
Stop faking it

Stop faking itCreating meaningful connections with mums

Marketers love simplicity

It makes a complex and confusing World almost manageable2

But the quest for simplicity is selling mums short

Need a lazy example of advertising online of offline3

Bland segmentationsBrand-centric researchSimplistic assumptions

Weaponised by automated marketing

The result is that marketing struggles to connect with mums

Only 19% of British mothers claim there are any examples of mums in advertising that they can relate to Source: Saatchi & Saatchi quantitative research 2014

Its time to stop faking it

We need to stop focusing on the stuff that we really careabout

And start caring about the things mums really care about

This year we handed Mumstock over to mums

How do mums identify themselves?

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Source: Ipsos Connect quantitative research 2016

Top 25 Identities by Volume

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On average they identify with 6 of these groups

I can empathise with many of these groups as I have been divorced and I have twin daughters in their teens of which one is dyslexic. I have suffered a miscarriage and the death of a younger sibling. My step son is in a multicultural marriage and my children are mixed race. All of which are important factors in my familys life.

Source: Ipsos Connect quantitative research, open ended question, 2016


Some are more defining than others in their experience of motherhood

Source: Ipsos Connect quantitative research 2016Top 25 Identities by Intensity

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Its time you got to know their key identities really well

Making real connections

A great deal of value is off limits to one child families2.5m mums

I find it hard to shop for a single child, I have a lot of waste in my house

Its always mum, dad and 2 children or 1 parent and two children. There is no option to reduce the child


Package holidays are a life saver for families with children that have special needs

1.4m mums2nd most intense

There are brands I would repeatedly use because of reliability and trust e.g. First Choice and Thompson holidays. They are all as it says on the tin. I have to be able to say to my daughter this is where were going, what were doingit reduces her anxiety if I can keep her calm, the family is calm


Teens mould mums as much as mums mould their kids

5.5m mums

Im finding Im wearing a little more make up these days, so yeah I am buying more, Ive never bought primer before, so I bought a Benefit primer and a BB cream

Manons friend

Its time to be positive about lone parenting2.3m mums4th most intense

Being a single mum makes you more motivated to do well in your career. Im the only one that they are financially dependent on. Its a massive motivation Ive progressed over the years because thats what I felt necessary. Its quite a positive thing, not a negative thing


The more you step back and embrace complexity the better chance you have of finding simple answers and its often different to the simple answer you started with

Eric Berlow, Ecologist, TED 2010

If all of this sounds complex that is because it is32

Are you ready to stop faking it?

1. Its not all about you

2. Spread the love internallyEmpathy is not a soft nurturing value but a hard commercial tool that every business needs in its DNA

Empathy is not a soft nurturing value but a hard commercial tool that every business needs in its DNA

Empathy is not a soft nurturing value but a hard commercial tool that every business needs in its DNA

Empathy is not a soft nurturing value but a hard commercial tool that every business needs in its DNA

Empathy is not a soft nurturing value but a hard commercial tool that every business needs in its DNA

Empathy is not a soft nurturing value but a hard commercial tool that every business needs in its DNARene Schuster, former CEO Telefonica

3. Open up your business and your brand

Example of brands collaborating with customers to create something powerful.37

Id love to collaborate. Anything that could help a family like mine, a child like mine, or a parent like me. These companies that make these decisions, they dont know everything - you can only learn from experience. If you have that experience you can pass it on and learn from it.


Example of brands collaborating with customers to create something powerful.39

4. Ignore me at your peril

Example of a niche that has gone mainstream.In marketing or in popular culture.Musical genre40

Theyve not caught up with the times. It would be good if they had a single parent and a child, then a single dad or gay parents. Maybe even grandparents who raise the children


5. Be nice to others and Ill be nice to you

6. Youre a mum,act like a mum

A lot of ads look like they have been made by people who dont have a clue what its like to be me. There must be, they cant have an entire advertising industry without having mums involved but it doesnt show


Make life simpler,stop seeking a simple life

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