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  • SponsorProblemAssessRiskSolutionStrategyMeasures ofMerit (MoM)Human &OrganisationalIssuesScenariosMethods& ToolsDataProducts36457108911ProblemFormulationNATO Code of Best Practice (COBP)for C2 AssessmentHuman and Organizational FactorsChapter 6

    Richard E. HayesEvidence Based Research, Inc.


    Human and Organizational FactorsSponsorSponsorProblemProblemAssessAssessRiskRiskProblemProblemFormulationFormulationSolutionSolutionStrategyStrategyMeasures ofMeasures ofMerit (Merit (MoMMoM))Human &Human &OrganizationalOrganizationalIssuesIssuesScenariosScenariosModelsMethods& Tools& ToolsDataDataProductsProducts36457108911Prepare forSuccess


    Human and Organizational FactorsC2 must include the human dimension Maximizing the likelihood of mission accomplishment demands a C2 system characterized by efficient interaction between humans, organizations, and technologyHuman and organizational issues are central to structuring C2 problems


    Key ConsiderationsAddressing human and organizational issues adds complexity Establish relevance of human and organizational factors for the specific C2 assessment problemEnsure availability of empirical evidence and social science expertise Consider parametric treatment of factors versus explicit modeling of human and organizational behaviour


    Human Factors IssuesHuman behaviourDecisionmaking behaviourCommand style


    Human BehaviourHuman performancePsycho-physiological (stress, fatigue, hunger) Ergonomic/external factors limiting performanceIndividual psychology (risk propensity, decision style)Social interactions among individuals and groupsInteractive processes (shared awareness)Background (cultural, educational, religious)Assessment possibilitiesTeam competence Team experience


    Decisionmaking BehaviourTypes of decision SimpleAutomatable: decision rules or algorithmsTo know is to decideContingentTo know is to decide, butConfirmation/ judgement about situation necessaryComplexAlternatives must be createdCriteria for selection must be createdCapacity of commanders and other decisionmakers (training and experience)


    Command StyleAttributes of commanderBackground (training, operational experience)Leadership (motivational capability, moral integrity)Individual attributes (risk propensity, decision style)Organizational styleDecompositionVersus holisticCommand philosophy Mission-orientedObjective-orientedOrder-oriented


    Human Behaviour in OOTWHuman behaviour is even more criticalTactical-level of decisions may have strategic consequences (media presence)Strategic corporalMultitude of actors(Para)military, political/ethnical/religious groups, amorphous groupings, aid organisations (IO,NGO)Diverging interests, different behavioural patterns Perceptions of military actions even more important than their physical effects


    Organizational FactorsStructureFunctional responsibility Operational capacity


    Structure of OrganizationNumber of echelonsSpan of controlLinkages between nodesHierarchical, spokes of a wheel, multi-connected, networkedPermanent versus transitory relationshipsFormal versus informal relationships


    Functional ResponsibilityDistribution of responsibilityLocation of functional activities (e.g.,intelligence, logistics, CIMIC)Distribution of authorityFunctional specificityWarfare domain task forces for combined operationsIntegrated capabilities (mission tailored task forces for joint operations)RolesDegree of ambiguity in command relationships


    Operational CapacityPersonnel (background, training, experience)Communication systems and architecturesInformation processing systems and architecturesOperational field experience


    C2 Analysis Problem in OOTWAnalyst is faced with a (theoretically) large set of complex optionsAnalysis problem: Management of complexity to arrive at efficient optionsApproach: Integrated Analysis


    Integrated AnalysisIntegrated Analysis implies iterative testing of hypothesises on related sets of key parametersStarting with a few aggregated parameters that cover the theoretically possible range of optionsNarrowing, in each iteration, the bounds for subsequent testing of related sets of ever more disaggregated parameters


    Decisionmaking Drivers


    Operational Determinates of Headquarters Effectiveness


    Case Study: Team SharpNo treatment of individual human behaviourOrganizational issuesIntra-military interactions within coalitionMilitary and non-military (e.g. NGO, IO)


    Human and Organizational Issues in the AssessmentAddressing human and organizational issues requires interdisciplinary analysisProject leader must be aware of the current state of the disciplines involvedHuman and organizational issues must be brought into the assessment earlyEarly working relationships with subjects of, or affected by, assessment are important

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