Page 1: Statement of IIT Roorkee dated 4 June, 2020 · 5) and the President of the Gurgaon Chapter (Annexure 6). A cursory glance at these documents will show the depth to which the EC of

Statement of IIT Roorkee dated 4th June, 2020

Subject: Disassociation of IIT Roorkee from IIT Roorkee Alumni Association

1. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee is a prestigious and historical educational

institute. The ethos and values imparted to the students during their time at the

Institute has served them well in all spheres of their lives for long. Indian Institute of

Technology Roorkee Alumni Association was created to connect the alumni among

themselves and with their alma mater. It was hoped that it will strengthen their mutual

bonds, help them rise in their social and professional life and whenever possible also

help and support the Institute.

2. However, it has come to the notice of the Institute in the past few years that the

Alumni Association has been reduced to a mere self-serving body to suit the interests

of a minority of alumni. The sanctity and purpose of the Association and its Executive

Committee has been completely ignored and the EC has become a mere coterie of this

minority of alumni who have little interest in the aims and objectives of the

Association. They have continuously desecrated the ethos of the Institute and have

become a cause for great concern as their ill-conceived actions are reflecting poorly

on the Institute.

3. In the past more than three years that I have had the privilege and honour to serve as

the Director of this prestigious Institute, I have observed a deep rooted malaise in the

functioning of the Association. Let me try and summarise a few of the important

things that I have seen since 2017.

4. In the first 12-18 months of my acquaintance with IITRAA, I noticed the following


(a) The meetings of the EC of IITRAA appeared as if they were meetings of the

Roorkee local Chapter of IITRAA because very few out station members would

attend whether physically or over VC.

(b) Most members of the EC lacked a sense of responsibility towards IITR despite (i)

The presence of the name of IITR in the name of IITRAA (ii) Office Space provided

by IITR and (iii) Annual funds tranferred, year after year, by IITR to IITRAA. On the

contrary, one could even sense an occasional hostility towards the parent institute.

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(c) Although there was a lot of talk about helping alumni in distress, there was a clear

lack of ability or intent to put a system in place.

(d) All alumni of IITR are not members of IITRAA. Strangely, a significant fraction

of the members were unaware of the fact that they were enrolled as members of


Each of the above listed points was important in its own right and hence worrisome,

but at that time my overall feeling was that the situation is not beyond redemption.

5. In view of my optimism as stated in the last sentence above, I decided to nurture

IITRAA and also spend more time with its office bearers so that it could change

course and set itself on a reform trajectory. To reduce their insecurities about the

support and to demonstrate the commitment of IITR, a new well-furnished office at a

prime location in the JT Building and resources to further boost their finances were


6. During the process of organization of alumni reunions of different batches in 2017,

several alumni complained about (a) IITRAA’s ability to connect IITR alumni

nationally as well as globally (b) Issues in the way reunions were being organized by

IITRAA. It was pointed out that the key objective of IITRAA was to provide a

networking platform for IITR alumni spread across the globe. So IITRAA needed to

focus on activities outside IITR and alumni related activities inside the institute

should be organized by IITR.

7. In view of this clear and reasonable feedback, it was agreed that all reunions from

2018 onwards would be organized by DORA, IITR. One positive fallout of this

decision was immediately obvious. It lead to a better organization of reunions and

significantly greater participation by alumni in their respective batch reunions.

8. But sadly, the other expected output of this decision that was to be carried out by

IITRAA did not happen. Thus, except for some symbolic efforts, IITRAA continued

to fail in terms of its fundamental mandate i.e. revitalization of dormant chapters

across the globe, providing a framework for chapters to function and connect with

IITRAA, creation of new chapters which are over due in several geographical areas

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both inside the country as well as outside, improvement in alumni database, creation

of a system for the welfare of alumni in distress etc.

9. Not surprisingly, majority of alumni do not seem to be connected to IITRAA and

hence the voting in its elections is abysmally low (less than 10% of alumni

population). Most of the candidates and voters come from a limited geographical area.

10. In early 2018, several complaints were received from alumni about the way elections

of EC members were conducted by IITRAA. The Patron informed the then President

IITRAA, a recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus Award of the institute in the year

2012, that this situation was bringing a very bad name to the institute and requested

for a trustworthy and transparent election mechanism so that complaints do not arise

and, if they arise, they could be effectively addressed. It was also pointed out that

since several EC members appear for re-election, there is an obvious conflict of

interest issue if the elections continue to be organized under the supervision of the

Returning Officer (RO) appointed by the EC of IITRAA. The RO should not be

selected by the EC, or else none of the EC members should stand for a re-election. It

was a peculiar situation where prospective candidates were themselves party to the

selection of the RO of the election. Lastly, it was pointed out that if a company was

hired for conducting elections, persons involved in authorising payments to the

company must strictly stay away from the complete election process.

11. Regretably, nothing changed in the elections in 2020. Again, we received several

complaints. In fact, this time it was even worse. The outgoing President IITRAA

himself did not receive the voting link and when he complained, he was immediately

provided a link but was not told what had caused this lapse. How can such a process

earn the confidence of alumni? Ultimately, it is the IITR name that gets sullied.

12. The outgoing President sent a letter (Annexure 1) to me on the day his term got over.

The letter mentioned his failed attempts at bringing necessary reforms in IITRAA

because the EC has been posing great resistance to any fundamental change. He

unequivocally conveyed to me that IITRAA, with its current structure and bye-laws,

appears to be beyond redemption and if the institute does not wish to sully its name

any further, IITR should disassociate itself from IITRAA.

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13. In view of this strong recommendation, that too from the immediate past President

and a Distinguished Alumnus Awardee of the Institute, I realized the urgency of the

matter and decided to make one more attempt to try and set the IITRAA on the path

of reform. Since my earlier addresses to the EC did not have the desired effect, this

time I thought of writing a letter to the EC so that my message is not lost, as often

happens with oral addresses. I sent this letter (Annexure 2) to the current President of

IITRAA on 11th April 2020. However, to my utter dismay, the Patron’s letter was

received with visible hostility from some EC members.

14. Subsequently, I urged the immediate past President not to lose hope and requested

him to share his insights with the new President, that he very kindly did (Annexure

3). One more reason for the hope of reform was the stature of the new President, an

internationally renowned person and also a recipient of the Distinguished Alumnus

Award of the Institute in the year 2016.

15. I have received reports from the current President (Annexure 4), DORA (Annexure

5) and the President of the Gurgaon Chapter (Annexure 6). A cursory glance at these

documents will show the depth to which the EC of IITRAA has sunk to.

16. What changed between 11th February 2020 and 19th May 2020? By virtue of the

express authorization given by the outgoing EC (2018-2020) on 2nd February 2020,

the immediate past President announced on 11th February 2020 the name of Shri

Mohinder Nayyar as the next President. Several members of the immediate past EC

who are also in the current EC welcomed the announcement on record. No further EC

meeting was scheduled since EC’s term was getting over. The minutes were

confirmed by circulation and taken on record on 29th Feb 2020. The new President

chaired two meetings of the new EC, one on 11th April 2020 and another on 25th April

2020. There were no objections. The first objection to the decision of the EC taken on

2nd February 2020 (which lead to the current President’s nomination) was raised in an

email by a member of the EC on 19th May 2020. The EC’s decision and minutes

which lead to the current President’s nomination were fine for more than three and a

half months. What changed over this long period that the EC decided to throw its own

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rule book and all norms and decency out of the window? In this period, it had

probably become clear that the new President will not let the EC become a victim of

delaying tactics and procrastination and, if this President continues, retaining status

quo will not be possible. The stranglehold of a few alumni on IITRAA will be lost

and it may become a body which is not the privilege of a select few, from a limited

geographical area.

17. Misleading information was provided to some EC members who were not conversant

with the details, to get their tacit support. In the meeting on 30th May 2020, several

EC members were neither allowed to speak, nor allowed to vote (Annexure 7) and

the current President’s nomination as President was declared invalid. Clearly, a farce

of immeasurable proportions was heaped on a body which carries the name of IIT


18. It cannot be missed or condoned that such a treatment was meted out to a

distinguished and a very senior alumni knowing fully well that he was nominated by

the immediate past President, on the express authorisation of the EC, and with the

consent of the Patron, as per convention. I recall that when the immediate past

President was appointed in 2017, at that time also the outgoing President Prof. Prem

Krishna had taken the consent of the Patron before announcing the name of the

incoming President.

19. Alumni at large do not realize that as per the current archaic bye-laws of IITRAA, the

Institute does not have the authority to correct its wrongs or bring it out of obsolete

concepts like some key office bearers must be from Roorkee. Hence, the Institute

continues to get the blame for the ills of IITRAA.

20. These constant blows to the reputation of the Institute; disrespect and disregard to

senior, distinguished alumni; abhorrent conduct, and the misuse of office and

authority by certain members of the IITRAA EC, in blatant disregard to its own

bylaws and rules has created an irredeemable situation between the Institute and the


Page 6: Statement of IIT Roorkee dated 4 June, 2020 · 5) and the President of the Gurgaon Chapter (Annexure 6). A cursory glance at these documents will show the depth to which the EC of

21. If an entity is using the name of IIT Roorkee and its actions are hurting the image of

IIT Roorkee, how long can the Institute be expected to be a silent spectator? The time

for deliberations, engagements and contemplation is over. The Institute has clearly

run out of options with respect to what is required to be done immediately, to prevent

further damage to its reputation and legacy.

Howsoever painful and agonising it may be to me personally, to protect the IIT Roorkee

name and to prevent further misuse of a platform created for IIT Roorkee alumni, the Institute

is left with no choice but to announce the following decisions:

A. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee shall forthwith disassociate itself from the IIT

Roorkee Alumni Association.

B. The vast majority of IIT Roorkee alumni do not feel any connect with IITRAA and do

not take it to be their representative. Thus, the Institute will also not recognize IITR

Alumni Association as a body representative of the alumni of the Indian Institute of

Technology Roorkee.

For the information of alumni, this statement will be placed on the website of DORA, IIT


A small coterie of misguided alumni has captured IITRAA for their personal interests and

benefits. They may spread the rumour that this action of the Institute is against alumni. I am

sure that our alumni will not fall for them. Our alumni realize that IIT Roorkee is the glue

that binds all alumni.

For the information of alumni who will be reading this letter, work has begun on an alternate

entity which can provide a meaningful platform for IIT Roorkee alumni to connect and

network globally. We hope to share the outcome with all alumni in near future.

I would like to take this opportunity to inform the alumni that the institute is preparing to

welcome the 1960, 1970, 1995 and all other batches who may wish to have their reunions in

the campus, in the coming winter. The Covid-19 pandemic has dampened the enthusiasm of

some alumni with respect to their travel plans. But I hope the pandemic fades away much

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before winter and we will see an enthusiastic participation from all the batches. I personally

look forward to hosting lunches at Director’s Bungalow for every batch that will celebrate its

reunion this winter, in the campus.

The deadline for submitting nominations for the Distinguished Alumnus Awards (DAA) and

the Distinguished Young Alumnus Awards (DYAA) is 15th June 2020. We look forward to

receiving more nominations of deserving alumni for these awards. The award ceremony for

DAA and DYAA will be held in the campus on 25th November, 2020 - the Foundation Day

of the Institute. It will coincide with the Golden Jubilee Reunion of 1970 batch.

Wishing a safe and healthy stay for the entire IIT Roorkee fraternity across the globe.

Prof. Ajit Kumar Chaturvedi


Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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11th April, 2020 Dear Shri Nayyar, First let me express my gratitude to you for agreeing to take up the responsibility of leading IITRAA. I wish you a very productive and successful tenure. I would also like to congratulate the members of the newly constituted Executive Committee of IITRAA on their assumption of office. Since I am unable to join the EC meeting, I request that this letter of mine be placed before the EC. I believe that IITRAA can become a very effective vehicle for achieving the following two goals: (A) To create opportunities for meetings and interaction among IITR alumni, across the globe. Such meetings or get-togethers are not only social events to strengthen existing bonds and create new ones, but they are also occasions for professional networking and career growth of IITR alumni.

(i) Thus, IITRAA can contribute to the growth and rise of IITR alumni in their respective professions.

(ii) To make this happen we need to create vibrant IITRAA chapters in all major cities/states of the world. IITRAA can play the role of a facilitator in creating and sustaining these chapters.

(B) To enlighten alumni about the present IITR (for a large number of alumni, the image of IITR is frozen in their minds because they did not have sufficient connect with UOR or IITR ever since they graduated several decades back). Today’s IITR is quite different. The faculty and students are more conscious of the institute’s legacy, its strengths and potential, its peer group, its obligations, its purpose, its direction and its interests.

(i) Increased awareness about IITR will make alumni aware of the need for creating a strong "giving back" culture among IITR alumni.

(ii) IITRAA needs to convey to the alumni that their alma mater is lagging behind its sister institutions in the "giving back" culture. This is hurting IITR in two ways: a) It hurts the perception of IITR, as compared to the older IITs, among

the entities that matter. These entities are funding agencies, industries that provide placement and projects, decision makers in the higher education sector, MHRD etc.

b) It obviously leads to less funds for infrastructure growth, for promotion

of excellence among departments, faculty and students, and for extending help to needy students.

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Interestingly, the objectives (A) and (B) are mutually reinforcing. If any one grows, the other will also grow. Many of our well-placed alumni, including some Distinguished Alumnus Awardees, continue to be ignorant about simple things such as "Why does IITR need donations?" IITRAA can play a crucial role in answering this query. I am pained when I hear well-placed alumni in the western world who are surrounded by MITs and Stanfords asking this question from their alma mater. Clearly, there is a gap to be bridged and IITRAA can play a very useful and productive role in this endeavour. Many, or rather most alumni, have one more misconception. They think that IITRAA is an extended arm of IITR. One reason for this misconception could be that IITR has given space to IITRAA office and a majority of its meetings are held in IITR. The alumni are not aware that the ground reality is different.

1. IITRAA has been unable to make concerted or systematic efforts to align itself with the vision and goals of IITR.

2. It has also been unable to fully align with what alumni want it to be.

3. Further, when some alumni get upset with IITRAA, they simultaneously get upset with IITR because for most of them the two entities are seamless and in several respects indistinguishable.

Recognising the inability of IITRAA to work towards the twin objectives stated above (A and B), almost three years back IITR took upon itself the responsibility of conducting reunions on the campus and IITRAA was made free to focus beyond Roorkee, both nationally and globally. Thus, it should organise chapters, chapter meets and help alumni network across the globe and thereby also bring alumni closer to IITR. The proposed direction was clear and I stated this in several public meetings as well as privately in my meetings with the key office bearers of IITRAA. IITRAA BE A GLOBAL ORGANIZATION The idea was that IITRAA should work to come closer to the widely spread alumni instead of being Roorkee centric. Since the alumni are all over the globe, so naturally IITRAA should look outwards instead of being an inward looking Roorkee centric local body. Sadly, so much time has passed but not much has changed. We still continue to have archaic by-laws that require some key office bearers to be from Roorkee. In this electronic age, how can this be justified for an association that has members from across the globe? Not only that, more than half of the EC continues to be from within a radius of 200 km of Roorkee. Further, if one looks at the actual participation of EC meetings, this fraction is as high as 70-80%, if not more. While Dr. Achal Mittal, who was personally focusing on the creation and activation of new chapters, did try to do a few things, IITRAA as an association has been unable to embrace the direction proposed by IITR.

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In my view, the reason for this is not difficult to diagnose. The root of the problem is the current by-laws of IITRAA. This situation cannot be allowed to continue. We need to revise the by-laws without any further delay. REVISE BY-LAWS The new by-laws should fulfil the expectations of both alumni as well as IITR. They should facilitate engagement of more alumni, both in India and abroad, with IITRAA and IITR. I propose that the following three-member committee examines the present by-laws and prepares a proposal for revising the by-laws. President, IITRAA - Chair Vice-President, IITRAA - Member DORA, IITR - Convenor

1. The proposal can be submitted within four weeks from now and it may please be considered by the EC within six weeks from now.

2. The new by-laws should stipulate that every alumni of IITR will be automatically enrolled as a member of IITRAA.

Further, in interactions and exchanges with alumni, it doesn't look nice if the Director or DORA find themselves in a corner where they are unable to defend or explain the functioning of IITRAA. It looks as if the institute is disowning the IITRAA or wants to distance itself from the IITRAA. This hurts both IITR as well as IITRAA. So the new by-laws should operationalise what most alumni think about IITRAA i.e. the new by-laws should make IITRAA an extended arm of IITR. Lastly, all of us are flag bearers of a great legacy. We need to live up to it and work for taking IITR to greater heights. There is nothing else which will make alumni happier and so it should be a natural objective of IITRAA also. I look forward to working with IITRAA to achieve our common objectives. Thank you. Ajit ---- अिजत कुमार चतुवेर्दी/Ajit Kumar Chaturvedi िनदेशक/Director भारतीय प्रौद्योिगकी संस्थान रुड़की Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee रुड़की - 247667, उत्तराखंड, भारत Roorkee - 247667, Uttarakhand, INDIA Tel (O) : +91 1332 272742 / 285500 Tel (O) : +91 9837070794 Email: [email protected], [email protected]

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Annexure - 5

DORA Office, IIT Roorkee Date: June 03, 2020

Director IIT Roorkee Subject: A timeline-based brief account of developments from IITRAA EC Meeting dated Feb. 02, 2020

to illegal EC Meeting dated May 30, 2020 in which nomination of President, Mr Mohinder Nayyar was declared invalid against the bylaws of IITRAA.

Dear Prof. Chaturvedi, This pertains to the recent developments with respect to IIT Roorkee Alumni Association (IITRAA). As Dean of Resources and Alumni Affairs (DORA) I have been an Ex-Officio member of IITRAA Executive Committee (EC) and thus attended many EC meetings. In this course, I attended the EC meeting held on 30th May 2020 which was a kind of worse experience I could ever have. Please find below a brief timeline of various activities that culminated into this most unfortunate and illegal EC meeting of IITRAA:

1. February 02, 2020: Excerpt from the minutes of the IITRAA EC (2018-20) meeting that was held on 2nd February 2020 (see Appendix - 1): “Point no. 5 (a) regarding nomination and selection of President and Secretary of the next IITRAA Executive Committee 2020-22 was discussed. Er. B.K. Chaturvedi put forth few names as suggestions for the post of the next President and asked the EC members they had any objection in considering any of the names suggested and also to give any more suggestions if they had in mind. He informed the house that the names were picked from professionally accomplished alumni. Further, it was also keeping in view major elements of role of IITRAA i.e. alumni networking and mobilizing alumni to muster financial help to IITR. The EC concluded that they have no objection on any name suggested by the President and authorized Er. B.K. Chaturvedi, President IITRAA, to nominate the next President.”

2. February 11, 2020: Er. BK Chaturvedi, the then President of IITRAA, sent an email with the “Subject: Next President of IITRAA” to google group email ID of IITRAA EC (2018-20) i.e. <[email protected]> and copied to Director IITR <[email protected]>, Shri Mohinder Nayyar <[email protected]> stating that he is happy to report that our distinguished alumnus, Shri Mohinder Nayyar has consented to accept the position. He further requested AA office to draw a brief profile of Shri Nayyar and make a draft communication for release to inform all alumni about the forthcoming change.

3. February 11, 2020: In response to above email, Shri Ashok Gupta communicated his consent, Dr. Achal Mittal (the then Vice President, IITRAA) and Shri Dinesh Pawar (Nominated Secretary of IITRAA) showed their happiness, and Shri Mohinder Nayyar (Nominated President of IITRAA) expressed his gratitude.

4. February 17, 2020: IITRAA sent an email announcing the Nominated President and Honorary

Secretary of IITRAA for the next term (2020 - 22) with their brief profiles.

5. February 20, 2020: The Corrected Minutes of the EC Meeting held on Feb 02, 2020 (see Appendix - 1) were circulated to all EC members asking them to send comments on the minutes by 29 February 2020:

6. February 20, 2020: Shri BK Chaturvedi emailed to all members that if any member present in the meeting, observes any error in recording of minutes, please feel free to give your comments.

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7. February 21, 2020: Dr Achal Mittal replied to all that Minutes were well drafted and seems fine

to him.

8. February 29, 2020: No comments on the minutes of EC Meeting dated 2nd Feb. 2020 were brought to the notice of IITRAA EC on or before the deadline of 29th February 2020.

9. April 11, 2020: In the first meeting of IITRAA EC (2020-2022) held on 11th April, the Item No.4:

Approval of the Minutes of Meeting of Executive Committee held on Feb 02, 2020 was discussed and no objection was raised by any one and thus the minutes of EC meeting dated 2nd February 2020 were approved.

10. April 17, 2020: Shri Dinesh Singh Pawar, Hon. Secy. IITRAA circulated the Minutes of the EC

Meeting held on April 11, 2020 covering 8 items that were deliberated during the meeting. EC members were informed to send their comments if any by April 24, 2020. The minutes circulated by Shri Dinesh Singh Pawar, Hon. Secy. IITRAA included the following: “4. Approval of Minutes of Previous EC Meeting (dated Feb 02, 2020) Motion: To approve the Minutes of the EC Meeting held on Feb, 02, 2020 as circulated Motion By: Sh. Mohinder Lal Nayyar Seconded By: Dr. Achal Mittal Carried The Chairperson asked only the members who were part of the previous Executive Committee, if they have any comments on the minutes of the EC meeting held on Feb 02, 2020. Since, the minutes of the meeting had been circulated to all members of the EC and no comments had been received on the recording of the minutes, the minutes were confirmed and approved.”

11. April 24, 2020: No comments on the above circulated minutes were brought to the notice of

IITRAA EC on or before the deadline of April 24, 2020.

12. April 25, 2020: Second meeting of EC (2020-2022) was held and minutes of 11th April meeting were approved before the discussions on various task forces.

13. May 19, 2020: The first email to EC raising objection on the minutes of the 2nd Feb. 2020 EC

meeting which led to the nomination of President IITRAA Mr Mohinder Nayyar. This email was sent by an EC member.

14. May 19 – 22, 2020: A few other EC members followed upon the above email.

15. May 22, 2020: DORA shared the response of immediate past president Mr BK Chaturvedi on these emails. (see Appendix - 2).

16. May 28, 2020: Agenda (see Appendix - 3) for the EC Meeting to be held on May 30, 2020 was

circulated by Hon Secy without approval of the President. Agenda included items violating bylaws, e.g. i) to Request the Vice-President to Chair the meeting and Opening Remarks by Vice-President (even when the meeting was scheduled by the President and he was available for the meeting), and ii) Approval of the minutes of the meeting of Executive Committee held on April 11 (even when the minutes were already approved in the meeting of April 25, 2020).

17. May 29, 2020: DORA sent email (see Appendix - 4) to Hon Secy raising objection on the unlawful agenda circulated for EC Meeting scheduled on 30th May 2020.

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18. May 29, 2020: President, Mr Mohinder Nayyar sent an email enclosing a letter and agenda for the

May 30th EC meeting (see Appendix - 5).

19. May 30, 2020: Meeting of EC held and conducted in violation of bylaws and a motion was passed totally against the IITRAA bylaws. I was shocked and deeply pained during this EC meeting to see how several members misinterpreted and misrepresented IITRAA bylaws and did not allow the President Mr. Mohinder Lal Nayyar to chair the meeting. In addition, they passed an illegal resolution to declare his nomination as invalid.

20. June 02, 2020: DORA sent an email (see Appendix - 6) to Hon Secy and EC members on the illegal EC Meeting held on 30th May, 2020 and the unfortunate conduct of several members at the meeting.

21. June 02, 2020: President, Mr Mohinder Nayyar sent an email to Hon. Secy. and EC members about the illegal conduct of EC Meeting on May 30, 2020 (see Appendix - 7)

Above account of events proves that most of the members of the current IITRAA EC do not hold the ethos and values of this great institute. Neither do they respect the bylaws of IITRAA. I am deeply pained by the actions of certain members of the EC in misinforming the other members of the EC, misrepresenting facts and doing a volte-face on their earlier affirmation of the completely legal and procedurally sound nomination of the President. In fact, I saw members who had supported the minutes of the 2nd Feb. 2020 EC meeting are now declaring the minutes of that EC meeting as being incorrectly recorded. This makes me clearly believe that the personal interests of a few members who are part of a coterie are prevailing over the greater good of the alumni. Before the current IITRAA EC further damages the institute's reputation, I request you to take appropriate action. Sincerely,

Bhola Ram Gurjar DORA IIT Roorkee

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Minutes of the meeting of Executive Committee of IITRAA held on Feb 02, 2020 at 11:30 AM in the Board Room of IIT Roorkee.

The following were present:

Er. B.K. Chaturvedi - President Dr. Achal Mittal - Vice-President

Er. Vikas Goyal - Honorary Secretary Er. Dinesh S. Pawar - Joint Secretary Prof. B.R. Gurjar - DORA Dr. Ashok Kumar Gupta - Member

Dr. Satyendra Mittal - Member Er. Nikhil Kumar Pant - Member Er. Pradeep Kumar Bansal - Member Er. Vipin Kumar Sharma - Member

Dr. Anju Saini - Member Ms. Ruchika Monga - Executive Officer The following members participated in the deliberations through E-mode.

Er. Aditya Gupta Regrets for absence were received from the following: Er. N. K. Sharma

Dr. R.D. Garg Er. Sudhir Kumar Mital

Er. A.C. Mathur AGENDA FOR THE MEETING WAS TAKEN UP AS FOLLOWS: 1. The President welcomed all members to the meeting of the Executive Committee. In

his opening remarks, he mentioned regarding poor attendance of EC members during EC meetings in spite of holding the same on weekends (i.e. Saturday and Sunday). Holding meetings on weekends has not served attendance purpose. He then asked the Honorary Secretary to continue with the proceedings of the meeting as per the agenda.

2. Minutes of the meeting of Executive Committee meeting held on Oct 16, 2019 were confirmed and approved.

3. Er. Vikas Goyal, Hony. Secretary, IITRAA informed the house that the following

reunion meets were held during October – December, 2019 and the number of members attending these meets as noted against each:

Diamond Jubilee - October 16-18, 2019 - 24

Coral Jubilee - November 1-3, 2019 - 73

Appendix - 1
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Silver Jubilee - November 15-17, 2019 - 189

Golden Jubilee - November 23-25, 2019 - 144

Pearl Jubilee - December 20-22, 2019 - 65

The IIT Roorkee Alumni Association has hosted breakfast during all the Jubilee Reunions in honour of the members and their accompanying family members. The house complimented Sh. Vikas Goyal of IITRAA and appreciated the efforts of DORA in organizing the Jubilee Reunions.

4. Er. Vikas Goyal, Hony. Secretary, IITRAA reported Item No. 3 of the Agenda regarding the progress of upcoming IITRAA Online Elections- 2020. He reported regarding the Schedule of the Online Elections and explained the process of updating details on the Election website. The President raised his concern about low turnout in last elections when polling number was around 1200. Taking most conservative base of membership, polling % was substantially low. Hence improving the participation in upcoming elections is important. He suggested that we should target substantially higher percentage than previous elections. Er. Dinesh Singh Pawar agreed with him and informed that initially IITRAA had Offline elections with a voting turnout of around 100. Dr. Achal Mittal added that IITRAA has conducted Online Elections twice with voting turnout of around 800 in the 1st online election and improved to around 1200 in the 2nd Online elections. Suggestions were invited from all EC members for improving participation in elections and information reaching a wider alumni base. Er. Nikhil Pant suggested that the members should be approached through their Local Chapter Whatsapp groups and we could seek help from recent Jubilee Reunion representatives for taking responsibility of their batch. The President suggested that identifying the bounced back emails and trying to find the correct contact details of these alumni through their batchmates could be beneficial. There should be no instance of a member wanting to vote but he doesn’t receive voting link. It is the responsibility of the IITRAA Office and EC to ensure that the voting links are received by all members whose phone numbers and email ids are updated. Regarding this the EO informed that the complete list of members has been uploaded on the election website and the details are shown in masked format. By a simple click, the details can be updated by sending an email and the same shall be updated on the website at regular intervals. Each one of us should circulate this through social media etc. so that maximum members are able to update. Sh. A.K. Gupta suggested that publishing of some important events viz. the IITRAA Elections in the national newspaper for wider reach can be incorporated. The point was concluded and the Online Election schedule was approved by the house. A small discussion by the EC members ensued on the suggestion made by the President regarding publishing the Election Report after each Election. Sh. Vipin Kumar Sharma was of the view that the Election Report should not be published.

5. Er. Vikas Goyal, Hony. Secretary, IITRAA reported Item No. 4 of the Agenda regarding the appointment of the Returning Officer for the upcoming IITRAA Online Elections-2020. It was reported that few pertinent and respectable persons were approached and finally, Prof. Sandeep Singh had kindly agreed and given his consent for the role of Returning Officer for the IITRAA Elections. The house was of the view that the consent of EC members should have been taken before making

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this decision. The Secretary clarified that due to shortage of time as the process of Elections had to be initiated soon and with due permission from the President, the decision was taken and few people were approached for the role. Er. B.K. Chaturvedi, President, IITRAA suggested that DORA (ex-officio) could be requested to act as Returning Officer of IITRAA Elections from next time onwards. Hony. Secretary was of the view that appointment of Returning Officer should be left to the EC as per existing provisions, since this EC cannot bind its decision on the incoming EC regarding the appointment of the Returning Officer.

6. To discuss points under Item No. 5 of the Agenda, the members present in the meeting expressed their views/suggestions as under: - Point no. 5 (a) regarding nomination and selection of President and Secretary of

the next IITRAA Executive Committee 2020-22 was discussed. Er. B.K. Chaturvedi put forth few names as suggestions for the post of the next President and asked the EC members they had any objection in considering any of the names suggested and also to give any more suggestions if they had in mind. He informed the house that the names were picked from professionally accomplished alumni. Further, it was also keeping in view major elements of role of IITRAA ie. alumni networking and mobilizing alumni to muster financial help to IITR. The EC concluded that they have no objection on any name suggested by the President and authorized Er. B.K. Chaturvedi, President IITRAA, to nominate the next President. For the post of the next Honorary Secretary, Er. Vikas Goyal proposed the name of Er. Dinesh Singh Pawar (BE Mechanical- 1993). The house approved and nominated Er. Dinesh Singh Pawar as the Honorary Secretary for the next Executive Committee 2020-22.

- Point no. 6 (b) regarding re-structuring of the EC was taken up by the EC. A Special Review Committee was formed with Sh. Sudhir Mittal as the Convener for the same, and its report was to be prepared by taking into consideration suggestions given by various EC members. Dr. Achal Mittal, Vice-President IITRAA and member of the Special Review Committee reported that due to diverse views in the committee and only 2-3 responses received by EC members as suggestions, the committee could not finalize its recommendations.

- Point no. 6(c) regarding holding the EC meetings outside Roorkee, it was decided that the next EC meeting may be held in March and outside Roorkee. Er. B.K. Chaturvedi, President IITRAA expressed his observation that IITRAA looks too much Roorkee centric. It should get wider involvement. It should attempt to acquire Pan India and global stature. Hence need for change. He mentioned few important issues that could be discussed in the next EC meeting. E-polling should be used more frequently to seek wider opinion of members on key issues. IITRAA should get wider involvement. It should attempt to acquire Pan India and global stature. Hence need for change. Current key issues are attendance of EC members, limit on the no. of terms of EC members of AA, stipulation of having some office bearers necessarily to be Roorkee based and the issue of ensuring proper representation in EC w.r.t geographical boundaries, batches, branches, streams of courses and Roorkee base limitation for few posts.

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- Point no. 6(d) regarding encouraging city-coordinators concept where no registered chapter exists was taken up and the house agreed that it was a good idea and as it already exists in the IITRAA Bye-Laws. It can be easily implemented.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by the Honorary Secretary to the Chairman and all EC members. Vikas Goyal Honorary Secretary

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From : DORA IIT Roorkee <[email protected]>Subject : Re: Revised Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting - April

25, 2020 AND Concerns raised about EC meeting dated02/02/2020 and its recording

To : IITR Alumni Association <[email protected]>Cc : Bhuwan K. Chaturvedi <[email protected]>, Vikas Goyal

Alum92 <[email protected]>, gyan singh<[email protected]>, nikhil pant<[email protected]>, Dr.Anju Saini <[email protected]>,Mohinder Nayyar (msn id) <[email protected]>, MohinderNayyar (gmail id) <[email protected]>, Achal Mittal<[email protected]>, Er. Dinesh Pawar Honorary Secretary,IITRAA <[email protected]>, Er. L.P. Singh Joint Secretary,ITRAA <[email protected]>, Bhola Ram Gurjar<[email protected]>, avlokita agrawal<[email protected]>, Rahul Garg<[email protected]>, harish goyal <[email protected]>,Aditya Gupta <[email protected]>, Ashok Kumar Gupta<[email protected]>, kapilpuri in <[email protected]>,

Zimbra [email protected]

Re: Revised Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting - April 25, 2020 AND Concernsraised about EC meeting dated 02/02/2020 and its recording

Fri, May 22, 2020 02:51 PM

Appendix - 2
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Nk Sharma <[email protected]>, anuj<[email protected]>, akproducts2000<[email protected]>, np agarwal2013<[email protected]>, pankaj ag<[email protected]>, Er. Sudhir Mital<[email protected]>, Rajeev Singh Alum92<[email protected]>, Sudhir K Jain, President,Ahmedabad Chapter <[email protected]>, Dr. Harish Khaira<[email protected]>, Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi, PresidentDelhi Chaptet <[email protected]>, Suresh Chanda, President,Hyderbad Chapter <[email protected]>, HarishChandra <[email protected]>, Subhash Garg, President,Mumbai Chapter <[email protected]>, kedar Aglpresident MZN <[email protected]>, Arvind Gupta,President, Roorkee Local Chapter<[email protected]>, ajay benu<[email protected]>, Anoop Verma, President, NAChapter <[email protected]>, Prakash Paudel,President, NEPAL Chapter <[email protected]>, R.D.Khimesra <[email protected]>, mahipal jain<[email protected]>, pradeep kumar kapse<[email protected]>, rashmijaipur<[email protected]>, Sri Krishna Kumar<[email protected]>, A.K. Jindal <[email protected]>,Saurabh Kumar <[email protected]>, Rajeev BAgarwal <[email protected]>, ashgupta<[email protected]>, shiv Raj Singh

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<[email protected]>, Admin IITRAA<[email protected]>

Dear All,

You may recall my yesterday's request to Shri BK Chaturvedi, immediatepast President of IITRAA, for his comments on the trailing thread. He hassent his comments which I have pasted below. As stated in the 7th point,he has allowed me to share his comments with any one.

Thanks and regards,Bhola Ram GurjarDORA, IIT Roorkee

--------------------------From: "Bhuwan K. Chaturvedi" <[email protected]>To: "DORA IIT Roorkee" <[email protected]>Cc: "Director IIT Roorkee" <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, May 22, 2020 12:18:16 PMSubject: My comments on various emails on subject of nomination

Dean AlumniIITR

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Dear Sir,

I read the mails sent by some members of new EC. These mails contain certain observationspertaining to meeting of previous EC held on 2-2-2020 in which nomination of President for term2020-22 was discussed. I had chaired this meeting. Hence it is my duty to clarify on some pointsraised regarding discussion in this meeting. My comments are as follows:

1. Point of my possible successors as President of IITRAA was discussed in this meeting. Names ofmany distinguished and respected alumni were discussed. EC members gave their views on eachone of them. There were various comments. For example, some alumni had been consistantlyreluctant in the past to particpate in professional and academic events of the Institute. Somepeople had the inclination but were thought to be too busy to give time for President's role. Eachname had invited both kinds of comments, positive and negative. For example, one name was notsupported by just one EC member. He was alone. No other EC member offered any comment onthe person.

EC gave the responsibility to me to discuss further and finally converge on one name fornomination. This decision is recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

2. We were talking about highly respected senior alumni. Each one of them, if nominated, had theability to add prestige to position of President. Challenge was basically to match their personalstrenths and current needs of IITRAA. Therefore it was decided to give utmost respect to theirdignity and not to mention any names and related comments in the minutes. To best of myknowledge, this has been the practice for years. Minutes of meetings of previous years wouldconfirm it. Minutes of this meeting were circulated to all EC members inviting their comments.Some members confirmed the minutes through mail. They are available on record. More importantis that no EC member sent any objection to any point in the minutes including names and about

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responsibility given to me for final decision. I am both shocked and pained to see some old ECmembers now mentioning in their mails, names of those respected alumni and negative commentsmade about them by some members. I don't want to elaborate more on what such an action doesto image of EC. It shows that holding agreed confidentiality on a discussion is not a value for some.I apologise to all distinguished and respected Thomsonians whose names are mentioned in thecirculated mails and are being put in public domain due to some immature actions. It has neverhappened before.

3. As decided in EC, I discussed the matter with the Director IITR. I also discussed it with Dr. PremKrishna, former President of IITRAA for his views. The order of exploration with various possiblenominees was decided to seek their response. Dr. Prem Krishna was kind enough to talk to somepeople whom he knew better. Eventually convergence evolved on the name of Mr. Mohinder Nayyar.Main critera were as follows:

To have a US based President for some time would raise the image of IITRAA to a globallevel.Mr. Nayyar was a distnguished alumnus and worldwide known name in his professional field. He had a proven track record of service to IITR, specially in terms of fund raising. He has setup IITR Foundation in USA.He has been associated with international professional bodies like ASME in its management.IITR has been actively looking for large donors. Probablity of finding such donors in US wasconsidered high. Having a US based President could facilitate it.

4. Dr. Prem Krishna has spent long years in Alma mater and has observed the process ofnomination of many Presedents closely. He shared that this process of nomination had worked wellwithout any problem for years.

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5. It is difficult to find a candidate on whose name not even one person would object and therewould be 100% consensus. Just as an example, in the same meeting, name of Returning Officerfor EC election was also discussed. On suggested name, there were sharp differences. ThenMembers of working group said that they had already sounded the person. Hence it would look badto withdraw his name at this stage. After that some EC members who were earlier opposing thename, changed their opinion. Even then there were a good number of EC members who persistedwith their opposition. Taking overall view, it was decided to go ahead with the same name. Thequestion is whether 100% consensus is a must. If so, does it make final choice of Returning Officer(RO) invalid? If yes, then does the election conducted by an invalid RO automatically becomeinvalid?

6. Does EC not want to take any decision unless there is 100% consensus? If so, I wish them goodluck. Only time will tell whether approach and actions of new EC prove to be in interest of IITRAAor not.

7. I am fine if you wish to share my comments with any one.


B.K.ChaturvediBE 69 (Mech)Immediate Past PresidentIITRAA

4503, Phase IV, DLF CityGurgaon 122009Tele: +91-124-4053190Mob: +91-9811111248

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Day & Date of Meeting : Saturday, May 30, 2020 Time : 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM (IST)

AGENDA Item No. 1. Attendance Call of the Executive Committee, by the Secretary, IITRAA Item No. 2. Request the Vice-President to Chair the meeting and Opening Remarks by

Vice-President. Item No. 3. Approval of the minutes of the meeting of Executive Committee held on April

11 and 25, 2020 (through e-mode). The approval of the minutes to be considered post discussion on issues

raised by Er. Nikhil Pant, Treasurer, IITRAA and Er. Kapil Puri, EC Member, IITRAA on Item no. 4.

Item No. 4. Discussion on - Nomination of President (2020-22) by Outgoing Executive

Committee (2018-20). Item No. 5. Discussion on - the Report of the Committee/ Task Force formed for Revision

of Bye-Laws. Item No. 6. Any other item with the permission of the Chair. Item No. 7. Future meetings. Honorary Secretary IITRAA Note: The WEBEX link for the EC Meeting will be circulated to all shortly.

Appendix - 3
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From : DORA IIT Roorkee <[email protected]>Subject : Re: Agenda for the EC Meeting to be held on May 30, 2020

To : IITR Alumni Association <[email protected]>Cc : Director IIT Roorkee <[email protected]>, Mohinder Nayyar

(msn id) <[email protected]>, Mohinder Nayyar (gmail id)<[email protected]>, Achal Mittal<[email protected]>, Er. Dinesh Singh Pawar, Alum93<[email protected]>, Vikas Goyal Alum92<[email protected]>, Er. L.P. Singh Joint Secretary,ITRAA <[email protected]>, nikhil pant<[email protected]>, Bhola Ram Gurjar<[email protected]>, avlokita agrawal<[email protected]>, Rahul Garg<[email protected]>, harish goyal <[email protected]>,Aditya Gupta <[email protected]>, Ashok Kumar Gupta<[email protected]>, kapilpuri in <[email protected]>,Dr.Anju Saini <[email protected]>, Nk Sharma<[email protected]>, gyan singh<[email protected]>, anuj <[email protected]>,akproducts2000 <[email protected]>, np

Zimbra [email protected]

Re: Agenda for the EC Meeting to be held on May 30, 2020

Fri, May 29, 2020 08:43 PM

Appendix - 4
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agarwal2013 <[email protected]>, pankaj ag<[email protected]>, Er. Sudhir Mital<[email protected]>, Rajeev Singh Alum92<[email protected]>, Sudhir K Jain, President,Ahmedabad Chapter <[email protected]>, Dr. Harish Khaira<[email protected]>, Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi, PresidentDelhi Chaptet <[email protected]>, Suresh Chanda, President,Hyderbad Chapter <[email protected]>, HarishChandra <[email protected]>, Subhash Garg, President,Mumbai Chapter <[email protected]>, Arvind Gupta,President, Roorkee Local Chapter<[email protected]>, ajay benu<[email protected]>, Anoop Verma, President, NAChapter <[email protected]>, Prakash Paudel,President, NEPAL Chapter <[email protected]>, R.D.Khimesra <[email protected]>, mahipal jain<[email protected]>, pradeep kumar kapse<[email protected]>, rashmijaipur<[email protected]>, Sri Krishna Kumar<[email protected]>, A.K. Jindal <[email protected]>,Saurabh Kumar <[email protected]>, Rajeev BAgarwal <[email protected]>, ashgupta<[email protected]>, shiv Raj Singh<[email protected]>, Admin IITRAA<[email protected]>, Kedar Nath Agarwal<[email protected]>, Anil C Mathur<[email protected]>

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Honorary Secretary, IITRAA

Dear Shri Dinesh Singh Pawar,

This is with reference to the proposed agenda that has been circulated byyou in respect of Executive Committee (EC) Meeting scheduled on 30thMay 2020.

I find it very peculiar that the agenda mentions that the meeting will bechaired by the Vice President. I would like to know why this eventualitywould arise when we already have a duly nominated President, ShriMohinder Nayyar.

I would further like some clarification about any communication from ShriMohinder Nayyar about his inability to attend the meeting, in which case,the agenda set forth by you to make the Vice President, Chairman of themeeting would be justified.

Furthermore, I would like to point out that if Shri Mohinder Nayyar has notapproved of the agenda circulated by you, then your entire agenda isillegal and in contravention to the procedure set forth in the IITRAA Bye-laws.

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I seek your urgent response to the queries raised by me due to the shortnotice of the Agenda and hope that my concerns shall be resolved.

Thanks and regards,B R GurjarDORA, IITR--

/ Prof. Bhola Ram Gurjar , / Dean of Resources & Alumni Affairs (DORA)

/ Department of Civil Engineering , - 247667, ,

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee - 247 667, Uttarakhand, India - / E-mail: [email protected] | [email protected]

/ Phone: (+91-1332) 28-5840/5940 | +91-9927141416 / Webpage (DORA) | / Webpage (BRG)

For Donors: Naming Opportunity, Schemes for Promoting ExcellenceFor Alumni: Avenues to connect with IITR

From: "IITR Alumni Association" <[email protected]>To: "Director IIT Roorkee" <[email protected]>, "Mohinder Nayyar (msn id)"

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<[email protected]>, "Mohinder Nayyar (gmail id)" <[email protected]>,"Achal Mittal" <[email protected]>, "Er. Dinesh Singh Pawar, Alum93"<[email protected]>, "Vikas Goyal Alum92" <[email protected]>, "Er.L.P. Singh Joint Secretary, ITRAA" <[email protected]>, "nikhil pant"<[email protected]>, "DORA IIT Roorkee" <[email protected]>, "Bhola RamGurjar" <[email protected]>, "avlokita agrawal"<[email protected]>, "Rahul Garg" <[email protected]>, "harish goyal"<[email protected]>, "Aditya Gupta" <[email protected]>, "AshokKumar Gupta" <[email protected]>, "kapilpuri in" <[email protected]>,"Dr.Anju Saini" <[email protected]>, "Nk Sharma"<[email protected]>, "gyan singh" <[email protected]>, "anuj"<[email protected]>, "akproducts2000" <[email protected]>, "npagarwal2013" <[email protected]>, "pankaj ag" <[email protected]>,"Er. Sudhir Mital" <[email protected]>, "Rajeev Singh Alum92"<[email protected]>, "Sudhir K Jain, President, Ahmedabad Chapter"<[email protected]>, "Dr. Harish Khaira" <[email protected]>,"Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi, President Delhi Chaptet" <[email protected]>, "SureshChanda, President, Hyderbad Chapter" <[email protected]>, "HarishChandra" <[email protected]>, "Subhash Garg, President, Mumbai Chapter"<[email protected]>, "Arvind Gupta, President, Roorkee Local Chapter"<[email protected]>, "ajay benu" <[email protected]>, "AnoopVerma, President, NA Chapter" <[email protected]>, "Prakash Paudel,

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President, NEPAL Chapter" <[email protected]>, "R.D. Khimesra"<[email protected]>, "mahipal jain" <[email protected]>, "pradeep kumarkapse" <[email protected]>, "rashmijaipur" <[email protected]>, "SriKrishna Kumar" <[email protected]>, "A.K. Jindal" <[email protected]>,"Saurabh Kumar" <[email protected]>, "Rajeev B Agarwal"<[email protected]>, "ashgupta" <[email protected]>, "shiv Raj Singh"<[email protected]>, "IITR Alumni Association" <[email protected]>,"Admin IITRAA" <[email protected]>, "Kedar Nath Agarwal"<[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2020 11:19:22 PMSubject: Agenda for the EC Meeting to be held on May 30, 2020

All Members, Executive CommitteeIIT Alumni AssociationThe next meeting of the Executive Committee 2020-22 of IITR AlumniAssociation will be held on Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 7:30 PM (IST) via E-mode.

The Agenda for the meeting is attached herewith.

All members are requested to please make it convenient to attend the meeting through CiscoWEBEX (E-mode). A specialized link for connection to participate in the meeting shall be sentto you before the meeting.

A line in confirmation will be highly appreciated.

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Kind regards, Dinesh Singh PawarHonorary SecretaryIITRAA

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From : Mohinder Nayyar <[email protected]>Subject : RE: Agenda for the EC Meeting to be held on May 30, 2020

To : IITR Alumni Association <[email protected]>,[email protected], Er. Mohinder Lal Nayyar President, IITRAA<[email protected]>, Dr. Achal Mittal, Vice President,IITRAA <[email protected]>, Er. Dinesh Pawar, Treasurer<[email protected]>, Er. Vikas Goyal, Honorary Secretary,IITRAA <[email protected]>, Er. L.P. Singh JointSecretary, ITRAA <[email protected]>, Er. N.K. Pant<[email protected]>, Prof. B R Gurjar <[email protected]>,bhola gurjar <[email protected]>, avlokita agrawal<[email protected]>, Prof. Rahul Garg, ImmediatePast Honorary Secretary, IITRAA <[email protected]>, harishgoyal <[email protected]>, Aditya Gupta<[email protected]>, Ashok Kumar Gupta<[email protected]>, kapilpuri in <[email protected]>,anju saini <[email protected]>, Nk Sharma<[email protected]>, gyans iitr<[email protected]>, [email protected],[email protected], np agarwal2013

Zimbra [email protected]

RE: Agenda for the EC Meeting to be held on May 30, 2020

Fri, May 29, 2020 11:27 PM1 attachment

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<[email protected]>, pankaj ag<[email protected]>, Er. Sudhir Mital<[email protected]>, rajeev eil <[email protected]>,Sudhir K Jain, President, Ahmedabad Chapter<[email protected]>, Dr. Harish Khaira<[email protected]>, Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi, PresidentDelhi Chaptet <[email protected]>, Suresh Chanda, President,Hyderbad Chapter <[email protected]>, HarishChandra <[email protected]>, Subhash Garg, President,Mumbai Chapter <[email protected]>, Arvind Gupta,President, Roorkee Local Chapter<[email protected]>, ajay benu<[email protected]>, Anoop Verma, President, NAChapter <[email protected]>, Prakash Paudel,President, NEPAL Chapter <[email protected]>, R.D.Khimesra <[email protected]>, mahipal jain<[email protected]>, pradeep kumar kapse<[email protected]>, [email protected], Sri KrishnaKumar <[email protected]>, A.K. Jindal<[email protected]>, Saurabh Kumar<[email protected]>, Rajeev B Agarwal<[email protected]>, [email protected], shiv RajSingh <[email protected]>, Admin IITRAA<[email protected]>, Kedar Nath Agarwal <[email protected]>

All IITRAA Executive Committee Members:

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Please see the attached letter from me and the agenda for the May 30th meeting. I want to assureyou all that as President of IITRAA, we are committed to perform our actions in accordance withthe Bylaws of the IITR Alumni Association. I request all of you to participate in the May 30th meeting and share your views, ideas, andthoughts for the items on agenda freely. Appreciate your time and attention, Mohinder L. Nayyar President, IITRAA From: IITR Alumni Association <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2020 1:49 PMTo: [email protected]; Er. Mohinder Lal Nayyar President, IITRAA <[email protected]>; Er.Mohinder Lal Nayyar President, IITRAA <[email protected]>; Dr. Achal Mittal, Vice President,IITRAA <[email protected]>; Er. Dinesh Pawar, Treasurer <[email protected]>; Er. VikasGoyal, Honorary Secretary, IITRAA <[email protected]>; Er. L.P. Singh Joint Secretary,ITRAA <[email protected]>; Er. N.K. Pant <[email protected]>; Prof. B R Gurjar<[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; Prof. Rahul Garg,Immediate Past Honorary Secretary, IITRAA <[email protected]>; [email protected]; AdityaGupta <[email protected]>; Ashok Kumar Gupta <[email protected]>;[email protected]; anju saini <[email protected]>; Nk Sharma<[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Er. Sudhir Mital<[email protected]>; [email protected]; Sudhir K Jain, President, Ahmedabad Chapter

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<[email protected]>; Dr. Harish Khaira <[email protected]>; Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi,President Delhi Chaptet <[email protected]>; Suresh Chanda, President, Hyderbad Chapter<[email protected]>; Harish Chandra <[email protected]>; Subhash Garg,President, Mumbai Chapter <[email protected]>; Arvind Gupta, President, Roorkee LocalChapter <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Anoop Verma, President, NAChapter <[email protected]>; Prakash Paudel, President, NEPAL Chapter<[email protected]>; R.D. Khimesra <[email protected]>; mahipal jain<[email protected]>; pradeep kumar kapse <[email protected]>; [email protected];Sri Krishna Kumar <[email protected]>; A.K. Jindal <[email protected]>; Saurabh Kumar<[email protected]>; Rajeev B Agarwal <[email protected]>;[email protected]; shiv Raj Singh <[email protected]>; IITRAA Roorkee<[email protected]>; Admin IITRAA <[email protected]>; Kedar Nath Agarwal<[email protected]>Subject: Agenda for the EC Meeting to be held on May 30, 2020 All Members, Executive CommitteeIIT Alumni Association The next meeting of the Executive Committee 2020-22 of IITR Alumni Association will beheld on Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 7:30 PM (IST) via E-mode. The Agenda for the meeting is attached herewith. All members are requested to please make it convenient to attend the meeting through CiscoWEBEX (E-mode). A specialized link for connection to participate in the meeting shall be sent toyou before the meeting. A line in confirmation will be highly appreciated.

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Kind regards, Dinesh Singh PawarHonorary SecretaryIITRAA


Page 52: Statement of IIT Roorkee dated 4 June, 2020 · 5) and the President of the Gurgaon Chapter (Annexure 6). A cursory glance at these documents will show the depth to which the EC of
Attachment of above email of Mr Nayyar, dated May 29, 2020
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From : DORA IIT Roorkee <[email protected]>Subject : Illegal EC Meeting held on 30th May, 2020 of the IITRAA and

the unfortunate conduct of many EC members at such meetingTo : IITR Alumni Association <[email protected]>Cc : Director IIT Roorkee <[email protected]>, Achal Mittal

<[email protected]>, Er. Dinesh Singh Pawar, Alum93<[email protected]>, Vikas Goyal Alum92<[email protected]>, Er. L.P. Singh Joint Secretary,ITRAA <[email protected]>, nikhil pant<[email protected]>, Bhola Ram Gurjar<[email protected]>, avlokita agrawal<[email protected]>, Rahul Garg<[email protected]>, harish goyal <[email protected]>,Aditya Gupta <[email protected]>, Ashok KumarGupta <[email protected]>, kapilpuri in<[email protected]>, Dr.Anju Saini<[email protected]>, Nk Sharma<[email protected]>, gyan singh<[email protected]>, anuj <[email protected]>,

Zimbra [email protected]

Illegal EC Meeting held on 30th May, 2020 of the IITRAA and the unfortunate conduct ofmany EC members at such meeting

Tue, Jun 02, 2020 12:58 AM

Appendix - 6
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akproducts2000 <[email protected]>, npagarwal2013 <[email protected]>, pankaj ag<[email protected]>, Er. Sudhir Mital<[email protected]>, Rajeev Singh Alum92<[email protected]>, Sudhir K Jain, President,Ahmedabad Chapter <[email protected]>, Dr. HarishKhaira <[email protected]>, Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi,President Delhi Chaptet <[email protected]>, Suresh Chanda,President, Hyderbad Chapter<[email protected]>, Harish Chandra<[email protected]>, Subhash Garg, President, MumbaiChapter <[email protected]>, Arvind Gupta, President,Roorkee Local Chapter <[email protected]>, ajaybenu <[email protected]>, Anoop Verma, President, NAChapter <[email protected]>, Prakash Paudel,President, NEPAL Chapter <[email protected]>, R.D.Khimesra <[email protected]>, mahipal jain<[email protected]>, pradeep kumar kapse<[email protected]>, rashmijaipur<[email protected]>, Sri Krishna Kumar<[email protected]>, A.K. Jindal <[email protected]>,Saurabh Kumar <[email protected]>, Rajeev BAgarwal <[email protected]>, ashgupta<[email protected]>, shiv Raj Singh<[email protected]>, Admin IITRAA<[email protected]>, Kedar Nath Agarwal<[email protected]>, Anil C Mathur<[email protected]>, Mohinder Nayyar (msn id)

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<[email protected]>, Mohinder Nayyar (gmail id)<[email protected]>, DORA IIT Roorkee<[email protected]>

Honorary Secretary, IITRAA

Dear Shri Dinesh Singh Pawar, 

As Dean of Resources and Alumni Affairs (DORA) and an ex-officio member of theEC of the IIT Roorkee Alumni Association (IITRAA), I wish to express my strongobjection to as well as my immense disappointment with the way the ExecutiveCommittee (EC) Meeting of 30th May 2020 was convened and then subsequentlyconducted.

As stated earlier, Mr. Mohinder Nayyar is the duly nominated President of theIITRAA and therefore under the byelaws of the Association all meetings areconvened with his approval. The Agenda put forward was clearly without thePresident’s Approval and hence the entire meeting was improper. All members of the IITRAA, especially the office bearers, must respect the fact thatMr. Mohinder Nayyar has been duly nominated and appointed under the byelaws ofthe Association. 

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I am deeply concerned with and pained by the actions of certain members of theExecutive Committee misinforming the other members of the EC, not presenting allfacts uniformly and changing their stance regarding the completely legal andprocedurally sound nomination of the President. 

In fact, I now see members who had appreciated and supported the nomination ofMr. Mohinder Nayyar are now declaring his nomination void. This makes me clearlybelieve that the personal interests of a few members who are part of a coterie areprevailing over the greater good of the Alumni.

The meeting was conducted in blatant violation of the bylaws of the Association. Ifail to understand how the EC meeting was chaired by the Vice President when thePresident was available. The byelaws are explicitly clear that all meetings of the ECand the General Body shall be presided over by the President. 

I was deeply pained at the blatant disrespect and humiliation meted out to thePresident Mr Nayyar. Surely there should have been some courtesy shown to thegentleman in view of his seniority in age and stature. Keeping him out of the meetingin the humiliating manner in which it was done is just unacceptable by any standardof decency. Such conduct is not in keeping with the IITR tradition and ethos. 

I also find the double standards of some EC members present very puzzling in thesense that the nomination of the Returning Officer (RO) is valid despite objections

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by several EC members whereas the nomination of the President is pronouncedinvalid on the basis of reservation expressed by just one EC member in the samemeeting. This was done despite the fact that previous EC explicitly authorised MrBK Chaturvedi, the previous President, to nominate the next President. On the basisof this authorization, Mr. BK Chaturvedi had nominated Mr. Mohinder Nayyar asthe President. Lastly, when this nomination was communicated on 11th February2020 to all EC members, several of them welcomed and no EC member objected.

Another curious and completely untenable aspect of the Meeting was to allow onlyelected members to vote and not permit ex-officio and other members of the ECfrom casting their vote. The provisions of the byelaws have nowhere limited the rightto vote at meetings solely to the elected members. By virtue of their membership tothe association, all members have a right to vote. Another patent illegality that I wish to highlight is the decision of the EC tonominate a new President. This stance taken is in blatant violation of the byelaws ofthe IITRAA. The EC cannot pick and choose which provisions to comply with andwhich provisions to completely disregard. Therefore, in my opinion, all these acts ofthe EC are improper and in complete violation of the byelaws of the association. 

Further, I would like to unequivocally state that the Association has not distinguishedof itself properly especially over the past few years. It has not done justice to the

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name “IIT Roorkee” and has not lived up to the ideals of its parent institute as wellas being an effective platform for all alumni all over the world. From the events overthe last few days, I see this situation deteriorating and getting worse. 

With regards,B R GurjarDORA IITR--

/ Prof. Bhola Ram Gurjar , / Dean of Resources & Alumni Affairs (DORA)

/ Department of Civil Engineering , - 247667, ,

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee - 247 667, Uttarakhand, India - / E-mail: [email protected] | [email protected]

/ Phone: (+91-1332) 28-5840/5940 | +91-9927141416 / Webpage (DORA) | / Webpage (BRG)

For Donors: Naming Opportunity, Schemes for Promoting ExcellenceFor Alumni: Avenues to connect with IITR

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From : Mohinder Nayyar <[email protected]>

Subject : RE: Illegal Conduct of EC Meeting on May 30, 2020

To : Er. Dinesh Pawar, Treasurer <[email protected]>,IITR Alumni Association <[email protected]>

Cc : Director IIT Roorkee <[email protected]>, AchalMittal <[email protected]>, Er. Dinesh SinghPawar, Alum93 <[email protected]>, Vikas GoyalAlum92 <[email protected]>, Er. L.P. SinghJoint Secretary, ITRAA <[email protected]>,nikhil pant <[email protected]>, Bhola RamGurjar <[email protected]>, avlokitaagrawal <[email protected]>, RahulGarg <[email protected]>, harish goyal<[email protected]>, Aditya Gupta<[email protected]>, Ashok Kumar Gupta<[email protected]>, kapilpuri in<[email protected]>, Dr.Anju Saini<[email protected]>, Nk Sharma<[email protected]>, gyan singh<[email protected]>, anuj<[email protected]>, akproducts2000<[email protected]>, np agarwal2013<[email protected]>, pankaj ag<[email protected]>, Er. Sudhir Mital<[email protected]>, Rajeev Singh Alum92<[email protected]>, Sudhir K Jain, President,Ahmedabad Chapter <[email protected]>, Dr.Harish Khaira <[email protected]>,Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi, President Delhi Chaptet<[email protected]>, Suresh Chanda, President,Hyderbad Chapter<[email protected]>, Harish Chandra<[email protected]>, Subhash Garg,President, Mumbai Chapter<[email protected]>, Arvind Gupta,President, Roorkee Local Chapter<[email protected]>, ajay benu<[email protected]>, Anoop Verma,President, NA Chapter<[email protected]>, Prakash Paudel,

Zimbra [email protected]

RE: Illegal Conduct of EC Meeting on May 30, 2020

Tue, Jun 02, 2020 05:02 AM

Appendix - 7
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President, NEPAL Chapter<[email protected]>, R.D. Khimesra<[email protected]>, mahipal jain<[email protected]>, pradeep kumar kapse<[email protected]>, rashmijaipur<[email protected]>, Sri Krishna Kumar<[email protected]>, A.K. Jindal<[email protected]>, Saurabh Kumar<[email protected]>, Rajeev BAgarwal <[email protected]>, ashgupta<[email protected]>, shiv Raj Singh<[email protected]>, Admin IITRAA<[email protected]>, Kedar Nath Agarwal<[email protected]>, Anil C Mathur<[email protected]>, Mohinder Nayyar (gmailid) <[email protected]>, Bhola Gurjar<[email protected]>

To 1st June 2020Mr Dinesh PawarHonorary SecretaryIITR Alumni AssociationRoorkee, Distt. Haridwar - 247667 Subject: Illegal Conduct of EC Meeting on 30.05.2020Dear Mr Pawar,This communication is with regard to the Illegal and Improper conduct of the Executive

Committee Meeting hosted by you over WebEx on 30th May 2020.I was deeply hurt by the utter disrespect and disregard shown towards me in the meeting.In all my years as an IITR alumni, never have I faced such insult and humiliation and that toofrom my fellow alumni.There is a clear conflict of vision between some of the members of the executive committee whoare functioning as a cabal and I, which has become abundantly clear by the events of the meetingon 30.05.2020.The indecency shown towards me in the meeting which included; disregarding my presence, notgiving me a chance to speak, preventing me from voting, and further putting me in the lobby(over WebEx) and later kicking me out of the meeting altogether are unacceptable. These pettyactions done by a select group of persons is unbecoming of alumni of such a prestigiousinstitution and goes against all notions of morality, reason, and sensibility apart from beingpatently Illegal.There was a clear unwillingness of certain members of the EC, due to their clouded vision andintentions, to listen to my point of view on the matter. It was clear from the actions of certain

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members, who had initially welcomed me with open arms, that there was a premeditated strategyaimed at targeting me which is very unfortunate and unprecedented in the context of IITRalumni.Even though there are differences that exist, but that does not give you the right to treat me in themanner as was done in the meeting.I am the duly nominated and appointed President of this Executive Committee and as theExecutive body of IITRAA which is affiliated to such a prestigious institute, we should not act insuch a petty manner and rather work towards the development and fulfilment of our objectiveswhich is strengthening of our alumni fraternity as well as our Mother Institute, IIT Roorkee.It has come to my attention that the members of the EC, after hijacking the meeting andcommitting what would be considered as a mutiny, passed a resolution to remove me as thePresident and all meetings presided by me have been allegedly declared null and void.I fail to understand how such actions have been taken as they clearly run counter to the expressprovisions of the IITRAA byelaws. I wish the EC members go through the bylaws of theAssociation and explain to me and my alumni brethren as to which provisions justify suchactions.I would like to categorically state that the decision taken by the EC in the meeting is illegal and Icontinue to be the duly nominated and appointed President of the IITRAA despite the disgustingattempts of certain malicious and vindictive members of the association.I hope good sense prevails. Regards, Mohinder NayyarPresident, IITRA

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From : pradeep kumar kapse <[email protected]>

Subject : Letter to the Director IIT Roorkee

To : bhola gurjar <[email protected]>

Zimbra [email protected]

Letter to the Director IIT Roorkee

Mon, Jun 01, 2020 06:52 PM

1 attachment

Dear Dr Gurjar,I have enclosed a file addressed to the Director IIT Roorkee and wouldrequest you to forward him. A line of confirmation that would be highlyappreciated by me. Thanking you in anticipation. Warm regds. Pkkapse

Summary of happenings under the laedership of the President Mr M LNayyar from 11th April 2020 to 30th May 2020.docx31 KB

Annexure - 6
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The Director, IIT Roorkee.

Dear Sir,

With heavy heart I am sending you this file for your kind consideration. I have penned down some the things I observed and did under the Guidance of Mr M L Nayyar – President IITRAA and I felt devastated that so much of good work has been spoilt by some senior office bearers of IIT Roorkee Alumni Association. I look forward towards you to take us out of this mess Warm regds.

Pradeep K Kapse, 1972, Mech, President of IITRAA Gurgaon Chapter,


The Period of The Leadership of the IITRAA President Mr Nayyar from 11th April 2020 till 30th May 2020 as seen by me

I have been a member of the IITRAA for the session 2018-20 due to becoming president of a newly started chapter at Gurgaon. It was great to see some good reforms like E voting etc been brought in by the President IITRAA Mr B K Chaturvedi during these 2 years. He started many new things but some major reforms related to increased representations from all territories and India/ abroad rather than being Roorkee centric could not be carried out due to some reluctance of some long term members of IITRAA in important positions. I also attended the changeover meeting where Mr Mohinder Lal Nayyar took over the responsibility as a new president from the outgoing President Mr B K Chaturvedi on 11th April 2010. There was some discussion of change of byelaws by the new president and it was decided to circulate the bye laws to all members and all were requested to send their comments to the team that was formed to come out with the suggestion for changes. I read the bye laws and responded by giving my suggestions which was very much appreciated by the President. I had a telephonic conversation with the president regarding my observation that there were no properly written down processes on many aspects of the working of IITRAA and there is a need to create these processes to help improve governance, transparency of clarity in working. He liked the idea very much and in our next meeting he asked me to take the responsibility of leading this group and create my own team. I was also made a member to help Anuj Varshney who was leading “the Winning Team”. I helped Anuj create a questionnaire that was sent to all the chapters to collect the relevant information in order to conclude what all steps to be taken to bond the

Attachment of above email of Mr Kapse, dated 01 June 2020
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chapters with their members and also with IITR and IITRAA. The team has received good response from the chapters and the output is under data collation. I listed down some important processes that need to be firmed up and sent copy to Mr Pawar and Ruchikaji for their cooperation in giving whatever processes were available for me to start the work of documenting it properly. Unfortunately it was responded poorly and I did not get any cooperation from them. I complained to the President and he requested Mr Pawar to give it important priority and still nothing happened till date. So I could not move forward at all. I consider this act of Mr Pawar as an act of disobedience. In fact I started receiving letters from Mr Pawar that I did not furnish him the details about my Gurgaon chapter and for that, strict action would be taken against me. I asked him that when did he ask me to furnish all this information during the last 2 years and when any reminders were sent to me for my negligence and where was the authority given to him in the byelaws for him to take action against me? There was no reply from him. The last shock was given by Mr Pawar when he sent the notice for 30th may EC meeting being chaired by Mr Achal Mittal. I send him an email saying that this action is totally illegal and he has no legal right to keep the president out and publish the agenda of the meeting without his consent and also take up issue of election of the President for the 2020-22 in this EC as it was the responsibility of the outgoing EC and they have completed the task legally. But to my surprise they had the audacity of carrying that meeting through and passing a motion with absolute majority to dismiss the President. This all looks totally ridiculous and must be punished. I have seen Mr Nayyar full of energy and wanting to do lot of Good work entrusted to him by the IIT Director. I have seen him highly focused and spending hours every day to get everyone getting involved in completing the assignments given to them. It was sheer disgusting to see all the elected EC members using derogatory language against such a prominent and senior person rarely heard in the history of IITR. I am giving some details below as how this meeting was conducted and how politically this whole issue was twisted in their favor and 2-3 of us including DORA were just ignored even to say our objections.

1-The meeting started at sharp 7.30pm as planned by the Hon Secy Mr Pawar. Few of us called it illegal as the President was stopped from participating in this meeting by blocking his Video and audio and The Hon Secy as per the byelaws did not have the authority to call this meeting without the permission of the President Mr Nayyar. There was lot of shouting from the other members and the office bearers that they knew the law and it was being done as per the byelaws. Since the numbers of people opposing this meeting were very few, other members and the authorities put our mikes on mute and started the meeting. We found ourselves helpless to do anything. The attendance call was taken and to my surprise the attendance was found to be one of the best that I had seen so far.

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2-Mr Pawar explained the reason of calling this meeting as 1) the written representation by some of EC members challenging the appointment of Mr Nayyar as the president on multiple grounds. 2) Right process was not followed for the appointment of the President. There were objection raised by few then EC members which was ignored by the then President Mr B K Chaturvedi.

Some of us explained that after discussions in the then EC, the matter was left to the Then President Mr B K Chaturvedi and he in consultation with the Director IITR as per the past convention decided on the name of Mr Nayyar as he was found to be the most competent person who could steer the EC to get the desired results. This was not accepted by the members

3-Mr Pawar continued and invited vice president to take the chair. We again raised issue of illegally blocking the presence of the President but we were shouted down. We heard voices like “keep him in the lobby”

4- VP Mr Achal Mittal took the chair of the president and started the proceedings as per the agenda to approve the last minutes of the meetings. There was dropping of one point by the majority of people and it was proposed and seconded by some elected members. The whole process looked like a pre-arranged affair.

5-Issue of Nomination of The President Mr Nayyar was raised and selectively those members who had written letter earlier were called to put forth their points. They all spoke the same what they had written earlier. Then some people of the earlier EC were invited to express their opinion and they all agreed as per decided to support others who had spoken before them. A video clip of the recording of that meeting in which the objections were raised by few people was shared. I was shocked to the importance given to such flimsy issues like Mr Nayyar is head strong and stays in the USA. Looking at the world acclaimed background of Mr Nayyar, these points looked like creating objections for the sake creating objections. I have not seen in the bye laws anywhere that the president has to be a Roorkee based person. I made them register my objections as very flimsy ground to dismiss Mr Nayyar and also this EC had no authority to appoint or Dismiss the President as the responsibility was only in the hand of the EC of 2018-2020. This was also dismissed by the majority. I was also told to keep quite as I had already expressed my opinion through many letters to EC and all have read that. After all that deliberation motion of removal of the President Mr Nayyar was moved by Mr L P singh and voting was called to support for or against the motion. One more illegal process was adopted that only elected members were made eligible for voting and other members like DORA or chapter presidents were given chance to only express their opinions and their votes were not counted. From where in our current byelaws this discrimination is spelled out, I have no idea about it. The entire process looked to be well rehearsed and stage managed. The voting

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showed that all the elected members unanimously voted in the favor of dismissing the President. Since the time was reaching 9 pm, it was decided by the majority that the process of electing a new President would happen in the next EC meeting which would be announced soon and all other points that were not discussed today would also be addressed.

With thanks to all and the chair the meeting concluded. I was thoroughly disgusted and disappointed with the entire happening would request the authorities to intervene and set it right.

Warm regds. Pradeep K Kapse EC member ( President Gurgaon Chapter)

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From : pradeep kumar kapse <[email protected]>Subject : Re: Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting held on May

30, 2020To : IITR Alumni Association <[email protected]>,

[email protected], Dr. Achal Mittal, Vice President, IITRAA<[email protected]>, Er. Dinesh Pawar, Treasurer<[email protected]>, Er. Vikas Goyal, Honorary Secretary,IITRAA <[email protected]>, Er. L.P. Singh JointSecretary, ITRAA <[email protected]>, Er. N.K. Pant<[email protected]>, Prof. B R Gurjar <[email protected]>,bhola gurjar <[email protected]>, avlokita agrawal<[email protected]>, Prof. Rahul Garg, ImmediatePast Honorary Secretary, IITRAA <[email protected]>, harishgoyal <[email protected]>, Aditya Gupta<[email protected]>, Ashok Kumar Gupta<[email protected]>, kapilpuri in<[email protected]>, anju saini <[email protected]>,Nk Sharma <[email protected]>, gyans iitr<[email protected]>, [email protected],[email protected], np agarwal2013

Zimbra [email protected]

Re: Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting held on May 30, 2020

Tue, Jun 02, 2020 01:20 PM

Annexure - 7
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<[email protected]>, pankaj ag<[email protected]>, Er. Sudhir Mital<[email protected]>, rajeev eil <[email protected]>,Sudhir K Jain, President, Ahmedabad Chapter<[email protected]>, Dr. Harish Khaira<[email protected]>, Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi, PresidentDelhi Chaptet <[email protected]>, Suresh Chanda,President, Hyderbad Chapter<[email protected]>, Harish Chandra<[email protected]>, Subhash Garg, President, MumbaiChapter <[email protected]>, Arvind Gupta, President,Roorkee Local Chapter <[email protected]>, ajaybenu <[email protected]>, Anoop Verma, President, NAChapter <[email protected]>, Prakash Paudel,President, NEPAL Chapter <[email protected]>, R.D.Khimesra <[email protected]>, mahipal jain<[email protected]>, [email protected], Sri KrishnaKumar <[email protected]>, A.K. Jindal<[email protected]>, Saurabh Kumar<[email protected]>, Rajeev B Agarwal<[email protected]>, [email protected], shiv RajSingh <[email protected]>, Admin IITRAA<[email protected]>, Kedar Nath Agarwal<[email protected]>, A C Mathur, Member EC 2018-20<[email protected]>

Dear Mr Pawar,

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These minutes are of no significance except they can be treated as a proof of an ac�vity thatwas carried out absolutely illegally on many counts as described below1-President has all the powers to conduct the mee�ng as per clause 8.2 of Rules andRegula�on of IITRAA. He was forcibly kept out in the lobby of the webex mee�ng against hiswishes and authority2- The secretary does not have power to call a EC mee�ng without the permission of thePresident nor has the power to circulate an agenda without the president's permission.Again totally illegal3-The Secy has no power to install the VP as the Chairman to conduct the mee�ng of EC.Totally illegal4-The president is appointed by the Outgoing EC which was done as per the law and that isalso validated in the minutes of the mee�ng of 11the March 2020 where the joint EC allowedMr Nayyar the new President to conduct the mee�ng5-A�er that mee�ng many mee�ng happened for forming the amendments to the bye lawsunder his leadership and many teams were formed to carry out many tasks. No objec�onswere raised by anyone.6-Mo�on was illegally moved to remove the president from his responsibility in the EC of30th May 2020 which was done without having any authority to do it. The bye laws nowheregave this authority to the EC or anybody.7-All the dissen�ng voice should have been heard silently but were shouted down by thesuppor�ng members which was against the decorum and discipline of the EC. No respectwas shown to the senior members which was part of our long tradi�on. I consider this alsovery illegal.

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8- The Bye laws very categorically defines the membership of EC as per clause 6.1 and nowhere differen�ates between the power of elected members and non elected members.Why this discrimina�on was done while vo�ng and only opinion on the mo�on was takenfrom non elected members and not their vote. This was totally illegal.9-Some new members along with some old members had wri�en le�ers to the secy aboutthe so called wrong prac�ces followed by the outgoing EC and its President and their viewsfor no reason were entertained. They had no authority to do so as per any law under theprevailing byelaws, so this also totally illegal. These are points which would be held valid in any court of law and every thing would bedeclared illegal. I do not understand under whose advice, so many illegal things were carriedwith an unprecedented audacity and authority. I demand explana�on against all my pointslisted for the informa�on of EC members and also GB members as they would have to step into set things right. I appeal to all the members to seriously reconsider their decision tosupport against the illegal ac�vi�es being done by the office bearers of IITRAA.regardsPKKapse

From: IITR Alumni Associa�on <[email protected]>Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2020 8:56 PMTo: [email protected] <[email protected]>; Dr. Achal Mi�al, Vice President, IITRAA <[email protected]>; Er.Dinesh Pawar, Treasurer <[email protected]>; Er. Vikas Goyal, Honorary Secretary, IITRAA<[email protected]>; Er. L.P. Singh Joint Secretary, ITRAA <[email protected]>; Er. N.K. Pant<[email protected]>; Prof. B R Gurjar <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>;

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[email protected] <[email protected]>; Prof. Rahul Garg, Immediate Past Honorary Secretary,IITRAA <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; Aditya Gupta<[email protected]>; Ashok Kumar Gupta <[email protected]>; [email protected]<[email protected]>; anju saini <[email protected]>; Nk Sharma <[email protected]>;[email protected] <[email protected]>; anuj@sthapa� <anuj@sthapa�>;[email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected]<[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; Er. Sudhir Mital<[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; Sudhir K Jain, President, AhmedabadChapter <[email protected]>; Dr. Harish Khaira <[email protected]>; Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi, PresidentDelhi Chaptet <[email protected]>; Suresh Chanda, President, Hyderbad Chapter <[email protected]>;Harish Chandra <[email protected]>; Subhash Garg, President, Mumbai Chapter <[email protected]>;Arvind Gupta, President, Roorkee Local Chapter <[email protected]>; [email protected]<[email protected]>; Anoop Verma, President, NA Chapter <[email protected]>; Prakash Paudel,President, NEPAL Chapter <[email protected]>; R.D. Khimesra <[email protected]>; mahipal jain<[email protected]>; pradeep kumar kapse <[email protected]>; [email protected]<[email protected]>; Sri Krishna Kumar <[email protected]>; A.K. Jindal <[email protected]>; SaurabhKumar <[email protected]>; Rajeev B Agarwal <[email protected]>; [email protected]<[email protected]>; shiv Raj Singh <[email protected]>; IITRAA Roorkee <[email protected]>; Admin IITRAA<[email protected]>; Kedar Nath Agarwal <[email protected]>; A C Mathur, Member EC 2018-20<[email protected]>Subject: Minutes of the Execu�ve Commi�ee Mee�ng held on May 30, 2020 All MembersExecutive CommitteeIITR Alumni Association(Through Email)

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Please find attached herewith the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on May30, 2020 via E-mode, for your perusal Comments if any, on the recording of these minutes may please be sent to the undersigned byJune 07, 2020.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely, Dinesh Singh Pawar,Honorary SecretaryIITRAA

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