Communiqué News  · Sunnyside Adventist Church • 10501 SE Market Street • Portland,

Sunnyside Adventist Church • 10501 SE Market Street • Portland, Oregon 97216 • 503-252-8080 •

Student Aid applications – It’s that time of year again! If you are in need of financial aid to attend one of our schools, please fill out an application. It can be emailed to you. Please contact Rosie at [email protected] or call 503-252-8080, for the application to be sent to you. Applications are due in the office not later than May 15. You may email, mail, or drop your completed application at the church office for processing.

Gladstone Camp Meeting 2020 is going virtual! We hope you'll plan to join us for a new way of doing camp meeting. Watch the Oregon Conference website, Facebook, and publications for more details as we get closer to Gladstone Virtual Camp Meeting 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has raised all kinds of questions about when large groups will be able to meet, or even whether people will be ready for that. In spite of the uncertainty, the spiritual food and camaraderie, the

tradition of camp meeting is still important. So while we won’t be meeting in person at Gladstone, we’re already planning an interactive online experience that will encourage and connect us. What does Virtual mean? Programming will be accessible from your desktop, your tablet, or your cell phone. If groups are able to gather by then, churches can even host viewing parties! It all is still happening in July, with programming for all ages, including José Rojas as our featured speaker! We hope you'll plan to join us for a new way of doing camp meeting. Watch the Oregon Conference website, Facebook, and publications for more details as we get closer to Gladstone Virtual Camp Meeting 2020.

During this difficult time, if you are in need of financial help for rent, utilities, or other needs, the Family Resource Network stands by to help. Or if you know of a fellow church member that may need help and is hesitant to ask, let us know. Call the church office at 503-252-8080 or send an email to [email protected].

New proposed dates for Impact your Health Portland 2020 are July 10 and 12 at Portland Adventist Academy. This is a FREE medical, dental, and vision clinic coming to Portland. If you would like to volunteer, please contact volunteer. Needed volunteers include dentists, dental hygienists, optometrists, ophthalmologists, opticians, and in the foot-washing ministry area. Breakfast, lunch, and childcare are provided for volunteers. Background checks are required for all volunteers.


Portland Adventist Elementary School

Portland Adventist Academy

PAA postpones all alumni weekend events until 2021 due to

the Coronavirus.


ABC Notice: The Adventist Book Center is open with a modified “Drive Through!” You will not be able to shop in the store. Call us at 503-850-3300 to order for pick-up outside the front doors. We can also ship your order. Go to to view their sales. Oregon Conference Planned Giving and Trust Services. One of the benefits offered through the Planned Giving and Trust Services Department of the Oregon Conference is tax savings. Did you know that you can give all, or a portion of your required minimum distribution (RMD) from your IRA for your tithe and offerings, and not have to pay taxes on those funds? In the same way, you can give stocks directly through the Planned Giving and Trust Services Department as a donation, and avoid capital gains tax. Find out how it works by contacting Leslie Caims at the Planned Giving and Trust Services Department at 503-850-3570, or see us online at We are here to help you provide for those you love, and also support God’s cause in the Oregon Conference. May 29-31: Men’s Summit. This year's Men's Summit will be held at beautiful Dorena Lake. The summit will happen May, the 29th through 31st at the Grove Christian Camp. A team of guys from all over the Oregon Conference are hard at work to make this the best Men’s Summit ever, with activities and events in the works to include: Excavating into the Bible, 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament, learning No-Spin Knife-Throwing, Survival Skills (both spiritually and worldly), Birding, Photography, Archery, Active Shooter Drills, Music, Campfires. Unled activities available: Mountain Biking, Gold Mines, Hiking, Kayaking/Canoeing, Hiking, Quads/Motorcycles! Register early to get the early-bird discount! Gary and Zack Parks will be this year's speakers. We hope to see all men from teens to seasoned citizens at Grove Christian Camp near Cottage Grove! Learn more and/or register at! Event Location: Grove Christian Camp, Dorena Lake.

PACS is still operating as normal with social distancing and social responsibility. If you know people who are in need of food let them know the information below:

If you need food, PACS Food Pantry stands ready to help during normal hours: Monday–Friday 9 AM–11 AM. In order to keep everyone healthy, the experience will be a lot different from how we normally serve you. 1) We will distribute pre-made boxes and as much fresh/frozen food as possible. 2) Food will be given outside our food pantry doors. Watch for signs and volunteers to direct you. Please dress warm. If you cannot make it to PACS please send a note with a friend or neighbor and they can get it for you. Any questions please call 503-252-8500 or email [email protected]

August 21-23: Motorcycle Camp Meeting 2020. Mark your calendars with the dates for this year's Motorcycle Camp Meeting, August 21-23, at Gladstone Park Conference Center in Gladstone, Oregon! This year's speaker will be Tim Journey, pastor of the Boulder City, Nevada Adventist church. Camping/RV parking will be available on the property. Watch for more details!

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