Page 1: Stale College Times - San Jose State University



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� 20.


sTATE coLLEGE TimEs. it11).�1..1.�N[.\IIY 22. 1932

features of New Gym During


11. McDonald Explains Baldwin’s Lecture,"Crisis In England" Basketball Rally Tuesday Proz,les To Be Of Interest To Students

No. 23

Is and Songs A�r�e�Led by Frank Covellu 13,::;irig Spartan Enthwiasm:

Band Turns Out h11,

%I I Ill 1

- \ 11, .14/ SI l’1.1/111 1. \ I

01 I. \ I-

s. I DF,NTS (it\ TE it I

limiting in ii� ,ident ... 0.o. 0., a�cting, svhich

i’sscs ss, � , .., iis,.,1.

rh "\Le \I’1101"’" ‘’’’‘ twill stslist among cont....moral,

Iv (94,1- d several 1.,’"- isong interpreters. will appear ii. ,

a a r, -..,� ’ one 111r "Inell Lawrence Strauss. maisider.,1 hs- num, critie� to be flu. (.11.1

11,.. new :*clenee ,sing. comoruetion of which (4 to I, .4arte/1 pa 1 a ,,,-age break the fir.’ ground for construction.

I. bosernor Itolph i, :.�

_ ...,,,,.�_, st..,-,

s�i,i,.h i, li� ii,,, .1, . , , 0, .., �,1,2�.,i,,. 1� ait attentise. if not 1,1’, was g.s... 1., tio. . I,- . ,.,., ., .t. ill r als1S lall.(11. alitlit.1113. \Vial-

,’ la ..1.,� es ruing in the auditorium. ..4. thr ,-.. ’-- ruilillmen1 "f !eonc.�!!! Ibis .1.111,11,1l I�kl�11111 ’ , ’,coaling at the stithbolellt thal i The kil:,11",;t.t .:I’, ’,,,,At’.r,;’Itto gott year’s . - .’1"11"11’. -MI"’ � Feta-mos 27. �i the Morris I tail., I Reatlings Enjoyed Try-outs for "Romeo and Spartan Kniahts � ,.,��,���nt.:: . - �. �s.,.� looa�lital 1).110111 :Will, . , �. I° : 11,11,Is 1,11’ ilic ilioneiarN- systim. (the 1..1. .101 aims of Ille auditorium of the Jose Stale student 1,,d,

which limited looductiorl, inhe. By Kappa Delta Pi Juliet To Be Held To Hold Initiation 1 physn , 1 ,i� 1)..i.trtint.iii. (.,,iient� � ..,,,,,,, ,� ill,. serond cm’s. elasti., to a naturally Iiiii� C.c.-ans...., to�

February 4 and 5 ar,�.,�,,��,..t.�_ ,,,, , _,,,,, ,,,, id ka.,, a �a, imped that � it,..1 ��,1 ,�,.1,.,,, ��,,,a1 taken )ne in the eollege NVIIIIiii illtlik III lilt� ,.‘ �... . .. ’11:�.’111’1:::. II , front the earth. I later this sys-Girls at Illeetiii,-1 At De Anza Hotel ifrom ie... of the gyni. ’I he .11,

,� 1�11,, 1113,411,11..11 is 11:11311.,031,11 11N. Ilk held the interest of the __ -, SII \Isl.:SPE \ Itt: VS Pl. S1 _ _ _

ii ‘’..., ,�lik 1,-Iiiiii.11..1 tod,

,Ithe aiii-iiid ..! goht available for C-4 ItENtiS1NEli Tit \I;Ell’i as fron. beginning to end,

:lend tin:. , "Nlau" halt the Mrs. Mathews Reads Two , Spartan Knights Extend .,us.‘:ii.� N, lio t.,1111.,Is ille Illelli11111

f 1hr S.a/1.11, ’,1111311 Willi in- .1111,c1.- aia� to 111� 111�111 ill 111l. 1.0

lt;’’1:1’ll’t .1,,i,.

,, ,ag.�.- said th.. speaker. "Anil

n Itt. introduced file mem- Interesting Selections .�,,,,,,,,a.,,�.� ’,la,. -,�,....� and i , � ,,,,� ii�� i...,,�,�, List of Activ;ties I Who 11,, 111:11 :arditial, �r es -

binge in an uproar. a el \ a -lialigr. i�, Oil I .11� eS vrymie

N,�,,t 1 hairsda, tua,111 I!, nit little sidelights and hum- 1 illeriminiumt le. the 1....�iill.. , ,, . .. :,11 etliT ll �1.1.11’1, the financial to� iill.ilier iI31111 .1:011 lo lillIll. kill N11101151 Will 11.1,1 Olt CD1111111.111.s on personalities. ,,,1 [manlier( furnished th.� en- , , 0�rests art. the cemtrolling a.:11 initiation at the 11,,,, I I. lain "Oilic" Kula’, voiced r.lirtiary I and :... �

eling of the team when he ., de cast ss�ill lw chosen inor.. Att/�.:,.� ’11:Irt,ceis..0iiltn.igniithi�ni,liiiiiiitii,.�,i,t ,. \-citi�-i Itt:::44":,,’;,’,iittt. forite:;1.:;,,,i, dia...�,.ntiated how,,,, , , roe the ,,,,00g ,11,.,, ,,

hat the team wtiuld do its , , �111.ers of I:.:ippa Delta l’i in, I .o. itt.,,,,, ity tottt.e.,,, or eiiit,int,iht,,t t 11. be brill III callr of the hotel club 111 keel..:�- " !I., ing’i goal- wealth. which is a eomposititn of

d II’. 1"ww "f Mk’ ’1"ic.’ "nit .\11 those trs Mg mil Ala, it, elloteso� 10 lto olislipl.,Ol111 IlVerytillIl 0 ,,filat..,11,111 .. 1ii ,Pc Hoc 11,,�1 land. buildings, faelories. eti... tind game .ith l’acific the next room,. Ceorge Thompson is th.�

money. winch is the :went:ding

luit’l..1:’�Ii.1,11’111’.::::1.�"If.2.111.* Program be gisell on ThursdaY. FrillaY allair, and NIr. Minssen is rieult, ,,,,r1i111 11.-1,, Li’......i \\ Int.-. their own seleetions. 0. hieli all. 10 g.�neral chairman ill charge of the deeo1,111"r, . 0.1m.otec.

g. media. I’mler our ssslem sve are enthusiasm shown bs the limited in the amount of wealth , ,,,,,,,,, t,t. ,, t.,,,,,itto t�. 01.1,,.11h,. h.,,,,,,is �di hp p,,,,,, ,�1, i,,,p. A,L�,,,, iip,,. �, i�, ,,,,. i� 111.111i. sill rt, ’1110 11.1st 1,1., 1111,

11S s,,,, (imolai% to pot ans. we produce by the amount. of a , n...,, Foil...1.- another sersion A41.�14""I’ Th."’ f’.1. 11"."" will enkr II" Kni"I‘ ’’’’ Mill"i% 1.’�"1"’ .’ ’’’’.1".’’’. l’’’’. "il ��I’’’’ 1.ii it, t,,i, :mit make it :Ili parliiliiiir tiivtal Mt� Call Ilia 11111 ilit� i’lkl’ll (1’0111 ill, balcons- scene. Codes. Al Lopes. Jiiiiior \\*ikon. .’re 1" I’, 11, .,1. ‘Is "1111v ela"-ore determined to "bring : -Loth. Neil.- \les. Dais, Mat.’ � or ihe earth. and the tomb scene; and those for (Wile Ilendler. Pet,� Ilan., ii. tilciiii .\11 ..0, ii,i.�.�1 t., attend this the ha. ,::." ’Whim lite yell s. under Frankie I:iivello, �17WItEN.’1-7-1-17�7.7;,:--

i I., ... reached dramatic height, Jul" \sill be �lot, fro. �to loi. s. , ..,...unise. Poll,. llill �..I.. 1.-,1,11 ..I HI. ’,Ili’, 1111.11’11T in 1921 EnDgelitimaidi"ntwg:in lo de , m the part a Little Nell. 14.’,..ais st-11111.� 311,1 111, Iralroolli .1.11,1S, 1’3111 Ft111,11,11. and Call �1,1,31,1 r1.1.r.a11/,-,1 111,1 �ala,111,31,’

number of yells for the - (late its currency. Notes uer.. and Coact. "\lae" everyone "11’,11 m a ‘’’’-".’ ’�I. II" ’’’’ ar- ’11"r" ss as the poor father, IP% ’,elle. P/111111.1% Follr holia, 1.1,11,..1-.. S rl 1, ...,.11,1,31 ,,,11s 11, 111t. 1,1a,

1,1"taslaa-0 is illS1 31,1111,1 1111, c.a.- liikell 0111 Of peoples’ pockets and ; illtilVitil1.11 be,1 10 S1,1111er r;11134ril it, iiII� \ill,. ,i. 1,./11,,,t-111 NI,,,,h,st. th,. ,1,...1�.,.:th. �ill�itt. ,,ti,( (:,,t,i, ta 111, pi,tl� 1,;,,t� 11,�11 10 11e e11111,e0 fr/1III lilt’�il!.. \ . Nt ill:111i .1 .1 lilli 1,.il ,t soldent

windows. and the roof llf 111,’ coll. g.. Fred Shipp the noble hero. The .11111 "11 reserve ill the Collateral t�.�,..11,y,!..;:11::ili,,f..iliri,,.:�1�,..1:, :i ,,,111,1:iiiii-g. ..�1,1I,1),. :1�,,...ri,:ii.1,11.,,,111.1,k., i:,I, 111,...11n114311::;1,1,11i�ls11..1.,1.,,,11,1: , ibia.l.r,,rat,;(1,.,,,Shaen:111 ja,,, If(..,11:1,1,.,..,.if il,..,:.nt.trr:i1,....... \sill also I,e present.

A with ., ,,,,ghty effort h., 11.a.renci� NI’ .,11-.. , a tem... At t. t 1 . tit t �thin . t ti t.P.,..., , .e�ross from the Little the- The Spartan Knights arc .., -

Iron] lie,i, blown clear ofi" vk lin inis ’,Pent do� ,ri�aler 1...11 a ’ ’ ’ "’ " us’ . . ’’ " alr, t. nding their activities the. v.1111 the mer-siiiii0 of outsiders cradle of the depression. pist ..e.lan.1 ain,:f� inPalin°:� nale(rilltil’ici::111 11’:uriallt.inig’ , quarter. Under the direelhai ol al 1he 11:1111,: .IIIII ’,lilt Ill, l’Illl 11 ,,I, tilt’ cradle of the industrial sake

diturinu. his life in San f i.o....,.... mu \silo 111."1111. lime "." ",""1).,0,,, "f I known as the gold siandae,I. Junior \yd.’. a baskethail tea., super,ision of the admalmna. re�0111Clon.

%event, -1h.� piece State has had an iiiiiisicd backgrotind of Mrs. C. It. Ibill. die Nlis’a’s JO., will lie entered iti the intra� rides, ,,ill ,1., nal, 1. id vl,�� ,-to. Commimting on the ss slim. of i Two current tIrwtrines wer,.

which th, , ollege lots grant training in I iitoie�iiii imed.� . en Itackus. balliarill.� Mill. Mari..r, Ex-Board Passes hi., ,..�,.ins�,�.. win�ret�- withons t.,.,th�hsi Its. the English Labor� mural leagiw. II consists a Curl f,,;-t of the .I..-,, � - i to let the work! know ler.. an.. I li., appeared as \�’‘ ii.. alld Maliel rr111111,�

WaS there in full force, anti ist with sit, li .-elebrated singer, 11..� other dramatic present., t* i Palmer. .11 1.1,11�,. Ell Gordon. of acres ,,f land were taken away ite. Tin. exhortation that if \ oo

i II ’ Smoking Resolu ion h... ii�. ,,,�_,... uh.�...,.. and �tided h��. it surplus. invest it is fool-

_ ’1 aneY �Yilliants. Hey., Knight. a ,�l

’ Paintings of Art Classes ,,. th, mpg!. 1,..rulies it "Ilyna- as Itelatle. Yolat.,1,1,-Ileink. Lana 1....1 of Ihe eventre4 was -N-,,--le, ,,,,,,rge illompson. immense domains of tit,. hardy in ttaat it isit:rwr:T.t,,iri:n.1:.h::1,:r.::.:su.i";,

lthusii,s,, ,.f the meeting n

talent ’.01.11 was no viol mas he 1., s,,rsed degree.

..e. Tich,�is are si.iin. . iiti a spe,�, d pr,,, id..1 ., there has ta�,... a tt

xilltivIll rale "1 :011:,’’’ 111;-:.� ,’:::::’,1,,,:l’.,’,Itt"tfttiti�.’:11,:t.tstki.sult,:;’N:::ttitl:ttt: pr.thiltited tin the cannot.. both in , .. ,t .. , . .

111,0,.. t 1U 1 ri�i... This 1,1�,� ,,,,,,,,,

and adineeni to any and an or ..’ "1 ‘ in ’I’m"’ ’" Ill’ e"P"’"’

Whereas. smohing i, ex��...,1 I 1". ’’’’’ "h" 1"igilis ’".1‘"I ’ ,1,111rs for Ilic l’aeilie-State game To Be Exhibited

Next Week :1::,�";’,...’’ "..". kft """Ple"’ ’’’’ "IL i’l."1""i"n

, throat:1a .11,�reaseil the pt,p laerio.r. and \IAA,. 1 liamIce. i:11.1.,,;(11,,,,,.,111,ala,h1,,,si:: �1�1,,,,iin,tel,11,:isait,.sit..1,1a,t 1,11::it.:1,,,,,..taii,tnii..:::::,,,,,::::ipii:t.:::ro(Itteli011 if

4 with Mr meeting. and he �Iiisie Iteportiiient of Ili.. state � to .,,, i,a- ebildi en. the college buildin.p... ss Oh the es� . � ’ , I k .11’ ’I

, ’there iii 1.ancasterstiire the for production. .11,, se.�,,ii.1 ph . , . , ,,,,,,, ii..�. ,.,.striii of capitalistic- production to practice thrift , 1 �.,,, 1,.�,..-., Ia. 1.1.1.,C1111: -

� ’11:111 111 1111.11111’n1.1.. The destitute a surplus is eitodls f000sli. fit::: glift:::::,‘,.:("lilt,:ttit’17,’,.,,::tt:,",::::::,:t.t,- !landless had no alternative hut Thrift tnerely results in a general

,s,erl..,:tt�it::;(1.nfli,.. oil:, 11..1.,...,I ..:in.111,-It.:ir:isrisis,-i.,..rik, 1,:tigt:.:.nii,:ti,,,,"1:1.,::k, 14.1.1’;7‘,..:(111::,1�tirkil’it..1,:,’,:.,:ifi l’’’ :h;srph ’ill ..�1":;.,:�.,,Ilmwon11.11,1.17rt.‘

10 AM/1,W ill 111t1 ,’\ !Obit which 11111.1111,111ey ita 1,0 the thread to get �,,Itt:,1,1.,1.�,.siii,ttr,i.intsisis,..crritc..;Ictshneut,int:!N:slibmit.

\sill lw 1lViii 111 1:." III I !WW1 \\ ,�ek. the strength pa !.,. to work.-Horrible Conditions gone b, saying that it has gone ,, , .

ssh,, hit,�,...ii.’..1,1,:.,’’t........’,,ik,i,::::1’ill’in°1; I Inter deplorable conditions into the pockets of the very rich. Ituring II

of ,,,,jou III, pres,�Ill e \ illilil ,,i 111,11 tail.lreli ili hours a 1111.\ froill l’t ssi�r pe,,ple are getting to osvo

nit, .1,,,�,e1,,,,.1,1 ha, ssitnesse.1 an sis to CO )vars of age. Then ii no., and ’nor, ,,1 the fluid cur-

�,,�11,�nt dj,phi., of work done 1* was Ms....sere,’ that winnen and ernes,

students from the College of l’a. eliddren 11,11111 perform certain "The control of Elnan,.. (I 11,,t

INpes of work such all 111.11 ill 111,. 111’,,kell 1, th, pe.,ple, will break (Alit% Few the ht,,,,iii �,/, ,,,,, siii,h,iiis quarries more elle:11)1y than 1111111. 11,1 Ilt-0111t..- Illi� speaker declared.

the Arit �kiiiii.ii,,,ni ssish,.,, 1� Still later, pauper eltildren and ..1 111�1’,1,11.111y 1,t1111eVe 1111. Cilpi,

unn,,,� iimi "whit, ai.t. 1,0.1 1111141111S troll] London were int- talistie ssst.!� is doomed utiles.

,,, ihiii ,h,,,,,o,,,ent ,,,,,,,,h �,.�.,,k, ported into 1.ancasliire to latior the is ,.pl, t: . , es secure th.�

these too. hi, ,,,,tii,,.cil 1,,, ,.s.,,,.,. in its factories and mines. Not. control of ih.- awilitim of es -

�tot including Al sindelli,, �MI 111.,111 thiOSC lunatic bred. "From change.� lic P� .11113111ed. ’ The ell1/

,,,,,,,,,,,, a th,, c�,,,,,,,. The�. ,,,.,. du.... pauper lunaties calla. ill- ilaIiiiie s%,4,111 1, . 1.. ,�n .�alett ill,

held itt Room 1 of the Art Iliad&

�-,009. r7lp.J.

i;;;1 , . PPS r...

� � l� p r

!It 11 fr� .21

1 outs:1d

ClaSS Will f resent "LANCASTERSHIRE IS CRADLE OF Complimentary Formal DEPRESSION,� DECLARES FAMOUS Friday Evening


... I, � ’

NF,, \ I \ I HAI � _

Scoffs Optimistic View

tile Chi’, 3.1.

101,1 to. tit.

.4 this s ea I’s Lawrence Strauss Will fie Heard in Concert

on Feb. 27

end!, sas that the enthusi- 1 ..11ege. 1111. roncerl w III begin \lc. llorrall took the part of the ception of the Bull Pen,. the Ses � ’’’’’’’’’.

limn . , "great." pi oniptIN al 8:15 p. nt 1 bailor. ’,Ito ,,,, eontinuaiiy being enth Street entrance to the rain, .,

- --- 1 brotiglil I.. task r,,,. he. socabulars pus. and the tennis court,. and Mary Wigman To Dance !i, ...n, .dii,..- ’h., Dr. ma,Qinti- 11 hereas. the College Admini,- For San Franciscans ra. li,��or, ,,in, 1,,, tin. par’ ,,r tratina nia, at an, time nann,i,..

’ ’he ilelge� -Itig Rill- "Nil."’ l’’"I the ’tosser to expel ;my student ______ the part of the prosecuting «lbw- guilty of smoking in the afore- Art and draiwitie students, who

11, ’ I he "11"1."" ’as "nlinuTh mentioned places. therefore are interested in art as illIcr-

oKl ,a resolved� That students lpreled 1.,� dancing. sloall,1 1rs to .,�, 1...1 1,, the influence or’ ,- :.

’-’11velalIV "1 II"’ found ,mohing in the alms,. pro. . little Imy who hibited sections .ill be sion�

11.111"f silv"wa" moned before the Executive San Francisco, on Saturday even-

, �� 1,1.1, lio. , .1-111 ""I 1.1 tny "1"1.- Board. . here appropriate action ing. January 301h. 1

� �" I h. Part "f Ille hill’ . ill be taken." Mao \Vigman is the founder a ’’ ’ ’’� 1),�� I"’ v�b- Passed by unanimous �ole of the Espressionislic ’Set 1 of

Atomics’ tholit,111 the Exerutise Board, Januars la. paneing in Germany. aind accord-., 1,,,_ .., ill, I,.., 11.1,I been 1932. Mg lo \Ir. 1)an Mendel...dr_ who

Iambi 1,, st. .1. It.. should have JOIIN I.. HORNING. President. sasv her in Net. York last Year. been taught 1 , ste..1 something �11�. �1�,�,. ,..,�auti,,,, ss,,,, she is Ilic most :mulling dancer cf

worth while \11,,,, Imo-. pla,ed .i, passed 1,, the Eseculise Itoard on all litneS�

1.1"’ 1,"", "( 11’11’r 6",":; -1.: Wednesday, itmutiry 13. The ae� Her costumes are ,er1 strang.,. Crialama i.,..k the la:111113W part .

11,01 Ma, sanctioned by 1)r. Miii-- ssilli odd coloring effects. her mes�

,.f 111, 1:111, I,,,s �,� lt,, had been Quarrie on Thursday. tures are free and 11114.1,M elliii,11;11.

1-1�, ��.�,,,,,,. ,,, 1,,,��.,’ ,.�. Every inovement and every 1,,,,,,

ne,,,,IN 1,, prevent men ft�om is like a beautiful. strange statue. mg. and work tenni ollii�r InslIttl-

smoking iii front of the main en -1 None of her gestures are lik.. lion� is simm II. a, v�ell lis 111.11 Its 1.111, Al ,i1111.�11,� .1i Stat,

1110Se Of the average 11:11113,1.. 1r ta 11 I % ,,,,..,.. trance on Fourth Street.

The resolution is to go Mb. movement is entirely ness . _ _ _

fantastic. _ N1r. \lendelowilt urges lovers ’Musical Half flours ellevl on January 25. 1932.

Have Schedule Changed



FOX. ‘.1.11.111INI.�



,I..1111-; NEU!


\ DGE s ANS.

Architects Plan Imposing Structure


� 00,110r� P irq� I re .0,�,x, /��

Writ- 11171r


t, 1)}:( LARKS Sf I/I ME

FtlIt\IER - -

I’, ,oeti,. of the faidor, ih..



SUNDAY Entire %seek


IN II Elf C.It I.: VI Eas I PP Ill



1,11011 if. l’.11, S\ VHS,

Insuring the slompmg 4,111 Of

all ail, 11,11.N \vas

s� Hop., agailiNi

la111111 1111,1,3,1.11101 Illr

Molds 11111-1.31 al 111111 11111 de -

.a 11. a la \loftier Ionise,

affirmed In hares, had taught

I"!" I" I". to" l’;’11 Spartan Glee Club �:� .��. g.r.

who hail been taught hail timn-

llerS IIN N1,1111111’ ThiS 1/111.1

\Sas 11110111 hs thlida Mallotl.

\follier Goose, loaik

the stand in sain, for her plea

,,as not answered.


1 here will be an important

, general meeting of the students or flu. dvinwilitent.

the leacher-tratumu

’group, the pre-seconihiry group,

Changes Meeting Time

Voluntarily t�loinging the time

of their regular meeting lime b.

Tuesday evenings from ti:31)

g:30. III/1i Friday noon from 12:11.1

to 1:00, the Spartan Glee Club

will start preparing for their Ilest

formal evening performance.

which will be held 011 TIle,ti:0

evening. \larch 1st. in the Little

Theatre Plan Engagements Else. here

Imo members a the club are

....I the technical groups. 1111 I au s hiking trip pp "ppm! the

Jtinttarv 20. 1932. at 11 a. tn. May cities in order Yellin‘ ell.

11110111 T.4. All commerce stit- gagentents for the in that

nts are request...I I., attend part of the country.

attend the presentation of Mary th, Theiikr

IVER BALDWIN Mercury�11.,:al.

I 1 ,,11�,h

fOillided 1)1.1

felt in Itritain t,,,,,,h,dt�I� dile hi

the ltreNt e PAti,,,h .11

11111 11,, It’’ I. .0-11 1101.1* -,11 J111,111:1411

W1111,111111i, 1,a1,1% 4,111,101th. 111N 111,1 litl.,1111,� 311.1

��"Visil"’"""�- ’1111, 111:11.111, ,11,1, sir. ’1310\ 1,111’ loot la

\V111,31 141.,11.1 �,1,111, �3 "1". 1111’ ’Pr 11’ "t

1,� a ft. �S Ilie 1..11.1P12e 111.1 OS A 111,1h

��..1e111. ,t� 1,1 Itttek 110,0 t�il �.’1�1,1 C.’neertl hill I 1,1

ell1:11:011 111 1,1Se general for pers.mal aggrandi4emeol standard of living." planted out ’AV.’ must 11,al

Wilt P ��

greater profits ...gild he mad, .1,, \Ye must mite hitch to the 01.

1,, 1111 111,1111 horrible ..! that men are here In help e,,, �alter. not themselves." :Ilion of iodise labor.

Iteeause this niorement , capital earned in England t. Pioneering Work to be eign countries toe investini�o!

Done in Spring by Navy ,,,� n and flireifIll t1,1111111�11, English 111111S 111111 file1011i01

arose to win the market tiss.o work lee!

notes which lire illiii11/111S,II di. 14. lions tps�en 111 1/111. elementary Ins -

the owner. Will the finder plc..... \II students and faculty are in- Ineles. Ile showed that political

return it to the Lost and Found sited to come and lo elfin% the control follossed in the wake of

department. lieward. NIusical Hall’ Hours.

of art to sec Miss Wittman in when she ,

There. To us bee 111.�W.

ill the :11111:1i, 14 Mankind it iS \ h." 1"."� "

Hee 11111 lilt./ I Ile PrilllitiVe, k 1111W 111:11 till’ si health. fill’ tile

111-y unisersal vino. ’Musical Ilalf Hour lias been

intl her stsle is new and changed. ’the mimic:II program,

her 1,..r�onalit, is with a has twill changed from Weihtes-

strange namism. day -1:10 l’riday at 12:10.

The half hour of music will be

N’EricE pro,ettlell itt the Little Theatre

Irian 12:111 11111i1 12:50.

tin Friday, Janitars� 22. the TWO MellkS IWO al large blue

hinder belonging to Kay Littilsos irmoind quartet of lite l(ract.

W:1,4 ten on Ilse steps a Ilie .%1-1 [Moist chureh \sill entertain, Imperialism lite e�net shape of the earth will

building. II contains nim., 1,01\ old Miss Martha Grubb of tile 1114. ideally in- be furthered next spring itx ail

silitable papers reports. and lillsie will give piano terprettition of colonial twuttisi. international scientific expeditinn w Idyll will stitch. unique

ronditions In the Weil Indies with the assistance of a United

people so desirous to spread the Stales Nays !submorine.



Page 2: Stale College Times - San Jose State University

"I may not agree with a thing that you say, but I will fight to th,� death for your right to say it."-Vollaire. Ditorial Pagr of Or 4qatr Q.Alrgr Libutti &III Jose. California. Friday. Januar\ 01

San Jose

State College...Times MOTOR HALE VAG1’S


Haas.. Edith Darner. Nell

� Vann. Al Uteri. Ghana

Editorial Assistant. Hannibal. Rubin Iranborry. Sorra. McLean, Clifford MAU.. Robert Heat, Milton

Rhoda., Adith M. Harold

Gorman. Lawrence Vickery. Th...


KN.. Writ.. DR. T. W MarQUARRIE



la acuity Ain isor

erspaect filember

13/1._1.:dit1. HOLLIDAY

Publiahod rental...1y oyyry Vri.tay durinv the roll.. rear hy A�sociated students of San Joile Slide Colloid

Entorod as Ssconcid21.. Matter al thy Sarn aalaftarnali, Ya.algaffiae, Sob. 13. 11.28

Pro. of Wright-Elio Co, IV S. Soto. SI. San J 1 alifornlo.

A Step Forward

Tradition and ivy-covered buildings--these are tio

factors that are supposed to lend "atmosphere" to utiliser

sities; to provide those qualities of culture and rani:Mel:

which Will leave gratitiates with a sickened feeling in then

hearts as they walk for tlic last time through the portals

of the institution.

Well. State has the tradition. It has been handed

down from father to son since 1144iti. And the ivy has been

growing on the promenades for quite a few years. Still. it

must be apparent that many things more important than

these should be considered in building up PSI/11E11e of

student body morale.

NIr. Poytress and others responsible for securing the

services of ()liver Baldwin as a lecturer are deserving (.1

praise by faculty and students alike. Such an address not

only tends to raise lite morale of the student body but also

elevates the estimate of the college in the minds of out-


Stanford regularly has speakers of the caliber of

Chester Rowell. State may well follow the. lead of such

an institution of recognized standing. The stress put on

athletics is commendable indeed. But colleges S11043111 INA

at the same time neglect the intellectual field. In ()dux

v(ords, a campus should not be merely a stadium. An in-

stitution of higher learning can develop the mental as well

as the physical in the extra-curricular field.

All in all last W’ednesday may be looked upon :As a

decided step forward. There was not only a record crowd

in attendance at the Spartan victory over the Pacific Tiger

in State’s inonumental new..gyin, but there was also a pleas-

ing. if not pretentious, attdience at the Baldwin lecture

later in the evening.

Such a combination or the tv.1) spheres of activity is gra ti f ying.

Old Chinese Superstition

!lave you ever ss Ashen. t the beginning of a year. Ilia you could clear all of your debts anti make a fresh starT Fins is exactly what every Chinese attempts to tlo, for as a member of a superstitious race. his belief is that shuttle lie fail to pay them when the year is new. he will be a debtor fur the entire twelve months to come.

Although the advent of the New Year (near the end of February) is a tinie of feasting in Chinatown. one might say that the Chinese are getting the food at second hand. for every particle of it must first have been offered to the gods which. as clav idols. usually refuse to partake of it. After this ceremony the food may be eaten by the China � sec. Merits’ of smiling. gaiett. man and his friends. who flock like poor relations to the MilY bast’ 1.’4’11 I casting.

The Chinese gods. by the way, 114�N el’ accept [entail.. sae-rifiees. A hog or a rooster is very acceptable. but a hen Is jud ,,tu �rt.,. too., to oak to tabno. Each Chinese has private collection of gods by his ,oilien !prisoners? One’s nand fireside. There is a god for the door. Ai god for the walls. roils over the scare headlint.s in and a 14ml for altnost everything in the house. Ovil� all oi !the IleWSI/Ililer, and won.lid.s. them is a bigger god who is a sort of a straw -boss. and sc. ’,Hoe are from Hollywood, some

from the fruit picking camps. that nothing in the household goes amiss. When a Chinese wants good luck to follow 11;111

throughout the year. he buys himself two large red fish. human. Lel yourself a..., forget’: These he takt�s to the nearest stream, to t thew sss � ti away. carrying with them his good will to ilii� world. ,��t t.h�nee to kit the oth

Tin! NVW Year celebration is always n colorftll es col slori, s. They laughed at )))) e Chintitown, for every man dons his best attire. Thos. theta. tiod bless

WII1) l’1111 afford them buy 114’W C101111’S; 01031. A NUNN VlIrk book store propel -wear the best suit they have.

tor was arrested recently and Early in the morning a long red dragon winds through rhargeti wilh conspiracy b., steal the streets, stopping at each house to wish the inhahihmts: man, rare books in the boa five good luck for the year. Following yore scores of youligi years from litirvard. Dartmouth, boys who beg gifts from those in the !MUM’S. and Columbia Cniversits Mira -

Though gifts are exchanged freely throughout &lie eel-, rho:. bration. there is a certain order which must be followed

by the giver. A Chinese had rather receive six cents ,fhe Eidac medal outmand-NcW Year’s 1)11y than ten, because of the lurk which he la�-1:::,gii.7n.r.tlitalo(filpiritialha,iit,iotn,econf

s cs the number six is to bring hint. The superstitions which wivern the aciitiits I f the Chi-

nese at festival times may appear ridiculous. but though the Caucasians have to a laige extent overcome them as Christianity has come into power, many of our holidays may be traced directly back to their sources in the ground-less fears Of earlii,r stages of civilization.

Just Among Ourselves Note-This cairn,. it Per 101101 bet At ren

’be pretident and the college. t art regretted mot to read it nor to make toy rass of rim material.

It takes a lot �Af housekeeping to run a Stale. ViSlied IWO Oth-er state Institu-t: - during this past week, Fres-no State College and San Quentin Prison.

Hutt tea one afternoon with the students at Fresno, amt.! luncheon with the faculty the next day. They were nice-looking groups, friendly and alert. Fresno is es-tablishing a most attructivt� per-sonality of own. College seems to Mean a great deal ht the young people there. I doubt if one is getting HILIffil out of his college 1111V it if he feels en-thusiasms.

San Quentin. Dean. me, what can he said about a prison! Tow-ering walls, buttressed. Gray. Light gray, dark gray, gray. Count, sightless windows, barred. 11’hitewash. Baskets of greenery hanging in ordered rows before (dosed doors, in rows. Steel gates. Yard, wet, cold, glotans. Long lines of num. shuffling. Quiet. obedient. tion_smiling. Young men, boys. wondering. Nliddlediged men restrained. anx-ious, furtive, nervous. Old 1111,11. waiting. Nlan on crutches. in pain. another helping him. Guards. Eyes everywhere. Silent men in towers, rifles.

Evers. prisoner has a history. possibly a national sensation. A sudden inipulse, often. Arrt�st. trial. One year, two, 1.1,011)� lite. death. Credit for good be-havior. parole, pardon. perhaps. Nlore problems.

I went there on invitation ot Dr. Shuiler, educational director, to talk to the prisoners. can just hear Dr. Staffelbach say, "%Veil. well, tlo they have to mil people in prison 1() get them to listen b. soti?" And nig Bars coalmen’. of course, would be, "Cruel and inhuman punishments are unconstitutional.") Anyhom I went. Took .N11’. Gillis along as a bodyguard Crhe ferry men thought I was Hugh’s prisoner and wondered why he needed two return tickets.) Dr. Shutter is working out a errs interesting program. Everything going friall the beginners to dhe tuns ersity. Nlany handicaps, of course. State cannot provide complete school facilities. In tht� end. it’s a Kis-on. and not a school. But they’re making progress. Sixty meniberm of the faculty. most of them uni-versity graduates, sonic trained teachers, all prisoners.

I vouldn’t feel any fear or aver-Sltoll for those men. Looked like a bit of defeated humanity to inc. Nlany of them had horrible his-tories, mi doubt. but thank good-ness I didn’t know them. Tried to make them laugh a little. to forget. They were courteous.

Women’s prison. Light. airy, clean, comfortable. warm. State employet�s all in white, neat, at-tractise. Prisoners in blue, with while cuffs. shining. Nitircels everywhere. Kes-s. lo(�ks. bars. not in evidence. Just a wire fence around it all, m ith 111:111 at the gate. flis name was Peter. No lines, no repression that I could

forced. some of it. Nlaits of the prisoners were lint. looking. Or eliestra, ehorus. Both good.

� � �

this year to Vossiir College. a woman’s todlege.

� �

111 vreales an atmosphere In t. inch the properties and virtues inconsciously grow.-Robert Ingersoll.



Proving that his plietiontenn record of holding every itimortant

in high school was n( mere accident, Leon Wartlike now vice prt.sident of the .1,,o canted Stutlent, ef San Jose stole has made an equolls impressis, record at college. A ,11)riint �INI,.-mic personality and unlimited eo ergy where there is a task to Is. performed, are the factors ie-sponsible for Leon’s success.

11’arinke’s preparatory school training includes the presitlenes of his student hods and the 1, markable record of bat i broil:411i Illt� asSOCiairil iml of deficit of MI,. a sot - plus of .41taitt, a feat .1i,, re-(mired his raising twiee :is much money in a singly administration as any preceding press itt histor) of the school. But his high school experienve as editor �r the paper svhich was declared the fourth best in the United States. as head of the lionor so-eiety, ann so 1111, IS 100 compre-hensive to lie quoted in detail.

ollege Career During his entire college

career, Warinke has been success-ive!, electett to membership in the ’Esectilise Board every quar-tet. stove Ile bee:1111e eligible as to first quarter sophomore.

Ile \vas t�leettol president of the freshman elms daring his first term in College and was chosen lc 1111 Hie office second lime during his first vent%

Warinke’s fetish presidenes mats marked to the \sinning a tile Spartan Shield ill interclass com-bat and the contribution of a ree� Or11-1Ireakillg al11011111 111011ey ill the Community Chest campaign

"f 1119211:S� end of hi, fetish year sersiee to the school was recto:-,tized lis the Spartan Knights who riveted him to membership. Later he .-as elitisen scribe and then fluke of the fraternity.

As a first quarter sophomore Wartlike was elected forensics

ill capacity he gained his initial Es -Board es� perience. Nest he was selected. eh:pit-man of student affairs, dur-ing the administratitm of \\ he slatted the Spardi liras s�eck of last \Var. %kill Ile -

1 le blared IIS a suecessfol tuition of quaillits mid quaill,� .1, a recognition of his sitecess last year. 1Variiike been el....I-tol again this time to manage the hobo festival. During Ilie quarter of his sophomore sear he was chosen forensics representa-tive once again. During this period he secured the entry of Sall JONI. Stale into the California Collt�giate Debating League, as .01 :is making a meritorious showing in the debitle against Y�tanford lniversily. .11st, the practice a ..,.\-Hedi,44 111M111 was begun.

Itecognition by Organizations Wartukt� \\-as nest eleetell ,

membership in Tall 1/1.11.1 1111�11\ 111.1101- fralerrli11. III� .1,11 !Wealth’ a member of the Inter-national Relations Club. San Jose Olasers. and has recent! \ been ,eted . andithics in Sigma Kap

IliSliirV sorinly � 1/1 ;n1.111/011 lo havinit to ice

seived as managing editor of Ihe Times, :Mil as a member of the La Torre stall as lill�ini�Ss Kin’. Wartlike made Ilic enviable record last quarter of soliciting the most advertisements the Times has ever hattl-g19011 in all.

11’arnike’s record was climaxed to his election lo the vice presi-dent., of the student hods for

NcOl, 111% third al Slate. Despite his extensive esIrmetir-

rictilor itelitils.. Ihe subject of this column has maintained the brilliant scholastic record of an A nvernge.

Considered "in lido" the record of Leon \�’ilenike is it remarkably impressive one.

’Eh(’ I ir it i CidOrliili office has risen in defense rif PoINVIIIIV in its .1frican colonies 011 the grounds that the natives /Ire him-pier when allowed to folios, their own customs.

eighth .4 all 01111 thick, how long

la tunnel did the bookworm

make? 9. Think of a number comp.-. ,I

1 of 2 unequal tligits, reverse i! I digits. take the difference beim., this and the original numb, minie mie of the digits and I

’ name the other. How can I ... this?

ta. Think of a number. multi-ply it be 6, divide this product lis- 2, mullipls- I,� diVide liy add 41i, divide by 4. subtract the

:nimilit�r thought of. divide by 2, , and the quotient 5. Show why this is so.

Professor Julian S. Huxley, ’ British scientist, ft.ars that birth etattrol, carried to the ultimate degree. will depopulate the world. fie SCI’S a for control of the numbers of human beings in both directions, not ords in Ilie direc-tion of ha, many.

Memory Twisters 11

. . k T MCI II III path

� b) 11.1, 011,11b.

id flu Cuticle boob) rotorruata Ito u

depariturat. Tlu amat,�

ris� lou log k.1

1 he Times pay a prize of line Dollar (S1.00 American) for

t� ten best answers submitted before Thursdaj. January rs. V11 -Y, ern should be submitted to

Minssen. Write in pen or it h type. riter. Ans. ers written

to pencil not be considered. -

you hose to rely on the la. of as cranes to "What do you know about mathematics". We hope not. but if slit, do, guess a ell.

Comment on the defi� I� members of the Nlathe-

;antics staff: I. .\ axiom is a Ihing that is

s liable that it is not neeessary 1., 11,

2. Algebraical ss tabols are what sou use when you don’t

oliat sou are talking about. 3. Parallel lines are lines

which neser meet unless you trend one or Itoth of them.

4. A circle is a round line ssith no kinks in it. joined up so as not 10 show where it began.

5. The logarithm of a given moldier of times tile given n011i� her must be squared in order that the given number may bt� equal Id this 111111111er.

NVIIII�11 is the greater, and liom 11.1011. �siX 1107,M1 1102e11, Or law hair a dozen dozen, or is Iliere no (Inference between them?

7. Home Inas- the first nine in-tegers 1,.. arranged in rectangular form so that the sum of the three integers in any row, any column. or ans diagonal is eqUal to 15?

N. .S Isa,kworm bored a hole straight through from the first page of solemn. I to the last page


!fear Editor: handwriting for members of

the fat:tilts ? I shouldn’t think it

Well a ball idea. Ninety-nine and

one�half percent of tuy acquaint-alleett the student bodY have had to lake it so that their pro-fessors can read their examina-tion papers. and whs shouldn’t their professors make it at fifty tiny propositiou, by taking titc stone subjeet so that the student,

will be able to read the questions to be ansv,.cred. thiciitentait I might be able to motel -stolid that Itainityana is ended NA instead of NIA.)

II was also my misfortune to take bone -head arithmetic, and in this course I learn to count 2. 3, 4, 5, -. But alas, recent manuscript of "Nit�mory Twist-ers" contained 1. 2, 3, 4, 6. - 11urriedly I SUI)Illiliell a fifth question to save the involved fac-ally member’s face, and after it had been published, lie suggested that I be fired front the stadr-fired for an aet that I (lid only ti, help the member involved.

Nfr. Editor, I nominate said fac-ulty member for the hone-head arithmetic course at Still Jose Slate. J. F.

1)eair Editor: �Frogior.. wranesda,s’s issue

may not stand alon.�. but lie evi-dently is silting in a small puddle looking up at the sks. and doesn’t see anything around him. AI least, he must not have read the Esecutis-e Board’s ban (to sinok

He pleads earnest’s for the, right to smoke while \smelting tennis games. 11’ell, little amphil, ion. smoke. The resolution S,,N

I hai may. Stop thinking about sourself,

and start to use some of your en� ergy in helping to foster a Slate tradition by smoking in the "Bull Pen."

�tdiune as the volumes It IS a privilege to be allowed mere standing in (their natural, II/ smoke any place on tht� cam -order a shelf. If in each vol. ous as the editorial said. The time the leaves were together two Fourth strvet cotrant,� was ao inches thirk and each cover one ese-sore. Don’t trs� to make it so

again. Bead and think before you


"Sweet Delight" Philosophy Is Not for the Masses

New Haven. Conn. - "1 I sweet ilelight," Philosophy, is for the masses, Professor 11,,, Cohen of the New York tni,. sity department of philtisom... told the ainnual meeting of the American Philosophical SOCiely

"God forbid that it should ever become utilitarian." he snit!. "That would degrade it as utili-tarianism degrades loves or music of a beautiful sunset. It is the chief d’ouesre. the piece Ile re-sistance of the mental hoard. a delight, to be tested lis the feo elect mils."

THE MOVING FINGER This week. babes :inn .,,bis hide pepper to nos

men is backstage week. You are we call existence. � � � now to he conducted into the in-

ner workings of many marvelous things.

� ’ � The first of these is the College

Times. After the reporters and feature writers have sent their copt, At is sent to the print shod. The linotyper makes type of il by playing the piano all over a machine with various keyboard, and handles.

.1 flock of demon editors, and Jimmy, who is a prince, who gels no recognition, anti probably Bi-ne salary. make the type tip into pages. ’rhe press itself is too complicated all instrument for me to understand, much less �it. -scribe. Itut it has one neat little gadget. Just before the paper comes off il. each sheet passes over gas flame. so that it mill be nice and dry. and not stmitlits.

� � �

Of course the best part of tait. work consists of exchanging pint-osoplis� and bright eracks out iti the Times office. For instane,� you’d enjoy hearing Milan Hama. hal attack the institution 14 necking. no matter whether You’re at hos. or a girl.

� � � To neck or not to neck, that is

n question. I suppose it is lir more noble nod to. But practical-ly all Ilic fellows and girli I know

oveasionally. After all, it s matter of good taste. and so long as it doesn’t go loo fur.

nos. oh boy. The bids lo the Junior Formal went like an ex-cused class. From the lirte out-side the Controller’s office, sou would have thought someht),IV was giving away free ice cream. l’ou can guarantee Hint the donee will be a success. Anything the

, Juniors handle is always that. . . .

For the backstage angle on tiv� coining concert we introduce Carl Welz and Jais. Arps. Carl is a quiet guy who doesn’t gel much notice because he doesn’t nround ntiverlising himself. Ile managed the ticket sale for the series and made the arrangements for gt�tting the artists. By th.� waY, the Bruhms quartet is not going to nppenr here. Sonic \Ir. Strauss. who, if my memory is good, gave al concert in Sim Fran-risco, is to sing in their place.

Jay Arps is a Speech Arts uri-jor and big sluff 011 Stage Ili/111111d and design. She is in t�harge staging the reeitak-a /oh than appears.

� � � Dan Mendelowitz and Larry

Mendenhall are the Little Iloy Blues for the miming production of "Outward liound." ’rhey are designing something spectacular

the way of selling and light-ing. Honestly, il is remarkable what Players and their directors do in the way of making the same old stage look like something new and gorgeous.



A graduate of De Kali) state university Illinois. Herman

F. Mosso’ came to California It) earn his It. .1. and 11..1. at Slim_ ford. In addition to 11E1111 degrees he has his masters it) tol-

"11I’ll’i’ti�Iti in 1916 11r. Minssen start...1 his career at Stale as a Ihe math department, little did he think that in it short while lie was to beetant. head of the department. Shire then his didie, !roe steadils increased. In 1919 he was made financial seere� lary of the school and in 1924 WaS ni..\ssistanl 11. the President.

liming this lime he was alnaiNs \sort:Ina with unfailing losally and sleadfiistituss for 1114. better-ment of the collegi.. Imbling re-sponsible adnanistrativi� positions under four administration,. Thus it wits but natural and deserved that he become acting president ..f Ilii� college al the death of Dr.

His term of presidestry lasted front January 1925 until Septem-ber 1927. lie \\di% responsible for Spartan Field and the plans of Ilit� new college buildings. and il was through his efforts that the fac-ulty and slUdelli boily Wvre vastIN illereascid \Vitt’ the appoinlint�ni of Dr. NlarVilarriV as HIP la/11113e, calla’ Illt� :sent that 11r. Minssen was to be vito�-presitient. In addition to this position he’s been fitting in the position of dean of men.

Sincere. honest, understanding. losal, true. ellivient-all are 1611Sie 111111S of everyone*, friend --IL F. Minssen.

. . Fox Mission Stars

Dressie: as Emma 11,11.101g 1111 a . I Ile 1111411 s I a Ilda I’d

Of 1111’111 re ha, 111,1111. Ille Sall .1.111. 1.0\ NAt,1 111111‘,1, outstatating this Manager Italph .�111111 :1111,11111.1, iN\ I ill$11.1.

r MITI it 011:11 1111.1111,1 UR’ \

G110.111111:I :11111 \ I INS .001 thea ter,.

the Fos CallImano SuildaY for four This is a picture whieh th. much in adding to the present popularils Itoliert NIontgoiners. as ..�11 as establish-.rig Madge Es an, as a stnaiger favorite in the ’he worie ran,. is,,11, de-

Iminan inier.,�st different from the ordinal., siTSVI1 fare. became oinit, lite usual clement of iliruct YillaillY. Ileri and ’,fervid y lied ingre-dients so emiliminls emplosed 1,, picture makers iti stors.

Fredei te Lonsdolt.. the atilloir. hits slum!’ his sersatility in this offering lo sleppitio domn from the higlibrow-ultra-sophisticated level and uontributing a .1..lirate 1,PArt. story- in such simple terms that il can he appreciated the 111:11SeS. II carries all the essen-Hal elements of motion !armee entertainment 111111 10:11111(1111) K1.11(.014.11. The cast includes Hobert Montgomery. Nliss Evans, Itoland Young. Fretlerirk Kerr, Ileffinald ()wen, iteryl Mercer, Evelyn Hall, ililliwell Hobbs. Jackie Searles, Nol .1r., Alan Mowbray, Forrester Har-vey, William IIIIrreSS. ;11111 Diek WHISloW.

’rhe Nlission "Emilia," with MO rl I’ Dressier in

the lending role. is the attraction Sunday at the. Fos %fission tht�a-ter, for the entire week. Nfiss Dressler has plasm! every sort of role from scrubwoman to queen during her long and diversified career on the screen, Ind it halt -pens she lins never before been called upon portray a charac-ter who pleads for jusliee a courtroom 1111111 this role. She enacts the fahtels. accused defend. ant in a sensational murder trial. one of the hist scenes of HIV Oie-IiIrP. The picture Is an intimate

moo., sot

ri MI � � ���

ailE 1.2

" S011’1,1, 01111 111.

NI. I:. gleeftills in IL

"Wind," said . ti liulittle. "in Ida, with soiti? no (100,1."

"Wrting again. ex-latard I,

lotion, and dol "True." reline. ir.o

til.. -1).in’t ,

"It was a good e. N..1 -Of course 1 .1.

time and num. .0 1 4,40 hut atom’. I lik, fe,�

going to flu. /nolo In dsi The oilb, Ile hl ’,eel’ esesiiee It has liveti hard f� itrext4 has struggled \, prdil mall dinicoll,. :de lion. True. the f, 1 1,,ael side of The,. comfortable phi,. relm forget their labor, For a 0111. .. ..1,

-11111111,� Ohllosid "and now regale 11041 A st finilings� h.

"Well. I have that otir fair fee,. irtg going to the ...,s, mic, Itolgth of .1.. file a of their love’s toe The efrect must I,. ’lad.-

"In the sacred / Harlow, what rte,, -.�ped. answer.

"It’s 1/e,A1111.1 to, turn to Ilie 1.41 re hunters don’t . us covered. tiave \ ...Th.\ a good obl rettitio,, �, in’s’ \NATE is Oh !tomtit’ cast. .111,- .1.14 n member .lien’ that moos-. Aside no. a "ries 1111111 .1.1. a’1.1.11 ,capalite of !Junin_ , ,t4.11 ful show. 1 theti ser the liglithig ell. ,r1,1

"Sante here." re: I 11-a I "We getting fin Nit. Itillassin std1 ail ptaitili� tl botherhig with. �’ .4,41

ng it�ssons f, long. ’Jell me in.

"Not too much itirs are gi, mg t ilwass did like Ian though I limo the) served the rental Wade anent thy f, the titet�lings."

-The basketball me towering, I’ll how the Patine 1. Ilttr team is a 11 did lol Of plats.’ spite of Ihe %Col.

-I Mit’ will tell ,1,1,1 :.� he sssai.,

le. oaf. - �

le la

Eng,lish Co-Ed Criticizes Sons of Old Stanton

For Being Imposi - -

Clianres look ..or heir Sparme criticism maid.. men by Nliss English ’� Li 1 from Bristol.

"Er. n it m I

1.4"111.e 11CW ng I I �

their habit of la .1 ’1014 Yeah!’ IIIVA’ Woldil impossible."

II that 11,...,4, I ems were not eialeevioir

the idea of their islied daughter ’oral nutting the sits,1-:., "411 North Ameriva . studies.

She %,,Is Ihnells 1‘111111. to Stanford .,,, oar 911 lion: that she steer .1. "f monist shoals. the cables her folks 1.. -.are 9 of her continued Hotelier-9

slide. But :IS far as she ..

cerned her family worry as Stanford , .,e,.r

glimeo net. enmum !��

ird st,n1

� slit

story a Ameeie., which centers on the . iron a

devoted serviint. flahaol

well, Jenn Ifersholl arel

Los� iippear in 1111. ,....I


-ea The


fiat fa


eel. Mier.

1101 f

can two’



wit nab

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ill. I is,


the, oath


51s1 Ned

Page 3: Stale College Times - San Jose State University


riticizes Staub lmpo



ofokical Orgduization To Be Started

Stiinulate Interest in Government

- that there


.tt iz ion formed

shimilating in -

of government

.to rising genera -

the usual cont-. IN, With Web

I 110

Ne,111,11 I). filial:111. and the advisory

....�nt cannot be

arta glance.

, .1 will lit. to stip di.11111VS111111 class

to organize a 1110111C1 state

nigh schools and

s. .�,. are to be award.

fur the 1., use of the MAP.

The object of the educational

ngrom. Mr. Lawrence stays. is to

dor) from s.outh informed

for rt.. nation." II cannot

’,toed th.,1 there is an urgent

: for th. ising generation to 1. informed of the

, and politics.

�.rganization must . the imagination ler to create a , the program; a Will Mil lid-

agrl’e - ....eaten! in Hos-

ting achievement. is that the

,. caught the int-s "unit peOlde

ail they succeeded .. development of

dale as youth’s They are train -

lion, not cram-.1, with infornia-

. (Intent. The int-� t trait youth Call

� ’,alit. 11111C1111/11.

stein with Mrs. Einstein has at rived to spend the winter us the guests of the California Institute

’technolows 111

Nleanwhile, al New tirteatis. where the Anteriemi .1ssotiation for the AtIvaii......ient of Scienee has been meeting. lir. Hobert A, Millikan, direetor of the Calder. nia Institute of ’I echnology, an-nounced lite results a experi-ments which, he said. are the most (lutenist., set ill .M111101114

Illeolo l’6.1,11kit. For the last mile Drs.

Hoy J. Kennett) and Edward M. Thormlike have worked success-fully to vorroborate one of the principle assumptions of relativ-ity, namely, that the velocity of light is constant and independent of the source of light, that, for example, no matter how fast a star is moving, the light it sends dow It to earth reaches here at a S111,11 no more than 186,000 miles per second.

The result, the srientists stated, agrees with Me results obtained hy the famolls Mitheititill-M011c,


DR. EINSTEIN Dr. George Freeland FEMALE DEBATERS EXASPERATE IYIEN Dr. Holliday Talks To SANTA BARBARA GUEST OF CAL. Visits Student IN INTER-SEX ARGUMENT Music Society � Business Men at J. C. MAY CU T if A I DURING WINTER, leachers St. Francis NEW BUILDINGS !.0 Have unly

Los Angeles.-Dr. Albert Lut Ili rvill Interest Students


In Extension Classes . ,

During the last week, Dr. George E. Freeland has been vis-iting student leachers in the schools in Nit/di/ski, Slanisluus County. and Sacramento. Ile will instruct students enrolled in Ed-ucational Extension classes, and will also visit students in Son Joa-quin County.

Students in these schools arc: Nloilesto: Dorothy Poulson, F.Ica. nor S’ehell, Helene Appleby, and Eliltilbelk Jones.

Stanislaus County: Isabel Hughes, Laura lielle Folte, and Margaret Ellersen.

S/111 Joaquin; Bernice ’fishy, Annabelle James, Dorothea Mar. tin, Evelyn Boss, Lucille Seiver-son.

Sacramento; Elsie Bales, Stisan Hurt, Marjorie Groin, Dorothy Iluenggi, Juana 11.,,lex, Esther Johnson. Harrison, .1liee Wehner.

f,�. bibilophiles Club Has e�Per"1"."1. "I’’’’h was the Julio,

lie first athan.....1 his theory of Several Enjoyable Teas relativity in On this expel’. intent Einstein based his assump-tion that there is Ill/ ether and Members of Les Bibliophiles lbw it, �f fight ��. HI the first of /I series of bi-stant. , monthly teas, Tuestlay afternoon.

iiis buss Nliss Mabel Hopkins presided at a he thought newspapers could oes. , . brief business meeting preceding

�tenet,. to, the serving of refreshments. said tin., rind,’ it beA by At future meetings. speakers signing to scientific sturies 1,111\ from various departments of Sall reporters grounded ill Jose State will be guests of the knowledge, and by refraining elub� All librarY majors and froni attempting to make the st..- minors are invited to attend these ries si.T1 meetings which :ire to be held on

� the first and Illird Tuesdays of

Guardians for Camp

Feminine logic seored a knock- men solemnly assented to the out over the male variety at the ’,lenient that women were re-University of Michigan recentl; ,,,,nsible for all the social actiy-when the members of the male ,i; in the college and then, pro� team in an inter-sex debale value ,xa,iperated and walked init milli the ,,wimle maseuline

rharging that there WI�11. "11111 illally among the judges."

In the debate, which hinged on the question of whether college "It is true that our chief inir students spend too much lime on pose at the univers.ty is to ..hlant stain’ pursuits, the women se- husbands. But we are not hunt. renely agreed to all the state t�I �,. We are fishermen. %Ye bail ments made by the men, leaving our hooks for suckers, and the them, us it were, dangling in mid, fishing is good." air. Thereupon, the men walked

The climax eallle When 1111. oil:.

Producing of Cancer In Animals Is Seen as Most Revolutionary Step Toward Curing Dreaded Disease

working in the interests of 11,,- � curing of cancer. scientists hat, New York U. Co-Ed Lives a strange, fluoresce,t

chemical compound that is mit. With Mice for Four Days effective in producing can,


Not that it is important to pro

duet. emu er in the world, becaus,

there is already more cancer t,

From an intercollegiate press

. ’wive comes the following:

"Katherine Watson, gractualt� rodent at New York University,

the world than anylmtly want, .oi’t afraid of mice. or if she is. hul the finding of the cause will she has good control of her in, do much toward getting at the pulses. For four days she elits.�1 cure. it herself with 180 of the rodent -

"1:2:511: Dibenzanthracene; in an attempt to discover whether the chemical, has a blue fluores- or not exercise increases resist -rent tinge. very much like that of

Fire Groups Chosen runirari the �itsease after being Home-Making Prots See submitted to working in the ,orks for some time. Here it Demonstration in S. F. �ill be possible to use caution in the substances before they a, ,

Several faculty members and given to the workers, and no students of the Home-Nlaking lie- danger of the disease will In partment Int/hired to San F’ran� larnelv eliminated.

Saturday to attend a de,’ onstation given by Nils% Berl!, Simpleigh. Miss Shapleigh, v.’ Cumberland Professor

Tw.elve girls of San Jose Slate have volunteered for leadership work with Camp Fire groups in the Meal schools. Miss Innis is supervising this work lbe lege. as an assistant to Miss PIM,-

01. Immo Imitisworthy. y; 1,,, direet.

� deniogoguery, th.;4. 1.1". w"rk� I his u.ork may bet -lane an .11’� chicanery

!JO.. cooperation mdgment and set-� t� to our coat-tt. make politics,

nitre or govern-. tr Make secure

liberty is an un-multi fire the itn-

ganizatum course required for students. as mans of the admin-istration regard it as the most valuable training a student can get. (Mee a week th.� girls ninv working with Hit. idea re....ive in-struction alimit 141’1,1111 instruction and projects Irian 111s. (odds. s�airlti�.

--- --

Ray Rhodes Will Head anat, Profs Redress English Club This Year I Nations

� lute of Intel -of the League

r 1,1 a request ,1-; aril protes-t h�an Briscoe

� i ,,,,ird Law School ,os be found to re-

!, of taking

priireithIll’S Were qi their positions they refused to ..Ithi�tigh it had

the Pope, under ,lk :ire the univer-

h the professors

was formerly associated Columbia UniversilY. gave a dem onstration given by Miss Bertha and serying of hot and cold en-trees.

Preceding the demonstration a luncheon was enjoyed al the San Fr:intim." Club House.

Miss Wylie Visits

:Mee I/11VLIIIIIIllia. the bluish light which some of !hi lubricating oils give off when 11"w’ver� New 1"rk UniversitY they are strongly illuminated. It h., nothing on San Jose Slate. For has the strange power of produc- Yearian, jolIN. co-ed of this ing large numbers of cancers , ha, ha. s,,hh. time had mime and rats.

1...1 mice. Sonic many months The finding of this substance Miss Vearian procured a will aid greatly in such industries pair of these rodents, but then. as the aniline dye works where � ngs happened. . . . large numbers of the workers

So she got riot of the whole family, and is now limiting her- elosinu self to a single white mouse. ious eftss, �.

And Mo.. t stsrmist.. s,, t,, -main amount tr’ th.

How To Earn a Livin, . ,

’11111� Stiliiiii ,

Is Scenario Writer (Atm - .� red.

modest gentleman who does more thinking than talking and more writing than personal elaborats ing. Nlajor Keaton Arnett, tall, fair haired, cool -eyed junior law

at Cumberlanil Univer-sits. seldom tell,. anyone that lie is a scenario writer for lion, -

Teachers in Monterey i I ,I111, 1111.1111111.1’ \II�Nlillall’s fl1/1111:111 _

Miss Nlarjorie ;�� in. of the Etl-

1 In. hist lat�i�Illig of tlie deparlin. � . in charge of

Club this quarter was hod �it monterey schools � ,siteil student

weiht,..��ta, noon ht,.1 ow, teachers in these s. Mails Tuesday.

Homemaking building. me main’ and Wednesday of this week.

htt,htt.,,,, of the thy ��.;,,, the rh, These students in these schools,

lion of officers for the ,ttut.,.! Aromas, Gonzales, and Greenfield.

quartcr..thow ittt,..� are Lenore Heinson, Gladys Mar-shall, Genevieve Jennings, and

mond Blanks, President. Louis I Scales, Vice-presid��nt A 1; ��,. Ita v. � ’’""ar’

Serrelar/ ; and Mar; NI111.. ’Ire., -

urer. When Twins Are Boni To Thy of the time ,

up in discussing the literal, pul. Twins It’s Unique lication 111:11 is to be started nt�xt quarter. The nest meeting of the elub will be next Wednestlax. �� .1."1" wid°111

evening. 11..;.� twin .1,11.11.11. it has been found liy the 111.10111v of Child Welfare of the loyersity of Cal.

�� rstmal here that I had a very strange and affect�

Im�ators in France. ing boyhood; �ery curious and �: Germany, and fascinating. In winter I went

id wiling similar re- sliding. In summer I went swim-, the .1.m.rieans. tionL, la’s. is.

Here Are 4 Aids in Speed

for Note-book Hounds! Gray Canvas bolder with

tie booster" clasp-press the clamp ..1,,1 .11 rings open presto! Heald:dim,

, Lotions "Blue Bond" note book to "off-white" shade that relieves tot and speeds up work. Packagc

� really good Fountain Pens-� Wahl, Conklin. Waterman.

", or what about our dandy Spe ,.1

�1"1 the new "Parker’s "Quirk". a 1,.�;; mit, in all colors, that dries in tio

"’k’mg of an e�c

75c 10c

$1.00 15c

Melvin, Roberts & Horwarth IQ II/ First Street

Sla tionery Party Accessories

ifornm. which recently completed siir�e; on the subject of twins. ’I he in; estigators also found

11111..1’ mothers tend lo have twins more often than younger

the itt. Manly of twins is about as high as that of other children.

Infant mortality is higher

among twins.

tram at Centri, College. iflat� %on of a Mississippi min-

ister, Nlajor Arnett first hit The limelight when he plaNeil end for the " Colonels" of Centre back when that eleven was run-ning rings around big and little opponents. At the age of 17 the lowering Mississippian looked enough to pleiS for 21. and en-listed in the American Army, gaining the distinction of being the youngest captain in the A. E. F.

Ile became a newspaper man anti for the last few years has been a free lance writer. Ile plans 61 enter law in his native

ceeded to point out that despite melt activity, the eo-eds make higher grades than men.

Further, in answer t.� the charge that roseils are "husband -hunters." the wily females made answer:

Professor John Q. Stewart of Princeton Unnversity betimes that the first trip to the moon will be ina�le within the next cen-tury.

The average salary of the school leacher in American cities is lower than that of all gainfully employed persons, as a whole. was discovered ill a recent stir, .�

OM... O. ��������������.�

cAllity A compLETE LINE oF


And Supplies for your requirements.

Prompt and courteous service will be given you at


harge Accounts Invited

Alice Bereth Music Dept. First Street San Jose


COLLEGE CLEANERS 7111 and Sam Carlos Sts Across from School


Suits Trousers Sweaters




Dresses $1.00 up Coats $1.00 Suits

Presides al Meeting of the Slate lioard Eilueano,, ,,, other this. recommended that

estern Writers League Ihreetor of Finance holland Vatillegrift complete al range _ mem, with the S:11,1.1,

Barbara for the purelnise ot tio mosi and buildings of

"r "I" ’’’" ’111-IS:Ulla Barbara Slate Tralnol 11"". g"", .:%","11"a,li’"1 College for local use; and it is

lialwrs. (;.’" expeeted that Vierling lessor of English San Jose s Slate Superintendent of Ptildo

litstrull.tion, will recommend tl.. retiagogues Lamm’ at a 11111,110,11 111.111.11:1Se the

, .

melding of the SA, Fiancisco Barbara, whirl* 1, """"." .1.1"-’1"" pioved by I/r. A’antlegrift, 1... the St. l’rinieis 11,a,.1,

,77i,001; iis a new location. The saute 11,111(1.1. presided at 111.� re.ttlar meeting a ’ht. sm, ii.� Chapter of the Lea,;(1.. Writers, of 114.

11111.1111111,,lial 1.1’4,1,1,111. .11111.111 . for the Slate In espatill

tub Ilie present institution. thtwihoritt,. tot.,�1 a lb, imp,,,,ibitat

ii,mor H6, lite obstacle winch rm.!, ai Silli .111Se Still... It is a a .�11 held at the Clift 11,1,1.

11r. Holliday �1.1.1:IN Isall" la" "Ur " in tleinand as sp. lor tsi A"’1. th,. ,ourse. everyone laments Ilias,

. cramped ermilitions which. pr. -to address

n�ion at the Willi.,�t 1...1,a. �"11. Nut 1"." hearo on the ratimus--- mid off it -on the subjeet ot

l’iterarY ’1’1’ I" 11"H’’Sdel’irt".1,1thl’iroperty but. as usual. purchase of Ili.. Iligh

way. is his sato, ilml is as far as the itto,

itt-u-orits. just �,�riis. Poe’s Poem About Bells’ ."-ever.,’"?.."7...�:-.:1.-.1

Ilefe. II IS ,i1,1

Refuted By state Bells .�, 1,, it�

Colleges Should Teach

Few Members Misf Jean Stirlinl Will

Freside at Meetings - �

1 ...i la I Jetta. of loch Miss sto.ling. pianist, is president,

itte ’01, organized honor-


1.11 t .1 Iall,r114

I’m � .1.1 soil vs

(itto t11.�

I, ha-. I. ssii� s".� !,’ _


J., O.. li, 1111,- 11,111111a -11h

I k.

spi,�1:111/111,, ’",,i

S’1.0 PIA’ �

1..14.111h :I’. diat-1,1’ 111..111- � la \I, liret�kel 1w:cm. Hoichett, Nliss

of this mailillum.s M.. 1..,...11 Miss Nlinirin, L.P.... !tell.. 1:,�Ii. onz of oral tott�ritretation ,,,. .111113 Wil-

teal unpin. oi b. "I- it, Ins ma...I, ","’"il cl""e ’I." k� due l� ,ll \VS. ,t’i � are tfi

lleVer ill , il-11.1’ tr� fill out of low tennieraltirr. As if ati,,;:i� t -a

111.111 l’"

III.� 111.11

111111i4,11 s,,111111s. 11:6\ l’eaT ’’e‘er "’re v ; , tbi,

Nil far as 1., that the oil- wild a decade ’"’ ialer� r�. e�.t.oasha�. one mast "cart.; on" - like it or ginal norpose of lin hells in our

1,, ,,i111.1 �I

Siin’l , it Call 11111 Iii,r1 Pilot° Finishing

New York. - f:olleges should ""11.1","4 ’1’ to.ovith, thett. grttitutitc, ,

I his new site is being our ellased because of the residential districts surrounding the existing college whirl’ have made it iin-

11111\ 1111114k Is lilt 11111, 11.I‘i , Ille 1111:11 SOH.; 11, \ �1., Ill 12 NOON

ATEBBS Phut.) Supply Store

sound advice on earning a li�ing ,i�.�1, FscImiiel) Photographic

0,1 b.,.

,1111 llo � .11 1,, it,.

,,�,1 \ N...k I n1,...,1..1.: Synth I..irst Street

Sanla Barbara ;11,11.� tn lan..� a plums 01 T AT 5 p. m. 111,� silt. for 111,ir v .�et.-kuld, should In. abb., t.

.1., t� for °III’S. .

� . .

during the period Mime- da ’the ,,ia.11,111111t, ttiiitely following commencement. thdl th,� .tii.�.s

11N tl ta,�

� . .

� :110011 .i

in the opinion of Dean .1rehilnild �:ttit iht L. liotilon of Ilii� Ness York , , versify .tris and S..1 11". t nees.

no, .1.,

"iii itself rarely qualities a 1111., ,;� , a’, Ills’

trio .t liberal arts

Wall for enarning his living." tos.

i,�� Dean Bouton said that a young’

%Obi has trained ill the lib- � ,

eral arts should supplement hisj it education milli professinnal midi and ailia I, practical studies. litv, n.

-In too many eases." lie said. -this lark in an unweleo. � discovery to the liberal arts ta .t.’ utile and for a time he finds M.- Miss Frances Jewell self nonplused by the 11Mb...oh ., of gelling a start in the of a livelilmod. At this point ti., college should provide miss kindly and efficient ;mum, t There can be no doubt that ; � � need a fuller recognition of iit.� ;. difficult problems that confront 1 tm� ms..stis ���� ..r.,...� At -

our students upon Kr:Mu:Mint." forma, s; here she is getting her

Nlastel.’� dein vi ill

New Book Is Written .�. ’t 1.4.r.,

By Chicago Sociologist . Chicago. \Pori itmatent,...I

Uni,cr,it1 .tf ChicAgo sociologist. has written a hook the gond and bail details of the small village. Ile says tht� small town nom has everything the city ill Illt. tif people except the "extremely pathological" and the "genius."

Fewer horses are In lie seen iit sintill town than in Chieago, lie



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FREE HEELS: Thla rout,. f,., free heel,. when:

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GRAHAM’S CAFE Special Noonday afeterta

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Ha Ila liti8

Portable Typewriters

iF.C1 pitILLs AND I

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tire atilliton:,il Ith.forq th,triloth’r’s lor f ruierwood,(:(irmut. PHyril anti lfrmitiqi.ti

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Complete stock of second-hand anti rebuilt guaranteed Typewriters, both Portable and Larger Machine,.

srui)ENT.s nub,

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TEI.F1’11()NI, it \ I I. WI) MI;911

Office- Store Equipment Co. �, ..� raia San lc taint. Sltval San CHILI

� Al


Page 4: Stale College Times - San Jose State University



San Jose Men Overcome Big

Lead to Down Stockton Team


Spartans Rally To Defeat The Tiger, 25 to 21 The Vanquished

Rea Plays Sensationally In First F. W. C. Contest



With the score 13 to 6 against them at half lime. the Spartan varsitt’ came back during the final half of their game with th, Paieifk. ’tigers 10 win a glori,..0 victory by at score of 25 to 21 1.. -Wednesday in the initial game the new men’s gym. l’he ganic itself was breath-taking. Th. score see-sawed back and forth until Earl "Angus" Goodell. Spar tan star. sank one of his famous shots to give San Jose a two .point lead. 21 to 19. 1.ess than a minute later Goodell was fouled while attempting to shoot, and the Angus lad made both his free throws. Not to be outdone. Norm Countryman repeated the sant: aet a few seconds later, and the Spartans enjoyed a six -point lead with a three and a half minutes ,sr playing time remaining.

But the Tiger was all done, he had shot his bolt. Unable to waste time with a slow attack. Pacific allowed the Spartan guards to take the ball from thetn and stall the remainder of the game. Only once did the Stock-ton boys break through in those final minutes, and then Homer of Pacific came through with a long

,t that cut the San Jose lead to ,r points, but before any more wing activities could be start-

. the game was over, the battle

The Victors

Coach McDonald’s warriors proved they could come back. Fighting against time ith their backs to the wall. the Spartans eante through and won the game.

�,:. They’re Off!

Referee Fitzpatrick is about to start the game with "Skinny" Mathiesen and Capt.

Odale of Pacific jumping. Nlathiesen was hurt early in the game. and l’aul Rea,

.ho replaced him. proved to be the sensation of the esennig.

Shiite is the Pacific team that battled �I1 valiantly and I.., I he, , ere unable to stop an irresislable rally on the part ot n during the last half.

t:oach "Mac" again proved 4,f Capt. Kalas mid get under the

tn. and what a battle. crowd and played real basket -Large Crowd ball to help the Spartans pull nut

enPaeitY crowd of a the hole and win the opening iewed the opening game in the E. W. C. contest. "Jollipy" has ew pavilion, and the pep and cinched himself a place on the nthusiastn shown by the root- 1,,ja, and slim wit’ have a hard

surpassett anything yet dis- lime to get his place when he re-played at San Jose. a�overs.

Game Starts Slow Fouls Count The game started Pacific �mitt itt, not exaggeration to

usilsg a man to ntan defense that s," mit bail �hot, ,,,on the gall’,

completely baffled the Spartan of- for San JoSt.. Exact!) nine fensive. and allowed the Tiger to points were made through that get possession of the ball, with route. anti tt �sus rota, H., gt.�, Easterbrook dribbling leisurely the Spartans the extra points ill clown the floor. the Tigers started their stalling type of offense, de-pending upon lima shots to score. Hoene and florner hoth sank long

that be knows his onions or nuns baskets. "Jalopy" Ilea played like a 014.- Tigers Nliss mon. his defensive work was per- During the last half Pacilic feet. and in the aeverate rally’ � missed several set-up shots, and Talk about your last half ral-that Countryman started just ,, scored eight points the en- lies; I glICSS 111C 1/1.)S baCk after the opening or the second tire half its compared with 19 for 111 gond shape Wednesday night.. half. liea looped one through the , San Jose. During the first half � � � bucket to put San Jose within the Tiger scored 13. while Sall three points of tying the count. had lt, e content with six. Ilea suffered from stage-fright. Tigers Cocky but after half-time Ile forgot the

Pacific was a little too sure of herself as the second half opened. ’I bet had nol banked 4111 a rejuv-enated Spartan team. and the Stockton boys let down for a few .1ny time "Mae" gets tired of minutes. When they woke up, 1.1.11’11114 basketball. he can turn San Jose had scored six point,. hi, sarsity into a tennis team. and the score WaS 12 to 13. � � �

Basketball Dribbles

The man to man defense used by Pacific caused San Jose plenty of trouble.

� � �

In fact the Iticals only made 011C field goal the first half.

dawn, Kailas, Goodell. Ilea. tmtes, 111111 Countryman are all g.aal ers and will probable la� on the tennis team next guar -t,

Pacific’s type of slow breaking game was particularly adapted to

the final minutes of the game. 11 Points. which enitsimeti slipper. floor.

F:asterbrook looked good on the floor. and hal the Tiger attack. Captain Odale played a great 11.a.r KAMP. but 11111N 1113141c iale basket.

Spartan Fight A% usual. Angus Goodell led tlo�

San Jos.. scoring. Earl ;anthem. 1

field goals for ten points, :111.1 ’ First ililf Bad � � � four free throws. (Modell played . ,

San Jose looked 1)41,1 during that a ntat.s.t.ion, ;omit., a � (I �. i I II � 1 Slathiesen s fall was a hard

shots and Pacific juniped into the disastrous first half. S’Aicker him San Jose would not have Intall ihreak for the big boy to have to

lead. which they did not relin- shads that should never halve a ehance. 4;,,,altai is ma oak ow ake.

quish until three minutes before been missed. rolled around Ilsie �pankititta a on., t.�ani.. 1,,. i,, th,. the ganw ended. hoop instead of going throtign� nuator, chassis. and driver.

0 The injury wasn’t serious, how-. .

Nlathiesen Hurt . " Norm Countet main made four of tered, and a total of six points With the first quarter hardly by free throws. over. when "Skinny" Mathiesen gr"ce’l lin. Smi J"se s’."" arle’r iii"ix Pftillis 111.1 looked strong throughout the slipped and injured hi, hip, the ’milli" 2" ;ninnies’ Tile "",v outlook wa, had. since the Timer lloor :11.1111.0 10 1)1.111Cr 1,01.1 4311"..

Capt. Kalil,’ passing was one .4 men were inote, taller than the teams. since Pacific played Sh., IV, aria 1114. Sp:11’11111S depended up- II". 1"1"""" ’P"I’’ "r liw Marne. local boys. and the outlook of nn -

other short player in the San Jose line-up would not help matters any. Coach MeDonald evidentlt thought the same way, and sur-prised everyone by sending in Paul "Jalopy" Bea into the fray. Bea. an untried freshman, play -Ilea is an untried freshman, play-

Ever Eal an

Egg Nog Pie?

le, mars (dons crIs11 1401.1(.11 pastry-. filled with egg-nog cream. topped with whipped cream and a sprinkling of nut-nieg. Try on.� for your next parly’


Chatterton Bakery 221-223 South Second (Next to Central Mkt.1

IM ;Rae-Wade School of Dancing

nac, one. l’he local boys wen. tiers ow.. and badly excited during the opening minutes; they wanted to w in so !twat that their basket-ball brains suffered a relapse, laut the wonderful fighting rally they pulled to drag the game out of Ihe fire krt hug,. crowd gasninit for breath. The height of Ilic isitors a telling factor. the%

were able 1.1 [HISS (111..1- the heads

kVIlen oar,. �wells mut the


\1,1 t... 211-22 san Ferrando



Special Bates for Groups 1.,.s.muns Daily

Con Market am! San Antonio Sts. Ballard 551(i

I ever, and Slini will probably see action in the Pacific game Satur-day.

� � �

(Mod old "Angus." He came through again. It WaS 1111% Shot riSall the side that sent San Jose

taazo� ,liot the ball into the arms ion, the tea& on a fast tweaking attack Wait needed +peed h. function proper. I ,,r Goodell from one end of the � � � I... scvarat had faits syt.n. taken.; court to the other. and besi01.��� Did you know that nine of San 1:111 nithtesen,s was the only so.. alefensi,e work wader the 1,a,kci. Jose’s 25 points were math. from

syas ever present ..11 the 1.,..� drives. Johnny Lazinhat w a, � � � l’he Spartans missed too many lower or strength throughout the Nell la :o’er Covello got great sucker shots, but they were try-fracas. John is a big man. and I from the rooting section. Mg so hard to win their first at the same lime remarkably fast., Frank is the hardest working game in the new atm that their Ws work in breaking up oppon- cheer leader Slate has had for nerves almost grit the better of ents plays has won him a great many a year. deal of popularity among Spartan rooters. �

Plat Saturday On Saturday the Spartans will

journey to Stockton fo) play ill.-seesand gamic with the ’tigers. A large delegation of Stale rooters are planning b. make the trip and support their team al Stockton on

I S:ititrilay night. The Ims score:

Fara- i21 / Fg. Ft. Ff. Tp. Iforner. f 3 2 6 Schiffman,

N Hamilton. f Windt. c

a4 g

Easterbrook, g

Having the band at the gam( helped to pass the time during the half, besides adding pep.

If anynne deserves a hand, it’s Paul Bea, the lad who stepped int() Skinny’s place Mal 11131ST11 the socks off the ’tigers.

� � �

No one WaS 11101V surprised when he was put into the game than was Bea himself.

� � �

That new thning apparatus and score board are a great help. Let’s hope that the student body can afford to buy. one.

� � � The faculty turned out in great

shape 3111(1 seemed to enjoy the game.

� � � Herb Dana and Toni Fitzpat�

rick were the referees of the eve-ning.

Both of these men are well-known football officials, and showed a great deal Or ability at officiating in the rage game.

Tot al

Dana is the most colorful ref-eree in Pacific Coast football. His appearance Wednesday night was his first in San Jose.

� � �

The game itself was clean. Al-Ilitaugh there were numerous fouls. they were not dirty 01’ in-tentional.

� � �

Southern California’s Defeat of Notre Dame Voted Most Outstanding Team Achievement




s -;

Eighteen girls enjastaal a two-

hour last Tuesday evening during

the Swimming Club period. Dur-

ing a short business meeting the

Ray Alford Wins Ray Altar& of Mt. View, \So -

the winner of the San Jo-.

Creamery candy contest. A!

ford picked the score of Wed-

nesday’s game to be San Jose

26. Pacific 21, only missing the

correct score ny one point. If Mr. .tlford will call at the Times office the prize will be awarded him. and eaten for him if he so d.-ires.




et ery man on In- aggre loot. Ili% first and se.�.n.1

a racing. and back dive.

mild after the half.

man. Bishop, Leeds, It qv,. herd. liarryinan. r.11,

Ala, anal Baker wet., the standing men for , Fr Working its cornball:di-a, t

he dropped. Those pa,,tna tin,laigainst the Santa Clara Iligh Pan- sie.,’.1:-:.lea"t",r,rk timed ability at bask test next quarter will be charter i thers.

monbers. This quarter all girls . th,. Hubbard anil I

members. Every girl who is very of the st�tson 1,, ita. in the club will be assiwiate Frnth I,,,t

011.1eil Ili Inane in the water is ’ ’ game for the majors. this

be next Tuesday night at 7;45. ’11’"Irg""ile’l h.irr "diet’ 1111-4sbasket. The Frosh ss, ’,ahead welcome. The next meeting will ,111.".:1

40 Walker anal Mesh, deselopeal into Sandstrom and Elliott anent More Practice for Cag

twv"’" In!inh!!", r"srw fi,-.0insila

with Cailltiliell and lie’ La. Panther, are favorite, to wan due

Roberts Will Maim

ti,-, 1,��� ,.le� I !ht.

,.n le ,,le III i;le the ptp�it

The lie,1,1111e WI. quarter as Itte Stills to return I.

Baseb_a_11 .Tearn ,� the., ,.r th.� :.�..

Bre. k !teed at running guard; De I ots al the adticr guard position Dow lis and Beralli forwards, aint

I titat�:,�. I

Hof-on:an, eent.�r.

the hot tt�,, t�,,,whes it:I:I.:Nein.. himself energetic "4 Itog.�r Moor,. and inii kt,t.i�. hay,. popular with the membersof

year. Ile has 1.11...11 practicing alai- fsarward..; Gibson.

voth.r: and,ignetims


ant manager to Jim Stills has

sbi,gis4.n.till ;lot relati.;io. le Maisel to mi.

’ ’ �

a 1)001011 011 gently to overcome the errors Elliot and Klemm. guards. that handicapped his average laist

DAN J. NIIi1.1.31.�X KLITSCI1 f:11AS. Itt’l /11..""""

AS a prelittlinart infra -mural baisk.�tl, .11 1.111:n1

lo start the Phsa . al Education Nlajor, the Frosh basketball ,quall

girls iliscussial club requirement, Monday evening. Januar, for membership. It was decided RESERVES WILL MEET I 1:601,4 were ahead at Mc end

that to tjualify for membership. ,, ill,. regular four quail, 43 tt 1

girl must be a senior life gnat cl. SANTA CLARA HIGH l’oach Erwin Mesh FM11

and must be able 111 (10 straight. SATURDAY ’fhough these requirement,

seem quite stiff, girls %elm wish While the "’sit to be members have till this (mar- playing the College 1.f hii�jlie

ler to practice for them. return engagement at Stockton At the beginning tof next guar- Saturday ’,setting, the fres11111..31

’Cr a 1(...1 will be given and those 0 will ittakt, their iir,� honit, girls who have had associate

’Lowe al the new so nolasitim memberships must pass the test or

Teams Is Planned With the opening of the new

gymnasiUtn, no longer will the varsity, reserve and freshman teams have to wait until alni,,t nightfall, flve o’clock, to Karina. on lin inadequate court.

.tt the conclusion of practice lio longer will rt tv necessary for Ilic ,quads to plod throtigh rain and cold to the inadequate SII0WerS and dressing room be-neath the old training school

I 1, . eland, 0..�Some football ’ . . � ’ I he visiting teams are now

new, last week included: outstanding teani a.�Itievement in ai,ca th, tics, a car, in

ans sport in the last year. Sev-American Association .4 1 131- t...1, -1W0 votes were cast for it.

vcrs111 PrfireSSurs 11.101/1141 31 rc.,_ while only. thirty-six voted the oliilion opposing la.....1-SeaS..11 Sf. Louis Cardinal’s victory in the ,�liarity football games. W’nrld’s Series the outstanding aw-

1 1 1 Il changed. Patil li. Brooks, DepuIN Not an injury was received in

Unless football rules sir�� ,�omplishment. gym.

deseloped a classt 11.11111 1.111 Of State Health Commissioner of the last season by any member of

3" °I) °I 9.! INItte.�’s.vill.y()r�kif’ 17111111fitghhetsgaannied %;litillidiga’-’ tiiiincioir’:�,.." "liege elevvn ()I 1191’ tt, att set to hit .3ml anti mee ’hi, 1..�1%; Cl/111’3111110a Hurst or Mot-t 2 1 2 toriail combat.

Sammy. Felice, third baseman of II"’ stmll squad’ last year s varsity baseball team. I he probable Ilne-up is as fol.

0 1 0 0 Football is just a raekel in 114 voted down proposals It) abolish SoUthern 1:onference officials ii li 4 0

’,resent form, President Henry NI. perstmal wonting. limit varsity I 1 1 3 Wrislon of Lawrence College roothall gamcs lo eight each Sen.

San Jose 12:aa Eg. Et. Pf. Tp. 5 4 0 14

Countryman, f 2 4 2 ; II II 0 Bea, c Laznibal, g



1 0 1 2 It 0 1 0

1 I 1 � � � �

to accommodations. Before the completion of the new gym if was necessary to have the y isitot dress in cold rooms and run through the rain to the women’,

� � � lieferee, Herb Dana; umpire, Notre Dame was voted by thel Mather Lewis, president of Lars. For we that live to please nmst Tom Fitzpatrick. nation’s expert sports writers the yette college. please to live.�Samuel Johnson.

- � � � said. son� 9 3 10 21

A new point of view among The Navy roothall officials gave Bill keel) and Swede Olsen stlidents on the football question approval to recruiting prep have a habil of picking up all the Willi noted bY Prof. Hugo school stars, and arranged fair the, loose hairpins that they find. me ,,r Pennsylvania Slate College. conlinuanca. of the Notre DanaleI mystery of il is, is what they do who predicted 1111 early reform in system of play. with them. playing schedules. "Duly" to horn "Breather" games taken on bv (31.11 for varsity practice no longer big colleges with little ccollegesi Sometimes it SCCIIIS everybody’ is recognized by undergraduate,. as "rest" periods belv.Ten more has lawn thinking except the re-he !mill. important Raines. were called un- fornters.--Lincoln Steffens. 8 9 5 25 Southern California’s upset or sportsmanlike by Dr. William’

liola.rls. Itolterts is a 1.-I 0,0ajer ia,

terestet1 in all Ilic e of Or



HAIR CUT, 50c SII tt Itf

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