
    Sonja Kecman B.Sc., Physical-Chemistry University in Belgrade, 1998



    In the

    Department of Chemistry

    0 S. Kecman 2004


    May 2004

    All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopy

    or other means, without permission of the author.


    Name: Sonja Kecman

    Degree: M.Sc.

    Title of Thesis: Muonium Kinetics and Free Radical Formation in Solutions of Fullerenes.

    Examining Committee:

    Chair: Dr. G. W. Leach, Associate Professor

    Date Approved:

    Dr. P.W. Percival, Professor, Senior Supervisor

    Dr. A.J. Bennet, Professor, Committee Member

    Dr. S. Holdcroft, Professor, Committee Member

    Dr. H.Z. Yu, Assistant Professor, Internal Examiner

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    Bennett Library Simon Fraser University

    Burnaby, BC, Canada

  • The purpose of this research was to study the kinetics of the reaction of muonium

    with C60 in solution. The solubility of C60, which is poor in most organic solvents and

    negligible in water, has been one of the greatest impediments to study reactions and

    possible biological functions. The kinetics of the reaction of muonium with C60 in

    solution was investigated by transverse field muon spin resonance (TF-pSR). Two

    different methods were used to determine rate constants: muonium decay rates at low

    magnetic field; and measurements of radical signal amplitude as a function of applied

    magnetic field.

    From measurements of muonium decay rates in dilute solutions of C60 in

    cyclohexane, the rate constant for the reaction of muonium with C60 was found to be

    2.0(3) x 10" M-I s-' at room temperature, in agreement with previous work. C60 is

    thought to form a true solution in cyclohexane. However, in water C60 forms sols -

    suspensions of C60 clusters.

    Aqueous C60 samples were prepared by three different methods. The

    hydrodynamic radius of C60 so1 clusters was determined by dynamic light scattering; it

    was found to be in the range of 70 - 2 12 nm depending on the preparation method of the

    C60 sols. The rate constant for the reaction of muonium with C60 sols prepared by the

    Andrievsky method was determined to be 7.8(2) x lo9 M-I s-' at 25 "C and the activation

    energy was found to be 15 kJ mol-I. The equivalent rate constant determined for C60 sols

    prepared by the Deguchi method was found to be 2.5(1) x 101•‹ M-' s-I at 25 "C with an

    activation energy of 20 kJ mol-'.

    The rate constant for the reaction of muonium with C60 in decalin was extracted

    from the magnetic field dependence of the C60Mu radical signal amplitude. The rate

    constant determined by this method was found to be 5.5(7) x 101•‹ M-I s-I at 25 "C with an

    activation energy of 18 kJ mol-I.

    By comparing the experimental results with predictions it was concluded that the

    reaction of muonium with C60 in solution is diffbsion limited.


  • To my family,

    "Za moju porodicu"

  • I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Paul Percival, my senior

    supervisor, for his guidance and support over the years. He has taught me a great deal

    about pSR techniques and science and different software. He has been a great mentor,

    training discipline when needed and celebrating successes.

    I would like to thank Dr. Jean Claude Brodovitch for his technical support, perfect

    designs, discussions that were very instructive for me, and he was always there when I

    needed him. I wish to thank all my co-workers in the SFU muoniurn group for their help

    and discussions.

    Also I would like to thank Dr. Barbara J. Frisken and Philip Patty for their help

    and valuable discussion about dynamic light scattering.

    Financial support from Dr. Percival's research grant and Department of

    Chemistry is gratefully acknowledged.

    Finally, I would like to thank my husband and my daughters for their patience and

    support over the years.


    . . Approval .......................................................................................................................................... 11

    ... ........................................................................................................................................... Abstract 111

    .......................................................................................................................... ~~knowledgements v

    ............................................................................................................................ Table of Contents vi ... ............................................................................................................................... List of Figures vlll

    List of Tables ..................................................................................................................................xi . .

    List of Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................... xi1

    CHAPTER 1 . Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1

    1 . 1 Motivation ............................................................................................................... 1

    1.2 Muon and Muonium Properties ............................................................................... 2

    CHAPTER 2 . Fullerenes in Solution ............................................................................................... 6

    2.1 Fullerene Properties and Reactivity ........................................................................ 6

    2.2 Fullerenes in Organic Solutions .............................................................................. 9

    2.3 Aqueous Solutions of Fullerenes (Sols) ................................................................ 12

    2.4 Preliminary pSR Studies of Fullerenes ................................................................. 14

    CHAPTER 3 . Preparation and Characterization of Fullerene Solutions and Sols ......................... 17

    3.1 Preparation of Fullerene Solutions and Sols ......................................................... 17

    3.1.1 The method of Andrievsky and co-workers .................................................. 17

    .............................................................. 3.1.2 The method of Wei and co-workers 19

    ....................................................... 3.1.3 The method of Deguchi and co-workers 19

    3.2 UV Analysis of Fullerene Solutions and Sols ....................................................... 21

    3.3 Dynamic Light Scattering Studies of Fullerene Sols ........................................ 23


  • .................................................................................. CHAPTER 4 . pSR Theory and Techniques 26

    .............................................................................................. 4.1 Muon Spin Rotation 26

    .............................................................................................................. 4.2 Muonium 3 2

    .............................................................................................. 4.3 Muoniated Radicals 3 5

    4.4 .................................................................................. Transfer of Mu Polarization 36

    ........................................................... . CHAPTER 5 Experimental Methods and Instrumentation 39

    ....................................................................................... Introduction to TRIUMF 39

    .................................................................................... Beam lines M 15 and M20 4 2

    ................................................................................................ pSR Spectrometers 43

    Flow System .......................................................................................................... 43

    Data Acquisition and Analysis .............................................................................. 45

    CHAPTER 6 . Muonium Decay Rates ............................................................................................ 48

    .......................................................................................................... 6.1 Introduction 4 8

    6.2 Results and Discussion .......................................................................................... 50

    6.2.1 Kinetics: C6() in organic solutions .................................................................. 50

    6.2.2 Kinetics: C60 sols ........................................................................................... 52

    6.3 Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 60

    CHAPTER 7 . Free Radical Formation .......................................................................................... 61

    .......................................................................................................... 7.1 Introduction 6 1

    7.2 Results and Discussion .......................................................................................... 61

    7.3 Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 66

    ................................................................................................................ CHAPTER 8 . Summary 6 7

    REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 69

  • Figure 2.1.

    Figure 2.2.

    Figure 3.1.

    Figure 3.2.

    Figure 3.3.

    Figure 3.4.

    Figure 4.1.

    Figure 4.2.

    Figure 4.3.

    Figure 4.4.

    ............................................................. Structure of the soccer ball Cm molecule 6

    Cm structure with two products of muonium attack, the muoniated

    .............................. radical C ~ U (left) and encapsulated muonium, Mu@Cm. 15

    The sonochemistry equipment: a) cleaning bath, and b) probe

    ............................................................................................................... system. 18

    The system for purging nitrogen to evaporate the THF. .................................... 20

    4 The W spectrum of 7 x 10 M Cm in decalin. ................................................. 2 1

    W spectra of aqueous sols: a) 80 pM Cm so1 by the Andrievsky

    method, b) 56 pM Cm so1 by the Wei method and c) 38 pM Cm so1

    ..................................................................................... by the Deguchi method. 22

    Decay of pion (3 represents the momentum vector, -+ represents

    the particle spin or neutrino helicity vectors). ................................................... 26

    Decay of the muon (3 represents the momentum vector, -+

    .................................. represents the particle spin or neutrino helicity vectors). 27

    Schematic diagram of a simple TF-pSR experiment. The muon is

    shown entering the target area from the left. The magnetic field is

    applied vertically (M is the incoming muon detector, E is the emitted

    positron detector; the white block arrow represents the muon spin

    and the black arrow the muon momentum). ...................................................... 29

    a) Raw time histogram from a simple TF-pSR experiment. b) TF-

    pSR asymmetry spectrum obtained from the raw time histogram (red

    line fitted data, black vertical lines raw data). ................................................... 3 1


  • Figure 4.5.

    Figure 4.6.

    Figure 5.1.

    Figure 5.2.

    Figure 5.3.

    Figure 5.4.

    Figure 6.1.

    Figure 6.2.

    Figure 6.3.

    Breit-Rabi diagram showing the energy levels of the muoniated spin

    states as a function of the magnetic field. The arrows indicate the

    allowed transitions in TF-pSR. In low fields, only two transitions

    ................................................................ donated by solid lines are resolvable. 34

    Variation of radical signal polarization for the different reaction

    rates. The solid curves represent theoretical predictions for the

    precession frequencies v12 and V23. .................................................................... 38

    Beam lines and experimental facilities at TRIUMF. (Figure taken

    from http://www. ....................................................... 4 1

    ............... Schematic set up for the flow system used for the pSR experiments. 44

    Schematic drawing for a glass cell used in the flow system. ............................. 45

    Fourier power spectrum for positive muons in powdered CW at room

    temperature, showing simultaneously the signal from muons in the

    C&U radical (R12 and R34) and endohedral muonium (Mu@CW)

    atoms (Mul2 and Mu,). ..................................................................................... 46

    Muonium decay rate measured in solutions of CW in cyclohexane as

    a h c t i o n of concentration at different temperatures: 50 OC (A), 25

    "C (a) and 10 OC (+). ......................................................................................... 5 1

    Muonium decay rate measured in Cm so1 samples prepared by the

    Andrievsky method as a function of Cm concentration at three

    ........................................ temperatures (the lines are a guide for the eyes only) 52

    Muonium decay rates measured for the reaction of muonium with

    CW so1 as a h c t i o n of concentration: a) the results obtained from

    the December 2002 'beam time, b) the results obtained from the

    August 2002 beam time. .................................................................................... 54

  • Figure 6.4. Muonium decay rate measured in solutions of Cm so1 by the Wei

    method as a fhction of the concentration at two temperatures (lines

    ............................................................................ are a guide for the eyes only). 57

    Figure 6.5. Muonium decay rate for the C60 so1 prepared by the Deguchi method

    as a function of concentration at three temperatures: a) the results

    obtained at December 2002 beam time, b) the results obtained at

    August 2002 beam time. .................................................................................... 59

    Figure 7.1. Fourier transform TF-pSR spectra at 65 G: a) 3 mM Cm in decalin at

    10 "C, b) 2.7 m M I2cm in decalin at 25 "C and c) 3 mM C60 in

    decalin at 50 OC .................................................................................................. 62

    Figure 7.2. Field dependence of muon polarization transferred from muonium to

    radical precession frequencies at (a) 10 "C, (b) 25 "C and (c) 50 "C.

    The solid curves show the corresponding theoretical predictions for

    the precession frequencies vl2 and ~ 2 3 . .............................................................. 64

    Figure 7.3. The Arrhenius plot of the rate constant for the reaction of Mu with

    Cm in decalin ...................................................................................................... 65


    Table 1 . 1 .

    Table 1.2 .

    Table 2- 1 .

    Table 2.2 .

    Table 2.3 .

    Table 3.1.

    Table 6.1.

    Table 6.2.

    Table 7.1.

    ........................................................... The basic properties of the positive muon 3

    ........................................................................ The basic properties of muonium 4

    ...................................................................... Selected physical properties of Cm 7

    ............................................... The solubility of C60 in organic solvents at 298 K 9

    The average hydrodynamic diameters of hllerene particles formed in

    various solvents .................................................................................................. 11

    The hydrodynamic radius of Cm so1 samples as determined by

    different methods at 25 "C ................................................................................. 24

    Rate constants determined for the reaction of muonium with Cm so1

    prepared by the Andrievsky method .................................................................. 53

    Rate constants determined for the reaction of muonium with Cm so1

    prepared by the Deguchi method ....................................................................... 58

    The rate constant determined for the reaction of Mu with Cm in

    decalin ................................................................................................................ 65

  • T W F












    Tri University Meson Facility

    transmission electron microscopy


    ultra-violet visible spectroscopy

    infia-red spectroscopy

    dynamic light scattering

    nuclear magnetic resonance

    optically detected magnetic resonance

    electron spin resonance

    muon spin rotation

    transverse field muon spin rotation

  • CHAPTER 1.


    1 .I Motivation

    The purpose of this research was to study the kinetics of the reaction of muoniurn

    with fullerene in various types of solution. Fullerenes represent an intriguing new class of

    carbon materials, which has attracted the attention of chemists interested in exploring the

    fundamental properties of these novel materials, both as molecular entities and as an

    anchoring base or building blocks essential to the design of special carbon materials. The

    increasing availability of fullerenes with reproducible quantity and lower cost has

    encouraged more research and development effort targeted for potential technological


    C60 is one of the important members of the fullerene family. Availability in high

    degree of purity has promoted many studies on structure, properties and reactions.

    However, the solubility of fullerenes, which is poor in most organic solvents and

    negligible in water, has been one of the greatest impediments to studying reactions and

    possible biological functions. CbO is an extremely hydrophobic molecule. Getting

    fbllerenes to dissolve in water and polar solvents is challenging because of this


    The synthesis of water-soluble fullerene derivatives based on polymers

    biologically compatible with living organisms is an important problem because their use

    in ~harmacology and medicine is very promising [I] . For example it has been reported

    that substituted fullerenes inhibit HIV-1 protease activity and may be involved in

    photoinduced DNA scission [2-51. Furthermore photodynamic therapy on tumors is based


  • on photo-induced generation of active singlet oxygen from oxygen present in the tissue,

    and cbO is known to efficiently generate singlet oxygen when exposed to visible light.

    A variety of different experimental techniques including nuclear magnetic

    resonance (NMR), optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR), electron spin

    resonance (ESR), UV-visible, IR and Raman spectroscopy, scanning tunnelling

    microscopy (STM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), dynamic light scattering

    (DLS) and muon spin rotation (pSR) have been employed to study fullerenes and

    fullerene solutions. However, investigation of fullerene solutions by pSR techniques is

    the main part of my thesis. The chemistry is well understood for organic (true) solutions

    of hllerenes. In the next chapter will be given details of the chemistry of organic

    solutions of fullerenes. However, fbllerenes are difficult to dissolve and being

    hydrophobic their solubility in water is even more of a problem. One approach has been

    to generate fullerene sols (colloidal suspensions) using three different methods. The

    questions I set out to answer in this thesis are: How does fullerene aggregation affect

    chemical kinetics? And is the reaction between Mu and the sol clusters diffusion-

    controlled? Characterizing the aqueous fullerene sols by UV analysis and dynamic light

    scattering and exploring these solutions with muonium chemistry is going to help to

    answer those questions.

    1.2 Muon and Muonium Properties

    The development of muonium chemistry can be traced back to the discovery in

    1937 of the positive muon, the first unstable elementary particle observed [6 ] . Both

  • occurring muons and those produced at cyclotrons, such as TRIUMF, result

    from the decay of positive pions (lifetime 26 ns) into muons and neutrinos, according to:

    These particles are emitted with equal and opposite momentum in the rest frame

    of the pion. As pions have zero spin and neutrinos are spin '/z polarized opposite to their

    Table 1-1. The basic properties of the positive muon.

    Positive muon P+


    Charge + 1

    Rest mass 0.1 13429 u

    - 119 mass of proton

    Magnetic moment 3.1 83 3 proton magnetic moment

    Magnetogyric ratio 13.5534 kHz G-'

    Mean lifetime 2.197 ps

    momentum, the muons are emitted completely spin polarized as well. Muons exist

    naturally in two charge states: the positive muon Clf, and the negative muon y. This thesis will be limited to the positive muon, which is a useful analogue of the proton. The

    positive muon has the same charge and spin as the proton but only has one-ninth the


  • mass. The muon has the ability to combine with an electron to form a muonium atom,

    which acts as a light isotope of hydrogen. The basic muon properties are presented in

    Table 1 - 1 , and the basic properties of muonium are given in Table 1-2 [7-81.

    Table 1-2. The basic properties of muonium.

    Muonium p+e- = Mu

    Mass 207.8 mass of electron

    Reduced mass 0.9956 p~ (the reduced mass of 'H)

    Bohr radius 0.5315 A

    Ionization potential 0.9956 that of 'H

    Magnetogyric ratio 1.394 MHz G-'

    Hyperfine frequency 4463 MHz in vacuum

    Mean lifetime Limited by that of p+

    The chemistry of muonium is similar to that of hydrogen, while the shorter

    lifetime allows unique effects to be studied. The detection method in pSR takes

    advantage of the natural decay of the muon, with a mean lifetime of 2.2 ps, into a

    positron and two neutrinos [9]:

  • If the muon is forced to precess by a magnetic field applied perpendicular to its

    spin direction, this precession can be traced by the stream of positrons, which are

    conveniently emitted preferentially along the muon spin direction. Details of the

    techniques will be described later in chapter 4.

  • CHAPTER 2.


    2.1 Fullerene Properties and Reactivity

    Since 1985 there have been many publications on fullerenes. The C60 molecule is

    the archetypal member of the fullerene family. The closed cage, nearly spherical

    molecule CsO and related fullerene molecules have attracted a great deal of interest

    because of their unique structure and properties. C60 or "buckminsterfullerene", consists

    of carbons in truncated icosahedral symmetry, familiarly known as the soccer ball

    structure (with 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons) [I], figure 2.1.

    Figure 2.1. Structure. of the soccer ball C60 molecule.

  • Fullerene molecules all have a closed caged structure consisting of a network of

    hexagons and twelve pentagons, with all carbons being formally sp2-hybridized and

    bonded to three other carbon atoms. In C60 all carbon atoms are symmetrically

    equivalent, as proven by NMR observation of a single line in the 13c spectrum [lo].

    Some physical properties of C60 are listed in Table 2-1 [ l 11.

    Table 2-1. Selected physical properties of C60.

    Average C-C distance

    Mean diameter

    Mass density

    Molecular density

    Binding energy per atom

    Electron affinity

    1 " ionization potential

    2nd ionization potential

    1.44 8,

    6.83 8,

    1.72 g cm"

    1.44 x 1 o2 c m ~ ~

    7.4 eV

    2.65 eV

    7.58 eV

    11.5 eV

    Fullerenes were first expected to be quite unreactive, due to the stabilization

    energy gained from the delocalization of .x: electrons. However, one of the possible

    resonance structures of C60 has a double bond in at least one pentagonal ring. Further

    destabilization is introduced by the strained bond angles, as one of the C-C-C bond

  • angles at each carbon atom in C60 is lO8O rather than 120" required by perfect sp2

    hybridization. Although the average bond length is 1.44 A, delocalisation is not complete,

    as the actual bond lengths for the bonds of the intersection of hexagons are 1.40 and

    1.45 A for the bonds of the intersection of pentagons and hexagons.

    The heats of formation of fullerenes are also considerably less than those of

    diamond and graphite. The combination of electronic properties with the high double-

    bond character at the junction of two six-member rings provides fullerenes with

    extraordinary ability to undergo addition reactions. Fullerenes easily accept and donate

    electrons, and thus they are expected to display very rich electrochemistry. Up to six

    electrons can be added to &, and under special experimental conditions up to seven

    electrons may be removed from C60 to produce multiply charged cations.

    Fullerenes have no other groups attached to double bonds and hence cannot

    undergo substitution reactions. However, fullerenes can undergo a wide variety of

    addition reactions forming: halofullerenes, fullerols, fullerene anions, fullerene hydrides,

    organometallic derivatives, polymers and fullerenyl radicals [12]. On the other hand,

    there are many unique problems associated with fullerene product formation and

    characterization. Products generally have poor solubility in common organic solvents and

    are unstable under standard analytical methods.

  • 2.2 Fullerenes in Organic Solutions

    Many studies have appeared suggesting applications of fullerenes as optical and

    electronics materials, superconductors, sensors, building blocks for new materials, etc.

    However, many of the potential applications are hindered because the fullerenes are not

    soluble or are only sparingly soluble in many solvents. The solubility of C60 is known in

    almost 150 solvents; some of the data are listed in Table 2-2 [13-151.

    It is possible to increase the solubility of fullerenes in some organic solvents by

    Table 2-2. The solubility of C60 in organic solvents at 298 K.

    Solvent Solubility I mg ml-'







    grafting fullerene molecules with polymer chains or by solubilization and encapsulation

    of fullerenes by amphiphilic block copolymers. Most of these studies show that the

    fullerenes and their derivatives are dispersed in polar media in the form of aggregates

    [16-181. Aggregation of C60 in neat solvents has also been reported by Ying et a1 [19-201.

  • The formation and the stability of colloidal dispersions of fullerenes in polar organic

    solvents have been studied mainly with dynamic light scattering (DLS) and static light

    scattering (SLS). Electron microscopy showed that the particles are roughly spherical


    DLS can be used to determine the hydrodynamic diameter dh, which can be used

    to characterize the formation and behaviour of the fullerene dispersion under various

    conditions. DLS measurements showed that the size of the fullerene particles is

    determined immediately after mixing of a small volume fullerene solution with a larger

    volume of a polar medium (acetonitrile) [22]. The process of particle formation is fast

    and the equilibrium average size of the fullerene dispersion is established immediately.

    However, concentrated dispersions can be prepared without significant change in the

    particle size. On the other hand, addition of the nonsolvent in the same way into a true

    C60 solution was found to leed to the formation of larger particles with broader size

    distribution. Table 2-3 gives some average hydrodynamic diameters in various solvents.

    DLS measurements show that C60 in pyridine forms polydispersive solutions with

    a large range of particle size present. In contrast, the particles in C6/pyridine/water

    solutions are completely monodispersive and show only a single particle size, which

    remains in solution and does not change with time [23].

  • Table 2-3. The average hydrodynamic diameters of fullerene particles

    formed in various solvents.

    Solvent dh / nm Reference

    BenzeneIAcetonitrile 207 f 30 [221

    Toluene/Acetonitrile 210 f 30 P I

    THF/Acetonitrile 226 k 20 [221

    Toluene/Ethanol 490 P I

    Benzonitrile 250 k 100 [211

    Benzene 1.28 f 0.02 [19-201

    Pyridine~Water 60 [231

    UV-VIS spectroscopy has been used to study the concentration and the chemical

    stability of fullerenes. Samples show no significant change and no systematic deviation in

    the average size with time. The structure of the fullerene particles was studied by high-

    resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM); it showed regular ordering of the

    fullerene molecules where the fullerene colloid particles are formed as a result of a

    crystallization process.

  • 2.3 Aqueous Solutions of Fullerenes (Sols)

    Water-soluble forms of fullerenes have long been sought for application in

    biological systems. Due to the inherent hydrophobicity of fullerenes, aqueous solutions

    have been limited in the past to modified forms such as the formation of host-guest

    inclusion complexes with y-cyclodextrin [24-251 and the formation of micelles containing

    ionic sulfonate arms [26]. Recently, however, methods have become available for the

    production of aqueous fullerene solutions without chemical modification. Such solutions

    have been prepared by three groups: Andrievsky and co-workers [27-291, Wei et al. [30-

    3 11 and Deguchi and co-workers [32].

    The method of Andrievsky and co-workers involves sonication of a millimolar

    concentration of fullerene in organic solution in the presence of water. After the organic

    solvent is evaporated the fullerene remains in the aqueous phase as a sol.

    The method of Wei and co-workers involves preparation of organic solutions of

    the monoanion, which are then added drop-wise to water. The anion is oxidized to the

    neutral fullerene by molecular oxygen to form the sol.

    The method of Deguchi and co-workers involves the injection of a saturated

    solution of fullerene in tetrahydrofuran (THF) into water; THF is then removed by

    purging the mixture with nitrogen gas.

    Andrievsky's method is based on the transfer of fullerene from the nonpolar

    solvent to the polar one under ultrasonic treatment. The solutions generated under this

    condition had a bright orange-brownish colour, with a concentration up to 2.2 x 10" M,

    and UV-VIS spectra of these solutions contained the main bands characteristic of C60

  • (220 nm, 260 nm and 330 nm). The colloidal water solutions of C60 appeared to be

    extremely stable upon storage in a dark cool place for several months [33]. Those

    solutions have been studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Such

    solutions may combine some properties of a typical colloidal solution with those of a true

    molecular solution. TEM data show these solutions to be molecular-colloidal systems,

    containing both single fullerene molecules and their fractal clusters in a hydrated state.

    Sphere-shaped aggregates consisted of primary spherical particles of size 7-72 nrn. A

    model of the diffusion limited aggregation of clusters as a result of the attachment of

    separate particles gives the relation between the number of particles in the cluster (N), its

    radius (R) and its fractal dimensionality (df - 1.8) [34-351 and has the form:

    where r is the radius of a particle forming the cluster. The smallest stable spherical

    aggregate of C60 consists of 13 C60 molecules [27-281.

    The method of Wei et al. produces a dark red-brown aqueous colloidal solution of

    C60 with the concentration as high as 1.4 x 10'~ M, and which is very stable for at least

    six months in the dark. Electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESIMS) of the sol

    showed that it is composed of species C6 i and (C60);. TEM showed that the sol particles

    are non-crystalline and the size is in the range of 20-100 nm [30].

    The method of Deguchi and co-workers produces stable aqueous dispersions of

    fullerene. The solutions are yellow and clear with concentration as high as 1.0 x 10" M.

    In the UV-VIS the peaks are broader and less intense than the peaks of the C60 so1

    prepared with the Andrievsky method. The spectroscopic results suggest that C60 is not

  • dissolved in water molecularly, but dispersed as fine solid clusters. The average

    hydrodynamic diameter of the individual clusters obtained by DLS was found to be 62.8

    nrn. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy revealed the polycrystalline nature

    of the clusters formed by this method. It was also found that the surface of the clusters is

    negatively charged [32].

    2.4 Preliminary pSR Studies of Fullerenes

    The muon spin resonance (pSR) studies (transverse field muon spin resonance

    TF-pSR, muon level crossing resonance pLCR and radio-frequency pSR) of fullerenes

    began during the early period of activity in fullerene science.

    When powder C60 is irradiated with positive muons two species can be detected

    by the radio-frequency muon spin resonance technique [36] as depicted in figure 2.2:

    *:* Endohedral muonium M u @ C ~ ~ is characterized by a muon hyperfine constant (A,),

    similar to Mu in vacuum.

    *:* Exohedral muonium adduct C60Mu is also detected and has a much smaller value of


    When the muonium attacks any double bond in C60 only one radical, the

    muoniated radical MuC60, is formed due to the high symmetry of the molecule and

    consequently analysis is much simplified. The radical peaks correspond to a hyperfine

    coupling of 325 MHz, typical of organic radicals, while the muonium peaks give an A, of

    4265 MHz.

  • Figure 2.2. C60 structure with two products of muonium attack, the muoniated

    radical C60M~ (left) and encapsulated muonium, Mu@CM.

    From a chemical point of view muonium is a light isotope of hydrogen, so C&h

    is the analogue of the radical CmH, which was detected by ESR [37-381 only after the

    muon hyperfie constant of C&U was published. The signs as well as the magnitudes of

    the "C hyperfine constants were determined in "C&U by muon level crossing

    resonance [39].

    Ca in dilute solution of decalin has also been studied by RF-pSR but the

    hyperfine constant Ap of C& in solution is significantly different from that in the

  • solid. The A, value of 330.9 + 0.2 MHz was found in dilute solution, 2% larger than for the powder [3 61.

    Decalin was chosen as the solvent because of its high solvating ability for C60

    compared to the other hydrocarbon solvents [40]. The A, of C60 in cyclohexane has not

    been determined due to low solubility in this solvent.

    Muonium decay rates were measured for micromolar solutions of in

    cyclohexane and the rate constant was determined to be diffusion limited. The rate

    constant in decalin is 0.3 times that in cyclohexane [41].

  • CHAPTER 3.



    3.1 Preparation of Fullerene Solutions and Sols

    C60 powder was purchased from either SES Research or Hoechst, and then

    cleaned of any residual solvent by baking under vacuum overnight. C60/decalin solutions

    (3.2 mM) were prepared by stirring overnight. The concentrations were verified by UV

    analysis [21] [(h = 330 nm, & = 51000 M-' cm-') and (h = 536 nm, E = 855 M" cm-I)]. For

    these samples, dissolved oxygen was removed by the freeze-pump-thaw method and the

    samples were sealed in stainless steel cells.

    C60 is not readily dissolved in water so special methods have been devised to

    prepare aqueous solutions of C60 sol. TO prepare my C60 so1 samples I have used 3

    different methods.

    3.1 .I The method of Andrievsky and co-workers

    C60 powder was dissolved in decalin by stirring overnight. A mixture of 20 ml of

    deionized water and 5 ml of Cddecalin was treated by ultrasound, either cleaning bath or

    probe system as shown in figure 3.1, for 3-12 hours. The orange-brownish solution was

    filtered through 0.22 pm micro filters (pH = 6). The concentrations were verified by UV

    analysis, where the extinction coefficient of C60 so1 at 220 nm (44000 M-' cm-I), 260 nrn

    (40000 M-' cm-') and 330 nm (20000 M-' cm-') was used to determine the exact

    concentration of C60 so1 for all studies:

  • transducer generator housing

    wate water+detergent

    replaceable CBOIdecal in tip


    stainless - steel tank


    Figure 3.1. The sonochemistry equipment: a) cleaning bath, and b) probe system.

    1 I I 1 I I

    transducers bonded to base

    R- optional heater

  • For the pSR experiments, dissolved oxygen was removed from the samples by

    repeated purging with argon and evacuation on a vacuum line. The samples were than

    stored in glass bulbs in a dark place.

    3.1.2 The method of Wei and co-workers

    Degassed water (5 ml) was added to a suspension of C60 powder, zinc powder and

    solid NaOH in 20 ml THF, in the absence of oxygen, stirring overnight. The C60 and zinc

    was suspended in the interface between the upper layer of THF and the lower layer of

    aqueous NaOH. After that the dark red-purple solution of C6( in THF was separated from

    the colourless aqueous NaOH solution. The THF solution of C6 i was added dropwise to

    undegassed water to give a dark red-brown aqueous colloidal solution. The oxidation

    process is given by [30][3 11:

    Diluted aqueous sol (pH = 5) was used as a sample for pSR experiments. Oxygen was

    removed by the argon-vacuum method, and the samples were stored in glass bulbs in a

    dark place.

    3.1.3 The method of Deguchi and co-workers

    A small amount of solid C60 and THF were placed in a glass vial with a screw cap

    and stirred overnight under one atmosphere of argon at room temperature. After the

    excess solid was filtered to give a saturated solution of C60/THF the UV analysis showed

    that C6() is soluble in THF. This solution was injected into an equal amount of water, and

    THF was removed by purging with gaseous nitrogen for at least 3-6 hours (figure 3.2). A

    yellow and visually clear solution of C60 so1 was formed (pH = 5).


  • nitrogen SUPP'Y

    bber sept


    9 joint

    sample 9

    Figure 3.2. The system for purging nitrogen to evaporate the THF.

  • 3.2 UV Analysis of Fullerene Solutions and Sols

    W-visible absorption spectra were recorded on a HP-8453 UVNIS

    spectrophotometer (USA). All the measurements were done at room temperature.

    The UV spectra of C60 in organic solvents are relatively easy to obtain. They

    show sharp bands at 220 nm, 260 nm and 330 nm with E = 135000 M-' cm-', 175000 M-'

    cm-I and 51000 M" cm-', respectively. Also, there are weak broad bands at 500 nm, 540

    nm, 570 nm, 600 nm and 625 nm characteristic for C60 in most organic solvents; for

    example, hexane, benzene, etc. The W spectrum of C60 in decalin shown in figure 3.3,

    has broad bands at 330 nm and 536nm.

    wavelength 1 nm

    Figure 3.3. The UV spectrum of 7 x lo4 M C60 in decalin.

  • The aqueous solutions of C60 prepared by the previously reported methods were

    different colours but showed characteristic bands at 220 nm, 260 nm and 330 nm with no

    broad band in the 450 nm - 550 nm region (figure 3.4).


    0 1 I I I I 300 400

    wavelength I nm

    Figure 3.4. UV spectra of aqueous sols: a) 80 @I C60 so1 by the Andrievsky method, b)

    56 pM C60 so1 by the Wei method and c) 38 pM C60 so1 by the Deguchi


    Knowing the absorbance of C60 in decalin (536 nm) and its extinction coefficient

    (855 M-' cm-' at 536 nm) [21] the concentration of C60, which was extracted from

    aqueous solution, could be determined. The extinction coefficient of C60 in the aqueous


  • phase was determined to be 44000 M" cm" (220 nm), 40000 M-l cm" (260 nm) and

    20000 M-' cm-' (330 nm).

    3.3 Dynamic Light Scattering Studies of Fullerene Sols

    Samples of C60 so1 were also investigated with dynamic light scattering (DLS) at

    SFU Physics Department, with the assistance of Dr. B. Frisken and Philip Patty. Using

    this method of analysis it is possible to determine the hydrodynamic radius of a solute

    from the intensity of the scattered light. Random motion of particles in solution causes

    fluctuations in the intensity of the scattered light [42-451. The apparatus used for the light

    scattering experiments was an ALV DLSISLS-5000 (ALV-Laser GmbH, Langen

    Germany). DLS measurements involve analysis of the time autocorrelation function of

    the scattered light as performed by a digital correlator. The time autocorrelation function

    of the scattered light intensity was usually measured at scattering angle 90" but for the

    C60 solutions we used 55". The time autocorrelation function was converted to the

    scattered electric field autocorrelation function via the Siegert relation. The field

    autocorrelation function decays exponentially, with a decay rate given by equation:

    where D is the Stokes-Einstein diffusion coefficient and q is the scattering wave vector

    magnitude (at 55"). The Stokes-Einstein equation for the diffusion coefficient is:

  • where k is the Boltzmann constant, T the absolute temperature, R the particle radius and

    q the viscosity of the solvent.

    Measurements were performed on 1 pM - 192 yM C60 so1 samples at 3

    temperatures (10 "C, 25 "C and 50 "C) and no significant change of the radius of C60 so1

    with temperature was detected. The results of DLS determinations of hydrodynamic

    radius from samples prepared for the pSR analysis are given in table 3.1.

    Table 3.1. The hydrodynamic radius of C60 so1 samples as

    determined by different methods at 25 "C.

    Andrievsky 7-72 nm 80- 100 + 47 nm

    Wei 20-100 nm 212 f 32 nm

    Deguchi 62.8 nm 140f 30nm

    The results in table 3.1 were obtained after storage in the dark for two weeks after

    preparation. The hydrodynamic radius of freshly made samples is 23% higher than afier 2

    weeks of storage in the dark. However, after shaking the sample the hydrodynamic radius

    can vary f 5 nm. This is different than for DLS measurements of C60 in organic solvents,

    where small shaking makes the C60 aggregation disappear.

  • The radius of C60 so1 can be used to determine the number of particles in the

    cluster N [33-341. The number of particles in the cluster can be obtain from equation 3.4:

    where R is the radius of C60 so1 (DLS) and r is the radius of the most stable cluster

    [(C60)13] and df is the fractal dimensionality. The number of particles in the cluster was

    found to be N = 2223 f 82 for the samples made by the Andrievsky method. The DLS

    results were in good agreement with previously published papers on C60 sols [27-281.

  • CHAPTER 4.


    4.1 Muon Spin Rotation

    1937 was marked by the discovery of the muon, although another 10 years were

    required for positive proof. However, it was not until 1957 when chemists showed

    interest, with the discovery of muonium, a bound state between a positive muon and an

    electron. Muonium is commonly referred to as a pseudo-isotope of the hydrogen atom

    W I .

    Muons, p', are the decay products of pions (figure 4.1). Conservation of angular

    momentum ensures that the muons can be produced with their spins polarised

    longitudinally along the beam.

    Figure 4.1. Decay of pion (a represents the momentum vector, + represents the

    particle spin or neutrino helicity vectors).

    The lifetime of the muon is 2.2 ps. When it decays it does so according to figure

    4.2, where the positron, e+ is of particular interest. The positron is ejected preferentially

  • along the spin direction of the muon providing a suitable means of monitoring the muon

    spin direction at its moment of decay [47].

    In experiments the positrons are detected with efficiency 5, which is not constant

    over the entire energy range due to absorption and scattering in the target and the counter

    as well as the effect of an external magnetic field on the positron trajectories. The

    observed probability distribution is expressed by:

    where 5 is an average positron detection efficiency. The probability R of positron

    emission at an angle 8 with respect to the spin direction is given by:

    R(8) = 1 +Ao cos 8 (4.2)

    where & is the asymmetry. If all the positrons were detected with the same efficiency,

    the value of & would be 113 [8].

    Figure 4.2. Decay of the muon. (3 represents the momentum vector, +

    represents the particle spin or neutrino helicity vectors).


  • In most muon experiments the effective asymmetry is less than 113. The time

    differential measurement of the asymmetric decay of spin-polarized positive muons

    precessing in a transverse magnetic field forms the basis of the pSR technique [46-491.

    The simplest and most familiar time-differential (TD-pSR) technique is transverse field

    muon spin rotation (TF-pSR, sometimes also known as transverse field muon spin

    resonance). In order to measure the magnetic interaction of the muon beam with the

    sample and their time-dependent effects on the polarisation, the positron distribution has

    to be measured as a h c t i o n of the elapsed muon lifetime in a time-differential fashion.

    In time-differential pSR each muon (or bunch of muons) starts a clock, which designates

    to in the experiment, and both time and direction of each positron decay product is

    recorded. The signature of an event is constructed such that only one muon might be

    present in the sample at any time and only one positron can be detected at any time. The

    muon beam enters the sample area with spin polarization opposite to its momentum. The

    transverse field technique means that the external magnetic field (depicted by H in figure

    4.3) is applied perpendicularly to the direction of the muon polarization, causing the

    muon spin to precess (rotate) at the Larmor frequency. A schematic representation of the

    experimental apparatus is shown in figure 4.3.

  • Figure 4.3. Schematic diagram of a simple TF-pSR experiment. The muon is shown

    entering the target area from the left. The magnetic field is applied vertically

    (M is the incoming muon detector, E is the emitted positron detector; the

    white block arrow represents the muon spin and the black block arrow the

    muon momentum).

  • The first counter triggered is the muon counter (depicted by M in figure 4.3). As

    the muon decays, a positron is emitted in the direction of the muon spin at the time of

    decay. The positrons are detected by counters placed in the plane perpendicular to the

    field (depicted by E in figure 4.3). Triggering of these detectors stops the time interval for

    each muon. Depending on the statistics required for the experiment - 10' muons are counted in the spectrum, producing a time histogram such as in figure 4.4.a, which

    ideally has the following form:

    where No is the normalization, B is the background, z,, is the muon lifetime and A(t) is

    the asymmetry spectrum or the time evolution of the muon polarization. Figure 4.4.b

    shows a typical asymmetry spectrum. In this thesis most spectra are displayed as the

    Fourier transform of the data in order to display the frequencies of each signal.

  • Time / p

    Figure 4.4. a) Raw time histogram from a simple TF-pSR experiment.

    b) TF-kSR asymmetry spectrum obtained from the raw time histogram (red

    line fitted data, black vertical lines raw data).

  • 4.2 Muonium

    Muonium is a two spin-112 system and it is characterized by the spin


    where a~ = 27c A,, A, is the isotropic hyperfie coupling constant between the muon and

    electron, o, and q are the Zeeman angular frequencies of the electron and muon, S, and

    I, are the z-axis components of the electron and muon spin operators. There are four spin

    states, which are divided into one triplet state and one singlet state at zero magnetic field.

    If a magnetic field is applied to muonium, the degeneracy of the triplet states is lifted.

    The variation of the energy levels of the four spin states as a function of the strength of

    the applied field can be best illustrated by use of the Breit-Rabi Diagram in figure 4.5.

    The eigenstates are labelled according to their quantum numbers [8]:

  • where

    There are four allowed transition frequencies in a transverse field experiment. Due to the

    limitation of the timing resolution for conventional apparatus, only two transitions (1 1)

    -+ 12), 2 ) -+ 13)) are observed in pSR spectroscopy at low magnetic field. At high

    magnetic field the muon and electron spin are decoupled. There are only two transitions

    ( 1 1 + 12), 13) -+ 14)), denoted by R, which are allowed at high field. At moderate

    fields the splitting of two frequencies (v12 and ~ 2 ~ ) can be used to determine the hyperfine

    coupling according to:

    V12 = w e -v , ) -Q

    V23 =%(V,

    i2 = X {[A: + (v, + v , ) ~ ] " ~ -A,)

    where v, and v, are the electron and muon Larmor frequencies.

  • Figure 4.5. Breit-Rabi diagram showing the energy levels of the muonium spin states as a

    function of the magnetic field. The arrows indicate the allowed transitions in

    TF-pSR. In low fields, only two transitions donated by solid lines are


  • 4.3 Muoniated Radicals

    Radicals are molecular species which are paramagnetic due to an unpaired

    electron. Most muoniated radicals contain, apart from the muon, a considerable number

    of other magnetic nuclei, which are also coupled to the unpaired electron. The Spin

    Hamiltonian for such a multi-spin system is:

    where a, q and are the Zeeman angular frequencies, and A, and Ak are the

    hyperfine coupling constants (hfcc) [8] in angular frequency units for the muon and the

    nuclei k, respectively. For N nuclei with spin quantum number Sk the above Hamiltonian

    leads to 4nkN(2sk+l) eigenstates. From quantum mechanics the selection rule for the

    transitions between these states is AM = + 1 1501, where M = m,+ m, + Zk mk (mi is the magnetic quantum number of the particle i. The muon polarization thus oscillates

    between many of these eigenstates and muon polarization is distributed over many

    frequencies. In most organic radicals signals can only be observed at high field and

    selection rules allow only for the muon spin flip. Therefore, only two transition

    frequencies remain, v l 2 and ~ 3 4 , and their formulae simpli& to:

  • In the high field limit, v,id can be further approximated as vP. This method is not

    possible for dilute solutions, because the relatively slow radical formation process leads

    to incoherent spin precession.

    4.4 Transfer of Mu Polarization

    Calculations [51-531 predict significant transfer of muon polarization from the

    muonium to the radical at low and intermediate magnetic fields. This strategy would not

    be feasible for most muoniated organic radicals because other magnetic nuclei (usually

    protons) cause splitting of spectral lines to such extent that the spectrum becomes

    undetectable. Muonium adducts of fkllerenes have the advantage of being two spin

    systems and the spectrum is similar to muonium itself, but with a much smaller hyperfine

    interaction (Ap = 330 MHz for C6~Mu, compared to 4463 MHz for Mu). The two smallest

    precession frequencies occur at:

    When muonium polarization is transferred to the radical, the residual polarization at the

    radical frequency is given by [52]:

  • and

    where c and s are defined in equation 4.6,

    '2323 = ( 0 2 3 ~ - %3R

    '4323 = ( 0 4 3 ~ - %3R )

    and where h is the reaction rate, M refers to muonium and R radical.

    The amplitudes of the radical signal are predicted to depend on the reaction rate and the

    various frequency differences, which vary with magnetic field. Some representative

    predictions are plotted below, in figure 4.4.

  • Magnetic Field I G 0.3 r

    0 50 100 150 200

    Magnetic Field I G

    Figure 4.6. Variation of radical signal polarization for different reaction rates. The

    solid curves represent theoretical predictions for the precession

    frequencies v 1 2 and V23.

  • CHAPTER 5.


    5.1 Introduction to TRIUMF

    TRIUMF is Canada's Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics. TRIUMF is

    operated as a joint venture of several Canadian universities (University of British

    Columbia, University of Alberta, Carleton University, Simon Fraser University,

    University of Victoria, etc.) and is funded by the National Research Council of Canada.

    The TRIUMF cyclotron accelerates negatively charged hydrogen ions over a wide

    energy range fiom 60 MeV to 520 MeV. The extraction of a proton beam fiom the

    cyclotron involves intercepting the .H beam with a thin carbon foil which strips off two

    electrons while the much heavier proton passes through. A general map of TRIUMF

    showing the various experimental areas is shown in figure 5.1.

    At TRIUMF, the cyclotron currently feeds four main beam lines. The first beam

    line (BLI) delivers beam to the meson experimental hall. The second beam line (BL4)

    provides beam to experiments in the proton experimental hall. The third beam line

    (BL2C) delivers low-energy beam for the production of radioisotopes. The fourth beam

    line (BL2) extracts high intensity, high energy protons towards ISAC to produce

    radioactive beams.

    In the meson hall a proton beam passes through two production targets to provide

    sources of muons and pions to a number of secondary beam channels before being

    stopped in the beam dump. The first production target, lAT1, is 1 cm thick carbon or

    beryllium and it can provide muodpion beams to three different channels: the M13

  • surface muon channel (low energy pions), the MI 1 good resolution pion channel (high

    energy pions) and the M 15 high quality surface muon channel.

    Figure 5.1. Beam lines and experimental facilities at TRIUMF.

    (Figure taken from

  • The second target, lAT2, is 10 cm thick Beryllium and it can generate high

    intensity muodpion beams to several channels: the M9 low energy pion (decay muon

    channel) and the M20 surface muon channel.

    5.2 Beam lines MI5 and M20

    The experiments of this work were done at TRIUMF's M15 and M20 muon

    channels [54]. Their main features will be described in this section.

    There are three types of muon beam that are available for experiments, the

    forward, backward and surface. The forward muon beam has the highest energy of the

    three. This beam is rarely used due to the high stopping range and high degree of

    contamination of pions, positrons and protons.

    M15 is a dedicated surface p' channel. A surface muon beam usually has almost

    100% polarization. Surface muons are produced from the decay of pions that are at the

    surface of the production target. The stopping range of such muons is small (0.15 + 0.01 g ~ m - ~ ) , which corresponds to a penetration depth of about 0.2 rnrn in copper or 1.5 mrn

    in water. This makes surface muons ideal for the study of gases, thin or rare solids, or

    small quantities of liquid held in thin cells. There are disadvantages when surface muons

    are used in experiment. Due to their low energy and momentum, there is significant beam

    bending even in moderate transverse fields.

    M9B is the backward muon beam line. The backward muon beam has

    polarization of 60-100 %. The stopping range of these muons in matter is approximately

    5 g ~ m - ~ . The backward beam is too energetic to be stopped properly in the sample cell.

  • This line was used for a high pressure vessel with a thick window details could be found

    elsewhere [55].

    5.3 pSR Spectrometers

    The spectrometers are installed at the end of the beam line. They consist of a

    magnet and an array of counters to detect incoming muons and decay positrons. For the

    present experiments two magnets were employed, OMNI or LAMPF. They each consist

    of a pair of Helmholtz coils and produce the low magnetic field needed for these


    5.4 Flow System

    The general schematic design for the flow system set up is shown in figure 5.2.

    The major parts consist of a temperature controller system, heating, nitrogen supply, the

    sample supply, shroud covering a copper rod on which is mounted the glass sample cell

    with a thin plastic window, plastic tubing, thermocouple, etc made by SFUMU (Simon

    Fraser Muonium Chemistry Group). The flow system was used only for changing and

    filling the sample cell; during the experiment the flow was stopped.

  • waste

    P+ sample - supply thin win


    Figure 5.2. Schematic set up for the flow system used for the pSR experiments.

    For experiments in this thesis a circulator (temperature bath) was used to control

    the temperature of the sample by circulating fluid through insulated tubes between the

    bath and a copper plate to which the sample was attached. The reason for using this

    temperature control apparatus was to have the same temperature range, 10 "C to 50 "C, as

    with the DLS apparatus. Because of an unavoidable temperature gradient between the

    constant temperature bath and the glass sample cell (shown in figure 5.3), the real sample

    temperature was measured by a thermocouple which was embedded in the glass sample

    cell. It was found that the variation of temperature over the sample volume was less than

    1 "C.

  • window holder \ \

    j- sample out thermocouple--

    (Kapton) I - sample in \ - liquid out -from circulator

    Pfglass cell

    Figure 5.3. Schematic drawing for a glass cell used in the flow system.

    The sample cell used for another type of experiment was made of stainless steel.

    The window of the sample cell was made from thin stainless steel foil so that surface

    muons can pass through and stop in the sample. Samples were prepared on the vacuum

    line in our laboratory and a freeze-pump-thaw method was applied for each sample

    preparation. The cell was sealed after this procedure to ensure an oxygen free sample.

    5.5 Data Acquisition and Analysis

    At TRIUMF a common data acquisition system was used, called "MODAS",

    based on CAMAC and Digital's VAX-VMS computers. However, for the last

    experiments new data acquisition software based on the LINUX operating system was in

    use. Depending on the statistics required for the experiment - 10' muons are counted in the spectrum, producing a time histogram (equation 4.3). Usually 4 histograms were

    collected (10-20 million counts/per histogram in approximately 2-5 hours). The

    appropriate theoretical expression was computer fitted to the experimental pSR spectra.

  • From TF-pSR signals it is useful to convert histograms to a frequency spectrum by

    means of a fast Fourier transform (FFT). The Fourier transforms are useful for showing

    the frequency spectrum for muon precession in complex spin systems such as organic

    free radicals like C,j0M~@, as illustrated in figure 5.4. For the radical studies, frequency

    values were extracted using a program written by a former member of the SFUMU group


    50 100 150 200 250 Frequency (MHz)

    Figure 5.4. Fourier power spectrum for positive muons in powdered C60 at room

    temperature, showing simultaneously the signal from muons in the C 6 0 M ~

    radical (R12 and R34) and endohedral muonium (Mu@C~~) atoms (Muln and


  • Every pSR facility provides FFT algorithms as part of data analysis. There are

    many variations and adaptations of these algorithms and there are many incompatible

    opinions regarding the correct or optimal preparation of the time spectra before

    transforming. Some notes on Fourier transforming TF-pSR data can be found elsewhere


    Muonium decay rates were extracted from fits of pSR spectra using the

    "MINUIT" program, based on a least-square minimization routine [57]. The program can

    accommodate up to 30 variable parameters, any number of which may be fixed at any

    time and restored at a later time. This program was used at TRIUMF during the


  • CHAPTER 6.


    6.1 Introduction

    Investigations of the reaction of muonium with fullerene in solution by transverse

    field muon spin rotation (TF-pSR) were done at TRIUMF where two types of

    measurements were performed:

    *:* Muonium decay rates in low magnetic field on dilute aqueous solutions of C60

    sol and dilute organic solutions of C,jO in cyclohexane (described in this chapter).

    4* Radical signal amplitude as a function of applied magnetic field on C60 in

    decalin (described in chapter 7).

    The rate of reaction between muonium and some reaction partner A,

    Mu + A + products

    can be written

    --- - k , [A] [Mu] = ~ [ M U ] dt

    where kM is the second order constant and h is the first order

    concentration of A does not vary during an experiment, the decay

    constant. Since the

    kinetics are pseudo-

    first order. kM can be determined from (A&) / [A] where h is the decay constant at

    concentration [A] and ho is the residual decay constant for the pure solvent, i.e. with [A]

    = 0.

  • In previous work [41] the muonium decay rate has been determined to be

    diffbsion limited in dilute solutions of C60 in cyclohexane, with an activation energy of 6

    kJ mol", for reaction:

    and consequently the muonium decay rate Lxp could be directly related to rate constant

    kM, by equation 6.4.

    where is the decay rate in the pure solvent, included to incorporate any physical


    To check apparatus and procedures, the same sample concentrations (2 and 4 pM

    C60 in cyclohexane) and experiments as in [41] were repeated.

    The muonium decay rate was measured for each C60 so1 sample prepared by

    various methods as described earlier. The proposed mechanism for the reaction of Mu

    with C60 clusters is given by:

    From the formation of C~OMU the muonium relaxation (decay) rate k,, is directly related

    to the rate constant kd by the equation:

    hap = Lo + k,,[solI = 1 0 + (k,, N)[C,ol (6.6)

    where sol = (C60),; [sol] = [C60] / N and N is the number of particles in the cluster

    (chapter 3), is the muonium decay rate in pure water (solvent). The usual plot of decay

  • rate versus reactant concentration [C60] would give us (kWl/N) as the slope. However, the

    aggregation number N is determined from the size of the sol particle with DLS, so the

    rate constant kWl, which was obtained from equation 6.6 could be compared with the

    previous results. The Arrhenius activation energy can be estimated from the variation of

    kWl with temperature.

    6.2 Results and Discussion

    Muonium decay measurements were made in three different beam periods. The

    results reported here were obtained with the new flow system.

    6.2.1 Kinetics: CGO in organic solutions

    Results for the muonium decay rate in two dilute C6dcyclohexane solutions and

    pure cyclohexane at three temperatures are shown in figure 6.1.

    The linearity of the plots implies a first order reaction rate and the rate constants are

    2.0(4) x 10" M-I s-l, 2.3(5) x 10" M-' s-' and 3.9(4) x 10" M-' s-' for 10 "C, 25 "C and

    50 "C respectively. The variation in kM, with temperature then provides the activation

    energy, E, = 12(3) kT mol-', from the Arrhenius equation.

    The results from this experiment were similar to the previous work [41]. Thus,

    this implies that almost every encounter of muonium with C60 leads to reaction or that the

    reaction rate is practically equal to the encounter rate. This is in agreement with the

    previously finding that the reaction of muonium with CbO in cyclohexane is diffusion-

    controlled [41].

  • Figure 6.1. Muoniurn decay rate measured in solution of C6() in cyclohexane as a

    function of concentration at different temperatures: 50 "C (A), 25 "C

    (a) and 10 "C (+).

  • 6.2.2 Kinetics: CW sols

    Figure 6.2 shows results for the muonium decay rate measured at three different

    temperatures for a solution of C60 so1 prepared by the Andrievsky method.

    2 -,

    Figure 6.2. Muonium decay rate measured in C60 so1 samples prepared by the

    Andrievsky method as a function of C60 concentration at three

    temperatures (the lines are a guide for the eyes only).

    Comparison of figures 6.1 and 6.2 reveals markedly different values of ho for

    solvents cyclohexane and water. The former is probably due to residual impurities

    (alkenes and oxygen), while the value in water represents the residual effect of magnetic

  • field inhomogeneity and unresolved splitting between the muonium precession


    It is evident that the data deviates fiom linearity at the highest concentration

    studied. The reason for this will be discussed later. However, for concentrations < 100

    pM the linearity is consistent with a first order reaction (figure 6.3. a). Similar results

    were obtained during the August 2002 beam time (figure 6.3. b).

    The rate constants for the C60 so1 samples in different beam times and at the three

    different temperatures are shown in table 6.1.

    Table 6.1. Rate constants determined for the reaction of muonium with C60 so1

    prepared by the Andrievsky method.


    Beam time kWl/N / M-'s" T 1 "C

    5.5(3) x 1o1O

    October 200 1 7.2(4) x 10l0

    8.6(5) x 10l0 --

    6.9(2) x lo9 10

    A U ~ U S ~ 2002 7.5(7) x lo9 25

    1.3(6) x 1 01•‹ 5 0

    7.2(1) x lo9

    December 2002 7.8(2) x lo9

    1 .O(3) x 10l0

  • Figure 6.3. Muonium decay rates measured for the reaction of muonium with C60

    sol as a function of concentration: a) the results obtained from the

    December 2002 -beam time, b) the results obtained from the August

    2002 beam time.

  • Knowing the radius of C60 so1 and the number N = 2223 + 82 of particles in the cluster from DLS (chapter 3), the C60 so1 rate constants at 25 "C are ksol = 1.5(1) x 10'"

    M-ls-', kml = 2.0(3) x 1013 M-'i' and kml = 1.9(2) x 1013 M-~s-' for October, August and

    December beam time respectively.

    The diffusion rate constant can be predicted by the Smoluchowski equation:

    where R is a radius and L is the Avogadro constant. D is a diffusion coefficient which

    can be calculated fiom

    where k is the Boltzmann constant, T the absolute temperature, R the particle radius and

    q is the viscosity of the solvent. Assuming that R,1 >> RMu and DM, >> Dsol, the rate

    constant (ksol) for the C(jO so1 can then be simplified as (6.8):

    k,,, = 4000xLR,,DMu (6.8)

    The diffusion rate constant for C60 in cyclohexane can be expressed by eq. (6.9):

    kc, = 4000~L(RMu + RC,)(DM, + Dc,) (6.9)

    Assuming &60 >> RMu and DMu >> DC60, the rate constant k~~~ for reaction muoniurn

    with C60 in cyclohexane is written as (6.10):

  • By combining equations (6.8 and 6.10) and the Stokes-Einstein equation (6.7)

    assuming that RMu in water is the same as RMu in cyclohexane, it is possible to write the

    ratio of the two rate constants as

    where T ) ~ 6 ~ 1 2 is the viscosity of cyclohexane, q ~ 2 0 is the viscosity of water. By

    substituting values into the right hand side of equation 6.1 1 the ratio of the rate constant

    is predicted to be 95. Using the experimentally determined rate constant of the reaction

    for muonium with C60 in cyclohexane (k60 = 2.3(5) x 1011 M-ls-') and C60 so1 (ksol =

    2.0(3) x 1013 M"S-') the ratio was found to be 87 k 22. Since the ratios are in agreement

    (within error) it is concluded that the results are consistent with a diffision controlled


    From the results displayed in Table 6.1, the Arrhenius activation energy may be

    obtained using the Arrhenius equation (6.5), giving the activation energy Ea = 9(2) kJ

    mol'', Ea = 16(3) kJ mol-I and Ea = l5(2) kJ mol-' for the October, August and December

    beam times, respectively.

  • The results for muonium decay rates obtained from samples prepared by the Wei

    Figure 6.4. Muoniurn decay rate measured in solutions of C 6 ~ so1 by the Wei

    method as a function of concentration at two temperatures (lines are a

    guide for the eyes only).

    These results were obtained in the October 2001 beam time and are unreliable,

    since it was observed later that oxygen may have leaked into the flow system.

  • The results for muonium decay rates measured using samples prepared by the

    Deguchi method are shown in figure 6.5. The linearity of these plots implies a first order

    reaction. The rate constants for the C60 so1 samples by the Deguchi method in different

    beam times and at three different temperatures are listed in table 6.2. Again knowing the

    radius of C60 so1 and the number of particles in the cluster (N = 3980 f 65) from DLS, the

    rate constants can be calculated to be ksol = 3.4(1) x 1014 M-'s-' and 1.0(2) x 1014 M-'s-' at

    room temperature. The activation energy is found to be E, = 28(3) kJ mol" and E, =

    20(1) kT mol'lfor the August and December beam times, respectively.

    Table 6.2. Rate constants determined for the reaction of muonium with C60 so1

    prepared by the Deguchi method.

    Beam time kwl/N I M - I S - ~ T I 0 C

    4.0(6) x 10'' 10

    August 2002 8.5(9) x 10l0 25

    1.6(2) x 10' ' 50

    l . l ( l ) x 1o1O

    December 2002 2.5(1) x 10l0

    4.1(2) x 10l0

  • Figure 6.5. Muonium decay rate for the C60 so1 prepared by the Deguchi method as a

    function of concentration at three temperatures: a) the results obtained in the

    December 2002 beam time, b) the results obtained in the August 2002 beam


  • 6.3 Conclusions

    The results for the rate constant obtained by the muonium decay method were

    inconsistent with each other. The explanation for the scattered results seems to lie in the

    dependence of the reaction rate on the aggregation number N. The C60 sols were prepared

    by three different methods so the aggregation number for each of those solutions was

    different, as was shown in the chapter 3. The differences in the results from different

    beam times can also be attributed to using freshly prepared solution so used "aged"

    samples were used in the December 2002 beam, whose DLS measurements showed to be

    monodisperse (sol particles with a narrow size distribution). The data accumulated in the

    December 2002 beam time present a set of consistent and reliable results. Also there was

    no leaking of oxygen (using the new flow system). However, in figure 6.2 the data does

    not show the muonium decay rate as a linear function of C6() concentration. One reason

    for this discrepancy may be the aggregation number N of C60 sol. For C60 so1 samples

    with the highest concentration N = 80 + 47 and for lower concentration of C60 so1 samples the aggregation number was N = 100 + 47. For future work, I would recommend making "aged" samples of concentration 100-190 j&l and to perform more DLS or DWS

    (Diffusion Wave Spectroscopy-multiple scattering for higher concentration samples) to

    confirm R and N values and to confirm that concentrated solutions are monodisperse.

    Muonium decay rates were measured for micromolar solutions of C60 in

    cyclohexane and C60 so1 in water and the rate constants were determined to be diffusion


  • CHAPTER 7.


    7.1 Introduction

    Measurements were made of the signal amplitude of C60M~ as a function of

    applied magnetic field for solutions of C60 in decalin and 12c60 in decalin. The purpose

    was to extract the rate constant and the activation energy from a study of the fraction of

    initial muon polarization transferred to a radical signal (chapter 4.4). The radical signal

    amplitude is predicted to vary with applied magnetic field and reaction rate (figure 4.4).

    7.2 Results and Discussion

    A study of the variation in radical peak amplitudes with field was undertaken for

    two samples: 2.7 mM 12c60 (12c enriched) in decalin and 3 mM C60 (natural abundance)

    in decalin at three different temperatures. Radical peaks are broadened in the spectrum

    from the sample with natural abundance due to the presence of a third spin, 13c [36].

    Peak amplitudes were measured from the low field TF-pSR spectra of those two

    samples in a field range of 3-150 G. TF-pSR spectra of natural abundance C60 at 50 OC

    and 10 OC, and 12c60 at 25 OC are shown in figure 7.1. The spectra were collected at the

    same field so the signal amplitudes can be compared. It can be seen that the intensity is

    different for the natural abundance sample from the enriched sample and for the same

    abundance sample at different temperatures.

  • 0 20 40 60 80 100

    Frequency (MHz)

    Figure 7.1. Fourier transform TF-pSR spectra at 65 G: a) 3 rnM C60 in decalin at

    10 "C, b) 2.7 mM 12c6() in decalin at 25 OC and c) 3 mM C60 in

    decalin at 50 OC.

  • The rate can be derived fiom fitting the theoretical curve for the field dependence

    of the radical amplitudes to the experimental one. From the best fits the reaction rates

    were determined to be h = 1.0 x 10' s" at 10 "C; h = 1.5 x 10' s-I at 25 "C and h = 2.75

    x 10' s-' at 50 "C. The rate constant k ~ , was then calculated fiom:

    where h is the rate of reaction, k~~ is the second-order rate constant and [C60] the

    concentration of C60 in decalin. The predicted and experimental values for the two

    samples at three temperatures are shown in figure 7.2. The results are listed in table 7.1.

    These data are plotted in figure 7.3. The best fit to the Arrhenius equation gives

    an activation energy of E, = 18(2) kJ mol-'. This is similar to the activation energies

    determined from the Mu decay experiments (chapter 6) and is typical for diffusion

    processes in water.

    The experimental results can be compared with a prediction obtained by

    correcting the rate constant for Mu + C6() in cyclohexane according with the difference in

    viscosity between decalin and cyclohexane (rate constant in decalin is 0.35 times that in

    cyclohexane [41]). The theoretical prediction for the reaction of muonium with C60 in

    decalin were (1.8 x 10" M-'s-') which gives a muoniurn decay rate of 5.8 x 10' i1 at

    25 "C.

  • 0 50 100 150 200

    Magnetic Field 1 G

    Figure 7.2. Field dependence of muon polarization transferred from muoniurn to

    the radical precession frequencies at (a) 10 "C, (b) 25 "C and (c) 50

    "C. The solid curves show the corresponding theoretical predictions

    for the precession frequencies vlz and ~ 2 3 .

  • Table 7.1. The rate constant determined for the reaction of Mu with C60 in decalin

    Figure 7.3. The Arrhenius plot of the rate constant for reaction of Mu with C60 in


  • 7.3 Conclusion

    The results of the previous study [41] show that the rate constant obtained from

    the kinetics studies is in agreement with results based on the radical amplitude variation

    with field. The results obtained from this experiment show that the rate constant k ~ ,

    obtained from the radical product experiment is only one-tenth of that obtained from the

    muonium decay rates in cyclohexane. The rate constant for the reaction of muonium with

    C60 in decalin was predicted to be 0.3 times that in the reaction of muonium with C60 in

    cyclohexane on the basis of solvent viscosity. The reason for this discrepancy might be

    due to the different aggregation number and fractal dimensionality of the C60 in organic


  • CHAPTER 8.


    Transverse field muon spin resonance TF-pSR was employed in this kinetics

    study of the reaction of muonium with C(jO in solution. Two different methods were used:

    muonium decay rates in low magnetic field; and measurements of radical signal

    amplitude as a function of applied magnetic field.

    A study of the kinetics by muonium decay rates was performed, using dilute

    solutions of C60 in cyclohexane. The rate constant was obtained to be 2 x 10" M'' s-' at

    room temperature, where this result is similar to a previous result.

    The reaction of muonium with Cm in aqueous solutions (Cao sol) has been studied

    by measuring muonium decay rates. The CaO so1 samples were prepared by three different

    methods. The hydrodynamic radius of CaO so1 samples was determined by dynamic light

    scattering. It was found to be in the range of 70 - 212 nm depending on the preparation

    method of the C60 so1 samples. The rate constant for the reaction of muonium with C6() so1

    samples prepared by the Andrievsky method was obtained to be 7 x lo9 M-' s-' at 25 "C.

    For this reaction the best fit to the Arrhenius equation gives an activation energy of 15 kJ

    mol-'. The rate constant for the reaction of muonium with Cso sol samples prepared by the

    Deguchi method was obtained to be 2 x 10" M-' s" at 25 "C. From the result of the rate

    constant at three different temperatures for this reaction the activation energy was found

    to be 20 kJ mole'.

    The rate constant for the reaction of muonium with CaO in dilute solution of

    decalin was obtained from measurements of radical signal amplitude as a function of

  • applied field and it was determined to be 5 x 10" M-' s-' at 25 "C. The activation energy

    of this reaction was found to be 18 W mol-'. The rate constant of muonium with C60 in

    decalin obtained from the radical signal amplitude as a function of applied magnetic field

    was 3 times smaller than the predicted value for this reaction. The reason for this

    discrepancy might be due to the different aggregation number and fractal dimensionality

    of the C60 in organic solutions.

    There have been difficulties in obtaining the stable solutions of C60 in organic

    solvents, as well as to determine the suitable solvent, which has delayed progress in this

    field. Also, there have been difficulties to obtain stable aqueous C60 samples because of

    the C60 aggregation. So to better understand aggregation of the Cso in solutions there

    should be performed more Dynamic Light Scattering, Static Light Scattering, Diffusion

    Wave Spectroscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy. In spite of these problems

    the kinetic results show that the reaction of muonium with C60 in organic solvent and C60

    in water is diffusion limited. The obtained values of the rate constants for the reactions of

    muonium with the C60 in organic solutions were also in agreement with the previous



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