  • 8/16/2019 Steve Jobs Informático y Empresario Estadounidense


    Steve Jobs was an informatic and businessman American. Father's first personal

    computer and founder of Apple Computer, probably the most innovative company in

    this industry.

    In the speech given at Stanford niversity in !""# at graduate students, Steve Jobs

    shared three stories that occurred from his life and how these relates to their success.

    In his first story, Steve Jobs spo$e about the connection the dots, in this story Steve

    said his biological mother decided to give it up for adoption and she wanted it to be

    adopted by college graduates, however, he finally was adopted by a married couple,

    where his mother had never graduated from college and his father had never 

    graduated from high school.

     At %& years old he did go to college. ut it abandonment after si( months, since he had

    no idea what he wanted to do with his life and the how college him was going to help

    figure it out. For he was one of the best decisions he made, the minute it dropped out,

    he could stop ta$ing the re)uired classes that did not interest and he started to attendthat interested him. It was then that too$ a calligraphy class, where he learned about

    serif and sans serif typefaces, and about varying the amount of space between

    different letter combinations. *hat he served %" years later when they were designing

    the first +acintosh computer. If he had never dropped in on that single course in

    college, the +ac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced

    fonts and generally its li$ely that no personal computer would have them.

    -e want to say when he spo$e about connecting points is that along the way or time

    the points will oin, so we must hear our hearts, since they give us confidence in

    something. /ou cant connect the dots loo$ing forward0 you can only connect them

    loo$ing bac$ward. 

    So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your 


    In his second story spea$ about love and loss. -e says that as Apple grew they hired

    someone who he thought was very talented to run the company with he, and for the

    first year the things went well, but then the visions of the future began to diverge and

    eventually they had a falling out. *hen they did, then he was fired and not had the

    support of the board of directors. 1espite of he was devastated, he reali2ed that was a

    good thing because the heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of 

    being a beginner again.

    -e could enter in one of the most creative periods of your life and he started a

    company named 3e45, another company named 6i(ar, and he met his wife. 6i(ar is

    now the most successful animation studio in the world and went on to create the

    worlds first computer animated feature film, 5oy Story. also it happened that Apple

    bought 3e45, I and he returned to Apple.

    In relation to wor$, Steve Jobs said7 8/ouve got to find what you love. And that is as

    true for your wor$ as it is for your lovers. /our wor$ is going to fill a large part of your 

    life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great wor$. And

    the only way to do great wor$ is to love what you do. If you havent found it yet, $eep

    loo$ing. 1ont settle. As with all matters of the heart, youll $now when you find it. And,

  • 8/16/2019 Steve Jobs Informático y Empresario Estadounidense


    li$e any great relationship, it ust gets better and better as the years roll on. So $eep

    loo$ing until you find it. 1ont settle9.

    In his third story tal$s about death and how close it felt after being diagnosed with

    cancer. After recovering, he thought the death is the destination we all share and no

    one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because 1eath is very li$ely thesingle best invention of :ife. It is :ifes change agent. It clears out the old to ma$e way

    for the new.

    Steven Jobs gives this advice to all7 ;/our time is limited, so dont waste it living

    someone elses life. 1ont be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other 

    peoples thin$ing. 1ont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner 

    voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. 5hey

    somehow already $now what you truly want to become.

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