Page 1: Statement to Venezuela Governors, 11 July 1961Statement to Venezuela Governors, 11 July 1961 Author John A. Carver Jr. Subject John A Carver Jr. Speeches Keywords university of denver,

l1emarksAssistant $eeret~ryofth.e !nt~tiorJonl1 1;\ before (Jovernol:$ Silt Vene;nt.elan frovin'i:es, W/l$hlngton,.ll. e .... July 11, 196.1

l'.t::isanhotlor£or n'le t.opetzhe JiPoke$~,n .$eeret~>ry oftl;u~ lnte't'ior 1lI;E!W.J;':t L. U(l.lll tod.,uy., ,un41i tl;) 41s:(:ingtd,sb.e.d governo:t:'sfrom pt'o'Vine.$s ... JU$t. a.~f1kCl.goJlaborepl'elitente4 $eert1\;~~yV¢laU i~~$'rli!Uloni$sbonoring tJte 150th$nllliversa;ry of .1f!ll;tt' .aouatry. l'l'el';lident ~n~df an4you:r Ambassadoltto .... . UnitadStat'.es,Hisli!lt<;.e).letley '.' .lo$e Antol1ibKa1~ibre>ex(:hlin'lg~'I!I nt~$s,a!_s . . soo'l!l..-will p~tw.,~n otlrcount:r;ieJ~ a~(i1 jOl~tyd .tt'+nollQr:blgth$ . #e~,t .. ' ~tmQ'm'BQ11v:~:r. '11 ~iber~.tbr' $ ~rtEitueii$ b~ltJw .mYW<LnQbW,tlt tlle opp'O~tttte end t;;hi$ hallW&y.

A!lI'b.assa.dOl:: .$l1d I (l.'hatted hri.eflYJand he .'lIl.ethat in your (;.ountt'j7 Minbtryofthe I.nt~rior was c:ollc€lrnItQcni.e;flypo.liti¢.!1I.l m$;tters.

I .$.aid it: was "'J.."'./i.'11l"'''''''~''' here, af·t:e.r all,

At;:atty rat;e.todily !tc/!i!,11 ybcU a litt1e what We do, and youJ?an Judge. for ycou1lts.elvelll 1I!I{~'11:.J;;1~·~:£, thtlii8s d.1£ferertt Ve'i:le0'l,U!~.1a.

to think-of oU);':tl1epat't.nle;ut ASa de;pa.l'tment man~,ge.,¢:on$erv:e~anddevelopth,em. :tn t:hlfatn~a;

r:e.,SOl"r~lfi.I'1!;., both.ports «l;ndcomro~l'dal.iind . wi ldl :tie develbpment ,.!1I.lldex'!'toitatiot1.o£mineralsl in the

hUne$sing weitel'll$tr~~td iniSllttl.9l!ii$J!,Q powtircl,av(ilopm.m.t;in ~~ntinilit.eljittS . th~ l$$if$ penl11tting .privat~<'t~~r$;eir '. ¢~,ttleal1d liilheap thf)lpublie latlds ~.$n<il rel.4ttlHi work Ci!tl':S- slld't'ehi!tbilitation

t.htlt:ange it.,IJl'el f;m.\ll.n~g1),t,g a greatnationals.ys't,em;a.ndiuDil$;Lq r<a.$e~ltt:ch and development: o;l:methoo$ ~ot!;vjQrIi:liQft Baa water tf)) tresb 'Wa.t;lfar ...... ill thesethtngs -we are eoneerued 'Wi eh na.tural reSOl;U::'C$S.

'But we art1!~' w:Lth o$ber 'rhi$ ~epa;rtment i.fil charged ~V"tthre$pon$-.ibllity for tile f))fth.eUnitet't ·Stettea .. - the

Islands, fanti.Uar to all you. as aneighllor Oll the llar.i..b11e.n. AmericanS/lmloa,a,ndallam. We:are entrust~d with theWrust 'rerritory the PJ:t.¢ifie IS.lands -'" a ;trusteeshil' under t:'fnita:dN.ttiQns GbVerins th.ree m.111ibtl.$quare milet6 of t1t$ $ w1tht,he Isls:ad$ of the M~riaaa$,C~.rb 1inces~ and ~l's:haU Islands.

tuttle h(tinanresourees field Ii our 0 ldest:aureeu is lnd.ian .A;f;fitl.r$,. byCangr~s$ a <lu8rter century bef<xre :the :Departnlent itself was aet up ill la49.

Page 2: Statement to Venezuela Governors, 11 July 1961Statement to Venezuela Governors, 11 July 1961 Author John A. Carver Jr. Subject John A Carver Jr. Speeches Keywords university of denver,

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