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Tinos vineyardsThe wine of the Aegean sea

Learn how five budding entrepreneurs used crowd funding to get their start-ups off the ground




F R E S H M A R K E T I N G I D E A S S T R A I G H T F RO M T H E S T R E E T • M A R C H / A P R I L 2 0 1 3 • I S S U E 0 3

Winning Decisions

…Consumer Lifecycle Planning





Australian National Tour Announced for April

With Mal Emery

What an Experience

How to Connect With Your Customers


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Sam Walton.

There is only one boss. The customer. And they can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down simply by spending their money somewhere else.


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Ian MarshCEO & Co-Founder StreetSmart [email protected]


publishing editor Adam [email protected]

copywriterMax Kitchen and Marie [email protected]

designMarie [email protected]

distributionThis magazine is a private publication available by subscription only.

For subscription enquiries please phone 1800 896 410.


Continued Page 12


Today I am going to share my ‘Harsh Marsh Reality’ on why some people are extremely successful in business and why others are not. (Be warned, you may not like my truth).

“The reason that many people do not succeed in business is simply because of their defective thought processes, and the decisions they make because of them.”

If you were waiting for a Gandhi like statement from me that would shed an inspiring light on you, and finally give you the answer to your problems, then perhaps I disappointed you. But, hold on for a minute, keep reading a bit further, because (I am hoping) you will see a deeper truth that when accepted, will help you overcome literally any obstacle in your path.

I am going to start off with an example of a friend of mine and her family. They are Centurions (high level clients that I work with personally) and an episode that supports my belief that most people are where they deserve to be in life - most of the time.

This person, who I will refer to as Mrs. X, is what Mal refers to as a woman with balls. She and

her husband are some of the most successful retailers in Perth. But it did not just happen. They came to me when they were worried about the retail industry and saw their profits disappearing at an alarming rate for the first time.

After looking at their business it was not hard to see that their staff had nowhere near the level of commitment and skill sets that were required to take them where they wanted to go.

One of the first tasks I gave her was to attempt to get their staff to meet their standards. As I expected many of her staff left, rather than strive to improve their efforts.

There was a mass mutiny and poor Mrs. X was left holding down the fort, doing 15 hour days and the work of four people whilst desperately trying to replace these individuals. (Sidebar: Decision time. Mrs. X could have thought “Ian’s a bast**d putting me through this s**t” which she probably thought anyway OR she could have thought “Well, I am sure as hell not going to put up with staff that are not committed

It’s Called Work For a Reason!Hello Everyone,Welcome to this month’s newsletter (or as one client put it, “It’s not a newsletter, it’s a magazine that stays on my coffee table”!)

3To kick-start your business growth and profit today phone StreetSmart on 1800 896 410

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9 813


Use this 5-Step Consmer Experience Management process to connect with your

customers and create an unforgettable brand.




StreetSmart unveils it’s new customer ‘tool box.’

The latest in marketing and behind the scenes action from StreetSmart’s Head Office.

Learn what’s hot right now in digital marketing with insights fresh from the annual TFM&A 2013 conference in London.

Reach your customers at the exact moment you can most influence their decisions with Customer Lifecycle Mapping.



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25 14

265 Keys to creating a smooth, congruent, eye-catching customer experience with your direct mail packages.




Find out what’s happening at StreetSmart Marketing and how to attend one of our upcoming events.

The final installment in Chris Whitelaw’s legal advice series.

How five new companies raised start-up through crowd funding.

10TIME TO PROPOSEMaking a consumer value proposition work for you.

5Ready to take your marketing and sales to the next level? Phone us on 1800 896 410

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You want to be the LEAST and LAST AFFECTED, not MOST and FIRST AFFECTED by conditions considered to be beyond your control

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Marketing+Innovation+Production Capacity+Distribution= COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE


You should not let OTHER ASPECTS and RESPONSIBILITIES of running a business get in the way of the SALES and MARKETING process


Your most VALUABLE FINANCIAL asset is not your house, stocks or shares.



The SUCCESS of a business is CLOSELY RELATED to how much TIME, ENERGY and MONEY its leaders can direct to MARKETING versus how much is consumed by INTERNAL PROBLEMS

Page 8: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

Rivers of Revenue Were Flowing at Sydney Business SchoolFor those in the fold, Business School is affectionately referred to as ‘the breeding ground for first generation millionaires.’ The latest event at the Novotel Brighton Beach in Sydney was no exception. With an incredible line-up of guests, entrepreneurial inspiration was full and flowing.

Sydney certainly turned on her charm for Sydney Business School and in his new role as MC, StreetSmart CEO Ian Marsh created a great link between sessions with his usual ‘self-sacrificing’ light entertainment. Business School truly has come into it’s own with many new faces on hand to witness StreetSmart Marketing’s fresh new brand launch and offering that was revealed over the three days under the watchful eye of Art Director and General Manager Adam Webb.

Growth and optimisation expert Scott Hallman from the USA, got things off to a blistering start with his Speed2Profit presentation. Scott took participants through a “profit hunt” exercise where each business owner calculated their own expected revenue, profit, and business wealth increases throughout his sessions. This exercise really highlighted the outstanding financial benefits available to those who not only attend Business School, but take action on what they’ve learned.

With Scott’s companies twice being named in INC 500 “Fastest Growing” lists and another he co-founded reaching $1 billion market value - it was a privilege to have him with us to share his incredible wealth of business experience.

OneLife founder Roy McDonald was hugely popular as he shared his formula for strategically investing in property, shares and businesses to create multiple streams of income for financial independence.

Dynamo speaker, Pat Mesiti woke the room up and provided an inspirational injection to help attendees break through mental bloackages. Steve Plummer’s copywriting workshop as always got the grey matter moving and provided priceless strategies that marketers could take away and start using in their businesses immediately.

Presentations from Simon Bowen, Matt Buchel, Coach Cameron and Scott Robley were all content packed and full of take home action plans.

StreetSmart Marketing founder Mal Emery didn’t disappoint revealing his proprietary online and offline success blueprints to engage customers and create ‘rivers of revenue’ and dependable cashflow no matter what the economy or your competitors are doing.

Sydney Business School will be remembered for it’s incredible presenters and the breadth of actionable strategies shared. Some might even say....”It was the best ever.”

The next Business School is being held in Melbourne 13 - 17 May. See Page 24 for more details and how to register to attend.

Did you miss Sydney Business School? It’s not to late! You can order the DVD’s or Audio CD’s of the complete 3 days by phoning StreetSmart Marketing on 1800 896 410. (Hurry, copies are limited)



US Keynote Speaker, Scott Hallman

Page 9: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

New Offering Suite Launched


In response to the changing marketing environment, StreetSmart has completely re-engineered it’s offering suite providing a new omnicentric client experience.

Have you ever thought how you could use your business knowledge and success to not only help other business owners but earn a substantial six or seven figure income in the process?

Streetsmart’s Business Advisor program takes a limited number of applicants each year into their intensive training program providing already successful business strategists with the tools and implementation capability to help Australian and international business owners reach their full potential.

Unlike any other training program on the planet, the Advisor Training System potentially includes your first number of clients given to you to start working with straight away. A complete business, ready to push ‘GO’! See Page 30 for more details.

StreetSmart’s new branding and product offering has been developed through an in-depth analysis of client needs and in response to the digital explosion and cross media promotional opportunities that are revolutionising the way marketers do business.

StreetSmart’s new product offering uses a simplified tool-box approach that is customised to meet a businesses unique marketing goals and budgets.

The new offering suite addresses the growing need

for cross channel marketing and new media available to marketers to promote their businesses in a more personal, customer driven manner.

To learn about our new range of products and how they can transform your business and revenue, or to request a copy of the StreetSmart Offering Suite then please phone our Customer Development Team on 1800 896 410 or email info@


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2/7/2013 11:59:29 AM


If you’re in business and you’re finding things tough right now then you’re going to LOVE this... Australia’s “Millionaire Maker”, author, speaker and “coach of the coaches” Mal Emery is going on a nation-wide tour starting on the 6th April with a FREE seminar for business owners.

Discover easy ways to skyrocket sales and profits in these tough times... PLUS the ONE marketing breakthrough your competitors won’t know about which will change forever the way you do business. Entry is by ticket only and includes $2,667 in genuine action taker bonuses only available at the event.

Mal Emery’s “From FRUSTRATION to FREEDOM” live 1-day workshops were a sell-out last year so don’t miss out.

Tickets are valued at $297 but you can attend FREE of charge if you act quickly.

See the info page in this magazine on page 22 or visit to reserve your seat today.

See page 24 for a list of dates, venues and how to register.


US Keynote Speaker, Scott Hallman

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Is it Time YOU Proposed? Do you know who you’re talking to? Do you know anything about them at all? Here’s why you should care...

A Consumer Value Proposition is a description of the promises and experiences a target consumer will realise upon purchase and use of a product. .

I haven’t seen many organisations create or employ the customer value proposition. Sometimes, I have seen something called a ‘value proposition’ used. However, those ‘value propositions’ are usually a simple list of benefit statements applied to a generic audience. Before you reach for the merlot, let me explain...

words: Adam Webb / [email protected]



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It is the foundation for understanding how the product or service that you offer will realistically be valued by the target consumer.

Unlike a benefits statement, a Consumer Value Proposition (CVP) is more balanced. It certainly includes the advantages a target consumer would experience. But to these benefits it adds the tension of disadvantages and parity experiences.

The sum of all of these experiences provides a much more accurate assessment of the product or service in its marketplace. It delivers a concise, supportable statement of the product’s value. It quantifies how that value is realised based on all of the target user’s likely product experiences and provides a focused approach to understanding the target user in the context of your product.

In the absence of a CVP, companies are walking blindly in the marketplace. Businesses underplay the fact that their target consumers have other options, and they ignore the fact that their product has deficiencies some of which may significantly hamper their efforts in the marketplace.

Lurking behind the lack of a CVP is the real issue – most businesses lack a deep understanding of their target consumers.

They don’t know how that consumer works and behaves. Businesses don’t perceive the challenges that the consumer faces each day.

The Consumer Value Proposition is arguably the most important tool in the product marketer’s toolset.

They haven’t learned how that target consumer will actually evaluate and use their product. The result is that businesses lack the true conviction of their product’s worth. This is seen in the way a product or service is priced, the way the product or service is messaged, and the way the product is sold.

So to build a CVP, there are a couple steps... Timeline

Link your CVP to a timeline - and identify the length of the CVP

Target User

Learn as much as you can about the consumer you want to trade with

Next Best Alternative

Compare and improve your CVP to be better than your nearest competitor

Value Experiences

Outline the Benefit Experiences (those that are positive) to the target consumer, Parity Experiences (those that offer the same experience as your competitor to your target consumer), and Trade-Off Experiences (those that are negative) to your consumer. Balance these in a manner that is realistic and deliverable, whilst realising that although everything can be improved, not everything can be solved.

Value Qualification

Measure the value of the value! That is to say, is a faster transaction better? How about a more personal transaction style? Measure only what is quantifiable, and estimate what you cannot measure, but keep away from intangibles (like, how happy are your consumers inside your store - there is no way to know!!)


Price is the sum of expenditures paid to you for your product and any associated services that product requires.

Cost is the sum of all of the expenditures required to enable a product that are not paid to you.

Total Cost is the sum of the price and the cost. It reflects the true expenditure required to enable a product

Next Step: Review it, improve it, learn it, and always remember that times are constantly changing

11Ready to take your marketing and sales to the next level? Phone us on 1800 896 410

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Ian Marsh, continued from P3

to my business. I will only employ the people that really deserve to be here and have a passion for what we do.”)

Thankfully, she thought the latter, and sure enough, the staff she found had a higher commitment and better skills and the result was that her company took another step up the success ladder.

Was that process easy? Of course not. But was it worth going through the process? Absolutely.

The new staff took massive pressure off her shoulders which enabled her to focus on where the money was - sales, marketing, and strategic thinking.

Mrs. X then went on to try new things that took her outside her comfort zone even further. She has called me a few names from time to time, but I have called her a few as well.

Because Mrs. X and her family had the courage to make the changes, to implement the marketing strategies, and to really push the boundaries of what is considered normal in her industry, her business has now gone from three stores to five and her profits have dramatically increased as well.

What I have just described is a mind-set. It’s an approach to how nothing will stand in my way to achieve what I want to achieve.

Now, I am going to share another example, again, from Mrs. X and her family.

Mrs. X and her husband decided that with all of the success they were having they should help their staff become successful to. Now the numbers that I am going to share are only indicative, they are not the real numbers, but the situation that occurred is right on the money.

They were doing some property development and said to their staff “If you contribute $80.00 a week out of your pay towards this development you can have one of these units when the project is complete.”

The contribution was no where near what the real cost was, but they wanted to help their staff achieve a certain level of financial security.

Now get this - I find what I am about to share absolutely shocking. Rather than open their arms, give a big hug to the X team and tell them how much they appreciate them for giving them this amazing opportunity, the excuses started coming out left, right and centre.

“I can’t afford it!” (But they can afford to go to the club each week to party on. DO you know how much one scotch and coke is at those places?)

“My wife won’t let me!” (Man, do you know how many times I slept on the couch when I told my wife I’d bought another product from Mal Emery?)

“Shouldn’t you just give it to me anyway because you are doing so well?” ( Losers want to have the success first, and then pay for it. Winners pay the price up front and then get the success.)

The end result from memory was that one person started contributing to their own success and then after a few months said they could not afford it and the X team had to give them back their money.

That my friends, is why I believe most people are where they deserve to be most of the time in life.

You only need three things to be successful.

1. Strategy: You must have absolute clarity on a plan to achieve your goal.

2. Focus: Once you commit, do not try to do two or three other businesses at the same time.

3. Absolute Determination: You must get to the finish line. Once you start, don’t you dare give up, no matter what obstacles are in your way.

If you hold true to those principles, only one thing can happen.

All the success that you deserve.

Until next time,

Always do your best

Ian MarshCEO StreetSmart Marketing.


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Article courtesy of ‘Technology For Marketing and Advertising’ Written by Sylvia Jensen, director of EMEA marketing at Eloqua.

Below is a round-up of some of the hottest topics discussed at ‘Technology For Marketing and Advertising’ (TFM&A) this year.

Working anywhere. The keynote speech from Google director Richard Robinson that kicked off TFM&A 2013 underscored that the traditional “9-to-5” workday is

no longer the norm. With mobile devices that enable us to work more flexibly, we are now increasingly working remotely, across multiple devices and locations. This growing trend towards remote working is important for B2B marketers to understand when deciding how to best reach prospects and bring them offerings tailored to where they are.

Data. As always, consumer data is a hot topic, perhaps gaining a greater share of the conversation than ever before, following legislative developments such as

last year’s EU Cookie Directive. Today’s sophisticated data collection tools are balanced against privacy directives put in place by legislative bodies, and marketers are looking to know how to make the most of the data available to them and of the technology that enables its collection. Today, marketers know more about prospects and consumers than ever before, thanks to their social footprint, and this allows for a highly targeted, multi-channel approach. At the Eloqua booth, we’re increasingly having conversations with marketers who want to know how to manage various data

sources. Furthermore, the debate around the smart use of customer and business data in direct marketing applications touches the changing face of modern marketing, as discussed by Google, DQM Group and Microsoft in their panel on Day 1 of the conference.

Social. Being a social business is becoming more important to staying competitive. In his panel at the show, Luca Benini, managing director, EMEA, marketing cloud,

Salesforce, explores the notion that businesses must ‘embrace the social fast lane.’ The impact of social on marketing is more apparent at this year’s show than in previous years. At Eloqua’s booth at TFM&A, our people have been receiving more queries than ever before on how

best to integrate social media with marketing automation.

Omnichannel. First there was cross-channel, then multichannel, now the word on everyone’s lips is omnichannel. Bringing location and context into play, marketers

now have the opportunity to reach consumers where they are – whether

it’s in the store, on a mobile device, via email, or all of the above. Successful omnichannel campaigns are seamless, engaging and highly personalised – and very much the talk of this year’s TFM&A.

From management to experience. Companies are starting to look past internally focused customer relationship management (CRM) systems and towards customer

experience management. As evidenced at TFM&A, companies such as Sitecore, Experian and Oracle are putting significant attention toward customer experience and rightly so; it takes into account the individual. As technology affords digital marketers the ability to target customers and prospects on a more tailored, individual level, the overall customer experience becomes increasingly important, a valuable part of the purchase journey and beyond. Today’s leading customer experience solutions allow marketers to make actionable the data that is gathered on individual customers and prospects, improving the communications between brand and consumer.

As more and more marketers realise what’s possible, the more our industry is able to creatively evolve, with the implementation of exciting campaigns and approaches that are truly both smart and seamless. Every year, we look forward to TFM&A as some of the best minds in the business come together to examine our ever-evolving discipline. The possibilities are vast, and, at Eloqua, we are pleased to be able to consider them all at TFM&A and beyond.


The five marketing trends that dominated the annual TFM&A 2013 in London.







13To kick-start your business growth and profit today phone StreetSmart on 1800 896 410

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words: Max Kitchen / [email protected]

Crowd Funding Your Way To Success

After a few years as a mainstay in the states, crowd funding has well and truly landed Down Under.

The concept is simple. An entrepreneur posts a project online asking for funds. People then pledge as much money as they like towards the project. They only have to part with their cash if the entrepreneur raises their predefined funding target. So does this method of funding actually lead to businesses that can add real value?

Here are five of the top start-ups to emerge from the crowd...



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words: Max Kitchen / [email protected] Funding Your Way To Success

5. Diaspora

In 2010 a group of New York University students asked for $10,000 to build an alternative to Facebook, which put individuals in control of their data. Amazingly, the team achieved their goal via Kickstarter in just 12 days. Even before their deadline expired, the students had raised $100,000. The 2,300 pledgers had obviously identified with Diaspora’s deliberate rejection of Facebook’s controversial data sharing philosophy. By allowing users to create their own web server within a larger network, the innovative, new site gives them control over everything that is shared.

3. OpenIndie Filmmaker Arin Crumley was more than a little frustrated when he failed to find a distributor for his 2005 critically acclaimed movie Four Eyed Monsters.

In a bid to find a better model for independent filmmakers, he turned to the Internet and came up with OpenIndie. Openindie is basically a web-based business that displays the number of people in each city that want to see a particular film screened in their locality. In return, filmmakers pay a fee of $100 per year per film. The concept raised $12,400 on Kickstarter, as well as gaining a ready-made customer base.

1. Bubble & Balm UK business Bubble & Balm was a victim of its own success. Demand for its products was so strong from major retailers that it desperately needed cash to expand. The business turned to Crowdcube, a crowd funding platform, in search of £75,000, offering up to 15% equity in the business in return. A total of 82 investors pitched between $10 and $7,500 each, allowing Bubble & Balm to grow to become one of the UK’s leading independent bodycare brands, attracting more than $130,000 in funding.

2. TikTok and LunaTik The idea was simple but brilliant – offer people the ability to wear the iPod Nano like a watch. Having devised a simple snap-in design that allowed users to house their Nanos on their wrists, US designer Scott Wilson turned to US crowd funding giant Kickstarter for some cash.

Looking to raise $15,000, his idea was quickly pounced upon by backers from as far as China and India, raising an incredible $942,000.

4. Enviu

While the most that investors get in return for backing the raft of musicians, film makers and entrepreneurs is usually a warm glow of satisfaction, Enviu offers something tangible for your outlay.

The Dutch sustainability business used crowd funding platform Symbid to attract 372 investors from around the world, raising the equivalent of $123,000. According to a spokesperson this was achieved by giving each investor an actual part of the company. Shareholders are paid dividends and can sell on their shares.

15To kick-start your business growth and profit today phone StreetSmart on 1800 896 410

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words: Marie Broderick / [email protected]

Create an ExceptionalCONSUMER



The Consumer Experience


experiential promotions These are promotional events in-store, on-line or any other interface that provides a

link to the brand experience. For example, BOOST JUICE could run a promotion with it’s energy juice to win a trip on a mountain climbing expedition in Nepal.

experiential encounters

These are links between the

interface and innovation. They

are dynamic and interactive. For example, a

company could do a cross-promotion

with a like brand to increase innovation.

experiential gadgets These are products that might be new to your business that reinforce the brand experience. They’re not meant to be big-sellers but can create buzz. For example, Starbucks sells Jazz CD’s or when M&M introduced the ‘Blue M&M’

continuous innovation

customer interface

brand experience



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Create an ExceptionalCONSUMER

Companies that focus on Consumer Experience Management (CEM) are amongst the most successful and profitable in the world. CEM spurs growth, increases revenue and transforms the image of your business and brand. Use this 5-step CEM process to connect with your consumers and create an unforgettable brand.

No longer is it a ‘one size fits all’ solution. If you’re not talking to ME.... then I’m not listening. From a retail purchase, to an online enquiry, to a quote request, to a shared tweet, to a ‘liked’ Facebook post - every communication you have with your consumers creates a connection. CEM is about using those touch-points to maximise that connection. It is used by the most successful organisations in the world to spur growth, increase revenue and transform the image of your brand, big or small. If you’re like me, you can probably rattle off a dozen bad retail experiences you’ve had in the last month where you feel as though you’re being more of an inconvenience than

a paying customer. On the flip side, I could also rattle off a dozen names of amazing businesses that I love to work that seem to go out of their way to help - businesses I can’t wait to tell others about. Which would you like to be remembered as? As business owners we know what we should be approaching every transaction as strategically and ‘experience rich’ as possible, but in reality, most are left to chance. Use the following five steps to create your own CEM strategy and stand out from your competition, increase referrals, increase customer loyalty, cut costs and enjoy greater engagement from your team.

ANALYSE: Step Into Your Customers World

Many businesses operate with an internal focus. They develop new systems and strategies to streamline operations within the business, and develop new products to deliver without a great deal of consideration into what the customer wants or how they are affected. In fact, quite the opposite - some business owners are afraid to ask for customer feedback in case they get dealt a sharp dose of reality.

Focus on stepping into your customers world. Be responsive to their feedback and incorporate their insights

into everything you implement. Before deciding on new systems, step onto the other side of the fence, and look at it through the eyes of the end user.

Why did they seek you out? What did they do prior to arriving at your store? What do they see? How do they feel? What do they do? What happens when they leave? By creating a blueprint of your end customers world, you can better respond to each touch-point along the way and create a memorable experience. Big brands spend millions on this phase till they are able to pinpoint each step along the way. On a smaller scale conduct a simple survey of your target consumers to find out what they’re really thinking. At this point you’re ready to create your ‘Consumer Experience Strategy’.

Be responsive to your consumersfeedback and incorporate their insights into everything you implement.


17Ready to take your marketing and sales to the next level? Phone us on 1800 896 410

Page 18: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

To ensure your consumer experience remains current you must engage in continuous innovation.

Here’s just two examples of how

StreetSmart can help you succeed.

Our most personal module - and a very rare opportunity.Do you want to get to the real money in your industry?Do you want to find and plug the holes in your business?Do you want to learn where you are leaving money on the table?Are you wanting to sell your business for a fortune?Is it important to you that your business performs brilliantly?

Then, you need some coaching time with the two finest business leaders StreetSmart Marketing has to offer. In this module, Mal Emery or Ian Marsh can come to your business and spend an entire day with you, guiding and helping you find the best way to dramatically improve your success, immediately. In any and all areas where you need help, Mal and Ian have the experience, knowledge and business systems in place to transform your organisation from ordinary, to extraordinary.Obviously, this is a very VERY limited opportunity. Waste no time getting these business leaders to personally help you succeed.

Bespoke Rivers of Revenue Blueprint {1-on-1 with Mal or Ian}

Without an online prescence a business is virutally invisable. Just as bad is having a website that is unable to be found or does not do its primary function of capturing and converting customers.

StreetSmart’s online division is one of the most experienced in Australia when it comes to producing results orientated website systems.

Website Bundle

Infused with StreetSmart’s powerful CMS and dynamic SEO back end, the Website Bundle ensures a powerful, fully manageable website that gets results.

If you’re ready to make success part of your lifestyle...

Call Streetsmart now on 1800 896 410

Page 19: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

Create a strategy to manage your consumer interface based on end-customer input, flexibility, style, substance and employee training to ensure you are maximising the positive impact made on every connection.

BUILD: Develop Your Consumer Experience Strategy

Taking your research, and confirming the gap between what your consumers see you as - and how you want to be seen is the next step in ‘positioning’ your brand effectively and building your ultimate consumer experience strategy. The final step is linking the brand and your new strategy into true implementation. To position your brand you need to create your brand theme.

BOOST JUICE: Boost Juice is one of Australia first Juice Bars franchises. Boost maintains it’s reputation by offering healthy fruit smoothies, juices and snacks served by fun, passionate people who care. Boost promise to use only the best all natural ingredients, but underlying that is the fact that it’s concerned about your health and wants you to feel full of energy and vitality. Everything from the way Boost makes it juices, the showmanship and playful banter is directed at entertaining the customer and ensuring 100% satisfaction with the end product. They know they’re not just about selling Juice, but about vitality, fun and health at the same time. This is their brand theme.

What is your brand theme and how do you plan to implement it?

DESIGN: Designing Your Look and Feel

In the last point we covered how to build a platform or brand theme based on your research and customer feedback. Now, it’s time to look at how to implement that theme into everything you do. This consists of two main elements. The static elements that consumers see everyday and the dynamic which is covered in the next point.

Your consumers first impression of you is often the way you look. Your logo, signage, packaging, brochures and advertising. Your brand must instantly translate to your brand theme. Think of a few of your favourite stores, and the way their advertising, website and store look and feel represents who they are as a brand.

STRUCTURE: Structuring Your Consumer Interface

Your consumer interface refers to the dynamic exchange of information and services that occur between yourself

and your end-customers. These can be interactions over the phone, online, on social media sites, anywhere where the experience can enhance or degrade their overall impression. Create a strategy based on customer input, flexibility, style, substance and employee training to ensure you are maximising the positive impact made on every connection.

ENGAGE: Innovate Continuously to Improve Your Consumers Lives

To ensure your consumer experience remains current you must engage in continuous innovation. Continue to actively seek feedback from your end-customers and adjust your experience and develop your products and services to ensure you continue to WOW them every step of the way.




19To kick-start your business growth and profit today phone StreetSmart on 1800 896 410

Page 20: StreetPress March 2013 Edition


If marketing has one goal, it’s to reach your customers at the exact moments you can most influence their decisions.


It’s why Apple introduced Genius on iTunes. It’s why car dealerships offer you the ‘extras’ as soon as you’ve signed the pink slips on your brand new car. It’s why coco-pops are advertised during Saturday morning cartoons.

As marketers we seek to know these crucial touch-points in the customer lifecycle so that we can inject our marketing at the precise moment our target consumer is most open to influence and in turn we can get the biggest ROI.

Classically, these touch points have been referred to as the marketing funnel. As it suggests, all our marketing initiatives were poured in the top of the funnel, and as a prospect moves through they end up (ideally) as a loyal advocate of your brand.

The problem with the funnel concept is that it fails to capture all the crucial touch-points along the way. All the choices that have

exploded into the market place in recent years through digital and social media coupled with increasingly better informed and more discerning consumers has called for an updated approach.

The new and more sophisticated approach is the Customer Lifecyle or Customer Journey.

Marketers must embrace the new way customers are making decisions and use it as a better way to understand the consumer journey and to reach consumers in the right place at the right time with the right message.

The Customer Lifecycle has three main phases spanning acquisition and development. To future proof against growing competition it is vital to implement a strategy to engage, convert and woo at every touch-point.



Page 21: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

If marketing has one goal, it’s to reach your customers at the exact moments you can most influence their decisions.

PHASE 1 Awareness, Research and Comparison Awareness is built up from all the touch-points that you put out there on a daily basis. Branding, media exposure, promotions, newsletters, tweets, posts, word of mouth... the list is endless. Unless your prospect is actively seeking what you are selling, much of this ‘awareness’ can seem wasted. But when their ‘trigger to buy’ is activated, you will be top of mind on their list.

This phase is no longer 1-dimensional, but calls for a two-way dialogue between us and our customers. Social media, and buyer experiences play a vital role in the decision making process. We must ensure that all our communication in this phase are content based and customer centric to build value and trust into this early relationship. ACTION: Create a strategic communication plan to ensure maximum awareness in your niche including rich content and promotion using both online and offline media.

PHASE 2 Selection, Purchase and Experience

When the consumer reaches a decision your real work is just beginning. It is here that your ‘CEM Plan’ comes into action (See page 16) and implementation of your post-purchase system engages. At this point, you have the most influence to turn your fresh new customer into your most loyal fan. You can differentiate loyalty into two levels 1) Dynamic Loyalists who will purchase from you no matter what and 2) Passive Loyalists who like your product or business and are pleased with their experience but will still actively jump from brand to brand or business to business if a competitor entices them. Focus your money, time and resources on expanding your Active Loyalist base.

ACTION: Step into your customers shoes and create a step by step plan to WOW your customer and create an AWESOME customer experience. Ensure your systems for processing the sale are customer centric and not just in place to make your life easier.

PHASE 3 Retention & Loyalty and Word of Mouth

Improving loyalty and creating word of mouth is a dynamic process and may mean re-allocating some of your marketing budget to focus on your top tier customers. The classic 80/20 approach. Take advantage of digital media to personalise messages to your ‘loyal family’. If you’re a regular traveller, no doubt you receive emails from major airlines with tailored packages based on your most popular flight choices. Use the abundance of digital options available to ensure your marketing message is personalised and productive and let your customers know that you are listening to them, they are not just another number on the production line. Personalisation is key. The revolution in digital printing allows you to personalise an incredible range of offline products to create the same effect.

ACTION: Look at ways of personalising your marketing message and content to individual customers. If you’re not sure where to start, then phone 1800 896 410 and talk to Streetsmart Marketing about creating your new strategic digital plan.

Understanding your consumer decision journey is vital to reach consumers in the right place at the right time with the right message.

Awareness Research


Experience Purchase Selection




Word of Mouth

Retention & Loyalty

21Ready to take your marketing and sales to the next level? Phone us on 1800 896 410

Page 22: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

f you’re a business owner or someone thinking about going into business, I hope you are ready for the truth about what it really takes to be a roaring success in business today during these tough times.I’m going to be blunt for a moment,

FACT research shows business is getting tougher and tougher, worse still, consumers who ARE spending, want to pay you less and work you against your competitors and your competitors are out to steal your clients. FACT in these tough times, where the old economy has been shattered,  you need NEW tools in your toolbox that are proven and fi eld-tested to work in any economy, good, bad or ugly. FACT in a world of economic uncertainty and insecurity, where cash fl ow  shrivels,  pain and anxiety prevail, I believe my step by step blueprint can show most business owners how to create their own economy and fl ourish. FACT my system works in any business, big or small, in big cities and country towns. In fact, I’ve never found an industry that could not profi t from my system. Yes, times are tough but please understand, in the midst of all this economic devastation, there’s a group of more informed people who are thriving and earning more money today than ever before for. For these people, the future has never looked brighter. Hi, my name is Mal Emery. I’m a self-made, from scratch multi-millionaire and in this country, I’ve been dubbed the “Millionaire Maker” for my uncanny ability to show ordinary everyday business owners where the money is in business. The truth is I’ve helped a lot of people make truly gigantic sums of money, build amazing businesses from scratch, turn failing businesses into successes, even quite literally go from monstrous debt, poverty and frustration to liberty, wealth and extreme self confi dence.

I doubt anyone else in Australia can claim to have opened the door to the money vault and turned up the money metabolism for others as I have. Who knows, maybe it’s your turn.


secret to success ever, and why almost everybody is wrong about how they make money, attract wealth, fi nancial freedom and independance in business

I PROMISE to reveal the 7 dangerous trends facing business today online and offl ine and how to avoid them

I PROMISE to reveal the business breakthrough strategy that WILL change the way you do business forever… Not to be missed!

I PROMISE you’ll discover the 3 critical areas that business owners must master in order to achieve complete and utter marketplace domination!

I PROMISE 5 knockout proven ways to beat your online competitors and have a stream of customers beating a path to your door

I PROMISE you’ll discover how a “little guy” can be a “big guy” fi nancially, QUICKLY and EASILY using simple, stealth-like strategies that won’t cost you a fortune

I PROMISE to reveal how to thrive and prosper right now regardless of competitors and the economic climate and be poised to profi t from the emerging new economy

I PROMISE you’ll sneak away with the EXACT same online and offl ine money making tools and profi t strategies that some clients paid thousands for.

I PROMISE you’ll know how to sell at higher prices than your competitors and eliminate price resistance.

I PROMISE to reveal how to build a competitor proof, recession proof business designed to rise above any and all current and future economic storms

Frankly, if you can’t take something home from this event and convert it into cash in the bank, you need to fi re yourself immediately!

So whether you are starting out with just an idea, or you’re a more experienced business owner, entrepreneur or opportunity seeker, it’s highly likely this cutting edge information is just what you need. Let’s face it, if you’re going to learn from someone, you have to know if they really know what they’re talking about. So here’s a list of some of my achievements…• I was personally invited to


• In April 2005 in Chicago USA, I won one of 6 awards at “The League of Extraordinary Marketers” decided by my peers

• I’m a MULTI BEST SELLING AUTHOR whose latest work reached #4 on Amazon recently

• In the last 24 months, approximately 480 business owners joined my “Business Mastery” mentoring program which costs between $6500-$8000 per annum

• And a further 37 clients paying approximately $77,000 for my “Marketing Blueprint”

• Then there’s another 25 business owners paying $15,000 for a “Done for You” Income Explosion Weapon of Mass Seduction.

• Another 6 clients invest in excess of $120,000 for my Personal Mentoring

• I’ve been hired for my MARKETING SKILLS by 100s of businesses in numerous categories (there’s practically not an industry I haven’t helped)

• In fact arguably I have the largest, highest paying business coaching program in the southern hemisphere.

For the record, I didn’t dream any of this “success” up last night, I have a 38 year track record where I have made a fortune for myself and importantly, helped others do the same. I have some very GOOD NEWS for you! I am going to reveal my real world, in the trenches, recession busting, proven, yet incredibly simple profi t acceleration strategies used currently by me and my clients at my FREE “From Frustration to Freedom” full day training event valued at $297 to attend.

ATTENTION Frustrated Business Owners: Finally unlock the SECRET to MAXIMUM PROFITS FAST in these tough times as revered Aussie marketing genius, Mal Emery, reveals his closely guarded, “Field Tested” profi t accelerating SECRETS that have made millions of dollars for him and his clients at his 1-DAY LIVE training event (value $297).. But FREE if you are quick!


You’re invited to my NEW “From Frustration to Freedom” LIVE 1-DAY WORKSHOP

Copyright © 2013 StreetSmart Marketing Pty Ltd Legal Notice and Disclaimer: Results vary from business to business. No guarantee of results is given or implied.

Finally unlock the SECRaccelerating SECRETS tg

Y ’ i it d tY ’ i i d


Discover exactly why ‘Millionaire Maker’ Mal Emery received a standing ovation from 7,000 attendees at the “National Achievers Congress” where he shared the stage with Donald Trump, Tony Robbins and Robert Kiyosaki...

PLUS! It Includes $2,667 of “Genuine Action Takers” FREE BONUSES to immediately “stimulate” your sales

PLUS ‘7 Dangerous Trends Facing Business Today’

that have mmadade millions of dollararss foforr hihimm anandd his clieientnts at hisis 11-DAYAY LLIVIVEE trtraiaininingng event ((vavalulue $2$29797).) . But FREE iiff yoyouu arare e ququicick!k!TS t

PPPLLLLLUUUUUSSSSS ‘‘‘777 DDDDDaannggeerroouuss TTTTTrrreeenndddddss FFFFaacciiiiinngg BBBBuussiiinneessss TTTTToodddddaayy’’’

FREE 1 Day Workshop Reveals the Proven 7-Step “GAME CHANGER” Formula

to Business Success and how to “CREATE RIVERS OF REVENUE” in the

Emerging Tough NEW EconomyA FREE Invitation to ANY Savvy Business Owner Who Wants to “Create their Own Economy and Thrive in Good Times and Bad


Page 23: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

Copyright © 2013 StreetSmart Marketing Pty Ltd Legal Notice and Disclaimer: Results vary from business to business. No guarantee of results is given or implied.Copyright © 2013 StreetSmart Marketing Pty Ltd Legal Notice and Disclaimer: Results vary from business to business. No guarantee of results is given or implied.

Here’s How You Can Secure Your Free Seat At Mal Emery’s “From Frustration To Freedom” LIVE 1-DAY WORKSHOPRegister your seat/s NOW because seating is strictly limited. When the seats are gone, they’re gone.

Go to www.Profi Or call 1800 236 454 Registration Starts at 8:30am - Workshop Runs From 9:00am– 4:00pm

Plus, if you are one of the fi rst 50 action takers to register you will receive 2 FREE bonuses including a power packed manual entitled “How to Flood your Business with Hordes of New Hungry Buyers” and free a ticket to my three day “business school for entrepreneurs” the silent breeding ground for millionaires in this country, taking the total FREE value to a genuine $2,667! Bonuses are only available at the event on the day.

Register for “From Frustration to Freedom” Live 1‐day Training NOW or call 1800 236 454

“Financial Planner has more leads than he can cope with”

“I was search for more leads and referrals. Now by using Mal Emery’s system, I have more clients than I can handle”. Glenn Korn, Financial Planner, NSW

“Internet sales went from $40,000 to $200,000 per month”

“Internet sales went from $40,000 to $200,000 per month. My business is absolutely screaming along at the moment and the last thing I’m worried about is the recession.” Dean McKain, OneStopPatioShop, WA

“Average sale went from $5,000 to $80,000 per client”

“I now work less, make more money and have a better lifestyle by targeting my perfect client and sales have gone from $5,000 to $80,000 per client”. Gary Faumeaux, Advanced Profi t Improvements, NSW

“After just 3 months doubled output and tripled income”

“Thanks to the programme in just a few months I have doubled my output and tripled my income in my Vending Machine Company.” Sharon Coates, Vending Machine Company, QLD

“Highly competitive Telco business up 400%” “Mal showed us how to increase our leads online and offl ine. In fact, we’ve increased business 4 fold and up 40% during recession while our competitors went out of business. I’ve had coaches before and they’re all fl uff compared to Mal.” Allan Dib, Telco Company, VIC

“Using Mal’s system I’m now selling 4-7 investment properties a month”

“Mal told me I would have a system for selling new homes that I could turn off and on whenever I wanted and that’s exactly what he delivered”. Steve Gillespie, Sell New Homes, WA

“$3 Million Online In 12 Months, 10 Million in 3 Years”

“It’s been an incredible journey taking the knowledge Mal teaches and applying it to our business online and achieving sales of 3 million dollars in 12 months. Thanks Mal!” Krisztian Panczel, Cheap Sheds, QLD

Here’s what other “NOT SO EASY TO IMPRESS” business owners say

Of course, these results aren’t typical but it gives you some sort of an idea of the success that is possible. Because tickets to this special “tell all” event are FREE (Valued at $297 each) you’re encouraged to reserve your seat now to avoid missing out. Seating is strictly limited.

“Saved our Business and Probably our Marriage as Well”

“We were going backwards to the tune of thousands of dollars every month. Things are so much brighter now. Our business is in the black thanks to Mal.” Cathy and Brian Parker, Tabatinga, NSW


23Ready to take your marketing and sales to the next level? Phone us on 1800 896 410

Page 24: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

• .

Business Mastery (Formerly Frustration to Freedom) Business Mastery Live Training Workshops are run by Certified StreetSmart Business Advisors in each state in Australia and in Auckland, New Zealand. Learn how to boost your profits over this 12 month course backed up by face-to-face, closed door monthly meetings where you also have the chance to network with like-minded business owners. For more information on how to join the ‘Future Business Mastery’ business coaching program phone StreetSmart Marketing on 1800 896 410.

MARCH 2013 For March dates please visit or phone the office on 1800 896 410.

APRIL 2013 Auckland, NZ | Andy Rolston5th April 2013, 8:30am – 12:30pmSt Columba Event Centre40 Vermont Street, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand

Adelaide, SA | Ian Marsh13th April 2013, 8:00am – 12:30pmMantra Hindmarsh Square, 55-67 Hindmarsh Square Adelaide, SA 5000

Cairns, QLD | Ian Marsh15th April 2013, 8:00am – 12:30pmPullman Cairns International 17 Abbott Street, Cairns QLD 4870

Gold Coast, QLD | Ian Marsh17th April 2013, 8:00am – 12:30pmMantra Legends Hotel, Cnr Surfers Paradise Blvd & Laycock St. Surfers Paradise QLD 4217

Newcastle NSW | Ian Marsh20th April 2013, 8:00am – 12:30pmCrowne Plaza Newcastle Cnr Merewether Street & Wharf Road, Newcastle NSW 2300

Sydney NSW | Ian Marsh22nd April 2013, 8:00am – 12:30pmMantra Chatswood 10 Brown Street, Chatswood, Sydney NSW 2067

Melbourne VIC | Ian Marsh24th April 2013, 10:00am – 2:30pmMantra on Russell 222 Russell Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Perth, WA | Suzie De Aguiar30th April 2013, 8:30am – 12:30pmTechnology Park Function Centre, 2 Brodie Hall Drive Bentley WA 6102



For latest event information please visit the StreetSmart Marketing Events Calendar at:

Frustration to FreedomStreetSmart APRIL National Tour

Mal Emery and his team will be on the road in April travelling throughout major Australian locations bringing the latest marketing insights and business strategies to business owners.

PERTH Sat 6th April Rendezvous Hotel The Esplanade Scarborough WA 6019

ADELAIDE Mon 8th April The Sebel Playford 120 North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000

MELBOURNE Wed 10th April The Stamford Plaza 111 Little Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000

GEELONG Sat 13th April The Mecure Geelong Cnr Gheringhap & Myers Streets Geelong VIC 3220

SYDNEY Mon 15th April The Menzies Sydney 14 Carrington Street Sydney NSW 2000

WOLLONGONG Wed 17th April The Chifley Wollongong 60-62 Harbour Street Wollongong NSW 2500

GOLD COAST Fri 19th April The QT 7 Staghorne Ave Surfers Paradise QLD 4217

BRISBANE Sun 21st April Novotel Brisbane 200 Creek Street Brisbane QLD 4001

NOOSA Tues 23rd April RACV Noosa Resort 94 Noosa Drive Noosa Heads QLD 4567

To register go to: now and provide your email address to ensure you’re the first to know as new information is released.

StreetSmart Business School


Melbourne 13-17 MAY



Perth 12-16 AUG

Gold Coast 11-15 NOV

If you are already a ‘Business Mastery’ member, remember you must register for all classes. To register, please phone StreetSmart Marketing on 1800 896 410 and we will ensure you place is reserved.



Page 25: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

10 Keys to Quick, CheapDispute ResolutionThe final installment of Chris Whitelaw’s tips for fast, effective and in-expensive dispute resolution for business owners and manager. words: Chris WhitelawBarrister, Mediator and Commercial Dispute ResolverCommercial Disputes Management Centre


THE EIGHTH KEY: Properly audit the dispute and see if it breaks down into discrete parts that can be resolved and settled even if the total dispute can’t be. Settle what you can and set a timetable to resolve the balance. Adopt a strategy of incremental successes to build momentum.

Little wins along the way to a final settlement are a much better way to go than permitting a roadblock on one issue to create a total bottleneck for dispute resolution. The superior strategy is always to settle what can be settled as early as possible and keep working on the balance, even if it means a series of staggered negotiations, conferences and mediations. Mini or partial

settlements helps maintain momentum and commitment to reaching a final resolution. It helps build goodwill between the parties and their legal representatives. It stops resentment and anger jeopardizing the whole process.

THE NINTH KEY: Nurture any pre-existing beneficial relationships and leverage those relationships to aid prospects of success.

It can take many years to build up certain commercial relationships, and an ill managed dispute can destroy it literally overnight.

Continued Page 30

25To kick-start your business growth and profit today phone StreetSmart on 1800 896 410

Page 26: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

Remember, writing good copy is like the old-time western movies… “One wrong move and you’re dead!”Same as one of Mal’s favourite sayings re marketing results…

No one thing brings down an aeroplane.No one thing makes it fly either.To write a crackin’ campaign you have to do a LOT of things right. You have to know your copy and marketing principles. Your have to do all the little things, even the ones you’ve “heard a dozen times before”.

And they take practice.

This article is not a magic pill.

And the tendency is to put it in the “I’ve heard it all before” basket and turn the page.


If you get just one thing out of it, it’s been worth the couple of minutes, even if it’s just a refresher of what you “already know”.

Remember, there’s many ways to be right, everything is test and measure. This is my take on it.

Right, let’s get stuck in…

We’ll make the assumption you’ve decided to use lumpy mail. So here are the 5 keys to creating a smooth, congruent, customer experience with your direct mail packages…

5 Keys to a smooth, congruent, eye-catching customer experience with your direct mail packages





Page 27: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

To write a crackin’ campaign you have to do a LOT of things right. You have to know your copy and marketing principles.

Page 28: StreetPress March 2013 Edition


Sometimes you’ll see the headline “Why have I attached a ‘X’ to this letter?”

I don’t use this template. Although there is one rare circumstance I’ll consider it. I’ll get to it shortly.


The reason I don’t like the “Why Have I Attached a Mintie to this Letter?” is it relies solely on curiosity to get them to read on. If the ‘lump’ is mundane then I fear it won’t get read.

So I prefer to tie in the lump with a benefit for example…

“Here’s a ‘Mintie’ to Chew as You Sit and Ponder if this is THE Answer to a Strong, Secure, Worry-free Retirement Income”

Yes, I’m assuming the letter is targeted but see the difference? It goes one step further and pushes a hot button for this market.

Your headline is key. A wrong move here and goodbye sale.

The only time I’d consider using the “Why have I attached a ‘X’ to this letter?” template…

If the lump is so outrageous, so different that it and of itself

induces a “what the…?” type of response. But it’s got to be pretty outrageous!!


The second most read part of any letter. If using multiple PS’s it’s the second one which usually gets read the most.

Makes sense to save the “show stopper” P.S. for #2.

What should go in a P.S? Depending on room choose from re-stating the offer, the guarantee, the deadline and the bonuses.

Whichever of these is strongest becomes your second P.S.


It’s really important but easily overlooked.

Sign Your Name In Blue Ink.

Here’s why…

A letter (like all marketing) is a 1-to-1 communication. Signing it anchors this in the reader’s mind.

Here’s an example…

No one thing brings down an aeroplane.No one thing makes it fly either.


Page 29: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

Remember, there’s many ways to be right, everything is test and measure.

You’d be aware Mal and I run the ‘Killer’ membership program. I critique a lot of members’ copy (it comes as part of their membership).

Member Jason Andrews, who owns Going Online Made Simple, an IT support company for businesses, submitted a direct mail piece for critique and because he knows I love to see how you go, he provided feedback.

The campaign did pretty well in its test phase. Here’s the feedback he gave about one client…

“Interesting he said he called because I signed the letter personally (which I did in blue).”

Note to self…

There was a lot of good copy in this letter. Multiple inclusion of proven copywriting ‘clicks’.

What got this guy over the line?

Signed In Blue Ink.

Pretty safe to assume if Jason had’ve overlooked this “insignificant” item it would have been a LOST sale… one wrong, move and you’re…

Great work Jason by the way!


Here’s the fun part, picking and tying in the lump!

My take…

Tea bag, band aid, playing card, balloon all done to death. I avoid these.

Try and be different. Stand out.

AND TIE IN the lump.

Use the proven formula (note – this is in the body of the copy, not the headline)...

Why have I attached a Mintie to this letter? Two good reasons…

1. I’ve got something vital to your future financial success and wanted to get your attention; and

2. The Mintie is relevant because… (and go on to explain why)

If you don’t explain why the reader gets confused and you lose them straight away.

KEY POINT: sometimes your copywriter may include in the letter a picture of what they intend the “lump” to be.

Remember to remove the picture and attach whatever the lump is.

Might seem obvious – you’re not going say in the letter ‘why have I attached a fluffy dice to this letter’ only to have a PICTURE there are you? Be congruent.

You can see a couple of winning examples on the ‘Killer’ membership site (which you can access for 30 days FREE) It includes the wine niche letter I

wrote which brought in a 25% response rate!! Go to:

KEY 5:


White space is useless.

No one ever bought anything from a blank page.

Make the back of your letter (or at least any white space at the bottom of the page) useful to you.

Include testimonials and or case studies. These add proof and build your credibility.

Remember… “White space NEVER sold a thing!”

Final thoughts…

Double and triple check EVERTHING.

Your headline draws them in.

You’ve explained WHY you’ve attached X to your letter.

You’ve actually ATTACHED the X to your letter and NOT a picture of it.

You’ve signed it in BLUE ink.

Your SECOND PS is your strongest.


That you don’t have ANY white space on the back.

There you go… the 5 steps which make for a SMOOTH direct mail customer experience.

If you’d like some FREE copywriting training, check out Steve’s and Mal’s new website! It includes a 30 day FREE trial... download everything for nothing. No risk because you can cancel any time. It all starts with one month’s trial... you’ll be writing ‘killer’ copy like a pro in no time!!!

Page 30: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

Create a Six or Seven Figure Income as a Respected Business Development Consultant

“Ian, I cannot thank you enough for revealing your business and marketing secrets to me in your consulting program. Within 14 days I had a high paying client using your conversion system. Simply amazing. Thank you again”Jeff Muir

“I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE IT! I did what Ian told me and had a client paying me $60,000.00 for my services, and I didn’t even see him in person!” Matt Buchel

“I thought the 6-figures in 90 days was a little farfetched. But I’ve been out of training about 90 days now and have been working with several clients. I have now reached that 6-figures in 90 days mark and I think the program is spectacular. With the pressure on margins, so many businesses need our services. I’m looking forward to taking this thing to the moon!”Matt Connelly

“The skills that I have acquired have not only helped me assist other business owners become successful, but, the benefits to my own business have been extraordinary. Chris completed an MBA in his early years, but the strategies that you learn as a StreetSmart Advisor really give you the practical, step by step processes and ability to transform businesses.” Chris & Christine Vernon

For many years our faculty have consulted with companies large and small, including some of the world’s largest corporations, and trained hundreds of business consultants. Utilising our proprietary step-by-step systems, we have helped businesses increase their bottom line profits. Our FREE Information Kit shows you just how easily and quickly you can create your own six-figure income working from home, either full-time or part-time!

To order your FREE Information Kit please phone StreetSmart Marketing using our toll free line on 1800 896 410.

Here’s what our advisors have to say about the program:

With unlimited demand for the services of a competent consultant, your potential income is also unlimited.

The next training advisor training will be: Saturday 8th - Tuesday 11th June 2013, RACV Queensland Resorts, Ross Street, Benowa, Queensland 4217, AUSTRALIA

Years of effort, patience and cooperation destroyed and wasted. It should only happen if the relationship has truly become intractable. Well-trained commercial dispute resolvers take great care to preserve such relationships during the dispute management process. They appreciate the value to be attached to them. Inexperienced lawyers who make “winning” on the legal issues their main objective for their client can often do their client a great disservice if they unwittingly lead the client down a path that will irreparably damage a commercial relationship of long standing and mutual benefit. The first priority should be to leverage any prior relationship to help open pathways to early dispute resolution and restoration and strengthening of the former relationship. This is brought about by applying the 10 keys covered in this report.

THE TENTH KEY: End up with durable binding agreements without loose ends. Failure to attend to this last key can undo a lot of hard work utilising all the other keys to lead the parties to a final resolution of their dispute. That would be a great shame. The parties are not skilled in this area. They depend on their dispute resolver and lawyers to ensure that their final deal is properly written up and recorded and signed off by them before they call the deal “signed sealed and delivered.”

The final agreement must accurately record the key terms of the agreement and cater to any special needs and circumstances that were uncovered during the dispute resolution process. Once the parties say, “Yes” to a final deal, it is easy to try and wrap things up quickly and fail to attend to the necessary details in writing up the final agreement. The parties are often fatigued and have a false sense of optimism. They don’t realise that it behoves them to stay the course and pay attention to the details and specificity needed to properly record the deal to avoid the risk of future dispute and the quick unravelling of the deal. Make sure that the people with the right qualifications and skills to do this “end work” are available when the time arrives for it. Dispense with this at your risk.

Bullet Proof your Business Audit If you would like to have expert advice from a world class barrister who is StreetSmart and talks in real English then we have negotiated a deal on your behalf. For $1,500.00 you can have an analysis of your agreements and put thenecessary STEEL into them so that they can hold up in any dispute. Because you are a Street Press subscriber you will save $1,000.00 off Chris’ normal fee. Call the office on 1800 896 410 to arrange your ‘Bullet Proof Audit’ and we will ensure you receive your member discount.

Page 31: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

StreetSmart Marketing can help you succeed. We offer a full agency suite of services and tailor made solutions PLUS a range of our popular ‘plug and play’ small business essentials that you simply order and have the work done for you each month.

Stop worrying about what to do... and start implementing TODAY.

For a quote on how we can help you look great and implement fast, contact us today:

Have you enjoyed this edition of StreetPress Magazine? We can produce a quality magazine for your clients too.

1800 896 [email protected]

Custom Suite of Services

Strategy Copywriting Graphic Design List Rental Mail House ServicesUnaddressed Delivery Printing Lumpy Mail Supply

Small Business Essentials Range Logo Design PackageBranding Rollout PackageBusiness Card DesignEmail FootersFacebook BannersHTML Promotional EmailsE-NewslettersPrinted NewslettersSales Conversion PackLoyalty ClubsGeographical Expert PackageLumpy Mail CampaignsMonthly Sales Promotions


“$36,000 SALE FROM OUR NEWSLETTER” “Danny got a shed order today that was a result of someone requesting our Shock and Awe pack from our 1st newsletter. The value of the shed order was $36,000. They ordered now because the discount vouchers were about to expire .....YeeHaaaaaa!!”

Alison Halupka, Grant Sheds

Need an Experienced Helping Hand with Award Winning, Results Driven

Words, Design & Printing

or Simply a Done For You Monthly Marketing Plan?



Page 32: StreetPress March 2013 Edition

© All Rights Reserved StreetSmart Marketing Pty Ltd 2013

ph: 1800 896 mail: PO Box 83 Mount Hawthorn WA 6915

StreetSmart Marketing is a business success organisation that has been created by Mal Emery and Ian Marsh to provide a guaranteed mechanical process for entreprenuers and business owners to achieve financial and lifestyle freedom in three to five years or less.

The processes that have been developed are a complete done for you business and marketing program that incorporates an educational process so that not only do Business owners receive the most powerful online and offline lead generation systems and conversion systems, but they are on a continuous journey of structuring their business ready for the ultimate buyer, within three to five years.

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