Page 1: SPREAD THE WORD - ELINET€¦ · • Give compliments: TOPS • Give advice: TOPS, stay positive and help each other • Pay attention to how the other feels. Ask for his/her opinion


Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD


Portfolio Literacy Ambassador

Page 2: SPREAD THE WORD - ELINET€¦ · • Give compliments: TOPS • Give advice: TOPS, stay positive and help each other • Pay attention to how the other feels. Ask for his/her opinion


Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD


Insert your profile picture here

Page 3: SPREAD THE WORD - ELINET€¦ · • Give compliments: TOPS • Give advice: TOPS, stay positive and help each other • Pay attention to how the other feels. Ask for his/her opinion


Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD

LITERAcy AmbASSADOR Herman de Boorder

“Almost without being aware of it my life changed drastically now that I improved my reading and writing skills. You notice it small things. The other day, I came home and saw a note written by my wife lying on the table. The note said she unexpectedly decided to go into town and wanted to inform me. When I could not read properly writing me such a note would have been impossible as I would not be able to read it. She used to just wait for me to come home before she went into town. Since I improved my literacy skills, we have both become much more independent.

Numerous things have changed. The most important change is that I do not feel as isolated as before. I’m no longer an outsider. I’m very proud that at my age I was still able to learn how to read and write. A dream that for years I did not even dare to have.

But if you ask me what really excites me most, it is the contact with other people. First of all the people at school. Suddenly I noticed that there were other people experiencing the same issue I was struggling with for years. That recognition is really empowering.

Apart from that, in the role of Literacy Ambassador you get the chance to talk with people you otherwise would never come into contact with. For example I give lectures at schools. This gives me the opportunity to talk to young children and warn them about low literacy. I can tell them;

Finish your education! Keep on working! And what do you choose; A life in a small boat or in a yacht?

That’s how I send the message. You can see in their eyes what impact this has on them; they listen to it in complete silence. These children still have the chance to really make something out of their lives. I try to warn them how hard it is when you leave school before you’ve received a diploma or a degree. Without a diploma you will never get a permanent contract and you will always be the first one to get sacked in times of exemptions. What I love most about being a Literacy Ambassador is working for those people that are in need of the support I used to be in need of myself. “

Page 4: SPREAD THE WORD - ELINET€¦ · • Give compliments: TOPS • Give advice: TOPS, stay positive and help each other • Pay attention to how the other feels. Ask for his/her opinion


Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD


Introduction• We will start by getting to know each other• We will play the introduction game

What are my talents? • What does a Literacy Ambassador do? • What am I good at? What activities fit my personality? What kind of activities am I

interested in? • What are my talents?

Asking questions and listening to others • We will discuss different types of questions• Listen... and be quiet• Giving an answer to a question

Standing in front of a crowd and telling your personal story• Listen to another one’s story and tell us what you think• Giving tips (what could be improved) and tops (what is already great)• Receiving applaus and attention• Learning to tell your story for tv, radio, newspaper or magazine

Doing it for real• In what way do I want to tell your story? • Try-out in front of the camera

body language• What does my body say and how can I improve my body language?

Telling a story for a diverse public• Which material can I bring to show and support my story? • How do I prepare? • Adapting your story to fit diverse situations and localities

And this is how I will present my story• What parts do I tell and what parts do I leave out? • What went well? What can be improved? Which part scan I leave out?• Discussion with your supervisor or another Literacy Ambassador

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Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD


Who am I?

Last name:

First name:


Postal code: City:

Phone number:


Sex: man woman

Date of birth: Country of birth:


Do you have children: yes no

Are you employed: yes no Are you working as a volunteer: yes no

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Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD


My most important qualities are:




Page 7: SPREAD THE WORD - ELINET€¦ · • Give compliments: TOPS • Give advice: TOPS, stay positive and help each other • Pay attention to how the other feels. Ask for his/her opinion


Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD

LOOkIng bAck On mEETIng 1

Who are we?

now …

+ ± – I’m able to tell who I am.

+ ± – I’m able to explain why I want to become a Literacy Ambassador.

+ ± – I’m able to explain what a Literacy Ambassador does.

+ ± – I know the stories of the other Literacy Ambassadors.

+ ± – I know what to expect from this training.

Page 8: SPREAD THE WORD - ELINET€¦ · • Give compliments: TOPS • Give advice: TOPS, stay positive and help each other • Pay attention to how the other feels. Ask for his/her opinion


Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD

Tick the boxes of the activities that suit you


Help others to take the step to start a literacy course.

Open up and start the conversation with people who are still in doubt whether or not starting a literacy course.

Tell my personal story and be able to answer every type of question.

Explain what is missing in your life when you are not fully skilled in the basic principles of reading, writing, mathematics and digital skills.

Give presentations on school to prevent children to become low literate at a later stage.

Raising awareness among companies; take good care of your employees by giving them the opportunity to follow literacy courses.

Give interviews for newspapers and magazines.

Participate in a television or radio show about the importance of reading and writing.

Answer questions during presentations at libraries, health centres, job centres etc.

Spread around flyers and brochures among sport facilities, community centres, doctors and so forth.

Attending an information market and answering questions.

Sharing experiences of being a Literacy Ambassador with other Literacy Ambas-sadors.

Speaking at a meeting of intermediaries and people working at desks and reception.

Helping with the training of new Literacy Ambassadors.

Help others with improving their reading and writing skills and motivate them to continue their efforts.

Start a conversation with an alderman about qualitative literacy courses in his/her municipality.

Explaining that reading and writing skills are important for one’s personal health situation as well.


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Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD


You can only respond with yES or nO.

Answering yES or nO is not enough.You have to explain more.

• Who?• What?• Where?• When? • Why?• How?


you use closed questions if...

• you want to have an answer quickly • you want a short answer • you know that someone is not talkative you use open questions if...

• you want to have a lot of information • you want the other to talk • you want to get to know the other • you want to know how the other’s perspective

by listening carefully… • you let the other know that you understand him/her • you encourage the other to tell more • you understand the situation of the other • you know how the other feels • you take the other serious

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Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD


• Looktheotherintheeye• Showclearlythatyouarelistening• Encouragetheothertocontinuetalking• Takeyourtime• Askquestionswhenyoudonnotunderstand• Makesummarieseverynowandthen• Don’tshareyourpersonalopinion• Controlyouremotions• Givetheothertimetotalk• Don’tbescaredformomentsofsilence

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Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD


before you start: Think about...• Who is my audience?

• What is my goal?

• What do I want to tell? And what am I not willing to tell?

Parts of your personal storyFinish the following sentences: • Following a reading and writing course

has been important for me because.... • Because of the course I followed, now

I am able to.... • Because I learned how to read and

write, I now feel....

Structure of a personal story • Introduction: Who you are and what you want to tell

• core: • How come you struggle with reading and writing • What you did when you struggled with reading and writing • How you felt when you struggled with reading and writing • What made you want to improve your skills • How improving your reading and writing skills changed your life

• closing/conclusion: • A call to action for your audience: what do you want them to do? • Does your audience have questions?

Page 12: SPREAD THE WORD - ELINET€¦ · • Give compliments: TOPS • Give advice: TOPS, stay positive and help each other • Pay attention to how the other feels. Ask for his/her opinion


Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD

LOOkIng bAck On mEETIng 2

+ ± – You are able to explain activities literacy ambassadors can execute.

+ ± – You know what your qualities are.

+ ± – You know how to use your qualities for your role as a literacy ambassador.

+ ± – You know the difference between open and closed questions.

+ ± – You are able to listen to someone else’s story and explain what you’ve heard.

now …

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Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD


Give positive feedback using TOPS followed by TIPS

feedback is important because: • it informs you about what others think of you • you get to know where you’re good at • you can tell others what you think of them • it helps you change your behaviour (if you want to) • you understand each other better • it prevents for irritations to arise • it helps making the interpersonal contact better and easier

Rules on how to give feedback • Give feedback right away • Say what you saw and what you heard • Explain what you felt • Give compliments: TOPS • Give advice: TOPS, stay positive and help each other • Pay attention to how the other feels. Ask for his/her opinion

Rules on how to receive feedback • Listen carefully and let him/her finish • Try to understand TIPS and TOPS. Ask questions • Don not try to defend yourself • Explain what you want to change 

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Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD


• What is included in the story? • Causes • Excuses • Motivation to learn • Benefits of learning • Difficulties with reading and writing

• Would you tell these things yourself?

• After seeing your story, do you think other people who have difficulties with reading and writing will take the step to follow a course? Why yes and why no?

• Is it allowed to film at your work place? Or at your house?

• Do you think the Literacy ambassador is proud after watching this video?

• Which compliments can you give the Literacy ambassador (TOP)?

• What kind of good advice could you give the Literacy ambassador (TIP)?

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Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD

LOOkIng bAck On SESSIOn 3

+ ± – I am able to stand in front of the crowd.

+ ± – I am able to receive applause.

+ ± – I am able to tell something about myself.

+ ± – I am able to give constructive advise to my fellow Literacy Ambassadors.

+ ± – I am able to receive and respect constructive advise from my fellow Literacy Ambassadors.

now …

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Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD



Contact person




Number of people

Which preparation steps should I take?

When should I take these steps?

How much time do I have to tell my story?

What do I want to achieve?

Who is my audience? To whom will I tell my story?

What am I going to tell? How will I start? And how do I want to end?

What do I want to distribute? Or show?

TIPS • Make notes • Practice out loud • Let someone listen to you and give you advice • Talk with your supervisor about how it went

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Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD


fill out the evaluation form. your supervisor can help you. Sent this to ...keep a copy in your portfolio. Date of the activity:

Address of the activity:

Name of the organisation:

What kind of activity did you do? Tick the boxes below. Ticking more boxes is allowed.

WHAT? WHERE? Interview newspaper, magazine… Company Interview radio or TV Municipality Cooperation in a movie Library Market, information market (distributing leaflets) School Giving a presentation or telling a personal story Hospital, gen. practitioner Recruiting new Literacy Ambassadors Recruiting new literacy learners Other: Other:

I met with ...

TOPS: I was pleased about ...

TIPS: What I can do better is ...

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Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD


Who am I: my life story as a Literacy Ambassador

I would like to introduce myself. My name is I am years old.

I am a Literacy Ambassador. I explain what my life looked like before I was fully able to read and write. What obstacles I came across and which situations I experienced. I went to a reading and writing course, because I was not able to

I noticed this in particular when

I felt bad about this, because

I am certainly not the only one. In Europe 1 in 5 adults have difficulties with reading and writing.

The moment I decided to do something about it was when I

I heard I could call to subscribe for a course.

I heard it from Now I take courses at

I think the course is

Now I am better at

Now I feel

Do you have any questions? Thank you for your attention.

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Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD


before your presentation

• Practice in front of the mirror • Practice with your family as audience and ask what they think • Wear clothes in which you feel comfortable but are decent as well • Do not wear to much jewellery

During your presentation

• Start with introducing yourself and thanking for the invitation

• Be honest • Look around you to get to know the surroundings • Look your audience in the eye • Be yourself • Breath easily • Speak clearly • Be aware of your posture • Keep an eye on the time • Be proud of yourself • Give your audience advice on how to help people like you • End with a question: Do you have any questions? Don’t forget your boundaries with

respect to which questions you do and you do not want to answer • Thank the audience fort heir attention • Distribute flyers and leaflets

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Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD

Be part of the audience when another Literacy ambassador tells his personal story.

Explain about literacy in language groups.

Talk with someone who is still in doubt whether or not to follow a literacy course.

Tell your story in a meeting at a school, a welfare organization, a union, a hospital, a company.

Distribute folders at a market.

Convince a literacy learner to become a Literacy ambassador like yourself.

Meet with other Literacy ambassadors and exchange experiences.

Join news year’s receptions and conferences about reading and writing.

Cooperate in the development of a new leaflet.

Cooperate in the development of a movie about literacy

Be part of an opening of a Easy to read point in the library.

Give an interview for the (local) newspaper or magazine.

Give an interview for the (local) television or radio station.

Give an interview over the phone.


Literacy Ambassadors take up different activities. With this assignment you discover which of these activities attract you. Tick the boxes of the activities you would like to do.

Page 21: SPREAD THE WORD - ELINET€¦ · • Give compliments: TOPS • Give advice: TOPS, stay positive and help each other • Pay attention to how the other feels. Ask for his/her opinion


Portfolio Literacy Ambassador – SPREAD THE WORD

LOOkIng bAck On SESSIOn 4

+ ± – I know what I want to tell.

+ ± – I know what to think about during my preparation.

+ ± – I know what influence my body language has.

+ ± – I know how to keep my portfolio updated (together with my supervisor).

now …

Page 22: SPREAD THE WORD - ELINET€¦ · • Give compliments: TOPS • Give advice: TOPS, stay positive and help each other • Pay attention to how the other feels. Ask for his/her opinion

This project has been funded with support from the European commission. This publication reflects the views of its authors only, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein. Parts of this publication are based on Handleiding training Taalambassadeurs ‘Zeg het voort’ (2015, The Hague), which was funded by the Dutch ministry of Education, Science and culture, and produced by Stichting Lezen & Schrijven, Stichting Abc and The Light fantastic..

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