

No.9. THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1927. VOL. 44






Nearl y ev e t'Y on e of the f ifly -f iv o

classes t h a t h ave beon g r :l d u ated from S t. V iator College since the year of its

't'h o c ompo Ull vo c.lruw lng po woe of lJa~";l<clbttll , t ho Fo.r!'rl(· r H' Con v ention , ttnd D e ball nb n .Jc t•l vcd u. rather favo r · nblo Lctl t on Th u n~day ov cnlng , Each affair had Its su ppor l or s; dobuUng hoW· cvor ca mo in fo r rather tho wor s t of ft. T ho q ues tio n discussed r cn.d a~:~ fo llows : ' 'Hes ol vod: T ha t th o I'rohlbHlon Amon d -

6 V lco-P r es ldont, Clo.r e n cc G. Flshor , m ont s hould bo rcoonled". It W H S

'13. thoroug hly covc t·cd IJ y both tca.rna, ouc h 7 V ice-Pr es ldon l, Hen ry 1". R ue l , ' 90. comi ng Jn !o e a hea r t y ehnro o! t h o S Vico-P t·cstden l , Genu-d Ber ry, '05. rroq uont upplau ~:~o . 'l' i1 o eCfortt~ oC bot h

founda tion , 1868, wu.s r epr esen ted nt n Gone t't\ l Sec retary , Jose ph A . Bol · te nm s , altncklng and countering t he A nnual A lumni Meetin g h eld nt the g-or , ' 23. wi th tho s kill of son.~oned de bator·s , Colleg-e on T uesday, F ebru ary 22 nct. A 10 Resident SeCt'(' t n.ry, R e v. J. P . 0 '· earl y ar oused t ho enth uw l at~m of t he

conge nia l crowd of approxi m atel y·ee 11 1\~l~-~~~~~~~~ r~· ~~";~_it ' ~_L s on, ,1 1. ~~~~~~~~s .tl n~~~c t~~~~~u~~,~~~1.t~~etu01;0~~in~~ hundr e d r eturned to the ir Aln-.n. Mater 12 Trustees Ex-O!!ic lo : A dec is ive cou p eng lneet·cd b y James to examine t h e n e w buildings , r c ne '.Y Ver y Hev. T . J . Hlce , c. s . Y. , ' 05. Con n or of t ll e Negat ive wa.~ t ho out-old fri endsh ip s and ncqunJ n tnnccs. nnd R e v. JN:lO l)h V . LaMtll-ro, ' ~ 5. s tand in g feat ure i n tho arg umonts pt·o· z en e rall y to r e -liv e thei r s cho lastic 13 T rus tees 1927·19 29. soo ted by both Lc :::um:~. The m embe r s y ears !or the s h ort time of O:.te ver y Very Rev. J n m es J . S ha n non, '83 . o r t he A fflt·ma.tivc , how ever , not to b e pleasant day, Frank Rainey, 'OS. otJt-don c , m et t he ovorwhclrnln g fa cla

Inspect New .Buildings Rev. Patr lc k C. Con wo.y , 'S·L prc:,;cn led by Me Conn or wit h n v et' y A tour of in spectio n over the c .. 'l.m· James G, Condo n . ·~n time ly cou nte r -a rg um ent that w a!'! m o r e

pu~ and especially t h r ou gh the n e w A lumni v s . Vm·s ity o r s uccessfuL T ho ability of bo t h building-s occ u p ied th e STCL'tter pa r t of Entertainme nt fo t· t h e aft~rn oon wns to f erre t out r ebutta ls , expose the morning. T o r ecord t he com m e n ls p rovided by a bt'ls k e tbaJI game between fa lla c ies , und (}rive hom e t he ir conte n · ot r e turn in g l \.hunn i concerning OUt' t h e Alumni a n d t h e Va r s ity. Un for · tion s without r csor t' n g to sen lim o n­new Gymnasium a nd R efector y w ould t unn.te ly the r ecord of t h is game has tn ll ty addt3d to t he m e r it o! th e dobat~. r equire the entire edition. Suffice it to I b een lost and t h e r e .is n o way of find ing A n ope n fo r um d <;c l ~ l o n wns ca lled fo r say that a ll w e r e m_o re tha n pleased o u t jus t w hic h t eam was tho w inne r . J.::ly R e v. J . \V. R . Maguire and th ·~ and many s eemed a ctua lly a stounded N o on e seems t o be q u ite s ure abou t t h e v icto t·y was awa rded b y the a1.1die n ce at the great progress m ade a t St. Via· matter , a n d w e s h a ll n ot attemp t to to tho m e m be rs of t he Att:irma tivo team, tor since th e m e morable f ire of J a nu- p ublish a scor e u nles s it is a u t h entic . com posed of J am es AIIe n Nolan , R ock · ary 6th, 1926, when the o ld g ymna sium The w l'l te r be lieves that F ather Franc ia !ord, I ll in ois , John Tracey Eilts , Se necrt, a.nd din.i n g hall bur ned to t he gt·ound . Clea r y of \Varsn.w \Y rt.3 hig h poin t m a n . Tlllno is, a n d J ohn Stafford, C hicago,

Ba-nquet Great S uccess fot' t h e A lumn i \v ith "Coot" L y ons / I ll inois . Tho Neg-ative debate r s wer e ; At -1 :30 P. M. the Alum ni assemble'J running n c lose .second. Tlme a !tc r "tVarre n J. McCle lla nd , Blooming ton ,

in the n ew R efectory ! or t h e A nnun l t irne Fat h er Clea r~' pier ced t he h oop Illinois , Maut·ice E , L eCla ir e , SL

:e~~~~:d !~e ~~~~~~0~~);1:v~!n~l~~~r~~~ f~~. sc~l:~~~n~~s ~1~~~~~~1ys~1~~e~10~~~ !t~~ ~ei~~~~~;g;~~~~o~7Jb:~~: J~~~= 3 p;~D~~~~~~~ been pre pared by t be c ulinar y a r tis ts Varsity. T h e gam e was q uito co lortnl, w ork in t h is deba te w a g carried 'Jn of. the Coll ege. Exce lle n t service w as not only in style b u l a!s:J in costum~ . w ithout coll uslon o n the 1nrt of e it he r pt"Ovided by m any m ember s of t he Self T he A lumni te a m w ore s uits com pos0d team. As a r('s ul t all the a r g um e n ts Help Depart m e nt. of scarle t shlrts and bt•ig-ht gree n gym prese n ted possessed the nD.ture of those

Frank G. R a iney, '09, p resided at the pa nts . T he Varsity wore the ir r egula;.· introduced in an inter·collcglate de bate. banquet. Electio n of officer s followed gt·ee n u n iforms . " Coot" L yon s, !!a s h- A de bate has been sch edu led f or the ba nqvet a nd a f ew r ema rks by ing- down the floOt' look E:d t or a ll t he l\Iarc h 14th in Rockfo r d , bef or e the Fathe.r O'M a honey told of the prese n t worlcl like an a d vance age n t for Santa Catho ll c \Vom e n 's L eague on th~ status of the A lumni and E xtension Clau s rushin g about adver ti s ing that q u es tion of U n i form Ma nlag-e a nd Association. the r e we r e only 279 m or e s hopping days Divorce. Plans a r c u nclct· way ! o r n.

Alumni Officer s Elected be for e Ch ris t mas. de bate to be he ld in Sprin g fi e ld. befo 1-e Afte r the banquet election of t he of- T he b owling alley s a nd pool t able$ the Knights of Colum bu s , on the ques-

ficei's of the A ssocia tion took pla ce. A w e r e in constant u sc by the A lumn i tion of P rohibition . very coru.petent arul able group or men members t hrou ghout almost the enti r e The tra ini ng de l'i ved fro m t hese m eet­were chosen . The fo llowin g i s a com- day . Ther e is n o doub t about the i n g s will undoubtedly ben e fit the m e m ­plete list of Al umni officers; amou n t of enjoyment expe rienced by bers of the D e ba ting Club on their td p

1. Honorary Pres ide n t , Rig h t R e v .. "\.. t he Alurnn i m embe rs. One had on ly to throug h the E a st. N ext w eek t he t wo J. McGavic k , D. D., '8 5. n o te t h e g lad , sm!llng faces , t he hearty teams w lll m eet a t the bi-montbly

2 Preside n t , Rev . J os eph V . LaMarre , haild·shak es , t he war m g r eeting s ex- m eeti n g of the St. Via t or Colle g e Club, ' 95. c h anged t o k no•v t he feeli ng a nd senti - \v h er e t h e opinio ns both p r o and co n

3 ViCe-P r eside n t, R ev, S tephen N . ment of the "Old Grads". Many e x · ·will be aired before the member s of the Moore, ' 98. p r es sed desires that s uch m ee tings be s tudent body a n d th e fa culty. PreRi·

4 Vice - P r esid ent, R ev. Andrew J . held m or e often to bri ng abo u t a c lose r clent James Dalrymple of the Colleg e Burns , '92 . contact between t h e A lum n i a n d the\:· Clu b offe r ed this t eeat to the member s

5 Vice-Presiden t, J ohn F. Cox, '17. Alma l\'later. of tha t or g anization on conditio n that t he d ry p r e j u dices of t he majority shall



All who atte nded the recent Junior co'ft:: e e~~~~h w:g~~~~~ ir::e;~~n~e~f. ci~~ Dance are u naffectedly hea rty in their room on Friday evening , Feb, 18th. a ssertions as to its comple t e s uccess. The n ew club room w as in com plete Everyone appeared to have a glo l.-iously r eadiness: for the meeting due to the

not enter in to the dec is ion give n.


J:"OOd time and from nary a source w as !~~n~~~p~~~~ts ~l~eM~.u i~~:~~tli~f 1~~~ ~~~r, a~~~rseorcc~~~~~~ t~~fer;~~ora~~~= meeting concerned the Junior dance.

acheme, the spirit of camaraderie that ~~~~~:nt S~=~.plePl:~\~~ntup~~ ~~~ i:.S~be:t~~ot'\~: st~e;;;e :;~~~~fohne:l~~ ~~~ Junior class, to m a k e a f e w r emarks l weather d emand recog nition for a share ~~=~n ti~f;:~eJr~~:os~1~m~reor~·of ~;~ j 0f the laudation, Club that the Juniors w e re expending:

The editor wish es to cor­rect a misrepresentation which occured in the las t is­•ue of the VITORIAN con­cerning two contributors. The article on "The Poetry of Fra ncis Thompson'' was written by Mr. L eslie Roch, and the article on " Shake­speare'' was written by Miss E . M. Roy. In som e unex­plainable manner, the lines deoignating the a uthors of these two contributions were transposed. We hope that the two persons who were the victims of this mistake will accept this apology. We feel sure however, that the high literary quality of both of the articles involved is sufficient to prevent any re­flection upon the relative ability of either writer.

No time or effort was spa red t o con- great effort in order to afford everyone 1

vert the floor into a state fit for dane · an enjoyable time. H e asked evecy ing and a s a r esult it •vas hig hly com- member t o purc ha s e a ticket to the mended. The xylop hone manipula tor dance and in that m a nne r demonstrate was without a doubt the luminary of hi s cooperation, the orchestra. He a nd the bass saxo- There was a di s cussion held r e lative phone player tilled the gymnasium with to the dedication of the n e w club room. a wailing and a moaning that p erturbed This matter wa.s r e fe reed to the A dvi· even the sad-faced moon so m ajestically sory Board tor a decision. Mr. J ohn travelling the s ky. The annoying r e· Ell is suggest ed tha t t he Advisory Board echo that is usually found in the big s elect Tuesday eve ning , Feb. 22 for th2 gym was a lmost totally eliminated by date of dedication. mentioning t hat any locating the orches tra on the ce ntral of the Alumni •vho w e re still h er e would ~aat side of the building . The pennants have an opportuni t y to attend. This s ug­strung around the running-track and gestion was referred to t h e Advisory across the rafters lent a decidedly col- Board for delibera tion. 1egiate ai r to the event and d id much A ve ry inter es ting plot wa~ intro­to relieve the monotonous tone of the duced into the College Club mee ting by walls and the roo!. The unique plan Mr. VVarren McClella nd and several of playing a spot-light across the floor cohorts. T he purpose of the "hoax" Wa<3 a pronounced su ccess and will was t o secure th e publ!c expres~ion 0f probably be u sed at forthcoming dances. a ¥res hman opinion which heretofore

What went far in making the da nce had never been heard. That M r. Me­successful was the congeniality that Clelland and Compa ny w ere succes sful emanated from every one. It is ct :!- in the ir efforts can be best determined ticult to discover the source of the by consul t ing with Mr. LeRoy Ward, a lVonderfully good humor that possessed member of t hat esteem ed clas s . Mr. the crowd but it was probably pa rtl y Vtard deserves con~iderable credit, how ­due to the twinkling stars and the e ver, !or having taken such a decided mellow moon that fil led t he earth with sta nd on the iss ue •vhlch was before the intoxicating romance . Unlike the meeting. It is hoped t hat in the future Seniors to whom the w ea t h er man w a s more opinions and eugge~tlons will be most unkind, the Juniors w e re blessed forthcoming !rom that sector of our w ith heavenly sent weather. co11ege men. As !or the instigators c!

The dance was a ttended b y many the plo t, the re is no doubt that they a lumni who participated in the Al umni aff orded the members w ho wer e "in" meeting on t_he t ollowing day. The on the a ffair much amusement. The Junior class w e r e fortuna te in the ir maner in which the plan was executed choice of pd.trons a nd patroness es, a ll 1s a. credit to thei r abillty a.s orators of whom willingly g r a nted the ir ap· and t o t h eir forensic t alen t. Alter t his proval of ~ he, Position, They were: Mt·. diversion bad culminated satisfactorily, and Mrs, Sidney Her;.bs t , Mr. and Mrs. the meeting a djourned, The motion t o E. C. Eric ks on, Dr. a nd Mrs. F. R . •this e!!ect WM entertained by M r. D . J ones, Mr. a rid -Mrs. VVIlllam Barrett ,.Laenhardt and seconded by Mr. John ~!:.~ -~r..:.. .2-!l~ -~1Ts: J.P. Clifford. Benda.


On S unday, Feb. 20th, all the Varsity bask etball p la yers "\Vho had pa rti cipated ln the Bradley game w er e dinne r guests of the Thomas L egri s fa mily in Bour­bonnais. A most de lecta bl e dinne r w as se rved to the nthletes who were for­tunate enough to be included in the in­vitation . Of course Mr. J oseph Har­r ington , manager of Viator 's athletic destinies, was among the honored few. Joe , knowin g the quali ty of hospitality to expec t at t he Legris home, absented him self !rom a very interesting K. C. initiation In order to be present at the appointed hour. When all were seated, the following !amlliar !aces were dls ·

·cCrnable: Captain Johnny Benda , Jimmy Dalrymple, Mike Delaney, By­r on Evard, Tom Dunne and Joseph Har:--ingt~n -


Def:lpllo t ho IOPHldcdo score of 51 to 27 , w hat w as p erhaps one of the most lnlo l· ot~ tlng, one of tho m os t m e morable gam CH played by th e Or ee: n Wave th is sea son , WM s ta g ed a t V a ll)artd so th ..;: othe r nig h t. Vu.Jpa r a h; o 100 at the half 10 to 12, mttnl fcs tlng une xpe.c ted s tn~ngth . T ry a s the y m lghl S t. V la tor jw~t co u ldn't Btop the r ush o·t t ho Yellow a nd T:::rown. P et er son , Van Bu~ k.J rk a nd Michael , eac h r l)g lsteri ng t hr oe f ield g oals wh il_o tho g rea t scori ng m a chine or l h e G r ee n w as flnd1ng: troub le loca tin g the e t . The sweep of the Valvo a t ta c k comple tely upse t the V llo ri o.n R, who were fo r t h e m ost lJ<ll't or the fin;t ha lf o n the defe n s ive. Dalry mple was lu c k y to ge t ln two bas k e tH, and E vard, D e la n ey and B e n da each r egis t er ed one , bu t outs ide of that , and it 1s compa ra tively ins ignifican t , the Groen \Vave dashed itself helplessly a gains t t h e r ockrlbhed d efe n se of t h e Valpa rais o !or ll·es.':L V alpo moved a r ound t h o court w it h pr ofession a l p re cislon , and it was no t many minutes be fo r e V iator r ealized they \ve re ur agains t o. dec idedl y rejuven a ted team.

Via tot· Flashes W ha tever Coach .McAllister s a id, did.

o r gave to hi s c ha rges d uri ng t.he inte r ­mission w ould ccnal nly r ival the !am· ous R ock ne prescrip tio n . A new t eam das hed on tho fl oor , a nd t he s pir it o! t hei r das h, the sp irit o f vi ctory wa~ truly Viatorlan, nnd w as no t to be de nied . D a lry mple sneaked aro und Michae l a nd the n \VaS a warded a fo ul s ho t. E vard w as beginn ing to w arm up.. It l a kes mu c h to brin g this abo u t, but hi s ire was a r ou sed b y a litt le rough ing he r eceived in the ! a r corne r of the .floor. H e was a m a rked m a n , like Dalrym l)le , bu t the w ily H oosie r , he lped b y t h e mar vellous w ork ot his team m a tes, unde r took t o e xbibit h is repertoire of fa k es, and before the whistle 11ael blo ,vn fu r Lh e fiHal cu rtain, the entire h ouse s tood up to applau1 him. Six successive bask ets is a re

markable reeor d 1n a n y g am e, but when the t otal ot 9 baakets and t our foal tries In as m a n y attem p ts: lH taken into con s ide ration , Evard'~ true wor t h to t he team needs no def ense.

W hJle tho s po tlight necessari ly 1!1 focussed u von the t re8 hm a n f orwa rd, the r ep orter is a n xlou s to call atte ntion to the great work o! 0 '1\tlalley a t cen t er, D e laney a n d B en da. at guard, w hoac grea t work ln gaining poBsesl:don ot t h e ba ll was t he fou ndation upon wblch E vanl bu ilt h ls ca!:i tl e of t ame. Do~ la ney m atched t he rugged and som e· ti m eg rough playing of the Valpoite_, , t w o of w hom smart ed under the bitter· ness of va n ishing victory and wen; p u t to t he shower s ; Dalrymple was in, out, and a rou nd the Valpo guards throug h · ou t t he eveni ng ; and Benda's great de· !ens ivc w o rk in adv ancing the ball from t h e Valpo guard to a scoring posi~

t ion , was one of t he outstandin g ! eat­urea of the game. Viator was nev er butter balanced ; that it dl(l not take down the Litt le Nineteen Hon ors i~ just one of t hose inconsistencies with w h ich basketba ll. is so fraught.

D unne, McCarthy , Costigan . Laen· ha rd t and Cam pbell rushed in t o the gam e at the c losi n~ m in utes to give the ve tera ns a well dese r ved r est . r.. .... ·ten h ardt :::cor ed the only bask e t ! or t he r elief squad, b ut all pla y ed a truly re m ark a ble gam e . T he hig h school staged a brillian t ra1.1 y t o some a w a y i n the van of a 15 to 9 score .

VIATOR VA LPAR A ISO fg ft tp fg tt tp

Dalrymple 4 4 12 D ora n 1 0 2 D unne 0 0 0 P eterson 1 !l M cCa.rthy 0 0 0 H eathcote 3 7 Evar d ~ 4 22 VanBuskirk Dunne 0 0 0 3 1 O'Ma lle y 3 5 Michael 3 0 Costigan 0 0 Blaese 0 1 Delaney 3 7 P a rke r 0 1 L ean ha.r d t 0 2 Benda 1 Campbell 0

================= ADVISORY BOARD F. C. F. BANQUET


Immediately aftor t he r egular College Club m eeti n g h ad adjou r n ed on F riday evening , F eb. 18th, a meeting of t he Ad visory B oard was h eld . Many im ­porta nt matte r s wer e proposed to r di s­

cu ss ion. The dedication of t he n ew

club r ooms w hich was r efer red t o t h ls

body w aS discu ssed con siderably. T h e da t e "\Vas set fo r !v! a r c h 4t h. M a.ny consideration s combined to bring a bout the selection of this da te. The baske t · ba ll seaso n will be fini s hed on t his da te a nd the members of the s qua d w ill be

I allowed t o break t raining during the dedica tion programme. On March .(th the Loyola basketball team will be our g uests and it 1s planned t o invite them to atten d the affai r.

A t enta tiv e progra m me w as decided upon by the A dvisor y B eard. Mr. James D a lry mple , pre zident of the Club will be t h e prin c ipa l speak er !rom the student body, E ach class has bee n a l­Io t ed a part in the e ve n in g 's entertain· rnent. The Senio t·s will be called upon fi rst, then the Junior s Af ter this the Sophom or es and Freshme n will appea r The nature of the ente l'tainme n t h as bee n left to the di scre tion a nd ingenuity of the individua l class es.

A discuss ion was held concerning tho use of the c lub rooms. It is pla nned to a dopt a f ew obvious rules relati ve to the conduct of the member~ o! the club while using t he room. One of the chief concerns of the m embe r s of t he Aclvi· sory Board is that the ro::. m wlll be k e pt orderly and neaL It is h oped tha t ea ch member will make i t a duty to do his share in bringing ab8ut this end. As yet , there has been n o decision made concerning the exact time when t h e room will be opened f or u se. Th 1s will be decided in the near future how­ever, and the members will be informed of the decision.

All meetings of the College Club w ill be held in the club room in the tuture. This is a decided adva ntage since there is not the possibllity of diiiturbing others during the progress of the meeting.

Since the date of dedication i s v ery near at hand, the Advisory Board hope~ tha t each clas s is making s e rious ef· forts t o present some worthwhile enter­

The Third A nnu a l Ban q uet of t h e F a ther Charles Fratecn lty which took place Sunday, F ebr uary 27th, in t he N e w Ref ectory, w as a ccla imed a w on · derfu l s uccess. Of course, the membe r s would naturally a pprove suc h a s ump­t u ous r epast as our able dietician and h er cor ps of capable a s s istants s erved them. Their enjoym ent, ho\vever , w a s f urthe r en ha nced by the e xquisit e deco­r a tion s , t h e eloquent orators. and t he. p r evai ling spirit of good-fellowship ,

The dinin g ·ha ll w as tastef ully de co­r ated with pennan ts and s c hool e m b­le m s , a clever a r tisti c tou c h t·efl ecting the expe rtness of the decorators. The huge purple a nd gold Viat or banner ca lmly t ook its des e rved pos ition on the east ern w a ll , di r ec tly ove rlooking the spea k e r s ' t a ble . T h e complete a!­!air e vide n ced car eful planning and infinite effort. E ach de tail gave mute testimon y of the car e ta ken to make t he e vent a s uccess, From the con~ ve nie u t arrang ement of the burden ed tables to the fancy purple a nd g old pa per !rills encasing t h e "drum-sticks" of t he toothsome foul e very ite m •va s perfe c­tion personified.

Spea k er s a nd ente rtain ers w e r e intro­duced by tbe compe te n t Mr. Francis Ca rrolL orticial t oastmas te r of the organiza tion . President Edward Camp~

be ll 'velcom ed the Alumni and visitors in th e nam e of the Fraternity, to which former President Edward O'Niel r es· ponded in a n ex cellent man er. The res pons e was f ollow ed with a. piano so lo by Jam es Corbett, -winner o! last year 's mus ic m edal. The n ext two speaker s, Mr. La-wre n ce St. Amant, the founde r of the Fraternity, a nd Brot h e r O'Loughlin , the pres ent Moderator, r especti"vely rela ted a f e w incidents o! importance in the past ! unctions of t h e Club and expressed their hopes for its future gre a t ness. Following these, Mr. Ric ha rd Single r of Chicago, sang two ve ry tine vocal se lections. Miss Mary Ander son pla y ed the piano a ccompani­m e nt. Father Bra dac , in the closing addres s, exhorted the f rie nds of St. Viator Colle ge to ald the V ia torian Father~ in the ir efforts to create real m e n, morally, mentally, and s ocial ly , !rom the boys of the Father Charles Fraternity. In conc lus ion the entire festive crowd r ose and expres sed their feelings in the Viator L oyal ty Song.

tainment at the dedication. A tine Among the s eventy-five or more spirit of competition can be aroused visitors w e r e a fe w of the la te student~ among the classes in try ing t o ~urpase of the Academy, n a mely : Eddie O'Nei1 , one another in the matter o! clever and Dick Fahey, Sta nley Oblenu~ . Cla·rence unique entertainment . R emember t he Doyle, Arthur Bul!in, Leo Whalen and date, Mar~ch Hh. . 1 Daniel McKeQwn.


THE VIA TORIAN Otrlc~ of Publlca.tlon, 106 Third Ave., JoUet. ID.

B ntt::retl a. second class maJI matter at the post ot!Ice at JoUet , Act ot Congre&, March 3, 1879.

Subecr1otfon Prlce $2 Per Year

IlL, under !...c!-~-b-~-~-co_.::_e_!_;-~r:-~-u;-y-PB_~-~-e:-,;-h~-o-~-n-y-!:-'1 ~ !...-~:"-h-.-t-ora-~-u-,,~-~~-~-ot-tb-~-~A-;_~_mY-~::-~-w-eo-~>-~-'!1!... __ T_H_RE_E_:_O_Q-~-~-?"-~-ER_N_G __ I. [

game Friday night, March 4th. All pathy to t he Rev. Charles Quinn In the D o You T hink H N~y

~tor ln Chlel ··········-·····-·············- ·: ___ _______ .....•...... ·-··········-·····..Jam•• T. Connor, '27 C<>ilege members are expected tn at~eod loss of hls belo\'ed brother. and to the ~:~•'h. ~~~en~~~~ro ~-"~eeb Yau-

B W!I1nus l&.nager -······-···-----········-·--···-····-····- -·--·····- - .Edward E. Galla.bue '27 as well as are the members of the Sen- parlsh ot Holy Angels oC Auron. " Tl(ER£ ASli.ED ..Uumnl Notu --·········-················-·······---······-- ---- ----- ------Emmett M. Walsh '28 lor High School class and t he Faculty. DJinois tn the recent denth o f their Sport. Editor ····-··--········· - ··-············--··············--···-···············Joseph A. Harrington, '27 A.tter the opening address by President venerable pastor, the Re"·- J ames

1st Corridor of Ro~· llnll. P r ofossol" J oseph H . P ere1, ~

From the standpoin t of c hanging ~Ul"'­round1ngs or or physi :l.l rela:x:n.Uon !'rom dally duties in school he shou ld ha Te a vacation . This wtU n!tord. h lm an opportunity ot getting in touch w ith di!terent classes of people.

.ANml t.ant Sport Edltor ...... .................................................................... WllUam Cassidy, '29 Dalrymple an entertainment w hlch w UJ Quinn. Pttrt H ol& EdJtor .. - ....... - ...... - .......... ---.. --..................... - .............................. E. M.. R oy '27 last about a n hour will be given by The fun eral was held on Friday t he

Locals - ·-·----··------·- - -·---------- ·-·------·--------------··-----·-----............... Leslle J. Roch '27 members ot the di!fe ren t College twcnty-!i!th ot F ebruary. The College W i lliam S iebert '28 classes. This entertainment Is m ore o r was representea Oy the Very R ev. T. J.

InQuJrlng Reporter ................................. - .......... ............................ ............ J ohn T. Ellie '27

:r ... tur&.e: ---·-·-···........... .. ............ - .... _ ............ Warren J . McClelland '28 Allen :r. N olan ' 28

Jarle th Watson. '30. Vlatorla n a. .. ........ .. ........ . .............. - ..... - ........................................ _ ................. Francis Bell '27

Clreula.Uon ------------··---------------···------··----·-----------··-·-----.Robert 0. Barnett '30

LENT ··Memento homo quia pulvis es et in pulverem reverteris".

With these words the Church throug hout the en tire world reminds

the faithful of attending to their salvation. On Ash Wednesday we hear those words of profound meaning pronounced as the priest

touches the forehead with holy ashes, reminding us that we are dust

and unto dust we shall re turn. From the first day of Lent until the last, the C hurch, in urging us to put away a ll worldly pleasures and

ambitions, proclaims the true spirit of penance and mortification. The vestment• whic h her ministers wear at the Holy Sacrifice of the

Mass are changed to a purple hue, the mark a nd symbol of penance

a nd sorrow. The alters which are so beautifully laden with flowers in the j oyous seasons are stripped of their beauty. Th e very music

of the Church t a kes on a more solemn tone t o· conform with the

L enten spirit. The passions of our Lord and Savior J esus Christ is universally taught by her ministers to the faithfuL Different phases o f o ur Lord's suffering and death are presented and explained to

r emind us th a t we must make amends for the offenses committed ins t a just and merc iful God.

Thus, if the Church and Her ministers a re so mindful of those words " remembe r man that thou art dust a nd into dust thou shalt return" surely we, who form a part of that Divine Institution, must likewi se comply with the L enten spirit. However, it is not necessary that we parade about in sackcloth a nd ashes, as was the custom in the d ays o f the prophets, we do not h ave to wear the hair shirt and expose ourselves to b odily pains and tortures, as did the saints of old. But what is r equired of us is very small a nd insig nificant as compa r ed to the p enances prescribed in ancient times. We are asked to d o only t h e little things. Perha ps to do these requires sacrifice, but that is why we observe the season of Lent.

Everyone of us, especially those who are fortunate in receiving a Cathol ic educati o n , is conscious of the m a nifold ways in which we can li ve in confo rmity with the spirit of Lent. We are not required !~ d eny o urselves in everything, but a re bouna to do some penance.

U?less ye do penance ye shall a ll likewise perish", says Holy Scnpture. The College student h as many w ays to follow out the Lenten seaso n properly. Some will be able to deny themselves certa in luxuries as the theatre, dances, and other social activities. Others again could promise to assist a t Mass more d evotly. The neghgent student sh ould make a resolution to study more conscien­tiously a nd diligently.

L e t u s a ll the n become imbued wi th th e true Lente n sp irit. Le~ everyo n e makes good use of those means a t his disposal to practice ac ts of penance, self-denial, and mortification. All of us are indeed striving for that perfection w h ich will bring us closer to our Creator. If we h ave conformed with the pro p e r Lenten spirit we have taken a mea ns of perfec tion. On Easter Sunday then, all of us should feel confident that we a re closer to God, that we have increased in holmess and th a t we a re on the whole better m e n, intellec tually, opmtually, a nd physically. F. ] . H.

"IF THE SHOE FITS-" . The Baoketba ll season is a lmost fini sh ed but it seems tha t a

timely admonition is needed concerning the unsportsmanlike attitude that h a s been shown by some students towa rd athletic. officials and certain members of v isit ing tea m s. We hoped tha t this state of affaHs would never occur a t Viator but s ince it h as, definite steps m~st be taken to prevent any re-occurance o f it. You a ll know that V1ato'r teams are noted for their fairness and sportsmanship. isn' t it too bad that th ose who support the team cannot secure the sa me reputati?n b y their d emonstrations a t the h ome games? However ~': feelmg of fa1r play a nd goodwill toward visi ting teams and of­fi cials should n o t be one that is forced upon students. It should ema n a te f_rom within t h e student, it ~ould be a principle that gov­erns al l h .. _ associations with his fellow beings. It seems that with some mdividuals_ here _at Viator su ch a n ot io n is lacking. There ~ no d oubt t~at tli e exci tement of a close game, combined with the de~ue_ t o '\Vln accounts for a momentary loss of sound judg ement. Th1s IS excusable b~t everyone sh o uld exercise the necesoary will powe r t o prevent thiS attitude from becomina- bro·adcast and detri­menta L

The baseball season will soon be here and there will be occa­sions \vhen an e x citing gaine will cause tremendous cheering upon the p art of the student body. We hope tha t this will be ligimate chee rmg and no t the k ind that will reflect unfavorably upon the ochoo l. E v ·eryone likes t o see his favo rite team win-that is a n atural and n ecessary a t t ljbute of every loyal ro o ter. Yet we must remember that a lthou gh victory is "sweet", there are compen­sations which are even greater than victory because wh e n the Grea t &orer makes the final entry on His b ook, the c u estion is not " How many games did you win"-but-"How d id y o u play the Game?"

less secre tive, but r umors ·will out and hence it Is reported that the probablA line-up to the evening's en joyment wm be, according to c lasses, somethin~ like the following:

Senior Class: "!ago Whisper ing to a.n I m a g inary

D esdemona" s ung by James Dalrymple. The Balcony Scene f rom Romeo and

Juliet-Tom Dillon . ··My Heart at Thy weet Voice" sung

by J oe KJnney a nd Ed. Gallahue. Two Minutes oC Humor o us Stories ' '

- by J ohn Cannell. J oe H arrington will give a. etiort dls·

q u lsition on the i:'lorles of an athletic manager.

Junior Class Franklin May expect" to sing "Lov•

Bird, \ •Vhen W111 Spring Arr ive?". Burlesqu e on J ohn Barrymore's "D on

Juan" b y Warren McClelland. "Limitations of Paul Ash" by Leo

Fitzgerald. Harold P:tefler will present an illu~­

t r a t ed lecture on the running of a check room.

William Siebert will attempt a H arp solo on the k eyboa rd.

Sophomore Class Golden Melody Trio: J ames A . Nolan,

J ohn Smith, and M ike Dela ney. B lack Face Com ecllans: B ill Cassidy

and Don L eanhardt. Dance epeclalty and .song by Simon

Leg r is. Freshman Class

D emonstr a tion of th e "Black Bottom" by the c lever 'l'el·psichoreans, Dan Gordon , Tom D oyle , T om Ro~QrS anfl Gene H ottman.

" U k e lele Sadie '' accom panied and sung by the 'l'om Cat Qua rtett com­posed or Ed. "Soup" Campbell, Ernie Mille r , T om Dunne and J . Watson.

Fran k Sowa will sing "So's Your Old L a dy" .

Leo Freehill will endeavor to repro­duce ··silent N ig ht in ChicaJ:'O" on h is t r ombone.

An e ven in g of genuine College :tun· ma k in g is anticipated, so come pr4i1 · pa r ed to hear the worst.

After the Alumni Eanquet and elec­tion of officers on ·washington's birth­day, some of the ex-college boys challen ged the prese nt s tudents to a basketbal l game. A r eport of the game will be found e lsewhere in th is is su~ . B u t a lthough the Alumni team won the gam e (with the a id of t h e referee a nd t he scor e r) they w ere a ll pre tty much faggecl out at suppe t· time. Retiring president Frank R ainey seemed very much r e tiring. In fact h e was a ll tired out a nd probably _,till is. Others or the Alum ni on the team WQre: Lowell A . Lawson, treas urer; T . L. ' Varner, contrac t or of the new buildings; Pres e William :!!!, J ohn Lyons, Rev. Francis Casey, a nd R ev. Fra ncis Clea ry.

P a ul " Dogs" L ea r y is doing qui te some entertaining thia season. At t he Normal game in B loomington last Fri· day night h e had as his g uests Soak May, J ake Watsl<o , J im Toolan, "Teats" Costii:"an a nd Art Armbuster . They were a ll on time for the first whistle af te r h a ving traveled with the tea m.

Eugene Sammon ie entertaining John H arrington as his hoUse-guest in Bloomington t his week -end. They also attended the Normal game, but motored down in a private car a nd consequently were late. These two g entlemen with thei r la dy friends arrived at a fashion­able hour just before the second half.

Other etudents who s pent the week­end at thei r homes are: Tom Dillon, Harold Costigan , Don L eanhardt, Den­nis Sweenle, E d Gallahue, D ominic Lizza dro, J oseph and Bert Martoccio, Art Armbuster and Deiutilio P edrero.

'!'here i~ a rather lleculiar psychology connected with t h e judging o! debates e~pecially T>~ hen w omen act as judges. Sometime~ they place thei r vote on one side becau!5e or a personal sympathy or because they cherish antipa thy to· wards t h e other s ide. But once in a while a lady will !eel sorry for a mem­ber on the one side and at the same time be disgusted at the over-confiden ce in a member on t he other side, thereby she w ill allow h e r emotions to sway her be tter r easoning powers. But s u ch is the way ot poor humanity. Rumblings ot. the a bove have b een h eard from J oliet where the overbearance of one m ember ot the aft.irmative t eam 1rri· tated the nerves ot a certain matron to SU<'c.h an extent that she rendered her decision out of sympathy for one a nd a ntipathy for the other.

WE LIKE THIS The t ollow1ng letter was received

from the coach of Acquinas Hii:'h School, Chicago.

Dear Mr. H-.: In r egard to the kind hospitallty shown Aquinas during their trip the r e, we wish t o extend our ap­p reciation. The Sister~ are especially grateful and ask that their thanks to you be included with a h ope that St. Viator's and Acquinas may share many more pleasant games in the future.

With Sincere thanks, I remain. Y ours truly,

Wllllam A. BlUe.

Rice. c. s. c., the Rev. J . P. O'Mahoney, c. s. v., and the Rev. F . E. ~unsch, c. e. v. Ma.y he r est in peace.

Ou r prayerful sympathy is !'Llso ex ­tended to the Rev. 'VIllin.m Keefe . pas­tor of Holy Cross church. Indianapolis, Indiana, In the recent loss of his tathet·, Mr. James Keefe. The funeral o f Mr. K eefe, who passed away in Calltornta, was h eld !rom the Cathedral of Sts. P eter and Paul in I ndianapolis. T he Solemn High Mass was sun g by the Rev. William Keefe. The sennon was preached b y the Rt. Rev. J oseph Chart· ra nd, D. D .. who a lso gave the absolu ­tion. The Rt. Rev. Msgr . L egris, D . D ., of the College blessed the grave. The Rev. F. E. M unsch , c. s. v., was a r e p­r esentative :tram the College.

The m a ternal g randmothe r or the Rev. Bro. J . E. Surprenant, c. s. v., entered Into he r e t e rna l r est at her hom e in Manteno, Illinois. on Tuesday. F ebruary the twenty-second. The fun eral was he ld from St. J oseph Chur ch. Manteno, Ill inois, and was at· tended by the Very R ev. \ V. J. Surpre­nant, • · s . v. , a nd the Rev. E. M . Kelly, c. s . v. May s h e rest in peace.

We ex tend our si nceres t sympathy to the Rev. Fran cis E. W a ls h , pastor ot St. A nne Churc h, Tolu ca, Illinois, in the loss ot his venerable mother. Mrs. Walsh passed t o h e r e te rna l r eward on Wednesday, February the sixteenth a t he r home In R a ntoul, Illinois. R. I . P.

James A. .Nola n, So1>homore- A change o! environment Is good tor every man. It the s tudent hnd to con­tinu e his work trom year t o yenr with less time away !rom his college, b e would be liable to become m r ose, and Ur d ot the r-outine liCe. which b e must live.

Maurice LoCla ire , Junlor-"All w ork and no play makes Jack a dull boy" goea the saying and It Is true Cor s tudents or St. VIator as well as for a.ll students. A little re laxation tn tho form of novelty r e!res hcs the tnincl and prepares !or n ew eCtor ts. Besides the v acation ! urnlehes a n oppo rtunity to r eplenish one'a cotter s.

Ernest \Valsl<o, Junior- Absolutely , "Home Sweet Hom o" Is t he place t or me. Nothing like a vacation with my feet under m oth er' s t able. The chan~;"e Is a lways welcom e to me.





213 S. Schuyler Ave.

....._ ... _____ .......

II !.....------- --- ------' r'

ALUMNI NOTES Amedee T. Betourne


DurinJ:" the course or t h e past week, the Very R ev. T. J. Rice, c. s. v., r e · J Agent for Eastman Hodaks ceived a le tter f r om the R e v. Dr. J ohn T w. Cummings, D. D., to the e ffect .: •

1.:, Prompt Developing and Printing

t ha t he had sately a rrived at Naples 119 Court St., Kankakee, DL in I taly. We w er e delig hted to learn that Father Cummings feels t hat hho ___ ...... ___ _ health has already been benefited by the trip and w e a lso hope that h e will continu" to be on the m end.

It was a pleasure to e ntertain the R ev. P a ul A. Dunne, '18 , one day 13-St "\veelc We would like to have you ca ll more f requently Father Dunne.

We were pleased to have the Rev. J . J . Corbett, c. s. v., the Rev, W. J. Stephenson , c. s. v ., a nd the Rev. Brother MacEachen, c. s . v., call on us last w eek.

MR. AND MRS. DAVID LACHARITE The last week of F ebruar y m a rked

the sixty-second a nni versar y or the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. David Lacharite ot Assumption , Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. L achari te a r e g reat bene· !actors of the college in that they are r esponsible for the attenda nce of their chilclren a nd their g r a ndchildren a t St. Viat or College. The last of the second g 4il neration to becom e a lumni are: D a v e Lachar ite, who was m a rried in Spiing­fie ld r ecently, a nd Mr. L eon L acharite ot t h e Hig h School Class of '2 4.

_ ....... -----·--;

Groceries Conrectionery

Amedee J. Lamarre Bourbonnais, DJ.

j c· T •gars NotioD.s

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AQUINAS, 37-13 ST. BEDE, 27-11 DePAUL FOR I-S Millikin, whose one ' point victot·y NORMAL FALLS early in the season, kept St. Viator from winning the Little Nineteen Con· BEFORE VIATOR After suffering defeat from the hands terence, was badly trounced here on the of St. Mary's of Bloomington, Bill 21st, despite the t act that the windup __ Barrett's aggregation of cleaver basket· ahowed the close score of 28 to 24. Art When the ball players came back into their usual Long and his whirlwinds were under team left last Friday for form the night of February 16th w the Impression that the Ii.ewspaper Illinois State Normal great fear wa..s chalk up a decisive victory over :put'!s St. Viator has been getting were felt lest so many games in a row might Aquinas High School of Chicago, the duly unwarranted, and that the Irish militate against Viator's chances. And !inal score giving Viator 37-Aquinas were just another step in the climb then again the great Keys who was de· 13. The score , however, does not do ot Millikin to All State Honors. Vlell, clared ineligible just before the last justice to the B6urbonna1s1s five be· 111r, Art Long carrled out his part of Viator-Normal game, was back in the cause 1t fa ils to indicate the classy style the threat, but the rest of the team lineup. He is considered the whole in which Capt. Daly led his men to were tied to the stake. Long made nine team in himself. As results turned out victory. To see the local lads in action of Millikin's ! ourteen points in the first Reys was only a gesture, not even a that night was to experience thrills halt, and in the second halt made tour good threat. It didn't take long t or similar to those in the C hampaign en· out o! ten. He is truly a remarkable Viator to get under way. The smart, counter, but of course, the contest player. Not only was he forced to dJ'OP snappy attack that is seen in pro!essio· lacked the element o! being close as them in from all angles but from dis· nal basketball was put on exhibition by Viator was never in danger of le tting ta.nce as well. He handles the ball with the Green Wave. Up and down the defeat overtake them. Working with the ease and expertness of that darl{ floor they rushed with the calm serenitY clock- like precision, Barrett's men took skinned youth named Page who came of. a team running thru formations, and a commanding lead at the start and here with Macomb. Wlth startling r apidity Viator closed !n maintained it to the last whistle , ou t-

Viator wasn't to be denied, but the tor short shots and lon g tosses that playing Aquinas in every department crisp phrases that tell the story of won the admiration o! both friends and of the game. victory with something like a repro- !oe. There were Bloomingtonites and Walkowiack led the scoring with R duction of the actual scene will have Wesleyanites who would pay T ex baskets and one free t hrow. Capt. Daly to be foregone in this article because Rickard prices to see Viator stacked with three field goals, worked like a o! space limitations. The Green Wave up against their traditional !oe, but trooper throughout the game and was never rolled higher and mightier; when there were also Wesleyanites who a big tactor in the scoring o! every Millikin led at the half 14 to 13, the coveted a championship more than the point made by his t eam. His clever Viatorians came right back to snatch enjoyment ot a game of basltetball be · floor work, accurate passing and decep­the lead with two great shots by Benda tween two perfecUy matched teams. tive dribbling, combined with Wally's and Evard. It was a d ifferent Milliktn So Viator slips down from first place clever s hooting, was the outstand ing­team that returned to the floor. They by reason of the loss to Bradley, back feature ot the game. Due credit must r ealized the game was going to be de· again by virtue of a subsequent win be given to Singler , a reserve, who cided by the factor of possession of the over the same team, and then down started t he game and showed the effects ball .. That team capable of getting and to th ird place because it was unable to of Barrett's fine coaching. Bob is a holding the ball would certainly be tri- schedule games with Lincoln or Wes- "whiz" and needs only the experience umphant, so Viator immediately pro- leyan, and out of the championship en- of his t eam mates to make the grade ceeded to do that very thing, and !or tirely by virtue of having lost a one as a regular. H inton, Armstrong and the last two minutes of play, with a point victory to Millikin earlier in the Matthews played up to their usual form single basket separating them from th~ year. Figure it out, it's poor logic we while the reserves who went into the reach of the Decatur boys, everything know, but show us any percentage battle in the last quarter, credited them· .in the line of stalling was exhibited column or schedule of figures that selves and their coach by showing thP.y Once, Art Long g rabbed a pass and doesn't permit of the same confusion. knew the game and knew it well . Me­with instantaneous action shot for his Viator still commands the respect o! Mannis starred for the visitors with basket. His arches are so w ell rounded the Down Stater s in basketball and the two baskets and one f ree throw. and so true o! direction that the howl· victory over State Normal, before the Wilson, Aquinas guard, !allowed ing population went silent as though Conterence magnates proves it. Viator closely with two baskets. struck by the gods. The ball missed is considered one o! the most finished Viator certainly told the world in dead center by the measure of the teams in the Conference, let's hope that fast game that they were real mathematical point, then Mil<.e Dela.ney that fact won't militate against a ('Ontenderg for the National Catholic sneaked down, caged one, Bishop heavy conference schedule next year. Championship. Students, Alumni and

:~~~h~~. l\~~/l~ki;';ii~. f~tt:l==~~~ds ';~a~o; bo~h~C~l~:·t:17: t~~~~t~;~~lfiak:~~~!~~ ~~ie~::c~tB~;·re~ia!~~ ~~~~~de;e:~: 1:i~~ Mike D elaney was on Art Long, break was the bookl{eeper, he missed one or them the necessary moral supoprt. ing his heart with his persistent two entries and then retreated behind The box score:

dogging. Gallahue poised the g un, an ~ue~~~r~:r c~~ce~~~~~e .;:~::r's po!~!~~ ST. VIA1TgOfRt ti>

eternity seemed to pass in the fifty sec win were advanced.

~~~~~d t~~~ ~~~e i~~~i~~~;~e D~~;'~P~= The box score: ~~~ ii~rm:r 0 6

was off like a flash, Barnes ove;ran ST. VIATOR ILL. STATE 0 him, and "Jimes" set himself for the fg ft tp NORMAL Singler 2 bigges t and best basket of the year Dalrymple 4 1 !I fg ft tp McHugh 0

ST. VIATOR MILLIKIN Laenhardt 0 0 0 Moore 4 0 8 Anderhub 1 fg ft tp !g !t tp Evard 4 1 9 Keys 2 0 4 Armstrong 2

Dalrymple 2 0 4 Schooly 0 0 0 Dunne 0 0 0 Allyn 0 0 0 Mathews 0 Evard 5 1 11 Kinsey 1 o 2 O'Malley 0 3 3 Smith 3 2 8 Walkowiack Dunne o o o Long 0 2 2 Costigan 0 0 0 Bandy o 0 o 8

0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 0

1 17 0 0


Keefe Noonan McMannis Fitzgerald O'Connor Wilson Martin


fg ft tp 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 5 0 3 3 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 0 0

4 5 D

BUl Barrett's Academy Basketeers stepped high, wide and handsome on the night o! February 22nd and trounced the strong St. Bede team of Peru by the decisive score of 27 to 11. The game was played at St. Bede's College Gymnastum a nd was a thriller tram start to finish. Barrett started his Purple and Gold team with Capt. Daly and Singler at forwards, Armstrong at Center, and VValkowlack and Matthews at guards and this combination again proved their claim to enter the National Catholic Tournament to be held at Loyola next month. W1th the excep· tion of Hinton, who was ill and unable to perform, every man o! Barrett's squad saw action and gave the St. Bede followers a real treat in how basketball should be played. St. Vlator was never on the losing side of the score and managed to hold the R ed and Green aggrega tion scoreless the first quarter while Capt. Daly and his men pierced through the P eruvians' defense for six points. During the last quarter the reserves took the f loor, Van Warmer playing for Daly, Anclerhub tor Arm­strong, McHugh for Walkowiack, Sllntz for Matthews and Sullivan !or Singler. These lads followed the regulars' route and held their opponents to two points. The Academy f ollowers can be might y proud of Barrett an his entire squad clinching such a victory as the triumph was accomplished by fast and clever playing and by quick and accurate headwork .

Wally held scoring honors and starred for the Bourbonnais five with six !ield goals and two free throws. Capt. Daly played a great game and during the third period, brought the rooters t o their feet by sinking a basket !rom mid-floor. His clever and acc~rate passing was also a feature of the game. Armstrong, Matthews and Singler were true to form a nd likewise gave Barrett a boos t in his fin e style of coaching. Walzak, St. Bedes' guard, counted seven points for his team and was the out­standing player for the Peru squad.

The box score: ST. VIATOR ST. BEDES

fg ft tp tg ft tp Daly (c) 2 0 4 Snyder 0 0 0

CHAMPIONSHIP Last year DePaul came to Viator

with the cocky air that a Roman hight have in revisiting the conquered ruins of Carthage, but when the eve· ning was spent D ePaul emerged, broken, torn, and all but lifeless pulling the short end of a 55 to 24 score out o! the h eat of the battle. This year De· Paul was more modest and more cau­tious; Chicago had heard great thinga said about St. Viator, and the Green Wave a mply demonstrated their mer:it in humbling DePaul 24 to 20 in what was more football than basketball. It should be said in justice to Eddie Anderson's club, that the absence o! Fisher. star center, destroyed the balance or his quintet, but it in no way interfered with the plans of St. Viator. To double the score was th~ aim of every man on the team, in fact, Benda was tor any means that might triple it, and he had an ally in Dal· rymple. After the first half it was a mad race that ended 34 to 17. Delaney took particular delight in his !oul shot workout making no less than five :fr ee throws in as many tries before he was retired to the s idelines on persona1~. Cunningham and Stelnfcke showed up well tor the visitors, but they were unable to offset the tremendous advan­tage Viator gained through Gibbons. He is evidently a new man in DePaul colors, but we have seen him in and around the DePaul gymnasium tor the last two years.

The box score: ST. VIATOR

Dalrymple 3 4 10 Evard 1 1 3 O'Malley 3 1 7 Delaney 2 5 9 Campbell 0 0 0 Benda 2 1 5 Herbert 0 0 0

Totals 11 12 34

DEPAUL tg tt tp


Stetnicke Phelan Mc!nery Reilley Gibbons Dei


1 1 s 3 3 g 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 0 0 0

3 9 17

Sullivan 0 0 o Singler 0 1 1 Van Warmer

0 0 0 Armstrong 2 2 6 Anderhub 0 0 0

~;:~:~s ~ ~ ~ r·----~K-a+nk-~ak-e+e ___ Ir Jerich 1 0 2 f T Cranley 0 0 0 f Vanderbeak J Book and Furniture t

1 ~ ~ ~ Store f Walkowiack Walzak 6 2 14 Rogan

McHugh 0 0 0 Matthews 0 2 2 Totals Slintz 0 0 0

Totals 10 7 27 Referee, Nance (Princeton).

' ~ ;; I "'"""";.::;,:::·'" .. , I ----·--------··--O'Malley 4 1 9 Long, A 6 1 13 Delaney 2 2 6 Buckles 0 0 o Slintz o

Delaney 2 o 4 Bishop 2 2 6 ~:~~~ell g ~ 1g ~:~:ss:::f g g g Hinton 2 ~•-•-•--• .. ·--------·---- _ ...

~=~~ell ~ ~ ~ ~~:.~~~rite ~ ~ ~ Totals ~ ll 37 Totals 9 2 w Su;~:l: ~ l 37 I . . ·---·-----0 4 0 0

Totals 13 2 2s Totals 9 5 23 -:----_-'-_..;:.:__.:;;_;-'-_-_-=_c.:;_:::.:::. __ __..::......:_:...._::.::..:..~.-:.:::::::_:._._:::.._....:....::.:_ __________ i I Hotel Kankakee ST. XAVIER 22, t D. J. O'LOUGHLIN, M. D. l t 111!11!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

ST. VIATOR 17 ~~ Practice L imited to J I I

A Hearty Welcome Awaits The Students and out of the ctun heap of lifeless copy EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT

that missed the last issue o! the Viator F Ian we can resurrect only a faint mem ! Bell Telephone 253 riends of Saint Viator College

~7 ~v~:~. gr;~!yg~:est;-r~~ ~~~~~t f 602 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS ~==============================; I J .. --------·-

nau, and like true inva ders they went ==============================~· about their work in finished manner -·- -striking carefully and deep, when and ·-- - - t where it hurt most. J Phone 922 · For the first few minutes of play it I

began to look like a big evening for f VIator . Xavier seemed unable 'to gather T

Phone 92!

~;~~~~~~ce~ut~a:11~or!~o!~ s~pe~~ J

Oscar (Foxy) Byron

TAXI Rates to Kankakee: One passenger, 75c; three passengers, $1.00

Bourbonnais, III. Phone Appointments as Early a.s Possible

"eneralahip. Capt. Kelley bad his m en ! .standing In the observation tower, pick f ing out the men ·whom his team had to ~ stop, and after Viator gathered the first two baskets, Cincinnati pounced down with the direction and fierceness of the

hawk. At the half Viator trailed, 17 -~=============================~ ~c~2 ·w~~t a8:~:: t~n~r~~~s t~:n;co~:~~ ~ -- .... i 17 to 10, then slumped of! again while j ~~· ~~;r~~~hvi~;~~r\~\~Y•dT~! ~~~ l America's Largest Distributors seemed hopeless until Viator put on Hs f :!:m:ut:t,co~~ae~~'t~nd t~~e G~~~~ ~~~~ J barrag-e !ell ineffectively into the wait t In~; hands of Xavier men. Xavier had ! ~rlc~;,r~~o~~~ ra:;e, ::~a~~=~ess~0:~! enough go to carry them through once a. lead is gained.

ST. VIATOR tg tt tp

Dalrymple 1 1 3 Jlvard 2 2 6 Dunne 0 0 0 O'Malley 1 5 Costigan 0 0 ))elaney 1 1 Herbert 0 0 Kenda 0 2 Oo.mpbell 0 0

Totals 1 6 17

ST. XAVIER fg tt tp

Leeds 2 2 6 Dougherty 0 0 0 Cain 20~ King 1 1 3 McGrath 3 1 7 Egan 0 1 Kelley 0 0 Sterman 0 1

Totals i ~ 12


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Page Four.






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