
Sources of Energy

• Objectives: To develop an understanding of Different sources of energy.

• Agenda: Take notes, take out a separate sheet of paper to write questions and answers on as we go through the slides.

BIOFUELS, BIODIVERSITY AND ENERGY SECURITY: What are the environmental and social impacts?

Converting food crops into biofuel “is a crime against humanity.”

Jean Zeigler, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, October 2007

Respond to this statement…what does it mean to you? Why would Zeigler say this?


• What does this picture mean to you? What is this picture of? Which conflict if any do you think this was from? Why?

Energy security

“Let’s face it. It’s all about olive oil.”


• What would it mean to you if gas went up to $6.00 a gallon? What would you be willing to give up?

• Movies?• Fast food?• Make up?• Shopping for clothes?

And of course the threat of climate change

A post-petroleum future?

How will the poor adapt

to more expensive


An iPodstill needs


But another concern is rural livelihoods. What does bioenergy mean for farmers?

Domestic use of roundwoodfor fuel:• 98% in Lebanon• 66% in Jordan• 44% in Turkey

Nepal: 90% of energy comes from fuelwood

Globally, 2 billion people rely on traditional biomass fuels.

Our modern societies are dependent on high energy use

Where are the highest concentrations of energy? Why? Explain your answer.

“Can you believe it? Since we installed our wood-burning stove we’ve spent next to nothing on heating oil.”

BP Oil Spill in Gulf- Deep Water

April 20, 2010

• BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.• Gushing approx 62,000 barrels of crude oil per

day• Caused extensive damage to marine and

wildlife habitat• Up to 4,200 square miles of the gulf were

impacted• Clean up still happening, impact still there

What about alternative sources of oil?

Alberta’s tar sands contain billions of barrels of oil, but current yield is only 1 million barrels per day and requires 3-10 barrels of water for each barrel of oil. Maximum possible production: 3 million barrels per day

Coal remains a major source of energy

We need to look at all the optionsAnalyze and explain the predicted trends

Source: International Energy Agency

Alternatives to oil: Human power

Bicycles played a critical role in the Vietnam war

Alternatives to Oil: Biomass


Biofuel yields of selected first generation ethanol and biodiesel feedstock









Barley Wheat Corn Sugar beet Sugarcane

Soybean Castorbeans


Rapeseed Jatropha Palm oil




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S o u rc e : F u lto n e t a l.

Ethanol Feedstock

Biodiesel Feedstock

Some market information…• Biofuel market development during the

last 5 years: now ~3% global gasoline consumption

• Biofuels may share ~10% of world fuel use for transport by 2025

• Less than 10% of global biofuels production is internationally traded

• But important expansion in global trade: key consumers (EU, US, and Japan) will not have the domestic capacity to meet internal demand

BiodieselProduced from seeds such as palm, jatropha, canola, sunflower and soy

Rail line between Mumbai and Delhi is

planted with Jatropha and the trains run on 15-

20% biodiesel

Dangers of Jatropha

• Highly invasive• Useless for food or fodder• Requires water and fertilizer• Requires processing facilities

2000-2005, Indonesia planted 1.6 million haof oil palm, with US$110 million in governmentsubsidies. 9.8 million ha of forest were lost.


Forest growing on peat soils in Indonesia are burned to make way for

oil palm plantations

Releasing more carbon thanwill ever be stored by the palms

What does this picture represent in terms of energy?

May 16, 2011

• Objectives: To develop a better understanding of bioenergy and biofuels.

• Question: What is an example of a biofuel?• Agenda: Notes: also 2 pieces of paper 1 for


Some of the diesel fuel from Indonesian oil palm went to feed this truck

Explain the message in this picture.

World fuel ethanol productionWorld fuel ethanol production










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World Fuel Ethanol Production by Country




In Brazil, sugarcaneIn Brazil, sugarcanefields lose up to 30fields lose up to 30tons of topsoil pertons of topsoil perha per yearha per year

Burning of sugarcane fields beforeBurning of sugarcane fields beforeharvesting emits carbonharvesting emits carbon

Sugarcane produces the most Sugarcane produces the most ethanol per hectareethanol per hectare

One million jobs, mostly low-paying

By 2014, all fields must be mechanized and cannot burn, what can this mean for smaller farmers?

How can deforestation lead to soil loss and/or erosion?

Explain the message in this cartoon.

Using US maize to produce ethanol increased tortilla price in Mexico

The cost of producing Beer in Germany is increasing, as farmers turn from growing barley to growing biofuels….waaaaaaaa….boo hooooo….too bad

The European Commissioner for Agriculture cancelled subsidies for set-asides in 2008, because of demand for biofuels. The EU mandated that biofuel must provide 5.6% of transport energy by 2010.

Policy may have gotten ahead of science

U.S. Mandate on ethanol

• “Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007”

• Automobiles must have an average of 35 mpg by 2015

• 36 bn gallons of biofuels in• Production by 2022• Does this mean that all Vehicles should be

retrofitted to achieve this?

“Second generation” biofuelsproduced from agricultural waste, wood and grasses

This…. …or this?

And what aboutthe small farmer?

Colorado’s Solix Biofuels harvests algae with a field of bioreactors that take a kind of painter’s drop cloth to bubble CO through its system

“Third generation” biofuels?

Algae • Algae production has the potential to outperform other

potential biodiesel products such as palm or corn. • For example, a 100-acre algae biodiesel plant could

potentially produce 10 million gallons of biodiesel in a single year.

• Experts estimate it will take 140 billion gallons of algae biodiesel to replace petroleum-based products each year.

• To reach this goal, algae biodiesel companies will only need about 95 million acres of land to build biodiesel plants, compared to billions of acres for other biodiesel products.

Marine algae: 10 times the oil content of oil palm(Botryococcus braunii produce 75%of their dry weight as hydrocarbons)

Sooo….what could be some determents to algae?

On energy the answer is easy

Potential Reductions in GHG Emissions by Feedstock Type

On climate, what is the best feedstock?

Social justice raises more difficult issues

Some key complexities of bioenergy remain

• Diverse components: Feedstock supply, conversion technology, and energy use

• Diverse economic, social, and environmental factors

• Diverse scales, from local to international• Diverse objectives, from energy autonomy at

the local level to serving international markets

What should be the basis for the necessary trade-offs?

Three main systems of biomass production for energy

System 1. Small-holder production for local useSystem 2. Small-holder production with commercial processingSystem 3. Medium- and large-scale commercial production

System 1. A multifunctional landscape with bioenergy potential

System 2. Canola in France is often sold commercially by smallholders

Enkoping, Sweden: First Europeantown powered by bioenergy

System 3. Maize and sugarcane are often grown commercially for external markets

The US has 113 ethanol distilleries and 77 more are under construction. Potential capacity: Over 44 billion liters (about 5% of US fuel consumption)

“Business Advisory: 16 Ethanol Plants Filing Bankruptcy, Many More to Come” DTN 20 June 2008.

Final 5

• What is the most efficient biofuel? Why?

(Source: Milder et al., 2008)

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