  • 8/7/2019 Structured Writing Checklist



    Use this checklist after youve completed your Structured Writing (in February of Year 11).

    My title page contains my name andatitle thatisspecifictoproject (graphicsare optional).

    I have atable of contentsthatlistspage numbersandsub-headingsthatare specificto my topic.

    I have anintroduction.

    I clearly described what my goal was.

    I clearly described and justified the AOI(s) thatare centralto my PP. I gave adetailedoutline ofhow I aimed to achieve my goal.

    I selectedandusedavariety ofappropriate resources in my Structured Writing.

    I analysed/evaluated thisinformationcritically.

    I acknowledged the sources ofinformationproperly (i.e.usedfootnotes, endnotes,orparentheticalreferencesinthe body ofmystatementandaproperly cited bibliography afterthe conclusion).

    I chose anddescribedthe appliedtechniques/steps relevant to my PPs goal.

    I explainedwhy I chose a specific technique (ormade aspecificdecision)andnotanotherone (e.g. why I chose acertain

    colour/image/idea etc.).

    Where appropriate, I includedphotos or diagrams or graphsthatare clearly labeledandintegratedintothe text.

    I analysedthe information I learned/usedintermsofmy goal(s).

    I analysedthe information I discoveredintermsofmy AOI focus.

    I expressedpersonal thought/opinion.

    I supportedarguments withevidence. I respondedthoughtfully to my ideasandinspirationforthe Personal Project.

    I discussedto whatextent my initialgoal wasachievedinrelationto my endproduct.

    I assessedthe quality ofmy product and what I learnedin terms of my AOI focus.

    I identifiedthe strengths and weaknesses ofmyprojectatdifferentstages.

    I explained what I woulddodifferently nexttime ifI were todothisagain.

    I discussed whatnew questions or ideas I have about myproduct/topicnow that I am finishedit.

    I reflectedon what I learnedaboutmyselffrom doing thisproject.

    I putthe word count aftermy conclusion, before my bibliography.

    My bibliography isproperly citedandorderedalphabetically.

    (Optional): I put extraneousinformationinanappendix.

    IfI usedappendices, I labeled eachone clearly with Appendix A (orB)as wellasaspecifictitle.

    IfI usedappendices, I referredto eachone inthe body ofmy structured writing (e.g.In Appendix A.).

    IfI usedappendices, Iputthem afterthe bibliography.

    I usedsub-headingsspecificto my topicthroughoutthe body ofmy structured writing.

    I presentedinformationclearly andneatly: I typed myprojectinan easy-to-readfont.

    I usedstandardmargins.

    I putpage numberson eachpage.

    I spell-checked my written work. I edited my written workcarefully.

    I collated (stapledorputinfolderorbound) my written work.

    I expressedreflective thinking inaconcise andprecise manner(avoidedrepetitionandneedless words).

    I adheredtothe word count (lessthan 3000 wordsforacreative project;lessthan 4000 wordsforacombined essay/Structured


    I reviewedthe assessment criteriato make sure my structured writing isthe best I can make it. I completedthe self-assessment form onpage afterI finishedthe finalcopy ofmy structured writing. I am proudofmy written work.

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