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Chapter 1

“5 more minutes until recess,” Rohan groaned with his head on the desk as he drifted off into space.

“ROHAN,” screeched Miss Adan like a broken record player.

All the droopy eyes in the room suddenly flashed open.

“What?” replied Rohan sleepily.

Miss Adan stomped towards him and stared straight into his eyes without blinking.

“What…did I just say?” she said displeased. “Ugh. Never mind. I was simply explaining how portals only work if a group of people combine their powers together,” she spluttered. “I’m going to call the roll now before I forget.”

While Miss Adan went through the roll, Rohan continued to chat with Lachlan.

“Why did I even want to go this school?” he asked Lachlan.

“You came here because this school is actually awesome. Dude, it’s on the moon! And we have the best soccer matches in the craters at lunch, remember?”

Miss Adan overheard the boys and began to rage. She couldn’t hold it in any longer.

“ROHAN AND LACHLAN, STOP TALKING!” she yowled. “Quickly boys, pass these notes around the class,” she said in exhaustion.

As Rohan hesitantly handed out the notes he began to think about why he begged his parents to enrol him at the SSS (Super Space School). The SSS was a mammoth school. It is in the shape of a rocket when you look at it from the outside and the classrooms are all at different levels. There is a large water supply and plenty of magnets everywhere to help things stick without floating away. There is a central control system at the pinnacle of the rocket. Although from the outside the windows into

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the classrooms appear very dark, when you go inside they are clearly joyful and fun as you watch your friends floating above and around you as you try to get to class on time. And as you peer out of the window during class, you can see the beautiful distant twinkling stars, as if they were twinkling just for you.

There was one particular classroom, however, the one that Rohan loved to talk in, that was different to all the others.

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Chapter 2

This classroom was filled with so much wonder and inspiration. The students used their imaginations to solve real life problems and worksheets were a thing of the past. It was a loud classroom because everyone, even the more shy students, wanted to be heard. This classroom was like an island, where everyone felt safe and happy.

“Guess what Super 4A?” Miss Adan said excitedly. “We’re about to go on a very exciting excursion!”

The class began to squeal and shout in celebration.

“We’re going to travel throughout our solar system!” Miss Adan continued. Now the class knew that they were off to space but they did not know the best bit. They were going to fly off on a ROCKET. None of them had ever been on a rocket before so they all expected that it was going to be pretty awesome.

“We will be able to go into the rocket today for a practice launch and safety check,” Mr Kerrigan said blissfully as he began messing around with the remote used to control the rocket. Super 4A were thrilled that Mr Kerrigan was coming along for the ride! He was an awesome teacher who always reminded the students that mistakes were opportunities! And he was pretty funny with puppets too.

“I wish that we could see the rocket right now,” Lachie groaned to Lukas impatiently. Lukas shrugged in response.

“Don’t forget to practice your superpowers throughout the week. It’s very important you keep developing your skills. You never know when they will come in handy!” Miss Adan reminded the class as she led them into the rocket for a practice launch. The students crept into the rocket, gazing at all the wondrous things inside. Some students began to practice using their super powers while others, of course, started messing about. Videsh couldn’t keep control of his laser eye powers and accidentally shot the button which locked the door on the rocket.

Mr Kerrigan suddenly noticed what happened and bolted to the door.

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“It won’t open!” he cried in fear.

“Don’t worry. I can break down the door, Mr K!” Rachel shouted helpfully. She tried and tried to break it down with her powers but nothing happened. “Even the strongest people on earth couldn’t break it,” she muttered to herself.

The rocket started to groan and so did Super 4A’s tummies. The rocket filled with terror. The class started arguing about potential solutions, with students shouting over the top of one another. The noise was deafening. Some students thought it wise to run around the rocket like mad men then all of a sudden…

“STOP!!!!” Miss Adan screamed as she rang her trusty bell. Everybody froze and the room became complete silent.

“Awkward silence,” Chelsea said in a weird voice. The whole class burst out with laughter, including Miss Adan and Mr Kerrigan who really tried to hide the fact that it was hilarious.

“Guys, we’re still stuck in the rocket,” Emily said nervously while quickly scanning the room.

Super 4A heard something that made them even more terrified. A loud roaring sound burst. The rocket started to lift and the whole class started to scream, “AHHHHHHHH!!!” Worse case scenarios were all that everyone could picture in their minds.

“Calm down,” Miss Adan tried to say peacefully.

“Yes, calm down everyone, calm down!” Mr Kerrigan shouted on top of Miss Adan trying to relieve the students. They could feel the rocket travelling higher and higher off the ground. By now it was 200 metres in the air. Luckily the roof of the room that the rocket was located in was already open so the rocket didn’t crash into it when it launched. But how did it even launch?

“Wait! I know! Even though Videsh burnt the button to lock the door, there’s a spare button to unlock the door. So why don’t we just press the unlock button?” Caydence suggested cleverly. Everyone began questioning her but then Caydence repeated it slowly and suddenly a

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light bulb appeared above everyone’s heads. Like panthers, the children pounced towards the button to try and be the first one to press it. Everyone wanted to be the hero. The door opened but Super 4A was still floating high up in the air.

“Stop the rocket NOW, please!” Priya screamed politely, with tears beginning to roll down her cheek. Mr Kerrigan decided to press the same button used to launch the rocket but this time it did the opposite. The rocket began falling down at an ever increasing rate.

CRASH! The rocket had landed. Where exactly? No one knew for sure and no one was really concerned at the time because they wanted to make sure that everyone was unharmed. Slowly, the class took turns helping each other climb out of the rocket safely. To everyone’s relief no one was injured, just a little shaken. And luckily, they had landed back onto the moon, a few hundred metres away from the SSS.

“Do you all still want to go on the excursion tomorrow?” Miss Adan asked in fear.

The students gave each other puzzled looks and it was quiet for almost 5 whole seconds. But then, almost in unison, the class shouted,


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Chapter 3

“5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!” yelled Miss Adan loudly into the microphone.

“I can’t believe we’re actually going to explore our solar system today!” Rohan said as he did his happy dance in his seat.

“THIS is why I came to this school, dude!” said Lachlan with an enormous grin on his face.

When they travelled further into space, the ride began to feel uncomfortable.

“Why is it so bumpy in here?” cried Chelsea confusingly. There was no reply. So far, the journey had taken 2 hours and already everyone had fallen asleep. All except for the teachers, who were driving the rocket, and Matthew and Kushaan who were busy playing an intense game of Minecraft.

After another 3 hours, the whole group fell into a deep slumber. Emily and Hannah were obviously dreaming about dancing in their sleep, as their feet and hands were twitching. Matthew was drooling all over Kushaan’s shoulder.

“You will never catch me!” Owen shouted with his eyes shut tight. He was obviously dreaming about being in a war, which he so often loves to read about. Who knew that so many students in Super 4A talk to themselves while they sleep and snore quite badly? Even Miss Adan and Mr Kerrigan were snoring. It sounded like an awful orchestra were hired to play in the rocket. Actually, it sounded like an African circus gone wrong. But hang on! If the teachers weren’t driving the rocket then who…?

The rocket began spinning out of control! And no one apart from Olivia, who woke up from the sudden jolt, saw anything falling off the shelves. The room was shaking like an earthquake and the boxes were toppling onto the floor. Olivia immediately grabbed hold of the walls for balance.

“Ha! Everyone’s asleep. I better go control the rocket,” whispered Olivia.

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CRASH! “Oh, whoops!” Olivia said nervously to herself as the rocket bumped into an unknown flying object. But no one woke up. “That was close. Wow, Super 4A really are a bunch of deep sleepers,” she said to herself as she watched her classmates in dream land.

Olivia bumped the rocket again. BOOM! “Oh no, what’s going to happen now?” Olivia thought to herself in panic. She saw Mr Kerrigan begin to wake up and quickly jumped into her sleeping bag, squinting so that she could see what would happen next.

“Wake up. We fell asleep!” Mr Kerrigan said as he gently nudged Miss Adan.

“Oh no! Thanks for waking me up,” Miss Adan replied. “Luckily the whole class is still fast asleep. What will we do?”

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Chapter 4

Mr Kerrigan and Miss Adan were able to get the rocket to the nearest land, but not in one piece. The rocket had broken down and was severely damaged.

The room woke up in a fright. Some of the boys began crying for their mums but then realised that they were on an excursion and quickly wiped away their crocodile tears. Sanika, Rachel, Sherry and even their toy puppets started panicking. The rocket was in clear chaos.

“Everyone calm down,” said Mr Kerrigan in a kind voice. “Is there anyone with a useful superpower who can help us?” The class began to think. Then all of a sudden…. CRASH! BOOM!

“What was that?” asked Yung Zhen. “An asteroid, probably,” said Caydence. “Did anyone bring a map?” asked Mr Kerrigan. “No, we forgot,” Shubhan mumbled in an annoyed tone. Then everyone noticed that the rocket began splitting apart. It felt like an earthquake.

The class rushed to the windows to see if they could get a clearer view of what was happening. Everyone agreed that the rocket was useless and that they urgently needed an escape plan.

“What are we going to do?” asked Priya who had only just arrived at SSS a few days ago and obviously did not have the best first impression.

“We need to think of a plan,” replied Caydence whose super power was super intelligence.

“Maybe I could use my powers to levitate the broken parts of the rocket back together!” Kushaan suggested helpfully, eager to show the class his super power which he had been working on for months.

“But how are we going to escape?” asked Miss Adan, questioning Kushaan’s strategy.

The class struggled to brainstorm more potential plans of escape.

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“Wait! I remember something!” said someone in the class who no one expected to hear from. It was Mr Kerrigan.

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Chapter 5

“What is it?” everybody shouted desperately.

“The space food!” Mr Kerrigan replied randomly.

“No time for FOOD!” Chelsea yelled in anger.

“I want to go home,” Rohan whined. “I want to see my mum… my dad… and… and… even my annoying brothers.”

“We’re going to die, aren’t we?” Maria asked Mary quietly.

“No we won’t! You are all not thinking logically,” said William.

“The emergency rockets!” Rishi shouted with his arms flailing in the air like a crazy person as if he had just struck gold.

“He’s right,” Joel said. “They’re in the back of the shuttle. I know this because I studied the blueprint before we left.” Everyone rolled their eyes.

The anxious and scared class walked through the metal hallway. The alarm sounded and smoke enveloped the area. The class then ran over to the emergency rockets which were in sight.

“5 people will be in this rocket and that rocket!” Mr Kerrigan shouted sternly for some reason. Mr Kerrigan wasn’t normally like that.

“Miss Adan is going to split us up into groups!” Caydence shouted.

“Okay. Caydence and Haritha with Isabel and Lachie, Hannah and Videsh with Jasmine, Rohan and Mary, Lachlan I and Ayushi with William and Lukas, Owen and Emily with Gareth, Rishi and Priya, Sherry and Rachel with Matthew and Kushaan, Chelsea and Sanika with Shubhan Joel and Edwin, and Olivia and Maria with me and and Mr Kerrigan. Are there any questions?” Once all the panicking was finished there was complete silence. The pods were going in different directions and floating as slowly as worms through the black.

“It’s too small,” Hannah complained not being able to fit her bright pink suitcase into the emergency rocket.

“Come on Hannah! Forget your suitcase. Just get in already!” Owen argued. The others agreed.

The class boarded the rockets, saying goodbye to their luggage. BOOM! The rockets blasted and emerged out of the shuttle and off into deep space, in hope of returning to school.

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Chapter 6

“Yes! “We’re safe!” said Lukas in a girly voice, a voice he only uses when he is over-the-moon happy.

“Then… why are we splitting up?” Haritha called out, realising that the emergency rockets were headed into different directions.

“What!?” Edwin yelled in disbelief.

“I thought we were going to the SSS!” cried Isabel.

“How are we going to get back to school?” screamed Jasmine. Everyone knew that Jasmine was serious because she usually whispered everything.

“We’re not,” Ayushi said, hugging Jasmine as tight as she physically could. Jasmine started to turn as blue as a blueberry.

Every single pod started to panic.

At Caydence’s pod they started to look for supplies. Lachie was puzzled of why they should look for supplies. As soon as Lachie stopped talking, Isabel found something in a bag. The thing in the bag was useful but they didn’t know how to use it. There were two of them. They started to think about how to communicate with each other using the devices.

Meanwhile at Miss Adan’s pod, the children were trying to figure out how to get back home. But Miss Adan was getting a big headache because of the noise. Then she shouted out, “Stop mucking around!!”

“But we need to figure out how to get back home!” Hannah said in a scared tone.

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Chapter 7

“AHH!” screamed Mary in the pod. The galaxy flew past their pod at the speed of light. Super 4A was terrified. Boom! The precious emergency rockets exploded. Now there was really no way of getting back to their beloved school, the SSS.

Emily’s pod saw a panorama of different planets. The orange Jupiter, the huge Red Pistol Supergiant, minute Pluto, magnificent Saturn and boiling hot Venus until the group landed somewhere. And that was it for the group. It was a deserted wasteland with dirty air. The whole group stood up to face each other. They realised they were very hot. They eventually realised they were on Mercury.

They walked around and realised they were lost. In this dirty planet full of dust and craters, it was a ridiculous maze.

“The only way we are going to survive is to find food,” Rishi said restlessly.

“You’re right,” Emily and Priya replied in unison.

“I hope the other groups are okay!” Owen commented.

After their conversation, they scattered to find food. When they came back, they all complained that they didn’t succeed.

They all screamed at the top of their voices, “HELP!” That was the only thing they could do. No reply.

Was this the end?

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Chapter 8

“Oh no! Oh no!” Lachie cried. “Where are we?” Despite his girly tone and the other students’ groans, his irritating voice continued.

“We’re, we’re…” Isabel whispered as a shiver of fear ran up her spine.

“Lost!” Caydence continued after her.

“Why?!” Lachie screamed at the top of his voice.

“Isabel?” Miss Adan called checking. “Isabel?”

“Lachie?” Mr. Kerrigan called. “Lachie?”

Their eyes glistened as they realised that they were split up.

“At least you got ME!” Olivia cheered.

The rocket boosted. Engines rumbled. “Where are we?” Lachie quivered as the vehicle started to move. SWOOSH! The rocket swiftly zoomed towards nowhere. In the middle of the galaxy there was surely no help!

CRASH! They saw a red spot.

“Fire?” Lachie joked seeing the red.

“Mars!” Caydence, Isabel and Haritha shouted.

“Where’s everyone else?” Isabel questioned.

“The rockets must have flown in different directions and landed on different planets.” Caydence calculated. All groaning, a mutter of fear struck.

It was reality, nothing could stop them. Flying out of this crazy universe was not an option at the moment.

“I left my pencil at home, you’ve got to be kidding me!” Caydence whined snapping at Haritha. All the groups were panting like dogs that haven’t had water in a week. Caydence fainted because her brain work was low. Everyone was panicking, hearts beating fast. It was just like the tiny ripple before the giant panic attack wave. Even worse, a volcano was no longer dormant on Mars.

They swiftly ran for their survival. Being lost was not good especially with an erupting volcano. Lava squirted. They ran to the rocket grasping the satchel of supplies.

“Caydence,” Isabel snapped. “Did you take my bubblegum?”

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“No!” Caydence snapped back turning away.

“Bubblegum?” Lachie said like an ecstatic monkey. “But…”

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Chapter 9

“I’m starving!” Caydence shouted.

“Hey, you read my mind!” Lachie shouted back and his stomach growled ferociously.

“I know right? I’m going to die of thirst!” Isabel cried.

Meanwhile on Uranus

Jasmine went in to the rocket as if she were going to her favourite amusement park.

“Who stole the food?” she screamed. She accused Rohan without proof. “I bet it was Rohan! Y-y-y-y-y-you THEIF! Give back the food or we’ll starve!” Jasmine gave Rohan a death stare and started pacing back and forth.

Their stomachs grumbled like four bears that had been let loose.

Meanwhile on Neptune

“BRRRRRRRRRRR!” Sherry shivered. They were starving and freezing! They wanted to use their superpowers to warm themselves, but they wouldn’t work, no one had the right one.

“Nothing we try works!” Rachel complained.

Meanwhile On Pluto

“Come on guys there’s, there’s got to be something around here!” Lukas said as he gestured towards the other direction. They all followed him. “Look guys! Ice! Ice equals water. Let’s break it!” and they all jumped hard on the ice. “Woah!” Lachlan’s foot went straight through the ice, and they all ran, cupped their hands and drank it. While they drank it they bent down but as soon as they took a sip they all stood up because it felt as cold as liquid nitrogen, not that you could taste it.

“This is terrible!” William squealed. “Now what are we going to drink?”

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Meanwhile, on Uranus (again!)

This is hopeless!” moaned Sanika. Chelsea agreed with Sanika.

“There’s no chance that we’re going to get off this horrid planet!” Chelsea whinged annoyingly.

“Stop pouting people and stay positive!” Shubhan said with a smile.

But how could they stay positive in a situation like this?

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Chapter 10

“I’m so hungry! I could eat my space shoes,” complained Rachel as she nibbled her hair, like Sunny from A Series of Unfortunate Events.

“I’m hungry too,” whispered Matthew like a baby mouse.

Sherry glared at Kushaan and answered, “Neptune is too cold. We’re going to freeze to death.”

On Uranus… the drama was already building,

“We are going to DIE! I’m too young, I am too pretty. Someone tell my parents I love them. Catch me!” said Hannah as she fell onto Videsh’s toes.

Back on Mars…

“I want the last piece of bread! I saw it first!” complained Caydence.

“NO, I think I deserve the last piece of bread,” moaned Isabel.

“Girls, girls stop arguing,” Haritha said calmly as he snatched the bread and swallowed it whole.

All the planets had long fights like this for days. Super 4A was losing all hope to live.

Two planets away on Mercury…

“This situation is so illogical. I am done here!” roared Owen. “I’m leaving and no one will stop me!” Four other heads nodded in agreement with Owen and they all stormed off towards different parts of the area.

Across all the planets the groups were sick and tired of sticking together. They decided to split, except on Saturn. Miss Adan said everyone had to stick together, because team work was very important.

Olivia and Maria were riding the rings of Saturn, while Mr Kerrigan and Miss Adan got carried away talking about the other students. Then they realised the box of supplies was empty. Their stomachs were gurgling and felt like a spinning roller coaster.

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The other students realised that they had no hope of surviving alone. It was a mistake to separate and fight with each other. It was definitely time to reunite.

“Okay! Okay! I give up. I can’t stand being alone! I have to find the others!” sobbed Edwin.

Their sobbing and the lack of supplies were wearing their powers off.

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Chapter 11

“I hate you!” Videsh screams.

“Well so do I!” Hannah yells back to Videsh.

“I wish I was in Haritha’s group,” Videsh thinks to himself.

“Seriously, one day that boy is going to drive me crazy!” Hannah thought angrily.

Suddenly, Videsh sees something mysterious and dark in the distance. Whatever it was, it was getting closer and closer to them each second.

“Could it be?” Videsh wondered. “BLACK HOLE!” Without thinking, Videsh lifts Hannah close enough to push her into it and then guess what he does. Before anything horrible could happen, Hannah closed the black hole with her powers.

“That was close! Anyway, my power is still better than yours!” Hannah said with pride.

“No it is not!” Videsh screams from the top of his lungs. He starts shooting lasers into a nearby asteroid.

“Okay Mr Huffy pants! Since you’re SO smart how do we get Super 4A back together? Well?” Hannah questioned.

Videsh begins to say something then puts his head down.

“I don’t know,” he mumbled in defeat.

“Then THINK!” Hannah screams with rage.

After a few minutes of awkward silence…

“I got it! Let’s make a signal tower and you make it bigger with your power!” screeched Videsh. “Let’s make a tiny one so you can sing and make it grow. I know where I can find some crystals to help us.”

2 minutes later…

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“Good, now you can make the stand while I make the signal? Done! Now hurry up and sing, Hannah!” screams Videsh. “Wait! Let me block my ears first.”

“La la la!” screeches Hannah. BOOM!

“Thanks a lot Hannah. You blew it up!” Videsh scolded.

“Huh? What’s this? Maybe both of our powers are not working. What do we do?” asks Hannah.

“Crystal rain? Get into shelter, Hannah!” Videsh yells. Hannah runs into the tiny shelter as fast as a bullet while Videsh stays in the rain.

“OOWW! I think I did something to my arm. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. The rain has stopped and my arm is broken. We can’t do anything. Is that… Haritha? And Caydence? Finally, we found you!” screams Videsh jumping for joy.

“Great to see you, Hari! Now let’s make a signal tower together. Okay, you and Hari make the stand while me and Caydence make the signal,” ordered Videsh.

15 minutes later…

“WE ARE DONE! Now shoot the laser. Okay.” ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. YAY! I think that the lasers are working!” screams Hannah triumphantly.

Over the next few hours, all members of Super 4A arrived safely on Uranus. The plan had worked. All thanks to team work!

“I guess you’re not so bad after all,” Hannah said reluctantly.

“Yeah… you too, I guess,” Videsh replied.

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Chapter 12

4A bickered over what to do as they sat at the tower base. There was nothing they could do just yet.

“The emergency rocket will explode if anyone touches the RED BUTTON!” said Miss Adan worriedly. “No one touch it, please!”

4A heard a buzzing sound head towards the red button.

“No!” the class screamed. They were stranded in space forever.

“At least we’re all together,” said Mr. Kerrigan thankfully.

“It wasn’t my fault there was a self-destruct button that was touch-sensitive,” said Chelsea quickly when the rocket stopped breaking down. “Someone must have touched it. There’s a traitor in our class!”

“…Not!” whispered Rohan quietly with a snigger.

“Only a fly would do would do such a thing!” said Chelsea.

“So who did it?” asked Ayushi looking at her classmates suspiciously.

“Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!” went a curious looking black dot.

“Wait, what was that?” questioned Isabel curiously. “When we were on Uranus I could have created some diamond fuel for our buggy’s spare supply,” grumbled Jasmine in attempt of making a complaint. But even after eating all the liquid diamonds, no one knew what to do.

After sitting, talking and driving around for hours and hours, they found the rocket debris. The rocket was clever enough to put out a sign that displayed:

THIS ROCKET WAS DESTRUCTED BY: Then a picture of a…fly appeared on a red button.

“How did a fly get on board?” asked Isabel. “It’s Lachlan’s fault!” screeched Rohan. “Rohan asked me to bring the fly on board,” argued Lachlan. “I thought he meant a real fly, not a jetpack.” As they bickered, the buggy started to run out of fuel. Without their main fuel source, they

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would have to go into Lunar Emergency mode. Parts of the buggy would be blown up to create EcoFuel. EcoFuel would only take them to Saturn…

Meanwhile, Rohan had a light bulb moment.

“We can build a portal!” he screamed. Everyone snapped out of their thoughts and jumped in surprise.

“Good job, Rohan!” exclaimed Miss Adan.

“Yes, fantastic idea!” repeated Mr Kerrigan.

“I know,” Rohan replied. “Now let’s get to work, people!”

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Chapter 13

“You need a base for the portal, otherwise the portal will stretch out,” mumbled Jasmine.

“I can build the base. I just need some really bright lava, water, moon rock and some help,” Rishi replied.

“I can help!” exclaimed a few people.

“You ALL can help,” smiled Miss Adan with a look which meant that they had no choice. The class and teachers set out to find materials and supplies to help them get back home. They scattered out and about floating above the core of the gas giant planet, Saturn.

Chelsea and Sanika rushed to the rings of the planet. They dragged meteors and brought them to the grounds of Saturn. Joel and Shubhan travelled to the nearest volcano on Io, Jupiter’s moon, and harnessed lava from it.

Isabel and Priya headed to the supplies rocket and both of them froze the water using their powers and carried it to Mary.

“What am I supposed to do with this stupendous giant block of ice?” commented Mary.

“Just melt it,” Priya replied.

“Okay, sure!” said Mary with a huge grin on her face.

Her powers started to work. The ice began to melt and all the materials were ready. Everyone started holding hands and chanted the spell that they learnt in school to build the base of the portal. Then the materials started to float and…. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Everyone opened their eyes. The portal base was in the centre of the circle. The mesh was still to be made. Again they chanted a different spell but a flash of light appeared. There it was! The completed portal was right in front of their eyes.

“What is happening, guys?” exclaimed Matthew.

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“Something is wrong,” Miss Adan said.

The portal was changing colours rapidly. None of them could figure out the problem. Everyone was gasping and the expressions on their faces were too horrifying to look at.

But no one had expected this to be part of the worst case scenario. They were seeing through time. From the big bang, to the end of the universe, over and over again at incredibly fast speeds.

“Whoaaaaaaaaaaa!” shouted Haritha in amazement.

“Just jump in, guys! Come on!” Rohan boomed. He jumped in first without even a second thought. The rest of the class were reluctant. Chelsea felt miserable and burst into tears.

“We will NEVER EVER EVER get home,” sobbed Chelsea.

Suddenly, out came Rohan. But different! He had turned into an alien. The portal was fixed but Rohan was not. The class could see something glowing in Rohan’s hand.

“It’s an energy gem!” Rohan explained.

“Why does he have a gem?” the class began to whisper.

“It’s the only source of energy that increases our powers,” exclaimed Rohan.

“And he’s going to destroy it!” squealed Maria.

But a faint bit of hope was left. The radiation in the atmosphere was morphing him. Bit by bit, he began to turn back into a super human.

“YAYYYYYYY!” screamed the class as they suffocated Rohan in a group hug.

Rohan passed the energy gem around so that everyone’s powers were replenished. They worked hard as a team to finish creating the portal which was their ticket home.

“The portal’s finished!” Mary shouted happily.

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“Yes! Let’s get back to school and play chess!” exclaimed Edwin. Kushaan heard this and did a fist pump since he also loved to play chess.

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Chapter 14

“Why don’t we play a game of soccer as a class instead?” suggested Lachie. “After all, it is our favourite sport,” he added as the class created a circle around the portal.

“Sounds AWESOME,” replied Emily as she twirled in excitement.

“On 3 we will all jump into the portal together,” Miss Adan said. “1…2… 2 and a half…3!” Everyone jumped into the portal hoping that school was on the other end. Travelling through the portal was amazing. As you were spinning you could see pulsating light in many translucent colours. The students had never seen anything like it.

THUD! The students landed on a hard surface, stacking on top of each other like pancakes. As soon as Haritha realised that they had arrived safely in the classroom he began singing a familiar parody to the tune of Beat it by Michael Jackson,

“1, 2, 3, Just…” Haritha started.

Then the class joined in, “Learn it! Learn it! Learn it! Learn it! Don’t you want to learn in Super 4A? Show them that you know it! Tell them what’s right! We know we’re not perfect but we always try. Just learn it! ” The class erupted in laughter.

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