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Chapter 1


1.1- Introduction of the study:

Performance Measurement is one of the important factors in the organization

today. Therefore my views are that every organization need to make an effective

and efficient assessment of performance of the employees.

Human Resource is the greatest wealth of any organization. Hence a fully developed

employee only can contribute to the best performance demand. Proper motivation

and personality development can only make the employees conceptual and

technical skills effective.

The present study investigation that how accurate an employee in their job

knowledge, their ability to use available resources, opportunities provided by

organizations. How to face work related stress, and the facilities provided by the

organization for career development.

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1.2- Objective of the study:

1- To get the feedback of employees.

2- To identify the potential of the employees.

3- To identify the training needs of employees.

4- To recognize his strength & weaknesses.

5- To check the pressure on employee during the work.

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1.3- Hypothesis of the study:

The hypothesis of this study has been formulated after the brief study of the

organization. In the study undertaken, I went through the various factors that affect

the employees performance in the organization and interacted with various levels

of employees. In the light of this study my main objective was to know that

whether employees have sufficient knowledge of their job and related factors, or

they need any improvement or training in this field.

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1.4- Scope of the study

Performance appraisals provide employees and managers with opportunities to discuss

areas in which employees excel and those in which employees need improvement.

Performance appraisals should be conducted on a regular basis, and they need not be

directly attached to promotion opportunities.

Personal Attention

During a performance appraisal review, a supervisor and an employee discuss the

employee's strengths and weaknesses. This gives the employee individual face time with

the supervisor and a chance to address personal concerns.


Employees need to know when their job duties are being fulfilled and when there are

issues with their work performance. Managers should schedule this communication on a

regular basis.

Career Path

Performance appraisals allow employees and supervisors to discuss goals that must be

met to advance within the company. This can include identifying skills that must be

acquired, areas in which one must improve, and educational courses that must be


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Employee Accountability

When employees know there will be regularly scheduled evaluations, they realize that

they are accountable for their job performance.

Communicate Divisional and Company Goals

Besides communicating employees' individual goals, employee appraisals provide the

opportunity for managers to explain organizational goals and the ways in which

employees can participate in the achievement of those goals.

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o The analysis is based on just 100 respondents; hence findings may not be


o Respondents where not ready to reveal there personal details.

o Some people where not at all ready to fill the form.

o The answers given by the respondents may be partial to peers and thus analysis

may be incorrect.

o Data have been analyzed in ROUND-FIGURES. For instance- instead of taking

79%, it has been considered as 80%. So, there may be some biasness in findings.

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Report Topic-

This report is based on the topic “Performance appraisal of BSNL employees at District

Office, Sitapur”. The report is aimed at the employees’ performance level. In this report, we

will get to know the feedback of employees, potential of personnel, and training needs of


Main points covered in the report-

Chapter 1-

o We will firstly, go through the company profile that describes everything about the BSNL

and its services.

o The history has been given just to understand the background of the company.

o In the middle of report, vision, mission and objectives have been described.

o BSNL’s growth plan has also been mentioned clearly in this report.

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Chapter 2-

o DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN has been used in this research report. Descriptive

research design is used for the studies concerned with specific predictions, with narration

of facts and characteristics concerning individual group or situation.

o Further, in research methodology, the process for data collection has been clearly

mentioned including sample size, sample design.

o In the middle of this chapter, hypothesis has been defined just to understand its nature &

scope. A tentative proposal made to explain certain observations or facts that require

further investigation to be verified. A hypothesis is a formulation of a question that lends

itself to a prediction. This prediction can be verified or falsified. A question can only be

use as scientific hypothesis, if there is an experimental approach or observational study

that can be designed to check the outcome of a prediction.

o After the conception of methodology, the secondary (exploratory) data and primary data

have been gathered.

Chapter 3-

After the data-collection, analysis of data has been done with the help of analytical chart

and computer techniques.

o After each pie-chart, interpretation has been written.

Chapter 4-

This chapter includes findings, recommendation and conclusion

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At last, bibliography has been written. The questionnaire has been annexed afterwards.

Related questions-

The study was designed to gather information related to the following questions:

QQ What are your duties towards the organization?

QQ How is your past experience in the organization?

QQ What are your likings about the organization?

QQ How is the yearly performance of organization?

QQ Are you satisfied with facility provided by company?

QQ Are you satisfied with working time of organization?

QQ Are you doing overtime, if work is not completed?

QQ Is there any tight supervision on your working?

QQ How is the behaviour of your officers?

QQ Any time you have been given some reward?

QQ Is any training provided to you?

QQ If yes, has it help you to achieve your aim?

QQ How is your current performance in org.?

QQ What is your strength towards the performance?

QQ What is your weakness towards performance?

QQ Suggestions, if any.

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India’s fastest growing cellular service CellOne, along with Excel (pre-service) brings

cellular telephony to the masses, through innovative technology and strategic pricing.

This ambitious service uses state-of-the-art GSM technology to attain global

excellence and leadership in business. Our entry into this sector gas brought GSM

cellular service at an affordable cost the common man. All serving a single objective, to

provide better communication to millions across India.

Cellone is the Post paid service of the BSNL. It offers you a host of value added services

and unmatched features not found in any other Cellular service.

Excel is the Pre paid service of the CellOne Cellular Service of BSNL. It offers you a

host of value added services and unmatched features not found in any other Cellular

service. All India roaming facility is also available on Excel service.

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. formed in October, 2000, is World's 7th largest

Telecommunications Company providing comprehensive range of telecom services in

India: Wire line, CDMA mobile, GSM Mobile, Internet, Broadband, Carrier service,

MPLS-VPN, VSAT, VoIP services, IN Services etc. Within a span of five years it has

become one of the largest public sector units in India.

BSNL has installed Quality Telecom Network in the country and now focusing on

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improving it, expanding the network, introducing new telecom services with ICT

applications in villages and wining customer's confidence. Today, it has about 47.3

million line basic telephone capacity, 4 million WLL capacity, 20.1 Million GSM

Capacity, more than 37382 fixed exchanges, 18000 BTS, 287 Satellite Stations, 480196

Rkm of OFC Cable, 63730 Rkm of Microwave Network connecting 602


BSNL is the only service provider, making focused efforts and planned initiatives to

bridge the Rural-Urban Digital Divide ICT sector. In fact there is no telecom operator in

the country to beat its reach with its wide network giving services in every nook & corner

of country and operates across India except Delhi & Mumbai. Whether it is inaccessible

areas of Siachen glacier and North-eastern region of the country. BSNL serves its

customers with its wide bouquet of telecom services.

BSNL is numerous union operator of India in all services in its license area. The

company offers vide ranging & most transparent tariff schemes designed to suite every


BSNL cellular service, CellOne, has more than 17.8 million cellular customers, garnering

24 percent of all mobile users as its subscribers. That means that almost every fourth

mobile user in the country has a BSNL connection. In basic services, BSNL is miles

ahead of its rivals, with 35.1 million Basic Phone subscribers i.e. 85 per cent share of the

subscriber base and 92 percent share in revenue terms.

BSNL has more than 2.5 million WLL subscribers and 2.5 million Internet Customers

who access Internet through various modes viz. Dial-up, Leased Line, DIAS, and

Account Less Internet (CLI). BSNL has been adjudged as the NUMBER ONE ISP in the

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BSNL has set up a world class multi-gigabit, multi-protocol convergent IP infrastructure

that provides convergent services like voice, data and video through the same Backbone

and Broadband Access Network. At present there are 0.6 million DataOne broadband

customers. The company has vast experience in Planning, Installation, network

integration and Maintenance of Switching & Transmission Networks and also has a

world class ISO 9000 certified Telecom Training Institute.

Scaling new heights of success, the present turnover of BSNL is more than Rs.351,820

million (US $ 8 billion) with net profit to the tune of Rs.99,390 million (US $ 2.26

billion) for last financial year. The infrastructure asset on telephone alone is worth about

Rs.630,000 million (US $ 14.37 billion). BSNL plans to expand its customer base from

present 47 millions lines to 125 million lines by December 2007 and infrastructure

investment plan to the tune of Rs. 733 crores (US$ 16.67 million) in the next three years.

Main Services Being provided by BSNL

BSNL provides almost every telecom service, however following are the main Telecom

Services being provided by BSNL in India:-

Universal Telecom Services: Fixed wireline services & Wireless in Local loop (WLL)

using CDMA Technology called bfone and Tarang.

Cellular Mobile Telephone Services: BSNL is major provider of Cellular Mobile

Telephone services using GSM platform, called Cell One and BSNL’s GSM Cellular

services are know as Excel Power (Prepaid).

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Internet: BSNL is providing internet as dial-up connection (Sancharnet) and ADSL-

Broadband (Dataone).


The foundation of Telecom Network in India was laid by the British sometime in 19th

Century. The history of BSNL in linked with the beginning of Telecom in India. In 19th

century and for almost entire 20th century, the telecom in India was operated as a

Government of India wing. Earlier it was part of erstwhile Post & Telegraph Department

(P&T). In 1975 the Department of Telecom (DoT0 was separated from P&T. DoT was

responsible for running of Telecom service in entire county until 1985 when Mahanagar

Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) was carved out of Dot to run the telecom service of

Delhi and Mumbai. It is a well known fact that BSNL was carved out of Department of

Telecom to provide level playing field to private telecoms. Subsequently in 1990s the

telecom sector was opened up by the Government for private investment; therefore it

became necessary to separate the Government’s policy wing from Operations wing. The

Government of India corporative the operations wing of Dot on October 01, 2000 and

named it as Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL). BSNL operates as public sector.

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o in Asia. To become the largest telecom Service Provider


o To provide world class State-of-art technology telecom services to its customers

on demand at competitive pries.

o To provide world class telecom infrastructure in its area of operation and to

contribute to the growth of the country’s economy.


o To be a Lead Telecom Services Provider.

o To provide quality and reliable fixed telecom service to our customer and there by

increase custom’s confidence.

o To provide mobile telephone service of high quality and become no. 1 GSM

operator in its area of operation.

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Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited is a public sector undertaking and it is owned by the government

of India.


BSNL’s future plan include a fast expansion programmed of increasing the present 34

million lines to twice that number by 2005 and some 120 million lines by 2010.

Consolidation of the network and maintaining high quality of service comparable to

International standards is the key aim of the Growth Plan. Objective of the plan are:

The telephone connection shall be provided on demand and it shall be sustained.

The Network shall be made fully digital. All the technologically obsolete analog

exchanges will be replaced with digital exchanges.

To provide digital transmission links up to all SDEAs.

Digital connectivity shall be made available to all the exchanges by 2007.

Upgrading existing STD/ISD PCOs to full fledged Public Tele-Info Centers

(PTIC) for supporting Multi media capability and Internet Access.

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Replacement of life expired, analogue coaxial and radio systems.

Introduction of latest telecom services like National Directory enquiry,

computerization etc.


BSNL is committed to provide quality Telecom Services at affordable price to the

citizens of the remotest part of the Country. BSNL is making all effort to ensure that the

main objectives of the new Telecom Policy 1999 (salient points indicated below) are


o Access to telecommunications is of utmost importance for achievement of the

country’s social and economic goals. Availability of affordable and effective

communications for the citizens is at the core of the vision and goal of the new

Telecom policy 1999.

o Strive to provide a balance between the provision of universal service to all

uncovered areas, including the rural areas, and the provision of high-level services

capable of meeting the needs of the country’s economy.

o Encourage development of telecommunication facilities in remote, hilly and tribal

areas of the country.

o Transform in a time bound manner, the telecommunications sector to a greater

competitive environment in both urban and rural areas providing equal

opportunities and level playing field for all players.

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1. Steven Thomas L. (1994)

Steven in his research study published in SAM Advanced Management Journal  says

that many academics and practicing managers regard performance appraisal as one of

the most valuable human resource tools. It is a vital component in recruiting and

hiring employees, where it is used to validate selection tests, and in staffing, where

transfer, layoff, termination, or promotion decisions are made on the basis of

appraisal results. In compensation administration, performance appraisal forms the

basis for the administration of merit pay systems. Most important, performance

appraisal can be used as a motivational tool for communicating performance

expectations to employees and providing them with feedback. Finally, performance

appraisal is indispensable in training and development activities to assess potential

and identify training needs. He also opines that there appears to be a growing debate

about whether the consequences of the performance appraisal are truly beneficial to

many organizations. A significant number of practicing managers appear to be saying

that performance appraisal may create more problems than it solves.

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2. John R Christian (2007)

In this study conducted by John R Christian in Beach Park Fire Department of Illinois

speaks about the importance of performance appraisal. The purpose of this research

was to assess what is utilized in the fire service currently and research what

components are needed to develop a functional performance appraisal system. Further

researched was how to implement an appraisal system successfully in order to

achieve the optimum benefits for the both the firefighter and the department utilizing

the compiled data. The Action Research Method was utilized in creating an

evaluation program and fully implemented by the department outlining essential job

functions through the use of industry standards, job description, and best practices.

Continual evaluation of this system and modification is recommended in the future.

3. Robert D. Bretz Jr., George T. Milkovich and Walter Read

The authors say how some performance appraisal research issues inform performance

appraisal practice. Because performance appraisal is an applied topic, it is useful to

periodically consider the current state of performance research and its relation to

performance appraisal practice. This review examines the performance appraisal

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literature published in both academic and practitioner outlets between 1985 and 1990,

briefly discusses the current state of performance appraisal practice, highlights the

juxtaposition of research and practice, and suggests directions for further research.

4. Trumble, Robert R., Tudor, Thomas R., Flowers, Lamont A.

Traditional methods of performance appraisals used by human resources in many

organizations are inadequate, disorganized, and are often viewed by employees as

unfair. Computer Assisted Performance Appraisal Systems offer an alternative

solution that can reduce some of the problems encountered with traditional

methods. Such systems permit managers to accurately update and evaluate

information on employees, enable the formation of job descriptions more

efficiently, and meet all legal guidelines by editing reports that contain words

which may be construed as defamatory in nature.

5. Fletcher C. (2001)

This article identifies and discusses a number of themes and trends that together

make up the developing research agenda for this field. It breaks these down in

terms of the nature of appraisal and the context in which it operates. The former is

considered in terms of contemporary thinking on the content of appraisal

(contextual performance, goal orientation and self awareness) and the process of

appraisal (appraiser–appraisee interaction, and multi-source feedback). The

discussion of the context of appraisal concentrates on cultural differences and the

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impact of new technology. In reviewing these emerging areas of research, the

article seeks to explore some of the implications for appraisal practice at both

organizational and individual levels.

6. C. C. Yee, and Y.Y.Chen (2009)

Performance appraisal of employee is important in managing the human resource

of an organization. With the change towards knowledge-based capitalism,

maintaining talented Knowledge workers is critical. However, management

classification of “outstanding”, “poor” and “average” performance may not be an

easy decision. Besides that, superior might also tend to judge the work

performance of their subordinates informally and arbitrarily especially without the

existence of a system of appraisal. In this paper, we propose a performance

appraisal system using multifactorial evaluation model in dealing with appraisal

grades which are often express vaguely in linguistic terms. The proposed model is

for evaluating staff performance based on specific performance appraisal criteria.

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Modern Appraisal

Performance appraisal may be defined as a structured formal interaction between a

subordinate and supervisor, that usually takes the form of a periodic interview (annual or

semi-annual), in which the work performance of the subordinate is examined and

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discussed, with a view to identifying weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities

for improvement and skills development.

In many organizations - but not all - appraisal results are used, either directly or

indirectly, to help determine reward outcomes. That is, the appraisal results are used to

identify the better performing employees who should get the majority of available merit

pay increases, bonuses, and promotions.

By the same token, appraisal results are used to identify the poorer performers who may

require some form of counseling, or in extreme cases, demotion, dismissal or decreases in

pay. (Organizations need to be aware of laws in their country that might restrict their

capacity to dismiss employees or decrease pay.)

Whether this is an appropriate use of performance appraisal - the assignment and

justification of rewards and penalties - is a very uncertain and contentious matter.

Performance appraisals’ purpose - and how to make it easier

Performance appraisals are essential for the effective management and evaluation of staff.

Appraisals help develop individuals, improve organizational performance, and feed into

business planning. Formal performance appraisals are generally conducted annually for

all staff in the organization. Each staff member is appraised by their line manager.

Directors are appraised by the CEO, who is appraised by the chairman or company

owners, depending on the size and structure of the organization.

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Annual performance appraisals enable management and monitoring of standards,

agreeing expectations and objectives, and delegation of responsibilities and tasks. Staff

performance appraisals also establish individual training needs and enable organizational

training needs analysis and planning.

Performance appraisals also typically feed into organizational annual pay and grading

reviews, which commonly also coincide with the business planning for the next trading


Performance appraisals generally review each individual's performance against objectives

and standards for the trading year, agreed at the previous appraisal meeting.

Performance appraisals are also essential for career and succession planning - for

individuals, crucial jobs, and for the organization as a whole.

Performance appraisals are important for staff motivation, attitude and behaviour

development, communicating and aligning individual and organizational aims, and

fostering positive relationships between management and staff.

Performance appraisals provide a formal, recorded, regular review of an individual's

performance, and a plan for future development.

Job performance appraisals - in whatever form they take - are therefore vital for

managing the performance of people and organizations.

Managers and appraisees commonly dislike appraisals and try to avoid them. To these

people the appraisal is daunting and time-consuming. The process is seen as a difficult

administrative chore and emotionally challenging. The annual appraisal is maybe the only

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time since last year that the two people have sat down together for a meaningful one-to-

one discussion. No wonder then that appraisals are stressful - which then defeats the

whole purpose.

In fact performance appraisals of all types are effective if they are conducted properly,

and better still if the appraisal process is clearly explained to, agreed by, the people

involved. Managers need guidance, training and encouragement in how to conduct

appraisals properly, especially the detractors and the critics. Help anxious managers (and

directors) develop and adapt appraisals methods that work for them. Be flexible. There

are lots of ways to conduct appraisals, and particularly lots of ways to diffuse

apprehension and fear - for managers and appraisees alike. Particularly - encourage

people to sit down together and review informally and often - this removes much of the

pressure for managers and appraisees at formal appraisals times. Leaving everything to a

single make-or-break discussion once a year is asking for trouble and trepidation. Look

out especially for the warning signs of 'negative cascaded attitudes' towards appraisals.

This is most often found where a senior manager or director hates conducting appraisals,

usually because they are uncomfortable and inexperienced in conducting them. The

senior manager/director typically will be heard to say that appraisals don't work and are a

waste of time, which for them becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. This attitude and

behaviour then cascades down to their appraisees (all the people in their team) who then

not surprisingly also apply the same 'no good - not doing it' negative attitude to their own

appraisals responsibilities (teams). And so it goes. A 'no good - not doing it' attitude in

the middle ranks is almost invariably traceable back to a senior manager or director who

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holds the same view. As with anything, where people need help doing the right thing,

help them.

All that said, performance appraisals that are administered without training (for those

who need it), without explanation or consultation, and conducted poorly will be counter-

productive and are a waste of everyone's time.

Well-prepared and well-conducted performance appraisals provide unique

opportunities to help appraisees and managers improve and develop, and thereby also the

organisations for whom they work.

Just like any other process, if performance appraisals aren't working, don't blame the

process, ask yourself whether it is being properly trained, explained, agreed and


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Effective performance appraisals

Aside from formal traditional (annual, six-monthly, quarterly, or monthly) performance

appraisals, there are many different methods of performance evaluation. The use of any

of these methods depends on the purpose of the evaluation, the individual, the assessor,

and the environment.

The formal annual performance appraisal is generally the over-riding instrument which

gathers together and reviews all other performance data for the previous year.

Performance appraisals should be positive experiences. The appraisals process provides

the platform for development and motivation, so organizations should foster a feeling that

performance appraisals are positive opportunities, in order to get the best out of the

people and the process. In certain organizations, performance appraisals are widely

regarded as something rather less welcoming ('bollocking sessions' is not an unusual

description), which provides a basis only on which to develop fear and resentment, so

never, never, never use a staff performance appraisal to handle matters of discipline or

admonishment, which should instead be handled via separately arranged meetings.

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Generally, the aims of a performance appraisal are to:

o Give employees feedback on performance

o Identify employee training needs

o Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards

o Form a basis for personnel decisions: salary increases, promotions, disciplinary

actions, bonuses, etc.

o Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development

o Facilitate communication between employee and administration

o Validate selection techniques and human resource policies to meet federal Equal

Employment Opportunity requirements.

o To improve performance through counseling, coaching and development.


A common approach to assessing performance is to use a numerical or scalar rating

system whereby managers are asked to score an individual against a number

of objectives/attributes. In some companies, employees receive assessments from

their manager, peers, subordinates, and customers, while also performing a self

assessment. This is known as a 360-degree appraisal and forms good communication


The most popular methods used in the performance appraisal process include the


360-degree appraisal

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Behavioral observation scale

Behaviorally anchored rating scales

Trait -based systems, which rely on factors such

as integrity and conscientiousness, are also commonly used by businesses. The

scientific literature on the subject provides evidence that assessing employees on

factors such as these should be avoided. The reasons for this are two-fold:

Management by objectives.

1) Because trait-based systems are by definition based on personality traits, they make it

difficult for a manager to provide feedback that can cause positive change in employee

performance. This is caused by the fact that personality dimensions are for the most

part static, and while an employee can change a specific behavior they cannot change

their personality. For example, a person who lacks integrity may stop lying to a manager

because they have been caught, but they still have low integrity and are likely to lie again

when the threat of being caught is gone.

2) Trait-based systems, because they are vague, are more easily influenced by office

politics, causing them to be less reliable as a source of information on an employee's true

performance. The vagueness of these instruments allows managers to fill them out based

on who they want to/feel should get a raise, rather than basing scores on specific

behaviors employees should/should not be engaging in. These systems are also more

likely to leave a company open to discrimination claims because a manager can

make biased decisions without having to back them up with specific behavioral


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Prepare - Prepare all materials, notes agreed tasks and records of

performance, achievements, incidents, reports etc - anything pertaining to performance

and achievement - obviously include the previous performance appraisal documents and

a current job description. A good appraisal form will provide a good natural order for

proceedings, so use one. If your organization doesn't have a standard appraisal form

then locate one, or use the template below to create one, or download and/or adapt the

appraisal forms from this page. Whatever you use, ensure you have the necessary

approval from your organization, and understand how it works. Organize your

paperwork to reflect the order of the appraisal and write down the sequence of items to

be covered. If the appraisal form includes a self assessment section and/or feedback

section (good ones do) ensure this is passed to the appraisee suitably in advance of the

appraisal with relevant guidance for completion. A sample performance appraisal

template is available free below, which you can adapt and use to create your own form.

Part of your preparation should also consider 'whole-person' development - beyond and

outside of the job skill-set - as might inspire and appeal to the appraisees. Many people

are not particularly interested in job skills training, but will be very interested,

stimulated and motivated by other learning and development experiences. Get to know

what your people are good at outside of their work. People's natural talents and passions

often contain significant overlaps with the attributes, behaviours and maturity that are

required and valued in the workplace. Use your imagination in identifying these

opportunities to encourage 'whole-person' development and you will find appraisals can

become very positive and enjoyable activities. Appraisals are not just about job

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performance and job skills training. Appraisals should focus on helping the 'whole

person' to grow and attain fulfillment.

Inform - inform the appraisee - ensure the appraisee is informed of a suitable

time and place (change it if necessary), and clarify purpose and type of appraisal - give

the appraisee the chance to assemble data and relevant performance and achievement

records and materials. If the appraisal form does not imply a natural order for the

discussion then provide an agenda of items to be covered.

Venue - ensure a suitable venue is planned and available - private and free

from interruptions - observe the same rules as with recruitment interviewing - avoid

hotel lobbies, public lounges, canteens - privacy is absolutely essential (it follows also

that planes, trains and automobiles are entirely unsuitable venues for performance


Layout - room layout and seating are important elements to prepare also -

don't simply accept whatever layout happens to exist in a borrowed or hired room -

layout has a huge influence on atmosphere and mood - irrespective of content, the

atmosphere and mood must be relaxed and informal - remove barriers - don't sit in the

boss's chair with the other person positioned humbly on the other side of the desk; you

must create a relaxed situation, preferably at a meeting table or in easy chairs - sit at an

angle to each other, 90 degrees ideally - avoid face to face, it's confrontational.

Introduction - relax the appraisee - open with a positive statement, smile,

be warm and friendly - the appraisee may well be terrified; it's your responsibility to

create a calm and non-threatening atmosphere. Set the scene - simply explain what will

happen - encourage a discussion and as much input as possible from the appraisee - tell

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them it's their meeting not yours. Confirm the timings, especially finishing time. If

helpful and appropriate begin with some general discussion about how things have been

going, but avoid getting into specifics, which are covered next (and you can say so).

Ask if there are any additional points to cover and note them down so as to include

them when appropriate.

Review and measure - review the activities, tasks, objectives and

achievements one by one, keeping to distinct separate items one by one - avoid going

off on tangents or vague unspecific views. If you've done your preparation correctly you

will have an order to follow. If something off-subject comes up then note it down and

say you'll return to it later (and ensure you do). Concentrate on hard facts and figures,

solid evidence - avoid conjecture, anecdotal or non-specific opinions, especially about

the appraisee. Being objective is one of the greatest challenges for the appraiser - as

with interviewing, resist judging the appraisee in your own image, according to your

own style and approach - facts and figures are the acid test and provide a good neutral

basis for the discussion, free of bias and personal views. For each item agree a measure

of competence or achievement as relevant, and according to whatever measure or

scoring system is built into the appraisal system. This might be simply a yes or no, or it

might be a percentage or a mark out of ten, or an A, B, C. Reliable review and

measurement requires reliable data - if you don't have the reliable data you can't review

and you might as well re-arrange the appraisal meeting. If a point of dispute arises, you

must get the facts straightened out before making an important decision or judgment,

and if necessary defer to a later date.

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Agree an action plan - An overall plan should be agreed with the

appraisee, which should take account of the job responsibilities, the appraisee's career

aspirations, the departmental and whole organization's priorities, and the reviewed

strengths and weaknesses. The plan can be staged if necessary with short, medium and

long term aspects, but importantly it must be agreed and realistic.

Agree specific objectives - These are the specific actions and

targets that together form the action plan. As with any delegated task or agreed

objective these must adhere to the SMARTER rules - specific, measurable, agreed,

realistic, time-bound, enjoyable, recorded. If not, don't bother. The objectives can be

anything that will benefit the individual, and that the person is happy to commit to.

When helping people to develop, you are not restricted to job-related objectives,

although typically most objectives will be.

Agree necessary support - This is the support required for the

appraisee to achieve the objectives, and can include training of various sorts (external

courses and seminars, internal courses, coaching, mentoring, shadowing, distance-

learning, reading, watching videos, attending meetings and workshops, workbooks,

manuals and guides; anything relevant and helpful that will help the person develop

towards the standard and agreed task. Also consider training and development that

relates to 'whole-person development' outside of job skills. This might be a hobby or a

talent that the person wants to develop. Developing the whole person in this way will

bring benefits to their role, and will increase motivation and loyalty. The best

employers understand the value of helping the whole person to develop. Be careful to

avoid committing to training expenditure before suitable approval, permission or

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availability has been confirmed - if necessary discuss likely training requirements with

the relevant authority before the appraisal to check. Raising false hopes is not helpful to

the process.

Invite any other points or questions - Make sure you

capture any other concerns.

Close positively - Thank the appraisee for their contribution to the

meeting and their effort through the year, and commit to helping in any way you can.

Record main points, agreed actions and follow-up -

Swiftly follow-up the meeting with all necessary copies and confirmations, and ensure

documents are filed and copied to relevant departments, (HR and your own line

manager typically).

Introduction of 360 degree appraisals

Here is a simple guide for introducing 360 degree appraisals into an organization (and

any other management system for that matter):

Consider and decide what you need the 360 degree system to achieve. What must

it be? How must it work? What difference must it make?

Choose/design a system (or system provider), i.e., research and investigate your

are a helpful options (other local or same-sector companies using 360 already reference

point, or your trade association HR group, or a specialist HR advisory body such as

CIPD in the UK if you are a member).

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Check the legal and contractual issues for your situation - privacy, individual

choice, acceptable practices and rules, training, data protection, individual rights,

adoption guide, etc. (360 degree systems are now well-developed and established. Best

practice and good reference case-studies are more widely available than in the early

years of 360 feedback development.

When you've decided on a system, pilot it with a few people to make sure it does

what you expect. (It's best to establish some simple parameters or KPI's by which you

can make this assessment, rather than basing success on instinct or subjective views.)

When satisfied with the system, launch it via a seminar or workshop, preferably

including role-plays and/or practical demonstration.

Support the implementation with ongoing training, (include an overview in your

induction training as well), a written process guide/booklet, and also publish process

and standards on your intranet if you have one.

Establish review and monitoring responsibility.

Ensure any 360 degree appraisal system is introduced and applied from top down,

not bottom up, so everyone can see that the CEO is happy to undertake what he/she

expects all the other staff to do. As with anything else, if the CEO and board agree to

undertake it first, the system will have much stronger take-up and credibility. If the plan

for 360 feedback introduction is likely to be seen as another instrument of executive

domination then re-thinks your plans.



Page 39: Summer Training Report Bsnl

Research can be defined as a systemized effort to gain new knowledge. A research is

carried out by different methodologies which have their own pros and cons. Research

methodology is a way to solve research in study and solving research problems along

with logic behind them are defined through research methodology. Thus while talking

about research methodologies we are not only talking of research methods but also

consider the logic behind the methods. We are in context of our research studies and

explain why it is being used a particular method or technique and why the others are not

used. So that research result is capable of being evaluated either by researcher himself or

by others.

Research Problem:

To know the performance level of BSNL employees in Sitapur area office.

5.1-Universe: This study is applicable to judging the performance of the employees.

5.2-Hypothesis: Following two statements are stated in the hypothesis are that


1:- The employees in BSNL, SITAPUR have sufficient knowledge of their work,

and related factor, and they are performing well.

2:- The significant difference between the opinions of staff and worker.

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5.3-Population: The sample size taken as 100 respondents which represent the whole


5.4-Sampling technique: The objective of this study was to asses and identify

the factors that affect the performance of the employees, and the job knowledge of

the employees and accuracy. The employees in this organization generally works in

three shifts. Hence there was difficulty in selecting the employees. Hence simple random

sampling method was used.

Probability sampling and non –probability sampling techniques has been used.

The evaluation was designed in 3 steps. The first step included the development and pilot

testing of data collection instrument. The second step entailed the data collection process;

lastly, in step 3, the data was analyzed.

5.5-Research design:

Decisions regarding what, where, when, how much, by what means, concerning an

enquiry or a research study constitute a research design. “A research design is the

arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to

combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.” In fact, the

research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted; it

constitutes the blueprint for the data collection, measurement and analysis of data.

DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN has been used in this research report.

Descriptive research design is used for the studies concerned with predictions, with

narration of facts and characteristics concerning individual group or specific situation.

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5.6-Tooles of data collection: Questionnaire

1. Questionnaire is formal set of question prepared to collect the required

information. This is one of the most effective and popular techniques used in

survey however one has to be very careful while drawing the questionnaire.

Before deciding on the question it is important to understand the exact nature of

the information required and who should be interviewed.

2. Performance appraisal document review.

3. Service manager interview.

5.7-Data Collection:

The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research

design / plan chalked out. While deciding about the method of data collection to be used

for study, the researcher should keep in mind two types of data viz., Primary data and

secondary data.

PRIMARY DATA has been collected through structured questionnaire for this particular

project. Here I selected 100 employees as the sample-size for the evaluation.

5.8-Statistical tooles :

I have applied pie charts for the analysis of data.



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The term “analysis” refers to the computation of certain measures along

with searching for patterns of relationship that exists among data groups.

Analysis would also mean categorizing, ordering, manipulating and

summarizing of the data to obtain answers to research questions. The purpose of

analysis is to reduce data to intelligible and interpretable forms so that the relations

of research problems can be studied and tested.

Interpretation refers to the task of drawing inferences from the collected

facts after an analytical study.


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Analysis is done to get the findings of the project work done. It is also helpful in

prediction and forecasting. After this, we can give the suggestions and recommendations

as to the concern.

Following data was entered into EXCEL datasheet and analyzed to get findings.

The data is being given here onto the next page the form of questions asked and followed

by the pie-charts and explanations.

(1) How is your past experience in the organization?

1-good 70%

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2-poor 05%

3-satisfactory 25%


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Experience plays the most vital role for the proper functioning of the task allotted;

hence, I put forth this question to the employees just to evaluate the effect of the

past experience over the performance.

Here, I have taken three criteria viz. good, satisfactory and poor. The

respondents were in the proportion of 70%, 25%, and 5% respectively.

On the basis of this data, it is clear that most of the people think that past

workings play a great role in the task performance.

(2) What do you think; employees should be given the rest-leaves?

1- Yes 85%

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2- No 15%


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As to the increasing work loads, it is presumed that in this fast going age, the

work-force should be given pleasant environment and proper rest-leaves as well.

Assuming the above hypothetical concept, I included this question. Being

a public sector company, BSNL has greater work load as compares to other

private sector telecom companies, that is why, while responding, most of the

employees were in the favour of ‘yes’ alternative. Because they think that they

will be able to do more work skillfully and efficiently after coming back from the

family leave.

(3) What are your likings about the organization?

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1-co-operative workers 45%

2-working time 20%

3-easy supervision 05%

4-Compensation plan 10%

5-Everything 20%

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Performance also depends upon what the employee desired, he got that.

Somehow, this is concerned with the performance. If the desire comes true, the

employee feels some ease in doing the work.

This idea emerged this question. Most of the respondents answered that

they like the cooperation of other employees.

(4) How is your yearly performance?

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1-very good 75%

2-satisfactory 25%

3-bad 0%


It’s easy to do the performance appraisal on the basis of yearly performance on an

average for the last year. By this, we can evaluate whether the performance level

decayed or maintained or increased. This becomes the basis of putting this


Most of the respondents found to be very good in their yearly performance.

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(5) Are you satisfied with facility provided by company?

1-yes 60%

2-no 40%


“Satisfaction drives the performance”. Considering this quote, I have put this

question so as to find out whether the employees are satisfied with the work

allotted, facilities, behaviour of seniors or not.

In the respondents, the ratio is 60% (yes) : 40% (no). This ratio is very

confusing nevertheless ‘YES’ is the most frequent answer.

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(6) Are you satisfied with working time of organization?

1-Yes 87%

2- No 13%


One more aspect is there in satisfaction i.e. WORKING TIME. Actually the

official timing is from 10:00 am to 5:00pm. But some people suggest that the

timing should start from early morning and thus it will end soon till 3:00 o’clock

because they don’t want to get late in going to their homes. But some suggest that

the timing should be from late in the morning till late night.

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(7)Are you doing overtime, if work is not completed?

1-yes 30%

2-no 70%


In case, if there is more work to do, the employees may or may not do overtime.

This is based on person’s willingness. If he wants not to be blamed by the

Page 54: Summer Training Report Bsnl

officials, he performs the work in time or on time. This was the basis of this


70% of the respondents replied in negative this shows that they try to

procrastinate the work for the coming days.

(8) Is there any tight supervision on your working?

1-yes 45%

2-no 55%

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Most of the employees think that tight supervision is the most

embarrassing condition because they are addicted of doing the work with ease and

supervision. They also think that being a public sector, tight supervision can not

be tolerated by them. In such a condition, they feel to be circumscribed and hence

the performance will be affected.

Taking this base into consideration, I put this question before them and I

found that 55% of the respondents feel the tight supervision over them.

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(9) How is the behaviour of your officers?

1-good 63%

2-bad 05%

3-very good 22%

4-normal 10%

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Here 63% of employees says that good behaviour of employers,5% are saying

about bad behaviour,22% are in the favour of very good behaviour,and only 10%

for the normal behaviour.

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(10) Any time, have you been given some reward?

1-yes 30%

2-no 70%

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Appreciation improves the performance; this is applied in any of the works. This

quote has become the basis of this question. I found that 30% employees were

awarded and thus, their performance has been improved. And rests are saying that

no award has been given to them till now and again they say- why do we work

more & well, if we won’t be given anything?

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(11) Is any training provided to you?

1-yes 100%

2-no 0%


As we know that training is the advancement of work. Here, all the respondent

accepted that proper training is given to them.

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(12) If yes, has it helped you to achieve your aim?

1-yes 95%

2-no 05%


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Because everyone has accepted that training is regularly given, so 95% said that

training helps them to achieve their target, and 5% people have denied to accept


(13) How is your current performance in org.?

1-good 83%

2-average 12%

3-bad 05%


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In BSNL 83%of employees are performing well.12% are average, and only 5%

are not satisfied with their performance.

(14) What is your strength towards the performance?

1-your experience 55%

2-your working capacity 35%

3-regular training 3%

4-time management 7%

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About the strength towards the performance,55%are having their experience.35%as their

capacity to do work, 3%of are given regular training and 5% are the strength with their

time management.

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(15) What is your weakness towards performance?

1-irrelevent training 23%

2-more work load 47%

3-improper work allocation 10%

4-holiday needs 20%

Page 67: Summer Training Report Bsnl


Your weakness can harm your business. So 23% are saying that irrelevant training may

cause their weakness,47% says more workload,10% said that improper allocation of

work,20% are asking for holiday need.



I have found that most of the employees working in this organization are more

than fifteen years.

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I have got most of the employees want progress in future in this organization.

In whole analysis, I have found that 36 percent employees are satisfied with the

appraisal policy of the bsnl.

During the time of analysis the 70 percent employees are saying company should

provide proper training for development before appraisal.

I have found most of the employees are saying that the management of bsnl helps

to improve the employee’s performance.

I have got mostly management adopted the future oriented technique for


Most of the people are saying bsnl provide proper working environment in work


Less than 50 percent employees are saying bsnl give proper incentives or reward

after achieving target.

I have found most of the employees of the company aware of strength &


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Most of the employees of the company satisfied with present job performance.

I have found most of the employees maintain good relation with management

Most of the employee’s do hard work to improve overall performance.

I have found most of the employees are satisfied with working condition &

present status in the company.


1- More career opportunities should be provided, so that performance will be


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2- More training programs should be introduced to up to date the Practical/technical

knowledge of employees, so that they can apply their technical skills in the

production work and output could be increased.

3- Overall environment should be supportive to workers, so that their working

conditions could be improved and they don’t feel any stress while working.

4- The workers of the company should be given a chance to give their

opinions to the management, so that actual work knowledge can be



Page 71: Summer Training Report Bsnl

Performance appraisal refers to the assessment of and employee’s actual

performance, behavior on jobs and his or her potential for future performance. Appraisal

has several objective but the main purposes are to asses training needs effect, effect

promotion, and to give pay increases.

Appraisal of performance proceeds in a set pattern. The steps are defining

appraisal objectives establishing job expectations; design the appraisal programme,

conduction performance interview, and using appraisal data for different HR activities.

Edward Deming disfavored performance appraisal, instead he stressed on effective

leader4ship for organizational effectiveness but now performance appraisal system has

become an inherent part of the modern corporate organizations and through this

management system one can asses the performance of the employees. Through this I have

tried to highlight the performance appraisal system its need and importance in mordent

corporate organizations and its key role in checking the performance and progress of the

employees in the current job.

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