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    By Patrick MaitlandStreet Hype Editor

    Jamaican born anthropologistand radio disc jockey,Kingsley Ragashanti Stewartdescribed Link Up RadiosCEO, David SqueezeAnnakies attempt to trademarkhis name without his knowledgeas disgusting, evil andwicked.

    Stewart told Street HypeNewspaper that several daysafter quitting his post at LinkUp Radio he discovered that hisformer boss applied to theUnited States Patent andTrademark Office (USPTO) totrademark his stage nameRagashanti of over ten years.

    It is a colossal betrayalcharacteristic of an extremelydishonest con-man. I firmlybelieve his value as a person tobe lower than that of excrement.His actions have lead me to nottrust anything he says, and Icannot imagine how anyone,after hearing what he did, wouldtrust or believe anything he saysabout anything, an angryRagashanti fumed.

    According to the USPTOwebsite an individual DavidAnnakie of 225 Broadway#2800, New York, NY 10007,on November 14, 2012 filed anapplication for a trademark thatcontains the word Ragashanti.A fee of $275 was paid and theserial number 85778915 wasassigned.

    Continued on page 4


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    Rasta Pasta Jerk Chicken

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    Community Lifestyle Newspaper

    Ragashanti Cries Foul

    Student activist Cathy Rojasreported that the StudentAssociation of the University ofAlbany/State University ofNew York passed a resolu-tion on December 5, 2012seeking to make theUniversity at Albany andall other SUNY campusesCoca-Cola-free. The reso-lution highlights the horrorsof racial discrimination atCoca-Cola bottling plantsin New York; the ongoingviolence against union lead-ers and family members to destroyunions in Colombia andGuatemala, the use of illegal child

    labor to harvest sugar cane forCoke's sugar processors in ElSalvador and the overexploitationand pollution of scarce waterresources in India leavinglarge populations of peoplewith no water for irrigation,drinking and sanitation.

    The resolves in the reso-lution are: therefore, be itresolved that the SA Senaterecommends to University atAlbany that the campus notserve Coca-Cola products onits campus, including at its

    events, meetings, conferences, anddelegate assemblies,


    Students vote to kick Coke

    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:03 AM Page 1


    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:03 AM Page 2



    Our Children Need a family

    [email protected]

    The opinions expressed in this newspaper, except for the above, do not necessarily reflect the views of Street HypeNewspaper and its publishers. Please send your comments and or suggestions to [email protected] should be no longer than 400 words. Not all articles will be published

    people are talking...!

    As we continue to celebrate Februaryas Black History Month it is alwaysimportant for us to focus on members ofour family especially the children.

    Recent data supplied by theChildrens Defense Fund revealed that asignificant number of our kids are beingraised out side of the nuclear family thatincludes a husband, his wife, and children.

    The reliable consanguineal or extend-ed family that includes parents and chil-dren co-reside with other members of oneparent's family is also fading away amongthe Africans American and Black commu-nities. About five percent of our Blackchildren live with grandparents and justover two percent live with other relatives.

    Several studies cited the absence offamily structure for the social and eco-nomic challenges affecting our children.

    As many of our children are left with-out family support systems, they are oftenface with daunting challenges.

    For example, fewer than 40 percent ofall Black children live with two parents,compared to about 75 percent of Whitechildren. Over 70 percent of Black babiesare born to unmarried mothers, more thantwice the rate for White babies and higherthan any other racial or ethnic group.

    Black children are more than twice aslikely as other children to live with neitherparent, while fifty percent of Black chil-dren live with only their mother who inmost cases cannot afford to maintain thechildren.

    According to the Childrens DefenseFund the median income for a Blackfemale-headed household with one ormore children and without a husband pres-

    ent was $22,158, barely above the povertylevel for a family of three. Almost half ofBlack female-headed households withchildren were poor.

    Low income, unemployment, lack ofprenatal care, poor health and being unin-sured, put young children at high risk ofentering the cradle to prison pipeline.Black youth also have the highest unem-ployment rate and nearly one in threeBlack high school graduates age 16 to 24are unemployed.

    While there are several other issuescontributing negatively to the social andeconomic well-being of AfricanAmericans, the absence of the familystructure has compounded the problems.

    As we celebrate February as BlackHistory Month, let us give our children afamily.

    My Hairstylist Lacks Customer ServicesWith so many hair salons why dosome hairdressers behave as if youthe customers do not have any otheroptions but to use them? A few years agoa new salon opened on Linden Boulvardin Queens.

    I was dazzled by their dcor so Idecided to give them a try. When I sat inthe salon chair, the hair dresser told methat my hair was extremely damaged andshe had to cut it. I agreed but she refusedto have me look in the mirror.

    According to her, she is a profession-al and since I came to her she knows whatwas best for me. When the hairdressercompleted my hair I began to cry. Half ofmy hair was gone.

    That didnt upset me as much as thecashier which was her husband. He askedme what was my problem and I am actinglike a baby. If that was not enough, he cal-culated my bill at $90. Before I sat in thechair, his wife quoted me $55. Accordingto him, she did not realize that my hairwas that damaged. I walked out of thatsalon never to return again.

    Customer service is the ability tomeet the customers needs. Excellent cus-tomer service is the ability to continuous-ly surpass customers expectations, but somany small business owners fail to dothis. A key ingredient to customer serviceis communication.

    As a customer, we wanted to be treat-ed with respect no matter the price of theproduct or service. Showing your cus-tomers that you are listening to them and

    value their feedback, combined with theability to convey clear messages withfriendliness and understanding willenhance your customers experience. Fewsteps to make your customer feel at ease:

    1. Listen attentively2. Knowing when to say sorry can

    make a difference and make your cus-tomers feel that they are important.

    A secret to successful communicationlies in the capability to gauge your cus-tomers own communication style andunderstand their expectation.

    When you understand your customeryou are able to service them better. Justremember that happy customers are thebest advertisement money cannot buy.

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    Publisher & Editor:PATRICK MAITLAND

    Associate Editor:JINELLE CRAIG

    Senior Contributing Editor:GENEIVE BROWN METZGER

    Advertising Director:NOLA BOOTHEConsulting EditorsGLORIA BENT


    BUSINESS ADDRESS:711 S Columbus Ave, Fl 1Mount Vernon, NY 10550

    Tel: 914-663-4972-3 Fax: [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Published by:JAMVISTA INC.

    Dr NevaSpeaks

    [email protected]

    Dr. Neva Helena Alexander (Dr. Neva) is cur-rently a faculty member at Prince MohammadUniversity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia asa Coordinator for Core Humanities and SocialScience in the College of Arts and Science. Herresearch interest and specialty includes femaleleadership, leadership styles and entrepreneur-ship.

    Eat Right Taste Right Feel Right

    1345 E Gun Hill Road, Bronx, NY 10469


    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:03 AM Page 3


    New Year SpecialOffer 10-15% discount with this advert

    Dear Mr. Editor:

    The press feeding frenzy regarding fundsset up by me years ago that embracedscholarship, disaster relief and endowmentraises the question of motivation given thefacts. One must wonder their motives givenmy historical relationship with and past cov-erage by the local media.

    Despite the fact that I readilyexplained, contrary to Comptroller MaureenWalker's false assertions and deliberate mis-labeling of Disaster Relief funds, that thereis no such thing as a Katrina account andfurther provided verification of the accounttitle, truth and fact to support reality appar-ently means nothing when the intent is toslander and undermine my leadership andreputation.

    No impropriety is evidenced, no jawdropping revelation can be unearthed afteryears of intense probing, yet, even with thisknowledge; articles continue to be writtenand video file footage accompanying tele-vised reports depicting seeming wrongdoingare aired.

    Clips dug from archives showing theFBI taking out mostly empty boxes fromcity hall in 2007 and a raucous campaign

    clash, spearheaded by a political opponent,are shown for the express purpose of castingdoubt on my honesty and integrity.

    To support this ruse, innocent peopleassociated with me are being used as fodderfor sensationalistic headline seeking inves-tigative reporters, possibly in the hopes thatsome journalist can gain notoriety by beingthe one to uncover contrived wrongdoing.

    Maybe, they hope, with enough intimi-dation and harassment, someone willbecome so annoyed by their constant badg-ering calls to cellular and home phones andunannounced appearances at private resi-dences, that a tidbit of information can beobtained, that can be misinterpreted and/ordeliberately twisted to spew to the masses,

    of course, under catchy bylines and break-ing news headlines flickering across televi-sion screens.

    It matters not who gets hurt or who isplaced in harm's way. What matters most iscrafting a negative perception of my virtue,but for what purpose if no wrongdoing isuncovered? My supporters and a growingnumber of people suspect this is more of anattempt at lynching by press journalistic factfinding.

    Sensible people ponder the likelihoodof other politicians in our county beingraked through the coals as I have been afterspending decades trying to do what is in thebest interest of my community. I amoutspoken. I tell it like it is; good, bad andugly. I make no excuses and will not sell outmy beliefs for political expediency. And,because of this people gravitate toward me,expecting my voice as their leader to carrytheir messages since theirs goes unheard.

    Being treated as I and those in my com-pany have been speaks volumes as to thelengths the press and others will go tosilence the outspoken and to mar one's rep-utation. Would every politician findingthemselves victim of such attempts at char-

    acter assassination have the stamina to con-tinue leadership, or would they fade intoobscurity, freeing themselves, their familiesand supporters from public flogging? I amtoo old to run and have fought too many bat-tles to shy away from this one. I will remainsteadfast in my faith and my commitment tomy city, unwavering amid ferocious assaultthat would run most others off.

    I don't expect that the path of unright-eousness shall change; so my leadershipwill continue along the value system that italways has - outspoken, devoid of hate andsteadfast in commitment. My administrationwill continue to create an environmentwhere community respects knowledge andrecognizes that no matter how just a systemprofesses to be, there will be those who aretreated unjustifiably. They will see by exam-ple that fear will not impede progress.

    After all is said and done, history willlong remember those who stand up for a citywhose passion and greatness, yet to be fullyexplored, will be realized through hardwork, perseverance, integrity and yes, lackof fear in the face of ruthless oppositionfrom those desirous of undermining pro-gressive leadership.


    Continued from page 1The USPTO investigation revealed

    that a radio personality has been using thename for many years and requested thatAnnakie clarify whether the nameRagashanti. identifies a particular livingindividual and, if so, provide a written con-sent from this individual.

    Annakie was unable to meet the con-dition of USPTO. However, days after(February 14, 2013) the website, revealedthat he was in the process of registeringRagashanti, Annakie filed a Request forExpress Abandonment of nameRagashanti.

    Stewart insisted that he was neveraware that Annakie was attempting totrademark his name. For years now Itrademarked my name in Jamaica with theJamaica Intellectual Propert Office (JIPO),

    and I simply did not get around to doingthe same here in the US. I would nevergive, Mr. Annakie (or anyone else) permis-sion to trademark my name and doing sowould be absolutely absurd, Stewart adds.

    He said the six month radio ban asoutlined in his contract with Annakie is notenforceable as the law does not allowSqueeze to prevent me from immediatelymaking a living including pay my bills andtaxes as a broadcaster in the New York tri-state area.

    Commenting on his professionalcareer, Stewart said, at the moment Imvery focused on developing my entertain-ment web site and otherprojects.

    Stewart also disclosed that he resignedsix weeks before his contract would haveended as I just couldnt bear anymore ofSqueezes unrelenting attempts to own and

    control me. Di man come een like silvaticks inna cow back, him jus waan suckyuh out soh!! And Im not attracted to theoption of having Squeeze suck me.

    Annakie ignored several attempts byStreet Hype to have his comments, howev-er in one of his Facebook postings he saidthat it was a standard practice for him totrademark the names or brands connectedto his company.

    In an email to Stewart (Feb 12)Annakie wrote, Big man ting, sometimeyou just have to listen and then tell mi fkoff.I mean no illand thats my wordon my kids. I never said anything to harmyou and will not, if there is something udont like a phone call always fix things,but jumping the gun just mek it bad foreveryone. I have been receiving calls to benasty and I refuse to. A lot of people likeand dislike you and I the same. Its just not

    No impropriety after years of intense probing!

    byErnie Davis Mount Vernon


    Ragashanti Cries FoulNew Jersey Tax PreparerShut Down The United States has asked a federalcourt in Camden, N.J., to bar Doris E.Baules, who operates DVazquez TaxSolutions, from preparing tax returns forothers, the Justice Department announcedrecently.

    According to the government com-plaint, Baules continually and improperlyclaimed the Earned Income Tax Credit(EITC) on her clients returns to enable themto receive erroneous tax refunds. The suitalleges that the defendant improperlyincreases their EITC claims.

    The Internal Revenue Service previous-ly conducted an investigation into the taxreturns that Baules prepared for the 2009 taxyear, and assessed $12,500 in return prepar-er penalties against her because she failed toexercise due diligence in determiningwhether her clients were entitled to theEITC.

    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:03 AM Page 4



    By Felicia Persaud

    Over sixteen dozen Caribbean-bornteachers, recruited by the New YorkCity Board of Education ten years ago toteach in public schools in the Big Apple,are still in legal limbo in the system unable to secure green cards, NewsAmericas Now has learned.

    According to Kira Shepherd, of TheBlack Institute, while some 500 Caribbeanteachers recruited by NYC have finallysecured permanent residency status fol-lowing more than a decade of waiting, 200more are still awaiting the adjustment ofstatus.

    Most are from Jamaica some 111 followed by 39 from Guyana and 20 fromTrinidad & Tobago. Thirteen are from theDominican Republic; 8 from Barbados; 6from St. Lucia; 3 from St. Vincent & theGrenadines and one each from theBahamas, Cayman Islands, Dominica.

    Yasmin Bailey-Stewart, a Jamaican-born teacher in a Brooklyn, NY school, isone of several whose papers are in processmode. She is waiting on her green cardafter selling everything and moving to theU.S. with a H1-B visa after being recruit-ed in her native land.

    Bailey-Stewart told NAN its a night-mare she lives daily, especially because ofthe toll the immigration woes has had onher son. He has now aged out of the immi-gration sponsorship category because ofthe lengthy delay in his mother securing agreen card. As a result, his only optionnow is to obtain residency through a com-prehensive immigration reform bill.

    It has been a horror story for us asmiddle class professionals, said Bailey-Stewart. You are made criminal becauseof the situation you are forced into andsome teachers have even gotten fired leav-ing them now undocumented in the systemas well and completely dependent onfriends and family for support.Data provided to NAN from the Black

    Institute and culled from them through theBoard of Ed. shows 213 teachers are nowwaiting on their green cards.

    However, Caribbean teachers makeup 61.5 percent of all teachers who haveachieved permanent residency to date.

    The NYC Board of Education did notrespond to NANs requests for commentsas of press time, Thursday, Feb. 14th.

    The attorney handling the cases in anemail to NAN said the issue is a nationalproblem with processing times for perma-nent residence. Hopefully, this will be cor-rected with the passage of ComprehensiveImmigration Reform legislation later thisSpring, she added.

    Man Faces Drugand Gun Charges

    Mount Vernon,:

    Anthony McLean, 32 aMount Vernon resi-dent faces felony drug andweapons charges follow-ing a raid at his north sideresidence.

    On Friday (February22) two members of the Mount VernonPolice Department Narcotics Unit exe-cuted a search warrant at 43 NorthBleeker Street.

    Once inside, detectives seized a loaded.380 caliber handgun and a quantity of hero-in and crack cocaine.

    McLean has been charged with 3rdDegree criminal possession of a weapon,and 2nd and 3rd Degree criminal possessionof a controlled substance. McLean has anarrest history that dates back to 2001 andincludes seven arrests, five of them felonies.He has been convicted of two violentfelonies and one misdemeanor.

    Aspecial election tochoose a new CityCouncil member to replacethe state Senate-boundJames Sanders is too closeto call.

    As tight preliminaryresults started pouring onTuesday (February 19), bothDonovan Richards andPesach Osina had declaredthemselves the victor in thehotly contested race. Rich-ards had a 26-vote lead withnearly 98 percent of the bal-lots counted.

    Absentee ballots to becounted later could deter-mine the outcome. The othersix candidates, trailed farbehind.

    A spokeswoman at the

    New York Board ofElections said that if themargin of victory is lessthan 0.5 percent, a manualrecount is automaticallytriggered, a process thatcould take weeks.

    The winner will repre-sent the 31st CouncilDistrict in southeast Queens

    until November 2013 whenthere's a general election forthe council.

    Richards was Sanders'former chief of staff and wasendorsed by Sanders.

    Osina has been activein the Orthodox Jewishcommunity in Far Rock-away where he helped withstorm relief efforts.

    The preliminary resultswith 97% reporting:Donovan Richards -- 2,513Pesach Osina -- 2,487Jacques Leandre -- 1,160Michael Duncan -- 962Selvena Brooks -- 817Marie Adam-Ovide -- 159Saywalah Kesselly -- 152Allan Jennings -- 114

    Queens Council specialelection too close to call

    Donovan Richards had a 26-vote lead

    Caribbean Teachers Still Awaiting Green Cards

    Former QueensSenator to Plead

    Guilty to CorruptionQUEENS:

    Former New York Senator Shirley L.Huntley has pleaded guilty recentlyto Tampering with Physical Evidence, anE Felony, for falsifying evidence in aneffort to obstruct the investigation intothe theft of a grant she sponsored for asham non-profit entity, the ParentWorkshop.

    As part of their Joint Task Force onPublic Integrity, the Offices of the AttorneyGeneral and State Comptroller previouslyindicted then-Senator Huntley and threeindividuals associated with the ParentWorkshop, Inc., a nonprofit set up by for-mer Senator Huntley that funneled memberitem funds intended to benefit the public tothe senators aide and to the senator's niece.

    According to the states indictment,the president and treasurer of the ParentWorkshop submitted fraudulent documentsto New York State to obtain public moneyfrom a legislative member item sponsoredby then-Senator Huntley.

    Instead of providing the promised pro-grams, the two defendants pocketedapproximately $29,950. Huntley, who cre-ated the sham nonprofit and earmarked amember item grant to the entity, wascharged with falsifying evidence in anattempt to obstruct the investigation intothis theft.

    An ongoing investigation into the theftrevealed that, after learning of the probeinto her grant to the Parent Workshop,then-Senator Huntley created a handwrittentemplate for a false, backdated letterdesigned to fool investigators into believ-ing that the Parent Workshop had conduct-ed workshops, when in fact no such work-shops were ever conducted.

    This letter was submitted to AttorneyGeneral Schneiderman's Office in responseto a subpoena issued to the ParentWorkshop. As part of her plea, Huntleyadmitted her role in this cover-up.

    It is unconscionable that an electedofficial would deliberately tamper with alaw enforcement investigation into the theftof taxpayer dollars," Attorney GeneralSchneiderman said. Former SenatorHuntley betrayed the trust of her con-stituents and her public duty, ComptrollerDiNapoli said.

    In cooperation with federal partners,and in light of the fact that Huntley faces an18-24 month prison sentence, prosecutorsrecommended a sentence of five years pro-bation in exchange for her felony guiltyplea.

    Shirley L.Huntley, 74,was charged inconnectionwith a non-profit groupshe founded.

    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:03 AM Page 5


    CARIBBEAN NEWSUS Peace Corps phasing out

    Caribbean operations BASSETERRE, St. Kitts (CMC):

    The United States Peace Corps says it isphasing out its operations in St Kitts &Nevis, and Antigua & Barbuda after fivedecades of successfully meeting the theirneeds for trained people in education,health, agriculture, environment, youth anddevelopment, and community economicdevelopment.

    According to a statement released inWashington, the Peace Corps programmesin these Eastern Caribbean countries havebeen extraordinarily successful by achiev-ing development and cultural exchangegoals such as empowering local youth.

    It said that the programmes leave astrong legacy in both countries that will becarried on in the communities served.

    Volunteers in St Kitts and Nevisworked in the sectors of youth develop-ment, institutional development, smallbusiness development and HIV/AIDS pre-vention, and as Peace Corps Response vol-unteers, while those in Antigua andBarbuda worked in youth development andas Peace Corps Response volunteers.

    Long after the last volunteers depar-ture, the most essential component of thesenations cooperation with the United Stateswill remain in the fellowship betweenPeace Corps volunteers and their EasternCaribbean host families, colleagues andfriends, the statement said.


    The Government has set a collectiontarget of J$15.9 billion from the rev-enue measures which were announcedTuesday by Dr. Peter Phillips, Minister ofFinance. They include an adjustment tothe education tax and property tax.

    Some of the increases will take effectas early as March 1. The revenue meas-ures include an increase in the educationtax. It will go up by 0.5 per cent foremployers and 0.25 per cent for employ-ees.

    The measures include, among otherthings, what is described as a TelephoneCall Tax (TCT) as part of the GeneralConsumption Tax (GCT) base.

    This will include telephone calls inthe taxable base for the purpose of calcu-lating GCT. This measure is expected toyield J$1.3 billion in revenue. Also provi-sions will be made for an increase on pre-paid vouchers. This will affect personswho purchase phone cards at the whole-sale rate. Buyers are currently taxed on adiscounted rate but with the new measurethey will pay the full rate. This will resultin J$200 million going into theGovernment's coffers.

    There will also be an increase intaxes and fees paid at the ports. The envi-ronmental levy, customs user and customsadministration fees will also be adjusted.The measures will be implemented onMarch 1.

    Property tax will also be adjusted aswell as the stamp duty and transfer tax forproperty. The stamp duty is to increase by4 per cent while transfer tax will go up by5 per cent.

    Other taxes introduced are those to beimposed on the gaming sector with all ofthe popular games such as Lotto, SuperLotto and Cash Pot included in the newtax rates. This measure is expected toyield J$1.5 billion dollars and is to beimplemented on April 1.

    The tax measures, however, did notgo down well with the Opposition whichwalked out of Parliament following theFinance Minister's presentation.

    In the meantime, Andrew Holness,Opposition Leader has indicated that theJamaica Labour Party will be hosting aseries of consultations to discuss and ana-lyze the tax package presented by theGovernment.

    At a press conference Tuesdayevening he explained that Audley Saw,Spokesman on Finance Audley Shaw, willform part of a review team.

    Holness said the tax measureswill have a negative effect on the econo-my. He said it was expected that morewould have been done in tax reform.

    Holness warned that the raft of taxeswill stifle growth.

    Shaw has also questioned the legalityof taxes imposed on some transactions atthe ports.

    Leader of the New National Party(NNP) Dr. Keith Mitchell

    Mitchell backas Grenada

    Prime Minister ST. GEORGES, Grenada:

    Dr. Keith Mitchell, the leader of theNew National Party has been swornin as Prime Minister of Grenada, follow-ing his partys landslide victory.

    Mitchell, becomes the island-nationsninth prime minister since attainting polit-ical independence from Britain in 1974.

    Mitchell had previously served asprime minister for 13 years prior to 2008when his New National Party was defeat-ed by an 11-4 margin by the NationalDemocratic Congress of Tillman Thomas.

    Dr. Mitchells message to the countryafter he took the oath of office adminis-tered by Governor General Sir CarlyleGlean, indicated that his first prioritywould be to unite the country and dealwith pressing economic issues.

    Meanwhile, former prime minister,Tillman Thomas, has said that he will bestepping down as leader of the NationalDemocratic Congress and work with anyleader chosen by the party.

    DLP retainspower in Barbados

    CMC - Barbadian voters kept with tradi-tion and provided the incumbent partywith a second consecutive term in powerfollowing a nerve jangling general elec-tions here on Thursday.

    According to the preliminary results,the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) won16 of the 30 seats in the elections with theremainder going to the main oppositionBarbados Labour Party (BLP).

    The results are in mark contradictionto opinion polls that had predicted that theBLP led by former prime minister OwenArthur as many as 20 seats, while the DLPwould have gained 13 seats at most.

    ASSISTANCE ON WHEELS, INC.We provide excellent services in processing Immigration

    Applications and attaining Jamaican documents.

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    J$16B in additionaltaxes for Jamaicans

    Reports have surfaced thatVenezuelan President Hugo Chavezhas suffered new complications after acancer operation in Cuba.

    In a televised address from Cuba,Venezuela's Vice-President NicolasMaduro said Mr. Chavez continued to bein a delicate state.

    Maduro did not give details aboutMr. Chavez's condition but said the lat-est complications were connected to thepersistent respiratory infection.

    Maduro, appearing solemn, spokealongside Mr. Chavez's eldest daughterand Venezuelan Attorney-General CiliaFlores.

    The vice-president said he wouldremain in Havana but did not specifyhow long.

    Chavez suffers new complications

    PETERPHILLIPSJamaican FinanceMinister

    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:04 AM Page 6



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    The American ImmigrationCouncil will honor GeneralColin L. Powell (Retired) at its 18thAnnual Washington, DC ImmigrantAchievement Awards on Thursday,April 11th. The Washington, DC.

    Immigrant Achievement Awardscelebrate the remarkable accom-plishments of immigrants and advo-cates from around the country at anentertaining, inspiring and thought-provoking awards ceremony.

    General Powell will receive theStephen K. Fischel DistinguishedPublic Service Award during theCouncils annual awards ceremony.The Distinguished Public ServiceAward is presented to outstandingindividuals or organizations who

    exhibit a com-mitment anddedication toour heritage asa nation ofimmigrants andto the stru-ggleto create fairand humaneimmig r a t i o npolicies in theUnited States.

    Since 2008, this DistinguishedPublic Service Award has borne thename of the late Steve K. Fischel. Aman of incredible spirit and commit-ment to justice, Steve spent morethan 30 years at the U.S.

    Landlords must keeprecords of allnotices, inspections,

    and repairs of leadpaint hazards andprovide every tenant

    witha n

    informational pam-phlet from theDepartment ofHealth and MentalHygiene.

    Entering Your Home& Unlawful Eviction

    In general in NewYork City, a landlordmay only enter a ten-ants apartment forthree reasons: emer-

    Landlords Tenants' RightsLandlords must keep records of allnotices, inspections, and repairsof lead paint hazards and provideevery tenant with an informationalpamphlet from the Department ofHealth and Mental Hygiene.

    Entering Your Home & Unlawful Eviction

    In general in New York City, a land-lord may only enter a tenants apart-ment for three reasons: emergencyrepairs, non-emergency repairs orimprovements, andapartment inspec-tions. Emergency repair requires noadvance notice to the tenant.

    However, access for non-emer-gency repairs and improvementsrequires a minimum of one weeksadvance written notice, and access forinspection requires a minimum of 24hours advance written notice.

    A landlord may not evict a tenantfrom his or her apartment without aproper warrant of eviction. If thelandlord changes the locks to yourapartment and does not provide youwith a new key, it is considered anunlawful eviction and should bereported to your local police precinctor brought to the New York CityHousing Court.

    Reporting a Problemin Your Apartment

    New York City tenants are entitled tosafe, decent housing. Their landlords,in turn, are required by law to providethe basic essential services that ten-ants need to live comfortably. If alandlord fails to provide such servicesor to repair poor living conditions, atenant may report the problem to theCity's Citizen Service Center by call-ing 311 (311 can be accessed outsideof New York City by dialing (212)NEW YORK). For the hearingimpaired, the TTY number is (212) 504-4115. The Center is open 24-hours a day,seven days a week.

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    Jean Brown, 41, of Catonsville,Md., pleaded guilty on Wednesdayto bulk cash smuggling after aninvestigation led by the U.S. Imm-igration and Customs Enforcement(ICE) Office of Homeland SecurityInvestigations.

    The guilty plea was announcedby U.S. Attorney for the District ofMaryland Rod J. Rosenstein andWilliam Winter, special agent incharge of ICE HSI in Baltimore.

    According to Brown's pleaagreement, shortly before Dec. 25,2008, Brown gave three other indi-viduals a total of $562,190 in cash toconceal in their luggage beforeboarding a flight to Montego Bay,Jamaica. Brown provided the planetickets, and instructed the individualsnot to declare the cash in customsand to deliver the money to Brown'sfamily who would meet them in the

    airport in Jamaica.On Dec. 25, 2008, Brown drove

    the individuals to the Baltimore-Washington International Airportwhere they boarded their flight toJamaica.

    Before leaving the United Statesfrom Maryland, none of the individ-uals declared that they were carryingmore than $10,000, as required byfederal law. When the flight arrivedin Jamaica, the individuals presentedtheir Jamaican Customs declarationform in which they failed to declarethe money to Jamaican Customs.

    The form states that if a traveleris carrying more than $10,000 in U.S.currency, the traveler must declarethe money prior to gaining entry intothe country. Jamaican customs offi-cers discovered the money in theindividuals' luggage, divided amongthe individuals as follows: $148,275;$270,290; and $143,625.

    Woman Pleads Guilty toSmuggling Cash to Jamaica

    Immigrant AchievementAwards for Gen Powell


    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:04 AM Page 7




    Clive Lloyds Finest Hour 1975 West Indies vs New Zealand 2012 Cricket Legends Viv Richards Brian Lara 400 Not Out India vs Australia 2001 Test Series West Indian Summer 1966 Fire in Babylon(Cricket Documentary) Australia vs West Indies 1980 ICC Twenty20 World Cup 2012

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    The West Indies have taken an unbeat-able 2-0 lead in their three-match OneDay International (ODI) series againstZimbabwe after recording a seven-wicketwin in the second match at the GrenadaNational Stadium on Sunday.

    The Windies victory was set up bycareer best performances from RamnareshSarwan and stand-in captain DwayneBravo.

    Chasing 273 for victory, Sarwan whoopened the innings and scored a careerbest of 120 not-out to guide the WestIndies to victory at 274-3 with one over tospare.

    Sarwan also shared in 111 run open-ing stand with Kieron Powell, 57. Kieron

    Pollard contributed a quick fire 41 whileNarsinghe Deonarine made 42.

    Bravo had taken a career best 6 for 43as Zimbabwe A posted respectable 273 for8. Craig Irvine top-scored with 80 whileHamilton Masa-Kadza made 60, and VusiSibanda, 51.

    Bravo, who picked up the Man of theMatch Award, was full of praise forSarwan who has been struggling for runs.

    As for his own performance, Bravosaid he is not yet back to his best despitehis career best ODI haul.

    West Indies will be hoping to com-plete a clean sweep on Tuesday at thesame venue.

    Windies aim for clean sweep in ODI against Zimbabwe

    Jamaica's Tarik Batchelor and ChanicePorter were winners at the three-dayNCAA Indoor Championships that endedat the university of Arkansas on Sunday.

    Batchelor, formerly of KingstonCollege, and now a senior at theUniversity of Arkansas, leapt 16.53meters to win the men's triple jump.

    Porter, formerly of Manchester Highand now in her first year at the Universityof Georgia, registered 6.41 meters to winthe Women's Long Jump and help herschool to the overall title.

    Damar Forbes, 2012 Olympic repre-sentative, competing for Louisiana StateUniversity, was second in the men's longjump after leaping 8.07 meters.Compatriot and LSU teammate, NatoyaGoule, was also second in the women's800 meters, posting 2.03.08 seconds.

    NEW YORK, NY:The Island Games (IG) are back on track,literally with a big promise from theorganizers.

    Long Island Entrepreneur PatrickPayne, President and Founder of the IG,has announced that the one day athleticsmeeting will return this year to theMitchel Athletic Complex, Uniondale,Long Island, on Sunday, May 26.

    According to Payne, the IG 2013 willbe bigger and better than the three previ-ous staging, thanks to the commitmentfrom the Office of the Nassau CountyExecutive.

    The Administration of CountyExecutive, Edward P Mangano of NassauCounty, has played a significant role inplans to re-introduce the Games by pledg-ing the Countys endorsement, Paynenoted.

    At a feasibility meeting with Gamesorganizers and leading county and parkofficials, the IG was described as a wel-come addition to the countys socio-eco-nomic index.

    The Island Games fit into the strate-gic objectives of the countys plans to pro-mote sports as an economic driver forNassau County, and to expand use of thevast recreational resources that existswithin the county, noted Robert Walker,Chief Deputy County Executive.

    Bordered by the borough of Queensto the west, Nassau County (Long Island)

    is home to a vast numbers of Caribbeanimmigrants, who play a positive role inthe countys development.

    The meet is USATF certified and willsee competition in five divisions;Midgets, HS, Colleges, Clubs andMasters. Organizers are encouraging earlyregistration now through March 1, .forindividuals and teams by offering freeaccommodation at the IG Village atHofstra University.

    A schedule of events is posted at; Entries can bemailed to Island Games 2013, 43A MainStreet, Hempstead, NY 11550; e-mail:[email protected]. Tel: 516-564-5103.

    Long Island Games In Track & Field Set For 2013



    The Hex was supposed to be a cakewalkfor Mexico, and it may still be, but theiropening match was an outright disaster.Jose "Chepo" Manuel de la Torre picked acurious team that was completely ineffec-tive. It allowed Jamaica not just to stay inthe match, but have the better chances, leav-ing El Tri somewhat fortunate to walk awaywith a 0-0 draw.

    With the draw, Mexico and Jamaicajoin Panama and Costa Rica in second placeafter one matchday. Honduras lead the Hexon three points and the United States is bot-tom after getting beaten today.

    Jamaica should have been ahead sevenminutes. Jobi McAnuff hit the post, but therebound came right back to him and he hitalmost the entire net to shoot at.Unfortunately for the Reggae Boyz,McAnuff hit it the only place he couldn't

    shoot it -- right at the prone Jose de JesusCorona. It was a terrible miss by McAnuff,who was otherwise excellent all match.

    Mexico did generate some chances inthe middle portion of the match, but theystill struggled to play with pace or any sortof creativity. Chepo chose to play in a 4-4-2, which brought Oribe Peralta into theteam. Worse, it put Giovani dos Santos onthe wing, where he was predictable ineffec-tive. To top it off, Maza Rodriguez got thenod in defense. It was a horrible match forChepo, who seemingly sabotaged his team'schances to win, but shoddy performancesby a handful of players didn't help El Trieither.

    While Mexico did have a huge edge inshots, Jamaica had the better ones. They hadMcAnuff's two chances in the early goingand then got Ryan Johnson a golden oppor-tunity in the second half.

    Jamaicans winners at NCAA Indoor Championships

    Chanice Porter

    Mexico vs. Jamaica: score 0-0 Reggae Boyz earn shock draw at Azteca

    LONDON, England (AP)

    After accumulating titles with Europe'sbiggest clubs as a player, MichaelLaudrup reached unexpected heights in hisfirst year as Swansea manager yesterday byguiding the Welsh club to its first major tro-phy in its centenary season.

    In the heaviest victory League Cupfinal victory, Swansea overwhelmed

    Bradford 5-0 in front of over 82,000 fans atWembley Stadium to end the northernEnglish club's hopes of becoming the firstfourth-tier side to win a major title inEurope.

    Jamaican, Nathan Dyer, who has been atarget of the Jamaica national team, hadalready scored twice and played aggressive-ly to help in securing a win for his team.

    Jamaican shines inEurope Cup victory

    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:04 AM Page 8


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    When Jamaica's first full lengthgospel movie, Just Another Fridaypremieres in March, gospel music loverswill see Gospel artistes Deneese Wright,Lubert Levy, NexChange and Blu Isteppatake on the stage from a different perspec-tive.

    Also adding their talents to the pro-duction are well-known poetess Denise"Defy" Fyffe and internationallyacclaimed artiste, A.J. Brown. In additionto these artistes, the soundtrack also fea-tures music from Ancient Priest, JCDCGospel Competition Best Performer 2011,and songbird Tamara Calder.

    The film, produced by BarriVisionProductions and Jamaica Youth forChrist's drama ministry, Acts 12 holds thedistinction of being Jamaica's first Gospelmovie. The majority of the film wasrecorded in Ocho Rios and its environswith the church scenes being done at theFranklin Town Church of God inKingston.

    Just Another Friday premieres inKingston on Thursday, March 21, 2013 atRed Bones Blues Caf and in MontegoBay on Friday, March 22 at the FairfieldTheatre. General screenings will follow atvarious venues island wide over that sameweekend. The movie then heads for SouthFlorida with screenings on the weekend ofApril 19, 2013.

    Deneese Wright, a major supportingactress and on the cusp of releasing herfirst album, plays the role of CeliaThompson, the level-headed, Christiansister visiting with her family fromBoston. In her role she brings compassionand a touch of reality to her sister whosebroken family and years of neglect hasfinally taken its toll.

    Contact:Judith Falloon-Reid

    [email protected] (US)876-391-4152 (JAM)

    CRP to hostState of ReggaeReception

    Celebrate Black History and ReggaeMonth with the Coalition toPreserve Reggae Music (CPR) at theirannual State of Reggae Reception onThursday, (February 28) 6 pm-10 pm at1199 Ocean Avenue, Suite #407,Brooklyn.

    This will include a special tribute toClement (Sir Coxson) Dodd by his nieceMaxine Stowe as well as presentationsfrom producer extraordinaire DonovanGermain, reggae historian and producerClive Chin and Prof. Mike Alleyneauthor of the Reggae Encyclopedia.

    The event is free and open to thepublic, but due to limited space, reserva-tions are required. The event will broad-cast live on CPRLive

    To make a reservation, send an emailto [email protected] or call 718-421-6927. CPR is a tax exempt 501(3)organization.----------------------------------------------

    Mount VernonGroups ReceiveGrants FromArtsWestchesterMOUNT VERNON:

    ArtsWestchester is awarding $41,000in Arts Alive grants to 35 local artsorganizations, five of which are based inMount Vernon. These grants are fundedby the Decentralization Program, a re-grant program of the New York StateCouncil on the Arts. It is administered byArtsWestchester, based in White Plains.

    These programs make the arts easi-ly accessible to hundreds of people bybrining neighbors together for a commonexperience, ArtsWestchester CEO JanetLangsam said in a statement. The grantstruly help foster a sense of community.

    The grants go to the followingorganizations: Gospel Knights of MountVernon, a gospel choir that performs atcharitable organizations and present twoconcerts each year.

    The OBey Foundation, a communi-ty African drum circle that channels cre-ativity through drums and movement.PJS Jazz Society which brings well-

    known jazz musicians to perform inMount Vernon.

    Mount Vernons Heartbeat whichtells stories about people making a dif-ference in the community.

    Pelham Arts Center and artist MaryLouise Gladstone in partnership with theAmani Public Charter School in MountVernon, which will examine quilts inrelation to the American folk art tradi-tion.

    EverybodysMagazine To

    Host Mothers DayCaribbean Concert The annual Mothers Day CaribbeanConcert which started in 1976 at TheTheater at Madison Square Garden, andlater moved to Brooklyn, will be held onSaturday, May 11, 2013 at the BrooklynCenter for the Performing Arts. The con-cert is under the new ownership and man-agement of Everybodys Magazine, a sub-sidiary of Herman Hall Communications,Inc.

    Everybodys Magazine has a strongand longstanding tradition of producingquality entertainment events and artistsand fans frequently say its professionalismand integrity are impeccable.

    AIRM to hostPresidents

    Choice Awards The Association of Independent ReggaeMusic (AIRM) is holding its firstannual Presidents Choice Awards andIndie Reggae Red Carpet Affair onFebruary 28, 2013 at DROM, Manhattan.

    The AIRM is a New York-based pro-fessional trade and membership organiza-tion committed to promoting, exposing,educating, and honoring independent reg-gae music industry professionals.

    The "Indie" star-studded event will behosted by Caribbean BillboardEntertainment (CBE) TV host/producer-Chip Smith and his co-Hosts Afiya Wilsonand Kwana Lewis.

    The Indie Reggae Artist Red CarpetAffair will be hosted by media sponsorCome Chat Wid Mi TV. The epic eventwill be the first of its kind to publiclyacknowledge and reward the outstandingachievements of music professionals fromvarious fields of the independent reggaemusic industry who are all associatedmembers of the AIRM.

    The stated mission of the AIRMPresident's Choice Awards is to celebrateand honor the best and most talented inde-pendent reggae artists, performers andmusic industry affiliates, to generateregional and national exposure for nomi-nated and winning artists and to create asense of unity within the independent reg-gae music industry.

    The AIRM Presidents Choice Awards2012 most anticipated award category isthe Indie Reggae (Male & Female) Artistof the Year. Other categories being award-ed are: Best Indie Reggae/Ska Band of theYear, Best Indie Reggae Record Label ofthe Year, Best Indie Dancehall Artist of theYear, Best Indie Reggae (Male & Female)Vocalist of the Year and more.

    Live performances from nominatedartists and bands, including: Judah Tribe,Up Rising Roots Band, Jah Eyes, KeishaMartin, Ziggie Bless, Iyata Safari, RyanOneil and Aima Moses.


    [email protected]; 757-675-4995

    Celia in Marcias room: Deneese Wright as Celia Thompson shares a tendermoment with her sister, Marcia Simpson played by Kayla Wilson.

    Gospel Artistes shine inJamaican Gospel Movie

    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:04 AM Page 9



    You should know that when we, Blackand Hispanic elected officials go outcampaigning to become elected or re-elect-ed, we promise our communities that wewill fight, protect and stand against any andall things that will be detrimental to theirbenefit and goals.

    That was the reason why in 2009, dur-ing the four amigos coup in the New YorkState Senate, I fought and asked that Blacksand Hispanics were appointed and hired tosenior staff positions in the New York StateSenate Democratic Conference.

    At that time, all Black and HispanicSenators were made chairs of committees,and Mr. Angelo Aponte was hired as thefirst Hispanic Secretary of the State Senate.Senator John Sampson became conferenceleader and he appointed Blacks andHispanics as senior staff in the DemocraticConference.

    Those were great achievements for ourcommunity and our people. Since then,many things have taken place in the NewYork State Senate, especially in our SenateDemocratic Conference. All those achieve-ments are gone and Black and Hispanicinfluence and power has evaporated.

    You should know that during thismonth when we celebrate African AmericanHistory and this weekend when the Blackand Hispanic Caucus of Elected Officialscomes to Albany to celebrate Caucus week-end, five people of Black and Hispanicdescent functioning as senior staff membersin the New York State Senate DemocraticConference have been removed from theirpositions.

    The five who received this St.Valentines Day Memo are: AlejandraPaulino, Secretary to the Minority, TonyaCantlo-Cockfield, Deputy Chief of Staff,Matthew Smalls, Special Counsel, PaulRivera, Special Advisor, and AnthonyThomas, External Relations. All of themwere appointed and hired as part of theDemocratic Conference Senior Staff bySenator John Sampson.

    Today under the leadership of SenatorAndrea Stewart-Cousins, many have goneand the influence and participation ofBlacks and Hispanics as senior staff mem-bers in our conference has been evaporatinglittle by little.

    You should also know that there was acoup organized by Senator Liz Krueger andSenator Michael Gianaris to substituteSenator John Sampson with Senator AndreaStewart-Cousins. Since then, one by one,our Black and Hispanic staff, little by littlehave been disappearing forcing me to askthe following two questions: 1) Who is real-ly in control? 2) Who is the real leader ofour conference?-Rubn Daz is a State Senator Democrat.

    Who is the real leader?Who is in command?


    By Senator Rev.Rubn Daz City Comptroller John C.

    Liu issued the followingstatement in support ofPresident Obamas call toincrease the federal mini-mum wage: New Yorkersshould find a lot to like inlast night's State of the

    Union address. PresidentObama's proposal toincrease the federal mini-mum wage to $9.00 is nec-essary to rebuild the middleclass and help the workingpoor climb out of poverty.In order to combat ourCitys high cost of livingand growing wealth gap,we continue to call for rais-ing the minimum wage inNew York City to $11.50an hour. While we whole-heartedly support the

    President's proposal, thefact remains that $9.00goes much further inOklahoma City and SaltLake City than in NewYork City.

    During his DecemberState of the City address,Comptroller Liu called fora New York City minimumwage of $11.50 an hour, tobe phased in over fiveyears and then pegged tothe Consumer Price Index.

    Liu Applauds ObamasFederal MinimumWage Proposal

    New York Republican Chair Ed Coxissued the following statementrecently on Gov. Cuomo's proposed mini-mum wage increase: "As is often the casewith Andrew Cuomo's propositions, theproposed minimum wage increase is goodpolitics for the Governor, but bad policyfor New Yorkers.

    "Everyone likes the sound of higherwages, but a higher minimum wagemeans a higher hiring cost for businesses,and a higher hiring cost means fewer jobs,especially for lower-income youths, forwhom a job represents the first rung onthe ladder to being a self-sufficient andcontributing member of society.

    "According tothe Wall StreetJournal, raising theminimum wage isbad for jobs and theeconomy generally,but without anexception for a'training wage' forthe young, it is an

    immoral disaster, especially for minorityyouths, whose unemployment rate is closeto 40%."

    Enjoyed this? Share this article withfive of your friends.

    Minimum Wage Hike- anImmoral War on Young and Poor

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    PENN RELAYS FOCUSApril 1-18, 2013 issue

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    COUNCIL MEMBERWILLIAMS PLAYSCUPID:Council MemberJumaane D. Williamspresents handmadeValentines from localelementary schoolsto senior citzens atthe Fort GreeneCouncil RemsenNeighborhood Center. -Photo Credit: Monique Waterman

    COMMUNITY LINK: Bronx councilmember Andy King (l) raps with (l-r) local business leaders .JacqueGraham, manager, Country Kitchen and Sephron Mair, company executive at arecent Street Hypes spnsored Power Breakfast Meeting held at the Diner in ofPelham Manor.

    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:04 AM Page 11


    Pat Brown showcasing her NewAphrodisiac 2013 collection atPlitzs Fashion Week NYC on

    February 8, 2013.Patricia Brown

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    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:04 AM Page 12


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    Attorney Erica Hunt, wife ofChristopher Hunt, chairmanof the David "Wagga" HuntScholarship Fund and brother of late KC andCalabar coach David"Wagga" Hunt. She's standing with CarlyleMcKetty, President ofCoalition to PreserveReggae Music and SharonGordon, chair of CPR at theJamaica US Inaugural Ballheld at the NationalEducation AssociationAtrium in Washington D.C. Photo by: Stacy Hunt

    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:04 AM Page 13


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    He cries a lotfor no reason

    Dear Karen,

    My three-year old son is very moody.He cries a lot for no reason andprefers to be alone rather than play with hisbrother and cousins. His doctor says itsjust a stage and he should grow out of itsoon. Should I worry?-Concerned parent from Brooklyn

    Dear concerned parent, Although its not unusual for children tofeel down in the dumps, most peopleassume that pre-schoolers are too young tobe depressed. However, research showsthat clinical depression could occur at anyage.

    Depression usually remains under-diagnosed among children because itssymptoms are not concrete. Here are somesigns to look for:Lack of enthusiasm or motivationIncreased agitation and irritabilityChronic fatigue and lack of energyWithdrawal from family, friends, and activitiesChanges in eating and sleeping habitsMajor developmental delays in toddlersPlay that involves harm to self and others

    To distinguish between mood swingsand depression, you have to determine theduration of depressive behavior. For exam-ple, your child might experience some ofthese symptoms for a day or two, and inthis case, he is probably not depressed.

    But if he displays symptoms for morethan 2 weeks, seek medical attentionthrough consultations with a mental healthspecialist and your childs physician. To beclassified as clinically depressed, yourchild must show these signs for an averageof 7 to 9 months.




    Bronx Youth Honor Puerto Rican,African-American legislators

    NeNe AliContributing Writer

    In 1917, The New York StateAssembly elected its firstAfrican-American legislator,Assemblyman Edward A.Johnson, a man born into slaveryin North Carolina.

    Twenty years later in 1937,Assemblyman Oscar GarciaRivera was the first American ofPuerto Rican heritage to be elect-ed in the State Assembly.

    One hundred and six yearslater the illustrious rich history ofthese two men, is honored everysecond weekend of February(President's Weekend) in Albany,known as the NYS Black, PuertoRican, Hispanic and AsianLegislative Caucus.

    The long weekend event isset to promote, discuss, enrichand empower the lives of NewYorkers State wide.

    The New York StateAssociation of Black and Puerto

    Rican Legislators, Inc. (NYS-ABPRL) was founded by legisla-tive caucus members as a non-political, charitable organization,incorporated under section 402of the New York Not-for-ProfitInco-rporation Law on October11, 1985.

    The dynamics of this eventhowever changed when a smallbut effective group of youth bythe name of Bronx YouthEmpowerment Program (YEP)founded by City CouncilmemberAndy King of the 12th District,began going to the Caucus seek-ing enlightenment. This pastweekend, the mark has been sethigh as Bronx YEP hosted theirvery own reception at caucusweekend. This will become ashistoric as the Caucus itself; priorto YEPs participation, no otheryouth group has ever gone to theCaucus seeking knowledge andenlightenment. The receptionwas sponsored by the Bronx

    Youth Empowerment Programand UFT.

    The group discussed theimportance of political, econom-ic and social programs that notonly affect the overall communi-ty, but the YOUTH in our com-munities.

    As YEP made its presenta-tion, the room was packed withCity and State officials whowanted to team up with YEP andtheir two founders, Andy Kingand Neva Shillingford King.The legislators wanted to bringsuch an initiative state-wide. Asa YEP member and spoken word/emcee I was the first youth ever,to be honored at the City Councilreception, for my RETHINKPOVERTY initiative. On thisnight, one hundred and six yearsafter electing an AfricanAmerican from North Carolinaborn into slavery, the faces mighthave changed but the strugglecontinues.

    Council Member Andy King (10th left) and the Youth Empowerment Program members visitto Albany for the NYS Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Caucus recently in Albany,NY. Also in the photo Deputy Borough President for the Bronx, Aurelia Greene (6th left).

    Report Gives HighMarks To City'sCharter Schools

    The city's charter schoolsare getting some highmarks from researchers on thewest coast.

    A new report fromStanford University says about63 percent of the charterschools studied outperformedtraditional public schools,while about 14 percent per-formed worse.

    The researchers alsolooked at the amount studentslearned during the year.

    In reading, students inNew York's charter schoolsadvanced by an additionalmonth of learning and an addi-tional five months in math.

    The study also showedthat students achieve more inmath in their first year at char-ter schools.

    A national study from2009 had different results, say-ing first-year charter-schoolstudents struggled in bothreading and math, butimproved in following years.

    There are now more than100 charter schools across thecity.----------------------------------

    New TeacherEvaluationSystem

    The Cuomo administrationannounced on Wednesdaythat the state education com-missioner is prepared to set anew teacher evaluation systemfor city public school educa-tors by June 1, if city officialsand the teachers union cannotreach an agreement by then.

    Larry Schwartz, a senioradvisor to Governor AndrewCuomo, told Albany reportersthat the governor is introduc-ing a bill that would have St-ate Education CommissionerJohn King choose a plan thatfalls with guidelines passed bythe governor and the stateLegislature.

    The governor saidWednesday that he wants togive the state the ability tostep in by June 1 in order toget the new system up andrunning by September, andthat the newest deadlinewould be written into lawthrough a budget amendment.

    He said that it would givethe State Education Depart-ment the power in perpetuityto step in and impose a teacherevaluation system on the city."This is in perpetuity. Anyyear that New York City andNew York City school districtdoes not have a plan in place,then SED would come in andput the plan in place," Cuomosaid.

    [email protected]

    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:04 AM Page 15



    Whether youre after gorgeouscolor, a bombshell blowout, oroverall super-healthy locks, stylistsknow the tricks to get you there.

    Find a shampoo that lathers less.Sudsy doesnt necessarily meancleansometimes, it means the oppo-site. Shampoos that lather too muchare often overloaded with moisturizingproducts, which can leave build-up inyour hair, making it look and feel dirt-ier quicker. So opt for a sulfate-freeformula.

    Give your locks a burst of cold.Before you hop out of the shower, turnthe cold water on for a second andquickly rinse it through your strands. Ithelps seal the cuticle, adding a sleekfinish to your locks.

    Play hot-and-cold as you dry.When using a round brush to dry yourhair in sections, start from the rootsand dry all the way to the ends, lettingthe brush linger at the tips of yourstrands. Let your hair cool off like thison its own for five seconds, then repeaton another section. Alternatingbetween heat and cool-down timehelps set your style, and your blowoutwill have more body.

    Drop the towel. Keeping wetstrands wrapped in a towel for a half-hour as you do your make-up will justcause frizz! The roughness of the cot-ton forces your hair cuticles open,making them more likely to go every-which-way. Instead, squeeze outexcess water as soon as youre out ofthe shower, then let your hair air-dryfor five or ten minutes before blow-drying.

    Apply products 10 minutesbefore you style. Whether yourecurling, straightening, or whatevering,applying product 10 minutes inadvance helps it fully absorb into yourstrands so you get all of its benefitsand more bang for your buck.

    Wrapdont clampyour hairfor quick curls. When using a curl-ing iron, you dont need to fasten yourlocks to the barrel. Wrap sectionsaround the iron and hold in place forabout 10 seconds to score the samesoft, sexy curls.

    Use dry shampoo a differentway. Instead of waiting until yourlocks need an dirt-fighting pick-me-up, apply a dab of dry shampoo to yourroots immediately after you wash anddry them. Though your hairs alreadyclean, the barrier will stave off thedebris and oil your strands will collectthroughout the day before it hits.Bonus: It also gives you killer volume.




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    Tech TipsDon't use unauthorized soft-ware. It may be tempting touse useful-looking software thatyou can get free on the Internet,but these tools may carry a hid-den cost.

    Installing them may oftencause other programs to stopworking and it can take a longtime for your IT teams to trackdown the problem.

    More seriously, they candisplay unwanted ads, slow yourPC down or make it less secureby letting the PC download moreads from the Internet. Most seri-ously, they can be infected byviruses or spyware that areintended to damage your PC orsteal confidential information.

    FREE software...Makesure you don't get more thanyou bargain for.

    Free software that youdownload could be just what youthink it is a single softwarepackage.

    However, many times freesoftware comes bundled withother unwanted, harmful pro-grams including spyware, virus-es, or even Trojan horse pro-grams.

    To help keep your computerfree from unwanted guests,make sure the site you are down-loading from is one you knowand trust.

    Also verify that your oper-ating system and anti-virus soft-ware have been updated and

    patched BEFORE you click thedownload button!

    How to spot a phishingemail...It could be a phishing email if... There are misspelled words inthe e-mail or it contains poorgrammar. The message is asking for per-sonally identifiable information,such as credit card numbers,account numbers, passwords,PINs or Social SecurityNumbers. There are "threats" or alarmingstatements that create a sense ofurgency. For example: "Youraccount will be locked until wehear from you" or "We havenoticed activity on your accountfrom a foreign IP address." The domain name in the mes-sage isn't the one you're used toseeing. It's usually close to thereal domain name but not exact.

    For example:o Phishing website: www.regions-banking.como Real website: www.regions.comTurn off your wireless AP when it'snot in use.


    withKen Miller

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    by Donna Tam

    The social network recentlyfixed a bug discovered by adeveloper who demonstratedhow the loophole let him takeover other people's accounts.

    A security hacker recentlyfound a flaw in a Facebook sys-tem that allowed developers toaccess anyone's Facebookaccount through app permis-sions.

    Though Facebook has fixedthis issue, Nir Goldshlager, aWeb application security special-ist who looks for these types offlaws professionally, found moreapp authorization bugs that needfixing, according to his blog. App

    permissions arewhat develop-ers use toaccess the userdata needed torun their apps.Users give

    them access permission whenthey install the apps.

    "I found a couple moreOAuth flaws in Facebook, justwaiting for a fix to post about it,"Goldshlager wrote in his blog,where he detailed his findings.

    Facebook wouldn't commenton what other flaws Goldshlagermay have found but did say theoriginal bug he detected had notbeen taken advantage of by actu-

    al Facebook developers. Thecompany didn't say whenGoldshlager reported the flaw.

    "We applaud the securityresearcher who brought this issueto our attention and for responsi-bly reporting the bug to ourWhite Hat Program. We workedwith the team to make sure weunderstood the full scope of thevulnerability, which allowed usto fix it without any evidence thatthis bug was exploited in thewild," a Facebook representativewrote in an e-mail to CNET."Due to the responsible reportingof this issue to Facebook, wehave no evidence that users wereimpacted by this bug.

    Hacker says security flaw let him access any Facebook profile

    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:04 AM Page 17





    Love Connection c/o Street Hype Newspaper 711 S Columbus Ave, Fl 1 Mount Vernon, NY 10550

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    By Daseta Gray

    Experience has taught us that infants andtoddlers thrive in a loving caring envi-ronment. Research and experience has alsotaught us that the adults who care forinfants and toddlers must have healthy rela-tionships with each other.

    When care givers and families gatherin celebration children get the message Ibelong here and I am being celebrated.This is true for families when a new childarrives.

    Research has shown that stress haswith families for example: (the birth of achild, changing or loosing employment cangreatly affect infants/toddlers. As a caregiver you should make an effort to havepositive emotions.

    A care giver is defined as the adultswho are responsible for giving care to chil-dren. This can be parents, grandparents,foster parent, childcare program, familymembers, after school program ,grouphomes etc.

    Think back to your early years as youreflect on the adults that had positive rela-tionships with you, it may be your grand-mother who told you family stories, it maybe your dad who read you a stories, and itmay be an older sibling who always hadyour back.

    Maybe your earliest memories may notbe so pleasant. You may have been caredfor but did not feel the adults cared aboutyou? Many of us as we reflect on our earlyrelationships with adults, we may remem-ber good relationships and poor relation-ships.

    One-third of all children entering fos-ter care are zero to three years of age, and15 percent are babies under age one. Manyare removed from their parents and areplaced in foster homes because the courtdecided that it is not safe for the child to be

    at home. Many of these infants and toddlersdo not experience healthy relationships andas a result will suffer emotional trauma as aresult of forced separation. The effects willbe played out in pre- kindergarten settings.Many times these damages go un-repairand stay with the child into their adultyears. The infant/toddler years are the rootsof socialization.

    In 2000, 55 % of mothers with infantswere in the labor force. In 2001, 61 % of allchildren participated in some sort of non-parental care.

    Many children are cared for by adultsoutside their home who are not related tothem. It is crucial that adults who care forinfants and toddlers both in childcare set-tings and at home provide a nurturing andsafe environment for them.

    When adults are hostile with eachother it affects the way the infants/toddlersinterpret the world, they will see the worldas being hostile and will behave that way.Infants/toddlers will think all adults will behostile toward them.

    Your home and your care giving spaceis a reflection of the world. The experiencesthat you give infants/toddlers help them tobegin their interpretation of the world andalso defining who they are and how theyfit .Adult relationships have a major impacton childrens lives.

    Relationships Equal Quality CareSend your questions [email protected]

    Check this column for anwsers

    Dear Divine: Recentl when I'm upset about something,I have been snapping my wrists with rub-ber bands. It seemed harmless at first, bet-ter than cutting, right? But I have noticedthat now I have red lines that never goaway and the welts take longer to disap-pear, and I'm constantly having to coverthem up.

    At 14 and I'm worried that I can't stopdoing it. I'm not even sure why I do it, butI'm actually more scared to stop than I amto continue. I'm embarrassed andashamed, and I don't want to hurt my fam-ily. I know they'd be upset if they foundout. I don't want to ask for help, but also,I don't want to stop. Please help me.

    --John, Brooklyn

    Dear John: The first step in resolving a problem isrecognizing you have one and that youneed help. You have done that. I have

    heard from other young people thatthey're embarrassed, ashamed or scared totell their parents they have a problembecause they're afraid their parents willbecome upset or angry. This is wrong.Parents may react -- but only out of con-cern.

    Snapping a rubber band is a tech-nique some people use to stop a bad habit-- like smoking. You, however, appear tobe using it as a way of not dealing withyour emotions. The marks on your wristsmay be caused because the rubber bandsare so tight they are cutting off your cir-culation.

    There is a reason you are trying todistract yourself with pain, and it's impor-tant that you find out what it is so yourbehavior doesn't escalate. A licensed men-tal health professional can help youquickly get to the root of your problem,and telling your parents what's going on isthe fastest way to get that help.

    Teenager Embarrassed and Ashamed

    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:04 AM Page 18

  • ARIES (Mar. 21Apr.19): It's easy to be in touchwith your inner world, butit's not so simple to saywhat's on your mind whilein the presence of others.You may grow restless ifyou feel constrained bycurrent circumstances. TAURUS (Apr. 20May20): You might be overlypushy when sharing some-thing you would normallykeep to yourself. Whetheryou are eager to discussyour recent dreams, deepspiritual beliefs or hiddensecrets, this could be theday to do it. GEMINI (May 21June20): You may be excitedabout an upcoming event,remember that others mightnot share your enthusiasm.Your tendency is to tryeven harder to get a posi-tive response if they don'toffer the support youexpect. CANCER (June 21Juy22): Your drive for successmay have you up at thecrack of dawn as if theremight not be sufficient timeto accomplish all the taskson your list. But youreagerness could fade whenyou realize that everythingwill require extra effort. LEO (July 23Aug. 22):You're ready to fly away asa yearning for an exoticadventure beckons you togo somewhere special. Itmay not be that simple,unless you can make it alunchtime getaway. Asmotivated as you are today,your fantasy must ultimate-ly answer to your responsi-bilities at work. VIRGO (Aug. 23 Sept.22): You're operating with-in your intellectual comfortzone and you are confidentbecause you know how toapply your expertise. Yourbelief that you're being use-ful is your idea of heaven,because you know exactlywhat you're doing and youfeel empowered by yourcontribution. LIBRA (Sept. 23Oct.22): You could learn avaluable lesson by lookingback in your life at pastevents as you try to untan-

    gle a present dilemma atwork. You can use yourcontemplative mood toyour advantage. Although itmay be difficult to make upyour mind, simplify thefacts and just make the bestdecision in the moment.SCORPIO (Oct. 23Nov.21): You have sufficientenergy now to initiateaction where necessary, yetwithout pushing so hard asto stir up resistance. Insteadof tackling a large project,you are better off takingcare of many smaller tasksto give you a greater senseof accomplishment by theend of the day. age you.SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22Dec.21): Even if yourhead is up in the clouds, ashift in attitude can bringyou safely and gently backto earth. Whatever obsta-cles come your way, focuson the most practical solu-tions. You might not be inthe most creative spacenow, but you will feel goodabout what you accom-plish.CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 Jan. 19): Be careful howyou express your displeas-ure at home, for the tiniestannoyance could quicklyescalate into somethingbigger. A dramatic displayof your anger is ill advised,for others might overreactto whatever you say now.Seek common groundthrough open dialogue. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20Feb. 18): You are easilyencouraged to begin a newproject before consideringthe impact it could have onyour current workload. Youare liable to spin yourwheels now and not neces-sarily get anywhere, unlessyou set clear priorities andmake up your mind to stayon track, no matter what.PISCES (Feb. 19Marh20): Your new way of see-ing your role as a partici-pant in a group process islikely based on very practi-cal ideas. Although yourthoughts seem to originatein the clouds of imagina-tion, don't be shy aboutexpressing them now.


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    U.S. POSTALSERVICEHONORINGROSA PARKSThe United States PostalService marked thebeginning of Black HistoryMonth with a Forever stamphonoring civil rights iconRosa Parks. At 11 a.m. onWednesday, February 27,2013 the Postal Service willhold its Annual Black History Month Stamp Dedication atMount Vernon City Hall to unveil the Rosa Parks stamp.

    Parks, a black seamstress whose refusal to relinquishher seat to a white man on a city bus in Montgomery,Alabama almost 60 years ago, grew into a mythic eventthat helped touch off the civil rights movement of the1950s and 1960s. For her act of defiance, Mrs. Parks was arrested in Detroit,convicted of violating the segregation laws and fined $10,

    Street Hype- February 19-28, 2013--r_street hype-front page 2/26/13 7:04 AM Page 19



    An Urgent AppealWe need $5 M to purchase two

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    Iam appealing to everyone especially ourCaribbean brothers and sisters. I have beenasked to purchase a Linear AcceleratorMachine for Cornwall Regional Hospital inMontego Bay, Jamaica costing approximatelyUS $5 Million. I met with the Minister of Health,Dr. Fenton Ferguson a few weeks ago. He askedif I can purchase two machines as Kingstonneeds one also.

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    March is National Nutrition Month,when the Academy of Nutrition andDietetics reminds everyone to return to thebasics of healthy eating. It is also the time ofyear when the Academy celebrates the con-tributions and expertise of registered dieti-tians as the food and nutrition experts.

    March 13 marks the sixth annualRegistered Dietitian Day, a day when we rec-ognize the important work of RDs inimproving the public health through foodand nutrition, says registered dietitian andAcademy Spokesperson Melinda Johnson.

    The RD credential is vital when deter-mining who is the best source of safe andaccurate nutrition information.

    Scientific research highlights nutritionas one of the leading lifestyle factors inhealth promotion and disease preventionthroughout life, Johnson says.

    Registered dietitians translate nutritionscience into practical and applicable waysfor people to bring nutritious foods into theirdaily lives.

    It is our role to discern between fact andfiction and give people the tools to makerealistic eating behavior changes.

    Registered dietitians meet stringent aca-demic and professional requirements,including earning at least a bachelorsdegree, completing a supervised practiceprogram and passing a registration examina-tion. RDs must also complete continuingprofessional educational requirements tomaintain registration. More than half of allRDs have also earned masters degrees orhigher.

    The majority of registered dietitianswork in the treatment and prevention of dis-ease (administering medical nutrition thera-py, as part of medical teams), often in hospi-tals, HMOs, private practice or other healthcare facilities.

    In addition, RDs work in communityand public health settings and academia andresearch. RDs work with food and nutritionindustry and business, journalism, sportsnutrition, corporate wellness programs andother work settings.

    Registered dietitians expertise innutrition and health is more extensive thanany other health profession and has been rec-ognized as such by Congress as well as fed-eral health agencies like the Centers forMedicare and Medicaid Services, Johnsonsays.

    Numerous scientific studies over manyyears, including studies mandated byCongress, have shown that medical nutritiontherapy provided by a registered dietitian canlower health costs, decrease hospital staysand improve peoples health, Johnson says.

    Learn more about what a registered die-titian can do for you and find a registereddietitian in your area at

    Celebrated each March, NationalNutrition Month is a nutrition education andinformation camp

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