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Hendro Tjahjono

National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN)

Republic of Indonesia

Technical Meeting on Technology Assessment for New Nuclear Power Programs

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Scopes of Presentation

• Overview of Indonesian Energy Policy

• Implementation of technology assessment methodology, case study in West Kalimantan.

• Research activities supporting technology assessment.

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Overview of Indonesia Energy Policy Introduction

• Indonesia consists of around 17,500 big, medium and small islands, the big islands are: Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua.

• Population is around 250 millions people with rate of 1.21% (2015)

• Total area of 1.9 million square miles including the ocean

• High demand and supply of energy in the future

• SMR technology is much more appropriate for small and medium islands to support their development and Large NPP for Big Islands

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The National Energy Policy

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Electricity Power Generation and Network

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National Energy Policy • National Energy Policy increased share of new and renewable

energy at 31% by 2050 to reduce dependence on fossil & to diversify energy (Presidential Regulation No. 5 Year 2006)

• National Long-Term Development Planning 2005 – 2025 new energy resources can be produced by new technology, i.e. renewable or non-renewable energy, such as nuclear energy (Act No.17 and 30 Year 2007)

• Projection of energy supply by 2050 is 430 GWe (low scenario) and 550 GWe (high scenario). Installed capacity in 2010 is ~37 GWe. Projected role of nuclear energy ~55 reactors by 2050.

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• In order to accelerate national development, President of Republic Indonesia issued Presidential Instruction No.1/2010 regarding Accelerating National Development Including Nuclear and

• Government Regulation No. 5/2010 on National Medium Term Development that Include Nuclear Power Plant as part of alternative energy.

• In line with Indonesia nuclear Infrastructure development progress in phase 1 and up coming phase 2, four main activities are recently in progress i.e.:

- Feasibility Study in Bangka-Belitung island for 3 years (contract signed 15 July 2011 )

- Assessment of Indonesia Nuclear Energy System (2012-2014), using INPRO Method

- Technology Assessment for SMR in West Kalimantan Province (2013) and one day workshop for West Kalimantan Potential Team in implementing IAEA’s Technology Assessment Methodology.

- Feasibility study and preparing conceptual design for Experimental Power Reactor of around 10 MWth in Serpong area. This reactor is planned to be operational in 2021.


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Technology Assessment and Selecting for SMR in West Kalimantan

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Outlines 1. Introduction 2. Technology Assessment Role on Infrastructure Development Step. 3. Technology Assessment Methodology

Forming a competent Team Main Criteria and Requirement Technology Availability Technology Assessment Process

3. Assessment and Selection Results 4. Guide Book of NPP Technology Assessment Implementation. 5. Education and training Workshop concerning the guide book of

technology assessment. 6. Conclusion 7. Recommendations

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Introduction • National economic and energy assessment has shown that

nuclear energy would be part of energy sources in national energy mix policy simultaneously with fossil energy source, gas, water and other renewable energy.

• Indonesia as an archipelago country, including big, medium and small islands is suitable to construction of Small Medium size reactors.

• West Kalimantan Province, according to the MOU with BATAN in the domain of nuclear technology development, has asked to perform a NPP feasibility study in the region of West Kalimantan.

• One of the feasibility study activity is the reactor technology assessment and selecting for the need of West Kalimantan.

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Introduction (cont.)

• Center for Nuclear Reactor Technology and Safety (CNRTS), according to it’s task and function, has done some technology assessment concerning NPP.

• CNRTS appoints some staff to be a member of Pre-Feasibility Study Team for NPP in West Kalimantan. This Team has following tasks :

1. To make a guide book of implementation the reactor technology assessment and selection.

2. Doing pre-assessment and selecting the SMR technology.

3. Doing dissemination of technology assessment and selecting.

• This guide book of implementation SMR Technology Assessment could be used as Guide Book in implementation and dissemination of NPP Technology Assessment in other province which consider to build an SMR.

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Introduction (cont)

• Objective of the Guide Book:

To provide a guidance in doing assessment and selecting the reactor technology which conforms with the need of the Province/region which plans to build the SMR.

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Nuclear Infrastructure Development Program (Nov 2009)

Phase 1

Consideration before

a decision to launch a

nuclear power

programme is taken

Phase 2

Preparatory work for

the construction of a

NPP after a policy

decision has been


Phase 3

Activities to

implement a first


Phase 4

Maintenance and




Pre Project Project Decision

Making Construction

Operation/ decommissioning

Nuclear power

option included

within the

national energy


Milestone 1

Ready to make a

knowledgeable commitment

to a nuclear programme

Milestone 2

Ready to invite bids

for the first NPP

Milestone 3

Ready to commission and

operate the first NPP

10-15 years

Pres.Reg. 5/2006

Act. 17/2007

Feasibility study Bidding process Commissioning













1st N






N u c l e a r E n e r g y S y s t e m A s s e s s m e n t

Tech. Assessment for bidding process

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• Establish a competent Team of technology assessment.

• Establish main criteria and requirement.

• Identify availability of SMR Technology.

• Evaluate conformity of SMR Technology with the criteria and requirement.

• Perform ranking of SMR according weighting factor and level of satisfaction to the criteria and requirement.

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Members of Team and their competencies Chairman:

1. Dr. Jupiter Sitorus Pane, M.Sc. (Nuclear Engineering and environment)


2. Dr. Ir. Hendro Tjahjono (Thermal hydraulic and Reactor Safety)

3. Dr. Ir. Pande Made Udiyani (Chemical Engineering and environment)

4. Dr. Roziq Himawan (Mechanical and material science)

5. Ir. Surip Widodo, M.IT (Nuclear Engineering and Informatics)

6. Dr. Muhammad Subekti (Nuclear Engineering and Instrumentation)

7. Ir. Tagor Malem Sembiring (Nuclear Engineering)

8. Dr. Setiyanto, M.Sc. (Nuclear Engineering)

9. Ir. Sugiyanto (Nuclear Engineering)

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Main Criteria and Requirement

• There are 2 kinds of criteria, generic criteria and specific criteria.

• The criteria refers to:

BATAN, Guideline for the application and development of sustainable nuclear energy system (NES) In Indonesia, BP-NES-BATAN, Rev 0, 2006.

User Requirement EUR , and IAEA TECDOC-1167

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Main criteria and requirements

• Site-imposed requirement • Licensing requirement • Technical requirement Safety requirement Performance requirement Plant design requirements Fuel Cycle and Waste

Management requirements economics requirement Special requirements

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Exemple of specific criteria

• Actually the electricity grid in West Kalimantan is around 350 MW and projected to 3500 MW for 25 years. To maintain stability of the grid, the power of NPP will be 10%, means in the range of 35 MW to 350 MW.

• Until now, the site for SMR in West Kalimantan is not decided yet. Although, due to the availability of land in this region, the SMR site could be chosen regarding the generic site requirement, such as: geology, seismology, topography, hydrology, volcanology, atmosphere, site usage, environment, socio-economic, etc.

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SMR Technology Availability

SMR Status Light Water Reactor: (Carem, SMART, mPower, KLT

40) Heavy Water Reactor (EC6,

PHWR-220, AHWR 300) Gas Cooled Reactors (HTR-

PM, PBMR, GT-MHR) Liquid Metal Cooled Reactor


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Technology availability (cont)

• Classification according to the fuel :

- UO2, MOX, UN and (Pu+UN), Thorium

• Classification according to fuel loading schema:

- Fuel loading-unloading in the site

- Without fuel loading in the site

• According location

- Land based

- Floating Reactor (KLT-40)

• Application

- Electrical production and cogeneration (desalination, district heating, hydrogen production)

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Technology Availability (cont)

Status of Small Medium Reactors

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Technology Assessment Process

• Selection is done by Kepner-Tregoe decision making methodology, combined with Multi-attribute utility theory (MAUT) or by only MAUT.

• This methodology is useful for organizing the essential elements of a technology that is formatted in a structure giving priority or weighting to each element of the technology.

• Evaluate each technology based on priority or weighting factor combined with a value that indicates the ability of technology meets the criteria.

• For the first of all necessary to eliminate options that one or more element are not in accordance with the provisions "must haves" or "rejection“ in the criteria.

• The final results of this methodology is the ranking of technological options according weight and level of satisfaction for each element.

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Weighting Factor

Weight or Importance Factor Code Weight

High level importance factor to influence

decision on technology


Medium level importance factor to influence

decision on technology option


Low importance factor to influence decision on

technology option


No importance factor to influence decision on

technology option


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Level of Satisfaction

Satisfaction level Score

The highest positive impact due to above limit/lower 10

The high positive impact due to above limit/lower 9

The medium positive impact due to above limit/lower 8

Low positive impact due to above limit/lower 7

Within acceptable range/limit/target 6

Very low impact due to above/lower limit 5

Low negative impact due to above/lower limit 4

Medium Low negative impact due to above/lower limit 3

The lowest negative impact due to above/lower limit 2

No criteria fulfilled 1

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Worksheet Technology Selection



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Assessment Result Example using MAUT

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Assessment Result (cont)

• HTR-PM, 2 x 105 MWe, score: 7,428

• SMR already has a prototype HTR-10 so that the technical requirements have been tested and the status is now under construction. Some expert BATAN and BPPT has ever paid a visit to the facility, including the facility prototype HTR-10.

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Assessment Result (cont)

• SMART, 100 MWe, Score: 7,386

• SMR has advantages in design that have got the license from the NRC and the competent Korean Institute. It has already been declared feasible to be built in the Madura. Some expert Indonesia has ever visited this facility SMART.

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Assessment Result (cont)

• Westinghouse SMR, 100 MWe, Score: 7,283

• This SMR has an advantage in terms of experience in the Westinghouse NPP technology, especially in the design of the AP1000. Westinghouse SMR technology is approaching AP1000 technology. Westinghouse also has a fuel production facility that can guaranty SMR fuel availability. One member of the team has also made a visit to the Westinghouse SMR and obtain the latest information.

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Assessment Result (cont)

• mPower, 2 x 180 MWe, Score: 7, 138

• This SMR has advantages designed by vendors who are quite experienced in the field of nuclear and received financial support from the government of the USA.

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Assessment Result (cont)

• SVBR, 100 MWe, Score: 7, 127

• This SMR has different characteristics from the others because SVBR-100 has a liquid-metal coolant in a state where the liquid coolant accident instantly turned into metal so that the spread of radioactive practically restrained.

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Workshop-1 • Workshop “Introduction on NPP Technology”,

Serpong, June 18-19, 2013.

• Attended by Members of Gov. West Kalimantan

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• Workshop “Technology Assessment” in University of Tanjungpura, November 17-10, 2013

• Attended by Lecturers and Students , and also from Government.

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• Technology Assessment is a practical and very useful tool in selecting reactor technology.

• The quality of the assessment depend on:

- The availability of reactor data

- The number of members in the team

- The expertise or competency of the members

- The diversity of members competencies.

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