

South Aiken Presbyterian Church

The Worship of God

First Sunday in Lent February 22, 2015 8:45 A.M. & 11:00 A.M.


Prelude Scott Chappell, Accompanist

Chiming of the Hour (11:00)

Welcome & Announcements Valorie-Vance Kraus

Signing of the Friendship Register

Choral Introit Here in This Place Marty Haugen

Preparation for the Word

*Call to Worship (Responsive)

One: People of the covenant, give thanks.

All: The Lord is our salvation.

One: Children of the living God, draw near.

All: Jesus Christ is with us.

One: Let us worship God.

*Prayer of the Day (Unison)

Holy God, by the grace of Jesus Christ you know the tests and trials we face. Walk with us through this

wilderness. Come to us now with vessels of healing and visit us with tidings of hope, so that we may return to you

in faith, believing the good news of the gospel; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

*Hymn #370 This is My Father’s World

*Prayer of Confession (Responsive)

God our Redeemer, we confess that we are people of ashes and dust. You have claimed us in your covenant, yet

we forget your steadfast love. You seek us out in the wilderness, yet we continue to wander in our sin. Forgive us,

God of grace. Wash us clean so that we may return to you and follow your holy way; through Jesus Christ our


(Time for Silent Confession)

One: Seeking the path that leads to new life, the people said,

All: “Amen.”

*Assurance of Pardon

*The Gloria Patri Hymnal Page 581

Passing of the Peace (11:00) (Responsive)

One: Since Christ has extended to us the peace of God, let us, as his disciples, spread his peace to others.

The peace of Christ be with you.

All: And also with you.

One: Let us exchange signs of Christ’s peace with one another.


Children’s Moment (11:00) Allison Kelly

Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal Page 35

...forgive us our debts

as we forgive our debtors...

Prayer Response Open My Eyes, That I May See Clara H. Scott

The Word of God

Prayer for Illumination

Hebrew Scriptures Genesis 9:8-17 Pew Bible Page 7

One: The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Anthem He Loved Me Arr: Tom Fettke

Gospel Reading Mark 1:9-15 Pew Bible Page 34

One: The Word of the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God.

Sermon “The Spirit Drove Him Out”

The Reverend Doctor Christopher Crotwell

Our Response to God’s Word

*Hymn #783 When We Are Tested

*Affirmation of Faith, “The Apostles’ Creed” (Traditional) Hymnal Page 35

Offering of Tithes and Gifts


*Doxology Hymnal Page 606

*Prayer of Dedication


*Hymn #166 Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days


*Congregational Response May the Love of the Lord (Hymnal Page 549) Swee Hong Lim

May the love of the Lord rest upon your soul. May God’s love dwell in you,

through-out every day. May God’s countenance shine upon you and be

gracious to you. May God’s Spirit be upon you as you leave this place.


*Those who are able may stand

Large Print Hymnals and Sound Amplification Devices are available in the Narthex.

If needed, please ask an Usher for assistance.

Current Prayer Concerns

(After one month names will be rotated to “Continuing Prayer Concerns” list that will be in our AIMS Newsletter.)

Those serving in the military:

Daniel Bartlett - grandson of Ron & Sandy Bartlett

Kris Cloud - son of Ed & Robin Coward

Ian Fields - husband of Tracy Kelly-Fields

Charles Hogan, II - son of Judi Hogan

Heather M. Kostov - niece of Caroline & Greg Teese

Kyle Luksovsky - nephew of Caroline & Greg Teese

Ben McCullough - son of Lisa McCullough

Katie Taylor McCullough - wife of Ben McCullough

& daughter-in-law of Lisa McCullough

Will McGarry - grandson of Felder & Dot McLaurin

Brett Noffsinger - son of Dave Noffsinger

Andrew Radford - son of Chuck & Pat Radford &

brother of Chris Radford

Chris Radford - son of Chuck & Pat Radford &

brother of Andrew Radford

Spencer Riffenburgh -

grandson of Tom & Lois Woodman

Louis Wilson - son-in-law of Brenda Martin Morgan

Do You Want To Be A Prayer Partner?

Prayer is a powerful force for those in need of healing, comfort, strength, and encouragement. It can also be a

blessing for the ones offering the prayer. The good thing about being an email Prayer Partner is that you can pray

for those in need at anytime and from any place you may be when you receive the request. This prayer ministry is a

part of our church’s Congregational Care Committee who are responsible for caring for the needs of our Church

Family and/or others as requested. At the present time there are 200 email and phone Prayer Partners involved. If

you want to become a Prayer Partner, or for more information, please call Mary Ann Laurey (648.9574 ext 100) or

email [email protected] or Emily Lockard (649.0473) or email [email protected].

Please contact the church office - 648.9574 ext 100 - if you wish to add a prayer concern or remove a name from

the list. Thank you.


Members and Those with Family Concerns

& Friends in Need of Prayer

Tim Meehan - Cheryl & Archie MacCrum’s son

Timothy Tyler -

Cheryl & Archie MacCrum’s grandson

Nancy Mayer - Judi Royalty’s cousin

Jean Weeks

Lyn VanDervort

Jared Cameron, February 6, 2015

Bill Ice’s Son-in-Law

David’s Ice’s Brother-in-Law

Jean Krupa, February 12, 2015

Barbara Mahannah’s Mother

Livingston Morehead Wily, February 13, 2015

Margaret Noisworthy’s Brother

Denise Frye, February 14, 2015

Former Member & Wife of Dr. John Frye

“I Am The Resurrection and The Life”





Sunday, February 22 8:45a - Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:45a - Sunday School (Campus) 11:00a - Worship Service (Sanctuary) 5:00p - Children’s Ministry (Gym) 5:00p - Confirmation Class (F209) 6:00p - Youth Ministry (Kitchen/Gym/HS Room) 6:00p - Session Meeting (FH) Monday, February 23 12:00a - Bible Friends Gym/Playground) 1:00p - Membership Committee (PCR) 6:00p - Women’s Bible Study (Library/Nursery) 7:00p - Book Club (Library) 8:00p - Aiken Storm Baseball (HS Room) Tuesday, February 24 10:00a - Kindergarten Music Class (FH) 12:00p - Bible Friends (Gym/Playground) 5:00p - Kindergarten Committee (PCR) 5:30p - MOPS Steering Team (Library/Nursery) 6:00p - Girls Scouts (F207/F209/F212) 7:00p - Boy Scouts (F205) 7:00p - M’Aiken Music Rehearsal (FH) Wednesday, February 25 12:00p - Bible Friends (Gym/Playground) 5:30p - Spring Food for Thought Dinner/Classes (Gym/Nursery) 7:00p - Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) 8:00p - Aiken Storm Baseball (Gym) Thursday, February 26 8:50a - Kindergarten Chapel (Sanctuary) 9:00a - Kindergarten Science Club (FH) 9:30a - PW Knitters (Library) 12:00p - Bible Friends (Gym/Playground) 1:30p - Karate (FH) 4:45p - Basketball Practice (KW) (Gym) 6:00p - Pack Meeting (Gym) 7:00p - Church Officer Nominating Com. (PCR) Friday, February 27 12:00p - Bible Friends (Gym/Playground)


Saturday, February 28 Sunday, March 1 8:45a - Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:45a - Sunday School (Campus) 11:00a - Worship Service (Sanctuary) 11:15a - Worship Preparation Class (Library) 5:00p - Confirmation Class (F209) 6:00p - Talent Show/Potluck Dinner (Gym/Kitchen)


Come join us for an interesting study of Jesus’ Apostles using the book “The Men Who Journeyed with Jesus” by Ellsworth Kalas. The Spring “Food for Thought” series will have fellow church members leading the discussions in five sessions. These programs will be held in the Family Life Center (Gym) at South Aiken Presbyterian Church. Come and see what Allison Kelly is up to in leading the children (4 years and up) in “Messy Lent”! Rev. Erin Gaston, our Associate Pastor for Youth, will be leading a program, “Lenten Mysteries”, for 6th through 12th grade youths. Nursery will be provided. 5:30 – 6:00 Dinner $5.00 for adults and FREE for children under the age of 16 6:00 – 7:00 Presentations February 25: Presenters – Andrew (A Brother) Lynn Woodard Peter (A Man of Action) Steve Kuhl James (Unfulfilled Leader) Joyce Stanley Phillip (The Deliberate) Paul Ebel March 4: Presenters – James (The Less) Mike Hearn Simon (The Zealot) Heidi Abele Nathaniel (The Forthright) Kelly Frontroth March 11: Presenters – Matthew (The Successful Man) Steve Stine Thomas (21 Century Man) Felder McLaurin Thaddaeus (Questioner) Myra Toomajian March 18: Presenters – Judas (The Value of a Dollar) Scott Reboul John (Love and Thunder) Peg Pons Matthias (Holy Substitute) Betty Busch March 25: Presenters – Summary Missy Byrne Your family can sign up by completing the insert in today’s bulletin and placing the form in the offering plate, or go on line to the Church’s website ( and register, or call the church office (648-9574 ext 100). Reservations needed by noon on the Monday before the program.

Spring “Food for Thought” Series Wednesday Evenings

February 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25

A Lenten Study of the Thirteen Apostles


Are You Experiencing a "Winter" in Your Life? In addition to the cold weather outside, many people experience "winters" in their personal lives. A recent loss through death, divorce, or relocation may leave them feeling lonely. A hospitalization, cancer diagnosis, or ongoing medical problems may leave them feeling isolated. The loss of a job, the fear of layoffs, or a financial setback can devastate one's self-esteem. Family and personal struggles may leave them with nowhere to turn for support.

If you are going through a difficult time, our Stephen Ministers can bring God's warm love back into your life. They provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care. They will meet with you privately on a weekly basis to listen, support, and encourage you, to pray with and for you, and to walk with you for the duration of your crisis.

To find out more about Stephen Ministry and how you or someone you know could be matched with a Stephen Minister, talk with Stephen Leader Lisa Lader (642-6840 or cell 439-2004), Pastor Dr. Christopher Crotwell, Associate Pastor Rev. Erin Gaston or Parish Associate Rev. Judy Bowling (648-9574). Our Stephen Ministers are ready to care for you!

Monthly Items Needed

February - Oatmeal/Grits

March - Soup

You may drop the items in the ACTS basket by the front door in the Narthex or in the basket by the church office. Monetary donations may be made by placing a check to SAPC in the offering plate and noting' for ACTS' on the check. Thanks for sharing with others!

1974 and 1991 Hymnals

Copies of the 1974 (Red) and 1991 (Blue) hymnals are available for church members and their families.

If you would like one or more copies of one, or both, hymnals, please stop by the choir room at your


Book Club... will meet on February 23 at 7:00 PM in the church library. Our selection for February is The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks. A couple of books are available if you are interested.

Pictorial Directory: You will be pleased to know that our church is now in the process of producing a new Pictorial Directory. This will be an attractive full-color membership directory with portraits of our church families. It will also contain a roster (names, addresses and phone numbers) of all our members, whether they are pictured or not. We want your family’s portrait in the directory so please don’t fail to get on schedule. Family portraits taken for the directory will feature the Electronic Imaging System, so you will make only one visit to the church for photography and viewing your portraits. Each family photographed will receive a free 8 x 10 color portrait plus a free copy of the finished directory.


Church-Wide Potluck Dinner on Sunday, March 1 at 6:00 PM in the Gym. Please bring a

main dish and either a side or dessert. Celebrate the talent of our church family and enjoy

the evening of arts. If you still need to sign up to share your talent or have any questions,

contact Valorie Vance-Kraus @ [email protected]

Bring the Lenten season to a beautiful close by helping decorate the cross to

celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and the new life we have in Him. Please bring your

fresh-cut spring flowers to adorn a large cross that will be placed in front of the

church Easter morning for “flowering of the cross.”

Please Sign Up for the following activity on the bulletin board just past the water fountain in the hall. February 26 - On This Thursday we will go Out-to-Dinner together at Cracker Barrel for great fellowship and a good meal. Meet there at 5:30 PM. Deadline is TODAY. March 3 - 10:30 AM - On this Tuesday we will attend a unique concert at St. Paul's Church, Augusta presented by the Crystal Trio whose instruments are drinking glasses of various sizes and shapes. A light lunch will follow the concert. Cost is $10 for the lunch and $1.00 to ride the bus. Tickets are limited so sign-up early. For more info see the write up posted on our bulletin board in the back hall. Deadline is TODAY. Payment is due this week. Bring to the church office or give to Phil Lockard. March 20 - 5:30 PM - Leave for the Ft. Gordon Dinner Theatre for a buffet dinner and to see their production of Rumors by Neil Simon. It is billed as light, frothy and fun with side splitting laughter. Cost is $45 (NOTE price increase) per person. See description posted next to the sign-up sheet. Deadline is March 8. Payment is due by the end of that week. April 16 - on this Thursday we will journey back to Newberry for lunch followed with a 3 :00 PM concert by the Lennon Sisters; surely you remember these ladies. Cost is $35.00 for your ticket plus $2.00 to ride our bus. Naturally this does not include your meal. More info is posted with the sign-up sheet. Deadline is March 29. Please remember, once you sign-up you are obligated to pay for your ticket, less bus fee, unless you can sell it to someone else.



On Celebrate the Gifts of Women Sunday, March 8, 2015, during both services, we will honor women who contribute their gifts to the church and community; the theme this year is to Lift Up the Bond between Young and Senior Women in God’s household. Immediately following the 11:00 worship service, ALL MEN are invited to join ALL WOMEN for the luncheon. Women are asked to bring your favorite dishes-NOT LIMITED TO SALADS. Entertainment will be provided. This is a very important annual event, and it is hoped that we will have a great turnout. Keep in mind the following: (1) A nursery will be provided during the luncheon only if needed. Please contact Betty Busch (803) 649-4307 or [email protected], so that proper arrangements can be finalized. (2) Setup is scheduled for 4:00 PM Saturday, March 8, 2015. We need a few good men to place the tables so that the women can complete setup.


8th Grade Confirmation Class: Faith Discussions with Christopher Jan. 25 - March 1, 2015 5:00 - 6:00 PM in Confirmation Room (F209)

*Montreat Youth Conference

What: a big, fun, crazy time with high school youth from all over the

country (includes worship, keynote, recreation & small groups)

Who: rising 9th through 12th grade graduates

When: July 12-18, 2015 (Week 3...with First Pres!)

Where: Montreat, NC

Cost: $260 registration fee (+ housing) if you register by Feb. 19

Youth Events:

Feb. 22 6:00 - 7:30 PM Pantry Ministry Meals (FLC Kitchen)

Wednesday, Feb 25 - 5:30 - 7:00 PM - Youth Food for Thought Class (Dinner included)

March 1 - 6:00 PM - Church-wide Talent Show (Gym)

Sunday, Feb 22 - Join us to practice for our children’s talent show act and prep for Public Safety Night. 5:00 - 6:30 PM in the Gym. Bring $3.00 for hamburger sliders by the Erwins.

Sunday, March 1 - Talent Show - Potluck Dinner in the Gym at 6:00 PM. Sunday, March 8 - Public Safety Night next door. Get a tour of public safety. Bring $3.00 for spaghetti dinner. Meet in the Gym. Friday, March 13 - 14 - 3rd - 5th graders Lock-In in the Gym. 8:00 PM - 8:00 AM

Dear Church Family,

We thank you for the expressions of sympathy, cards, and letters following the death of my son-in-law,

Jared Cameron.

Bill Ice and family


Our Purpose…”Opening Doors to Serve Christ” WELCOME The Lord is in his holy temple. If we are quiet in God’s presence, who knows what message we shall hear? Cherish this time of worship and be assured that you are welcome. NURSERY AND CHILDREN’S CHURCH Infants are welcome in the Nursery during our 8:45 AM and 11:00 AM worship services and during our 10:00 AM Sunday School hour. During the 8:45 AM worship service children are invited to go to the Nursery or stay in the worship service. During the 11:00 AM worship service, 3 years-1st grade children are welcome to join our Children's Church Worship program following the Children's Moment. Chaperones will escort the children to the Fellowship Hall and you may pick your child up there after the worship service. STEWARDSHIP REPORT YTD operating contributions & collections as of 1/31/2015 $36,554.71 YTD operating expenses as of 1/31/2015 -16,203.82 Approved budgeted expenses for 2015 as of 1/31/2015 57,448.17


Worship Service (8:45) - 79 (11:00) - 116 VOLUNTEERS FOR TODAY Flowers In loving memory of Trish Pepper, given by Lynn Shepard Pulpit Assistant (11:00) Valorie Vance-Kraus Sound System (8:45) Robert Glance (11:00) Phil Lockard Ushers (8:45) Kathleen Pearson, Joyce Stanley, John Pearson, Dal Stanley (11:00) Sharon Johnson, Kelly Frontroth, Margie Hamman, Gary Hamman VOLUNTEERS FOR NEXT WEEK Flowers To the Glory of God Pulpit Assistant (8:45) Rev. Erin Gaston (11:00) Bob Freymeyer Sound System (8:45) Larry Hinson (11:00) Billy Ward Ushers (8:45) Jim Marra, John Kelly, Roger Marin, Laurie Marin (11:00) Kelly Frontroth, McLeod Barber, Myra Toomajian, Leo Toomajian

Dr. Christopher Crotwell, Pastor and Head of Staff: Office 648.9574 Ext. 104 Rev. Erin J. Gaston, Associate Pastor for Youth and Outreach: Office 648.9574 Ext. 106 Rev. Judy Bowling, Parish Associate: Office 648.9574 Ext. 102 Cell 803.354.2447 Allison Kelly, Director of Young Children and Family Ministries: Office 648.9574 Ext. 105 Cell 803.336.9540 Phillip Hare, Director of Music: 648.9574 Scott Chappell, Organist: 648.9574 Tracie Bryant, Financial Manager: 648.9574 Ext. 103 Mary Ann Laurey, Office Manager: 648.9574 Ext. 100 Charbea Tetzel, Kindergarten Director: 648.9895 Ext. 107 Cissy Kelley, Assistant Kindergarten Director / Childcare Coordinator: 648.9895 Ext. 110 Cell 270.5808

Church Fax: 803.648.7972 Web Site:

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