Download - stickyHeader.js



About Russell Heimlich★ Sole developer at the

Pew Research Center

★ Creator of

★ Frontend and Backend Developer

★ @kingkool68

What Does stickyHeader.js Do?

★ Table headers stick to the top of the viewport

when you scroll down data tables

★ Long data tables become easier to read

★ Has nothing to do with the Sticky Footer

CSS technique

Inspired By Spreadsheets’s Comparator


★ Written by me sometime in 2008 while at

★ Just include the script and 2 CSS rules

★ Works on any table with class=”stickyHeader”

★ 46 lines (uncompressed)

I Thought I Could Just Use CSS...

thead { position:fixed;}

NOPE!(but this CSS works better on today’s browsers)

Plan B

★ Create a DIV after the table

★ Clone the table header and insert it into the DIV

★ Position the DIV using CSS

★ Show/hide the DIV as needed using JavaScript

Code Time!

Wait For The Document To Load

$(document).ready(function () { ... the rest of the code goes here ...}

Find All stickyHeader Tables

var tables = $('table.stickyHeader');tables.each(function(i){ ... the rest of the code goes here ...});

Clone The <thead>

var table = tables[i];

var theadClone = $(table).find('thead').clone(true);

var stickyHeader =$('<div></div>').addClass('stickyHeader hide');

.clone( [withDataAndEvents] )

A Boolean indicating whether event handlers should be copied along with the elements.

As of jQuery 1.4, element data will be copied as well.

Append the Cloned <thead>

stickyHeader.append( $('<table></table') ) .find('table').append(theadClone);


The HTML So Far

<table class=”stickyHeader”> <thead>....</thead> ...</table>

<div class=”stickyHeader hide”> <table> <thead>...</thead> </table></div>

Back to the JavaScript

var tableHeight = $(table).height();

Finding The Width Is Trickier

var tableWidth = $(table).width() +Number( $(table).css( 'padding-left' ).replace(/px/ig,"") )+ Number( $(table).css( 'padding-right' ).replace(/px/ig,"") )+ Number( $(table).css( 'border-left-width' ).replace(/px/ig,"") )+ Number( $(table).css( 'border-right-width' ).replace(/px/ig,"") );

Why So Complicated?

★ width() doesn’t account for padding and

border widths.

★ Should have used outerWidth() instead.

Why Do We Need Table Dimensions?

Table Cell Shiftiness

★ Table cell widths adjust based on the contents

★ When we take the <thead> away from the

<table> widths can change, and the illusion of

the stickyHeader effect will be broken.

★ We need to loop through the cells and set the

width manually to fix this.

Now To Determine <th> Height

var headerCells = $(table).find('thead th');

var headerCellHeight = $(headerCells[0]).height();

Match Header Cell Widths

for (i=0; i<headerCells.length; i++) { var headerCell = $(headerCells[i]); var cellWidth = headerCell.width(); cellWidth = cellWidth + "px"; $(stickyHeaderCells[i]).css('width', cellWidth);}

Does The Browser Support postion:fixed?

var no_fixed_support = false;if (stickyHeader.css('position') == "absolute") { no_fixed_support = true;}


.hide { display:none;}div.stickyHeader { position:fixed; _position:absolute; top:0;}

IE6 Doesn’t Support position:fixed

★ We can use CSS to determine if we’re dealing

with IE6

★ IE6 will be positioned using JavaScript instead

The Underscore “Hack”

★ .property: value; - Targets IE7 and below

★ _property: value; - Targets IE6 and below

★ Think of it like an unofficial browser prefix

Determining The Cutoff Points

var cutoffTop = $(table).offset().top;

var cutoffBottom = cutoffTop + tableHeight - headerCellHeight;

Show/Hide The stickyHeader On Scroll

$(window).scroll(function() { var currentPosition = $(window).scrollTop(); //More Code Will Go Here! });

Top of the Viewport (627px)

Top of the Table (446px)

Bottom of the Table (6000+px)

If The Viewport Is Within The Cutoff Points

if (currentPosition > cutoffTop &&currentPosition < cutoffBottom) { stickyHeader.removeClass('hide'); if (no_fixed_support) { stickyHeader.css('top', currentPosition + 'px'); }}

Otherwise Hide The stickyHeader

else { stickyHeader.addClass('hide');}

Notes About Styling

.stickyHeader Needs A Background Color

★ It is an overlay after all...

If You Need To Get Specific

/*Global table header styles */th { ... }

/*Original stickyHeader table header styles */table.stickyHeader th { ... }

/*Cloned stickyHeader table header styles */div.stickyHeader th { ... }

Other Versions

★ Ported over to the 4 most popular libraries

★ Prototype

★ jQuery 1.3.2

★ MooTools 1.2.2

★ Dojo Toolkit 1.3.1

Thoughts On Different Libraries

★ Prototype: Extends JavaScript Language

★ jQuery: Makes JavaScript Easier

★ MooTools: Hybrid Prototype/jQuery

★ Dojo Toolkit: WTF?!?!

Other Things I Learned

★ jQuery handles dimensions the best, other

libraries made me have to write my own.

★ For logging event data, use document.title

instead of console.log

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