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With every new year, I try to let the numbers of the year guide me so as to not be caught off guard as the year unfolds. So in 2009 when I lost a lot of friends, it came as no surprise because 9 signifies judgment or ending. And in 2010 as I found myself ac-knowledging and putting an end to several vicious cycles within my life, I felt compelled to do so because afterall, this was the year of completeness of order.

So here we are at 2011, poised to start fresh and embark on new triumphs. How does the meaning of the number 11 come into play? Well, if ten is the number which marks the perfection of Divine order, then eleven is an addition to it, undoing that order. If twelve is the number which marks the perfection of Divine government, then eleven falls short of it. So that whether we regard it as being 10 + 1, or 12 - 1, it is the number which marks disorder, disorganization, imperfection, and disintegration.

So as we enter into the year 2011, what does this number mean for us as individuals? Well for starters I would advise all of us who ARE disorganized or are living in disorder to purposefully do bet-ter to be more organized. Make a concerted effort to be neater. Cleanliness IS next to godliness. If there are areas of your life which are completely out of order, take back control of your life and do something big to bring the disorder to an end. Don’t allow situa-tions to fester. Face your problems head on. They’re not going to go away if you ignore them. Chances are, they will magnify. I also believe that this will be a year when people and situations be-yond our control will try and bring disorder your way. How are you going to react when adversity strikes? Will you take on a ‘woe is me’ persona? Or stand tall in the midst of adversity? The best way to try and cut down on people being a hindrance to you is to rely more on self this year and discover just how much you can really achieve on your own.

Don’t let the significance of the number 11 make you apprehensive. Now that you know what thus sayeth the numbers, work your per-sonal magic to make 2011 your best year yet! One guaranteed way to start 2011 off on the right foot? Check out the January issue of StarChild for inspiration and motivation. This month’s issue prom-ises to get you off to a great start!

Read and be blessed,B.da

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Why Men Date Women With No Intentions Of A RelationshipWritten by Dr. J

I’m convinced that the tragedy for women and relationships is not that they can’t find a date. Instead, the problem is the pseudo rela-tionships they participate in sometimes years at a time. Nod your head in agreement if you have a friend who has been in a pseudo rela-tionship with a man for a few years and there’s no sight of a title coming her way. She has an on-again, off-again relationship with a guy, and everyone but her knows he’s never going to wife her down. There might even be a few of you reading this article right now.

I could give you a list of reasons why men don’t commit, and you’d probably say I was lying or just telling you what you wanted to hear. But why not just tell you why I did it? Let me be clear, I’m not a jerk, but I’m a man who has the right to date a woman and choose not to be in a relationship with her.

I was previously in an unhealthy relationship that left me bitter for a while; so I wasn’t looking for anything serious. After a while, my friends told me, “We don’t even think you really like women any-more.”

I can’t have that! So I started dating again…

She was okay, I didn’t like her as much as she liked me. I probably wouldn’t be dating her if other situations in my life had worked out. That’s sign number one; I wouldn’t call her my first choice. But she would do for the time being. While I dated her, I got what men like to call a sense of security. Men will date a chick and consider her home base. In my mind, I had someone I was dating so I was able to take more risks to meet and date women who might have been out of my league. But, if all else fails, I had her to fall back on.

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1) She put absolutely no pressure on me to wife her down.2) She asked me very few questions about things I did in

our time apart.3) She was very pleasant and always down to have a good

time.4) She was freaking reliable and dependable.

And here’s why it made perfect sense; she did all this because she didn’t want me to think she was crazy or possessive. Her goal was to get a man to be with her. She allowed herself to be in this situation because it was better than nothing at all. The worst part of it is I knew that. One of her friends probably told her, “If you start pressuring him or being annoying, he’s never going to wife you down.” They most likely told her that as soon as she started trying to hold me accountable for things like last minute cancella-tions or disappearing acts, I would likely stop calling.

Eventually, I told her I thought we should stop seeing each other because, although I liked her, I just didn’t think she would ever be my girl. I thought that she was looking for a relationship, and she was also too good of a girl to be chasing after me. She respected that and we remain friends now. Only reason I wrote this is be-cause somebody needs to hear it from a man. Every day and every week I’m hearing another story about some woman trying to ana-lyze the actions of the man she’s dating, who won’t take things to the next level. Most times, it’s because he has no intentions of tak-ing it to the next level. He’s not different, scorned, or scared; he’s just not trying to do it, and you’re not requiring that he does.

She was a nice girl, but something about her told me that I wouldn’t want her to be my girlfriend. She just didn’t have “it,” which is sign number two. No man can really define “it,” but they know it when they see it. She was good looking, she was well-mannered, she wasn’t crazy, she was a lot of fun, but at the end of the day she didn’t have it. I think my definition of “it” is, the power to make me stop looking for other options. I was convinced that I could do better.

The funny thing was, I was meeting and going out with other women, but none of them were making the time or putting in the effort like this girl. It was odd that I decided to chase a couple other women around, when I had a girl who wasn’t trying to give me the run around. But it made perfect sense to me.

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II always have to chuckle when I hear someone tell me that they have “no regrets.” As if looking back on our lives and recognizing the mistakes we’ve made is a bad thing. On the contrary I think accountability for regret can teach us a great deal about moving for-ward as stronger individuals. Show me someone without regret….I will show you someone with little character.

How do we design a life of integrity?How do we grow through our pain?

How do we move on from the mistakes and integrate the lessons learned to become refreshed and new?

Being able to utilize our personal history as a framework for living our life is an enormously powerful thing. Being mindful of our re-grets can prevent us from making the same mistakes twice. Which, is a very wise ingredient choice in the recipe of your future.

At the beginning of every year I begin to take an inventory of last year’s setbacks and accomplishments; regrets and victories in hopes of refining my life and fine tuning my trajectory in personal relationships, finances, career goals, spiritual life, health and well-ness, and romance. The new year gives us both a chance to reflect on the relative past and the opportunity to develop a clean slate in hopes of designing a new program of change to implement in the coming year.

This process of reflection can be difficult work. It is the all impor-tant emotional labor needed to become more fully formed humans, mature in our interactions with others and more open to future growth. When practicing this inventory I’ve found it most helpful to use the term reflection as to draw the distinction from dwelling in our past shortcomings.

The only place worth dwelling, as Emily Dickinson once wrote, is in possibility. Self loathing and pity are not constructive emotions. One cannot be compassionate toward others and offer forgiveness if one isn’t able to first forgive the self. Be patient with yourself. Its only life after all.

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As an artist I always find using visualizations as an exercise extremely helpful in properly cataloging past mistakes, recent successes, and for the future goal setting of the year ahead. For example, as I approach the new year with the mind set of mak-ing changes and readying myself for new horizons I picture myself arriving at the summit of a high mountain pass…at this altitude I can look back in awe at the journey of the valley below that I just ascended from the past year…In that valley there was treacherous terrain and days of wounded war….pleasant streams, grassy mead-ows, and dark shadowy trails…although the journey had its chal-lenges, looking back I can take toll of the experiences in the whole and gain valuable perspective on just how much I have grown…and take comfort knowing that good or bad all the experiences added up to the man I am today…standing on a plateau overlooking the world with confidence of taking to the path ahead with a zeal for life.

From this plateau it isn’t clear what the future will hold for the path has grown over since the last traveler or maybe I’m the first pioneer on this way. I love to think in those terms…the idea of embarking on something truly unique is the very thing that should inspire anyone to live their life with complete authenticity. To bring about change through human creativity and service to others. The only certainty you can plan for at the plateau is that there is no certainty….the new year will bring its own set of challenges, successes, and set-backs… However, it’s good to frame your mind around strategies for success. Think about your needs at this time. Compile a list of those needs from greatest to least importance. It will come in handy when the time comes to sacrifice. Rest assured you have to be tough enough to do so…without the ability to sacrifice need…a truly committed person you cannot become….and commitment is the opposite of fear and the only tool for creating opportunity.

The key to taking this new journey is to remember the lessons learned on the last journey, to never dwell on them with guilt and shame, but to move onward and ever forward with class and com-passion.…you’ll be better prepared for the future…and take to your work, your relationships, your wellness, and self growth with passion ~ creativity ~ and love. If you focus on those three simple words you’re certain to enjoy the journey through the woods, over-come the obstacles that may come...and love the new you!

Best of Luck on your Journey Friends:Keep it Rustin:

TyFounder of Rustedblue

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From the mind of a Corporate focused, Community based, Child-raising woman

Dr. Tam’s RealitySelf understanding + Self Serving + Self Reflection = Spirituality

Spirituality is that strong sense of feeling that puts you close and aligned with a higher being. Our higher being resonates in the form of Jesus Christ and his heavenly father God. Others find spirituality through praising higher beings of their respective religions. It is through our belief in a higher being that we express many sentiments and gain insight into ourselves.

Spirituality brings one to seek concepts of self through understanding, serving and satisfying needs as well as reflection. It leads one to finding answers to life’s unanswered questions.

In my life and through my experiences, I have had the pleasure to be exposed to God and spirituality at an early age. It was a great foundation of learning. The Bible stories assisted in establishing my morals and ethics. It is funny that those lessons of life would stand the test of time and remain throughout my life. Spiri-tuality when incorporated in your life affords you the chance to understand many premises of life. The premise of self understanding for me means that you know your strengths come from God’s grace and your weaknesses are mere bumps in a road to a greater place. Using the both of them to do God’s will brings you closer to self gratification.

Self serving is that premise that we tend to dwell on more than we realize. It is here that we lean on ourselves for understanding and our peers for acceptance. Our spirituality reminds us that seeking and serving God is the best place for us. Life’s actions and occurrences are misguided when we do not allow God and our spirituality to guide us.

Self reflection stands alone in it all. It’s that place between truth and reality that we often get stuck. We tend to look at the surface and not the root of things. When we reflect we need to learn honesty within one’s self to grow. Having a strong spirituality base changes your reflection; it allows you the chance to use it as a mechanism to learn and grow from.

Take life’s realms mixed with a little spirituality and use them as a catalyst for change within. You are your brighter moment, and your bigger barrier. Use the strength of God to understand yourself, fulfill your needs and serve not only yourself but others in your community as well.

During this time of year we find ourselves reflecting on our relationship with God and its effect on us. We started off young in heart with the notion that this season was made in the essence of “HIM”. As we grow older and more material-istic, we find ourselves lost in action and thought of the true reasons for many of our actions.

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“It ’s Just a Matter of Time

By: Aaron Payne

How does the song go…? “It’s the most wonderful time of the year…” the season of joy, peace and giving. In the eyes of children, a look of magic, in anticipation of Ole Saint Nick. For many, it’s a celebration of Christ’s birth. For some, it’s about spending time with family and friends. For others, it’s simply a time to stock-pile gifts. No matter which theme strikes closest to your heart, the final pages of 2010

fall from the calendar and then it’s time to start anew.

Comparable to the natural regenerative process of springtime, the New Year brings chronological rebirth. Out with the old, in with the new – isn’t that how the saying goes? I believe I can even recall an advertising campaign that used the tagline, “New year, new you.” So, let me ask… What’s your New Year’s resolution? Some choose to work on their physical appearance; others may opt for a career change. Universally, I’m sure everyone vows that the New Year will bring increased financ-es. It’s a new year and now is the time for new beginnings, right? Well…I guess

that’s up to us.

As for me, I am anticipating a number of new beginnings in the New Year. In the cycle of life, we constantly endure periods of adjustment. I recently heard a state-ment that I’m sure resonates with all of us, “Be kind. Everybody you meet is fight-ing a battle.” How insightful. I know I’ve fought many-a-battle and will continue to do so the rest of my days. The key is to me is learning from the battles I bear and

knowing that I have the fortitude to survive life’s tests.

Okay. So the New Year is here and we’re entering 2011 with a sense of optimism and opportunity, and we’re ready for the changes to occur. I want to leave you with two thoughts to offer additional perspective. 1. Take the appropriate time needed to implement life changes. More often than not, it will take an abundance of time and patience to reap the benefit of your efforts. It’s so important for us to appreciate each of the little steps taken in route to our ultimate goal. 2. Treat every day as though it were January 1st. As the saying goes, “There’s no time like the present;” and we’re blessed

with 365 chances to start anew with each sunrise.

How many times do we proclaim:Wait ‘til next year…

I’ll think about that next year… Maybe next year…

I’ll get to it next year…Next year, it’ll be different…

Well…next year is here! What are you prepared to do?

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The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon

for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect himself from the elements, and to store his few possessions. But then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames,

the smoke rolling up to the sky. The worst had hap-pened - everything was lost. He was stunned with grief

and anger. "God, how could you do this to me?" he cried. Early the next day, however, he was awakened

by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. "How did you know I was

here?" asked the weary man of his rescuers.

"We saw your smoke signal," they replied.

It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad. But we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering. Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the

ground, it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God.

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Self taught, self made, entrepreneur, creative mind, tattoo artist ex-traordinaire, Anthony “Tone Rone” Brown is the man to see when you want to decorate your body with a permanent piece of art. I recently had the pleasure of being his canvas as he created a tattoo design for me that was made for a rock star (see opposite page). He promised me he would design something hot and he definitely came through on his word. Tone has been tattooing for more than 17 years, but only recently decided to make it more than just a side job. “I started off doing graphic design work full time and tattoos on the side. But with so many people going into graphic design, I decided to switch it up and let tattoos be my main focus” he says.In the 17 years he’s been provid-ing epidermal artistry, he’s tat-tooed most of the region’s heavy hitters. Tone says the most gratifying part of the job is seeing his art reside on people’s bodies. “I feel like they are taking a piece of my art with them and carrying it forever.”


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What’s This Year’s Promise?

By LeRicia Hawkins

Five…Four…Three…Two…One. Happy New Yea—wait! We know how the phrase ends for the most part. Instead of counting and waiting on the sparkling New Year’s numbers to descend in Times Square, some of us were quietly whispering in our heads the infamous “New Year’s Resolution.” To my observation everyone’s first choice is weight loss.

At least three days a week I enjoy squeezing in a thirty-minute workout at my local gym. My routine is consistent. I use the StairMaster and cardio elliptical to keep my heart in shape and keep different areas of my body toned. Its not a busy hour when I arrive, so I can get in, and I can get out, without waiting on a ma-chine, at least, until January.

After the first week of January, a heavy stench of sweat and desperation fog the windows. I take a deep breath and try to concentrate on what I need to do. Of course, I have to wait thirty-minutes to use a machine. Now, my routine is off schedule. During these times I have to focus twice as hard to complete a success-ful workout. In the Midwest, snow is always an option. When temperatures drop I prefer my warm bed. I have to make a mental effort to go to the gym. With so many people and their “resolutions” a bit of that mental effort dies. My motiva-tion is knowing the gym memberships will decrease by the first week of March. Although, I am glad to have my gym back, I think about the people who were, for the month, motivated to lose weight and become healthy.

Three years ago in December during my freshman year of college I attended a Christian conference in Atlanta Georgia called the Impact Movement. For three days me, and thousands of college students from all over the world attended seminars about how to improve our relationship with God. As most Christian’s know, it is difficult to stay disciplined while walking with God if we don’t stay “yoked” with one another. Our walk can become less of a movement and more like a “scoot.” On the final day of the conference, New Year’s Eve, we were given a contract. It stated everything we promised to do after the conference. We were to sign it, date it and place it in our homes where we can see it everyday. Thus, committing ourselves to change once we entered back into the real world.

This year, instead of a subtle whisper or thought, type a contract. Fill each line with dedication, promise, and strength. Make this New Year’s count. Sign, date, and place the contract on your bathroom mirror, bedroom ceiling or anywhere you know your eyes will trip over the words. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t carry out the contract perfectly. For example, if being healthier is your New Year’s resolution, don’t be surprised if you go to the gym and your workout lasts less than 15 minutes, it’s OK. Nothing happens over night.

Have a good idea about what you plan to change in your life. Remember to commit to it until your goal is reached. Otherwise, if weight loss is your goal and you come to my gym and quit, that’s just one less minute I have to wait for the StairMaster.

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CREATIONCHANGEEvery year around this time people examine themselves and decide that for the new year they are going to make some changes in their lives. Usually they always pick something superfi-cial to change about themselves like their weight. Most of the time when people make these resolutions they rarely ever stick to them and in my opinion the reason that this is happening is because in order to change the outer you one must first change the inner you.

The question is does it change who a person really is just because they changed one or two aspects of the way they are living? If a conceited per-son who smokes stops smoking does that mean that they aren’t going to be conceited anymore? If a possessive woman loses weight is that weight loss going to ultimately stop her from being possessive? More times than not the answer to these questions are “NO”!

What people fail to realize is that in order to change something you have to go to the core of the problem and change it from the root. This is where CONSCIOUSNESS comes in, because every action first starts with a thought. Our thoughts are the roots of what we ultimately become and create, because in order to do anything it would have to have been manifested as a thought inside of our minds first. If the thought is the core or root and you change your mind then automatically your actions will change.

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CREATIONCHANGEIn order for someone to start smoking or eating too much a thought to engage in these activities had to exist first and in order for a person to stop these kinds of activities it will also take their thoughts for it to change. If someone “believes” that they can quit bad habits then they will not suc-ceed at stopping them. In order for someone to stop bad habits they are going to have to “know” that they will succeed. There is most definitely a difference between "believing" something and "knowing" something. Believing something means that you are guessing or hoping that a particu-lar thing happens, but when you “know” something for yourself within yourself then it is absolutely guaranteed to become a reality for the person who is the knower.

It is going to take more for a person to change themselves than by sim-ply saying that they are going to stop doing particular things. One must go within, get to really “know” themselves, analyze and revise the root of the problem within self, and decide what is right and best for them to become the person that they want to create from their own consciousness.

Conscious creation is the process needed for people to manifest their own reality. Your thoughts are the most powerful energy that you have as a human being and it controls every action that you participate in on a day to day basis. Controlling your thoughts means controlling your life, because if you are not the one controlling your thoughts then some-one or something else could be. Who's controlling your thoughts??? Once someone allows other people or other things to control how they think then that person is no longer in control of the outcome.

In order for you to have success in your new year's endeavors you are going to have to ultimately "know" that what you are consciously creating from your own thoughts is the realm of possibility that you are going to have to live in and that you are the master of your own reality.

Peace and Love!

William L. Brookshire

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As we move into 2011, StarChild is entering it’s 5th year of being in existence. I thank all the stars (our readers) for supporting us through the years. If you like what you read, or even don’t like what you read, contact us and let us know what we could be doing better. Your energy and input is what fuels us each month and with your continued support, we’re going to have an awesome 2011! Be on the lookout for fresh articles, compelling interviews, high intensity

visuals and more good music.

Contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].

Special thanks go out to Mary Cartwright, Angel Campbell, Erica Robinson, Taquaryl Franklin, Tyler Bush, Tone Rone and all the guys over at The Trap, Aaron Payne, William Brookshire, Rese Hawkins, George Haynes (Redline), Dr. Tam Chambers, Gnarly Jargon, Ralph Lauren StarChild, Famsquadilliana and to everyone that's reading this magazine for the first time, welcome! An extra startastic thank you to Matthew Church for all of your hard work, dedication, and consistency. You have helped breathe life into the StarChild brand,

and I bless God for you monthly. Gracias mi amigo!

Pain makes you stronger. Tears makes you braver. Heartbreak makes

you wiser. So thank the past for a better future!

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