Page 1: SON DhWN - Ananda Marga Crimson Dawn - Newsletter... · 2020. 6. 13. · The Supreme Command The man who performs Sadham twice a day regularly the thought



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Page 2: SON DhWN - Ananda Marga Crimson Dawn - Newsletter... · 2020. 6. 13. · The Supreme Command The man who performs Sadham twice a day regularly the thought

Dear Brothers and Sisters; NamQskar. This June the present residents of the Seattle Jagrti will be

moving out to carry on His Mission in other parts of the world. To prevent a fi nancial crisis we would like to go only after seeing our places filled and the Jagrti managed smoothly.

To descrllbe our love for this place is difficult. Our unit family is large presently - 36 who range from very active to not so active -

but all very close to Him. OUT relationship in the community is good, as is � satsang with our Divine Light. Sufi and Krsna Consciousness brothers and sisters.

For'those that wish to feel sentient family love, free from personal clashes, Seattle is a very nice pJ.ace to be. We're all verYt very close to each other. And it looks like the Lord is getting us older residents a nudge out of Seattle to work elsewhere. Our attachment to this place is being taken- as 5 of us prepare to move on. We'd like you all to know what a beau-tiful gift we have here. .

The whole city is like no other. Family involvement is encouraged by an abundance of re creat ional/ entertainment type activities; the arts are promo ted by the city as necessary for the upliftment of human society; many educational opportunities are ava ilable to all; and the city is surrounded by beautiful lakes, ports, and mountain ranges. Environmental consideration is a priority. Many jobs are available too.

Our huge, stained glass windowed Jagrti faces the east with a magnifi­cent view of the Cascade Mountains - to the west are the Olympic Mountains and Sound. There are 4 ro oms to be rented at the cost of approximately $75.00 per month, including utilities - $45.00 if you share a room. The A.M. Pre­school is housed here, attended by Margii, Divine Light, Jesus and other child­ren. There will be'· opportunities for residents to earn extra income working in the school.

As I thought, this meandering is inadequate to describe A.M. in Seattle. But with all our hearts we can tell you our progress on all levels has great­ly increased since the day we first arrived here. Our Jagrti, our home, is surely blessed by the Lord and now we open our hearts and doors to all those Margiis who would like to j oin our family in Seattle. With such love and family it will be hard to go. We will be glad to answer all inquiries and help with your needs should you come.

May we magnify the Lord. Dharma Satya Devi, Nirmala, Krsna Devi, Rameshvar & Mohan Kumar

413 Malden Av. E. Seattle, Wa. 98112 (206) 325-9784

The Crimson Dawn Ananda Marga New York Sectorial Newsletter

February, 1977, vol. 6, no. 2 854 Pearl St., Denver, CO., 80203


Page 3: SON DhWN - Ananda Marga Crimson Dawn - Newsletter... · 2020. 6. 13. · The Supreme Command The man who performs Sadham twice a day regularly the thought

The Supreme Command

The man who performs Sadham twice a day regularly

the thought uf Par:lmapurusd will lertalnly arise In his

m ind at the time of dpath his liberat ion IS a sure guar­

antee - rherptorp ewry Ananda Marqll will have to per­

form Sadhana tWice a day Invarlahly-verlly IS this t he

command IS nothing but to tMrow o�lf Into the tQr­

tures of animal life for crores of years That no one

should undergo torments such as thiS, that he might be enabled to enJoy the eternal blessedness under t he lov­Ing shelter of the Lord It Is the bounden-duty of every

Ananda l'v1argll to endeavor to bring all to the path of

bliSS Verily IS thiS a part and parcel of sdd hana to

lead others along the path of righteousness

, comm�fl(i of thp Lord \Vlth\lut Yarna and NlyamaSad­

hana IS an Impossibility hemp the Lord's comlll<md IS al

so to follow Yama dnd 0:lycHna Disobedience to thiS

In This Issue

BABA 5 upreme Command ... . . . ... . . of ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,. • • • • 1 Vanii's(in order of appearance) • • • • • pP.- 3-19*

Other Features

Edi tor ' s Not e (4 0 .. . e • 0 •

• • • eo • & 101 It ) ............... ,. 2 Address Listings • • . • . • • . • . . . • . e • • • • • • • • • • • 20 Fas t Days • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I nside Back Cover RAWA News • • • • • • � • • • . • • • • • • • Inside Back Cover ERAWS Traini ng • • • • • • • . • • • • Outside Back Cover

., Shrll Shnl Anandamurtl


*Because of deadlines and resource limitations we were not able to in­clude the Spanish translations in this issue. We hope to be able to n0 this as a supplement t o th� �cxt issue. Thank you,

! A Real Ma ster is a world Teacher and not a teacher of any particular sect l' lor creed. He looks at humanity from the level of the soul and addresses all

ensouled bodies alike. b ------ - Kirpa1 Singh

_._,._--- " -------'-" -'---[he Crimson Dat...'rl, February, ly77

Ne<,.Jsletter of !'.iew York Sector, Annnda Marga Pracaraka Samghi:i. Published month ly hy Ananda �t!lga. Inc" 854 Pearl Street, Penver, CO., H020J, 'Z Anallda �!arg.1. Inc., 11)77 Second Class Postage paid at

Denver, CO. I 80201,

Yearly SUDscription rdoteS!

Second Class po stage: , No..rlh America • • • • • • , $ 7 . 00 Elsewhere . • • • . • , .... $7.50 :'-month subscription (:'.Jorth Arneric:a only) ,


First Class postage: North America • • • • • • S14.00 (not avai lab le elsewhere)

INSP lRATION Shrli Shr ii Anandamurti

EDITOR �e1ter

CONSULTING EDITORS Ac. Gagana Brc., Sukhamaya

PRINTING P�ul Maynard

CONTRIBUTING EDr'!'ORS Brahmaviira, Hahajyoti

CONTRIBUTORS/WRI TERS Shr i i Prabhatiarn}J,:lJ Sal"kar

ARTWORK/LAYOUT J�ff Reiter, Sukh.3.maya,

Dada Aniruddha Brc.


Page 4: SON DhWN - Ananda Marga Crimson Dawn - Newsletter... · 2020. 6. 13. · The Supreme Command The man who performs Sadham twice a day regularly the thought

EDITOR'S NarE One def inition of the word "Tao­

tra" suggests it to be a thread which weaves through the whole life of the practitioner@ aod a thread which -

through this weaving - ties everything together. Another popular definition uses the phrase "Liberation from crud­ity." . Indeed, on some level or another every conscious human is attempting to master Tantrs in one way 0·, another. Ananda Marga sadhana seeks ·ke us pass through our lower levL�L _l con­sciousness a li ttle faster than normal human evolution seems to allm. for. Remembering that the word sadhana re� fers to effort (in A.M. terminology to effort toward spiritual growth), we should also consider that this sadhana is more than the meditational aspect �f our discipline. For the serious seeker every aspec t of her l itis life is part of sadhana. So, just as we are given various disciplines to follow -physical, moral . mental, etc. - all de­signed to lead us to growth as

"Vanii" means the ex!),: 3ion of the Guru in his own words. �ne pur­pose of giving Vanii is tc., .LDvigorate and to give direction to the spirit­ualists in general. It is the Guru who knows the direction with which humanity is marching. As per the time and condition he projects his inspir­

ing message ; only the spiritualist will be able to understand the essence of his message.

The purpose of giving this message is to make each and every individual person realize where they ar0 and where they should go. The vani! gives the

-worldly direction. Each and every spiritual aspirant will have to move forward with the full z eal and enchu­siasm to fulfill the messages of the


humans and as spiritualists - we may regard Baha's.vanii's as part of this disoipline. Dadaj i Yatiishv",rananda

explains this, below, much more clear­ly than i can hope to.

Recently some of us were discussing the fact that there are relatively few Margiis in the worldg especially outside of India, who have ever had personal contact with Baba; indeed not that many of us were even involved with A.M. before Dec. 29, 1971 - the date of Baba's arr­est. Thus Baba's vanii's take on an added meaning. They communicate to us in a few words what our teacher, on the physical plane. presumably feels is the essence of what his devotees need to hear.

This issue is designed to give us an overview of Baba's semi-annual mes­sages, since the first one in 1956; as well as a chance to have all the vanii ' s

under one cover. All that i can add is to suggest that we all - as Krishna­murti says - "Think on these thingsll.

Guru. So Baba gives his vanii twice a year. He studies each and every aspect of the human progress and there­

by gives his message. So vanii is not given just to

h�rt but also to fulfill. We should remember continuously the essence of his messages. This alone is Dharma. This alone would take all of us to­wards the supreme task. The task is nothing but self-fulfillment, self-re­alization. You can also easily see in his vanii's the very flow of the people. We margiis should realize that, and we should try honestly to fulfill the mission of Baba. Let us all hope that the next vanii will be an inspiration­al one.

Ac. Yatiishvarananda Avt.


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Nara-Narayana, neglected for ages, has awakened today. This awakening of His will initiate a new chapter in human history . You all will be the pioneers of the future trend.

A sadhaka is ve rily a soldier. The pricks of thorns on the difficult path signify the sadhaka's progress. The collective welfare of the universe is the laurels of the sadhaka1s victory.

Ananda Purnima� 1956

Thorns of the path cannot deter those who have assembled with the determination to march in unison. They are blowing the trumpets of victory in an effort to conquer the universe of a timid mind.

o humanity! Harch ahead �- let the song of march be your only slogan.

January 1, 1957

The purport of Dharma Sadhana is to look upon every person! every object of this universe as one integral entity. To jeopardise the unity of the human race by creating factions is not the purpose of Dharma. Those who encourage vested interests survive on the mental weakness of people and their dissensions. That is why they are threatened by the wide spread of the ideals of Dharma and exhibit their intolerance towards it in all immoral means, such as abuse. wrong propaganda and falsehood.

Humanity must not be cowed down by these; it has to march ahead. It is to be born in mind that hinderances are numerous on the path of righteous­ness9 and to continue to fight them is sadhana.

Ananda Purnima, 1957 3


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Don't compare life to a pool of muddy, stagnant water. Life resembles an everflowing spring. Pushing aside the stones of obstructions and

difficulties, marching on with vigorous speed is its dharma. Hence, it is clear that those who want to keep away

from obstacles have lost the Dl12"cma of life -­

, ;1 II . ' " ..

In the transitional period of civilization, honesty in individual life is a prime necessity. We shall have to remain ever vigilant that the darkness of petty self-interest does not shroud this supreme human treasure, With the extinc­tion of honesty, civilization too will not survive; the long sa'dhana' of the human race E will go in vain, and all intellectual achieve- � ments will become meaningless. The book knowledge that cannot be utilized in life bean; no value.

Th2 graveyard, shoulc� be their

January 1 y 1958

I Struggle against evil force is life. We i

have to remew.ber once again this fact on this happy New Year.

January I, 1959



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That which impairs the naturalness of indivich:ills ae d society is the sadhana of the dead. It is not the sadhana of the living, because the seeds of injustice, immorality and destruction dwell in unnatural life only, Therefore, the wise and the well-wishers of society �ever support unnatural­!less in life.

Ananda Purnima, 1959

Struggle is tl�c ",ssence of life. tours should he Cl pauseless struggle Clgainst corruption, hypocrisy cmd animality.

to Life is a

be offered

January 1, 1960

spiritual sadhana, and the result at the altar of the Almighty.

Ananda Purnima, 1960

Your Ideal is represented by your conduct. Your learning, your social or economic status have nothing to do with your Ideal.

January 1, 1961



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Fight for your Ideology.

Be one with your Ideology.

Live for your IdeologY9

Die for your IdeologYe

Ananda Purnima, 1961

Life represents Ideology. Life should be sacrificed for thl' Ideologv.

January 1, 1962

---- :::

The only creed 'of a sp iritual aspirant is to love the Universal Father and His creation. The spiritual aspirant rrust not be guided by any nacional, caste, linguistic or reli g i ous sentiment and must not tolerate any divisive tendencies.

Ananda Purnima, 1962

Peace is the result of fight. Peacelovers of the universe must not keep themselves away from fight.

January I, 1963


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Encourage everyone to build their career in a nice way. Let none have

reason to think that their life has become useless.

Ananda Purnimd, 1963

It is action that makes a person great. Be great by your sadhana, by your

ser�ice, by your sacritice.

January 1, 1964

Human Society is one an d indivisible. Don1t try to divide it. Each and every individual should be looked upon as the manifestation of the Cosmic Father.

Ananda Purnima. 1964



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You have no right to hate even a single living creature. What at best you can do is to serve only . Remember, you are to serve bearing in mind that every creature is verily the living manifestation of Brahma. Remember also that the credit of service is not yours; it fsd.ue to Him and Him alone who has given you strength to serve -- Whose Ideation has inspired you to acquire the capability of rendering service.


Allanda Purnima, 1965

Those who can dedicate their all to the though t of the Great and the inspiration of the S,-lpreme are verily the greates t heroes. Indeed, they are the virtuous, and they alone are capable of tak� ing human history from darkness to light,

January l� 1965



The marching together of all in unison is termed society. despising those '<lho have lagged behind, help them to advance. will be your social dharma.

Instead of This alone

January 1, 1966


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Kno-vJing oneself is the real knowledge; servitlg al l with the ideation of Narayana is the real action; and the vow [0 please Paramapurus'a is the real devotion.

Ananda Purnima, 1966

Human civilization now faces the final moment of a critical juncture.

The dawn of a glorious new era is on its one side and the worn-out s kele ton of the past on the other. Humanity has to adopt either one or the other.

You, the spiritual soldiers, you are the worshippers of Life Divine.

Hence, 1 call you to &dorn this crimson dawn deluged with glorious light. Victory is surely yours.

January I, 1967



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Today all over the world a grim fight has started between the evil forces and the benevolent forces. Those who do possess the moral courage to fight against the evil forces, it is they who alone can give a soothing touch to the struggle-torn earth with the balm of peace.

Remember that you are sp irit ual aspirants, Hence9 you alone shall have to undertake the mighty task of sav ing the earth.

Ananda Purnima. 1967

All human beings are to be served with the same steadiness in all the three strata -- physical, mental and spiritual. And you have to render the service by ascribing Narayanahood to the served. Remember that your service does not oblige Him; rather, you are being obliged by Him because of getting such a chance to serve Him in the form of living beings.

o� Q)';

January 1, 1968

Marching ahead is life. Crushing the pebbles of hindrances and obstacles with a stroke of your feet. disdaining the frowns of winds, tornadoes. meteors and roaring thunders, and rendering all superstitions to ashes without any second thought • • • march on and on. Paramapurus'a is with you. Victory is yours.

Ananda Purnima. 1968


Page 13: SON DhWN - Ananda Marga Crimson Dawn - Newsletter... · 2020. 6. 13. · The Supreme Command The man who performs Sadham twice a day regularly the thought

The fact that the fortune of every individual, not only of this earth, but of the entire cosmos, has been wreathed together will have to be admitted one day by humanity. A spiritual aspirant has to fet�h that auspicious moment sooner by his pauseless effort, service and propagation of the great Ideology. This alone is the supreme task for the present humanity.

January 1. 1969

The entire universe has to be brought within the realm of your mind and made your own wholeheartedly,

This, indeed, is the way to benediction, the way to all-round prosperity and success. This is the only path for your individual and collective survival.

Ananda Purnima, 1969

Marching ahead from cimmerian darkness to the Stratum Divine is the true spirit of life. Staticism, superstition and narrowness stand for cimmerian darkness, while esconcing oneself in the Cosmic Soul is the Life Divine. Striving ahead together with the entire universe along the path of Divinity is, verily, the greatest task for humanity. I do hope, in the fresh dawn of the New Year's day� you all I-7ill ponder ,vith a fresh disposition over this eternal and sacred truth.

January 1, 1970 11


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After millions of animal lives, the created beings attain the human forms. That is why all the shastras (scriptures) speak of the rarity of human life. The wise make proper utilization of all ob;ects -- this utiliza­tion alone makes the existence of the object worthy. You have achieved the human frame -- you must make it meaningful by your sadhana, service and sacrifice. Engage yourself in such useful pursuits tha t even the worst of your enemies hardly has any chance to despise you. Utilize yO\lr�elf in such a manner so as to be satisfied in your mind that you never employed your time uselessly on this earth.

Ananda Purnima, 1970


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Just as the advent of the crimson dawn is inevitable at the end of the cimmerian darkness of the inter1unar night, exactly in the same way I know that a gloriously brilliant chapter will also come after the endless reproach and humiliation of the neglected humanity of today. Those who love humanity, those who desire the welfare of all living beings, should be vigorously active from this very moment after shaking off all lethar gy and sloth so that the most auspicious hour arrives at the earliest.

January I, 1971

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People have great expectations from fellow human beings� In order to fulfill those expectations go on working without the least respite. Remember, a healthy human society free from exploitation, hatred and malice must be built.

In this great task the blessings of Par amapurus'a are sure to be with you.

Ananda Purnima , 1971



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Clouds cannot ov�rcast the sun for a long time. The creatures of darkness never want the expansive exhaltation of human society. Even then,

humanity shall march ahead, None can arrest the speed of its progress. You be the harbingers; you be the pioneers of this victorious march.

See that not a single individual lags behind.

Janunry 1, 1972

The persons who are vehicles of novelty are invariably subjected to the tramEels, tyrar:ny and transgress:'.ons of sinful temporali ty. Yet,

humanity must not stop. Remember that light, not c"arkness, is the veritable trutll of life. The light of novelty shall certainly illumine every nook and

corner of hu�an habitation inspite of inroad s by the countless forces of

denunciation, denigration and despise.

Ananda Purnima , 1972


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The entire humankind of the universe constitutes one singular peopleo The whole humanity is bound in fraternity; those Wh0 are apt to remain oblivious of this very simple truth, those who are prone to distort it, are the deadliest enemies of humanity. loday's humaEkind should identify these foes f.ully well and build up a healthy human society totally neglecting all obstacles and difficulties.

It must be borne in mind that so long as a magnificent, healthy, and universalistic human society is not well established, humanity's entire culture and civilization, its sacrifice, s ervice and spiritual endeavor (sadhana) shall not carry any worth whatsoever.

January 1, 1973

Cimmerian darkness, however dense it may be, the CRIMSON DAWN must follow. The fiends of hell may burst out in loud laughter, but their all must fade in the void with the sunrise.

The beams of r ighteousness (sa'dhana') shall dispel the thick darkness notwithstanding the night of the pangs of humanity. Sunshine is des­tined in human life.

Ananda Purnima, 1973



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History bears �estimony that whenever persons stated the Absolute trLth in any sphere of life, whether it be spiritual, social, econorr.ic, or other­

wise, sought clarifications of doubts or protested against injustices and wrongs, the evil forces forthwith plotted against them, administered poison

to them, and slandered them, jumped on them with rage, misus8d tlle au thor ity against them and mercilessly dealt them blow after blow; but th8 blo�s

boomeranged and ultimately the evil forces were annihilated bv those verv blows.

Remember, by an unalterable decree of histo ry the evil forces are

des tined to meet their doomsday,

January �, 1974


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The opportunists tried in the past. are trying at present and will try even in the future to fulfill tYeir narro'" desires by keeping the human race disunited. By severely reproaching this opportunistic craftiness through your noble deeds, you drmv nigh the unknown strangers living far away and b:lild a healthy world-based human family. Ignor in g the frown of the brute forces, the sky-kissing arrogance, hypocrisy, immorality and glib outburst of the conceited persons, you go ahead towards your cherished goal.

The blessing o� Paramapurus'a shall be with you alone.

Ananda Purnima� 1974


When the ends are just and noble,

success is inevitable.

Despite its advent onto this earth many thousand of years ago, humankind is not yet capable of building a well-integrated and universal society. This is in no way indicative of the glory of human intellect and erudition. You who have understood the predicament, realized the urgency, seen the naked dance of evil and heard the hypocritical and raucous laughter of the divisive forces, should throw yourselves into this noble task without further delay. When the ends are just and noble, success is inevitable.

January 1, 1975



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"Marching ahead is Jiivana Dharma (the characteristic wont of life). And to march ahead carrying all, viewing world humanity as an integral entity is the principal aspect of Jiivana Dharma. Resolve courageously to observe this Jiivana Dharma.

Remember - "Yato dharmah tato Is't'ah, yato is'tVah tat a jayah." -"Where there 1s Dharma, there is Is't'ag and where there is Is'tia, there is victory."

Ananda Purnimae 1975

Be firm on Sixteen Points. Unite all the righteous forces. All tall talks of evil forces will be silenced.

January 1, 1976


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The very import of the history of human welfare is the history of struggle and strife. Even the sweet gospels of peace could not be preached in an en­vironment of peace and composure. Devils did not allow the apostle of peace to work peacefully. That is why I say that peace is the effect of fight.

This endeavor0 the well-being yours 9 mine and ours. We may forget our responsibilities, miliation of the human race.

of the human race, concerns everyone � it's afford to ignore our rightst but we must not Forgetting the responsibility implies the hu�

In order to march ahead on the road of human welfare, we will have to build ourselves in all the arenas of our life. The whole seeds of welfare in all spheres � physical& mental, morale social, and spiritllal - are embedded in the sixteen points. Hence be firm on the sixteen points.

Ananda Purnima, 1976

Parama Purus'a has blessed infused you with the stamina to ligence .- make best use of them not sit idle relying on fate.

you with hands to work and legs to move � has do - has endowed you with the practical intel­in the fight against the demons. You must

Be vigorously active.

January I, 1977



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Address Listings

AMPS CENTRAL: c/o New York OUice.

New York Sectorial Office: Ananda Marga, Inc" 854 Pearl S t., Denver. Co, 80203. (303) 832-6465,

Sectorial Secret�ry-: Ac. Yatiishvarananda Avt. , c/o Sectorial Office.

Acaryas for New York Sector Dada Aniruddh'a Brc., c/o l1exico Regional Office. Ac. Birendra Kumar Lal, 292 E. Alpine Dr., Glendale Hts., Ill., 60137. Brci. CinmayH Didi, c/o SLTC. Dada Devadatta Brc., c/o Southern Regional Office. Ac. Jitendra Brc" c/o Central America Office.

Ac. Gagana Brc., c/o Sectorial Offi�e . Dada Lokesh Brc., c/o Canada Regional Ottice. Ac. Raghaw Prasad, 2828 Egypt Rd., Apt. £-102, AuJobon, Fa., 19�07. Brci. Rainjita Didi, c/o Canada Regional O ffice . Ac. Rudranatha Brc., c/o l1idwest Regional Office. Ac. Sarit Kumar Br c • • c/o Pacific &/or Rocky Mtn. Regional OfU.ces. Brci. Trpti Ac., c/o Mexico Regional Office. Brci. Uma Didi, c/o Mid-Atlantic Regional Office. Brci. Vika�hinii Didi, c/o Northeast Regional Office.

Sectorial Program Secretarie� Ananda Marga Publicationa: c/o Sectorial O ffice . Commerce: Druva Jyoti (David Golding), c/o Sectorial Ottice. Dharma Pracar: Shiva, c/o Sectorial Office. ERAWS: c/o Sectorial Office. Finance: c/o Sectorial Office.

P.R. Sarkar International Defense Committee: Brahmapriya, c/o Sectorial Office.

RAWA: Mahajyoti, 2239 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, Co., 80206. (303) 321-0241. Renaissance Universal: Akhanda Darshan, 2239 E. Colf ax, Denver, Co.,

80206. (303) 321-0241. SLTC: 1369 Humboldt, Denver, Co., 80218. WWD (Women's Welfare Dept.): c/o SLTC.

Regional Offices

(303) 837-1360.

Canada: 20 Oak St.. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. (613) 235-3637. Central America: A.M. de Guatemala, 3a Avenida, 0-26, Zona 2, Ciudad de

GuatemaLa, Guatemala. fel. 20-13-1. Mexico: A.l1 • • Platon Sanchez Sur H346, Monterrey, N.L. Mexico. 42-38-83. West Indies: PO Box 81, Kingston, 8, Jamaica, W.I. Northeast: 322 Edgewood Ave • • New Haven, CT. 0651]. (201) S�2-1974. Mid-A tlantic: 1354 Montague St • • NE. Washington, D.C. 20011. (202) 291-7542. Southern: 967 Blue Ridge Ave., NE, itlanta, Ga., 30306. (404) 876-6559. Midwest: 2013 Longest Ave • • Louisville, Kentucky, 4 0204. (502) 452':'6795. Rocky Mountain: 1623 N. Holyoke, WichHa, Kansas. 67208. (316) 684-0671. Southwest: 602 Edith. SEe Albuquerque, N.M., 87102. (505) 765-1395. Pacific: 27160 Moody Rd • • Los Altos Hills, Ca • • 9 4022. (415) 948-2865.



Page 23: SON DhWN - Ananda Marga Crimson Dawn - Newsletter... · 2020. 6. 13. · The Supreme Command The man who performs Sadham twice a day regularly the thought

May 3 13 17 28

May I, Baba's

May 3, Baba's

May 9. Baba's

BEST DAYS TO FAST Ananda Purnima Ekadashi Amavasya Ekadashi

1977 1,492nd day of fast

1977 1. 494th day of fast

1977 1. SOOth day of fast!

June 1 Purnima 11 Ekadashi 16 Amavasya 27 Ekadashi 30 Purnima

EFFECTIVE MAY 15, 1976: Second Class Postage:


New York Sector • • • $7.00 Other Sectors • • • • • $7.50

First Class Postage: (New York Sector On1y) • • • • • • • • • $14.00


Mary Jane Glassman has been designated as Director of RAWA, allowing former director, Mark Friedman, full reign as editor of the quarterly journal, Art For Humanity. RAWA worker Marshal McKittrick will be leaving soon to take on full-time employment in Denver. If you have always wanted to come to Denver and work for His mission in the arts -- NOW IS, THE TIME!! Call collect - (303)321-0241 • • •


Issue no. 3 focuses on women in the arts. Send 75¢ to AFH, 2239 E. Colfax, Denver. Co. 80206 for your copy - S OON - they are going fast • • •

better yet, for $4.00 (6 issues) you may become a subscriber, with the advant­ages of lower rates and home delivery to keep you promptly on top of what's happening in the endeavors of Art for Service and Blessedness.


The RAWA ORGANIZATIONAL HANDBOOK will be available May 1. Send your re­

quests now.

--------------------------�---------�----� ... �-----


Page 24: SON DhWN - Ananda Marga Crimson Dawn - Newsletter... · 2020. 6. 13. · The Supreme Command The man who performs Sadham twice a day regularly the thought


AM 00130*042077* CITRADEVI & IISHVARA 1(HH9 ANN ST., FAIRFAX, VA, 220]0

Education Utilization Training Camp

when : July 2-4, immed iately following the summer S e c to r- ial U.K.K.

\lvhere: In Colorado near the e-.K.K. site.

for whom: Presc::hool, pr ima. _cy ,::L"ld s,,:,condary 5c::hool te3:::;hers, school administrato;::-s and ::tll others interes'ted in Ananda M::trga Edu-::;ation.

what: Three days of workshops, semirnrs, sharing ideas a_nd ::::urricu­lum, understanding theorie s and the Ideology and hav ing a good time. Several seminars will be held simultaneo�sly to better meet every-0�21S d ifferent needs. Professionals will lead workshops on art, dance, music and crawl therapies, Ste iner an d Montessori curric01ums mime for tea�hers, learning disabliites, sto�y telling, grant wri­ting, legal and financial problems, how to teach spiritll'ility ,:mel. meditation to different age groups, how to tea�h the so cial philoso­phy in secondary schools, and much more!

Questions and Suggestions: Write to the Education Office in Denver. Regfstrat iol1and further information will be sent out soon .

And ....

A.M. Teacher Training Programs

One 110n-:'h S em i na.r : Planned for alL preschooJ and pr i!1\ary 3chool

teac her s , no following cOilln1i-t.tme::lt is required. T:le semino.!' ""ill be held in Aust in, Texas froD July J7 to Augus� 13. Ths cost for room,

board and tuition is only $100.00. Spec ial arra�ge��nts are now being made for fam il ies and children. Jiiva La�ha' an� Gandharva Devi will the be trainers. A. �. IdeoJogy will be taught by the

p,usocin Schoo l' s rle\v re s id e nt.. acarya!

Full Program: F'our and a hal f months at ,the h'ichi-ta, :Kansas Schoo},

spec if ica 11 y d e s ig n ee'!. for tea_cners will in9 1:_0 COP1TIlit t hemselv e s too

teach for one year in A nanda Marga Schools. The program will run August 16 to the win t er UKK. The cost for room, board and

tuition is $500.00. r;:'he last.. month of the program is devoted to supervised s t udent teaching with full control of the classroom.


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