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Softcard vs. Google Wallet

Softcard: The Mobile Phone Payments System

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Softcard vs. Google Wallet

Softcard is a mobile phone payments system that was generated as a joint venture between AT& T, Verizon Wireless, and T-Mobile.

For mobile phone companies to work together in this fashion takes something particularly special, so you can bet your bottom dollar on the fact that when the Softcard program was announced back in late November of 2010, it was indeed cutting edge.

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Softcard vs. Google Wallet

Similar to Apple Pay, it utilizes contactless NFC technology, thereby allowing consumers to use their smartphones to make purchases.

Interestingly enough, there is talk that the creators of Softcard are in talks with Google whereby they are looking to further the original joint venture and co-join with the Google Wallet efforts.

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Softcard vs. Google Wallet

Up to this point Google Wallet’s reach on Android has been thwarted by large US carriers, more so by Verizon than any other company. Why so? Isnt it too obvious that most big companies want to monopolize whatever it is they can?

So now, we may have a far larger player in Google Wallet, in addition to Apple Pay, but that’s not all. Companies like Samsung are also looking to cut in on the action as well.

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Softcard vs. Google Wallet

How much does Softcard Cost to Use?

The app is entirely free. However, depending on your mobile plan, when you use wireless messaging and data, there may be some charges to your account.

The best things in life are never free, are they?

If you opt to utilize a payment card, the charges will depend on the issuer of your card for terms and conditions, so do keep that in mind.

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Softcard vs. Google Wallet

What Technology does Softcard use to Work?

Softcard uses Near Field Communication, otherwise known as NFC.

This is a short range wireless technology which permits the exchange of information between two devices quickly and conveniently, provided those two devices are within close proximity to one another.

Payment information is transmitted from your phone via NFC and is picked up by a contactless payment terminal.

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Softcard vs. Google Wallet

How is Information on Softcard kept Safe?

This thing is more secure than a physical wallet, so that’s going some. But should something go awry there are extra layers of protection to give you further peace of mind:

First thing, you select a PIN, and each time you wish to use the app, you simply enter that PIN.

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Softcard vs. Google Wallet

The Secure Element (Star Wars, anyone?) is sensitive information that is located on a special chip within your phone. The Secure Element only allows access to authorized programs, one of those being the Softcard app.

You can freeze the Softcard app should it be either lost or stolen simply by making a phone call or via a web entry.

For obvious reasons, this is a whole lot faster and far more convenient than when you lose your credit cards and have to call every card issuer in turn. Then await your new card to be issued. A totally and utterly cumbersome procedure!

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Softcard vs. Google Wallet

Together with each individual payment transaction a unique transaction ID is appointed. This makes it far more difficult to allow your card to be counterfeited.

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