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Starting Points

• Recommended Player level is 2-3.• Recommended Party size: 4 Players (though again, feel free to scale up or down as needed)• Should you wish to begin at a higher level we recommend scaling creatures up or down as needed.• Character stats for any NPC characters at the conclusion of the article for quick reference as needed.• Monsters stats are also provided at the conclusion for quick reference.• Please refer to maps as needed for each section.


It's Christmas Eve. Your players will begin this journey relaxing in a pub in a remote northern town waiting for the snow to subside. They have been travelling together for a short time completing minor quests and have settled in torest until the holidays are finished.

The Candy Cane Tavern is packed with other patrons. The tavern/innkeeper is a small forest gnome named Carla. Carla has short, straight, auburn hair and green eyes, rugged pink skin and an oval pretty face. She is a little impatient, often rushing around the tavern. (See NPC sheet for more details).

If the player's question Carla she knows:

• Location and Map of Santa's Village including:• Santa's Workshop• Reindeer Barn• Santa's House

• High ranking members of the Elf community including:• Chutney Peppercrystals (Santa's personal assistant)• Mistletoe Snowlog (Workshop Supervisor)

• If they choose to help find Santa - She will tell them Santa hasn't been in today, he usually sneaks in just before dinner for a pint of peppermint schnapps

As your players rest in the tavern, they can hear the other patrons talking of home and wishing they were with theirfamilies. Some are drinking in the corner but most are reminiscing about their own childhoods. You may flavour the tavern as necessary, keeping in mind the holiday spirit. Perhaps a carol is being played by a local bard.

The tavern menu consists mostly of festive drinks and a few holiday snacks, most costing 1CP, including:

• Eggnog• Mulled Wine• Spiced Apple Cider• Hot Chocolate• Peppermint Liquor• Sugar Cookies• Candy Canes• Fruit cake• Turkey legs• Apple Pie

1. The First Hook

Suddenly a small gnome (NPC sheet: Panaziver Wilbis Pip) bursts through the door. He has extremely long braidedblond hair and a greyish tint to his skin. Shorter than the other gnomes in the area, he makes up for it with a booming voice, louder than he seems capable of. Panaziver has a map for everywhere he has been, and as he runs in he seems to drop peppermint candies as he goes as they overfill his pockets. His eyes are frantic and searching ashe scans the tavern for aid.

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"We need help!" He yells.

He runs to the bar and climbs on top then yells out to the bar.

"It's Santa, he's been missing since he took the sleigh out earlier today. It's Christmas Eve! We need to find him! If we don't Christmas will be ruined. We need men and women who are willing to help us save Santa and save Christmas! Of course, there will be a great reward to those who find Santa and bring him home safely."

If they agree to help out Panaziver will give them the details below:

• He last saw Santa two hours ago.• He didn't know where he was going or what he was doing but there are people in the village Santa also

talked to today.• He needs to be found before midnight or there will not be enough time to save Christmas

Should the players wish to question Panaziver further he also has the following information:

• A map of the area, including key locations:• (Santa village map below for reference.)

• Knowledge of any dangers/creatures in the area. Being a messenger he's travelled all parts of this land.• He has encounter animated evergreens and snow pixie's• He usually runs so has no idea of their abilities

2. Santa's Village

Santa's Villagw consists of 3 major buildings. Santa's House. Santa's Workshop and the Reindeer Barn.

(Maps Provided Below)

When they get to the town the gnome will suggest they first visit Santa's home. Here they will encounter Mrs Claus.

Mrs Claus, like her husband, is a jolly looking large Goliath woman of ageing years. Dressed in a fine red velvet gown trimmed in white fur. She appears stressed and anxious though doesn't hesitate to offer a Hot Cocoa should anyone wish. (See NPC Stats for Mrs Claus - her hot chocolate offers healing benefits if consumed)

After initial greetings Mrs Claus will address the group with her concern:

"Today was all about preparation, Santa had to get a lot done. I know he was heading to the workshop to make sure everything was ready. Then he would have needed to test the sleigh and check in with the reindeer to make sure everything was set. Of course, he may have even popped into our local pub to grab a hot cocoa if he could find a minute... Chutney Peppercrystals has his full schedule, though at thistime of year he doesn't always stick to it."

If the party asks:

• Anything about Santa's schedule• Mrs Claus will direct them to Chutney as the one who runs the schedule• Chutney is most likely in the Workshop ensuring the elves are on schedule.

• Anything about the workshop• Direct them to Mistletoe Snowlog, the head workshop elf• All the elves are busy making last-minute adjustments and ensuring all the toys are ready.

• Where Santa was last seen by Mrs Claus:• "Well, here of course. He takes his breakfast and a few sugar cookies. Then heads out for his day.

He's usually back in time for dinner but, so far nothing. When he didn't check in at the workshop theelves got nervous."

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Each location will help them find Santa, should your party choose to talk to anyone.

Tavern - They can speak with Carla she is the owner, operator of the Candy Cane. She knows the comings and goings of everyone.

Workshop- Has the following gnomes working: Licorice Snowbuns, Carol Fairyflakes, Mistletoe Snowlog, Robin Sparklespice, Snowdrop Chocolatesnaps (See NPC sheets for descriptions and notes)

• If they speak with one of the gnomes they will learn that Santa was in and checked over the toys he was pleased and went on his way. Didn't seem upset at all, his usual self.

• Mistletoe Snowlog is the supervisor she will be able to show them the toys he looked over, you can choose anything you like.

• She will be able to tell them anything the other gnomes can.• Will also let you know he should have returned with the sleigh by now to start the packing process.

• If they go into Santa's office they will find Chutney Peppercrystals going over the list again. He is Santa's assistant if they talk to him he will be able to give them a break down of his plans for the day.

• Will know he came in and checked the toys over.• His next stop was the barn where he needed to check over the reindeer and sleigh.• He test flies the sleigh over the northern woods and brings it back around the west side of the

island.• Shouldn't take much more than 30 minutes to do so.

Reindeer Barn - If they choose to go to the barn they will find the reindeer missing along with the sleigh. Nothing is out of the ordinary.

• Investigation DC10 of the reindeer barn will find standard riding gear• a few spare whips• leather harnesses• feed bags full of oats and carrots• the occasional smaller bag of treats like berries and sage.

• Investigation DC15• There are indents where the wagon is usually parked, and in the hay surrounding the area a few tools

are scattered• A couple tools seem to be missing from their wall hooks as well (wrench, and hacksaw)

• Investigation DC20+• There are a couple of nuts and bolts scattered in the hay, they seem out of place.• anyone with LAND VEHICLE proficiency may be able to assume the sleigh may have been

tampered with.

Should they ask any of the gnomes to help them you can decide whether they say yes or no. Keep in mind they are on a schedule and are at work. Mistletoe and Chutney are aware of the situation, however, the toy makers don't know Santa is missing. Asking one to join may result in pandemonium as they scramble to figure out what to do now. If they decide to go with the party note they are toy makers, NOT fighters and should they come across battle are most likely to just flee.

3. The Northern Forest

After talking with the Elves and Mrs Claus, your players will likely want to head out to find Santa and his sleigh. There are tracked leaving the reindeer barn, visible to anyone and easy to follow into the Norther Forest.

Possible Encounter

• Travelling through the snowy woods can become dangerous.• Perception check DC10:

• Snow pixies and Animated Evergreens pepper the woods.

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• The path itself seems well traveled with sleigh tracks and foot traffic but nothing out of the ordinary here

• DC 15: Notice no footsteps off the trail• Any divergence from the path will trigger the encounter.• If your players rush without thought through these woods the Snow Pixie's and Animated Evergreens may

attack• No stealth attempt will result in an attack.• Stealth Check DC14 (average) to avoid being noticed by the Pixies.

(Encounter map, basically just a snowy road with some trees, 4 small shrubs represent animated evergreens. Can place snow pixies anywhere near your party.)

Depending on how long the conversations took, when they opted to head into the forest or how long your players spent off track they will likely arrive at the scene of the event around 3 pm. You may adjust the time as you see fit to suit the mood.

The northern forest is coated in a deep layer of pristine white snow. It sparkles with the light of day and gives everything the appearance of being coated in glitter. There are patches of clearing, but in general, the forest is scattered with evergreen trees of all sizes. They are thick enough to make taking a sleigh off-road difficult, but not impossible. Some of the evergreens even seem to be decorated. Whether by forest animals or stray elves, who knows. Several have ornaments and garlands. As you travel through the forest the occasional ring of a small ornamental bell.

The forest seems calm and peaceful, however, keep in mind the potential for an encounter here. The forest has some creatures within the may pose a problem for your adventurers. (See Possible Encounter notes above).

You adventurers can clearly track the signs of a sleigh (presumably Santa's head out on the trail). It's not too long, no more than 30 mins trekking through the snow before they will come upon the scene of the attack.

4. The Scene of the Attack

Should they investigate anything out of the ordinary in the northern forest they will find the following with investigation throws:

• Investigation throw (DC 1-10)• The broken sleigh• No reindeer• No Santa• A sled track heading north

• Investigation throw (DC 10+)• They will notice a large indentation in the ground where it appears a large mass hit the ground and

then was dragged towards the sled tracks.• They will notice the sled tracks coming in from the forest and then making a U-turn back through

the forest.• They will notice hoof prints following the sled.

• Investigation throw (DC 20+)• They will notice that one of the hoof prints is different from the rest, it leads from the sled to the

broken sleigh and back• It appears to be following along with the drag marks in the snow.

Should they investigate the sleigh and succeed with a DC 10 they will find ...

ITEMS: a thermos of hot chocolate (enough for one drink) and 5 gingerbread men cookies. These all have healing properties. (stats below)

A casual scan of the area will also show that the Snow Pixies seem to have fled from this area and are no longer

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visible in the forest around this area.

It should become clear to your players here that something unfortunate befell Santa and his sleigh. They may choose to follow the tracks further north. The further north they go through the woods they will notice a distinct change in the atmosphere.

No longer pleasantly glittering with pure white snow, instead, there is a gradual shift. Suddenly the glistening snowseems flat, and grey. No longer sparkling like a white Christmas morning, more like a dull February. Dreary darkness seems to overtake the forest. The decorated evergreens are gone, replaced instead with lopsided and bare-branched sad pathetic looking trees. Evergreens lean at oblong angles, the land where rejected Christmas trees go.

The sounds of this forest are different as well. The wind whistles through the pathetic trees. It's eerily quiet now, and the crunch of each footstep on the snow seems to echo out around you. Most disturbing of all, the quaint little tinkle of the bells has been replaced with this unusually grunting, and the occasional cackle in the distance.

The snow pixies and animated evergreens no longer dot this area. Instead, they are replaced with small goblins. These are minions of Krampus (stats below).

Possible encounter

• If they choose to stealth through the forest a DC 14 (average) will get them through safely.• Perception check DC10:

• Goblins dart in and out of the trees, seemingly following your party.• The path itself seems to zig and zag through the woods as you follow the sled tracks.

• The deepness of the snow here is considered difficult terrain• If your players rush without thought through these woods the Goblins may attack. (Use your judgment as a

DM)• No stealth attempt WILL result in an attack.

5. Krampus' Tower

The sled track leads the party into an ominous clearing. Before them stands a dark tower. Suddenly, though it was only 3 pm when they set out it seems much much later and the darkness is settling in around them. The tower aheadappears like a void in the woods. Dark black marble makes up the exterior. Its coated in crackling frost and dangerously jagged icicles dangle from every surface. And wispy fog seems to flow around the tower and the sled tracks lead right up to the front door.

Krampus' tower is full of traps and goblins. (See map below)

Trap and Directions are outlined in the details below each map. Krampus' tower is a full dungeon crawl. You may place goblins within where you choose if you want to add danger, or leave them until the final Krampus encounter.

Should they choose to interrogate any of the goblins:

• you can choose to have them meet the head goblin Strak (see character stats below).• He is conniving but also cowardly. Should he be cornered and successfully intimidated he will tell the party

how to find Krampus.• He may also be convinced to show them safe passage. However, he is tricky and the DM should feel free to

play with this character. He may lie, cheat or steal to get himself out of a bad situation.

Your party will find Krampus in his throne room along with Santa who will be in a cage in the room. In order to free Santa, your party will need to kill Krampus first or convince him to let him go.

Upon entry Krampus will speak if given the chance.

"Who dares to enter my home? You outsiders wish to intervene in my affairs?" He points to Santa, "This man deserves to die for his actions. He pampers and spoils children until they are nothing more than sniveling, selfish brats growing old and passing their horrible ways onto more children. Soon this world will be full of nothing more than selfish children stopping at nothing until they get what is on their precious list."

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At this point if the players have not attacked or say anything to convince him otherwise, he will move to attack Santa.

Upon killing or convincing Krampus to release him, they are able to return with Santa! Make sure to keep him safe on the return journey.

Congratulations, you've saved Christmas!

**********************Resources Below*********************

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Krampus Tower Ground Lvl 1GeneralDungeon Walls Natural Stone (Climb DC 15)Dungeon Floor Uneven FlagstoneTemperature ColdIllumination Bright (lamps or torches every 40 ft.)


a: Small skeletons hang from chains and manacles against the wallsc: Swinging Block Trap: CR 1; mechanical; touch trigger; manual reset; Atk +5 melee (4d6, stone block); Search DC15; Disable Device DC10Stairs heading down appear to be crumbled and broken

Room #1The entries in this room are giant archways featuring carvings of goblins and demonic faces, many contorted into horrible visages of pain and anger.Features: A group of demonic goat faces have been carved into the west wall, and an acrid odour fills the north-west corner of the room.

An investigation into Traps:

• DC15 Reveals the 3 northern doorways are all trapped• DC20 Magically trapped seems to be a motion trigger• Detect magic will reveal: Conjuration• Entering any archway will release a Sticking Cloud

• You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of yellow, nauseating gas centred on a point within range. The cloud spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. The cloud lingers in the air for the duration.Each creature that is completely within the cloud at the start of its turn must make a Constitution saving throw against poison. On a failed save, the creature spends its action that turn retching and reeling. Creatures that don’t need to breathe or are immune to poison automatically succeed on this saving throw. A moderate wind (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses the cloud after 4 rounds. A strong wind (at least 20 miles per hour) disperses it after 1 round.

Room #2A stone sarcophagus sits in the east side of the room, and someone has scrawled "three, five, one" on the north wall. There is no challenge or trap here, but feel free to allow your players to investigate for something more. The sarcophagus is not locked or trapped. When opened, it will be found empty. Strength check DC15 to open the sarcophagus.

Room #3A mural of arcane patterns covers the ceiling, and a pile of rotting wood lies in the south side of the room

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Page 10: Starting Points - Mudd N › wp-content › uploads › 2019 › 02 › mnd-holidayoneshot.pdfStarting Points • Recommended Player level is 2-3. • Recommended

GeneralDungeon Walls Reinforced Masonry (Climb DC 20)Dungeon Floor FlagstoneTemperature CoolIllumination Bright (lamps or torches every 40 ft.)

Corridorsa A group of demonic goat faces have been carved into the walls similar to the ones belowc Camouflaged Pit Trap: CR 3; mechanical; location trigger; manual reset; DC15 Dexterity save avoids; 30 ft. deep(3d6, fall damage); multiple targets (first target in each of two adjacent squares); Investigation check to detect Traps DC20; Disable Device dexterity check DC18

Room #1North Entry - Strong Wooden Door that appears to be swollen shut, but not locked or trapped (Strength check DC17; 20 hp to destroy)West Entry - Unlocked Simple Wooden Door easily opened, however, if your players decide to attack the door: the door has 10 hpEast Entry - Stuck Stone Door, not locked or trapped. Strength check to open DC15 (60 hp)

Room #2

North Entry Locked Stone Door (Strength check DC20; 60 hp)West Entry Archway

Room Features: Someone has scrawled "Christmas will be mine" on the south wall, and a scratching sound can be faintly heard near the west wall.

Room #3 - Krampus's Throne Room

Krampus is in the middle of the room on a throne, three goblins are around him - Santa is in a small cage in the northwest corner.East Entry #1 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (10 hp, DC15 strength check to open)East Entry #2 Open ArchwaySouth Entry #1 (leads into room #1) - Stuck Strong Wooden Door (Strength check to open DC18; 20 hp)South Entry #2 (leads into corridor c) - Stuck Strong Wooden Door (Strength check to open DC15, 20 hp)

Room #4West Entry ArchwayEast Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (Strength check to open DC15, 10hp

Room Features: A well lies in the west side of the room. An investigation into the well reveals that there appears to be filled with water, with a greenish algae tinge, and there is the shimmer of coins at the bottom. The well is at least30ft deep. Any attempt to touch the well water will result in 1d6acid damage.


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Santa's Village

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Krampus' Goblins

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Northern Forest (generic road, feel free to draw your own, with broken sled or not depending on the encounter)

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Santa's House - Includes small office area

Santa's Workshop - Squared off area on the right is a little office (Where Chutney works)

Some of the tools we used to create this one-shot came from these great sites:

A Holiday One Shot –

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