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The teaching on Christian stewardship is not complete without examining our Stewardship of possessions. God is concerned with how we acquire, manage and use our possessions/resources.

1. Stewardship:

Merriam-Webster defined stewardship as the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.

Christian stewardship can therefore be defined as, an attitude of systematic and proportionate giving of life, time, abilities and material possessions, based on the conviction that they are from God and meant to be used in His service for the benefit and expansion of His kingdom.

2. Foundation for Stewardship

The basic foundation for Christian stewardship is the truth that God is the owner of everything. Exo. 19:5; John 1:1, 3; Ps.24:1,2; Lev. 25:23; I Chr. 19:14; Ps. 50:10. God owns everything and man is a trustee and caretaker over what He owns.

3. Biblical Foundation - Jam. 1: 17; I Tim. 6: 17.

The scripture is clear that God blesses his people with material blessings. He is the God that loves to prosper His people - Job 36:11; II Cor. 8:9; Jos. 1:8; Ps. 1:1-3. Poverty is a curse and material blessings are part of our redemption privileges.

Therefore, stewardship of possessions means - the faithful use of one’s possessions/resources for the advancement of Christ’s kingdom in this world.

5. Possession and Responsibilities - I Tim. 6:17.19.

Material possessions come along with many responsibilities. God’s purpose of blessing us with such material possessions as cars, houses, mansions, clothing, and basic necessities of life is not selfish and personal aggrandizement. It is for the glory of God and the benefit of others. More material prosperities means more spiritual maturity and capabilities to handle them in a wise way, else they quickly destroy.

6. Dangers of Material Possessions - Luke 12:13-21; Luke 21:34

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There is acute danger of allowing our heart to mix with the sand and mud of this life and forget the one who gave us richly all things to enjoy.

Tendency to trust in wealth and possess Tendency to forgetting God Tendency to be cold and lukewarm toward spiritual things Covetousness Greediness and lack of contentment Dishonest gain and sinfulness

7. How to use our possessions for the Lord Recognize His as the owner of all things Dedicate and surrender all to Him Do good and learn to give Don’t deprive the church the usage of your possessions Learn to be content in whatever state you are Don’t approve yourself on the basis of material possessions Determine to lay up your treasure in heaven - Matt. 6:21 Resist the temptation of materialism

Conclusion:Our attitude toward stewardship is the yardstick to having possessions.Christians are Stewards - I Pet. 4:1 0; Luke 19:13; Matthew 25: 14, 15.

A steward is a manager, caretaker of another man’s property. We are all managers of God’s property, God is the real owner. Our keeping of God’s property is temporary. He is going to demand the account of our stewardship (Rom. 14: 12; II Cor. 5: 10; Luke 12:42-48). Hence, God calls us to be faithful - I Cor. 4:2; Matt. 25: 14.30.

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