Page 1: St. Jude Up 'Til Dawn Script Template€¦  · Web viewSt. Jude Up ‘til Dawn Script Template (Music/DJ) Pre-event announcements. Provide the emcee with a list of announcements

St. Jude Up ‘til Dawn Script Template(Music/DJ)

Pre-event announcements

Provide the emcee with a list of announcements to make intermittently as people register and enter the event. What’s going on, what should people do while they wait for the opening ceremony? Keep energy high and get people excited.

Ideas to include in announcements: Shout out teams and groups as they come through the doors/ create a high energy environment

o Interview participants about why they support St. Jude Up ‘til Dawn Text message opt-in instructions

o Are you receiving our text message updates? If not text [key word] to 785833 to receive special announcements and updates this evening!

Swag pick up - Did everyone get: o $100 incentive t-shirt (if qualified)? o First bracelet? o Fundraising buttons?

Activities o Social media challengeso Dance competitiono Team uniform judging for spirit points


Time Segment Description Location Lead

11:45 PM


OPENING CEREMONY VIDEO Welcome remarks Venue/Stage EMCEE

(Play opening ceremony video while people settle in, to get their attention at the stage)

Hey, University! Welcome to the 2017/2018 St. Jude Up ‘til Dawn event! Are you ready to stay up for good?!(pause for applause)


Page 2: St. Jude Up 'Til Dawn Script Template€¦  · Web viewSt. Jude Up ‘til Dawn Script Template (Music/DJ) Pre-event announcements. Provide the emcee with a list of announcements

It’s a beautiful night for celebrate finding cures and saving children with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital! We are so excited and grateful to have you here.

My name is EMCEE Name, and I will be your emcee this evening and into tomorrow morning! [Tell the audience a little about who you are/why you wanted to emcee]

This is our X year University has hosted a St. Jude Up ‘til Dawn event, and it keeps getting better! [Highlight the growth of the program year over year. How much did you raise / how many people attended the first year vs. now? How much have you raised cumulatively in previous years? Remember, not to reference this year’s total until the closing ceremony].

[recognize any presenting or opening ceremony sponsors]

Time Segment Description Location Lead


About St. Jude Venue/Stage EMCEE

Now, let’s see what all our work has been for --- the kids of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital...

(Play patient story)

How inspiring is that?! Some may know that St. Jude is a wonderful cause, but may not know how big, how important this mission really is.

Families never receive a bill from St. Jude for treatment, travel, housing or food—because all a family should worry about is helping their child live. Patients from all 50 states and around the world go to St. Jude for treatment, because St. Jude is on the cutting edge and is known for treating the rarest and most aggressive forms of childhood cancers and other life threatening diseases.

Not only that, but all the research and discoveries done at St. Jude are shared FREELY! So every child saved at St. Jude means doctors and scientists worldwide can use that knowledge to save thousands more children.

Treatments invented at St. Jude have helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to more than 80 percent since we opened more than 50 years ago.

It costs over $2.4 million a day, a BILLION dollars a year to run St. Jude. The average donation is just $35. Approximately 75% of the costs of St. Jude are covered by public contributions – that means by the people like YOU all in this room, who have fundraised for St. Jude this year. YOU make this mission possible. And we are here tonight to celebrate that, and reveal how much OUR school was able to raise for the kids of St. Jude.


Page 3: St. Jude Up 'Til Dawn Script Template€¦  · Web viewSt. Jude Up ‘til Dawn Script Template (Music/DJ) Pre-event announcements. Provide the emcee with a list of announcements

The patients and families of St. Jude are counting on people like us every day. That’s why we stay up ‘til dawn. We stay up ‘til dawn in honor of the patients at St. Jude who lose sleep when they are sick from treatment. And in honor of their parents who stay up nights worrying about their child. Are you ready to stay up for good?!

Time Segment Description Location Lead

12:00 AM 0:05:00

Send first text about first challengeFirst Challenge introductionMovement to the first challenge

Venue/Stage EMCEE

Let’s get this party started! (Pause for cheer/applause)


You will receive updates throughout the evening with instructions or updates about tonight’s events. You should have just received a text message about our first challenge. Are you ready?!

[Recognize any challenge sponsors]

Your first challenge is challenge name. Listen carefully to the following instructions. After the instructions are complete, you’ll be dismissed to the challenge location.

Location Detailed challenge instructions Order/how teams will compete Ways to get disqualified (rules/safety precautions) How winners will be determined Points awarded to top challenge winners

Time Segment Description Location Lead

12:05 AM 0:55:00 First Challenge facilitation

Winner determinations Center Stage EMCEE

Emcee or exec board member will dismiss them to the challenge location and help facilitate the challenge through microphone announcements

Review rules/safety precautions before each round of teams competes Be a commentator for the event – keep the energy high

Page 4: St. Jude Up 'Til Dawn Script Template€¦  · Web viewSt. Jude Up ‘til Dawn Script Template (Music/DJ) Pre-event announcements. Provide the emcee with a list of announcements

Announce the winners of heats (if applicable) as they take place and ensure an executive board member has recorded them

Facilitate any judging over the microphone

Time Segment Description Location Lead

1:00 AM 0:55:00 BREAK 1 Activities

Bracelet pick up Stage EMCEE

Like the beginning of the event, the emcee should help maintain a positive environment and highlight opportunities for people to stay active during the break.

Recognize any hour sponsors Outline activities available to participate in during break

o Examples of easy to execute side activities (no exec board facilitation required) New DJ/band – encourage dance parties for spirit points Kids games – capture the flag, red rover, freeze tag (low setup/supplies) Creating ABCs of cancer / patient cards Legacy bead bracelets Social media challenges Guest speakers or campus traditions (shave down, etc.)

Interact with / interview participants about their experiences Announcement: Team Captains, please pick up the second bracelet for your teammates prior to second

challenge at [bracelet pickup location]

Time Segment Description Location Lead

2:00 AM 0:05:00

PLAY PATIENT VIDEOSend first text about first challengeSecond Challenge introductionMovement to the first challenge

Venue/Stage EMCEE

(Play patient story)

TWO HOURS DOWN! How we doing?! Are we feeling good? Feeling Inspired?


Congratulations again to our winning teams from the first challenge! WHO’S READY TO BEAT THEM IN THE SECOND CHALLENGE?

[Recognize any challenge sponsors]

Page 5: St. Jude Up 'Til Dawn Script Template€¦  · Web viewSt. Jude Up ‘til Dawn Script Template (Music/DJ) Pre-event announcements. Provide the emcee with a list of announcements

Your next challenge is challenge name. Again, listen carefully to the following instructions. After the instructions are complete, you’ll be dismissed to the challenge location.

Location Detailed challenge instructions Order/how teams will compete Ways to get disqualified (rules/safety precautions) How winners will be determined Points awarded to top challenge winners

Time Segment Description Location Lead

2:05 AM 0:55:00 Second Challenge facilitation

Winner determinations Center Stage EMCEE

Emcee or exec board member will dismiss them to the challenge location and help facilitate the challenge through microphone announcements

Review rules/safety precautions before each round of teams competes Be a commentator for the event – keep the energy high Announce the winners of heats (if applicable) as they take place and ensure an executive board

member has recorded them Facilitate any judging over the microphone

Time Segment Description Location Lead

3:00 AM 0:55:00 BREAK 2 Activities Stage EMCEE

Like the beginning of the event, the emcee should help maintain a positive environment and highlight opportunities for people to stay active during the break. Try to offer different activities during this break.

Recognize any hour sponsors Outline activities available to participate in during break

o Examples of easy to execute side activities (no exec board facilitation required) New DJ/band – encourage dance parties for spirit points Kids games – capture the flag, red rover, freeze tag (low setup/supplies) Creating ABCs of cancer / patient cards Legacy bead bracelets Social media challenges Guest speakers or campus traditions (shave down, etc.)

Interact with / interview participants about their experiences

Page 6: St. Jude Up 'Til Dawn Script Template€¦  · Web viewSt. Jude Up ‘til Dawn Script Template (Music/DJ) Pre-event announcements. Provide the emcee with a list of announcements

Plug opportunities to join the executive board next year – make an interest/signup sheet available Announcement: Team Captains, please pick up the second bracelet for your teammates prior to second

challenge at [bracelet pickup location]

Time Segment Description Location Lead

4:00 AM 0:05:00

PLAY PATIENT VIDEOSend text about third challengeThird challenge introductionMovement to the first challenge

Venue/Stage EMCEE

(Play patient story)

Are we awake?! You better not be getting tired! Less than two hours to go! Remember, there are kids (like patient highlighted in the video) fighting for their lives! This is easy in comparison… stay tough, stay inspired!


Where are our second challenge winners at?! Pressure’s on! We are about ready to start our final challenge and there are big points on the line! We’ve got some great prizes to give out at the closing ceremony following this ceremony.

[Recognize any challenge sponsors]

Your FINAL challenge is challenge name. Here is your final mission.

Location Detailed challenge instructions Order/how teams will compete Ways to get disqualified (rules/safety precautions) How winners will be determined Points awarded to top challenge winners

Time Segment Description Location Lead

4:05 AM 0:55:00 Third Challenge facilitation

Winner determinations Center Stage EMCEE

Emcee or exec board member will dismiss them to the challenge location and help facilitate the challenge through microphone announcements

Review rules/safety precautions before each round of teams competes Be a commentator for the event – keep the energy high

Page 7: St. Jude Up 'Til Dawn Script Template€¦  · Web viewSt. Jude Up ‘til Dawn Script Template (Music/DJ) Pre-event announcements. Provide the emcee with a list of announcements

Announce the winners of heats (if applicable) as they take place and ensure an executive board member has recorded them

Facilitate any judging over the microphone

Time Segment Description Location Lead

5:00 AM 0:15:00

Closing CeremonyPLAY CLOSING VIDEOSponsor / supporter recognitionTop fundraiser awardsEvent winners (top 3 teams)


(Play closing video to get audience’s attention)

It’s 5AM! You are still here, because you made a promise to the families and the patients of St. Jude and that means so much to us!

The sun will be rising soon…but before it’s done, we have a just a couple more important things to do. First, we need to thank some important people. Tonight’s event would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors and university departments. So, we’d like to take a minute to thank them.

Our sponsors [put special emphasis and notes on higher level sponsors] [sponsorship type] – [company/sponsor name]

Our University/Campus champions [departments / people who supported the planning of this event] Student Activities, Greek Life, Facilities management, Public Safety, Food Services, SJUtD Advisor

Before announcing tonight’s team winners, I have the extreme pleasure of recognizing some of YOU, sitting in the audience who are BIG winners regardless of your performance in the challenges tonight. We are so grateful to all of you who fundraised for the kids of St. Jude. And some of you REALLY went above and beyond.

Top fundraising awards Top fundraising Greek Chapter Top fundraising Student Org Top fundraising team(s) Overall top fundraising individual

You all are so inspiring. Thank you.

As a reminder, you can continue fundraising online until [Jan 15 for fall schools, April 15 for spring schools]. And those of you that raise $250 or more by then will receive an email with a redemption link for an additional incentive prize. The more you raise, the better items you can choose from!

Page 8: St. Jude Up 'Til Dawn Script Template€¦  · Web viewSt. Jude Up ‘til Dawn Script Template (Music/DJ) Pre-event announcements. Provide the emcee with a list of announcements

Now… for our 2017-2018 St. Jude Up ‘til Dawn event winners. These three teams earned the most points and earned bragging points for the year (as well as some cool prizes). Can I get a drum roll…

In THIRD place… with [points] … winning [prize] is… [TEAM NAME]In SECOND place… with [points] … winning [prize] is… [TEAM NAME]In FIRST place… with [points] … winning [prize] is… [TEAM NAME]


Time Segment Description Location Lead

5:15 AM 0:15:00

Closing CeremonyExecutive Board RecognitionNo More Chemo Song (VIDEO with Lyrics)


Now, I need your help. Please get on your feet, clap your hands, and show your love for OUR 2017-2018 EXECUTIVE BOARD!

They’ve been working tirelessly behind the scenes tonight, but also all year. They’ve poured their heart and soul into recruiting, fundraising, and planning for this event. [bring up on stage, and stay for No More Cancer song and the fundraising reveal]

Highlight graduating seniors

I am going to ask our executive board to lead us in a really important St. Jude tradition. At St. Jude, each patient who completes their chemo treatment, receives a No More Cancer party thrown by team of doctors, nurses, and staff. This party is an enormous milestone for the patients and their families. They celebrate with confetti, posters, and a little song that is written to the tune of the Oscar Myer Bologna jingle.

We want to teach it to you tonight, to celebrate all the No More Cancer parties that we have helped make possible at St. Jude through our fundraising. Every dollar raised goes directly to St. Jude to help raise funds for St. Jude to find cures, save lives, and celebrate those lives at each No More Chemo party. It’s because of people like YOU that these children get to celebrate, get to live, get to go on to college just like you.

So are you ready?! We are going to play the video a couple times so you all can learn the jingle. And then we are going to do it ONE perfect time, so we can record it and share it with our family, friends, donors who could not be here tonight.

I need you to get loud! Let’s show those kids how much we care, and jump up and cheer at the end!

(Play video)

LYRICS: Our patients have the cutest S-M-I-L-EeesOur patients have the sweetest H-E-A-R-Tees

Page 9: St. Jude Up 'Til Dawn Script Template€¦  · Web viewSt. Jude Up ‘til Dawn Script Template (Music/DJ) Pre-event announcements. Provide the emcee with a list of announcements

Ohh, we love to see you every day But now’s the time we get to sayy Pack up your bags, get out the doorYOU DON’T GET CHEMO ANYMORE!

Time Segment Description Location Lead

5:30 AM 0:10:00

Closing CeremonyFundraising revealWrap up


THANK YOU! That means so much to all of us. Everything you’ve done to get here tonight is LITERALLY changing the lives of patients at St. Jude, and around the world…because you give St. Jude the ability to find cures and save lives.

Are you ready to see the fundraising grand total?

[Have the executive board flip over one number at a time on large poster board, starting with the last number]


Keep thanking the audience. Keep celebrating until the audience’s energy begins to fade

Thank you UNIVERSITY! You did it, and you should be so proud. You stayed up ‘til dawn. You stayed up for good! You made a difference in countless lives. Please keep sharing this mission. Please keep spreading positivity! THANK YOU…We love you…now go get some sleep!!

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