Page 1: Spiritual Needs of the Chronically Ill Person


Those who wait for the lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, walk and not faint.

ISIAH 40:31

For the chronically ill individual, personal spirituality and or religious belief and practices often constitute an important, even critical, dimension of coping with the life changes necessitated by the illness experience.

The corporate elan of both groups was reflected in the titles of books reporting their coping strategies

The courage to survive: The Life of The Chronic Dialysis Patient (O’Brien, 1983) Living with HIV: Experiment in Courage (O’Bien 1992)

For many persons living with chronic illness, transcendent belief and experience provide the impetus to live and to love and the midst of significant pain and suffering.

The Case of Chronic Illness

Corbin (1996) defined chronic illness as “a medical condition or health problem with associated symptoms or disabilities that require long term management ).

Taylor, Lillis, and LeMone (1997) described chronic illness as having the following characteristics : results in:

permanent change causes or is caused by irreversible alterations in normal anatomy and

physiology. Requires special client education for rehabilitation And requires a long period of care or support.

LeMone and Burkey (1996)- chronic illness symptoms may range from mild to severe, and often fluctuate between periods of exacerbation and remission.

Spiritual Care of The Chronically Ill Patient

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An individual, spiritual well being is central to coping with physical and psychosocial sequelae of chronic illness.

The type and degree of the patient disability. Physical disability such as being unable to ambulate freely. Spiritual care may also be directed toward the emotional sequelae of

chronic illness, which may affect overall spiritual well being such as low self esteem, feelinfs of isolation, powerlessness, hopelessness and anger.

Muldoon and king (1991) “spirituality for the long haul”. Observed that the challenge of the chronically ill person is ti integrade the illness experience into is or her self concept.

Spiritual Needs In Chronic Illnesses

(baldachicco and Draper, 2001)The experience of illness specially of the long term chronic illness, may be a time where spiritual needs previously unnoticed or neglated become apparent.

(Adegbola, 2007) have identified spirituality as resource that promotes quality of life.

(Shelley and Fish, 1988) identified God in the believers life to be the source of “meaning and purpose, love and relatedness and forgiveness”.

(Boutell and Bozeth 1988) identify the concept of faith, peace, hope, trust. HOPE

Is the focusing attention and affectivity and commitment to action toward the future goal of fulfillment and God, the realization of the Reign of God.

TRUST Describing the quality of a relationship aong two or more person.

COURAGE The absence of fear but rather as “the ability to transcends ones fears

to choose to actively face what needs to be. FAITH

As a pre requisite for spiritual growth. PEACE

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As a sense of being undisturbed , a feeling of freedom from anxiety and fear. “a right relationship with God, which entails forgiveness, reconciliation and union.

LOVE Means to care for or to treasuse someone or something, love from our

religious prospective, relates to “God’’ benevolent love.

Spiritual needs of a Cancer Patient

Cancer is a broad level that covers a family of disease characterized by uncontrollable growth of mutated cells that may dessiminate to various prt of the body.

Moschella found that patients diagnose with cancer reported an increase in faith, more time spent and prayer, and greater frequency of search attendane, despite the fact that their religious belief system provided to theological explanation for suffering.

Spiritual Needs of The HIV Infected Person

Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV identified in 1983 under the lymphadenopathy associated virus or LAV and, in 1984, as HTLV III (human t-cell lymphotropic virus.

Lisanti and Zwoski – the clinical course of HIV infection is directed by the immune system response, with the development of an opportunistic infection symptoms such as fever, malaise, sweating, headache, weight loss, and sore throat and rashes

Spiritual Needs of the Chronic Renal Failure Patient

Matassarin-jacobs-defined chronic renal failure as irreversible and progressive reduction of functioning renal tissues such that the remaining kidney mass can no longer maintain the bodies internal environment.

Wagner-one of those frequently identified was the patient desire to feel ‘’cared for” by their nurses.

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Spiritual Needs of the Mentally Chalenge

Mental health and mental illnesss are relative terms, existing along a continuum ofattitude and behavior the label mental illness covers a a vast array of diagnostic categories, ranging from mild conditions such as situational anxiety and depression, to the frank psychosis of schizophrenic disorders.

According to Bruegge “level of consciousness, orientation, memory, mood and affect, intellectual performance, Judgement and insight and language and communication.

Shelley and John they viewed mental health as from a Christian perspective is define as “a state of dynamic equilibrium, characterized by hope, joy and peace in which positive self regard is develop through love, relationship, forgiveness and meaning and purpose, resulting from a vital relationship with God, and responsible and for interdependence of others.

Fontaine which may be supported by prayer, is that of lost of faith in God or a distancing from God which is “a common occurrence during depressive episode.

Angela McBride emphasize the caring as a key dimension of the psychiatric mental health nurses role.

The Cognitive Impaired Client

Cognitive functioning affect both physical and psychosocial dimentions of an individuals life.

According to Arnold 1996 “primarily an intellectual and perceptual process it is closely integrated with emotional and intellectual values.

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Radensky B. Sibayan

Mark Julius Siquig

Reianne Tablatin

Rosalie Talbos

Shara G. Time

Jonalyn G. Vallente

Jevilyn R. Velasco

Daisy Rose R. Ventura


Ma’am Alyssa Ashley D. Malag, RN, MAN


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