  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4


    chapter 6 : transpotation (The story of

    water transportation in Brunei)A.) Fill in all the gaps and fill the correct answer below.

    (internet access, river transportation, Brunei heritage, travel, Antonio Pigafetta, stilts,

    linked, foot bridges, wooden boards, mosques, lives there, schools, health care centre,

    unique, the river, Kampong Ayer, Venice, Modern facilities, Brunei)

    In the past, [___________________] was a very impotant form of transportation for

    [_____________________] where pratically everyone lived near

    [____________________________] and owned a boat to

    [_________________________] around. This can still be seen in

    [________________________] or in Brunei's Capital city, Bandar Seri Begawan.

    About ten percent of Brunei's population [______________________]. All of the

    Kampong Ayer building are constructed on [___________________________] above

    the Brunei River. They are [________________________] together by

    [_________________________] and [_________________________]. There are

    [_____________________________], restaurants, shops,

    [_______________________] and even [_________________________].

    [_________________________] such as clean piped-water supply and electricity, air-

    conditioning, satellite television and [________________] are also available. The

    Kampong Ayer in Brunei is also [__________________________] that in 1521,

    [______________________________], travelled to Brunei and called it ' The Venice

    of the East '. He was comparing Brunei to [______________________________], a

    city of northeast Italy famous for its tourism and canals. Today, Kampong Ayer remains

    the largest and most famous water settlement in Southeast Asia and it is part of our

  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4


    Topic 6: Transportation ( picture )A.) Read the instruction below and do the activity depens on your creativity.
  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4

  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4


    Chapter 5 : The need for wise decisions (Mix and Match )

    A.) Underline the correct answer.

    1.(needs, desire, wants) is the most basic and important things that we need to survive.

    2.(wants, service, needs) is the things that we desire.

    3.(unwanted, recyclable, used) materials is items that can be recycled.

    4.(communication, transportation, playstation) is a method of getting you from one place to


    5.The example of air transportation is (bicycle, sailboats, helicopters).

    6.People travel in the past (by aeroplane, by bullock carts, by truck).

    7.Globalisation makes the world more (disaster, war, connected) and dependent on one


    8.Air pollution is known as (good air, bad air, best air).

    9.One example of the cause of air pollution is (talking, playing, open burning).

    10.A (plan, route, direction) is a drawing, sketch or diagram of anything.
  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4


    Subtopik 5: MIx and Match ( Picture )A.) Follow the instruction then colour the activity
  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4


    Chapter 5 : The need for wise decisions(part 3)

    A.)Choose the correct answers only.

    1.Which of the following make us think that we need many things to survive?

    A. ? Brothers and sisters

    B. ? Books

    C. ? Advertisements

    D. ? Parents

    2.What is the meaning of being entrepreneurial?

    A. ? It means comparing the things you have with others.

    B. ? It means seeking creative ways of making money.

    C. ? It means doing your chores irregularly.

    D. ? It means doing your homework regularly.

    3.What is a recyclable item?

    A. ? A thing that can be reused.

    B. ? A thing that is breakable.

    C. ? A thing that is spoiled

    D. ? A thing that cannot be reused

    4.Which of the following household item(s) is/are recycleble?

    A. ? Candle

    B. ? Box of matchsticks

    C. ? Ceramics

    D. ? Glass, bottles and jars

    5.Which of the following is not a reason to support local businesses?

    A. ? They are part of our heritage.

    B. ? They create jobs for the people in the neighbourhood.
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    C. ? They are not readily available.

    D. ? They help reduce poverty.

    6.Which of the following options help you make a wise decision?

    A. ? Think short-term.

    B. ? Act without thinking.

    C. ? Seek the advice of your parents

    D. ? Not seeking advice from anyone.

    Topik 5:The need for wise decisions (Picture )

    A.)You need to make wise decisions when draw the line from the animal to their

  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4

  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4


    subtopic 4: Finding needs and wants.(picture)

    A.) Seek the word below in the word puzzle

    Chapter 5 : The need for wise decisions(part 2)
  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4


    Choose the correct answer only.

    1.Which of the thing make us think that we need many things to survive

    A. ? Advertisements

    B. ? Brothers and sister

    C. ? Parents

    D. ? Books

    2.What is the meaning of being entrepreneurial?

    A. ? It means comparing the thing you have with other.

    B. ? Its means seeking creatives ways of making money.

    C. ? It means doing your homework regularly.

    D. ? It means doing your chores irregularly

    3.What is a recyclable items?

    A. ? A thing that is breakable.

    B. ? A thing that is spoiled.

    C. ? A thing that cannot be reused.

    D. ? A thing that can be reused.

    4.Which of the following household item(s) is/are recyclable?

    A. ? Ceramics

    B. ? Glass, bottles and jars

    C. ? Box of matchsticks

    D. ? Candle

    5.Which of the following is not a reason to support local businesses?

    A. ? They help reduce poverty.

    B. ? They are part of our heritage.

    C. ? They create jobs for the people in the neighbourhood.

    D. ? They are not readyily available.

    6.Which of the following option help you make a wise decision?

    A. ? Think short-term

    B. ? Act without thinking

    C. ? Seek the advice of your parents

    D. ? Act without thinking

  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4


    Chapter 4: What are needs and wants?
  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4


    A. Fill in the blanks

    1. The basic thing that helps us to survive is called a n___________.

    2. The thing that we desire is called a w______________

    3. Comparing what you have with other people can make you is v_____________.

    4. A mechanic repairs cars. He is providing a s______________

    5. We all need to drink. Water is therefore a n_______________.

    Chapter 3: Find their differencesFill in all the gaps and fill in the correct word

    (proud, spirit, generation ,values, culture, gotong royong, preparation, passed, heritage,

    tradition, wedding, necklace, another)

    We should know our past and protect our heritage because it helps us feel[_______________] of ourselves. [_______________] refers to things that are passed

    down from one [_________________] to another. Heritage can be items like an old ring or

    [_____________________]. It can be [_____________________] like honesty and

    hard work.

    When you attend a [___________________], you will notice that many people are

    involved in the [__________________]. This practice of coming together to help one

    another in the [_________________] of goodwill is called [_________________].Gotong royong is an important part of our [_____________________] and

    [___________________] which has been passed from one generation to




    Subtopik 3: Find their differences (picture )

    A.) Answer the following question below.
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    Topic 3: How do we know the past? (picture )
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    Chapter 3 : Knowing Our Past
  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4


    A.)Choose the correct answer below.

    1.Which are item can be Heritage that also values like honesty ?

    A. ? Robot

    B. ? Old ring or necklace, land and house

    C. ? Computer

    D. ? Eraser

    2.Explain why knowing the past and present is also useful?

    A. ? knowing the past and present is also useful because they determine who we are today.

    B. ? knowing the future is also useful because they determine who we are now.

    C. ? knowing your friend is also useful because your friend will determine who are you today.

    D. ? knowing the past and present is also useful because they determine who we are yesterday.

    3.Which word is refers to things that are passed down from one generation to another?

    A. ? Passed down belonged

    B. ? Our past

    C. ? Heritage

    D. ? Take good care

    4.Why are we proud to be Bruneians and how can we do more for our family and Brunei?

    A. ? because our past and protect our heritage.

    B. ? Because it helps us feel proud of ourselves.

    C. ? Because take good care of this ring. It is part of our family heritage.

    D. ? Because gives us a sense of belonging to Brunei and meaning to our lives.

    5.Select which one of the sentenses below are showing sincerity to an elder.

    A. ? First, fart the elder then ran fast as you can

    B. ? First, kissing the hand of an elder then bringing the hand to the heart.

    C. ? First, kissing the heart of an elder then bringing the hand to their head.

    D. ? First, bringing the hand to the heart then kissing the hand of an elder .

    6.Give reasons why must we knowing our past is very important?

    A. ? Because it is exciting

    B. ? Because it is important

    C. ? Because it is good values

    D. ? Because it is habits continue till today

    7.Which power words are part of our heritage?

    A. ? One generation to another

    B. ? Customs, culture and traditions

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    C. ? Our parents and grandparents

    D. ? Past and become inspired

    8.Define word gotong-royong?

    A. ? Gotong-royong is to help one another in the spirit of goodwill.

    B. ? Gotong-royong is practice of racing car to help one another in the spirit of arrived fast.

    C. ? Gotong-royong is practice of not coming together to help one another in the spirit of


    D. ? Gotong-royong is practice of coming together to help one another in the spirit of goodwill.

    9.What happen when you attend a wedding?

    A. ? I will notice that many people are involved in the preparation

    B. ? We will notice that many people are involved in the preparation

    C. ? They will notice that many people are involved in the preparationD. ? Some people will notice that many people are involved in the preparation

    10.Which one is our advantage to know our past and present?

    A. ? Learn to avoid mistakes today and also learn about how they succeeded tomorrow then

    become myself.

    B. ? Learn to avoid mistakes of the present and also learn about how he or she succeeded in

    the present then become powerful.

    C. ? Learn to avoid mistakes of the past and also learn about how they succeeded in the past

    then become inspired.

    D. ? Learn to avoid mistakes of the past and also learn about how they succeeded in the past

    then become real people.



    Topic 3: How do we know the past?
  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4


    A.) Answer the crossword below.

    Chapter 3: How do we know the past?
  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4


    A.) Choose the correct answer below

    1.Which word is refers to things that are passed down from one generation to another?

    A. ? Passed down belonged

    B. ? Our past

    C. ? Heritage

    D. ? Take good care

    2.Which are item can be Heritage that also values like honesty ?

    A. ? Robot

    B. ? Old ring or necklace, land and house

    C. ? Computer

    D. ? Eraser

    3.Why are we proud to be Bruneians and how can we do more for our family and Brunei?

    A. ? because our past and protect our heritage.

    B. ? Because it helps us feel proud of ourselves.

    C. ? Because take good care of this ring. It is part of our family heritage.

    D. ? Because gives us a sense of belonging to Brunei and meaning to our lives.

    4.What happen when you attend a wedding?

    A. ? I will notice that many people are involved in the preparation

    B. ? We will notice that many people are involved in the preparation

  • 7/28/2019 Social Studies Project for Year 4


    C. ? They will notice that many people are involved in the preparation

    D. ? Some people will notice that many people are involved in the preparation

    5.Define word gotong-royong?

    A. ? Gotong-royong is to help one another in the spirit of goodwill.

    B. ? Gotong-royong is practice of racing car to help one another in the spirit of arrived fast.

    C. ? Gotong-royong is practice of not coming together to help one another in the spirit of


    D. ? Gotong-royong is practice of coming together to help one another in the spirit of goodwill.

    6.Give reasons why must we knowing our past is very important?

    A. ? Because it is exciting

    B. ? Because it is important

    C. ? Because it is good values

    D. ? Because it is habits continue till today

    7.Which power words are part of our heritage?

    A. ? One generation to another

    B. ? Customs, culture and traditions

    C. ? Our parents and grandparents

    D. ? Past and become inspired

    8.Which one is our advantage to know our past and present?

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    A. ? Learn to avoid mistakes today and also learn about how they succeeded tomorrow then

    become myself.

    B. ? Learn to avoid mistakes of the present and also learn about how he or she succeeded in

    the present then become powerful.

    C. ? Learn to avoid mistakes of the past and also learn about how they succeeded in the past

    then become inspired.

    D. ? Learn to avoid mistakes of the past and also learn about how they succeeded in the past

    then become real people.

    9.Explain why knowing the past and present is also useful?

    A. ? knowing the past and present is also useful because they determine who we are today.

    B. ? knowing the future is also useful because they determine who we are now.

    C. ? knowing your friend is also useful because your friend will determine who are you today.

    D. ? knowing the past and present is also useful because they determine who we are yesterday.

    10.Select which one of the sentenses below are showing sincerity to an elder.

    A. ? First, fart the elder then ran fast as you can

    B. ? First, kissing the hand of an elder then bringing the hand to the heart.

    C. ? First, kissing the heart of an elder then bringing the hand to their head.

    D. ? First, bringing the hand to the heart then kissing the hand of an elder .

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