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December 13th, 2010 Stranger than Fiction Part 2 Ashten Blain

Stranger than Fiction Part 2

Ashten Blain


Protagonist – Raymond Novahugh

Male, young, worldly focus, stereotypical college boy

A “player” with no intention of falling in love, until he meets an unremarkable college student named Joy and cannot stop thinking about her

Raymond: meaning protector; when he falls in love with Joy, he decides to protect and provide for Joy

Novahugh: nova meaning new, and hugh meaning heart, mind, and spirit; the name Nova symbolizes the change of heart Raymond goes through, and Hugh shows the unity Raymond finds after falling in love with Joy


Antagonist – Tristan Williams

Male, young, secretly in love with Joy, determined to have Joy no matter what

Has always loved Joy, and cannot stand that she is falling for Raymond, so he sets out to make sure Joy cannot be with him anymore

Tristan: meaning sadness; because he is lonely and wants Joy to be with him

Williams: meaning will or desire; if he had his way he would be with Joy rather than Raymond; could also be related in that he is willing to do what it takes to have her



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December 13th, 2010 Stranger than Fiction Part 2 Ashten Blain

Protagonist – Emmerich Consus

Male, late forties, farmer, cowboy

Working hard daily to keep his land, fighting the bank and struggling with a bad year of crops

Emmerich: means work or labor; as a farmer, Emmerich is in a constant struggle to produce and assist life in developing, whether it be crops or livestock

Consus : means to plant or sow


Antagonist – Roderick Desislav

Male, in his sixties, bank owner

Consumed with the desire to shut down Emmerich’s farm at any cost to himself

Roderick: famous power; Roderick is well known throughout the area, and has power over much of the land and business in the town.

Desislav: seek glory; Roderick is constantly trying to find ways to bring down Emmerich, and in doing so, would glorify himself in his own mind



Protagonist – Sheridan Bahman

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December 13th, 2010 Stranger than Fiction Part 2 Ashten Blain

Female, thirties, detective, clever, and street smart

Continually seeks justice and sees the good in people no matter what; picks cases that involve the underdog and extreme innocents

Sheridan: searcher; Sheridan does everything within her power to solve her case, and seeks resolution to issues that plague her

Bahman: good mind; Sheridan is clever and sharp, and always thinking


Antagonist – Najwa Senka

Male, crime ring leader, cunning and evil

Runs an international black market jewelry operation; Sheridan is his arch enemy

Najwa: secret, whisper; every dealing Najwa participates in is shady and under the table, so secretive is a good description

Senka: shadow; another poke at the point that Najwa hides his business under the cover of dark



Protagonist – Justice Vytautas

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December 13th, 2010 Stranger than Fiction Part 2 Ashten Blain

Female, twenty five, rookie police officer, passionate and sometimes hasty

Witnessed the murder of her father as a young girl, and is now thirsty for vengeance on all criminals

Justice: judge, officer of justice; as if predestined for her, Justice’s name means exactly what it sounds like – fair treatment for all people

Vytautas: chase, drive away; as part of her job, and her passion, Justice chases the “bad guys” out of town or into prison


Antagonist – Dougal Phobos

Male, fifty, professional criminal, dangerous and invincible

Murdered Justice’s father along with many other cops, and is now being hunted by Justive herself

Dougal: dark stranger; Although he wont do any of his own dirty work, Dougal ensures that his jobs are done sneakily and without any indication of his involvement

Phobos: fear, panic; Without any fear for anything himself, Dougal strikes fear into the heart of his enemies when they hear of his reputation



Protagonist – Isaac Mallory

Forgetful, fun loving, great dad, loves his family

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December 13th, 2010 Stranger than Fiction Part 2 Ashten Blain

Forgets his baby at the mall, so tries to return to retrieve him, but his car breaks down, he gets lost walking on the subway, he can’t catch the right bus, etc.

Isaac: he laughs; No matter the situation, Isaac can laugh it off and get through it because he can make fun of himself and doesn’t get worked up.

Mallory: unlucky; Exactly as the name means, Isaac is one of those accident prone people who are always unlucky.


Antagonist – Adva Stamatios

‘Blonde’, ambitious, easily enamored, sweet

Has a crush on Isaac, even though he is married, and follows him everywhere (almost in a stalker-ish manner) and prevents him from getting back to his son fast enough

Adva: small wave, ripple; She doesn’t think she is causing much trouble for Isaac, but like a ripple she does make a bump in his schedule; could also be that she doesn’t have much effect on Isaac except for skewing his plans like a wave skews your image in a lake

Stamatios: stop; Adva definitely slows the process of getting Isaac’s son back, whether she stops it or not



Protagonist – Bellatrix Alannah

Female, warrior, sixteen, brave, headstrong

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December 13th, 2010 Stranger than Fiction Part 2 Ashten Blain

Lives in a society where the women are superior and are the warriors and the providers, she must prove she is mature enough to join the rest of the women as warriors by slaying one of the many dragons that live in the area

Bellatrix: female warrior; Pretty much self explanatory, Bellatrix is a female warrior, a common occupation of the women of her society

Dagny: new day; This name symbolizes the changes that Bellatrix goes through, and her transition from child to woman


Antagonist – Akakios (evil) Ryuu (Dragon)

Dragon, age unknown, devious, angry, spiteful to all humans

Has lived in peace for many years, but becomes the target of Bellatrix after he threatens the safety of her home

Akakios: evil; Changes into a bad dragon after he feels he is being pushed from his home and attacks the village that Bellatrix lives in

Ryuu: dragon; The last name of all dragons of the realm because it means dragon in Japanese


Tragedy :

Protagonist – Atlas Zedekiah

Male, generally unemotional, family man, spiritual, completely loves his wife and kids

Loses his entire family in an emotional house fire after the story follows them throughout a year of trials

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December 13th, 2010 Stranger than Fiction Part 2 Ashten Blain

Atlas: endure; Through all the terrible events in his life Atlas pushes on and doesn’t let things keep him down forever

Zedekiah: justice of YAHWEH; Atlas trusts God to bring justice to whoever caused him such pain and loss


Antagonist – Cináed Aiolos

Lonely, angry, jealous of Atlas, wanting a family of his own

Burned down Atlas’ house out of jealousy towards him and his happiness

Cináed: born of fire; His actions toward Atlas are born of his hatred for people who have family and love

Aiolos: quick moving, nimble; Cináed is quick to jump to conclusions and to jump into action whether it is necessary or not, and this leads to trouble for others


Historical Fiction:

Protagonist – Lady Phoebe Frideswide

Sweet, innocent wife of Lord Frideswide, typical lady of the court

Faithfully serves her husband until she finds out he is being unfaithful, and then turns against him and plots his demise

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December 13th, 2010 Stranger than Fiction Part 2 Ashten Blain

Phoebe: pure; sweet, innocent, faithful, honest, loving, caring and quiet make Pheobe the perfect wife

Frideswide: strong, peace; Phoebe does not let her husband walk all over her when she finds out he’s hiding things from her, and her strength pushes through the outer shell of societal expectations


Antagonist – Jezebel Terrel

Female, temptress, beautiful, disrespectful towards authority and relationships

The other woman in this situation, she is having an affair with Lord Frideswide, and has no notion that she might be hurting Phoebe

Jezebel: not exalted, Biblical promiscuous woman with no morals; A well known term, Jezebel is the best way to describe this woman who completely disregards the sanctity of marriage and becomes the worst nightmare of Lady Phoebe

Terrel: pull; Jezebel has a pulling effect on Lord Frideswide, although Lord Frideswide had as much to do with the whole problem, if not more.



Protagonist – Captain Pontius Heron

Brave, exciting, male, pirate, Robin-Hood-type character

Plunders other ships and pirate treasures and gives most of the money to those in need

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December 13th, 2010 Stranger than Fiction Part 2 Ashten Blain

Pontius: of the sea; the Captain would rather be on the open sea than anywhere else in the world, and that is where he can do his best work

Heron: hero; Pontius is a hero to those he gives his time, money and effort to and he lives up to his name


Antagonist – Judas Fallon

Male, young, impressionable, officer of the local police, misled to hate Pontius

Life goal is to bring down Pontius and bring him to justice, even though Pontius’ motives are pure

Judas: famous Biblical betrayer of Jesus; Judas betrays the cause he works for by trying to shut down Pontius and stop the illegal acts he does which actually help the greater good

Fallon: leader; This is meant to represent Judas’ authoritative position and his place as an example to his community



Protagonist – Asha Felix

Female, climbing Everest, over ambitious, loves the outdoors

Her goal is to conquer Everest after her father perished while on the mountain

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December 13th, 2010 Stranger than Fiction Part 2 Ashten Blain

Asha: wish, desire, hope; All Asha has ever wanted to do is make it to the summit of Mount Everest, and now that she has done the best she can to prepare for such a trip, she can only hope that she will make it to the top before her competition does.

Felix: lucky, successful; Asha has the right attitude and disposition to be successful in anything she does, and this angers Zhong more and more


Antagonist – Zhong Masaru

Jealous, female, hates Asha, need to win

Is only interested in climbing Everest to beat Asha, her enemy since childhood, because she always feels that Asha has something over her

Zhong: middle; Zhong is driven by the amount of attention she can receive for her deeds, and she enjoys being in the middle of any situation

Masaru: victory; Zhong craves victory and is desperate to do anything she can to overshadow Asha.


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