Page 1: SOJJW The South Kentuckian. · SOJJWKENTUGKIAN. i ^.k.4uIham. w.a.wiMUii MEACHAM&WjLGUS..1yn.,tyt»pnBxoM. SUMOHtrtlON VUlli'.t* Uuocopy,mUin»ii(ti« plptfi•t



^.k. 4uIham. w. a. wiMUii

MEACHAM& WjLGUS..1 yn.,tyt»pnBxoM.


Uuo copy, mU in»ii(ti«

plptfi •t<llJiH><l Wllf tl out.

>ae oo^v KMicE to any oqo Mnilfnf ui lire

y«*rly cuh «iiLit'.ribt>i'H.




llOl'KINSVlLUt, - - - - KY..

Wl»l>p« (a raoiMieifullr Allrr hln wrvlcon inil

hUTKN Y«AR» 1 ONHIaKT rKilTlCi In ttlU

Wmi I'up^r liiiiiiiw>. mtbe oltlwni »(lhl«

lilun •n<l vlrinliy. Churgri nwioualile loil

•llldictliii In lunakl lu warkin>o>M|> fnllr

uarmthHMl.N. R. I nmUM onlT ptnnn I* Koulher*

KrnlurkT Hint'"'''"l^&jM^JJJS^jjlJ'J^


ila»!»»»» «l|lrniail..»ft «• will re-

c«lv« pramll l4|f«||l»MMiiNkI)tgn-«m.| "-^ " *





hopkin8Vilu;kv. I


. 'l<<»PKrN8VIU,E, KY.IIKru.wllll >i. A.Will l'i*<'41< e Ik < knillan


W«bar lllnfk

n a|i*1 A'lloiiitM

A »r» lALTV


Office in Brown ^oUte)


Andrew Seargent M.D.MAIN STREET,

Oipoiito Eopper'i Brag

M Oiu Sij or Kijii

The South Kentuckian.^LUME V. IIOPIMmaOiLE, KENTUCKY, TUESDAY, MAT SS, '1$$8. NU11BEB2I.



O. A. Chnmitlln, orm., Ho|>kin«vi1le.('Iin". M, Mi n-shim, 9«0't/., "s (i. Ilucki.iir, "li s. Ilruwn, , •*

K W. Wnlktr,

.1. M.rPiMl, BalnbrWfii

.Ino, M. DallDi Ci«na£

Xio, C. Wkltlock. XawtlMd.Ayatln INpi/. a»miubui«.

uiioorr COURT.

Jo»n B.Ur«e»i«rtM,0«rlii. Ky.JorwnwT i;i«rk, llopkliur ll«. Kv. Court

. im-II. T.V. c

iivi'ti irtt Man-lay in March aa>l St*pt«tnl»r.


.iniiNt' i.tTiun, UkalmuiF, IM. tlirHl.lHr. (I . R'ovHmn n. noiw.If. r. Moctar,M. MmiKi.Wll. Ki-u..

. , .

Mefia l.lTiii-*!*'!!! eai h m mtli nn.l •iililrrl

to tiM gall ol lh« Clialrman . Ucatin( hcM In


W, p. Wialraa tmUr. Mmt* inil MMila-In Wanli, Jane, Maiiiamber, l^fMmlHir.

coDirrr oouht.

'.r, Wlnfr»a*«i|(r«, K.O. Hebr**,

. ilaTtaaritMoB<li!7la<«iiry noatti.


Ja»linr««hi-r. JlM||«; J. W. nnwn^r At-

timiiy. K. W. lllfTKi-rilaff. (.hi-l ol Tolllrf.

l.ill'NTV OriK'IH.

John W. Breathitt. Ulerki U. H. Brown,<htrl(; A. 0. Uwa.J»U*r.

CHURCH DIRECTORY.BtmaT-lloHth Main Rtnwl, Rer. T. U.

Keen, natuir. itcrvlcr. r»«rv Sahlmh mornlax aail ovrninc. itaailav Khoiil fturf K.U-

iMlkroornlna. Piay^r ,»>«!lla» Wci ne«. «y

nlfhi. llu.lBiiH mMtlaf Irtt wxlnolaynUlit In racb mukUi.



ciiai.ruii-NatkTHI* «»••, iia.ior. MrttaaaatMTMMMitbaivra

lay I'veaiuf


M. a. soi'TM


r, Datinr. ftcrTlcM •

ta<la«tBlB(. DaiHlay


Utr C.W.tety aalibaili

wnool a«ary

riaur l'»«ii»VTiiai»M-R«»MU»nia Slrret

llfv, IC. II. coiilKr. pa»Uir. Utrvlrri on^ry

.taiiiiaili uiiirtilax ami ooulnn »ua<liy h-nuul

, «ir» -uo.iaf iBoniina rra)er lo* tiua «>«•

rv \\ r<lu««tlay rvenlug.

4. ir-fliioi triaoopAfc-Ba' . . ..

Rcaiar. aarfloaiiii CoMI'feMii anry<lay launilac.


-KaaktillaUraeL. .larflkia In aaa.ini

xoi'Tntaa PauiTTMlA*'uc.J L, rata, iNutar, .Mil


aaliiiaih laoraiiif «wfetMlnf. aaailav whuuli-rcry i^nmlay murnlnj. I'r.ifr luircllnt •>«-

ry WailuvMlB) vvouiutf.

CaraoLIC-Naakirllla »itttx. llrT. raiktr

^^y^l^Wjj^giywtwa oTory (abbalk utura


: hmm TEETH< lDk«r«id iArilkMn miiinUa iftar u«l-

nrtl uoea are extraeioj, bjr

XL XV. 9Box)mni,

V ; ' btrAwBi* rtow,

iioPklNSVrLLR. KV.

M .. ' J. I

. 'I l l

smvoLiiiT soomm.liOPdXiriLkt I.ODa(, No.r. A. T. * A. M.

-Job kecanall, W. M.; A. U. I latk. ».cr«ia-

ry Lwlfo aioi'U at lUII. lornrr

Mala an.l Surlna Ktrvcl*. M ju.lay ul||hl

tu vacli iiiuullt

OalkNTii, ( uima Nu. U'-siate.l r.onroca-

ilui..<iMlliiHHIajt aiiiklvliMakiHmik at Ma-

I'livat: i;. II. l>winrk,lla«rtUr7.

UiiuBk t'umamaarllo. •) K. T<^1U(ularcouclaxttU M»LIc Hall, ^lr M,Uaiiln'r, lU'coMar,

la Back auMli al MaaoaMoae, K. C.| »ll Nat

Oampbe^il ^cUey

^SiRa BUILDINSMain St. llo|ikiuHville Kt.

Bethel Female Oollege,


Tka taria* arMloB nlimwlll o|M>n nn Mm'

t, IM al Jan. with Ini n'anna farlllllpa' •laauon Blyaunn laillca. Termaa.

rot laloraiatlaB apply to or ail-


OOOS (ft xixos,


' - " KTAMlVtlut. WOIASA.MO. lit, uypar SafWtk


MotToii c'oi'iicii. K» I, CRoaKM rami

KviHoaux LoMLKo. M,K. at r.

i>u<i>ar, i-kauafllur CounaaadorwlU-nr)lu Laailc

-I haa.

H. HlllvvvaKMWr al Hcconla a»i aval.


ilall«nit aiHl<ik TbartiMiy kliiit in

li lauuih tnai>WHM.t raaktM Maaita)


.Sw licrp, ycMi ( (Kill, \ ()\i j{«t out of

hero," said llii' (jidn i v man to llie

bail boy, a.^ he came into llm store

Willi his fitce black uiiil Kbiiiiiij;. "I

don't want any colored boys around

here. Whit« boys break mo up bad

eiioii h."

U, phtlopoue," Mid the bad boV, hh

he put his haodi on hin kiices and

laui(lied no the Mndy Jars rattled on

tlie ahelvea. t'Vou didn't know ine.

I am the name boy that conicH in here

and talka yuur arm otT," and the boy

opened the cbeoie box and cut off a

pleee of ehatae so natural that the

grootiy man had DO dlAonltjr inrec-

o)(nlsinv Mm.What in the name of the scveu

vlecplng litters have you got on your

hands and (hcei" Mid thefoocery

roan, as he took the boy by the ear

and turned him around. "You

would pans in a colored prayer meet-

iiiK, and no one would think you

were (falvanized. What you got on

.siii-li nil oiilliincliuli ri)r for'''

"Well, 1 11 Icll villi, if yon will kp(^

watch al the d . Il' ymi >(cc a liald-

hcadi'il coliin-(l iikiii i niiiiiit; iiln"!; 'be

strci l Willi a dull, ymi wliisllc, and I

will full down ccllur. Tin' bald-

headml eoloreil man will be |ia. Yon

sec, we inovcil ycstciilay. I'a liild

1110 111 ^et II vacation from tln' livery

atttble. and we would have fun iiiov-

Itnt I don't want any nion> fun.

I know when I have Kut enough fun.

1^ carried all the light things, and

when it eanie tu lining, he bad a

crick in the back, tiosli, I never was

so tired as I was laat night, and I

hope we have got settled, only aomc

of the goods haven't turncil up yet.

A drayman took one load over on tlic

west side, and delivered them to a

houta that seemed to be expectiiij( a

load of honaahoid ftimlture. Hathought H waa all right. If eTerybodr a ftilelP einHWUiofatdnh ;

and f

would takA a barreV-i^ve i^Tshat.

ter yopw castle scandalous. Whatkind of « fate do you think awaits

you. when you die, anyway 't"

''Well, I'm mixed on the fate that

aWailH me when I die. If I should

go off sudden, with all my sins on myhead, and this burnt cork on my face,

I sliould probably be a iieij;lilior to

)ou, way down below, and tlicy

would give nM! a job as Hi emuii, and

1 slioiild feel sorry for you every time

I chucked in a nntlier chunk of brim-

stone, and thought of yon tryinir to

swim, dog-faahlou, in the lake of tire,

and sti-aliiiog your «yea to find an,

iecUrrg that you could crawl up on,

to cool your parched hind legs. If I

don't die slow, so I will have time to

rciiout, and be saved, I shall be toast-

etl brown. That's what the minister

says, and they wouldn't pay him two

tliousaiid dollars a year, and give

liim a vacation, to tell anything that

was iM>t ap<^ tell you, It is painful,

to thmk of' tiiat plaee that so manypretty ..Mr aver«|«' peop)()^ Aai# »?«

going to wbeh th«^ dit. 3iM ' think

of it I a man that swears Just once, if

hu dun't hedge, and take it back, will

go to the bad place: Ifa person steals

a pin, JuRt a (mail, no.4CGOunt pin, he

U as bad as if he stole all there was in

a bank, and lie stands the best chance

of K"!"!! t" '''"1 place. You see,

if a fellow steals a little tiling like a

pill, lie ('m-;!i'ts to repent, cause it

don'i seem to be worth while to make

so iiiiK 11 fuss about ; but if a fellow

rubs a bank, or steals a w liole lot of

money from orphans, be knows il is a

nii|{lily serious ninlti r, and lie (.'els in

his work lepculiii); too (|iiick, anil lie

in liable to go to the |;ooil place, while

you, who have only stole a few [Hita-

tocs out of a bushel that you sold to

the orphan msyluui. will forget to re-

|)cnt, aiid ytfu Wllrsttzlc I lell you,

the luoro^l yt^i about beiiis goixb

»l^d|pi|i| tt»|i^v^i^ thaJDore I think

tvralBgluvach munlk. A. t>, Kail|W%.rraa,i.. lt.l>avia, a«*c aii.l Tn-aa.

in l.uD<i>:. No. »M,K ol U,-Ml>ldlal.>ri W. r, Uaa.lle, Kaoonlrr.

M>'«la lu K. ul r. Ilall, IhiaM buililluK, iiiil

awl liU 'lM>a<tat Blgkia lataih Biualb.

naraoaruii Corxcii, No. IM RoraLAackxra-J I. I.huiktv. Uvgaiil; iio.,. c.

I,an(, St'cnoary. Ui'«i>lo<l auil 4ib Tknrs-

lUf BisliU In K. at P. ilall.

liatui BITta I.0D0S, No. M, I. O. o, r-JuhB Vouua, Nubia lirauil; MT. P. liaBUla,,

iw«Mar». .Maata anarj nwav aiiMla K. of

P, Mall.>a.»»J(«aa»»ii«rtJI*lll,l. ttjtr.-K. M. Aaaataoa, 0. P.tW. r. MsmIMiiMnntary.

As'cuxr Onoita I'sirto Wo»aakx-0. W.Ilal.lwlii, H. VI.: i. W . troaa, U. ItMl.fiiil

an.lilli Tuoadaya lu eacb montli, at K.olP.Ilall.

KsiuHTa or Taa QaLDss Caoss-J. W. I.

Kuiiiii. N. ( .1 w. M, SkawPfaei; P. K. ol K.Hxila lal ami Inl PrMutta «!« awBlk la ILul V. Hall.


Taixiioa LoDOta So, n. U. B.-IIaata lit

aAlMl'koliiareWMlaMn'sliau. Jt.w,uiasStW, Ml L.a.liMkaar,aMnMarr.

McsAMiBt Tnni, Mo. M, a. or r.-Maaia Swiaad 4tk Tiwailanliioaok aMaih,Aufuata Hoaiaa, wr P.; Kaua


lloriixaviLiK l ouoii. No. leso, OOP U. P>.^<t«iiU iuil and lit Uuiiilay^i,|giri 11^. ^barto. Llahtiuoi. N.

a t., OTWi Buwaa'a oatio axoai

Ui^^lN^'ltLt:. KV.

-aiipaaudlly IbtIIc (he piibllo ta theh

7o&«ori0il ^P«xlov,promlalnstoiloSHAVINO.HAIRUI'TTINa.inAMPUUIMta as.. ID tka BOM-Mnellfat

!. O..Ma

POST OFFICE.Brh<rifeStteet, Jiio. li. aowen.r. M. om( p

kourairont ' A. M., lull* a., and the oi11< u la

alaoop«ufor a abort time aftvr thu arrival ul

ihe araulnc laalll, al t r, u. buudav u|>cu

frun t IB 4 r, v.

BaafMlilll^. Ha'n

HdlaaA's Opera Houi«B.




Feed and;8klA.i8labl6

Brlilfo St., HOPKISaVILLE, KT.

Larn briek .table aear rannlnc waternoTMa b«sr<l«l hy the ilny, week or monthHaeks to the train rnn day and alght. Tuaiua

with drieert at all tlmea

»• JMe*t -m* ijf ^



Hare 0|>eni'il a full line of

lif^lliMlNfiw^Cigars, and Fine


For Mcilicnl purposcH, and ihey

would like lor llieir Irienils and tlit

public tu ^ive tliein a csll.

West side of .Main street,' at .-Oray

& Walker's oJiaWfiVP |^ \/\/

PRESUlKim'IONSCaretully Uoro)>n^nded <>>^t>tor day


iSALE STABLEiSpring St., bet. Main and Virginia,


T. L. SMITH, Proprietor


nl.hed .when ^^aj]L^ngHtitadiaUl|,l» IS U'<

bH»W .kii<l' (addle

Hareei alwaya (VsM. .VwehfidriTati twi'.



rton, cund. Naa, Lcb^uMM. e^


that waa moving got a load of gooda.

Well, alter we got moved aa laid wemust make a garden, and Ke said wewould go out and ipade up the

ground and sew peas, and radialiea^

and becia. There was aomeaeigh^

born lived la the nest house to our

new one, that ^aa all wimmen, and

pa didn't like to have them thlBk Mebad to work, so ho said it would be a

Ifood joke to disguise ourselves as

tramps, and the ueighlxirH would

think we bad hired some tramps to

dig ill the t;ai ilcii. 1 lolil pa of a

boss sclieme to toul llieiii. I suggest-

ed that we lake simie of this shoe

blacking tluit is put up with a sponge,

and black our faces, and the iieijrh-

iKirs would think wc bail lilrcd uii

old coloix'd niaii and lii> lM>y to work

in the garden. I'a said it was im-

lueuiie, aud he told me to go and

black up, and if it worked be would

black hi>self So 1 went and put this

burnt cork on my face, 'cauw-' it

would wash ofl', aud |iaiaukiMl at iiie<

and said it waa a whack, and for lue

to fix him up too. So I got the bot-

tle of ahoe blacking and painted pa

so he looked like a colored coal heav-

er. Actually when ma saw him ahe

sy, she was going to throw biling

water on pa, b^t 1 told her the

scheme aud she let up on pi. O,

you'd a dtde to see us ou; l|i the gar-

den. Pa looked like Uncle Tom, and

I looked like Topsy, oniyl ain't that

kind of a colored peraon. .]|^e worked

till a boy throwed tomi ^^ato cant

over the alley |ftnce «i|4 ''hit hie^ and

I piled over the fence after him, and

len pa. It was my chum, and wheu

1 bad caught him wc put up a job to

get pa to chase us. We throwed

some more cans, and pa come out

and iny chum started and 1 after biin.

aud pa after both of us. He cliasiKl

US two blocks and thcu wc got be-

hind a policeman, aud my chum told

the policeman it was a craiy old col-

ored man that wanted to kidnap us,

the iwliceman took pa by the

neck and was going to club him, but

pa said he would go home and be-

have. He was otl'iil mad, and he

went home and we looked through

tlie alley fence saw iia trying to wash

off the blaekiug. You see that black-

ing won't wash oil". You hove to

wear it off. Pa would wash hia face

with aoap suds, and then look in the

glata, and he was blacker every time

he washed, and when ma laffed at

him he said the oSblest woi-ds, some-

thing like?iweet apirit her. my pray-

er,' (heu he waihed hiiUkelf again. I

am going to leave ray burnt cork on,

causa if I waahed it off pa would

know there had been aomesmougllug

somewhere. I asked the ahoe store

man how long it woujdt t*ke the

blacking to wear oK, andhaaaldlt

ought to wear off In.a t^i^t, I guess

pa won't go ont ordoWi'.inach, un.

less it is in the night. l ilKi^Nmjto

get him to let me go off lit tht'SnTni

try llsliing, till mine wears off, and

when I get out of towu 1 will wash

up. Say, you don't think a little

blacking Inirts a man's complexion

do you, uiid you don't think a manought (0 get mad because it won't

waah off, do you T"(1, probably it don't hurt the com

plc.\iou," said the nioeery ii^au, )is be

sprinkled soRid CrUh iMIW' Oii' the

wilted lettuce, so it would luok. ff'sh

^nhiio tlw hired girl was buy ingsome,

"and yet' Ik) is inigbty tinploi^tlt,

wliere'a liiah'liilis got an .^ii'|^U{«TO^bt

to go to'a eaird party, iind I BWIFyiiiir pii bus l(i-iii(;bt. ,\s lo ireltlng

11111(1 ulldUl il, ir 1 « H~ MXll pil, I

Eii Lut Court. CSUSCH HILL.

this out, yon won't And .» ^tt^r boy

than I am. Wheit'l touioh^here

after thia andtake atdW dried peach-

ea or enkckera aod ehoeae, yon charge

it.rightM topaa*n4, UitlWthave fti^my mktMiv(Jia«e lo

answer fur it at tlRfioat judgment

day. I am j^ng to alu^e my chum,

:ca^se he/4ljnMkoyo^ which is

wtokad, though I dort aea.bow that

can be, when the miniiler amokes,

but I want to be on the safe side, 1

am going to be good or burst a sus-

pender, and hci-catter you can iioinl

to ino as a boy who has seen the fol-

ly of an ill-«i)cnt life, and if there is

sucli a tiling as a llftecn year old boy

who has been a terror, getting to

licnvcn. I am llic hairpin. 1 tell you,

when 1 listen to the minister tell

about tlic angels living aroniiil there,

and 1 s<'e pictuiTs of them iiriltier

than.any girl in this town, with chub-

by anus with dimples in the elbows

and shoulders, and long golden hair

aud Uiink of uiyaulf huru uluttuiug otf

horses in a livery stable and smelling

like an old harness, it makes me tired,

and I wouldn't miss going there for

ten dollars. Say, you would make a

iiealthy angel, for a baek street of the

new .Terusalem, but you would give

the whole crowd awav unless you

washed up, liid sent that shiit to the

Chinese laundry. Yes, sir, hereafter

you Will find me as good as I know

how to be. .'Kow I am going to wash

up and go and help the minister


As the hoy y^t out the groceiry

mansatft>r kerMd['mii^f«ia fliiiiklng

of the changeMi luiil obfae over the

bad boy,' ft* Sron8iiM«'l^hai had

brought it aliout, and then weti^to

the door to watch him as he wended

his way ac^ross the street with his

head down, as though in deep thought

and the grocery man said lo himself,

"that boy is not as bad as some peo-

ple think lie is," and then ho lookeil

around and saw a sign-banging up in

the front of the store, wilten on n

piece of box cover, with blue pencil.

"Spoiled eauned ham and tongue,

good enough for church picnics, aud

he looked after the boy who was slip-

ping down an alley, aud said, "The

condemn little whelp. Wait till I

chtchhim^" I ..

Ur. K B. Askew," late AMilstint

Postmaster at Baltimore, lald'soime

time ago: "Having had Occasion to

try Dr, Bull's Gontth Syrup, 1 dnhesi

itatingly preiiounoe it the beat rolne'

dy I have ever uaed. A sMiall botUa

relieved me ofa severe cold."

A young man at Olaagow, la., was

taken in the other day aud dune for

by a new trick. lie laid a wager

with a strap^r that the latter would

not woo, win and inarry a young la-

dy, whomi with bis companion, ho

hod seen arrive at tlio hotel where he

was living. Xbe latler, introduced

himself to tlie' damae), ib^e >miled

upofi hi^sult, a mj.nlster was called >in

and^ they were parried wtihto an

hour. The wager of no ino^qjiidara-

ble amount wa| hand^ over to

bridegroom, wfiK left with his bride

the following dj|y,„|f,^'M„;»fts^-i

wards. fjisco\;erod| tl^(tt ,the,q«i^e,Jtwl|

loiiiji;', ^e,n, infip.ftnd,,,\Yifr„,»p4ilftil^

lng|tlie.,saji(if!,|E?j(^,(^t,yarfous )tt)\^\f.

OM Judge Orepson, a Justice of

the Peace, was never known to smile,

lie came to Arkansak years ago, be-

fore the %wti«t-baggerB' begap their

reckless sway, and year after yaar, bythe will of the votera,; he held his

place as Magistrate.—The lawyers

who practiced in his cOurt never

joked withpiim, beoanae ^yerv one

siHiii learned that the old man vever

engaged in levity. Every morningno matter howbad the weathermightbe, the old man took his placv behind

the bar which with his own hand8,he

had made, and every evening, Just at

a certain time ho closed hl»~ti4i>ks

and went homo. No one never en-

gaged him in private conversation,

because he would talk to no one. Noone ever went tu his home, u little

cottoge among the trees in the city's

outskirts, bocause he bad never showna disiwsition to make welcome the

visits of those who even lived in the

immediate vicinity. His odii e wasnot given him tliningli tlie influence

of 'elei'tioiiccriiij,'.' lii'caii.-e lie never

asked any man for his vote.lle waselectc<l because, having once Ik'CH

BUinmoiied in a^case of arbitration,he

exhibited the e\ei iilive side of such a

legal mind Uiat the people nominated

and elected liiiii. He soon gained

the name of 'hard Justice,' and every

lawyer in Arkansas refered to his de-

cisions—His rulings were never re-

versed by the highest courts. Hestood upon the platform of a lawwhich he made a tttlily, and hp mandisputed hlin.

.Several daya ago a 'woman charged

with misdemeanor .was arranged be-

fore him.— 'The old man seems morethan ever ^steady,' remarked a law-

yer as the magiatrato took bis seat.

'I don't aee how a man so old can

standtiieTetationsof a court muchlonger.',

, |..: .

'lam' not well to-day,' said the

Jttdge^ tuming to the lawyers, <aiid

any ease that you may have you will

pleaae dispateb them to the best, and

let me add, quickest of yor ability.'

Everyone saw that the old man'waa unusually feeble, and no one

thought of a hcliciiie tu prolong u dis-

cussion, for all the lawyers had learn-

ed to almost reverence him.

Is this the wiiiiian,' asked the

.Indge. "Wlio is defeiidiiig her?'

•I have no (b fence, Your Honor,'

llic woman replied. 'In fuel, I do not

think I need any. for I am hero to

confess my guilt. No man can de-

fend ine,° and she looked at llic Mag-istrate with a serious gaze. '1 have

been arrested on o charge of disturb-

ing the iieaee, and I am willing to

submit luy case. I am now dying of

coDsumption, Ju.lge, and 1 know that

any ruling made by the law can have

but little efTccton me, and she eougli-

e.l a hollow, vacant cough, ami drewuround her ait old black khawl that

she wore. The expression on the face

of the magistrate i-emaiue<l uneliang-

ed but his eyelids dropped and he did

not raise themi when tiie womap con-

tinued : As I say no man can defend

me. I am too near that awftll ap-

proach to pau which we kn/Mf U ev-

erlasting deaiii io aoul vt/l body.

Years ago I waa a johlld ofbrightest

promite. I ItVed tHth my parenta in

Kentucky. Waywird andllghthaart-

ed, I was the admired of al) the gay

society known in our naighborkood.

A man came and pi oftini kia' love

forme. I don't say this, Jbdg^ to

excite your sympathy. I have ma^yand many a time been drawn bef<Me

courts, but I never before apoke

of my pass life. She coughed again

and caught a Hood of blood on a

handkerchief which she pressed to

her lips. 1 speak of it now because I

know that this is the last court on

earth lieforc which 1 will be arranged.

I was fifteen years old when I fell in

love with the man. My father said

be was bad, but I loved him. He

came again and again and when myfatiier said tliat lie sboiiUl come no

nioix' I run away and married bim.

My father said I should never come

homo again. I bad always been bis

pride and had loved hliu so doarly<

but he said that I must never again

ooma home—my homo, the home of

my youth and happiness. Uow I

longed to sec him. How I yearned

to lay my head on his breast. Myhusband became adiotedto drink. Heabused me. I wrote to my flither,

asking him to let me come home^ but

the answer thati came was, I cl«, |f0know jQ^, My hnaband died,, ytd,

cursed God and died 1 Homeless and

wretehedy'and With my little boy, I

went out in ibfi^

Mv child

died and I iwwed oSwn find wept

over a pau per's grave; I wrote to myfbtlier again, but he answered ;" I

know not thoao wh9 disobey mycommaMi.'' I ' tuiin^ awa^; ' ftem

that letter hardened!—I embraced

sin. Irdihed madly into vice, I

spumed my teilBhiit||«.' I l^as timo

and again arreitid. ftow t kta here.

Several lawyers rushed forwartl. Acrimson tide flowed from her lips.

They leaned her lifeless head back)

against the chair. The ob^ iilngls-

i*(ral«' had not raised his eyes. '(Jreijt

dodrsklii the laWyer, 'Mk dp4d.','

Tlic ^miU'y*ii''Vb^[^iiVi^^

Since our village lias become of

some note. I think we might have a

correspondent and be heard from oc-

casionally. 'We have a blacksmith

shop and a store kept by Adams &Evans, and they are doing a splendid

business since the Bninll|)ox scare.

The Mission meeting was quite

pleasant, notwithstanding the rain

and the 8inalli>ox fright, although

there was not a single case nearer

than Hopkinsville.

Miss Mattic Sivley spent a weekwith her sister. Mrs. .Ino. Adams.Quite a eomplainl of bugs eating

the tobacco plants.

Tlie Grange Stock Sale will take

place June 8th. They have a finer

lot of cattle than they have ever had

and will be better prepared to showthem, as they are having stock pens

to show each grade of cattle.

Will invite you town fellows downto cat fricasseed shoat and muttonand to look at the fine beeves, I knowyou are tired of crannching townbeef. Come' out and have a goodtime. I' I

The Grange Rehool is still underdiaeiiagion. It seems that the neces-

sary amount oould be railed if aach

member would give ton dollars. Aflne.lnilldlBg' ' placed upAn that site,

with a iehootthatthe oommnnfty can

support would be amonutoenfitfglo-ry to the Orange cause and a bieiiing

to the people. Educate ydur ehtidron

and they will bless you. Are there

not a hundred children within five

milea of the place thift are ready

and anxious for the school to open 'i

With the energy and promptness that

belongs to that (irange the people

are ooaffdent that the school will open

in the flill with a large number of


Mr. W. II. Adams" little sun .lobn

was thrown from a wagon last week

and got his leg broken. If some of

lliose old grumblers could call in and

sec how patiently he bears it, it wouldmake them ashamed of themselves,

he is so cheerful and quiet. Dr.

Williams was culled in to set the frac-

tured boiii! which luakesUthe third

one since Cbrislmas ; be is becoming

i|uite an expert in surgery, and is

inueli loved aud respected by his


If you want a description of Mis-

sissippi and the style of living in that

State just call on Mr. Jiio. Haubcrry,

as he has returned from that State

with u flue lot of cattle. He says his

olfactory nerves .ware sorely tried,

and that he never cares to bear of

fried meat again,


I am; say that Mrs. Conip-

ton .is improving in health, She has

been trPuUed with aathma.

Miss Joiie Scatea .ia 4llwa with

Mrs. Will Adamp. Ska. i«. helping,

"Who Am 1 Anyway."

A short time ago, says the Salt

Lake Tribune, a bright looking Dan-

ish boy stepped into a lawyer's ofBce

and said


I want you to tell me who I am,

laying a $is bill on the deak at the

same time.

The lawyer, peeping alternately at

the boy and the $5 bill, shaking his

head, replied


It seems you arc a funny boy?Not funny at all. Y^ou Will And it

a very serious matter.

AVell go ahead and explain it.

About twenty years ago a wealthy

Danish Indy, being a widow, came

over to this country with her two

daughters. There was a Norwegian

and his boy. The father married

Ijoth the widow's daughters. Oneyear after, the NorwegianV boy mar-

ried the wealthy widow. The result

of that marriage was nnotherl>oy,

and, if I am sure, I am that boy.

Tha,Norweigian's boy died. The

Danish widow wasa widow again,

but the old ' Xdrweglan married her

too. After that the old lady died,

and one year ago thd old genileman>

tod, after be had tnade himself the

owner of his thiM tHMa'a property.

Now; when I elaim that property,

my aiiiter said : Stop, yotf ean't b« the

heir < kt' allt

' You are our late hiis-

band's grandchild. By her marriage

with bim you became your mother's

grandchild, tM, and after sh^ died,

we became ' your mothers' and you

never can inherit the property before

we are dead. That's what my sister

mothers say, but I think that can't

be right, and there must be some

mistake in polygamy. Now, sir,

please to tell me what I am—who amI.

The Iawyer,~<1iru8ting his chin into

his neek, answered pathetically : Youare a polygamistakc


'»*"l!etter bear present evils than

fly to those unknown." Iletter still

use Kidney-Wort and make your

present evils Hy to parts unknown.

If you lind yourself getting bilious,

head heavy, mouth foul, eyes yellow

kidneys disordered symptoms of piles

tormenting you, take at ouee a few

doses of Kinney-Wort. Use it as an

advance guard—either in diry or liq-

uid form—it ts efficient.

to nurse little i • i^u

Mr, Tomj.Collina ia on a riitt^tohta

daughters, Hrt Caudle andUm Wil<

Hams. AnHT. Patsv.

K.u.AMAZoo. Micii., Feb. 2 1880,

1 know Hop Hitters will bear rec^

oinmendatlon bonestl.v. All who use

confer upon them the highest encom-

iums, and give them credit for making cures—all the proprietors claim

for them. I have kept them since

they were tirst oH'ered to the public.

They took high rank from the first

and inaiiitaiucd it and arc more called

for than all others combined. So

long as they keep up their high repu-

tation for purity and usefulness, I

shall continue to recommend them

—something I have never Iwfore done

with any other patent mi^cine,

3. 3. Baboock, 'te. D.

One iqnire. or leu, Orit loiertioa . .. | i bOOne K|uftns or leu, mcoqU ini«r(lom .... MOne tquan, Uatt montAm-.i;., 4 mOaeaquare. twelve monthi 10 mTwo iquAre«,«U moatlu ]| mTwo iquarei, one Tear jj §9One-fourtb coluniD, per jretr. is otOne-tlilrd column, per year n 00One-half column, per year (R 10One Mlumut per year " ik'OOBimneis Iik'uIb. tvn i-rntn iht liiu'.

A fait of Telegraph TloUng.

but |i hate h^j,iocrtsy in tnan^ur

'iieMCandiii'Wb dogs have a rooted

anfliiaOiV for each other I don't like to

sec 'eui coiK((ii it.--)lO(.iou I'd:.!.

Ark. ThiVdIil-."


A well-to-do young man recently

married and started West on his bri-

dal tour. The happy young couple

were lireakfasting at a station eating

house. During the repast two smart

Alej.ks came into the eating room

and seated themsclve opposite the con-

tracting parties. They were telgraph

operators. By delicate posing of their

knife and fork they were able to

make sounds inclose imitation of tel-

egrapti. In thd myatia language of

tlie key one said unto the other


Ain't she a daisy, though ?

The party thus addressed replied

by clicking off


Wouldn't I like to kiss her,

the little fat angel


Wonder. Who that old bloat is that

shadWimatfiaijiT ' >

Soma gorgeous granger, I reckon,

replied, tha other. \ :,\

The groom stoodU until fiirebear<

ance ceased to be Ik yirtne^' viien fte

also balanced his kjai^nd cliek,9Uck

it went in rapid suooession. It was

intelligiblo to the very cute tw[aiii

that hod recently made fun of of its

author. 'V^en Interpreted it read:

Dear sirs—I am superintendent of

the telegraph line upon which prpu

work. You will please len^ in yoyr

time to headquarters and resign yonr

positiou at once. Yours,

I : iSvt>BKtMlilllttkirl'«lr m'kdttiti

' '5Mnny'i£in.'' "Well*» irealth Kerievycr" restores

h^lih and vigoV. cui-es Wysp^psia

Sexlial Dcliilit'v.''


A ICad Sog in Ohnroh.

Charlotte, (N. C.) Obaerrrr.

The Presbyterian congregation at

Davidson College had their nerves

badly unstrung last Saturday night.

The jMopie bad gathered in the Pres-

byterian ohapel to attend the divine

servioa, which waa 'being conducted

by Lattimer. - 'TliM was a largo oon-

gregatlMi pnaaenti including many la-

diea. >J)t, lautimer was Just reading

^.ehaptarintheMblewhcin a howl-

ing^ ^yelping canine burst Into the

ichwreh right iato .tbe midst of the ter-

^fled congregation. The sorne that

followed m^r be imagined; Dr Lat-

timer stopped in the' middlf ofa sen-

tence, and in a seeond waS' viewing

the soenoi ftora his perch on top of the

pulpit, encouragingly but somewhatexcitedly calling upon the congrega-

tion to "KUl it, kill itt" The men audwomen stood on top of benches, andthere was some pretty 'tond shouting

and screaming done. One of the

students present, who had evidently

heeled himself for a combat with maddogs, pulled out a pistol and madethe interior of the sanctum echo with

the sound of battle. Two shots were

tired at the animal, both wounding

him severely and disabling him,

when the men fell upon the dog with

sticks and 'quickly dispatched him.

The carcass was dragged from the

chiucli, but it was some time before

everybody settled down again ; and

many of them, indeed, liad no ears

for preaching the balance of the night

The ladies iiteQd the ordeal remark-

ably well, only one of them going off

in a faint, but it might have been

worse had not the voice of the pastor

standing on the pulpit been heard

above all the din and tumult. The

dog had been shot at and wounded

outoide the church, and, bloody from

the WOiud, Itrbtl^ing at the mouth

and barking like mftd. It bounded in

among the unsuspected congregation

AVork (! iveii Oiit.Uu rpceipt ol,youraddress wc will niake an ofler Jiy

whirh vou can earn |S to *7 eVthlllgs

at your home. - M*n, Wciminr BoVkor Oiris can do lui^Uva IWaU^if)--^nv ,K- cd

. !ii»iind:\K(Pv'"*»l>BlWt.New \

This is going the rounds of the

press in the town of tha ' nelgborbood

that haven't hog ordinan&s: "Oli,

the hog, the beauttftii hog; curving

his baek as he watehea tlie A)t ; defy-

ing the lair for hia'brMd a^ meat

roaming at large'tlnttngli every street

hunting, grunidng, noising around till

the open IWmt gatti ia sura to be found

—with iuhingea broken and ruined

quite, by the lovers who hung oa it

Saturday night ; it won't atay shut ; it

won't hang level ; so in.walka ibe hog

and raises the devil. '

Feminine! inbtlety: VUst annex

maid—Here's a oat! < Second annex

maid— Wait! Let's toke that red

oue'just behind ; they go ever somuoH

likiaeiv««*Harvard Lampobn. ''"i"''-


Wliv do good little children igii to-I iga'.^.-'^y*'* -' -;'r*^ . , _

Ilcaven "vvTicu "tT^cy (ijfef.jaslfed aIV do guo i

en" Wfle

i^eacher.' llec(iusc iiiiswercd tl>«

l»right/boy, At|)Jw be^d»»

class, bacaiise M I" ,f .

e'oildrun w here thcr

Cato did not begin to learn tlie C wcklanguage Until lie was eighty-four

years of age. The excuse for his be-

ginning on it thon< was that he had

entered hit saoond childhood. I' ' •>

'No taindy dyes were ever sfil

popular as the Diamond Dyos,


Washinotoit, D. C, May 19, '83,

The well known fact that our mili-

tary service is overcrowded with pay-macieiu recently been broughtforcibly to mind by the incident rela-

tive to Paymaster Tucker. Underthe wasteful red-taiie system there is

one paymaster in the army with the

rank of major for an average ofabouttlu-cc hundred men. When a politi-

cian of influence and capacity for in-

trigue has on hand a iioor relation

who will neither work nor flght the

custom, is to put bim in the Paymas-ter's department, in which there is al-

ways room for one more, as in a

crowded street oar. With round lal-

aries and little ornothing te do, mostof the paymaaters have an easy time.

But thislifoof idleness and ease at

the expense of the eonntiy Irilttt to

lead them into mischief, as in the care

of Paymaster William T, Tucker, son-

in-law of Senator Logan. This in-

teresting son-in-law and his aittka-

ble fkthcr-in-law were reported t^ be

in a scheme for gobbling up about

half the tiertiie lands of the Zuni In-

dians, inolnding all their water

sources. The timely intervention of

thie government has saved the Indians

their land, but It hu made Logan

awflil mad. After a term or two as

President it was probably the design

of the Illinois Senator to retire to the

beautiful Zoni reservation and there

indulge in pleasing eontemplatiou of

the ownership of thousands of cattle

grazing on its fat pastures. That

dream is over, but Logan's nature is

not to bear bis diHappniiitment and

loss. He will be heard from before

the next republican national conven-

tion. In the meantime it will become

one of the duties of tlie next session

of Congress to reduce the I'aj niast-

er's department to decent proimrtious.

The simiilc way of accomplishing

this is to strike otf all the latest ap-

pointments from civil life to the

number of at least a score. Then the

remainder will have an opportunity

of earning their salaries.

It is said that the President is pre-

paring a small juke to get off on Sen-

ator George Treczblc Hoar when next

ho sees him, aud it is asserted as a

positive fact that thirty seven demo-

cratic scnotors have a short specch.on

the .Tewksbnry question now in

the fjtoeks for. Mr. Hoar's bene^t.

Mr. Haa* >a narer -dreary of talking

ahont tha. terrible atote of aflUrs in

the '.'Saootli,'' whieh ho twaaga

throngh Ua bom ; his phllanthropio

soul is grieved nigh unto death atthe

want of knowledge of BaoBsan Albvtt

and William Ellary Uhanaing, and

even of the Boston 'Tiur, exiatifag

among the best edngated people ft

the souMw -flill«Bthioiiliy is the Ben-

atof'^ stronghold, but he will be re-

minded that the kind of philanthro-

phy whidi licenses iwlygamy audpro-

hibits Sunday concerts, which spends

m.lliions on missionaries while home

paupers wallow in fllth and starve, is

not the healthy sort.

Speaking of the Presidcut: being a

great flslierinan he takes much inter-

est lu the propagating works of the

Rsh commission, and steals down

there every now and then. The baby

salmon evidently know he is an ene-

my, and do not want liiiii to be elect-

ed again lu 1884. They have been

told by their parents of seeing a tall,

stout gentleman, with side whiskers,

in a meditevai coat, autediluviaik

trousers and straw hat of thepal-

noioic period, flahing for salmon In

the wateraof Alesasdria Uay-and

talBMni, (hifviiig. a- great deal mo^sans* 'thaUiibay are 'eradlted with,

know the Fnaldeat whan they sie

hin, and tiiay kwihe him. If Mr.

AHimr bad Mdytbooghtiaftthanead

not have gonf all tha way to ilarida

for a li ttigmmug.''lfbWttd walked

straight up FennsyivanU avenu^ in

fVont of the -White house, nBitl<ba got

to Seventemth street, ahdthantimM

towards th»< river, woBld soon

have come to the POtonwe/ wha«a

there is very good flthtng indeed. Ho

could liave had a ch«lr brought fTom

the White I house and Secretary

Candler could have held an nmbrsi?

la over bim while he coaxed the flsh

to bite. Then he oouM hava had

Mr. Wlintshishuysen and tha rest of

the cabinet to admire the sdentiile

way in wbicii he threw his line to

catch a pickled salmon—which are

very common around Washington.

Once more work is resumed on the

Washington monument, and it is ex-

pected that the shaft will be earned

one hundred feet higher by the end

of the season. That will make a total

of tour hundred and twenty feet and

leave one hundml and thirty feet

still to be added. Stone-cutters have

beeu for several weeks engaged in

dressing the marble prior tu its being

placed in position. After a few more

layers are seeuretl thei-c will be no

ftirther use for the granite backing,

and the idea wiA be carried out that

the top shall be as light asiKisslble.

Th*'3altitU6re firitt trhlcik has hlther-

t«>fiinilahed the ihacble for the men-

nment haaWk uadarbld by a Mas-

saclrtsM»8-"Wti)?i|l/ and 'th* l««er

furnished aheir iHt^t IntWIWifat


Hie pred»c*«ll ".ot^'^«lklH»#'!«>

dharge tuatlt ' ^oWM notsiMlttftfmThey'll (iepiiWy attd ij«!*srt''W'kiiWM*l**

iipverlail. TUe Itlack is fai« supers 1 for lire «lUiM**'»Uite*»li'of''«*ds^lli^

ior to logw ood. Tlie oUier oulors are ' jecleil blghist'wbrtl »MW>n»^'_»l* frW-

bi iUiuiU,I

ili7.ed world.

Page 2: SOJJW The South Kentuckian. · SOJJWKENTUGKIAN. i ^.k.4uIham. w.a.wiMUii MEACHAM&WjLGUS..1yn.,tyt»pnBxoM. SUMOHtrtlON VUlli'.t* Uuocopy,mUin»ii(ti« plptfi•t


HorKlNSVIMj:, MAY 1883

Deittoentie state tieket.



Mt ATTOBarr obkibal,

P. W. HARbm,' <i»"inaoui.


; . roB Atitma,t VATBTT8 UIWiTT,


UMll «M->mS*«URER,^AimS W. TATE,

Of vMavxiiik.

FOR 81 I'T. riTllI.U- lNsTni:(TIC)X.







Our Next Oovemor a lion WhoVem the "CiTio Crown of


Tb .Ommtioa Som ita Work

>Batdin,TiLte, Hewitt, Flck-'

' itt aad Ceoll are the


.CoLA. U.Clarksay.s iftlivUopulili-

M|>8 nominate liiiu for Guycriiur, lie

will carry out the scriptiirnl injunc-

tion and "touch Knott, taste Knott,

and haiuUc Kiuitt—the unclean

thing," politically speaking.

Jo. Brady, was hanged at Dublin,

at 8 o'clock on the nioriiiui; of tlic

14th inst, liavin<< been coiivictoil :i>

one of the Phoenix I'.irk iniirilcrcis.

He was privately exceui^d aud died

lirni and rf«{|;ned,.' inaklng no oon-


Juo. Ruiidcll, au old Ku<;li!<h prhi-

tor, Wlio died recontlv in a liospilal in

Jfcw York City, was found to bi'

worth over -f 4l),(li)i» in cash. He often

made a incal ofT a crust of bread, and

had ttcqiiIi(flcl ^)i, w<H4th hy e^Meceouoitiv. '


K()ht.Pricc,a frcntecllookin;^ iiiulat-

t", was the only cnhired ilclc};ate in

the late State convention. He wasfrom Larue aud was made chairman

of hiB delegation. He was iu the con-

vention that nominated Ciov. Black

burn and never v oted otherwise than

the Democratic lii kct.

The reaolutioni adopted by the

colored people in niasn coitventiou

last week, are rod hot nnd right to

the ptdnt, Tliey have had the scales

removed iVom their eyes at iast and

Ulk like they meant businew. They,

tte right; they are entitled to someoftbe. apoflt of office and are not un-

WiMnahle in demanding them.

Tbu connxel for the proiecutioil in

the Phil Tiiompaon trial were pretty

' iongli«ni]|i**Bnckuer,aBdalthongii

Bh».WMM to have been the canae of a

gitet 4Mi'tf iranUe^' jret if ibe la not

i '^old «f•Mitraown fceilagf what has

; iMm taiiNf her Will eertainlr weichi|hMrilr iipotthermtDd in afutr ytm.

Rev, Geo. O. Barnes is putting in

good work in London, and prospects

hid. fair for ttio conversion of that

largo city before lie gives It up. 'Tis

a fact that better Hueeess always

orjwiis one's efforts where he is not


Ilarriidhliiii;;, Ky., was visited on

the nielli 111' the IJlh by u very dcs-

trnctivi: cnnllajriation which wasri'iidcrcd niDi-c -o by the prevalence

of a heavy wind. The lire broke out

about 11 o'l lock ami was subdued at

2 o'clock. Total 111' pioperty,

146,000. Total iui>urance |2(i,000.

The Democrats of Kentuck}' met in

eouvention at Louisville last Wed-nesday and II iiniualcd a ticket that

will receive tlic cui'dial support ol

every elciuent cif the party. Tliecoii-

ventiou was one of the most lar^'cly

attended ones ever held in the Stati'

and there was never a more harnio-


The body was organized 'Wednes-

day by the selection of Hon. Isaac

Caldwell as Chairman, temporary

and periuanent, and Tbos. S. Pettit

aud E. Polk Johnson as Secretaries.

The balloting for Governor began at

the night session, after a resolution to

drop the hiqdmoit man after the sev-

enth iMllot had been adopted. The

arst bailpt atood. Jones, SOoJi ; Knott,

i89<^;, Bqekner, 144Ji ;.,' Owsley,

11U<4' ; Jacobi.lWiic. Tbe leooind and

third were not materialiy different

and after the third Jacob's name was

withdrawn. Three other ballets

were then taken, the sixth one stand-

i <.', Knott, 2 12 ;Jones, 227^' ; Buck-

ner, 171,'4 ;Owsley, 101?^. After

this ballot the convention adjourned

till the next morning. When the

I'cinveiition was again calle<t to order

the excitement was at fever heat,

lieforc the liallolin;; l)e);an Owslcy

name was withdiawii. Au attempt

was made to carry ( )wslcy's strenjfth

to lliickner, but a luimlicr ofco«ntii^>

-(altered and went to Knott, and.lonej and Uuckiicr men sa* that

Owsley couUl not control hiv votes

mil, as it was clear thnt liuckiier

woulii be dr:ippcd, his name waswithdrawn amid the wiidfst eoufus-

ion. Thcii the excitement reached a

whije heat. County after county

diangcd and finally it was dceideil tu

have a new call. Neck aud neck

Kiiott and Jones came down the

lionic-stret«ht filiifltt' county, whichhad not been voted, applied for per-

mission to vote and the proxy wasvtcrredtotlM,oinimitt«e on creden-

tials. When the vole wu completed

and Elliott eeunty had been voMd fbr

Jones the rasalt atoodi Jonea, SIS t-6


Knott, au 8-6 ; but beftre the M<ir»-

tariea coald finish adding^ t>p the

votes the chainnan of theOw«B coun-

ty delegation arose and changed 5

votes fh>m Jonas to KnotL A Wrangleensued-MMLthe deiegatioa retired for

eonsiiltatlon and wben.tliey returned

(liey announced that the change hadlieen agreed on. These votes wereinstructed for Knott nnd had been

east for Jones under the impression

that the vote would not be close and

when it was fouud that tln'y wereuectied the majority demanded the

change whi<h was made. This

change elected Knott by 4-5 of one

vote and then one vote ( hanged in

Franklin county, pnttiug .lones 1-5 ol

n veto ahead, but before the result

could be footed up four votes ia

Ijouifivillc changed to Knott and hewas noniinatPd by 3 4-6 votes. iAt

tills juncture .Tones' name was with-drawn and Knott's nominatioii madeunanimous amidst the wildcat en-

thusiesm. This w*s at 1 '^efcuk p.

M.,' Thnraday and previuds to ad-

journment Gen. Backuor and Mr.Knott were eaOed out an& vade bHefHpcoohea. Col. Jones yaa tailed, butcould not he flxiiid^ • jlha fftlUWlng

isMr. Knott'iapeedis' ' - ' <

161'; West, 182. Before the nezi Wl-lot Youug aud Allen withdrew andthe vote stood as follows : Ilindman,453 5-6; West, 262 1-ti and the for-

mer will bo Kentucky's next Lien-

teuant Governor.

For Attorney General, Hon. P. W.Hardin, of Mercer; Col. R. A. Jones,

of Jetferson and Hr. C. R Brooks, of

Bath, were put in nftmtBttjftn. Bar-din receivAd the nomination on tiie

ftfttMlek 4taii.-ItqretHrHewitt, of

Hardin, and Gok^-JTi^ V. Tate, of

Franklin, we're Iwm&ated without

opposition for the ofllces of Auditorand Treasurer, reapectively. Prof. J.

D., Pickett, of Fayette, for Superin-

tendent of Public Instruction, andMr. J. G. Cecil, of Pike, for Register

of the JLand Office, were successful

after a warm contest

The latter was nominated by forming a combination with ,1. AlexGi-aut and ('apt. Ralph Slieldcui

Sheldon will be his first clei k and(riant his seouud. Corliett ivas defeated by the comblution by about

30 votes.

Captain Eindman.


• Owencounty—"Sweet Owen," as

«he was dubbed many yean ago byJohn C. BreckeniMge bn the ooeaeioq

mem-ber ofCongreee—wat ii-power 1m IhoLeuiavUle Conrentkm. Proetor

Xnottmajr.. well reitartte Breeken-.ridgi^i wMda and exehilm in accents

ofMffntitnde '^Hrnet OwmL'^HiikCityiTImefc

1 Mr. Geo. V. Tripiett hasltwied tho

Oweniboro Post to Mcssn^. FrankGordon and "W. E. Beeirs..»wo printers

connected witb the otHc«, and has re-

tired from llic tlilJ of journalism.

Tlie paper wiU resume its weeklyform and not be issued senii-weekly

in the t)itiuv. Mr. Tripiett is a

cracel'iil,. ui\)~y writci-, but as ho has

othei; biwiiu'ss matters to look after,

lie diuitUsd to dispose of his ])a|ier,

yye viink hi* sncuessors much success

is their JoMmalistic venture.

Tile trial ol'I'bil Thompson fortlie

killing of Wallci' Davis was conclud-

ed at llan-nil-lnu'^' on Ihi' 17th. inst.

and a vej-diel of acquittal icinlered

on the plea <if emoti(Ui»l insaiiltv.

An acipiittal was ex|>(.-cled from the

^Irst and was not thcrt'fore a surprise

to the public. Thtuupson was de-

lended by Senator \'ooihces. Con-gressman lilackburu and other dis-

^iahed lawyers and some of the

••peechcs were said to have .bfgen

.-imongthe betteTer',nide in kein-


The Owcneboro Post boasts of a(uarvelous discovery of "twin eggt^"

NOW ft his office. We are surprised

at our neighbor never having seen' or

lieard of twin ecgs until lie got those

the other day. Wo have in our town

a bleed of twin chickens that lay tw in

eggs all the time and from each egg

conies two chickens, in otlu r words

four well developed chickens from s

jiair of eggs. Our groceryiiicn sell

three pair of those eggs for a third

inoiv tlian the cinuuion hen's eggs.

The convention at Looisvillc last

week was charactcrired by wi»<loni

throughout, but one of the wisest

things it did Avas to nominate Capt.

Ilindman for Lieutenant GovernorXot that be is an abler or better qual-

ified man than Allen, Johnson andothers of his competitors, but his

nomination carries with it aa idea

above and beyond pereonnl praAtren-

ccs, and forever putt at rest a fblse

issue that Rcf.i^bUcana have vainl

tried to iqj^i into. State poUties

disrupt tb« Oemoeracy. Capb Hindman w»« a gallant Eederal ofieer andin hi^ nomination the .Federal elc'

merit of Democracy has at last obtrinei reopgnitlon. The "Jacob

movement" iaforcverlaid away aud a

united Democracy is ready to march

on to victory and sound the key note

for the great battle of 1834. Capt.

Ilindman is a Democrat, sound and

true, and his^patriotic letter rcfusini;

to join the "Jacob movcmctit'' is still

I'resb in the memories of the people

of Kentucky. With Knott and lliiul-

inanloliend the ticket, and the otl,-

ei- ollii CI S men who have merited an

endorsement, AVe have a ticket ot

which we may well be pioml nnd

which will strike ii riiu- to the hearts

of the enemy.

Wheiurth^'"dlaMct> wmtailed ifo,aeOo^l|ne and|P iwurth

was leached, the tall for^jrof Jla A.

.McKenzie arOee in one corner w the

rowded hail, and as soon as he was

recognized round after i-ouud

jf applause echoed _ . and /re-

echoed from pit to gallery. As soon

IS order prevailed the orator liegan

in his matchless aud iu'iiiituble mau-

ler and placed (iov. Knott's name be-

fore the convenlioii in the fidlowing

nasterly speecli. which was one of

the best ever delivered in a Ken-

Uleky eoiiventiou :

Mr. Chairman and Gkmleue.n of

ran OonyiuiTiox : 1 wish tu place in

iiOmiiiation fbr'tho office of Qovcrnorof Kentucky a man who wears tlie

ivic crown of statesmanship, and not

the heroic laurels of war. lininicuse

.md in-olmiged cheering.] EveryKenliickiau manifests aud alwayswill show the greatest enthusiasm at

be mention of the names ofany great

leaders who illuttrated our courageand valor cither uuder tlie Hag of ilie

Confederacy or of the Union, uii^ 1

lonor that sentiment. I place in

nomination the name of a man wlio

has no record as a soldier on the tent-

(I field, but wuose life has been oneof knightly devotimi to the Demo-cratic party, ami one who has bi-ought

to the service of that party uncom-mon endowments of mind and heart,

i'raiued in the school of .lell'erson andof Jackson, those miifhly expositors

.if the true laitb. revering the tradi-

tions aud the teachings tind the his-

tory of the Democratiu party, adhcring' to its fortunes amid the exulta

tion of victory and the gloom of de-

feat, he has given to its service the

splendid energy of his early manhoodand llic retiiieu'wisdom of his inaturer

and later life. Ideutitied with tlie

great Ixnly of his fellow citizens by

birth, by "fortune, by education andby sympathy, his inililic career has il-

lustrated the stronjxe-l lid. lily lo tin

eoustitutiou of his coiiutrv and an

honest and eloquent advocacy uf the

rights of the American iicople. [Ap-plause.]

For twelve years he has ri'piTscnt-

ed the people of Kentucky iu the low-

er brauch of the Federal "Legislatun-,

service which is the severest andmost merciless test of liumaii capac-

ity ; a survival of the sirongest i« tlic

unvarying' rule, and I h izard ni>thin;i

Ml saying that nil Itcpreseiualive llic

State' has ever had on her brilliant

list of groat names has ever made iu

that deliberative ixidy a i«eord inorc

honorable to himself or more credita-

ble to the )icople uf Kentucky than.1. I'locior Knott. [Applause


Southern Trunk Line

Through the






SCemphis,HtmvT Orl«fi&»,

and nil points in


Tbros^b tiohti m hot oa Siki

Uall on or adiln-as


' Ovr Knt Qovtnot,

The nominatioB of Hon. J. Proctor

'Knott.for Governor it one of the

wiiett'ttepB the Detaioeratio party of

Kentucky has ever taken. It was a

triumph of principles over tentinent,

and a victory for tlie best element

and soundestJudgment of the . party,

Col. Jones,"th* contending candidate

U a good and >true man, and would

have borne the Demoeratic Hag tu

the front with credit to himself aud

honor to his parly, but in experience,

in political sagacity and ability to

^rrapple sui-cessfully with (pief

lions of dec]) import. Mr. Knott is h

suiicrior. wliilc all the goo<l that can

oe said of Col. .loncs can also be said

of ,Mr. Knoti.

To have n.iniiiuiled (ien. Huckuerivould luivo liwn iK-euliarly unfortu-

nate anil a great error at this time.

With ex-coiifederatcs recently elected

Governors in Tennessee and Geor-

gia, it would liave been hurtful to the

Democracy iu the uorthern states,

had Kentucky done likewise. TheDemocrats of Kentucky are to lie

congratulated ui>oii the wis<lom of

their choice in the (flection of a

statesman who will ilaake the best

Qoveraor Kentockjr ihu had for


Boarders Wanted.


miNNEAPOLIS BINDERBefore yoa Rive your orders. It is the most durablf^simplw and

lightest Draft Binder in the market.MiuiieapoliH Works. M'e have tliRv ndvRiitage

r .iv. W. oifer them at the estremo^llp.'rlUt -n.lenl i.niM

..III I..

lam prejiared to take day Imanh iN '.

at my residence over C. 1). We'ob'sstore on Main street, and will l>c gladto re.ciM' tb.' patronogo. of thosewishing lioard.

Mbk H. X; SRACKEtroatk

. . . I M|-K,'l>t--<"

'Wiljj o||i.\^si!»{ 'uiy*

iuj aaaof) laiHin 'pnti* Pin mta2n:i f u«mii;) iu su p.ia piiuAiu nu;)

II^V.) I"""'^!'*' 'I'll""''

:jd a.n .1.1

Mr. J. F. Apcliey, the inveiitoi, is tb.

of his latest impraveme|ts, which aiv sup.

LOW PRICE OF $260,AVhicb brings them within the re;ii b of ev.M y I'lrnier. W.' warrant them to give entin- satisfaction or no'ialf.

We oiler a Hinder that h:i- a r.'imi.iti.oi ili;ii I1..11.' . Ill .l..i\bt. It comes right from headquarters. HTc also

have iingle llcapcrs aud Mowers, Champion UcajKis nnd .Mowers, and a fuU slock uf C'lumiUou Itellflrt. •

FORBES & GANT, HopkinsTille, Ky.

$250.II Hi "

$250.OUR MaTTO:

Mil. I'llESIDFJSt AXS GeNTIiBMBNor THK Cowaxmos:: My pi-es^ntphysical conditlAn.would paevent itifveu if I heiCtke-diapoailion to abuseyour patieeco,.or consume your timeat this staijc of yoiu- proceedings b\

any protwcted' remarks. I simplydesirete^express my profound regrettlukt I bwre notsnmoientoommanu ot

huigvage to testiQ- my Mgh appreci-aAiou of the distinguiahea honor youhave done me, or to return my heart-felt 'tlianks to those who nave beeninstrumental iu conferring it uponme. ThJ»ugh,ypur generous confi-dence I liave acliievod the highest as-piration of my life, and I beg to as-

sure yon that no cll'ort of my ownKhali lie wanting to Justify your pret-

erenoe, either v.pon the liiistings <>r in

the cabinet. 1 will eiiU'r upon thecanvass in advoi'acy of the - Brandpriuci|)les <if our party, toWBichIhave devoted more than twenty ofthe Ijcst yearti of my life, with ail' the/.cal that can be inspired by a deepcoiiscicutiouii convietion, and, withj our asristahce, I trust that onr vic-tory in llie coining August will l>c a

lilting harbinger of the grand Demo-cratic triumph which will sweep like

a cyeloue <iver our enlire comitrv at

the ncxi J'residential election, [t'ro-

longed a fiplause.]

The other nominations were madeby 2 o'clock 1'. M., the next day andthe gr.|at couycution atjjvumed.

Thi) contetl Ibr lienttttaafOoTCr-

nor :<raa the Bloat exciting. It proveda rpe|fc-fbr-Bll and the following nameswcitBi jriaeed .ilit,>JiM»ii!lnatiim t OaptJa^. B. Hlndmaut <tf Adair; Capt'

C?ru8 T. Allen, of Caldwell; Col'

Vuii It. Young, of Bath ; OoL-E. PolkJoiinson, of Jctlbrson; Col. i P. P.

Jobnson^Of'Fay'efte; Col. Clint Grif-

^th, of IMviess, and Judge C. Vf.

West, of Harrison county. Thepame of Col. (ii'illtli was withdrawn.

It was u surprise that (Jol. A. it.

Binith, of lleni-y was not prcseuled

before the eouvention for the posi-

tion. The lirsi ballot resulted as f(d-

lows: lliudiuan, IS7,'.., ; Allen, Ifil'.;;

Y<uiug, U7',; ; E. l»olk .Tolinsoii, 118;

AVeet, >.)2i,,; and 1', P. Johnson, 30.

I'. 1'. Johnson was withdrawn and

the t'.iirt ballot v.'as announced


Uin^an, 183; Allen, l!>6y, : 'S'oung.

143; 'West, ;.Johnson, 122-

Jolmson's name was withdrawn and

tlie noxt ballot resulted as follows:they iielng larger an. I richer.— ilart-

;ord Herald.|Hbidmian, 226 ;

Aileu, T,TO'<. : \ouuk,„...v.« JUO iraic—\.-misMnu


hu.'v « tu., lyjana IV' rultonfJtreet


OoftvtBtlflii NotM.

roi'ior Knott. [Applause and a

of "Go it, Duluth. '] Admittedto a seat in the Federal Congress dur-

ing the dark and stormy days of re

construction, before the passions of

ivar had cooled, at a time when anar-

chy and violence and luisriile held

swav; at a time when the great

Sonih was prostrated and voiceless,

he entered that great arena of debate

as the champion of good the advocate of the autonomy of

the States and the supivmacy ofthfConstitntion, and as tlie sworn foecfall schemes of faction, plunder andextravagance. [Applause.]

Whetlier appearing on the floor of

the House advocatiiig tnc right »if all

the di-lri. ls of Kenlm ky to repi csen-

tatiou in that body ; or opposing the

Sufl'rage bill, wlucli proposiid to

strike down the young manhood of

the South; or opposing the bill to

punish ex-Confederate otficers for

holding ortiee. Stale or FcHlcral or op-

jiii-in/ ili.i. e enormous land grants lo

railroad corjiorations, whereby the

public domain has bceu squanderedand grccdr corporations enriched ; or

as the leaiier of that minority In op-

position to the Kleetoral Commissionbill, a biy which made nus^ible the

crowning ontrage ofmodem times—the theft irfOio Presidency ; or wheth-er we contemplate him as advocatingwith rare eloquence the purity of the

bullot-liox or depicting the barbar-ism of an armed and hoetilc soldiery

at the tHiUs, we see that he broughtto bear ujiou all'thesc great questions

a comprehensive stateraauahlp, eU'

lightened Jndgment and a fervid

patriotism . that entitled .1. I'lo. lo'.

iCnott to rank amoni; the greitmsi

men that have adorneii the an>.ialt> ut

modem times. [Applause.] t »peakunbiased by the stroug iMnrsoiml

ft-iendohip that I feel—a friendshipthat has grown with yea rs and licen

strengthened by time avid long asso-ciation ; but I say im|)artially, aud 1

fs^jsoi aqi ]« s|>ouS |(.>s ci


Col. nil Yoti was the biggest manpresent

Young men predominated in the


The smallboys struck a bonanza byselling Icewater aiflye^a^ a drink.

It Utij^TBenTrEl^ni, ot Eik-

tdn, S^iit^e hanilii^est niatfia' the


Tom Pettit is the most useful manin Kentucky in a convention, lie

makes the best secretary iu the state-

Col. I'olk .lohiison. though not a

candidate was complimented with122 votes for Lientenunt ^ovAmor.

The lost ballot for Qovemotr ;atood

87S ^5for Knott ; and 8lig 84i t>t'

Jones. It was .the cloie«t. eoMtof t

ever witnessed in a convention. /Col. Jones made aa able, patrlLotio

speech.^No, man ezuitwl ove'r his'

defeat, and Ur. Knott's fricni'.s sym-pathized with Gol. Jones as 'nucii as

did his own followers.

Hon. Jas. A. McKenzio was the

ablest man in the eonverition and bis

speech was one of the l-.est ever de-

livered in a Kcutneky convention.

E.x-Governor David Meriweather,Ex-Gov. P. H. I>!tlie, Bx-GovemorJas. B. MoCreary and 'Oov. L. P.

Blackburn were all in attendance.

Oeft,B. Qorln, of 'Warren, fell in afUnttng Ut while the balloting wasgoihlfon fi»r 'titovemor. The heat

lind 'txeltemont" Were too much for


A inoiinlain delegate in the rear

of the ball yelled out "louder," whenllishop lindlcy began to pray in open-ing the convention.

"I''our years ago," began a delegatewho was cocked. and. primed for a

speech, when the convention wasHearing an end, but the body -aat

down on him and his eloquence wasbottled up till the next oQnvention.

lie never gat .any -Ai«thaE.<.thaB hit

opening aentenoe^ - -

The Itepublicans hold tlielr State

Coiiveiitiou at Lexington to-inorro«',

to select seven lambs to l>e led tb tl^e

slaughter by the gentlemen compofi-

JO M.KljS l-HU ;ill.l .1 ISM dl ;IMi,lo:i,| AW


Life and Fropertj


WalliMk * a^SMM,


Ofls* Me. 1, Ilfarir aiaski

Hepresenting over

$7,000,000OC WaURAMtlMMTaL

QaU and see us at G-LA8S' OQ{Vfif£I^Large an<l Complete Xciv Spring Stock of

Dry Goods, GlothiDg, Boots, Sboe£, H9.ts

a doobs.Oivt u« eaU and it will jpiy

JNO. T. WRIGHT & CO.Our Mends and patrons Imve known us long.

And they aU admU that Wright U not wrong.

believe 1 voice the jut'igment' of ihctimes, that when the great vprdiet ofposterity is made up, amoug the longlist of names that the grand old Com-moiiwealtli of Kentucky lion contrib-uted to the I'antlieon' of Americauhistory, no name will shine morebrightly than that of J. Proctor Knott.[Great Applause.) Cautioiis and con-servative as a lejfislator; t.road, com-prehensive and liberal as a thiuker;learned and eloquent as a lawyer;Witt}-, forcible «ud oonyinoing as ahustings orator: a lover' of learning,he has devoured books with the di-vine hunger uf genius; but liighcr,

better, gi'ander than ail this, amid thestorms ai.d conflicts, the triumphsand disapiiointmcpts uf a life nowKap.hiug lis tenth lustrum, amid thestress of great political ' discussions

»:nd the clash of party strife, his pri-

vate character is as stainless and iv-

proachless as hU public ci^rucr is

brilliant a9d„i^qatrioil|. .{jSifffH.^plause.] ' '


'With no disparagement to anvono,

Mr. Chairinau, entertaining the high-

est respect for all the distinguished

aspirants for the place of ( bief

cutivc of the greatest State, iu myhumble Judgment, upon which thesun of heaven ever slione, I, with all

i onfidence. place thenamo.of J. Proc-lor Knott before this great convoca-tion of Kenliieky Democracy as a

proper man to receive the siifl'rages

uf the people for the great ofBoe of

Governor.- of this Conimonwealtii.[Qreat applause.]

a' .id luxury, the devdqpmcnt of unt-

il iral science, and the iufluenoeofa

larger religious liberty. E.iward

Self presents some weighty considera-

tions on the ".Xbiise of Citizenship"

as exhibited in the ma.'biiialious of

the dynamitisis again-'l a friendly

power, iu disregard of the obligations

of American neutrality. I'rof. Isaac

L. Itice criticises some of ••Herbert

Spell. •cr's Facts and inferences" iu

soi-ial and political scieuc.', and Chris-

tine Nilssou contributes "A FewWords about Public Singhig". I' in-

ally, there is a symposium on ''The

Moral Influence oftho Drama", the

participants being, on the one side,

the Kev. Dr. J. M. Buckley, well

known as on opponent of the stage,

andontiiQ other, John .Gilbert, tlio

actor : A. M. Palmer, thireaticai man-ager ; aud William Winter, dramatic

critic. GO cents a number ; a year.

Pnblisbed at 30 Lafayette Phice NewYork.

The^ June number of the Novth

AmeAcan Mevdw opens with an ar-

ticle, by Joseph Nimmo, Jr., Chief of

the Treasury Bureau of Statistics, on

''Amcricaii Maimfacturiug Intcrets,"

in which is given a singuhii'ly full

and instrnctivo historial skotcli of lh.<

rise and pi-ogiess of manufacliircs in

the United States, together with a

very elh'ctive ^presentation of their

present c<mdition, and of the agein yoftarilf legislation ill promoting di-

versilied industries and ejicoui-aging

the inventive genius of the people.

Isvery member of the Democratic

state ticket wears a moustache and

no other beard. With one or twoexceptions they are a handtome set

of men.

The following iroiu l\ie Proof Slieel,

publisiied-^'in Hew YoHi( will showthe fkte of the -rerltediiMew .Testa-

ment; . ;,

They are neliingodillons of tbff,re-

vised New. Teolament now for what-

ever it ytB\ bring i« ouuces andpounds in fi'ew York,. ,It was a stu-

pendous lutp. No pne would read

it; no oiAa;m>uldJbuitifcrv.Booksoilors

have had vnormone loada of it that

they cannf it carry,- and, aa4t was not

Worth & irent iu tlie market, it wassold a* old paper to be turned, into

the vats In liie paper mills and so^edinto pol}i. A ftlredttioii was sold

when the Irook was first issued to

people who were anxious for curiosi-

ty sake to look nt it, but as soon as

their euriosily was gratified the sale

slopped short, and it has never

started again. Half a dozen

schemes Jiavi^ bi'en tried by tile bi^ok

iniblishcr.: lo get ri(i of their nselc s

slock. aiuV a tjicat many have M alted

patieiilly in tint hoiio thai some gen-

uine intcis st would be loanifested by


Hihle ri'aders in the new version ; but


they have all been griovously left.

A't.^r yoU have examined other

Sewing Machlucii ofll'red you by the

variou-i agents, look at the

Hooser; & Overshiner's


Wetiiinkit will require llttte-or

no argument to convince yon of its


ITISALWAYSINORDEEand ri ady lo sew fram ^ flmMtothe heaviest fabric.

Zt S«BI iMilf, I


Is Self- Threading,

presents a neat and tasteful appear-

ance, and i* therefore an addition to

the f\irnitnreijof the room. .

The attachments ore well adaptedto their res|M'etive work, requiring

no cxlra skill lo use them.

Vou cannot fail to be pleased with

your purohaso if you buy the

New American.

Christian Circuit Court.

Pelllioo Kxpsiti'P.DWIX r. KSLI.T lll'l

Uakia H. KuLLT, Ilia wife.

Nati» !• horaby vltcn tosll Hlioni Itas)cunt'orn tlisl s i>.*lltroii lis* lhl« .Uv licfn lllwl

III the CIvrfc'fl oHli'ii nt th*> I nrUilni. i iri-iiM

Uuiirl, K<lwln r. Ki-lly iiiel .Marlil II. K. lh , I.|.

wMr, pmjinjr lliiit tilt, itiit.l Msrlii M. .K.-itT

may tio em|MWiireil utvn jui.U-iiJ.i). t.. m-Ii

nStl conTffV, forh^rotrli bunedt, any iii-tipcrty

•hamtyaiirnorsiiqulrg.lmrniin ijis iililiiK

or ilebu oftlHi MM Kilwlii t. Kfll); Ihst shemsyslscbsmaiiawaruiltd msKiwiKMeli. t<

•u itiiil b* uiwl M k >lii|l« iriiiiuis sti.i t<i

trsil* III tier «wn iiHin^ itniriii illiiioM of tiur

pmiioriy bjr iltrtti or will.• tjlvcn niiitL-rniy hHD.I tlili Itth 'lay of Miiv,

A.U.IMAlK'iil. n. T. t!NDBB»Oi.p, l.lork.

LakoEs ft Cl-AKC, Au'yit-

.Should this aullioi-s advocacy of pro

tective legbtlation iirove distasteful,i The book is commercially gotld for

the reader gots the needed corrective|

pulp aud nothing more.

In an article by tbp Hon. Win. M. '—

Springer, on 'Ineidi^ital Taxation," ESTRAY NOTICE,whiuli is au argument Tor Free Trade.

|, Tnkon up m sn eitrty by j. ij, Diilnias.lli


. C. (iilinaii, Pivshlunt ot John I tt.on th«t(Knof| tUnh, om- holtur rwt sml{ bids.

Hniilrlnii I Tnlvomiti- nn'lli>a of f li» "'""'">'*" "'I'''*'"' •Wallow iuopams tniveraity, wiitcs or me, ,„,,t,„j|,„^,.,|,,, ,„ ,-„,.h „„, ^m,.!, ,

M're-^eiit Aspects ofCollogc Training,J

•^^j''>;;ij^ 'i;;"""

Ing the Demofi-nMc iil«la.»;-JSs,'- i s....'. ii* »?.'.., -suit feoi-irt yfciir aow paew i '"t'f.MjrlMilo""' " •"''':tC.AAj"jL


I will receive sealt'd bids until the

1st tlay of .Iiine, 18S.I, for

1 Year's Supplyof Coal to be dcliveiTd at the West-ern iCcntucky Luuutic Asylum.

GOOD LUMP COALfi-ec from dirt and slack is required,

and must be fnrnishctl in any ijunnti-

tles desired from 1st day of June,1883, to lat day of June, 1831. 1 re-

serve the right to reject any and all




HOfS^iSmiiSe EI.

EveiTthiiig in Firstolass Style.





Saddlery and . Har;ie§s,'





We arc still on deck with a full line of McCormick's l^leit intjiroved


. '. .: ...Has a Steel Cutter Bar, Btoel plat(»d tiuai>]|,_ and U with the tiq^es

in every respeet MTo represent (bur of '^he best^riitwilMirr and EnglMl In

the market, via : The'Russoll, Etigle, Relnhairtk Ballard, and Atfl&an 'Jfc

Taylor, with Straw Stackers unrivaled. Take yonv choloe. - <m<'«,

OUrer ChilliM] Plqnra >|i>|iVnlMyM«r Stool and Cut Plows, Uota. .1|M'and ovtirythiag t'lkd kepit<Mi.nHWass Implomont iM Seed hoiiier^^

Page 3: SOJJW The South Kentuckian. · SOJJWKENTUGKIAN. i ^.k.4uIham. w.a.wiMUii MEACHAM&WjLGUS..1yn.,tyt»pnBxoM. SUMOHtrtlON VUlli'.t* Uuocopy,mUin»ii(ti« plptfi•t



TIm foUnirlnff |M*r»nnt urn our ftiilhortxeil

KjrvflU. whu mkW rtHvlvu •uij'ti-ri)itluui fur the

IkMKil KtmvniuitiW . B Brainr, futritl**. KyBob A BariH'll. -Ir., Colli, Ky.


TttM. II. Ualii*^ CanilMD Hpriaia, Ky.

O. «. Bl««ll, NurV ll«llls. Ky.

w.itaTii. rmi Hill, Ky.

V W. Luarttraiin, Tnnton, Kr.

jLrM. AiltM AiJo.. chunsk Uill, Ky.

WA, H*Wi«M»liv. Ky.I*«<lcr, Ky.

iftSriMn. Urayoll,'. Ky.

ff t. •«MlliiM«,C>l«loait.Xv.W. M HaHm, KlrtMBKin*. Ky.

Bm, Jm. «IUa««arili. Cliiia,Ky.

Wm. WkHo, Mtwatrdil, Kr.

W. A. While. X I »nl». Ky.

W. J. I'nqM, Onton, Ky.

WI«Bg—.. .


! ; If r. W. V. Croft of Craften, wta in

the city rrldijr.

Mr^rBBk Dkbnoy bii gone to Daw-

: iMtkfvmiwr«u.

. . Vr. 8. W. OUBB, of Cadit, wu In

lU lut nrfciar.

lOUiiindMli U vMting tk» flunUy

' MaJ. Jno. BUiikenililp, Mont

:lOBMry, WM 1b the citjr 8«tord»r*


y MImMU BiMwy UtpondlBf thii

week with ber auul, Mr*. Ttnd.r.

MiHii Mattle Jolinion, it viiidiiK

t)ip fkmlly ofW. B.PM»y«*>ofNmIi-


*~~' :Mili Aut* Johnton, of Poac-lioi-H

UTliUtiagBt Mr. Geo. V.

kr. E«l F. Ileiidlv I* iiuw c-iii|ili>yi'(l

M ikipplBg clerk for Ceo. V. Tbouip>

to lli>n<]<<r<on Ky.

Mr. I><>r Uuyun, of 1 ronton, |itt,<c(l

thruuKii lb* olijr latt Friday on hUwtytolMWMB.

Mi^J. O. r«n«ilNtanMd WtdayAmTtte iavUimrB BaytiitoouToBtion

al ifaoo, Tuai.

Mr. Jti. B. Cayce, of till* ooiiiity,

Jiaa aeoeptcd a poailioB 1b Mr. J. M.

>|LiHii»i a«i dangh-

I(la>Ba4 DiKia «<rPcro-

bruke were in the clly WeOneaday.

Krr. Killirr Ilayea left lint Suiiilsy

for Michtcan City, Iiid., tu vinil n la-

Uret. Ue will Iw abacnl two wi'cki.

,Mn. QeorgsJIall, of Bt, Louin, U

iHHIiBf tho fliDttIr 9r Mr. AndrewHall, and will rcouuB a^Twral wceka.

Mr^nr*. I/>o <faii>i*«,of Ikli city, anil

John Chawailf^ Cadis, are takinK


Mr. W. H. Howe, ofNaabvUle, wa«

the dtjr latt weak. Bt bat bo(>n

in bad hcBlth tot tome time but hat

„al|t9at Ailly rteovwvd.

i^'Mr. JM. MUlikcn, 'thr |H>|>ul:ir

SiraHar panaenfrr at|i-ut of liii' I., k> Ballruad, wan in town a dav ur

.Iw latl week la tb< Inlerett of hia

MlataaJfarr «una, MoHIa Orintaf'

aail Uarj Burnett, of Cadit, arvvlt-

Itlng til* ftmilr af'MK OtorgeV.


Mr. Im Bamborfter, rrtumed latt

Thttnday ftam Dawtou whvrr lie

baa been fortevaial we«k'H fur hlx

bealtb, and hat mucb benifliad. Helay* th« hotali are gradually dlllBf

and a gay teaton la anticipated.

Mittei Belle and Jnlta Robertton of

Burliugtim. Iowa, H'lio have been the

Ifueatt of Mr». (i. A. (^hamplin for

everal week'*, rctiirneil home latt

Thuraday. They made many nriendl

duriiiK their utay, who Wut gtadl^

welcome their return.


W. p. Patton, Life Inanrance.

8|rawberrlea are plentlftil.

Read ettray notice In anbtlier cul


The brick work on Mr, George ().

TliompHoii'a bnildlngi la foliig rapid-

ly ahead.

The public Rcboolt aia out and M\children have boon turned looted up-

on the atrcolt.

Tlie new iiia)(ihtniti'N ami loiisiii-

bleit elected laKt AiikiihI go iuto ullicc

June Itt

QuUa a aitpber.orina oil palnt-

Itigt were iofd latt week by M. Uagio,

at pxtremcly low pHcea.

McNHrH. Wullai-r, LoRK k Oaniett,

inauraiice ajfcnli', iiisrrt a very con-

tplcuou* advertiacineiit iu thia ittue.

Tboaa aritiilng bee hlraa abould call

on I««g 4k Wade o|ipo|tt8 MeOamy,Bonto difn carriage ibop.

The ttorin on the niKht of the 19lb

mat, cauaiHl a very Huddou change in

the atiiioHphere, rendering overooata

uut at all burdcuaoiiie.

About twenty delcgatot ftroni Cbrti-

tlan attended the State oonrontlon

latt week, and wet« pretent at the

lore featt when Knott waa nominated.

Te terilic returned from Lonii-

ville Saturday nit;ht and will leave

to-day to attend the W. K. P. A.,

meeting at lleiidereon.

All farmera will do well to call at

Trice'a Storttfn Btrania near de|>ot and

examlBB Mi tobacco FertUUcr before

planting their cropa.

There in no bi lti r TolKiiMd '•'ertili-

zeriiiuile than ihe one olfcieil fur fiilr

by Trice. Made near lionie, iii> liiifli

fi-elKhUi to |iay. lie can and will

Rell cbflipar than anybody elao.

Great complaint It made of the

raida of the tobacco bug. in Trigir

county, In conaequanceofiarUch there

will bo a light crop.

I'i»li frU'B and fi«lilnp jiarlicx have

I'll (|uile a wmnc of rei realign a-

well at ( iijiiynii'nl.lii tliiii."' wlu" like In

indulge, lor thu laat throe or four


Zoedone the Aaatt noo tleobolic .

ttimiilaiit in'ihe market can be pro.f*etntt«I to to Bet t«ciaie of prcju

uivd at & Uarncr'a. It i« a

ii)iarl.lint( phoNphaled Iron beverage

and it tomcthiug entirely new.

The ttrawberry and lee cn-ain inp-

per given by the ladlcn of the Mctlio-

diit churvh lattJCrlda^ Bight waa a

lucccia and tha iMtlpli 'lawnnted to

about tlUO.


OoleNlXui OoBTaiion.

In K »|>(Hi-ic !() a call published iu

ilii' South Kcntnekian, Ohio Kails

Kxi<ii>n anil (itlier papers, a niasa

iiieeliu).' of colnml UepublieauH of

Chriatian county met nt the court

liou«e at 2 :4,"), r. m. May U, 188:1.

iNaiali II. •liiiU'H called the nn^etin;;

III (inler anil slated iii(le/i»ili'hj

II lijeel iif till' mi'etiii),'. .Mr. ,Ia».

Allenswiiitli was eleelcil cliairinaii.

ami W. ,]. Harvey, seerelary. Kcv.

K. lUclicy made a tVw rcniarkii, xtat-

in(( that KtepH hIkuiUI lie takeu to raixe

fund* with which to toud at loatt

lino delegate appointed by the reoout

Ropublicau county convention, to the

Stat« convention, to be held at lycx-

iligtOD. He alao told there was AU-tatiafaelion among colored votera as

to the diipotltlou of county olDcoii. .

The following were appointed at a

committee on M^latfoaa: II.

Junct, John Mooni, K. wMoIKT^Knight and W. 3, Harve}-.

During tho abtouce uf tlie commit-

tee, Mr. V. t. Fox acted at lecrntary

and the matt moeting,wa* addreatcd

by £. Bicbey, who tpoke of tlie (ela-

tion and duty of the Bepublioan party

to the colored p«iople. The fOUowlug

neolutioat were laad ai)d adopted


The colored Ropublldtua of Cbrit-

tlan county in matt meeting aascm-


Itt. Wc'lndortcthenomliiatiiiDHof

Uou. Jaa. Drcathitt and Mr. I'latt as

candidaten for the Lower llciiise and

State .leiiat,', rcspeetivelv , We re-

co({iiUe anil ((ratefnily ai knowieilj;,.

Ilie wrviees iiftlieHr^l iiaiin il ;.'i'M-

tlenian in liciii|; llie mean-, iijilii'i'i lly.

of iirnviilinj; a inm li neeilid eliaii^'e

in llic Keliuiil law-i of (iiir Stale, ami

we ailmii-e ami aiipreeiatc tin li.iM-

nem wliieli lie diiiplayedin d, l"en,lin^^.

ilnrin); llie aeaaion of thu lant (Jeiieial

Anenibly, the principlea of the He-

pnl.liean party. We inilori*e and

nUall lupport the caiididatct of the

Republican eouuty convention rc-

n-Dtly held in thia place.

2nd. nC it retulved tliol we de-

nounce the traUofona action of cer-

tain Repnbllcant in the aleetlotit of

lut Augnit, who either roted agalnat,

or refuaod te roto for caudidatcf on

the Bepublic^ tiaket, ^ving boon



:Knpire, a HtMa tfVn elt||^dilafm«

' 1« Blloe «« tk of thli city wha entlr«»>

ly iwapt away on the night of tlie.

14tht Hoaaea jiMre blo«n down, and

itorea, and their eoBtentt tcattaMd in

•very direction. E*ery heuie in tlie

town wat blown down except one.

The atorm came from tho weal, and

treca, fencoo, and dwelling honsea,

alike yielded to lu mi(jlity power'

The coal coinpany'a Ktore, and stock

valued at %'i,m. Mr. (ico. Arni-

ttrong's store, and ,Ia». .Mc(,'ord'a

itore, were all emptied of their eon-

tentl, wliicli were strewn for miles

•round. One Mr. Cobb was killed,

and teveral parliea sustained serious

injurict. It it only oiico in a while

tho county ia viiltod by tuoh a dot-

truotife cyclone. Fundi were raited

for tho relief of tho lulferert, which

eUTed to partially alleviate their

liietltttta oondition.

>. »tfm\i

IttTUiloate XuhviUt.

WANTE1>—A situation for a thor-

oughly reliable, mlu r. mural and iii-

duatrioua printer. The l«'»t of refer-

rnces ^iven. Adilreaa South Ken-

tuckian, llopkintville, |(y.

Tlcketa are out aaBOunciug the

uiarrla),'« of Mr. H. H. Bryant, of

Trigg county, to Mite Mary Qutbrie,

of Uloomadd, Ky., which will Ukcplace to-day at thf Pretbytcrlau

hurcli in liloomfleUl, Kv.

The llopkinavUle base ball club

and the Aaylum club played their

econd game at the Aaylum Wednea-

dar afternoon, the tcore rvtulting aa

fol'laWi IlepkluTiUa ^«b 1% Aay-

lum cftftrji - '

A new feme arnnnd and R (ntf^coat of paint ou our temple of jutticc

would add very materiallv to ita ap-

|iearancp, aa well aa cause it tu com-

port better with aonie of the

new buUdingt which are now in

cou rae of conitructioa.

^ira yoa n«d thli J«tt^ Ml^ np'your mind to''get one inbterib^r fbr

Ihe KxNTi'CKiAN, and if all of our

tubtcribert will do u> the tame favor

we will toon have a litt aecond only

to the Weekly Courier Jouriinl.

J. P. Nolan, at hit new Boot and

Shoe ttore on Main etreet ia roeeiving

tbia week a large aaaortHMBt of

tninkt, Talltet, ealekele, Jk. Alto

new tlnel ofLadlea,ud Mtttei Shoet

andSllppare, ail of wUeh will be

told at

dloe agalntt tho colored man.

Srd. B<» It further retolved that as

votera eAnprialBg the greater part of

the Ropu^lcan party of Chrittlan

county, we dewaBd aaluure of the

s|)oila of olBoea and that hereafter we•upiKirt no eaadidatee for the variout

county efllcet unlett candidates

promlM an' adequate reeoguitiun oi'

qualified olored Republican^, in ap-

puinlin;,' llieir deputies.

.1. W. Knixlil. I. II. .lones,

Uoaely and W. ^. Harvey »iMike in

favor of the rc»<ihilions, all vuieinj;

the sentiment that the time had come

for tlic white Itepiiblicans to f[ive

"half of the loaf " to the colored man.

Mr. Karlo and A. C. Banks favoivd

the acutiincut of the last resolution,

but oppoied it because of the man-ner of the asking', liiiilinjf lliat it waa

not exactly the way to demand a

iliare of the s|Miils of offli-c. After re-

mark* by Phil Bell and othcrt tho

mcctiug adjourucd.

Ja8. Au-aaaiuin^ Rh'nin.

If. J-/ftttW.W-'haadeitroyeu your aenacand hearing, Uall't Ca-Win em» yon. 75ceDt4

per-boWA MtiiiiittredMt

Half ratet will bo charge^fbr the

beiitflt of those wiahlng to attend the

grand military diaplty at tho Rook

City. Tickoia will boon tale from

the 20th to the 2<llh and good until

tha 29th. Those who make money

an object would do well to lake ad-,

vantage of the extremely low rate,

and wituett one of the grandeit mili-

tary diaplayi over teen in the South.

AdvartliMUHm.WUah.iIno* otlUil tor to Iklrtf eara,wlll

k« tut u WathlagMa, I>. 0; t

*ll.M,H«iiry, Claranon Maker, MIm Funlt K.«»lirill«eA;ilc« V. i;i.n»,K. MCl*rl.lllw Kniina II. IVsii. Hlu Mnir(l>'

ttUa Aditlo II ilrrrirr, Andraw J.

MIM NsolMalluhbartl,ltlHa. B.I MlaiUul* [.<i«k,jM

We paid a thort vitit to Canton,

Ky, hut Wedaeiday, and (bniidou^

old flrlead I*'. Fuqaa Mill la bari*

nett at the tamojilace, only doing

bittlAett en a larger tcale. He ac

oeptcd tho agency for the Sodtu Ken-

TDOKlAM, and partiet wiihlng to aub-

fcrlbo can cdlVn him, aitd J>V,'*[lll

take thBir inbecripUoaa aid'twethem tiokcti.

Kvery one who has seen the tin

roof on Ilnekner k Wooldridge'e new

warelioifse aaya it i.s the liest in the

city. Thefketiathe people are be-

)(1ning to realize that Taylor kKea are the beat tinnert in thia lec-

tionaadaOonoeTor thinks of flrat

]>utting on a roof without oalling up-

on them and getting their flguret.

Work is steadily progretting on the

Cadiz turnpike, and at the pretent

rate -it will not be long before tho

four miloa will bo eoihpletod, at Mr,

Wni. Withers ia making tho pike at

this end of the road and Mr. Wm. I).

Summers It grading and macadainii-

lag toward th« tanvinae.

A horte rttaehed t»«n--«xpreea-b»' n:outonfcKee*,r'roori

beoame frightomd TU^eday,' and ra?

at break-neok tpeed down NaihTille

street on acrott tht riVor, and waa

checked eomo dlithmer M^; pll.ltie

Princeton rdtdi Xo tdribui'^ damage


Tliose visiting Dawson should stop

at tho St. .Tamcs Hotel, it is more

pleasantly located, nice and belter

furnlahcd rooms and the table ia prt -

Tided with every thing the southern

market alTords. The ready and polite

attention which the laudlord, Mr.

Aimee beatowa upon each guest

them Awl more at home than

specimens were at largo as a guinea

egg. They were of the Sharpless


".Siiuire Harm s and Col. Obsliire

look a trip on llic pas^ol||;er train to

(tuthriu Sunday and relnrned on a

coal train wliieh would not stop here.

Col. Obsliire beiiii; an old railroader,

ali;;lite(i with the ;;raec of a Chester-

llclil, but ',Si|uire liarnes failed to lind

the ground when be expected, and

ho perf'irined a whole j;ymiiaslie

pro^ramtne in the air before be

bruised his shins and ture his pants

ill the ditch at the foot ot the jrrade.

It. K. Adams from Nashville,

Tenn., was at the Stallqfl. .Tociday

on a brief business trip.

L. H. McKce and bride visited the

family la' Mr. Clias. McKi-v, Sundaythe 13th inst.

^During a thunder storm last week,

(Teo. W. WiufVee wat tlightly struck

by irghtniiig and coutidcrabiy

shocked. Ho waa lu hit barn at the


Mr. Q^i^mln Downey, a promi-

nent eltliEfed'ana (krmer of tho Fair-

view neigtiboAood, viaited fHenda

near tho Station laat week.

The oKoettive dry and cool weath-

er the past two wecks will seriously

iiOure tht nMlon crop here. Noleedt have oonovp aa yetand troable

la anticipated.

Tlie members of the Catlcy Grangewill have about 8000 pounds of wool

fur sale on their sale day in .Tunc.

Forest Iladford and Walter Wil-

liams en^'ajjcd in a riot last week,

ivitli considerable curaing and abu-

iive talk on the part of the former.

Scinire (oven promptly (jned Forrest

leii (Inilar., and Wllliaiut cost for

Ihi'ir matinee.

Some one without the fear of d'od

in hi-; beait. lias presented two of a

iiei;.'lili,,i ',,, hiklrcn with a tin horn a

liei e. ami a~ the wild frantic notes

ifiliese till boms disturb thcquiet of

our village, it almost makes one wish

'hie to tome deeert spot and dlu."


to mourn his loss,

Mr. Chas. Dunning, a young maniu the employ of Mr. John Glover, in

the bark business, while at worknearthe brink of a bliiO; thinking that a

I'jiling tree would hit him, rushedunder tlie tree and narrowly teeeaped

being killed. Just aa he .^eat to

croM a log a limb of tho falling tree

struck him and knocked him downuerota the log \rhoro ha ^ai| held un-til hia companions reecued^liim.

Hot'OH ANU Rraiiv.



.Mile. Uerthe, who lives In Paris

has two lovers: Andre, who is neither

handsome nor young, hut who it rictt,

and Paul, who is charming, buthainot a iieiiny. '•Which oi^ do youlike Iwst?" she wasaakod. "Ah?"'rc.pliexl Berthe, "1 love E*ul, but 1 pre-

fer Monsieur Andre.


Fine Carriages.

Mct.'amy, Ilonte & Co., oO'er one ofthe completest aaaortments of theirown make of fine Carriages, Unggics,Barouchei, Dog Qartt, *q., that havebeen oflTered fbr aoveral years, at ex-ccedingtv

LOW PRICES!Oyer ten years' exjicrivnce iu themanufacture of flue Carriagoa, andthe use of them by our cuttomershave established for ut the reputationof makiug tho .very

Bdst Workput up by any Company. Ask anyone who has used one of our linn vc-hiclaa, what ihey are. THicy willspeak for thcmselTca if you give thema showing'. If you want a

GOOD VEHICLEwarranted I'irsi-i la-s in every n'>-

lieet, call on us and we will be pleas<'d

goods and prices, as low as~ quality of

to showanyone can offer the s'aiiie


>up, M^ylTSales bv Nels,,ii .t ,1^

18S:l, +1 hbds. as follows

m hhds. leaf. $8 Mi to 5 50.

8 hhds. Iii)(s. f-) 8i) (o i !«0.

Wo had notiiiiii; tine in our break.Wo quote the market higher, with astrong demand for all grMlca.

Sales by Ilnekner * Wooldridge,Mav l.'illi, lUtb and I'tli, of I5t3hhds.,

1 1..Hows


38 hhds. medium to good leaf,t7 10tovoa48 hhdt. couiBon to' low mixed leaf

«5 80to676.28 hhdt. good luga, fl 50 to 5 75.

41 hhds. common and trashy luga,

7.'i to '.) i'l.

Market strong aud higher thia weekall around. Some klndt Yi to }i bet-

ter. Our new watchoute on Mainstreet , is now completed andCoinmenced receiving tobacco there

ou Tuetday last. Cuutiderable com-plaint of damyito itliidaftwa feetiy, aud much tobaCco land alrehdyplanted in coru.

Pales by AlK'rnatby .t Co., May 16

18S;t, of 100 hhds., as follows


74 hlul8..Mediuui leaf from 1 8(>,3 to (125.

1« " I.0W '• " " COO " 525.

10 " Lugs " " fiOO " 380.

Prices better on aligradoa aocadou-

cd by bug rumors.

Many ofour most reliable patrona

atturc ua that not mure than one half

etop can be planted in Iheirnelghber-

hoodt, even if the bug deprcclationt

aliould end now. Tobacco landa are

belng-piai^ la corn by aome ofour

biiiip^lwtan.H>rr 'u^Uy .i

pt^\ kinds neatlv. proniitllr aud aat-

iefagtonly done.**


myjBbjitel'A Go.*

ItAOZDOm.Behool Oommsnosmenti.

The clflting cxerclaea of the tchoola

of thia city will be held at the Oporallouae during the next two weeks.

The Manager, Mr. Rodgeri, author-

ized ,h« to lay that be will be prepar-ed to Hmiali open glaiaee to thbio

leilrlag thent. Children accompaning parenti «iU »o( ^ adjaitted nn

ln« th(grhaT«ii|iir}(fi|aB»ii. ,^vaitar Witt beMrBiahad tea to tboae I In

ih« andhnee. 'Beeerved leait ibr4/lw* Wture occurred ULOWr.iiiMHdi.-

Bethel Female college exercleet^ Mayaoth and SItt will lie put on eale, Aa-urday morning, May Mth,at8o'cl4ok

at.the drug ttore of Gith ' Gau^,Mcet-<reterved aeati 16 G(i.,«|liery

lOote. • -1 -v^-

A horrible storm awejit over North

Chrlttian ou Monday, tho I4tfi inst.

praattpli^ trees, laying watte to

fenccL demolishing houses, turning

tti Mdelpftof doort, apd many of

>hi» >BMMi>-toBBgled. « Ha ^udappeared in tl^e weat at 8 o'clock p.

m. It«oem4d.todlTid^inii^0Bepart

went^l9Ufh and. tha other notth-Af

thia place, and tiothlBrfir'«<r«ry- ec'


Misses Alice Casky and MaryHowies, spent Thursday of last week

in town.

Col. Mariuu Uarnctt from Texas,

called suddenly here by the severe

illness of his fatlicr, li^ft for homelast Tuesday.

Miss Belle Henry left Jbj^ a visit

Tuesday to her sister 5u% JT. U.

Smith, of Hadeu^ville.

Miss Maud Warflald viilUd amongfriends lu the southern part of the

countv lilt woek.

Kelly Bros, began dellverbig lum-

ber at tho depot last week for ahip-

ment They will have about forty

car loadt.

IIIH VIo Obihln; a aailuvUle

yonng |id]r,la ,Tiait(ng her brother

hero tb}aweek-,. .

Col. Chai. iUt^left Thui^y to

attend the C. . P. Cleueral , Auemblyat Naahvllle, Tenn.

Mr. and Mre. H. Whitlow mfde

We will mHI this paint with the fol-

lowing' guarantee.'

CitSIl & (lAllNEn.

Wo guarantee that this Paint, whenproperiy need, will not brack, flake orchalk off. and will cover more sur-face. Wear lonper and permanentlylook better than other paints, includ-ing Pure White Lead ami Oil.

Wo hercbv agree to forfeit thevahio of the t'aint and the cost of ap-plyin-r it, if in any instance, it is notlound as above reprcaented.

SllEllWIN, WILLIAMS & CO.Gisii & Garnkb, Agls.

• » *

Mrs.M. £. Bodgerswill have somethingentirely new at herMillinsry store thisweek. Don't fail tocall and see it.



longlnrtoKe»Bedy*Bilge>e,wWl»^l,ritfVltltto fHendt in -FembrBlte

laat Friday,

Mlts Sallio Wallace who has been

visiting at Oawson Springs and Pad-

ucah returned to this place Wctlncs

doy latt.

Esquire Thos. II. Green left I'riday

morning on a business trip to Nash-

ville, iTturniiig l'"riday night.

Mrs. Jno. Bo.xley accompanied by

Mrs. Otlio Graves, of llopkinsvillc,

' aud Miss Allison, ofMadiaon, Ind.,

left Friday morninc for AVhitc's Sta-

tion on a visit to Mrs. Helen Stuart.

Some beautiful strawberries were

on exhibition at tlic post ofllee on the

12th inst. Thoy wei-c ki-owii in Mr.

ate neighbffliood, b«t a||r€a«la|arry

ohurcli,.eevMttllea>»at<^thli/ place,

theJtwowe ooMaBtnted faito

an((^the'.^Work -of deetructlon began

in Mhiea£ daiQoberry' cfiurch,

largo fraqtti hilUdlttg, waa torn into,

atoms. The residence of Elder JohnDavia wa^r. taken avay. The foof

and half of the wall of hfs kitchen

were also blown fram over his fami-

ly, who eeca|>cd unhurt. Mr. Tilsoii

»\Vhite saw the storm Rpproacliiiijr

and took his family to Mr. Ben Bow-ling's. The two families sought ref-

uge in Mr. Bowling's kitchen. Both

Mr. White's and Mr. Bowling's

dwellings and Mr. Bowling's kitchen,

a strong log house, were blown down.

First the chimney of the kitchen gave

way and tlie wind rushing in at the

chii^^' place, blew all the Inmates,

except Mra. White and 'her little

child put of ihs houae befbre it gave

way. Utt White and her child hap-

pilaod to be near kla>lie burette when

the buildlDg gav« .way, ^hlclt i^r-

tiailjr protected theth thnu the falling

riiljUih- f^^ilni. Vhtlte, Kowectr, had

ona arm badly bruleed and received

aaerlouawoundon the head. Mr.

Bowling alto received- a aerious

woood abotit (|ie hoad< Mr< ^fhilo't

leg waa broken Juat abovaihe ankle.

iBipire i| reported a<total wreck.' I

aoppoae yon will get the diitails moi%

correctly than I am able to gl\-e . at

thtt writing- Tho work-of tome of

our fitrmem will bo greatly dotorrcd

by the deitrubUbn of ftsnoca aud tlie

timber fkllihg on tho lauds.

A mure belon<;in^ to Mr. T. C.

Hart, of Ibis vicinity, was grazing at

the brink of a tall bUiff a few days

a;;o, when tho iiinsa under her feet

liegan to slip and in her effort to

keep fVoni falling, she pitched offthe

blutfand was killed.

Mr. II, C. Ilensley died very sud-

doiUy , of piieiuiiouia, on the morn-

ing of the 2jlh ull. He leaves a wile

HAT8&QAP8IAt greatly reducedprices. A large stockand choice goods.

Call on Jas. Pye & CoOpera House,Hopkinsyille, Ky.





Ifyou waiatke l^estand latest style TeaSet, Chamber Set orTin Set, call on

Taylor & Rea.

I have Just returned fh»m the niar-

kot where I aclected Bvery ex-

tensive stock of tho very lateit atyles

ofairUttds of Furniture. And amreceiving and opening up some.

"Quick lahM and email profltt," is


' A. "W. Pyle.

Best 6 cent ditBr in town at


Jutt recelved'B chtdoe lot of Blackand Green Teat.

MoK&K ft WOOL.

sbiall"butSatisfactory.Both to myself and

the purchaser^ are the

margins L ash on those


Small ProjUtand quick sales,is our old

saying, but a true oneand it iu^Ws fyaotly.

I DEPENDupon it for


Bird Cages, DustPans, Lamps, FeatherDusters, at Rock Bot-tom prices at

Jioa jinderson ^Cheei>ney ivhen you wanta drink of ^ood whiskey.Fresh beer always ontap.

Old Neltoo and.Iiucoln CountyWhItklea McKBE ft P'POOL.

A nice line of Qlaatware andQiieeiisware can alwava be fbund at


BOARDERS.Any one wishing to get BOAHI)

in a private family can be accommo-dated at MR. X. PAYNE'S, on MapleSireet.

May Ut 1-in.

G-ish& Gamert Agtsia

Patent Stoppedbottles which preventthe air from destroy-ing its

properties. This water is recommendedby all who have evier

tried it

If von want a choice ham l'o to


FOR SALE.I liavo a K'lod Mileti Cow aud Calf

for sale. Tlio^e wisbine; to purchasewill please call on or address me utPembroke, Ky., near Elmo.

J. P. THOMAS.laa)' Ut, 4 -w

Radford''s Ice CreamSaloon is tlie . nobbiest

thmiin the city.

A scholarship in the SonihtXi^'.Boai-neaa College, at Loniaviliet- ^fi^ilaffer a bargaia. Apply ali |Mi^<nBc«

DON'T forget thatTaylor& Rea are sell

ing sto^eiS '^ ttihhab,glassware and queen-ware, cheaper thanany 'trtaidFitntfee intOWJCL. _

100BOXESof the

BEST BOOFfflGtin just received atTaylor & Rae's andthey are ready to doBElTTSR Olid Oheaper Work than anyone.They are clever andReliable Qentlenm,andwill


NOTICE.Havingiiold my eutiro interest |[h

theUarueM and Saddlerr Bnilneea

to Mr. J, A. B.^ohniohM oheerfbUy

recommend |iiim to all my patrons

aud all who need, anything in that

line; Ho iiauthorlwd to collect all

claima and will pay all juatdebta of

the old Ann. Thanking all fbr their

liberal ;iiiktr6niige and bd^iig that

they will Ibeatow the same ou mygucoetMr, \', remain

Bespectftilly yours

Fba.!>k Reyiies.


C. W. Metca^fe,A %q.,W CiiiBissiiffi irekis—-AMD DIALIBS IX

ASsndjUro&iaitMzii^ici^ sudbms j«:j^uzibb


OLD HICKORY WAGONS,"Decring Cord Blnder«,We.llnthoua«Threalnni, Monarch EnPlatt, Full Uu o( ria* Steal.aadCblllta Plows, 8alk]rPl'>wa.Bidla( aad Valklu VolUTalan, ruaa* aCiTarr daaacto.

i,i>Dma'HatNws,(XiraahellaraBiidTobaB^Uiwt; ' ' r


Examine Our Improved MaohineryDctorebuyiof siul)aawlUlaiittt07oariatar(al, '




The best, simplest, most durable and lightdistDraft Machine on the market.

m\ uACHiNE rmr imm !9 do mm(M and iee'ouFurnished iu three aizei, aixi wm and'^i^t fNf out

machinea at ' * '

„ 6anf8 Warel)6u8d, HopkihsvillB, Ky.

Our Warehouse, Pembroke, Ky,a,.rui..i LLOlfD & BlUHljiUQHi


:' ^k^m A«Mm( BmlfH BtM."


III UopkinSville, on Main Street. N. Y. Store, Ileuderson's old Staad.

HOWARD BROTHERSAre nowpfiei^ng one ofthe Handaomeatand beat Sele^ Sti^lsivfpmnT

V <a<a«eriea that we have ever 'teilii.~ '

Prioes Very Reasonable ",


H.O. Abibhatht; H. AaaaamTi-

When you go to

stiE3^f%%' the

St. Jmii^s Hotel,everything is new,The house is neWt thefurniture is new, the Mrs. M. E. Rodgersfloors carpeted and always keeps up withthe walls papered.:the latest styles andThe landlord, Mr. | shapes in trimming,James spares neither flowers and bonnetstrouble dr expense to ' 8\,nd invites the publicaccommo'date and to call and examine

Tobao(K) Ooip^ Ibrpbants.



raeom-Seventy-eight.yeafa ol (necejM and fair dealing, with ample AiMti.

' ' ^«bd thia' Company to the pnblio aa First•OlaH.



Page 4: SOJJW The South Kentuckian. · SOJJWKENTUGKIAN. i ^.k.4uIham. w.a.wiMUii MEACHAM&WjLGUS..1yn.,tyt»pnBxoM. SUMOHtrtlON VUlli'.t* Uuocopy,mUin»ii(ti« plptfi•t

CBAB. M. MEACHAMr- •'-• - - Eiiilo



' W( will lurnlKh the followlaf ptpln anilitMriodlcalt with tho SooTB Kiirrcaxux attmtaflljotnoil cheap rate»;

DMly Courler-Joiirnal iio.soW»«lil)lMirior Journal JITS



. 3.10

. S.IO


Elj' unUrllle Commercial

LoaiaTt<l* Semi-Weekly PustTUMtrtHome loiirnalPttmim't MaiaiineOedeT't Lady'a HookMtoo;* Muailue , ,

V. & Meathrr 7....Sew York Weekly Sun ».«0Hdiiif an. I V:\rm L75Lliiciiinali Now^i 1110

William H. Vanderbilt has retired

ft-om active railroad life. He is in

very good flnanei^ condition, withfair ,*^»^4^.|^lhoute-rent pa1d1Ii*<iHlvikmie.—Ancavsaw Traveler.

The moon is {renoially considered a

voily feeljlo luminary when it comesto biightnes.i, but it has bean knownoccasionally, to eclipse the sun.—Bowling Green Gazette.

UUatMMift4«»tnM. Thewrarage

of«frdj^4-4 IgiBk t». life,

but let him dig for flihing wornuandhell tear np an acre of gronnd*!K an

hour.—Breckcnridge News.

"I am saddest when I write hu-

morous articles," said • "fkuMy man"to an acquaintance.

"And 1," r(!plied the acquaintance

"an^wddwt vben I read them."—•Arfiy



press associa-

tion warHw^j^rlngs, the proprie-

tors of the baOl houses extended to

the.editorial gentlemen the jprivilege

of free bathing. This was a vcrj- qiiiet

pieceof sarcasm.—Arkansaw Trave-ler.

During the past ten years there

have been seven preachers and only

one editor in tlie Kentucky peuilen-

Ji<rf—yet we have our doubts about

Mfton hiing seven times better than

y^^enl.-.radQc«h Jonmal.

In the dead letter Museum, Wash-ington, is a letter directed a» follows




which, liciii^; iiilci-|ir('tcil leads tliiis


"John UiuKrwod.l. Aiulovcr, llass-

achuscsts.—UoH liii<{ Green Times,

In adilition to the lines of the poet'yti-ike. for your altera aod your fires.'

Strike, tor ilie Krtca grarea of rour ilrejl"

there seems to iK> a strong disposition

aioouj? the workiii',' men of the «oun-^\»'ry if) add the one—

" "Strike for hig^i.T pay.-'

IWivlfng Groen Times.

Ciiv. Spra^'iio isdcad. The thrill

• of rpllef wttlch crawls up Mr. Conk-ling's back-bone when he opens his

Times and reads this item, will evap-

o«tejMter ^jiaii^ patent fl-uitMryer

9rlMtf/ii[<'aiMi^tands thi« Hilov.

Sprtgae wu onlf • KemfaeVy horse

ooudemnedto bear the oi»gnomenof

hlaaneieiit Rhode Islancti e<emy.—Glasgow times

^VanilcrliiU only l'K)k a million dol-

i jirswith liiiii to (U-lVay tlic exjienses

of his Kiirp'-aii lour. How stingy!

Wliy, w e c.vpci t to lake more i^nthat Willi us to defi-ay our expenses at

the next I'ress Convention.—GeorgeDittoe.

Butter Is—well there Is simply ito

use Ulking. Our recplleoUon is thatit is pleasant to the taste, but }t hasbeen so long since we had any tliat

we have forgotten aU about it.—

Schorcher.'w't^L '

"Oh, do let me Iciia thatchiid," said

r * AP'^I'IH)! jdrested young man,motkipr wjio proudlf

A Boy Who Opposed thsAdmoe-ttAt'oflt^loliBM.


5 .\rkan9as Traveler.

Dr. Hic was called to see oUl Ned's

sun, and al'tw several visits the doc-

tor said to the anxious lallier:

"Xed, I doan waiitei- disti-ess > er

but dat boy can't git well. Dc con-

glomeration ob dc membieiuihab^unsot in."


''Wall, I reckon dat will kill him,'"

Ned replied. "I doan see how a chile

wid constitution an' convention can

get ober such a oneaseness of dc flesh-

So you gins him np, doctor?"

"i'aas, I issues my .decremcjit right

heab. Dat boy can't: live fia l|ours.

About two weeKs after Ned met the

doctor and said


"I thought you gin that bqy up?""I did.' Ain't Inde^Titf.

^"l^^l'Mpeat^ll^Aftntempous-ly, "why onoifpiJr wood dis

mornin'." n

The doctor reflected for a momentand said


^'Oat's a ni^ wky to fool wid med-ical icirace. How does yerezpeelc

fbllcs to hab tottfldenee In de advance-

ment of medical diskivcrios when a

boy acts dat way. Dat boy, sah, lifts

hisi^f up to dispute de 'stablish rules

ob do school ob physicians. I'se done

wid hifli."

Tse glad ob it, sail, but yo'sef must

hab made a niTstake.''

'•No. I iliiin'l ease 1 undcrstan's mybusiness."

"I ineaus dat yer uiout hab lef too

soon. Ef yei 'd stayed duf awhile yer

longer iniglii hab '>labli.-licd de pioof

ob your pioelaiiiation."

"Look heah, Ned, ycr'd better let

lie go an' see dat boy agin."

"No, I'se much obleeged ter yer.

I'se got a heap ob work to do an' I

need da chiit. Qo off somewhur. an'

piaan a eat" '<-

Till gre^t fupenont/ of';; (. circii svr.ui' over cough remedies u attested

Vy t:ie inir.icna' po; ular demand

fjr i;:.;t o'. l (. '..r. v.hed remedy.


mmpFor the Cure of Couglis, Colds,

Hoarpcness, Croup, Asthma, Bron-chitis,Whoopini Cough, Incipient

Consuiniiti )i; and for the reliefof

consumptive persons in advancedstages of the Diseise. For Sale

by all Druggists.-^Price, 23 cents.

C.A. Thompson,


SlOOBeward.Is olTered for any case of Catarrh

that can't be cured with Hall's Ca-arrh Cure. Take internally. Price

Tiicents. i

^ _ i I >

SUtt Qttt never had a BipnUioanfiovernor.

|bt boib a buggy,

a him,f lio. mother re-

plied and the young man leaned over

••smacked" the boy. ,Iusi before

t e mother reached home she discov-

ered that the affec-tionate young manhad taken a gold chain from aroundthe boy's neck.—Arkansaw Trave-

ler. .

having gone into an ohllgatiQn4>CthVt

Oharaoter^in oi-der to give their olerks

* *j^bbBa^€^ Witl^^i^akWoqaTnOchanie Mcacham would•ay, and fh»m what wo know of them

juwparwl tor Tniger toothpicks

affthWt^.^HMnud that the aforesaid

derlcs will not permit a single op-

portunity to pass unimproved.—Mad-iipnTillo Times.


Quick com|J||hWnre, all anuovingKidney, lUa^jfe^^^ Vfii^ry Dis-

An exchange has the following:Texas, the hahner Democratic Stale

is a jTeariUl ezaiaple repi^blioan news'papon d4 not 'refer to. .. lit Texasthere are.e,900.mUes of railway lines,

growingtwo miles daily. Tax is thirty

cenUoneach $1,000. There arefl,-

250^000 in thb sUto treasury. State

bonds are worth forty per cent, pre-

mium, and the debt of the state

was reduced by that rare olil genius.

Gov. Uoborts, who doesn't believe in

iwllflcal thanksgiving days. •fl.4()i),000

last year, leaving a balance of Texasbonds outstanding, and held mainlyby Texas schools and institiilions oflearning, of *l.(XKi,0()(i live |jei- eenis.

The fitate's taxalile wealth has grownI'l-oni $:!SI).Ono,IKXI in 1877 to .fiHVKX),-

i» W82. The free school fund will

<idon be |i;,;!i;i,ilOO. Jloro than a

million dollars were dispensed last

year among liee schools attended by295,000 iiupils. A white and colorednormal school provide home-madeteachers. The University of Texaslia^f 1,00(^000 acres of choice land, andthaie U engrafted in the coiiatitution

of li^xasai) a provision enabling apoor laan to invest 5,000 ia real es-

tate and^akkig it his homestead. It

cw|j!rthe, inwlgigedor sold for debt,

aafonl/^^Byed iHsolii^- by the

Joint deed of man and wife.

c. m, wmwtSEIXS THE



Does all Kind of

And Keeps on Hand

SUPPLIES for the differentMACHINES.Nar.-W. 81-1 yr

Robert £ Howell & Co.,



A large and *aried Stock of StMioaary. A Fim-OlaM PriMing OiBcw and

BIHBISBY.We are preparmi to till order* promptly, aatialaotorny and at low piieM.lOci.u-ir-'st.- '


CUTLERY,xvu nxm of


Queenswarc, Glassware, and AVin-

-dow Ghui, Wlndolr Bhadea,

Wall Paper, Etc.

Qttt A StTina't Old Staai


Bnrncd all of the Furailare, Ut


is on hand agikin with an entire new slock ef

ELEGANT FURNITURE,and can be found on North side of MAIN 8TBKET. np •talrs. next toCourt UoBse, atore lately oeea^ by M. Oant. Entrance eiiheron Miinstreet, through C. A. thompson's hardware honsa, or by »ide door next to

Court House.

Ordere in thig Uve still Promptly Itterided teI OT.lUt, 18SJ.U.,

- . . , -K-.-is

The Bad and Worthlessftre nvver Iirtifalcrf (ir rnuntf-rftit^tt. ThU U•tpcuially true of a family intvllciite, and it l«

poait Ire proof that the mnoly IwltaM iaol

the hlfhast value. M loon it hail beentule<l anil provi- l hy the uholc w.irM lliat

flop nitters wa* tin* imn'^t. Ix-t jin.i iiio-t val-

nable family rauilii'ine ui) cattli. iiriuv imita-

tions Burung III! and Wgan to aryal iho notlM^an u hirh the i>re«4 anil poo|ile nf thv rountrjhail expreaaed thr merita nf H. II., ami In cvi'-

ryway trying to Induce lulTeriiig invati>ls lo

UM their attiff Instead, expecting to makeoioiieynn the rredit mid )roo<l name of l(. 0.Many otIicrK t.tarterl nostrums put up Id almi-lar ilyle lo II. B., with rarloualy devlaednamei In which tho woni "Hop" or*-lIopawere u»cd In a way lo Induce people to hellcretlioy wen- ihc n.ine «« Uop Riltera. All »urhpn u-iiilcil rciueiticH or corea, no matter whattheir ntyle or name Is, and eapecially ihoMwith the woni •Fop" or "Hopt" ia UMlrnaiMor In any way conaeotnl with them or theirnnine. are imitation, or connterfci's Ilcwnreofllii'iii. Touch Dobe of tliein. I'fie tii-tliiiiK

but gcnuina Hop Ulttera, with a bunch orciiiaier of ffftn Hgpa os the whIM labelTruit nolbinc elM. Oni((Ut( aiHl dealeraaic warned Bgainat deallBf in nlutiaaa orcoiiiiterfeiters. ja,


A iTlUCaeai J, (l.roiMi«iUtl. oT

lull hi MmiJ.R. ARMISTSAD.


Keeps one nt the largest stook ofDrnRs, Medieinaa ami ntnicKi»t,8nndiipaPaints GiU, Varnishes, SCHOOL itOOKS. and OUlim in llupkia.t illrCall and examine his stoeks and prioea before purabasingelscwbrie

.Ice l:M2,n-Sl. ••



S. G. IILXK.SI-.H .l(l!>. I Wllill.liKIIXiK.

t. ^olk Johuon Withdraw!.

Inourcouli*b<y '8aid tha English-

man, as he mpMet^c^before we marijyjgiirptnge to aettlo;

a certain anm off^Ki>%|flfr .^^of jl-

Know, replied"

It is d||ftrei

marry that f<|^tthe wife tmaiM*.*

itoratakelL They never 'find any-

the Ameiican.' but

with us it is dUbrent^ It"

Bbngged Again.

J saw so much said about tlic incr-

iop BB|J|)|'u<[ray wile wheItvays (lqct^|i|: ^id never Avell

ytaasaO me 80du-gliimy.together some

I concluded to be humbugged agida


and I am gladldtd,'f()r in hisb t^itn

two m«^Mi| ii^. ajC th*^

wifoli9rAll«%«iiMhe^so for eighteen months since: Mike

MUki h^nbuggtug.irHi T., St Paul.

—Pioneer Prcs^. ...

ITotbs Ultor « ika Conritr-Jonnal.]

Certain' self-appointed bosses of the

Democratic party, gathered fh>m Ta-rioits politipal aouroes in this ottr, |rereported as having arrived; at theeonalusion lhat>my eandidaoy for ther.«liltenant Governorship shall be^acrifleed «» the interest of Mr. Jacobas a candidate for Governor. Theyn-illiiotevaa agree that Jefferson—the county of my birth, the home ofmy aarlier manhood, that has lionor-

ed me with pitblie station in the jiast,

and which I believe, rcsjiccts me to-

day—diall I^contestcd express in in-

Structions its prefcrciu c fur inc.M'itli-

OUt -the prestijce of present pnhlic

patronage to bcKtow, or tlic e.xixcui.

tion of its e:irly I'nliire poKsessinn

with wliieli t(i saiisiy the craven appetite of tlie crowd tliat lurks cxpec-lunt aliout tlie public erili, I eannotlio|i - to siieeessfully contest llie nlti-

niatnni they hiive iiiinoiiiieed. Deniedby .sudded-iiispired iiatriots the priv-

ilege of receiving, without a struggle

tho sunrages of niy friends in the city

of my home or in the county of niy

birth, my self-respect will not permitnie to seek supiwrt from section moreri'inote, however willing It may beexlende<l. ify candidacy ceases to-

day. I j)rcter this method of solving

% problem to being over-ridden at the

the bidding of of a body of polltcal

maiiigeri, many ofwhom are not andhave never Iieen, membera of the par-ty they assume to lead,

^o'jhose faitfit^l fHenda all over

tiytWrn* gaptrously ex-

tended aMuranoea of their regard

tV^Wfadid^ of thaliTMDtlBtKwi sup-

lioilTreturn my gratefkif and heart-

l^lt thank's. To my brothers of the

I>ress,those constant, steadfast friends

whohave so frequently placed meunder obligations for tlicir kindness.

I can only say that it shall be mydearest duty to so live and act mypart as to merit tlie honor of their

esteem. Xo words of mine can litly

eptpreis tlft debO>f gratitude I owethem.

lionisville, April 29.

PIMPUES.I will iiinll I'Krcc)


B-H-E-V-n-A-T-I-S-n ?

It la biaUtteMlaM diaaaaaa olthoKIOMBVS,UVMAHD BOWCL8.ItiiliaiiaaathaafgaaioflhoaariA poUonlat nauaao tho dnodlU anflMsg which

onlythe vlfltteootAanauitJMieu realia*.

THOUBANDS CF CA8EBof the wont nrma efUUa terrible dlaeaaa

hare boos «al«tl]r RlKraa, aodiuahoat

PBRraOTLV OURIO.raica it. uqro ar atr, sou hj (ataaisn.(i4) DiTeanbeaant bTmaU.TOLW KIcninDSOK* CO.. Bnrllinctoa.Tl


BUCENEE ^ WOOLDRIDGE,PaopniEToRs Strket Kibk Prcioi'

Tobacco Warehouse,Main Street, Hopkinsville, - - - Kentucky.

Special Attention paid to Insoection and Sale uf Tobacco.

liberal Advances Made on Tobacco in Store.

SALES SVEBt WBDNESDAT-Allt..i,accoailiaiioeaw|i|b«in«iireilato«rB«l» asptiiM. AnTobaetooot adTSfKOdM will

" III III' lK'iil»trl»lt,octh<bii)r«r. HrcW-'St

M. H. Mbuos. i. B. Jaaor.

NELSON & JESUP,Tobacco Warehousemen and General

"EongA on'Sats.

,(.i(.tl9<»l*'it>iJt ra1s, mice, roaclics, flies.

anfi) bc^-liiigii, sltuukVi ciiipiunukMI


"^rUty iArriB iMvw ifWi i-icncr.—'n«rt'

; yrd Herald.jUUiduiiuu, 22o

;Alien, i

,. ...v:!! «i>i )ou iiavur—viiiiBiiBuI

« CO., lypann IVY rultohBiiwt


tlie receipt forn Hlin|)Uitmt will rcinovf 'I'an,

aii.l ItLDTl'MHS. i,-IIVlliif

tho akbi, ault.ult'iir (iiiii lit-fitirir^ ai-p lu-«tril«»l('E"Kir3"'l''l"i; « liliiirrliul irrotrih

iSbahaM li.-ailor Huio.>tli face. Ad-IriU', lD&loai«|cSc^UlJ>i>, IIKN, W^UMJf.

'- tM' n<wi uaiiot rcRiilicd .1

Barber Shop


1 linve re-opened my

T0N80RIAL PARLORIn the room below Thompson's Hard-ware StNre I have cinployad' as mvassistants NELSON CROSS andWILLIAM GUILD.Thanking the public for past favors.

I shali try to please them as long asihey may favor me with their patron-age. Keipeclfully.

JAMES HARQR&VE8lleb t-U.] •


will OTraooma It.

PILPft ™^ dlctmwiBc _.puint U Tory Apt to be

oompU(mt«d with ooiutlpAtloa. Kidney-WortftrenftheiuUiBweakeiiod p«rU uidqulokly outm mil klnda ofPIIm eren whan

•d. ty^roah«T»«ith«rorth<Mtroiib>M



mipeople art alwart oa in« laoaouc rori^hanceaio Incrcaao ch«|r oaruinia,nnil In tlm« become wdht thy; thoaewho ilo not impruvo their niiportnnl-

Hea ttmaln In povcin. ive oimr a irrcatChance to make umney, Wi- wnnt many men,women, l)oy» ami Kirln lo work tor us I'lifht InWolrown loealitles. Anyone can no the workWOlwrly Irom the Srat atart. Tho buslncanmil pay more than ten llmeaonlinary waitcaEx|ien»lveonlllt furnlihcil free. Ni.oncwliocnRnieH faiu to make r.'i|.liily Yoiioan devote your whole lime to tin- work oranlr .Tour aparp momenta. Full Information


ERRORS OF YOUTH.A ORNTI.GUAN who aulTered for Tears

from NiRvoci DxaiLiTr PHiaaTDBI DIOAT,an<l ail the effecu ofyonthful Inillacrctlon,will for the Hake of niiffcrinK humanity, Bondhee to .'III who ni'ol It, the reci|pu aii.i iliri'cIron for mnkliiK the Himjile rcmedv by whichtie wa^cureil. .Sufferers wishhift to profit bythe ailvertlaor'a experleur.u candoioby ad-uroiilDgin perfect Ronfldence.JilHlf B. UODItN,«tJed«r,St„K»w Ifotk.

.•).7rTKc omnttti or


Yo^^t iviteln tfllb TlrUci, but nt.M.W.



COMiiriSdlbN :MERaUA||T8.Ilailroad St. HopkinKvinc, Ky. I.itniul ancc on Protlaes ia Store.

dee.-It-'SS-Sm. . .,. ,

Notions, Furnishing and Fancy Goods. EtcS4S. tti ft 448 Main St.. and 81 & M. BwMtli St- LowlavUl*,

iirtAin, Wortk Streat, N*wT«rk<


lfeb-«isia.n,„i ^ ^"'"^



W« an ttia laipal%ni«n, laireal a««d (TOTkera and Uikm acalm annrhera; h03<*hira fnataal fadllttai for rrodnrlDir nrai KerdaAlt MrfM^i oratatfMf, and only tho best iKJUt out.Ou 4—it gjlallSin a-id rria LiM biini.'a TII


uaBATEBT 8BED HTORB IN TUBW08JLD TO Torn OWN DDOB. ttifcindea all the dealrable new and stattduA Tltlslfiof Flower, TcTctabln, Field and TnaSaa^ MAPlmta. Sent FREE to anraddlM.HIRAM SIBLEY * OO. SaMtonMll

Boakoataik M. T, Cka^ Ob


not. life la aweopinir hy, gn an.; <:ar«heforo yon dio, aomethlnn iniikiyand •ubiline leave behind to l onqaer

a, „ V'""''{?'»*•«>'•">">"' "W" town.

I> olildt free. No rlilt, Everythluit new.Capital not required. W. will lornub youeyervlh ng. Many arc maklu|r fortunes. I,a-iliea make at much as men, nnd boya andrlrlamake Kr„ni |,»y. itcmicr. It you want tiiai-iiesa at which you eau make |rr«at iny all the

tlini, write for partlonUrs to 11, flAunr at'U., Portland, Uaine. iitnct lyiji


THSSouth EentuckiaD

Anil Louisvills

Weekly Courier-Journal

A wecR made at home by the industryou«. Uiai businesB now beforo Iliapiihlle. Capital not nevded. We win"art you. Hen, women, boys nhd

f.'* "aawl wrywlwre to work lor «i. Nowla the time. Tou can work In spare lime, oralvo your whole lime to the builncss. Suother business will pay you nearly a« well.Mo one can fail to make euorinoua pay. bvengaging at ooee.

. Coatly outflt Mil terms'/M- Uiioev made Mill, easr and imoraUr.


' <i"lL''^P*"on'« I!r«ll55:t/;';n'

Catarrh of tha Nasal Cavltv-otironla and

irrj 2."° wo"n «•-«. that 1

ohaisad for it, for THAT olon*.

nnr mrii mi m :muI^IN THB HABXBT^Anil wa eftar On* Hunilretl Dollars for an>Oaaa nf Satarrh it will not Our" '

-%"^^ffl,!.y;!nrs!"tin;.i?8atfa5ah.nai Vnmllv \V4<aklv. in


to'w dajjra^nojia^ til

WELL CtJBB ANT CASK.Offloe ot A. T. BrrwAHT ft C& I

M-STMlnV^ai:^"}tS:^^PmpwlJt YoiuatralT, riHT"

JDont Forget Honest Jplm,


WIlO win be fouilll I'll lllr . iM lliT nf

NASHVILLE AND VIRGINIAWilli llii' I'licapcsl liiii' oI';;iiihIs in llio I'ily sin-li ii>


J. C. & J. K. GANT,PKoi'itiKrons-

WAREHOUSE,Tobacco WarehousemenA Commission Merchants,


Hopkinsville Marble Works,ANDREW HALL, Proprietor.


Virginia StriMt, ta Old Foioilaxtar Bniidiox, llopkiuvilla,. Ky.

IJan. Il-Itml

onio ORAVCa. T. a. ll.tXCOCK


Peoples Tobacco Warehouse.HOPKINSVILLE, KY.

Special Attention to SamDlingr Selling Tob.

WHEEJ.ER WAREHOUSE^Wiieelcr, MiU8 & Co. Propr's.,




• (Dw* Ir

~ HMNA BROS. & C0~Fquriders Astdl IVTacblnMs.

Manufacturers And Dealers in^

Steam Engines, Saw Mills,

Pulleys. Shafting, Hangers,


Famvn Aid Sntt laoii.WoaKi.

llepftlring EiiglnM, BoIl«ra iknd Separators a Specialty.





LOZIER ft STOKES.Wh*l«Ml>< l>Ml»ra,

l.l.KVKl.tNP. VUlO.


IB8. B. SI'nil.oi K.

! • •:'ifi'ii!«.«;Lsni'ii"fjtit


Through Trunk Line


SOUTHEAST & SOUTHTHaorOH r<iti RU crvBi ak»» cllM t»

MaahvlH* Bn.1 ('hati»ai.,>a», aaaaiB| aitaci c«ft.

MMlou 'Ilk

fW Itlaala, (ataaaak, Macaa, JaakauilUa,aWjMao l« IlocMa

OiaaiiUi»a ai» aaai M UMkirtTaiu laak-


la rall»an Palara l^rfc

EMIGRIffTS fi»'!i?tir«c*(*t aMilaflaw raM*.

amca on Ihtuiia n»4 wUI

!*• 4.SO.' Ph I_ - .-.- Krytrtn talk

T«r «Xckn. Mian « lMla.r •i«.a«u

W. C. (iUAVKS.


Oanar af Br«»d »b« ColUga. NmIivilla. Tama.<ifMM wiu, BAV.« ntmtr A-mamuM ' At ccont pm^ib:

f«b.-10.*ii. - . rl^

EDWARD WILDER'SKera (JIa |> mr* Fatar anil A|», lilmllM FnW, Daa* Am*. PiiaamU LJm>

Campbiat, i.^Kaattaa. C.H. aad n.:t. R will Ctn UM^Mm. hVa iSrA»l|.bmMiM(af.ti«a a. -nild and DallgklM !.,)„».« tor Daliaat. Waaw,, a mwtrfm neupa-runt alUi lav ....... . <1..bHliait<l and redootd ^um. au cxcallent apMUaar(iw loM !• (ka dKMun ..,,.»•, pwuia Makria, bnaa np tb* arnaa. .trawhna thTaacMeiroal*UaaaBd«lm«h*wh»l«aaUM)«OQ^am<mliMMMiol<ltMM. naillthMatttd ot ImiaMy ba a pithidt to iht worn ana (ha jtmedy thai wobM OM^^la f»t In In manatgcmtnl, nrnj be «r no Talur whm II U at Ita full deivlopMit, Futira-larl; u ihia the «w« with ixtcmi araund nhoin tlie peaUlerona Inauence 01 MkMieU^ laUu (otin of Daaik Ckllb, Brow Agm, PalaM Splaaa, —t Waafe •kiMok. t

For the Cure o( all tha ahoTe DIatMH tUl inpaiaHai lM^>IM4lC MM Ua aosdand peimaatst cfllwta are attaatod bf Ihaaaa^k aU ttia ifMMklGQ^bV


madlaal men and Um BiobliT. " •

TRV IT, all roD t)>«» an attaMd,.**! ba iianHiH •! Hida^eflkcti.


M\m Imm College^ZiOuisrlUe. Kontuoky.

Practical Book-Eeeping '


NO TEXT BOOKS.Over 25 yoara a Praticical Accoiinlant, EmlorHod by nil i}ie

Prominent Merchants of Louisville Ke^ntuckySend Sunipifor OJroalari lUd BpacimcM 6f P»mnaaihlj).

BEIf. C. WEAVES, ?rlnfllpai.

PRA05PIP4JL BOOK-KEEPINGStudntw ,(|rithmetb, FonmaaiUp . wd,


A nira cure (ur Rlind. Hleedlni anil Iiohliia

|-U*a. A alllfle lw< i<t 0*. •raAWH't MtMPill OINTMINT till, fun-rilii- Hunt .VnJikcane Thirty yran tiaiMliiig Kild aii.l r\(^Mii.

SMUded by all drvfiUla. rncr «lm jy luaii

immHm^ttk, miiihi Amu,


^^CIVEN AWAY.Zjntineriiian Fruit eryar

jKl PractfcW LIflB. ! S?afi,T»y

Ujj. i«t.; ••iif.a fc«u,..a^j r~.,.fcM.^ijyjjj

ii p̂ .



f. A. T,pliiuiiiiii. M.iij. ititt (if AiiH'i lcai. aiiild Kiiralitii 1-iiioNt.. Wn-iii,im,ni. Ill a)allli'lacillllKluli'il Willi I'ulc iil.. i,|i,-(lirr li,'

""Vharj. ,„a>l„unlQ..'i, t.n„-JtI'leouiwi, niay-U'W-tl.


rci ii.iiiH for |iri'jMU'lni( am il'lnir tllil itaia * ••

"'liln sj KDSON 11H08.

iniwrtoii «d»loc. Milt free traaiWuile?

Evansville CpnaoeKial; College


Cor. Third and Main, Sis,Jmm^^^^^

term,, "nH.,,,.,. r„,er;.;r; ,rT«;e. o?f?<«' '"'"I" " «l>»'-i'.lty "a?""a"


foro,.,„i,„ ,,y;;.-,;;,;„-,;rj;,;;;;;j- ,C


VuUUKi InV the Dcilinr l nlli' o*"t'i,»J'JSsf„)AMKS IIAUGTIAVES

|)0»vt^rfc»cill Aspeclli of'Coll(vj:c''rnnniiix.


len/ltl* Wi««*<il^* feceiliV yhwr ooliM* PBlVer

Willi tlM- roiirii'i. I.)iiriiitl Ihi- ho.l. l)ri){l(fcu»l

anJ**«IH«.jPA^{?r^""j "rl'""''"'"li"''^^ H'uiliiliJC. ftnd iinilvi- 111.. ,«.i-.(,„nl

SS^^SFji*^''*-..?''''^^^?'^''"^^ 'KvulMvilKrCoiiirriciviat Collf..',. w«s r< iIiI rI i wl i

WWMuctaM kVnflii'of iiiislhWi.." i>,„

'tJonegfsDttlldWilJ oi' *dat*SH ii* for

RQhni't ttiK lit iliiv fif A r.rl





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