
Study Notes

Subject: Studies of Religion 2U

Topic: Christian Practice - Baptism

Description of Baptism The initiation into the Christian Community For most Christians it is a necessary element for salvation. Allows participants (or candidates) to share the death and resurrection of Christ. It cleanses people from their sins and they are given a new life after baptism. Salvation Army and Society of Friends (Quakers) do not practice baptism and no not believe it is essential for salvation.Elements of Baptism:Infant Baptism: Most denominations practice infant Baptism. The parents and Godparents make commitments on behalf of the child. Other denominations do not perform infant Baptism and allow individuals to choose when they are baptised.Immersion: This idea stems for the idea of being fully immersed in the beliefs and practices of Christianity. This is performed by the Orthodox denominations as well as the adult baptisms in the Baptist and Pentecostal Churches. Sprinkling or pouring of water: Carried out primarily by the Catholic Church as Baptism is often contained in or next to ordinary Sunday Worship. Water is poured over the head of the candidate or sprinkled on their body. Profession of faith: Main element of the baptism service in any denomination in which it is practiced. The Nicene Creed or the Apostles creed. Adult Baptism: Also known as believer Baptism. Allows the individual to participate in the service and understand the undertakings of the role. They have made a conscience decision to believe in Jesus Christ and as such have opted to partake in Baptism.Baptism in Spirit: A second Baptism or validation of baptism where someone has been baptized as an infant and has to partake in another baptism as an adult due to denominational switching. This is only needed in churches that oppose or see infant Baptisms as void.

Ritual ElementRoman CatholicAnglicanGreek OrthodoxBaptist

CelebrantPriestPriest or MinisterPriestMinster

Sacred TextRomans: 6:3-11Matthew: 28:16-20The Readings from the Scripture LessonRomans: 6:3-11Matthew:28: 16-20Sunday Service Readings

Significant SymbolsBaptismal font, water, oil, candles, white clothBaptismal font, water oil, candleBaptismal font, water, oil, candle, new clothes, movement around the churchBaptismal Garment (white), baptismal pool

Sacred SpaceChurch or BaptistryChurchChurchBaptismal Pool

Features of the RitualThe Eucharist may include the rite of Baptism (e.g in Easter Vigils, etc).The Rite of BaptismChild is received into the church Eucharist and full initiation (Chrismation) are part of the baptism (rare amongst denominations).Adult Rite of Baptism/ Believers Baptism

Structure of the Ritual- Priest greets community- Priest questions parents and confirms their wish for baptism- Priest, parents and godparents trace the sign of the cross on the child.- Liturgy of the word.- Homily- Rite of exorcism and anointing with oil.- Baptismal waters blessed.- Profession of faith- Baptism with water on forehead- Child clothed in white cloth.- Parents and godparents given candle- Prayers of the faithful- The Lords prayer- Final blessing- Gathering hymn, psalm or anthem.- Priest greets community.- The message of the day is prayed.- Lesson from scripture.- Sermon.- Presentation and examination of the candidate.

- Baptismal covenant is prayed.- Prayers of thanksgiving and blessing over water.- Prayers of consecration over the oils.- Baptism.- The Lords prayer recited.- Concluding prayer.

- Begins in the entrance of the Church.- Godparents take an oath and recite the Nicene Creed.- Exorcism.- Signing of the Cross.- Naming.- Lighting of the Baptismal Candle.- Removal of clothes.- Anointing with oil.- Blessing of the Water.- Full immersion in the Baptismal font three times.- Sacrament of Chrismation- Dressing in new clothes.- Religious dance- circle the font three times.- Tonsure cutting of the hair.- Holy Eucharist is given to the Baptised individual.

- Believers baptism is part of the Sunday worship service.- Includes testimony by the person being baptised declaring their faith in Jesus Christ.- Full immersion in pool

Biblical support/evidence/backingThe one who believes and is baptised will be saved Mk 16:16

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit Mt 28:19-20

Very truly, I tell you, no one can come to the kingdom of God without being born of water and spirit Jn 3:3

Salvation: Peter said to them, Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38

Expressing the beliefs of ChristianityAncient Origins/Early Church: The Ancient cleansing ritual predating Christianity. Prevalent amongst Jewish groups. John the Baptist as the forerunner to the ministry of Jesus. The ancient church deemed Baptism a necessary element of Salvation and a practice in which they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Repentance: In Baptism, Christians believe that they are turning away from sin and evil. They are turning in a positive way to live the life of the spirit.

The Body of Christ: Candidates enter the church and body of Christ. They gain insight as to the death and resurrection of Jesus and the mystery of Jesus death.


Water: Water is a central symbol in Baptism. Water is evident in the stories of the Great Flood, the Red Sea and the fleeing of Egypt. Reflects the beliefs in rebirth and cleaning.

The Sign of the Cross and Trinitarian nature of Service: Symbolic of the entry into the Church and the development of a relationship with Christ. The Trinitarian nature of the Baptism is reflective of the Trinitarian nature of God and the belief in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Anointing: The use of rich oils to anoint the candidate is symbolic of the new and great spiritual wealth that one acquires in Christ. Oil has always been a symbol of healing and strength. Reflective in the stories of the anointing of a King (Old Testament).

White Garment: Symbolic of the purity of the Baptised person and the cleansing from sin. Shows that Baptism is a new beginning for Christians.

Candles: Represents God as the light of the world. Light also represents Good and evil light (God) overcomes any evil or darkness in our lives.

Significance: Individual and Community Links to the Early Church: Links the candidate to the early Church. It offers the individual and community theological reflection. As a rite of passage it gives Christians the gift of the holy spirit and ultimately salvation. Relives Jesus baptism by John the Baptism and undertakes the biblical obligations for baptism by Jesus.

Jesus Baptism: In partaking in the Baptism service either as a candidate or the community we are reliving and celebrating the Baptism of Jesus. The community shares the event of such great ancient significance. Perform the same rituals and rites of the early church and Jesus himself. Perpetuating the ancient tradition and honoring the intention of Christ and the disciples.

Theological reflection: The Practice contains images of death and new life. There are images of creation and renewal. There are symbols of good and evil. Ideas of repentance and forgiveness. This allows the theological reflection of the community present as all the aspects of Baptism are associated with Christian Theology.

Gift of the Holy Spirit: In partaking in the Baptism, Candidates acquire the gift of the Holy Spirit. They are now a member of the body of Christ. They are forgiven for sins and now have a personal relationship with God.

Rite of Passage: Baptism is an authentic rite of passage. It marks the transition from outside the Christian Community to becoming fully immersed and part of it. Enter a community of common faith and mind, thus also bearing significance.

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