
“I’m a nurse, and hadnever had serious illness inmy adult life. Now that I wason the other side, I wasn’tabout to relinquish control,”Ann O’Donnell explained as shesat next to Donna Tanner, her Ionacare manager who had seen herthrough the darkest days of her life.

Ann had long had back issues thather doctor attributed to aggressivearthritis and tried to “suck it up,”as she put it. Finally, the sciaticpain was too much and she retiredfrom the work she loved as a nursecase manager.

She began to fall in her apartmentso she stopped going out alone,fearful that she would fall. She setabout trying to find a home healthagency to help her by finding aphysician who made house calls.Her legs were too weak to walk andshe had to care for herself. She

thought that being over 65 andliving alone without family wouldcomplicate how the medicalcommunity would respond to her situation.

Slowly, her world began to get very small. Friends brought hergroceries and then began to bringher prepared meals. She left herapartment door opened for the few people who came and went.

Instinctively she knew that sheneeded an advocate before shecould extricate herself from thisdifficult challenge. “I had donesome research. I called Iona andspoke with Leland [Kiang, Iona’sInformation and ReferralManager.] What an asset he is! Soknowledgeable and he listened sowell. After I called, Donna [Tanner,an Iona Care Manager] came intomy life. She was everything I’dhoped I’d find in an advocate.”

Message from the Executive Director

Good Reasons to Give 3

Iona Receives United Way Grant 4

Julia Louis Dreyfus Thanks Donors 5

Art of Caring Month Events 6



SPR ING 2013

Yesterday, students from theUniversity of South CarolinaUpstate spent a day of theiralternative spring break with us atthe Active Wellness Program at St.Alban’s. This very same day, theJewish Federation of GreaterWashington delivered food thatthey had collected for Iona as partof their global Good Deeds Day.

The joy that these two groupsbrought to Iona was infectious. Thestudents served lunch and spenttime with participants, helped thestaff of the Jewish Federation setup a room where participantscould choose the food they wantedto take home, and received aquick knitting lesson from theknitting circle. Iona volunteers,whether they come from very faraway, or just around the corner,are very important people at Iona.

This issue of The Voice is chock full of otherVIPs, from the front-pagestory of Ann O’Donnell and Ionacare manager Donna Tanner, tothe pictures of Julia Louis-Dreyfusand our generous and loyal donorson page 5.

At Iona, I’m glad that we work tocreate a community where everyperson is important — celebrated,valued, respected and protected for their contributions and theirpotential. Thank you for being avital part of this work.

Control in a Challenge

continued on page 2

Ann O'Donnell and Donna Tanner

Control in a Challenge cont’d from page 1

Ann pats Donna’s hand as sheexplains how Donna wasn’tshocked about Ann’s unusual wayof dealing with her challenge.“Donna never pushed me,” andtogether they mapped out a way forAnn to contact a physician whocould assess her at home to orderthe necessary tests.

“Donna gave me peace of mind,”Ann explains. From arranging forAnn to get a wheelchair accessiblevan for the ride to and from thedoctors’ office, to helping Ann gether insurance paperwork done andtaking notes during office visits.After an MRI was performed, Ann got a shock of a lifetime: “It was a benign tumor called aschwannoma that stretched frommy lower thoracic spine all the wayto my lumbar spine.” Surgery wasperformed in October, 2009.

Donna explains that Ann had theinner strength, resolve and skill toget through not only her initialchallenge, but also the months ofrehabilitation. When Ann got tooccupational therapy, she knew shewanted to work on certain things,

like reaching things from herkitchen cupboards.

“I saw that I could concentrate onthings in the world again,” and shechallenged herself to walk aroundher apartment building’s drivewaycircle five times every day and sheset goals for herself like walking toand from the Mom and Pop storeat the corner. “I kept a journal,”making sure to celebrate all themilestones along the way to herrecovery. “I now take the 30 buseverywhere — to Tenley or to theNational Gallery.” Ann stands toput on her coat, ready to walk tothe Glover Park Village meeting onmeditation — without a cane.

Although Donna’s official Ionaduties with Ann ended with herrecovery, Donna receives aChristmas card every year fromAnn. “Ann is a marvelous artist,and I have treasured her handmadecards.” Ann explains that now herart has taken on a new role in herlife as she works to give her art away to those she wants to reachout to with a special sign of healingand love. “I have such a deepsatisfaction,” Ann says about her art making. Donna smiles broadlywhen she hears this, sharing thejoy of this simple statement and

Ann’s embrace of her life and herfuture now.


Sharon L. Smith PRESIDENT

Debra YogodzinskiVICE PRESIDENT


Sam KilpatrickTREASURER

Paul AndersonNanci BanksElizabeth O’Hara LazoSusan LinskyMary Frances McGuinessVanessa SegarsAnn Marshall SchweitzerKathleen StackRobert Todero Jim Williams, MD



Iona welcomes Terry Svatand Judith Simmons tothe Gallery at Iona inJune, 2013.

Three Archtypal Heads, Judith Simmons

One of Ann’s handmade cards

Ann at a Glover Park Village gathering

There is a saying at Iona that one canidentify longtime Tenleytown/AmericanUniversity Park residents by hearing themrefer to Iona as “Iona House,” as neighbors Shari and Chuck Pfleeger do. They moved to theirhouse on Davenport Street in 1987, where they haveremained steadfast in their support of local,community-based organizations.

Recently, they gave a generous gift to Iona afterreceiving the Catalogue for Philanthropy in the mail. “It was timing, really: Chuck’s mother had passed away,and we were in the midst of dealing with her estate.We wanted her legacy to make a difference to others.The Catalogue contained a lovely reminder of whatIona is doing in the community.”

Both Shari and Chuck have experienced familycaregiving situations that have underscored theimportance of education, support and planning in thisinevitable journey.

After her mother had a stroke and was moved to anursing home, Shari commuted from home to NewYork City, bookending a very long day caring for herfather with four hours of work in the early morningand another four hours late at night.

“It wasn’t a healthy or sustainable situation, and luckilyI had people who helped me see that.” Shari drew onthe resources of Iona during this time, coming to acaregiver education program and receiving informationand referrals to access services in New York that wouldprove to be helpful, not only for her parents but alsofor her. After Shari’s mother passed away, she helpedher father, now 92, move to an assisted living homenear her sister.

Chuck’s parents moved to an assisted living home inFlorida ten years ago while they were still healthy. “Itwas the opposite of Shari’s experience,” explainedChuck. Although there wasn’t the crisis of illness andan unplanned move as in Shari’s family, Chuck neededto comfort his father as he aged and to act as anadvocate for his mother after his father died at age 98.

Chuck’s mother had macular degeneration andmemory loss, and the assisted living home suggestedmoving her to the dementia unit. But Chuck arguedinstead for having her continue to live in theapartment that was familiar to her, rather than move toan unfamiliar place. “I could see that she was able tonavigate around the apartment well, even though shehad low vision, and her dementia would only havemade a move frightening and confusing to her.”

Chuck contracted with a home health company toprovide companions for her during the day, and hismother lived comfortably in her apartment until herdeath. At the end, as her body began to shut down, thehealth care aides stayed around the clock, and hospicehelped care for her physically and emotionally, as wellas offering emotional support to Chuck.

After caring for their parents and experiencing Shari’ssix-month recuperation from a serious bicycle accident,Shari and Chuck decided to plan proactively for theirown aging. These plans are focused not only on end oflife but also on aging well. Both Shari and Chuck lookforward to learning more about Iona’s services for babyboomers who wish to age in familiar surroundings.They are especially interested in Iona’s communityservice programs. Steadfast, hard-working volunteersfor a host of activities, they plan to use their retirementto incorporate all facets of life: physical, emotional,intellectual and communal.


A Confluence of Good Reasons to Give

Shari and Chuck Pfleeger


Iona Receives United Way Community Impact GrantIn January, Iona was one of 20 Washington, DC

charities to receive a Community Impact Grant fromthe United Way of the National Capital Area.

Over 175 charities applied this year for a grant of up to$25,000. “We are so excited to be chosen this year. It isa competitive grant because there are so many worthycauses in the greater metropolitan region,” says MegArtley, Iona’s Director of Development.

The United Way Community Impact Grant proposalsare reviewed by a volunteer, citizen-led task force which

works together with areanonprofits, governments,and business leaders todetermine where there aregaps in services and wherethe funds will have thegreatest impact. Iona’s$20,000 grant will be usedto continue to meetincreasing andcomplicated needs of

older adults through Iona’s continuum of information,education, counseling and direct care and services.

Last year, Iona educated over 16,000 people aboutaging well and made a positive impact on the lives ofover 1,400 older adults through direct services such as exercise, support groups, caregiver education andmid-day programming. The Community Impact Grantwill help Iona to continue to see the most vulnerableolder people in our community. Last year, 410 of theDistrict’s most vulnerable older adults were able tostave off unnecessary nursing home care, saving thecommunity at least $9,000,000, with Iona’s cost-effective care management, volunteer support, mealdelivery and adult day health care in the community.

Iona is thankful for the work of the volunteer task forcewhich worked hard to make these decisions on behalfof United Way and all the tens of thousands ofindividual donors in the greater metropolitan area who support the United Way through their workplacegiving programs.

What is the Home Care Assistance Hospital toHome Care program, and how does it work?

Home Care Assistance provides caregivers to clientsthroughout the Washington DC area. A year ago, werealized that we were receiving many inquiries fromfamilies struggling with loved ones returning fromthe hospital.

This led us to create the Hospital to Home Careprogram, a comprehensive support program forclients re-adjusting to their lives at home after ahospital visit. To help our clients learn more, we even wrote a book, “From Hospital to Home Care.”If you would like to receive a copy of the book for

yourself, please give us a call at 301-654-1525.

How has the Hospital to Home Care programhelped your clients?

Since we introduced the Hospital to Home Careprogram, we’ve been able to help several clientsrecover after major medical procedures. I rememberthe case of a gentleman who was discharged from thehospital with high blood pressure. Working closelywith our staff, this gentleman started a low-sodiumdiet, and on his next check-up, his doctor wasdelighted to see such positive progress with his bloodpressure readings.

Q&A with Maura Barillaro, RNDirector of Nursing, Home Care Assistance

United Wayof the National Capital Area


United Way #8833CFC #52489


Julia Louis-Dreyfus comes to thank you for your supportLast month, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, award-winning actress,

comedian and producer known for her roles in Seinfeld, The NewAdventures of Old Christine and her current series Veep, came tothank Iona donors for their support of an organization that sheholds very dear to her heart. She attended the event with hermother and father, Judy and Tom Bowles, and her son, Henry.

Beginning in 1979, Julia’s mother Judy taught classes at Iona,including a poetry group and edited and published several books of their poetry. Julia remembers fondly the gatherings of the poets at her house as she was growing up. In her opening remarks,Julia chose to read Iona House Poets by John F. Graham from thecollection her mother edited and published in 1983 because it speaksso beautifully about what she knew to be true of her mother’s work atIona and, in her words, how aging is about the art of discovery.

Many thanks to Reed Smith, LLC for their generous lead sponsorship ofthis event, to Daniel and Jane Solomon for their warm hospitality, to pastBoard member Carole Cohen for bringing about this wonderful day ofmemories and appreciation for friends, and to Judy, Tom, Julia and Henryfor helping us thank Iona’s loyal and generous supporters.

The “Veep” Julia Louis-Dreyfus and IonaBoard President, Sharon Smith

Gracious hosts Daniel and Jane Solomon and Julia

Judy and Tom Bowles, their daughter Julia and her son Henry

Bob and Mary Lou McGee and Julia

Reed Smith, LLCwas lead sponsorof the event, represented by A. Scott Bolden,managing partner, picturedhere with Julia

Sam Alward, Sally White and Ruth Alward

Julia with Alice and John Goodman

Caroleand JordanCohen

4125 Albemarle Street, NW Washington, DC 20016-2105

TEL 202.895.9448 [select option 4]TTY 202.895.9444

www.iona.orgUnited Way #8833CFC #52489


Part of the Senior Service Network Supported by the D.C. Office on AgingPart of the DC Office on Aging Senior Service Network

Julia Louis-Dreyfus comes to thank Iona donors! See story on page 5.

May is Art of Caring Month at Iona

May 5, 2013Creative Connections in CaregivingIona, 4125 Albemarle Street, NW1:30 – 4 pmFree. Register by emailing [email protected].

Caregiving. It’s not a just a job, it’s an adventure. Whether youare struggling to get through the day, or looking for meaningand hope, you can join us to receive practical tools, new ideasand inspiration to help you be an effective caregiver.

1:30 pm: Exhibition Opening and Community of Care Fair.Join the participants of the Wellness & Arts Center and theirfamilies for the opening of an exhibition of their artwork, WhenWords Are Not Enough, and visit with home health agenciesand other organizations working to support older adults andfamily caregivers in our community. (When Words Are NotEnough continues Monday – Friday, 9 am – 5 pm until May 30.)

2 - 3pm: Strategies for Effective Caregiving. Deb Rubenstein,a social worker at Iona, leads a workshop for family caregiversthat will give you practical tools to help you cope – even thrive – during your journey.

3 pm: Break for conversation and refreshments

3:15 – 4pm: Healing Through Art. Iona Art Therapist JackieMcGeehan leads a hands-on workshop designed to help familycaregivers practice self care and bring fresh eyes and new perspectives to their relationships with the people they care for.

May 3, 2013The Fifth Annual Art of Caring LuncheonSpecial Guest Speaker: Mark Shriver. Call (202) 895-9416if you are interested in attending.Mayflower Hotel Ballroom12 pm

Iona salutes the following philanthropic partners for their support. (as of March 14, 2013)

Capital City NursesClark ConstructionArent Fox, LLCThe Methodist Home of DC& Forest Side

Home Care AssistanceKPMGGiant FoodMarshfield AssociatesNII HoldingsThe Residences at Thomas Circle

Washington GasOptions for Senior AmericaFive Star Premier Residencesof Chevy Chase

Care for YouASAP Services Corp.AARP DCBrighton Gardens of Tuckerman Lane

Right at Home DC Reed Smith, LLCWells Fargo Advisors

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